《管理学》第9版 第16章 激励员工

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McGregor's theory x and theory y
theory x theory y
Early theories of motivation
Herzberg’s two-factor theory(motivation-hygiene theory)
hygiene factors motivators
Contemporary Theories of Motivation
Equity Theory
Contemporary Theories of Motivation
Equity Theory
Employee responses to perceived inequities:
Distort own or others’ ratios. others’ Induce others to change their own inputs or outcomes. Change own inputs or outcomes. Choose a different comparison. Quit their job.
Contemporary Theories of Motivation
Equity Theory
Proposes that employees perceive what they get from a job situation (outcomes) in relation to what they put in (inputs) and then compare their inputs-outcomes ratio with the inputsinputsinputs-outcomes ratios of relevant others. others.
Early theories of motivation
traditional view
Satisfied Dissatisfied
Herzberg’s view
Motivators Satisfaction No satisfaction Hygiene factors No dissatisfaction Dissatisfaction
CrossCross-cultural Challenges
Current issues in motivation
Motivating Unique Groups of Workers
Motivating a diverse workforce Motivating professionals Motivating Contingent Workers Motivating Low-Skilled, MinimumLowMinimumWage Employees
Contemporary Theories of Motivation
ThreeThree-Needs Theory GoalGoal-Setting Theory Reinforcement Theory Designing Motivating Jobs Equity Theory Expectancy Theory
Early theories of motivation
Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory
physiological safety needs social needs esteem needs self-actualization needs
Early theories of motivation
Distributive justice Procedural justice
Contemporary Theories of Motivation
Expectancy Theory
States that an individual tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. individual.
Early theories of motivation
Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. McGregor's theory x and theory y Herzberg’s two-factor theory(motivation-hygiene theory)
Motivating Employees
Team member:
Cynthia Fengxuan Elsie Christina
InIn-house training monthly conference set up an e-mail address eextra holidays
Current issues in motivation
Designing Appropriate Rewards Programs
OpenOpen-book management Employee recognition programs Pay-forPay-for-performance Stock option programs
incorrect view motivation as personal trail Motivation--Motivation--- refers to the process by which a person’s efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining a goal. Three key elements: energy, direction, and persistence.
Contemporary Theories of Motivation
Expectancy Theory
Expectancy Relationships
Expectancy Instrumentality Valence
Integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Contemporary Theories of Motivation
ThreeThree-Needs Theory (McClelland) (McClelland)
Need for achievement (nAch) (nAch) Need for power (nPow) (nPow) Need of affiliation (nAff) (nAff)
Contemporary Theories of Motivation
GoalGoal-Setting Theory
Contemporary Theories of Motivation
Reinforcement Theory
Assumes that a desired behavior is a function of its consequences, is externally caused, and if reinforced, is likely to be repeated. repeated.