
杨立民《现代大学英语精读(3)》(第2版)【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】(Unit1)Unit1一、词汇短语Text Acrisis[]n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻adj.危机的;用于处理危机的【例句】Affair have reached a crisis.事情已经发展到了紧要关头。
endeavor[]n.&v.努力,尽力,力图【例句】We must always endeavour to improve our work.我们任何时候都要努力改进自己的工作。
【词组】make one’s(best)endeavor(s)尽全力,竭力【助记】end(最后)+eavor(联想favor)→最后,缘分使努力成为现实。
perceive[]v.感知,察觉;理解,领悟,意识到【例句】Did you perceive a red colour or a green one?你看出来是红颜色还是绿颜色?【词组】perceive sth.as sth.理解或领悟某事物;认为【助记】per(透过)+ceive(取)→透过感觉来拿→察觉。
【派生】perception n.知觉;[生理]感觉;看法;洞察力;获取encyclopedia/encyclopaedia[]n.百科全书【例句】A dictionary deals with words and an encyclopedia deals with facts.词典讲解单词,而百科全书讲解事实。
genetic[]adj.遗传的,起源的【例句】Genetic engineering will have revolutionaryconsequences for mankind.遗传工程将对人类产生深远的影响。
【词组】genetic material遗传物质;基因材料genetic information遗传信息【派生】genetical adj.遗传的;起源的;创始的genetics n.遗传学【助记】gene(基因)+ticendow[]v.资助,捐赠;(with)给予,赋予【例句】Nature endowed her with a beautiful singing voice.大自然赋予她一副美妙的歌喉。

《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 1 课1 brush[brʌʃ]n.小冲突;小接触2 process['prəuses]n.过程;制作法3 court[kɔ:t]n.法院;法庭4 arbitrary['ɑ:bitrəri] a.任意的,武断的5 circumstance['sə:kəmstəns]n.情况,环境6 subsequent['sʌbsikwənt] a.随后的,接下去的7 fate[feit]n.命运8 due[dju:] a.预期的;约定的;到期的9 temporary['tempərəri] a.暂时的10 stroll[strəul]vi.散步,闲逛11 obvious['ɔbviəs] a.明显的,显而易见的12 downfall['daunfɔ:l] n.垮台;衰落13 employment[im'plɔimənt]n.职业;工作14 wander['wɔndə, 'wɑ:n:dər]vi.闲逛;漫游15 commit[kə'mit]vt.干(坏事),犯(错误、罪)16 arrestable a.应该被拘留的17 offence[ə'fens]n.罪行;冒犯;不愉快的事18 straight face板着的脸19 petty['peti] a.小的;不足道的20 doorstep['dɔ:step] n.门阶21 regard[ri'gɑ:d]vt.把…看作;把…认为(as)22 counterculture n.反主流文化23 unconcerned[ˌʌnkən'sə:nd] a.无忧虑的;淡漠的24 casual['kæʒuəl] a.漫不经心的,随便的25 conversational[ˌkɔnvə'seiʃənəl] a.会话(用)的26 confirm[kən'fə:m]vt.证实,肯定;确认27 belief[bi'li:f]n.相信;信念;信仰28 thoroughly['θʌrəli] ad.完全地,彻底地29 thorough['θʌrə] a.完全的,彻底的30 disreputable[dis'repjutəbəl] a.声名狼籍的31 worldly['wə:ldli] a.老于世故的32 au fait[ˌəu 'fei] a.熟悉的;精通的33 aha[ɑ:'hɑ:] int.啊哈!34 magistrate['mædʒistreit, -strit]n.地方法官['kɔndəkt, 'kɔndʌkt]vt.处理;主持;引导;指35 conduct挥36 defence[di'fens] n.辩护37 solicitor[sə'lisitə]n.(初级)律师38 witness['witnis]n.证人;证据39 trial['traiəl]n.审判40 dismiss[dis'mis]vt.驳回,对…不予受理41 cost[kɔst]n.诉讼费42 award[ə'wɔ:d]vt.判给;授予43 accent['æksənt, æk'sent]n.口音;腔调44 respectable[ri'spektəbəl] a.值得尊敬的45 reliable[ri'laiəbl] a.可靠的,可信赖的46 given['giv(ə)n] prep.考虑到;假定47 obscure[əb'skjuə] a.模糊的;晦涩的48 guilty['gilti] a.有罪的;内疚的49 revolve[ri'vɔlv]v.(使)旋转50 brilliant['briliənt] a.辉煌的;卓越的51 courtroom['kɔ:t-rum]n.审判室52 meanwhile['mi:n'wail]ad.同时53 gloomily['glu:mili]ad.忧郁地,沮丧地54 complain[kəm'plein]vi.抱怨55 complaint[kəm'pleint]n.抱怨56 reproachfully ad.责备地57 presumably[pri'zju:məbli]ad.推测起来,大概58 outrage['autˌreidʒ]vt.引起…的气愤59 successful[sək'sesfəl] a.成功的;有成就的60 apologize[ə'pɔlədʒaiz]vi.道歉,谢罪61 apology[ə'pɔlədʒi]n.道歉,辩解62 take sb.to court对某人提出诉讼63 a couple of少数,几(个);一对64 save up储蓄65 take one's time慢慢来,不着急66 at first起先67 turn out结果;证明是68 call on要求69 stand a chance有机会,有希望70 revolve around围绕…旋转;反复思考71 turn against反对《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第2 课1 tell[tel]vi.告发2 Yankee['jæŋki] n.北方佬;美国佬3 great-aunt n.婶祖母,伯祖母,姑姥姥4 civil['sivəl] a.国内的;民间的5 Confederate a.南部联邦的6 capture['kæptʃə]vt.俘虏;夺得7 unknown[ˌʌn'nəun] a.不知道的,未知名的8 former['fɔ:mə] a.以前的9 farmhouse['fɑ:mhaus] n.农舍,农家10 groan[grəun]n.呻吟(声)11 attic['ætik]n.阁楼12 the Union n.(美国南北战争期间的)联邦政府;美国13 rifle['raifl]n.步枪14 awful['ɔ:ful] a.可怕的,糟糕的;极坏的15 bandage['bændidʒ]n.绷带16 dreadful['dredful] a.不高兴的,恐惧的,可怕的17 bugle['bju:gəl]n.军号,喇叭18 filth[filθ]n.污秽19 futility n.无用20 futile['fju:tail] a.无用的21 lean[li:n]vi.靠,倚22 establish[i'stæbliʃ]vt.确立,证实23 identity[ai'dentiti]n.身份24 identical[ai'dentikəl] a.同一的;完全相同的25 Lt.abbr.lieutenant陆军中尉26 company['kʌmpəni]n.连27 volunteer[ˌvɔlən'tiə]n.志愿兵28 presence['prezəns]n.出席,到场29 skillfully ad.灵巧地,娴熟地30 skillful['skilfəl] a.灵巧的,熟练的31 fan[fæn]vt.扇,扇动;激起32 spark[spɑ:k]n.火花33 flicker['flikə]vi.闪动,闪烁34 drug[drʌg]n.麻药,麻醉药35 supply[sə'plai] n.补给品36 pray[prei]vi.祈祷37 valley['væli]n.山谷;流域38 infection[in'fekʃən]n.感染;传染39 infect[in'fekt]vt.感染;传染40 flare[fleə]vi.(火焰)闪耀41 loft[lɔft]n.阁楼42 ferry['feri]n.渡口;渡船43 headquarters['hedˌkwɔ:təz] n.司令部44 proof[pru:f]n.证据45 bear[beə]vt.显示;具有46 seal[si:l]n.印,图章47 item['aitəm]n.条;项48 commanding[kə'mɑ:ndiŋ] a.发号施令的,指挥的49 commanding officer指挥官50 command[kə'mɑ:nd]vt.指挥51 Gen.abbr.将军52 madam['mædəm]n.夫人,太太,女士,小姐53 risk[risk]vt.使冒危险;冒…的危险54 patrol[pə'trəul]n.巡逻队55 junior['dʒu:niə] a.年少的,下级的56 hobble['hɔbəl]vi.跛行;蹒跚57 crutch[krʌtʃ]n.拐杖58 wagon['wægən]n.四轮运货马(牛)车59 hitch[hitʃ]vi.钩住,拴住,套住60 mare[meə]n.母马,母驴61 alongside[əlɔŋ'said]prep.横靠;沿62 mule[mju:l]n.骡63 disaster[di'zɑ:stə]n.天灾;灾祸64 line[lain]n.战线,防线65 horseman['hɔ:smən] n.骑师,马术师66 pistol['pistl]n.手枪67 crack[kræk]v.(使)发出爆裂声68 sprawl[sprɔ:l]vi.四肢伸开地坐或卧69 lower['ləuə]vt.放下;放低70 secretary['sekrətəri, -teri]n.部长,大臣;秘书71 ragged['rægid] a.衣衫褴褛的;破旧的72 parade[pə'reid]vt.使列队行进n.游行;检阅73 chill[tʃil]v.(使)感到冷;(使)冷74 fort[fɔ:t]n.要塞,堡垒75 stumble['stʌmbəl]vi.绊倒,蹒跚76 stream[stri:m]vi.倾注,流出77 take prisoner俘虏78 flare up突发;加剧;突然发光;突然发怒79 write out写出;写80 brush aside不理;漠视81 bring through救活大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第3 课1 administrative[əd'ministrətiv] a.行政的,管理的2 administration[ədˌminis'treiʃən]n.管理(部门),行政(机关)3 puzzle['pʌzl]vt.使迷惑4 step-up n.提升;逐步增加5 step up n.提升;逐步增加6 mechanic[mi'kænik]n.机械工;机修工7 sweaty['sweti] a.汗湿的,有汗味的8 palm[pɑ:m]n.手掌9 profession[prə'feʃən]n.职业10 convince[kən'vins]vt.使确信,使信服11 compel[kəm'pel]vt.强迫,迫使12 pace[peis]n.速度;步速13 calendar['kælində]n.日程表,日历14 opportunity[ˌɔpə'tju:niti]n.机会,时机15 reflection[ri'flekʃən]n.深思;考虑16 reflect[ri'flekt]vi.仔细考虑17 stimulate['stimjuleit]vt.刺激;激励18 freshman['freʃmən] n.大学一年级学生;新生19 failure['feiljə]n.失败的人;失败20 ivory['aivəri]n.象牙21 ivory tower n.象牙塔22 self-reliance[ˌselfri'laiəns]n.依靠自己;自力更生23 reliance[ri'laiəns]n.信赖;信心;依靠24 technological[ˌteknə'lɔdʒikəl] a.技术的25 corporation[ˌkɔ:pə'reiʃən]n.有限公司26 run-down['rʌn 'daun] a.破败的,情况不佳的27 renovate['renəveit]vt.修复,修整28 semester[si'mestə]n.学期29 repay[ri'pei]vt.偿还(钱等)30 loan[ləun]n.借出的东西;货款31 distribute[di'stribju:t]vt.分发;分送32 distribution[ˌdistri'bju:ʃən]n.分发;分送33 variety[və'raiəti]n.变化,多样化;种种34 challenge['tʃælindʒ]n.挑战35 doctoral['dɔktərəl] a.博士的36 energetic[ˌenə'dʒetik] a.精力充沛的37 dissertation[ˌdisə'teiʃən]n.(学位)论文38 poet['pəuit]n.诗人39 learned['lə:nid] a.博学的40 journal['dʒə:nəl]n.杂志;日报41 occasional[ə'keiʒənəl] a.偶尔的,间或的42 nudge[nʌdʒ]n.启示vt.用肘轻推43 fellowship['feləuʃip]n.研究员职位;研究员薪金44 switch[switʃ]vt.转换;转动45 urban['ə:bən] a.城市的46 civil rights n.公民权47 lawyer['lɔ:jə]n.律师48 intuition[ˌintju'iʃən]n.直觉49 analysis[ə'næləsis]n.分析50 creation[kri'eiʃən]n.创造(物)51 clay[klei]n.粘土52 point[pɔint]n.要点;意义,目的53 pathway['pɑ:θwei] n.小道,小径54 rare[reə] a.稀有的;杰出的55 magic['mædʒik]n.魔力;魔术56 stay up不睡觉,熬夜57 take notes记笔记58 build on建立于;加建,扩建59 keep a diary记日记60 leave out遗漏,省去61 send off寄出;派遣62 work at设法说服,影响63 work on设法说服,影响64 catch one's breath喘气,(由惊吓等)暂时停止呼吸《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第4 课1 hermit['hə:mit]n.隐士2 shift[ʃift]vi.转移,移动3 vagrant['veigrənt]n.流浪者4 appetite['æpitait]n.食欲,胃口5 alcohol['ælkəhɔl]n.酒,酒精6 attract[ə'trækt]vt.吸引7 attraction[ə'trækʃən]n.吸引8 attractive[ə'træktiv] a.吸引人的9 peculiar[pi'kju:liə] a.奇特的;奇怪的10 populace['pɔpjuləs]n.平民,大众,老百姓11 lone[ləun] a.孤独的12 isolate['aisəleit]vt.使隔离,使孤立13 mistrustful[mis'trʌstfəl] a.不信任的,深疑的14 shopping-bag n.购物袋15 huddle['hʌdl]vi.挤作一团16 warmth[wɔ:mθ]n.暖和,温暖;热情,热心17 companionship[kəm'pæniənʃip] n.伴侣关系,友谊;一群伙伴18 companion[kəm'pæniən]n.同伴,伴侣19 bum[bʌm]n.游民,叫化子20 keen[ki:n] a.热心的,渴望的21 conventional[kən'venʃənəl] a.习俗的,寻常的22 convention[kən'venʃən]n.习俗,惯例23 sociologist[ˌsəusi'ɔlədʒist]n.社会学家24 neighborhood['neibəhud]n.街坊,四邻25 inexplicably ad.到无法说明的程度26 leftovers n.剩余物,残留物,剩菜27 garbage['gɑ:bidʒ]n.废料;垃圾;废物28 garbage can垃圾桶29 resident['rezidənt]n.居民30 slip[slip]vt.悄悄给31 overtly ad.公开地32 collection[kə'lekʃən]n.募捐;募金33 collection box奉献箱34 doorway['dɔ:wei]n.门口;门道35 morally['mɔrəli]ad.道德上36 moral['mɔrəl] a.道德上的37 category['kætigəri]n.种类38 claim[kleim]vt.声称;要求;认领39 constraint[kən'streint]n.拘束40 rent[rent]n.租金vt.租用41 payment['peimənt]n.付款42 relief[ri'li:f]n.救济43 quasi['kwezai, 'kwɑzi] a.半,准44 anchor['æŋkə]n.锚;依靠45 layer['leiə]n.层46 stuff[stʌf]vt.把…塞满47 protection[prə'tekʃən]n.保护48 protective[prə'tektiv] a.保护的49 cope[kəup]vi.对付,应付50 volunteer[ˌvɔlən'tiə]vt.主动讲;自愿提供51 voluntary['vɔləntəri] a.主动的;自愿的52 soup[su:p]n.汤53 communicative[kə'mju:nikətiv] a.愿意交谈的54 communication[kəˌmju:ni'keiʃən]n.交流;通讯55 conversation[ˌkɔnvə'seiʃən]n.谈话56 intrusion[in'tru:ʒən]n.侵犯;打扰57 rotten['rɔtn] a.腐烂的;腐朽的58 considerate[kən'sidərit] a.体谅的59 dental['dentl] a.牙齿的[weər'evə]conj.无论什么情况下(在哪里、到什60 wherever么地方)61 fantasy['fæntəsi]n.怪念头;幻想62 psychiatrist[sai'kaiətrist]n.精神病医生63 loss[lɔs]n.丢失,损失,遗失64 escalator['eskəleitə]n.自动楼梯65 priest[pri:st]n.牧师;教士;神父66 lodging['lɔdʒiŋ]n.(临时)住所67 lodge[lɔdʒ]v.(使)暂住,(使)寄宿68 entitle[in'taitl]vt.给…以权利69 disability[ˌdisə'biliti]n.伤残70 pension['penʃən]n.养老金;退休金;抚恤金71 crate[kreit]n.篮,篓,箱72 nun[nʌn]n.修女;尼姑73 shepherd['ʃepəd]vt.看护;带领74 better['betə]vt.改善75 keen on喜欢,热爱,醉心于76 on end连续地77 pass by从…旁走过;忽视78 turn away将…拒之门外79 keep up维持,继续80 once in a while间或,偶尔81 in general通常82 cope with善于处理83 no matter how不管如何84 no matter what无论何事85 at a loss不知所措;困惑86 be entitled to有权,有…资格《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第5 课1 anticipation[ænˌtisi'peiʃən]n.预期,预料2 anticipate[æn'tisipeit]vt.预期,预料3 issue['iʃu:, 'isju:]n.发行物(刊物的)一期4 tuck[tʌk]vt.塞(进);卷(起)5 bound[baund]vi.跳跃6 flip[flip]v.掷,弹7 tight[tait] a.紧的,牢的ad.坚定地,稳固地8 couch[kautʃ]n.长沙发椅9 approach[ə'prəutʃ]v.接近,逼近10 cautiously['kɔ:ʃəsli] ad.细心地,谨慎地11 cautious['kɔ:ʃəs] a.谨慎的,小心的12 type[taip]vt.打字13 line[lain]n.a(诗、文的)一行14 helpless['helpləs] a.没用的,无能的15 assume[ə'sju:m]vt.假设,主观认为16 ranch[rɑ:ntʃ]n.大牧场,大农场17 nursery['nə:səri]n.托儿所18 day nursery n.日间托儿所19 training['treiniŋ] n.训练,培训20 correspondence[ˌkɔri'spɔndəns]n.通信21 correspondence course n.函授课程22 formally['fɔ:məli]ad.正式地23 formal['fɔ:məl] a.正式的24 qualify['kwɔliˌfai]vt.使具有资格25 enrolment[in'rəulmənt] n.注册人数;注册,登记26 enrollment[in'rəulmənt] n.注册人数;注册,登记27 enrol[in'roul]v.注册,登记28 enroll[in'rəul]v.注册,登记29 motel[məu'tel]n.汽车旅馆30 frantic['fræntik] a.狂乱的,错乱的;激昂的31 acre['eikə]n.英亩32 addition[ə'diʃən]n.加,加法33 full-time['ful'taim] a.专任的34 typewriter['taipˌraitə]n.打字机35 keyboard['ki:bɔ:d]n.键盘36 junk[dʒʌŋk]n.破烂,垃圾37 tap[tæp]n.轻叩38 midnight['midnait]n.午夜39 ecstatic[ik'stætik,ek-] a.欣喜若狂的40 drawn[drɔ:n] a.憔悴的;紧张的41 respond[ri'spɔnd]vi.回答,响应42 dad[dæd] n.爸爸,爹爹43 evenly['i:vənli] ad.平静地,平坦地44 even['i:vən] a.平的,平静的45 primarily['praimərəli, prai'merəli]ad.主要地46 embarrassment[im'bærəsmənt]n.窘迫,为难47 index['indeks]n.指数,指标48 pressure['preʃə]n.(心理上的)压力49 tension['tenʃən]n.紧张50 arrival[ə'raivəl]n.到达51 rack[ræk]vt.猛力摇动52 vulnerability n.易受伤性,脆弱性53 vulnerable['vʌlnərəbəl] a.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击的54 dry goods织物类商品55 session['seʃən]n.会议;(从事某项活动的)一段时间56 journalist['dʒə:nəlist]n.新闻工作者;记者57 memento[mi'mentəu]n.纪念品58 cranky['kræŋki] a.不稳的;有毛病的59 at work在工作,在运转60 catch on学会,懂得61 catch on to学会,懂得62 set one's mind to决心做63 set one's mind on决心做64 stand in sb.'s way阻碍,妨碍65 be in sb.'s way阻碍,妨碍66 send away for函购67 run out到期;用完,耗尽68 in addition此外69 in addition to此外70 help out帮助;帮助(某人)摆脱困境71 on guard警惕,提防72 in tears哭泣73 hold back抑制,阻止74 go on发生75 go ahead前进,进步《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第6 课1 shiver['ʃivə]vi.战栗,发抖2 capsule['kæpsju:l]n.胶囊(药)3 instruction[in'strʌkʃən]n.用法说明;指示4 instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.教导,指示5 purgative['pə:gətiv]n.泻药6 acid['æsid] a.酸的;酸性物质过多的7 germ[dʒə:m]n.病菌,细菌8 influenza[ˌinflu'enzə]n.流行性感冒9 epidemic[ˌepi'demik]n.&a.流行病(的)10 flu[flu:]n.流感11 pneumonia[nju:'məuniə]n.肺炎12 detached[di'tætʃt] a.超然的;冷漠的;分离的13 detach[di'tætʃ]vt.分开,分离14 pirate['paiərət]n.海盗15 papa[pə'pɑ:] n.爸爸16 lightheaded a.神志不清的;眩晕的17 prescribe[pri'skraib]vt.开(药)18 sleet[sli:t]n.雨夹雪;冻雨19 brush[brʌʃ]n.矮灌木丛;断落的树枝20 varnish['vɑ:niʃ]vt.掩饰(令人不快之事)21 Irish['aiəriʃ] a.爱尔兰(人)的22 setter['setə] n.塞特狗23 creek[kri:k]n.小溪,小河24 glassy['glɑ:si] a.像玻璃的,闪耀的25 slither['sliðə]vi.不稳地滑动26 slide[slaid]v.(使)滑动27 flush[flʌʃ]v.(使)(鸟)惊飞vi.(脸)发红28 covey['kʌvi]n.一小群(鸟)29 quail[kweil]n.鹌鹑30 overhang[ˌəuvə'hæŋ]v.悬于…之上,突出于…之上31 light[lait]vi.停落32 scatter['skætə]vi.散开33 mound[maund] n.土墩34 poise[pɔiz]vt.使平衡35 unsteadily ad.不稳定地36 unsteady[ʌn'stedi] a.不稳定的37 icy['aisi] a.冰冷的,盖着冰的;冷淡的38 springy['spriŋi] a.有弹性的39 commence[kə'mens]n.开始,着手40 thermometer[θə'mɔmitə]n.温度计41 absolutely['æbsəlu:tli]ad.完全地,绝对地42 gaze[geiz]vi.凝视43 slack[slæk] a.松弛的;放松的44 bring down减少,降低45 be detached from与…没有联系,脱离…46 would rather宁愿47 out of sight在看不见的地方48 keep from阻止49 take it easy别紧张;不急50 hold tight onto oneself控制自己不做某事《大学英语精读》(第三册) 第7 课1 shelter['ʃeltə]n.掩蔽(处)2 synopsis[si'nɔpsis]n.提要,梗概3 celebration[ˌseli'breiʃən]n.庆祝4 celebrate['selibreit]v.庆祝5 midst['midst]n.中间prep.在…当中6 missile['misail]n.导弹7 afterwards['a:ftəwədz]ad.稍后,随后8 bomb[bɔm]n.炸弹9 abridge[ə'bridʒ]vt.缩略,删节10 grab[græb]vt.抢夺,攫取11 dialog['daiəlɔg]n.对话,对白12 dialogue['daiəlɔg]n.对话,对白13 portable['pɔ:təbəl] a.手提式的14 carry['kæri]vt.传送15 announcer[ə'naunsə]n.广播员,报幕员16 employee[im'plɔi-i:]n.雇员17 civil defense民防18 post[pəust]n.岗位19 design[di'zain]vt.设计20 basement['beismənt]n.地下室21 pool[pu:l]vt.把…集中在一起(共用)22 stuff[stʌf]n.原料,材料;物质23 chorus['kɔ:rəs]n.齐声说的话(或喊声);合唱24 assent[ə'sent]n.同意,赞成25 entrance['entrəns]n.入口处26 overtake[ˌəuvə'teik]vt.赶上27 crazy['kreizi] a.疯狂的;愚蠢的28 accommodate[ə'kɔmədeit]vt.容纳;向…提供住宿29 accommodation[əˌkɔmə'deiʃən]n.住处,膳宿30 plead[pli:d]vi.恳求31 huh[hʌh] int.哼! 哈!32 whirl[wə:l]vi.飞速移动;旋转33 infant['infənt]n.婴儿34 precious['preʃəs] a.珍贵的35 deserve[di'zə:v]vt.值得36 illogical[i'lɔdʒik(ə)l] a.不合逻辑的;无缘由的37 foreigner['fɔrinə]n.外国人38 aggressive[ə'gresiv] a.挑衅的;放肆的;积极进取的39 greedy['gri:di] a.贪婪的40 semi['semi] pref.半41 idiot['idiət]n.白痴42 bet[bet]vt.确信;用…打赌43 fling[fliŋ]vt.使(自己)猛扑;用力扔,掷44 hand-to-hand a.逼近的,直接交手的45 slaughter['slɔ:tə]vt.屠杀46 siren['saiərən]n.警报47 searchlight['sə:tʃlait] n.探照灯48 pounding['paundiŋ] n.猛击49 pound[paund]v.强烈打击50 reverberate[ri'və:bəreit]vi.回响51 log[lɔg]n.原木52 avenue['ævənju:, 'ævinju:]n.大街['dʒaiənt] a.庞大的,巨大的n.巨人,巨大的动、53 giant植物54 fist[fist]n.拳头55 blast[blɑ:st]vi.发出刺耳响声56 cellar['selə]n.地窖57 depart[di'pɑ:t]vi.离开58 departure[di'pɑ:tʃə]n.离开,启程,出发59 barricade['bærikeid]n.障碍;街垒60 generator['dʒenəreitə]n.发电机61 movable['mu:vəbəl] a.活动的,变动的62 mob[mɔb]n.一伙人;一群暴徒63 intermittent[ˌintə'mitənt] a.断断续续的64 remind[ri'maind]vt.提醒65 urgent['ə:dʒənt] a.紧迫的;重要的66 military['militəri] a.军事的67 vehicle['vi:ikəl]n.车辆(统称)68 piercing['piəsiŋ] a.尖厉的;刺穿的69 pierce[piəs]v.刺穿,刺破70 give[giv]vi.弯曲;塌下71 pitch[pitʃ]n.声音的高低,调子72 tune[tju:n, tu:n]vt.收听73 definitely['definitli] ad.明确地,干脆地74 definite['definit] a.明确的,一定的75 identify[ai'dentifai]vt.认出;识别76 harmless['hɑ:mləs] a.无害的77 harm[hɑ:m]n.伤害78 bruise[bru:z]vt.碰伤;使(皮肉)青肿79 clot[klɔt]vt.使(血等)凝块80 Amen int.阿门(基督教徒祈祷结束时的用语)81 hey[hei]int.嗨!82 scare[skeə]vt.惊吓83 gesture['dʒestʃə]n.姿势,手势84 murmur['mə:mə]n.低柔的声音85 half-hearted a.不认真的,没兴趣的86 wreckage['rekidʒ]n.残骸87 shaky['ʃeiki] a.摇晃的88 carry-over n.剩余物89 realization[ˌriəlai'zeiʃən]n.认识,领会90 deaden['dedn]vt.使减弱,使无感觉91 disquiet[dis'kwaiət]vt.使忧虑,使不安92 phony a.假的,假冒的93 phoney['fəuni] a.假的,假冒的94 laughter['lɑ:ftə]n.笑声95 desperately['despəritli] ad.绝望地;拼命地96 desperate['despərit] a.拼死的,令人绝望的97 underneath[ˌʌndə'ni:θ]prep.在…的下面98 naked['neikid] a.裸体的99 claw[klɔ:]vt.用爪抓100 stairway['steəwei]n.楼梯101 destroy[di'strɔi]vt.摧毁102 in the midst of在中…间103 break up散开104 grab hold of抓住105 get hold of抓住106 take hold of抓住107 break down毁掉108 fit in放进去,嵌进去109 draw lots抽签110 make a difference有关系,有影响111 make the difference有关系,有影响112 come up上升113 head for前往114 figure out解决,算出;理解,弄清楚115 or else否则116 mean business是当真的117 pile up堆起118 get one's hands on抓住,拥有119 in the way of在…方面;关于120 go on(灯)亮121 go off停止122 call off停止;取消123 blow one's top大发脾气124 hold...against因(某事)而嫉恨(某人)125 take up开始从事126 born of得自,起于《大学英语精读》(第三册) -第8 课1 hostile['hɔstail] a.敌对的2 view[vju:]vt.把…看成是;当作是;认为3 escape[i'skeip]n.&v.逃跑;逃避4 nighttime n.夜间5 interfere[ˌintə'fiə]vi.干涉;妨碍6 interference[ˌintə'fiərəns]n.干涉;妨碍7 researcher[ri'sə:tʃə] n.研究员8 benefit['benifit]n.益处9 tense[tens] a.紧张的10 irritable['iritəbəl] a.易怒的;急躁的11 means[mi:nz] n.方法;手段12 psychologist[sai'kɔlədʒist]n.心理学家13 contribute[kən'tribju:t]vi.贡献14 growth[grəuθ]n.生长;发展15 concentration[ˌkɔnsən'treiʃən]n.集中16 span[spæn]n.一段时间17 self-control[ˌself'kəntrəul] n.自控18 creative[kri:'eitiv] a.创造性的19 remarkable[ri'mɑ:kəbl] a.显著的;非凡的20 shape[ʃeip]vt.形成,塑造21 industrialist[in'dʌstriəlist] n.工业家,实业家22 maintain[mein'tein]vt.断言;维持23 picture['piktʃə]vt.想像;绘画24 inventor[in'ventə]n.发明家25 notable['nəutəbəl] a.著名的;值得注意的26 achiever n.获胜者27 vividly['vividli] ad.生动地,逼真地28 vivid['vivid] a.生动的,逼真的29 immeasurably ad.不能测量地;无限制地30 drift[drift]vi.漂(流)31 athlete['æθlit, 'æθli:t]n.运动员32 pole-vaulting n.撑竿跳33 champion['tʃæmpiən]n.冠军34 meet[mi:t]n.会,集会35 clear[kliə]vt.跳过36 bar[bɑ:]n.横竿;杆;条状物37 stadium['steidiəm]n.露天体育场38 trace[treis]n.痕迹39 memory trace记忆痕(脑部吸收或记忆信息产生的化学变化)40 vision['viʒən]n.想象(力)41 automatically[ɔ:tə'mætikli]ad.自动地;无意识地42 automatic[ˌɔ:tə'mætik] a.自动的;无意识的43 appropriately ad.适当地44 appropriate[ə'prəupri-it, ə'prəuprieit] a.适当的45 purposeful['pə:pəsfəl] a.有目的的46 self-image[ˌself'imidʒ] n.自我形象47 accomplishment[ə'kʌmpliʃmənt]n.成就48 recommend[ˌrekə'mend]vt.建议;推荐49 soar[sɔ:]vi.翱翔;升腾50 screen[skri:n]n.银幕;屏幕51 project[prə'dʒekt, 'prɔdʒekt]vt.映,投射52 goal[gəul]n.目标53 attain[ə'tein]vt.获得;达到54 supposedly[sə'pəuzidli] ad.推测;大概55 affect[ə'fekt]vt.影响56 attainment[ə'teinmənt]n.获得,达到;成就,造诣57 substitute['sʌbstitju:t]n.代替者,代用品58 athletic[æθ'letik] a.运动的;运动员的59 achievement[ə'tʃi:vmənt]n.成就60 after['ɑ:ftə]prep.搜寻,追求61 neglect[ni'glekt]vt.忽视62 combination[ˌkɔmbi'neiʃən]n.结合63 method['meθəd]n.方法64 merely['miəli] ad.仅仅,只65 well-being['wel'bi:iŋ] n.康乐;安康66 vacation[və'keiʃən, vei'keiʃən] n.休假;假期67 realm[relm] n.领域;王国68 enjoyment[in'dʒɔimənt] n.享受;欣赏;乐趣69 amount to总共达;等于70 interfere with干扰;妨碍71 contribute to有助于72 get along with与…相处(和睦)73 due to因为;由…引起,由于74 come true实现75 go about着手做《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第9 课1 bunker['bʌŋkə]n.地堡2 fascist['fæʃist] a.法西斯主义的n.法西斯分子3 dictator[dik'teitə]n.独裁者4 partner['pɑ:tnə]n.伙伴5 aggression[ə'greʃən]n.侵略6 mistress['mistris]n.情妇7 Italian[i'tæliən] a.意大利的n.意大利人;意大利语8 guerilla n.游击队员9 guerrilla[gə'rilə] n.游击队员10 execute['eksikju:t]vt.处死;实施,执行11 executive[ig'zekjutiv] a.&n.实行的,执行的;执行者12 dump[dʌmp]vt.倾倒13 string[striŋ]vt.串起14 heel[hi:l]n.(脚)后跟15 lamppost['læmppəust] n.路灯柱16 gutter['gʌtə]n.街沟17 pauper['pɔ:pə]n.贫民18 plot[plɔt]n.小块土地19 cemetery['semitri]n.公墓;墓地20 horrible['hɔrəbəl] a.可怕的,恐怖的;讨厌的21 horror['hɔrə]n.惊骇,恐怖;极端厌恶22 climax['klaimæks]n.高潮23 degradation[ˌdegrə'deiʃən]n.羞辱24 Fascism n.法西斯主义25 shabby['ʃæbi] a.不光彩的;卑鄙的;破旧的26 Fuehrer n.(德)元首27 strengthen['streŋθən, 'strenθən]v.加强28 resolve[ri'zɔlv]n.决心29 bride[braid]n.新娘30 spectacle['spektəkəl]n.引人鄙视的对象;场面31 preparation[ˌprepə'reiʃən]n.准备,预备32 Alsatian[æl'seiʃən] a.阿尔萨斯的n.阿尔萨斯狼犬33 poison['pɔizən]vt.毒死,放毒n.毒药34 farewell[feə'wel]n.再见35 appreciation[əˌpri:ʃi'eiʃən]n.欣赏;感激36 loyal['lɔiəl] a.忠诚的37 instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.命令;指示38 file[fail]n.卷宗;档案39 word[wə:d]n.命令40 interpret[in'tə:prit]vt.解释41 interpretation[inˌtə:pri'teiʃən]n.解释42 private['praivit] a.私人的;个人的43 mostly['məustli]ad.主要地;大部分44 associate[ə'səuʃieit]n.合作人,同事45 assemble[ə'sembəl]vt.集合46 inaudible[in'ɔ:dəbəl] a.听不见的47 moisture['mɔistʃə]n.潮湿,湿气48 retire[ri'taiə]vi.退出49 unendurable[ʌnin'dʒuərəbəl] a.无法忍受的50 canteen[kæn'ti:n]n.食堂51 weird[wiəd] a.怪异的;离奇的52 request[ri'kwest]vt.请求53 meantime['mi:ntaim]n.&ad.其间54 spell[spel]n.一段时间55 strict[strikt] a.严厉的56 relief[ri'li:f]n.(忧虑等的)减轻,解除57 enormous[i'nɔ:məs] a.巨大的,庞大的58 defensible[di'fensəbəl] a.可防御的59 doom[du:m]vt.注定,使遭…厄运60 noon[nu:n]n.中午61 apparently[ə'pærəntli]ad.显然,似乎62 apparent[ə'pærənt] a.显然的,外观上的63 vegetarian[ˌvedʒi'teəriən] a.(有关)素食的64 chauffeur['ʃəufə,ʃeu'fə:]n.司机65 liter['li:tə]n.(容量单位)升66 gasoline['gæsəli:n]n.汽油67 fuel[fjuəl]n.燃料68 intimate['intimit] a.亲密的69 collaborator n.协作者,同伙70 passageway['pæsidʒwei] n.走廊71 revolver[ri'vɔlvə] n.左轮手枪72 decent['di:sənt] a.合宜的;得体的73 interval['intəvəl]n.间隔74 sofa['səufə]n.沙发75 drip[drip]vt.使滴落76 swallow[swɔləu]vt.吞咽77 chancellor['tʃɑ:nsələ]n.部长(或首相)78 institute['institju:t]vt.建立79 meet one's end死80 string up用绳吊起;吊死81 call in命令82 break in(非法)强行进入83 build up增进84 in the meantime在…期间,同时85 in charge of负责86 round up集拢87 have done with结束;终止88 to the day一天也不差89 to a day一天也不差《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第10 课1 fantastic[fæn'tæstik] a.极大的;难以置信的2 spurt[spə:t]n.猛增;突然加速;迸发3 conjure['kʌndʒə]vt.唤起,使想起4 smoky['sməuki] a.充满烟的5 mill[mil]n.工厂,车间6 classic['klæsik] a.经典的,典型的7 representation[ˌreprizen'teiʃən]n.代表8 represent[ˌrepri'zent]vt.代表9 symbol['simbəl]n.象征10 inadequate[in'ædikwit] a.不适当的,不充分的11 misleading a.易误解的,令人误解的12 mislead[mis'li:d]vt.误导13 invention[in'venʃən]n.发明,创造14 horse collar马轭15 agricultural[ægri'kʌltʃər(ə)l] a.农业的,农艺的16 furnace['fə:nis]n.熔炉,炉子17 apply[ə'plai]vt.应用,运用18 occur[ə'kə:]vi.发生19 breed[bri:d]vt.饲养20 vote[vəut]n.选票;选举(权)21 advanced[əd'vɑ:nst] a.高深的,先进的22 blast[blɑ:st]n.鼓风;送风23 blast furnace鼓风炉;高炉24 electronics[iˌlek'trɔniks]n.电子技术;电子学25 surroundings[sə'raundiŋz]n.环境26 characteristic[ˌkæriktə'ristik] a.表示特性的27 essential[i'senʃəl] a.必需的28 organization[ˌɔ:gənai'zeiʃən]n.组织,机构29 repetitive a.重复的,反复性的30 repetition[ˌrepi'tiʃən]n.重复,循环31 function['fʌŋkʃən]n.职责,功能,作用32 outdated[ˌaut'deitid] a.过时的33 quicken['kwikən]v.加快34 acceleration[əkselə'reiʃən]n.加速35 dramatize['dræmətaiz]vt.改编成戏剧,编写剧本36 account[ə'kaunt]n.报告;描述37 transportation[ˌtrænspɔ:'teiʃən]n.运输38 transport[træn'spɔ:t]vt.运输39 BC['bi:'si:] abbr.公元前40 available[ə'veiləbəl] a.可获得的;可利用的41 camel['kæməl]n.骆驼42 caravan['kærəvæn]n.(往返于沙漠地带的)商队43 average['ævəridʒ]vt.平均为44 per[pə:]prep.每45 mph abbr.时速46 chariot['tʃæriət]n.(古时)双轮马拉战车47 maximum['mæksiməm]n.最大量;最多的48 roughly['rʌfli]ad.粗略地,概略地49 impressive[im'presiv] a.给人深刻印象的50 exceed[ik'si:d]vt.超过51 coach[kəutʃ]n.四轮大马车52 operate['ɔpəreit]vt.操作,运转53 mere[miə] a.仅仅的,只不过的54 locomotive[ˌləukə'məutiv]n.火车头55 race[reis]n.属;人种56 airplane['eəplein]n.飞机57 flick[flik]n.轻弹;突然的轻快动作58 rocket['rɔkit]n.火箭59 capsule['kæpsju:l]n.宇宙密封舱60 altitude['æltitju:d]n.高,(尤指海拔)高度61 mineral['minərəl]n.矿物,矿石62 accelerative a.加速的63 trend[trend]n.趋向;倾向64 pattern['pætn]n.模式65 statistical[stə'tistik(ə)l] a.统计的;统计学的66 unmistakable[ˌʌnmi'steikəbəl] a.明白的,不会弄错的67 innovation[ˌinə'veiʃən]n.革新;新方法68 stage[steidʒ]n.阶段;时期69 cycle['saikəl]n.循环;周期70 feasible['fi:zibəl] a.可行的71 diffusion[di'fju:ʒən]n.扩散;传播72 embody[im'bɔdi]vt.体现73 generate['dʒenəreit]vt.发生;产生74 shorten['ʃɔ:tn]vt.缩短,使变短75 scientific[ˌsaiən'tifik] a.科学的76 radically['rædikəli]ad.根本上77 radical['rædikəl] a.根本的78 reduce[ri'dju:s]vt.减少;降低79 striking['straikiŋ] a.显著的80 ancestor['ænsəstə]n.祖先81 marketplace['ma:kitpleis]n.集会场所,市场82 refrigerator[ri'fridʒəreitə]n.冰箱83 fridge[fridʒ]n.冰箱84 peak[pi:k]n.顶峰;山峰85 novelty['nɔvəlti]n.新奇的事物86 novel['nɔvəl] a.新颖的,新奇的87 likewise['laikwaiz]ad.同样地88 astonishing[əs'tɔniʃiŋ] a.很惊异的89 astonish[ə'stɔniʃ]vt.使惊讶90 stepped-up a.加速的,加强的91 accelerate[ək'seləreit]v.加速92 conjure up使联想起93 labor along艰难地前进94 labour along艰难地前进95 go by经过,(时间)流逝96 feed on以…为食;以…为能源97 in turn依次,轮流,转而98 put to work应用。
大学英语精读3 lesson 1 单词中英

1, academic [,ækə'demik]adj. 学院的;学术的;理论的n. 大学生,大学教师;学者2, adoles ce nce[,ædəu'lesəns,-sənsi]n. 青春期3, adoles ce nt [,ædəu'lesənt]adj. 青春期的;未成熟的n. 青少年4, adulthood ['ædʌlthud, ə'dʌlt-]n. 成年;成人期5, affection [ə'fekʃən]n. 喜爱,感情;影响;感染6, affirm [ə'fə:m]vt. 肯定;断言vi. 确认;断言7, age nda [ə'dʒe ndə]n. 议程;日常工作事项8, anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti]n. 焦虑;挂念;渴望;令人焦虑的事9, attitude ['ætitju:d, -tu:d]n. 态度;姿势;看法;意见10, baptistn. 浸信会教友;施洗者约翰,施洗者11, bounce[bauns]n. 弹力;活力;跳vt. 弹跳;使弹起vi. 弹起,反跳;弹跳;弹回12, capability [,kei pə'biləti]n. 性能,容量;才能,能力13, contribute[kən'tribju:t]vt. 捐献;贡献,出力;投稿vt. 捐献;贡献,出力;投稿14, counsel ['kaunsəl]n. 忠告;讨论;商议;决策;法律顾问vt. 劝告;建议vi. 提出忠告;商讨15, crisis ['kraisis]n. 危机;决定性时刻;危险期adj. 危机的;用于处理危机的16, define[di'fain]vt. 定义;使明确;规定17, developme nt [di'veləpmənt]n. 发展;开发;显影;发育;住宅小区(专指由同一开发商开发的)18, developme ntal [di,veləp'me ntəl] adj. 发展的;启发的19, distinct[dis'tiŋkt]adj. 清楚的;明显的;独特的;有区别的20, distressed [di'strest]adj. 痛苦的;忧虑的;贫困的;受损的v. 使痛苦;使紧张;使困苦(distress的过去分词)21, dorm [dɔ:m]n. 宿舍(等于dormitory)22, encyclope dia [e n,saikləu'pi:djə]n. 百科全书23, ende avor [i n'devə]n. 努力;尽力(等于endeavour)vi. 努力;尽力(等于e nde avour)vt. 努力;尽力(等于e ndeavour)24, endowme nt [i n'daumənt]n. 捐赠;捐助;捐款;天资25, ethical['eθikəl]adj. 道德的;伦理的;凭处方出售的n. 处方药26, evaluate [i'væljueit]vt. 评价;估价;求…的值vi. 评价;估价27, excessive[ik'sesi v]adj. 过分的;过多的,极度的28, feminine['femini n]adj. 女性的;妇女(似)的;娇柔的;阴性的29, financial [fai'nænʃəl]adj. 财政的,财务的;金融的30, function ['fʌŋkʃən]n. 功能;函数;职责;盛大的集会vi. 行使职责;运行;活动31, functional ['fʌŋkʃənl]adj. 功能的32, geneti c [dʒi'netik]adj. 遗传的;起源的;基因的33, guilt [ɡilt]n. 内疚;犯罪,过失34, heighten ['haitən]vt. 提高;加强;增高;使更显著vi. 升高;变强35, inherit [i n'herit]vt. 继承;遗传而得vi. 成为继承人36, inhibition [,inhi'biʃən]n. 禁止;抑制;压抑37, interact ['intərækt]vi. 互相影响;互相作用vt. 互相影响;互相作用n. 幕间剧;幕间休息38, interaction [,intər'ækʃən]n. 交互作用;相互作用39, involve [i n'vɔlv]vt. 包含;牵涉;使陷于;潜心于40, journal ['dʒə:nəl]n. 日报,杂志;日记;[经]分类账41, masculine ['mæskj ulin]adj. 阳性的;男性的;男子气概的n. 阳性,阳性词;男性42, maturity [mə'tjuəriti]n. 成熟;到期;完备43, mistrust [,mis'trʌst]vt. 不信任;怀疑vi. 不信任;怀疑n. 不信任;怀疑44, news cast ['nju:zkɑ:st, -kæst]n. 新闻广播45, pare ntal [pə'rentl]adj. 父母亲的,父母的;[植]亲代的,亲本的46, peer [piə]vi. 凝视,盯着看;窥视vt. 封为贵族;与…同等n. 贵族;同等的人47, perceive [pə'si:v]vt. 察觉,感觉;理解;认知vi. 感到,感知;认识到48, position [pə'ziʃən]n. 位置,方位;职位,工作;姿态;站位;vt.安置;把……放在适当位置49, prejudi cedadj. 怀偏见的;有成见的;偏颇的v. 使抱偏见;损害(prejudi ce的过去分词)50, project['prɔdʒe kt, 'prəu, prə'dʒe kt]vi. 设计;表达;计划;投射vt. 设计;放映;计划;发射n. 事业;计划;工程51, rebel ['rebəl, ri'bel]vi. 造反;反叛;反抗n. 反叛者;叛徒adj. 造反的;反抗的52, relate [ri'leit]vt. 叙述;使…有联系vi. 涉及;认同;符合;与…有某种联系53, resentment[ri'zentmənt]n. 愤恨,怨恨54, role [rəul]n. 角色;任务55, seminary ['seminəri]n. 神学院;学校;发源地;高级中学56, separation [,sepə'reiʃən]n. 分离,分开;分居;间隔,距离;缺口57, sexual ['seksj uəl, -ʃuəl]adj. 性的;性别的;[生]有性的58, shrink [ʃriŋk]vi. 收缩;畏缩vt. 使缩小,使收缩n. 收缩59, stressful ['stresful]adj. 紧张的;有压力的60, superior[sj u:'piriə, sju:pə-] adj. 上级的;高傲的;优秀的,出众的n. 上级,长官;长者;优胜者,高手61, theologicaladj. 神学的,神学上的62, unquestionably [ʌn'kwestʃənəbli] adv. 无可非议地;确凿地。

1.brush n.小冲突;小接触2.process n.过程;制作法3.arbitrary a. 任意的;武断的4.circumstance n. 情况,环境5.subsequent a.随后的,接下去的6.fate n.命运7.due a. 预期的;约定的;到期的8.temporary a. 暂时的9.stroll a. walk at leisure 散步10.obvious a.明显的,显而易见11.downfall n.垮台;衰落12.employment n.职业;工作13.wander vi. 闲逛;漫游mit vt.干(坏事),做错事15.arrestable a. 可逮捕的16.offence n. 罪行;冒犯;不愉快的事17.petty a.小的;不足道的18.doorstep n. 门阶19.regard vt.把……看作;把认为(as)20.counterculture n. 反主流文化21.unconcerned a. 无忧虑的;淡漠的22.casual a. 漫不经心的,随便的23.conversational a.会话(用)的24.confirm vt. 证实,肯定;确定25.belief n.相信;信念;信仰26.thoroughly ad.完全地,彻底地thorough a.27.magistrate n. 地方法官28.conduct vt. 处理;主持;引导;指挥29.solicitor n. (初级)律师30.witness n.证人;证据31.trial n. 审判32.dismiss vt.驳回,对……不予受理33.award vt.判给;授予34.accent n. 口音;腔调35.respectable a. 值得尊敬的36.reliable a.可靠的,可信赖的37.given prep. 考虑到;假定38.obscure a.模糊的;晦涩的39.guilty a.有罪的;内疚的40.revolve v.(使)旋转41.brilliant a. 辉煌的;卓越的42.gloomily ad.忧郁地;沮丧地gloomy a.43.reproach vt.n 责备44.presumably ad.大概,推测起来45.outrage vt.引起…的兴奋46.fruitful a.硕果累累的,多产的,有利的47.paradigm n.范例,样式48.limitation n.限制,限定49.parameter n.因素,特性,界限50.version n.(某种)版本,形势51.strawberry n.草莓52.despite prep.尽管,不管53.salad n.色拉54.definitely ad.清楚地,明确地definite a.55.messy a.凌乱的,脏的56.quest n.寻求,寻找,搜索,追求57.contract vt.感染(疾病)d a.(疾病,惩罚等)不重的,轻微的59.notable a.值得注意的,显著地60.potent a.有影响力的,强有力的61.lord n.上帝62.evolution n.演变,进化,发展63.access n.通路,入口,进入的机会64.digital a.数字的n.65.data n.资料,数据66.instantaneous a.即时的,瞬间的67.super a.极好的,了不起的68.highway n.公路,交通要道69.nowhere ad.无处70.shatter v.(使)粉碎71.intend vt.打算,意欲72.view vt.察看,考虑,看待73.uncover vt.揭露,暴露,发现74.administration n.管理(部门),行政(机关)75.mechanic n.机械工,机修工76.palm n.手掌77.profession n.职业78.convince vt.说服,使确信pel vt.强迫80.pace n.速度,步速81.calendar n.日历,日程表82.reflection n.深思,考虑reflect vi83.stimulate vt.刺激,激励84.ivory n.象牙85.reliance n.信赖,信心,依靠86.corporation n.(有限公司)87.renovate vt.修复,修整88.repay vt.还(钱)89.loan n.借出的东西,贷款90.distribute vt.分发,分送91.energetic a.精力充沛的92.dissertation n.学位)论文93.learned a博学的94.journal n.杂志,日报95.fellowship n. n.研究院职位,研究员薪金96.switch vt.转换97.urban a.城市的98.civil a,公民的,国内的99.intuition n.直觉100.analysis n.分析101.clay n.粘土102.spark n.火花103.magic n.魔力,魔术104.e-mail n.电子邮件105.nasty a.恶意的,令人不快的106.idiot n.白痴,笨蛋107.statistic n.数据108.relationship n.关系,联系109.run vt.经营,管理110.baseball n.棒球111.typist n.打字的人,打字员112.physical a.身体的,物质的113.handicap n.身体或精神上的缺陷114.handicapped a.残疾的115.editorial n.社论a.编辑的,社论的116.associate n.大专文凭,合伙人,同事117.click v.点击118.fancy a.花哨的,别致的,高档的119.cover vt.报道,采访120.extensive a.广泛的,详细的,大量的121.maximum n.最大值,最大限度122.dedicate vt.献身,致力123.elaborate a.精心计划的,复杂的124.male a.男性的125.plumber n.管子工126.affect vt.影响127.motor a.(肌肉)运动神经的n.发动机128.junior a.青少年的,级别较低的,资历较浅129.coach n.教练130.strain vt.尽力使用,使过度劳累n.张力,ndscape n.风景,景色)陆地132.wind v.弯曲前进133.dirt n.泥土,脏的东西134.spot vt.认出,发现135.shed n.小棚屋136.decay vi.腐烂,衰败137.surround vt.包围138.junk n.废物139.grab v.撰取,抓取140.screen n.屏,幕141.curl v.使卷曲,拳曲142.limb n.腿143.twist v.扭曲,搓144.gloom n.昏暗145.batter vt.不断拍打,猛击146.interpret v.解释147.fasten vt.把…拴上148.temple n.太阳穴149.lean v.使)倾斜150.cynical a.愤世嫉俗的151.athlete n.运动员152.issue n.发行物153.tuck vt.塞进154.bound vi.跳跃155.helpless a.无助的,无能的156.assume vt.假设,主观主义157.ranch n.大牧场,大农场158.nursery n.托儿所159.correspondence n.通信160.formal a.正式的161.qualify vt.使具有资格162.enrol v.注册,登记163.ability n.能力164.motel n,汽车旅馆165.frantic a.狂乱的,疯狂的166.skip v.跳过,略过167.keyboard n.键盘168.respond vi.回答169.index n.指数,指标170.tension n.紧张171.interrupt vt.打断,打扰172.vulnerable a.易受攻击的173.session n.会议,(一段活动时间174.journalist n.新闻工作者,记者175.recall v.回忆176.shiver vi.战栗,发抖177.miserable a.可怜的,悲惨的178.capsule n.胶囊179.overcome vt.克服,战胜180.acid a.酸的,酸性物质过多的181.germ n.病菌,细菌182.epidemic n.流行病183.pneumonia n.肺炎184.detach vt.分离,使超然185.pirate n.海盗186.prescribe vt.开药187.varnish vt.修饰188.creek n.小溪189.slip vi.滑到,滑落190.slide v.(使)滑动191.flush v.(使)惊飞,(脸)发红192.scatter vi.散开193.mound n.土墩194.poise vt.使平衡195.unsteadily ad.不稳定的unsteady a. mence vt.开始,着手197.thermometer n.温度计198.gaze vi.凝视199.slack a.松弛的,放松的200.shelter n.掩蔽处v.201.celebration n.庆祝202.midst n.中间prep.203.missile n.导弹204.bomb n.炸弹205.portable a.手提式的206.carry vt.携带,运送207.employee n.雇员208.post n.岗位209.basement n.地下室210.pool vt.把…集中在一起211.stuff n.材料,原料212.chorus n.齐声说的话213.overtake vt.赶上214.accommodate vt.容纳,向…提供住宿215.plead vi.恳求216.whirl vi.飞速移动,旋转217.infant n.婴儿218.deserve vt.值得219.foreigner n.外地人,外国人220.aggressive a.挑衅的,放肆的221.greedy a.贪婪的222.garbage n.垃圾,废料223.fling vt.使(自己)猛扑,用力扔224.slaughter vt.屠杀225.siren n.警报226.pound v.猛击227.avenue n.大姐,林荫大道228.giant a.巨大的229.blast vi.发出刺耳的响声230.cellar n.地窖231.depart vi.离开,出发departure n.启程232.alongside prep.在…旁边233.barricade n.障碍,街垒234.intermittent a.断断续续的235.urgent a.紧急的,紧迫的236.vehicle n.车辆237.pierce v.刺穿238.pitch n.声音的高低,调子239.tune vt.调整240.identify vt.认出,识别241.harm n.伤害242.bruise vt.碰伤,使(皮肉)青肿243.scare vt.惊吓244.confuse vt.使困惑245.gesture n.姿势,手势246.murmur n.低语247.wreckage n.残骸248.collection n.募捐249.desperate a.绝望的,拼命的250.underneath prep.在…的下面251.naked a.裸体的252.claw vt.用爪抓253.amount vi.等于,合计254.hostile a.敌对的255.attitude n.看法,态度256.interfere vi.干涉,妨碍interference n 257.benefit n.益处258.tense a.紧张的259.contribute vi.贡献260.growth n.增长,发展261.concentration n.集中,专心262.span n.一段时间263.creative a.创造性的264.remarkable a.显著的,非凡的265.shape vt.形成,塑造266.maintain vt.断言,维持267.picture vt.画,想象268.vivid a.生动的,鲜明的269.champion n.冠军270.stadium n.露天体育场271.trace n.痕迹272.vision n.想象(力),视力273.automatic a.自动的,无意识的274.appropriate a.适当的275.recommend vt.建议,推荐276.purposeful a.有目的的277.soar vi.翱翔,升腾278.screen n.银幕,屏幕279.project vt.映,投射280.attain vt.获得,达到281.substitute n.代替品,代用品282.achievement n.成就283.neglect vt.忽视bination n.结合285.fantasy n.白日梦,幻想286.realm n.领域,王国287.defiance n.违抗,反抗,藐视288.mist n.薄雾289.shroud vt.覆盖,遮蔽290.triumph n.胜利,得胜291.contrast n.对比,对照292.propaganda n.(观念的)宣传293.captive a.被俘虏的,逃不掉的n. 294.craft vt.(尤指用手工)精工制作295.reality n.真实,现实296.horrible a.令人恐惧的,令人不愉快的297.stuff vt.将…塞进298.overflow v.泛滥,溢出299.concession n,妥协,让步300.fortress n.城堡,碉堡,要塞301.council n.委员会,议会302.inmate n.犯人(在一起的)303.amid prep. 在…当中304.conductor n.指挥,售票员,导体305.striking a.惹人注目的,显著的306.scarcely ad.刚刚,几乎不307.transport n.运输船,运输vt.308.fury n.狂怒,暴怒309.confess v.坦白,招供310.theme n.主题,题目311.instrument n.乐器,器械,仪器312.heap n.堆313.recruit v.招募,吸收314.teenager n.青少年315.choir n.合唱队,唱诗班316.passion n.强烈的感情317.handful n.少数,少量318.score n.总谱,乐谱319.section n.部分320.spy n.密探,间谍321.upset a.不安的,心烦意乱的322.deport vt.将…驱逐出境323.former a.以前的324.gymnasium n.健身房,体育馆325.technician n.技术员326.electrical a.电的,与电有关的327.sheer a.完全的,彻底的328.ensue vi.接着发生,接踵而来329.additional a.附加的,另外的330.audience n.听众,观众331.stage vt.上演n. 阶段;舞台;戏剧;332.representative n,代表333.notorious a.臭名昭著的334.lieutenant n.陆军中尉335.swell v.(使)增强336.dissolve v.消除,解散337.avenge vt.为…报仇338.applause n.鼓掌,喝彩339.soothe vt.抚慰,使平静340.religious a.信教的,虔诚的,宗教的、341.fantastic a.极大的,极好的342.classic a.经典的,典型的343.represent vt.代表344.mislead vt.误导,带错345.invention n.发明,发明物346.furnace n.熔炉,炉子347.chemical a.化学的348.vote n.选票349.surroundings n.环境350.characteristic a.表示特性的351.account n.账户352.transportation n.运输353.available a.可获得的,可利用的354.camel n.骆驼355.impressive a.给人映象深刻的356.exceed vt.超过357.locomotive n.火车头358.flick n.轻弹359.rocket n.火箭360.capsule n.宇宙密封舱361.altitude n.高,高度(海拔)362.mine v.开采,开矿363.trend n.趋向,倾向364.innovation n.革新,新方法365.cycle n.循环,周期366.embody vt.体现367.generate vt.发生,产生368.ancestor n.祖先369.peak n.顶峰,山峰boratory n.实验室371.novelty n.新奇的事物372.interval n.间隔时间373.likewise ad.同样地374.accelerate v.加速。

《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 1 课1 brush[brʌʃ]n.小冲突;小接触2process['prəuses]n.过程;制作法3court[kɔ:t]n.法院;法庭4arbitrary['ɑ:bitrəri] a.任意的,武断的5circumstance['sə:kəmstəns]n.情况,环境6subsequent['sʌbsikwənt] a.随后的,接下去的7fate[feit]n.命运8due[dju:] a.预期的;约定的;到期的9temporary['tempərəri] a.暂时的10stroll[strəul]vi.散步,闲逛11obvious['ɔbviəs] a.明显的,显而易见的12downfall['daunfɔ:l] n.垮台;衰落13employment[im'plɔimənt]n.职业;工作14wander['wɔndə, 'wɑ:n:dər]vi.闲逛;漫游15commit[kə'mit]vt.干(坏事),犯(错误、罪) 16arrestable a.应该被拘留的17offence[ə'fens]n.罪行;冒犯;不愉快的事18straight face板着的脸19petty['peti] a.小的;不足道的20doorstep['dɔ:step] n.门阶21regard[ri'gɑ:d]vt.把…看作;把…认为(as) 22counterculture n.反主流文化23unconcerned[ˌʌnkən'sə:nd] a.无忧虑的;淡漠的24casual['kæʒuəl] a.漫不经心的,随便的25conversational[ˌkɔnvə'seiʃənəl] a.会话(用)的26confirm[kən'fə:m]vt.证实,肯定;确认27belief[bi'li:f]n.相信;信念;信仰28thoroughly['θʌrəli] ad.完全地,彻底地29thorough['θʌrə] a.完全的,彻底的30disreputable[dis'repjutəbəl] a.声名狼籍的31worldly['wə:ldli] a.老于世故的32au fait[ˌəu 'fei] a.熟悉的;精通的33aha[ɑ:'hɑ:] int.啊哈!34magistrate['mædʒistreit, -strit]n.地方法官35conduct['kɔndəkt, 'kɔndʌkt]vt.处理;主持;引导;指挥36defence[di'fens] n.辩护37solicitor[sə'lisitə]n.(初级)律师38witness['witnis]n.证人;证据39trial['traiəl]n.审判40dismiss[dis'mis]vt.驳回,对…不予受理41cost[kɔst]n.诉讼费42award[ə'wɔ:d]vt.判给;授予43accent['æksənt, æk'sent]n.口音;腔调44respectable[ri'spektəbəl] a.值得尊敬的45reliable[ri'laiəbl] a.可靠的,可信赖的46given['giv(ə)n] prep.考虑到;假定47obscure[əb'skjuə] a.模糊的;晦涩的48guilty['gilti] a.有罪的;内疚的49revolve[ri'vɔlv]v.(使)旋转50brilliant['briliənt] a.辉煌的;卓越的51courtroom['kɔ:t-rum]n.审判室52meanwhile['mi:n'wail]ad.同时53gloomily['glu:mili]ad.忧郁地,沮丧地54complain[kəm'plein]vi.抱怨55complaint[kəm'pleint]n.抱怨56reproachfully ad.责备地57presumably[pri'zju:məbli]ad.推测起来,大概58outrage['autˌreidʒ]vt.引起…的气愤59successful[sək'sesfəl] a.成功的;有成就的60apologize[ə'pɔlədʒaiz]vi.道歉,谢罪61apology[ə'pɔlədʒi]n.道歉,辩解62take court对某人提出诉讼63 a couple of少数,几(个);一对64save up储蓄65take one's time慢慢来,不着急66at first起先67turn out结果;证明是68call on要求69stand a chance有机会,有希望70revolve around围绕…旋转;反复思考71turn against反对《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 2 课1tell[tel]vi.告发2Yankee['jæŋki] n.北方佬;美国佬3great-aunt n.婶祖母,伯祖母,姑姥姥4civil['sivəl] a.国内的;民间的5Confederate a.南部联邦的6capture['kæptʃə]vt.俘虏;夺得7unknown[ˌʌn'nəun] a.不知道的,未知名的8former['fɔ:mə] a.以前的9farmhouse['fɑ:mhaus] n.农舍,农家10groan[grəun]n.呻吟(声)11attic['ætik]n.阁楼12the Union n.(美国南北战争期间的)联邦政府;美国13rifle['raifl]n.步枪14awful['ɔ:ful] a.可怕的,糟糕的;极坏的15bandage['bændidʒ]n.绷带16dreadful['dredful] a.不高兴的,恐惧的,可怕的17bugle['bju:gəl]n.军号,喇叭18filth[filθ]n.污秽19futility n.无用20futile['fju:tail] a.无用的21lean[li:n]vi.靠,倚22establish[i'stæbliʃ]vt.确立,证实23identity[ai'dentiti]n.身份24identical[ai'dentikəl] a.同一的;完全相同的25Lt.陆军中尉26company['kʌmpəni]n.连27volunteer[ˌvɔlən'tiə]n.志愿兵28presence['prezəns]n.出席,到场29skillfully ad.灵巧地,娴熟地30skillful['skilfəl] a.灵巧的,熟练的31fan[fæn]vt.扇,扇动;激起32spark[spɑ:k]n.火花33flicker['flikə]vi.闪动,闪烁34drug[drʌg]n.麻药,麻醉药35supply[sə'plai] n.补给品36pray[prei]vi.祈祷37valley['væli]n.山谷;流域38infection[in'fekʃən]n.感染;传染39infect[in'fekt]vt.感染;传染40flare[fleə]vi.(火焰)闪耀41loft[lɔft]n.阁楼42ferry['feri]n.渡口;渡船43headquarters['hedˌkwɔ:təz] n.司令部44proof[pru:f]n.证据45bear[beə]vt.显示;具有46seal[si:l]n.印,图章47item['aitəm]n.条;项48commanding[kə'mɑ:ndiŋ] a.发号施令的,指挥的49commanding officer指挥官50command[kə'mɑ:nd]vt.指挥51Gen.abbr.将军52madam['mædəm]n.夫人,太太,女士,小姐53risk[risk]vt.使冒危险;冒…的危险54patrol[pə'trəul]n.巡逻队55junior['dʒu:niə] a.年少的,下级的56hobble['hɔbəl]vi.跛行;蹒跚57crutch[krʌtʃ]n.拐杖58wagon['wægən]n.四轮运货马(牛)车59hitch[hitʃ]vi.钩住,拴住,套住60mare[meə]n.母马,母驴61alongside[əlɔŋ'said]prep.横靠;沿62mule[mju:l]n.骡63disaster[di'zɑ:stə]n.天灾;灾祸64line[lain]n.战线,防线65horseman['hɔ:smən] n.骑师,马术师66pistol['pistl]n.手枪67crack[kræk]v.(使)发出爆裂声68sprawl[sprɔ:l]vi.四肢伸开地坐或卧69lower['ləuə]vt.放下;放低70secretary['sekrətəri, -teri]n.部长,大臣;秘书71ragged['rægid] a.衣衫褴褛的;破旧的72parade[pə'reid]vt.使列队行进n.游行;检阅73chill[tʃil]v.(使)感到冷;(使)冷74fort[fɔ:t]n.要塞,堡垒75stumble['stʌmbəl]vi.绊倒,蹒跚76stream[stri:m]vi.倾注,流出77take prisoner俘虏78flare up突发;加剧;突然发光;突然发怒79write out写出;写80brush aside不理;漠视81bring through救活大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 3 课1administrative[əd'ministrətiv] a.行政的,管理的2administration[ədˌminis'treiʃən]n.管理(部门),行政(机关) 3puzzle['pʌzl]vt.使迷惑4step-up n.提升;逐步增加5step up n.提升;逐步增加6mechanic[mi'kænik]n.机械工;机修工7sweaty['sweti] a.汗湿的,有汗味的8palm[pɑ:m]n.手掌9profession[prə'feʃən]n.职业10convince[kən'vins]vt.使确信,使信服11compel[kəm'pel]vt.强迫,迫使12pace[peis]n.速度;步速13calendar['kælində]n.日程表,日历14opportunity[ˌɔpə'tju:niti]n.机会,时机15reflection[ri'flekʃən]n.深思;考虑16reflect[ri'flekt]vi.仔细考虑17stimulate['stimjuleit]vt.刺激;激励18freshman['freʃmən] n.大学一年级学生;新生19failure['feiljə]n.失败的人;失败20ivory['aivəri]n.象牙21ivory tower n.象牙塔22self-reliance[ˌselfri'laiəns]n.依靠自己;自力更生23reliance[ri'laiəns]n.信赖;信心;依靠24technological[ˌteknə'lɔdʒikəl] a.技术的25corporation[ˌkɔ:pə'reiʃən]n.有限公司26run-down['rʌn 'daun] a.破败的,情况不佳的27renovate['renəveit]vt.修复,修整28semester[si'mestə]n.学期29repay[ri'pei]vt.偿还(钱等)30loan[ləun]n.借出的东西;货款31distribute[di'stribju:t]vt.分发;分送32distribution[ˌdistri'bju:ʃən]n.分发;分送33variety[və'raiəti]n.变化,多样化;种种34challenge['tʃælindʒ]n.挑战35doctoral['dɔktərəl] a.博士的36energetic[ˌenə'dʒetik] a.精力充沛的37dissertation[ˌdisə'teiʃən]n.(学位)论文38poet['pəuit]n.诗人39learned['lə:nid] a.博学的40journal['dʒə:nəl]n.杂志;日报41occasional[ə'keiʒənəl] a.偶尔的,间或的42nudge[nʌdʒ]n.启示vt.用肘轻推43fellowship['feləuʃip]n.研究员职位;研究员薪金44switch[switʃ]vt.转换;转动45urban['ə:bən] a.城市的46civil rights n.公民权47lawyer['lɔ:jə]n.律师48intuition[ˌintju'iʃən]n.直觉49analysis[ə'næləsis]n.分析50creation[kri'eiʃən]n.创造(物)51clay[klei]n.粘土52point[pɔint]n.要点;意义,目的53pathway['pɑ:θwei] n.小道,小径54rare[reə] a.稀有的;杰出的55magic['mædʒik]n.魔力;魔术56stay up不睡觉,熬夜57take notes记笔记58build on建立于;加建,扩建59keep a diary记日记60leave out遗漏,省去61send off寄出;派遣62work at设法说服,影响63work on设法说服,影响64catch one's breath喘气,(由惊吓等)暂时停止呼吸《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 4 课1hermit['hə:mit]n.隐士2shift[ʃift]vi.转移,移动3vagrant['veigrənt]n.流浪者4appetite['æpitait]n.食欲,胃口5alcohol['ælkəhɔl]n.酒,酒精6attract[ə'trækt]vt.吸引7attraction[ə'trækʃən]n.吸引8attractive[ə'træktiv] a.吸引人的9peculiar[pi'kju:liə] a.奇特的;奇怪的10populace['pɔpjuləs]n.平民,大众,老百姓11lone[ləun] a.孤独的12isolate['aisəleit]vt.使隔离,使孤立13mistrustful[mis'trʌstfəl] a.不信任的,深疑的14shopping-bag n.购物袋15huddle['hʌdl]vi.挤作一团16warmth[wɔ:mθ]n.暖和,温暖;热情,热心17companionship[kəm'pæniənʃip] n.伴侣关系,友谊;一群伙伴18companion[kəm'pæniən]n.同伴,伴侣19bum[bʌm]n.游民,叫化子20keen[ki:n] a.热心的,渴望的21conventional[kən'venʃənəl] a.习俗的,寻常的22convention[kən'venʃən]n.习俗,惯例23sociologist[ˌsəusi'ɔlədʒist]n.社会学家24neighborhood['neibəhud]n.街坊,四邻25inexplicably ad.到无法说明的程度26leftovers n.剩余物,残留物,剩菜27garbage['gɑ:bidʒ]n.废料;垃圾;废物28garbage can垃圾桶29resident['rezidənt]n.居民30slip[slip]vt.悄悄给31overtly ad.公开地32collection[kə'lekʃən]n.募捐;募金33collection box奉献箱34doorway['dɔ:wei]n.门口;门道35morally['mɔrəli]ad.道德上36moral['mɔrəl] a.道德上的37category['kætigəri]n.种类38claim[kleim]vt.声称;要求;认领39constraint[kən'streint]n.拘束40rent[rent]n.租金vt.租用41payment['peimənt]n.付款42relief[ri'li:f]n.救济43quasi['kwezai, 'kwɑzi] a.半,准44anchor['æŋkə]n.锚;依靠45layer['leiə]n.层46stuff[stʌf]vt.把…塞满47protection[prə'tekʃən]n.保护48protective[prə'tektiv] a.保护的49cope[kəup]vi.对付,应付50volunteer[ˌvɔlən'tiə]vt.主动讲;自愿提供51voluntary['vɔləntəri] a.主动的;自愿的52soup[su:p]n.汤53communicative[kə'mju:nikətiv] a.愿意交谈的54communication[kəˌmju:ni'keiʃən]n.交流;通讯55conversation[ˌkɔnvə'seiʃən]n.谈话56intrusion[in'tru:ʒən]n.侵犯;打扰57rotten['rɔtn] a.腐烂的;腐朽的58considerate[kən'sidərit] a.体谅的59dental['dentl] a.牙齿的60wherever [weər'evə]conj.无论什么情况下(在哪里、到什么地方)61fantasy['fæntəsi]n.怪念头;幻想62psychiatrist[sai'kaiətrist]n.精神病医生63loss[lɔs]n.丢失,损失,遗失64escalator['eskəleitə]n.自动楼梯65priest[pri:st]n.牧师;教士;神父66lodging['lɔdʒiŋ]n.(临时)住所67lodge[lɔdʒ]v.(使)暂住,(使)寄宿68entitle[in'taitl]vt.给…以权利69disability[ˌdisə'biliti]n.伤残70pension['penʃən]n.养老金;退休金;抚恤金71crate[kreit]n.篮,篓,箱72nun[nʌn]n.修女;尼姑73shepherd['ʃepəd]vt.看护;带领74better['betə]vt.改善75keen on喜欢,热爱,醉心于76on end连续地77pass by从…旁走过;忽视78turn away将…拒之门外79keep up维持,继续80once in a while间或,偶尔81in general通常82cope with善于处理83no matter how不管如何84no matter what无论何事85at a loss不知所措;困惑86be entitled to有权,有…资格《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 5 课1anticipation[ænˌtisi'peiʃən]n.预期,预料2anticipate[æn'tisipeit]vt.预期,预料3issue['iʃu:, 'isju:]n.发行物(刊物的)一期4tuck[tʌk]vt.塞(进);卷(起)5bound[baund]vi.跳跃6flip[flip]v.掷,弹7tight[tait] a.紧的,牢的ad.坚定地,稳固地8couch[kautʃ]n.长沙发椅9approach[ə'prəutʃ]v.接近,逼近10cautiously['kɔ:ʃəsli] ad.细心地,谨慎地11cautious['kɔ:ʃəs] a.谨慎的,小心的12type[taip]vt.打字13line[lain](诗、文的)一行14helpless['helpləs] a.没用的,无能的15assume[ə'sju:m]vt.假设,主观认为16ranch[rɑ:ntʃ]n.大牧场,大农场17nursery['nə:səri]n.托儿所18day nursery n.日间托儿所19training['treiniŋ] n.训练,培训20correspondence[ˌkɔri'spɔndəns]n.通信21correspondence course n.函授课程22formally['fɔ:məli]ad.正式地23formal['fɔ:məl] a.正式的24qualify['kwɔliˌfai]vt.使具有资格25enrolment[in'rəulmənt] n.注册人数;注册,登记26enrollment[in'rəulmənt] n.注册人数;注册,登记27enrol[in'roul]v.注册,登记28enroll[in'rəul]v.注册,登记29motel[məu'tel]n.汽车旅馆30frantic['fræntik] a.狂乱的,错乱的;激昂的31acre['eikə]n.英亩32addition[ə'diʃən]n.加,加法33full-time['ful'taim] a.专任的34typewriter['taipˌraitə]n.打字机35keyboard['ki:bɔ:d]n.键盘36junk[dʒʌŋk]n.破烂,垃圾37tap[tæp]n.轻叩38midnight['midnait]n.午夜39ecstatic[ik'stætik,ek-] a.欣喜若狂的40drawn[drɔ:n] a.憔悴的;紧张的41respond[ri'spɔnd]vi.回答,响应42dad[dæd] n.爸爸,爹爹43evenly['i:vənli] ad.平静地,平坦地44even['i:vən] a.平的,平静的45primarily['praimərəli, prai'merəli]ad.主要地46embarrassment[im'bærəsmənt]n.窘迫,为难47index['indeks]n.指数,指标48pressure['preʃə]n.(心理上的)压力49tension['tenʃən]n.紧张50arrival[ə'raivəl]n.到达51rack[ræk]vt.猛力摇动52vulnerability n.易受伤性,脆弱性53vulnerable['vʌlnərəbəl] a.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击的54dry goods织物类商品55session['seʃən]n.会议;(从事某项活动的)一段时间56journalist['dʒə:nəlist]n.新闻工作者;记者57memento[mi'mentəu]n.纪念品58cranky['kræŋki] a.不稳的;有毛病的59at work在工作,在运转60catch on学会,懂得61catch on to学会,懂得62set one's mind to决心做63set one's mind on决心做64stand in sb.'s way阻碍,妨碍65be in sb.'s way阻碍,妨碍66send away for函购67run out到期;用完,耗尽68in addition此外69in addition to此外70help out帮助;帮助(某人)摆脱困境71on guard警惕,提防72in tears哭泣73hold back抑制,阻止74go on发生75go ahead前进,进步《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 6 课1shiver['ʃivə]vi.战栗,发抖2capsule['kæpsju:l]n.胶囊(药)3instruction[in'strʌkʃən]n.用法说明;指示4instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.教导,指示5purgative['pə:gətiv]n.泻药6acid['æsid] a.酸的;酸性物质过多的7germ[dʒə:m]n.病菌,细菌8influenza[ˌinflu'enzə]n.流行性感冒9epidemic[ˌepi'demik]n.&a.流行病(的)10flu[flu:]n.流感11pneumonia[nju:'məuniə]n.肺炎12detached[di'tætʃt] a.超然的;冷漠的;分离的13detach[di'tætʃ]vt.分开,分离14pirate['paiərət]n.海盗15papa[pə'pɑ:] n.爸爸16lightheaded a.神志不清的;眩晕的17prescribe[pri'skraib]vt.开(药)18sleet[sli:t]n.雨夹雪;冻雨19brush[brʌʃ]n.矮灌木丛;断落的树枝20varnish['vɑ:niʃ]vt.掩饰(令人不快之事)21Irish['aiəriʃ] a.爱尔兰(人)的22setter['setə] n.塞特狗23creek[kri:k]n.小溪,小河24glassy['glɑ:s i] a.像玻璃的,闪耀的25slither['sliðə]vi.不稳地滑动26slide[slaid]v.(使)滑动27flush[flʌʃ]v.(使)(鸟)惊飞vi.(脸)发红28covey['kʌvi]n.一小群(鸟)29quail[kweil]n.鹌鹑30overhang[ˌəuvə'hæŋ]v.悬于…之上,突出于…之上31light[lait]vi.停落32scatter['skætə]vi.散开33mound[maund] n.土墩34poise[pɔiz]vt.使平衡35unsteadily ad.不稳定地36unsteady[ʌn'stedi] a.不稳定的37icy['aisi] a.冰冷的,盖着冰的;冷淡的38springy['spriŋi] a.有弹性的39commence[kə'mens]n.开始,着手40thermometer[θə'mɔmitə]n.温度计41absolutely['æbsəlu:tli]ad.完全地,绝对地42gaze[geiz]vi.凝视43slack[slæk] a.松弛的;放松的44bring down减少,降低45be detached from与…没有联系,脱离…46would rather宁愿47out of sight在看不见的地方48keep from阻止49take it easy别紧张;不急50hold tight onto oneself控制自己不做某事《大学英语精读》(第三册) 第7 课1shelter['ʃeltə]n.掩蔽(处)2synopsis[si'nɔpsis]n.提要,梗概3celebration[ˌseli'breiʃən]n.庆祝4celebrate['selibreit]v.庆祝5midst['midst]n.中间prep.在…当中6missile['misail]n.导弹7afterwards['a:ftəwədz]ad.稍后,随后8bomb[bɔm]n.炸弹9abridge[ə'bridʒ]vt.缩略,删节10grab[græb]vt.抢夺,攫取11dialog['daiəlɔg]n.对话,对白12dialogue['daiəlɔg]n.对话,对白13portable['pɔ:təbəl] a.手提式的14carry['kæri]vt.传送15announcer[ə'naunsə]n.广播员,报幕员16employee[im'plɔi-i:]n.雇员17civil defense民防18post[pəust]n.岗位19design[di'zain]vt.设计20basement['beismənt]n.地下室21pool[pu:l]vt.把…集中在一起(共用)22stuff[stʌf]n.原料,材料;物质23chorus['kɔ:rəs]n.齐声说的话(或喊声);合唱24assent[ə'sent]n.同意,赞成25entrance['entrəns]n.入口处26overtake[ˌəuvə'teik]vt.赶上27crazy['kreizi] a.疯狂的;愚蠢的28accommodate[ə'kɔmədeit]vt.容纳;向…提供住宿29accommodation[əˌkɔmə'deiʃən]n.住处,膳宿30plead[pli:d]vi.恳求31huh[hʌh] int.哼! 哈!32whirl[wə:l]vi.飞速移动;旋转33infant['infənt]n.婴儿34precious['preʃəs] a.珍贵的35deserve[di'zə:v]vt.值得36illogical[i'lɔdʒik(ə)l] a.不合逻辑的;无缘由的37foreigner['fɔrinə]n.外国人38aggressive[ə'gresiv] a.挑衅的;放肆的;积极进取的39greedy['gri:di] a.贪婪的40semi['semi] pref.半41idiot['idiət]n.白痴42bet[bet]vt.确信;用…打赌43fling[fliŋ]vt.使(自己)猛扑;用力扔,掷44hand-to-hand a.逼近的,直接交手的45slaughter['slɔ:tə]vt.屠杀46siren['saiərən]n.警报47searchlight['sə:tʃlait] n.探照灯48pounding['paundiŋ] n.猛击49pound[paund]v.强烈打击50reverberate[ri'və:bəreit]vi.回响51log[lɔg]n.原木52avenue['ævənju:, 'ævinju:]n.大街53giant ['dʒaiənt] a.庞大的,巨大的n.巨人,巨大的动、植物54fist[fist]n.拳头55blast[blɑ:st]vi.发出刺耳响声56cellar['selə]n.地窖57depart[di'pɑ:t]vi.离开58departure[di'pɑ:tʃə]n.离开,启程,出发59barricade['bærikeid]n.障碍;街垒60generator['dʒenəreitə]n.发电机61movable['mu:vəbəl] a.活动的,变动的62mob[mɔb]n.一伙人;一群暴徒63intermittent[ˌintə'mitənt] a.断断续续的64remind[ri'maind]vt.提醒65urgent['ə:dʒənt] a.紧迫的;重要的66military['militəri] a.军事的67vehicle['vi:ikəl]n.车辆(统称)68piercing['piəsiŋ] a.尖厉的;刺穿的69pierce[piəs]v.刺穿,刺破70give[giv]vi.弯曲;塌下71pitch[pitʃ]n.声音的高低,调子72tune[tju:n, tu:n]vt.收听73definitely['definitli] ad.明确地,干脆地74definite['definit] a.明确的,一定的75identify[ai'dentifai]vt.认出;识别76harmless['hɑ:mləs] a.无害的77harm[hɑ:m]n.伤害78bruise[bru:z]vt.碰伤;使(皮肉)青肿79clot[klɔt]vt.使(血等)凝块80Amen int.阿门(基督教徒祈祷结束时的用语) 81hey[hei]int.嗨!82scare[skeə]vt.惊吓83gesture['dʒestʃə]n.姿势,手势84murmur['mə:mə]n.低柔的声音85half-hearted a.不认真的,没兴趣的86wreckage['rekidʒ]n.残骸87shaky['ʃeiki] a.摇晃的88carry-over n.剩余物89realization[ˌriəlai'zeiʃən]n.认识,领会90deaden['dedn]vt.使减弱,使无感觉91disquiet[dis'kwaiət]vt.使忧虑,使不安92phony a.假的,假冒的93phoney['fəuni] a.假的,假冒的94laughter['lɑ:ftə]n.笑声95desperately['despəritli] ad.绝望地;拼命地96desperate['despərit] a.拼死的,令人绝望的97underneath[ˌʌndə'ni:θ]prep.在…的下面98naked['neikid] a.裸体的99claw[klɔ:]vt.用爪抓100stairway['steəwei]n.楼梯101destroy[di'strɔi]vt.摧毁102in the midst of在中…间103break up散开104grab hold of抓住105get hold of抓住106take hold of抓住107break down毁掉108fit in放进去,嵌进去109draw lots抽签110make a difference有关系,有影响111make the difference有关系,有影响112come up上升113head for前往114figure out解决,算出;理解,弄清楚115or else否则116mean business是当真的117pile up堆起118get one's hands on抓住,拥有119in the way of在…方面;关于120go on(灯)亮121go off停止122call off停止;取消123blow one's top大发脾气124hold...against因(某事)而嫉恨(某人)125take up开始从事126born of得自,起于《大学英语精读》(第三册) -第8 课1hostile['hɔstail] a.敌对的2view[vju:]vt.把…看成是;当作是;认为3escape[i'skeip]n.&v.逃跑;逃避4nighttime n.夜间5interfere[ˌintə'fiə]vi.干涉;妨碍6interference[ˌintə'fiərəns]n.干涉;妨碍7researcher[ri'sə:tʃə] n.研究员8benefit['benifit]n.益处9tense[tens] a.紧张的10irritable['iritəbəl] a.易怒的;急躁的11means[mi:nz] n.方法;手段12psychologist[sai'kɔlədʒist]n.心理学家13contribute[kən'tribju:t]vi.贡献14growth[grəuθ]n.生长;发展15concentration[ˌkɔnsən'treiʃən]n.集中16span[spæn]n.一段时间17self-control[ˌself'kəntrəul] n.自控18creative[kri:'eitiv] a.创造性的19remarkable[ri'mɑ:kəbl] a.显著的;非凡的20shape[ʃeip]vt.形成,塑造21industrialist[in'dʌstriəlist] n.工业家,实业家22maintain[mein'tein]vt.断言;维持23picture['piktʃə]vt.想像;绘画24inventor[in'ventə]n.发明家25notable['nəutəbəl] a.著名的;值得注意的26achiever n.获胜者27vividly['vividli] ad.生动地,逼真地28vivid['vivid] a.生动的,逼真的29immeasurably ad.不能测量地;无限制地30drift[drift]vi.漂(流)31athlete['æθlit, 'æθli:t]n.运动员32pole-vaulting n.撑竿跳33champion['tʃæmpiən]n.冠军34meet[mi:t]n.会,集会35clear[kliə]vt.跳过36bar[bɑ:]n.横竿;杆;条状物37stadium['steidiəm]n.露天体育场38trace[treis]n.痕迹39memory trace记忆痕(脑部吸收或记忆信息产生的化学变化) 40vision['viʒən]n.想象(力)41automatically[ɔ:tə'mætikli]ad.自动地;无意识地42automatic[ˌɔ:tə'mætik] a.自动的;无意识的43appropriately ad.适当地44appropriate[ə'prəupri-it, ə'prəuprieit] a.适当的45purposeful['pə:pəsfəl] a.有目的的46self-image[ˌself'imidʒ] n.自我形象47accomplishment[ə'kʌmpliʃmənt]n.成就48recommend[ˌrekə'mend]vt.建议;推荐49soar[sɔ:]vi.翱翔;升腾50screen[skri:n]n.银幕;屏幕51project[prə'dʒekt, 'prɔdʒekt]vt.映,投射52goal[gəul]n.目标53attain[ə'tein]vt.获得;达到54supposedly[sə'pəuzidli] ad.推测;大概55affect[ə'fekt]vt.影响56attainment[ə'teinmənt]n.获得,达到;成就,造诣57substitute['sʌbstitju:t]n.代替者,代用品58athletic[æθ'letik] a.运动的;运动员的59achievement[ə'tʃi:vmənt]n.成就60after['ɑ:ftə]prep.搜寻,追求61neglect[ni'glekt]vt.忽视62combination[ˌkɔmbi'neiʃən]n.结合63method['meθəd]n.方法64merely['miəli] ad.仅仅,只65well-being['wel'bi:iŋ] n.康乐;安康66vacation[və'keiʃən, vei'keiʃən] n.休假;假期67realm[relm] n.领域;王国68enjoyment[in'dʒɔimənt] n.享受;欣赏;乐趣69amount to总共达;等于70interfere with干扰;妨碍71contribute to有助于72get along with与…相处(和睦)73due to因为;由…引起,由于74come true实现75go about着手做《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第9 课1bunker['bʌŋkə]n.地堡2fascist['fæʃist] a.法西斯主义的n.法西斯分子3dictator[dik'teitə]n.独裁者4partner['pɑ:tnə]n.伙伴5aggression[ə'greʃən]n.侵略6mistress['mistris]n.情妇7Italian[i'tæliən] a.意大利的n.意大利人;意大利语8guerilla n.游击队员9guerrilla[gə'rilə] n.游击队员10execute['eksikju:t]vt.处死;实施,执行11executive[ig'zekjutiv] a.&n.实行的,执行的;执行者12dump[dʌmp]vt.倾倒13string[striŋ]vt.串起14heel[hi:l]n.(脚)后跟15lamppost['læmppəust] n.路灯柱16gutter['gʌtə]n.街沟17pauper['pɔ:pə]n.贫民18plot[plɔt]n.小块土地19cemetery['semitri]n.公墓;墓地20horrible['hɔrəbəl] a.可怕的,恐怖的;讨厌的21horror['hɔrə]n.惊骇,恐怖;极端厌恶22climax['klaimæks]n.高潮23degradation[ˌdegrə'deiʃən]n.羞辱24Fascism n.法西斯主义25shabby['ʃæbi] a.不光彩的;卑鄙的;破旧的26Fuehrer n.(德)元首27strengthen['streŋθən, 'strenθən]v.加强28resolve[ri'zɔlv]n.决心29bride[braid]n.新娘30spectacle['spektəkəl]n.引人鄙视的对象;场面31preparation[ˌprepə'reiʃən]n.准备,预备32Alsatian[æl'seiʃən] a.阿尔萨斯的n.阿尔萨斯狼犬33poison['pɔizən]vt.毒死,放毒n.毒药34farewell[feə'wel]n.再见35appreciation[əˌpri:ʃi'eiʃən]n.欣赏;感激36loyal['lɔiəl] a.忠诚的37instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.命令;指示38file[fail]n.卷宗;档案39word[wə:d]n.命令40interpret[in'tə:prit]vt.解释41interpretation[inˌtə:pri'teiʃən]n.解释42private['praivit] a.私人的;个人的43mostly['məustli]ad.主要地;大部分44associate[ə'səuʃieit]n.合作人,同事45assemble[ə'sembəl]vt.集合46inaudible[in'ɔ:dəbəl] a.听不见的47moisture['mɔistʃə]n.潮湿,湿气48retire[ri'taiə]vi.退出49unendurable[ʌnin'dʒuərəbəl] a.无法忍受的50canteen[kæn'ti:n]n.食堂51weird[wiəd] a.怪异的;离奇的52request[ri'kwest]vt.请求53meantime['mi:ntaim]n.&ad.其间54spell[spel]n.一段时间55strict[strikt] a.严厉的56relief[ri'li:f]n.(忧虑等的)减轻,解除57enormous[i'nɔ:məs] a.巨大的,庞大的58defensible[di'fensəbəl] a.可防御的59doom[du:m]vt.注定,使遭…厄运60noon[nu:n]n.中午61apparently[ə'pærəntli]ad.显然,似乎62apparent[ə'pærənt] a.显然的,外观上的63vegetarian[ˌvedʒi'teəriən] a.(有关)素食的64chauffeur['ʃəufə,ʃeu'fə:]n.司机65liter['li:tə]n.(容量单位)升66gasoline['gæsəli:n]n.汽油67fuel[fjuəl]n.燃料68intimate['intimit] a.亲密的69collaborator n.协作者,同伙70passageway['pæsidʒwei] n.走廊71revolver[ri'vɔlvə] n.左轮手枪72decent['di:sənt] a.合宜的;得体的73interval['intəvəl]n.间隔74sofa['səufə]n.沙发75drip[drip]vt.使滴落76swallow[swɔləu]vt.吞咽77chancellor['tʃɑ:nsələ]n.部长(或首相)78institute['institju:t]vt.建立79meet one's end死80string up用绳吊起;吊死81call in命令82break in(非法)强行进入83build up增进84in the meantime在…期间,同时85in charge of负责86round up集拢87have done with结束;终止88to the day一天也不差89to a day一天也不差《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第10 课1fantastic[fæn'tæstik] a.极大的;难以置信的2spurt[spə:t]n.猛增;突然加速;迸发3conjure['kʌndʒə]vt.唤起,使想起4smoky['sməuki] a.充满烟的5mill[mil]n.工厂,车间6classic['klæsik] a.经典的,典型的7representation[ˌr eprizen'teiʃən]n.代表8represent[ˌrepri'zent]vt.代表9symbol['simbəl]n.象征10inadequate[in'ædikwit] a.不适当的,不充分的11misleading a.易误解的,令人误解的12mislead[mis'li:d]vt.误导13invention[in'venʃən]n.发明,创造14horse collar马轭15agricultural[ægri'kʌltʃər(ə)l] a.农业的,农艺的16furnace['fə:nis]n.熔炉,炉子17apply[ə'plai]vt.应用,运用18occur[ə'kə:]vi.发生19breed[bri:d]vt.饲养20vote[vəut]n.选票;选举(权)21advanced[əd'vɑ:nst] a.高深的,先进的22blast[blɑ:st]n.鼓风;送风23blast furnace鼓风炉;高炉24electronics[iˌlek'trɔniks]n.电子技术;电子学25surroundings[sə'raundiŋz]n.环境26characteristic[ˌkæriktə'ristik] a.表示特性的27essential[i'senʃəl] a.必需的28organization[ˌɔ:gənai'zeiʃən]n.组织,机构29repetitive a.重复的,反复性的30repetition[ˌrepi'tiʃən]n.重复,循环31function['fʌŋkʃən]n.职责,功能,作用32outdated[ˌaut'deitid] a.过时的33quicken['kwikən]v.加快34acceleration[əkselə'reiʃən]n.加速35dramatize['dræmətaiz]vt.改编成戏剧,编写剧本36account[ə'kaunt]n.报告;描述37transportation[ˌtrænspɔ:'teiʃən]n.运输38transport[træn'spɔ:t]vt.运输39BC['bi:'si:] abbr.公元前40available[ə'veiləbəl] a.可获得的;可利用的41camel['kæməl]n.骆驼42caravan['kærəvæn]n.(往返于沙漠地带的)商队43average['ævəridʒ]vt.平均为44per[pə:]prep.每45mph abbr.时速46chariot['tʃæriət]n.(古时)双轮马拉战车47maximum['mæksiməm]n.最大量;最多的48roughly['rʌfli]ad.粗略地,概略地49impressive[im'presiv] a.给人深刻印象的50exceed[ik'si:d]vt.超过51coach[kəutʃ]n.四轮大马车52operate['ɔpəreit]vt.操作,运转53mere[miə] a.仅仅的,只不过的54locomotive[ˌləukə'məutiv]n.火车头55race[reis]n.属;人种56airplane['eəplein]n.飞机57flick[flik]n.轻弹;突然的轻快动作58rocket['rɔkit]n.火箭59capsule['kæpsju:l]n.宇宙密封舱60altitude['æltitju:d]n.高,(尤指海拔)高度61mineral['minərəl]n.矿物,矿石62accelerative a.加速的63trend[trend]n.趋向;倾向64pattern['pætn]n.模式65statistical[stə'tistik(ə)l] a.统计的;统计学的66unmistakable[ˌʌnmi'steikəbəl] a.明白的,不会弄错的67innovation[ˌinə'veiʃən]n.革新;新方法68stage[steidʒ]n.阶段;时期69cycle['saikəl]n.循环;周期70feasible['fi:zibəl] a.可行的71diffusion[di'fju:ʒən]n.扩散;传播72embody[im'bɔdi]vt.体现73generate['dʒenəreit]vt.发生;产生74shorten['ʃɔ:tn]vt.缩短,使变短75scientific[ˌsaiən'tifik] a.科学的76radically['rædikəli]ad.根本上77radical['rædikəl] a.根本的78reduce[ri'dju:s]vt.减少;降低79striking['straikiŋ] a.显著的80ancestor['ænsəstə]n.祖先81marketplace['ma:kitpleis]n.集会场所,市场82refrigerator[ri'fridʒəreitə]n.冰箱83fridge[fridʒ]n.冰箱84peak[pi:k]n.顶峰;山峰85novelty['nɔvəlti]n.新奇的事物86novel['nɔvəl] a.新颖的,新奇的87likewise['laikwaiz]ad.同样地88astonishing[əs'tɔniʃiŋ] a.很惊异的89astonish[ə'stɔniʃ]vt.使惊讶90stepped-up a.加速的,加强的91accelerate[ək'seləreit]v.加速92conjure up使联想起93labor along艰难地前进94labour along艰难地前进95go by经过,(时间)流逝96feed on以…为食;以…为能源97in turn依次,轮流,转而98put to work应用。

take sb to court 对某人提起诉讼a couple of少数的save up储蓄take one's time慢慢来call on要求stand a chance有机会revolve around围绕turn against反对take out拿出think up 想出in short总之bring up使注意stay up不睡觉take notes记笔记build on建立在keep a diary记日记leave out忽略send off寄出catch one's breath屏息take sb to task为某事)狠狠批评某人at least至少catch sb's eye引起某人注意in hopes of/in the hope of希望so what那又怎么样sort of有点儿cut through 穿过curl up(使)拳曲call up使想起add to增添,扩大bring back使恢复(到以前的状态)have sth to oneself 有东西要给自己的私人使用at work在工作catch on(to)学会,懂得stand/be in sb.'s way阻碍send away for函索run out到期help out帮助on guard警惕,提放In tears眼泪go on 继续(下去)go ahead前进A bility能力assume假设affect影响AccentUnit 1 A Brush with the LawI我平生只有一次跟警方发生纠葛。
It 事情发生在大约12年前,其时正是2月。

UNIT 1textAdeviate vi.背离,偏离preclude vt.妨碍阻碍,阻止premier a.最好的,最大的,最重要的n.首相,总理whereby ad.凭那个,借以civic a.公民的,市民的,城镇的,城市的patriotic a.爱国的,有爱国心的clear-cut a.明确的,清楚的inhibit vt.阻碍,妨碍,抑制scholarly a.博学的,学问精深的,学者的,学术的idiot n.笨蛋,傻子bypass vt.(做某事时)避开,越过(某人),绕过,绕……走persecution n.(尤指因种族、宗教或政治信仰而进行的)迫害,残害misfortune n.不幸的是事,灾难,厄运,不幸glamour n.魅力,吸引力glamorous a.极富魅力的,非常吸引人的tragic a.悲惨的,不幸的,悲剧性的,可悲的spur n.刺激,激励,鞭策,鼓舞vt.刺激,激励,鞭策,鼓舞,使发生optimism n.乐观,乐观主义dedication n.奉献,献身commend vt.(正式或公开)表扬,称赞,表彰,推荐uphold vt.支持,拥护,维护endeavor n. 尽力,努力vi.努力做(某事),尽力做(某事)statesman n.政治家diligent a.勤奋的,用功的diligently ad.勤奋地pursuit n.追求,寻求ranch n.美国或加拿大西部的大牧场prestige n.声望,名望,威望circuit n.(与某种活动相关的人)定期前往一系列场所,电路,回路,线路,环形路线unprecedented a.前所未有的,史无前例的,(大小、数量、程度等)的前所未知的,空前的nominate vt.提名,推荐appoint vt.认命,委派,指派,确定,指定,约定(时间或地点)abortion n.人工流产,堕胎expend vt.花费,消耗,支出threat n.危害,威胁,恐吓inward a.内心的,精神的,内向的,向中心的robust a.坚定的,强硬的人,强壮的,强健的maintain vt.保持,维持slack vi. a.偷懒,逃避工作,松弛的,不紧的,松懈的,懈怠的,疏忽的transcend vt.超越摆脱(消极的态度、思想或情绪)handicap n.障碍,不利条件,身体或智力的缺陷,残疾(该词现在被认为具有冒犯意)feat n.技艺,业绩,功绩Remove sth./sb.from sth. 移开;拿开;去掉;从...机构开除deviate from sth. 背离;偏离;违背Preclude sb.from doing sth阻止某人做某事;妨碍某人做某事Write sb/sth.off认定...失败Fail in sth 做..失败;未能做到...Triumph over 打败;战胜;成功In(the)pursuit of sth. 在追求...的过程中Work one^s way to/through/into (通过努力)逐步达到Act as 充当Fall down 不足;不够好textBstricken a.(与某些名词相连用)受……侵袭,患病的,受伤的,罹难的,受侵害的,受灾的,遭损失的prospective a.可能发生的,预期的,可能的,有希望的destined a.注定的,肯定的,指定的,预定的jockey n.操作者celebrity n.(尤指娱乐界、体育界的)名人,名流,出名,著名indulge v.使自己沉湎于,让自己享受一下vi.沉迷于,沉溺于,不被认可的事物masterpiece n.名著,大作,典范aggravate vt.激怒,恼怒,尤指局势或病情恶化,加剧scorn vt.看不起,鄙视n.轻蔑,鄙视nonetheless ad.然而,不过renowned a.有名望的,著名的enterprise n.尤指全新或不同的)事业,计划layout n.陈设,布局,安排dubious a.无把握的,怀疑的,令人怀疑的,不确定的,靠不住的dubiously ad.怀疑地,疑惑地straw n.干燥的麦秆,稻草,禾秆,喝饮料用的吸管expertise n.从经历、培训或学习中得来的)特殊技能,专门知识blunt a.言语率直的,直言不讳的,直截了当的bluntly ad.言语率直地,直言不讳地,直截了当地bust n.彻底的失败adore vt.疼爱,爱慕,崇拜persuasive a.有说服力的,能使人信服的cater v.满足,迎合(某群人的需要,为……)提供饮食,承办酒席overtime n.加班时间posture n.姿势,姿态,仪态态度,行为方式panel n.交通工具或机器的仪表板,面板,评判小组disciplined vt.训练有素的,遵守纪律的alleviate vt.减轻,缓解,缓和doom vt.注定命定失败,毁灭或极不高兴的n.厄运,劫数murmur v.咕哝,小声说vi.低声抱怨,私下发牢骚n.低声说出的话,低语frantic a.因极端焦急恐惧而)发疯似的,情绪失控的grin vi.露齿而笑,咧嘴笑n.露齿笑,咧嘴笑blink v.眨眼vi. 灯闪烁,闪亮n.眨眼睛hoist vt.提起,举起,提高数量或价值flip vi.按开关,开或关机器等v.使快速发展,迅速翻动eloquent a.雄雌的,口才流利的eloquently ad.雄雌地,口才流利地rap vi.说唱v. 猛敲,急拍n.叩击声,轻敲声mingle vi.(尤指在社交场合)四处走动与人交谈v.使混合dazzle vt.用美貌智力或技能)使倾斜,使赞叹不已,强光等)使目眩,使眼花n.耀眼,目眩,光彩夺目的品质,令人赞叹的品质applause n.掌声,鼓掌propel vt.驱使,促使,导致,推进,驱动icon n.偶像,崇拜对象,计算机屏幕上可用鼠标点击的图标Destined to do sth. 预定;注定;命中注定Serve as 被用作..;充当..;起..的作用Be wrapped up in sth. 把全部精力放在某事上(以至于没有时间关心别的事)Take sb.on 开始雇佣某人Work overtime 加班Hang out(with)泡在某处;与..经常在一起Soak sth..up 迅速吸收;轻松学会in anticipation of sth. 预料某事;期待某事On (the)air 正在广播UNIT 2textAwaterproof a. 防水的,不透水的n.防水衣物,雨衣jetty n.栈桥,突堤,登岸码头notorious a.臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的hop vi.快速行走,弹跳oust vt.(尤指取而代之而)不是某人放弃职位,把……撵走feeble a.非常虚弱的,无力的|蹩脚的,无效的,站不住脚的recede vi.减弱,减小(可能性)deem vt.认为pathetic a.招人怜悯的,可怜的|没用的,无效的mob n.同类的一群人gasp vi.(因惊讶、惊吓或痛苦而)倒抽气,喘气,喘息|急促地喘气,猛的吸气catastrophe n.麻烦,困境,不利的局面|灾难,大祸,严重的不幸tide n.潮,潮汐bleak a.没有希望的,令人沮丧的|阴冷的,阴郁的tow n.(车辆的)拖拉,牵引(车辆或船只)intervene vi. 干预,介入,插手v.大岔,插话appraise vt.评定,鉴定,估价symptom n.症状|(严重的问题存在的)征兆,征候underestimate v.(对……)估计不足vt.低估,看轻midst n.当某事发生的时候paralyze vt.(尤指通过恐吓)使丧失思考能力,使丧失正常行为能力,使呆若木鸡|使瘫痪,使麻痹impromptu a.未计划的,即兴的,即席的,无准备的ridge n.脊,垄,棱纹|山脊whirl v.使急转,使迅速旋转athletic a.强壮的,擅长运动的|运动的dismay n. 忧虑,失望,沮丧vt.使担心,使失望,使忧虑batter v.殴打,连续猛击,撞击vicious a.凶险的,会造成伤害的|剧烈的,恶劣的clarity n.清晰度|清晰,清楚,明确paw v. 用爪子抓(挠)n.动物的爪子derail vt.使离开正常进程,扰乱v.使火车出轨perish vi.死亡(尤指惨死或猝死)forcibly ad.用强力,用武力|清楚有力地escort vt.护送,护卫|陪同(某人)游览,给(某人)当导游practicable a.可行的,能实行的brink n.某事物的边缘(一般指即将面临坏情况)ascend v.上升,升高,登高salvation n.基督教中对灵魂的拯救,救赎|解救物,救星,救助者hug vt.拥抱n.拥抱,紧抱weary a.尤指因长期做某事而精疲力尽,非常废劳的,厌烦的,厌倦的|令人疲倦的Pull to a stop 停下Sick to one^s stomach 想呕吐的Black out 晕厥;失去知觉Pop up 突然出现;冒出来Stop short (在说话或做事时因吃惊或想到某事而)突然停下Plow through sth. 艰难费力地通过Throw oneself into/at/on/down,etc.突然猛力地冲进/扑向/跳到/扑倒等Make one^s way 行进(尤指艰难地,或需要很长时间时)Let oneself go 放松自己;放纵自己Grab for/at sth. (迅速伸手)抓住textBtranscontinental. a.横贯大陆的briefcase n.公文包,公事包lofty a.高傲的,傲慢的|(思想、目标等)崇高的,高尚的|(山、建筑物等)巍峨的,高耸的paperback n.平装书,简装书altitude n.海拔高度vertical a.垂直的,直立的vertically ad.垂直地,直立地tilt v.使倾斜着移动,使倾斜,使倾侧turbulence n.(由风造成的空气或水的)喘流,不稳定的强气流evaporate vi.逐渐消失,消散,衰减v.使蒸发plight n.困境,苦境regarding prep.有关,关于necessitate vt.使成为必要,需要abort vt.因困难或危险使活动终止sober v.使变得持重、谨慎、严肃sobering a.使人警醒的,使人清醒的scramble vt.仓促完成困难的事,迅速而吃力地爬,攀登instantaneous a.即刻的,即时的instantaneously ad.即刻地,即时地hysterical a.歇斯底里的,狂热的stun vt.使大吃一惊,使震惊vulnerable a.身体上或感情上脆弱的,易受伤害的grim a.神色或口气严肃的,令人担忧的,令人不快的proximity n.距离或时间的接近,临近,邻近overhear vt.无意中听到,偶然听到underline vt.位于…之下,置于…之下,作为…的原因,构成…的基础evoke vt.引起,唤起(强烈的感情或回忆)imperative a.紧急的,极重要的cabin n.(飞机上的)客舱,驾驶舱,(尤指建于林中或山上的)小木屋brace vt.抵住,顶住,使稳住,使做好准备fabulous a.极好的,绝妙的invaluable a.极有价值的intent a.专注的,专心致志的relish vt.享受,满足,喜欢hover vi.逗留在近旁,盘旋,悬停strap vt.用带子束住,捆绑n.带子wreckage n.(飞机,船或建筑物被毁后的)残骸glide vi.滑行,滑动destiny n.命运,天命,定数dread n.恐惧,害怕vt.畏惧,惧怕,担心descent n.下降,降落Settle back舒服地躺下On board在船上在飞机上in the event of sth. 如果某事发生;万一In/into position 在适当的位置Be stunned by 被..震惊For sure 肯定地确切地No earthly reason/use 毫无缘由/用处等Hint of 少许微量UNIT3textAnoteworthy a.值得注意的,显著的domain n.活动兴趣或知识的领域,范围,范畴portray vt.扮演角色,把某人/某物描写成某种样子exemplary a.模范的,可作楷模的ambassador n.大使brutality n.野蛮行为,野蛮事件captive a.被关押的,遭监禁的dart vi.猛冲,突进huddle v.(因生病寒冷或烦恼)蜷缩着身体foul a.肮脏的,难闻的,难吃的anonymous a.无名的,不署名的refugee n.难民,避难者fragile a.脆弱的,易碎的,易损坏的fragility n.脆弱afflict vt.使受痛苦,折磨immigrant n.(外来)移民rigorous a.严酷的,严厉的,严格的,缜密的,精确的compliment vt.赞美,称赞n.赞美的话,夸奖,称赞humanitarian a.博爱的,人道主义的divorce n. 离婚v.与…离婚jeopardize vt.危急,危害,损害paradise n.乐土,完美的境界天堂conscientious a.勤勉认真的,细心负责的diplomat n.外交官,外交家cozy a.温暖舒适的,温馨的embark v.使上船/飞机,使装船/飞机outreach n.对社区居民的主动提供服务drought n.旱灾,干旱beneficiary n.受益者,受惠者wicked a.邪恶的,缺德的deprive vt.剥夺misery n.痛苦,难受,苦难ideology n.(政治或经济上的)思想体系,(对人们行为有强烈影响的)观念integral a.(构成整体所)必须的,不可缺少的sacred a.很重要的,神圣的,深受尊重的|上帝的,神的,宗教性的cherish vt.钟爱,珍爱|珍爱,珍视serene a.宁静的,安宁的,平静的graciously a.有礼貌的仁慈地,和蔼的,亲切的(尤指对较低层的人们)perpetual a.连续不断的,无休止的perpetually ad.连续不断地,无休止地signify vt.表示,代表,象征,意味着majesty n.雄伟,壮丽,庄严,崇高|陛下(对国王或女王的称呼)poise n.镇定自信,泰然自若,沉着Take/hold sb.captive 关押某人Turn sb./sth. Down 拒绝(建议要求或邀请)Embark on/upon sth.开始着手Share in sth.分享分担参与Lead by example以身作则Be stricken by/with受灾患病Live on继续存在流传下去TextBtuck vt.把…藏起来immerse vt.潜心于某事,专心于某事|使浸没于液体中legitimate a.合法的,法律许可的,依法的|公正的,正当的,合理的footage n.(展示某一事件的)影片,影片片段simulate vt.模拟,模仿miniature a.很小的,微型的spacecraft n.航天器,太空船,宇宙飞船populate vt.在…中占有位置,占据|构成某地的人口terrific a.(尺寸或程度)极其巨大的,大得惊人的|极好的,极棒的,非常愉快的premiere n.(电影的)首映,(戏剧、乐曲等的)首演intuition n.直觉力setback n.阻碍,挫折turbulent a.骚乱的,动荡的,混乱的carefree a.无忧无虑的,无牵挂的conspicuous a.显著的,显眼的,引人注目的eccentric a.行为奇异的,古怪的shun vt.故意避开,躲开某人或某物mock v.嘲笑,讥笑,嘲弄,(模仿)取笑temperament n.气质,性情,性格,禀性revert v.恢复,回复furious a.狂怒的,暴怒的furiously ad.狂暴地,暴怒地infect vt.(在感情或思想上)感染,影响(他人),使传染,使感染strive vi.努力,奋斗formidable a.令人敬畏的,可怕的endorse vt.(正式)赞同,认可,支持academician n.学会会员,院士mount n.底座,底架,炮架vt. 准备,安排,组织,开展lens n.(照相机的)镜头manifest a.显而易见的,明显的vt.显示,表明,表露(感情、态度等)sabotage vt.故意破坏(某人的计划)|暗中破坏敌人或对手的设备车辆等withhold vt.拒绝给予,扣留contrive vt.设法做到(尤其是困难的事),谋划,策划rectify vt.纠正,矫正divert vt.转移…的注意力,使转向discreet a.不引人注意的,觉察不出的,谨慎的,慎重的discreetly ad.不引人注意地,觉察不出地pretext n.借口smuggle vt.偷偷携带,夹带|走私,偷运discrete a.分开的,分离的,离散的discretely ad.分散地,分离地,离散地upgrade v.使计算机、机器或软件升级plot n.(书、电影、戏剧的)情节,密谋,阴谋,秘密计划awesome a.令人赞叹的,令人敬畏惧的,可怕的debut n.(演员或运动员等的)首次登台,初次亮相,(新事物的)问世notable a.显要的,显著的,值得注意的coincidence n.巧合,巧事,同时发生skeptical a.持怀疑态度的,不相信的skepticism n.怀疑态度,怀疑论onward ad.往前,向前,a.向前的,前进的,继续的Establish oneself(as/in)使被接受Be related to sth./sb.与..相关Put effort into(doing)sth.努力做End(sth.)with sth.以..作为结束(all)on one^s own无援地独立地Under/on the pretext of以..为借口Stand fast坚持立场Drive sb. To do sth迫使第4单元TextAgroan vi.因痛苦或烦恼等呻吟,发出哼哼声v.抱怨n.(尤指疼痛或苦烦恼时的)呻吟,哼哼声console vt.安慰consolation n.安慰,慰藉burdensome a.令人烦恼的,成为负担的airborne a.在空中的,飞行中的,空气传播的dense a.物质密度大的,茂密的,烟雾或气体浓密的mall n.购物商场,购物中心cluster n.群,组,束,串,簇v.群集,聚集globalize vt.使全球化,使企业全球化globallized a.全球性的luncheon n.(指许多人吃的正式的)午餐anniversary n.纪念日,周年纪念decidedly ad.确实无疑地,显然坚决地,果断地corporate a.大公司的,全体的,集体的compulsory a.必须做的,义务的,强制的offset vt.抵消,补偿n.抵消物,补偿tropical a.热带的,来自热带的aviation n.航空,飞行术hemisphere n.地球的半球,大脑半球irony n.具有讽刺意味的事,出乎意料的事,啼笑皆非的事,反语,反话,讥讽stubborn a.难以改变的,难以击败的,顽强的|人固执的,执拗的,倔强的contemplate v.思忖,思量,仔细考虑vt.盘算,打算saturate vt.使充满,使湿透saturated a.充满的,充斥的,湿透的,浸透的finite a.有限的,有限制的literal a.缺乏想象力的,刻板的,字面意思的,原义的prose n.散文(相对诗歌而言)verse n.尤指遵循一定的诗律的诗歌,诗节,诗词的节cognitive a.认识的,认知过程的imprison vt.限制,束缚,关押,监禁mundane a.普通的,平凡的,平淡无奇的,世俗的,尘世的exotic a.外国产的,外国来的,奇异的,别致的,异乎寻常的endow vt.赋予,认为具有某种品质trivial a.没意思的,不严重的,没价值的,琐碎的multicultural a.多元文化的,多种文化融合的ambiguity n.模棱两可,不明确circumference n.圆周,周长,周边latitude n.纬度longitude n.地球的经度renaissance n.复兴,重新流行,欧洲十四世纪至十六世纪的文艺复兴时期facet n.(情形或某人性格的)某一方面insular a.与世隔绝的,思想狭义的,固步自封的drawback n.不足,欠缺jet lag飞行时差综合症,时差反应cornerstone n.基础,根本,基石,奠基石on sale 廉价出售的Be saturated with充满充斥Trade..for..用。

lesson1Glossaryacademic 学院的adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期adulthood 成年affection 喜爱affirm 断言agenda 日程表anxiety 焦虑attitudinal 态度的baptistbounce 跳跃capability 能力contribute 贡献counsel 建议crisis 危机definite 清楚的developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别distressed 悲伤dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生) encyclopedia 百科全书endeavor 尝试endowment 天赋ethical 道德的evaluate 估算,评估excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的financial 财政的functional 职务的genetic 基因的guilt 内疚heighten 提高inherit 遗传,继承inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流interaction 合作involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊masculine 男性的maturity 成熟mistrust 不信任newscast 新闻广播parental 父母的peer 同龄人perceive 理解position 工作prejudiced 偏见project 规划rebel 抗议relate 理解,同情某人resentment 怨恨role 职责seminary 学院的separation 分开sexual 2性的shrink 缩水stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的theological 神学的unquestionably 毫无疑问的lesson2Glossaryalley n.小路, 巷bitterness n.苦味, 悲痛, 怨恨call it quits 停止civil war 内战Congressman n.国会议员, 众议院议员dirt road 土路down and out 落魄drip n.水滴vt.(使)滴下vi.(使)滴下druggist n.药商, 药材商, 药剂师【医】药商, 调剂员farmhouse n.农舍general n.一般, 将军, 大体a.全面的, 大体的, 总的, 一般的, 普遍的n.常规【计】常规【医】一般的, 全身性, 广泛的get hold of 抓住, 得到get word 获得消息, 听说, 得知glimpose n.一瞥, 一闪vi.投以一瞥, 闪烁不定vt.瞥见fool around 闲荡, 干蠢事, 干无用的事, 干琐屑的事grand marshal 大元帅harness n.马具, 挽具状带子, 甲胄vt.给...上挽具, 驾驭, 披上甲胄, 利用...以产生动力headquarters n.总部, 司令部, 总部人员【经】本部, 总部, 总署hush n.肃静, 安静, 沉默vt.(使)肃静, (使)安静, (使)缄默interj.嘘, 别作声intimate a.亲密的, 私人的, 秘密的vt.暗示, 通知, 告诉n.至交【法】亲密的, 亲切的, 私人的lrish 爱尔兰的liven vt.使高兴, 使快活vi.快活起来livery n.制服, 侍从a.象肝的, 有肝病症状的memoir n.传记, 实录, 追思录, 回忆录, 自传【化】研究报告miraculously ad.超自然, 非凡, 不可思议, 令人惊叹, 象奇迹一样, 奇迹般, 能创造奇迹momentary a.瞬间的, 刹那间的naked a.裸体的, 无装饰的, 无保护的, 赤贫的【医】裸露的orderly a.有秩序的, 整齐的, 值班的n.护理员, 清道夫, 传令兵, 勤务兵ad.依次地, 顺序地【医】男护理员parade n.游行, 炫耀, 阅兵vt.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进vi.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进pond n.池塘vt.筑成池塘vi.筑成池塘Presbyterian adj.长老制的, 长老会的n.长老教会员railroad n.铁路, 铁路公司vt.铺设铁路, 用铁路运输vi.在铁路工作【经】铁道, 铁路ridiculous a.荒谬的, 可笑的Scotsman n.苏格兰人,苏格兰男人shed n.车棚, 小屋, 脱落之物, 分水岭vt.使流出, 放射, 脱落, 散发, 摆脱vi.流出, 散布, 脱落【医】脱落, 脱换show up 揭露, 露出, 露面smash n.打碎, 粉碎, 打碎时哗啦声, 猛击, 扣球, 杀球, 经营失败, 破产, 硬币, 假硬币 a.非常轰动的, 了不起的vt.打碎, 粉碎, 击溃, 使破产, 使裂变, 使用假硬币vi.碎裂, 猛撞, 破产, 扣球, 杀球ad.轰隆一声, 哗啦一声surrender vt.交出, 放弃, 使投降, 让与vi.投降, 自首n.交出, 放弃, 投降Swede n.瑞典人sympathize vi.同情, 怜悯, 同意, 体谅thick with somebody 厚与某人windbag n.空话连篇的人, 风囊lesson3Glossaryadministration n.管理advertise v.登广告advertisement n.广告anchor v.抛锚;使牢固assemble v.集合attach v.系;绑;连接award n.奖品basics n.基本;要素campus n.校园charitable a.慈善的civic a.城市的combat n.战斗;格斗compete v.竞争competition n.竞争consumer n.消费者custom-made a.定做的customazed a.定做的;定制的deal n.协议dealer n.商人delivery n.(把货物、信件等)送往(某处)dignify v.使。
(完整版)大学英语精读3 单词短语1-8单元

单词UNIT11.brush n.小冲突;小接触2.court n.法院;法庭3.arbitrary a.任意的:武断的4.circumstance n.情况,环境5.subsequent a.随后的,接下去的6.fate n.命运7.temporary a.暂时的8.stroll vi.散步9.downfall n.垮台;衰落10.employment n.职业;工作11.wander vi.闲逛;漫游12.arrestable a.可逮捕的13.offence n.罪行;冒犯;不愉快的事14.straight face 板着的脸15.petty a.小的;不足道的16.doorstep n.门阶17.counterculture n.反主流文化18.unconcerned a.无忧虑的;淡漠的19.casual a.漫不经心的,随便的20.conversational a.会话(用)的21.confirm vt.证实,肯定;确定22.belief n.相信;信念;信仰23.thoroughly ad. 完全地,彻底地thorough a.24.disreputable a. 声名狼藉的25.worldly a. 老于世故的26.au fait a. 熟悉的;精通的27.unemployed a. 未被雇用的;失业的28.magistrate n.地方法官29.conduct vt.处理;主持;引导;指挥30.solicitor n.(初级)律师31.witness n.证人;证据32.trial n.审判33.dismiss vt.驳回,对.不予受理34.award vt.判给;授予35.accent n.口音;腔调36.respectable a.值得尊敬的37.given prep.考虑到;假定38.obscure a.模糊的;晦涩的39.guilty a.有罪的;内疚的40.revolve v.(使)旋转41.brilliant a.辉煌的;卓越的42.courtroom n.审判室43.gloomily ad.忧郁地;沮丧地gloomy a.44.reproachfully ad.责备地reproach vt.n.责备45.presumably ad.大概,推测起来46.outrage vt.引起…的气愤UNIT247.fruitful a.硕果累累的,多产的,有利的48.paradigm n.范例,样式49.limitation n.限制,限定50.refocus vt.使重新聚焦;使重新集中51.parameter n.因素,特性,界限52.version n.(某种)版本,形势;说法;译本53.sesame n.芝麻54.strawberry n.草莓55.despite prep.尽管,不管56.purist n.纯粹主义者;纯粹派艺术家57.salad n.色拉58.outdo vt.超过;胜过59.sibling n.兄弟姊妹60.vine n.葡萄藤61.definitely ad.清楚地,明确地definite a.62.messy a.凌乱的,脏的63.readjust vt.重新调节;重新调整64.rename vt.给……重新取名65.vaccination n.接种疫苗66.smallpox n.天花67.quest n.寻求,寻找,搜索,追求68.contract vt.感染(疾病)69.mild a.(疾病,惩罚等)不重的,轻微的70.pox n.痘,痘疮71.vaccinate vt.给(某人)接种疫苗72.redefine vt.重新解释73.reframe vt.重新拟定;重新表达74.workbook n.练习簿,作业本75.inventor n.发明者,发明家76.notable a.值得注意的,显著地77.potent a.有影响力的,强有力的78.shifter n.改变者79.critique n.评论;评论文章80.lord n.上帝81.reminder n.使人回想起某事82.evolution n.演变,进化,发展83.clamor vi.大声地要求或抗议84.access n.通路,入口,进入的机会85.ever-growing a.不断增长的86.online a.联机的,在线的87.digital a.数字的digitally ad.88.web n.网;网络89.download vt.下载90.data n.资料,数据91.instantaneous a.即时的,瞬间的instantaneously ad.91.super a.极好的,了不起的92.highway n.公路,交通要道93.nowhere ad.无处94.Earth-shattering a.惊天动地的95.shatter v.(使)粉碎96.pun n.双关(语)97.intend vt.打算,意欲98.view vt.察看,考虑,看待99.uncover vt.揭露,暴露,发现100.preventive a.预防的;防备的101.downshift v.调低速挡UNIT3102.administration n.管理(部门),行政(机关)administrative a.103.step(-)up n.提高,增加104.mechanic n.机械工,机修工105.sweaty a.出汗的106.palm n.手掌107.profession n.职业108.convince v.说服,使确信109.compel vt.强迫110.pace n.速度,步速111.calendar n.日历,日程表112.reflection n.深思,考虑reflect vi.113.stimulate vt.刺激,激励114.freshman n.新手,大一生115.ivory n.象牙ivory tower n.象牙塔116.reliance n.信赖,信心,依靠self-reliance n.依靠自己117.technological a.技术的118.corporation n.(有限公司)119.run-down a.破败的120.renovate vt.修复,修整121.repay vt.还(钱)122.1oan n.借出的东西,贷款123.distribute vt.分发,分送distribution n.124.doctoral a.博士的125.energetic a.精力充沛的126.dissertation n.(学位)论文127.learned a.博学的128.journal n.杂志,日报129.nudge n.启示130.fellowship n.研究院职位,研究员薪金131.switch vt.转换132.urban a.城市的133.civil a.公民的,国内的civil rights n.公民权134.intuition n.直觉135.analysis n.分析136.clay n.粘土137.spark n.火花138.magic n.魔力,魔术UNIT4139.crank n.怪人140.e-mail n.电子邮件141.nasty a.恶意的,令人不快的142.idiot n.白痴,笨蛋143.statistic n.数据144.relationship n.关系,联系145.run vt.经营,管理146.website n.网站147.baseball n.棒球148.editorialist n.社论撰写人149.misspelling n.拼写错误150.lousy a.蹩脚的;劣等的151.typist n.打字的人,打字员152.physical a.身体的,物质的153.handicap n.(身体或精神上的)缺陷handicapped a.残疾的154.associate n.大专文凭;合伙人,同事155.editorial n.社论156.click v.点击157.fancy a.花哨的,别致的,高档的158.cover vt.报道,采访159.guestbook n.来宾登记簿160.extensive a.广泛的,详细的,大量的extensively ad.161.readership n.读者总数162.maximum n.最大值,最大限度a.最大(限度)的163.per prep.每164.pointer n.指示棒,教鞭165.dedicate vt.献身,致力dedication n.奉献,献身精神166.filing n.文件167.Internet n.互联网168.disability n.残疾169.elaborate a.精心计划的,复杂的170.hoax n.骗局,诈骗171.male a.男性的172.plumber n.管子工173.cerebral a.大脑的174.palsy n.瘫痪cerebral palsy 大脑性麻痹175.affect vt.影响176.motor a.(肌肉)运动神经n.发动机;汽车177.sophomore n.二年级学生178.junior a.青少年的,级别较低的,资历较浅179.varsity n.校代表队180.coach n.教练181.statistician n.统计专家182.strain vt.尽力使用,扭伤183.supposed a.所谓的184.stark a.荒凉的,光秃的185.landscape n.风景,景色186.wind v.弯曲前进187.dirt n.泥土,脏的东西188.dot vt.将……散布于n.小点,斑点189.pothole n.坑洼190.spot vt.认出,发现191.shed n.小棚屋192.decay vi.腐烂,衰败193.shanty n.简陋小棚屋194.surround vt.包围195.junk n.废物196.grab v.撰取,抓取197.screen n.屏,幕198.curl v.使卷曲,拳曲199.wheelchair n.轮椅200.limb n.腿201.twist v.扭曲,搓202.gloom n.昏暗203.batter v.不断拍打,重击204.couch n.躺椅,长沙发205.cobwebbed a.有蜘蛛网的206.interpret v.解释;翻译207.cinder n.煤渣,煤灰cinder block 煤渣砖208.fasten vt.把…拴上209.temple n.太阳穴210.lean v.(使)倾斜211.peck v.啄212.giggle vi.咯咯笑213.cynicism n.怀疑,悲观214.cynical a.愤世嫉俗的215.athlete n.运动员UNIT5216.issue n.发行物217.tuck vt.塞进218.bound vi.跳跃219.flip v.掷,轻击220.stillness n.静止221.helpless a.无助的,无能的222.assume vt.假设,主观认为223.ranch n.大牧场,大农场224.nursery n.托儿所225.correspondence n.通信226.formal a.正式的formally ad.227.qualify v.使具有资格228.enrol(l) v.注册,登记enrol(l)ment n.229.ability n.能力230.motel n.汽车旅馆231.frantic a.狂乱的,疯狂的232.full-time a.专职的;全日制的233.skip v.跳过,略过234.keyboard n.键盘235.ecstatic a.欣喜若狂的236.drawn a.憔悴的;紧张的237.respond vi.回答238.evenly ad.均匀地;平等地even a.239.embarrassment n.尴尬240.index n.指数,指标241.tension n.紧张242.interrupt vt.打断,打扰243.sob vi.啜泣244.rack vt.使痛苦,折磨245.vulnerable a.易受伤的vulnerability n.易受伤性246.dry goods 织物类商品247.session n.会议,(一段活动时间248.journalist n.新闻工作者,记者249.memento n.纪念品250.recall v.回忆251.cranky a.不稳的;有毛病的UNIT6252.shiver vi.战栗,发抖253.miserable a.可怜的,悲修的254.capsule n.胶囊255.purgative n.泻药256.overcome vt.克服,战胜257.acid a.酸的,酸性物质过多的258.germ n.病菌,细菌259.influenza n.流行性感冒260.epidemic n.流行病261.flu n.流感262.pneumonia n.肺炎263.detach vt.分离,使超然detached a.超然的;冷漠的;分离的264.pirate n.海盗265.lightheaded a.神志不清的;眩晕的266.prescribe vt.开药267.sleet n.雨夹雪268.brush n.矮灌木丛;断落的树枝269.varnish vt.修饰270.Irish a.爱尔兰的271.setter n.赛特狗272.creek n.小溪273.glassy a.像玻璃的;呆滞的274.slip vi.滑倒,滑落275.slither vi.不稳地滑动276.slide v.(使)滑动277.flush v.(使)惊飞,(脸)发红278.covey n.一小群(鸟) 279.quail n.鹌鹑280.overhang v.悬于……之上281.light vi.停落282.scatter vi.散开283.mound n.土墩284.poise vt.使平衡285.unsteadily ad.不稳定的unsteady a.286.icy a.冰冷的287.springy a.有弹性的288.commence v.开始,着手289.thermometer n.温度计290.gaze vi.凝视291.slack a.松弛的,放松的UNIT7292.shelter n.掩蔽处v.给……提供庇护处293.synopsis n.提要,梗概294.celebration n.庆祝295.midst n.prep.中间296.missile n.导弹297.bomb n.炸弹298.abridge vt.缩略,删节299.portable a.手提式的300.carry vt.携带,运送301.employee n.雇员302.civil defense 民防303.post n.岗位304.basement n.地下室305.pool vt.把…集中在一起306.stuff n.材料,原料307.chorus n.齐声说的话;合唱308.assent n.同意309.overtake vt.赶上310.accommodate vt.容纳,向…提供住宿accommodation n.311.plead vi.恳求312.whirl vi.飞速移动,旋转313.infant n.婴儿314.deserve vt.值得315.illogical a.不合逻辑的;无缘由的316.foreigner n.外地人,外国人317.aggressive a.挑衅的,放肆的318.greedy a.贪婪的319.garbage n.垃圾,废料320.bet vt.确信;用……打赌321.fling v.(自己)猛扑,用力扔322.hand-to-hand a.逼近的,直接交手的323.breathless a.呼吸困难的;气喘吁吁地324.slaughter vt.屠杀325.siren n.警报326.searchlight n.探照灯327.aside ad.在一边328.pound v.猛击pounding n.329.reverberate vi.回响330.log n.原木331.avenue n.大街,林荫大道332.giant a.巨大的333.blast vi.发出刺耳的响声334.cellar n.地窖335.depart vi.离开,出发departure n.启程336.alongside prep.在…旁边337.barricade n.降碍,街垒338.generator n.发电机339.movable a.可移动的340.mob n.一伙人;一群暴徒341.intermittent a.断断续续的342.urgent a.紧急的,紧迫的343.vehicle n.车辆344.pierce v.刺穿piercing a.尖厉的;刺穿345.give vi.弯曲;塌下346.pitch n.声音的高低,调子347.tune vt.调整348.identify vt.认出,识别349.harm n.伤害harmless a.无法伤害的350.bruise vt.碰伤,使(皮肉)青肿351.clot vt.使凝块352.scare vt.惊吓353.confuse vt.使困惑confused a.糊涂的;迷乱的354.gesture n.姿势,手势355.murmur n.低语356.wreckage n.残骸357.collection n.募捐358.shaky a.摇晃的359.carry-over n.剩余物360.realization n.实现361.deaden v.使麻木;失去活力362.disquiet vt.使不安363.expressionless a.不流露的;没有表情的364.phon(e)y a.假的;欺骗的365.desperate a.绝望的,拼命的desperately ad.366.underneath prep.在…的下面367.naked a.裸体的368.claw vt.用爪抓369.stairway n.楼梯UNIT8370.amount vi等于,合计371.hostile a.敌对的372.attitude n.看法,态度373.nighttime a.夜间的374.interfere vi.于涉,妨碍interference n.375.researcher n.研究员376.benefit n.益处377.tense a.紧张的378.irritable a.易怒的;过敏的379.relaxation n.放松;休息380.psychologist n.心理学家381.contribute vi.贡献382.growth n.增长,发展383.concentration n.集中,专心384.span n.一段时间385.self-control n.自我控制386.creative a.创造性的387.remarkable a.显著的,非凡的388.shape vt.形成,塑造389.industrialist n.工业家390.maintain vt.断言,维持391.picture vt.画,想象392.achiever n.获得成功的人393.vivid a.生动的,鲜明的vividly ad.394.immeasurably ad.无限地395.pole-vaulting n.撑杆跳396.champion n.冠军397.meet n.集会398.clear vt.跳过399.bar n.杆;条状物400.stadium n.露天体育场401.trace n.痕迹memory trace 记忆痕402.vision n.想象(力)403.automatic a.自动的,无意识的automatically ad.404.appropriate a.适当的appropriately ad.405.purposeful a.有目的的;有决心的406.self-image n.自我形象407.accomplishment n.成就408.recommend vt.建议,推荐409.soar vi.翱翔,升腾410.screen n.银幕,屏幕411.project vt.映,投射412.attain vt.获得,达到413.supposedly ad.可能414.attainment n.达到;成就415.substitute n.代替品,代用品416.athletic a.运动的417.achievement n.成就418.after prep.在……之后419.neglect vt.忽视420.combination n.结合421.fantasy n.白日梦,幻想422.well-being n.康乐;安康423.realm n.领域,王国424.enjoyment n.享受;乐趣短语UNIT11.take sb.to court对某人提出诉讼2.a couple of 少数3.save up 储蓄4.take one’s time 慢慢来,不着急5.call on 要求6.stand a chance 有机会,有希望7.revolve around 围绕……中心8.turn against 反对UNIT29.take out 拿出;抽出10.think up 想出11.in short 总之;简言之12.bring up 使注意;提出UNIT313.stay up 不睡觉,熬夜14.take notes 记笔记15.build on 建立在……上16.keep a diary 记日记17.leave out 省略18.send off 寄出,派遣19.catch ones breath 屏息,喘息UNIT420.take sb. to task(为某事)狠猥批评某人21.at least 至少;不管怎么说22.catch sb.'s eyes 引起某人注意23.in hopes of/in the hope of 希望24.so what 那又怎么样25.sort of 有点儿26.cut through 穿过27.curl up (使)蜷缩28.call up使想起;(从电脑中)调用(数据) 29.add to 增添;扩大30.bring back 使恢复(到以前的状态)UNIT531.have sth.to oneself 独享32.at work 在工作33.catch on(to)学会,懂得34.stand/be in sb.'s way 阻碍,妨碍35.send away for 函索36.run out 到期;用完,耗尽37.help out 帮助;帮助(某人)摆脱困境38.on guard 警惕,提防39.in tears 流泪40.go on 继续41.go ahead 前进;进行UNIT642.bring down 减少;降低43.be detached from 对……漠不关心;脱离44.out of sight 看不见45.keep from 远离;保持46.take it easy 不紧张;不急47.hold tight onto oneself 控制自己不做某事UNIT748.in the midst of 在中间49.break up 散开50.grab/get/take hold of 抓住51.break down 破坏52.draw lots 抽签53.make a/the difference 有关系;有影响54.come up 发芽;提出来;出现55.head for 朝……方向走去56.figure out解决;算出;理解,弄清楚57.or else 否则;或者58.mean business 是当真的59.pile up 堆起60.get one’s hands on 弄到;获得;抓到61.in the way of 在……方面;关于62.go off 停止;离开;去世63.call off 停止;取消64.blow one’s top 大发脾气65.hold...against因(某事)而嫉恨(某人)66.take up 开始;从事67.born of 源于;出生于UNIT868.amount to 达到;等于;相当于70.interfere with 干扰;妨碍69.contribute to 使发生;有助于71.get along with 相处融洽72.due to 由于;因为73.go about 着手做。

lesson1Glossaryacademic 学院的adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期adulthood 成年affection 喜爱affirm 断言agenda 日程表anxiety 焦虑attitudinal 态度的baptistbounce 跳跃capability 能力contribute 贡献counsel 建议crisis 危机definite 清楚的developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别distressed 悲伤dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生) encyclopedia 百科全书endeavor 尝试endowment 天赋ethical 道德的evaluate 估算,评估excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的financial 财政的functional 职务的genetic 基因的guilt 内疚heighten 提高inherit 遗传,继承inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流interaction 合作involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊masculine 男性的maturity 成熟mistrust 不信任newscast 新闻广播parental 父母的peer 同龄人perceive 理解position 工作prejudiced 偏见project 规划rebel 抗议relate 理解,同情某人resentment 怨恨role 职责seminary 学院的separation 分开sexual 2性的shrink 缩水stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的theological 神学的unquestionably 毫无疑问的lesson2Glossaryalley n.小路, 巷bitterness n.苦味, 悲痛, 怨恨call it quits 停止civil war 内战Congressman n.国会议员, 众议院议员dirt road 土路down and out 落魄drip n.水滴vt.(使)滴下vi.(使)滴下druggist n.药商, 药材商, 药剂师【医】药商, 调剂员farmhouse n.农舍general n.一般, 将军, 大体a.全面的, 大体的, 总的, 一般的, 普遍的n.常规【计】常规【医】一般的, 全身性, 广泛的get hold of 抓住, 得到get word 获得消息, 听说, 得知glimpose n.一瞥, 一闪vi.投以一瞥, 闪烁不定vt.瞥见fool around 闲荡, 干蠢事, 干无用的事, 干琐屑的事grand marshal 大元帅harness n.马具, 挽具状带子, 甲胄vt.给...上挽具, 驾驭, 披上甲胄, 利用...以产生动力headquarters n.总部, 司令部, 总部人员【经】本部, 总部, 总署hush n.肃静, 安静, 沉默vt.(使)肃静, (使)安静, (使)缄默interj.嘘, 别作声intimate a.亲密的, 私人的, 秘密的vt.暗示, 通知, 告诉n.至交【法】亲密的, 亲切的, 私人的lrish 爱尔兰的liven vt.使高兴, 使快活vi.快活起来livery n.制服, 侍从a.象肝的, 有肝病症状的memoir n.传记, 实录, 追思录, 回忆录, 自传【化】研究报告miraculously ad.超自然, 非凡, 不可思议, 令人惊叹, 象奇迹一样, 奇迹般, 能创造奇迹momentary a.瞬间的, 刹那间的naked a.裸体的, 无装饰的, 无保护的, 赤贫的【医】裸露的orderly a.有秩序的, 整齐的, 值班的n.护理员, 清道夫, 传令兵, 勤务兵ad.依次地, 顺序地【医】男护理员parade n.游行, 炫耀, 阅兵vt.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进vi.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进pond n.池塘vt.筑成池塘vi.筑成池塘Presbyterian adj.长老制的, 长老会的n.长老教会员railroad n.铁路, 铁路公司vt.铺设铁路, 用铁路运输vi.在铁路工作【经】铁道, 铁路ridiculous a.荒谬的, 可笑的Scotsman n.苏格兰人,苏格兰男人shed n.车棚, 小屋, 脱落之物, 分水岭vt.使流出, 放射, 脱落, 散发, 摆脱vi.流出, 散布, 脱落【医】脱落, 脱换show up 揭露, 露出, 露面smash n.打碎, 粉碎, 打碎时哗啦声, 猛击, 扣球, 杀球, 经营失败, 破产, 硬币, 假硬币a.非常轰动的, 了不起的vt.打碎, 粉碎, 击溃, 使破产, 使裂变, 使用假硬币vi.碎裂, 猛撞, 破产, 扣球, 杀球ad.轰隆一声, 哗啦一声surrender vt.交出, 放弃, 使投降, 让与vi.投降, 自首n.交出, 放弃, 投降Swede n.瑞典人sympathize vi.同情, 怜悯, 同意, 体谅thick with somebody 厚与某人windbag n.空话连篇的人, 风囊lesson3Glossaryadministration n.管理advertise v.登广告advertisement n.广告anchor v.抛锚;使牢固assemble v.集合attach v.系;绑;连接award n.奖品basics n.基本;要素campus n.校园charitable a.慈善的civic a.城市的combat n.战斗;格斗compete v.竞争competition n.竞争consumer n.消费者custom-made a.定做的customazed a.定做的;定制的deal n.协议dealer n.商人delivery n.(把货物、信件等)送往(某处)dignify v.使。

《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 1 课1 brush[brʌʃ]n.小冲突;小接触2 process['prəuses]n.过程;制作法3 court[kɔ:t]n.法院;法庭4 arbitrary['ɑ:bitrəri] a.任意的,武断的5 circumstance['sə:kəmstəns]n.情况,环境6 subsequent['sʌbsikwənt] a.随后的,接下去的7 fate[feit]n.命运8 due[dju:] a.预期的;约定的;到期的9 temporary['tempərəri] a.暂时的10 stroll[strəul]vi.散步,闲逛11 obvious['ɔbviəs] a.明显的,显而易见的12 downfall['daunfɔ:l] n.垮台;衰落13 employment[im'plɔimənt]n.职业;工作14 wander['wɔndə, 'wɑ:n:dər]vi.闲逛;漫游15 commit[kə'mit]vt.干(坏事),犯(错误、罪)16 arrestable a.应该被拘留的17 offence[ə'fens]n.罪行;冒犯;不愉快的事18 straight face板着的脸19 petty['peti] a.小的;不足道的20 doorstep['dɔ:step] n.门阶21 regard[ri'gɑ:d]vt.把…看作;把…认为(as)22 counterculture n.反主流文化23 unconcerned[ˌʌnkən'sə:nd] a.无忧虑的;淡漠的24 casual['kæʒuəl] a.漫不经心的,随便的25 conversational[ˌkɔnvə'seiʃənəl] a.会话(用)的26 confirm[kən'fə:m]vt.证实,肯定;确认27 belief[bi'li:f]n.相信;信念;信仰28 thoroughly['θʌrəli] ad.完全地,彻底地29 thorough['θʌrə] a.完全的,彻底的30 disreputable[dis'repjutəbəl] a.声名狼籍的31 worldly['wə:ldli] a.老于世故的32 au fait[ˌəu 'fei] a.熟悉的;精通的33 aha[ɑ:'hɑ:] int.啊哈!34 magistrate['mædʒistreit, -strit]n.地方法官35 conduct['kɔndəkt, 'kɔndʌkt]vt.处理;主持;引导;指挥36 defence[di'fens] n.辩护37 solicitor[sə'lisitə]n.(初级)律师38 witness['witnis]n.证人;证据39 trial['traiəl]n.审判40 dismiss[dis'mis]vt.驳回,对…不予受理41 cost[kɔst]n.诉讼费42 award[ə'wɔ:d]vt.判给;授予43 accent['æksənt, æk'sent]n.口音;腔调44 respectable[ri'spektəbəl] a.值得尊敬的45 reliable[ri'laiəbl] a.可靠的,可信赖的46 given['giv(ə)n] prep.考虑到;假定47 obscure[əb'skjuə] a.模糊的;晦涩的48 guilty['gilti] a.有罪的;内疚的49 revolve[ri'vɔlv]v.(使)旋转50 brilliant['briliənt] a.辉煌的;卓越的51 courtroom['kɔ:t-rum]n.审判室52 meanwhile['mi:n'wail]ad.同时53 gloomily['glu:mili]ad.忧郁地,沮丧地54 complain[kəm'plein]vi.抱怨55 complaint[kəm'pleint]n.抱怨56 reproachfully ad.责备地57 presumably[pri'zju:məbli]ad.推测起来,大概58 outrage['autˌreidʒ]vt.引起…的气愤59 successful[sək'sesfəl] a.成功的;有成就的60 apologize[ə'pɔlədʒaiz]vi.道歉,谢罪61 apology[ə'pɔlədʒi]n.道歉,辩解62 take sb.to court对某人提出诉讼63 a couple of少数,几(个);一对64 save up储蓄65 take one's time慢慢来,不着急66 at first起先67 turn out结果;证明是68 call on要求69 stand a chance有机会,有希望70 revolve around围绕…旋转;反复思考71 turn against反对《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 2 课1 tell[tel]vi.告发2 Yankee['jæŋki] n.北方佬;美国佬3 great-aunt n.婶祖母,伯祖母,姑姥姥4 civil['sivəl] a.国内的;民间的5 Confederate a.南部联邦的6 capture['kæptʃə]vt.俘虏;夺得7 unknown[ˌʌn'nəun] a.不知道的,未知名的8 former['fɔ:mə] a.以前的9 farmhouse['fɑ:mhaus] n.农舍,农家10 groan[grəun]n.呻吟(声)11 attic['ætik]n.阁楼12 the Union n.(美国南北战争期间的)联邦政府;美国13 rifle['raifl]n.步枪14 awful['ɔ:ful] a.可怕的,糟糕的;极坏的15 bandage['bændidʒ]n.绷带16 dreadful['dredful] a.不高兴的,恐惧的,可怕的17 bugle['bju:gəl]n.军号,喇叭18 filth[filθ]n.污秽19 futility n.无用20 futile['fju:tail] a.无用的21 lean[li:n]vi.靠,倚22 establish[i'stæbliʃ]vt.确立,证实23 identity[ai'dentiti]n.身份24 identical[ai'dentikəl] a.同一的;完全相同的25 Lt.abbr.lieutenant陆军中尉26 company['kʌmpəni]n.连27 volunteer[ˌvɔlən'tiə]n.志愿兵28 presence['prezəns]n.出席,到场29 skillfully ad.灵巧地,娴熟地30 skillful['skilfəl] a.灵巧的,熟练的31 fan[fæn]vt.扇,扇动;激起32 spark[spɑ:k]n.火花33 flicker['flikə]vi.闪动,闪烁34 drug[drʌg]n.麻药,麻醉药35 supply[sə'plai] n.补给品36 pray[prei]vi.祈祷37 valley['væli]n.山谷;流域38 infection[in'fekʃən]n.感染;传染39 infect[in'fekt]vt.感染;传染40 flare[fleə]vi.(火焰)闪耀41 loft[lɔft]n.阁楼42 ferry['feri]n.渡口;渡船43 headquarters['hedˌkwɔ:təz] n.司令部44 proof[pru:f]n.证据45 bear[beə]vt.显示;具有46 seal[si:l]n.印,图章47 item['aitəm]n.条;项48 commanding[kə'mɑ:ndiŋ] a.发号施令的,指挥的49 commanding officer指挥官50 command[kə'mɑ:nd]vt.指挥51 Gen.abbr.将军52 madam['mædəm]n.夫人,太太,女士,小姐53 risk[risk]vt.使冒危险;冒…的危险54 patrol[pə'trəul]n.巡逻队55 junior['dʒu:niə] a.年少的,下级的56 hobble['hɔbəl]vi.跛行;蹒跚57 crutch[krʌtʃ]n.拐杖58 wagon['wægən]n.四轮运货马(牛)车59 hitch[hitʃ]vi.钩住,拴住,套住60 mare[meə]n.母马,母驴61 alongside[əlɔŋ'said]prep.横靠;沿62 mule[mju:l]n.骡63 disaster[di'zɑ:stə]n.天灾;灾祸64 line[lain]n.战线,防线65 horseman['hɔ:smən] n.骑师,马术师66 pistol['pistl]n.手枪67 crack[kræk]v.(使)发出爆裂声68 sprawl[sprɔ:l]vi.四肢伸开地坐或卧69 lower['ləuə]vt.放下;放低70 secretary['sekrətəri, -teri]n.部长,大臣;秘书71 ragged['rægid] a.衣衫褴褛的;破旧的72 parade[pə'reid]vt.使列队行进 n.游行;检阅73 chill[tʃil]v.(使)感到冷;(使)冷74 fort[fɔ:t]n.要塞,堡垒75 stumble['stʌmbəl]vi.绊倒,蹒跚76 stream[stri:m]vi.倾注,流出77 take prisoner俘虏78 flare up突发;加剧;突然发光;突然发怒79 write out写出;写80 brush aside不理;漠视81 bring through救活大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 3 课1 administrative[əd'ministrətiv] a.行政的,管理的2 administration[ədˌminis'treiʃən]n.管理(部门),行政(机关)3 puzzle['pʌzl]vt.使迷惑4 step-up n.提升;逐步增加5 step up n.提升;逐步增加6 mechanic[mi'kænik]n.机械工;机修工7 sweaty['sweti] a.汗湿的,有汗味的8 palm[pɑ:m]n.手掌9 profession[prə'feʃən]n.职业10 convince[kən'vins]vt.使确信,使信服11 compel[kəm'pel]vt.强迫,迫使12 pace[peis]n.速度;步速13 calendar['kælində]n.日程表,日历14 opportunity[ˌɔpə'tju:niti]n.机会,时机15 reflection[ri'flekʃən]n.深思;考虑16 reflect[ri'flekt]vi.仔细考虑17 stimulate['stimjuleit]vt.刺激;激励18 freshman['freʃmən] n.大学一年级学生;新生19 failure['feiljə]n.失败的人;失败20 ivory['aivəri]n.象牙21 ivory tower n.象牙塔22 self-reliance[ˌselfri'laiəns]n.依靠自己;自力更生23 reliance[ri'laiəns]n.信赖;信心;依靠24 technological[ˌteknə'lɔdʒikəl] a.技术的25 corporation[ˌkɔ:pə'reiʃən]n.有限公司26 run-down['rʌn 'daun] a.破败的,情况不佳的27 renovate['renəveit]vt.修复,修整28 semester[si'mestə]n.学期29 repay[ri'pei]vt.偿还(钱等)30 loan[ləun]n.借出的东西;货款31 distribute[di'stribju:t]vt.分发;分送32 distribution[ˌdistri'bju:ʃən]n.分发;分送33 variety[və'raiəti]n.变化,多样化;种种34 challenge['tʃælindʒ]n.挑战35 doctoral['dɔktərəl] a.博士的36 energetic[ˌenə'dʒetik] a.精力充沛的37 dissertation[ˌdisə'teiʃən]n.(学位)论文38 poet['pəuit]n.诗人39 learned['lə:nid] a.博学的40 journal['dʒə:nəl]n.杂志;日报41 occasional[ə'keiʒənəl] a.偶尔的,间或的42 nudge[nʌdʒ]n.启示 vt.用肘轻推43 fellowship['feləuʃip]n.研究员职位;研究员薪金44 switch[switʃ]vt.转换;转动45 urban['ə:bən] a.城市的46 civil rights n.公民权47 lawyer['lɔ:jə]n.律师48 intuition[ˌintju'iʃən]n.直觉49 analysis[ə'næləsis]n.分析50 creation[kri'eiʃən]n.创造(物)51 clay[klei]n.粘土52 point[pɔint]n.要点;意义,目的53 pathway['pɑ:θwei] n.小道,小径54 rare[reə] a.稀有的;杰出的55 magic['mædʒik]n.魔力;魔术56 stay up不睡觉,熬夜57 take notes记笔记58 build on建立于;加建,扩建59 keep a diary记日记60 leave out遗漏,省去61 send off寄出;派遣62 work at设法说服,影响63 work on设法说服,影响64 catch one's breath喘气,(由惊吓等)暂时停止呼吸《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 4 课1 hermit['hə:mit]n.隐士2 shift[ʃift]vi.转移,移动3 vagrant['veigrənt]n.流浪者4 appetite['æpi tait]n.食欲,胃口5 alcohol['ælkəhɔl]n.酒,酒精6 attract[ə'trækt]vt.吸引7 attraction[ə'trækʃən]n.吸引8 attractive[ə'træktiv] a.吸引人的9 peculiar[pi'kju:liə] a.奇特的;奇怪的10 populace['pɔpjuləs]n.平民,大众,老百姓11 lone[ləun] a.孤独的12 isolate['aisəleit]vt.使隔离,使孤立13 mistrustful[mis'trʌstfəl] a.不信任的,深疑的14 shopping-bag n.购物袋15 huddle['hʌdl]vi.挤作一团16 warmth[wɔ:mθ]n.暖和,温暖;热情,热心17 companionship[kəm'pæniənʃip] n.伴侣关系,友谊;一群伙伴18 companion[kəm'pæniən]n.同伴,伴侣19 bum[bʌm]n.游民,叫化子20 keen[ki:n] a.热心的,渴望的21 conventional[kən'venʃənəl] a.习俗的,寻常的22 convention[kən'venʃən]n.习俗,惯例23 sociologist[ˌsəusi'ɔlədʒist]n.社会学家24 neighborhood['neibəhud]n.街坊,四邻25 inexplicably ad.到无法说明的程度26 leftovers n.剩余物,残留物,剩菜27 garbage['gɑ:bidʒ]n.废料;垃圾;废物28 garbage can垃圾桶29 resident['rezidənt]n.居民30 slip[slip]vt.悄悄给31 overtly ad.公开地32 collection[kə'lekʃən]n.募捐;募金33 collection box奉献箱34 doorway['dɔ:wei]n.门口;门道35 morally['mɔrəli]ad.道德上36 moral['mɔrəl] a.道德上的37 category['kætigəri]n.种类38 claim[kleim]vt.声称;要求;认领39 constraint[kən'streint]n.拘束40 rent[rent]n.租金 vt.租用41 payment['peimənt]n.付款42 relief[ri'li:f]n.救济43 quasi['kwezai, 'kwɑzi] a.半,准44 anchor['æŋkə]n.锚;依靠45 layer['leiə]n.层46 stuff[stʌf]vt.把…塞满47 protection[prə'tekʃən]n.保护48 protective[prə'tektiv] a.保护的49 cope[kəup]vi.对付,应付50 volunteer[ˌvɔlən'tiə]vt.主动讲;自愿提供51 voluntary['vɔləntəri] a.主动的;自愿的52 soup[su:p]n.汤53 communicative[kə'mju:nikətiv] a.愿意交谈的54 communication[kəˌmju:ni'keiʃən]n.交流;通讯55 conversation[ˌkɔnvə'seiʃən]n.谈话56 intrusion[in'tru:ʒən]n.侵犯;打扰57 rotten['rɔtn] a.腐烂的;腐朽的58 considerate[kən'sidərit] a.体谅的59 dental['dentl] a.牙齿的60 wherever[weər'evə]conj.无论什么情况下(在哪里、到什么地方)61 fantasy['fæntəsi]n.怪念头;幻想62 psychiatrist[sai'kaiətrist]n.精神病医生63 loss[lɔs]n.丢失,损失,遗失64 escalator['eskəleitə]n.自动楼梯65 priest[pri:st]n.牧师;教士;神父66 lodging['lɔdʒiŋ]n.(临时)住所67 lodge[lɔdʒ]v.(使)暂住,(使)寄宿68 entitle[in'taitl]vt.给…以权利69 disability[ˌdisə'biliti]n.伤残70 pension['penʃən]n.养老金;退休金;抚恤金71 crate[kreit]n.篮,篓,箱72 nun[nʌn]n.修女;尼姑73 shepherd['ʃepəd]vt.看护;带领74 better['betə]vt.改善75 keen on喜欢,热爱,醉心于76 on end连续地77 pass by从…旁走过;忽视78 turn away将…拒之门外79 keep up维持,继续80 once in a while间或,偶尔81 in general通常82 cope with善于处理83 no matter how不管如何84 no matter what无论何事85 at a loss不知所措;困惑86 be entitled to有权,有…资格《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 5 课1 anticipation[ænˌtisi'peiʃən]n.预期,预料2 anticipate[æn'tisipeit]vt.预期,预料3 issue['iʃu:, 'isju:]n.发行物(刊物的)一期4 tuck[tʌk]vt.塞(进);卷(起)5 bound[baund]vi.跳跃6 flip[flip]v.掷,弹7 tight[tait] a.紧的,牢的 ad.坚定地,稳固地8 couch[kautʃ]n.长沙发椅9 approach[ə'prəutʃ]v.接近,逼近10 cautiously['kɔ:ʃəsli] ad.细心地,谨慎地11 cautious['kɔ:ʃəs] a.谨慎的,小心的12 type[taip]vt.打字13 line[lain]n.a(诗、文的)一行14 helpless['helpləs] a.没用的,无能的15 assume[ə'sju:m]vt.假设,主观认为16 ranch[rɑ:ntʃ]n.大牧场,大农场17 nursery['nə:səri]n.托儿所18 day nursery n.日间托儿所19 training['treiniŋ] n.训练,培训20 correspondence[ˌkɔri'spɔndəns]n.通信21 correspondence course n.函授课程22 formally['fɔ:məli]ad.正式地23 formal['fɔ:məl] a.正式的24 qualify['kwɔliˌfai]vt.使具有资格25 enrolment[in'rəulmənt] n.注册人数;注册,登记26 enrollment[in'rəulmənt] n.注册人数;注册,登记27 enrol[in'roul]v.注册,登记28 enroll[in'rəul]v.注册,登记29 motel[məu'tel]n.汽车旅馆30 frantic['fræntik] a.狂乱的,错乱的;激昂的31 acre['eikə]n.英亩32 addition[ə'diʃən]n.加,加法33 full-time['ful'taim] a.专任的34 typewriter['taipˌraitə]n.打字机35 keyboard['ki:bɔ:d]n.键盘36 junk[dʒʌŋk]n.破烂,垃圾37 tap[tæp]n.轻叩38 midnight['midnait]n.午夜39 ecstatic[ik'stætik,ek-] a.欣喜若狂的40 drawn[drɔ:n] a.憔悴的;紧张的41 respond[ri'spɔnd]vi.回答,响应42 dad[dæd] n.爸爸,爹爹43 evenly['i:vənli] ad.平静地,平坦地44 even['i:vən] a.平的,平静的45 primarily['praimərəli, prai'merəli]ad.主要地46 embarrassment[im'bærəsmənt]n.窘迫,为难47 index['indeks]n.指数,指标48 pressure['preʃə]n.(心理上的)压力49 tension['tenʃən]n.紧张50 arrival[ə'raivəl]n.到达51 rack[ræk]vt.猛力摇动52 vulnerability n.易受伤性,脆弱性53 vulnerable['vʌlnərəbəl] a.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击的54 dry goods织物类商品55 session['seʃən]n.会议;(从事某项活动的)一段时间56 journalist['dʒə:nəlist]n.新闻工作者;记者57 memento[mi'mentəu]n.纪念品58 cranky['kræŋki] a.不稳的;有毛病的59 at work在工作,在运转60 catch on学会,懂得61 catch on to学会,懂得62 set one's mind to决心做63 set one's mind on决心做64 stand in sb.'s way阻碍,妨碍65 be in sb.'s way阻碍,妨碍66 send away for函购67 run out到期;用完,耗尽68 in addition此外69 in addition to此外70 help out帮助;帮助(某人)摆脱困境71 on guard警惕,提防72 in tears哭泣73 hold back抑制,阻止74 go on发生75 go ahead前进,进步《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 6 课1 shiver['ʃivə]vi.战栗,发抖2 capsule['kæpsju:l]n.胶囊(药)3 instruction[in'strʌkʃən]n.用法说明;指示4 instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.教导,指示5 purgative['pə:gətiv]n.泻药6 acid['æsid] a.酸的;酸性物质过多的7 germ[dʒə:m]n.病菌,细菌8 influenza[ˌinflu'enzə]n.流行性感冒9 epidemic[ˌepi'demik]n.&a.流行病(的)10 flu[flu:]n.流感11 pneumonia[nju:'məuniə]n.肺炎12 detached[di'tætʃt] a.超然的;冷漠的;分离的13 detach[di'tætʃ]vt.分开,分离14 pirate['paiərət]n.海盗15 papa[pə'pɑ:] n.爸爸16 lightheaded a.神志不清的;眩晕的17 prescribe[pri'skraib]vt.开(药)18 sleet[sli:t]n.雨夹雪;冻雨19 brush[brʌʃ]n.矮灌木丛;断落的树枝20 varnish['vɑ:niʃ]vt.掩饰(令人不快之事)21 Irish['aiəriʃ] a.爱尔兰(人)的22 setter['setə] n.塞特狗23 creek[kri:k]n.小溪,小河24 glassy['glɑ:si] a.像玻璃的,闪耀的25 slither['sliðə]vi.不稳地滑动26 slide[slaid]v.(使)滑动27 flush[flʌʃ]v.(使)(鸟)惊飞 vi.(脸)发红28 covey['kʌvi]n.一小群(鸟)29 quail[kweil]n.鹌鹑30 overhang[ˌəuvə'hæŋ]v.悬于…之上,突出于…之上31 light[lait]vi.停落32 scatter['skætə]vi.散开33 mound[maund] n.土墩34 poise[pɔiz]vt.使平衡35 unsteadily ad.不稳定地36 unsteady[ʌn'stedi] a.不稳定的37 icy['aisi] a.冰冷的,盖着冰的;冷淡的38 springy['spriŋi] a.有弹性的39 commence[kə'mens]n.开始,着手40 thermometer[θə'mɔmitə]n.温度计41 absolutely['æbsəlu:tli]ad.完全地,绝对地42 gaze[geiz]vi.凝视43 slack[slæk] a.松弛的;放松的44 bring down减少,降低45 be detached from与…没有联系,脱离…46 would rather宁愿47 out of sight在看不见的地方48 keep from阻止49 take it easy别紧张;不急50 hold tight onto oneself控制自己不做某事《大学英语精读》(第三册) 第 7 课1 shelter['ʃeltə]n.掩蔽(处)2 synopsis[si'nɔpsis]n.提要,梗概3 celebration[ˌseli'breiʃən]n.庆祝4 celebrate['selibreit]v.庆祝5 midst['midst]n.中间 prep.在…当中6 missile['misail]n.导弹7 afterwards['a:ftəwədz]ad.稍后,随后8 bomb[bɔm]n.炸弹9 abridge[ə'bridʒ]vt.缩略,删节10 grab[græb]vt.抢夺,攫取11 dialog['daiəlɔg]n.对话,对白12 dialogue['daiəlɔg]n.对话,对白13 portable['pɔ:təbəl] a.手提式的14 carry['kæri]vt.传送15 announcer[ə'naunsə]n.广播员,报幕员16 employee[im'plɔi-i:]n.雇员17 civil defense民防18 post[pəust]n.岗位19 design[di'zain]vt.设计20 basement['beismənt]n.地下室21 pool[pu:l]vt.把…集中在一起(共用)22 stuff[stʌf]n.原料,材料;物质23 chorus['kɔ:rəs]n.齐声说的话(或喊声);合唱24 assent[ə'sent]n.同意,赞成25 entrance['entrəns]n.入口处26 overtake[ˌəuvə'teik]vt.赶上27 crazy['kreizi] a.疯狂的;愚蠢的28 accommodate[ə'kɔmədeit]vt.容纳;向…提供住宿29 accommodation[əˌkɔmə'deiʃən]n.住处,膳宿30 plead[pli:d]vi.恳求31 huh[hʌh] int.哼! 哈!32 whirl[wə:l]vi.飞速移动;旋转33 infant['infənt]n.婴儿34 precious['preʃəs] a.珍贵的35 deserve[di'zə:v]vt.值得36 illogical[i'lɔdʒik(ə)l] a.不合逻辑的;无缘由的37 foreigner['fɔrinə]n.外国人38 aggressive[ə'gresiv] a.挑衅的;放肆的;积极进取的39 greedy['gri:di] a.贪婪的40 semi['semi] pref.半41 idiot['idiət]n.白痴42 bet[bet]vt.确信;用…打赌43 fling[fliŋ]vt.使(自己)猛扑;用力扔,掷44 hand-to-hand a.逼近的,直接交手的45 slaughter['slɔ:tə]vt.屠杀46 siren['saiərən]n.警报47 searchlight['sə:tʃlait] n.探照灯48 pounding['paundiŋ] n.猛击49 pound[paund]v.强烈打击50 reverberate[ri'və:bəreit]vi.回响51 log[lɔg]n.原木52 avenue['ævənju:, 'ævinju:]n.大街53 giant['dʒaiənt] a.庞大的,巨大的 n.巨人,巨大的动、植物54 fist[fist]n.拳头55 blast[blɑ:st]vi.发出刺耳响声56 cellar['selə]n.地窖57 depart[di'pɑ:t]vi.离开58 departure[di'pɑ:tʃə]n.离开,启程,出发59 barricade['bærikeid]n.障碍;街垒60 generator['dʒenəreitə]n.发电机61 movable['mu:vəbəl] a.活动的,变动的62 mob[mɔb]n.一伙人;一群暴徒63 intermittent[ˌintə'mitənt] a.断断续续的64 remind[ri'maind]vt.提醒65 urgent['ə:dʒənt] a.紧迫的;重要的66 military['militəri] a.军事的67 vehicle['vi:ikəl]n.车辆(统称)68 piercing['piəsiŋ] a.尖厉的;刺穿的69 pierce[piəs]v.刺穿,刺破70 give[giv]vi.弯曲;塌下71 pitch[pitʃ]n.声音的高低,调子72 tune[tju:n, tu:n]vt.收听73 definitely['definitli] ad.明确地,干脆地74 definite['definit] a.明确的,一定的75 identify[ai'dentifai]vt.认出;识别76 harmless['hɑ:mləs] a.无害的77 harm[hɑ:m]n.伤害78 bruise[bru:z]vt.碰伤;使(皮肉)青肿79 clot[klɔt]vt.使(血等)凝块80 Amen int.阿门(基督教徒祈祷结束时的用语)81 hey[hei]int.嗨!82 scare[skeə]vt.惊吓83 gesture['dʒestʃə]n.姿势,手势84 murmur['mə:mə]n.低柔的声音85 half-hearted a.不认真的,没兴趣的86 wreckage['rekidʒ]n.残骸87 shaky['ʃeiki] a.摇晃的88 carry-over n.剩余物89 realization[ˌriəlai'zeiʃən]n.认识,领会90 deaden['dedn]vt.使减弱,使无感觉91 disquiet[dis'kwaiət]vt.使忧虑,使不安92 phony a.假的,假冒的93 phoney['fəuni] a.假的,假冒的94 laughter['lɑ:ftə]n.笑声95 desperately['despəritli] ad.绝望地;拼命地96 desperate['despərit] a.拼死的,令人绝望的97 underneath[ˌʌndə'ni:θ]prep.在…的下面98 naked['neikid] a.裸体的99 claw[klɔ:]vt.用爪抓100 stairway['steəwei]n.楼梯101 destroy[di'strɔi]vt.摧毁102 in the midst of在中…间103 break up散开104 grab hold of抓住105 get hold of抓住106 take hold of抓住107 break down毁掉108 fit in放进去,嵌进去109 draw lots抽签110 make a difference有关系,有影响111 make the difference有关系,有影响112 come up上升113 head for前往114 figure out解决,算出;理解,弄清楚115 or else否则116 mean business是当真的117 pile up堆起118 get one's hands on抓住,拥有119 in the way of在…方面;关于120 go on(灯)亮121 go off停止122 call off停止;取消123 blow one's top大发脾气124 hold...against因(某事)而嫉恨(某人)125 take up开始从事126 born of得自,起于《大学英语精读》(第三册) -第 8 课1 hostile['hɔstail] a.敌对的2 view[vju:]vt.把…看成是;当作是;认为3 escape[i'skeip]n.&v.逃跑;逃避4 nighttime n.夜间5 interfere[ˌintə'fiə]vi.干涉;妨碍6 interference[ˌintə'fiərəns]n.干涉;妨碍7 researcher[ri'sə:tʃə] n.研究员8 benefit['benifit]n.益处9 tense[tens] a.紧张的10 irritable['iritəbəl] a.易怒的;急躁的11 means[mi:nz] n.方法;手段12 psychologist[sai'kɔlədʒist]n.心理学家13 contribute[kən'tribju:t]vi.贡献14 growth[grəuθ]n.生长;发展15 concentration[ˌkɔnsən'treiʃən]n.集中16 span[spæn]n.一段时间17 self-control[ˌself'kəntrəul] n.自控18 creative[kri:'eitiv] a.创造性的19 remarkable[ri'mɑ:kəbl] a.显著的;非凡的20 shape[ʃeip]vt.形成,塑造21 industrialist[in'dʌstriəlist] n.工业家,实业家22 maintain[mein'tein]vt.断言;维持23 picture['piktʃə]vt.想像;绘画24 inventor[in'ventə]n.发明家25 notable['nəutəbəl] a.著名的;值得注意的26 achiever n.获胜者27 vividly['vividli] ad.生动地,逼真地28 vivid['vivid] a.生动的,逼真的29 immeasurably ad.不能测量地;无限制地30 drift[drift]vi.漂(流)31 athlete['æθlit, 'æθli:t]n.运动员32 pole-vaulting n.撑竿跳33 champion['tʃæmpiən]n.冠军34 meet[mi:t]n.会,集会35 clear[kliə]vt.跳过36 bar[bɑ:]n.横竿;杆;条状物37 stadium['steidiəm]n.露天体育场38 trace[treis]n.痕迹39 memory trace记忆痕(脑部吸收或记忆信息产生的化学变化)40 vision['viʒən]n.想象(力)41 automatically[ɔ:tə'mætikli]ad.自动地;无意识地42 automatic[ˌɔ:tə'mætik] a.自动的;无意识的43 appropriately ad.适当地44 appropriate[ə'prəupri-it, ə'prəuprieit] a.适当的45 purposeful['pə:pəsfəl] a.有目的的46 self-image[ˌself'imidʒ] n.自我形象47 accomplishment[ə'kʌmpliʃmənt]n.成就48 recommend[ˌrekə'mend]vt.建议;推荐49 soar[sɔ:]vi.翱翔;升腾50 screen[skri:n]n.银幕;屏幕51 project[prə'dʒekt, 'prɔdʒekt]vt.映,投射52 goal[gəul]n.目标53 attain[ə'tein]vt.获得;达到54 supposedly[sə'pəuzidli] ad.推测;大概55 affect[ə'fekt]vt.影响56 attainment[ə'teinmənt]n.获得,达到;成就,造诣57 substitute['sʌbstitju:t]n.代替者,代用品58 athletic[æθ'letik] a.运动的;运动员的59 achievement[ə'tʃi:vmənt]n.成就60 after['ɑ:ftə]prep.搜寻,追求61 neglect[ni'glekt]vt.忽视62 combination[ˌkɔmbi'neiʃən]n.结合63 method['meθəd]n.方法64 merely['miəli] ad.仅仅,只65 well-being['wel'bi:iŋ] n.康乐;安康66 vacation[və'keiʃən, vei'keiʃən] n.休假;假期67 realm[relm] n.领域;王国68 enjoyment[in'dʒɔimənt] n.享受;欣赏;乐趣69 amount to总共达;等于70 interfere with干扰;妨碍71 contribute to有助于72 get along with与…相处(和睦)73 due to因为;由…引起,由于74 come true实现75 go about着手做《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 9 课1 bunker['bʌŋkə]n.地堡2 fascist['fæʃist] a.法西斯主义的 n.法西斯分子3 dictator[dik'teitə]n.独裁者4 partner['pɑ:tnə]n.伙伴5 aggression[ə'greʃən]n.侵略6 mistress['mistris]n.情妇7 Italian[i'tæliən] a.意大利的 n.意大利人;意大利语8 guerilla n.游击队员9 guerrilla[gə'rilə] n.游击队员10 execute['eksikju:t]vt.处死;实施,执行11 executive[ig'zekjutiv] a.&n.实行的,执行的;执行者12 dump[dʌmp]vt.倾倒13 string[striŋ]vt.串起14 heel[hi:l]n.(脚)后跟15 lamppost['læmppəust] n.路灯柱16 gutter['gʌtə]n.街沟17 pauper['pɔ:pə]n.贫民18 plot[plɔt]n.小块土地19 cemetery['semitri]n.公墓;墓地20 horrible['hɔrəbəl] a.可怕的,恐怖的;讨厌的21 horror['hɔrə]n.惊骇,恐怖;极端厌恶22 climax['klaimæks]n.高潮23 degradation[ˌdegrə'deiʃən]n.羞辱24 Fascism n.法西斯主义25 shabby['ʃæbi] a.不光彩的;卑鄙的;破旧的26 Fuehrer n.(德)元首27 strengthen['streŋθən, 'strenθən]v.加强28 resolve[ri'zɔlv]n.决心29 bride[braid]n.新娘30 spectacle['spektəkəl]n.引人鄙视的对象;场面31 preparation[ˌprepə'reiʃən]n.准备,预备32 Alsatian[æl'seiʃən] a.阿尔萨斯的 n.阿尔萨斯狼犬33 poison['pɔizən]vt.毒死,放毒 n.毒药34 farewell[feə'wel]n.再见35 appreciation[əˌpri:ʃi'eiʃən]n.欣赏;感激36 loyal['lɔiəl] a.忠诚的37 instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.命令;指示38 file[fail]n.卷宗;档案39 word[wə:d]n.命令40 interpret[in'tə:prit]vt.解释41 interpretation[inˌtə:pri'teiʃən]n.解释42 private['praivit] a.私人的;个人的43 mostly['məustli]ad.主要地;大部分44 associate[ə'səuʃieit]n.合作人,同事45 assemble[ə'sembəl]vt.集合46 inaudible[in'ɔ:dəbəl] a.听不见的47 moisture['mɔistʃə]n.潮湿,湿气48 retire[ri'taiə]vi.退出49 unendurable[ʌnin'dʒuərəbəl] a.无法忍受的50 canteen[kæn'ti:n]n.食堂51 weird[wiəd] a.怪异的;离奇的52 request[ri'kwest]vt.请求53 meantime['mi:ntaim]n.&ad.其间54 spell[spel]n.一段时间55 strict[strikt] a.严厉的56 relief[ri'li:f]n.(忧虑等的)减轻,解除57 enormous[i'nɔ:məs] a.巨大的,庞大的58 defensible[di'fensəbəl] a.可防御的59 doom[du:m]vt.注定,使遭…厄运60 noon[nu:n]n.中午61 apparently[ə'pærəntli]ad.显然,似乎62 apparent[ə'pærənt] a.显然的,外观上的63 vegetarian[ˌvedʒi'teəriən] a.(有关)素食的64 chauffeur['ʃəufə,ʃeu'fə:]n.司机65 liter['li:tə]n.(容量单位)升66 gasoline['gæsəli:n]n.汽油67 fuel[fjuəl]n.燃料68 intimate['intimit] a.亲密的69 collaborator n.协作者,同伙70 passageway['pæsidʒwei] n.走廊71 revolver[ri'vɔlvə] n.左轮手枪72 decent['di:sənt] a.合宜的;得体的73 interval['intəvəl]n.间隔74 sofa['səufə]n.沙发75 drip[drip]vt.使滴落76 swallow[swɔləu]vt.吞咽77 chancellor['tʃɑ:nsələ]n.部长(或首相)78 institute['institju:t]vt.建立79 meet one's end死80 string up用绳吊起;吊死81 call in命令82 break in(非法)强行进入83 build up增进84 in the meantime在…期间,同时85 in charge of负责86 round up集拢87 have done with结束;终止88 to the day一天也不差89 to a day一天也不差《大学英语精读》(第三册) - 第 10 课1 fantastic[fæn'tæstik] a.极大的;难以置信的2 spurt[spə:t]n.猛增;突然加速;迸发3 conjure['kʌndʒə]vt.唤起,使想起4 smoky['sməuki] a.充满烟的5 mill[mil]n.工厂,车间6 classic['klæsik] a.经典的,典型的7 representation[ˌreprizen'teiʃən]n.代表8 represent[ˌrepri'zent]vt.代表9 symbol['simbəl]n.象征10 inadequate[in'ædikwi t] a.不适当的,不充分的11 misleading a.易误解的,令人误解的12 mislead[mis'li:d]vt.误导13 invention[in'venʃən]n.发明,创造14 horse collar马轭15 agricultural[ægri'kʌltʃər(ə)l] a.农业的,农艺的16 furnace['fə:nis]n.熔炉,炉子17 apply[ə'plai]vt.应用,运用18 occur[ə'kə:]vi.发生19 breed[bri:d]vt.饲养20 vote[vəut]n.选票;选举(权)21 advanced[əd'vɑ:nst] a.高深的,先进的22 blast[blɑ:st]n.鼓风;送风23 blast furnace鼓风炉;高炉24 electronics[iˌlek'trɔniks]n.电子技术;电子学25 surroundings[sə'raundiŋz]n.环境26 characteristic[ˌkæriktə'ristik] a.表示特性的27 essential[i'senʃəl] a.必需的28 organization[ˌɔ:gənai'zeiʃən]n.组织,机构29 repetitive a.重复的,反复性的30 repetition[ˌrepi'tiʃən]n.重复,循环31 function['fʌŋkʃən]n.职责,功能,作用32 outdated[ˌaut'deitid] a.过时的33 quicken['kwikən]v.加快34 acceleration[əkselə'reiʃən]n.加速35 dramatize['dræmətaiz]vt.改编成戏剧,编写剧本36 account[ə'kaunt]n.报告;描述37 transportation[ˌtrænspɔ:'teiʃən]n.运输38 transport[træn'spɔ:t]vt.运输39 BC['bi:'si:] abbr.公元前40 available[ə'veiləbəl] a.可获得的;可利用的41 camel['kæməl]n.骆驼42 caravan['kærəvæn]n.(往返于沙漠地带的)商队43 average['ævəridʒ]vt.平均为44 per[pə:]prep.每45 mph abbr.时速46 chariot['tʃæriət]n.(古时)双轮马拉战车47 maximum['mæksiməm]n.最大量;最多的48 roughly['rʌfli]ad.粗略地,概略地49 impressive[im'presiv] a.给人深刻印象的50 exceed[ik'si:d]vt.超过51 coach[kəutʃ]n.四轮大马车52 operate['ɔpəreit]vt.操作,运转53 mere[miə] a.仅仅的,只不过的54 locomotive[ˌləukə'məutiv]n.火车头55 race[reis]n.属;人种56 airplane['eəplein]n.飞机57 flick[flik]n.轻弹;突然的轻快动作58 rocket['rɔkit]n.火箭59 capsule['kæpsju:l]n.宇宙密封舱60 altitude['æltitju:d]n.高,(尤指海拔)高度61 mineral['minərəl]n.矿物,矿石62 accelerative a.加速的63 trend[trend]n.趋向;倾向64 pattern['pætn]n.模式65 statistical[stə'tistik(ə)l] a.统计的;统计学的66 unmistakable[ˌʌnmi'steikəbəl] a.明白的,不会弄错的67 innovation[ˌinə'veiʃən]n.革新;新方法68 stage[steidʒ]n.阶段;时期69 cycle['saikəl]n.循环;周期70 feasible['fi:zibəl] a.可行的71 diffusion[di'fju:ʒən]n.扩散;传播72 embody[im'bɔdi]vt.体现73 generate['dʒenəreit]vt.发生;产生74 shorten['ʃɔ:tn]vt.缩短,使变短75 scientific[ˌsaiən'tifik] a.科学的76 radically['rædikəli]ad.根本上77 radical['rædikəl] a.根本的78 reduce[ri'dju:s]vt.减少;降低79 striking['straikiŋ] a.显著的80 ancestor['ænsəstə]n.祖先81 marketplace['ma:kitpleis]n.集会场所,市场82 refrigerator[ri'fridʒəreitə]n.冰箱83 fridge[fridʒ]n.冰箱84 peak[pi:k]n.顶峰;山峰85 novelty['nɔvəlti]n.新奇的事物86 novel['nɔvəl] a.新颖的,新奇的87 likewise['laikwaiz]ad.同样地88 astonishing[əs'tɔniʃiŋ] a.很惊异的89 astonish[ə'stɔniʃ]vt.使惊讶90 stepped-up a.加速的,加强的91 accelerate[ək'seləreit]v.加速92 conjure up使联想起93 labor along艰难地前进94 labour along艰难地前进95 go by经过,(时间)流逝96 feed on以…为食;以…为能源97 in turn依次,轮流,转而98 put to work应用。

n. (usu. pl.) conditions, facts, etc. connected with an event or person 情况,环境
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱrial
n. the act or fact of examining and deciding a civil or criminal case by a law court 审判
vt. (of a judge) stop (a court case) 驳回,对……不予受理
stand a chance
have an opportunity; be likely to do or get sth. 有机会,有希望
revolve around
have as a center or main subject
turn against
(cause to) oppose, be hostile to
n. (pl.) the cost of having a matter settled in a law court. esp. that paid to the winning party by the losing party 诉讼费
vt. give by a decision in court of law; give or grant by an official decision 判给;授予
a. not worried; untroubled; indifferent 无忧虑的;淡漠的

词素分两种,一种叫词根,一种叫词缀,下面店铺为大家带来现代大学英语精读3词汇,希望大家喜欢!unit 1adolescence n. 青春期adulthood n. 成年affirm vt. 证实,断言,肯定 vi. 断言,申明agenda n. 议事日程approval n. 批准, 认可, 同意, 赞同attitudinal adj. 态度的Baptist n. 施洗者约翰, 施洗者, 浸信会教友contribute vt. 捐助,投稿 vi. 投稿,贡献,是原因之一counsel n. 商议, 忠告, 法律顾问 v. 商议, 劝告crisis n. 危急关头,危机encyclopedia n. 百科全书endeavor n. 努力, 尽力, 进取心 vt. 努力,尽力 vi. 企图, 谋求endowment n. 捐助(奖金),天赋ethical adj. 伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的ethnic adj. 民族的,种族的,有民族特色的 n. 少数民族的一员evaluate vt. 评估,评价excessive adj. 过多的,过分的feminine adj. 女性的functional adj. 功能的,有功能的,实用的genetic adj. 基因的, 遗传的, 起源的heighten v. 增高,提高,加强inherit vi. 继承 vt. 继承,遗传inhibition n. 禁止, 禁制, 压抑interaction n. 相互作用, 相互影响internalize vt. 使内在化masculine n. 阳性, 男性 adj. 男性的, 阳性的, 有丈夫气的newscast n. 新闻广播option n.选择(的自由);选项;选择权;选择能力 vt.得到或获准进行选择;调动球员peer vi. 凝视,盯着看;窥视 vt. 封为贵族;与…同等 n. 贵族;同等的人perceive v. 察觉, 感觉, 认知, 理解process n.过程;工序;做事方法;工艺流程 vt.加工;处理;审阅;审核 vi.列队行进 adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的project n. 工程,项目,计划,事业 v. 计划,设计,表达 v. 投射,放映,凸出rebel n. 叛徒,起义者 vi. 造反,反抗,反感 adj. 造反的,反抗的,反叛者的resentment n. 怨恨, 愤恨seminary n. 神学院, 学院,发源地stressful adj. 紧张的, 压力重的theological adj. 神学的 =theologicunquestionably adv. 当然地, 无可非议地wardrobe n. 衣柜,衣橱 n. 全部服装adolescent adj. 青春期的, 青少年的 n. 青少年distressed adj.痛苦的动词distress的过去式和过去beard n. 胡须 vt. 抓住胡须,公开反对unit 2 Diogenes and Alexanderblock n.块;街区; <英>大楼,大厦;障碍物,阻碍 vt.阻止;阻塞;限制cynicism n.愤世嫉俗,讥笑,冷言冷语Cynicism:犬儒主义,犬儒哲学elaborate adj. 精细的, 详尽的, 精心的' v. 详细地说明, 用心地作,推敲elegant adj. 优雅的, 精美的, 俊美的fountain n. 喷泉,源泉,储水容器,泉水 vt.& vi. 使像喷泉一样流guffaw vi .哄笑, 狂笑 n. 哄笑, 狂笑 vt. 大笑着说lunatic adj. 疯狂的,极蠢的 n. 疯子macedonian adj.马其顿的 n.马其顿人monarch n. 帝王, 统治者, 元首/nn. 君王斑点蝶nudge vt. 轻推,引起注意,接近 vi. 轻推olive n. 橄榄, 橄榄树, 橄榄色 adj. 黄绿色的, 黄褐色的, 橄榄色的page n. 页 v. (给...)当听差 vt. (通过扩音器、传呼机等)呼叫paradox n.反论,悖论;似非而是的论点;自相矛盾的人或事;[物]佯谬pebble n. 鹅卵石 n. 水晶, 水晶透镜 v. 用卵石铺,用卵石投掷,使有卵石纹privacy n. 隐私, 隐居, 秘密scant adj. 不充分的, 不足的 v. 减缩, 限制,忽略scoop n. 铲子, 舀取, 独家新闻, 一勺, 穴 vt. 汲取, 舀取, 抢先报道, 挖空scratch n. 抓痕,抓的声音,乱写 vt. &vi. 搔痒,抓,抹掉 adj. 使皮肤发痒的,潦草的squatter vi. 涉水过 n. 蹲着的人,擅自占地者,寮屋,寮屋住户stroll n. 闲逛,漫步 vt.& vi. 闲逛,漫步sweat n. 汗, 流汗, (因冷凝作用形成在物体表面的)水珠, 艰巨的任务, 焦急状态 vi. 出汗, 辛苦工作, 感到焦急 vt. 使流汗, 拼命做出...titter n. 嗤笑, 偷笑 vi. 吃吃地笑, 偷笑naked adj. 裸体的,无掩饰的,明白的,手无寸铁的corresponding adj. 符合的, 一致的, 相同的, 相应的, 相当的conventionality n. 常规,因袭传统generosity n. 慷慨, 大方bare adj. 赤裸的,显露的,极少的,仅仅的 vt. 使赤裸,露出squat n. 蹲 adj. 蹲着的, 矮胖胖的 v. 蹲下, 坐decay n. 衰退, 腐败 v. 衰退, 腐败scorn n. 轻蔑, 被叱责的人 v. 轻蔑, 不屑做handful n. 少数,一把,棘手之事 n. 【非正式用语】难以控制的人或费劲的事rough adj.粗糙的,崎岖不平的;粗鲁的;狂暴的,汹涌的;未经加工的 vt.粗暴地对待;使粗糙;草拟 n.粗糙的部分;艰难,苦难;(高尔夫球场的)深草区 adv.粗暴地 vi.举止粗野hollow n. 洞, 窟窿, 山谷 adj. 空的, 虚伪的, 空腹的 vt. 形成空洞, 挖空 vi. 形成空洞 adv. 有闷哑声, 完全地provide for 供给,为 ... 作准备at dawn 拂晓,天一亮merchant n. 商人,店主,专家 adj. 商业的know of 知道,听说mischievous adj. 调皮的,恶作剧的,有害的,伤人的far too 极其,非常,远远,太healthy adj. 健康的healthful adj. 有益健康的, 使人健康的, 卫生的unit 3 Silent Springabundance n. 丰富,充裕acreage n. 土地的面积, 英亩数adapt vt. 使适应,改编 vi. 适应,适合adjust vt. 调整, 使...适于 vi. 适应angler n. 钓鱼者,琵琶鱼assault n. 攻击, 突袭 vt. 袭击, 突袭biocide n. 生物杀灭剂,杀虫剂biological adj. 生物学的birch n. 桦树, 桦木 vt. 用桦条抽打blaze n. 火焰,烈火 vi. 燃烧,发光 vt. 燃烧,宣布,在树皮上刻痕,领导,开拓bound n. 跳跃,界限,范围 adj. 必定的,受约束的,装订的,有义务的vt. 跳跃前进,形成界限brand n. 燃烧的木条,剑,商标,牌子,烙印,类型 vt. 打烙印,污蔑,铭记check vt.检查,核对;制止,抑制;在…上打勾 vi.核实,查核;中止;打勾; [象棋]将一军 n.<美>支票;制止,抑制;检验,核对chorus n. 合唱队,歌舞队,齐声说道,副歌部分, vt. 合唱coat n. 外套,一层,动物皮毛 vt. 外面覆盖,盖上毛衣colossal adj. 巨大的,异常的community n. 社区, 团体confined adj. 被限制的, 狭窄的, 在分娩中的动词confine的过去式和过去分词consent n. 同意, 许可 v. 同意, 承诺considerable adj. 相当大的,可观的,重要的contamination n. 污染,污染物contend vi. 奋斗,斗争,辩论 vt. 坚持认为,竞争counterpart n. 职位(或作用)相当的人;对应的事物damp n. 毒气,湿气,丧气 adj. 潮湿的 vt. 呛,抑制,使潮湿 vi. 衰减deliberate adj. 故意的,深思熟虑的, 从容不迫的vi. 仔细考虑vt. 研讨deserted adj. 废弃的,荒芜的,被遗弃的动词desert的过去式和过去分词ecologist n. 生态学家environment n. 环境,外界evolve vt. &vi. 进展,进化,展开explosive adj. 爆炸(性)的 n. 炸药fern n. 羊齿植物,蕨film n. 电影, 胶卷, 薄膜 vt. 把...拍成电影, 给...覆上一薄层 vi. 从事电影拍摄flame n. 火焰,火舌,鲜红色,光辉,恋人,怀念,辱骂信息 vi. 焚烧,爆发,面红, 发辱骂信息 vt. 用烟火发信号,用火对待,发辱骂信息flicker n. 闪烁, 闪光, 颤动 v. 闪动, 闪烁, 摇动flock n. 一群,信众,软填料,短绒,棉絮,毛屑 vt. 塞填充料 vi. 成群而行,聚集gear n. 齿轮,传动装置,设备,工具 vt. &vi. 使适应于,以齿轮连起,配搭活动,调整habitat n. (动植物的)产地,栖息地harmony n. 和弦,协调,和睦,调和hence adv. 今后, 从此, 因此, 所以immune adj. 免除的,免疫的 n. 免疫者impetuous adj. 冲动的, 猛烈的, 轻率的indiscriminate adj. 无差别的, 不分皂白的, 杂陈的inhabit v. 居住于, 占据, 栖息insecticide n. 杀虫剂integrity n. 诚实, 正直, 完整, 完善intensification n.激烈化,增强明暗度intermingle v. 混合, 搀杂inventive adj. 善于创造的, 发明的irrecoverable adj. 不能挽回的, 不能复原的isolated adj. 分离的,孤立的land n. 陆地, 国土, 土地 v. 登陆, 登岸, 卸货lethal adj. 致命的,毁灭性的,有效的 n. 基因异常,致死基因marsh n. 沼泽, 湿地 Marsh:马什(人名)midst n. 中间, 当中 prep. (=amidst)在...当中migrant n. 移居者modify vt. 修改,调正,缓和 vi. 修改mold n. 模子,模型,类型,模式,雏型,真菌,软土 vt. 形成,形成,制模,发霉 vi. 符合形状,发霉organism n. 生物体, 有机体outbreak n. 爆发pool n. 水塘(池),游泳池,撞球 vi. 形成池塘 vt. 集中,积累potent adj. 强有力的,有效的primary n. 最主要者 adj. 主要的, 初期的, 根本的primitive adj. 原始的 n. 原始人,文艺复兴前的艺术家prosperous adj. 繁荣的, 兴旺的puzzle n. 难题,迷惑 vt. 使困惑,解决 vi. 迷惑,苦思radiation n. 辐射,放射线rapidity n. 迅速,急速,速度reserve n. 预备品, 贮存, 候补 n. 克制, 含蓄 vt. 保留, 预订, 延期resurgence n. 再起, 复活, 再现score n.得分;分数;总谱; 20个 v.得分;记分;评分;获得胜利shady adj. 荫凉的,成荫的,暗的sicken v. 患病, 使...厌倦, 生病sinister adj. 不吉利的, 凶恶的, 左边的span n.共轭(马、骡);跨度,墩距;一段时间; [航] 跨绳 vt.缚住或扎牢;跨越时间或空间;以掌测量;以手围绕测量类似测量spell v. 拼写,缓慢地或吃力地读 n. 魅力,符咒 vt. 用符咒镇住(某人) n. 一段时间,轮班 v. 轮班,休息spiral n. 旋涡, 螺旋形之物 adj. 螺旋形的, 盘旋的 v. 成螺旋状下降或上升, 成螺旋状旋转still adj. 静止的, 不动的, 静寂的 adv. 仍然,更,静止地 conj. 然而,但是 vi. 变沉默 vt. 使冷静, 抓住, 使停止, 使放松 n. 沉默, 定格照, 酒厂subject n. 科目, 主题; 缘由 n. (君主国); 实验对象 adj. 服从的, 易患的 vt. 使隶属, 使服从; 使遭遇landscape n. 风景,山水,风景画 v. 美化…的景观,进行造园工程substantial n. 重要部份, 本质 adj. 大量的, 实质上的, 有内容的该单suppress vt. 镇压,使...止住,禁止surroundings n.环境synthetic adj. 综合的,合成的,人造的 n. 人工制品tamper v. 干预, 玩弄, 贿赂throb n. 悸动, 搏动 vi. 悸动troublesome adj. 令人烦恼的, 讨厌的,困难的,棘手的trout n. 鳟鱼,鳟鱼肉undergo vt. 遭受,经历,忍受vegetation n. 植物,草木,(植物)生长witchcraft n. 魔法, 巫术【现代大学英语精读3词汇】。

Unit 11.From her accent I guess she’s from the Northeast.2.It was very clever of her to turn his argument against himself.3.I found a couple of shoes under the bed but they don’t make a pair.4.Dr. Bright always take his time as he examines his patients and treats them with extreme care.5.British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterparts have already suffered.6.Wilfred’s remarks confirmed me in my opinion that he was an honorable(诚实的) young man.7.The key witness for the prosecution(原告方) was offered police protection after she received death threats.8.I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent events proved me wrong.9.Having practiced for so long, the New York baseball team stand a chance of winning the World Series (美国职业棒球大赛) this year.10.At the trial ,Bob’s teacher, who was called as a character witness , said he was a quiet boy who had never been in trouble before.1.I have great faith in traditional Chinese medicine.2.Michael Horden's performance as Hamlet struck us as brilliant .3. A Canadian company plans to set up a factory in the area, so this should provide some employment for local people.4. In the past few years my aunt has saved up enough money to buy a house.5. Weak and lame in one leg, Max never stood a chance of getting that job.6. Those hurt in the explosion were awarded $50,000 damages.7. Presumably they can afford to buy an apartment, or they wouldn't be looking.8. I was greatly shocked by the way Henry conducted the affairs of such a big business.9. To our surprise, her casual remark about the mission should have caused a political storm.10. The expansion of the library on which student life revolve around is one of the most important problems to be solved.Unit 21)We’ve just had a very fruitful meeting with the management and we’re now much more hopeful about the pay rise.2)The book I’m reading explains the evolution of plant and animal life on earth.3)Living in a flat is all right , but it has its limitation —for example , you don’t have your own garden.4)The two witnesses gave contradictory versions of what had happened that night.5)Despite the fact that there was almost no hope of finding the missing boy , the search partystill went on looking.6)Alice intends to go back to work after she has had her baby.7)The report is a bit lengthy ;in short , it says that more money should be spent on education. 8)Without an official pass, the guides will deny you access to the courthouse.9)Amy was trying to persuade her father to let her drive but she was getting nowhere .10)Simon has done a super job and deserves to be promoted.11)Sorry the place is so messy ; I haven’t had time to clean up.12)Mr. White found to his dismay that his son had been spending far too much time chatting with his key pals(网友)online .1. George is determined to travel alone in the desert despite his friends' warnings.2. By the mid-eighties there was growing knowledge about who was at high risk of contracting AIDS.3. The data gathered during market research will be valuable in designing our company's future products.4. I intended to catch the early train, but I didn't get up in time.5. The problem with Bill is that he doesn't know his limitations –he just assumes he can do everything.6. The interview would have been more fruitful if the questions had been framed more precisely.7. A police investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.8. Philip is definitely the best football player in our school.9. If we view the problem from a different angle, a solution may become more obvious.10. The robber was given a milder punishment than he deserved.The creation of the UN was, perhaps, the most notable achievements of the 20th century.12. Nothing will stop us in our quest for the truth.Unit 31)In terms of population , Greater New York City is the largest urban center in the United States.2)The article provides a detailed analysis of the root causes of the accident.3)Many young girls like to keep a diary for recording their private thoughts and feelings.4)There are obvious benefits in allowing each student to go at his own pace .5)The dredger(挖掘机)represents a major technological advance in keeping the river clear. 6)The tired traveler stopped to catch his breath and make sure of his directions.7)Bob didn’t turn up at the party ; I had an intuition that something must have gone wrong. 8)Roger was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to convince him of his mistakes.9)In history the war between the Union and the eleven Southern states(1861-1865)is called American Civil War.10)The office building was recently renovated for greater comfort and efficiency.1. The secretary took a detailed notes of what the members of the Board of Directors had discussed at the meeting.2. He knew he had said the wrong thing and switched the conversation to a less embarrassing subject.3. Young children are often much more energetic than adults.4. The visit to the computer center has stimulated the pupils' interest in computer science.5. All research built on/is built on work completed by previous researchers.6. After a careful investigation, the committee decided to renovate the old house7.He has read extensively and won the respect of his colleagues as a man learned8.He wanted very much to run for a second term, but owing to poor health he was compelled to give up the idea.9. As soon as the class began, the teacher distributed the test papers.10. You have taken such good care of our children during our absence that we feel we shall never be able to repay your kindness.Unit 51)The June 3 ,1996issue of Newsweek carries a long article about Japan’s future empress(皇后).2)Bound hand and foot , the victim was left helpless in the lavatory(盥洗室).3)They have never met , but they have been in correspondence with each other for years.4)Quickly picking up the diary, Phil flipped straight to the last entry and began reading it.5)Her lungs were racked with fever and the doctor sent her to the isolation ward.6)While my wife and kids were away for the long weekend ,I had the entire house to myself . 7)The police warned people to be on guard against burglary during the festival.8)Many university students experience severe tension as final exams draw near.9)Mr. Tyler used to eat with a napkin tucked under his chin.10)We have four hours of English a week , including one session in the language laboratory.1. Their holiday trip was spoiled by the frantic search for their lost passports.2. Miss Main kept practicing until she finally qualified herself for the job.3. I assume that you wouldn't like to stay indoors if it were not raining.4. She's still at work I'll ask her to call you when she gets home.5. Consumer spending is often an index of public confidence in the economy.6. If you really want to apply for the dangerous job I won't stand in your way , though I think it's acrazy idea.7. On seeing the blanket kicked away by the little boy, she tucked around him8. Though the job is new to us, we are confident we'll catch on (to it) in a couple of days.9. His parents enrolled him in a boarding school when he was only seven years old.10. It was the first time he and I drank together. As I recall , it was also the last time.Unit 81.No one trusts Felix ,for he is never punctual and often neglects his duty.2.Greater efforts are needed before we can attain our goal of economic reform.3.I hope you will interfere with not ( )his work.4.As it turned out the speaker was shouted down by the hostile crowd.5.The events that occurred in his childhood shaped his whole life.6.Martin finally succeeded in projecting the two graphs onto the same screen with an overhead projector.7.Young children may run around and make a lot of noise.Actually they are acting appropriately for their age.8.I enjoy my job,but I'd like to do something more creative.9.There is no doubt that these measures will contribute to the solution of the problem.10.That child's concentration span is poor-he only listens to the teacher for a few seconds at a time.11.The 20th century was remarkable for its inventions.12.He would be seeing Sarah tonight ,and a vision of her face suddenly came into his mind.13.The singer's voice soared easily to the top notes.14.On April 12,1912 this supposedly unsinkable ship hit an iceberg.1. Jimmy found it hard to picture the life of early men without the tools and comforts of modern civilization.2. Jane is so highly regarded at her job because she can react appropriately to each situation.3. Nina wanted to make a model plane, but she did not know how to go about it.4. Robert will never amount to anything unless he works harder.5. It was a great achievement that they all climbed up to the top of the mountain before dusk as scheduled.6. To our surprise he refused to take our advice, even though it was for his benefit .7. A loving home environment is essential for a child's emotional and intellectual growth .8. Due to poor management, the company finally went bankrupt .9. There is no substitute for practical experience.10. Tommy neglected brushing his teeth before going to bed.11. Helen was very tense as she waited for the interview.。

UNIT 1:A Brush with the LawAnd so I do not have a criminal record. But what was most shocking at the time was the things my release from the charge so clearly depended on. I had the 'right' accent, respectable middle-class parents in court, reliable witnesses, and I could obviously afford a very good solicitor. Given the obscure nature of the charge, I feel sure that it I had come from a different background, and had really been unemployed, there is every chance that I would have been found guilty. While asking for costs to be awarded, my solicitor's case quite obviously revolved around the fact that I had a 'brilliant academic record'.所以我就没有了犯罪记录。
Unit 1TextA young man finds that strolling along the streets without an obvious purpose can lead to trouble with the law. One misunderstanding leads to another until eventually he must appear in court for trial……A Brush with the LawI have only once been in trouble with the law. The whole process of being arrested and taken to court was a rather unpleasant experience at the time, but it makes a good story now. What makes it rather disturbing was the arbitrary circumstances both of my arrest and my subsequent fate in court.In happened in February about twelve years ago. I had left school a couple of months before that and was not due to go to university until the following October. I was still living at home at the time.One morning I was in Richmond, a suburb of London near where I lived. I was looking for a temporary job so that I could save up some money to go travelling. As it was a fine day and I was in no hurry, I was taking my time, looking in shop windows, strolling in the park, and sometimes just stopping and looking around me. It must have been this obvious aimlessness that led to my downfall.It was about half past eleven when it happened. I was just walking out of the local library, having unsuccessfully sought employment there, when I saw a man walking across the road with the obvious intention of talking to me. I thought he was going to ask me the time. Instead, he said he was a police officer and he was arresting me. At first I thought it was some kind of joke. But then another policeman appeared, this time in uniform, and I was left in no doubt.'But what for?' I asked."Wandering with intent to commit an arrestable offence,' he said.'What offence?' I asked.'Theft,' he said.'Theft of what?' I asked.'Milk bottles,' he said, and with a perfectly straight face too!'Oh,' I said.It turned out there had been a lot of petty thefts in the area, particularly that of stealing milk bottles from doorsteps.Then I made my big mistake. At the time I was nineteen, had long untidy hair, and regarded myself as part of the sixties' 'youth countercultrue. As a result, I want to appear cool and unconcerned with the incident, so I said, 'How long have you been following me?' in the most casual and conversation tone I could manage. I thus appeared to them to be quite familiar with this sort of situation, and it confirmed them in their belief that I was a thoroughly disreputable character.A few minutes later a police car arrived.'Get in the back," they said. 'Put your hands on the back of the front seat and don't moveThey got in on either side of me. I wasn't funny any more.At the police station they questioned me for several hours. I continued to try to look worldly and au fait with the situation. When they asked me what I had been doing, I told them I'd been looking for a job. 'Aha,' I could see them thinking, 'unemployed'.Eventually, I was officially charged and told to report to Richmond Magistrates' Court the following Monday. Then they let me go.I wanted to conduct my own defence in court, but as soon as my father found out what had happened, he hired a very good solicitor. We went along that Monday armed with all kinds of witnesses, including my English teacher from school as a character witness. But he was never called on to give evidence. My 'trial' didn't get that far. The magistrate dismissed the case after fifteen minutes. I was free. The poor police had never stood a chance. The solicitor even succeeded in getting costs awarded against the police.And so I do not have a criminal record. But what was most shocking at the time was the things my release from the charge so clearly depended on. I had the 'right' accent, respectable middle-class parents in court, reliable witnesses, and I could obviously afford a very good solicitor. Given the obscure nature of the charge, I feel sure that if I had come from a different background, and had really been unemployed, there is every chance that I would have been found guilty. While asking for costs to be awarded, my solicitor's case quite obviously revolved around the fact that I had a 'brilliant academic record'.Meanwhile, just outside the courtroom, one of the policemen who had arrested me was gloomily complaining to my mother that another youngster had been turned against the police. 'You could have been a bit more helpful when we arrested you,' he said to me reproachfully.What did the mean? Presumably that I should have looked outraged and said something like, 'Look here, do you know who you're talking to? I am a highly successful student with a brilliant academic record. How dare you arrest me!' Then they, presumably, would have apologized, perhaps even taken off their caps, and let me on my way.NEW WORDSbrushn. brief fight or encounter 小冲突;小接触processn. course; method, esp. one used in manufacture 过程;制作法arbitrarya. based on one's own opinion only, not on reason 任意的;武断的circumstancen. (usu. pl.) conditions, facts, etc. connected with an event or person 情况,环境subsequenta. following, later 随后的,接下去的n. what will happen or happened to sb. or sth. 命运duea. expected; supposed (to) 预期的;约定的;到期的temporarya. lasting only for a limited time 暂时的strolla. walk at leisure 散步,闲逛obviousa. easily seen or understood; clear 明显的,显而易见的downfalln. ruin 垮台;衰落employmentn. one's regular work or occupation; job 职业;工作wandervi. move about without a purpose 闲逛;漫游commitvt. do (sth. wrong, bad, or unlawful)干(坏事),犯(错误、罪)arrestablea. deserving to be arrestedoffence (AmE offense)n. crime; the hurting of feelings; something unpleasant 罪行;冒犯;不愉快的事straight facea face or expression that shows no emotion, humor, or thought 板着的脸pettya. small; unimportant 小的;不足道的doorstepn. a step in front of a doorregardvt. consider in the stated way 把……看作;把认为(as)counterculturen. a culture, esp. of the young who oppose the traditional standards and customs of their society 反主流文化unconcerneda. not worried; untroubled; indifferent 无忧虑的;淡漠的casuala. careless; informal 漫不经心的,随便的conversationala. of or commonly used in talking 会话(用)的confirmvt. make certain; support 证实,肯定;确定beliefn. something believed; trust 相信;信念;信仰thoroughlyad. completely; in every way 完全地,彻底地thorough a.disreputablea. having or showing a bad character; having a bad name 声名狼籍的worldlya. experienced in the ways of society 老于世故的au faita. (F) familiar 熟悉的;精通的ahaint. a cry of surprise, satisfaction, etc. 啊哈!magistraten. civil officer acting as a judge in the lowest courts 地方法官conductvt. direct the course of; manage 处理;主持;引导;指挥defence (AmE defense)n. the act of defending in court the person who has been charged 辨护solicitorn. (esp. in Britain) lawyer who advises clients on legal matters and speaks on their behalf in lower courts (初级)律师witnessn. a person who gives evidence in a court of law; sth. serving as evidence or proof 证人;证据trialn. the act or fact of examining and deciding a civil or criminal case by a law court 审判dismissvt. (of a judge) stop (a court case) 驳回,对……不予受理costn. (pl.) the cost of having a matter settled in a law court. esp. that paid to the winning party by the losing party 诉讼费awardvt. give by a decision in court of law; give or grant by an official decision 判给;授予accentn. way of speaking typical of the natives or residents of a region, or of any other group 口音;腔调respectablea. deserving respect 值得尊敬的reliablea. that may be relied or depended upon 可靠的,可信赖的givenprep. taking into account; if allowed or provided with 考虑到;假定obscurea. not clearly seen or understood 模糊的;晦涩的guiltya. having broken a law; showing or feeling that one has done wrong 有罪的;内疚的revolvev. (cause to) go round in a circle (使)旋转brillianta. causing great admiration or satisfaction; splendid 辉煌的;卓越的courtroomn. a room where a law court is held 审判室meanwhilead. during the same period of time 同时gloomilyad. depressedly, dejectedly 忧郁地;沮丧地complainvi. speak in an unhappy, annoyed, dissatisfied way 抱怨complaint n.reproachfullyad. 责备地presumablyad. probablyoutragevt. arouse anger or resentment by injury or insult 引起……的气愤successfula. having done what one has tried to do; having gained a high position in life, one's job. etc. 成功的;有成就的apologizevi. say one is sorry 道歉,谢罪apology n.PHRASES & EXPRESSIONStake sb. to courtstart an action in law against sb. 对某人提出诉讼a couple of(informal) a small number of, a few, usually two 少数,几(个);一对save upkeep for future use; put money away in the form of savings 储蓄take one's timedo sth. in a leisurely manner; not hurry 慢慢来,不着急at firstat the beginning 起先turn outprove to be 结果;证明是call onask (sb.) to do sth. esp. formally 要求stand a chancehave an opportunity; be likely to do or get sth. 有机会,有希望revolve aroundhave as a center or main subjectturn against(cause to) oppose, be hostile toPROPER NAMESRichmond里士满(英国地名)Richmond Magistrates' Court里士满地方法院Unit 2TextAunt Bettie is faced with a difficult decision. A wounded Union soldier is found hiding in a farmhouse near her home. She has to decide whether to help him or let him be captured. What will she choose to do?The Woman Who Would Not TellJanice Keyser Lester"I never di d hate the Yankees. All that hated was the war.……"That's how my great-aunt Bettie began her story. I heard it many times as a child, whenever my family visited Aunt Bettie in the old house in Berryville, Virginia. Aunt Bettie was almost 80 years old then. But I could picture her as she was in the story she told me —— barely 20, pretty, with bright blue eyes.Bettie Van Metre had good reason to hate the Civil War. One of her brother was killed at Gettysburg, another taken prisoner. Then her young husband, James, a Confederate officer, wascaptured and sent to an unknown prison camp somewhere.One hot day in late September Dick Runner, a former slave, came to Bettie with a strange report. He had been checking a farmhouse half a mile away from the Van Metre home, a farmhouse he thought was empty. But inside, he heard low groans. Following them to the attic, he found a wounded Union soldier, with a rifle at his side.When Aunt Bettie told me about her first sight of the bearded man in the stained blue uniform, she always used the same words. "It was like walking into a nightmare: those awful bandages, that dreadful smell. That's what war is really like, child: no bugles and banners. Just pain and filth, futility and death."To Bettie Van Metre this man was not an enemy but rather a suffering human being. She gave him water and tried to clean his terrible wounds. Then she went out into the cool air and leaned against the house, trying not to be sick as she thought of what she had seen ——that smashed right hand, that missing left leg.The man's papers Bettie found in the attic established his identity: Lt. Henry Bedell, Company D, 11th Vermont V olunteers, 30 year old. She knew that she should report the presence of this Union officer to the Confederate army. But she also knew that she would not do it. This is how she explained it to me: "I kept wondering if he had a wife somewhere, waiting, and hoping, and not knowing —— just as I was. It seemed to me that the only thing that mattered was to get her husband back to her."Slowly, patiently, skillfully, James Van Metre's wife fanned the spark of life that flickered in Henry Bedell. Of drugs or medicines she had almost none. And she was not willing to take any from the few supplies at the Confederate hospital. But she did the best she could with what she had.As his strength returned, Bedell told Bettie about his wife and children in Westfield, Vermont. And BedelL listened as she told him about her brothers and about James. "I knew his wife must be praying for him," Aunt Bettie would say to me, "just as I was praying for James. It was strange how close I felt to her."The October nights in the valley grew cold. The infection in Bedell's wounds flared up. With Dick and his wife, Jennie, helping, she moved the Union officer at night, to a bed in a hidden loft above the warm kitchen of her own home.But the next day, Bedell had a high fever. Knowing that she must get help or he would die, she went to her long-time friend and family doctor. Graham Osborne.Dr. Osborne examined Bedell, then shook his head. There was little hope, he said, unless proper medicine could be found."All right, then," Bettie said. "I'll get it from the Yankees at Harpers Ferry."The doctor told her she was mad. The Union headquarters were almost 20 miles away. Even if she reached them, the Yankees would never believe her story."I'll take proof," Bettie said. She went to the loft and came back with a blood-stained paper bearing the official War Department seal. "This is a record of his last promotion," she said. "When I show it, they'll have to believe me."She made the doctor writer out list of the medical items he needed. Early the next morning she set off.For five hours she drove, stopping only to rest her horse. The sun was almost down when she finally stood before the commanding officer at Harpers Ferry.Gen. John D. Stevenson listened, but did not believe her. "Madam," he said, "Bedell's death was reported to us.""He's alive," Bettie insisted. "But he won't be much longer unless he has the medicines on that list.""Well," the general said finally, "I'm not going to risk the lives of a patrol just to find out." He turned to a junior officer. "See that Mrs. Van Metre gets the supplies." He brushed aside Bettie's thanks. "You're a brave woman," he said, "whether you're telling the truth or not."With the medicines that Bettie carried to Berryville, Dr. Osborne brought Bedell through the crisis. Ten days later Bedell was hobbling on a pair of crutches that Dick had made for him. "I can't go on putting you in danger," Bedell told Bettie. "I'm strong enough to travel now. I'd lie to go back as soon as possible."So it was arranged that Mr. Sam, one of Bettie's neighbors and friends, should go and help Bettie deliver Bedeel to Union headquarters at Harpers Ferry in his wagon.They hitched Bettie's mare alongside Mr. Sam's mule. Bedell lay down in an old box filled with hay, his rifle and crutches beside him.It was a long, slow journey that almost ended in disaster. Only an hour from the Union lines, two horsemen suddenly appeared. One pointed a pistol, demanding money while the other pulled Mr. Sam from the wagon. Shocked, Bettie sat still. Then a rifle shot cracked out, and the man with the pistol fell to the ground dead. A second shot, and the man went sprawling. It was Bedell shooting! Bettie watched him lower the rifle and brush the hay out of his hair. "Come on, Mr. Sam," he said. "Let's keep moving."At Harpers Ferry, the soldiers stared in surprise at the old farmer and the girl. They were even more amazed when the Union officer with the missing leg rose from his hay-filled box.Bedell was sent to Washington. There he told his story to Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. Stanton wrote a letter of thanks to Bettie and-signed an order to free James Van Metre from prison. But first James had to be found. It was arranged for Bedell to go with Bettie as she searched for her husband.Records showed that a James Van Metre had been sent to a prison camp in Ohio. But when the ragged prisoners were paraded before Bettie, James was not there. A second prison was checked, with the same result. Bettie Van Metre fought back a chilling fear that her husband was dead.Then at Fort Delaware, near the end of the line of prisoners a tall man stepped out and stumbled into Bettie's arms. Bettie held him, tears streaming down her face. And Henry Bedell, standing by on his crutches, wept, too.NEW WORDStellv. act as an informer 告发Yankeen. (in the Civil War) a native of any of the northern states; a citizen of the U.S. 北方佬;美国佬great-auntn. an aunt of one's father or mother; sister of one's grandfather or grandmothercivila. 国内的;民间的Confederatea. of or belonging to the Confederacy 南部邦联的capturevt. make a prisoner of; seize 俘虏;夺得unknowna. whose name, nature, or origin is not knownformera. of an earlier period 以前的farmhousen. the main house on a farm, where a farmer livesgroann. a sound made in a deep voice that expresses suffering, grief or disapproval 呻吟(声)atticn. the space just under the roof of a house, esp. that made into a low small room 阁楼Union, then. those states that supported the Federal government of the U.S. during the Civil War; the U.S.A. (美国南北战争期间的)联邦政府;美国a. of or having to do with the Unionriflen. 步枪awfula. terrible; very badbandagen. a narrow long piece of material, esp. cloth, for binding a wound or injury 绷带dreadfula. very unpleasant or shocking; terriblebuglen. a musical wind instrument usually made of brass, used chiefly for military signals 军号,喇叭filthn. disgusting dirt 污秽futilityn. uselessnessfutile a.leanvi. support or rest oneself in a bent position 靠,倚establishvt. find out or make certain of (a fact, answer, etc.), prove 确立,证实identityn. who or what a particular person or thing is 身份identicala. 同一的;完全相同的确良Lt.abbr. lieutenant 陆军中尉companyn. 连volunteern. person who joins the army, navy, or air force of his own free will 志愿兵presencen. being present in a placeskillfullyad. in a skillful manner 灵巧地,娴熟地skillfula. having or showing skillfanvt. 扇,扇动;激起sparkn. 火花flickervi. burn unsteadily; shine with an unsteady lightdrugn. a medicine or substance used for medical purposessupplyn. (pl.) the food, equipment, etc. necessary for an army, expedition or the like 补给品prayvi. 祈祷valleyn. a stretch of land between hills or mountains; the land through which a stated river or great river system flows 山谷;流域infectionn. 感染;传染infect vt.flarevi. burn with a bright, unsteady flame (火焰)闪耀loftn. a room under the roof of a building, attic 阁楼ferryn. 渡口;渡船headquartersn. (used with a sing. or pl. v. ) the place from which the chief of a police force or the commanding officer of an army sends out orders 司令部proofn. evidence showing that sth. is true 证据bearvt. show; havesealn. 印,图章itemn. a single thing among a set, esp. included in a list 条;项commandinga. having command; in chargecommanding officer指挥官commandvt. 指挥Gen.abbr. general 将军madamn. respectful form of address to a woman (whether married or unmarried)夫人,太太,女士,小姐riskvt. endanger; take the chance ofpatroln. a small group of soldiers, vehicles, etc. sent out to search for the enemy, or to protect a place from the enemy 巡逻队juniora. younger or lower in rank than anotherhobblevi. walk awkwardly; limp 跛行;蹒跚crutchn. support used under the arm to help a lame person to walk 拐杖wagonn. four-wheeled vehicle for carrying goods, pulled by horses or oxen 四轮运货马(牛)车hitchvt. fasten with a hook, ring, rope, etc. 钩住,拴住,套住maren. female horse or donkeyalongsideprep. close to; along the side ofmulen. an animal that has a donkey and a horse as parents 骡disastern. a great or sudden misfortune; terrible accidentlinen. a row of defence works, esp. that nearest the enemy 战线,防线horsemann. a person who rides a horse, esp. one who is skilledpistoln. handgun 手枪crackv. (cause to) make a sudden explosive sound (使)发出爆裂声sprawlvi. lie or sit with hands and feet spread out, esp. ungracefullylowervt. move or let down in height 放下;放低secretaryvt. an official who takes charge of a governmental department; an employee in an office, who is in charge of correspondence, records, making appointments, etc. 部长,大臣;秘书raggeda. (of a person ) dressed in old torn clothes; (of clothes) old an torn 衣衫褴褛的;破旧的paradevt. cause to walk in an informal procession for the purpose of being looked at; cause to march in procession 使列队行进n. 游行;检阅chillv. (cause to) have a feeling of cold as from fear; (cause to ) become cold, esp. without freezing (使)感到冷;(使)冷fortn. 要塞,堡垒vi. walk or move in an unsteady way; strike the foot against sth. and almost fall streamvi. flow fast and strongly; pour outPHRASES & EXPRESSIONStake prisonercapture and hold as a prisoner, esp. as a prisoner of war 俘虏flare upbreak out or intensify suddenly or violently; burst into bright flame or rage 突发;加剧;突然发光;突然发怒write outwrite in full, write (sth. formal)brush asidedisregard, ignore 不理;漠视bring throughsave (sb.) from (an illness, etc.)PROPER NAMESBerryville贝里维尔(美国地名)Virginia弗吉尼亚(美国州名)Bettie Van Metre贝蒂.范.米特the Civil War(美国)南北战争Gettysburg葛底斯堡(美国城市)Dick Runner迪克.朗纳Henry Bedell亨利.贝德尔佛蒙特(美国州名)Westfield韦斯菲尔德(美国地名)Jennie詹妮(女子名)Graham Osborne 格雷厄姆.奥斯本Harpers Ferry哈珀斯渡口(美国地名)Stevenson史蒂文森(姓氏)Secretary of War(old use)(美国)陆军部长Edwin M. Stanton埃德温.M.斯坦顿Ohio俄亥俄(美国州名)Fort Delaware特拉华堡(美国地名)Unit 3TextEvery teacher probably asks himself time and again: What are the reasons for choosing teaching as a career? Do the rewards teaching outweigh the trying comments? Answering these questions is not a simple task. Let's see what the author says.Why I TeachPeter G. BeidlerWhy do you teach? My friend asked the question when I told him that I didn't want to be considered for an administrative position. He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a "step up" toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power.Certainly I don't teach because teaching is easy for me. Teaching is the most difficult of the various ways I have attempted to earn my living: mechanic, carpenter, writer. For me, teaching is a red-eye, sweaty-palm, sinking-stomach profession. Red-eye, because I never feel ready to teach no matter how late I stay up preparing. Sweaty-palm, because I'm always nervous before I enter theclassroom, sure that I will be found out for the fool that I am. Sinking-stomach, because I leave the classroom an hour later convinced that I was even more boring than usual.Nor do I teach because I think I know answers, or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share. Sometimes I am amazed that my students actually take notes on what I say in class!Why, then, do I teach?I teach because I like the pace of the academic calendar. June, July, and August offer an opportunity for reflection, research and writing.I teach because teaching is a profession built on change. When the material is the same, I change —— and, more important, my students change.I teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, to stimulate myself and my students. As a teacher, I'm my own boss. If I want my freshmen to learn to write by creating their own textbook, who is to say I can't? Such courses may be huge failures, but we can all learn from failures.I teach because I like to ask questions that students must struggle to answer. The world is full of right answers to bad questions. While teaching, I sometimes find good questions.I teach because I enjoy finding ways of getting myself and my students out of the ivory tower and into the real world. I once taught a course called "Self-Reliance in a Technological Society." My 15 students read Emerson, Thoreau, and Huxley. They kept diaries. They wrote term papers.But we also set up a corporation, borrowed money, purchased a run-down house and practiced self-reliance by renovating it. At the end of the semester, we would the house, repaid our loan, paid or taxes, and distributed the profits among the group.So teaching gives me pace, and variety, and challenge, and the opportunity to keep on learning.I have left out, however, the most important reasons why I teach.One is Vicky. My first doctoral student, Vicky was an energetic student who labored at her dissertation on a little-known 14th century poet. She wrote articles and sent them off to learned journals. She did it all herself, with an occasional nudge from me. But I was there when she finished her dissertation, learned that her articles were accepted, got a job and won a fellowship to Harvard working on a book developing ideas she'd first had as my student.Another reason is George, who started as an engineering student, then switched to English because he decided he liked people better than things.There is Jeanne, who left college, but was brought back by her classmates because they wanted her to see the end of the self-reliance house project. I was here when she came back. I was there when she told me that she later became interested in the urban poor and went on to become a civil rights lawyer.There is Jacqui, a cleaning woman who knows more by intuition than most of us learn by analysis. Jacqui has decided to finish high school and go to college.These are the real reasons I teach, these people who grow and change in front of me. Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay begins to breathe.A "promotion" out of teaching would give me money and power. But I have money. I get paid to do what I enjoy: reading, talking with people, and asking question like, "What is the point of being rich?"And I have power. I have the power to nudge, to fan sparks, to suggest books, to point out a pathway. What other power matters?But teaching offers something besides money and power: it offers love. Not only the love of learning and of books and ideas, but also the love that a teacher feels for that rare student who walks into a teacher's life and begins to breathe. Perhaps love is the wrong word: magic might be better.I teach because, being around people who are beginning to breathe, I occasionally find myself catching my breath with them.NEW WORDSadministrativea. of the management of affairs 行政的,管理的administrationn. 管理(部门),行政(机关)puzzlevt. fill with doubt and confusion 使迷惑step (-) upn. promotion; increase in size, speed, etc.mechanicn. skilled workman, esp. one who uses or repairs machines and tools 机械工;机修工sweatya. covered with sweat, sweatingpalma. 手掌professionn. occupation, esp. one requiring special training, such as law, medicine, or teachingconvincevt. make (sb.) feel certain; cause (sb.) to realizecompelvt. force (sb. or sth. to do sth.)pacen. rate or speed of development, or in walking, etc. 速度;步速calendarn. 日程表,日历opportunity。

现代大学英语精读3(第二版)Unit1课文翻译及课文知识重点Book3 Unit 11.It occurs to sb that 使某人突然意识到It strikes to sb thatIt occurs on sb thatIt occurs to sb to do sth2.dawn on 破晓;(逐渐被人)明白3.identity crisis 认同危机4.go through 经历5.chance event 偶然事件6.in turn 轮流;反过来7.be independent from 独立于8.be dependent on 依赖于9.separation from 分开10.fear loss 患得患失11.define sth as 把……定义为12.be freedom from 免于……不受……约束13.stand back 往后站;处在离……较远的地方;不介入14.feel lower or higher 情绪低落15.nothing ……than……否定+比较级=最高级16.bounce into 突然闯进;蹦进;胁迫sb做17.have a romantic relationship with 爱上sb18.drag one’s feet 无精打采的走19.relate to 有良好关系/doc/5b16790948.html,e to realize 逐渐意识到21.model for =make an example for sb 为sb做榜样22.rebel against 反抗23.be prejudiced against 对……有偏见24.be equal to 相同;等同25.in addition to 除了26.appoint to position 任命;委派27.in a different light = in a different way 以另一种不同的观点来看28.for certain 确定地,肯定地29.contribute to 促成30.observe v.观察observation n.观察力observant n. 善于观察的31.handle v. 触摸;控制;处理32.apply v.申请;应用;适用于;敷,涂33.involve v. 需要,包括,影响,involve sb or sth 牵涉;包含involve doing sth 包含involve sb in sth 把sb卷入sthbe involved in sth 被卷入involved a. 复杂的involvement n. 牵扯;财政困难34.border issue n. 边境问题35.settle dispute 解决争端36.transport gas from sth 传输气体37.see to it 处理;照顾38.critical condition 危险期39.leave it aside 搁置;不考虑leave sb/sth behind 未能/忘记带…leave off 停止leave sth. off 不再穿某物leave it out 忽略;不提及leave sth over 推迟某事40.look at = look into 调查look up 仰视;改善look sth up 查阅(字典,参考书中)look sb up 看望或接触sblook ahead 计划未来look down upon 瞧不起look upon …as 把……视为41.set to 开始精力充沛的做sthset about doing 开始做sthset out to do 开始做sthset out sth 陈述sth42.sent out 派遣43.be content with 知足的44.be free from 摆脱45.interact with 与……相互作用Translation1.她打算申请那个学术工作。

1.发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消这次旅行The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstance.2.杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解Jack didn’t know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was arbitrary.3.随后发生的那些事情再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是对的。
(confirm)The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again.4.我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs/ employment during their summer holidays.5.令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official.6.少数工人得到提升(be promoted),以此同时却有数百名工人被解雇A few works were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.7.如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了Given the chance, John might have become an outstanding painter.8.数小时后,有人看见那个男孩在林子里瞎转Several hours later, the boy was found wandering around in the woods.UNIT 31.许多美国大学生申请政府贷款交付学费Many American students apply for government loans to pay for their education/ tuition.2.除阅读材料外,是用电影和多媒体(multimedia)会激发学生学习的兴趣Besides/ Apart from/ Except for reading materials, the use of films and multimedia can stimulate students’ interest in a subject.3.这位律师试图说服陪审团(jury)他的当事人(client)是无辜的。

大学英语3Unit 1 Part Afantasy n. 幻想,想像wealthy a. 富裕的suspicion n. 1.猜疑,怀疑2.怀疑,嫌疑arouse vt. 1.引起,唤起,激起2.唤醒injection n. 1.投入,注入2.注射deputy n. 1.副职,副手2.代理人court n. 1.法院,法庭2.球场considerate a. 体谅的,体贴的mislead vt. 1.给... ...以错误的想法或印象,使误解 2.领错或引错方向 3.把……带坏,使误入歧途restore vt. 1.重建,修复2.使恢复,使回复barber n. 理发师Christ int. (表示气愤、厌烦、惊讶等)n. 基督(基督教创始人)republican a. 共和国的,共和政体的,赞成共和的n. 拥护共和政体的人estate n. 1.庄园;大片私有土地2.财产(尤指遗产)brick n. 砖vt. 用砖砌,用砖堵住▲auction n. 拍卖;拍卖会vt. 拍卖hedge n. 1.(土地周围的)树篱2.保护手段,防护措施fantastic a. 1.极好的,极出色的2.异想天开的,不切实际的3.奇异的,古怪的horizon n. 1.地平线2.一个人的知识、经验、兴趣的限度或范围;眼界;见识multiple a. 多重的,多样的,多的n. 倍数mess n. 1.污秽,杂乱,混乱2.困境,狼狈的处境glorious a. 1.美丽的,辉煌的,灿烂的2.荣耀的,光荣的furnish vt. 1.供给家具,用家具布置2.提供,供应panel vt. 给... ...镶面板n. 1.面,板2.专门小组wood-paneled a. 镶木板的leather n. 皮,皮革crystal n. 水晶deceive vt. 欺骗,蒙蔽inherit vt. 继承(财产、爵位、头衔等)deposit n. 1.存款2.定金,押金notify vt. 通知,报告commission vt. 委任,任命n. 1.考察团,调查团,委员会2.任务,委托commissioner n. 委员,专员,特派员▲supervise vt. 监督,管理arrangement n. 1.计划,安排,准备2.整理,排列,布置substantial a. 1.大的,相当可观的2.大体上的,实质上的bulk n. 1.大半,大部分2.(巨大的)体积,大量arrest n. 逮捕,拘留vt. 逮捕,拘留motive n. 动机,(行动的)理由bloody ad. (用于加强语气)非常,很a. 1.(用于加强语气)非常的;该死的2.血污的,流血的debt n. 欠款,债务;负债justify vt. 为... ...辩护,证明... ...正当(或有理)Phrases and Expressionsraise a glass to 向... ...祝贺,为... ...干杯turn out 打扮、装饰;露面、出现buy up 全部买进,尽量收购bring …to life 使有活力(或生气)live out 过(某种生活)bring …into court 控告,起诉fall upon dark days 遭到不幸,倒霉stick by sb. 继续支持,忠于(尤指在困难时刻)add on 附加,加上sink …into 投资fix up 修理;整修make …into 使转变为sell sth. at a loss 亏本出售Unit 1 Part BNew Wordsromantic a. 1.传奇性的,有浪漫色彩的2.不切实际的,空想的agent n. 1.政府或其他组织的特工人员2.代理人corridor n. 走廊,通道accent n. 1.口音,腔调2.重音,强音writer n. 作家,作者mysterious a. 神秘的,难解的,不可思议的crack n. 1.爆炸声,劈啪声 2.裂缝,裂纹v. 1.(使)劈啪作响,(使)发爆裂声2.打开,砸开disguise n. 伪装,伪装物vt. 1.伪装2.掩盖,掩藏exploit n. 英勇的行为,冒险的行为vt. 1.利用,开发2.剥削exceedingly ad. 非常地,极度地opera n. 歌剧aside ad. 在边上,朝边上switch v. 转变,改变n. 1.开关,电闸2.转变,改变▲thrill n. 兴奋,激动,紧张感v. (使)非常兴奋,(使)非常激动slender a. 苗条的,纤细的missile n. 导弹,飞弹swear v. 1.发誓2.诅咒,骂devil n. 魔鬼damn a. (表示愤怒、厌烦等)该死的,可恶的int. (表示愤怒、厌烦等)该死,讨厌balcony n. 阳台utter a. 完全的,彻底的,十足的vt. 发出(声音),说simplify vt. 使易懂,使易做,简化mood n. 心情,情绪evil a. 道德败坏的,邪恶的,罪恶的standpoint n. 立场,观点anyhow ad. 1.不管怎样,无论如何,至少 2.粗心大意地,随随便便地swift a. 快的,迅速的,敏捷的twist vt. 1.弯曲或压挤2.曲解,歪曲n. 变化,转折,改变grasp vt. 1.抓住2.理解,领悟frame n. 1.画框,边框,框架2.构架,骨架vt. 1.在... ...上加框2.表达,设计,构想出heave vt. 1.很费劲地抬起,举起,拽起2.(用力)发出(叹息声)n. 举起,升降oval a. 椭圆形的n. 椭圆tray n. 盘,托盘,碟liquor n. 烈性酒sigh vi. 叹息,叹气n. 叹息,叹息声shiver vi. 战栗,发抖n. 战栗,发抖Phrases and Expressionsread about 借助阅读发现或查明for one thing (用以列举理由)首先;一则in the night 在夜晚,在半夜make an appointment 预约,约会switch on 接通(电源),开启come on (电灯、电力机器等)开,开动,运转raise the devil 非常生气,大声抱怨check on 检查,核实,调查answer the door 应声开门point (sth.) at 瞄准,对着stare after 目不转睛地追随(某人),以凝视的目光随着(某人)移动Proper NamesAlbert 艾伯特Charles 查尔斯French 法国的;法国人,法语German 德国的;德国人,德语Paris 巴黎(法国首都)Max 马克斯Berlin 柏林(德国首都)Henry 亨利Unit 2 Part ANew Words▲endurance n. 忍耐,忍耐力moderate a. 1.中等的,适中的,适度的2.中庸的,温和的evidence n. 根据,证据,证明journal n. 1.日报,杂志,期刊2.日记consume vt. 1.吃,喝2.消耗,花费(尤指大量地)supplement n. 1.增补(物),补充(物) 2.(杂志或报纸的)副刊,增刊vt. 增补,补充bounce v. (使)弹回,(使)反弹n. 弹,弹力respectively ad. 分别地,各自地ratio n. 比率plus conj. 并且,而且prep. 加,加上n. 1.加号,正号2.有利因素a. 正的restrict vt. 限制,约束liable a. 1.易于... ...的,有... ... 倾向的2.有法律责任的,有义务的allowance n. 1.限额,定量2.津贴,补助,零用钱digest vt. 1.消化 2.领会digestive a. 消化的phenomenon n. 现象vessel n. 1.血管,脉管 2.容器,器皿 3.船,舰typical a. 典型的,有代表性的◆typically ad. 典型地,有代表性地fatigue n. 疲劳,劳累molecule n. 分子protein n. 蛋白质calculate vt. 1.计算,估算2.认为,相信,推测sufficient a. 足够的,充分的compound n. 复合物,混合物indicate vt. 1.标示,表明2.指示方向storage n. 储存,储藏advisable a. 可取的,适当的,明智的yearly a. 每年的,一年一度的physician n. 内科医生modify vt. 修改,更改,改善undo vt. 1.取消,消除 2.解开,松开shortcoming n. 缺点select vt. 选择,挑选▲cereal n. 谷类作物,谷类食物(如麦片等)plentiful a. 大量的,丰富的derive v. 1.得到,获取2.起源于striking a. 1.显著的,突出的,惊人的 2.(由于美貌而)引人注目的,吸引人的interfere vi. 1.妨碍,干扰2.干涉,干预remedy vt. 补救,纠正n. 治疗方法,解决方法Phrases and Expressionslead to 导致bounce back 恢复正常,恢复过来in general 大体上;通常up to 至多,多达,直到take in 吸入,吞入at risk 处在危险之中tip over the edge 引起明显变化;(使)进入另一状态out of breath 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁add sth. to 加,增加,添加throw up 恶心,呕吐go up (价格、水平等)升高,上升sum up 概括,总结Proper NamesPurdue University 珀杜大学Roseanne M. Lyle 罗斯安妮·M.莱尔Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 《体育运动医学与科学》(期刊名)John L. Beard 约翰·L.比尔德Nancy Clark 南希·克拉克Unit 2 Part BNew Wordssuccession n. 1.一连串的事物,一系列2.连续,接续3.继任(权),继承(权)imply vt. 暗示,暗指rat n. 鼠,大老鼠primary a. 1.首要的,基本的,主要的2.最初的,最早的vigorous a. 强壮的,有力的,精力充沛的formation n. 1.组成,形成2.形成物,结构3.排列,队形proposal n. 1.建议,计划,方案2.求婚laboratory n. 实验室complicated a. 复杂的,难以理解或解释的obstacle n. 障碍(物)exhibit vt. 1.显示,显出2.陈列,展览n. 展览品,陈列品possess vt. 拥有,具有density n. 密集;密度multiply v. 1.(使)增加,(使)繁殖 2.乘boost vt. 改善,提高,增强,推动n. 增加;帮助;鼓舞logical a. 合乎逻辑的,条理分明的inference n. 1.推断的结果,结论2.推论,推断,推知primarily ad. 首先,主要地,基本地measurement n. 1.测量,衡量2.(量得的)尺寸,大小corresponding a. 相应的,对应的stem vi. 源于,由... ...造成n. (植物、灌木或树木的)茎,干speculate v. 推测,推断reduction n. 1.减少,减低,减缩2.减少,减低,缩小penalty n. 处罚,惩罚;罚金neglect vt. 1.忽视,忽略2.遗忘n. 疏忽,忽略maintenance n. 1.维护,保养2.保持,维持academic a. 1.学术的,学院的2.纯理论的,不切实际的concentrate v. 1.集中,集中精神2.集中,聚集revise vt. 1.修正,修改2.复习,温习cell n. 细胞consequently ad. 因此,所以equip vt. 1.使有准备 2.配备,装备tackle vt. 1.处理,应付2.与... ...交涉alike ad. 一样地,相似地a. 相同的,相像的comment v. 评论,发表意见n. 评论,意见beneficial a. 有助的,有利的,有益的Phrases and Expressionsseparate…into 将... ...分为obstacle course 越障训练;(喻)困难重重的事go through 完成,通过in contrast 相比之下apply to 适用于focus on 集中于engage (oneself) in 从事,忙于point to 表明;表示Proper NamesWilliam Greenough 威廉·格里诺University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-尚佩恩分校Arthur Kramer 阿瑟·克雷默Daniel M. Landers 丹尼尔·M. 兰德斯Arizona State University 亚利桑那州立大学Pierce J. Howard 皮尔斯·J. 霍华德Unit 3 Part ANew Wordspublicity n. 1.公众的注意;名声 2.(商业)广告,宣传,宣扬cultivate vt. 1.培养,陶冶,发展2.耕种,耕作comprehensive a. 综合的,全面的,广泛的controversial a. 有争议的,引起争议的suspend vt. 1.暂停,中止2.悬挂strain n. 1.(对精力、体力、能力的)苛求,压力2.拉紧,绷紧vt. 1.扭伤,损伤2.拉紧,绷紧3.尽力使用,使紧张vi. 竭力,尽全力preliminary a. 预备的,初步的n. 初步做法,准备工作magnet n. 1.有强大吸引力的人或物2.磁铁,磁体minority n. 1.少数民族2.少数,少数派▲quest n. 探寻,寻求,研究▲energetic a. 精力充沛的,充满活力的grammar n. 语法,语法规则conventional a. 常规的,惯例的,传统的reform v. 改革,改进,改良n. 改革,改造controversy n. 争议,争论moral n. 1.行为标准,道德规范;品行2.寓意a. 道德的▲curriculum n. 课程preparation n. 1.准备,预备2.准备工作,准备措施mixture n. 1.混合物 2.混合admission n. 1.允许进入,准许加入2.承认,供认outlook n. 1.观点,看法2.前景monthly ad. 每月地;每月一次地a. 每月的;每月一次的n. 月刊workshop n. 1.研讨会,讲习班2.车间,工场,作坊▲seminar n. 研讨会▲attendance n. 1.出席人数2.到场,出席,参加3.护理,照料session n. 1.(从事某项活动的) 一段时间2.学年;学期;上课时间utmost n. 极限,最大限度a. 最大的,极度的worthwhile a. 值得(做)的outset n. 开端,开始optimistic a. 乐观的,有信心的fruitful n. 有成果的,成功的faculty n. 1.全体教员 2.能力,才能,资质campus n. 校区,校园jail n. 监狱;监禁vt. 监禁,拘留insult vt. 侮辱,辱骂n. 侮辱,辱骂curse v. 诅咒,咒骂n. 诅咒,咒骂Phrases and Expressionssee sb./sth. as 认为某人或某物是……prepare sb. for sth. 使做好准备spread (sth.) to (使)传播be willing to do 愿意做某事,不反对做某事spend sth. on sth. / (in) doing sth. 在……上花费时间或金钱be scheduled to do 被安排,定于over protest 在有异议的情况下take responsibility for 对... ...负责任complete with 包括,备有do one's utmost 竭尽全力work out 计划,设计,想出解决难题,找到... ...的方法focus (sth.) on (使)集中于kind of 有点,有几分Proper NamesHyde School 海德中学Joseph Gauld 约瑟夫·高尔德Bath, Maine 缅因州巴思市Malcolm Gauld 马尔科姆·高尔德Joe 乔(Joseph的昵称)Hyde Foundation 海德基金会Baltimore 巴尔的摩(美国马里兰州中北部港市)New Haven,Connecticut 康涅狄格州纽黑文市Jimmy DiBattista 吉米·迪巴蒂斯塔Unit 3 Part BNew Wordscomplex a. 1.复合的,复杂的2.难以理解的,复杂的grip n. 1.控制,支配2.紧握,抓牢vt 1.握紧,抓牢2.吸引……的注意力或想像力等extreme a. 1.最高限度的,极度的 2.尽可能远的;遥远的n. 极端,过分analyze vt. 分析,细查▲stability n. 稳定,稳固mobile a. 活动的,易于移动的,流动的mobility n. 流动性,移动性,易变性differ vi. 1.不同,有异2.(在意见方面)发生分歧superior a. 1.优于,强于2.优良的,卓越的 3.(在职位、地位方面)较高的n. 上级,上司inferior a. 级别低的,社会地位低的;次要的,次等的n. 下级,下属negotiate v. 谈判,磋商negotiation n. 商议,谈判,洽谈thereby ad. 因此,从而harmony n. 和谐,融洽,和睦,一致▲consensus n. 共同看法,(意见等的)一致consideration n. 1.考虑,思考2.体谅,照顾enterprise n. 1.企业单位,商业公司2.(艰巨的)事业,计划ministry n. (政府的)部unity n. 和睦,协调,团结,统一parliament n. 议会,国会consult vt. 1.请教,咨询,找……商量2.查阅,查看vi. 交换意见,商议delicate a. 1.巧妙的,需技巧的,敏感的2.易损的,娇嫩的delicately ad. 巧妙地,细致地owing a. 应付的,未付的successive a. 继续的,连续的lag vi. 走得慢,落后n. 时间间隔;滞后fundamental a. 基本的,基础的,主要的n. 基本原则,基本法则discard vt. 丢弃,抛弃▲transaction n. 交易,业务volume n. 1.量,份量,额 2.(书的)卷,册3.音量,响度4.体积,容积,容量feasible a. 可行的,可能的,行得通的sophisticated a. 1.复杂的,尖端的2.世故的,老练的,精通的operational a. 1.操作(上)的;经营的2.即可使用的,即可行动的sincere a. 真诚的,诚实的pinch n. 1.捏,掐,拧2.一撮,微量v. 捏,掐,拧aspect n. 部分,方面dismiss vt. 1.解雇,开除2.放弃(想法、感情等),不再考虑3.解散,遣散provided conj. 如果,假若exert vt. 1.努力,用力,尽力2.运用(能力或技巧),发挥flexible a. 1.灵活的,可变通的,可适应的2.易弯曲的,柔韧的inflexible a. 不可改变的,不受影响的,不屈服的loyalty n. 忠诚,忠心Phrases and Expressionscome to grips with 着手解决(问题)或对付(挑战)work for 为... ...工作,受雇于... ...in contrast to 对比,比照in some way 在某种意义上;有一点,有些be related to 与... ...相关,与... ...有联系distinguish from 与... ...相区别set up 造成,产生fall through 失败,成为泡影owing to 因为,由于press for 反复请求,紧急要求wonder at 对... ...感到惊讶,惊叹lag behind 走得慢,落后in a pinch 必要时exert oneself 努力Proper NamesNomura Securities 野村证券Tokyo Stock Exchange 东京证券交易所New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所Matsushita (company) 松下(公司)Matsushita 松下幸之助(松下公司创始人)Unit 4 Part ANew Wordsstatue n. 雕像,塑像,铸像liberty n. 1.自由,自由权2.许可,准许3.放肆,无礼,冒昧行为▲enlighten vt. 启发,开导monument n. 纪念碑,纪念馆alliance n. 同盟,联盟approve vi. 赞成,称许vt. 批准,同意affection n. 1.喜爱 2.爱情,爱慕之情assemble vt. 组装,装配v. (使)集合,(使)聚集torch n. 1.火炬 2.手电筒bay n. (海或湖泊的)湾exaggerate v. 夸张,夸大breast n. 1.乳房2.前胸,胸部version n. 1.版本;型号2.叙述,说法universal a. 1.全体的,一致的,普遍的2.通用的,广泛的,万能的3.宇宙的,全世界的Universally ad. 全体地,普遍地,无例外地sixty num. 六十,六十个fame n. 名誉,名望interpretation n. 1.解释,说明,描述 2.(表演、演奏的)艺术处理solemn a. 1.庄严的,肃穆的2.严肃的▲medieval a. 中古的,中世纪的inspire vt. 1.给……以灵感 2.鼓舞,激励grave a. 1.(指人)表情严肃的,端庄的2.严重的n. 坟墓,墓穴▲dentist n. 牙科医生alongside prep. 在... ...旁边,和... ....一起ad. 在旁边,并排地stretch vt. 1.拉长,拉紧,伸展2.使尽全力,到(超过)... ... 的极限vi. 扩展,延伸,延续portrait n. 肖像,画像◆buffalo n. 水牛,野牛▲nickel n. (美国或加拿大的)五分镍币,五分钱tragedy n. 1.悲剧,惨案,不幸的事件2.悲剧(艺术)settlement n. 1.殖民,移民,拓居2.解决;协议frontier n. 1.边境,边界,(美国靠近未开发地带的)边远地区2.前沿,新领域herd n. 兽群,牧群vt. 使集中在一起,把……赶在一起horn n. 1.(牛、羊、鹿等的)角2.喇叭,号角,警报器liberate vt. 解放,释放reputation n. 名声,名望inspect vt. 1.检查2.视察contract n. 合同,契约v. 订合同,订契约evolve v. (使)演变,(使)演化,(使)发展recruit vt. 招募,征兵,吸收(新成员)n. 新兵,新成员poster n. 招贴(画),海报,布告beard n. 胡子,胡须chin n. 下巴Phrases and Expressionswork on sth. 从事于,致力于be in love with sb. 与……恋爱,相爱approve of sth. 赞成,称许,满意go ahead 继续;进行for sale 出售,待售come up with 找到,想出(答案、解决办法等)rise to fame 成名name after sb. 以某人姓名命名save sb. from 拯救,使免于go against 与... ... 相反,违背run away from 突然离开,逃离Proper Namesthe Statue of Liberty 自由女神像Frederic Auguste Bartholdi 弗里德里克·奥古斯特·巴托尔迪(1834-1904,法国雕塑家)Liberty Enlightening the World "自由照耀世界"Philadelphia 费城(美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部港市)New York Bay 纽约湾(靠美国纽约州东南岸和新泽西州东北岸,临哈得逊河)Barbie 芭比娃娃(一种十分畅销的金发碧眼玩具娃娃的商标名)Barbara Handler 芭芭拉·汉德勒Elliot Handler 艾略特·汉德勒Ruth Handler 鲁思·汉德勒Mattel Toy Company 马特尔玩具公司Ken 肯(人名)American Gothic 《美国哥特式》(格兰特·伍德的名画)Grant Wood 格兰特·伍德Nan 南(人名)Indian 印第安人James Earle Fraser 詹姆斯·厄尔·弗雷泽Central Park Zoo (纽约)中央公园动物园Uncle Sam 山姆大叔(指美国政府或美国人)Sam Wilson 山姆·威尔逊the American Revolution 美国独立战争(1775-1783)US Army 美国陆军Brother Jonathan 乔纳森大哥(原为18世纪英国兵对美国民兵的谑称,现可指美国或典型的美国男人)James Montgomery Flagg 詹姆斯·蒙哥马利·弗拉格(1877-1960,美国插图和广告画家)Unit 4 Part BNew Words▲cute a. 1.娇小可爱的2.聪明的,伶俐的cuteness n. 可爱saint n. 1.圣(用于人名、地名等之前)2.(基督教正式追封的)圣徒 3.圣人,道德高尚的人crush vt. 1.压倒,压垮2.打败3.压碎,压坏astonish vt. 使震惊,使惊骇calendar n. 日历,月历,年历retail n. 零售v. 零售retailer n. 零售商annual a. 1.一年的2.一年一次的;每年的n. 年刊,年鉴bold a. 1.勇敢的,无畏的2.冒失的,唐突的,鲁莽的3.醒目的;轮廓清晰的4.粗(字)体的,黑(字)体的overall n. 工作服,工装裤a. 全面的,综合的,全体的bare a. 1.裸露的2.空的;光秃的,无遮盖的distinct a. 1.种类不同的,有区别的,分开的2.清楚的,清晰的,明显的◆distinctive a. 有特色的,与众不同的elaborate a. 精细复杂的,精心制作的v. 详细叙述comprise vt. 1.由... ... 组成,包括,包含2.组成,构成peach n. 桃;桃树acid a. 1.尖酸刻薄的,讽刺的2.酸味的,酸的n. 酸,酸性物质imaginary a. 想像中的,虚构的humorous a. 幽默的,诙谐的▲trademark n. 1.明显的特征,标记2.商标;牌号feature vt. 以... ... 为特征,给... ...以显著地位n. 1.特点,特征,特色2.面貌,相貌3.特写,专题报道cigar n. 雪茄烟illustration n. 1.图解,插图2.说明,例证literary a. 文学上的classic n. 经典作品,文学名著,杰作a. 1.经典的,一流的2.古典的,传统样式的influential a. 有影响力的,有说服力的venture n. 投机活动,商业冒险v 冒险,敢于commerce n. 商业,贸易plunge v. 1.纵身投入,一头进入2.(使)陷入gratitude n. 感激,感谢sample n. 样品,式样vt. 抽样检查;试用whale n. 鲸dragon n. 龙(想像中有翅有尾、能吐火的动物)myth n. 神话◆mythical a. 1.神话的,只存在于神话中的2.虚构的,不真实的everyday a. 每天的,日常的, 平常的license vt. 给... ... 发放许可证,准许n. 1.许可证,执照2.许可,准许copyright n. 版权sunrise n. 日出(时分)distribution n. 1.(物资等的)运送2.分发,分配3.分布,分布状态decorate vt. 装饰,装潢studio n. 1.工作室,画室,摄影室2.演播室,播音室,录音室Phrases and Expressionsturn down 拒绝,驳回be suited to 适合于appear on 在... ... 上出现with an eye to 关注be comprised of 由... ... 组成dress up 穿着盛装go out (离家)去参加社交活动be influential in 有影响bother with 为... ... 操心,为... ... 费心make a living 谋生,营生show up 出现have/keep/with one's feet (planted/set) on the ground 实事求是(的),脚踏实地(的)grow up (指人或动物)长大,成年date back to 始于(某时期)take off (指思想、产品等)突然受欢迎,流行Proper NamesMary Engelbreit 玛丽·恩格尔布赖特Saint Louis 圣路易斯Ann Estelle 安·埃丝特尔Jessie Willcox Smith 杰西·威尔科克斯·史密斯Johnny Gruelle 约翰尼·格鲁埃尔Raggedy Ann "蓬发安"(洋娃娃)Phil Delano 菲尔·德拉诺Sunrise Publications 黎明出版公司Unit 5 Part ANew Wordsgraceful a. 1.优美的,优雅的2.得体的chart n. 图,图表vt. 制图表preceding a. 在前的,在先的,前面的decay n. 变坏,腐烂,衰败vi. 1.腐烂,变坏2.衰退,衰落,衰败vinegar n. 醋pit n. 1.坑 2.矿井,煤矿▲skeleton n. 1.骨骼,骨架2.梗概,提要loose a. 1.宽松的,不紧的 2.自由的,散漫的loosely ad. 松地,大致地secure vt. 1.关紧,固定2.使安全,保护3.得到,获得a. 1.安全的2.牢固的3.无忧的,安心的fluid n. 液体,流体drip v. 滴n. 1.(连续落下的)液滴2.一滴faint a. 1.微弱的2.虚弱pulse n. 脉搏vi. 搏动,跳动straw n. 1.吸管,麦管2.稻草,麦杆moisture n. 潮湿,湿气slide v. 1.(使)滑动 2.(使)悄悄地移动n. 1.滑,滑行2.幻灯片thirst n. 1.渴,口渴2.渴望liquid n. 液体naked a. 1.赤身的,裸露的 2.赤裸裸的,无遮蔽的▲gown n. 女长服;罩衣famine n. 饥荒lid n. 盖,盖子jar n. 罐子,坛子palm n. 1.手掌,掌心2.棕榈树injure vt. 伤害,损伤outline n. 1.轮廓,外形2.要点,大纲vt. 概述pillow n. 枕头rainbow n. 虹,彩虹butterfly n. 蝴蝶hint n. 1.细微的迹象2.暗示,提示v. 暗示reader n. 1.读者 2.读物,读本ounce n. (重量单位)盎司being n. 1.生物,人2.存在interval n. 1.间隔,间距2.幕间休息,中场休息blank a. 1.茫然的,无表情的2.空白的,无字的,空着的n. 空白shallow a. 1.(呼吸)浅的,弱的2.浅的3.肤浅的,浅薄的n. 浅水处,浅滩emotion n. 情感,感情,激情privilege n. 特权,优惠episode n. 1.一个事件,一组事件2.(尤指电视或无线电广播的)一集,一出,一部分association n. 1.协会,社团,组织2.联合,结交,结合Phrases and Expressionsthe pit of the stomach 胸口,心窝hang around sth. (使)在……上挂着,(使)围在……上so that 为的是,以便reach for 伸出手以触到或拿到feel for (用手、足、棍等)摸索,寻找turn towards 转向bend to 俯向make an attempt to do sth. 尝试,企图go about doing sth. 着手处理,开始做provide for sth. 为可能发生的事做安排pick sb. up 举起,抱起pull up 把... ...拉过来,把... ...拉向前Proper NamesMrs. Clark 克拉克夫人Unit 5 Part BNew Wordsstroke n. 1.中风2.击,打,敲vt. 抚摸worthless a. 无价值的,没有用处的dependent a. 1.依赖的,依靠的 2.取决于... ...的x-ray n. 1. [C] X光照片2. [C] X射线; X光■infection n. 1.传染病2.传染,感染germ n. 1.微生物,病菌,细菌2.萌芽,起源deny vt. 1.拒绝给予,拒绝……的要求2.不承认,否认condemn vt. 1.迫使……陷于不幸的境地2.批评,谴责3.判……刑,给……定罪theoretical a. 1.理论(上)的,假设的,推理的2.根据理论(而非实践)的hell n. 1.地狱2.极不愉快的经历(或事)3.用以表示愤怒或惊讶,或用以加强语气vain a. 1.不成功的,无效的,没有意义的2.自负的,虚荣的eighty num. 八十liver n. [C, U] 肝relieve vt. 1.减轻,解除(痛苦、疾病等)2.救济,援助similarly ad. 也; 同样地,类似地withdraw vt. 收回,撤消,撤退vi. 缩回,退出,撤退recommendation n. 1.建议,忠告2.推荐,介绍elect vt. 1.选择,决定2.选举fortnight n. 十四天,两星期transparent a. 1.明显的,无疑的2.透明的tube n. 1.管,软管2.(伦敦的)地下铁道throat n. 咽喉,喉咙,嗓子insert vt. 插入,嵌进permission n. 许可,准许,同意necessity n. 1.必要性,需要2.必需品cooperate vi. 合作,协作,配合phase n. 阶段,时期vt. 分期计划,按阶段执行sympathetic a. 1.有同情心的,表示同情的,同感的2.表示好感或赞同的so-called a. 所谓的,号称的neutral a. 1.中立的2.(化学)中性的profession n. 1.(尤指需要特殊训练或专门知识的)职业 2.行业,(某一)职业界 3.声明,表白arbitrary a. 任意的,武断的;专断的qualification n. 1.能力,条件;合格性2.资格,资历intimate a. 1.亲近的,亲密的2.私人的,秘密的vt. 暗示,提示intimately ad. 亲密地,私下地interference n. 干涉,干预bar vt. 1.阻止,不许2.阻碍,阻塞n. 酒吧,吧台Phrases and Expressionsmake oneself understood 使他人明白自己的意思,说清楚自己的意思on one's own 单独,独自独立地be dependent on 依赖,依靠treat with 以... ...治疗,用... ...治病go on (情况、形势、状态等)持续不变come along 到达,出现on the one hand …on the other hand…一方面... ...另一方面... ...condemn sb. to sth. 使某人做不愿做的事,把某人逼入某种状态take its course 任其自然发展,按常规进行fight off 抵抗,击退,避开be responsible for 对……负有责任in vain 无结果地,无用地come by 努力获得chances are (that…) 可能confront with 使面对(问题、挑战等)die of 死于come down to 归结为,实质上是bar…from 禁止某人做某事Unit 6 Part ANew Wordsearthquake n. 地震detect vt. 察觉,发现;探测hen n. 母鸡pigeon n. 鸽子experimental a. 实验的,用作实验的,根据实验的◆radon n. 氡(一种由镭的衰变而产生的放射性气态元素)wax vi. 变大,增强n. 蜡destruction n. 破坏,摧毁withstand vt. 经受,承受,顶住weld vt. 焊接joint n. 1.接头,接缝,接合处2.关节a. 共有的,联合的architect n. 建筑师,设计师column n. 1.圆柱,石柱,碑2.(印刷品每页上的)列,栏horizontal a. 与地平线平行的,平的,水平的beam n. 1.梁,横梁2.光束,射束vi. 1.愉快地微笑2.发光,发热vt. 播送(消息、电视节目等)vertical a. 垂直的,竖的,立式的pillar n. 1.柱子,柱状物2.有力的支持者;栋梁rod n. (木质或金属)杆,竿enclose vt. 1.围住,包住2.把……装入信封,附寄besides prep. 除... ...之外(还有)ad. 而且,此外cupboard n. 食橱,橱柜cabinet n. 1.橱柜,陈列柜 2.内阁fasten vt. 使牢固,使固定gallon n. (容量单位)加仑bacterium n. 细菌;病菌receiver n. 1.收音机,收报机,接受器2.电话听筒battery n. 1.电池2.一套,一组spade n. 铲子,锹rope n. 绳,索vt. 用绳捆或扎▲extinguish vt. 1.使熄灭,扑灭2.使(希望、爱情、感情等)破灭extinguisher n. 灭火器handy a. 1.手边的,近便的 2.有用的,方便的auxiliary a. 辅助的,补助的,附加的portable n. 轻便的,便携的,手提式的boot n. 靴子fragment n. 碎片,碎块,断片v. (使)成碎片chaos n. 混乱,无秩序sensible a. 明智的,合情理的crust n. 1.外壳;硬的表面 2.面包皮;糕饼等的酥皮accuracy n. 精确(性),准确(性)occurrence n. 1.发生的事情,事件2.发生,出现resistant a. 抵抗的,对抗的precaution n. 预防,预防措施Phrases and Expressionswatch …for 留意,观察come out of 离开,从... ...出来after all 应该记住,别忘了毕竟,终究attach sth. to sth. 把某物系在、缚在或附在另一物上in addition (to) 加之;除... ...之外at work 在工作的地方;在工作put out 熄灭,扑灭turn off 关上(电源、煤气、水等),关闭agree on 就……达成一致意见be busy with 忙于,忙碌check in 登记,报到make a difference (对某人或物)有影响/起作用Proper NamesHanshin 阪神(日本)Unit 6 Part BNew Wordsperception n. 1.感知,感觉,知觉2.认识,观点,看法accordance n. 一致,和谐duration n. 持续,持续期间rotate v. 1.(使)旋转,(使)转动2.(使)轮流circular a. 圆形的,圆的hydrogen n. 氢nitrogen n. 氮sphere n. 1.球形,球体2.范围,领域primitive a. 1.原始的,早期的2.简陋的,粗糙的shell n. 1.壳,贝壳2.炮弹vt. 剥... ...的壳insect n. 昆虫,虫■dinosaur n. 恐龙■mammal n. 哺乳动物flourish vi. 茂盛,繁荣,兴旺vt. 挥舞evolution n. 1.进化2.演变,发展manual a. 手工制作的,人工的n. 操作手册,指南ore n. 矿石,矿砂tractor n. 拖拉机fertilizer n. 肥料,化肥location n. 1.地点,位置2.(电影的)外景拍摄地proportional a. 与... ...成比例的proportionally ad. 与... ...成比例地restraint n. 1.克制,抑制,约束2.限制因素,约束措施fraction n. 小部分,片段renew vt. 1.更新,补充2.注入新的生命和精力,使恢复3.延长期效petroleum n. 石油manufacture vt. 1.(大量)制造,加工2.编造petrol n. 汽油oppose vt. 反对,反抗accelerate v. 加速,促进particle n. 粒子,微粒collective a. 集体的,共同的n. 集体,团体exceed vt. 超过,胜过,越出protective a. 保护的,防护的remote a. 1.遥远的,偏僻的 2.关系疏远的,脱离的,与……没有联系的 3.绝少的,微乎其微的ancestor n. 1.祖先,祖宗,先人2.雏形,原型retain vt. 保留,保存shortage n. 缺乏,不足threat n. 1.构成威胁的人或事物2.威胁,恐吓3.凶兆,征兆empire n. 1.帝国2.(由一个人、一个家族或集团控制的)大企业abuse vt. 1.滥用,妄用2.虐待,凌辱n. 1.滥用,妄用2.虐待ignorant a. 1.不知道的2.愚昧的,无知的mankind n. 人类Phrases and Expressionscompared to/with 跟……相比in other words 换句话说,也就是说in accordance with 依照;与... ...一致be formed from 由……构成, 由……做成take to 开始(从事) 喜欢上逃入;躲藏于in terms of 就……而论bring about 使发生out of proportion to sth. 与... ...极不成比例的,大大超过... ...的survive on 靠……活下来,靠……生存so much 这么多(表示未明确指出的数或量)use up 用尽,用光in harmony with 与……协调一致,与……相配take advantage of 利用hunger for sth. 得到某事物的渴望live with 接受,容忍be ignorant of 不知道,不了解give back 归还take away 拿走,带走Unit 7 Part ANew Wordsfestival n. 节日,喜庆日,(文化娱乐的)节lover n. 1.情人,恋人2.爱好者distribute vt. 1.(尤指向商店)供应(货物),发售2.分发,分送,分配3.使分布,散布;撒,播candy n. 糖果executive a. 执行的,行政的n. 主管,高级行政人员,行政官supermarket n. 超级市场discount n. 折扣vt. 1.打折2.不(全)信,漠视,低估headquarters n. 总部,总局;司令部avenue n. 林阴道,大街circulate v. 1.(使)移动,(使)循环,(使)流通2.(使)流传,散布,传播counter n. 柜台v. 反对,反击,对抗,反驳index n. 1.指数2.索引vt. 为... ...编索引,将... ...编入索引delivery n. 1.投递,送交;投递的邮件,发送的货物2.分娩soar vi. 1.升高,高涨2.翱翔formula n. 1.方法,计划,准则2.公式,方程式3.配方,处方sunshine n. 日光,阳光spray v. 喷,喷射,溅n. 浪花,水花moist a. 潮湿的,湿润的balloon n. 气球via prep. 通过,经由,经过bloom vi. 1.发展良好 2.开花,绽放n. 1.花2.最佳时期,繁盛时期bankrupt a. 1.破产的2.彻底缺乏(某种良好事物)的n. 破产者amid prep. 在... ...中,被... ...围绕import n. 1.进口商品,输入品2.进口,输入vt. 进口,输入breadth n. 宽度,幅度margin n. 1.差额,利润2.差数,余地,余裕3.页边,页边的空白launch vt. 1.发起(运动),推出(产品)2.使(船)下水;发射(火箭、卫星等)n. 发起;发射release vt. 1.发布,发表,发行2.释放,放开,放松n. 1.解脱,释放2.发行的新书、电影、唱片等;发布的新闻◆carnation n. 康乃馨unload vt. 1.卸(货);从……卸下货物2.从(枪、炮)中退出子弹;从(相机)中取出胶卷chase vt. 1.驱赶,驱逐2.追捕,追赶n. 追踪,追捕rival n. 竞争对手,敌手vt. 与……相匹敌,比得上widen v. (使)变宽,扩展replacement n. 1.替代的人或物2.代替,替换,取代bundle n. 束,捆vt. 收集,归拢elevator n. 电梯,升降机typist n. 打字员crane v. 伸长(脖子)n. 起重机,吊车Phrases and Expressionsgo out of style 不再时兴,过时offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供,向某人提出range from …to …在一定范围内变化或扩展look like 看起来像;好像要be left over 剩下来,留下来hold down (使)保持低水平,(使)不增加,(使)不升高account for 1.占去2.解释go down 下降,降低nothing but 只有,除... ...以外什么也不chase sb./sth. out 驱赶,驱逐work with sb. 与某人共事,与某人协作get a break 交好运,时来运转on sb.'s side 对某人有利;赞同某人的意见long for sth. 渴望,极想the good old days (在人的一生中或在历史上)过去的美好时光Proper NamesValentine's Day 圣瓦伦丁节,情人节(2月14日,情人多在此日互赠礼物)Gerald Hager 杰拉尔德·黑格Roses Only "惟一玫瑰"花店。

Unit 1TextA young man finds that strolling along the streets without an obvious purpose can lead to trouble with the law. One misunderstanding leads to another until eventually he must appear in court for trial……A Brush with the LawI have only once been in trouble with the law. The whole process of being arrested and taken to court was a rather unpleasant experience at the time, but it makes a good story now. What makes it rather disturbing was the arbitrary circumstances both of my arrest and my subsequent fate in court.In happened in February about twelve years ago. I had left school a couple of months before that and was not due to go to university until the following October. I was still living at home at the time.One morning I was in Richmond, a suburb of London near where I lived. I was looking for a temporary job so that I could save up some money to go travelling. As it was a fine day and I was in no hurry, I was taking my time, looking in shop windows, strolling in the park, and sometimes just stopping and looking around me. It must have been this obvious aimlessness that led to my downfall.It was about half past eleven when it happened. I was just walking out of the local library, having unsuccessfully sought employment there, when I saw a man walking across the road with the obvious intention of talking to me. I thought he was going to ask me the time. Instead, he said he was a police officer and he was arresting me. At first I thought it was some kind of joke. But then another policeman appeared, this time in uniform, and I was left in no doubt.'But what for?' I asked."Wandering with intent to commit an arrestable offence,' he said.'What offence?' I asked.'Theft,' he said.'Theft of what?' I asked.'Milk bottles,' he said, and with a perfectly straight face too!'Oh,' I said.It turned out there had been a lot of petty thefts in the area, particularly that of stealing milk bottles from doorsteps.Then I made my big mistake. At the time I was nineteen, had long untidy hair, and regarded myself as part of the sixties' 'youth countercultrue. As a result, I want to appear cool and unconcerned with the incident, so I said, 'How long have you been following me?' in the most casual and conversation tone I could manage. I thus appeared to them to be quite familiar with this sort of situation, and it confirmed them in their belief that I was a thoroughly disreputable character.A few minutes later a police car arrived.'Get in the back," they said. 'Put your hands on the back of the front seat and don't moveThey got in on either side of me. I wasn't funny any more.At the police station they questioned me for several hours. I continued to try to look worldly and au fait with the situation. When they asked me what I had been doing, I told them I'd been looking for a job. 'Aha,' I could see them thinking, 'unemployed'.Eventually, I was officially charged and told to report to Richmond Magistrates' Court the following Monday. Then they let me go.I wanted to conduct my own defence in court, but as soon as my father found out what had happened, he hired a very good solicitor. We went along that Monday armed with all kinds of witnesses, including my English teacher from school as a character witness. But he was never called on to give evidence. My 'trial' didn't get that far. The magistrate dismissed the case after fifteen minutes. I was free. The poor police had never stood a chance. The solicitor even succeeded in getting costs awarded against the police.And so I do not have a criminal record. But what was most shocking at the time was the things my release from the charge so clearly depended on. I had the 'right' accent, respectable middle-class parents in court, reliable witnesses, and I could obviously afford a very good solicitor. Given the obscure nature of the charge, I feel sure that if I had come from a different background, and had really been unemployed, there is every chance that I would have been found guilty. While asking for costs to be awarded, my solicitor's case quite obviously revolved around the fact that I had a 'brilliant academic record'.Meanwhile, just outside the courtroom, one of the policemen who had arrested me was gloomily complaining to my mother that another youngster had been turned against the police. 'You could have been a bit more helpful when we arrested you,' he said to me reproachfully.What did the mean? Presumably that I should have looked outraged and said something like, 'Look here, do you know who you're talking to? I am a highly successful student with a brilliant academic record. How dare you arrest me!' Then they, presumably, would have apologized, perhaps even taken off their caps, and let me on my way.NEW WORDSbrushn. brief fight or encounter 小冲突;小接触processn. course; method, esp. one used in manufacture 过程;制作法arbitrarya. based on one's own opinion only, not on reason 任意的;武断的circumstancen. (usu. pl.) conditions, facts, etc. connected with an event or person 情况,环境subsequenta. following, later 随后的,接下去的n. what will happen or happened to sb. or sth. 命运duea. expected; supposed (to) 预期的;约定的;到期的temporarya. lasting only for a limited time 暂时的strolla. walk at leisure 散步,闲逛obviousa. easily seen or understood; clear 明显的,显而易见的downfalln. ruin 垮台;衰落employmentn. one's regular work or occupation; job 职业;工作wandervi. move about without a purpose 闲逛;漫游commitvt. do (sth. wrong, bad, or unlawful)干(坏事),犯(错误、罪)arrestablea. deserving to be arrestedoffence (AmE offense)n. crime; the hurting of feelings; something unpleasant 罪行;冒犯;不愉快的事straight facea face or expression that shows no emotion, humor, or thought 板着的脸pettya. small; unimportant 小的;不足道的doorstepn. a step in front of a doorregardvt. consider in the stated way 把……看作;把认为(as)counterculturen. a culture, esp. of the young who oppose the traditional standards and customs of their society 反主流文化unconcerneda. not worried; untroubled; indifferent 无忧虑的;淡漠的casuala. careless; informal 漫不经心的,随便的conversationala. of or commonly used in talking 会话(用)的confirmvt. make certain; support 证实,肯定;确定beliefn. something believed; trust 相信;信念;信仰thoroughlyad. completely; in every way 完全地,彻底地thorough a.disreputablea. having or showing a bad character; having a bad name 声名狼籍的worldlya. experienced in the ways of society 老于世故的au faita. (F) familiar 熟悉的;精通的ahaint. a cry of surprise, satisfaction, etc. 啊哈!magistraten. civil officer acting as a judge in the lowest courts 地方法官conductvt. direct the course of; manage 处理;主持;引导;指挥defence (AmE defense)n. the act of defending in court the person who has been charged 辨护solicitorn. (esp. in Britain) lawyer who advises clients on legal matters and speaks on their behalf in lower courts (初级)律师witnessn. a person who gives evidence in a court of law; sth. serving as evidence or proof 证人;证据trialn. the act or fact of examining and deciding a civil or criminal case by a law court 审判dismissvt. (of a judge) stop (a court case) 驳回,对……不予受理costn. (pl.) the cost of having a matter settled in a law court. esp. that paid to the winning party by the losing party 诉讼费awardvt. give by a decision in court of law; give or grant by an official decision 判给;授予accentn. way of speaking typical of the natives or residents of a region, or of any other group 口音;腔调respectablea. deserving respect 值得尊敬的reliablea. that may be relied or depended upon 可靠的,可信赖的givenprep. taking into account; if allowed or provided with 考虑到;假定obscurea. not clearly seen or understood 模糊的;晦涩的guiltya. having broken a law; showing or feeling that one has done wrong 有罪的;内疚的revolvev. (cause to) go round in a circle (使)旋转brillianta. causing great admiration or satisfaction; splendid 辉煌的;卓越的courtroomn. a room where a law court is held 审判室meanwhilead. during the same period of time 同时gloomilyad. depressedly, dejectedly 忧郁地;沮丧地complainvi. speak in an unhappy, annoyed, dissatisfied way 抱怨complaint n.reproachfullyad. 责备地presumablyad. probablyoutragevt. arouse anger or resentment by injury or insult 引起……的气愤successfula. having done what one has tried to do; having gained a high position in life, one's job. etc. 成功的;有成就的apologizevi. say one is sorry 道歉,谢罪apology n.PHRASES & EXPRESSIONStake sb. to courtstart an action in law against sb. 对某人提出诉讼a couple of(informal) a small number of, a few, usually two 少数,几(个);一对save upkeep for future use; put money away in the form of savings 储蓄take one's timedo sth. in a leisurely manner; not hurry 慢慢来,不着急at firstat the beginning 起先turn outprove to be 结果;证明是call onask (sb.) to do sth. esp. formally 要求stand a chancehave an opportunity; be likely to do or get sth. 有机会,有希望revolve aroundhave as a center or main subjectturn against(cause to) oppose, be hostile toPROPER NAMESRichmond里士满(英国地名)Richmond Magistrates' Court里士满地方法院Unit 2TextAunt Bettie is faced with a difficult decision. A wounded Union soldier is found hiding in a farmhouse near her home. She has to decide whether to help him or let him be captured. What will she choose to do?The Woman Who Would Not TellJanice Keyser Lester"I never did hate the Yankees. All that hated was the war.……"That's how my great-aunt Bettie began her story. I heard it many times as a child, whenever my family visited Aunt Bettie in the old house in Berryville, Virginia. Aunt Bettie was almost 80 years old then. But I could picture her as she was in the story she told me —— barely 20, pretty, with bright blue eyes.Bettie Van Metre had good reason to hate the Civil War. One of her brother was killed at Gettysburg, another taken prisoner. Then her young husband, James, a Confederate officer, wascaptured and sent to an unknown prison camp somewhere.One hot day in late September Dick Runner, a former slave, came to Bettie with a strange report. He had been checking a farmhouse half a mile away from the Van Metre home, a farmhouse he thought was empty. But inside, he heard low groans. Following them to the attic, he found a wounded Union soldier, with a rifle at his side.When Aunt Bettie told me about her first sight of the bearded man in the stained blue uniform, she always used the same words. "It was like walking into a nightmare: those awful bandages, that dreadful smell. That's what war is really like, child: no bugles and banners. Just pain and filth, futility and death."To Bettie Van Metre this man was not an enemy but rather a suffering human being. She gave him water and tried to clean his terrible wounds. Then she went out into the cool air and leaned against the house, trying not to be sick as she thought of what she had seen ——that smashed right hand, that missing left leg.The man's papers Bettie found in the attic established his identity: Lt. Henry Bedell, Company D, 11th Vermont V olunteers, 30 year old. She knew that she should report the presence of this Union officer to the Confederate army. But she also knew that she would not do it. This is how she explained it to me: "I kept wondering if he had a wife somewhere, waiting, and hoping, and not knowing —— just as I was. It seemed to me that the only thing that mattered was to get her husband back to her."Slowly, patiently, skillfully, James Van Metre's wife fanned the spark of life that flickered in Henry Bedell. Of drugs or medicines she had almost none. And she was not willing to take any from the few supplies at the Confederate hospital. But she did the best she could with what she had.As his strength returned, Bedell told Bettie about his wife and children in Westfield, Vermont. And BedelL listened as she told him about her brothers and about James. "I knew his wife must be praying for him," Aunt Bettie would say to me, "just as I was praying for James. It was strange how close I felt to her."The October nights in the valley grew cold. The infection in Bedell's wounds flared up. With Dick and his wife, Jennie, helping, she moved the Union officer at night, to a bed in a hidden loft above the warm kitchen of her own home.But the next day, Bedell had a high fever. Knowing that she must get help or he would die, she went to her long-time friend and family doctor. Graham Osborne.Dr. Osborne examined Bedell, then shook his head. There was little hope, he said, unless proper medicine could be found."All right, then," Bettie said. "I'll get it from the Yankees at Harpers Ferry."The doctor told her she was mad. The Union headquarters were almost 20 miles away. Even if she reached them, the Yankees would never believe her story."I'll take proof," Bettie said. She went to the loft and came back with a blood-stained paper bearing the official War Department seal. "This is a record of his last promotion," she said. "When I show it, they'll have to believe me."She made the doctor writer out list of the medical items he needed. Early the next morning she set off.For five hours she drove, stopping only to rest her horse. The sun was almost down when she finally stood before the commanding officer at Harpers Ferry.Gen. John D. Stevenson listened, but did not believe her. "Madam," he said, "Bedell's death was reported to us.""He's alive," Bettie insisted. "But he won't be much longer unless he has the medicines on that list.""Well," the general said finally, "I'm not going to risk the lives of a patrol just to find out." He turned to a junior officer. "See that Mrs. Van Metre gets the supplies." He brushed aside Bettie's thanks. "You're a brave woman," he said, "whether you're telling the truth or not."With the medicines that Bettie carried to Berryville, Dr. Osborne brought Bedell through the crisis. Ten days later Bedell was hobbling on a pair of crutches that Dick had made for him. "I can't go on putting you in danger," Bedell told Bettie. "I'm strong enough to travel now. I'd lie to go back as soon as possible."So it was arranged that Mr. Sam, one of Bettie's neighbors and friends, should go and help Bettie deliver Bedeel to Union headquarters at Harpers Ferry in his wagon.They hitched Bettie's mare alongside Mr. Sam's mule. Bedell lay down in an old box filled with hay, his rifle and crutches beside him.It was a long, slow journey that almost ended in disaster. Only an hour from the Union lines, two horsemen suddenly appeared. One pointed a pistol, demanding money while the other pulled Mr. Sam from the wagon. Shocked, Bettie sat still. Then a rifle shot cracked out, and the man with the pistol fell to the ground dead. A second shot, and the man went sprawling. It was Bedell shooting! Bettie watched him lower the rifle and brush the hay out of his hair. "Come on, Mr. Sam," he said. "Let's keep moving."At Harpers Ferry, the soldiers stared in surprise at the old farmer and the girl. They were even more amazed when the Union officer with the missing leg rose from his hay-filled box.Bedell was sent to Washington. There he told his story to Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. Stanton wrote a letter of thanks to Bettie and-signed an order to free James Van Metre from prison. But first James had to be found. It was arranged for Bedell to go with Bettie as she searched for her husband.Records showed that a James Van Metre had been sent to a prison camp in Ohio. But when the ragged prisoners were paraded before Bettie, James was not there. A second prison was checked, with the same result. Bettie Van Metre fought back a chilling fear that her husband was dead.Then at Fort Delaware, near the end of the line of prisoners a tall man stepped out and stumbled into Bettie's arms. Bettie held him, tears streaming down her face. And Henry Bedell, standing by on his crutches, wept, too.NEW WORDStellv. act as an informer 告发Yankeen. (in the Civil War) a native of any of the northern states; a citizen of the U.S. 北方佬;美国佬great-auntn. an aunt of one's father or mother; sister of one's grandfather or grandmothercivila. 国内的;民间的Confederatea. of or belonging to the Confederacy 南部邦联的capturevt. make a prisoner of; seize 俘虏;夺得unknowna. whose name, nature, or origin is not knownformera. of an earlier period 以前的farmhousen. the main house on a farm, where a farmer livesgroann. a sound made in a deep voice that expresses suffering, grief or disapproval 呻吟(声)atticn. the space just under the roof of a house, esp. that made into a low small room 阁楼Union, then. those states that supported the Federal government of the U.S. during the Civil War; the U.S.A. (美国南北战争期间的)联邦政府;美国a. of or having to do with the Unionriflen. 步枪awfula. terrible; very badbandagen. a narrow long piece of material, esp. cloth, for binding a wound or injury 绷带dreadfula. very unpleasant or shocking; terriblebuglen. a musical wind instrument usually made of brass, used chiefly for military signals 军号,喇叭filthn. disgusting dirt 污秽futilityn. uselessnessfutile a.leanvi. support or rest oneself in a bent position 靠,倚establishvt. find out or make certain of (a fact, answer, etc.), prove 确立,证实identityn. who or what a particular person or thing is 身份identicala. 同一的;完全相同的确良Lt.abbr. lieutenant 陆军中尉companyn. 连volunteern. person who joins the army, navy, or air force of his own free will 志愿兵presencen. being present in a placeskillfullyad. in a skillful manner 灵巧地,娴熟地skillfula. having or showing skillfanvt. 扇,扇动;激起sparkn. 火花flickervi. burn unsteadily; shine with an unsteady lightdrugn. a medicine or substance used for medical purposessupplyn. (pl.) the food, equipment, etc. necessary for an army, expedition or the like 补给品prayvi. 祈祷valleyn. a stretch of land between hills or mountains; the land through which a stated river or great river system flows 山谷;流域infectionn. 感染;传染infect vt.flarevi. burn with a bright, unsteady flame (火焰)闪耀loftn. a room under the roof of a building, attic 阁楼ferryn. 渡口;渡船headquartersn. (used with a sing. or pl. v. ) the place from which the chief of a police force or the commanding officer of an army sends out orders 司令部proofn. evidence showing that sth. is true 证据bearvt. show; havesealn. 印,图章itemn. a single thing among a set, esp. included in a list 条;项commandinga. having command; in chargecommanding officer指挥官commandvt. 指挥Gen.abbr. general 将军madamn. respectful form of address to a woman (whether married or unmarried)夫人,太太,女士,小姐riskvt. endanger; take the chance ofpatroln. a small group of soldiers, vehicles, etc. sent out to search for the enemy, or to protect a place from the enemy 巡逻队juniora. younger or lower in rank than anotherhobblevi. walk awkwardly; limp 跛行;蹒跚crutchn. support used under the arm to help a lame person to walk 拐杖wagonn. four-wheeled vehicle for carrying goods, pulled by horses or oxen 四轮运货马(牛)车hitchvt. fasten with a hook, ring, rope, etc. 钩住,拴住,套住maren. female horse or donkeyalongsideprep. close to; along the side ofmulen. an animal that has a donkey and a horse as parents 骡disastern. a great or sudden misfortune; terrible accidentlinen. a row of defence works, esp. that nearest the enemy 战线,防线horsemann. a person who rides a horse, esp. one who is skilledpistoln. handgun 手枪crackv. (cause to) make a sudden explosive sound (使)发出爆裂声sprawlvi. lie or sit with hands and feet spread out, esp. ungracefullylowervt. move or let down in height 放下;放低secretaryvt. an official who takes charge of a governmental department; an employee in an office, who is in charge of correspondence, records, making appointments, etc. 部长,大臣;秘书raggeda. (of a person ) dressed in old torn clothes; (of clothes) old an torn 衣衫褴褛的;破旧的paradevt. cause to walk in an informal procession for the purpose of being looked at; cause to march in procession 使列队行进n. 游行;检阅chillv. (cause to) have a feeling of cold as from fear; (cause to ) become cold, esp. without freezing (使)感到冷;(使)冷fortn. 要塞,堡垒vi. walk or move in an unsteady way; strike the foot against sth. and almost fall streamvi. flow fast and strongly; pour outPHRASES & EXPRESSIONStake prisonercapture and hold as a prisoner, esp. as a prisoner of war 俘虏flare upbreak out or intensify suddenly or violently; burst into bright flame or rage 突发;加剧;突然发光;突然发怒write outwrite in full, write (sth. formal)brush asidedisregard, ignore 不理;漠视bring throughsave (sb.) from (an illness, etc.)PROPER NAMESBerryville贝里维尔(美国地名)Virginia弗吉尼亚(美国州名)Bettie Van Metre贝蒂.范.米特the Civil War(美国)南北战争Gettysburg葛底斯堡(美国城市)Dick Runner迪克.朗纳Henry Bedell亨利.贝德尔佛蒙特(美国州名)Westfield韦斯菲尔德(美国地名)Jennie詹妮(女子名)Graham Osborne 格雷厄姆.奥斯本Harpers Ferry哈珀斯渡口(美国地名)Stevenson史蒂文森(姓氏)Secretary of War(old use)(美国)陆军部长Edwin M. Stanton埃德温.M.斯坦顿Ohio俄亥俄(美国州名)Fort Delaware特拉华堡(美国地名)Unit 3TextEvery teacher probably asks himself time and again: What are the reasons for choosing teaching as a career? Do the rewards teaching outweigh the trying comments? Answering these questions is not a simple task. Let's see what the author says.Why I TeachPeter G. BeidlerWhy do you teach? My friend asked the question when I told him that I didn't want to be considered for an administrative position. He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a "step up" toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power.Certainly I don't teach because teaching is easy for me. Teaching is the most difficult of the various ways I have attempted to earn my living: mechanic, carpenter, writer. For me, teaching is a red-eye, sweaty-palm, sinking-stomach profession. Red-eye, because I never feel ready to teach no matter how late I stay up preparing. Sweaty-palm, because I'm always nervous before I enter theclassroom, sure that I will be found out for the fool that I am. Sinking-stomach, because I leave the classroom an hour later convinced that I was even more boring than usual.Nor do I teach because I think I know answers, or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share. Sometimes I am amazed that my students actually take notes on what I say in class!Why, then, do I teach?I teach because I like the pace of the academic calendar. June, July, and August offer an opportunity for reflection, research and writing.I teach because teaching is a profession built on change. When the material is the same, I change —— and, more important, my students change.I teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, to stimulate myself and my students. As a teacher, I'm my own boss. If I want my freshmen to learn to write by creating their own textbook, who is to say I can't? Such courses may be huge failures, but we can all learn from failures.I teach because I like to ask questions that students must struggle to answer. The world is full of right answers to bad questions. While teaching, I sometimes find good questions.I teach because I enjoy finding ways of getting myself and my students out of the ivory tower and into the real world. I once taught a course called "Self-Reliance in a Technological Society." My 15 students read Emerson, Thoreau, and Huxley. They kept diaries. They wrote term papers.But we also set up a corporation, borrowed money, purchased a run-down house and practiced self-reliance by renovating it. At the end of the semester, we would the house, repaid our loan, paid or taxes, and distributed the profits among the group.So teaching gives me pace, and variety, and challenge, and the opportunity to keep on learning.I have left out, however, the most important reasons why I teach.One is Vicky. My first doctoral student, Vicky was an energetic student who labored at her dissertation on a little-known 14th century poet. She wrote articles and sent them off to learned journals. She did it all herself, with an occasional nudge from me. But I was there when she finished her dissertation, learned that her articles were accepted, got a job and won a fellowship to Harvard working on a book developing ideas she'd first had as my student.Another reason is George, who started as an engineering student, then switched to English because he decided he liked people better than things.There is Jeanne, who left college, but was brought back by her classmates because they wanted her to see the end of the self-reliance house project. I was here when she came back. I was there when she told me that she later became interested in the urban poor and went on to become a civil rights lawyer.There is Jacqui, a cleaning woman who knows more by intuition than most of us learn by analysis. Jacqui has decided to finish high school and go to college.These are the real reasons I teach, these people who grow and change in front of me. Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay begins to breathe.A "promotion" out of teaching would give me money and power. But I have money. I get paid to do what I enjoy: reading, talking with people, and asking question like, "What is the point of being rich?"And I have power. I have the power to nudge, to fan sparks, to suggest books, to point out a pathway. What other power matters?But teaching offers something besides money and power: it offers love. Not only the love of learning and of books and ideas, but also the love that a teacher feels for that rare student who walks into a teacher's life and begins to breathe. Perhaps love is the wrong word: magic might be better.I teach because, being around people who are beginning to breathe, I occasionally find myself catching my breath with them.NEW WORDSadministrativea. of the management of affairs 行政的,管理的administrationn. 管理(部门),行政(机关)puzzlevt. fill with doubt and confusion 使迷惑step (-) upn. promotion; increase in size, speed, etc.mechanicn. skilled workman, esp. one who uses or repairs machines and tools 机械工;机修工sweatya. covered with sweat, sweatingpalma. 手掌professionn. occupation, esp. one requiring special training, such as law, medicine, or teachingconvincevt. make (sb.) feel certain; cause (sb.) to realizecompelvt. force (sb. or sth. to do sth.)pacen. rate or speed of development, or in walking, etc. 速度;步速calendarn. 日程表,日历opportunity。
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Unit 11.From her accent I guess she’s from the Northeast.2.It was very clever of her to turn his argument against himself.3.I found a couple of shoes under the bed but they don’t make a pair.4.Dr. Bright always take his time as he examines his patients and treats them with extreme care.5.British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterparts have already suffered.6.Wilfred’s remarks confirmed me in my opinion that he was an honorable(诚实的) young man.7.The key witness for the prosecution(原告方) was offered police protection after she received death threats.8.I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent events proved me wrong.9.Having practiced for so long, the New York baseball team stand a chance of winning the World Series (美国职业棒球大赛) this year.10.At the trial ,Bob’s teacher, who was called as a character witness , said he was a quiet boy who had never been in trouble before.1.I have great faith in traditional Chinese medicine.2.Michael Horden's performance as Hamlet struck us as brilliant .3. A Canadian company plans to set up a factory in the area, so this should provide some employment for local people.4. In the past few years my aunt has saved up enough money to buy a house.5. Weak and lame in one leg, Max never stood a chance of getting that job.6. Those hurt in the explosion were awarded $50,000 damages.7. Presumably they can afford to buy an apartment, or they wouldn't be looking.8. I was greatly shocked by the way Henry conducted the affairs of such a big business.9. To our surprise, her casual remark about the mission should have caused a political storm.10. The expansion of the library on which student life revolve around is one of the most important problems to be solved.Unit 21)We’ve just had a very fruitful meeting with the management and we’re now much more hopeful about the pay rise.2)The book I’m reading explains the evolution of plant and animal life on earth.3)Living in a flat is all right , but it has its limitation —for example , you don’t have your own garden.4)The two witnesses gave contradictory versions of what had happened that night.5)Despite the fact that there was almost no hope of finding the missing boy , the search party still went on looking.6)Alice intends to go back to work after she has had her baby.7)The report is a bit lengthy ;in short , it says that more money should be spent on education. 8)Without an official pass, the guides will deny you access to the courthouse.9)Amy was trying to persuade her father to let her drive but she was getting nowhere .10)Simon has done a super job and deserves to be promoted.11)Sorry the place is so messy ; I haven’t had time to clean up.12)Mr. White found to his dismay that his son had been spending far too much time chatting with his key pals(网友)online .1. George is determined to travel alone in the desert despite his friends' warnings.2. By the mid-eighties there was growing knowledge about who was at high risk of contracting AIDS.3. The data gathered during market research will be valuable in designing our company's future products.4. I intended to catch the early train, but I didn't get up in time.5. The problem with Bill is that he doesn't know his limitations –he just assumes he can do everything.6. The interview would have been more fruitful if the questions had been framed more precisely.7. A police investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.8. Philip is definitely the best football player in our school.9. If we view the problem from a different angle, a solution may become more obvious.10. The robber was given a milder punishment than he deserved.The creation of the UN was, perhaps, the most notable achievements of the 20th century.12. Nothing will stop us in our quest for the truth.Unit 31)In terms of population , Greater New York City is the largest urban center in the United States.2)The article provides a detailed analysis of the root causes of the accident.3)Many young girls like to keep a diary for recording their private thoughts and feelings.4)There are obvious benefits in allowing each student to go at his own pace .5)The dredger(挖掘机)represents a major technological advance in keeping the river clear. 6)The tired traveler stopped to catch his breath and make sure of his directions.7)Bob didn’t turn up at the party ; I had an intuition that something must have gone wrong. 8)Roger was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to convince him of his mistakes.9)In history the war between the Union and the eleven Southern states(1861-1865)is called American Civil War.10)The office building was recently renovated for greater comfort and efficiency.1. The secretary took a detailed notes of what the members of the Board of Directors had discussed at the meeting.2. He knew he had said the wrong thing and switched the conversation to a less embarrassing subject.3. Young children are often much more energetic than adults.4. The visit to the computer center has stimulated the pupils' interest in computer science.5. All research built on/is built on work completed by previous researchers.6. After a careful investigation, the committee decided to renovate the old house7.He has read extensively and won the respect of his colleagues as a man learned8.He wanted very much to run for a second term, but owing to poor health he was compelled to give up the idea.9. As soon as the class began, the teacher distributed the test papers.10. You have taken such good care of our children during our absence that we feel we shall never be able to repay your kindness.Unit 51)The June 3 ,1996issue of Newsweek carries a long article about Japan’s future empress(皇后).2)Bound hand and foot , the victim was left helpless in the lavatory(盥洗室).3)They have never met , but they have been in correspondence with each other for years.4)Quickly picking up the diary, Phil flipped straight to the last entry and began reading it.5)Her lungs were racked with fever and the doctor sent her to the isolation ward.6)While my wife and kids were away for the long weekend ,I had the entire house to myself . 7)The police warned people to be on guard against burglary during the festival.8)Many university students experience severe tension as final exams draw near.9)Mr. Tyler used to eat with a napkin tucked under his chin.10)We have four hours of English a week , including one session in the language laboratory. 1. Their holiday trip was spoiled by the frantic search for their lost passports.2. Miss Main kept practicing until she finally qualified herself for the job.3. I assume that you wouldn't like to stay indoors if it were not raining.4. She's still at work I'll ask her to call you when she gets home.5. Consumer spending is often an index of public confidence in the economy.6. If you really want to apply for the dangerous job I won't stand in your way , though I think it's acrazy idea.7. On seeing the blanket kicked away by the little boy, she tucked around him8. Though the job is new to us, we are confident we'll catch on (to it) in a couple of days.9. His parents enrolled him in a boarding school when he was only seven years old.10. It was the first time he and I drank together. As I recall , it was also the last time.Unit 81.No one trusts Felix ,for he is never punctual and often neglects his duty.2.Greater efforts are needed before we can attain our goal of economic reform.3.I hope you will interfere with not ( )his work.4.As it turned out the speaker was shouted down by the hostile crowd.5.The events that occurred in his childhood shaped his whole life.6.Martin finally succeeded in projecting the two graphs onto the same screen with an overhead projector.7.Young children may run around and make a lot of noise.Actually they are acting appropriately for their age.8.I enjoy my job,but I'd like to do something more creative.9.There is no doubt that these measures will contribute to the solution of the problem.10.That child's concentration span is poor-he only listens to the teacher for a few seconds at a time.11.The 20th century was remarkable for its inventions.12.He would be seeing Sarah tonight ,and a vision of her face suddenly came into his mind.13.The singer's voice soared easily to the top notes.14.On April 12,1912 this supposedly unsinkable ship hit an iceberg.1. Jimmy found it hard to picture the life of early men without the tools and comforts of modern civilization.2. Jane is so highly regarded at her job because she can react appropriately to each situation.3. Nina wanted to make a model plane, but she did not know how to go about it.4. Robert will never amount to anything unless he works harder.5. It was a great achievement that they all climbed up to the top of the mountain before dusk as scheduled.6. To our surprise he refused to take our advice, even though it was for his benefit .7. A loving home environment is essential for a child's emotional and intellectual growth .8. Due to poor management, the company finally went bankrupt .9. There is no substitute for practical experience.10. Tommy neglected brushing his teeth before going to bed.11. Helen was very tense as she waited for the interview.。