
离婚公证书翻译篇一:离婚公证书英文翻译模版Notarization of Divorce[20XX] XXX Zheng Zi No.XX This is to certify that XXX[男方姓名](male, born on XXX,19XX[出生日期]) and XXX[女方姓名](female, born on XXX,19XX[出生日期]) registered devorce on XXX XX,20XX[离婚日期] at the Civil Affairs Bureau of XXXXX[县名], XXXX[省名] Province.Notary:XXX Notary Public OfficeXXX ProvinceThe People’s Republic of China XXXX XX,20XX[公证日期]篇二:公证书样本英文委托书本人本人姓名(性别,出生日期,身份证号)和 (前)配偶姓名(性别,出生日期,身份证号)是孩子姓名(性别,出生日期,护照号)的父母。
在此,作为孩子姓名的父母,我们委托委托人姓名(性别,出生日期,护(原文来自: 小草范文网:离婚公证书翻译)照号)带我们的儿子/女儿孩子姓名赴目的地国家旅游,并由我们二人承担子女的全部旅游费用,旅游期限为:年月日至年月日。
声明人:(父母双方签字)年月日以下为英文模板declaration i本人姓名拼音)and )音(性别,出生日期,护照号)。
now i solemnly make the following staterment:音’s parents,we entrust 委托人姓名拼音(性别,出生日期,护照号)行程的出发时间(dd/mm/yyyy)此次行程的结束时间(dd/mm/yyyy)。
we are willing to cover all the expenses of our child incurredduring the traveling 。

Sex: Female
Nationality: China
Date of birth: Dec.10, 1969
ID Card No.: XX XX XX XX
Name: XX Nationality: China ID Card No.: XX XX XX XX
Sex: Male Date of birth: Oct. 21, 1966
No.: 0000867401
如有侵权请联系网站删除 精品资料
Registered by: ZHANG Lei
Holder: XX
Photo of XX
Registered date: July. 30, 2004
Marriage Certificate No.: C(2004)R.W.L.Zi.No.0000966
Name: XX
Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China
Divorce Certificate
Through check, the divorcement application is in accordance with the Marital Law of the P.R.C., and the Certificate is hereby issued.
According to the Marriage Law of People’s Republic of China, divorce shall be granted if it’s desired voluntarily by both the husband and wife. The marriage registration authority, after clearly establishing that divorce is desired by both parties and that appropriate arrangements have been made for the care of any children and the disposition of property, shall issue the divorce certificate.
离婚证 翻译b

The People's Republic of China 中华人民共和國ZHONGHUA RENMIN GONGHEGUODivorce Certificate离婚证LIHUNZHENDedicated Seal for Marriage Documents Management,The Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国民政部监制婚姻证件管理专用章The Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China The Manufacture Was Supervised by中华人民共和国民政部监制Certificate Holder : 持证人Certificate NO. : 字第号Name : 姓名Sex : Female 性别Date of Brith :出生日期Identity Card NO. : 身份证号Name : 姓名Sex : Male 性别Date of Brith :出生日期Identity Card NO. : 身份证号The Marriage Law of the People's RepublicThe divorce application conforming to the stipulations ofof China about Consensual Divorce can get the divorce registered.Thus,the divorce certificate is issued.申请离婚,经审查符合《中华人民共和国婚姻法》关于双方自愿离婚的规定,准予登记,发给此证。
Register Institution : Municipal People's Government 发证机关Date of Issue :发证日期STATE说明1. Anywhere indicating the photo place shall be stuck the photograph and be stamped the dedicated seal used for marriage registration (steel seal) on request .1.凡标明照片的地方须按照要求贴有照片并加盖婚姻登记专用章(钢印)。
离婚证 翻译b

The People's Republic of China 中华人民共和國ZHONGHUA RENMIN GONGHEGUODivorce Certificate离婚证LIHUNZHENDedicated Seal for Marriage Documents Management,The Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国民政部监制婚姻证件管理专用章The Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China The Manufacture Was Supervised by中华人民共和国民政部监制Certificate Holder : 持证人Certificate NO. : 字第号Name : 姓名Sex : Female 性别Date of Brith :出生日期Identity Card NO. : 身份证号Name : 姓名Sex : Male 性别Date of Brith :出生日期Identity Card NO. : 身份证号The Marriage Law of the People's RepublicThe divorce application conforming to the stipulations ofof China about Consensual Divorce can get the divorce registered.Thus,the divorce certificate is issued.申请离婚,经审查符合《中华人民共和国婚姻法》关于双方自愿离婚的规定,准予登记,发给此证。
Register Institution : Municipal People's Government 发证机关Date of Issue :发证日期STATE说明1. Anywhere indicating the photo place shall be stuck the photograph and be stamped the dedicated seal used for marriage registration (steel seal) on request .1.凡标明照片的地方须按照要求贴有照片并加盖婚姻登记专用章(钢印)。

离婚证翻译模板|DIVORCE CERTIFICATE(2011-09-22 10:54:23)转载?标签: 分类: 商务法律转载原文地址:离婚证翻译模板|DIVORCE CERTIFICATE作者:法律英语翻译离婚证模板 DIVORCE CERTIFICATE(Translation)(Photo of the holder)Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China(Seal for Marriage Certificate Custody) Prepared under the supervision of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Holder: XXXXXXXX Zi, No. XXXXName: XXXXSex: XXXXDate of Birth: XXXXNationality: XXXXID. No.: XXXXName: XXXXSex: XXXXDate of Birth: XXXXNationality: XXXXID. No.: XXXXThe applicants mentioned above apply for divorce, they are found to be in conformity withthe regulation on voluntary divorce stipulated in the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic ofChina upon verification and are hereby granted to have registration and issued this Certificate.Certificate Issuer:XXXX Bureau of Civil Affairs(Seal for Marriage Registration) Date of Issuance: XXXXArrangement for XXXX child/childrenDisposal for property XXXX Other agreement XXXXArrangement for XXXX child/childrenDisposal for property XXXX Other agreement XXXX。

This Divorce Settlement Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into on [Date], by and between [Husband's Full Name], of [Husband's Address], hereinafter referred to as "Husband," and [Wife's Full Name], of [Wife's Address], hereinafter referred to as "Wife," collectively referred to as the "Parties."1. Recognition of DivorceThe Parties mutually agree and acknowledge that their marriage, which commenced on [Marriage Date], has irretrievably broken down and that there is no reasonable prospect of reconciliation. Therefore, the Parties hereby consent to the dissolution of their marriage by divorce.2. Division of Property2.1 Real PropertyThe Parties agree to the following division of their real property:- [Description of Property] located at [Address], shall be conveyed to [Owner's Name] upon the execution of this Agreement and the satisfaction of all necessary legal requirements.- Any remaining equity in [Description of Property] shall be divided equally between the Parties.2.2 Personal PropertyThe Parties agree to the following division of their personal property:- All joint bank accounts, savings accounts, and investment accounts shall be closed, and the proceeds shall be divided equally between the Parties.- All joint credit card debts shall be divided equally between the Parties, with each Party responsible for paying off their respective credit card debts.- Any personal property owned individually by either Party shall remain with the respective Party.3. Child Custody and Support3.1 CustodyThe Parties agree that [Child's Full Name], born on [Child's Birth Date], shall reside primarily with [Custodial Parent's Name] ("Custodian"),with visitation rights for the non-custodial parent ("Non-Custodial Parent") as follows:- [Visitation Schedule and Details]3.2 Child SupportThe Parties agree that the Non-Custodial Parent shall pay child support to the Custodian in the amount of [Amount] per month, effective from [Date]. The child support shall be paid directly to the Custodian or to a third-party payment service as agreed upon by the Parties.4. AlimonyThe Parties agree that [Wife's Name] is entitled to receive alimony from [Husband's Name] in the amount of [Amount] per month, effective from [Date], for a period of [Number of Years] or until [Specific Event], whichever occurs first.5. ConfidentialityThe Parties agree to keep the terms of this Agreement confidential and not to disclose any information contained herein to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party.6. Legal Fees and CostsThe Parties agree to bear their own legal fees and costs incurred in connection with the dissolution of their marriage, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement.7. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction], and any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction ofthe courts of [Jurisdiction].8. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties regarding the dissolution of their marriage and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, and understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Divorce Settlement Agreement as of the date first above written.[Signature of Husband]_________________________[Full Name of Husband][Date][Signature of Wife]_________________________[Full Name of Wife][Date]NOTICE TO PARTIESThis Divorce Settlement Agreement is a legally binding document. Before signing, it is strongly recommended that you consult with an attorney to ensure that your rights and interests are adequately protected.。

notarization of divorce [20xx] xxx zheng zi no.xx this is to certify that xxx[男方姓名](male, bornon xxx,19xx[出生日期]) and xxx[女方姓名](female, born on xxx,19xx[出生日期])registered devorce on xxx xx,20xx[离婚日期] at the civil affairs bureau of xxxxx[县名], xxxx[省名] province. notary:xxx notary public officexxx provincethe people’s republic of china xxxx xx,20xx[公证日期]篇二:英语模板离婚协议书公证书notarial certificate (***) *** zheng zi, no.*** applicant: ***, female, born on ***, citizen’s identity card no.: ***, livingat *** village, ***township, *** county, *** province issue under notarization: divorce agreement this is to certify that the foregoing copy of divorce agreement issued to ***by marriage registry of people’s government of ** * on *** conforms to the original,and that the original document is authentic. notary public office, *** county, *** province the people’s republic of china notary public: ******篇三:离婚公证书离婚公证书离婚公证书()××字第××号兹证明×××(男,×年×月×日出生)与×××(女,×年×月×日出生)于×年×月×日在×××(地点)登记结婚,于×年×月×日在×××(原婚姻登记机关名称,或者经人民法院判决)离婚。
离婚协议翻译模板(英文版) 海历阳光翻译文档样版新版

离婚协议翻译模板(英文版)海历阳光翻译文档样版新版TABLE OF CONTENTS1. LIVING SEPARATE. 分居2. NO HARASSMENT OR INTERFERENCE. 互不骚扰3. CHILD CUSTODY. 子女抚养4. DIVISION OF PROPERTY 财产分割5. DIVISION OF DEBTS 债务分割6. ALIMONY 赡养费7. EFFECT OF DIVORCE OR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE. 婚姻关系解除的效力8. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE. 经济状况相互公开9. WAIVER OF ESTATE. 对遗产的放弃10.INDEPENDENT REPRESENTATION BY COUNSEL.各自律师的请求权利11. EXECUTION OF NECESSARY INSTRUMENTS. 法律文件的签署12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. 协议的完整性13. GOVERNING LAW. 管辖法律14. BINDING EFFECT. 本协议的约束力This Agreement is entered into on ____, by and between ____ (Husband) and ___ (Wife) whose address are as follows:The parties were married on ____.As a result of disputes and serious differences, they have separated and are now living separate and apart, and wish to continue living permanently apart. They intend to settle by this agreement their marital matters, including child custody, child support, division of property and debts, and their rights to alimony. For these reasons and in consideration of the mutual promises contained in this agreement, Husband and Wife agree as follows:1. LIVING SEPARATE. 分居Husband and Wife will live separate and apart from each other, as if they weresingle and unmarried.2. NO HARASSMENT OR INTERFERENCE. 互不骚扰Neither party will in any manner harass, annoy or interfere with the other.3. CHILD CUSTODY. 子女抚养The parties will share in parenting responsibilities; however, physical custody of the minor child(ren), ____ shall be awarded to the Wife and the Husband shall have reasonable and liberal visitation rights. The parties will share in parenting responsibilities; however, physical custody of the minor child(ren), ____ shall be awarded to the Husband and the Wife shall have reasonable and liberal visitation rights.The Husband Wife shall pay the sum of $ ____ per ___ as support and maintenance for the minor child(ren) in the physical custody of the other parent. The Husband Wife shall maintain health insurance coverage for the minor child(ren), as long as such insurance is available at a reasonable group rate.4. DIVISION OF PROPERTY 财产分割The Husband transfers to the Wife as her sole and separate property:The Wife transfers to the Husband as his sole and separate property:5. DIVISION OF DEBTS 债务分割The Husband shall pay, and will not at any time hold the Wife responsible for, the following debts:The Wife shall pay, and will not at any time hold the Husband responsible for, the following debts:6. ALIMONY 赡养费The Husband Wife shall pay alimony in the sum of $ ____ per ____, for a period of ____, or until the Husband Wife dies or remarries, whichever occurs first.7. EFFECT OF DIVORCE OR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE. 婚姻关系解除的效力In the event of a divorce or dissolution of marriage this Marital Settlement Agreement shall, if the court approves, be merged with, incorporated into, and become a part of any subsequent decree or judgment for divorce or dissolution of marriage.8. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE. 经济状况相互公开The parties have revealed to each other full financial information regarding their net worth, assets, holdings, income, and liabilities; not only by their discussions with each other, but also through copies of their current financial statements, copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibits A and B. Both parties acknowledge that they had sufficient time to review the other’s financial statement, are familiar with and understand the other’s financial statement, had any questions satisfactorily answered, and are satisfied that full and complete financial disclosure has been made by the other.9. WAIVER OF ESTATE. 对遗产的放弃Both parties to this agreement agree to waive any and all right to the estate of the other, including dower, curtesy, elective share, community property rights, or rights of intestacy. Each party shall be allowed to pass his or her property freely by will.10.INDEPENDENT REPRESENTATION BY COUNSEL.各自律师的请求权利Each party has the right to representation by independent counsel. Each party fully understands his or her rights, and considers the terms of this agreement to be fair and reasonable.11. EXECUTION OF NECESSARY INSTRUMENTS. 法律文件的签署The parties will execute and deliver any other instruments and documents that may be necessary and convenient to carry out all of the terms of this Agreement.12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. 协议的完整性This instrument, including any attached exhibits, constitutes the entire agreement of the parties. No representations or promises have been made except those that are set out in this Agreement. This Agreement may not be modified or terminated except in writing signed by the parties.13. GOVERNING LAW. 管辖法律This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of ____.14. BINDING EFFECT. 本协议的约束力This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, and upon their heirs, executors, personal representatives, administrators, successors, and assigns. (Husband’s signature) (Wife’s signature)。