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Ⅰ 阅读理解的命题特点
❖ 一) 文章长 ❖ 二) 文章多为原文 ❖ 三 )文章题材多样 ❖ 四 )生词量增加
• 头脑风暴Brainstorm • 归纳法 • 联想法 • 多留心,多积累 • 根据构词法:word-formation
• 1 The post office issued the stamps last week. • 2. Have you seen the latest issue of the
➢第二步划重点, 查单词. ➢第三步关注承上启下词及插入语.
划一划 查一查
➢第四步说出文章大意, 理解长句, 难句. ➢第五步出声朗读.
理解 记忆
❖ A篇
Pet owners are being encouraged to take their animals to work, a move scientists say can be good for productivity, work-place morals, and the well being for animals.
• anti- 反,防,抗anti-Japanese Antarctic 南极的
• bi- 双,重 bicycle bigamy 重婚(罪)
• by- 旁,副,非正式 byname 别名 byproduct byroad
• co- 共同,互相 cooperation comate 同伴
• com- 共同,互相,加强 combine compete
to go abroad or not. • 6. He died without issue.
➢突出一个 “境” ; 突出一个 “用”
• 前缀(23个) • ab- 表示脱离,反常 absent abnormal
• ad-表示方向,变化,添加,运动advance adhere 附着 adjective
• sub-下,次,微 subway suburb
• semi- 半 semicircle tri- 三 triangle tricycle
• with- 表相反, 向后 withstand 反抗
withdraw 后退
• 表反义的il- im- in- ir- dis- un- mis-
• invisible irregular unknown disobey misact
• over- 表过度 overcharge overwork overtalk
➢名词后缀(Fra Baidu bibliotek3个)
• -dom 身份, ...界 freedom, wisdom
• -ee -er 或 or 表人 employee refugee referee
• -ess 表女性 hostess stewardess
magazine? • 3. He was trying to use this pure religious
issue for taking political advantage • 4. The issue of the contest is very uncertain. • 5. The point at issue is whether you are willing
• -ful 表示充满 basketful houseful
• -hood 表性质,身份,时期 girlhood knighthood 骑士身份
• -ship 表身份,职位,资格 ladyship 贵夫人身份
• -sion 表行为,状态 collision tension
• -tion 表行为, 状态 translation action
enlarge • -fy 使成为 modify qualify • -ish 表示使,造成 diminish 变小 • -ize 使...化 normalize realize
• -able 表示可能的 movable ➢形容词的后缀(17个)
• -al 表...的 equal central educational industrial • -an republican urban • -ant assistant • -ary military • -ative qualitative • -ed colored moneyed • -ful powerful peaceful • -ible sensible accessible flexible • -ish 如…的,略…的 childish bookish 书生气的 coldish • -ive attractive creative • -less homeless ceaseless • -some quarrel--quarrelsome tire--tiresome worry--worrisome • -ly godly weekly friendly • -ous prosperous • -y 多…的 如…的 有…的 cloudy hilly • -ic poetic pessimistic realistic
• -ure 表行为,状态 pressure exposure seizure
• -ment 表运动, 结果 equipment measurement
• -al
表行为, 结果 refusal arrival
• -ate 表示使,造成 fascinate • -en 使变成, 使可能sharpen broaden
• counter- 反,逆,副 counteraction 反作用
• de- 除去,否定,低下declass 降低社会地位 decolour 脱色
• ex- 出, 除去,无,前任 expedition ex-president
• fore- 先,前 forefather 前人
foretell 预言