





山西中考模拟百校联考语文考试卷一及答案姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________一、名句默写(共1题) 1..默写(15分)(1)子夏曰:“博学而笃志,____________(4)子贡____________________________________8.把下面句子翻译成现代汉语。




(不少于50字)(5分)【答案】【答案】(1)出名 (2)使身体劳累 (3)于是、就(4)惭愧【答案】这是简陋的屋子,只是我的品德高尚(也就不感到简陋了)。


略难度:中等 知识点:散文类 五、现代文阅读(共2题)1.阅读散文,完成第10~13题。












山西中考模拟百校联考语文试卷(一) 部编人教版九年级总复习

山西中考模拟百校联考语文试卷(一)  部编人教版九年级总复习






















山西中考模拟百校联考试卷(一)语文(本试卷共10页,满分120分,考试时间150分钟)一、基础(25 分)1.默写(15分)(1)子夏曰:“博学而笃志,,仁在其中矣。













答案:(1)切问而近思(2)雉从梁上飞(3)春蚕到死丝方尽(4)山重水复疑无路(5)寂寞梧桐深院锁清秋(6)山回路转不见君(7)将军百战死壮士十年归(8)【示例】黑云压城城欲摧,甲光向日金鳞开庭下如积水空明,水中藻、荇交横日光下澈,影布石上(9) 日月之行若出其中星汉灿烂若出其里幸甚至哉2.与“愚公移山”结构相同的一项是(2分) ( )A.大江两岸B.温故知新C.学习计划D.襟怀坦白答案:D3.找出下列句子中有错别字的一项,并改正。





是挣脱了、冲破了、撞开了的那么一股劲!(人教七下17《安塞腰鼓》)有错别字的一项是;______改为________答案:B 鹜骛4.下列句子中加点成语使用不正确的一项是(2分)( )A.高深莫测的星空是大自然精巧绝伦....的艺术品。



数学参考答案及评分标准一、选择题(本大题共10个小题,每小题3分,共30分)题号123456789答案DBDCAABAB10C二、填空题(本大题共6个小题,每小题3分,共18分)11.-1<x ≤212.答案不唯一,例如矩形的四个角相等,但矩形不一定是正方形13.1914.815.x <-1或0<x <116.33姨三、解答题(本大题共8个小题,共72分)17.解:(1)原式=12+2-3姨+12+3×3姨3333333333333333334分=3333333333333333333333333333.5分(2)原式=(a -3)2a (a -3)÷a 2-9a 333333333333333333333338分=(a -3)2a (a -3)·a (a -3)(a +3)333333333333333333339分=1a +333333333333333333333333333.10分18.解:12u +32v =5,①3u +v =6.姨姨姨姨姨姨姨姨姨②由②,得v =6-3u .333333333333333333333333③1分把③代入①,得12u +32(6-3u )=5333333333333333333.2分解这个方程,得u =1333333333333333333333333.4分把u =1代入③,得v =333333333333333333333333.5分所以这个方程组的解是u =1,v =3姨.333333333333333333336分19.解:(1)如图所示:评分说明:①作∠A 的平分线AD ,交BC 于点E 3333333;2分②经过点B 作AD 的垂线交AD 于点F 333333;4分③连接CF .(2)33333333333333333333336分20.解:(1)填表:平均数(分)中位数(分)众数(分)七年级组8585八年级组80333333333333333333333333333333333分(2)七年级组代表队成绩好些33333333333333333333.4分因为两个队的平均数都相同,七年级组的中位数大,所以在平均数相同的情况下中位数大的七年级组代表队成绩好些3333333333333333333.5分(3)∵s 2七年级组=(80-85)2+(75-85)2+(85-85)2+(100-85)2+(85-85)25=70333.6分s 2八年级组=(100-85)2+(70-85)2+(100-85)2+(80-85)2+(75-85)25=16033333.7分∴s 2七年级组<s 2八年级组,因此,七年级组代表队选手成绩较为稳定.333333338分(4)根据决赛成绩,第六名成绩为80分共有两人,他们是七年级组1号选手和八年级组4号选手.从两个人中随机选取一个,每个人被选取的可能性相同333.9分∴七年级组1号选手被选中的概率是12333333333333333.10分21.(1)证明:∵AB=AC 且D 是BC 的中点,∴AD ⊥BC.∴∠ADC =90°.333333333333333333333333331分∵⊙O 与BC 相切于点E ,∴OE ⊥BC .∴∠OED =90°333333333333333333333333333.2分∴∠ADC=∠OED .∴AD ∥OE .∴∠OEA =∠DAE 3333333333333333333333333.3分∵OA=OE ,∴∠OEA =∠BAE .∴∠BAE =∠DAE 3333333333333333333333333.4分(2)解:∵AD =24,sin C =35,AD ⊥BC ,∴AC =AD sin C=40.∴AB=AC =40333333333333333333333333333.5分设⊙O 的半径为r ,则BO =40-r .∵AB=AC ,∴∠C=∠B 3333333333333333333333333333.6分∴sin B =sin C =3533333333333333333333333333.7分山西中考模拟百校联考试卷(一)∵⊙O 与BC 相切于点E ,∴OE ⊥BC.∴sin B =OE BO =r 40-r =35.8分∴r =15,即⊙O 的半径是15.9分22.解:(1)套餐1:y =58+0.25(t -50)或y =0.25t +45.5.2分套餐2:y =88+0.19(t -200)或y =0.19t +50.4分(2)每月通话100<t <200(分钟)时,套餐1:应交电话费y 与通话时间t (分钟)之间的函数表达式为y =58+0.25(t -50).套餐2:电话费为88元.5分由58+0.25(t -50)>88,得t >170.由58+0.25(t -50)=88,得t =170.由58+0.25(t -50)<88,得t <170.答:每月通话100<t <170(分钟)时,选择套餐1合算;每月通话t =170(分钟)时,选择套餐1合算和套餐2都可以;每月通话170<t <200(分钟)时,选择套餐2合算.8分23.解:(1)答案不唯一,如:4分(2)理由:在题图⑤中,由平移的性质知BE ∥GH ,BE=GH .∴四边形EBHG 是平行四边形.∵BE ⊥AF 于E ,∴∠GEB =90°.∴四边形EBHG 是矩形.5分在题图⑥中,连接OI ,NI .∵ON 是所作半圆的直径,∴∠OIN =90°.∵MI ⊥ON ,∴∠OMI=∠IMN =90°且∠OIM=∠INM .∴△OIM ∽△INM .6分∴OM IM =IM NM.即IM 2=OM ·NM .7分在题图⑤中,根据操作方法可知,AF 2=AB ·AD .∵四边形ABCD 是矩形,BE ⊥AF ,∴DC ∥AB ,∠ADF=∠BEA =90°.∴∠DFA=∠EAB .∴△DFA ∽△EAB .8分∴AD BE =AF BA .即AF ·BE=BA ·AD .9分∴AF=BE .即BH=BE .∴四边形EBHG 是正方形.10分24.解:(1)当y =0时,-13x 2+13x +4=0.解方程,得x 1=-3,x 2=4.∵点B 在点A 的右侧,∴点A ,B 的坐标分别为(-3,0),(4,0).2分当x =0时,y =4.∴点C 的坐标分别为(0,4).3分(2)设点P 的坐标为(x ,y ).∵点B ,C 的坐标分别为(4,0),(0,4);∴OB=OC.又∵∠COB =90°,∴∠OCB =45°.4分当∠ACO+∠BCP =45°时,∠ACP=∠ACO+∠BCP+∠OCB=45°+45°=90°,∴CP ⊥AC.∴∠ACP=∠ACO+∠OCP =90°.5分过点P 作PE ⊥y 轴于点E ,则PE=x ,OE=y.∴CE =4-y .∵在△AOC 中,∠AOC=90°,∴∠ACO+∠CAO =90°.∴∠CAO=∠OCP .6分∴tan ∠ECP =tan ∠CAO =OC AO =43.∴PE CE =43,即x 4-y =43.解得y =-34x +4.7分∵点P 在抛物线上,∴P 的坐标也可以表示为(x ,-13x 2+13x +4).∴-13x2+13x+4=-34x+4.解方程,得x1=0(不合题意,舍去),x2=134.∴y=2516.∴点P的坐标为134,251611.9分(3)存在满足条件的点D.10分点D的坐标为-4011,241111或(1,2)或-1811,-201111.13分附参考解析:由(1)可得AO=3,OC=4,由勾股定理得AC=5.∴tan∠CAO=43,sin∠CAO=45,cos∠CAO=35.假设存在满足条件的点D,设菱形的对角线交于点F,设运动时间为t.Ⅰ.若以AN为菱形对角线,如图①.此时CN=t,菱形边长AM=t.∴AF=12AN=12(5-t).在Rt△MAF中,cos∠FAM=AFAM =12(5-t)t=35.解得t=2511.∴AN=5-t=3011.过点N作NG⊥x轴于点G,则NG=AN·sin∠CAO=2411,AG=AN·cos∠CAO=1811.∴OG=3-AG=1511.∴N-1511,241111.∵点D与点N横坐标相差t个单位,纵坐标相同,∴D-4011,241111.Ⅱ.若以MN为菱形对角线,如图②.此时CN=t,菱形边长AM=AN=t.∵AN=CN=t,AN+CN=5,∴t=52,点N为AC的中点.∴N-32,112.∵点D与点N横坐标相差t个单位,纵坐标相同,∴D(1,2).Ⅲ.若以AM为菱形对角线,如图③.此时CN=t,菱形边长等于(5-t).在Rt△AFN中,cos∠CAO=AFAN=12t5-t=35,解得t=3011.∴OF=3-AF=3-12t=1811,DF=NF=AN·sin∠CAO=5-301111×45=2011.∴D-1811,-201111.综上所述,存在满足条件的点D,其坐标为-4011,241111或(1,2)或-1811,-201111.①③②。



A援 炒锅一般用铁制造,主要利用了铁的比热容大
B援 炒的过程主要是通过做功的方式使“过油肉”的内能增加
C援 炒制过程中锅上方的“白气”是高温水蒸气吸热液化形成的
D援 炒制过程中闻到香味,说明分子不停地做无规则运动
15援 关于安全用电,以下说法正确的是
A. 家里的多个大功率用电器可共用一个插座
B. 使用试电笔时,不能接触笔尾的金属部分
注意事项: 1. 本试卷由化学部分和物理部分组成,分第玉卷和第域卷两部分。全卷共 12 页,
满分 150 分,考试时间 150 分钟。 2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置。 3. 答案全部在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。 4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
A. 加水稀释一定量氢氧化钠溶液
C. 向一定量水中加入硫酸铜固体
B. 实验室加热氯酸钾制取氧气
D. 向一定量氢氧化钠溶液中加入稀 H2SO4
理科综合(一) 第 2 页 (共 12 页)
将该项涂黑。每小题 3 分,共 30 分)
11援 对物理量的估测是学好物理的基本功之一。下列估测的数据最接近事实的是
A援 教室门的高度约为 200cm
B援 家用空调正常工作时的电流约为 50A
C援 某女生脉搏跳动 10 次用时约为 30s D援 某男生质量约为 50g
12援 在公共场所轻声说话是文明的表现,在课堂上大声回答问题才能让老师和同学们都



山西中考模拟百校联考试卷(一)语文题号一二三总分得分(本试卷共10页,满分120分,考试时间150分钟)一、基础(25 分)1.默写(15分)(1)子夏曰:“博学而笃志,,仁在其中矣。













答案:(1)切问而近思(2)雉从梁上飞(3)春蚕到死丝方尽(4)山重水复疑无路(5)寂寞梧桐深院锁清秋(6)山回路转不见君(7)将军百战死壮士十年归(8)【示例】黑云压城城欲摧,甲光向日金鳞开庭下如积水空明,水中藻、荇交横日光下澈,影布石上(9) 日月之行若出其中星汉灿烂若出其里幸甚至哉2.与“愚公移山”结构相同的一项是(2分) ( )A.大江两岸B.温故知新C.学习计划D.襟怀坦白答案:D3.找出下列句子中有错别字的一项,并改正。





是挣脱了、冲破了、撞开了的那么一股劲!(人教七下17《安塞腰鼓》)有错别字的一项是;______改为________答案:B 鹜骛4.下列句子中加点成语使用不正确的一项是(2分)( )A.高深莫测的星空是大自然精巧绝伦....的艺术品。



B.乙:向 pH=2 的盐酸中滴加过量的的氢氧化钠溶液
D.丁:向 pH=12
24. 生活在清澈见底的水中的水母和樽海鞘,躯体几乎透明,这种现象属于生物的(
D. 以上都不是
25. 下列叙述依次属于系统、器官、组织、细胞的一组是(
A.神经系统、心脏、血液、受精卵 C.呼吸系统、花、果实、草履虫
15. 如下图所示,小红在做仰卧起坐时,可把她的人体看成一个(
A.斜面 B.杠杆 C.滑轮组
D. 滑轮
16. 在暑假军训中,某班有一个女生发生了恶心、呕吐,出现昏厥现象,班内有几位同学建
B.用 30
B.测定溶液的酸碱度时,先将 pH

B. C.
B. C.
D.如果含极少量 N、 P 的生活污水排入后海湾滩涂必将导致其生态平衡的破坏
28. 在科学课堂上,甲同学和乙同学都将八年级下科学课本放在课桌中央,如下图所示,乙
D. 质量守恒定律
14.把铝箔放入 CuCl2 溶液中,铝箔表面覆盖了红色物质,一会儿又有大量气泡冒出。同学








宋代商业的繁荣超过了前代,南方商业尤为发达,当时最大的商业都市是开封(东京)和杭州,城内人口多达百万,大街小巷店铺林立,早市、夜市“买卖昼夜不绝”,体现了宋代店铺经营时间不再受限,C项正确;南宋时期经济重心移至江南地区,“东京”是北宋的都城,排除A项;宋朝出现了百万人口的商业城市,但材料反映的是商业活动时间不受限制,排除B项;材料反映的是商业活动时间不受限制,不能说明海外贸易繁荣,排除D 项。



山西中考模拟百校联考语文试题及答案版 (一)

山西中考模拟百校联考语文试题及答案版 (一)






















山西中考模拟百校联考试卷(一)英语姓名________________准考证号________________注意事项:1. 本试卷分听力和笔试两部分。


2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置上。

3. 答案全部在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。

4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。



1. A. B. C.2. A. B. C.3. A. B. C.4. A. B. C.5. A. B. C.二、对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)本题共5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。


6. A. Tim’s. B. Ruby’s. C. Lisa’s.7. A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.8. A. Guiding the readers. B. Tidying the bookshelves. C. Helping children read.9. A. In the restaurant. B. At the store. C. On the playground.10. A. The girl should practice more.B. A good teacher should be helpful.C. The boy himself plays the guitar well.三、语篇理解(每小题1分,共5分)本题你将听到一篇短文。




山西中考模拟百校联考试卷一英语范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Mountain West Middle SchoolMock Joint Exam Paper OneEnglish SectionPart One: Reading Comprehension1. Read the passage and answer the questions below.The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in the world. Painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century, it is now housed in the Louvre Museum in Paris. The mysterious smile of the woman portrayed in the painting has captivated viewers for centuries.Questions:a) Who painted the Mona Lisa?b) Where is the Mona Lisa currently housed?c) What is famous about the Mona Lisa?2. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer.Soccer, also known as football in many countries, is a popular sport played by millions of people around the world. The World Cup, held every four years, is one of the biggest sporting events globally, with national teams competing for the coveted trophy.Question: What is the World Cup?Part Two: Writing3. Write a descriptive essay about your favorite place to visit. Include details about the location, the activities you enjoy there, and why it is special to you.4. Write a short story about a character who travels to a fantasy land. Describe the fantastical creatures and landscapes that the character encounters on their journey.Part Three: Listening Comprehension5. Listen to the audio clip and answer the questions below.Audio clip: You will hear a conversation between two friends discussing their plans for the weekend.Questions:a) What are the friends planning to do on Saturday?b) Where do they decide to meet on Sunday?6. Listen to the audio clip and fill in the missing words in the passage below.Audio clip: You will hear a story about a young girl who finds a ___________ in her backyard.Passage:Sarah was playing in her backyard when she stumbled upon a ____________ hidden behind a bush. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw a ___________ inside.Good luck with the exam!篇2Sorry, I cannot provide a document with over 2000 words as you requested. However, I can provide a sample essay in English based on the content of the Shanxi Middle School Entrance Examination Simulation Test Paper.Title: How to Prepare for the Shanxi Middle School Entrance ExaminationThe Shanxi Middle School Entrance Examination is a crucial test for students in the province. To succeed in this challenging examination, students need to prepare effectively and efficiently. In this essay, we will discuss some tips and strategies to help students prepare for the Shanxi Middle School Entrance Examination.Firstly, it is essential for students to familiarize themselves with the format and content of the examination. Students should carefully study the syllabus and past exam papers to understand the types of questions that may be asked. By doing so, students can identify their strengths and weaknesses and focus their revision on areas that need improvement.Secondly, students should develop a study schedule that allows them to cover all the necessary topics before the examination. It is crucial to allocate sufficient time for each subject and set aside time for regular revision. By following a structured study plan, students can ensure that they arewell-prepared for the exam.Thirdly, practicing past exam papers is an effective way to prepare for the Shanxi Middle School Entrance Examination. Bysolving sample papers, students can familiarize themselves with the exam format and improve their time management skills. Additionally, practicing past papers helps students identify common question patterns and prepare for any surprises that may come up during the exam.Furthermore, it is important for students to stay calm and focused during the examination. Nervousness can affect performance, so students should practice relaxation techniques and stay positive throughout the exam. By maintaining a positive attitude, students can approach the exam with confidence and perform to the best of their abilities.In conclusion, preparing for the Shanxi Middle School Entrance Examination requires dedication and hard work. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this essay, students can increase their chances of success in the exam. With proper preparation and a positive mindset, students can overcome any challenges they may face and achieve their goals.This sample essay provides a guide for students preparing for the Shanxi Middle School Entrance Examination. By following these tips and strategies, students can improve their chances of success in this important test.篇3Sorry, I can't provide a document with 2000 above words in English for the "Shanxi Middle School Entrance Examination Simulated Bai School Joint Examination Paper One English".However, I can provide a sample essay in English that you can use for your reference:Title: The Importance of EducationEducation is the key to success in life. It is an essential tool that helps individuals to acquire knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that are necessary for personal and professional growth. Without education, individuals may find it difficult to achieve their full potential and contribute meaningfully to society.One of the primary benefits of education is that it provides individuals with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills that are necessary for personal and professional development. Through education, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the world around them, develop critical thinking skills, and enhance their problem-solving abilities. This, in turn, can help individuals to make informed decisions, pursue meaningful careers, and lead fulfilling lives.In addition to knowledge and skills, education can also help individuals to develop valuable values and attitudes that are important for personal growth and social cohesion. For example, education can help individuals to cultivate values such as honesty, respect, and empathy, which are essential for building strong relationships and fostering a sense of community. Furthermore, education can help individuals to develop positive attitudes such as resilience, perseverance, and optimism, which are important for overcoming challenges and achieving success in life.Overall, education is an essential tool that can empower individuals to reach their full potential and make a positive impact on the world. By investing in education, individuals can acquire the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that are necessary for personal and professional growth. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals to recognize the importance of education and strive to take advantage of the opportunities that it provides.I hope you find this sample essay helpful for your preparation for the Shanxi Middle School Entrance Examination. Good luck!。



A.8.31×104 立方米
B.8.31×108 立方米
C.8.31×1010 立方米
D.8.31×1012 立方米
5.(3 分)如图,直线 a∥b,若∠1=110°,∠2=40°,则∠3 的度数是( )
6.(3 分)一个不等式组的解集在数轴上表示如图,则这个不等式组可能是( )

三、解答题(本大题共 8 个小题,共 75 分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)
16.(8 分)(1)计算:

17.(8 分)如图,在四边形 ABCD 中,AB∥DC,AD=DC,∠ADC 的平分线交 AB 于点 E, 连接 CE.请判断四边形 AECD 的形状,并说明理由.
是( )
A.1500 名学生是总体
B.200 名学生选择的太空实验是样本
C.200 是样本容量
8.(3 分)如图,∠DCE 的顶点 C 在量角器外圈的 160°刻度处时,点 D,E 所在位置对应
的刻度分别为外圈 90°和 30°,则∠DCE 的度数是( )
试卷第 3页,总 7 页
18.(8 分)某中学为落实“山西新中考”中关于球类项目的测评方案,欲购进一批足球和 排球,补充体育活动器材,其中每个排球的价格比每个足球的价格贵 15 元,用 3000 元 购买足球的数量与用 3600 元购买排球的数量相同. (1)分别求出足球和排球的单价. (2)若学校计划用不超过 8000 元的经费购进足球、排球共 100 个,那么最多可以购进 排球多少个?



2024年山西省百校联考中考英语模拟试卷(一)一、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)1.(1分)On Tree﹣Planting Day, I planted some young trees with my sister andI will look after ____well.()A.her B.them C.us2.(1分)Nowadays products "Made in China" are much loved by foreigners, especially traditional Chinese art ____like paper cutting.()A.courses B.skills C.pieces3.(1分)A cause would always lead to a result. ____it's better to think twice before making a move.()A.So B.Or C.But4.(1分)It's especially important to behave in a ____way in public places.()A.special B.direct C.proper5.(1分)Social practice activities encourage students to use what they are learning in real life. This can ____the students' interests in study.()A.develop B.collect C.compare6.(1分)While shopping online is ____accepted , the over packaging(包袱) leads too much rubbish.()A.widely B.suddenly C.probably7.(1分)﹣﹣﹣ I think John set a good example in our school.﹣﹣﹣That's true. Whoever is ____he always tries his best to give a hand.()A.in trouble B.in public C.in person8.(1分)If we ____computers too much. I'm afraid that we might forget how to write Chinese characters(汉字) one day.()A.care about B.deal with C.depend on9.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Gina, you look thinner. What's the secret?﹣﹣﹣ ____. I exercise more than before.()A.First of all B.As a resultC.In that case10.(1分)﹣﹣﹣The exam is coming soon. I want to know ____.﹣﹣﹣Well, you can list the things you haven't understood yet and talk with your teachers.()A.how I can prepare for itB.who can teach me betterC.what I should understand二、补全对话(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)请依据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使对话意思完整,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.选项中有两项为多余项.11.(5分)(Alice and John are talking on their way home.)Alice: John, what are you going to do for vacation?John:(1)Alice: Great idea! Why do you make such a plan?John: First I want to relax myself after a long﹣time work.Alice: Yeah.(2)John: Besides, great changes have taken place in our country because of reform and opening﹣up(改革开放). So I want to take a look.Alice:(3) I am so proud of our country.John: That's true. China has made a rapid progress in many fields.Alice:(4)John: I plan to join a group called Ride Bikes to Travel.Alice: Sounds fun!(5)John: Thank you so much.A.I agree with you.B.Have a good time!C.Will you travel by bike?D. I am going to stay at home.E.Then how are you going to do that?F.I'd like to travel around the country.G.We're too stressed out for the exam.三、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)请阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.12.(10分)There was once a boy who was out playing in a field with his friends. As they were playing the boy came across a stone that looked interesting. It wasn't as(1) as the other stones. It was a little bit sparkly(闪耀的). But it was still quite dirty. The boy picked up the stone and (2)to polish it.His friends(3) him for this. They said, "(4)are you polishing that dirty old stone? It isn't worth anything at all!" But every day, when they went out to play , the boy would bring the stone with him, polishing it whenever they took(5).This went on for some time. Then one day, the boy left his home to(6)his friends as usual. But this time, he had quite a(7)for them. When he showed them the stone, they were amazed. It was, in fact, not an ordinary stone after all﹣it was a beautiful diamond(钻石). The boy stayed up all night,polishing it until it was(8)clean.There will be times in your life where people will try to discourage you. They will tell you that you're wasting your time on some(9) task. But when they do this, the best thing you can do is ignore them and continue to work (10)your goal. You can turn a rough stone into a diamond if you have persistence(毅力) and courage.(1)A. bright B. special C. common(2)A. decided B. refused C. expected(3)A. shouted at B. laughed at C. pointed at(4)A. When B. Why C. How(5)A. breaks B. notes C. photos(6)A. call B. join C. treat(7)A. promise B. choice C. surprise(8)A. completely B. simply C. clearly(9)A. relaxing B. serious C. meaningless(10)A. against B. toward C. through四、阅读理解(这一部分共五篇短文,每篇短文后有五个题,每小题 2 分,共 50 分)请阅读下面短文,依据短文内容,从方框中所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺.13.(10分)请阅读下面的六个小标题,将其与下列的新闻快讯进行匹配.(1)The word "hard work" was mentioned by President Xi Jinping in his 2024 New Year's speech."I feel the millions of ordinary Chinese are the greatest,and I also feel that happiness is achieved through hard work." he said. The phrase "happiness is achieved through hard work" quickly became popular, and has become a buzzword among Chinese people.(2)The Ministry of Education worked out a new set of curriculum standard (课程标准) for high schoolstudents.One of the biggest changes is a greater focus on traditional Chinese culture. Students are asked to read more ancient poems and other classical works.(3)The 55﹣km﹣long Hong Kong﹣ Zhuhai﹣Macao Bridge(HZMB)opened on Oct.24.2024.It was described as one of the "seven wonders of the modern world". The bridge connects Hong Kong and Macao to the Chinese mainland city of Zhuhai. It shortens the travel time from Hong Kong to Zhuhai from hours to about 45 minutes.(4)Wu Dajing is a Chinese short﹣ track speed skater(短道速滑运动员). On Nov. 11.2024. Wu set a new world record of 39.505 seconds to complete the men's 500﹣meter race at the World Cup in the US. He broke his own record of 39.584 seconds. His success comes from his hard work and self﹣discipline.(5)Paintings are art for the eyes. But the Palace Museum now has art for the ears as well. Last year, its first music album came out ﹣ AncientPaintings Can Sing. There are 11 songs on the album. Each song comes from a famous painting in the museum. They can give you a better idea of what each painting is about.A.The longest cross﹣sea bridgeB.Art for the earsC.Xu's many medalsD. "Hot" word of the yearE.Fastest on the iceF.More attention to culture14.(10分)请阅读下面辩论赛正反方的观点,选出一个最佳选项.He Meixi,14In my opinion,there's nothing wrong about parents share pictures of their babies online. It shows that they love their children.They just want to share pictures of their kids recall their childhood.Of course,as the kids grow up, it's necessary to let them know before sharing their photos.Chen Junhong,14Our parents have not only given birth to us, but also provided us with a lot of things that we need. Can't they share our photos to express their happiness and pride? It's just another way for them to express their love and we should understand that. Though, I think it would be better for parents to talk with their kids about this when they start to go to school.Is it good for parents to share their kids' photos online?Li Meiying,14Some parents like to shareembarrassing photos of their kids online. For example, sometimes their kids are sleeping or crying in their pictures. But most kids don't want these photos to be shared online.They may not care when they are little babies, but as they grow up, they might be upset about it. So parents should ask their kids for permission before doingthat.Qian Bosi,14Parents should respect and protect their children's privacy(隐私). Photos can show their children's faces, places they've been to and other information. It's not safe. Some people might use the photos for bad things. Parents should be more careful about this. And it's not good to share the photos without telling their children.(1)According to the pros, which reason is NOT mentioned(提及)?A.The photos shared online can be good memories.B.Sharing photos online is a way to show parents' love.C.Parents are proud when their kids start to go to bed.(2)What does the underlined(划线的)word "permission" mean?A.许可B.举荐C.评论(3)Why does Qian Bosi disagree on sharing the kids' photos online?A.Because the photos might be used for bad things.B.Because the kids will be upset when they grow up.C.Because some people will change the kids' information.(4)What can we learn from the cons?A.Embarrassing photos can always make people laugh.B.All the kids don't want their photos to be shared online.C.Parents should be careful to protect their children's privacy.(5)What conclusion(结论) can we draw from all their opinions?A.Sharing the kids' photos online is a dangerous thing.B.Parents should talk with their kids before sharing their photos.C.Children should understand their parents' love through the photos.15.(10分)From Nov,30 to Dec,1,2024, the 13th Group of 20 summit(峰会) was held in Buenos Aires, thecapital of Argentina, one Latin American country, Chinese President Xi Jinping took part in it.(1)He said he hopes people from China and Latin America can havea better cross﹣cultural understanding and learn from each other. He alsoencouraged Chinese teenagers to visit Argentina to learn how to play soccer. In the book One Hundred Years of Solitude(《百年孤独》), the writer createda town called.Macondo.It actually represents(代表)the whole of Latin American. Impossible things happen there. For example, fish swim in the air.(2)It may come from the mix of different cultures, for Latin America includes more than 30 countries and areas. It encouraged people in Latin America to be more open﹣minded.Latin America's environment is quite diverse(多变的). People can enjoy sunshine on the islands and ride horses in the green grasslands.(3) Many of the world's most unique plants and animals live there.(4)Latin American people have created different dance styles. Some are famous around the world like the samba, rumba, cha﹣cha and tango. There dance styles are cheerful and can bring strangers together.(5)Its amazing natural environment, historical achievement and cultural traditions have made it special and influential.A.Latin America is a land with stories.B.He praised the rich culture of Latin America.C.Latin America is an open and romantic place.D.Where does the magic in his book come from?E.It even has the world's biggest rainforest﹣the Amazon.F.The music and dance of Latin America is quite well﹣known.(D)请阅读下面短文,在下面的横线上填入与文章意思相符的内容,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上.64 小题所填不超过 8 个汉字,其余各小题每空一词.16.(10分)Is there a way to quickly recall information just before taking an exam?Walking backwards might be a solution. Scientists in the UK said this activity can help people improve their short﹣ term memory. When you walk backward, you see things from a different side compared walking forward. This difference helps people recall things that happened in the past.And walking backward is not just good for our brains. It is also good for the rest of our body. Compared to walking forward, walking backward is more challenging. This can help us improve our health. Walking backward uses more enengy in a short time and burns more calories.In addition, walking backward is less stressful for our knees. It could be helpful for people who often have pain in their knees. Walking backward also keeps our spines(脊柱)strong, which can help to ease(缓解) pain in the lower back. This might be why many old people like walking backward.It's just as the saying goes,"The longest journey starts with a single step."Let's have a try now. First, you need to find a flat(平坦的)and clear area. Walk slower than you usually walk forward.If you are a beginner, take a few steps forward and then a few steps back. If you don't feel comfortable, take a break.For our brainsIt might be a solution to help you recall information(1).For the rest of our bodyIt's more challenging and helps us be more(2).For our kneesIt helps ease pain in the knees and lower back, this might be the(3)why old people like itLet's tryPlease translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(4). As a beginner,you need to(5)if you feel uncomfortable.(E)阅读下面非连续性文本,按要求完成所给的任务,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上.17.(10分)Have your schoolmales ever asked you for money? Have you ever been kicked by someone at school? These are some forms of bullying(欺凌). But actually,verbal(口头的) bullying in the most common kind of bullying, according to a report by Nanjing University.School bullying happens in schools worldwide, from calling students names to physical attacks.In fact, many students have been given insulting(羞辱的)names. It really hurts them, even causes lifelong pain.Why teenagers bully others? One reason is that some of the teenagers have less knowledge of law and do not care about law.As for parents, most of them don't take bullying very seriously. They consider bullying incidents as "small fight" between their children, and it is just because of such an attitude that bullying cases have not reduced in China.worldwide, from calling students names "I walled shert mod fat in Bullying can cause physical hurt, stress or make you feel terrible. If you ever feel like you're being bullied, either phyically or verbally, the first thing is to tell the bully to stop. If this doesn't work,tell your parents or teachers about it. Luckily, school bullying has got great attention in many countries and laws are even passed to deal with it.However,to solve this problem,education should play an important role. Three parts including community, school and family should work together to help teenagers to grow up healthily and safely."I was called short and fat in middle school, and I still feel bad whenever I hear those words," a usercalled Minxin wrote on Sina Weibo.Anti﹣bullying(反凌辱) Actions around the WorldIn he Unind State, all the 50 states have their own anti﹣bullying laws.In the UK, schools ae requited by law to have anti﹣bullying policies in place.In Japan, an anti﹣bullying law asks each school to come up with basic rules to stop bullying.In China, an anti﹣bullying campaign in April started to improve anti﹣bullying knowledge and skills among students.(1)According to the report, what is the most common kind of bulling?(2)Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(3)Why does the writer talk of Mingxin's experience?(4)In the passage, the underlined word "this" refers to(指).(5)If your school will have an activity to improve anti﹣bullying knowledge,what advice do you have?(One or two pieces are OK)九、词语运用(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)用方框中所给单词成短语填空,使短文完整、通顺.方框中有两个词为多余项.18.(10分)as,who,tell,lose,child,successful,we,one,after,waste,stop,important It is not always easy to discover yourself. From a young age. I had a strong sense of who I would become but an accident changed everything.To me, skating was(1) than anything else in the world. Nothing else filled my heart with so much joy. I spent 24 hours a week developing my sills. I had no social life or other interests than skating. But I won the (2)place medals in nearly every competition.Unfortunately, during one competition, I fell and was badly injured, I (3) that I couldn' t skate anymore. The pain in my back was hard to bear and even basic daily tasks became difficult.My dream had been taken away. I(4) heart and had no idea whatI would become.(5) half a year of suffering, something had tochange. Instead of sitting around and wasting my days, I began to work with some people(6) make efforts on local community service projects. By volunteering as a swimming teacher and summer reading assistant for little (7), I got an idea of who I wanted to become. After a few months,I found a new interest. Little by little, I stepped out of the shadow and rebuiltmy confidence(8).Sometimes, challenges in life will get in(9)way. We can choose to stay behind or try to get past these challenges. My accident was a challenge that failed (10) me from reaching success. Today, I'm a very confident and optimistic(乐观的) person.五、书面表达(共 15 分)请将短文写在答题卡相应的位置上.19.(15分)家庭是人生的第一所学校,家长是孩子的第一任老师,要培育学生的优秀品质,家庭教化是不行少的一部分.因此某校开展了"家校共有"活动.该校围统"从父母身上学到的最重要的一种优秀品质(quality)"这一话题,对 100 名学生进行了抽样调查.请你用两段话写一篇短文,第一段简要说明图表内容,其次段谈谈你从父母那里学到的最重要的种品质,并就此共享你的一次经验.要求:1)词数不少于 80 词2)首句已给出,不计入总词数3)文中不得出现真实的人名、校名A school did a survey among 100 students about the most important quality they have learned from their parents. Here are the results.2024年山西省百校联考中考英语模拟试卷(一)参考答案与试题解析一、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)1.【解答】依据句子的内容分析,可以揣测出这里边照看look after的对象应当是前面提到的小树."tree"是可数名词,前面已经用了复数形式trees,而且在本句中做宾语,应当用宾格的形式,因此要用them来代替.故选:B.2.【解答】考查名词,courses课程,skill技术,技艺,piece片,条,依据句意,像剪纸这样的传统工艺.故选:B.3.【解答】so因此;or或者,还是;but但是,表示转折;此题依据语境:缘由总是会导致结果.__行动前最好三思.可知填因此.故选:A.4.【解答】考查形容词,special特别的,direct干脆的,proper合适的,得当的.依据句意在公共场合举止得当是特别重要的.故选:C.5.【解答】依据句意:社会实践活动激励学生在现实生活中运用所学学问.这能发展学生的学习爱好.结合选项,A.发展 B.收集 C.比较,选项A符合题意.故选:A.6.【解答】widely广泛的;suddenly突然地;probably可能,此题依据语境:当网上购物被﹣﹣﹣接受时,过度包装会导致太多的垃圾.可知填广泛的比较合适.故选:A.7.【解答】依据句意:﹣我认为约翰在我们学校树立了一个好榜样.﹣的确是这样.无论谁有麻烦,他总是尽他最大的努力去帮助.结合选项,A.处困难中B.在公共场合C.亲自.选项A符合题意.故选:A.8.【解答】care about关切,在乎,deal with处理,depend on依靠;结合句意"假如我们太依靠电脑,唯恐总有一天我们会遗忘怎么写汉字"可知,要用"依靠",其它选项语意不通.故选:C.9.【解答】依据句意:﹣吉娜,你看起来更瘦了.有什么隐私?﹣首先,我比以前熬炼得更多了.结合选项,A.首先 B.结果 C.既然那样.选项A符合题意.故选:A.10.【解答】考查宾语从句,依据you can list the things you haven't understood yet and talk with your teachers可知连词用how,宾语从句要用陈述句语序,故选:A.二、补全对话(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)请依据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使对话意思完整,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.选项中有两项为多余项.11.【解答】细微环节理解题1.F 对问句 what are you going to do for vacation?的回答,同时要联系下文 great changes have taken place in our country because of reform and opening﹣up(改革开放). So I want to take a look.因为改革开放我们国家发生了巨大的变更,所以我想去看看,推断John是要在中国境内旅游.故选F.2.G 结合上句First I want to relax myself after a long﹣time work.在长时间的工作后我要放松一下,答句中yeah是赞同对方所说,即本句是对上句的补充说明,故选G.3.A 结合上下文,上文提到国家发生了巨大的变更,他想去看看,下句又是 I am so proud of our country我为我们的国家而傲慢,可见是同意对方的观点.故选A4.E 结合下文的回答I plan to join a group called Ride Bikes to Travel.我准备加入一个叫骑行去旅游的组织.推断上文的问句是你准备怎么去旅游.故选E.5.B 结合上下文,前面提到了要去旅游,下面答句又表示了感谢,故此推想是表达祝福,玩得快乐.故选B.三、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)请阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.12.【解答】1.C 形容词辨析.A光明的;B特别的;C一般的;依据下句It was a little bit sparkly(闪耀的)有点闪烁,应当是不像别的那么一般,故答案是C.2.A 动词辨析.A确定;B拒绝;C期盼;依据 The boy picked up the stone and (2)to polish it捡起来,应当是确定擦亮它,故答案是A.3.B 短语辨析.A大喊;B讪笑;C指;依据下句It isn't worth anything at all!" 一点也不值得,应当是讪笑他,故答案是B.4.B 疑问副词辨析.A何时;B为什么;C怎样;依据下句It isn't worth anything at all!" 一点也不值得,应当是问为什么,故答案是B.5.A 名词辨析.A休息;B便条;C照片;依据when they went out to play , the boy would bring the stone with him, polishing it whenever they took前面说出去玩,都带着石头,应当是休息时就擦它,故答案是A.6.B 动词辨析.A打电话;B加入;C款待;依据the boy left his home to(6)his friends as usualy离开家像平常一样,应当是加入他的挚友们一起玩,故答案是B.7.C 名词辨析.A承诺;B选择;C惊喜;依据下句it was a beautiful diamond它是美丽的钻石,大家应当特别惊喜,故答案是C.8.A 副词辨析.A完全地;B简洁地;C清晰地;依据The boy stayed up all night,polishing it until it was(8)clean那男孩整夜不睡,应当是直到完全把它擦干净,故答案是A.9.C 形容词辨析.A放松的;B严峻的;C没有意义的;依据They will tell you that you're wasting your time on some(9)task他们会告知你你把时间奢侈在某项,应当是没有意义任务上,故答案是C.10.B 介词辨析.A反对;B朝着;C通过;依据 the best thing you can do is ignore them and continue to work(10)your goal.你能做的最好的事情就是忽视它们,接着努力,应当是朝着实现你的目标前进,故答案是B.四、阅读理解(这一部分共五篇短文,每篇短文后有五个题,每小题 2 分,共 50 分)请阅读下面短文,依据短文内容,从方框中所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺.13.【解答】1.D.推理推断题.从第一段可以看出习近平总书记在2024年新年讲话 I also feel that happiness is achieved through hard work.变得很流行可知happiness is achieved through hard work是年度热词.故选:D.2.F.细微环节理解题.从One of the biggest changes is a greater focus on traditional Chinese culture.这句话可知新课程标准更加注意了中国传统文化.故选:F3.A.细微环节理解题.由It was described as one of the "seven wonders of the modern world.港珠奥大桥被描述为当代世界七大奇迹之一.这句可知.故选:A.4.E.细微环节理解题.选项E是对On Nov. 11.2024. Wu set a new world record of39.505 seconds to complete the men's 500﹣meter race at the World Cup in the US.和He broke his own record of 39.584 seconds.2018年11月11日武大靖在美国世界杯500米短道速滑中创建了39.505秒的世界纪录.他打破了自己创建的39.584秒的记录这两句话的概括.故选E.5.B.细微环节理解题.由Paintings are art for the eyes. But the Palace Museum now has art for the ears as well.绘画是一种视觉艺术,但故宫有了用耳朵听的艺术,可知.故选:B.14.【解答】1.C 细微环节理解题,题目问正方观点中,哪一条没有被提及,依据正方的阐述, It shows that they love their children.这是父母爱他们的体现,They just want to share pictures of their kids recall their childhood他们只是想晒孩子们的照片去回忆他们的童年.故A、B都提及到了,C并未提及,故选C.2.A 词义揣测,联系上文but as they grow up, they might be upset about it. So parents should ask their kids for permission before doing that.当他们长大时,或许会为此感到担心,所以父母应当在晒照片之前征求孩子的……,揣测是同意或者许可.故选A.3.A 细微环节理解题,仔细查找原文中关于Qian Bosi 的观点,在文中最终一段阐述中,Parents should respect and protect their children's privacy(隐私). Photos can show their children's faces,places they've been to and other information.It's not safe.Some people might use the photos for bad things. Parents should be more careful about this. And it's not good to share the photos without telling their children.父母应当敬重并爱护孩子的隐私.照片能看到他们的脸,他们去过的地方还有其他信息.这担心全.一些人可能会拿这些照片去做坏事.父母应当谨慎.在没有告知孩子的状况下晒照片是不好的.故选A4.C 细微环节理解题,题目问我们从反方观点中得出了什么,综合反方观点,反方认为父母应当敬重孩子的隐私,A并未提及,B太过肯定,原文是most kids don't want these photos to be shared online大多数孩子不想这些照片晒在网上,而不是全部.故选C 5.B 细微环节推理题,题目问综合全部观点,我们能得出什么结论,依据Of course,as the kids grow up, it's necessary to let them know before sharing their photos 当然,当他们长大时,晒照片之前有必要让他们知道.Though, I think it would be betterfor parents to talk with their kids about this when they start to go to school.然而,我觉得在他们已经起先上学时最好和他们谈谈这事.So parents should ask their kids for permission before doing that.所以父母应当那样做之前征求孩子的许可.And it's not good to share the photos without telling their children.没有告知孩子就晒照片不太好.几乎每一个人的观点后都提及了晒照片之前要与孩子沟通,故选B.15.【解答】细微环节理解题1.B 紧密联系上下文,上文提到Chinese President Xi Jinping took part in it中国主席习近平参与了会议,下文又提到He said he hopes people from China and Latin America can have a better cross﹣cultural understanding and learn from each other.他说他希望来自中国和拉丁美洲的人们多加强文化之间的理解与沟通.上下文都提到的是习近平,因此空格部分也与他亲密相关,也与文化有关系,他赞扬了拉丁美洲富有的文化,故选B.2.D 联系下文,依据It may come from the mix of different cultures这可能来自不同文化之间的融合.而Where does the magic in his book come from?书中的魔力究竟来自于哪儿呢?正好是对下文的提问,一问一答,紧密结合.故选D.3.E 联系上下文,Latin America's environment is quite diverse(多变的). People can enjoy sunshine on the islands and ride horses in the green grasslands.拉丁美洲的自然环境多变,人们享受岛屿的阳光,在绿色的草原上骑马,下一句Many of the world's most unique plants and animals live there.世界上大多独有的植物和动物都生活在那儿,there指代哪一个地方前文并未提及,故判定与地点有关,本段主要介绍了自然环境,自然空格处也与自然相关,E选项意为它甚至拥有世界上最大的热带雨林﹣﹣亚马逊,与下文很多植物和动物都生活在那里相对应,故选E.4.F 结合下文,Latin American people have created different dance styles. Some are famous around the world like the samba, rumba, cha﹣cha and tango. There dance styles are cheerful and can bring strangers together.主要介绍了拉丁美洲不同的舞蹈形式.F是对整段内容的总结,放在句首,故选F.5.C 最终一段总结全文,结合下文,Its amazing natural environment, historical achievement and cultural traditions have made it special and influential它迷人的自然环境,历史成就和传统文化使得它独特、有影响力.C选项Latin America is an open and romantic place,拉丁美洲是一个开放并且浪漫的地方.与下文对应.故选C(D)请阅读下面短文,在下面的横线上填入与文章意思相符的内容,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上.64 小题所填不超过 8 个汉字,其余各小题每空一词.16.【解答】1.quickly 考查副词,依据Is there a way to quickly recall information just before taking an exam? Walking backwards might be a solution.有没有一种快速记忆的方法?或许倒着走就是一个方法.故答案为quickly.2.healthy 考查形容词比较级,依据 Compared to walking forward, walking backward is more challenging. This can help us improve our health.与往前走相比,倒着走更具挑战性,这可以帮助我们提升健康,题目中用了比较级moer healthy更健康,故答案为healthy.3.reason 考查名词,This might be why many old people like walking backward.这或许就是为什么很多老年人喜爱倒着走.在题目中本句话被改成了一个定语从句why取代缘由,故答案为reason.4.千里之行始于足下.考查谚语,字面意思,最长的旅行都是从脚下每一步起先的,结合文意,依据下文Let's have a try now.我们现在就试试吧.故答案为千里之行始于足下.5.take a break 考查短语,依据If you are a beginner, take a few steps forward and then a few steps back. If you don't feel comfortable, take a break.假如是一个初学者,先往前走几步然后倒着走几步.假如你感到不舒适就休息一下.故答案为take a break.(E)阅读下面非连续性文本,按要求完成所给的任务,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上.17.【解答】1. Verbal bullying.细微环节理解题.依据第一段最终一句 But actually,verbal bullying is the most common kind of bullying, according to a report by Nanjing University.依据南京高校的报告,口头欺凌是最常见的一种欺凌.故答案是Verbal bullying.2.大多数父母不能仔细对待欺凌事务.翻译句子题.take sth. seriously 是肃穆仔细对待某事的意思.主语是大多数父母,故答案是大多数父母不能仔细对待欺凌事务.3. To show that school bullying may cause lifelong pain.推理推断题.作者举例是为了说明其次段的结论﹣﹣最终一句 It really hurts them, even causes lifelong pain.它真的会损害他们,甚至给他们造成终生的苦痛.故答案是 To show that school bullying may cause lifelong pain.4. Telling the bully to stop.词义推想题. this 是代词,指代前文中说过的一种应对欺凌的方式,依据前一句 the first thing is to tell the bully to stop.第一件事是告知欺凌者停止他们的行为.故答案是Telling the bully to stop.5. We should hold a class meeting.开放性问题,没有固定答案,意思和语法对即可.故答案是We should hold a class meeting.九、词语运用(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)用方框中所给单词成短语填空,使短文完整、通顺.方框中有两个词为多余项.18.【解答】1. more important 考查比较级,依据上下文,结合选项可知句意:对我来说,滑冰比世界上其他事都重要.句中有than,要用比较级,故填 more important.2. first 考查序数词,依据上下文,结合选项可知句意:但是几乎每次竞赛我都赢得第一名的奖牌.one基数词,一, first序数词,第一,故填first.3. was told 考查被动语态,依据上下文,结合选项可知句意:不幸的是,在一次竞赛中,我摔倒了,受了重伤,我被告知不能再滑冰了.I 和tell是被动关系,要用一般过去时的被动语态.故填was told.4.lost考查动词,依据上下文,结合选项可知句意:我失去了信念,不知道我会变成什么样子.依据语境用一般过去时,lose的过去式为lost,故填lost.5. After 考查介词,依据上下文,结合选项可知句意:在遭遇了半年的苦痛之后,有些事情不得不变更.after介词,在……之后,故填After.6. who 考查定语从句,依据上下文,结合选项可知句意:我没有苦痛地坐在那里消磨时间,我起先与一些致力于当地社区的人合作.本句为定语从句,先行词是people,关系词用who,故填who.7. children 考查名词,依据上下文,结合选项可知句意:通过为小孩志愿做游泳老师和暑期阅读助理,我知道了我将成为什么样的人.child小孩,其复数是children,故填children.8.successfully考查副词,依据上下文,结合选项可知句意:慢慢地,我走出了阴影,胜利地重建了我的信念.successful形容词,胜利的,successfully副词,用来修饰动词rebuilt ,故填successfully.9.our考查形容词性物主代词,get in one's way 挡某人的路,Sometimes, challenges in life will get in our way有时,生活中的挑战会阻碍我们前进.故填our.10.to stop考查动词不定式,依据上下文,结合选项可知句意:我的意外就是没能阻挡。



山西中考模拟百校联考试卷(一)注意事项:1. 本试卷共 6 页,满分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟.2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写在本试卷相应的位置.3. 答案全部在答题卡上完成. 答在本试卷上无效.4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.第 Ⅰ 卷 选择题(共 30 分).一、选择题(本大题共 10 个小题,每小题 3 分,共 30 分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请选出并在答题卡上将该项涂黑).1. 下列四个数中,比 −1 小的数是 ( ). A.−2 B.0 C.−12D.132. 民间剪纸是中国古老传统民间艺术,它历史悠久,风格独特,深受国内外人士所喜爱. 下列剪纸作品中,是轴对称图形的为 ( ).3. 下列运算错误的是 ( ). A.(−a 3)2=a 6 B.a 2+3a 2=4a 2 C.2a 3∙3a 2=6a 5 D.3a 3÷2a =a 24. 在下面的四个几何体中,它们各自的主视图和左视图可能相同的是 ( ).5. 高速路上因赶时间超速而频频发生交通事故,这样给自己和他人的生命安全带来B正面A 正面C正面D正面直接影响. 为了解车速情况,一名执法交警在高速路上随机测试了 6 辆小轿车的车速情况,记录如下:则这 6 辆车车速的众数和中位数(单位:千米/时)分别是 ( ). A.100,95 B.100,100 C.102,100 D.100,103 6. “五∙一”小长假,小颖和小梅两家计划从”北京天安门””三亚南山””内蒙大草原”三个景区中任意选择一景区游玩,小颖和小梅制作了如下三张质地大小完全相同的卡片,背面朝上洗匀后各自从中抽取一张来确定景区(第一人抽完放回洗匀,另一个人再抽取),则两人抽到同一景区的概率是 ( ). A.14B.13C.12D.237. 如图,四边形 ABCD 为 ⨀O 内接四边形,E 是 BC 延长线上的一点,已知 ∠BOD =100°,则 ∠DCE 的度数为 ( ). A.40° B.60° C.50° D.80°8. 不等式组{3x−12≤1 −2x −6<0 的解集在数轴上表示正确的是( ).9. 如图所示是一次函数 y =kx +b 在直角坐标系中的图象,通过观察图象,我们就可以得到方程 kx +b =0 的解为 x =−1,这一求解过程主要体现的数学思想是(). A. 数形结合 B. 分类讨论 C. 类比 D. 公理化第7题图A ABCD 第10 题图10. 如图,在菱形 ABCD 中,AB =4cm ,∠ADC =120° ,点 E 、F 同时由 A 、C 两点出发,分别沿 AB 、CB 方向向点 B 匀速移动(到点 B 为止),点 E 的速度为 1cm /s ,点 F 的速度 2cm /s ,经过 t 秒 ∆DEF 为等边三角形,则 t 的值为 ( ). A.1 B.13C.12D.43第 Ⅱ 卷 非选择题(共 90 分)二、填空题(本大题共 5 个小题,每小题 3 分,共 15 分) 11. 分解因式:a 3−ab 2=___________.12. 如图,AB //CD ,∠DCE =118°,∠AEC 的角平分线 EF 与 GF 相交于点 F ,∠BGF =132°,则 ∠F 的度数是________.13. “折竹抵地”问题源自《九章算术》中,即:今有竹高一丈,未折抵地,去本四尺. 问折者高几何?意思是:一根竹子,原高一丈,一阵风将竹子折断,其竹梢恰好抵地,抵地处离竹子底部 4 尺远,则折断后的竹子高度为_________尺. 14.的顶点 B 、C 在 x 轴上,A 、D 两点分别在反比例函数 y =−3x (x <0) 与 y =1 x(x >0) 的图象上,则 ABCD 的面积为__.15. 如图,是用大小相同的圆柱形油桶摆放成的一组有规律的图案,图案(1)需要 2 只油桶,图案(2)需要 5 只油桶,图案(3)需要 10 只油桶,图案(4)需要 17 只油桶,⋯,按此规律摆下去,则第 n 个图案需要油桶_______只(用含 n 的代数式表示).……B第15题图2()第13题图三、解答题(本大题共 8 个小题,共 75 分. 解答题应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)16. (本大题共 2 个小题,每小题 5 分,共 10 分) (1) 计算:(−1)3−(1 3)−2×2 9+6×|−23|(2)化简并求值:(1a+b−1a−b)÷ba 2−2ab+b 2 , 其中 a =1,b =217. (本题共 7 分)在正方形网格中,我们把每个小正方形的顶点叫做格点,连接任意两个格点的线段叫做网格线段,以网格线段为边组成的图形叫做格点图形. 在下列如图所示的正方形网格中,每个小正方形的边长为 1. (1)请你在图 1 中画一个格点图形,且该图形是边长为 √5 的菱形; (2)请你在图 2 中用网格线段将其分割成若干个三角形和正方形,拼接成一个与其面积相等的正方形,并在图 3 中画出格点正方形.18. (本题共 7 分)阅读与思考婆罗摩笈多(Brahmagupta ),是一位印度数学家和天文学家,书写了两部关于数学和天文学的书籍. 他的一些数学成就在世界数学史上有较高的地位,他的负数概念及加减运算,仅晚于中国《九章算术》,而他的负数乘除法法则在全世界都是领先的.他还提出了著名的婆罗摩笈图1图2图3多定理,该定理的内容及部分证明过程如下:已知:如图 1,四边形 ABCD 内接于⨀O ,对角线 AC 丄BD 于点 P ,PM 丄AB 于点 M ,延长 MP 交 CD 于点 N. 求证:CN =DN 证明:在 ∆ABP 和 ∆BMP , ∵ AC 丄BD , PM 丄AB∴ ∠BAP +∠ABP =90° ,∠BPM +∠MBP =90°∴ ∠BAP =∠BPM∵ ∠DPN =∠BPM ,∠BAP =∠BDC ∴ ……(1)请你阅读颇罗摩笈多定理的证明过程,完成剩余部分的证明部分.(2)已知:如图 2,∆ABC 内接于⨀O ,∠B =30°,∠ACB =45°,AB =2. 点 D 在⨀O 上,∠BCD =60° ,连接 AD ,与 BC 交于点 P. 作 PM 丄AB 于点 M ,延长 MP 交 CD 于点 N ,则 PN 的长为__________.19. (本题共 8 分)雾霾天气已经成为人们普遍关注的话题. 雾霾不仅仅影响人们的出行,还影响着人们的健康. 太原市会持续出现雾霾天气吗?在 2016 年 2 月周末休息期间,某校九年级 1 班综合实践小组的同学以“雾霾天气的主要成因”为主题,随机调查了太原市部分市民的观点,并对调查结果进行了整理,绘制了如下不完整的统计图表,观察并回答解答下列问题:类别 雾霾天气的主要成因 百分比A 工业污染 45%B 汽车尾气排放 mC 城中村燃煤问题 15%D其它(绿化不足等)n(1)请你求出本次被调查市民的人数及 m 、n 的值,并补全条形统计图.图1NM PAOCDB图2N MPDOBC A(2)若太原市有 300 万人口,请你估计持有 A 、B 两类看法的市民共有多少人? (3)学校要求小颖同学在 A 、B 、C 、D 这四个雾霾天气的主要成因中,随机抽取两项作为课题研究的项目进行考查分析,请用树状图或列表的方法,求出小颖同学刚好抽到 B (汽车尾气排放)、C (城中村燃煤问题)的概率(用 A 、B 、C 、D 表示各项目).20. (本小题 8 分)山西绵山是中国历史文化名山,因春秋时期晋国介子推携母隐居于隐居于此被焚而著称. 如图 1,是绵山上介子推母子的塑像,某游客计划测量这座塑像的高度,由于游客无法直接到达塑像的底部,因为该游客计划借助坡面高度来测量塑像的高度;如图 2,在塑像旁山坡坡脚 A 处测得塑像头顶 C 的仰角为75°,当从 A 处沿坡面行走 10 米到达 P 处时,测得塑像头顶 C 的仰角刚好为 45°,已知山坡的坡度为 i =1:3,且 O 、A 、B 在同一直线上,求塑像的高度. (测倾器高度忽略不计,结果精确到 0.1 米,参考数据:cos75°≈0.3,tan75°≈3.7,√2 ≈1.4,√3≈1.7,√10≈3.2)21. (本题共 10 分)LED 灯具有环保节能、投射范围大、无频闪、使用寿命较长等特点,在日常生活中,人们更倾向于LED 灯的使用. 某校数学兴趣小组为了解 LED 灯泡与普通的白炽灯泡的销售情况,进行了市场调查:某商场购进一批 30 瓦的LED 灯泡和普通白炽灯泡进行销售,其进价和标价如下表:LED 灯泡普通白炽灯泡B图245°75°山坡水平面COA图1(1)该商场购进了 LED 灯泡于普通白炽灯共 300 个,LED 灯泡按标价进行销售,而普通白质灯泡打九折销售,当销售完这批灯泡后可以获利 3200 元,求该商场购进 LED 灯泡与普通白炽灯泡的数量分别是多少个?(2)由于春节期间热销,很快将两种灯泡售完. 若该商场计划再次购进两种灯泡120个,在不打折的情况下,请问如何进货,销售完这批灯泡时获利最多且不超过进货价的 30%,并求出此时这批灯泡的总利润为多少元?22.(本题共 11 分)综合与实践问题背景:在数学活动课上,张老师要求同学们拿两张大小不同的矩形纸片进行旋转变化探究活动. 如图 1,在矩形纸片 ABCD 和矩形纸片 EFGH 中,AB =1,AD =2,且 EF >AD ,FG >AB ,点 E 是 AD 的中点,矩形纸片 EFGH 以点 E 为旋转中心进行逆时针旋转,在旋转过程中会产生怎样的数量关系,提出恰当的数学问题并加以解决. 解决问题:下面是三个学习小组提出的数学问题,请你解决这些问题. (1)“奋进”小组提出的问题是:如图 1,当 EF 与 AB 相交于点 M ,EH 与 BN 相交于点 N 时,求证:EM =EN . (2)“雄鹰”小组提出的问题是:在(1)的条件下,当 AM =CN 时,AM 与 BM 有怎样的数量关系?说明理由.(3)”创新“小组提出的问题是:若矩形 EFGH 继续以点 E为旋转中心进行逆时针旋转,当 ∠AEF =60° 时,请你F图2在图 2 中画出旋转后的示意图,并求出此时 EF 将边 BC分成的两条线段的长度.23.(本小题 14 分)综合与探究如图 1,已知抛物线 y=−x2+bx+c 与 x 轴相交于 A(−1,0),B 两点(点 A 在点 B 的左侧),与直线 AC 交于点 C(2,3),直线 AC 与抛物线的对称轴 l 相交于点 D,连接 BD.(1)求抛物线的函数表达式,并求出点 D 的坐标.(2)如图 2,若点 M、N 同时从点 D 出发,均以每秒 1 个单位长度的速度分别沿 DA、DB 运动,连接 MN,将 ∆DMN 沿 MN 翻折,得到 ∆D′MN. 判断四边形 DMD′N 的形状,并说明理由. 当运动时间 t 为何值时,点 D′恰好落在 x 轴上?(3)在平面内,是否存在点 P(异于 A 点),使得以 P、B、D 为顶点的三角形与 ∆ABD 相似(全等除外)?若存在,请直接写出点 P 的坐标,若不存在,请说明理由.备用图。

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