汉译英 习语翻译

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Features of Idioms
英汉习语的共同特征: 英汉习语的共同特征: 习语是一个民族的语言中最为精彩的一章,是民族文化的瑰宝与结晶。 1、习语是一个民族的语言中最为精彩的一章,是民族文化的瑰宝与结晶。 习语是语言中独立、不规则而固定的因素,往往以短语或短句的形式 2、习语是语言中独立、不规则而固定的因素 出现在句中,在句中多半是当做一个成分使用,有时它的作用就等于一 个词。它的意义往往不等于它的组成分子(单字)意义的总和。 Definition of “idiom”: a group of words that has a special meaning that is different from the ordinary meaning of each separate word. phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit. E.g.: 露出马脚,cat’s paw, 开夜车,落花流水,under the weather, lose one’s head, lay heads together 习语是一种相对稳定的词语搭配。 3、习语是一种相对稳定的词语搭配。通常不能随意改变习语的词序、拆 开或用其他词替换。 E.g.: 雪中送炭,老马识途,乱七八糟(),cast pearls before swine,burn one’s boats, at liberty, A stitch in time saves nine.
Features of Idioms
5、习语常利用声音的和谐来达到易懂易记、顺口入耳、生动有力的目的。 习语常利用声音的和谐来达到易懂易记、顺口入耳、生动有力的目的。 利用重复:勤勤恳恳;马马虎虎;种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 利用重复 again and again, measure for measure, on and on, step by step, through and through, share and share alike, horse and horse/neck and neck call a spade a spade as sure as eggs is eggs Diamond cut diamond. They that know nothing fear nothing. Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 利用对仗: 利用对仗:只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯;路遥知马力,日久见人心;狼吞虎咽; 铜墙铁壁 Easy come, easy go. First come, first served. Like father, like son, More haste, less speed. Out of sight, out of mind. Penny wise, pound foolish. Nothing venture, nothing gain/ win. Well fed, well bred.
Features of Idioms
6、由于各民族的文化和思维有着巨大的“共核”(common core),英汉习语有 由于各民族的文化和思维有着巨大的“共核” ) 时有惊人的相似之处。 时有惊人的相似之处。 喻义相同,结构相同: 喻义相同,结构相同 To know something like the palm or back of one’s hand 了如指掌 火上浇油 滴水石穿 浑水摸鱼 自吹自擂 空中楼阁 破釜沉舟 如履薄冰 晴天霹雳 趁热打铁 熟能生巧 时间不等人 时间就是金钱 隔墙有耳 to pour oil on the flames / add fuel to the flames Constant dropping wears the stone. to fish in the troubled waters blow one's own trumpet castle in the air to burn one’s boats be skating on thin ice like a bolt from the blue to strike while the iron is hot Practice makes perfect. Time and tide wait for no man. Time is money. Seeing is believing. Walls have ears.
一年之计在于春 一箭双雕 趁热打铁 一个巴掌拍不响
路遥知马力,事久见人心 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 了如指掌
人不可貌相,海水不可斗量 偷鸡不着蚀把米 脚踏两只船
和尚打伞——无法无天 哑巴吃黄连——有苦说不出 火上浇油
Translation of Chinese Idioms
Idioms: (in broad sense may include): set phrases, proverbs, sayings, epigrams, slang expressions, colloquialisms, quotations, twopart allegorical sayings 习语(又称熟语 熟语):短语,成语,俗语,谚语, 习语 熟语 格言,箴言,名言(引语或语录),警句,隽语, 俚语,粗话,行话,歇后语(包括双关语)
4、但习语的稳固性也并不是绝对的。 但习语的稳固性也并不是绝对的。 许多英汉习语有自己的变体:拔(揠)苗助长,山珍海味(错) , 许多英汉习语有自己的变体 Fry in one’s own grease / Stew in one’s own juice. Flog / Beat a dead horse. He who laughs last laughs longest / best. Talk of the devil and he's sure to / will appear. 习语的临时变体:一箭三雕,权令智昏, 习语的临时变体 bird’s eye-view (worm’s-eye view), at arm’s length (at two arms’ length), The kid was reading a bit more than he can chew. (To bite off more than one can chew) 习语还常常以缩略的形式出现:三个臭皮匠,各人自扫门前雪,三个和尚没水吃, 习语还常常以缩略的形式出现 初生的牛犊,挂羊头,放下屠刀,不吃回头草,青出于蓝,八仙过海,芝麻开花, 兔子尾巴, Jack of all trade (and master of none). (Each for himself and) the devil take the hindmost. If you run after two hares you will catch neither. →To run after two hares. It's no good crying for spilt milk. →To cry over spilt milk. / The milk is spilt. / spilt milk A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. → A bird in the hand. / A bird in the bush. TheΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduearly bird catches the worm. → the early bird A rolling stone gathers no moss. → a rolling stone
Features of Idioms
人善被人欺,马善被人骑 把黑的说成白的
6、由于各民族的文化和思维有着巨大的“共核”(common core),英汉习语有 由于各民族的文化和思维有着巨大的“共核” ) 时有惊人的相似之处。 时有惊人的相似之处。 喻义相同,修辞方式相同: 轻如鸿毛 稳如泰山 骨瘦如柴 易如反掌 人山人海 as light as a feather as steady as the mountain as thin as a rail as easy as turning over one’s hand One is never too old to learn. the sea of faces
Features of Idioms
5、习语常利用声音的和谐来达到易懂易记、顺口入耳、生动有力的目的。 习语常利用声音的和谐来达到易懂易记、顺口入耳、生动有力的目的。 利用韵脚:狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心;一招鲜,吃遍天;良药苦口利于病,忠言逆 利用韵脚 耳利于行; A friend in need is a friend indeed. East or west, home is best. Man proposes, God disposes. Health is better than wealth. Beggars should not be choosers. fair and square; high and dry; wear and tear. 利用双声: 利用双声:八面玲珑,聪明伶俐,慷慨激昂,明媚灿烂 Alliteration: as blind as a bat, as busy as a bee, as clear as crystal, as dead as a doornail, as cool as a cucumber, as red as a rose, as proud as a peacock, at sixes and sevens, spick and span, then and there through thick and thin tit for tat neither fish, flesh or fowl Care killed the cat. Money makes the mare to go. Many men, many minds. Speech is silver (silvern), silence is golden.
Features of Idioms
(耳听为虚), 眼见为实
6、由于各民族的文化和思维有着巨大的“共核”(common core),英汉习语有 由于各民族的文化和思维有着巨大的“共核” ) 时有惊人的相似之处。 时有惊人的相似之处。 喻体相同,喻意一致 喻体相同,喻意一致: 捅马蜂窝 笑里藏刀 脸皮厚 肉中刺 得寸进尺 英雄所见略同 拉长了脸(不开心) 自食其果 坏蛋 赴汤蹈火 to stir up a hornet’s nest the smiles with knife under the cloak thick-skinned a thorn in one’s flesh / side give sb. an inch and he'll take a mile/yard) Great minds think alike. (put on, have, wear, etc) a long face [*one’s face falls] eat the bitter fruit of one's own making bad egg All lay load on the willing horse. go through fire and water swear black is white (颠倒黑白,不择手段)