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1.star-up company 刚创立的公司

2.niche market 利基市场

3.corporate culture 企业文化

4.performance appraisal 绩效评价

5.business plan 商业企划书

6.market analysis 市场分析

7.financing 融资

8.flagship store 旗舰店

pensation package 薪酬方案

10.direct marketing 直接营销

11.real estate 房地产

12.vertical integration 垂直整合

13.horizontal integration 水平整合

14.marketing channels 营销渠道

15.sales team 销售团队

16.franchising 特许经营

17.royalty 专利权使用费

18.brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度

19.inventory turnover 存货周转

mission 佣金

21.license agreement 许可协议

22.untapped market 未开发的市场

23.market share 市场份额

24.market segmentation 市场细分

petitive edge 竞争优势

26.localization strategy 本地(土)化战略

27.import quotas 进口配额

28.export duties 出口关税

29.marketing brochure 营销(宣传)小册子

30.market penetration市场渗透

31.exclusive agreement 独家(排他性)协议

32.multinational company 跨国公司

33.overhead expenses (企业)日常开支

34.product diversification 产品多样化

35.target market 目标市场

36.risk diversification 分散风险

37.monopoly market 垄断市场

38.perfect competition 完全竞争

39.oligopoly market 寡头市场

40.Cartel 卡特尔组织

41.brand strategy 品牌战略

42.price fluctuation 价格波动

43.retail network 零售网络

44.brand-savvy enterprise具有品牌意识的企业

45.business acumen 商业头脑

46.product differentiation 产品差异化

47.barrier to entry 进入壁垒

48.black market 黑市

49.hotel room rates 酒店客房价格

50.middle managers中层管理人员

51.currency exchange rate 外汇汇率

52.tourist resort 旅游胜地

53.after-sales service售后服务

54.logistics Management 物流管理

55.semi-finished products半成品

56.import surcharge进口附加费

57.traveler’s cheque 旅行支票

58.debit card 借记卡

59.anti-trust law 反垄断法律

60.dumping 倾销


1.The law works on the assumption that it is preferable for chidren to be with their mother.


2.Frustration by his father of his wish to become a local entrepreneur made him very unhappy.


3.The whole magazine is designed and edited in the pursuit of exellence. (pursue)

4.His quick promotion in the company caused widespread resentment among the other

employees. (resent)

5.In Britain an accused man is presumed to be innocent until he is proved guity. (presumably)

6.The train strikes which already lasted for two days caused major disruption to thousands of

commuters. (disruptive)

7.Being self-employed allowed Jack the flexibility to work unusual hours. (flexible)

8.It is known that important witnesses are isolated from the media for their own safety.


9.The new board director reminded all his subordinates of the importance of being compliant

with the demand of patrons. (compliance)
