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第32卷 第1期2011年1月



V o l .32Jan . 

N o .1



级工程师,中国石油勘探开发研究院专家室副主任,长期从事石油地质、油气勘探战略、石油地球化学研究。E -mail :dgliang 0314@sina .com



梁狄刚 冉隆辉 戴弹申 何自新 欧阳健 廖群山 何文渊

(中国石油天然气集团公司咨询中心 北京 100724)


①四川盆地侏罗系的石油资源量可能比目前的(10~11)×108t 要大得多。②它是一种特殊类型的大面积非常规致密油聚集,没有明显圈闭界限;没有明显边、底水及油水界面,属“无水油藏”;浮力与重力分异不明显,缺少大规模二次运移,源内或近源聚集;储层具有特低孔渗、双重介质特征;大面积整体含油,多层系叠合连片,“连续”分布在斜坡及凹陷区,不受局部构造控制而受岩性控制,含油范围以油井分布范围划定,往往是先有产量后有储量。③不能把侏罗系油层简单定性为“裂缝型”,裂缝是测试及生产初期获得高产的必要条件,但各类孔隙对储量和长期低产稳产有重要贡献。④这类非常规致密油的储量规模很大,但是要采用以压裂为主的非常规技术进行开采。建议以龙岗地区沙溪庙组为突破口,推动四川盆地石油勘探开发打开一个新局面。关键词:四川盆地;资源量;非常规石油聚集;致密油层;裂缝型油层;勘探潜力;压裂改造中图分类号:T E 122.1 文献标识码:A

A re -recognition of the prospecting potential of Jurassic large -area and

non -conventional oils in the central -northern Sichuan Basin

LIANG Digang RAN Longhui DAI Danshen HE Zixin OUYANG Jian LIAO Qunshan HE Wenyuan

(C N PC Advisory Center ,Beijing 100724,China )

A bstract :T he present paper made a re -reco gnitio n o f Jurassic oils in Sichuan in te rms o f the four aspec ts ,such as resource po tential ,reservo ir types ,fr actur ed r eser voirs and techniques o f ex plo ratio n and development .T he pape r has dr awn the follo wing co nclusio ns .①T he Jura ssic oil reso urce in Sichuan may be much more than the presently discove red amount of 1.0~1.1billion tons .②T he Ju -rassic o il resource is a special lar ge -area and non -conventio nal compact oil accumula tion that ha s no clea r trap boundaries ,no clear edge -w ater ,botto m -water and oil -w ater boundaries like a “w ater -f ree reserv oir ”,and no clear diffe rentiatio n between buoyancy a nd gr avity .T heir r eser voirs are characterized by inner -source o r near -sour ce accumulatio n rather tha n larg e -scale secondary mig ratio n ,ultra -low pe rmeability ,dual media ,lar ge -area entire oiliness ,superimpo sed and linked multi -measures ,“continuo us ”occur rence on slopes or in depressed areas ,being restric ted by litholog y r athe r than lo cal structur es ,a nd delimitating o il -bear ing and well distribu -tion areas frequently by o utput instead of re serv e .③Jurassic reservo ir s can no t be simply defined as “fr actured type ”because various po res contribute sig nificantly to bo th the reserve s and long -ter m low but stable produc tion tho ug h fractures are the pre requisite fo r a high output at the te sting or produc tion beg inning .④T hese e xists a gr eat reserv e fo r this kind of no n -co nve ntional co mpact o ils in the central -no r ther n Sichuan ,ho wev er ,a no n -conventio nal technique co nsisting mainly of hydr aulic fr acturing should be adopted in development .I t w as propo sed tha t Shaximiao Fo rma tion in the Long gang area sho uld be a pro specting targ et ,w hich will be a break -thr ough to o pen a new er a for petr oleum ex plor ation in Sichuan Ba sin .

Key words :Sichuan Ba sin ;r eso urce ;no n -conventio nal o il accumulation ;compact oil lay er ;f ractured oil laye r ;prospecting po tential ;

f racturin

g alter ation

1 问题的提出

四川盆地中北部侏罗系石油历经半个多世纪的勘探开发,在近4×104km 2范围内分布有726口工业油井与224口低产井,共计950口出油井。探明6个油田,还有8个无储量油田和8个含油气构造(图1)。

1997年,川中原油产量曾达到21.6×104t /a ,目前降

到11×104t /a ,平均单井产油约1t /d ,历年累计产油488×104t 。以往的结论是:川中石油属特低孔渗、低丰度、低产、低采收率、裂缝型的低效或无效油田[1-2],以致近10年来每年只钻探11~15口开发井、1~4口探井;最近4年每年只钻探6~7口开发井,没有钻探
