学术英语(社科)Unit1-8 Text A译文

在这种情况下,每个座位的平均成本是1,000美元/ 200美元,这是500美元。

第九单元医学Text A谁还需要医生?在变化的时代洪流中与时俱进费格斯•沙纳汉所有的一切都早经由前人说过,但是没有人听,于是我们不得不总是返回起点,从头开始。
课文及翻译 Unit 9

Unit 9 Polymers 聚合物Polymers are all around us. They are the main components of food (starch, protein), clothes (silk, cotton, polyester, nylon), dwellings (wood-cellulose, paints) and also our bodies (nucleic acids, polysaccharides, proteins). No distinction is made between biopolymers and synthetic polymers. Indeed many of the early synthetic polymers were based upon naturally occurring polymers, e.g. celluloid (cellulose nitrate), vulcanization of rubber, rayon (cellulose acetate).聚合物与我们的生活密切相关。
Polymers are constructed from monomer units, connected by covalent bonds. The definition of a polymer is:聚合物是由单体单元通过共价键连接而成的。
聚合物的定义是:―a substance, —R—R—R—R—or, in general —[R]n—, where R is a bifunctional entity (or bivalent radical) which is not capable of a separate existence‖是—R—R—R—R—或者,一般来说,—[R]n—构成的物质。

• 1) Perhaps the damage was caused by heat exposure.
• The damage
• (may/might have been caused
by heat exposure)
• 2) It’s possible that the damage wasn’t caused by heat exposure.
• Naturally, this is the most subjective section of a scientific research article .
• This is where the authors combine their experience, background knowledge, and creativity to explain the data and use it as evidence in their interpretation .
• Introduction should have posed one or more questions. Discussion should indicate how the findings answer the questions.
Sample Analysis
Here are the sentence descriptions:
findings and existing knowledge on the topic • (5) theoretical implications and practical
applications of the results • (6) significance of the paper

学术英语社科翻译第九单元3,4段Unit 9 第三段:Before looking further at the evidence of cultural amalgamation,one caution is in order.在进一步看文化融合的证据之前,有一点要引起注意。
You will see that a great of what is becoming world culture is western,especially American,in its origins.你会发现西方文化很大一部分成为了世界文化,尤其是美国,是它的起源。
That does not imply that Western culture is superior,its impact is a function of the ecnomic and political strength of Western Europe and the United states.这并不意味着西方文化优越,它的影响是西欧和美国的经济和政治实力的作用结果。
Nor does the preponderance of Western culture in the intergration process mean that the flow is one way.这也不是说,在融合过程中,西方文化的优势意味着流动是单向的。
American culture ,for example,is influenced by many forgein imports,ranging from fajitas and sushi,through soccer,to acupunture.例如,美国文化,被很多国外进口的影响,从吉它和寿司,从足球到针灸。
第四段:One of the most important aspects of converging culture is English,whichis becoming the common lauguage of business , diplomacy, communications, and even culture.文化融合一个最重要的方面是英语,它正在成为商业,外交,通信,甚至文化的共同语言。
学术英语(社科)Unit 9

Unit 9
Globalization in Political Science
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
Caution: A great deal of what is becoming world culture is Western. Two important aspects of converging culture
Unit 9
Globalization in Political Science
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
Argument: The world’s people can build on
commonplace interactions and increasing cultural commonalities to create a global civil society that might evolve into a global nation.
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
Conclusion: There is a distinct and important intermingling and amalgamation of cultures under way. Views on consequences of cultural amalgamation: 1) Welcome it as a positive force that will bring people and political units together. 2) See it as a danger to desirable diversity.

学术英语(社科)听力原文及翻译1. Unit 1Businesses are structured in different ways to meet different needs. The simplest form of business is called an individual or sole proprietorship. The proprietor(经营者) owns all of the property of the business and is responsible for everything.For legal purposes, with this kind of business, the owner and the company are the same. This means that the proprietor gets to keep all of the profits of the business, but also must pay any debts. Another kind of business is the partnership. Two or more people go into business together. An agreement is usually needed to decide how much of the partnership each person controls.One kind of partnership is called a limited liability partnership. These have full partners and limited partners. Limited partners may not share as much in the profits, but they also have less responsibilities for the business.Doctors, lawyers and accountants often form partnerships to share their risks and profits. A husband and wife can form a business partnership together.Partnerships exist only for as long as the owners remain alive. The same is true of individual proprietorships.But corporations are designed to have an unlimited lifetime. A corporation is the most complex kind of business organization. Corporations can sell stock as a way to raise money. Stock represents shares of ownership in a company. Investors who buystock can trade their shares or keep them as long as the company is in business.A company might use some of its earnings to pay dividends(红利) as a reward to shareholders. Or the company might reinvest the money into the business.If shares lose value, investors can lose all of the money they paid for their stock. But shareholders are not responsible for the debts of the corporation.A corporation is recognized as an entity(实体)——its own legal being, separate from its owners.A board of directors control corporate policies. The directors appoint top company officers. The directors might or might not hold shares in the corporation.If shares lose value, investors can lose all of the money they paid for their stock.But not all corporations are traditional businesses that sell stock. Some nonprofit groups are also organized as corporations.2. Unit 2In the past three week I have introduced you to the ideas and methods of economics.In the next week, we will start learning more, in more detail the principles of economic behavior and economic policy.As you proceed through the whole semester, you will be asked to draw on many of your intellectual skills.在过去的三周里,我向你介绍了经济学的思想和方法。
Unit 9 科技类翻译赏析

Unit 9E-CMany biologists---and Dr. Szostak is one of them---think that life had a simpler early stage in which the varied tasks now carried out by DNA, RNA and proteins were all achieved by RNA alone. Even today, RNA molecules are not only messengers; they are also fetchers and carriers of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. And they can catalyse reactions, as proteins do, too. In principle, then, RNA could act as both a cell’s genetic material and its self-assembly mechanism.If this idea is true, it should be possible to make a cell using just a membrane to hold things in place, some RNA, ingredients for more RNA, and an energy source. This comes in the form of an energy-rich molecule, ATP, which is what modern cells use to move energy from where it is generated to where it is used.包括索斯塔克博士在内的许多生物学家认为生命在早期阶段比较简单:现在由脱氧核糖核酸(DNA),核糖核酸(RNA)和蛋白质完成的繁多任务全都由RNA 单独完成。

学术英语unit1,unit3,unit4,unit9课文翻译Unit 1 Text A神经过载与千头万绪的医生患者经常抱怨自己的医生不会聆听他们的诉说。
奥索里奥夫人 56 岁,是我的病人。
她锻炼不够多,最后一次DEXA 骨密度检测显示她的骨质变得有点疏松。
以下是整个 20 分钟看病的过程中我脑海中闪过的念头。
我需要和她谈谈每天吃五种蔬果、每天步行30 分钟的事。
我是不是应该再加一种降血压的药?药片多了是否让她困惑?更好地控制血压的益处和她可能什么药都不吃带来的风险孰重孰轻?骨密度 DEXA 扫描显示她的骨质有点疏松。

blanks according to the text.
The study of sociology
What is sociology
Sociology is the study of _hu_m__a_n_s_o_c_i_a_l _lif_e_g_r_o_u_p_s_
Text A
Suggested answers
Language building-up
Task 1 Specialized vocabulary
1 Translate the following sociological terms from English into Chinese or vice versa.
Text A
Unit 4
Suggested answers
The Study of Society and
Critical reading and thinkie diagram below shows how the authors
develop the text about the study of sociology. Fill in the
8 What are the differences between ordinary people and sociologists in explaining the mass murder at Columbine High School
Ordinary people’s explanations focus on the social causes of violence in the United States whereas sociologists can bring an even deeper understanding. For example sociologists might study other mass murders and consider if there was a pattern in the group characteristics.

Unit 9 What Is Happiness?John Ciardi(abridged)The right to pursue happiness is issued to Americans with their birth certificates, but no one seems quite sure which way it runs. It may be we are issued a hunting license but offered no game. Jonathan Swift seemed to think so when he attacked the idea of happiness as “the possession of being well-deceived,” the felicity of being “a fool among knaves.” For Swift saw society as Vanity Fair, the land of false goals.It is, of course, un-American to think in terms of fools and knaves. We do, however, seem to be dedicated to the idea of buying our way to happiness. We shall all have made it to Heaven when we possess enough.And at the same time the forces of American commercialism are hugely dedicated to making us deliberately unhappy. Advertising is one of our major industries, and advertising exists not to satisfy desires but to create them —and to create them faster than any man’s budget can satisfy them. For that matter, our whole economy is base d on a dedicated insatiability. We are taught that to possess is to be happy, and then we are made to want. We are even told it is our duty to want. It was only a few years ago, to cite a single example, that car dealers across the country were flying banners that read "You Auto Buy Now." They were calling upon Americans, as an act approaching patriotism, to buy at once, with money they did not have, automobiles they did not really need, and which they would be required to grow tired of by the time the next year’s models were released.Or look at any of the women’s magazines. There, as Bernard DeVoto once pointed out, advertising begins as poetry in the front pages and ends as pharmacopoeia and therapy in the back pages. The poetry of the front matter is the dream of perfect beauty. This is the baby skin that must be hers. These, the flawless teeth. This, the perfumed breath she must exhale. This, the sixteen-year-old figure she must display at forty, at fifty, at sixty, and forever.Once past the vaguely uplifting fiction and feature articles, the reader finds the other face of the dream in the back matter. This is the harness into which Mother must strap herself in order to display that perfect figure. These, the chin straps she must sleep in. This is the salve that restores all, this is her laxative, these are the tablets that melt away fat, these are the hormones of perpetual youth, these are the stockings that hide varicose veins.Obviously no half-sane person can be completely persuaded either by such poetry or by such pharmacopoeia and orthopedics. Yet someone is obviously trying to buy the dream as offered and spending billions every year in the attempt. Clearly the happiness-market is not running out of customers, but what are they trying to buy?The idea "happiness," to be sure, will not sit still for easy definitions: the best one can do is to try to set some extremes to the idea and then work in toward the middle. To think of happiness as acquisitive and competitive will do to set the materialistic extreme. To think of it as the idea one senses in, say, a holy man of India will do to set the spiritual extreme. That holy man’s ideal of happiness is in needing nothing from outside himself. In wanting nothing, he lacks nothing. He sits immobile, rapt in contemplation, free even of his own body.7 Or nearly free of it. If devout admirers bring him food, he eats it; if not, he starves indifferently. Why be concerned? What is physical is an illusion to him. Contemplation is his joy and he achieves it through a fantastically demanding discipline, the accomplishment of which is itself a joy within him.But, perhaps because I am Western, I doubt such catatonic happiness, as I doubt the dreams of the happiness-market. What is certain is that his way of happiness would be torture to almost any Western man. Yet these extremes will still serve to frame the area within which all of us must find some sort of balance. Thoreau —a creature of both Eastern and Western thought — had his own firm sense of that balance. His aim was to save on the low levels in order to spend on the high.Possession for its own sake or in competition with the rest of the neighborhood would have been Thoreau’s idea of the low levels. The active discipline of heightening o ne’s perception of what is enduring in nature would have been his idea of the high.10 What he saved from the low was time and effort he could spend on the high. Thoreau certainly disapproved of starvation, but he would put into feeding himself only as much effort as would keep him functioning for more important efforts.Happiness is never more than partial. There are no pure states of mankind. Whatever else happiness may be, it is neither in having nor in being, but in becoming. What the Founding Fathers declared for us as an inherent right, we should do well to remember, was not happiness but the pursuit of happiness. What they might have underlined, could they have foreseen the happiness-market, is the cardinal fact that happiness is in the pursuit itself, in the meaningful pursuit of what is life-engaging and life-revealing, which is to say, in the idea of becoming. A nation is not measured by what it possesses or wants to possess, but by what it wants to become.什么是幸福追求幸福是美国人与生俱来被赋予的权利,但是似乎没有人确切地知道怎样到达幸福。
Unit 9 Science and Technology新编大学英语第二版第四册课文翻译

Unit 9 Science and TechnologyToo Fast?People who were born just before World War I remember waving at automobiles as they passed. Seeing a car was like watching a parade—exciting and out of the ordinary. The airplane—it was spelled "aeroplane" then—was another new invention. Refrigerators were "iceboxes," and a man delivered the ice for the box in the summer and the coal for the stove in the winter. Now, the iceman, like the blacksmith, survives only in literature.Today, change comes so fast that working people can become obsolete because their occupations vanish in the middle of their lives. Knowledge, and thus the rate of change, increases geometrically. Every idea gives birth to a dozen new ones, and each of them has a dozen children. The people of the pre-World War I generation had hardly assimilated the inventions of that era before they were attacked by a new batch of even more sophisticated inventions. The Atomic Age dawned in 1945, August 6 to be exact, and then, before we could catch our breath, the Space Age arrived.Change was not always this rapid. Certain important inventions, like the telephone, the airplane, the automobile, and the radio, had been invented by 1914, but the effects of these inventions upon the lives of ordinary citizens were not felt until many years later. We now have the technology to develop machines before people are ready to use them. For example, we have the technology to enable people to pay their bills by phone—but even people with phones resist. The change is too much too fast. People don't want to talk to machines, especially if the machines talk back to them.It is certain that technology, especially computer technology, will rule our lives to a greater and greater degree. This situation will not necessarily prove positive or negative in effect. Many people would be more comfortable if change came more slowly, but on the other hand, there are many for whom every innovation is like a new toy. They can't wait for the next invention to be available. When scientists talk about the remarkably adaptable nature of people, they probably have these people in mind.But there is a limit to everyone's ability to adapt. What will happen to us when change comes so rapidly that we can no longer adjust to it? These same scientists who talk about our adaptable nature also tell us that change is to some degree emotionally painful to everyone. What then, will happen to us when change comes so rapidly that we can no longer stand the pain, and we refuse to change?We have read a lot about scientific and technological change, but that is only part of the picture of modern life. There is often a great lag between scientific discovery andcultural acceptance. For example, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, proposed over one hundred years ago and accepted by all serious scholars for generations, is still rejected by large segments of society. These segments see science as contradicting a higher religious authority. They see science as questioning and destroying their beliefs and culture.The problem is not easily solved because it is in the nature of science to question, and it is in the nature of human beings not to want to question the things they believe in. Science is not merely a field of study like chemistry or physics or biology. Science is a method of looking at the world, a method that requires an open mind, objectivity, and proof based upon observation or experimentation. It is a method that ignores religion, race, nationality, economics, morality, and ethics. It pays attention only to the results of research. The scientific method has shown us endless marvels and wonders, but methods can't provide all the answers. Science cannot tell us whether or not to drop a bomb: That is a moral or political question. Science only tells us how to make one.As we have already said, technological innovations are being made at faster and faster rates. The future will be even more revolutionary than the past. Will we, as a species, survive the revolutions that we have begun? There is plenty of evidence to think that we will. Our species has enormous potential that we have just begun to use. For example, we have only begun to control the environment. One day technology will make every desert bloom. It's simple, really. To do so, all we need to do is lower the cost of converting sea water into fresh water. Then, when the deserts bloom, will they provide enough food for our growing numbers? Most likely, they will. We have only just begun to discover the possibilities of highly intensive desert agriculture. We already have the technology to increase production ten times and to use one-twentieth of the water we needed before.We know how to make agricultural miracles. What we need are the time and money to make the technology available to everyone.In the nineteenth century, people believed in progress. They believed that science would lead them to a new era of endless prosperity and happiness. Well, it didn't work out that way. Two disastrous world wars convinced people of that. Yet, in our disappointment and in our fears that science was a monster that would one day destroy us, we forgot that science was not the monster; we were the monster. Science was merely a servant, and like fire, a good servant when treated properly.Despite all the problems of the modern world, however, most people would not choose to live in any of the less scientific ages that have preceded ours. If—and this is abig if—we don't destroy ourselves in war, the future can only be better. Each year will bring a more bewildering array of scientific advances: diseases cured, space conquered, transportation and communication revolutionized, agriculture and industry completely transformed, etc. To some, the future sounds exciting; to others, frightening. But one thing is sure—it won't be boring.太快了?1 在第一次世界大战前夕出生的人仍然记得看到身边经过的汽车就挥手的情景。

Unit 9 Cultural globalization1. Much of the early development of different languages, customs, and other diverse aspects of world cultures resulted from the isolation of groups of people from one another. It is not surprising ,then ,that a degree of cultural amalgamation has occurred as improved transportation and communication have brought people of various societies into ever-frequent contact . Analyzing the blurring of culture differences inevitably includes a great deal about fast food, basketball , rock music, and other,a such aspects of pop culture , but such analysis dose not trivialize the subject.Instead long-standing bottom-up line of political theory argues that the world’s people can build on commonplace interactions and increasing cultural commonalities that engender familiarity with and confidence in one another to create a global civil society that might evolve into a global nation. By the same process, if transnational civil societies develop, then regional and even global schemes of governance could conceivably form and supplement or supplant the territorial state. Scholars who examine the bottom-up progress of transnational integration look for evidence in such factors as the flow of communications and commerce between countries and the spread across borders of what people wear, eat, and do for recreation.不同语言、习惯以及世界文化的其他各个方面的早期发展,源于人类群体之间的隔离。
学术英语(第二版)医学教师用书Unit 9

UNIT 9 Medical EducationTeaching ObjectivesAfter learning Unit 9, Ss are expected to accomplish the following objectives:Teaching Activities and ResourcesPart 1 ReadingText ALead-inSuggested teaching plan1.To begin with, ask Ss to brainstorm the personal attributes that a qualifiedphysician should possess. In doing so, Ss need not only to write down the words denoting these qualities such as “caring”, “compassionate”, “knowledgeable”, etc., but to provide the reasons as well. When explaining why a particular attribute is essential, Ss may recount the current healthcare situations or their past medical experiences.The following is a list of suggested key words:A good physician is usually•motivated, mature, compassionate, organized, adaptable, stress-resilient;•with high level of integrity and strong leadership;• a good listener and communicator;…2.Make a summary on the discussion and introduce the topic of Text A.Text ComprehensionSuggested teaching plan1.Analyze the text and lead Ss to discuss, integrating Task 2 / Critical reading andthinking / Text A into analysis and discussion. The presentation topics should be assigned to individual Ss for preparation at least one week in advance. Ask other Ss to preview the text with the guidance of the presentation topics.2.Integrate Task 2 / Language building-up / Text A when the signpost language ofreformulation is covered.3.To conclude the discussion of the text, lead Ss to do Task 1 / Critical readingand thinking / Text A, which will enable Ss to not only understand individual words, sentences and paragraphs in the text, but also see its structure clearly.Language focus1.I have suggested on several occasions that in order for the medical educationcommunity to be clear about the kind of changes that are needed, the community needs to define more clearly the purpose of the educational program. (P210, Para. 1)… in order for the medical education community to be clear about … 中可以省略in order。


Cultural Globalization1.Much of the early development of different languages, customs, and other diverse aspects world cultures resulted from the isolation of groups of people from one another. It is not surprising , then, that a degree of cultural amalgamation has occurred as improved transportation and communication have brought people of various societies into ever more frequent contact . Analyzing the blurring of cultural differences inevitably includes a great deal about fast food, basketball, rock music, and other such aspects of pop culture, but such analysis does not trivialize the subject,. Instead , a long standing bottom up line of political theory argues that the world`s people can build on commonplace interactions and increasing cultural commonalities that engender familiarity with and confidence in one another to create a global civil society that might evolve into a global nation. By the same process, if transnational civil societies develop, then regional and even global schemes of governance could conceivably form and supplement or supplant the territorial state. Scholars who examine the bottom-up process of transnational integration look for evidence in such factors as the flow of communications and commerce between countries and the spread across borders of what people wear, eat, and do for recreation.1、不同语言、风俗习惯以及其他不同的文化背景下,世界文化的早期发展,是从彼此分离的人群中产生的。

Urbanisation means an increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas compared to rural areas. An urban area is a built-up area(建筑区域)such as a town or city.A rural area is an area of countryside.城市化是指生活在城市地区的人相比农村地区的人占总人数的比例在增加。
As a country industrialises, the number of people living in urban areas tends to increase. The UK and many other MEDCs urbanised(城市化)during the 18th and 19th centuries. People migrated from rural areas (due to the mechanisation in farming) to urban areas where there was employment in the new factories. The area of cities known as the inner city developed during this time as rows of terraced housing (露台房)were built for workers.作为一个工业化进程的国家,生活在城市地区的人数有增加的趋势。

7. Academic language and discourse
• Acquire some medical terms. • Learn how to make a definition. • Comprehend stylistic differences between
formal and informal English and acquire some formal expressions
Unit 9
Text A In-depth analysis
1. Contribute as much as possible what you know about the following:
• alternative medicine • doctor-patient relationship • desktop medicine
Unit 9
Text A Supplementary information
3. Desktop medicine
Desktop medicine, an emerging concept in medicine, describes how a desk with a networked computer is transforming medical science and, in turn, medical practice. Historically, bedside medicine has been used to diagnose and treat diseases, incorporating the standard elements of the history, the chief complaint, the review of systems, the physical exam, and the diagnostic studies. In contrast to traditional bedside medicine, desktop medicine features researchers’ discovering riskfactor based diseases and physicians’ diagnosing and treating patients with these diseases. While bedside medicine focuses on the presence or absence of diseases, desktop medicine concerns the management of the risk of diseases.

学术英语课文9翻译学术英语课文9翻译学术英语的课文很难翻译吗?小编帮你解决,下面就由小编为大家整理学术英语课文9翻译,欢迎大家查看!Module 9 Cartoon storiesUnit 1 We need someone like Superman who can save Tony.大明:澳,天那!相机在哪里?托尼的爸爸将会说什么?贝蒂:这像一个卡通故事。
贝蒂:而且我将是超人!Unit 2 There are several fan clubs in china which have held birthday parties for Tintin.尼莫,一条聪明的`橘色与白色相间的鱼和史瑞克,一个巨大的绿色怪物,在中国和全世界年轻人中大受欢迎。
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精品文档Cultural Globalization1.Much of the early development of different languages, customs, and other diverse aspectsworld cultures resulted from the isolation of groups of people from one another. It is notsurprising , then, that a degree of cultural amalgamation has occurred as improved transportationand communication have brought people of various societies into ever more frequent contact . Analyzing the blurring of cultural differences inevitably includes a great deal about fast food, basketball, rock music, and other such aspects of pop culture, but such analysis does not trivializethe subject,. Instead , a long standing bottom up line of political theory argues that the world`speople can build on commonplace interactions and increasing cultural commonalities thatengender familiarity with and confidence in one another to create a global civil society that might evolve into a global nation. By the same process, if transnational civil societies develop, thenregional and even global schemes of governance could conceivably form and supplement orsupplant the territorial state. Scholars who examine the bottom-up process of transnational integration look for evidence in such factors as the flow of communications and commercebetween countries and the spread across borders of what people wear, eat, and do for recreation.1、不同语言、风俗习惯以及其他不同的文化背景下,世界文化的早期发展,是从彼此分离的人群中产生的。
2.While it is premature to talk of a world culture , and indeed that may never come, there is significant evidence of cultural amalgamation in the world. The leaders of China once wore‘Chinese tunic suits”; now they wear Western-style business suits. When dressing informally, people in Shanghai,Lagos, and Mexico City are more apt to wear jeans, T-shirts , and sneakersthan their country`s traditional dress. Young people everywhere listen to the same music ,with ,for example “Disturbia”by Rihanna on the Top-10 charts in many countries in addition to the United States in 2008. And whatever it means to our gastronomic future, Big Macs, fries, and milk shakes are consumed around the world.虽然谈一谈世界文化还为时过早,但事实上,这一世界文化的融合在世界上却有显著的证据。
3.Before looking further at the evidence of cultural amalgamation,one caution is in order. Youwill see that a great deal of what is becoming world culture is Western, especially American, in its精品文档.精品文档origins. That does not imply that Western Europe and the United States .Nor does the preponderance of Western culture in the integration process mean that the flow is one way. American culture , for example , is influenced by many foreign imports, ranging from fajitas and sushi, through soccer, to acupuncture.在进一步寻找文化融合的证据之前,有一点需要注意。
4.One of the most important aspects of converging culture is English, which is becoming the common language of business, diplomacy, communications, and even culture. President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan and many other leaders of countries of international organizations conversein English. Indeed , a number o f them, including UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of South Korea, learned or improved their English while enrolled at U.S. universities. A bit more slowly, English is spreading among common citizens around the world . This is evident in differences among various age groups. Among Europeans, for instance, 89% of all school-children now have English instruction.融合文化最重要的方面之一是英语,它已成为商务、外交、传播和文化的共同语言。
5.Modern communications are one factor driving the spread of English. There have beennotable advances, such as the ability to search in nearly 100 languages through Google. In makingthe Web more accessible to non-English speakers; but the vast majority of what is available on the Internet has been and remains in English. As the webmaster at one site in Russia comments, “It is far easier for a Russian…to download the works of Dostoyevsky translated in English to readthan it is for him to get it in his own language.”Business needs also promote the global growth of English. The U.S. status as the world`s economic powerhouse makes it far more common forforeign businesspeople to learn the language of Americans than it is for Americans to learn other languages. A report issued by the Japanese government declared that “achieving world-class excellence demands that all Japanese acquire a working knowledge of English.”The use of English will probably continue to expand throughout the world because a majority of people inevery region in the world believe their children are more likely to prosper if they learn English.现代传播是推动英语传播的一个因素。