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1、by + 交通工具

2、in/on + a/ an / the + 交通工具

3、take / drive / ride + a/ an / the + 交通工具→放在主语之后


乘坐的交通方式by短语in / on 短语动词短语乘坐公车by bus in a bus take a bus 乘坐小汽车by car in a car take a car


by subway

/ underground

in the subway

/ underground

take the subway

/ underground

乘坐火车by train in a train take a train

乘坐飞机by plane in a plane take a plane 坐船by ship/ boat on the ship/ boat take the ship/boat 骑自行车by bike on a bike ride a bike 走路on foot / walk 如:—How does Li Ming go to school?李明是怎么去学校的?

-He g oes to school by bike.

=He goes to school on a bike.

=He rides a bike to school.


如:She comes here by car.(就划线部分提问)

How does she come here?



频率副词always usually often sometimes seldom never 中文意思一直,总是通常经常有时很少从不频率的百


100% 80% 60% 30% 15% 0 (二)用法:

1、频率副词应该放在be动词/ 助动词/ 情态动词之后,放在实义动词之前。如:(1)I am always busy on Sundays.每逢星期天我只是很忙。

(2)He doesn’t often go to school by bus.他不是经常坐公车去学校。

(3)She will often come to see us next year.明年她会经常来看我们。

}常与come / go / get 一起连用,放在句末

(4)They seldom get there on foot.他们很少走路到那里。

2、有些表示确切的频率副词如once a week, twice a year, every day等应该放在句末。如:We go to the library three times a week.我们一周去图书馆三次。

3、提问频率副词时用“how often”表示“多久一次,多长时间一次”

如:I go home once a week.(就划线部分提问)

How often do you go home?



1、Michael doesn’t like apples,so he n______ eats apples.

2、Jane’s home is near the school, and she a________ come to school on foot.

3、My father is very busy, he s________ has dinner with us.

4、They like reading, so they s_________ go to the library on weekends.

5、Wang Mei’s English is not good, but her good friend o_________ help her with it.

6、My mother has a car. She u___________ drives to work.


1、I usually go to school by subway.(就划线部分提问)

______ ______ do _____ go to school by subway?

2、Jack sometimes walk to the zoo.(同义句转换)

Jack sometimes goes to the zoo _____ _____.

3、Mary often goes to work by ship.(同义句转换)

Mary often goes to work _____ _____ _____.

Mary often _____ _____ _____ to work.

4、We’d always like to play with our pet dog on the sofa.(改成否定句)

We would _____ like to play with our pet dog on the sofa.

5、The little girl seldom comes to Shanghai by train.(就划线部分提问)

_____ _____ the little girl seldom ______ to by train?

6、Wang Lei usually goes to the supermarket in a car. (就划线部分提问)

Wang Lei usually to the supermarket?

7、My sister sometimes comes to Hangzhou by train.(同义句转换)

My sister sometimes comes to Hangzhou _____ _____ _____.

My sister sometimes _____ _____ _____ to Hangzhou.

8、Han Xue always takes the subway home.(就划线部分提问)

Han Xue always go home?
