




A 抵消结算B 净额结算C 内部结算D 统筹结算正确答案:B2.国际企业国外子公司向母公司转移资金的最重要方式是()。

A 股利B 内部信贷C 支付特许权费D 支付管理服务费正确答案:A3.国际企业在考虑国家风险的情况下,决定采用调高项目报酬率的方式辅助投资决策,这就是()。

A 调整折现率法B 调整现金流量法C 调整利率法D 降低成本法正确答案:A4.不论跨国纳税人的收入源于何国,只要是本国居民,就要对其全部收入予以征税,这属于()。

A 按属地原则确立的税收管辖权B 居住管辖权C 地域管辖权D 收入来源管辖权正确答案:B5.可口可乐公司采用在其他国家设立制造厂而非特许经营的模式,从国际直接投资角度来看,属于国际直接投资的()动机。

A 避开贸易壁垒B 保护无形资产C 利用国外生产要素D 实现纵向一体化正确答案:B6.关于国际商业银行贷款的表述不正确的是()。

A 不需要专款专用B 贷款金额大C 贷款成本较低D 贷款手续简便正确答案:C7.国际转移价格的强化管理功能是指()。

A 在世界范围内调配公司资源,实现优化配置B 将尽可能多的利润转移到税率较低的国家,降低税负C 对子公司实行业绩评价和管理控制,体现分权管理式管理8.关于融资性租赁与经营性租赁异同点的表述,正确的是()。

A 融资性租赁的租赁公司保留设备所有权B 融资性租赁合同期内,租赁设备的管理、维修和保养由出租人负责C 经营性租赁的租期一般较长D 租赁期满后,经营性租赁的承租人可以按资产的公平市价购买设备正确答案:A9.不属于国际资金转移管理方式的是()。

A 内部信贷B 支付特许权费C 转移定价D 购买原材料正确答案:D10.为了使国际企业的整体纳税额减少,由高税国子公司向低税国子公司的出口业务应采取()。

A 高价策略B 低价策略C 市价策略D 议价策略正确答案:B11.跨国纳税人利用两个或两个以上国家的税法和国际税收协定的差异、漏洞、特例和缺陷,规避或减轻其总纳税义务的行为是()。














6.分权模式: 子公司拥有充分的财务管理决策权,母公司对于其财务管理控制以间接管理为主。








B 税收协定2.()是指通过货币收付结清国际间由于国际贸易后其他政治、经济、文化等交流活动而发生的债权债务所确定的原则和采取的措施。

C 国际结算制度3.对企业的会计核算职能与财务管理职能不能进行分工的财务管理机构是()。

A 以会计为轴心的财务管理机构4.()是企业因进行对外交易而取得外币债券或承担外币债务时,由于交易发生日的汇率与结算日的汇率不一致,可能导致收入或支出发生变动的风险。

A 交易风险5.在直接报价方式下,报价的前一个数字表示银行的(),后一个数字表示银行的()。

B 买价卖价6.以每单位或每一百个单位外国货币作为标准,折算为一定数额的本国货币属于()。

A 直接报价7.远期市场报价中()方式适用于银行间市场。

D 溢折价报价8.按照时态法如果真实资产以现行市场价格表示则按()折算。

B 现行汇率9.将项目将来可能获得的现金流量按照项目资本成本折算后的现值减去项目的初始现金支出的资本预算方法是()。

A 净现值法10.如果股票投资达到了对某企业进行控制的程度,则属于()。

C 直接投资11.借款人无法按时支付利息或偿还本金而给投资者带来的风险,通常称为()。

C 财务风险12.由于通货膨胀的影响,使得证券投资收益率低于物价上涨指数,造成投资者实际投资收益率下降的可能性,我们把这种风险称为证券投资的()。

D 购买力风险13.将金融资产转变为现金的快慢程度,导致的在变现过程中出现损失的可能性,我们把这种风险称为证券投资的()。

C 流动性风险14.国际投资按资金来源分类,可分为()。

A 公共投资和私人投资15.以资本增值为目的,以取得利息或股息等为形式,以被投资国的证券为对象的跨国投资,即在国际债券市场购买中长期债券,或在外国股票市场上购买企业股票的一种投资活动是()。






• A 12%• B 10.8%• C 11.8%• D 12.8%正确答案:B单选题2.某企业基建3年,每年初向银行贷款100万元,年利率为10%,银行要求企业在第5、第6和第7年的年末等额送还,则企业每年应送还()万元。

• A 161.04• B 177.15• C 146.40• D 177.69正确答案:A单选题3.年初存款10万元,求第5年末的代价,可用()来盘算。

• A 复利现值系数• B 复利终值系数• C 普通年金现值系数• D 普通年金终值系数正确答案:B单选题4.权益乘数是指()。

• A 1/(1-产权比率)• B 1/(1-资产欠债率)• C 产权比率/(1-产权比率)• D 资产欠债率/(1-资产欠债率)正确答案:B单选题5.某公司经营杠杆系数为1.5,财务杠杆系数为2。


• A 3• B 4• C 6• D 8正确答案:A单选题6.某公司股票的β系数为1.5,无风险利率为4%,市场上所有股票的平均收益率为10%,则该公司股票的须要收益率为()。

• A 11%• B 12%• C 13%• D 14%正确答案:C单选题7.某大学拟创建一项永久性奖学金,每年筹划颁发4万元奖学金。


• A 40万元• B 46.3万元• C 54万元• D 50万元正确答案:D单选题8.投资于国库券时可不必考虑的风险是()。

• A 违约风险• B 购买力风险• C 利率风险• D 再投资风险正确答案:A单选题9.下列筹资方法中,没有筹集用度的是()。

• A 刊行普通股票• B 刊行优先股票• C 长期借款• D 留用利润正确答案:D单选题10.决定报酬率和风险的首要因素是()。


16. 在国际融资租赁方式下,租金应包括以下各项内容()
A. 租赁资产的总成本
B. 租赁手续费
C. 融资利息
D. 设备折旧费
满分:2 分
17. 外汇风险的构成因素包括()
A. 外币
B. 本币
C. 时间
D. 汇率变动
E. 利率变动
满分:2 分
18. 对承租人来说,国际租赁的缺点是()
A. 创建新企业
B. 购买现有企业产权
C. 购买外国公司向当时数量的股票,掌握控制权
D. 设立分支结构
满分:2 分
15. 国际财务管理产生和发展主要取决于()
A. 金融市场国际化
B. 企业生产国际化
C. 企业贸易国际化
D. 企业技术国际化
E. 企业会计国际化
满分:2 分
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:2 分
6. 出口换汇成本的数值越是高于银行挂牌汇率就越好。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:2 分
7. 固定利率债券通常是折价或溢价发行,而浮动利率债券通常是按面值发行。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:2 分
8. 在国际融资租赁中,承租人有租赁设备采购的选择权.
、判断题(共 12 道试题,共 24 分。)
1. 无论投资形势如何,均以投资者是否掌握投资项目的管理控制权。作为确定对外直接投资和间接投资的主要分界线。
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:2 分
2. 直接上市是国家鼓励采用的国际股票融资方式。
A. 错误
A. 受东道国政府限制较少



C H A P T E R8M A N A G E M E N T O F T R A N S A C T I O N E X P O S U R ESUGGESTED ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS ANDPROBLEMSQUESTIONS1. How would you define transaction exposure How is it different from economic exposureAnswer: Transaction exposure is the sensitivity of realized domestic currency values of the firm’s contractual cash flows denominated in foreign currencies to unexpected changes in exchange rates. Unlike economic exposure, transaction exposure is well-defined and short-term.2. Discuss and compare hedging transaction exposure using the forward contract vs. money market instruments. When do the alternative hedging approaches produce the same resultAnswer: Hedging transaction exposure by a forward contract is achieved by selling or buying foreign currency receivables or payables forward. On the other hand, money market hedge is achieved by borrowing or lending the present value of foreign currency receivables or payables, thereby creating offsetting foreign currency positions. If the interest rate parity is holding, the two hedging methods are equivalent.3. Discuss and compare the costs of hedging via the forward contract and the options contract. Answer: There is no up-front cost of hedging by forward contracts. In the case of options hedging, however, hedgers should pay the premiums for the contracts up-front. The cost of forward hedging, however, may be realized ex post when the hedger regrets his/her hedging decision.4. What are the advantages of a currency options contract as a hedging tool compared with the forward contractAnswer: The main advantage of using options contracts for hedging is that the hedger can decide whether to exercise options upon observing the realized future exchange rate. Options thus provide a hedge against ex post regret that forward hedger might have to suffer. Hedgers can only eliminate the downside risk while retaining the upside potential.5. Suppose your company has purchased a put option on the German mark to manage exchange exposure associated with an account receivable denominated in that currency. In this case, your company can be said to have an ‘insurance’ policy on its receivable. Explain in what sense this is so.Answer: Your company in this case knows in advance that it will receive a certain minimum dollar amount no matter what might happen to the $/€exchange rate. Furthermore, if the German mark appreciates, your company will benefit from the rising euro.6. Recent surveys of corporate exchange risk management practices indicate that many U.S. firms simply do not hedge. How would you explain this resultAnswer: There can be many possible reasons for this. First, many firms may feel that they are not really exposed to exchange risk due to product diversification, diversified markets for their products, etc. Second, firms may be using self-insurance against exchange risk. Third, firms may feel that shareholders can diversify exchange risk themselves, rendering corporate risk management unnecessary.7. Should a firm hedge Why or why notAnswer: In a perfect capital market, firms may not need to hedge exchange risk. But firms can add to their value by hedging if markets are imperfect. First, if management knows about the firm’s exposure better than shareholders, the firm, not its shareholders, should hedge. Second, firms may be able to hedge at a lower cost. Third, if default costs are significant, corporate hedging can be justifiable because it reduces the probability of default. Fourth, if the firm faces progressive taxes, it can reduce tax obligations by hedging which stabilizes corporate earnings.8. Using an example, discuss the possible effect of hedging on a firm’s tax obligations.Answer: One can use an example similar to the one presented in the chapter.9. Explain contingent exposure and discuss the advantages of using currency options to manage this type of currency exposure.Answer: Companies may encounter a situation where they may or may not face currency exposure. In this situation, companies need options, not obligations, to buy or sell a given amount of foreign exchange they may or may not receive or have to pay. If companies either hedge using forward contracts or do not hedge at all, they may face definite currency exposure.10. Explain cross-hedging and discuss the factors determining its effectiveness.Answer: Cross-hedging involves hedging a position in one asset by taking a position in another asset. The effectiveness of cross-hedging would depend on the strength and stability of the relationship between the two assets.PROBLEMS1. Cray Research sold a super computer to the Max Planck Institute in Germany on credit and invoiced €10 million payable in six months. Currently, the six-month forward exchange rate is $€ and the foreign exchange advisor for Cray Research predicts that the spot rate is likely to be $€ in six months.(a) What is the expected gain/loss from the forward hedging(b) If you were the financial manager of Cray Research, would you recommend hedging this euro receivable Why or why not(c) Suppose the foreign exchange advisor predicts that the future spot rate will be the same as the forward exchange rate quoted today. Would you recommend hedging in this case Why or why not Solution: (a) Expected gain($) = 10,000,000 –= 10,000,000(.05)= $500,000.(b) I would recommend hedging because Cray Research can increase the expected dollar receipt by $500,000 and also eliminate the exchange risk.(c) Since I eliminate risk without sacrificing dollar receipt, I still would recommend hedging.2. IBM purchased computer chips from NEC, a Japanese electronics concern, and was billed ¥250 million payable in three months. Currently, the spot exchange rate is ¥105/$ and the three-month forward rate is ¥100/$. The three-month money market interest rate is 8 percent per annum in the U.S. and 7 percent per annum in Japan. The management of IBM decided to use the money market hedge to deal with this yen account payable.(a) Explain the process of a money market hedge and compute the dollar cost of meeting the yen obligation.(b) Conduct the cash flow analysis of the money market hedge.Solution: (a). Let’s first compute the PV of ¥250 million, .,250m/ = ¥245,700,So if the above yen amount is invested today at the Japanese interest rate for three months, the maturity value will be exactly equal to ¥25 million which is the amount of payable.To buy the above yen amount today, it will cost:$2,340, = ¥250,000,000/105.The dollar cost of meeting this yen obligation is $2,340, as of today.(b)___________________________________________________________________Transaction CF0 CF1____________________________________________________________________1. Buy yens spot -$2,340,with dollars ¥245,700,2. Invest in Japan - ¥245,700, ¥250,000,0003. Pay yens - ¥250,000,000Net cash flow - $2,340,____________________________________________________________________3. You plan to visit Geneva, Switzerland in three months to attend an international business conference.You expect to incur the total cost of SF 5,000 for lodging, meals and transportation during your stay. As of today, the spot exchange rate is $SF and the three-month forward rate is $SF. You can buy the three-month call option on SF with the exercise rate of $SF for the premium of $ per SF. Assume that your expected future spot exchange rate is the same as the forward rate. The three-month interest rate is 6 percent per annum in the United States and 4 percent per annum in Switzerland.(a) Calculate your expected dollar cost of buying SF5,000 if you choose to hedge via call option on SF.(b) Calculate the future dollar cost of meeting this SF obligation if you decide to hedge using a forward contract.(c) At what future spot exchange rate will you be indifferent between the forward and option market hedges(d) Illustrate the future dollar costs of meeting the SF payable against the future spot exchange rate under both the options and forward market hedges.Solution: (a) Total option premium = (.05)(5000) = $250. In three months, $250 is worth $ = $250. At the expected future spot rate of $SF, which is less than the exercise price, you don’t expect to exercise options. Rather, you expect to buy Swiss franc at $SF. Since you are going to buy SF5,000, you expect to spend $3,150 (=.63x5,000). Thus, the total expected cost of buying SF5,000 will be the sum of $3,150 and $, ., $3,.(b) $3,150 = (.63)(5,000).(c) $3,150 = 5,000x + , where x represents the break-even future spot rate. Solving for x, we obtain x = $SF. Note that at the break-even future spot rate, options will not be exercised.(d) If the Swiss franc appreciates beyond $SF, which is the exercise price of call option, you will exercise the option and buy SF5,000 for $3,200. The total cost of buying SF5,000 will be $3, = $3,200 + $.This is the maximum you will pay.4. Boeing just signed a contract to sell a Boeing 737 aircraft to Air France. Air France will be billed €20million which is payable in one year. The current spot exchange rate is $€ and the one -year forward rateis $€. The annual interest rate is % in the U.S. and % in France. Boeing is concerned with the volatile exchange rate between the dollar and the euro and would like to hedge exchange exposure.(a) It is considering two hedging alternatives: sell the euro proceeds from the sale forward or borrow euros from the Credit Lyonnaise against the euro receivable. Which alternative would you recommend Why(b) Other things being equal, at what forward exchange rate would Boeing be indifferent between the two hedging methodsSolution: (a) In the case of forward hedge, the future dollar proceeds will be (20,000,000) = $22,000,000. In the case of money market hedge (MMH), the firm has to first borrow the PV of its euro receivable, ., 20,000,000/ =€19,047,619. Then the firm should exchange this euro amount into dollars at the current spot rate to receive: (€19,047,619)($€) = $20,000,000, which can be in vested at the dollar interest rate for one year to yield:$20,000,000 = $21,200,000.Clearly, the firm can receive $800,000 more by using forward hedging.(b) According to IRP, F = S(1+i $)/(1+i F ). Thus the “indifferent” forward rate will be: F = / = $€.5. Suppose that Baltimore Machinery sold a drilling machine to a Swiss firm and gave the Swiss client a choice of paying either $10,000 or SF 15,000 in three months.(a) In the above example, Baltimore Machinery effectively gave the Swiss client a free option to buy up to $10,000 dollars using Swiss franc. What is the ‘implied’ exercise exchange rate(b) If the spot exchange rate turns out to be $SF, which currency do you think the Swiss client will choose to use for payment What is the value of this free option for the Swiss client (c) What is the best way for Baltimore Machinery to deal with the exchange exposure Solution: (a) The implied exercise (price) rate is: 10,000/15,000 = $SF .(b) If the Swiss client chooses to pay $10,000, it will cost SF16,129 (=10,000/.62). Since the Swiss client has an option to pay SF15,000, it will choose to do so. The value of this option is obviously SF1,129 (=SF16,129-SF15,000).(c) Baltimore Machinery faces a contingent exposure in the sense that it may or may not receive SF15,000 in the future. The firm thus can hedge this exposure by buying a put option on SF15,000. 6. Princess Cruise Company (PCC) purchased a ship from Mitsubishi Heavy Industry. PCC owes Mitsubishi Heavy Industry 500 million yen in one year. The current spot rate is 124 yen per dollar and the one-year forward rate is 110 yen per dollar. The annual interest rate is 5% in Japan and 8% in the .$ Cost Options hedgeForward hedge$3,$3,1500 (strike price)$/SF$PCC can also buy a one-year call option on yen at the strike price of $.0081 per yen for a premium of .014 cents per yen.(a) Compute the future dollar costs of meeting this obligation using the money market hedge and the forward hedges.(b) Assuming that the forward exchange rate is the best predictor of the future spot rate, compute the expected future dollar cost of meeting this obligation when the option hedge is used.(c) At what future spot rate do you think PCC may be indifferent between the option and forward hedge Solution: (a) In the case of forward hedge, the dollar cost will be 500,000,000/110 = $4,545,455. In the case of money market hedge, the future dollar cost will be: 500,000,000/(124)= $4,147,465.(b) The option premium is: (.014/100)(500,000,000) = $70,000. Its future value will be $70,000 = $75,600.At the expected future spot rate of $.0091(=1/110), which is higher than the exercise of $.0081, PCC will exercise its call option and buy ¥500,000,000 for $4,050,000 (=500,000,.The total expected cost will thus be $4,125,600, which is the sum of $75,600 and $4,050,000.(c) When t he option hedge is used, PCC will spend “at most” $4,125,000. On the other hand, when the forward hedging is used, PCC will have to spend $4,545,455 regardless of the future spot rate. This means that the options hedge dominates the forward hedge. At no future spot rate, PCC will be indifferent between forward and options hedges.7. Airbus sold an aircraft, A400, to Delta Airlines, a U.S. company, and billed $30 million payable in six months. Airbus is concerned with the euro proceeds from international sales and would like to control exchange risk. The current spot exchange rate is $€ and six-month forward exchange rate is $€ at the moment. Airbus can buy a six-month put option on . dollars with a strike price of €$ for a premium of € per . dollar. Currently, six-month interest rate is % in the euro zone and % in the U.S.pute the guaranteed euro proceeds from the American sale if Airbus decides to hedge using aforward contract.b.If Airbus decides to hedge using money market instruments, what action does Airbus need to takeWhat would be the guaranteed euro proceeds from the American sale in this casec.If Airbus decides to hedge using put options on . dollars, what would be the ‘expected’ europroceeds from the American sale Assume that Airbus regards the current forward exchange rate as an unbiased predictor of the future spot exchange rate.d.At what future spot exchange rate do you think Airbus will be indifferent between the option andmoney market hedgeSolution:a. Airbus will sell $30 million for ward for €27,272,727 = ($30,000,000) / ($€).b. Airbus will borrow the present value of the dollar receivable, ., $29,126,214 = $30,000,000/, and then sell the dollar proceeds spot for euros: €27,739,251. This is the euro amount that Airbus is going to ke ep.c. Since the expected future spot rate is less than the strike price of the put option, ., €< €, Airbus expects to exercise the option and receive €28,500,000 = ($30,000,000)(€$). This is gross proceeds. Airbus spent €600,000 (=,000,000) upfront for the option and its future cost is equal to €615,000 = €600,000 x . Thus the net europroceeds from the American sale is €27,885,000, which is the difference between the gross proceeds and the option costs.d. At the indifferent future spot rate, the following will hold:€28,432,732 = S T (30,000,000) - €615,000.Solving for S T, we obtain the “indifference” future spot exchange rate, ., €$, or $€. Note that €28,432,732 is the future value of the proceeds under money market hedging:€28,432,732 = (€27,739,251) .Suggested solution for Mini Case: Chase Options, Inc.[See Chapter 13 for the case text]Chase Options, Inc.Hedging Foreign Currency Exposure Through Currency OptionsHarvey A. PoniachekI. Case SummaryThis case reviews the foreign exchange options market and hedging. It presents various international transactions that require currency options hedging strategies by the corporations involved. Seven transactions under a variety of circumstances are introduced that require hedging by currency options. The transactions involve hedging of dividend remittances, portfolio investment exposure, and strategic economic competitiveness. Market quotations are provided for options (and options hedging ratios), forwards, and interest rates for various maturities.II. Case Objective.The case introduces the student to the principles of currency options market and hedging strategies. The transactions are of various types that often confront companies that are involved in extensive international business or multinational corporations. The case induces students to acquire hands-on experience in addressing specific exposure and hedging concerns, including how to apply various market quotations, which hedging strategy is most suitable, and how to address exposure in foreign currency through cross hedging policies.III. Proposed Assignment Solution1. The company expects DM100 million in repatriated profits, and does not want the DM/$ exchange rate at which they convert those profits to rise above . They can hedge this exposure using DM put options with a strike price of . If the spot rate rises above , they can exercise the option, while if that rate falls they can enjoy additional profits from favorable exchange rate movements.To purchase the options would require an up-front premium of:DM 100,000,000 x = DM 1,640,000.With a strike price of DM/$, this would assure the U.S. company of receiving at least:DM 100,000,000 – DM 1,640,000 x (1 + x 272/360)= DM 98,254,544/ DM/$ = $57,796,791by exercising the option if the DM depreciated. Note that the proceeds from the repatriated profits are reduced by the premium paid, which is further adjusted by the interest foregone on this amount. However, if the DM were to appreciate relative to the dollar, the company would allow the option to expire, and enjoy greater dollar proceeds from this increase.Should forward contracts be used to hedge this exposure, the proceeds received would be:DM100,000,000/ DM/$ = $59,790,732,regardless of the movement of the DM/$ exchange rate. While this amount is almost $2 million more than that realized using option hedges above, there is no flexibility regarding the exercise date; if this date differs from that at which the repatriate profits are available, the company may be exposed to additional further current exposure. Further, there is no opportunity to enjoy any appreciation in the DM. If the company were to buy DM puts as above, and sell an equivalent amount in calls with strike price , the premium paid would be exactly offset by the premium received. This would assure that the exchange rate realized would fall between and . If the rate rises above , the company will exercise its put option, and if it fell below , the other party would use its call; for any rate in between, both options would expire worthless. The proceeds realized would then fall between:DM 100,00,000/ DM/$ = $60,716,454andDM 100,000,000/ DM/$ = $58,823,529.This would allow the company some upside potential, while guaranteeing proceeds at least $1 million greater than the minimum for simply buying a put as above.Buy/Sell OptionsDM/$SpotPut Payoff “Put”Profits Call Payoff“Call”Profits Net Profit(1,742,846) 0 1,742,846 60,716,454 60,716,454 (1,742,846) 0 1,742,846 60,716,454 60,716,454 (1,742,846) 0 1,742,846 60,716,454 60,716,454 (1,742,846) 0 1,742,846 60,716,454 60,716,454 (1,742,846) 0 1,742,846 60,716,454 60,716,454 (1,742,846) 60,606,061 1,742,846 0 60,606,061 (1,742,846) 60,240,964 1,742,846 0 60,240,964 (1,742,846) 59,880,240 1,742,846 0 59,880,240 (1,742,846) 59,523,810 1,742,846 0 59,523,810 (1,742,846) 59,171,598 1,742,846 0 59,171,598 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529(1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529 (1,742,846) 58,823,529 1,742,846 0 58,823,529Since the firm believes that there is a good chance that the pound sterling will weaken, locking them into a forward contract would not be appropriate, because they would lose the opportunity to profit from this weakening. Their hedge strategy should follow for an upside potential to match their viewpoint. Therefore, they should purchase sterling call options, paying a premium of:5,000,000 STG x = 88,000 STG.If the dollar strengthens against the pound, the firm allows the option to expire, and buys sterling in the spot market at a cheaper price than they would have paid for a forward contract; otherwise, the sterling calls protect against unfavorable depreciation of the dollar.Because the fund manager is uncertain when he will sell the bonds, he requires a hedge which will allow flexibility as to the exercise date. Thus, options are the best instrument for him to use. He can buy A$ puts to lock in a floor of A$/$. Since he is willing to forego any further currency appreciation, he can sell A$ calls with a strike price of A$/$ to defray the cost of his hedge (in fact he earns a net premium of A$ 100,000,000 x –= A$ 2,300), while knowing that he can’t receive less than A$/$ when redeeming his investment, and can benefit from a small appreciation of the A$.Example #3:Problem: Hedge principal denominated in A$ into US$. Forgo upside potential to buy floor protection.I. Hedge by writing calls and buying puts1) Write calls for $/A$ @Buy puts for $/A$ @# contracts needed = Principal in A$/Contract size100,000,000A$/100,000 A$ = 1002) Revenue from sale of calls = (# contracts)(size of contract)(premium)$75,573 = (100)(100,000 A$)(.007234 $/A$)(1 + .0825 195/360)3) Total cost of puts = (# contracts)(size of contract)(premium)$75,332 = (100)(100,000 A$)(.007211 $/A$)(1 + .0825 195/360)4) Put payoffIf spot falls below , fund manager will exercise putIf spot rises above , fund manager will let put expire5) Call payoffIf spot rises above .8025, call will be exercised If spot falls below .8025, call will expire6) Net payoffSee following Table for net payoff Australian Dollar Bond HedgeStrikePrice Put Payoff “Put”Principal Call Payoff“Call”Principal Net Profit(75,332) 72,000,000 75,573 0 72,000,241(75,332) 72,000,000 75,573 0 72,000,241(75,332) 72,000,000 75,573 0 72,000,241(75,332) 72,000,000 75,573 0 72,000,241(75,332) 72,000,000 75,573 0 72,000,241(75,332) 72,000,000 75,573 0 72,000,241(75,332) 72,000,000 75,573 0 72,000,241(75,332) 72,000,000 75,573 0 72,000,241(75,332) 72,000,000 75,573 0 72,000,241(75,332) 72,000,000 75,573 0 72,000,241(75,332) 72,000,000 75,573 0 72,000,241(75,332) 72,000,000 75,573 0 72,000,241(75,332) 72,000,000 75,573 0 72,000,241(75,332) 73,000,000 75,573 0 73,000,241(75,332) 74,000,000 75,573 0 74,000,241(75,332) 75,000,000 75,573 0 75,000,241(75,332) 76,000,000 75,573 0 76,000,241(75,332) 77,000,000 75,573 0 77,000,241(75,332) 78,000,000 75,573 0 78,000,241(75,332) 79,000,000 75,573 0 79,000,241(75,332) 80,000,000 75,573 0 80,000,241(75,332) 0 75,573 80,250,000 80,250,241(75,332) 0 75,573 80,250,000 80,250,241(75,332) 0 75,573 80,250,000 80,250,241(75,332) 0 75,573 80,250,000 80,250,241(75,332) 0 75,573 80,250,000 80,250,241 4. The German company is bidding on a contract which they cannot be certain of winning. Thus, the need to execute a currency transaction is similarly uncertain, and using a forward or futures as a hedge is inappropriate, because it would force them to perform even if they do not win the contract.Using a sterling put option as a hedge for this transaction makes the most sense. For a premium of:12 million STG x = 193,200 STG,they can assure themselves that adverse movements in the pound sterling exchange rate will not diminish the profitability of the project (and hence the feasibility of their bid), while at the same time allowing the potential for gains from sterling appreciation.5. Since AMC in concerned about the adverse effects that a strengthening of the dollar would have on its business, we need to create a situation in which it will profit from such an appreciation. Purchasing a yen put or a dollar call will achieve this objective. The data in Exhibit 1, row 7 represent a 10 percent appreciation of the dollar strike vs. forward rate) and can be used to hedge against a similar appreciation of the dollar.For every million yen of hedging, the cost would be:Yen 100,000,000 x = 127 Yen.To determine the breakeven point, we need to compute the value of this option if the dollar appreciated 10 percent (spot rose to , and subtract from it the premium we paid. This profit would be compared with the profit earned on five to 10 percent of AMC’s sales (which would be lost as a result of the dollar appreciation). The number of options to be purchased which would equalize these two quantities would represent the breakeven point.Example #5:Hedge the economic cost of the depreciating Yen to AMC.If we assume that AMC sales fall in direct proportion to depreciation in the yen ., a 10 percent decline in yen and 10 percent decline in sales), then we can hedge the full value of AMC’s sales. I have assumed $100 million in sales.1) Buy yen puts# contracts needed = Expected Sales *Current ¥/$ Rate / Contract size9600 = ($100,000,000)(120¥/$) / ¥1,250,0002) Total Cost = (# contracts)(contract size)(premium)$1,524,000 = (9600)( ¥1,250,000)($¥)3) Floor rate = Exercise – Premium¥/$ = ¥/$ - $1,524,000/12,000,000,000¥4) The payoff changes depending on the level of the ¥/$ rate. The following table summarizes thepayoffs. An equilibrium is reached when the spot rate equals the floor rate.AMC ProfitabilityYen/$ Spot Put Payoff Sales Net Profit120 (1,524,990) 100,000,000 98,475,010121 (1,524,990) 99,173,664 97,648,564122 (1,524,990) 98,360,656 96,835,666123 (1,524,990) 97,560,976 86,035,986124 (1,524,990) 96,774,194 95,249,204125 (1,524,990) 96,000,000 94,475,010126 (1,524,990) 95,238,095 93,713,105127 (847,829) 94,488,189 93,640,360128 (109,640) 93,750,000 93,640,360129 617,104 93,023,256 93,640,360130 1,332,668 92,307,692 93,640,360131 2,037,307 91,603,053 93,640,360132 2,731,269 90,909,091 93,640,360133 3,414,796 90,225,664 93,640,360134 4,088,122 89,552,239 93,640,360135 4,751,431 88,888,889 93,640,360136 5,405,066 88,235,294 93,640,360137 6,049,118 87,591,241 93,640,360138 6,683,839 86,966,522 93,640,360139 7,308,425 86,330,936 93,640,360140 7,926,075 85,714,286 93,640,360141 8,533,977 85,106,383 93,640,360142 9,133,318 84,507,042 93,640,360143 9,724,276 83,916,084 93,640,360144 10,307,027 83,333,333 93,640,360145 10,881,740 82,758,621 93,640,360146 11,448,579 82,191,781 93,640,360147 12,007,707 81,632,653 93,640,360148 12,569,279 81,081,081 93,640,360149 13,103,448 80,536,913 93,640,360150 13,640,360 80,000,000 93,640,360The parent has a DM payable, and Lira receivable. It has several ways to cover its exposure; forwards, options, or swaps.The forward would be acceptable for the DM loan, because it has a known quantity and maturity, but the Lira exposure would retain some of its uncertainty because these factors are not assured.The parent could buy DM calls and Lira puts. This would allow them to take advantage of favorable。



XXXX浙大远程教育国际财务管理练习题_答案完美版《国际财务管理》练习题参考答案第1章国际财务管理导论一、名词解释1.国际企业: 超越国界从事商业活动的企业,包括各种类型、各种规模的参与国际商务的企业。








4.分部式组织: 称事业部制组织结构。



6.分权模式: 子公司拥有充分的财务管理决策权,母公司对于其财务管理控制以间接管理为主。









A 经济风险B 交易风险C 折算风险D 金融风险正确答案:C单选题2.根据无偏估计理论,如果外汇市场是有效的,则远期汇率应该是()的一个无偏估计。

A 现时即期汇率B 未来即期汇率C 远期折现汇率D 远期合同汇率正确答案:B单选题3.由东道国对跨国公司在当地业务的政策的不确定性引起的政治风险称为()。

A 制度风险B 转移风险C 经营风险D 控制风险正确答案:D单选题4.出口方把经进口方承兑和进口方银行担保的期限在6个月-10年的远期汇票或本票,在无追索权的基础上出售给出口地银行或金融公司,从而提前获得现金的融资方式为()A 国际保理业务B 保付代理C 福费廷业务D 卖方信贷正确答案:C单选题5.每种货币在本国都有购买商品和劳务的能力,不同货币购买力的比率构成了相互间汇率的基础。


A 购买力平价理论B 国际费雪效应理论C 利率平价理论D 无偏估计理论正确答案:A单选题6.只有()的变化才会对经营风险产生影响,即影响营业现金流。

A 真实汇率B 名义汇率C 原始汇率D 现行汇率正确答案:A单选题7.国际企业财务管理在确定采取集权模式还是分权模式时,应当考虑的因素不包括()。

A 董事会决策B 代理成本与企业适应性的平衡C 企业的组织结构D 文化传统正确答案:A单选题8.现金管理中心进行多国现金调度时,应比较(),确定现金余缺。

A 母公司当日现金余额与核定的最低现金余额B 子公司当日现金余额与核定的最低现金余额C 母公司当日现金余额与核定的最高现金余额D 子公司当日现金余额与核定的最高现金余额正确答案:B单选题9.通过再开票中心管理营运资金,以下说法错误的是()。



CHAPTER 9 MANAGEMENT OF ECONOMIC EXPOSURESUGGESTED ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTERQUESTIONS AND PROBLEMSQUESTIONS1. How would you define economic exposure to exchange risk?Answer: Economic exposure can be defined as the possibility that the firm’s cash flows and thus its market value may be affected by the unexpected exchange rate changes.2. Explain the following statement: “Exposure is the regression coefficient.”Answer: Exposure to currency risk can be appropriately measured by th e sensitivity of the firm’s future cash flows and the market value to random changes in exchange rates. Statistically, this sensitivity can be estimated by the regression coefficient. Thus, exposure can be said to be the regression coefficient.3. Suppose that your company has an equity position in a French firm. Discuss the condition under which the dollar/franc exchange rate uncertainty does not constitute exchange exposure for your company.Answer: Mere changes in exchange rates do not necessarily constitute currency exposure. If the French franc value of the equity moves in the opposite direction as much as the dollar value of the franc changes, then the dollar value of the equity position will be insensitive to exchange rate movements. As a result, your company will not be exposed to currency risk.4. Explain the competitive and conversion effects of exchange rate changes on the firm’s operating cash flow.Answer: The competitive effect: exchange rate changes may affect operating cash flows by altering the firm’s competitive position.The conversion effect: A given operating cash flows in terms of a foreign currency will be converted into higher or lower dollar (home currency)amounts as the exchange rate changes.5. Discuss the determinants of operating exposure.Answer: The main determinants of a firm’s operating exposure are (1) the structure of the markets in which the firm sources its inputs, such as labor and materials, and sells its products, and (2) the firm’s ability to mitigate the effect of exchange rate changes by adjusting its markets, product mix, and sourcing.6. Discuss the implications of purchasing power parity for operating exposure.Answer: If the exchange rate changes are matched by the inflation rate differential between countries, firms’ competitive positions will not be altered by exchange rate changes. Firms are not subject to operating exposure.7. General Motors exports cars to Spain but the strong dollar against the peseta hurts sales of GM cars in Spain. In the Spanish market, GM faces competition from the Italian and French car makers, such as Fiat and Renault, whose currencies remain stable relative to the peseta. What kind of measures would you recommend so that GM can maintain its market share in Spain.Answer: Possible measures that GM can take include: (1) diversify the market; try to market the cars not just in Spain and other European countries but also in, say, Asia; (2) locate production facilities in Spain and source inputs locally; (3) locate production facilities, say, in Mexico where production costs are low and export to Spain from Mexico.8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of financial hedging of the firm’s operating exposure vis-à-vis operational hedges (such as relocating manufacturing site)?Answer: Financial hedging can be implemented quickly with relatively low costs, but it is difficult to hedge against long-term, real exposure with financial contracts. On the other hand, operational hedges are costly, time-consuming, and not easily reversible.9. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of maintaining multiple manufacturing sites as a hedge against exchange rate exposure.Answer: To establish multiple manufacturing sites can be effective in managing exchange risk exposure, but it can be costly because the firm may not be able to take advantage of the economy of scale.10. Evaluate the following statement: “A firm can reduce its currency exposure by diversifying across different business lines.”Answer: Conglomerate expansion may be too costly as a means of hedging exchange risk exposure. Investment in a different line of business must be made based on its own merit.11. The exchange rate uncertainty may not necessarily mean that firms face exchange risk exposure. Explain why this may be the case.Answer: A firm can have a natural hedging position due to, for example, diversified markets, flexible sourcing capabilities, etc. In addition, to the extent that the PPP holds, nominal exchange rate changes do not influenc e firms’ competitive positions. Under these circumstances, firms do not need to worry about exchange risk exposure.PROBLEMS1. Suppose that you hold a piece of land in the City of London that you may want to sell in one year. As a U.S. resident, you are concerned with the dollar value of the land. Assume that, if the British economy booms in the future, the land will be worth £2,000 and one British pound will be worth $1.40. If the British economy slows down, on the other hand, the land will be worth less, i.e., £1,500, but the pound will be stronger, i.e., $1.50/£. You feel that the British economy will experience a boom with a 60% probability and a slow-down with a 40% probability.(a) Estimate your exposure b to the exchange risk.(b) Compute the variance of the dollar value of your property that is attributable to the exchange rate uncertainty.(c) Discuss how you can hedge your exchange risk exposure and also examine the consequences of hedging.Solution: (a) Let us compute the necessary parameter values:E(P) = (.6)($2800)+(.4)($2250) = $1680+$900 = $2,580E(S) = (.6)(1.40)+(.4)(1.5) = 0.84+0.60 = $1.44Var(S) = (.6)(1.40-1.44)2 + (.4)(1.50-1.44)2= .00096+.00144 = .0024.Cov(P,S) = (.6)(2800-2580)(1.4-1.44)+(.4)(2250-2580)(1.5-1.44)= -5.28-7.92 = -13.20b = Cov(P,S)/Var(S) = -13.20/.0024 = -£5,500.You have a negative exposure! As the pound gets stronger (weaker) against the dollar, the dollar value of your British holding goes down (up).(b) b2Var(S) = (-5500)2(.0024) =72,600($)2(c) Buy £5,500 forward. By doing so, you can eliminate the volatility of the dollar value of your British asset that is due to the exchange rate volatility.2. A U.S. firm holds an asset in France and faces the following scenario:In the above table, P* is the euro price of the asset held by the U.S. firm and P is the dollar price of the asset.(a) Compute the exchange exposure faced by the U.S. firm.(b) What is the variance of the dollar price of this asset if the U.S. firm remains unhedged against thisexposure?(c) If the U.S. firm hedges against this exposure using the forward contract, what is the variance of thedollar value of the hedged position?Solution: (a)E(S) = .25(1.20 +1.10+1.00+0.90) = $1.05/€E(P) = .25(1,800+1,540+1,300 +1,080) = $1,430Var(S) = .25[(1.20-1.05)2 +(1.10-1.05)2+(1.00-1.05)2+(0.90-1.05)2]= .0125Cov(P,S) = .25[(1,800-1,430)(1.20-1.05) + (1,540-1,430)(1.10-1.05)(1,300-1,430)(1.00-1.05) + (1,080-1,430)(0.90-1.05)]= 30b = Cov(P,S)/Var(S) = 30/0.0125 = €2,400.(b) Var(P) = .25[(1,800-1,430)2+(1,540-1,430)2+(1,300-1,430)2+(1,080-1,430)2]= 72,100($)2.(c) Var(P) - b2Var(S) = 72,100 - (2,400)2(0.0125) = 100($)2.This means that most of the volatility of the dollar value of the French asset can be removed by hedging exchange risk. The hedging can be achieved by selling €2,400 forward.MINI CASE: ECONOMIC EXPOSURE OF ALBION COMPUTERS PLCConsider Case 3 of Albion Computers PLC discussed in the chapter. Now, assume that the pound is expected to depreciate to $1.50 from the current level of $1.60 per pound. This implies that the pound cost of the imported part, i.e., Intel’s microprocessors, is £341 (=$512/$1.50). Other variables, such as the unit sales volume and the U.K. inflation rate, remain the same as in Case 3.(a) Compute the projected annual cash flow in dollars.(b) Compute the projected operating gains/losses over the four-year horizon as the discounted present value of change in cash flows, which is due to the pound depreciation, from the benchmark case presented in Exhibit 12.4.(c) What actions, if any, can Albion take to mitigate the projected operating losses due to the pound depreciation?Suggested Solution to Economic Exposure of Albion Computers PLCa) The projected annual cash flow can be computed as follows:______________________________________________________Sales (40,000 units at £1,080/unit) £43,200,000Variable costs (40,000 units at £697/unit) £27,880,000Fixed overhead costs 4,000,000Depreciation allowances 1,000,000Net profit before tax £15,315,000Income tax (50%) 7,657,500Profit after tax 7,657,500Add back depreciation 1,000,000Operating cash flow in pounds £8,657,500Operating cash flow in dollars $12,986,250______________________________________________________b) ______________________________________________________Benchmark CurrentVariables Case Case______________________________________________________Exchange rate ($/£) 1.60 1.50Unit variable cost (£) 650 697Unit sales price (£) 1,000 1,080Sales volume (units) 50,000 40,000Annual cash flow (£) 7,250,000 8,657,500Annual cash flow ($) 11,600,000 12,986,250Four-year present value ($) 33,118,000 37,076,946Operating gains/losses ($) 3,958,946______________________________________________________c) In this case, Albion actually can expect to realize exchange gains, rather than losses. This is mainly due to the fact that while the selling price appreciates by 8% in the U.K. market, the variable cost of imported input increased by about 6.25%. Albion may choose not to do anything.。




A 董事会决策B 代理成本与企业适应性旳平衡C 企业旳组织构造D 文化老式对旳答案:A单项选择题2.【第1章】如下有关许可经营与特许经营旳说法,对旳旳是()。

A 特许经营是许可经营旳特殊方式B 许可经营旳许可方会向被许可方提供全套专业化企业经营手段C 许可经营旳被许可方必须同意遵守严格旳规则和程序D 许可经营是特许经营旳特殊方式对旳答案:A多选题3.【第1章】企业国际化进程与全球政治经济亲密有关,如下属于推进企业国际化旳新动力和条件旳有()。

A 研究与开发成本上升B 发挥比较优势C 产品生命周期缩短D 规模经济发展旳需要对旳答案:ACD多选题4.【第1章】推进经济全球化浪潮旳原因有()。

A 贸易和投资旳自由化B 产品、技术原则旳全球化C 经济体制旳趋同D 信息技术革命旳推进对旳答案:ABCD多选题5.【第1章】有关财务管理旳集权与分权模式,如下说法对旳旳有()。

A 企业采用集权模式还是分权模式需要根据实际状况确定B 集权模式有助于各下属单位及时调整财务战略,规避风险C 分权模式也许会导致企业总体利益旳下降D 分权模式影响管理效率对旳答案:AC判断题6.【第1章】相比于跨国并购,新建境外子企业可以使国际企业在国际市场上迅速形成生产能力。

对旳错误对旳答案: 错判断题7.【第1章】国际企业与海外子企业之间旳许可经营可用于企业内部转移资金。

对旳错误对旳答案: 对判断题8.【第1章】国际财务管理与国内财务管理在性质上是相似旳,国际财务管理是国内财务管理在全球范围内旳简朴扩展和延伸。

对旳错误对旳答案: 错判断题9.【第1章】国际企业利润管理旳关键是利润分派和业绩旳考核。

对旳错误对旳答案: 对判断题10.【第1章】国际税收管理与国际财务管理不一样,不属于国际财务管理旳内容。

对旳错误对旳答案: 错单项选择题11.【第2章】某国际企业遭碰到旳发生在东道国旳如下行为中,不会对该企业导致负面影响旳是()。



《国际财务管理》章后练习题及参考答案《国际财务管理》章后练习题及参考答案《国际财务管理》章后练习题及参考答案第一章绪论第一章绪论一、单选题一、单选题1. 关于国际财务管理学与财务管理学的关系表述正确的是(C)。

A. 国际财务管理是学习财务管理的基础B. 国际财务管理与财务管理是两门截然不同的学科C. 国际财务管理是财务管理的一个新的分支D. 国际财务管理研究的范围要比财务管理的窄2. 凡经济活动跨越两个或更多国家国界的企业,都可以称为( A )。

A. 国际企业 B. 跨国企业 C. 跨国公司 D. 多国企业3.企业的( C)管理与财务管理密切结合,是国际财务管理的基本特点 A.资金 B.人事 C.外汇 D成本4.国际财务管理与跨国企业财务管理两个概念( D) 。

A. 完全相同B. 截然不同C. 仅是名称不同D. 内容有所不同 4.国际财务管理的内容不应该包括( C )。

A. 国际技术转让费管理B. 外汇风险管理企业进出口外汇收支管理 C. 合并财务报表管理 D.5.“企业生产经营国际化”和“金融市场国际化”的关系是( C )。

A. 二者毫不相关 B. 二者完全相同 C. 二者相辅相成 D. 二者互相起负面影响二、多选题二、多选题1.国际企业财务管理的组织形态应考虑的因素有( )。

A.公司规模的大小 B.国际经营的投入程度C.管理经验的多少D.整个国际经营所采取的组织形式 2.国际财务管理体系的内容包括( )A.外汇风险的管理B.国际税收管理C.国际投筹资管理D.国际营运资金管 3.国际财务管理目标的特点( )。

A.稳定性B.多元性C.层次性D.复杂性4.广义的国际财务管理观包括( )。

A.世界统一财务管理观B.比较财务管理观C.跨国公司财务管理观D.国际企业财务管理观5. 我国企业的国际财务活动日益频繁,具体表现在( )。

A. 企业从内向型向外向型转化 B. 外贸专业公司有了新的发展 C. 在国内开办三资企业 D. 向国外投资办企业 E. 通过各种形式从国外筹集资金三、判断题三、判断题1.国际财务管理是对企业跨国的财务活动进行的管理。




A 经济风险B 交易风险C 折算风险D 金融风险正确答案:C单选题2.根据无偏估计理论,如果外汇市场是有效的,则远期汇率应该是()的一个无偏估计。

A 现时即期汇率B 未来即期汇率C 远期折现汇率D 远期合同汇率正确答案:B单选题3.由东道国对跨国公司在当地业务的政策的不确定性引起的政治风险称为()。

A 制度风险B 转移风险C 经营风险D 控制风险正确答案:D单选题4.出口方把经进口方承兑和进口方银行担保的期限在6个月-10年的远期汇票或本票,在无追索权的基础上出售给出口地银行或金融公司,从而提前获得现金的融资方式为()A 国际保理业务B 保付代理C 福费廷业务D 卖方信贷正确答案:C单选题5.每种货币在本国都有购买商品和劳务的能力,不同货币购买力的比率构成了相互间汇率的基础。


A 购买力平价理论B 国际费雪效应理论C 利率平价理论D 无偏估计理论正确答案:A单选题6.只有()的变化才会对经营风险产生影响,即影响营业现金流。

A 真实汇率B 名义汇率C 原始汇率D 现行汇率正确答案:A单选题7.国际企业财务管理在确定采取集权模式还是分权模式时,应当考虑的因素不包括()。

A 董事会决策B 代理成本与企业适应性的平衡C 企业的组织结构D 文化传统正确答案:A单选题8.现金管理中心进行多国现金调度时,应比较(),确定现金余缺。

A 母公司当日现金余额与核定的最低现金余额B 子公司当日现金余额与核定的最低现金余额C 母公司当日现金余额与核定的最高现金余额D 子公司当日现金余额与核定的最高现金余额正确答案:B单选题9.通过再开票中心管理营运资金,以下说法错误的是()。







(4)出口信贷的发放与信贷担保相结合,以避免或减少信贷风险出口信贷的主要形式:1 卖方信贷2买方信贷3混合信贷4福费廷5买卖双方银行间信贷 6买单信贷 7出口信贷保险2、请简述企业进行国际证券投资的目的有哪些。





答:根据借款时汇率,应借100A元或200B元如借A元,则一年后本利和为:100×(1+12%)=112万A元如借B元,则一年后本利和为:200×(1+9%)=218万B元将其按一年后利率折合为A元,=218/1.8=121.11万A元因此,借A元比较有利(2)平衡点汇率=200×(1+9%)/100×(1+12%)=1.95平衡点汇率为:1A元=1.95B元2、我国某公司从A国某银行借入1 000万A元,年利息率12%,借款费用(筹资费)10万A元,期限一年,期满时一次还本付息。




• A 财务规划职能• B 财务操纵职能• C 财务分析职能• D 财务和谐职能正确答案:B单选题2.()科学地考虑了风险与酬劳之间的联系,能有效地克服企业财务治理人员不顾风险的大小,只片面追求利润的错误倾向。

• A 利润最大化目标• B 净现值最大化目标• C 资本成本最小化目标• D 股东财宝最大化目标正确答案:D单选题3.非预期的汇率变动通过阻碍跨国公司的生产销售数量、价格、成本等,导致公司国际竞争地位发生变化的风险是()。

• A 折算风险• B 交易风险• C 经营风险• D 利率风险正确答案:C单选题4.()是两个或两个以上主权国家之间,为了和谐在处理跨国纳税人征税事务和其他方面的税收事务,依据国际关系准则所签订的协议或者条约。

• A 税收抵免• B 税收协定• C 国际避税地• D 贸易谈判正确答案:B单选题5.()是评判国际财务治理活动是否合理的标准,是整个国际财务治理活动的定向机制、动身点和归宿。

• A 国际财务治理的特点• B 国际财务治理的职能• C 国际财务治理的目标• D 国际财务治理的内容正确答案:C单选题6.()是指通过货币收付结清国际间由于国际贸易后其他政治、经济、文化等交流活动而发生的债权债务所确定的原则和采取的措施。

• A 国际货币制度• B 国际收支制度• C 国际结算制度• D 国际贸易制度正确答案:C单选题7.国际现金治理,国际应收账款治理,国际存货治理属于()。

• A 国际税收治理• B 国际投资治理• C 国际筹资治理• D 国际营运资金治理正确答案:D单选题8.对企业的会计核算职能与财务治理职能不能进行分工的财务治理机构是()。

• A 以会计为轴心的财务治理机构• B 与会计机构并行的财务治理机构• C 财务公司型治理机构• D 企业各机构单设财务治理职能部门正确答案:A单选题9.()是企业因进行对外交易而取得外币债券或承担外币债务时,由于交易发生日的汇率与结算日的汇率不一致,可能导致收入或支动身生变动的风险。

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• A 财务规划职能• B 财务控制职能• C 财务分析职能• D 财务协调职能正确答案:B单选题2.()科学地考虑了风险与报酬之间的联系,能有效地克服企业财务管理人员不顾风险的大小,只片面追求利润的错误倾向。

• A 利润最大化目标• B 净现值最大化目标• C 资本成本最小化目标• D 股东财富最大化目标正确答案:D单选题3.非预期的汇率变动通过影响跨国公司的生产销售数量、价格、成本等,导致公司国际竞争地位发生变化的风险是()。

• A 折算风险• B 交易风险• C 经营风险• D 利率风险正确答案:C单选题4.()是两个或两个以上主权国家之间,为了协调在处理跨国纳税人征税事务和其他方面的税收事务,依据国际关系准则所签订的协议或者条约。

• A 税收抵免• B 税收协定• C 国际避税地• D 贸易谈判正确答案:B单选题5.()是评价国际财务管理活动是否合理的标准,是整个国际财务管理活动的定向机制、出发点和归宿。

• A 国际财务管理的特点• B 国际财务管理的职能• C 国际财务管理的目标• D 国际财务管理的内容正确答案:C单选题6.()是指通过货币收付结清国际间由于国际贸易后其他政治、经济、文化等交流活动而发生的债权债务所确定的原则和采取的措施。

• A 国际货币制度• B 国际收支制度• C 国际结算制度• D 国际贸易制度正确答案:C单选题7.国际现金管理,国际应收账款管理,国际存货管理属于()。

• A 国际税收管理• B 国际投资管理• C 国际筹资管理• D 国际营运资金管理正确答案:D单选题8.对企业的会计核算职能与财务管理职能不能进行分工的财务管理机构是()。

• A 以会计为轴心的财务管理机构• B 与会计机构并行的财务管理机构• C 财务公司型管理机构• D 企业各机构单设财务管理职能部门正确答案:A单选题9.()是企业因进行对外交易而取得外币债券或承担外币债务时,由于交易发生日的汇率与结算日的汇率不一致,可能导致收入或支出发生变动的风险。

• A 交易风险• B 折算风险• C 经济风险• D 政策风险正确答案:A单选题10.在国际企业中,由()负责日常的财务管理活动和决策。

• A 所有者• B 经营者• C 管理者• D 执行者正确答案:B单选题11.交易双方在达成交易合约后,在近几个工作日内立即进行交割的交易方式是()。

• A 即期交易• B 远期交易• C 同步交易• D 延迟交易正确答案:A单选题12.大量的银行间交易是通过()进行的。

• A 商业银行本身• B 外汇经纪人• C 跨国公司• D 各国中央银行正确答案:B单选题13.()参与市场的目的是对已经存在的出口或进口活动进行汇率风险管理。

• A 套利者• B 交易者• C 套期保值者• D 投机者正确答案:B单选题14.()是影响汇率变动的一个最直接因素。

• A 国际收支水平• B 外汇储备水平• C 通货膨胀水平• D 利息率水平正确答案:A单选题15.在直接报价方式下,报价的前一个数字表示银行的(),后一个数字表示银行的()。

• A 买价买价• B 买价卖价• C 卖价卖价• D 卖价买价正确答案:B单选题16.以每单位或每一百个单位外国货币作为标准,折算为一定数额的本国货币属于()。

• A 直接报价• B 间接报价• C 折价报价• D 溢价报价正确答案:A单选题17.远期市场报价中()方式适用于银行间市场。

• A 直接报价• B 间接报价• C 直接表示外汇价格• D 溢折价报价正确答案:D单选题18.远期汇率可以看成是将来即期汇率的()。

• A 有偏估计• B 无偏估计• C 平均值• D 中值正确答案:B单选题19.在银行间市场,当远期汇率低于即期汇率时,采取()方式。

• A 直接报价• B 间接报价• C 折价报价• D 溢价报价正确答案:C单选题20.任何一种货币不论在哪个国家市场上都应该具有相同的购买力是()。

• A 费雪效应理论• B 利息率评价理论• C 绝对购买力评价理论• D 相对购买力评价理论正确答案:C单选题21.按照时态法如果真实资产以现行市场价格表示则按()折算。

• A 原始汇率• B 现行汇率• C 协议汇率• D 中间汇率正确答案:B单选题22.计算()依赖于对未来现金流量和未来现金流汇率敏感程度的严格假设。

• A 交易风险• B 折算风险• C 经营风险• D 政策风险正确答案:C单选题23.在远期合约法管理交易风险的合约中()是第一步。

• A 选择好合同货币• B 加列合同条款• C 调整价格• D 调整利率正确答案:A单选题24.()是指经济主体在经营活动中流转使用的货币。

• A 本地货币• B 母国货币• C 功能货币• D 记账货币正确答案:C单选题25.企业把不同的外币余额按一定汇率折算为本国货币的过程中,由于汇率变动而形成的收益或损失的不确定情况叫做()。

• A 交易风险• B 折算风险• C 经济风险• D 政策风险正确答案:B单选题26.只有()的变化才会对经营风险产生影响,即影响营业现金流。

• A 真实汇率• B 名义汇率• C 原始汇率• D 现行汇率正确答案:A单选题27.在选择合同货币时,争取适用()作为合同货币。

• A 硬币• B 软币• C 本国货币• D 外国货币正确答案:C单选题28.()现在已经在全球推广,成为大多数西方国家公认的会计习惯做法。

• A 流动/非流动折算法• B 货币/非货币折算法• C 时态法• D 现行汇率法正确答案:D单选题29.福费廷业务属于货币市场借贷法中的()。

• A 现汇交易• B 借款与投资• C 外币票据贴现• D 掉期交易正确答案:C单选题30.折算风险管理中,如果以某种外币表示的受险资产大于受险负债,则需要()受险资产,()受险负债。

• A 增加增加• B 增加减少• C 减少增加• D 减少减少正确答案:C单选题31.在某个国家的债券市场上,由外国筹资者发行的以所在国货币为面值的债券是()。

• A 欧洲债券• B 外国债券• C 多国债券• D 货币择权债券正确答案:B单选题32.出口商所在地银行向进口商提供的信贷被称为()。

• A 出口信贷• B 进口信贷• C 卖方信贷• D 买方信贷正确答案:D单选题33.出口商所在地银行向出口商提供的信贷被称为()。

• A 出口信贷• B 进口信贷• C 卖方信贷• D 买方信贷正确答案:C单选题34.在购买债券时使用一种货币而在归还本金时使用另一种货币的债券为()。

• A 可转换债券• B 浮动利率债券• C 零息债券• D 双重货币债券正确答案:D单选题35.向社会广大公众发行的,可在证券交易所上市公开买卖的债券是()。

• A 一般债券• B 私募债券• C 可兑换债券• D 公募债券正确答案:D单选题36.影响企业财务杠杆系数高低的主要因素是()。

• A 变动成本• B 销售收入• C 固定成本• D 利息费用正确答案:D单选题37.一国政府、金融机构或企业等在某一外国债券市场上发行的,但不以发行所在国货币为面值的债券是()。

• A 欧洲债券• B 外国债券• C 多国债券• D 货币择权债券正确答案:A单选题38.企业有最佳资本结构时,一般企业的()。

• A 资金成本最低,企业价值也最低• B 资金成本最高,企业价值也最低• C 资金成本最低,企业价值也最高• D 资金成本最高,企业价值也最高正确答案:C单选题39.租赁公司购买国际企业所要求的设备,在较长契约或合同期内,将此设备租给国际企业使用,承租企业分期支付租金的信用业务,作为一种融资和融物相结合的筹资方式称为()。

• A 经营性租赁• B 融资租赁• C 项目融资• D 贸易融资正确答案:B单选题40.债券以低于面值的价格发行,期间不支付利息,在归还本金时以面值偿还的债券称为为()。

• A 可转换债券• B 浮动利率债券• C 零息债券• D 双重货币债券正确答案:C单选题41.融资租赁中属于真正的国际租赁的形式是()。

• A 直接租赁• B 杠杆租赁• C 转融资• D 服务性租赁正确答案:C单选题42.在延期付款的大型设备贸易中,出口商把经一流银行担保的或进口商承兑的、期限在半年以上到5~6年的远期汇票,无追索权地售予出口商所在地的银行或大金融公司(即包买商),从而提前取得现款,并免除一切风险的资金融通方式称为()。

• A 买方信贷• B 卖方信贷• C 混合信贷• D 福费廷正确答案:D单选题43.由于企业举债,息税前收益的变动引起的股权资本收益的相对变动,称之为()。

• A 财务杠杆• B 经营杠杆• C 联合杠杆• D 混合杠杆正确答案:A单选题44.有一家银行牵头,其他境内外多家外资银行参加,共同组成国际性银行团为一家借款人提供的贷款。


• A 国际银团贷款• B 福费廷• C 国际项目融资• D 国际贸易融资正确答案:A单选题45.普通股每股盈余变动率对息税前盈余变动率的倍数是()。

• A 经营杠杆系数• B 财务杠杆系数• C 利息保障倍数• D 联合杠杆系数正确答案:B单选题46.借款人无法按时支付利息或偿还本金而给投资者带来的风险,通常称为()。

• A 流动性风险• B 违约风险• C 财务风险• D 期限风险正确答案:B单选题47.在国际直接投资结构中,通过国外建立子公司与母公司之间实现专业分工合作,这种投资结构称之为()。

• A 横向投资结构• B 纵向投资结构• C 混合型投资结构• D 综合型投资结构正确答案:B单选题48.为了在国外投资获得长期的投资效益,并拥有对公司的控制权和企业经营管理权而进行的在国外直接建立企业或公司的投资活动称之为()。

• A 国际间接投资• B 国际直接投资• C 国际财务投资• D 国际资本投资正确答案:B单选题49.国际投资按资金来源分类,可分为()。

• A 公共投资和私人投资• B 对外直接投资和对外间接投资• C 长期投资和短期投资• D 国际股票投资和国际债券投资正确答案:A单选题50.借款人无法按时支付利息或偿还本金而给投资者带来的风险,通常称为()。

• A 流动性风险• B 违约风险• C 财务风险• D 期限风险正确答案:B单选题51.将金融资产转变为现金的快慢程度,导致的在变现过程中出现损失的可能性,我们把这种风险称为证券投资的()。
