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3. Yarn can be used many kinds of raw materials. It can adapt to the natural fibers and synthetic fiber yarn, blended yarn and weaving.
3.2 可使用的纱线原料种类众多。
3. Characteristics of projectile weaving machine 3.1 Weaving range of variety, easy to adapt to the market demand for weaving production. It can range from simple fabrics and wide format technical fabrics for industrial use to the most complex of Jacquard fabrics, it can produce, bulk weaving varieties of high quality fabrics, the loom and strong adaptability. 3. 片梭织机特点 3.1 可制织的品种范围广泛,容易适应市场对织造生产的需求。 它可以从简单的常用织物和工业用宽幅技术织物到最复杂的提 花织物,它都能生产,在大批量制织高质量的多品种织物时,该织 机适应性强。
When the sley forward, shuttle-move track exiting the shed below the oil on canvas, complete beating action; sley back rest, shuttles rail into the shed, projectile along the spindle axles forward, the weft into the shed. 当筘座前进时,导梭轨退出梭口移到布面下方,完 成打纬动作;筘座后退静止时,导梭轨插入梭口,片 梭沿导梭轨前进,将纬纱引入梭口。
2. Weaving principle Projectile loom and shuttle loom different in weft, weft and weave into three parts. Weft insertion power box, torsion bar, shuttle-orbit shuttle institutions for investment, box and gripper transport mechanism and other parts.
2. 织造原理 片梭织机与一般有梭织机的不同处在引纬、打纬与织边三 个部分。引纬由盛梭箱、扭轴投梭机构、导梭轨、接梭箱和 片梭传送机构等部分组成。
Each weaving machines with projectile number, order from the loom weft weft into the shed. Vote when shuttles driven torsion shaft and twisted store elastic potential energy, rest energy by the oil shock absorber to absorb. Gripper shuttles rail movement. After entering the box on braking, shed delivery mechanisms back to where it was at the bottom. Beating the use of conjugate cam mechanism. 每台织机设有片梭若干只,顺序从织机的供纬侧将纬纱引 入梭口。投梭的动力来自扭轴加扭时贮存的弹性位能,剩余能 量由油压缓冲器吸收。片梭沿导梭轨运动。它进入接梭箱被制 动后,由梭口下方的传送机构送回原处。打纬采用共轭凸轮机 构。
Gripper-projectile loom 片梭织机
姓名:00000 学号:20103245
1. Profile 2. Principle 3. Characteristics
1. Profile Laminated folder latitude (or projectile) looms in the weft into the shed. High speed projectile weaving machine weft, on varieties adaptable fabrics, weaving broad fabrics, machine noise is low. 1. 简介 片梭织机指用片状夹纬器(或称片梭)将纬纱引入 梭口的织机。 片梭织机的引纬速度高,对织物品种的适应性强, 可织制阔幅织物,机器噪声较低。
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