

文本的选择 目的不同
美,“译学无一定之成规,且译书无所谓绝对最好之译句”, “妙文妙句天生巧合,亦必由译者之出自心裁”。
一是在五四运动之前的翻译初期,早在1930年在日本的时期,他便翻译了法国凡 尔纳的科幻小说《月光旅行》,《地底旅行》及雨果夫人《随见录》中的《哀尘》。
品并于1909年编印成二本《域外小说集》,仅售出41本,但鲁迅认为这本书意义深刻。 二是五四运动至1927年的翻译中期,以译东欧,北欧以及日本作品为主,内容包括 文学及文艺理论著作,如乌克兰,匈牙利诗人,保加利亚作家,芬兰女作家明娜 ,亢德等,德国尼采,日本一些作家等人的作品和著作。 三是1927年以后的翻译后期,也是鲁迅的翻译高峰期。这个时期他翻译了卢那查尔斯基 的《艺术论》,法捷耶夫的《毁灭》,奥地利的女作家至尔.妙论的《小彼得》,鲁迅最 杰出的译作作为一生最后所译的果戈理的《死魂灵》。
郑振铎:鲁迅先生的死,不仅是中国失去了一个青年的最勇敢的领导 者,也是我们失去了一个最真挚最热忱的朋友。
茅盾:要冒这一切伟大的永久纪念的必得办到,由一个先决条件 :学习鲁迅!

论鲁迅的翻译思想lu xun (1881-1936)has been zhou shu-ren’s pen name since he published diary of a madman. hewas born into a declining feudal family. his extensive reading in youth enabled him to accumulate a great store of national culture.during the reform movement,he read translation works of modern social science and literature of the west,in which his favorite was huxley’s evolution and ethics and other essays entitled《天演论》.actually,evolutionary ideals used to be his spiritual weapon against feudalism. in 1902,his academic excellence won him an opportunity tostudy in japan where he laid a solid foundationin japanese,german,english and russian. in 1906,he gave up medicine and began his lifelong literary creation and translation career. in chinesehistory,he is considered as a great man of letters,thinker,revolutionist as well as an outstanding literary translator. he devoted himself to translation of foreign literature. it is hewho inherited and developed traditional translation theory in china. on account of his great contribution,he has been regarded as the founderof chinese translation theory.lu xun’s literary activities began withtranslation of foreign literature. in his whole life,he translated over 200 kinds of works written by 100 writers of 14 countries. his translation activities can be divided into three periods.during the first period (1903-1919),he studied in japan and mainly translated literary works from russia,poland and balkans. the first literary works he translated is a well-known scientific fiction,a journey to moon. at that time,he stood on the side of the weak and the oppressed and calledfor their fighting against injustice. during the second period(1920-1927),his belief was shifting from revolutionary democratic ideology to communism. in order to provide ideological weapon for people,he translated a great deal of literary works,most of which were from russia,northern and easterneurope. he even published special issues on literature of the oppressed nations. the third period (1927-1936)is the most splendid one for him to translate foreign literary works. duringthis period,he had transformed from a democratic revolutionist to a great communist. in 1935,he accomplished his last translation works-- deadsouls by gogol,a russian classicist.lu xun was ardent in translation and wasfaithful to it. he took translation ratherseriously and spared no effort in it. his main translation theories are as follows:on the purpose of translation:his translation works can be divided into two categories. thefirst one includes scientific literary criticismand revolutionary literary works. the second one refers to those common works. as for translation of the former,he said that it directly served revolution just as if to transport ammunitions to uprising slaves. but for the latter,he managed to provide some useful and beneficial reference forpeople. he favored translation of various worksfor chinese readers’reference. he hoped that scholars took up translation of proletarian worksas well as those so-called proletarian workscolored with prejudice of capitalism. aftercritical judgments,readers can have a correct understanding about them. of the value andfunction of translation,lu xun had a high evaluation. he said,“translation is not easier than creation. it has rendered service to the development of new literature in china and done much good to chinese writers and readers.”on translation standard:it’s no exaggeration to say that this standard is the nucleus of luxun’s translation theory. in his opinion,there must be two things involved in translation. oneis to seek for understandability and the other is to preserve the original flavor. actually,this standard inherits and develops yan fu’sthree-character standard (i.e.faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance). in general,three-character standard aims at content,language and style respectively. lu xun’s theory aims at seeking for understandability and keeping theoriginal flavor. that’s to say,the translation version should be both faithful and smooth to the original. here,lu xun’s “faithfulness”means complete and thorough loyalty to the original from the content to the style. it also alludes to meaning of “smoothness”and “elegance”. in a word,translation works should be faithful to the inseparable unity of the original in terms of content and form. what’s more,this standardsettled a dispute between domestication(归化)and foreignization(异化)in translation circle. according to him,with a view to fully preserving the originally exotic flavor,the translation version cannot be thoroughly adapted. as a matter offact,there is no translation version of full domestication in the world. he argued that what translators could do was change its clothes (i.e. transform the language form)instead of slicingoff its nose and gouging its eyes. (i.e. change its original flavor)on translation method:lu xun’s another contribution in modern translation history is onthe reform of translation method. he and zhouzuo-ren dauntlessly challenged the traditional translation method (i.e. translation from other versions)and adopted a new method--- literal translation. during the heated dispute of 1930s between the school of literal translation and the school of free translation,lu xun was a staunch advocate of literal translation. but he didn’t object to any unavoidable free translation. in fact,he proposed both faithfulness and smoothnessas the main criteria to be observed intranslation. in his practice,as li ji(李寄)pointed out,lu xun did never set literal translation against free translation and repel it though heput emphasis on the former. just on the contrary,he held that the method of free translation might be used where and when necessary. and li jicited lu xun’s own words in the preface to his translation entitled 《小彼得》as a convincing proof:“it’s not quite proper for foreign language learners to begin their translation withchildren’s stories,for they are apt to rigidly adhere to the original text and dare nottranslate it in a free way so that thetranslation is very difficult for the children to read. the manuscript of 《小彼得》had this kind of shortcoming. thus i revised it on a large scale while reading and correcting proofs. as a result,the translation became more smooth than before.”(the complete works of lu xun,vol.14,p.237)some scholars argue that his literal translation aims at attacking “bad translation”(歪译). just as jiang chun-fang,a scholar has pointed out here “literal translation”actually refers to “correct translation”. superficially speaking,literal translation and free translation are opposite to each other. at the deepest level,literaltranslation means correct translation that includescorrect free translation. he held a ratherdialectical viewpoint on contradiction between the two. he also recognized those deviation caused by overemphasis on literal translation and feltregretful about it. in lu xun’s brief preface to his translation of the work on art,《艺术论》,in which he said,“if there is someone who devotes himself to the study of the book,it’s better for him to reorganize the sentences,make the termseasy to understand and render it in such a free way that the translation may be close to interpretation.”(the complete works of lu xun,vol.175,p.175)anyhow,he advocated literaltranslation but didn’t want his translation to be obscure and unintelligible. in terms offaithfulness and smoothness,he preferred faithfulness. his open declaration that he would preferfaithfulness to smoothness was aimed to opposezhao jingshen’s one-sided advocation of “preferring smoothness to faithfulness.”he agued that while translating,translators should import not only newcontent but also the new ways of expression. readers’critical judgments can enable some expressions to become smooth and others to be washed away completely. he even said that translators should learn from chinese historical experience in translation of buddhist scriptures. those newly imported syntax may be unfamiliar to readers,but later they could become assimilatedinto readers’culture. those unaccepted would be got rid of as waste matters. as a matter of fact,he advocated not only literal translation and free translation,but also import of new ways of expression. this is the essence of his literal translation method. in lu xun’s translation,li ji concluded that the method of literal translation and the method of free translation were merged.he merely regarded the former as primary and the latter as supplementary. in a word,he was a successful practitioner who combined literal translation and free translation.on retranslation and translation from otherversions:these are the important components of lu xun’s translation theory. they serve prosperity of our translation cause and promotion of cultural exchange with the west. as for translation from other versions,he maintained that ideal translation should be performed directly from the original by translators who have a good command of the original. he also confessed great necessity of translation from other versions due to some limitations. he strongly disapproved of those who blindly looked down upon it. he even pointed out inconformity between the original and thetranslation by means of this method. in terms of concept and style,he held that the original and the translation versions cannot be identical. (lu xun and translation,by xu guangping)he expected those who mastered danish language,norwegian and spanish to translate directly from the original.as for retranslation,he argued that there was no perfect translation version. by retranslation,translators could select advantages of the oldversion for learning and imitation and simultaneously add their own understanding. in his opinion,retranslation was a good approach to defeat bad translation and served to promote the development of new literature. because of the development of language,retranslation is very necessary.on translation criticism:though he is not the first who put forward translation criticism,he laid much emphasis on it. in his defense fortranslation (written on august 14th,1933),he pointed out that translation critics should be responsible for defects of translation version besides translators. it’s critics’responsibility to give a credit to those versions with high qualities.if there was none,fairly good ones should also be given a note. in a word,he was undoubtedly the founder of chinese modern literary criticism. he also guided the further development of modern literary criticism and translation criticism.on the equal status of translation and creation:in chinese literary history,creation has been always overemphasized while translation has been ignored. liu yuxi(刘禹锡)in tang dynasty has warned people not to despise translation. it’s lu xun who first put forward that translation and creation should share equal status. in histitleless essay (1)in the second collection of qiejieting essays,lu xun says,“i have always thought that translation is easier than writing,for at least you needn’t work out a plot. but as soon as you put pen to paper,you meet with obstacles. for instance,you can avoid a noun or a verb you can’t make good use of in writing,but you can’t do so in translation. you will haveto rack your brains for it until you get dizzyas if you are feeling in your head for a keyto open a box,but in vain.”even when he came to his old age,he still felt it difficult to do translation. he ever said,“as if you were doing a mere drudgery and had a hard time of it.”(see the letter to xiao hong on march 1,1935)“i feltit to be a painful task to render gogol. it seems as if i had an attack of some illness whenever i finish translating two chapters.”(seethe letter to hu feng on june8,1935)from his experience above,we can see translation should deserve equal status with creation. it’s no exaggeration that lu xun has greatly elevated the position of translation in our culture.as a preeminent man of letters and translator,lu xun considered literature as a means to serve social reconstruction and liberation. he devoted himself to transporting nourishment for mind,awakening national consciousness,seeking for truth and exploring the way to save our country out of disaster. chairman mao ever said,“on the frontier of new culture,lu xun represents the majority of the people and is regarded as the most correct,courageous,staunch,loyal and passionate hero who charged directly at the enemies.”in a word,his translation theories occupy an important status in translation history in china.【bibliography】[1]陈福康. 中国译学理论史稿. 上海外语教育出版社,1992.[2]王秉钦. 20世纪中国翻译思想史. 南开大学出版社,2004.[3]中国翻译工作者协会. 翻译研究论文集. 外语教学与研究出版社,1984.[4]刘重德. 文学翻译十讲. 中国对外翻译出版公司,2000.。

简介Lu Xun is an eminent translation theorist. His views on translation were formed by inheriting and absorbing Chinese and foreign traditional translation theories. He adopted different translation strategies at different stages of his translation.StageThe early stages of Lu Xun”s translation activities are from the year of 1903 to 1918,which means he began to study in Japan until the eve of the May 4th movement, in this stage, translation works introduce one’s reflecting the people’s suffering and the n ational liberation movements about Russia Northern Europe and Poland and other countries. The second stage is from 1919 to 1927,which also focuses on the people’s suffering and the aspects of social darkness in Russia, Japan and so on . The last stage is from 1927 to 1936, which was from the eve of revolutionary literature controversy to the proletarian literature movement. Lu Xun emphasizes the Soviet revolutionary and proletarian literature theory.类型Practice of Lu Xun’s translation1.Science novels2.Short stories of Eastern Europe3.Foreign arts4.Children’s literature5.Children’s works6.After 1919StrategyIn the early period of his translation career, he adopted free translation, that is, between 1903 to 1906, but very soon in 1906 to 1909, he shows his new ideas about translation in his series of literary works especially in his co-published Stories from Abroad with his younger brother Zhou Zuoren, which marked his great change of translation methods from free translationFree translation and adaptationFree translation reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content without the form of the original. Usually it is a paraphrase much longer than the original, a so-called “intralingual translation”, often prolix. Another method adopted by Lu Xun at his early translating stage isadaptation, the “freest” form of translation, the source culture converted to target language and the text rewritten.Stiff or literal translation(直译与硬译)The literal translation here doesn’t mean the literal translation we usually refer to, but Lu Xun’s translation strategy of adhering to the source language text or foreignization or “rigid translation”. For the literal translation generally means that the source language grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest target language equivalent, but the lexical words are again translated single, out of context. While Lu Xun’s literal translation is far beyond this. He laid much emphasis on the faithfulness to original forms, and the uniqueness in his literal translation is that he emphasizes the faithfulness at the level of grammatical structures of source language in his Chinese version. For Lu Xun, this is one of the feasible ways to preserve the original mood and flavor in Chinese version or “preserve the exoticism”.Faithfulness and smoothness(宁信而不顺)Lu Xun advocated “faithfulness and smoothness”, he protested “smoothness but unfaithfulness”. In Letters of Translation(《关于翻译的通信》), he says: "I still prefer "faithfulness" than "smoothness". Naturally, the "non-smoothness" does not mean"kneel" is translated into“跪在膝之”,"the Milky Way" into“牛奶路”.I mean the translations need to be chewed with great effort, not to be swallowed down in several mouthfuls just like drinking teas and eating. Here comes the question: Why not be completely sanitized to save labors of the readers? ...My answer is, this is also translation. Such translation introduces not only new subject matter, but also new ways of expression. The mind of Chinese language is not clear. To remedy that, we will have to undergo a little ordeal, that is, to bring in bizarre ways of constructing sentences---ancient, outlandish, foreign ways, incorporating them into our language. This is not imaginative.“non-smoothness” Lu Xun advocated in translation means introducing new subject matter as well as new ways of expression. And a part of the translation will became smooth from its non-smoothness and part of it will be cast away and kicked off because of its “non-smoothness”.主要翻译作品日本武者小路实笃著戏曲《一个青年的梦》日本厨川白村著论文《苦闷的象征》、《出了象牙之塔》俄国爱罗先珂著童话剧《桃色的云》后人评价Translating foreign literature is an important way for Lu Xun to put his literary values into practice.Lu Xun’s talks about translation purpose, source text selecting, translation strategies and methods, classification of target readers, and translation evaluation give an expression to his value orientation towards serving the readers by “stealing foreign fire”(“窃得洋火照人间”) His views on the value of translation, the value of “other” cultures and the translator’s responsibility imply his profound thoughts on translation ethics, from which some inspiration can be drawn.名人评价鲁迅先生不仅是我国伟大的文学家·思想家,也是一位伟大的翻译家。


• 要评价和确认一位翻译家在翻译史上的地位, 首先应明了翻译在中国特定的历史时期之文化 上的位置;而要明了翻译在中国特定的历史时 期的文化上的位置,又要明了这种文化在中国 整个历史情境中的位置。因为无论翻译还是文 化之建设、交流或毁坏,都不是孤立的人类活 动,它必定和人类的其他活动交织在一起,为
• 劳伦斯· 韦努蒂 Lawrence Venuti(1953年—)学者, 大学英语教授,专职翻译家,美籍意大利人,生于 费城南部(此区域居住者多为意大利裔),七十年 代早期在天普大学攻读英语文学,1980年获哥伦比 亚大学博士学位。主要著作:主编论文集《对翻译 的重新思考:语篇、主体性与意识形态》(
• 鲁迅所考虑的除了借助翻译“输入新的表现 法”,以丰富汉民族的语言,以达到重建民族语 言与文化的目的,进而从根本上改变汉语的 思维方式以外,还有译文接受的条件、语言 环境以及传统文化意识等多种因素。 • 进一步系统而科学地划分了翻译的读者层。 • 把翻译研究从译作转移到了译文读者对译 作的反应上,考察译作的社会功能和社会效 果等重大问题。 • 针对这些不同的读者,采取相应的翻译策 略。其次,译者必须有心目中的读者对象。
出生日期:1881-9-25 (中国浙江绍兴) 去世日期:1936-10-19 (上 海)
鲁迅是中国文学家、思想家、革 命家和教育家。原名周树人,字 豫才,浙江绍兴人,1881年9月 25日诞生。出身于破落封建家庭。 青年时代受进化论、尼采超人哲 学和托尔斯泰博爱思想的影响。


• 读者的作用不只是体现在阅读过程之中,而 是贯穿于翻译活动的全过程。这就要求译 者在择取原作、表达译文的整个翻译过程 中,头脑中始终要有一个“隐在读者”,以便使 翻译的过程始终关注着这个“隐在读者”。事 实上,每一个严肃的译者都会在心中有着“为 谁译”的读者意识。
• 鲁迅一生从事翻译介绍和研究外国文学的 工作,他认为是借外国的火,来照明中国 的黑暗,向人民指明方面,鼓舞大家的斗 争意志;他在黑暗的封建统治的年代里和 国民党反革命的围剿与“刀丛”中为此奋斗了 一生。他的这一工作,不仅加强了中外各 国人民的友好和文化交流的事业,同时对 中国的革命文学的诞生和成长,对我国人 民争取民族革命和解放事业都做出了重大 的贡献!
• 鲁迅并不是将翻译看作一种纯文字性转换的技巧或仅 仅是一门艺术,而是当作一门与人类其他活动一样的文 化事业。在《〈译文〉复刊词》中,鲁迅以高度概括的 形式,用“有益”和“有味”准确地把握了翻译的两个功用, 这就是翻译工作的思想性和艺术性。翻译能够在思想上
出生日期:1881-9-25(中 国浙江绍兴) 去世日期:1936-10-19(上 海)
鲁迅是中国文学家、思想家、 革命家和教育家。原名周树 人,字豫才,浙江绍兴人, 1881年9月25日诞生。出身于 破落封建家庭。青年时代受 进化论、尼采超人哲学和托 尔斯泰博爱思想的影响。
• • • • • • • 1918年到1926年间,陆续创作出版了 小说集《呐喊》、《彷徨》 论文集《坟》 散文诗集《野草》 散文集《朝花夕拾》 杂文集《热风》、《华盖集》、《华盖集续编》 1921年12月发表的中篇小说《阿Q正传》,是 中国现代文学史上的不朽杰作。

lecture 11 鲁迅的翻译思想

第二时期(1920-1927) 革命民主主义思想->共产主义思想 翻译作品: 文艺理论作品:《苦闷的象征》、《出了象牙之 塔》--厨川白村 《文学与革命》--托洛茨基
俄国东欧和北欧的文学作品: 《小约翰》--望· 霭覃(荷兰) 《桃色的云》、《爱罗先珂童话集》 --爱罗先珂(俄国) 翻译思想:“转移性情,改造社会”
“我是至今主张‘宁信而不顺’的。自然 这所谓‘不顺’,决不是说‘跪下’要译 作‘跪在膝之上’,‘天河’要译作‘牛 奶路’的意思,乃是说,不仅不像吃茶淘 饭一样几口可以吃完,还必须费牙来嚼一 嚼。……这样的译本,不但在输入新的内 容,也在输入新的表现法。” (对于“很受了教育”的甲类读者 )
第一时期(1903-1919)日本留学阶段 翻译作品: 《月界旅行》--凡尔纳(法国) 《哀尘》--雨果 《斯巴达之魂》 《域外小说集》 翻译思想:“呼号、战斗”
“后来我看到一些外国小说,尤其是俄国, 波兰和巴尔干诸小国的,才明白了世界 上也有这许多和我们的劳苦大众同一 命运的人,而有些作家正在为此而呼号, 而战斗。”
一 “易解、丰姿”双标准论与“移情、益 智”双功能说
……动笔之前,就先得解决一个问题:竭力使它 归化,还是尽量保存洋气呢?日本文的译者上田进 君,是主张用前一法的。……所以他的译文,有 时就化一句为数句,很近于解释。我的意见却两 样的。只求易懂,不如创作,或者改作,将事改 为中国事,人也化为中国人。如果还是翻译,那 么,首先的目的,就在博览外国的作品,不但移 情,也要益智,至少是知道何地何时,有这等事, 和旅行外国,是很相像的:

3.鲁迅还翻译了大量日文版科幻小说,如法国作 家儒勒·凡尔纳的两部科幻小说《月界旅行》和 《地底旅行》
二、 鲁迅介绍、推广了一大批容易 为人忽视的小国的进步作家和作品。
波兰诗人密茨凯维支、作家 显克微支的作品
罗马利亚作家索陀威奴的作 品。
鲁迅主张 宁信而不顺,并不意味 着对“顺”的否定。他对翻译中 “信”与“顺”的关 系有着清醒的认识
( 一) 端正不信之译风 ( 二) 改造、发展白话文 ( 三) 要改造社会, 改造国人的思想, 推动新文化运动
鲁迅一再提到硬译,而这硬译正是宁信 而不顺在具体翻译实践中的体现。
这本书“于本国的微 温, 中道, 妥协, 虚假, 小气, 自大, 保 守”等世态, 一一加 以辛辣的攻击和无所 假借的批评。
一、鲁迅的一生翻译了不少的外国作品。 主 要是俄、日德法等国的作品。
《死魂灵》、《毁灭》、《浊流》都是其中翻译的代表 作。
匈牙利诗人裴多菲的诗作。 芬兰女作家明那·康特的《疯姑娘》
保加得亚作家跋佐夫的小说《战争 中的威尔柯》
鲁迅自己举过一个例子: “务欲直译,文句也反成蹇涩; 欧文清晰,我的力量实不足以 达之。《小约翰》虽如波勒兑 蒙德说,所用的是‘近于儿童 的简单的语言’,但翻译起来, 却已够感困难,而仍得不如意 的结果。
3.通过对外国作品的翻译帮助我们创造出新的字眼 词汇以及句法改进和完善当时的白话文,为中国 的语言引进新的表现形式,输人新的表现方法。
