流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(二)Benefits of Outsourcing




流利说商务英语Level6Unit1Part3(三)ManufacturingTerms流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 1 Part 3(三)Manufacturing Terms Cycle time 周期In manufacturing, cycle time is the time period when an operation begins to when it ends.Manufacturing try to make operations more efficient to cut cycle time.If an operation started on Monday and finished on Wednesday, its cycle time was two days.error-proofing 防错技术Error-proofing involves taking measures to prevent defects in a process.During error-proofing, possible errors that an operation can generate are identified. An example of error-proofing is a machine shutting down automatically if it malfunction s.Six Sigma 六西格玛Six Sigma is a method that is used to improve the quality of a business's products or services.It commonly follows a five-step methodology: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control.Manufacturers use Six Sigma to identify and remove production defects.If a product has a defect, the root cause will need to be identified and a solution implemented.Afterwards, the solution will be monitored to see if the problem was fixed.What is the first step in error-proofing? identifying potential issues.What is Six Sigma used to improve?the quality of products or servicesThe manager was dissatisfied because the operation’s cycle time took two days longer than expected.Defects cause materials to be wasted, but through error-proofing we can prevent that from happening in the first place.The period when an operation begins to when it ends is called cycle time.Cell 车间A cell is a grouping of people, supplies, and machines used to manufacture products. Cell improve efficiency and prevent overproduction in a manufacturing process. Because a cell is closely grouped, defects can be identified and fixed faster.Radio Frequency Identification 射频识别Radio frequency identification, or RFID, uses radio waves to send and receive information.RFID technology can check components from suppliers, improving shipping accuracy before manufacturing.It identifies the misplaced items in real-time, which reduces the impact of human error in production.It can be used to synchronize production flow so that the production lines can run smoothly.The RFID system identified that there were 20 bags of sugar missing from the shipment.In a cell, people, supplies and machines are arranged in close proximity.RFID reduces the impact of human error by locating and identifying misplaced items.。

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(一) Types of Outsourcing

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(一) Types of Outsourcing

流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(一) Types of Outsourcing Outsourcing is the shifting of a business's jobs, operations, or processes to a third party.This is typically done to reduce costs or improve efficiency.Free trade and globalization have led to a large increase in outsourcing to other countries.OffshoringOffshoring is the practice of basing a company's business processes in another country.This allows the company to produce goods cheaply and sell them back to its own country at a low price.For example, an American car company may manufacture its cars in Mexico.OnshoringOnshoring involves bringing an overseas operation back to the country it originated from.Companies may onshore an operation if the costs of an offshored operation increases or quality suffers.Onshoring improves communication and lowers management costs for businesses. What has let to an increase in an outsourcing? globalizationIf an American computer company wants to offshore, it may manufacture its components in Asia.Though AT&T is earning record profits, it continues to lay off workers and outsource jobs.From 2014 to 2016, six percent of companies employing more than 50 people offshored some of their business operations.Nike plans to use automation in onshore factories to speed up production process. The union called for a three-day strike, demanding an end to the outsourcing of jobs.Lenovo opened a manufacturing plant in 2012 to onshore its computer assembly operations.Call center and customer service jobs are considered as some of the most vulnerable to offshoring.Companies outsource their operations in order to reduce costs or improve efficiency. Business process outsoucing (BPO)Business process outsoucing involves outsourcing a business operation to a third party.By outsourcing certain functions, a company can allocate more resources to other operations.Through BPO, the company can also have access to technologies and resources that it otherwise wouldn't have.Information technology outsourcing (ITO)Companies can use IT outsourcing for network infrastructure, software development, and maintenance.To save money, a company may outsource its IT management by using a third party rather than its own IT team.However, ITO can put a company at risk since it may allow a third party to access the company's sensitive data.Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)Knowledge processing is the process of creating and spreading information.KPO provides expert-level knowledge and analysis on complicated fields, such as legal services and market research.Industries such as R&D, business analysis, and financial consultancy may outsource positions to find knowledgeable, qualified experts.The outsourcing of a business operation to a third party is called business process outsourcing.What is a risk letting a third party handle sensitive data?The data security may be compromised.An example of KPO services includes consulting.Bringing an overseas operation back to the country it originated from onshoring Global figures show that by the end of 2017, 31% of all IT services were outsourced. The Philippines has established itself in the global KPO market as the leading destination.。



Lesson 1 Advertising methodAdvertisers use many different strategies to reach consumers. Here are some of the most common ones.Product demonstrationsIn a product demonstration, potential customers are shown how a product works. Because they can see a product being used in person, they may be more likely to buy it.Traditionally, product demonstrations have been held by salespeople in physical stores. Nowadays, brands also use online channels, such as social media.Word-of-mouthWord-of-mouth refers to when customers tell other people about a brand or product they like.When people are satisfied with a product, word-of-mouth may happen naturally.But companies can also encourage it by rewarding customers.For example, some companies give customers discounts if they recommend a product to a friend.Product placementProduct placement is a practice in which a brand pays to feature its products in movies or TV shows.For example, if a character in a television show is drinking a brand of soda, that soda is likely a product placement.While product placement is initially very expensive, it can result in a large increase in sales or brand exposure.Digital advertisingDigital advertising refers to any form of advertising or marketing that appears online.It commonly includes social media, email, and search engine marketing.Digital advertising allows companies to leverage analytics platforms to gather sophisticated data from users.Lesson 2 Making an adAdvertisersAdvertisers are businesses that pay money to create ads and show them to an audience. They own the product or service that is being advertised.Frequently, advertisers hire advertising agencies to design ads.They also pay publishers, like social media sites, to access advertising space and distribute ads.Advertising agenciesAn advertising agency is a company that creates advertisements.It is also involved in marketing and branding strategies, such as logo design.Ad agencies are often hired to give a new perspective on how to promote a brand or product. Because ad agencies are independent from their clients' marketing teams, they often offer fresh and creative ideas.PublishersA publisher owns a platform that advertises a product or service.They earn money by selling ad space to advertisers.Examples of publishers include newspapers, websites, or apps like WeChat and Instagram. Advertisers often choose publishers to gain access to a particular audience or demographic. Accounts departmentIn an ad agency, the accounts department is responsible for managing client relations.It is made up of account executives and led by an account director.It meets with clients, listens to their feedback, and brings in new business.It also works with the creative department to make sure ads meet client needs.Creative departmentThe creative department is responsible for ads, logos, and any other work produced by the agency.It is led by a creative director, and often consists of copywriters and designers.The creative department takes client feedback and tries to turn it into engaging ads or marketing campaigns.Media planning departmentThe media planning department oversees the distribution of an ad or marketing campaign. It chooses a mix of media platforms to reach a target demographic.It is also responsible for analyzing data to track the performance of a campaign.Lesson 3 evaluating an online adAnalytics platformAn analytics platform is a software that allows an advertiser to track the performance of its online advertisements.This software is able to monitor metrics such as how many times an ad was clicked or whether an ad led to a sale.Seeing how people engage with online ads allows companies to make their marketing strategies more targeted.Cost per Impression(CPI)Cost per Impression refers to how much an advertiser pays each time an ad is displayed on a website.Advertisers must pay every time their ads appear on a platform, whether they are clicked or not.By tracking CPI, it's possible to see if the ad is getting a strong return on its investment. Cost per Click (CPC)Cost per Click refers to what an advertiser pays each time an ad is clicked by a potential customer.Cost per Click depends on the publisher.On search engines, companies will bid on keywords to use in ads, with certain words costing more money.But social media and other platforms typically charge a fixed price.Cost per Order (CPO)Cost per Order refers to the cost of advertising divided by the number of orders from customers.It is commonly used in online advertising to determine the effectiveness of a company'smarketing.To reduce this cost, advertisers can either cut costs from their search budget or try to boost conversions.Lesson 4 Qualities of Good AdsEvery advertisement should contain certain qualities.Here are some qualities of good ads.MemorableA memorable ad is easy to remember, because it is special or unusual.Even if an ad is strange, as long as customers can remember it , they are more likely to buy from the company.Advertisers use music, design and interesting stories to try to make their ads memorable. PersuasiveA persuasive ad give a strong and effective reason for why customers should buy a product or service.For example, a make up advertisement may try to persuade customers by saying using the make-up will give them more confidence.Advertisers invest heavily in market research in order to understand how to persuade their target market.EntertainingAn entertaining ad uses humor to make the audience laugh.An example of entertaining ad would be a talking dog discussing its favorite brand of dog food.The more entertaining an ad is, the more likely it is to go viral, which helps to build awareness of a brand.InspiringAn inspiring ad uplifts and energizes its audiences.For example, a famous athlete or CEO may appear in as ad to deliver an inspiring message to the audience.This inspiration can create the mindset that the audience will excel in a certain area after purchasing the product.TouchingA touching ad connects with audiences through feelings of happiness, hope or sympathy. For example, a father who doesn’t have any money saves up a month to buy her daughter a doll she really wants for Christmas.Watching the father do everything he can to make his daughter happy may be very touching.Touching ads help businesses close a deal if they can capture customers’ minds and hearts.。

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 1(一) CSR Terminology

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 1(一) CSR Terminology

流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 1(一) CSR Terminology Corporate social responsibility or CSRCorporate social responsibility, or CSR is the idea that a company should help the environment and society.Through CSR programs, businesses can contribute to society while also boosting their own image.Depending on the company, CSR can take on many forms, like philanthropic giving. PhilanthropyPhilanthropy is when a corporation donates money to a cause or organization that helps people.Corporate philanthropy is a common approach to CSR.Typical forms of corporate philanthropy include monetary donations and aid given to non-profit organizations and deprived communities.For example, PepsiCo has a program called Food for Good, which donates healthy meals to children.Sony's CSR policy states its activities can improve social sustainability while advancing Sony's business value.Companies engage in philanthropy to help make the world a better place.halo effectThe halo effect is a favorable perception people have of a company.If a company has halo effect, customers will overlook its negative aspects in favor of its positive ones.When a company engages in CSR, it can create halo effect for itself.This can improve customer loyalty and give a company a reputation for social responsibility.triple bottom lineThe triple bottom line refers to people, planet, and profit.Companies engage in CSR because they believe the well-being of people ,the planet, and the company are interrelated.People refers to the human capital bottom line.It calls for fair labor practices and beneficial business practices toward the community where the business operates.Planet is the environmental bottom line.It calls for sustainable environmental practices as well as reversing the damage done to the environment.Profit is the economic bottom line.It refers to economic value created by the organization.。

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 1(四) Manifestations of CSR

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 1(四) Manifestations of CSR

流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 1(四) Manifestations of CSR sponsorshipSponsorship is money given by a company to support a person or an organization.A company can sponsor events to show its commitment to improving society.For example, GasTerra, a green gas company, sponsors Walk for Life, an event which raises money for cancer research in young adults.disease preventionCSR efforts also include disease prevention.Companies may focus on food safety, dental health, vaccines, and immunization.For example, to improve food safety, a food company may use cleaner ingredients and production methods.Areas such as food safety, dental health, vaccines, and immunization are examples of disease prevention.McDonald's believes that by sponsoring the Olympics, it can create both social and commercial value.Takeda's global CSR programs focus on disease prevention in developing and emerging countries.environmental initiativesEnvironmental initiatives are activities that promote environmental awareness and sustainability.Sustainability efforts can help companies reduce pollution and energy consumption. And other philanthropic activities can also improve the company's public perception.ethical labor practicesEthical labor practices refer to the fair treatment of employees.They also focus on improving labor practices of other companies around the world. For example, IKEA has done this by fighting against child labor in the supply chain.What kind of CSR may focus on how much energy a company uses? environmental initiatives.What are vaccines and immunization examples of? disease prevention.Google powers its offices through wind energy, which is cleaner and cheaper than other energy sources.Thai Union strives to implement ethical labor practices in the seafood industry by bringing an end to human trafficking.。

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 2(四)Qualities of Good Ads

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 2(四)Qualities of Good Ads

流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 2(四)Qualities of Good Ads Every advertisement should contain certain qualities.Here are some qualities of good ads.memorable 难忘的A memorable advertisement is easy to remember because it is special or unusual. Even if an advertisement is strange, as long as customers can remember it, they're more likely to buy from the company.Advertisers use music, design, and interesting stories to try to make their ads memorable.persuasive 有说服力的A persuasive advertisement gives strong and effective reasons for why a customer should buy a product or service.For example, a make-up advertisement may try to persuade customers by saying using the make-up will give them more confidence.Advertisers and companies invest heavily in market research in order to understand how to persuade their target market.entertaining 有趣的An entertaining advertisement uses humor to make the audience laugh.An example of an entertaining ad would be a talking dog discussing its favorite brand of dog food.The more entertaining an ad is, the more likely it is to go viral, which helps to build awareness of a brand.If customers can remember an advertisement, they're more likely to buy from the company.The Under Armour ad was memorable because of the icon as well as the storytelling. The AirBnB commercial persuades customers that using its service will give them a better travelling experience.Subaru released an entertaining ad of a dog driving a car.A persuasive advertisement might say its product will increase the customers' confidence.inspiring 鼓舞人心的An inspiring ad uplifts and energizes its audience.For example, a famous athlete or CEO may appear in an ad to deliver an inspiring message to the audience.This inspiration can create the mindset that the audience will excel in a area after purchasing the product.touching 动人的A touching ad connects with audiences through feelings of happiness, hope, or sympathy.For example, a father who doesn't have any money saves up for months to buy his daughter a doll she really wants for Christmas.Watching the father do everything he can to make his daughter happy may be very touching.Touching ads help a business to close a deal if they can capture consumers' minds and hearts.Inspiration can create the mindset that the audience will excel in a certain area after purchasing the product.Nike has an inspiring ad of disabled athletes competing in the Olympics.I just saw a touching ad from Liulishuo that shows the app helping students learn English in poor areas of China.An example of touching ad might be a poor father buying a holiday gift for his child.。

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 2(五)Advertising Basics

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 2(五)Advertising Basics

流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 2(五)Advertising BasicsSo, to be brief, Pearl Soaps has been looking for an agency to launch the digital campaign for its new organic product, and next week we will be meeting with their team to pitch our ideas.Awesome. Pearl Soaps owns, what, like 10% of skincare market?Yeah, it's a huge opportunity.But before I have the creative team start working on concepts and designs, I first want us to brainstorm our strategy a nd how we could execute it.Pearl has given us a brief report including their target audience and business goals for this product.OK, it says they want to build the awareness among women in their twenties who are interested in the organic lifestyle.Before the creative team begins to design the campaign, he would like to discuss their strategy.What will they use to develop their strategy?Pearl Soaps' research report.They want to target young women who are interested in organic products.Well, if that's the target audience, we should focus on social media, since that's where most of them spend their time.Right. And Pearl already has a massive social media following across all the major platforms.Their biggest following is on WeFace, with got 8 million followers.And their second biggest is on ChatLine, with have 700 thousand.How large is Pearl following on social media?It's extremely large.That's great. Any kind of content that we post for Pearl will already have good visibility.What is their content like on each platform?If you look at the WeFace and ChatLine pages, you'll see that they're mainly post photos, and their content is identical across both platforms.What does Pearl Soaps post in their social media pages?It posts photo content. They have a massive social media following.It mainly posts photos on its social media channels.Its largest following is on WeFace, where they have 8 million followers.But, different types of content perform better on different platform, right? Yeah. In the work I've done, users on WeFace have tended to share videos much more than photos. But on ChatLine, there has been more user engagement with images.So we could develop unique content for each platform.For example, we could do a video series for WeFace but a photo campaign for ChatLine.These are good ideas but not every woman and Pearl's target audience is following their social media accounts.What can we do to reach those potential customers who haven't followed them on social media yet?Well, social media also has paid advertising features, which we've had access with in the past.By using paid advertising, Pearl Soaps could reach some potential customers.How well social media content performs depends on the platform.Platforms like WeFace have paid features that allow us to identify any user we want based on their data.For example, we could target users in major US cities who follow organic lifestyle blogs or even Pearl's competitors.It's the fastest way for a company to expand its reach.How does paid advertising target users?It analyzes their user data.All right, we are off to a great start.Tomorrow I'll arrange a meeting with creative team to share the strategy and get them working on their ideas for the content.So please prepare a short summary of what we've discussed today.Then we can start getting into the nuts and bolts of the pitch.Great, can't wait to get started on this!Yeah,I feel I won't be sleeping much for the next few nights, but I'm super excited.。



流利说商务英语Level6Unit2Part5(一)Incoterms流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 5(一)IncotermsIncoterms(International Commercial Terms)国际贸易术语Incoterms, or International Commercial Terms, are rules which describe the responsibilities of buyers and sellers when delivering goods.They determine which costs should be paid by whom.These cost include loading and unloading, insurance, carriage, and customs clearance.Here are a few common incoterms used today.EXW= Ex Works 工厂交货Under Ex Works terms, the seller makes the goods available at a designated location, normally at the seller's factory or depot.Once the goods are placed at the buyer's disposal, the buyer shall be responsible for all costs and risks related to them, such as transport costs, loading costs and insurance.EXW terms are favorable to the seller as it poses minimum obligation to them.FOB= Free on Board [水运] 船上交货价,离岸价格Under Free on Board terms, the seller bears all costs and risks that are related to getting the goods to the port and onto the ship.Once the goods are loaded, the risk of the loss or damage to the goods will be transferred to the buyer.In most countries, FOB is only used for transport by waterway.Rules which determine whether a buyer or seller must incur a particular cost are called incoterms.Under Ex Works terms, they buyer bears all of the transport costs.What cost does the buyer bear under Free on Board terms? marine transport and the unloading of goods.It's imperative for traders to understand the obligations that come with the use of a certain incoterm.Ex Works terms put maximum responsibility on the buyer with minimum responsibility on the seller.If traders are using FOB terms, the buyer assumes the risk after cargo is on board. CFR=Cost and Freight [贸易] 成本加运费价(简称C.&F.)Under Cost and Freight terms, the seller is responsible for transporting the goods to the importer's port.This means the seller must pay all the charges of shipment until the goods arrive at the port of destination.However, the seller is not responsible for any loss or damage to the goods that occurs in shipping.The risk will be passed to the buyer when the goods are on board the vessel.CIF=Cost, Insurance, and Freight 成本、保险和运费Under Cost, Insurance, and Freight terms, the responsibilities are similar to CFR. The seller is still responsible for transporting the goods to the importer's port. However, the seller must obtain insurance for the goods being transported the port. The seller must also provide documents representing cost, insurance, and freight of CIF.Once the carrier gives the documents to the buyer, the seller's obligation ends.DDP=Delivered Duty Paid [贸易][税收] 完税后交货Under Delivered Duty Paid terms, the seller assumes all costs and responsibilities other than unloading.These include shipping, duties, insurance, and any otherexpenses.This makes DDP the most favorable incoterm for the buyer, since the seller bears maximum responsibility.Under CFR terms, when does the seller's obligation end?once the necessary documents are given to the buyer.What costs are not assumed by the seller under DDP terms? unloadingThe seller pays for the carriage of goods to the port of destination while the buyer undertakes the risks once the goods are loaded on the ship at the port of export?CFR CFR' s pricing mechanism involves the seller having the responsibility to get the goods from their warehouse to the destination port.Unlike CFR, CIF requires the seller to purchase insurance for the goods being transported to the port of destination.DDP places maximum responsibility on the seller, making it the most favorable incoterm for the buyer.。



流利说商务英语level6unit1part5(Motivation)Lesson1 Maslow’s hierarchyScientists have been studying motivation for many years.An American psychologist, Abraham Maslow, developed a theory called the Hierarchy of Needs.According to this theory, individuals’ most basic needs must be met before they become motivated to achieve higher level needs.There are 5 levels of needs in the hierarchy.PhysiologicalPhysiological needs are the most basic requirement for people to stay alive such as eating, drinking and sleeping.When these need are not met, people seek to fulfil them above all else.Safety and securityThe second most important need after physiological need is safety and security.Human beings need to feel safe and secure, not only physically but also financially and psychologically.If some los es their job, they may worry because their income isn’t stable.Belonging and loveAccording to Maslow, it is important that people feel accepted by their social groups, such as family, friends, even their co-workers.I f some doesn’t feel loved or accepted by the people in their life, they may feel lonely, depressed or insecure.Companies that encourage team-building activities have higher employe e engagement than those that don’t.Self-esteemSelf-esteem is the confidence a people has in themselves.At work, people need to feel that they are performing well and their achievements are recognized.I f employees are encouraged, they are often more engaged. So it’s important to praise their work.Self-actualizationSelf-actualization refers to a person’s need to reach their full potential.Since each individual is unique, people take different paths to achieve self-actualization. Therefore, managers should understand their employees’ needs and encourage them to achieve their goals.Lesson 2 Human motivation theoryIn order to lead a team, you need to understand your employees.Psychologist, David McClelland , developed a theory about human motivation called the Three Needs Theory.Need for achievementEmployees who have a need for achievement are motivated to accomplish difficult or challenging tasks.They enjoy tasks where they can see the results of their effort.They also like to receive feedback on their work.Need for affiliationEmployees who are driven by a need for affiliation feel a strong need to be accepted by others. Because they want to be liked, they often agree with any decision made by a group.People who have a need for affiliation prefer to collaborate with others instead of competing with them.Need for powerEmployees who have a need for power want to control or influence others.They often enjoy competing with other people.They are also eager to be recognized for their successes.However, their need for competition may make them hostile to others.Effect on managementBy using Three Needs Theory, managers can better understand different needs of their team members.For example, employees who have a need for achievement should be given challenging projects.Therefore , to motivate different employees managers could place them in new situations based on their needs.Lesson 3 Incentive programsAn incentive program is designed to promote or encourage specific employee behaviors.It is used by companies to motivate employees to perform better.Performance-based bonusesA performance-based bonus is an additional compensation paid as a reward for achieving specific goals.These bonuses may be given on a regular base, such as annually or monthly.They might also be made available only for a specific period of time.Paid time off (PTO)Many employees want the opportunity to have paid time off of work.Paid time off doesn’t just mean paid days off for sick days or emergencies.Employees could also earn an additional paid time off that they can use whenever they choose. If they don’t use this time before the end of the year, it can be converted to money.Tuition reimbursementSome companies reimburse some employees tuition.This means employees pay for education costs and then receive reimbursement after the course is completed.If a employer pay for the education, employees are more likely to perform better for the long term.Employee promotion policyAn employee promotion policy is a set of rules and guidelines for promoting an employee. Performance and skills are criteria used in a good promotion policy.Employee of the yearCompanies can choose an outstanding employee to be employee of the year.Generally, the company will have a nomination and selection process to choose the best employee.Employee of the year award helps boo st the winner’s confidence and encourage others to perform well.Lesson4 Related verbsTo demotivateTo demotivate means to make someone less eager to work.Unfair treatment in the work place may demotivate the employees.Employees who are demotivated are likely to under perform or even leave the company.To incentivizeTo incentivize means to make someone want to do something.Companies incentivize their employees to behave well through compensation policies. Sales teams often use a scoreboard to incentivize competition between team members.To participateTo participate means to take part in or get involved in an activity.E mployees should be encouraged to participate in activities that align with a company’s goals. Allowing employees to participate in decision making has resulted in successful value creation in many organization.To standardizeTo standardize means to make things of same type have the same features.Car parts are often standardized so that one type will fit any model of car.A standardized hiring process allows us to assess the candidate with the same reference point.。

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 2(二) E-Commerce Terms

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 2(二) E-Commerce Terms

流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 1 Part 2(二) E-Commerce TermsTrafficTraffic describes the number of people who visit a website or app.It is the start of all transactions in e-commerce.One way to make use of traffic is called conversion.ConversionIn e-commerce, a conversion refers to making a visitor into a paying customer. Companies can try to increase their conversion rate by improving customer service or marketing.The vast majority of visitors do not actually purchase anything.So companies need to find ways to convert them into paying customers.retentionA business's ability to keep its customers is called retention.Businesses employ different strategies to retain customers.For example, loyalty programs reward customers who make frequent purchases with coupons and discounts.What happens as traffic increases? The chance of conversion increases.Turning a website visitor into a paying customer is called a conversion.One way a company tries to keep its customers is through loyalty programs.If a website is listed first by a search engine, its traffic will likely be high.They needed advice on how to generate site traffic and increase sales.transactionA transaction is an exchange of goods and services between a buyer and a seller.In China, it's popular for customers to use their digital wallets to make transactions. web analyticsWeb analytics refers to the collection and analysis of website data.It is used to analyze traffic and other data to provide a better user experience and increase transactions.For example, a company can analyze its traffic after a marketing campaign to see if it increased.An exchange of goods or services between a buyer and a seller is called a transaction.The collection and analysis of data is called analytics.In China,cash is being used less frequently in transactions due to alternative methods of payment.Successful digital marketers need a strong knowledge of analytics to increase website traffic.We used analytics to track the conversions from our latest marketing campaign.。

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 3(四)Manufacturing Methods

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 3(四)Manufacturing Methods

流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 1 Part 3(四)Manufacturing Methods Lean manufacturing 精益生产Lean manufacturing focuses on minimizing waste without sacrificing productivity. Lean manufacturing creates more value from products with fewer resources. Many car manufacturers use lean manufacturing to produce each car as efficiently as possible.Waste is anything that doesn't add value to a product, like wasted time or overproduction.The focus of lean manufacturing is to minimize waste.continuous-flow manufacturing 流水线生产Continuous-flow manufacturing keeps a product moving from start to finish in its production.There is no waiting time for products in between each station of manufacturing.It allows the right number of products to be manufactured at the right time. Continuous-flow manufacturing works best in cells.digital manufacturing 数字化制造Digital manufacturing uses digital technologies to improve its processes.Rather than relying on human labor, these technologies automatically provide accurate data.They also lower production costs and increase the efficiency of labor.Rather than relying on human labor, digital manufacturing uses automated technologies.batch production 批量生产Batch production manufactures identical products in groups.The group stays together and it goes through each stage of production.Examples of products manufactured in batches include clothing and fast food.This method does not individualize customer requirements.Instead, the focus is on making large amounts of the same product at an affordable price.What gives batch production in advantage over other methods? Large amounts of the same products can be made affordably.agile manufacturing 敏捷制造Agile manufacturing focuses on adapting to changes in customer demand.If a customer suddenly changes an order, agile manufacturers can quickly adjust to meet the changes.This allows them to deliver new products quickly to their target market.Agile manufacturers adjust their strategy to match market changes.。

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(三)Risks of Outsourcing

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(三)Risks of Outsourcing

流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(三)Risks of Outsourcing Outsourcing has a lot of benefits, since it is cost-efficient and provides access to expert. However, it also comes with risks. Let's examine some of them.quality problems 质量问题Companies that outsource may suffer quality issues.To provide cheaper products, some outsourcing factories may prioritize quantity over quality.To reduce this risk, companies can prepare detailed product specifications for suppliers and do independent quality control.out of control 失控When a business outsources an operation, it gives up some control of that operation to a third party.This may result in communication issues or increased time to complete a project.To prevent this, companies should outsource to third parties with proven risk management processes.And it's also important to maintain constant communication.Which of the following is not a benefit of outsourcing? earning international reputation.To reduce quality problems, companies can prepare detailed product specifications for suppliers and do independent quality control.hidden costs 隐藏成本Outsourcing comes with several hidden costs, so a company may end up spending more than expected.For example, the hidden costs of selecting a service provider can include travel expenses, payment for an adviser, and so on.By improving the outsourcing process, a company can find more cost-saving opportunities, which adds to the company's profits.confidentiality of information 信息保密When a company chooses to outsource, it must protect its important data and intellectual property.This is because outsourcing may give a third party access to the client company's intellectual property.For example, if a tech startup outsources its finance department, its trade secrets may be exposed to the third party.To mitigate potential risks, it's necessary to set clear confidentiality obligations in outsourcing agreements.。

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 4(一)Leadership Styles - 副本

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 4(一)Leadership Styles - 副本

流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 4(一)Leadership StylesA person's leadership style shows how they use power to lead other people.Since certain leadership styles will be more successful in certain situations, there is not a perfect style that fits into every business.A leader is often required to adapt their leadership style according to different situations.authoritative 有权威的;命令式的;当局的Authoritative leaders take full control of all activities and decisions on a team.They set clear directions for how work should be done and provide frequent and detailed feedback.An authoritative leadership style is effective when control is necessary, such as when there is little room for error.But if a leader is working with a very experienced team, this leadership style can seem egotistical.democratic 民主的;民主政治的;大众的Democratic leaders encourage their team to participate in the decision-making processes.They are open to ideas from team members, which helps to motivate the team.This leadership style is effective when a team needs to come up with creative solutions to problems.However, it may not work well in emergencies or when team members are not competent enough to contribute.When a team isn't experienced enough to contribute, it's better to avoid being too democratic.To succeed as an authoritative leader, one needs to be visionary and able to resolve conflicts quickly.Most people prefer to work with a democratic leader who encourages teamwork and cooperation.A leader is often required to adapt their leadership style according to situation. Authoritative leaders like to set clear directions for how work should be done. Democratic leaders are open-minded to ideas from team members.pacesetting 定速度的;带头的Pacesetting leaders set high performance standards for themselves and their staff. They pursue high work efficiency and are willing to replace whoever doesn't meet their standards.A pacesetting style can be effective when a team is already motivated and skilled and when a leader needs quick results.However, if the standards set by a leader are too high, employees could easily feel stressed and demoralized.affiliative 有亲和力的Affiliative leaders regularly encourage their team and like to nurture a sense of belonging in an organization.They help strengthen emotional bonds among team members, which creates a positive atmosphere.Therefore, an affiliative style is effective when team morale is low and needs to be improved.However, a leader should not always use this style because it can create a culture where poor performance will be tolerated.What kind of leaders tend to closely supervise their employees' work? Authoritative What kind of leadership style is the most effective when there's a need of quick results? DemocraticA pacesetting leader puts heavy pressure on team members, which may even affect their physical health.Affiliative leaders like to seek an amicable resolution to tense or difficult situations. Pacesetting leaders are willing to replace whoever doesn't meet their standards.。



流利说商务英语level6unit2part1(CSR)Lesson1 CSR terminologyCorporate society responsibilityCorporate social responsibility, or CSR, is the idea that companies should help the society and environment.Through CSR programs, businesses can contribute to society while also boosting their own images.Depending on the company, CSR can take on many forms, like philanthropic giving. PhilanthropyPhilanthropy is when a corporate donates money to a cause or organization that helps people.Corporate philanthropy is the common approach to CSR.Typical forms of corporate philanthropy include monetary donations and aid given to non-profit organizations and deprived communities.For example, PepsiCo has a program called food for good, which donates healthy meals to children.Hallo effectThe hallo effect is the favorable perception people have of a company.If a company has hallo effect, customers will overlook negative aspects in favor of its positive ones.When a company engages in CSR, it can create an hallo effect for itself.This can improve customer loyalty and give a company reputation for social responsibility. Triple bottom line The triple bottom line refers to people, planet and profit.Companies engage in CSR because they believe the well-being of the people, the planet and the company are interrelated.PeoplePeople refers to the human capital bottom line.It calls for fair labor practices and beneficial business practices toward the community where the business operates.PlanetPlanet is the environmental bottom line.It calls for sustainable environmental practice as well as reversing the damage done to the environment.Profit is the economic bottom line.It refers to the economic value created by the organization.Lesson 2 Corporate philanthropyCSR as corporate philanthropyPhilanthropy is a common CSR initiative for many corporations.Many corporations provide charities and non-organizations with financial aid.This aid is given to many different areas including social welfare, the art and education. Case study: Coca-Cola In 2013, a devastating earthquake struck Ya’an Sichuan.Following the disaster, Coca-cala mobilized its resources across Sichuan and Chongqing to provide relief.They increased the production of bottle to water and shipped it to the affected area.In addition, the company donated 8,000,000 yuan to the China women development foundation.The goal was to provide aid to women who were affected in the earthquake.Through these CSR initiatives, Coca-Cola greatly improved its brand image and long term profitability.Case study: PNC’s Grow up GreatA nother example of corporate philanthropy is the PNC’s financial service Grow Up Great program.The program provides resources to the unfounded schools in the areas where PNC operates.These resources include lesson plans, digital storybooks and learning materials.The goal of the program is the set disadvantaged students on the path to success in the school and life.After its founding in 2004, the program has used 137 million dollars in grant to serve 1.4 million children.T hese CSR activities not only benefit many children but also improve PNC’s profit performance, customer relationship and community engagement.Case study: GoogleGoogle is a prime example of a company that engages in corporate philanthropy.It have donated money and resources to several programs which are involved in helping communities around the world.Google have donated thousands of Raspberry Pi computers to children around world to support computer science education.In the program Code for American, it annually donates 3 million dollars to help develop civic technological solutions.Lesson 3 Value creationCSR as creating shared valueSome CSR is geared towards creating shared value, or CSV.A company creates shared value by addressing a social need while simultaneously boosting its revenue.The premise behind the CSV is that the well-being of a company and society depend on each other.Case study: TeslaOne way to create share values is reconceiving products and markets to meet social needs. Tesla, for example, designs electric vehicles, batteries, and solar panels to address the ecological concerns of society.By doing this, it also expands the market for automotive and energy solution businesses.T esla’s CSR efforts both benefit the society and increase it economic value.Case study: IKEAProducts can also create shared value by redefining productivity in the value chain. Creating shared value can address s ocietal problems while reducing economic costs in a firm’s value chain.For example, IKEA commits to eliminating waste across its value chain by prevention, reduction, reusing and recycling.This can reduce production costs as well as environmental degradation.In 2017, more than 30,000 members joined its loyalty program every day.As a result, its total retail sales increased by 3.8%, reaching 36.3 billion euro.Cast study: NestleCompanies can create shared value by developing the communities they work in.Nestle did this when it change how it obtained its coffee beans.Previously, it obtained its beans from industrial farmers.Later, it started working closely with small farmers in poor areas.Nestle provided the farms with fertilizers, pesticides, andfarming advice.It also began to pay the farmers a premium for better quality beans.The result was an increase in income for the farmers while providing Nestle with a higher quality of coffee beans.Lesson 4 Manifestations of CSRSponsorshipSponsorship is money given by a company to support a person or an organization.A company can sponsor events to show its commitment to improving society.For example GasTerra, a green gas company, sponsors Walk for Life, an event which raises money for cancer research in young adults.Disease preventionCSR efforts also include disease prevention.Companies may focus on food safety, dental health, vaccines, and immunization.For example, to improve food safety, a food company may use cleaner ingredients and production methods.Environmental initiativeEnvironmental initiatives are activities that promote environment awareness and sustainability.Sustainability efforts can help companies reduce pollution and energy consumption.A nd other philanthropic activities can also improve the company’s public perception. Ethical labor practiceEthical labor practices refer to fair treatment of employees.They also focus on improving the labor practice of other companies around the world. For example, IKEA has done this byfighting against child labor in the supply chain.。

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3

流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(五) Types of OutsourcingHey, did you read the news about Wave Electronics?It says they decided to fire 30,000 customer services employees in the US and outsource operations to India.Yes, I saw it. To be honest, I'm not surprised. Outsourcing is so common these days. We're living in a global economy after all.But a lot of people are protesting the decision, even a few celebrities.They're saying globalization increases unemployment in the US.It's time to start putting people over profits.That's a little bit simplistic though, don't you think?No, I agree with the protesters completely.A company shouldn't fire employees who have been with the company for years just because it wants to make more money.Why are people protesting Wave Electronics' decision?Outsourcing jobs hurts job security.How does she feel of the criticisms of Wave Electronics? She agrees with them.He thinks the criticisms against Wave Electronics are? simplisticFrom her point of view, the company is putting profits over people.He thinks the criticisms against Wave Electronics are simplistic.Well, I know we often generalize corporations as greedy and heartless.But I think in the case of Wave Electronics, it can't be helped.Seriously? Why do you say that?Their sales have been steadily declining for years and they've taken on debt.To balance out their sinking revenue, they need to reduce costs.According to the man, how are corporations often generalized? They're heartless. And their operating cost of having30,000 full-time US employees must be astronomical.Yet, customer service isn't a highly scaled job. Outsourcing to India make sense.But many of those employees have been working for the company for a long time. What happen to job security or getting pension?If a number is astronomical, it is incredibly high.Their sales have been declining for years, so they had to reduce costs.Those days are gone, companies need to keep growing to survive.And in the globalized economy, there are more opportunities to reduce operating costs, which eat into profits.Wave Electronics didn't write the rules of the game, it's just playing along.From his point of view, the company is trying to survive in the modern economy.You're just biased because you work for one of those greedy and heartless corporations. Look who's talking.Remember before we had Chloe we used to have a maid Anita.She was with us for years.But after Chloe was born and you decided to start working from home, you let Anita go.We could have afforded it, though.Even though they could have afforded the maid, she let her go.If you're biased toward something., you're prejudiced.That's not the same thing at all. I didn't outsource the job to a cheaper maid.No, just a free one. But you saw the chance to reduce operating costs and you did. That's completely different.We're regular people.Wave Electronics is a multinational corporation.Corporations are people, too.Oh, go clean the kitchen.Why does she think their situation is different from Wave Electronics? Wave Electronics should take on more responsibility.。



流利说商务英语Level6Unit2Part2(三)EvaluatingOnlineAds流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 2(三)Evaluating Online Ads analytics platform 分析平台An analytics platform is a software that allows an advertiser to track the performance of its online advertisements.This software is able to monitor metrics such as how many times an ad was clicked or whether an ad led to a sale.Seeing how people engage with online ads allows companies to make their marketing strategies more targeted.Cost per Impression (CPI) 每印象成本(CPI)Cost per Impression refers to how much an advertiser pays each time an ad is displayed on a website.Advertisers must pay every time their ads appear on a platform, whether they are clicked or not.By tracking CPI, it's possible to see if the ad is getting a strong return on its investment.What can an advertiser do if its ads need more exposure? It can find a better publisher.If the CPI of an ad is a lot higher than expected, it may be because the ad doesn't get enough exposure.An analytics platform is able to monitor metrics such as how many times an ad was clicked or whether an ad led to a sale.Cost per Click (CPC) 每次点击成本Cost per Click refers to what an advertiser pays each time an ad is clicked by a potential customer.Cost per Click depends on the publisher.On search engines, companies will bid on keywords to use in ads, with certain words costing more money.But social media and other platforms typically charge a fixed price.Cost per Order (CPO) 每订单成本Cost per Order refers to the cost of advertising divided by the number of orders from customers.It is commonly used in online advertising to determine the effectiveness of a company's marketing.To reduce this cost, advertisers can either cut costs from their search budget or try to boost conversions.How can companies reduce Cost per Order? By increasing the conversion rate. Content sites and social media sites typically charge a fixed price per ad clicked.。

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 2(二) Making an Ad

流利说商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 2(二) Making an Ad

流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 2(二) Making an AdadvertisersAdvertisers are businesses that pay money to create ads and show them to an audience.They own the product or service that is being advertised.Frequently, advertisers hire advertising agencies to design ads.They also pay publishers, like social media sites, to access advertising space and distribute ads.advertising agenciesAn advertising agency is a company that creates advertisements.It is also involved in marketing and branding strategies, such as logo design.Ad agencies are often hired to give a new perspective on how to promote a brand or product.Because ad agencies are independent from their clients' marketing teams, they often offer fresh and create ideas.publishersA publisher owns a platform that advertises a product or service.They earn money by selling ad space to advertisers.Examples of publishers include newspapers, websites, or apps like WeChat and Instagram.Advertisers often choose publishers to gain access to a particular audience or demographic.Who do advertisers do?They promote their goods or services through ads.An advertising agency is a company that is hired to develop ads and marketing strategies.accounts departmentIn an ad agency, the accounts department is responsible for managing client relations.It is made up of account executives and led by an account director.It meets with clients, listens to their feedback, and brings in new business.It also works with the creative department to make sure ads meet client needs.creative departmentThe creative department is responsible for ads, logos, and any other work produced by the agency.It is led by a creative director, and often consists of copywriters and designers.The creative department takes client feedback and tries to turn it into engaging ads or marketing campaigns.media planning departmentThe media planning department oversees the distribution of an ad or marketing campaign.It chooses a mix of media platforms to reach a target demographic.It is also responsible for analyzing data to track the performance of a campaign. What is the creative department responsible for? designing advertisements.Which department is responsible for designing the advertisements?The creative department.The creative department is responsible for designing the advertisement.。

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流利说商务英语Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3(二)Benefits of Outsourcing Focus on core competencies 专注于核心竞争力
When a company outsources its unimportant business processes, it can focus more on its core competency.
For example, an architecture firm's core competency is designing buildings, not managing an IT network.
By outsourcing its IT needs to a third party, it may hire more architects to increase its expertise.
Reduce operation costs 降低运营成本
Companies in developed countries often outsource many jobs to developing countries. These outsourced employees are usually paid less than those in developed countries. For example, a computer company based in the US may outsource its customer service to Asia to save on labor costs.
To focus on its core competency, a company may outsource less important processes. By outsourcing certain functions, a company can allocate more resources to other operations.
HRM Systems AG can focus on its core competency of providing advisory services while outsourcing its accounting operations.
Sun Microsystems saves on costs by using third-party vendors to repair hardware and train users.
Access highly specialized talent 获取高度专业化的人才
Outsourcing allows companies to access highly specialized talent that would otherwise be difficult to recruit.
It offers an immediate solution to fill the need for new staff when opening up new services.
For example, a small technology start-up may outsource its engineering work to another country because it needs highly skilled engineers.
Share risks with a partner company 与合作公司分担风险
Companies may outsource to share risks with another company.
If all work of a company is done in one factory or office, a serious incident may put the company out of business.
For example, a strike may put a company's factory out of action for a period of time, completely eliminating the company's production.
If the workload is spread across multiple factories through outsourcing, a problem with one may not affect the others.
Companies spread their workload across multiple factories through outsourcing to reduce risks.
WhatsApp needed to keep operations costs low while finding new tech talent, so it outsourced to Eastern Europe.。
