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Unit 1 外貌特征


1. curly (反义词) ______________

2. pretty (反义词) ______________

3. fat (反义词) ______________

4. strong (反义词) ______________

5. loose (反义词) ______________

6. casual (反义词) ______________

7. light (反义词) ______________ 8. common (近义词) _____________

9. simple (近义词) ______________ 10. look (n) (近义词) ______________

11. serious (近义词) ______________ 12. good-looking (近义词) ______________



1. 长腿的______________

2. 穿着讲究的______________

3. 红头发的______________

4. 相貌平平的______________

5. 看起来不整洁的______________

6. 体格健美的______________

7. 皮肤黝黑的______________ 8. 圆脸的______________

9. 长袖的______________ 10. 睁大眼睛的______________


1. ______________

2. ______________

3. ______________

4. ______________

5. ______________

6. ______________

7. ______________

8. ______________


1. Her eyes are her best facial f .

2. What’s the _____________ (平均的) height of your students?

3. She’s got a beautiful slim _____________ (身材).

4. She’s lost a lot of ____________ (体重) recently.

5. A different hairstyle can completely change your a .

6. She is more _____________ (有魅力的) in red.

7. These jeans _____________ (合身) me very well.

8. The blue tie really _____________ (适合) you.

9. The _____________ (心不在蔫的) look on her face implied boredom.

10. He looked at me with a(n) _____________ (茫然的) expression.


dark, long, red, ordinary, round, untidy, well, wide,

build, dress, eye, face, hair, leg, look, skin, sleeve

wrinkle, smart, pregnant, neat, tense, fair, in

rags, in one’s thirties, of medium height, be

curious about, put on weight

1.The expectant mother (准妈妈) is five months ____________.

2. She sounded ____________ and worried.

3. A ____________ woman always makes her house spotlessly clean.

4. The aging lady was annoyed with more and more ____________ around her eyes.

5. The pretty girl has ____________ hair and blue eyes.

6. You look ___________ in that suit. Are you going somewhere special?

7. They ____________ what the new neighbour would say.

8. Dad started going bald when he was ____________.

9. Tom has ___________ for lack of exercise.

10. The child __________ begged money from the passers-by.

11. He is neither tall nor short —just __________.

Unit 2 性格与行为


1. 勇敢的_______

2. 明智的_______

3. 健忘的_______

4. 礼貌的_______

5. 粗鲁的_______

6. 温和的_______

7. 沉默的_______ 8. 诚实的_______ 9. 谦虚的_______

10. 自私的_______ 11. 愚蠢的_______ 12. 直接的_______

13. 有天赋的_______ 14. 幽默的_______ 15. 体谅的_______


1. pessimistic (反义词) ______________

2. negative (反义词) ______________

3. mean (反义词) ______________

4. rigid (反义词) ______________

5. dependent (反义词) ______________


1. He has a cheerful but quiet _______ (性格).

2. Mary has the _______ (品质) of honesty and generosity.

3. People with a positive _______ (态度) to life are admirable.

4. TV violence may cause aggressive _______ (行为).

5. He was known to be a man of great _______ (智慧).

6. You must try to be a little more _______ (实际的).

7. We are looking for someone who is _______ (可靠的) and hard-working.

8. You need to be more _______ (灵活的) and imaginative in your approach.

9. It was _______ (慷慨的) of him to offer to pay for us both.

10. John is a(n) _______ (善解人意的) and intelligent young man.

11. She is over eighty, but is still _______ (活跃的).

12. He was too _______ (倔强的) to admit that he was wrong.

13. Kate is very _______ (严格的) with her students.

14. She is very _______ (有耐心的) with young children.

15. He is quite _____________ (自信的) about his own abilities.


1. He has the ability _______ (attract) clients.

2. She was determined _______ (win).

3. It is bad manners _______ (talk) with your mouth full.

4. She was accustomed to _______ (get) up early.
