
ES是Ethical Stands的缩写,它是沃尔玛的社会责任部门,因此沃尔玛以前验厂都是自己的ES部门去审核,后来沃尔玛把这部分服务承包给了第三方机构ITS,现在沃尔玛的ES 验厂以及GSV验厂一般都是委托ITS去工厂审核的WAL-MART道德标准通过W AL-MART 员工与供货商及工厂之间持续的合作, 对当地法律法规与WAL-MART 标准方面的培训与推进, 追求不断完善的道德标准, 从而维护WAL-MART 品牌的商誉, 发展与各供货商的长期商业伙伴关系, 赢取投资者的信任和支持.本公司Ethical Standards(道德标准,简称"ES")规程根据公司内部多年来执行的《供货商标准》制订.请参阅附录A中Wal-Mart公司《供货商标准》.本规程旨在确保WAL-MART 购买的商品符合上述标准. Wal-Mart公司《供货商标准》涵盖了卫生、安全、薪酬、工时、强迫劳工、童工、歧视,、守法、以及Wal-Mart或Wal-Mart指定的第三方审核机构检查权等方面的规定.实施ES审核规程是为了确保厂商的产品生产符合《供货商标准》的要求. Retail Link 网上的《Ethical Standards 供货商手册》为唯一受控文件.供货商应主动索取最新供货商手册.Ethical Standards供货商文件均可从Retail Link网上查阅(请登录Retail Link -> 转到Supplier Guides(供货商指南)-> 打开Ethical Standards Documents).须强调的是,Wal-Mart 有一套《供货商标准》,Ethical Standards审核人员负责确保供货商遵守上述标准.除为Wal-Mart找出风险外,Ethical Standards规程还有以下三个基本目的:1. 确保符合法规要求及Wal-Mart供货商标准中规定的要求.2. 核实管理工作是否符合《供货商标准》.3. 鼓励采取必要措施,积极改善工人的生活质量.. Wal-Mart 指Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.及其下属分公司Global Procurement (全球采办)Global Procurement(GP)为Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.所属部门.负责向Wal-Mart买家提供最佳采购方案, 利用最有效的供应链,以有竞争力的成本购买更佳产品.Ethical Standards (道德标准)Ethical Standards (ES)部为Wal-Mart Stores,Inc.公司GP下属部门.Ethical Standards(ES)部门职责:- 确保符合法规要求及Wal-Mart供货商标准.规定的要求.- 核实管理工作是否符合《供货商标准》.- 鼓励采取必要措施,积极改善工人的生活质量.- 积极协助供货商及工厂.Global Procurement负责本土供货商、直接进口供货商Ethical Standards规程的执行.Ethical Standards审核程序审核程序包括如下几个步骤:1. 预审调查表2. 启动审核程序3. 审核时间安排4. 审核实施一. 审核前见面会二. 工厂巡视三. 员工访谈四. 工厂文件审阅五. 总结会议六. 签署审核报告掌握工厂以及其相关的管理运作情况.可通过如下方法索取预审调查表:- 登录Retail Link网- 转到Supplier Guides(供货商指南)- 打开Ethical Standards文件页面 . 选择预审调查表拟接受审核的直接进口供货商/工厂,须提前将填好的调查表提交相关GP办事处.审核时,美国本土供货商/工厂须在现场准备好一份填好的调查表.2. 启动审核程序Ethical Standards审核程序由供货商启动.供货商Ethical Standards审核申请应在船期前至少60天提出.工厂审核应在船期前至少30天完成.供货商应确保工厂在规定的时间内完成审核.收到供货商提交的《审核申请表》后,本公司将立即开始着手工厂审核程序.审核程序须在《审核申请表》提交后方可启动.Retail Link网上提供了MS Word格式电子版《审核申请表》(可下载).这种电子版表格位于Ethical Standards 文档版式的Supplier Guide(供货商指南)中.直接进口供货商只需在初审及年审前将填好的《审核申请表》提交给Wal-Mart Ethical Standards部门.审核一般在船期前60天完成.美国本土供货商须在每次审核前,将填好的《审核申请表》提交给Wal-Mart Ethical Standards部门.美国本土供货商的审核一般在审核提出后30-45天内完成.审核中发现的情况以及审核结果(等级)报告和补充要求一般在2周内提供.4. 审核实施审核范围. 初审及年审应为全面审核.审核人员将审阅至少三个月至一年的记录.. 跟进审核主要根据但不限于前次审核结果.跟进审核还包括薪酬及工时审查.. 对直接进口供货商工厂进行的审核,范围还应包括C-TPAT(海关商贸反恐聨盟)要求审核.任何工厂企图阻挠或拒绝Wal-Mart指定的审核人员进厂将导致严重后果.详阅《供货商标准》及本手册第六章.审核人员无法进厂,便无法确定相关工厂符合《供货商标准》的情况.对美国本土供货商的工厂进行审核时,将收取审核费.工厂联系人资料不齐或是不准确、工厂方面管理人员对审核及接待审核人员的相关要求不了解会严重影响审核时限.供货商应帮助工厂相关人员了解Wal-Mart公司《供货商标准》相关要求.按照事先安排进行审核时,工厂方面负责人及/或供货商须在场,并在提出改善措施等内容的现场报告上签字确认.进行审核时,必须有工厂方面负责人在场.如工厂方面负责人未到场,直接进口供货商仍应承担第三方审核费用.整个审核程序包括如下活动:一、审核前见面会二、工厂巡视三、员工访谈四、工厂文件审阅五、总结会议六、签署审核报告一、审核前见面会审核人员抵达工厂后,先与工厂管理人员见面.工厂管理人员应提供填好的工厂调查表.此阶段,审核人员还将核实工厂的营业执照,并对工厂提交的资料一一核实确认.二、工厂巡视审核前见面会结束后,审核人员将在厂区内巡视.一般情况下,审核人员进行巡视时,只需要工厂管理人员的最低限度协助.在尽可能少的监视之下,审核人员才能以最有效的方式进行审核.当然,因工厂规模不同, 巡视所需时间会有不同.审核人员将在生产区与工厂员工进行简短对话,询问机械操作及其它与Wal-Mart《供货商标准》相关的问题.此外,审核人员可能会测量空间、测试防火设备及其它设备是否处于受控状态,并检查维修、保养记录.巡视结束时,审核人员将要求提供有关人事、工时及工资记录的文件.工资审查根据工厂规模大小而定.三、员工访谈员工访谈属于评估行为守则(《供货商标准》)问题的行业标准.Wal-Mart 认为了解员工意见是审核程序中不可缺少的一环.审核结果及发现的情况可以通过这类面谈获得确认. 员工访谈应在生产区以外单独进行.工厂管理人员应提供一间单独的面谈室.面谈时,工厂管理人员或其代表不得在场.面谈员工人数不少于15人,最多不超过25人,具体人数视工厂规模而定.面谈对象应为代表厂内男女员工、从厂内不同部门挑选出来的代表.此外,最好选择关键生产岗位的员工.通常,审核人员将在巡视工厂时挑选好面谈物件.如文件审阅过程中发现一些问题,也可以随时能请相关员工前来面谈.四、工厂文件审阅为进一步确保Wal-Mart《供货商标准》的正确贯彻、执行,Wal-Mart或Wal-Mart指定的第三方将会采取工厂现场检查等措施,以确保《供货商标准》得到正确贯彻、执行.未能通过工厂现场检查或拒绝接受工厂现场检查、相关文件检查的供货商将面临立即取消剩余订单、商品拒收、退货、终止业务往来等后果.五、总结会议按照事先安排进行审核时,工厂管理人员代表及/或供货商须在场,并在提出改善措施等内容的现场报告上签字确认.审核人员将在总结会议上与厂方一起总结审核结果,并与工厂管理人员讨论发现的不符合Wal-Mart公司《供货商标准》之处.审核人员将编写一份现场报告,内容包括审核过程中发现的违规行为及改善措施建议.总结会议期间,审核人员将讨论现场报告中指出的问题及提出的改善措施.工厂管理人员及审核人员应在现场报告上签字确认.这样可确保工厂管理人员也有一份关于问题(违规行为)及补救建议记录.工厂管理人员应采取措施处理现场报告中指出的问题.工厂管理人员应在跟进审核见面会时,将编写好的《行动计划》提交给审核人员.跟进审核期间,审核人员将确认措施的执行情况.供货商及/或工厂应多与区域办事处联系,就现场报告的问题及/或建议及时沟通.审核结果定义及管理程序所有工厂都必须接受检查,以确保产品是在符合Wal-Mart公司《供货商标准》的条件下生产的.工厂在经过审核后,将被评估为某种审核结果(等级).审核结果(等级)分如下几种:GREEN(绿色). 审核时未发现违规或只有低风险违规现象,工厂将被评为.Green.. 订单可正常出货. 可接新订单. 工厂获得.Green.结果一年后,如仍生产Wal-Mart的商品,须接受年审.YELLOW(黄色). 审核时发现中等风险违规现象的工厂,将被评为.Yellow.. 订单可正常出货. 可接新订单. 工厂将于评估结果出来后120天内重新审核.ORANGE(橙色). 审核时发现有较高风险违规现象的工厂,将被评为.Orange.. 订单可正常出货. 可接新订单. 工厂将于评估结果出来后120天内重新审核.Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 保密资料Retail Link上的电子版本为唯一受控文件.打印版不属于受控文件.RED(红色). 审核过程中发现存在严重违规行为、情况的工厂,将被评为.red.. 工厂存在如下方面的违规行为:童工、强迫劳工、体罚、非法转运、歧视、侵犯人权、贿赂及/或不安全工作条件. 取消已下达的订单. 尚未发运的订单一律取消. 如整箱商品已装船,须在零售市场同意后方可接受. 如拼箱商品已交付给指定的拼装承运商,将予接受. 不同意接受的零售市场应按照退货/索赔程序处理转自: [url=/?fromuid=0]验货员论坛[/url] /viewthread.php?tid=53407&fromuid=0。

Sharing GSV Audit Results 分享GSV审核结果
• Factories which have previously performed GSV audit upon
request of other retailers/clients. 工厂之前已在其他零售商/客户的
Country risks ratings are provided on the next page and are updated every 6 months.国家/地区风险等 级(每六个月进行更新)见下页
SCS supplier training
Supply Chain Security 3rd Party Audit Firm 第三方审核机构 Third Party Audit Firms 第三方审核机构 There are approved by Walmart to perform Supply Chain Security audits.以下为沃尔玛认可的、具备供应链安全审核资质的第 三方机构 Intertek (ITS), Bureau Veritas (BV) Omega Compliance, Ltd (Omega) On site Audit Process:现场审核流程
5. Computer System Security
Computer accountability 电脑使用安全责任 Password Protection 密码保护
6. Merchandise Component Suppliers
Contractor Selecting Process 供应商筛选流程 Contractor Security Monitoring 供应商安全监管

装卸区应该要建在房子内,是密闭的。 -------我们是在公司广场地面划线作为装卸区的。

1保安保安室人员名单保安室名单(照片)(包括保安,经理)2 保安值班表(6个月)保安出勤的记录3 巡逻签到表(6个月)4 交接班记录(6个月)5 来访人员车辆登记表(6个月)登记进入时间,来访人姓名,来访单位,来访车牌号码,被访人姓名,来访证件核查与记录编号,来访事由,访客牌编号,离开时间,保安签字6 出货登记表(12个月)登记进入时间,来访人姓名,来访单位,来访车牌号码,被访人姓名,来访证件核查与记录编号,集装箱箱号,铅封号码,货物发往目的地,访客牌编号,离开时间,保安签字7 工作时间本厂职工出入登记(6个月)员工上班进出厂大门的记录可以是出门证8 信件、包裹检查登记表(6个月)对收发的包裹登记,一定要填写包裹编号和检查结果9 访客须知打印张贴10 来访预约表(12个月)要包含装货的预约记录11 保安会议记录(6个月)一月一次讨论关于公司安全事宜,要有高层领导牵头和签字12 本厂车辆登记一览表(6个月)统计本公司的车辆包括员工车辆13 合格供应商名单(6个月)统计供应商名单预约表14监控CCTV监控室授权人名单(6个月)负责视频监控的人员名单15 CCTV视频监控系统检查表(6个月)每周一次16 红外报警系统周检表(6个月)每周一次17 监控突发异常登记表(6个月)可保持空白即没有突发事件发生18 垃圾房垃圾房检查记录表(6个月)一周一次19门窗实体安全门窗锁具围墙栅栏照明水电等实体系统日常检查记录(6个月)一天一次检查有无损坏20 门窗围墙水电修理记录(6个月)21 下水道井口检查表(6个月)22 照明系统授照明系统授权表(6个月)张贴在电源开关上,要求开关能被上锁23钥匙收发记录锁匙登记表统计公司所有门锁的钥匙包括大门24 锁匙盘点表(6个月)每月检查一次钥匙有无丢失与破损25 钥匙发放回收记录(6个月)离职转岗钥匙要回收26人事最新在职花名册,最近6个月离职人员名单,员工要包括在厂区内的所有人员(清洁工),16岁以下禁止出现27 在职花名册和最近6个月离职人员名单汇总表员工要包括在厂区内的所有人员(清洁工),16岁以下禁止出现28 安全反恐架构图(12个月)29 反恐授权书(12个月)30 员工入职登记表,包含照片,身份证复印件本人的身份证复印件,带有照片的简历表,劳动合同31 离职单据(6个月)要包括钥匙,厂证回收记录32 紧急事故工作联络单33 面试记录包含之前的工作经历,填写信息是否属实34 许可获得信息名单允许查看相关资料的权限35人员背景调查全体员工背景调查表(12个月)一年一次,到派出所盖章,调查其犯罪史,吸毒史,非法活动史36 敏感岗位背景调查表(12个月)半年一次,到派出所盖章,调查其犯罪史,吸毒史,非法活动史37 岗前背景调查(12个月)到派出所盖章,调查其犯罪史,吸毒史,非法活动史,工作经历属实38 经常到访人员背景登记表(12个月)39授权人员照片名单授权名录月检表(6个月)要有高层领导牵头和签字,每月核查相关授权区域的名单是否属实40 包装车间授权人员照片(6个月)包装车间要张贴包装授权名单(照片)(包括包装车间所有人员,装卸货人员,保安,经理,安全代表,消防器材检查人、清洁工)41 成品仓授权人员照片(6个月)成品仓库要张贴成品仓库授权名单(照片)(包括成品仓管理人员,装卸货人员,保安,业务员,发货人员,经理,安全代表,消防器材检查人、清洁工)42 装货区授权人员照片(6个月)装货区授权名单(照片)(包括包仓库管理员,装卸货人员,保安,经理,业务,安全代表,监柜人员、清洁工)43 卸货区授权人员照片(6个月)卸货区授权名单(照片)(包括包仓库管理员,装卸货人员,保安,经理,安全代表,监柜人员、清洁工)44 材料仓授权人员照片(6个月)材料仓库要张贴材料授权名单(照片)(包括材料仓管理人员,装卸货人员,保安,各车间领料人员,收货人员,经理,安全代表,消防器材检查人、清洁工)45 半成品仓授权人员照片(6个月)半成品仓库要张贴半成品材料授权名单(照片)(包括材料仓管理人员,装卸货人员,保安,各车间领料人员,收货人员,经理,安全代表,消防器材检查人、清洁工)46 保安室人员名单(6个月)保安室名单(照片)(包括保安,经理)47 财务室授权人员照片(6个月)财务室授权名单(照片)(包括财务,经理)48 计算机机房授权人员照片(6个月)计算机机房授权名单(照片)(包括网管,经理)49非授权人员进出登记表包装组非授权人员进出登记表(6个月)照片没有在包装车间授权人员照片中的人进入包装区均要登记50 成品仓非授权人员进出仓登记表(6个月)照片没有在成品仓授权人员照片中的人进入成品仓均要登记51 材料仓非授权人员进出仓登记表(6个月)照片没有在材料仓授权人员照片中的人进入材料仓均要登记52 机房非授权人员进出仓登记表(6个月)照片没有在机房授权人员照片中的人进入机房均要登记53厂牌发放回收记录不同部门厂牌颜色要进行区分仓库车间员工的厂牌底色A色,装配车间员工的厂牌底色B色,装卸搬运工员工的厂牌底色C色,其他车间员工的厂牌底色D色,办公室管理人员的厂牌底色E色。

When entering into a contractual agreement with a business partner, are minimum supply chain security requirements provided?
Yes, No
Is a contracted business partner such as a Yes - Annually, Yes - Review a business partner contract and determine if an transportation provider, or a freight consolidator, Minimally every 2 annual risk assessment is required, and if yes, then did the required to conduct and provide an annual risk years, One time, No business partner provide the assessment. assessment of their operation?
Yes, No
Critical Are security seals stored in a secured location?
Yes, No
Does the facility have a designated employee with responsibility to maintain, distribute, and handle security seals? (Does not apply if security seal is provided and controlled by the logistics company or ocean carrier.) Is the security seal number recorded on the bill of lading and a copy is retained by the facility?

02反恐手册说明本《防恐手册》,以下简称“手册”,依据SCAN(Supplier Compliance Audit Network)针对供应链的安全要求及参考US CTPAT安全标准制定,旨在满足国际贸易中对防恐的体系要求。
XXXXXXXXXXXXX有限公司总经理:日期:04 发布令公司各部门:公司依据SCAN(Supplier Compliance Audit Network)针对供应链的安全要求及参考US CTPAT安全标准并结合公司的实际,制定了《防恐手册》01版,本手册是公司防恐管理体系的纲领性文件,现予批准发布。
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX有限公司管理代表:发布日期:05 公司简介06 公司名称和地址公司名称:注册地址:生产地址:电话(TEL):传真(FAX):07 防恐方针防范为主,打击为辅确保全球供应链安全防范为主:是反恐保卫工作的重要指导思想,也是做好反恐保卫工作的出发点。

Your Safety你的安全Security Measures for Wal-Mart Associates 沃尔玛员工安全指南Loss Prevention 20052005年防损部INDEX目录Preventive Measures 安全措施→In general 一般适用→Travel home -work -home 上下班途中→At home 在家里→In the Vehicle 使用车辆过程中→In the bank 银行→Trip (Family&Commercial) 旅行(家庭旅行和公务出差)→Your kids 你的小孩→SMS, E-mail & Telephone Fraud手机短信、邮件及电话诈骗→Avian Influenza禽流感Emergency Contact 紧急联系PREVENTIVE MEASURESIN GENERAL一般的安全措施Always remember 你要时刻记住→Keep a low profile. Do not show off jewelry, money or other valuables.保持低调。
→Communicate your whereabouts,travel plan,Financial and Personal information to those Who Need to Know Only.只将你的行踪、旅行计划、个人财务状况及其他个人信息透露给那些应该知道的人。
→Be alert, anonymous, inconspicuous and unpredictable.保持警惕;不轻易向陌生人透露你的姓名;不要太张扬;不要让人很容易就摸到你的生活规律。
PREVENTIVE MEASURESHOME -WORK -HOME上下班途中的安全措施→Change every day the time you leave your home. Only some minutes of difference are enough.稍微改变每天上班的时间,提前或推迟几分钟就足够了。

沃尔玛验厂目录验厂 - Factory Evaluation一、人权验厂二、反恐验厂反恐验厂清单反恐验厂作用三、品质验厂:品质验厂文件清单验厂常见问题总汇验厂 - Factory Evaluation一、人权验厂二、反恐验厂反恐验厂清单反恐验厂作用三、品质验厂:品质验厂文件清单验厂常见问题总汇∙验厂应当注意小节∙验厂通常不相事项∙验厂文件清单∙验厂重要问题点验厂 - Factory Evaluation沃尔玛验厂的定义:即按照沃尔玛的标准对工厂进行审核或评估。
沃尔玛验厂文件审核清单1. 事故记录薄2. 化学品清单3. 有关的当地法律和规定文本4. 纪律处分日记簿5. 环保年检记录6. 当地社会保险局的宽免声明7. 工厂规则8. 消防演习记录9. 火灾撤离程序与示意图10. 消防设施检查记录11. 消防设施安装检查证12. 危险化学品处理规程13. 危险化学品储藏室记录14. 从事危险化学品工作的工人清单15. 健康和安全管理制度16. 工作时间纪录17. 个人的劳动合同18. 机器保养记录19. 机器操作规程20. 物料资料数据安全表21. 医疗记录22. 显示愿意/不愿意加班工作之每个工人关于加班工作的文件23. 当地劳动部门的加班工作宽免批准24. 工资与工作时间记录25. 工资单26. 人事记录(附身份证复印件)27. 轮班登记簿28. 社会保险年检证明29. 社会保险费缴付收据30. 培训记录31. 工资计算系统32. 工伤保险花名册33. 未成年工健康检查表34. 未成年工登记批准一、人权验厂官方称为社会责任审核、社会责任稽核、社会责任工厂评估等等。

1、验厂简介 (1)
2、验厂评分标准 (2)
3、审核程序 (3)
4、劳动合同 (5)
5、厂区管理 (6)
6、宿舍管理 (8)
7、保安管理 (9)
8、人事管理 (10)
9、未成年员工管理 (12)
10、惩罚管理 (13)
11、员工歧视 (13)
12、委员会管理 (14)
13、医疗和卫生管理 (14)
14、消防管理 (16)
15、人身安全 (18)
16、环境管理 (19)
17、法律法规管理 (20)
18、质量管理体系 (20)
19、生产管理 (22)
20、仓库及运输管理 (24)
21、信息管理 (24)
22、常见的不符合项 (25)
23、C-TPAT反恐验厂 (27)

人权突击 人权突击 人权突击
人权两周突击期 自己验,收红包 人权-WCA\质量-SQP
人权-ES\质量-FCCA\反恐SCS 人权两周时间突击期 参照沃尔玛标准
人权突击 人权突击
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
好市多 迪士尼 梅西 柯尔 K-码 玛莎 美泰 绫致 宜家 家乐福 欧尚 乐购 麦当劳 迪卡侬 沃尔沃斯 海恩斯莫里斯 雅芳 欧图 达乐
costco Disney Macys KOHL`S K-MART/SEARS Marks&Spencer Mattel bestseller ikea Carrefour auchan Tesco McDonald Decathlon Woolworth
H&M Avon OTTO Dollar general(DG)
人权.反恐 人权 人权 人权 人权 人权 人权 人权 人权
人权、质量 人权、质量 人权、质量 人权、质量 人权、质量 人权、质量 人权、质量 人权、质量 人权、质量 人权、质量
HP SONY Apple Microsoft Best Buy B&Q GAP Argos
人权、质量 人权、质量、反恐 人权、质量、反恐 人权、质量、反恐 人权、质量、反恐 人权、质量、反恐 人权、质量、反恐 人权、质量、反恐 人权、质量、反恐 人权、质量、反恐 人权、质量、反恐 人权、质量、反恐

如果该设施没有冷藏运输工具,则不Байду номын сангаас要覆盖8)。
集装箱 / 拖车 / 仪表国际运输编号;
High (高)
Medium (中)
为了适当地检查这一点,必须有某种形式的日志 / 跟踪已提交给主管 / 管理层的问题。
工厂应有适当涵盖整个流程的书面文件和 / 或程序。
High (高)
High (高)
Low (低)

The Supervisor will tabulate scores from each club on a month the International Loss Prevention Office in Bentonville no later than the 5thof each month.
Loss Prevention
SAM’S Club
Key Controls關鍵控制點
The following programs, when consistently utilized throughout the International Division, will help control losses to our company. The programs are designed for mandatory compliance by each country in which we maintain operations, with managers/partners held accountable for non-compliance. The program results are to be forwarded through the divisional channels. Ultimately, this will improve consistency in the figures that arrive at the Bentonville Home Office are distributed to other divisions in the company.

反恐验厂反恐验厂即(GSV)/(C-TPA T)认证。
GSV是Global Sec urity V erific ation的缩写,是Wal-Mart验厂三大部分的一个部分! 也就是反恐这一块!验厂内容大概涉及到工厂的保安,仓库,包装,装货,出货这些环节吧!通过GSV审核之后会有一个美国海关发放的GSV证书!C-TPAT (反恐/GSV)安全建议至现时为止,C-TPA T(反恐/GSV)为九个界别建立了安全建议(即Security Rec ommendations ) :进口商(Importers)航空运载商(Air Carriers)海运运载商(Sea Carriers)陆路运载商(Rail Carriers)货物承揽/ 货运代理商/ 无船舶公共承运商(Air Freight Consolidators/ Oc ean Transport Intermediaries/ NVOCCs)美国本地港口管理当局/ 码头经营商(US Marine Port Authority/Terminal Operator)外国制造厂商(Foreign)反恐验厂(GSV/C-TPAT)的由来“911”之后,美国在全球范围从海、陆、空等实施反恐措施。
美国海关边防署鼓励进口企业及国际物流行业推动Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism,即C-TPA T。
时至今日,美国海关只认可ITS的GSV,即Global Sec urity V erific ation。
什么是C-TPAT(反恐/GSV)认证现时美国进口商、运载商、报关行、货物承揽/货运代理商/无船舶公共承运商、美国本地港口管理当局/码头经营商、墨西哥制造商及CBP直接邀请参加的一批亚洲及欧洲制造商均可申请成为C-TPA T成员。
自2002年5月30日起至2004年中,已有超过6500家美国及外国企业申请成为C-TPA T成员(这代表了近四成的美国入口总值),当中4000家已通过CBP审核,获颁C-TPA T证书。
2014Mart三体系(ES、FCCA、SCS)要求和标准(全) (1)

Vendor ComplianceProgram forWal-Mart(Factories)September 2013•••WM Requirements 基本要求ES– Ethical Standard 社会责任道德标准SCS– Supply Chain Security 供应链反恐安全FCCA– Factory Capability & Capacity Assessment 工厂产能和产量评估**ES & SCS are in charge by DSG VC Department; FCCA is in charge by DSG QC/QA Team **ES & SCS由VC部门负责;FCCA由QC/QA部门负责。
ES–Ethical Standard道德标准Training outline 主要内容1.Approved 3rd Party Audit Firms& Programs WM批准的第3 方审计事务所和监督计划2.Audit process工厂审核流程3.Audit scope 审核范围4.Audit result 审核结果5.ES high risk violation points道德标准高风险点ES Approved Audit Parties & Monitoring ProgramsWM认可的ES审核方及监督计划•ES approved 3rd Parties 第三方审核公司ITS (Intertek Testing Services [Global Coverage]UL Responsible Sourcing[Global Coverage]BV (Bureau Veritas): [Global Coverage]Level Works (Global Coverage)AGC Group LLC –Accordia: [For America’s only]TUV: [For East and South Asia only]•ES Monitoring ProgramsICTI (Toys Industry) 国际玩具业协会ILO [Apparel Industry in Cambodia, South Vietnam, Dubai, Haiti, Indonesia, footwear industry in Cambodia] 国际劳工组织【适用于在柬埔寨,越南南部,迪拜,海地,印尼的服装业,柬埔寨的鞋业】Opening Meeting 审核前见面会Factory Tour 工厂巡视Worker Interview 员工访谈Document Review 工厂文件资料审阅Closing Meeting and Audit Report 总结会及签署审核报告5% or 5- 20 workers are interviewed in general. Number of workers selection will depend on the factory size.通常5%或者5-20名工人会被选中进行员工访谈, 实制际数量会根据工厂规模而定For new factory, document review will involve most recent 3 months of records during initial audit (DSG); for Green/Yellow follow-up audits, document review will involve 1 year of records.对新工厂在首次审核中,审核员将审阅最近3个月的资料文件;对于绿色 / 黄色工厂的跟进评审, 审核员将审阅工厂最近一年的资料文件。

Final, January 13, 2010General Merchandise and ApparelSupply Chain Security RequirementsSupplier Responsibilities and ExpectationsIntroductionTo meet evolving global security needs, Walmart embraces voluntary governmental and industry supply chain security (SCS) programs. We will continue to improve upon our ability to recognize, mitigate and manage threats at all points of vulnerability within the global supply chain. Walmart expects business partners to devote the necessary attention to security matters during all stages of manufacturing and transportation.It is Walmart’s objective that all eligible business partners participate in our risk based Supply Chain Security program. Business partners not eligible for C-TPAT, or other Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programs, are required to meet the security standards as stated in the Walmart Direct Import Supplier Agreement and each individual purchase order. Business partners who do not comply with the security standards may be subject to the cancellation of their Purchase Orders and/or the Supplier Agreement with Walmart Stores, Inc.The Global Sourcing Asset Protection and Security (GSAPS) team manages Walmart’s Supply Chain Security program globally. All sourcing facilities supplying Walmart markets, where Walmart is the importer of record, are required to undergo a third-party supply chain security audit or security self-assessment based on the level of supply chain risk in the country where the factory is located. Factories may have different requirements based on the country risk rating. The country risk levels are assigned by a third-party risk consultancy and are based on the level of risk to the supply chain in that country. The risk ratings are updated every 6-months and should be monitored for updates via the Supply Chain Security site in Retail Link at Retail Link > Site Map > Global Supply Chain Security.The procedures outlined below indicate the requirements necessary for a factory to achieve compliance with Walmart’s Supply Chain Security Program.DefinitionsNew factory – A facility that has never produced goods for any Walmart retail market ORa facility with an assigned Walmart ID number that moved from the address listed in Retail Link to another address.Existing factory – A facility that has produced goods for a Walmart retail market.Factory Audit RequirementsFinal, January 13, 2010Prequalification for New General Merchandise and Apparel FactoriesA new factory, regardless of the global location, the Walmart retail market, or country risk rating, is required to pass an onsite supply chain security audit conducted by one of Walmart’s appointed auditfirms prior to being activated in Retail Link.Existing Active and Inactive General Merchandise and Apparel Factories • A factory in a High Risk and Medium Risk countries are required to pass an onsite supply chain security audit conducted by a 3rd party audit firm appointed by Walmart prior to receiving a P.O.A factory in a Low Risk country must submit a completed self assessment prior to receiving a P.O.•Country risks ratings are provided on the Global Supply Chain Security site on Retail Link and are updated every 6 months.•An Active factory with unshipped POs for Walmart U.S. must have passed a security audit. For other Walmart retail markets the security audit will be implemented in stages throughout 2011.Once a Walmart retail market joins the Supply Chain Security program, all factories supplying merchandise to the retail market, as a direct import, will be required to pass a supply chain security audit before receiving a purchase order. Walmart markets globally will roll out the supply chain security program to their supply chain during 2011. The dates for each market’s roll out will be published separately.• A factory currently “Inactive” in Retail Link must pass a supply chain security audit performed bya Walmart approved 3rd Party audit company prior to being activated.Security Audit RenewalsAs of August 1, 2010, each factory must renew their security audit, as outlined below, based on the risk level of the country where the factory is located and the score achieved on the audit: •High Risk countries: 12 months•Medium Risk countries Score 88 or above (with no critical action items)– 24 monthsScore between 71 and 87 (with no critical action items) – 12months•Low Risk countries: 24 monthsNote:All critical action items noted in audits of factories in high or medium risk countries must be corrected and the documented corrective action returned to Walmart GSAPS team within 60 days. Corrective Action PlansAfter completion of the audit, the audit firm will assist the factory by documenting a Corrective Action Plan (CAP). If there are any critical action items (i.e. red flags) outstanding, the factory must correct the deficiencies and submit a completed CAP to the GSAPS team at gsscs@ within 60 days of the completion of the audit. The CAP must demonstrate the corrections, via photographic and written documentation, If the factory does not complete the CAP and submit it to Walmart within the 60 day requirement, the factory is required to undergo and pass another audit or be subject to inactivation.Final, January 13, 2010The Critical Action Items are:1. The facility has an employee security policy that includes hiring procedures, proper badgeidentification, reporting of lost badges and facility access controls.2. The facility utilizes a process to verify employment application information, including verifying anapplicant’s current address, personal references, and national ID card or birth certificate.3. Security personnel use closed circuit television (CCTV) or other surveillance methods to perform24/7 monitoring of fences, walls, and all facility entrance gates, and CCTV records are kept for a minimum of 45 days.4. The facility shipping area and shipping dock access are restricted to only authorized employees.5. Gate security guards conduct an outbound truck inspection to verify documentation,container/trailer numbers, and seal number verification with shipping documentation.6. A 7-point inspection is conducted prior to container or trailer stuffing.7. A high security seal (ISO/PAS 17712) is placed on the container/trailer immediately after stuffingis completed.8. Facility supervisors or security guards are present at time of production, assembly and finalpacking to prevent tampering.9. The transportation company’s contract states that drivers are required to report any incidents ofattempted cargo theft, load tampering or other security violations.10. The facility has a written IT policy that requires passwords on individual computers to be changedregularly, regular data back up and secure placement of servers.Third Party Audit FirmsIntertek (ITS), Bureau Veritas (BV) and Omega Compliance, Ltd (Omega) are approved by Walmart to perform Supply Chain Security audits.Walmart will accept an existing ITS GSV audit performed on behalf of another retailer. The audit’s renewal date will be calculated from the day the report was issued. The audit will only be accepted by Walmart if the passing score is 71 or above.The audit fees for individual Supply Chain Security Audits are contained in the document “Supply Chain Security Audit Fees” on the Retail Link Global Supply Chain Security site: Retail Link>Site Map>. Global Supply Chain Security.GSAPS SupportGSAPS provides FREE on-site or phone consultation and training upon request to factories that need assistance to improve their security management. GSAPS will monitor the program and remind factories to undergo renewal audits prior to expiration of an existing audit or self assessment.Information pertaining to the Walmart Supply Chain Security Program is available at the following Retail Link site path: Retail Link > Site Map > Global Supply Chain Security.Please contact gsscs@ with questions or inquiries about this program.Walmart takes supply chain security seriously and expects our partners throughout the supply chain to do the same. We appreciate your support in complying with the requirements of this document and look forward to continue business with you.。
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Final, January 13, 2010General Merchandise and ApparelSupply Chain Security RequirementsSupplier Responsibilities and ExpectationsIntroductionTo meet evolving global security needs, Walmart embraces voluntary governmental and industry supply chain security (SCS) programs. We will continue to improve upon our ability to recognize, mitigate and manage threats at all points of vulnerability within the global supply chain. Walmart expects business partners to devote the necessary attention to security matters during all stages of manufacturing and transportation.It is Walmart’s objective that all eligible business partners participate in our risk based Supply Chain Security program. Business partners not eligible for C-TPAT, or other Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programs, are required to meet the security standards as stated in the Walmart Direct Import Supplier Agreement and each individual purchase order. Business partners who do not comply with the security standards may be subject to the cancellation of their Purchase Orders and/or the Supplier Agreement with Walmart Stores, Inc.The Global Sourcing Asset Protection and Security (GSAPS) team manages Walmart’s Supply Chain Security program globally. All sourcing facilities supplying Walmart markets, where Walmart is the importer of record, are required to undergo a third-party supply chain security audit or security self-assessment based on the level of supply chain risk in the country where the factory is located. Factories may have different requirements based on the country risk rating. The country risk levels are assigned by a third-party risk consultancy and are based on the level of risk to the supply chain in that country. The risk ratings are updated every 6-months and should be monitored for updates via the Supply Chain Security site in Retail Link at Retail Link > Site Map > Global Supply Chain Security.The procedures outlined below indicate the requirements necessary for a factory to achieve compliance with Walmart’s Supply Chain Security Program.DefinitionsNew factory – A facility that has never produced goods for any Walmart retail market ORa facility with an assigned Walmart ID number that moved from the address listed in Retail Link to another address.Existing factory – A facility that has produced goods for a Walmart retail market.Factory Audit RequirementsFinal, January 13, 2010Prequalification for New General Merchandise and Apparel FactoriesA new factory, regardless of the global location, the Walmart retail market, or country risk rating, is required to pass an onsite supply chain security audit conducted by one of Walmart’s appointed auditfirms prior to being activated in Retail Link.Existing Active and Inactive General Merchandise and Apparel Factories • A factory in a High Risk and Medium Risk countries are required to pass an onsite supply chain security audit conducted by a 3rd party audit firm appointed by Walmart prior to receiving a P.O.A factory in a Low Risk country must submit a completed self assessment prior to receiving a P.O.•Country risks ratings are provided on the Global Supply Chain Security site on Retail Link and are updated every 6 months.•An Active factory with unshipped POs for Walmart U.S. must have passed a security audit. For other Walmart retail markets the security audit will be implemented in stages throughout 2011.Once a Walmart retail market joins the Supply Chain Security program, all factories supplying merchandise to the retail market, as a direct import, will be required to pass a supply chain security audit before receiving a purchase order. Walmart markets globally will roll out the supply chain security program to their supply chain during 2011. The dates for each market’s roll out will be published separately.• A factory currently “Inactive” in Retail Link must pass a supply chain security audit performed bya Walmart approved 3rd Party audit company prior to being activated.Security Audit RenewalsAs of August 1, 2010, each factory must renew their security audit, as outlined below, based on the risk level of the country where the factory is located and the score achieved on the audit: •High Risk countries: 12 months•Medium Risk countries Score 88 or above (with no critical action items)– 24 monthsScore between 71 and 87 (with no critical action items) – 12months•Low Risk countries: 24 monthsNote:All critical action items noted in audits of factories in high or medium risk countries must be corrected and the documented corrective action returned to Walmart GSAPS team within 60 days. Corrective Action PlansAfter completion of the audit, the audit firm will assist the factory by documenting a Corrective Action Plan (CAP). If there are any critical action items (i.e. red flags) outstanding, the factory must correct the deficiencies and submit a completed CAP to the GSAPS team at gsscs@ within 60 days of the completion of the audit. The CAP must demonstrate the corrections, via photographic and written documentation, If the factory does not complete the CAP and submit it to Walmart within the 60 day requirement, the factory is required to undergo and pass another audit or be subject to inactivation.Final, January 13, 2010The Critical Action Items are:1. The facility has an employee security policy that includes hiring procedures, proper badgeidentification, reporting of lost badges and facility access controls.2. The facility utilizes a process to verify employment application information, including verifying anapplicant’s current address, personal references, and national ID card or birth certificate.3. Security personnel use closed circuit television (CCTV) or other surveillance methods to perform24/7 monitoring of fences, walls, and all facility entrance gates, and CCTV records are kept for a minimum of 45 days.4. The facility shipping area and shipping dock access are restricted to only authorized employees.5. Gate security guards conduct an outbound truck inspection to verify documentation,container/trailer numbers, and seal number verification with shipping documentation.6. A 7-point inspection is conducted prior to container or trailer stuffing.7. A high security seal (ISO/PAS 17712) is placed on the container/trailer immediately after stuffingis completed.8. Facility supervisors or security guards are present at time of production, assembly and finalpacking to prevent tampering.9. The transportation company’s contract states that drivers are required to report any incidents ofattempted cargo theft, load tampering or other security violations.10. The facility has a written IT policy that requires passwords on individual computers to be changedregularly, regular data back up and secure placement of servers.Third Party Audit FirmsIntertek (ITS), Bureau Veritas (BV) and Omega Compliance, Ltd (Omega) are approved by Walmart to perform Supply Chain Security audits.Walmart will accept an existing ITS GSV audit performed on behalf of another retailer. The audit’s renewal date will be calculated from the day the report was issued. The audit will only be accepted by Walmart if the passing score is 71 or above.The audit fees for individual Supply Chain Security Audits are contained in the document “Supply Chain Security Audit Fees” on the Retail Link Global Supply Chain Security site: Retail Link>Site Map>. Global Supply Chain Security.GSAPS SupportGSAPS provides FREE on-site or phone consultation and training upon request to factories that need assistance to improve their security management. GSAPS will monitor the program and remind factories to undergo renewal audits prior to expiration of an existing audit or self assessment.Information pertaining to the Walmart Supply Chain Security Program is available at the following Retail Link site path: Retail Link > Site Map > Global Supply Chain Security.Please contact gsscs@ with questions or inquiries about this program.Walmart takes supply chain security seriously and expects our partners throughout the supply chain to do the same. We appreciate your support in complying with the requirements of this document and look forward to continue business with you.。