瑞士万通离子色谱仪800 Dosino进样器说明书--中文
瑞士万通离子色谱仪800 Dosino进样器说明书--英文
800 Dosino - GeneralThe 800 Dosino is a flexible dosing drive which, as an MSB device, can be used with a host of Metrohm main devices. Together with the intelligent 807 Dosing unit, it is well suited for both simple dosing and for automation and liquid handling tasks, such as sample transfer or pipetting.NoteMagIC Net only supports the use of intelligent 807 Dosing units! Configuration MSB DeviceAn MSB device is not entered in the device table. In the configuration it is only listed under the MSB connections of the main device to which it is connected (e.g. 850 Professional IC or 858 Professional Sample Processor).800 Dosino - MethodAn 800 Dosino (as is the case with all MSB devices) cannot be added separately to a method. It is added to the list of devices by adding the main device to which it is connected to the method.If the method is created without connected devices, the MSB device can be added separately. In this case, the MSB connector on the main device must be entered manually.In the device group, the 800 Dosino behaves like a stand-alone device. It can be selected and displayed graphically in the upper area of the device window.800 Dosino - Start parametersTab: Method ▶ Devices ▶ DosinoSolutionSelect the solution for the Dosino that should be available when the hardware is started with [Start HW]. A check is carried out in the method run to ensure that the correct solution has been put on the dosing device. When the method is started, the working life and GLP test interval are checked for the selected solution.Selection not defined | Solutions from the solution tableDefault value not definednot definedThe solution is not checked.Solutions from the solution tableOnly "intelligent" solutions, i.e. solutions that are assigned to an 807 Dosing unit, can be selected.ConnectorShows the main device and the MSB connector which the 800 Dosino is on.800 Dosino - CommandsOverview of the time program commands available for the 800 Dosino:DosingDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - DosingThe device-dependent time program command Dosing (command with feedback) doses the specified volume via the defined port. There is no automatic filling beforehand or afterwards.ParametersPortPort via which dosing takes place. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 1V olumeVolume to be transported. Formula input possible.Range0.0000 ... 99999.9000 mLDefault value 1.0000 mLDosing rateSpeed at which discharge takes place. The maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumFilling rateSpeed at which filling takes place. The maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersGenerated variablesThe following type 'mand number.Variable name' variables are generated by the command:AspirateDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - AspirateThe device-dependent time program command Aspirate (command with feedback) draws in the specified volume via the defined port. As with the command Dosing, the cylinder is not filled automatically beforehand or afterwards. It should be possible to achieve the volume to be aspirated with a single piston stroke.ParametersPortPort via which aspiration takes place. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 1V olumeVolume to be transported. Formula input possible.Range0.0000 ... 50.0000 mLDefault value 1.0000 mLRateThe maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersGenerated variablesThe following type 'mand number.Variable name' variables are generated by the command:FillDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - FillThe device-dependent time program command Fill (command with feedback) fills the cylinder via the specified port. The valve disc stops on the selected port.ParametersPortPort via which filling takes place. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 2RateThe maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersEject to end volumeDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - Eject to end volumeThe device-dependent time program command Eject to end volume (command with feedback) ejects the entire contents of the cylinder via the specified port. In contrast to the command Eject to stop, the piston travels to the maximum volume mark i.e. until it has performed 10,000 pulses. This command should be used for pipetting functions for emptying the cylinder.ParametersPortPort via which ejection takes place. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 4RateThe maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersEject to stopDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - Eject to stopThe device-dependent time program command Eject to stop (command with feedback) ejects the entire contents of the cylinder via the specified port. The piston is lowered to the stop point, i.e. past the maximum volume mark.NoteThis function should only be carried out to eject any air bubbles present.CautionThe command aspirate does not function directly after Eject to stop.If aspiration is to take place after Eject to stop, then Eject to end volume must first be carried out. In this command, the port via which aspiration is to take place must already be selected.ParametersPortPort via which ejection takes place. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 4RateThe maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersExchange positionDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - Exchange positionWith the device-dependent time program command Exchange position (command with feedback) the cylinder is first filled via the port specified. The valve disc is then turned to Port 2 and the dosing unit can be removed from the dosing drive.ParametersFill portPort via which filling takes place. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 2RateThe maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersChange portDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - Change portThe device-dependent time program command Change port (command with feedback) results only in one rotation of the valve to the given port and not in any piston movement.ParametersPortPort to which the valve is rotated. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 2CommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersCompensateDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - CompensateBecause of the fact that the dosing units are interchangeable, the coupling of the Dosino piston rod (spindle) exhibits a low mechanical tolerance that can be noticed when the piston changes its direction of movement. This tolerance can be compensated for with the device-dependent time program command Compensate (command with feedback). A short piston movement is first made in the same direction as the previous movement, which is then followed by a piston movement in the reverse direction.ParametersPortPort via which the piston motion runs. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 4CommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersPrepareDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - PrepareThe device-dependent time program command Prepare (command with feedback) is used to prepare a dosing unit.The cylinder and all the tubing of a dosing unit are rinsed in an extensive cleaning sequence. The parameters required for this process are stored in the configuration of the solution.CommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersEmptyDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - EmptyThe device-dependent time program command Empty (command with feedback) is used to empty the cylinder and the tubing of a dosing unit.The cylinder and all the tubing of a dosing unit are emptied in an extensive sequence. The parameters required for this process are stored in the configuration of the solution.CommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersReleaseDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - 'Module' - ReleaseThe device-dependent time program command Release (command without feedback) releases the module/device for use by other methods running at the same time. It removes the reservation made by the current method.TimeTime at which the command is to be executed.Range0.00 ... 10000.00 minIncrement0.01 minDefault value0.00 minCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input0 ... 64 characters800 Dosino - Manual ControlTab: Manual ▶Manual Control - 'Device name' ▶'Dosino'CommandSelection of the Dosino command that is to be triggered manually.Selection Dosing | Aspirate | Fill | Prepare | EmptyDefault value DosingDosingDoses the specified volume via the defined port. There is no automatic filling beforehand or afterwards.AspirateAspirates the specified volume via the defined port. There is no automatic filling beforehand or afterwards.FillThe cylinder is filled in a fixed sequence. The parameters required for this process are stored in the configuration of the solution.PrepareThe cylinder and all the tubing of a dosing unit are rinsed in an extensive cleaning sequence. The parameters required for this process are stored in the configuration of the solution.EmptyThe cylinder and all the tubing of a dosing unit are emptied in an extensive sequence. The parameters required for this process are stored in the configuration of the solution.SolutionDisplays the solution assigned to the Dosino.VolumeCurrent valueDisplays the current dosed volume.InputEnter the volume that is to be dosed / moved.Range0.0000 ... 99999.9000 (Exception: with command "Aspirate" 50.0000) mL Default value 1.0000 mLPortCurrent valueShows the current port.InputSelection of a port for the action selected in the parameter Command.Range 1 (4)Default value 1Dosing rateInputEnter dosing rate. The maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumFilling rateInputEnter filling rate. The maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mL Range0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mL Range0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mL Range0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mL Range0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximum[Start]Start Dosino command.[Stop]Stop Dosino command.。
安全操作规程1. 仪器准备在使用自动进样器前,需要进行以下准备工作:•检查仪器及所有连接点是否正常;•按照使用说明书或操作手册正确接线;•检查仪器供电是否正确;•检查样品是否准备好。
2. 样品进样在使用自动进样器进行样品进样时,需要注意以下事项:•样品必须按照规定的样品量进样;•不得将腐蚀性、有毒、易燃、易爆等危险性样品直接进入自动进样器;•在进行样品进样前,必须确认样品是否与进样装置匹配。
3. 进行分析实验在进行分析实验时,需要注意以下事项:•不得在自动进样器内进行任何更改或维修;•在实验过程中,应注意观察自动进样器的运行状态,及时排除故障;•不得在自动进样器上违规接线或尝试修改参数。
4. 停止使用在停止使用自动进样器时,需要注意以下事项:•按照说明书或操作手册要求,正确地进行停止操作;•断开电源并关闭所有开关。
保养维护方法1. 周期性检查在自动进样器安装完毕后,需按照检查周期进行检查:•每日检查:检查固定连接点是否松动、仪器供电是否正常;•每周检查:检查管路是否有沉积物或淤积物,清理仪器内部;•每月检查:检查所有元件是否正常,对元件进行清洗或更换。
2. 贮存和保养在长期不使用自动进样器时,需要注意以下事项:•断开电源,并清洁外观;•将仪器拆分并妥善贮存。
3. 维修保养在自动进样器出现故障或异常情况时,应按照以下要求进行维修保养:•保持现场整洁;•确认维修人员的资质和技能;•在操作时,注意自身安全,并遵守相应的操作规范;•经过维修后,应按照规范认真进行验收,确保维修结果良好。
瑞士万通滴定仪808、809 使用简介
808/809 使用简介1. 准备工作1.1. 如果您曾经断开过电缆连接请按以下顺序连接:将6.2151.000 PC 连接电缆一头插在809后面板的controller 插口上,另一头插入PC 的USB 口。
将搅拌器的插头插入809后面板的MSB1~4 插口中的一个上,记下序号。
如果800Dosino (加液器)连接在Dosing unit (加液单元)上,将Dosino 逆时针旋转至其上的实线与Dosing unit 上的虚线对齐,取下。
将800Dosino (加液器)连接在Dosing unit (加液单元)上,将Dosino 逆时针旋转至其上的实线与Dosing unit 上的实线对齐。
”点击 [OK] 确认。
”点击[YES] 将单元内的数据复制到滴定剂记录表内。
如果至少有一个Dosing unit(加液单元)连接在800Dosino(加液器)上,屏幕上会显示出如下信息框:“请运行Prepare 功能,您可在”Manual control / Dosing”菜单下找到该命令。
”点击 [OK] 确认。
1.2. 主操作画面画面上部是菜单,右侧是固定功能的操作键,固定操作键的功能如下: [Print]: 手动打印报告。
[Manual]: 手动操作。
[Home]: 从任何画面回到主操作画面。
[Back]: 回到前一画面。
[Stop]: 中止方法的运行。
[Start]: 启动方法的运行。
瑞士万通离子色谱系统操作步骤张家港产品质量监督检验所一、阴离子超滤1、开机分别打开813、833、861电源开关,按813 start,813键盘闪烁,说明处于待机状态。
2、管路连接换813蠕动泵管为6.1826.070 (Yellow to yellow), 堵住渗析池样品侧进口,松开833输水泵卡,并断开进水管。
3、平衡系统单击图标,出现下面窗口:单击System----Change--- Anion-Prep 阴离子平衡, 选择阴离子平衡操作系统。
若软件工具栏上没有图标,单击File—Open---System----User system---- Anion-Prep 阴离子平衡。
确认start with start hardware 前打钩。
否则在打开新的系统时可能会覆盖)单击Control---Startup hardware, 确认废液口Peek管和抑制器两小白管出水正常单击Control---Start determination,,出现要求输入样品名对话框,确认谱图运行时间。
4、样品测试单击System----Change---Anion for Ultrafiltration 阴离子超滤, 选择阴离子超滤操作系统。
确认start with start hardware 前打钩。
瑞士万通离子色谱仪800 Dosino进样器说明书--中文
800 Dosino –开始参数标签: 方法▶设备▶ Dosino溶液Select the solution for the Dosino that should be available when the hardware is started with [Start HW]. A check is carried out in the method run to ensure that the correct solution has been put on the dosing device. When the method is started, the working life and GLP test interval are checked for the selected solution.选择未定义 | Solutions from the solution table默认值未定义未定义The solution is not checked.Solutions from the solution tableOnly "intelligent" solutions, i.e. solutions that are assigned to an 807 Dosing unit, can be selected.ConnectorShows the main device and the MSB connector which the 800 Dosino is on.800 Dosino –命令Overview of the time program commands available for the 800 Dosino: 加液对话窗口:方法▶时间程序▶编辑▶‘设备’–加液The device-dependent time program command Dosing (command with feedback) doses the specified volume via the defined port. There is no automatic filling beforehand or afterwards.参数PortPort via which dosing takes place. Formula input possible.1 (4)范围默认值 1V olumeVolume to be transported. Formula input possible.范围0.0000 ... 99999.9000 mL默认值 1.0000 mLDosing rateSpeed at which discharge takes place. The 最大值 rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mL范围0.01 ... 6.00 mL/min默认值 1.00 mL/min选择最大值Filling rateSpeed at which filling takes place. The 最大值 rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mL范围0.01 ... 6.00 mL/min默认值 1.00 mL/min选择最大值命令时间程序命令的可选注释。
二、仪器准备1. 确保离子色谱仪已经连接电源,并处于工作状态。
2. 检查色谱柱和系统的连接情况,确保连接紧密无泄漏。
3. 打开仪器软件,并进行参数设置。
三、样品准备1. 根据待分析样品的特性选择合适的色谱柱和流动相。
2. 准备样品溶液,确保其浓度适宜,同时避免样品中存在影响分析的杂质。
3. 调整样品的pH值,使其适应离子色谱仪的条件。
四、操作步骤1. 进样将准备好的样品注射进离子色谱仪的进样器,控制注射量和流速。
3. 检测离子色谱仪的检测器会检测样品中的离子浓度或有机物的浓度,根据需要进行定量或定性分析。
4. 数据处理将检测到的数据导出到计算机中,并进行数据处理和分析。
五、注意事项1. 操作前应仔细阅读仪器的操作手册,并按照说明进行操作。
2. 保持实验室的清洁和整齐,避免杂质对分析结果的影响。
3. 定期清洗和维护离子色谱仪,以保证其正常运行和准确性。
4. 注意使用化学品时的安全性,避免接触有害物质。
5. 操作完成后及时关闭离子色谱仪,并进行设备的清理和维护工作。
4、操作规程 4.1实验准备实验所用液体及样品必须经过0.45滤膜过滤后使用。
4.2开机依次打开控制电脑、881Compact IC pro、863 Compact autosampler、打印机电源。
4.7关机退出操作软件,依次关闭881Compact IC pro、863 Compact autosampler、控制电脑、打印机电源。
第二篇:万通861型离子色谱仪简要操作手册_cn万通861型离子色谱仪简要操作手册(中文)阴离子系统一、打开系统:双击桌面离子色谱软件图标IC Net 2.3,输入用户名称和密码。
瑞士万通极谱仪 操作和注意事项
样品信息,体积 空白测定 测定次数
Voltammetry 操作软件
通氮气时间 富集时间 起始扫描电位 终止电位
Voltammetry 操作软件
测定组分,出峰电位 加标信息 积分信息
Voltammetry 操作软件
Voltammetry 操作软件
两种模式: 1、测定模式 2、数据处理模式
Voltammetry 操作软件
条状窗口 快捷键 显示相关信息
Voltammetry 操作软件 手动调节界面
调节汞滴 检查通氮气情况 调节搅拌 电极自检
Voltammetry 操作软件 方法主界面
相关信息 测定模式 校正方法 进入参数编辑 其他信息
Voltammetry 操作软件
1、安装时,导气的软管与YQY减压阀直接连接,只要用尖 嘴钳等工具扩张软管即可,避免转接漏气,管路越短越 好。 2 2、分压表的压力控制在0.1MP。 0.1MP 3、检查减压阀表头,查看当敲击汞滴时,表头是否会有颤 动,如有,一是表有漏气,二是氮气瓶中的压力比较小 了,需要更换气瓶。
1、正确使用加液枪,控制加标体积(过小影响准确性) 2、增加重复测定次数,这样误差较小,而且可以删剪不理 想的数据 3、加标量最好控制在样品响过程
1、点击COMPUTRACE CONTROL窗口。 然后点击DME以打开对 797 伏安极谱仪主机的惰性气体供应。这会对多功能电极21加压, 并且汞开始缓慢流出毛细管,同时检查汞滴的形成:汞滴时间应该 为大约3秒。 2、点击SMDE时,每敲击一次MME即形成一滴汞滴。 3、点击HMDE,每点击一次new drop即形成一滴汞滴。 4、注意观察汞滴应当在毛细管的正中。
瑞士万通离子色谱仪800 Dosino进样器说明书--英文
800 Dosino - GeneralThe 800 Dosino is a flexible dosing drive which, as an MSB device, can be used with a host of Metrohm main devices. Together with the intelligent 807 Dosing unit, it is well suited for both simple dosing and for automation and liquid handling tasks, such as sample transfer or pipetting.NoteMagIC Net only supports the use of intelligent 807 Dosing units! Configuration MSB DeviceAn MSB device is not entered in the device table. In the configuration it is only listed under the MSB connections of the main device to which it is connected (e.g. 850 Professional IC or 858 Professional Sample Processor).800 Dosino - MethodAn 800 Dosino (as is the case with all MSB devices) cannot be added separately to a method. It is added to the list of devices by adding the main device to which it is connected to the method.If the method is created without connected devices, the MSB device can be added separately. In this case, the MSB connector on the main device must be entered manually.In the device group, the 800 Dosino behaves like a stand-alone device. It can be selected and displayed graphically in the upper area of the device window.800 Dosino - Start parametersTab: Method ▶ Devices ▶ DosinoSolutionSelect the solution for the Dosino that should be available when the hardware is started with [Start HW]. A check is carried out in the method run to ensure that the correct solution has been put on the dosing device. When the method is started, the working life and GLP test interval are checked for the selected solution.Selection not defined | Solutions from the solution tableDefault value not definednot definedThe solution is not checked.Solutions from the solution tableOnly "intelligent" solutions, i.e. solutions that are assigned to an 807 Dosing unit, can be selected.ConnectorShows the main device and the MSB connector which the 800 Dosino is on.800 Dosino - CommandsOverview of the time program commands available for the 800 Dosino:DosingDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - DosingThe device-dependent time program command Dosing (command with feedback) doses the specified volume via the defined port. There is no automatic filling beforehand or afterwards.ParametersPortPort via which dosing takes place. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 1V olumeVolume to be transported. Formula input possible.Range0.0000 ... 99999.9000 mLDefault value 1.0000 mLDosing rateSpeed at which discharge takes place. The maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumFilling rateSpeed at which filling takes place. The maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minDefault value 1.00 mL/minSelection maximumCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersGenerated variablesThe following type 'mand number.Variable name' variables are generated by the command:AspirateDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - AspirateThe device-dependent time program command Aspirate (command with feedback) draws in the specified volume via the defined port. As with the command Dosing, the cylinder is not filled automatically beforehand or afterwards. It should be possible to achieve the volume to be aspirated with a single piston stroke.ParametersPortPort via which aspiration takes place. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 1V olumeVolume to be transported. Formula input possible.Range0.0000 ... 50.0000 mLDefault value 1.0000 mLRateThe maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersGenerated variablesThe following type 'mand number.Variable name' variables are generated by the command:FillDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - FillThe device-dependent time program command Fill (command with feedback) fills the cylinder via the specified port. The valve disc stops on the selected port.ParametersPortPort via which filling takes place. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 2RateThe maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersEject to end volumeDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - Eject to end volumeThe device-dependent time program command Eject to end volume (command with feedback) ejects the entire contents of the cylinder via the specified port. In contrast to the command Eject to stop, the piston travels to the maximum volume mark i.e. until it has performed 10,000 pulses. This command should be used for pipetting functions for emptying the cylinder.ParametersPortPort via which ejection takes place. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 4RateThe maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersEject to stopDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - Eject to stopThe device-dependent time program command Eject to stop (command with feedback) ejects the entire contents of the cylinder via the specified port. The piston is lowered to the stop point, i.e. past the maximum volume mark.NoteThis function should only be carried out to eject any air bubbles present.CautionThe command aspirate does not function directly after Eject to stop.If aspiration is to take place after Eject to stop, then Eject to end volume must first be carried out. In this command, the port via which aspiration is to take place must already be selected.ParametersPortPort via which ejection takes place. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 4RateThe maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersExchange positionDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - Exchange positionWith the device-dependent time program command Exchange position (command with feedback) the cylinder is first filled via the port specified. The valve disc is then turned to Port 2 and the dosing unit can be removed from the dosing drive.ParametersFill portPort via which filling takes place. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 2RateThe maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersChange portDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - Change portThe device-dependent time program command Change port (command with feedback) results only in one rotation of the valve to the given port and not in any piston movement.ParametersPortPort to which the valve is rotated. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 2CommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersCompensateDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - CompensateBecause of the fact that the dosing units are interchangeable, the coupling of the Dosino piston rod (spindle) exhibits a low mechanical tolerance that can be noticed when the piston changes its direction of movement. This tolerance can be compensated for with the device-dependent time program command Compensate (command with feedback). A short piston movement is first made in the same direction as the previous movement, which is then followed by a piston movement in the reverse direction.ParametersPortPort via which the piston motion runs. Formula input possible.Range 1 (4)Default value 4CommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersPrepareDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - PrepareThe device-dependent time program command Prepare (command with feedback) is used to prepare a dosing unit.The cylinder and all the tubing of a dosing unit are rinsed in an extensive cleaning sequence. The parameters required for this process are stored in the configuration of the solution.CommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersEmptyDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - EmptyThe device-dependent time program command Empty (command with feedback) is used to empty the cylinder and the tubing of a dosing unit.The cylinder and all the tubing of a dosing unit are emptied in an extensive sequence. The parameters required for this process are stored in the configuration of the solution.CommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input64 charactersReleaseDialog window: Method ▶Time program ▶Edit ▶'Device' - 'Module' - ReleaseThe device-dependent time program command Release (command without feedback) releases the module/device for use by other methods running at the same time. It removes the reservation made by the current method.TimeTime at which the command is to be executed.Range0.00 ... 10000.00 minIncrement0.01 minDefault value0.00 minCommentOptional comment on the time program command.Input0 ... 64 characters800 Dosino - Manual ControlTab: Manual ▶Manual Control - 'Device name' ▶'Dosino'CommandSelection of the Dosino command that is to be triggered manually.Selection Dosing | Aspirate | Fill | Prepare | EmptyDefault value DosingDosingDoses the specified volume via the defined port. There is no automatic filling beforehand or afterwards.AspirateAspirates the specified volume via the defined port. There is no automatic filling beforehand or afterwards.FillThe cylinder is filled in a fixed sequence. The parameters required for this process are stored in the configuration of the solution.PrepareThe cylinder and all the tubing of a dosing unit are rinsed in an extensive cleaning sequence. The parameters required for this process are stored in the configuration of the solution.EmptyThe cylinder and all the tubing of a dosing unit are emptied in an extensive sequence. The parameters required for this process are stored in the configuration of the solution.SolutionDisplays the solution assigned to the Dosino.VolumeCurrent valueDisplays the current dosed volume.InputEnter the volume that is to be dosed / moved.Range0.0000 ... 99999.9000 (Exception: with command "Aspirate" 50.0000) mL Default value 1.0000 mLPortCurrent valueShows the current port.InputSelection of a port for the action selected in the parameter Command.Range 1 (4)Default value 1Dosing rateInputEnter dosing rate. The maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mLRange0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mLRange0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mLRange0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mLRange0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumFilling rateInputEnter filling rate. The maximum rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mLRange0.01 ... 6.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 5 mL Range0.01 ... 16.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 10 mL Range0.01 ... 33.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 20 mL Range0.01 ... 66.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximumCylinder volume 50 mL Range0.01 ... 166.00 mL/minSelection maximumDefault value maximum[Start]Start Dosino command.[Stop]Stop Dosino command.。
二、仪器概述离子色谱仪主要由以下几个组件组成:1. 色谱柱:用于分离溶液中的离子。
2. 注射器:用于将待测样品注入到色谱柱中。
3. 梯度装置:控制流动相的成分和浓度,以实现理想的分离效果。
4. 检测器:用于检测分离后的离子。
5. 数据处理系统:将检测到的数据进行记录和分析。
三、操作方法以下是离子色谱仪的操作步骤:1. 准备工作a. 检查仪器的电源和连接线是否正常,确保仪器处于稳定的工作状态。
b. 检查色谱柱的存储条件,确保其保存在适当的温度下,并避免直接阳光照射。
c. 检查梯度装置中的溶液成分和浓度,根据实验要求进行调整。
2. 样品准备a. 准备待测样品溶液,并确保其浓度适当。
b. 过滤样品溶液,以去除杂质和颗粒。
3. 仪器设置a. 打开离子色谱仪,等待其启动并进入待机状态。
b. 连接并准备好检测器,并确保其与数据处理系统的连接正常。
4. 样品注入a. 将样品溶液注入到注射器中。
b. 设置注射器的进样体积和注射速度,以确保样品能够顺利进入色谱柱。
5. 分离过程a. 设置梯度装置中的溶液流动条件,包括流速、溶液成分和浓度等。
b. 控制分离过程的时间和温度。
6. 数据收集和分析a. 打开数据处理系统,并确保其与检测器正常连接。
b. 启动数据采集,并记录得到的数据。
c. 使用数据处理系统进行数据分析和结果的展示。
四、注意事项在使用离子色谱仪时,需要注意以下几点:1. 仪器操作前,请仔细阅读使用说明书,并按照指导进行操作。
2. 在操作过程中,注意个人安全,避免将溶液接触到皮肤或眼睛。
3. 注意仪器的保养和维护,定期清洁和更换柱子、注射器等零部件。
4. 注意使用专用的溶剂进行样品的稀释,避免对仪器产生不可逆的损坏。
五、故障排除在实际操作中,可能会遇到一些故障,例如:1. 数据采集异常或无数据输出2. 色谱峰形状异常3. 仪器连接异常等针对这些问题,用户可以参考说明书中的故障排除指南,并及时联系售后服务人员以获得支持和解决方案。
万通离子色谱(Ion Chromatography,简称IC)是一种用于分
1. 产品概述离子色谱仪配件是离子色谱仪的组成部分,用于分离、检测和分析离子溶液中的化合物。
2. 安装与连接在使用离子色谱仪配件之前,首先确保各个组件的连接准确、紧密。
3. 样品准备在进行样品测试之前,请确保样品的准备工作已完成。
4. 仪器调试在使用离子色谱仪配件之前,进行仪器的必要调试工作非常重要。
5. 方法设定根据待测样品的特性和分析要求,选择合适的分析方法。
6. 样品进样请使用合适的进样器将样品引入分析系统。
7. 数据采集与分析离子色谱仪配件配套的色谱软件提供了数据采集和分析的功能。
8. 仪器维护与保养在使用离子色谱仪配件之后,请及时进行仪器的清洁与保养工作,以确保仪器的长期稳定工作。
9. 故障排除如果在使用离子色谱仪配件的过程中遇到任何故障,请首先参考仪器使用说明书中的故障排除指南。
2 仪器概览
3 安装
3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3
仪器安装 ................................................................................. 9 包装 ........................................................................................ 9 检查 ........................................................................................ 9 场地 ........................................................................................ 9
1.3 滴定模式-测量模式-滴定指令 ............................................ 2
1.4 手册说明 ................................................................................. 3 1.4.1 惯用图例 ................................................................................ 3
8.2 内部配液器 ........................................................................... 35
8.3 电源连接 ............................................................................... 35
二、样品处理1. 样品准备在进行离子色谱分析之前,首先需要准备样品。
2. 样品注射将准备好的样品注射到色谱仪的进样器中。
三、仪器操作1. 仪器打开与准备启动离子色谱仪前,请确认仪器所需设备、部件及溶液均已准备齐全。
2. 方法设置与优化根据分析目的,设置合适的离子色谱分析方法,并针对具体样品进行方法优化。
3. 仪器调试与校准在使用离子色谱仪之前,需要进行仪器的调试与校准。
4. 仪器运行与数据采集将校准好的仪器参数保存后,启动离子色谱分析程序,开始仪器运行。
四、数据处理1. 数据导出与整理离子色谱仪通常具备数据导出功能,将采集到的数据导出到电脑或存储设备中。
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800 Dosino –开始参数标签: 方法▶设备▶ Dosino溶液Select the solution for the Dosino that should be available when the hardware is started with [Start HW]. A check is carried out in the method run to ensure that the correct solution has been put on the dosing device. When the method is started, the working life and GLP test interval are checked for the selected solution.选择未定义 | Solutions from the solution table默认值未定义未定义The solution is not checked.Solutions from the solution tableOnly "intelligent" solutions, i.e. solutions that are assigned to an 807 Dosing unit, can be selected.ConnectorShows the main device and the MSB connector which the 800 Dosino is on.800 Dosino –命令Overview of the time program commands available for the 800 Dosino: 加液对话窗口:方法▶时间程序▶编辑▶‘设备’–加液The device-dependent time program command Dosing (command with feedback) doses the specified volume via the defined port. There is no automatic filling beforehand or afterwards.参数PortPort via which dosing takes place. Formula input possible.1 (4)范围默认值 1V olumeVolume to be transported. Formula input possible.范围0.0000 ... 99999.9000 mL默认值 1.0000 mLDosing rateSpeed at which discharge takes place. The 最大值 rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mL范围0.01 ... 6.00 mL/min默认值 1.00 mL/min选择最大值Filling rateSpeed at which filling takes place. The 最大值 rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mL范围0.01 ... 6.00 mL/min默认值 1.00 mL/min选择最大值命令时间程序命令的可选注释。
Input64 characters生成的变量The following type 'mand number.Variable name' variables are generated by the command:吸液对话窗口:方法▶时间轴▶编辑▶‘设备’–吸液The device-dependent time program command Aspirate (command with feedback) draws in the specified volume via the defined port. As with the command Dosing, the cylinder is not filled automatically beforehand or afterwards. It should be possible to achieve the volume to be aspirated with a single piston stroke.参数PortPort via which aspiration takes place. Formula input possible.1 (4)范围默认值 1V olumeVolume to be transported. Formula input possible.范围0.0000 ... 50.0000 mL默认值 1.0000 mLRateThe 最大值 rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mL范围0.01 ... 6.00 mL/min选择最大值默认值最大值命令时间程序命令的可选注释。
Input64 characters生成的变量The following type 'mand number.Variable name' variables are generated by the command:充液对话窗口:方法▶时间轴▶编辑▶‘设备’–充液The device-dependent time program command Fill (command with feedback) fills the cylinder via the specified port. The valve disc stops on the selected port.参数PortPort via which filling takes place. Formula input possible.范围 1 (4)默认值 2RateThe 最大值 rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mL范围0.01 ... 6.00 mL/min选择最大值默认值最大值命令时间程序命令的可选注释。
Input64 characters排空对话窗口:方法▶时间轴▶编辑▶‘设备’–排空The device-dependent time program command Eject to end volume (command with feedback) ejects the entire contents of the cylinder via the specified port. In contrast to the command Eject to stop, the piston travels to the 最大值 volume mark i.e. until it has performed 10,000 pulses. This command should be used for pipetting functions for emptying the cylinder.参数PortPort via which ejection takes place. Formula input possible.范围 1 (4)默认值 4RateThe 最大值 rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mL范围0.01 ... 6.00 mL/min选择最大值默认值最大值命令时间程序命令的可选注释。
Input64 characters排液到停止对话窗口:方法▶时间轴▶编辑▶‘设备’–排液到停止The device-dependent time program command Eject to stop (command with feedback) ejects the entire contents of the cylinder via the specified port. The piston is lowered to the stop point, i.e. past the 最大值 volume mark.注意:This function should only be carried out to eject any air bubbles present.CautionThe command aspirate does not function directly after Eject to stop.If aspiration is to take place after Eject to stop, then Eject to end volume must first be carried out. In this command, the port via which aspiration is to take place must already be selected.参数PortPort via which ejection takes place. Formula input possible.1 (4)范围默认值 4RateThe 最大值 rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mL范围0.01 ... 6.00 mL/min选择最大值默认值最大值命令时间程序命令的可选注释。
Input64 characters交换位置对话窗口:方法▶时间轴▶编辑▶‘设备’ - 交换位置With the device-dependent time program command Exchange position (command with feedback) the cylinder is first filled via the port specified. The valve disc is then turned to Port 2 and the dosing unit can be removed from the dosing drive.参数Fill portPort via which filling takes place. Formula input possible.1 (4)范围默认值 2RateThe 最大值 rate depends on the cylinder volume of the buret used. Formula input possible.Cylinder volume 2 mL范围0.01 ... 6.00 mL/min选择最大值默认值最大值命令时间程序命令的可选注释。