Unit 7 参考答案

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Key to Unit 7

Text A What Animals Really Think


Directions: Read the text and find out the English versions for the following expressions.

1. explore animal intelligence 探索动物智能(Para. 1, L.4)

2. serve one’s own purpose 为某人所用(Para. 1, L.6)

3. (give sb. ) a blank stare 向……翻白眼(Para 3, L.5)

4. at this point 就在这时(Para. 3, L.6)

5. trade A for B 以A换B (Para 5, L.1)

6. undertake a… study 进行……一项研究(Para. 5, L.3)

7. figure out 发现; 推断出(Para. 5, L.5)

8. extend far beyond 远远超出(Para. 5, L.8)

9. use A as B 把A作为B使用(Para. 5, L.9)

10. expand the supply 扩大供应量(Para. 5, L.9)

11. virtuous habits 好习惯Para. 6, L.1)

12. catch up with 遇到;赶上(Para. 6, L.2)

13. cooperate with... 与……合作(Para. 7, L.1)

14. assess a situation 审时度势(Para. 8, L.3)

15. base on 以……为根据(Para. 8, L.4)

16. emergency care 紧急护理(Para. 9, L.4)

17. size up the problem 迅速对问题做出判断(Para. 10, L.1)

18. something he’d never been trained to do 从未训练它做过的事(Para. 10, L.3)

19. hold out one’s hand 伸出手来(Para. 11, L.6)

20. look... in the eye 盯着……看(Para. 12, L.2)

hold sb. gaze (Para. 12, L.5)

maintain eye contact (Para. 3, L.7)

21. wipe out... 使……灭绝(Para. 13, L.5)

22. limited horizon 有限的视野(Para. 13, L.7)


I. Directions: Now you’ve learned Text A in detail. Let’s check how much you’ve learned from it! Please translate the Chinese expressions in the following sentences into English. Be sure you use expressions from the text.

1. If animals can think, they will probably do their best thinking when it serves their own purpose (能为自

所用的时候), not when scientists ask them to. (Para. 1, L.)

2. Jendry offered Colo some peanuts, only to be met with a blank stare (结果却被翻了个白眼).

(Para, L.5)

3. Sizing up the reaction of the audience (对观众的反应做出估计后), he made some changes in his speech.

Para, L.1)

4. The HR manager thinks highly of employees’ ability to cooperate with each other (员工相互合作的能力).

(Para L.1)

5. Not until he assessed a situation (直到审时度势后) , did he make any decision. (Para, L.3)

II. Language Focus

Ex. I. Translate the following English expressions into Chinese and Chinese into English.

1. maintain its position as market leader 保持其市场领导者的位置(P.191, I-2-4)

2. broaden one’s horizon 拓宽视野(P.190, I-1-9)

3. insist on a pay rise 要求加薪(P.191, I-2-5)

4. take appropriate action 采取适当的行动(P.193, Cloze 1, L.6)

5. approach to the problem 解决问题的办法(P.193, Cloze 1, L.17)

6. settle the controversy 解决争议(P.193, Cloze 1, L.18)

7. open new paths to 开拓……的新途径(P.193, Cloze 1, L.19)

8. 延伸到……extend to... (P.191, I-3-2)

9. 解决问题resolve the issues(P.191, I-2-3)

10. 开某人的玩笑play tricks on sb. (P.193, Cloze 1, L.14)

11. 对双方有利be beneficial to both sides (P.191, I-3-3)

12. 胜利的几率chances of winning (P.190, I-1-7)

13. 在……方面达成一致reach an agreement on... (P.190, I-1-3)

14. 对……产生浓厚的兴趣develop a keen interest in... (P.195, Translation)

15. 欣慰地(发现)be relieved to find... (P.195, Translation)

16. 承担一项工程undertake a project (P.194, II-1)

17. 受到轻微的损失be slightly damaged (P.194, II-3)

18. 继续做某事proceed to do sth. (P.190 , I-3-3)

Ex. II. Please translate the Chinese expressions in the following sentences into English. Be sure to use expressions from the exercises.

1. We try to negotiate a win-win solution (我们试着协商出一个双赢的方案) to our conflict in foreign


2. In spite of many troubles (尽管有很多麻烦) , they still went ahead with the experiment. (P.190, I-1-8)

3. Action should be based on solid facts(行动应以确凿的事实为依据), not on hearsay. (P. 169 L.46)

4. At first we didn’t trust him (我们起初并不太信任他), then we found him an honest man. (P.192, II-3)

5. These countries have held rounds of talks to reach an agreement on how to deal with nuclear weapons (为

了在核武器问题上达成共识). (P.190, I-1-3)

6. It took her mother a whole day to convince her that the surgery wouldn’t do her any harm (手术不会对她

产生什么伤害). (P. 190, I-1-9)

III. Language Enhancement

Ex. I. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.

1. 愚人节那天我们常常开朋友们的玩笑。(P.193, Cloze 1, L.14)

We often play tricks on our friends on April Fool’s Day.

2. 学校图书馆能很好地被我们利用。(Para, L.6)

The school library serves our purpose well.

3. 汤姆的英语知识远远超出了他的同龄人。(Para, L.8)

Tom’s knowledge about English extends far beyond his peers/students of his age.

4. 如果你们能互相配合,一切都会顺利的。(Para, L.1)

If you can cooperate with each other, everything will run smoothly.

5. 他写了大量有关作为新生如何适应大学生活的书。(P.193 I-1-2)

He wrote extensively about how to adjust to college life as a freshman.
