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For now, the rate of heating of the medium frequency induction heat ing, fast and control is very convenient, has been widely used in many i ndustries. This article 600KwIGBT series resonant energy-saving intermedi ate frequency electric furnace main circuit system design, the main work is as follows:

One. The design of high voltage 10KV line switchgear, high voltage 10KV system for small current grounding system, the design of overvolt age and overcurrent protection, design voltage, current and power measure ment.

Two. The design phase into the 10KV six line rectifier transformer wiring, selection of the rated voltage and the voltage drop, low pressure outlet overvoltage and overcurrent protection, indicating that reducing the harmonic principle.

Thire. Description of the components working principle and circuit d esign principles and basis of the lower harmonics and energy conservation principle.

The design described the overall structure of the main circuit, the ser ies resonant medium frequency induction furnace and give a theoretical a nalysis of the basic circuit, the main circuit is derived formula on the ad vantages of the transformation after the bridge rectifier and the resonant l oad inverter circuit is completed, design of the rectifier circuit, reactor, an d the line inductance. So far, the series resonant intermediate frequency e lectric furnace still has a lot of use of space, the subject has its practical significance.

Keywords: induction heating; series resonance; thyristor, inverter;rectif ier


Abstract II


第一章概论- 1 -

1.1 选择课题的背景及意义 - 1 -

1.2 串联谐振中频电炉主电路结构的设计 - 2 -1.3 该课题的研究目标- 2 -

第二章中频电炉的工作原理- 4 -

2.1 中频电炉的内部结构- 4 -

2.2 电磁感应原理- 4 -

2.3 感应加热效应- 5 -

2.3.1集肤效应- 5 -

2.3.2邻近效应- 6 -

2.3.3端部效应- 6 -

2.3.4圆环效应- 7 -

2.4 中频电炉负载- 7 -

2.4.1负载磁场- 7 -

2.4.2负载电阻- 8 -

2.4.3负载参数- 9 -

第三章中频电源和小电流接地系统- 13 -3.1 中频电源系统- 13 -

3.2 小电流接地系统 - 14 -

3.2.1 10kV进线开关柜的选择- 15 -

3.2.2 电压、电流和电能计量- 16 -

3.2.3 10kV线路过电压和过电流爱护- 17 -第四章整流电路- 19 -

4.1 中频电源整流电路的条件- 19 -

4.2 整流电路原理分析 - 20 -
