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本文基于电子线路CAD常用软件Protel99SE设计了一个简单的循环彩灯电路,各路彩灯由发光二极管模拟代替。采用555定时器,计数器,移位器,产生控制循环信号,再利用74LF161A计数器和74LS194左右移位寄存器组成驱动电路来依次控制彩灯循环闪烁。循环彩灯电路由驱动电路、输出电路、时钟电路和电源等为整个系统工作提供所需的能源。CMOS 电路对电源电压的要求相对比较宽松。循环彩灯电路是由TTL集成电路做成,并且采用5伏电源供电。时钟电路是由555多谐自激震荡集成电路制成,与电阻和电容一起构成时钟周期发生器,为电路提供时钟信号,支持整个电路的工作。驱动电路是由74LF161A计数器和74LS194左右移位寄存器组成,用以驱动发光二极管正常工作,并且在时钟电路的控制下让八个发光二极管循环工作。


The Design Of Eight Lines Circulating Lights Abstract: Lights flashing and the flow can be used for a variety of decoration, such as electronic door standard, advertising and decoration. The flow of light is always special to attract people's attention. At night, the streets in the city, when the flow of light on the billboards up, the city will soon get to life. I designed the lights control circuit is a very simple principle learned to use the University made several electrical knowledge. As long as several integrated circuits can easily understand its principles. Do the lights can be placed indoors, the owner will feel warm; on restaurants and other places to increase the atmosphere.

Based on the electronic circuits commonly used CAD software Protel99SE designed a simple circuit lights cycle, and the brightest lights from the light-emitting diode simulations instead. Using 555 timers, counters, shifters, resulting in the control loop signal, and then use 74LF161A around the counter and 74LS194 shift registers control drive circuit to turn lights cycling. Cycle lights circuit by the drive circuit, output circuit, clock circuit and power supply for the entire system to provide the necessary energy. CMOS circuits the power supply voltage requirements are relatively relaxed. Cycle lights circuit is made by TTL integrated circuits, and the 5-volt power supply. Clock circuit is more than 555 integrated circuit made of harmonic self-excited oscillation, together with resistors and capacitors constitute the clock generator providing clock signals for the circuit to support the entire circuit. Drive circuit is 74LF161A counter and shift register 74LS194 about the composition, light-emitting diodes to drive to work, and under the control of the clock circuit so that the work cycle of eight light-emitting diodes.

Key words:Eight lines circulating lights; 555 timer; Counter; Shift register


1引言 (1)

2 系统组成及工作原理 (1)

2.1 基础设计目的 (1)

2.2 基础设计要求 (1)

2.3 总体设计思路 (2)

2.4 电路框图 (2)

2.5 PCB板布线 (2)

2.5.1 布局规则 (2)

2.5.2 布线规则 (2)

3 循环彩灯的系统组成 (3)

3.1 555定时器电路 (3)

3.1.1 定时器电路产生时钟脉冲 (3)

3.1.2 555定时器组成的多谐振荡电路 (4)

3.2 74F161A及74LS194的功能 (5)

3.2.1 74F161A四位二进制同步计数器 (5)

3.2.2 74LS194四位双向移位寄存器 (6)

3.3 设计彩灯控制电路 (7)

3.4 电路图的仿真 (7)

3.5 PCB板布线与制做方案的实施 (7)

3.5.1 PCB板布线 (7)

3.5.2 PCB板制作 (8)

4 循环电路的总体设计 (8)

4.1 循环彩灯原理图 (8)

4.2循环彩灯仿真图 (9)

4.3 循环彩灯PCB图 (9)

4.4循环彩灯装配图 (10)

4.5 循环彩灯实物图 (10)

5 实验结果的调试与检验 (11)

5.1 调试技巧方法 (11)

5.2 调试中出现的原因、故障及排除的方法 (11)

6 总结与设计结论 (11)

6.1 总体结果 (11)

6.2 设计结论 (12)

6.3 收获 (12)

参考文献 (15)

致谢......................................................错误!未定义书签。附录表 (15)
