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friends mistakes
a decision
fire bed noise
look look at see watch observe notice peep peer Peep Tom glance at stare at gaze at catch one’s eye catch sight of come into view in sight / out of sight at first sight at the sight of read skim scan skip
同音异义字 right—write waste--waist weather—whether past--passed new--knew here—hear by—buy road—rode meet—meat fair—fare die—dye steel—steal warn—worn weak—week allowed—aloud our—hour 一词多义 arm 臂;武器 bank 岸;银行 bark 树皮;狗吠 bear 忍受;熊 blow 吹风;打击 desert 沙漠;离弃 ring (打)电话;戒指
听力 3
听力 策略
充分利用已有知识,多听、多看英语 充分利用文字和图表等视觉信息 根据说话人的语气和语调判断意思 克服听力过程中的记忆问题 采用多种联系活动形式,拓展听的内容与渠道 听力材料的选择 <高考英语模拟试题集新题型> 华师大出版社 李永宁 <中级英语测试与指导--高考英语上海卷试题汇析 黄关福 主编>
Set a goal
Setting goals
List your major goals Long term Long/short Short term More important Less important
Be confident
Serf on the net when free
…It matters not what you learn, but when you once learn a thing, you must never give it up until you have mastered it. It matters not what you inquire into, but when you inquire into a thing, you must never give it up until you have thoroughly understand it. It matters not what you try to think out, but when you once try to think out a thing, you must never give it up until you have got what you want. It matters not what you try to sift out, but when you try to sift out a thing, you must never give it up until you have sifted it out clearly and distinctly. It matters not what you try to carry out, but when you try to carry out a thing, you must never give it up until you have done it thoroughly and well.
高二升高三英语学习 应注意的问题
各类学校平均分比较 全体 市重点 区重点 完中
听力 1
考核内容 短对话 short conversations 10% 12% 短文 passages 长对话 longer conversations 8%
情况分析 1.短对话中隐含性题目得分最低 短对话中隐含性题目得分最低 W: I thought you were going to drive carefully so you wouldn’t get a traffic ticket. M: I was, but it didn’t work out that way. Q: What can we learn about the man ? A. He lost his way B. He received a traffic ticket C. He worked very carefully D. He drove in heavy traffic Key: B
Байду номын сангаас
3.长对话中的新闻报道 France The number of hate crimes, mainly against Jews and against Arabs of North African origin, nearly doubled last year, to 1565, according to a report to the government. It said 62 percent of the total were anti-Jewish acts. Acts against people of North African origin totaled 595 in 2004. Q: Who are the main targets in the hate crimes in France? A. Jews and some Arabs B. Arabs and North Africans C. Jews and North Africans D. North Americans and some Arabs (Key: A ) 4. 拼写错误 mechanic elementary
听力 2
2.询问感受,在理解上适当概括题 M: Another rejection letter! Maybe I will never get a good job. W: Oh, no! Q: How does the woman feel about the man’s remark? A. Confused B. Sympathetic C. Embarrassed D. Uninterested (Key: B)
整理归纳 避免错误 综合运用 抓注重点 强化记忆 全面提高
Wilkins(1972)指出:“没有语法不能很好地表 指出: 指出
达,而没有词汇则什么也不能表达。” 而没有词汇则什么也不能表达。
词汇 2
范围 上海教育考试院 《高考英语词汇手册》 以课程标准,以常用的词,逐年取舍 影响词汇学习的因素 1.记忆方式 频率 单词发音 语境 2. 记忆和存储关系 词汇了解深度 建立词汇网络 3.语言在文化背景下的特定意义
Elizabeth Tayor,63,said “I do” eight times; once again she is making it “I don’t”
中译英要求: 单词拼写 词汇句型 词组搭配 语法贯穿 写作要求: 内容: 观点明确 内容充实 理由充分 语言: 表达正确 语言流畅 用次恰当 句式多样化 组织结构: 结构正确 上下文连贯一致
听力 技巧
眼睛先行, 眼睛先行, 抓住任务, 抓住任务, 调整心态, 调整心态, 预测内容 分辨信息 把握整体
Grammar Learning Form----meaning------Use 情况分析 常见 实用 基础 重点语法:动词--时态、语态、情态动词、非谓语 句法--复合句(名词性从句、状语从 句、定语从句)、倒装句 _____ into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns. A. Put B. Putting C. Having put D. Being put
语法 1
语法 2
考点明确 良好的语境 There _____ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school A. mustn’t B. shan’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t
9小 时
词汇记得快,忘得也快, 词汇记得快,忘得也快,能否及时复习关系重 根据“艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线” 大。根据“艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线”的遗忘先快后慢 的规律,学生记忆过的词汇在4小时 最迟在9小 小时, 的规律,学生记忆过的词汇在 小时,最迟在 小 时内一定要复习一遍。 时内一定要复习一遍。培养学生养成及时的复习 强 化的习惯是词汇教学成功的关键。 化的习惯是词汇教学成功的关键。 Kachroo(1962)研究发现,要成功地记住一个生 研究发现, 研究发现 词,学生至少得连续遇到它七次,而Saragi et a1(1978)则指出不断地碰到一个单词 次之后, 则指出不断地碰到一个单词16次之后, 则指出不断地碰到一个单词 次之后 学生才能自然地记住它。 学生才能自然地记住它。在中国学生不具备广泛 阅读的条件下,定期复习加深记忆显得更为重要。 阅读的条件下,定期复习加深记忆显得更为重要。
语法 3
题干清晰 Never before _____ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today. A. has this city been B. this city has been C. was this city D. this city was
完形填空 20% 两篇 阅读理解 35% 五篇 要求: 获取知识 归纳推理 隐含意思 上下文词义 预测下文内容或发展趋势 题材: 科普 人物传记 哲理文章 风土人情 最新热点 体裁 : 记叙文 应用文 议论文 说明文等
完形填空&阅读理解策略 策略
从易入手,每天保证一定阅读量,逐步提高速 度注意了解英美文化,关注国际时事,扩大知识 面,学习最新科技动态 阅读材料: 英语报刊杂志 网上时文
英语中的否定 1 I am too nervous to say a word. 2 Tom didn’t go to bed until he finished his work. 3 Mr. Smith is a person of few words. We thought he lacked a sense of humor, but the opposite is true. 4 Sorry ,the work is beyond me. 5 Jack is the last person I want to see.
1.根据课程标准 注重基础知识的学习和语言运 根据课程标准,注重基础知识的学习和语言运 根据课程标准 用能力的培养 2. 根据个人自身特点 培养适合自己的学习方法 根据个人自身特点,培养适合自己的学习方法 培养适合自己的学习方法, 夯实基础,加强英语国家文化背景知识的深入 夯实基础 加强英语国家文化背景知识的深入 了解,加强语言能力的运用 了解 加强语言能力的运用 3. 科学计划和安排时间 抓重点 重能力 将听说 科学计划和安排时间,抓重点 重能力, 抓重点,重能力 读写有机结合地培养
Learning to learn
I. Know yourself Visual learner--- see Kinesthetic learner---involve Auditory learner---listen Multi-sensory---mixed type Do the questionaire
6 The sports meeting will be put off till Friday. 7 Keep away from the house! 8 The book is far from satisfactory. 9 Without your timely help, I wouldn’t have made such great progress. 10 By no means will I do such silly things. 11 It’s wrong to ignore traffic regulations.
语境 He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _____ was seen at its best when he worked with others. A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character