完全倒装 PPT

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3) I have never seen such a man. = Never have I seen such a man.
2.频度副词和短语放在句首时 ( often, always, once, many a time, so+adj/adv., thus, now and again, every other day, ect.)
Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man of great achievements. The children listened quietly to the story. Great was their fear.
1) Should he meet me, he would know me. = If he should meet me, he would know me.
Often had I intended to speak of it. Many a time has he helped me with experiment. So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. So busy is he that he has no time to spare. = He is so busy that he has not time to spare.
可以互相Baidu Nhomakorabea论下,但要小声点
Tired as / though he was, he went on working. = Although / Though he was tired, … Child as / though she is, she knows a great deal. = Although / Though she is a child,…
2. in, out, down, up, back, over, away, off放在 句首时
In came the teacher and the lesson began. Down fell the bowl on the ground. Up into the sky flew the arrow. Away went the angry old couple. Out rushed the young man.
Ex. : 1) Not until midnight did it stop raining. = It didn’t stop raining until midnight.
2) They had no sooner got to the plant than they started to work. = No sooner had they got to the plant than they started to work.
1. Here, there, now, then 放在句首时 Here is a letter for you. There comes the bus. There are different forms of energy. There flows a small river in front of the village. Now comes your turn. 当主语是代词时, 句子不倒装。 Here you are. There he comes.
“What do you want?” asked the man. “Miss Li,” said the officer, “would you mind my smoking here?”
(只把助动词、情态动词、系动词或表语放在 主语之前)
1、有否定含义的副词放在句首时 (never, hardly, scarcely, not only, nor, seldom, little, rarely, nowhere, by no means, not until, hardly…when, no sooner…than, ect.)
• The first one wasn’t good and (第二个也不好)
• nor / neither was the second.
* * 1)----It was hot yesterday.
---- So it was.
2)----He works hard.
---- So he does.
Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get happily back to work. = He was able to get happily back to work only when the war was over in 1918.
当主语是代词时,句子不倒装。 In he came and the lesson began.
3.表示方位的短语放在句首时 In front of the farm house sat a small boy. All around the fox in a circle were the dogs. Nearby is the Indianapolis race course.(1991阅读) Outside were two men, neatly dressed in grey suits.(1995 阅读) 4.直接引语的引述短语的倒装
4.以so, neither, nor开头,表示另一人或物“也一样” 或“也不这样”
• He saw it, and so did I.
• They can swim. So can we. (我们也会)
• You can’t do it. Nor / Neither can I(. 我也不会)
2) Were I you, I would go there alone.
= If I were you, I would go there alone 3) Had he finished reading the book, he would have returned it to the library. = If he had finished reading the book, he would have returned it to the library.
Thus was the Emperor deceived. = The Emperor was thus deceived.
Only then did I realize the importance of English. = I realized the importance of English only then.
7.用在感叹句中 How happy we are! What a terrible noise the machine makes! What a beautiful picture that is!
May you succeed. Long live our motherland
• Hardly did I think it possible.
• 2) Not only should we not be afraid of difficulties, but we should try our best to overcome them.
• 3) By no means will this method be satisfactory.