Terminal South Gate Bridge. Terminal is located in the old town of urban traffic impact severe. Yibin city highway main terminal distribution table 3.1-7 terminal name specific address function positioning nine home village Terminal two bridge undertake Southwest direction freight South door bridge Terminal South door bridge near LTL goods handling因为每年参加宝洁应聘的同学很多,一般一个学校就有1000多人申请,宝洁不可能直接去和上千名应聘者面谈,而借助于自传式申请表可以帮助其完成高质高效的招聘工作。
二、能力测试 • 能力测试包括一般智力测试和特殊认知 能力测试。 • 一般智力测试,即测试一个人的智商水 平。它一般通过对一个人的语言能力、 文字能力、数学计算能力、图形识别能 力、空间能力、观察能力、记忆力等一 系列具体的测试来完成。当前国际上常 用的智力测验有两种:斯坦福—比奈智 力测验和韦克斯勒智力测验。
• 案例:美国加州大学选校长 • 美国加州大学选拔校长,要经过许多程 序。每当老校长年届退休,校董事会就在 报上刊登广告,选聘新一任校长。通常, 在广告刊登出去一段时间,便会有几百人 前来报名。学校组成选拔委员会,对前来 应聘者进行选拔,从中挑选合适的人员。 第一步是初选。选拔委员会从应聘者的简 历中做出判断,挑选较少的一部分人入选 。
• 特殊认知能力,也称作特殊心理能力,包 括归纳和演绎推理、语言理解、记忆及数 字能力等。这种测试的目的是检测工作候 选人对某一特定工作的能力倾向,所以它 通常被称为能力倾向测试。这种测评可以 有效地测量人的某种潜能,从而预测他在 某职位领域中成功和适应的可能性,或判 断哪项工作适合他。这种测评作用体现在: 什么样的职位适合某人;为胜任某职位, 什么样的人最合适。因此它对人员的选拔 配置有重要的意义。
• ★进行思维灵活性测试 • 这是测试应聘者能否灵活变通的思考和解 决问题,是否不拘于泥现有的、常规的方 式,遇到问题时能否迂回的解决,考虑问 题是否灵活处理紧急情况时是否处变不惊 并找到解决问的方法。职业经理人可设置 一些紧急事件,考察应聘者是否能不拘泥 于常规,灵活的处理问题。 • 人的创新能力对于某些职位非常重要,例 如广告创意、科技研发等,职业经理人应 充分地测试应聘者的创新能力。
• (五)成就测试 • 成就测试是指一个人所学的知识和技 能的一个基本的检测。人们在学校里所参 加的测试,大都属于成就测试,它们测量 一个人在经济学、市场营销或人事等领域 的知识。成就测试被广泛应用于对雇员的 选择。
Step2 成功驱动力评估 即性格测试
题目一共有67道,大概半个小时左右做完。 主要是一些问行为和态度的。包括决策风格、工 作风格、团队工作风格、领导力和影响力。大多 是客观题,选项。
——“宝洁公司性格测试这 一
Section 3 笔试
笔 试
宝洁(英文名称:Procter & Gamble)创于1837年,是全 球最大的日用消费品公司之一。 公司性质:股份制。 公司总部位于美国俄亥俄州辛辛那提,全球员工近11万人 。宝洁在日用化学品市场上知名度相当高,其产品包括洗 发护发、护肤用品、化妆品、婴儿护理产品、妇女卫生用 品、医药、食品、饮料、织物、家居护理、个人清洁用品 及电池等。
1、明确核心能力,设计各职位类别的核心能力模型; 2、进行能力等级定位,选拔标杆式人员; 3、指导企业建立能力测评体系; 4、指导企业将能力模型通过“四维度透析法”面试技巧, 运用到招聘过程中; 5、辅导企业将能力模型在人才选拔中作为核心要素进行评 价
只关心员工能不能胜任而不关注员工适不适合做;有可能会 忽视对员工的人文关怀
专业技能测试主要是考核申请公司一些 有专业限制的部门的同学。这些部门如研究 开发部、信息技术部和财务部等。
宝洁公司的研发部门招聘的程序之一是 要求应聘者就某些专题进行学术报告,并请 公司资深科研人员加以评审,用以考察其专 业功底。
Section 4 面试
第一轮为初试,一对一的面试过程,一般 用中文。面试人通常是有一定经验并受过专门 面试技能培训的公司部门高级经理。一般这个 经理是被面试者所报部门的经理,面试时间大 概在30—45分钟。
宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方面的能力。
核心部分的题如下:Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.1、Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it though completion.Demnding Goal: To design a musical and dramatic show to celebrate the centennial Anniversary of Tianjin University.The person who reach this goal: Chairman of Tianjin University Student Union What I learned from this observation: It is not necessary for a true leader to be an expert in such or such field of his career. But he must possess the charismatic and the capacity to drive different people, who have diverging opinions, or even conflicting interests, to proceed togother to the same organizational goal.2、Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.The activity I initiated: To organize a group to sing English anthems on Charistmas Eve, visit all domitories in university and send christmas gifts on behalf of our English AssociationThe desired result: To broaden the students’horizons about Western culture.My leading role: Combine the representatitives’suggestions with my idea and draw the decision on:*What songs to play?*Who could attend the choir?*Which spots we performed on?The result: Many students said that they felt the warmness we sent to them and they hoped we would hold such activities next Charistmas.3、Describe a situation where you had seek out relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.Background: I organized the first activity after the establishment of the Management School English Association.The desired result: To help the freshmen and the sophomores with their English whilepublicizing our group.Key issue:*What aspect of the students’English abilities needed refining? Relevant Information:*What kind of entertainment was popular among students and also offered chances for them to learn English most effectively?*Which foreign teacher was suitable for this position?*When was our member free? *Whch place was convenient for most attendances?*Other related factors, such as the availibility of facilities and the layout of the spots.4、Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.Background: I advanced a plan to found an English Garden in collaboration with fraternal association in neighboring university.The disagreement:*The authority of our school may dissent.*The cost was expensive, and we had no enough human resoure to carry on this project.*There were too many English corners. Another one was unneccessaty. The facts I made use:*Our dean approved this proposal.*Our partner was willing to provide financial assistantship. And our members volunteered to design the details of the plan and implement it.*The poll showed that the current English corners did not meet the students’requirement and lacked uniqueness. The result: Others were convinced and we founded the English Garden successfully.5、Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.Background: In the military training, we hold a Military Songs Competition.Working procedure:Design: I cooperated with my collegues to figure out the climax of the performance, the musical accompaniment of the songs and the whole arrnagement of the narrative poem.Rehearsal: I worked together with those who were in charge of the lights, sounds and scenes to create the perfect artistic effect.On stage: I reminded my fellows with gestures and eye expressions. Also, we coped with an emergency coherently.The result: Our military team won the second prize in this competition.6、Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.Activity: To hold the Perspective Entrepreneur Contest.The innovative idea I produced: To simulat a board meeting of a company, in which our candidates debated the feasibility of selling modern fitness equipment according to the market information they collected.The result: The contest was hold based on my proposal.7、Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.Background: On one morning when our promotion month first began, I found that the inventories in some department stores were not adequate.My assessment of the situation: The four promoting stores were not very far from each other, and the time they opened was not the same. It was possible to fetch some stock from another store and made up for it later.The priorities: To satisfy the stocking demand of the store which had the largest number of customers.8、Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.Background: In the inverstigation of customers’opinions about the taste of a new kind of beer, I found that the questionnaire form was out of date and limited the freedom of the responsers’choices.Technical skills: The scientific arrangement of questionnaire formThe result: With the help the converted form, our company obtained more objective and effective information..宝洁的招聘流程及面试题宝洁公司良好的薪金制度和巨大的发展空间,让“宝洁”成为大学生心目中向往的公司。
3.5 宝洁校园招聘的程序宝洁公司的校园招聘程序大致如下:1、前期的广告宣传按教育部规定,为保证高校的教学秩序,每年11月20日以后才允许企业到高校开招聘会。
(4)在高校招聘主要采用经 历背景面谈法
(5)必须取得大学英语六级 考试(CET-6) (6)宝洁一般不采取试用制 度
• 对于面试官的选择,大多数公司只是指派人力资 源部的人去招聘。但在宝洁对于面试官的选择则 是人力资源部配合别的部门去招聘。用人部门亲 自来选人而非人力资源部作为代理来选人才。让 用人单位参与到挑选应聘者的过程中去避免了“不 要人的选人,而用人的不参与”的怪圈。
• “感情投资”为重点
• (3)宝洁一般不采取试用制度,一旦面试通过,即可正式入 职。通过“招聘后期沟通”使应聘学生从“举棋不定”的彷 徨状态迅速转变为“非他不嫁”的心态。这也是宝洁的过人 之处。它扩展了传统意义上的招聘过程使其不仅限于将合 适的人招到公司,而且在招聘过程中迅速地使录取者建立 了极强的认同感,使他们更好地融入公司文化。
• 评估体系科学化
• 宝洁的招聘评估体系趋向全面深入更为科学和更有针对性 。改变了常规的招人看证书凭印象来判断的表面考核制度。 而是从深层次、多方位考核应聘人,以事实为依据来考核 应聘者的综合素质和能力。
• (1)宝洁公司招聘程序多,历时较长,最短也需 要1个月左右。普遍来看,在学生有很多选择机会 ,又有尽快落实用人单位倾向的情况下,用人单 位很容易因为决策缓慢而导致一些优秀的人才转 投其他用人单位。
聘程并达到标准。 (4)因招聘录用新员工而支付的费用,即每位新员
工人均 (5)因招聘而引起的费用分摊是否在原计划之内。
• 宝洁公司招聘特点: • 面试官选择全面 • 招聘环节侧重点突出 • 严格的招聘标准 • “感情投资”为重点 • 评估体系科学化
1、招聘程序 2、招聘标准 3、选择理由
组长:朱钰鹰 组员: 刘洁、罗斯颖、莫水连、莫晓敏、余思愉、黄永发 黄德胜、周伯林、朱文亮、曾冠鸿、黄柱、容少莹
招聘前奏 招聘的 后续工作
派送招聘手册,招聘手册基本覆盖所有的应届 毕业生,以达到吸引应届毕业生参加其校园的招聘 会的目的
宝洁公司招聘的特点 (1)喜欢要求求职者举例; (2)喜欢追问,所以求职者在举例子的时候 切记要多加注意细节。 (3)是否曾参加过学校的活动或组织过哪些 活动。 (4)在高校招聘主要采用经历背景面谈法 (5)必须取得大学英语六级考试(CET-6) (6)宝洁一般不采取试用制度
校园宣讲会作为校园招聘的重要组成部分, 是广大学生感受宝洁成为每年校园招聘的一道风景
1.2 网上申请
Step1 基本信息填写
从2002年开始,宝洁将原来的填写 邮寄申请表改为网上申请
履历表/ 附件
1.3 笔试 解难能力测试
笔 试
效率 读图题 全球通用试题 5个部分, 50选择题, 限时65分钟 阅读理解 计算题 迅速进入状态 成功率
读表题 阅读理解
承压能力 思维灵活
1.4 面试
第一轮为初试,一对一的面试过程。面试 人通常是有一定经验并受过专门面试技能培训 的公司部门高级经理。一般这个经理是被面试 者所报部门的经理,面试时间大概在30—45分 钟
1.选A:图形内都是三条线2.选B:第一个图边数是12,后1个是3和4而3*4=12;第四个是9,后一个是3*3;下一个应该是6(12—9=9—6)3.选A:圆内的直线数:A+B=C B+C=D C+D=E....4. 同第77题。
E:转动8.E:外面转,里面也转9.C:每一列中:中图与下图叠合,去掉重复部分10 同第21题D11.答案是D,第一行和第三行的大框内的加黑小方格是10个,所以,第二行的应该也是10个小黑方格,那么只有D和E符合,此外第一行的有2个大框涂灰,第三行没有一个涂灰,那么第二行就应该只有一个大框涂灰,所以是D!1213.14A, 梯形的阴影每次加一层且顺时针转135度,外面的白色多边形顺时针转90度15.D有阴影,每一列有一个方向是垂直,其余两个分别向左右转45度还是E??16.17.1819.20.21. 同第10题D 第一个为7个边,第二个9个边,第三个为11个边,第五个为15个边每张图有三种颜色22.A,1,2图的边数和为3图的边数,2,3图的边数和为4图,递推23.A 8 7 6 ?424A 旋转25.每一横行的三个边数递减,故第二行为5、4、3,个人感觉每一行箭头都是左右朝向,故倾向于选D26.左边是递形逆时针转45度,感觉右边的图曲面是左右朝向在变,感觉是E ?? 不懂,求解27.B 第一第二行加1,第二第三行加228.B29.A每一列边数加2 30.C 31.D 32.B 旋转33.E 旋转34.D第一列的每个递加1,第二列的每个递加2,第三列每个递加3 35.A 注意A和D的区别。
A让图形对称36.C 旋转37.A 第一列与第二列相等38.E39.E 每种形状出现3次每种填充出现3 次40B41.A找每张图第三行的形状变化规律循环的,一个变一个42.B 43.B顺时旋转45度44.C旋转的问题45.B 46.C 47.A每张图里两个图形的边数和为14 48D 45度,90度,45度,90度49.D 每列,每行有2个一样的。
第一部分:价值观与动机1. 当您面对一项具有挑战性的任务时,以下哪种情况更符合您的想法?A. 我会感到兴奋,因为这是一个展示自己能力的机会。
B. 我会感到焦虑,担心自己无法完成任务。
C. 我会先评估任务的难度,再决定是否接受。
D. 我觉得这项任务与我无关,不太关心。
2. 您在以下哪种情况下更容易感到满足?A. 完成了一项具有挑战性的任务,并得到了认可。
B. 获得了一项奖励,比如奖金或晋升。
C. 在团队中发挥了重要作用,帮助团队取得了成功。
D. 个人生活得到了平衡,有更多时间陪伴家人和朋友。
3. 您认为以下哪种情况更有利于您的职业发展?A. 在一个具有竞争力的环境中工作,不断挑战自我。
B. 在一个稳定的环境中工作,逐步提升自己的职位。
C. 在一个具有创新精神的公司工作,有机会尝试新事物。
D. 在一个具有良好工作氛围的公司工作,同事关系融洽。
4. 您在以下哪种情况下更容易感到成就?A. 独立完成了一项困难的任务。
B. 在团队中发挥了自己的专长,为团队的成功做出了贡献。
C. 通过自己的努力,帮助他人解决了问题。
D. 在短时间内完成了多项任务。
5. 您认为以下哪种情况更有利于您的职业成长?A. 在一个充满竞争的环境中工作,不断超越自我。
B. 在一个稳定的环境中工作,逐步提升自己的职位。
C. 在一个具有创新精神的公司工作,有机会尝试新事物。
D. 在一个具有良好工作氛围的公司工作,同事关系融洽。
第二部分:沟通与人际关系6. 当您与同事发生分歧时,以下哪种处理方式更符合您的风格?A. 直接表达自己的观点,争取达成共识。
B. 耐心倾听对方的意见,寻求共同点。
C. 尝试从对方的角度思考问题,寻求解决方案。
宝洁公司案例分析一. 公司背景介绍(一)公司简介:宝洁(英文名称:Procter & Gamble)创于1837年,是一家美国消费日用品生产商,也是全球最大的日用消费品公司之一。
销售额514亿美元(2003 - 2004财政年度)利润额64.8亿美元(2003 - 2004财政年度)分公司分布超过80个国家产品销售超过160个国家。
通过第一轮面试的学生,宝洁公司将出 资请应聘学生来广州宝洁中国公司总部 参加第二轮面试,也是最后一轮面试。 为了表示宝洁对应聘学生的诚意,除免 费往返机票外,第二次面试全过程在广 州最好的酒店或宝洁中国总部进行
第二轮面试 几位面试官对一求职者面试,一般用中文进行。 面试官至少是3人,为确保招聘到的人才真正 是用人单位(部门)所需要和经过亲自审核的, 复试都是由各部门高层经理来亲自面试。 如果面试官是外方经理,宝洁还会提供翻译。 第二轮面试大约需要60分钟,
在“面试评估表”最后 1 页有1 项“是否 推荐栏”, 有3个结论供面试官选择 拒绝 待选 接纳
在宝洁公司的招聘体制下,聘用1个人, 须经所有面试经理一致通过方可。 若几位面试经理一起面试应聘人,在集 体讨论之后,最后评估多采取1票否决制。 任何1位面试官选择了“拒绝”,该生都 将从面试程序中被淘汰。
请你举1个具体的例子,说明你是如何设定1个 目标然后达到它。 请举例说明你在1项团队活动中如何采取主动 性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希 望的结果。 请你描述1种情形,在这种情形中你必须去寻 找相关的信息,发现关键的问题并且自己决定 依照一些步骤来获得期望的结果。 请你举1个例子说明你是怎样通过事实来履行 你对他人的承诺的。
第一部分:读图题(约12题) 第二和第五部分:阅读理解(约15题): 第三部分:计算题(约12题): 第四部分:读表题(约12题)。
自信心(对每个做过题目有绝对信心,几乎无时间检 查改正); 效率(题多时间少): 思维灵活(题目种类繁多,需立即转换思维) 承压能力(解题强度较大65分钟内不可有丝毫松懈) 迅速进入状态(考前无读题时间) 成功率(凡事可能只有一次机会)。
宝洁解难能力测试(problem solving test, pst)样题practice exercises for problem solving testpurposethis is provided to help you understand the rules for answering the problem s olving test by:1. telling you about important features of the test.2. giving you suggestions and strategies that can help when you answer it.3. giving you practice on questions similar to the actual test.features of problem solving testthere are three types of questions which require critical thinking and analytica l skills:number of questionsunderstanding data presented in tables or graphs 23understanding written paragraphs 16solving math problems 1150 totalyou will have 65 minutes to answer the 50 questions. you are allowed to use a calculator, although one is not required. you should use a pencil so you can erase to change an answer.every question has five possible answers from which you must choose the mo st correct answer. you will not have to write any essays. you will simply mar k one of the five answers which will be labeled a, b, c, d, e.during the actual test, you will mark your answers on a special answer sheet separate from the questions.if you mark more than one answer to a question, it will not be counted as corr ect.if you change an answer, it is important to erase your first answer so it does n ot appear that you have marked more than one answer.scoringeach correct answer adds one point to your score. points are not taken off if you mark an incorrect answer. you should try to score as many points as you can.suggestions to get best resultsrecent research has indicated that the following practices can lead to better sc ores on problem solving tests,including some you should do, and some you sh ould not do.things you should do to score well on a problem solving test:– determine clearly the nature of the question before looking at the answer choices.– work as fast as possible with reasonable assurance of accuracy: do not lose time on a question you do not understand.– eliminate answers from consideration that you know are incorrect and choos e from among the remaining answers.– mark an answer to every question, even if you have to guess.– use time remaining after completion of the test to reconsider answers. things you should not do in answering a problem solving test:– do not read slowly and carefully through the entire test before you start wor king.– do not spend time verifying questions you have already answered until you have answered every question.– do not spend time considering an answer that is not one of the five answer choices.practice questionshere is an example question with the correct answer marked as it should be o n the answer sheet:example question answer sheet1.1. a truck travels at the rate of 80 kilometers per hour. how much distance wi ll it travel in 30 minutes?a. 80 kilometersb. 240 kilometersc. 40 kilometersd. 30 kilometerse. none of the above example explanation30 minutes is one half of an hour, so a truck going 80 kilometers per hour will travel 40 kilometers in half an hour.answer c is colored in to indicate the correct answer.you will now have 25 questions to do as practice. try to answer all of the que stions in 30 minutes. try to get the best score you can by practicing the sugg estions to skip a question, or to guess, to save time.when you are ready, go to the next page and answer the practice questions a s quickly as you can.write the time when you start below. when you are finished, write the time b elow and determine the total amount of time used. this will give you an ideaof whether you are working as quickly as you will need to do on the actual tes t.time when you started:time when you finished:total time taken:compare to 30 minutespractice questionsmark your answers on the attached answer sheet.table 1amount of income in certain industries (in billions of dollars)industry year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5agriculture 22 26 26 30 51communication 14 17 18 20 21construction 36 43 47 52 57finance and real estate 78 90 100 108 118manufacturing 213 218 226 253 287transportation 27 30 33 36 401. which industry had the largest increase in the dollar amount of income fro myear 1 to year 2?a. agricultureb. constructionc. finance and real estated. manufacturinge. transportation2. which industry had the smallest increase in the dollar amount of income fro m year 1 to year 5?a. agricultureb. constructionc. finance and real estated. manufacturinge. transportation3. which industry experienced the largest percentage increase from year 3 to year 4?a. agricultureb. communicationc. constructiond. finance and real estatee. manufacturing4. which industry experienced the least percent change from year 1 to year 4?a. agricultureb. communicationc. constructiond. manufacturinge. transportation5. for which industry was there the least consistent increase in income over the period of time covered by the table?a. agricultureb. constructionc. finance and real estated. manufacturinge. transportationgo on to the next page.table 1 (repeated)amount of income in certain industries (in billions of dollars)industry year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5agriculture 22 26 26 30 51communication 14 17 18 20 21construction 36 43 47 52 57finance and real estate 78 90 100 108 118manufacturing 213 218 226 253 287transportation 27 30 33 36 406. if the trend in the transportation industry were to continue, its income for y ear 6 would most likely be abouta. 42 billion dollarsb. 44 billion dollarsc. 46 billion dollarsd. 48 billion dollarse. 50 billion dollars7. in which of the following instances has the first type of industry named con sistently had an income about half that of the second?a. agriculture; finance and real estateb. communication; agriculturec. construction; finance and real estated. finance and real estate; manufacturinge. transportation; communication8. in how many instances did a type of industry make a gain of 10% or more over the previous year listed?a. 1 - 4b. 5 - 8c. 9 - 12d. 13 - 16e. 17 - 209. the type of industry showing the steadiest rate of growth in income during this period wasa. communicationb. constructionc. finance and real estated. manufacturinge. transportation10. in which one of the following groups did all three types of industry increase their respective incomes by most nearly one-third from year 1 to year 3?a. agriculture; communication; transportationb. agriculture; communication; constructionc. communication; construction; transportationd. construction; finance and real estate, transportatione. communication; construction; finance and real estate11. how many industries had a growth rate of at least 20% from year 1 to ye ar 3?a. 1b. 2c. 3d. 4e. 512. among the following, the greatest percentage increase in income occurred fora. agriculture between year 3 and year 4b. communication between year 2 and year 3c. construction between year 1 and year 2d. finance and real estate between year 4 and year 5e. manufacturing between year 3 and year 4go on to the next page.read this page and then answer the questions on the next page. you may read any part of this again while you are answering the questions.1 a personnel department should2 first of all think of itself as a3 research group. the research i am4 thinking of is a questioning of5 personnel techniques, a re-6 examining of accepted procedures.7 it is searching for facts and8 anticipating future developments.9 it is thinking about your job and10 exploring new ways of carrying it11 out.12 secondly, a personnel depart-13 ment should equip itself with the14 knowledge and experience which will15 enable it to advise top management16 on personnel policies and, when17 appropriate, to draw management s18 attention to the employee relations19 implications of contemplated20 courses of action.21 third, personnel people should22 work closely with line management23 in developing guidelines and proce-24 dures which will help the operating25 people carry out their responsibil-26 ities in the employee relations27 area. such guides will put the28 specialized skills which personnel29 people have at the disposal of the30 line managers without removing the31 essential day-to-day contact they32 should have with their own people.33 finally, the personnel depart-34 ment should perform a review or35 survey function. are personnel36 policies and programs being admin-37 istered correctly? are there38 particular problems which make39 modifications necessary? are the40 programs accomplishing what they41 were intended to accomplish?42 should changes be made to strength-43 en them? these are some important44 questions that a review function45 can help answer.13. which two personnel functions described in the passage appear to have the most in common?a. research and advisoryb. research and reviewc. advisory and reviewd. procedure and reviewe. research and procedure14. "they" in line 31 refers most clearly toa. "personnel department" in lines 12-13b. "top management" in line 15c. "guidelines and procedures" in lines 23-24d. "personnel people" in lines 28-29e. "line managers" in line 3015. the questions posed in the last paragraph are ones which are to be answe red primarily througha. foreseeing possible developmentsb. effective communication with employeesc. critical evaluationd. conscientious application of policiese. provision of flexibility in approaches16. why does the author regard the day-to-day contact referred to in line 31 a s "essential"?a. this is needed to search for facts and anticipate developments.b. this is important for advising top management.c. this forms the basis for developing guidelines and procedures.d. this is basic for knowing that policies and programs are administered pro perly.e. the author does not clearly say why.17. in line 27, the function of the sentence beginning "such guides..." is that o fa. providing a rationale.b. emphasizing a point.c. indicating an analogy.d. adding details.e. presenting evidence.18. all of the following are clearly indicated by the author as important for a p ersonnel department to be effective excepta. looking ahead to see what will be needed in the future.b. seeking to find new and better ways for handling personnel matters.c. giving counsel to high-level managers on matters of personnel policy.d. having day-to-day contacts with people in the various line departments.e. looking for new ways to make one s job more effective.19. the main point of the first paragraph is that members of a personnel depa rtment shoulda. think about their jobs so they become as productive as possible.b. have a certain kind of orientation in their work.c. produce facts rather than rely on hunches.d. re-examine accepted personnel techniques and procedures.e. emphasize anticipation of future developments.go on to the next page.20. the normal selling price of a case of soap is $10.00. during a special sale, the price was reduced by 10%. (note: 10% means 10 percent.) this sale pr ice was 20% greater than the cost to produce a case of soap. how much did i tcost to produce a case of soap?a. $9.00b. $8.00c. $7.50d. $7.00e. $6.5021. a picture on a page was reduced on a copier to 60% of its original size, and this copy was then reduced by 20%. what percent of the size of the origina l picture was the final copy?a. 12b. 20c. 40d. 48e. 5222. in a certain department, 15% of the females and 25% of the males are w orking on a project. 60% of the department is female. what percent of the d epartment is working on the project?a. 12b. 19c. 40d. 48e. one cannot tell from the information given.23. the total cost for five items of repair work on a car was $195. overhaul of the carburetor cost twice as much as the tune-up, brake pads cost one-thirda s much as the carburetor overhaul, and alignment and wheel balancing each c ost one-third as much as the tune-up. what did the tune-up cost?a. $30b. $45c. $60d. $90e. one cannot tell from the information given.24. a certain preparation consists of liquids x, y, and z in the proportion 5:2:1 . how many gallons of the preparation can be made from a stock of materials consisting of 25 gallons of x, 20 gallons of y, and 8 gallons of z?a. 25b. 40c. 80d. 53e. 5025. a product costing 60 cents per unit to produce had been selling at the ave rage rate of 1,200,000 units per month. after the product was improved, sale sincreased to an average of 2,000,000 units per month. however, the new pr oduct cost five percent more to produce. if the manufacturer s selling price in each instance was 75 cents per unit, what was the manufacturer s added pro fit per month with the newer product?a. $20,000b. $60,000c. $200,000d. $240,000e. one cannot tell from the information given.解难能力测试详解试题分为五个部分,共50小题,限时65分钟,全为选择题,每题五个选项。
[笔试] 宝洁解难能力测试 (Problem Solving Test, PST)
[笔试] 宝洁解难能力测试(Problem Solving Test, PST)样题[此帖已被设为精华] 宝洁解难能力测试(Problem Solving Test, PST)样题PRACTICE EXERCISES FOR PROBLEM SOLVING TESTPURPOSEThis is provided to help you understand the rules for answering the Problem Solving Test by:1. Telling you about important features of the test.2. Giving you suggestions and strategies that can help when you answer it.3. Giving you practice on questions similar to the actual test.FEATURES OF PROBLEM SOLVING TESTThere are three types of questions which require critical thinking and analytical skills:Number of QuestionsUnderstanding data presented in tables or graphs 23Understanding written paragraphs 16Solving math problems 1150 TotalYou will have 65 minutes to answer the 50 questions. You are allowed to use a calculator, although one is not required. You should use a pencil so you can erase to change an answer. Every question has five possible answers from which you must choose the most correct answer. You will not have to write any essays. You will simply mark ONE of the five answers which will be labeled A, B, C, D, E.During the actual test, you will mark your answers on a special answer sheet separate from the questions.If you mark more than one answer to a question, it will NOT be counted as correct.If you change an answer, it is important to erase your first answer so it does not appear that you have marked more than one answer.SCORINGEach correct answer adds one point to your score. Points are NOT taken off if you mark an incorrect answer. You should try to score as many points as you can.SUGGESTIONS TO GET BEST RESULTSRecent research has indicated that the following practices can lead to better scores on Problem Solving Tests,including some you should do, and some you should not do.Things you should do to score well on a Problem Solving Test:–Determine clearly the nature of the question before looking at the answer choices.–Work as fast as possible with reasonable assurance of accuracy: do not lose time on a question you do not understand.–Eliminate answers from consideration that you know are incorrect and choose from among the remaining answers.–Mark an answer to every question, even if you have to guess.–Use time remaining after completion of the test to reconsider answers.Things you should not do in answering a Problem Solving Test:–Do not read slowly and carefully through the entire test before you start working.–Do not spend time verifying questions you have already answered until you have answered every question.–Do not spend time considering an answer that is not one of the five answer choices.PRACTICE QUESTIONSHere is an example question with the correct answer marked as it should be on the answer sheet: EXAMPLE QUESTION ANSWER SHEET1.1. A truck travels at the rate of 80 kilometers per hour. How much distance will it travel in 30 minutes?A. 80 kilometersB. 240 kilometersC. 40 kilometersD. 30 kilometersE. None of the above EXAMPLE EXPLANATION30 minutes is one half of an hour, so a truck going 80 kilometers per hour will travel 40 kilometers in half an hour.Answer C is colored in to indicate the correct answer.You will now have 25 questions to do as practice. Try to answer all of the questions in 30 minutes. Try to get the best score you can by practicing the suggestions to skip a question, or to guess, to save time.When you are ready, go to the next page and answer the practice questions as quickly as you can. Write the time when you start below. When you are finished, write the time below and determine the total amount of time used. This will give you an idea of whether you are working as quickly as you will need to do on the actual test.Time when you started:Time when you finished:Total time taken:Compare to 30 minutesPRACTICE QUESTIONSMark your answers on the attached ANSWER SHEET.TABLE 1AMOUNT OF INCOME IN CERTAIN INDUSTRIES (in billions of dollars)INDUSTRY YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5Agriculture 22 26 26 30 51Communication 14 17 18 20 21Construction 36 43 47 52 57Finance and Real Estate 78 90 100 108 118Manufacturing 213 218 226 253 287Transportation 27 30 33 36 401. Which industry had the largest increase in the dollar amount of income fromYear 1 to Year 2?A. AgricultureB. ConstructionC. Finance and Real EstateD. ManufacturingE. Transportation2. Which industry had the smallest increase in the dollar amount of income from Year 1 to Year 5?A. AgricultureB. ConstructionC. Finance and Real EstateD. ManufacturingE. Transportation3. Which industry experienced the largest percentage increase from Year 3 to Year 4?A. AgricultureB. CommunicationC. ConstructionD. Finance and Real EstateE. Manufacturing4. Which industry experienced the least percent change from Year 1 to Year 4?A. AgricultureB. CommunicationC. ConstructionD. ManufacturingE. Transportation5. For which industry was there the least consistent increase in income over the period of time covered by the table?A. AgricultureB. ConstructionC. Finance and Real EstateD. ManufacturingE. TransportationGO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE.TABLE 1 (REPEATED)AMOUNT OF INCOME IN CERTAIN INDUSTRIES (in billions of dollars)INDUSTRY YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5Agriculture 22 26 26 30 51Communication 14 17 18 20 21Construction 36 43 47 52 57Finance and Real Estate 78 90 100 108 118Manufacturing 213 218 226 253 287Transportation 27 30 33 36 406. If the trend in the Transportation industry were to continue, its income for Year 6 would most likely be aboutA. 42 billion dollarsB. 44 billion dollarsC. 46 billion dollarsD. 48 billion dollarsE. 50 billion dollars7. In which of the following instances has the first type of industry named consistently had an income about half that of the second?A. Agriculture; Finance and Real EstateB. Communication; AgricultureC. Construction; Finance and Real EstateD. Finance and Real Estate; ManufacturingE. Transportation; Communication8. In how many instances did a type of industry make a gain of 10% or more over the previous year listed?A. 1 - 4B. 5 - 8C. 9 - 12D. 13 - 16E. 17 - 209. The type of industry showing the steadiest rate of growth in income during this period wasA. CommunicationB. ConstructionC. Finance and Real EstateD. ManufacturingE. Transportation10. In which one of the following groups did all three types of industry increase their respective incomes by most nearly one-third from Year 1 to Year 3?A. Agriculture; Communication; TransportationB. Agriculture; Communication; ConstructionC. Communication; Construction; TransportationD. Construction; Finance and Real Estate, TransportationE. Communication; Construction; Finance and Real Estate11. How many industries had a growth rate of at least 20% from Year 1 to Year 3?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4E. 512. Among the following, the greatest percentage increase in income occurred forA. Agriculture between Year 3 and Year 4B. Communication between Year 2 and Year 3C. Construction between Year 1 and Year 2D. Finance and Real Estate between Year 4 and Year 5E. Manufacturing between Year 3 and Year 4GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE.Read this page and then answer the questions on the next page. You may read any part of this again while you are answering the questions.1 A personnel department should2 first of all think of itself as a3 research group. The research I am4 thinking of is a questioning of5 personnel techniques, a re-6 examining of accepted procedures.7 It is searching for facts and8 anticipating future developments.9 It is thinking about your job and10 exploring new ways of carrying it11 out.12 Secondly, a personnel depart-13 ment should equip itself with the14 knowledge and experience which will15 enable it to advise top management16 on personnel policies and, when17 appropriate, to draw management s18 attention to the employee relations19 implications of contemplated20 courses of action.21 Third, personnel people should22 work closely with line management23 in developing guidelines and proce-24 dures which will help the operating25 people carry out their responsibil-26 ities in the employee relations27 area. Such guides will put the28 specialized skills which personnel29 people have at the disposal of the30 line managers without removing the31 essential day-to-day contact they32 should have with their own people.33 Finally, the personnel depart-34 ment should perform a review or35 survey function. Are personnel36 policies and programs being admin-37 istered correctly? Are there38 particular problems which make39 modifications necessary? Are the40 programs accomplishing what they41 were intended to accomplish?42 Should changes be made to strength-43 en them? These are some important44 questions that a review function45 can help answer.13. Which two personnel functions described in the passage appear to have the most in common?A. Research and advisoryB. Research and reviewC. Advisory and reviewD. Procedure and reviewE. Research and procedure14. "they" in line 31 refers most clearly toA. "personnel department" in lines 12-13B. "top management" in line 15C. "guidelines and procedures" in lines 23-24D. "personnel people" in lines 28-29E. "line managers" in line 3015. The questions posed in the last paragraph are ones which are to be answered primarily throughA. foreseeing possible developmentsB. effective communication with employeesC. critical evaluationD. conscientious application of policiesE. provision of flexibility in approaches16. Why does the author regard the day-to-day contact referred to in line 31 as "essential"?A. This is needed to search for facts and anticipate developments.B. This is important for advising top management.C. This forms the basis for developing guidelines and procedures.D. This is basic for knowing that policies and programs are administered properly.E. The author does not clearly say why.17. In line 27, the function of the sentence beginning "Such guides..." is that ofA. providing a rationale.B. emphasizing a point.C. indicating an analogy.D. adding details.E. presenting evidence.18. All of the following are clearly indicated by the author as important for a personnel department to be effective exceptA. looking ahead to see what will be needed in the future.B. seeking to find new and better ways for handling personnel matters.C. giving counsel to high-level managers on matters of personnel policy.D. having day-to-day contacts with people in the various line departments.E. looking for new ways to make one s job more effective.19. The main point of the first paragraph is that members of a personnel department shouldA. think about their jobs so they become as productive as possible.B. have a certain kind of orientation in their work.C. produce facts rather than rely on hunches.D. re-examine accepted personnel techniques and procedures.E. emphasize anticipation of future developments.GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE.20. The normal selling price of a case of soap is $10.00. During a special sale, the price was reduced by 10%. (Note: 10% means 10 percent.) This sale price was 20% greater than the cost to produce a case of soap. How much did itcost to produce a case of soap?A. $9.00B. $8.00C. $7.50D. $7.00E. $6.5021. A picture on a page was reduced on a copier to 60% of its original size, and this copy was then reduced by 20%. What percent of the size of the original picture was the final copy?A. 12B. 20C. 40D. 48E. 5222. In a certain department, 15% of the females and 25% of the males are working on a project. 60% of the department is female. What percent of the department is working on the project?A. 12B. 19C. 40D. 48E. One cannot tell from the information given.23. The total cost for five items of repair work on a car was $195. Overhaul of the carburetor cost twice as much as the tune-up, brake pads cost one-thirdas much as the carburetor overhaul, and alignment and wheel balancing each cost one-third as much as the tune-up. What did the tune-up cost?A. $30B. $45C. $60D. $90E. One cannot tell from the information given.24. A certain preparation consists of liquids x, y, and z in the proportion 5:2:1. How many gallons of the preparation can be made from a stock of materials consisting of 25 gallons of x, 20 gallons of y, and 8 gallons of z?A. 25B. 40C. 80D. 53E. 5025. A product costing 60 cents per unit to produce had been selling at the average rate of 1,200,000 units per month. After the product was improved, salesincreased to an average of 2,000,000 units per month. However, the new product cost five percent more to produce. If the manufacturer s selling price in each instance was 75 cents per unit, what was the manufacturer s added profit per month with the newer product?A. $20,000B. $60,000C. $200,000D. $240,000E. One cannot tell from the information given转载请注明出自应届生求职招聘论坛/,本贴地址:/thread-178311-1-1.html。
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宝洁解难能力测试(Problem Solving Test, PST)样题You will now have 25 questions to do as practice. Try to answer all of the questions in 30 minutes. Try to get the best score you can by practicing the suggestions to skip a question, or to guess, to save time.When you are ready, go to the next page and answer the practice questions as quickly as you can. Write the time when you start below. When you are finished, write the time below and determine the total amount of time used. This will give you an idea of whether you are working as quickly as you will need to do on the actual test.Time when you started:Time when you finished:Total time taken:Compare to 30 minutesPRACTICE QUESTIONSMark your answers on the attached ANSWER SHEET.TABLE 1AMOUNT OF INCOME IN CERTAIN INDUSTRIES (in billions of dollars)INDUSTRY YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5Agriculture 22 26 26 30 51Communication 14 17 18 20 21Construction 36 43 47 52 57Finance and Real Estate 78 90 100 108 118Manufacturing 213 218 226 253 287Transportation 27 30 33 36 401. Which industry had the largest increase in the dollar amount of income fromYear 1 to Year 2?A. AgricultureB. ConstructionC. Finance and Real EstateD. ManufacturingE. Transportation2. Which industry had the smallest increase in the dollar amount of income from Year 1 to Year 5?A. AgricultureB. ConstructionC. Finance and Real EstateD. ManufacturingE. Transportation3. Which industry experienced the largest percentage increase from Year 3 to Year 4?A. AgricultureB. CommunicationC. ConstructionD. Finance and Real EstateE. Manufacturing4. Which industry experienced the least percent change from Year 1 to Year 4?A. AgricultureB. CommunicationC. ConstructionD. ManufacturingE. Transportation5. For which industry was there the least consistent increase in income over the period of time covered by the table?A. AgricultureB. ConstructionC. Finance and Real EstateD. ManufacturingE. TransportationGO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE.TABLE 1 (REPEATED)AMOUNT OF INCOME IN CERTAIN INDUSTRIES (in billions of dollars)INDUSTRY YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5Agriculture 22 26 26 30 51Communication 14 17 18 20 21Construction 36 43 47 52 57Finance and Real Estate 78 90 100 108 118Manufacturing 213 218 226 253 287Transportation 27 30 33 36 406. If the trend in the Transportation industry were to continue, its income for Year 6 would most likely be aboutA. 42 billion dollarsB. 44 billion dollarsC. 46 billion dollarsD. 48 billion dollarsE. 50 billion dollars7. In which of the following instances has the first type of industry named consistently had an income about half that of the second?A. Agriculture; Finance and Real EstateB. Communication; AgricultureC. Construction; Finance and Real EstateD. Finance and Real Estate; ManufacturingE. Transportation; Communication8. In how many instances did a type of industry make a gain of 10% or more over the previous year listed?A. 1 - 4B. 5 - 8C. 9 - 12D. 13 - 16E. 17 - 209. The type of industry showing the steadiest rate of growth in income during this period wasA. CommunicationB. ConstructionC. Finance and Real EstateD. ManufacturingE. Transportation10. In which one of the following groups did all three types of industry increase their respective incomes by most nearly one-third from Year 1 to Year 3?A. Agriculture; Communication; TransportationB. Agriculture; Communication; ConstructionC. Communication; Construction; TransportationD. Construction; Finance and Real Estate, TransportationE. Communication; Construction; Finance and Real Estate11. How many industries had a growth rate of at least 20% from Year 1 to Year 3?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4E. 512. Among the following, the greatest percentage increase in income occurred forA. Agriculture between Year 3 and Year 4B. Communication between Year 2 and Year 3C. Construction between Year 1 and Year 2D. Finance and Real Estate between Year 4 and Year 5E. Manufacturing between Year 3 and Year 4GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE.Read this page and then answer the questions on the next page. You may read any part of this again while you are answering the questions.1 A personnel department should2 first of all think of itself as a3 research group. The research I am4 thinking of is a questioning of5 personnel techniques, a re-6 examining of accepted procedures.7 It is searching for facts and8 anticipating future developments.9 It is thinking about your job and10 exploring new ways of carrying it11 out.12 Secondly, a personnel depart-13 ment should equip itself with the14 knowledge and experience which will15 enable it to advise top management16 on personnel policies and, when17 appropriate, to draw management s18 attention to the employee relations19 implications of contemplated20 courses of action.21 Third, personnel people should22 work closely with line management23 in developing guidelines and proce-24 dures which will help the operating25 people carry out their responsibil-26 ities in the employee relations27 area. Such guides will put the28 specialized skills which personnel29 people have at the disposal of the30 line managers without removing the31 essential day-to-day contact they32 should have with their own people.33 Finally, the personnel depart-34 ment should perform a review or35 survey function. Are personnel36 policies and programs being admin-37 istered correctly? Are there38 particular problems which make39 modifications necessary? Are the40 programs accomplishing what they41 were intended to accomplish?42 Should changes be made to strength-43 en them? These are some important44 questions that a review function45 can help answer.13. Which two personnel functions described in the passage appear to have the most in common?A. Research and advisoryB. Research and reviewC. Advisory and reviewD. Procedure and reviewE. Research and procedure14. "they" in line 31 refers most clearly toA. "personnel department" in lines 12-13B. "top management" in line 15C. "guidelines and procedures" in lines 23-24D. "personnel people" in lines 28-29E. "line managers" in line 3015. The questions posed in the last paragraph are ones which are to be answered primarily throughA. foreseeing possible developmentsB. effective communication with employeesC. critical evaluationD. conscientious application of policiesE. provision of flexibility in approaches16. Why does the author regard the day-to-day contact referred to in line 31 as "essential"?A. This is needed to search for facts and anticipate developments.B. This is important for advising top management.C. This forms the basis for developing guidelines and procedures.D. This is basic for knowing that policies and programs are administered properly.E. The author does not clearly say why.17. In line 27, the function of the sentence beginning "Such guides..." is that ofA. providing a rationale.B. emphasizing a point.C. indicating an analogy.D. adding details.E. presenting evidence.18. All of the following are clearly indicated by the author as important for a personnel department to be effective exceptA. looking ahead to see what will be needed in the future.B. seeking to find new and better ways for handling personnel matters.C. giving counsel to high-level managers on matters of personnel policy.D. having day-to-day contacts with people in the various line departments.E. looking for new ways to make one s job more effective.19. The main point of the first paragraph is that members of a personnel department shouldA. think about their jobs so they become as productive as possible.B. have a certain kind of orientation in their work.C. produce facts rather than rely on hunches.D. re-examine accepted personnel techniques and procedures.E. emphasize anticipation of future developments.GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE.20. The normal selling price of a case of soap is $10.00. During a special sale, the price was reduced by 10%. (Note: 10% means 10 percent.) This sale price was 20% greater than the cost to produce a case of soap. How much did itcost to produce a case of soap?A. $9.00B. $8.00C. $7.50D. $7.00E. $6.5021. A picture on a page was reduced on a copier to 60% of its original size, and this copy was then reduced by 20%. What percent of the size of the original picture was the final copy?A. 12B. 20C. 40D. 48E. 5222. In a certain department, 15% of the females and 25% of the males are working on a project. 60% of the department is female. What percent of the department is working on the project?A. 12B. 19C. 40D. 48E. One cannot tell from the information given.23. The total cost for five items of repair work on a car was $195. Overhaul of the carburetor cost twice as much as the tune-up, brake pads cost one-thirdas much as the carburetor overhaul, and alignment and wheel balancing each cost one-third as much as the tune-up. What did the tune-up cost?A. $30B. $45C. $60D. $90E. One cannot tell from the information given.24. A certain preparation consists of liquids x, y, and z in the proportion 5:2:1. How many gallons of the preparation can be made from a stock of materials consisting of 25 gallons of x, 20 gallons of y, and 8 gallons of z?A. 25B. 40C. 80D. 53E. 5025. A product costing 60 cents per unit to produce had been selling at the average rate of 1,200,000 units per month. After the product was improved, salesincreased to an average of 2,000,000 units per month. However, the new product cost five percent more to produce. If the manufacturer s selling price in each instance was 75 cents per unit, what was the manufacturer s added profit per month with the newer product?A. $20,000B. $60,000C. $200,000D. $240,000E. One cannot tell from the information given.P&G解难测试PST考试答题技巧(转载)面试, 简历[此帖已被设为好帖] P&G解难测试PST考试答题技巧大学生求职,培训,找工作,笔试,面试,简历,求职资料,求职大礼包;z,L$c#k)L-p总结:一般来说我们的同学都答对33-39道题左右,大学生求职,培训,找工作,笔试,面试,简历,求职资料,求职大礼包7m*I4n2q6Y'v2p3x&B所以不必紧张,也不能紧张,思路要清晰,按自己的节奏,带着紧迫感答题。