【绝对有用绝对原创】【 模拟联合国】 立场文件 范文 AIMUN 【MUN】 【毒品问题】 毒品立场

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Delegate: Yang Yiyuan , Liu Feng

School: Shandong Economic University

Country: Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Committee: General Assembly

Topic A: Global Drug Control

Drug abuse has been a serious problem in the world for a long period of time. Although international efforts have been made to solve the issue, a satisfied result is still yet to be reached. The illicit drug cultivation, trafficking and selling led to large amount of crime and even fed the terrorist groups that threaten the piece of the world. Drug abuse is not only an evil to individuals but also a disaster to societies.

Drug cultivation owns a long history in Pakistan. Drug trade has resulted in a series of social problems. As a country that has a weak infrastructure of economy, Pakistan would get lethal effect by drugs in ecomomy, politics and even national security. Pakistan has taken sharp pains to cut down on the drug related crimes and is willing to cooperate with nations that have the same ambitions to eradicate drug abuse within the framework of the United Nations.

The United Nations has taken great concerns on drug related problems. The 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic substances and the 1988 Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic substances are 3 basic conventions of international drug control system that played important roles in interdicting drug abuse. Confronted with the problems of lacking drug supervision, Pakistan has taken a series of practical actions:ANF endeavored to disseminate information on the disadvantages of drug trafficking which helps reduce the number of drug addicts from 3,000,000 in 1993 to 1,500,000 in recent time.Pakistan also has put in 2.8 billion rupee to help addicts get cured and prohibit drug smuggle. In future , Pakistan will try to take following measures to control drugs:

1 To ask for help of international societies to provide a viable crop alternative to opium farmers.

2 To increase law enforcement, Pakistan will execute drug related arrests and crop seizures.

3 To propagate knowledge on drugs to citizens and increase the publicity on penalties for drug smugglers.

4 To hold talks with other nations to build up a strandard procedure that can facilitate authorized drugs’trade and prevent the unauthorized ones.

5 To force the military control of the borders especially the one between Pakistan and Afganistan.

Pakistan has realized the severity of drug problems, but the government firmly believe that with the continous endeavors of the world, the problems will be settled satisfactorily. Pakistan sincerely hope that the United Nations can pass some feasible resolutions that can make contribution to the world’s piece and development.
