然而广告做得巧不巧,要看文字用得妙不妙.要想使广告做得感人,从某种程度上可以借助修辞手段.一、比喻(Simile and Metaphor)俗称“打比方”。
或者感情上的交往.例如美国AMW AY保险公司的广告运用了明喻。
寥寥数语却洋溢着热诚,将该公司高质量的服务和顾客对它的信赖表现得淋漓尽致.Some people are as reliable as sunrise.You can see it in their smiles,feel it in their handshakes.You can tell their lives are fulfilling,their work is rewarding.These are Amway people.Hard—working Americans you car count oil.to give their best.Every day.有些人就像太阳升起,令人信赖.他们的微笑令您信赖,他们的举手投足中蕴藏着信赖。
2.双关语的功能2.1审美功能双关语最早是在民间流传的趣味性文字游戏.在《朗文当代英语词典》(Congman Dictionary of ContemporaryEnglish)和《韦氏新世界词典》(Webster's New World Dic—tionary)当中对双关语的释文都不约而同的用到了”playon word”的字眼,即”文字游戏”.这一文字游戏妙在真幽默和传神,言筒意赅,寥寥数笔已使读者入境入画.一个妙笔生花的双关语可以使读者从不解其中味,进而深刻沉思,到露出心领神会的微笑。
二、商务英语广告中的修辞运用1.比喻(Figure of Speech)、拟人(Personification)比喻, 分明喻、暗喻、借喻三种形式,指用某一具体、浅显、熟悉的事物或情境来说明另一种抽象、深奥、生疏的事物或情境;拟人,指把物(包括物体、动物、思想或抽象概念)拟作人,使其具有人的外表、个性或情感。
如Citizen 手表广告:What’s on your arm should be as beautiful as who’s on it. (带在你手臂上的东西应该和你手臂上的人儿一样美。
)某洗发液:Wash the big city out of the hair.(洗去头发上大城市的污垢。
)某饮料广告Moms depend on Kool-Aid like kids depend on moms.(妈咪依赖果乐Kool-Aid,就像孩子依赖妈咪。
)《读者文摘》:The world smiles with Reader’s Digest.(《读者文摘》给世人带来欢乐。
)某保险公司广告:You’re better off under the Umbrella.(购买本保险,远行自在又安全。
2 拟 人 (es nf ain p ro I l ) l 0 c
广告英语经 常运用 拟人 的手段 ,赋 予所推销 的事物 以人 的情 感、 思维、 智慧 和形象等 , 之人格 化 , 而使广告 主题 生动形象 、 使 从
6仿拟( ao y P rd )
仿拟就是滑稽的模仿, 能使广告语言生动 活泼, 能使广告语言
生动活泼. 幽默诙谐并具有讽刺色彩 。广告商 为了更好地塑造产品
形象, 往往灵活使用千古 流传 的名句 , 包括谚 语、 格言 、 典故 、 言、 寓
成语等。 如 :0 0 e r 0 出m。a Is0 . T 哪 k o t n , s l告是在告诉减肥者 “ 既可以一饱冰淇淋 。 : 的 口福. 又不会破坏体形。”
4夸张 ( ye l H p 巾oe)
夸张是一种故意言过其实或夸大 或缩 小事物的形象 ,借 以突 出某种事 物的特征 和品格 、 明地表达思 想感情 的修辞方式。为 了 鲜 宣传产品 , 消费者心 目中树立起形象 , 言过其实” 在 “ 是难免的。 例如 : k 0r l 0 ek! 这 里夸 张手 法 的巧妙 运 Ign I y l i o l es/ I y w 用, 显示了作者高超 的语言能力 , 告更具有感染力 。 使广
像个好邻居似的, 州农场保险公 司就在那儿。 农场保险公司) 洲
此句运用 明喻常用 的比喻词 l e将保 险公司喻为好邻居。 i。 k 隐喻有 时只出现喻体和本体, 在形式 上为相合关系. 时不 出 有 现本体事物和 比喻词, 只出现喻体 词。 只出现 喻体 。
如:0 8 l iolrK dclr n 柯达就是奥林 匹克的 K dki oy c 0 . 0a00 F ) s mp 0 (
中英广告修辞对比中英广告中的修辞比较常娇(西北大学外国语学院陕西西安 710127)摘要:随着国际全球化,经济贸易日益增多,外国产品进入中国市场的最直接方式就是广告的宣传,而我国的企业为开拓海外市场也需要凭借广告这块敲门砖。
在西方,广告一词,源于拉丁文advertere, 意思是注意,诱导以及传播。
中古英语时代(约公元1300—1475年),演变成了Advertise, 其含义也随之衍化为“通知别人某件事,以引起他人的注意“[3]。
例如:(1)She is the nimblest girl around.Nimble is the way she goes.Nimble is the way she eats.Light,delicious and nimble.这是一则推销Nimble牌面包的广告。
《牛津高阶字典》这样解释nimble:able to move quickly and easily with light neat movements,即“聪慧敏捷”之意。
例如:Everybody kneads it.这是面粉公司的一则广告,广告商考虑到面粉是家庭的生活必需品,所以将knead(揉面)与need(需要)进行谐音双关,在用knead(揉面)呈现面粉的特性的同时,巧妙的表达了“人人都需要它”的意思。
别致等修辞效果 , 能够突出广告的特点 , 因而在广 告中得到大量应用 ” [1 ]。 英语双关可以分为: 谐音双 关 ( homo phonic puns) 和语义双关 ( homog raphic puns) 。 1. 谐音双关 。谐音双关是用发音相同或相近而 拼写和词义根本不同的词构成的。 此类双关具有风 趣、 幽默 、 俏皮 、 滑稽的语言风格 , 能增强广告的 感染力 , 给广告受者留下深刻的印象。 如:
收稿日期 :
作者简介 : 刘荣征 ( 1964 — ) , 男 , 河北灵寿县人 , 硕士研究生 , 研究方向 : 应用语言学与教学法 。
76 译文 : 尽情大吃 , 不增体重 。
中国地质大学学报 (社会科学版 ) A 11 is w ell tha t ends well [ 11] . 译文 : 烟蒂好 , 烟就好 。
(果汁 ) 这两个词生造而来 , 可直译为 “果汁 ”。
( 2) T he or ang emo stest drink in the wo r ld. 译文 : 世界上最浓的桔汁饮料 。
在这则广告标题里 , 广告作者把 “ o rang e ” 与 “ much ” (多 ) 的最高级 “ mo st” (最多 ) 和形容词最 高 级 的 后 缀 “ 一 est ” 合 起 来 , 杜 撰 了 “ o ra ng em ostest” 一词 , 强调这种饮料中桔汁含量最 高、 口味最浓。
第 2 卷第 4期
刘荣 征 : 浅谈广告英语中双关语 、 杜撰词 、 仿拟 、 明喻和暗喻的翻译
2. 意译法 。若直译不符合译文语言习惯或无法 直译 , 可采用意译法处理译 , 出其实际的意思 。 例 如:
英语广告语中修辞手法的运用 翻译
"This shampoo can eliminate dirt more effectively than a fireman puts out a fire."
"If you use this toothpaste, you will have a smile so beautiful and shiny as the stars in the sky."
一、双关语在广告中的五大分类1. 谐音双关是利用语言中同形异义现象,指发音和拼写相同或相似,但意义不同。
(1)trust us. over 5000 ears of experience.这是一条助听器的广告语,广告中利用ears和years产生的谐音,暗示该产品过硬的质量已经得到了众多消费者的认可,是一款值得信赖的产品。
这是一条鸡蛋销售广告,此处广告攥稿人用误拼法,把exactly变形为eggsactly, 在读音上与exactly 相似,在形态上与egg相呼应,以达到出奇制胜的效果。
(3)everybody kneads it.这是一则面粉公司的广告,其中“kneads”与“needs”形成谐音双关,从而使产品与消费者间建立最初的信任关系,并勾起消费者的购买欲,实现最终消费。
2. 语义双关是利用词语或句子的多义性在特定环境下形成的双关。
英语广告标语的修辞手段及翻译-精选资料英语广告标语的修辞手段及翻译广告标语(ad slogan)是用一句简短的句子来表明商品特点、吸引消费者注意的广告词;在广告印刷品上,总是以醒目的字体印出,以吸引人们的眼球;在电视或广播中,通常出现在一段广告的末尾,以引起人们的注意。
如耐克运动鞋的“Just do it”、苹果电脑的“Apple thinks different”。
广告标语应能让人联想到广告的商品,因此,成功的广告标语中最好在短短的一句话里包括公司的名字、产品的品牌及产品的特点等,常用的方法主要有:1、在广告标语中直接点明产品的品牌,如:Oral-B,the Brand More Dentist Use(欧乐-B牙刷);MALTPLEXX natural gel for men(Maltplexx男用发乳);Tomorrow’s climate Today’s challenge(英国Climate Challenge天气预报网站);2、在广告标语中巧妙地嵌入产品的品牌,如:You’re not fully clean until you’re Zestfully clean(Zest肥皂),For all you do,this Bud’s for you(Budweiser啤酒);3、也可以在广告标语中反映产品的特点。
关键词:广告语言;双关语;翻译Punning and the Translation of Puns in English AdvertisementsMENG Lin & ZHAN Jing-hui(Foreign Languages Dept., Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China) Abstract: Punning is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in advertisement. This paper is about the techniques of punning and the translation of puns in English advertisements. There are various ways to form puns in advertisements. The translation of puns is difficult because of the double meanings, and the translation of puns in advertisements is even more difficult because one must keep both the double meanings of a pun and the style of the advertisement in mind.Key words: advertising language; pun; translation引言不论是商品广告,还是公益广告,广告的创作都是一门综合性艺术。
引 言
A v te e t de i m n 一词来 自法语 , rs 意为“ 通知 ”“ 、报告 ” “ 、广告 ” 。但 a— d vrsm n 最早源于拉丁语“d e ee这个词, ete et i avr r” t 其意思是“ 唤起大众对某 事物 的注意并诱于一定方向所使用的一种手段” 李太志 ,0 7 商务 。( 20 ) 广告就 是向潜在的消费群体介绍商品或服务并激发其对所介绍商品或 服务 的兴趣 , 从而促使潜在客户群体采取购买行为的一种手段 。 通常成 功的商务广告应 当实 现几 种基本功能 , : 供信息功能 、 即 提 诱导争 取功 能、 美感功 能和表情功能等。其 中最 主要的功 能是诱 导争取 功能, 即是 使 广告起到最大的诱导说服 作用 , 从而影 响更 大的消费群体 , 同时也为 广 告实现其他基本功能起到辅助 作用 。修辞手法 在商务广告中的适 当 运用使得广告语言的表达生动 活泼 ,不仅能传达 商品或服务信 息还 能 增强广告的艺术感染力和美感 , 而有效地 吸引消费者 的注 意, 从 激发其 对所推销商品或服务的兴趣 , 而采取 购买行 动, 有助 于广告实 现其 从 这 基本功能。以下笔者就商务英语广 告中常用 的六种 修辞手法结 合实例 进行具体分析 。 二、 修辞手法的运用
它 的意思就是 Sv n i , s p u d. ae e n sl e o n s在形 式上与广告 的结构一致 。 p e o 广告所要传达的意思就是 G l n a g 质优价廉 , o d es el g y 既能 帮助消费者省 钱( 。 on s, s pu d ) 又能帮助消费者减肥 ( s n e) 1 e u e ̄ 。 o o 3 . 仿拟 仿拟指故意模仿某一著名 的诗歌 、 文章 、 段落或某一名言 、 警旬 、 谚 语 、 调等 , 格 改动其 中部分词语 , 使语言更加生动活泼 , 以表达一种新的 思想内容。广告 中仿拟修辞手法 的运用不但体现 出广告撰写者立意的 新颖与独特及其对语言文字驾驭 的灵 活巧妙 ,而且还容易让广告获得
⼴告英语中的修辞翻译赏析⼴告英语中的修辞翻译赏析[摘要] 商务⼴告是经济活动中商家吸引消费者注意⼒,激发其购买欲望,并最终实现经济利益的⼀个重要⼿段。
[关键词] ⼴告英语修辞格翻译修辞是⼀种强化语⾔信息,提升语⾔感染⼒,增强语⾔表达效果的特殊的语⾔⼿段。
1.Some people are as reliable as sunrise…These are Amway people.(美国Amway保险公司)试译:安利⼈,如⽇升——始终如⼀,值得信赖。
2.Today,Sakura Bank is like a thriving Sakura.(樱花银⾏)译⽂:如今,樱花银⾏就如⼀棵茂盛的樱花树。
3.You are better off under the umbrella.(旅⾏保险公司)试译:有了“保护伞”,任您游天下。
4.Cool as a mountain stream;Cool as fresh Consulate.(⾹烟)译⽂:凉如⾼⼭溪流;爽如“Consulate”⾹烟。
双关修辞法在英语广告中的运用作者:周曦来源:《校园英语》 2019年第29期【摘要】双关修辞法是在一定的语言环境中,利用词或句的多义或同音条件来使语句具有双重含义,言在此而意在彼。
2412019年29期总第469期语言文化研究ENGLISH ON CAMPUS双关修辞法在英语广告中的运用文/周 曦【摘要】双关修辞法是在一定的语言环境中,利用词或句的多义或同音条件来使语句具有双重含义,言在此而意在彼。
例5:Better late than the late.这是一则交通警示语的公益广告。
模仿了英语谚语“Betterlate than never”。
它不仅套用了原句式,而且巧妙利用了“the late”的另一层含义,即“亡故的”。
例6:Coke refreshes you like no other can“可口可乐给你带来前所未有的新鲜感”。
例7:Not fairly white—fairy white.“不只是显白———炫白”。
“Fairy white” 为一洗衣粉牌子。
“Fairly” 和 “fairy” 谐音,从而突出了洗衣粉的净白功能。
更多的英语广告双关修辞范例,如:例8:The unique spirit of Canada: we bottled it.我们瓶装加拿大的独特酿造(精神)。
(酒类广告)例9:A deal with us means a good deal to you.同我们做生意对你而言是笔好买卖(意义重大)。
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Rhetorical Devices i n English Advertisi ng TextsUse of Pun and PersonificationL i R onghua(Baotou Teacher !s Co llege ,B aotou,Inner M ongolia,014030)[Abst ract] R hetor i ca l approaches i n copy w r iti ng a re very i m portant to ga i n the attention of the aud ience and to l eadthem to t he des i red m essage successfull y .T o attract the audience ,copyw riters use var i ous rheto rical approaches to m ake the ir cop i es m ore readab le ,mo re i n teresti ng ,m ore m e m orab le and ,to t he end resu lt ,m ore e ffecti ve .In this pape r ,pe rson ifi cation and pun are d i scussed i n Eng lis h adverti sing tex ts .[K ey words] rhe torica l dev ices; personificati on ; pun ; Eng lish adverti s i ng texts [中图分类号]H 315 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1672 8610(2010)08 0003 03I .IntroductionR hetor i c is about the body o f pr i nciples and t heory hav ing todo w ith the presentati on of facts and i deas i n clear ,conv inc i ng ,and a ttracti ve language .The study of rheto ric is usua ll y on lite ra t u re ,espec iall y on class i c literature .But t h i s pape r concentrates on adv erti sing texts and stud i es rhe t o ric from a m ore practi ca l po i nt o f view .R hetor i ca l approaches i n copy w r iti ng a re very i m portant to ga i n t he atten tion o f the aud i ence and to l ead t hem to the des i red m essage successfu ll y .T o attract t he aud i ence ,copyw riters use va ri ous rheto rica l approaches t o m ake t he ir cop i es m ore reada b l e ,m ore i nte resti ng,m ore m e m orab le and ,t o t he end resu lt ,m ore eff ec ti ve .Copyw riters who str i ve to w rite i m pressively tend to produce w riti ng that is artificia,l fl ow ery ,and po m pous .T hey m ay l oad the i r w riti ng w ith b i g words ,h i gh-sounding phrases and too m any ad j ec tives and adverbs ,and a l so trite fi gures of speech .Such a sty l e is sa i d to be ∀over w r itten #.H owever ,a good copy often consi sts of ord i nary ,eve ryday w ords woven i nto o rd i na ry ,everyday sen tences .A fresh ,apt fi gure o f speech appea l s to the i m ag ina ti on ,creates m ental p i ctures and m akes the w r i ting v i v id ,i m press i ve and i nteresti ng .T here are m any k i nds o f rhetor i ca l approaches that can be used .T he se lec ti on o f rhetorica l approaches m a i nly depends on the w ay to de liver t he m essag e ,rega rdless what t he i dea is .In constructi ng a copy ,copyw riters are at libe rt y to take li be rti es w it h the language .W ord cho i ce and sentence construc tion are the essenti a l sk ills i n t he use o f Eng li sh .W hil e figures o f speech are regarded as ∀deco ra ti ve dev ices #i n the use o f Eng lis h ,they compr i se various uses of language that depart from the custom ary constructi on or orde r so as to ach i eve special effects or m ean i ng s .R hetor i ca l dev i ces are used frequently i n advertisi ng at every li ngu istic leve.l Thus w e find at t he g ramm atica l leve,lthe re is functi ona l conversion i n w hich a wo rd o f one c l ass behaves as t hough it w ere in ano t her ,and many syn tacti c construc ti ons ,w hich cannot be g enerated by an Eng lis h gra mm ar bu t are neverthe less interpretable .T he ac t ua l t o ta l nu m be r of figures of speech is a dry m a tter of defi n iti on ov er wh ich acade m ics m ay argue .N o ma tter how m any t here are ,t hey are comm only d i v id ed i nto t hree categor i es :A.L ex i ca l fi gures of speech .B .Syntacti ca l fi gures o f speech .C .Phonetic fi gures o f speech .A ny rheto rical dev ice can be used to ach ieve t he goa ls of adverti s i ng .H ow eve r ,person ificati on and pun w ill be discussed in this paper .∃.PunPun i s a hu m orous use of a w ord i n such a way as to suggest d ifferentm eani ngs or app licati ons ,o r of wo rds hav i ng t he sam e o r nearly the sam e sound but d iffe rent m eanings :a p l ay on w ords .T hus t he f o r m er i s usua lly ca lled hom og raph w hereas the latter ho m ophone .T he re are three e l em ents in analyzi ng and composi ng a pun :doub le context ,h i ng e and tri gge r .H o m ograph and ho m ophone usuall y act as hinge ,wh ich is t he w ord or phrase unexpec ted l y and si m ultaneously co m bi nes t wo unre l a ted m ean i ngs .Pun is a linguisti c t w i st .Because of t he dua lm ean i ngs con ta i ned i n a si ng le w ord ,a pun can wo rk as t wo or even m ore w ords .It is t hen m ore pow erful and can m ake the copy m ore a m azi ng .It is one of the mo st co mmon l y used rhetor i ca l dev ices in adverti s i ng Eng li sh .It adds a ttracti veness ,m e m orab ili ty and ef fecti veness to adverti s i ng copies .T he f o ll ow ing exa m ples show us ho w pun w orks .2.1Puns co m posed o f ho m ographs (1)G illette ,the best m en can get . G ill e tte shaver3 语文学刊%外语教育教学 2010年第8期H ere,amb i guity does no t rise fro m the meaning of a parti cular w ord but fro m the f uncti on o f t he li ngu istic un it∀the best#, wh ich can be consi dered as bo t h the pre-m od ifi er of∀men#and a no m i na l group consisti ng of an article and an ad j ec tive.Two interpretations app l y t o t h is sentence:∀G illette is the best shav er tha tm en can buy"and"G illette i s t he shaver m anufactured f o r the bestm en#.In th i s w ay,a man should buy t he G illette shav er whe t her he w ants to ge t the best shav er in the w or l d or he wants to become one of t he best m en or both.T he e m ploy m ent o f pun not only enriches t he adverti s i ng i nfo r ma ti on but f u lfills the vanity o fm en consu m ers.T he a m bigu ity i n a pun is i n tentiona l and us ua lly reso l va b l e.A dvertisers deli berate l y cause the ir aud i ence ex tra process i ng e fforts by emp l oyment o f puns,because t he first and perhaps the mo st i m po rtant requ i re m ent of an adv erti se m ent is t hat it should attract and hold on the reader!s attention.(2)M ind your own busi ness.M ove it to M ilt on K eynes.M ilt on K eynes T he expression o f"m i nd your own busi ness"i n advert(2) usuall y m eans∀do not concern yourse lf w ith other peop l e!s af fa i r#.Th is obv iously does no t agree w ith the adve rtisi ng context and purpose.R eaders have to search for a lternative i nterpreta ti ons,and would hopefully re m e m be r that∀m i nd#may m ean ∀l ook afte r#and that∀busi ness#can m ean∀fir m#or∀co m pa ny#.The second part of the advert should a lso suggest this i nte r pretation,espec iall y as the aud i ence knows tha t it is an adve r ti se m en t.T he re f o re,th i s adve rt can be i nte rpre ted as:you can i m prove your company!s pro spects by m ov i ng to a prom isi ng i n dustr i a l park,M ilton K eynes.T he t w o ex a m ples above show tha t puns attract attenti on, because t hey frustrate i n itia l expectati ons o f relevance and create a sense of surprise.T hey arouse the readers!i nte rest by mak i ng them think∀what on earth does thatm ean?#C reati ng a puzzle is one way o f try i ng t o m ake a sale m essage mo re appea li ng.In this sense,extra pro ceeding e ffort m ay there fore be the pr i ce,wh i ch the adv erti ser has to pay to get h i s m essage no ted.W ithout an ∀attenti on-grabbing#dev i ce such as pun,readers m ay pay lit tl e a ttenti on to an advertisi ng m essage,wh ich w ou l d thus achieve little eff ec ts.T hus examp l e(2)w oul d certa i n l y be mo re suc cessfu l i n a ttracti ng attention t han the one be l ow:M ilton K eynes i s a good l ocation for busi ness.O nce attention has been attracted,the advertiser!s m ain desire is t hat h i s reade rs should consi der,li ke and remember the adverti se m en t.B ecause a pun i nvo l v es a l onge r pro cess of sol v i ng amb i guity,it sustains the readers!a ttenti on over a period of ti m e,and once co m prehended,it is o ften re m e m bered.Besi des,the hu m orous s i de o f pun is a lso very i m po rtant in ach i ev i ng t he advertiser!s goa l s.By o ffer i ng an a m usi ng pun, the adv erti se m ent prov i des his audience w ith enterta i n m ent,and thus m akes the m feel congen ial towa rds the adv erti sed product. T he adve rti se r si m u ltaneousl y overco m es some of the d istrust wh ich readers m ay have towards h i m.T h i s helps estab lish t he ir confi dence i n the pro m oted product and m ay l ead to their fi na l purchase action.Further examp l es o f the copy w r iters!creati vee mp l oym ent of puns are as f o ll ows.(3)Put a T iger i n Y our T ank.ESS O GA S OL I NE(1964)T iger is the brand na m e o f the gaso line and it a lso stands f o r dr i ve and pow er.So the sentence can m ean"add po w er to your automob ile".(4)The first schoo l that encourages copy i ng.the ad o f a pho tocopy i ng tra i n i ng schoo l T he pun i n this ad achiev es a humo rous effec t.R eadersw ill s m ile at t he sentence and remember the adve rti si ng easily.∀Copy ing#re fers to bo t h∀chea ti ng i n schoo l#and∀m aking rep li cation o f docu m ents#,that is what one learns fro m the tra i n i ng schoo.l(5)The D on!t B e Lonely Ca l.lBecause p i cking up t he phone w ill pick you up.N ew Y o rk te lephone T he first∀p i ck up#means∀to lift up#wh ile t he second one m eans∀to enter i nfor m a lly i n t o conversation o r compan i onship w it h a prev iously unknown person.#Thus t he ad m eans by ca ll ing,your l oneli ness w ill be re lieved.Ex.13to ex.17are exa m p l es o f usi ng po l yse m y as the hinge o f pun,w hich i s one of the m ost popu l ar techn i ques i n advertisi ng Eng li sh.T h i s k i nd of pun m akes use of wo rds w ith si m il a r spe lli ng and assoc i a tion o fm eani ng.(6)T ry our s w eet corns you!ll s m ile from ear to ear.A n ad to se ll s w ee t cornsT he pun m eans if you eat our s w ee t corns one ear after an o t her,you!ll be satisfi ed w it h a b i g s m ile.(7)Don!t get m ad.GET G LAD. G l ad trash bagsExa m ple(7)contai ns a pun on ho m ograph,that is,the pun here results from the w ords t hat have the sa m e spe lli ng but differ in m ean i ng.T he w ord∀g l ad#in(3)has been endow ed w it h a ne w m ean i ng一a b rand na m e of a trash bag.R eade rs m ay t h i nk o f that as long as t hey use G lad trash bag they w ill becom e g lad. In t h is adverts,t he brand na m e such as∀GLAD#appea rs as the so l uti on or pro m i se.An adve rt w it h brand nam e i n it can help the na m e to be re m e m bered wh ile o ffe ri ng a t w o-laye red m ean ing to the sl ogan.T he second layer o f meaning can interest andi m press the peop l e w it h its s m artness and its nove lty.(8)If it w asn!t i n VOGU E,It w as n!t i n vogue.VOGUE fashion m aga zi ne T h i s ad actua ll y m eans t hat∀w hatev er is i n VOGUE(nam e o f a fash i on m agazi ne)is i n vogue(in fashion)#By usi ng pun, the copy w r iter c leve rl y e m phasizes the fas h i on m onger sta t us of the m ag azi ne.(9)T he Self-M ade w o m an.She!s liv i ng better all the ti m e. Self w o m en!s m aga zi ne Se lf i s a w o m en!s m ag azi ne,so∀se lf-made#re fers to w o m en g rown up w ith t he Self m ag azi ne.Se lf-m ade a l so m eans ∀i ndependen t,self-reli ant.#In t h i s ad,t he second m ean i ng is also i m pli ed i n the sentence.2.2Puns co m posed o f ho m ophone(1)Y ou Au t o Buy N ow A utomob ile A dsT he pronunc iati on o f t he wo rd∀auto#is very si m ilar to the phrase∀ought t o#.So t he i ntended meaning o f advert(1)is probably directl y li ke∀Y ou ought to buy auto t hat"you ought to buy auto now#,but if t he adv ert is w r itten li ke t ha t,it w ill ap pear dull and less attractive.(2)T he BERD!s i n hand. t he ad of the Bank of European R econstructi on and D eve l op m ent4LANGUAGE L iRonghua/RhetoricalD ev ices in Eng lish Advertising Tex tsH ere BERD is the abbrev i a ti on o f∀t he Bank of European R econstructi on and D eve l op m ent.#It has the sa m e pronunc i a ti on as∀b i rd#and re m i nds readers of the idi om:∀A b ird i n hand is w orth t wo i n t he bush#,w hich is usuall y s i m p lified i nto∀a b i rd in(the)hand#m ean i ng i nte rests one already had o r had no risks t o l ose.A ll t hese ads c leve rl y use ho m ophones i n pun to c reate a hu mo rous e ffect and l eave an i nde li ble i m pression on t he reader.F rom the above adverts w e co m e to kno w tha t a rea lly good pun i n advertisi ng can work m irac l es.A l m ost any co m pe ti ng brand cou l d use this fi gure o f speech.&.P er s on ificationPe rson ifi cation is a fi gure o f speech,wh i ch endo w s an i m als,i deas,abstractions,and i nani m ate objects w it h hu m an for m,character,o r sensi b iliti es;t he representi ng of i m ag i nary creatures or th i ngs as hav i ng human persona lities,intelligence, and emo ti ons,w he t her real or fi ctiti ous,by anothe r person.By us i ng person ifi cation,the copyw riter g i ves lif e to prod ucts advertised and m akes the adve rti se m ent interesti ng to read and easy to remember.P erson ifi ca tion pull s t he reader c l oser to the m essage natura lly and pro m pts acti on to buy.Look at t he f o ll ow ing exa m ple:(1)K i w ifruit,w hen it co m es to po tassiu m,I!m t he best o f the bunch.I!m l oaded w ith po tassiu m and a taste that beats you.Spoon m e or slice m e,you get m ore V ita m i n C i n a serv i ng than an orange and plenty o f po tassi um to boo t.I m ay no t be prett y on the surface,but w hen I!m soft and ripe,I!m the best little fruit ever crea ted by G od andM o t her N ature.Send a self-addressed,stamped enve l ope f o r m y de lic i ous recipe pamph let. It!s free and full o f i deas.W r ite to me persona lly:K i w ifru it, 1540R i ver P ark D r i ve(120,Sacram ento,CA95815.)Ca liforn ia Swee tK i w ifruitA lthough t he above i s an adve rt about a k i nd of fru it K i w ifru it,it does no t read li ke an adve rtisem ent w ith a gu l y spoo fi ng but like a pure-hearted mono logue fro m a friend,i n trodu ci ng he rself from inner wo rld to t he outsi de.Th is i m press i on should be attr i buted to t he emp l oy m ent o f pe rson ifi cation,wh i ch is i nd i cated by the usage of first person∀I#.A ctuall y,∀I#here re fers to the fru it pro m oted,K i w ifruit.Furthe r mo re,t he adopti on o f first person∀I#narrow s t he d i stance bet w een readers and the fru it adver tised,m eanwh ile it e li m i nates the readers!psy cho log i ca l de fensi veness aga i nst comm erc i a l prom oti on.So readers are m ore incli ned to accept the no tion as w ell as the product i t con veys.O ne m ore si m ilar examp l e is as fo llows:(2)I!m a L ucky Dog.M y ne w dog f ood has a tende r bee f y center i nsi de a crunchy bone mea l crust.It!s new Luck D og brand dog food fro m Pur i na.T hat!s what m akes m e a l ucky dog.Lucky Dog Food T he first i m pressi on t hat t h i s advert leaves upon reade rs m ay be that a dog,like a l ove l y k i d,i s proud l y ta l k i ng t o friends a bout h is l uck story eati ng L ucky Dog food,and as it happens, h i s fa t uous speak i ng i s overheard by h i s friends!owners read e rs.In this case,if you have a dog,you of course w ill no t let your dog see its fr i ends sp l urg e.A fter a l,l you do no tw ant to be a cheesepar i ng o w ner.So reade rs,parti cular l y dog owners,m ay eas il y fa ll i nto t he trap placed by t he copyw r i te r to buy Lucky Dog for their dogs.V e ry often person ificati on is de m onstrated t hrough t he use of pronouns li ke∀I#,∀w e#,etc.but t h i s is not a l w ays the case. So m e w ords suggesti ng hu m an characteristi cs like∀l ove#,∀speak#,etc.can a lso serve t h is function.In adve rti sing,t hese w ords can br i ng a sense o f inti m acy to readers so as to hook t he ir hearts,f u lfilli ng its communicati ve functions.A n exa m ple to il lustrate t h is po int i s:(3)P icture SPEAKS L ouder than W ordsThe H i gh-i m pact pro j ecto rS ANYO J A PANP ro j ec t o r Exa m ple(3)is an advertisement o f a SANYO mob ile pro jector,and its crea tiveness lies i n the use o f wo rd∀speak#.W e all know tha t∀speak#literall y m eans convey i ng a message ora l ly,and its agent should be m an,but in this advert the agent of speaking becom es p i c t ure.Obv i ousl y,the copyw riter de li berate l y v io l ates t he g ramm ar rule to produce pe rson ifi cation e ffect.T his novelty i n language use arrests the readers!attenti on and in a lovely w ay it te lls the m the advertiser!s i ntended m essag e:the SANYO projector can present a clear and v i v i d p i c t ure on the screen.(4)F lo w ers by Interfl o ra speak from the heart.Interfl o ra fl o rist(5)W e m ake other v ege tab l es g reen w it h envy.W hy would o ther vegetables be j ea l ous o f pota toes?the P otato Board of U.S(6)IF YOUR FEET COU LD DR E AM!TH IS IS W HAT THEY!D DREAM ABOUT. so ft Spots(shoes) In these examp l es,fl ow ers∀speak#,vegetables∀envy# and feet∀dream#,j ust li ke hu m an beings do.A ll t hese products are endowed w ith hum an senses and abilities t o take ac ti ons.In t he serial ads for N ok i a m ob ile phones,a ll o f the m con ta i n this figu re of speech person ificati on,wh i ch have left a very deep i m pressi on on t he aud i ence.(7)N ok i aH old m e,touch m e,ta l k to m eIt speaks your language.N ok iaA pparen tly,the first persona l pronoun∀m e#i s pe rson ifi ed as a hu m an be i ng and i m presses its reader so m uch tha t it i s not on l y very c l ose but also fam iliar t o hi m.T he re f o re,it crea tes a v iv i d i m age i n t he reader!s m i nd that t he phone itse lf is ta l k i ng quietl y and pass i ona tely to its owner.W hat a life-li ke adve r ti se m en t it i s!F rom the above ana l ysis w e can concl ude t hat person ify i ng the adverti sed product by g iving it feeli ng and emo ti on t hat on l y peop le have m akes an adve rtisem ent mo re acceptable to the read e rs.M oreover,life less ob j ects are en livened as they assu m e hu m an tra its and becom e v i go rous and dyna m ic.A nd t he rea li ty te lls us that an i m ati ng i m ages can dra m aticall y shorten t he dis tance and,m eanwh ile,c reate a sense of i nti m ateness bet ween readers and the objects pro m oted.In a w ord,t he use o f pe rson i fi cation can he l p advertisements catch t he atten tion o f the pro spective readers and arouse the ir i nterest i n read i ng.(下转第23页)5语文学刊%外语教育教学 2010年第8期∀li ke#o r∀as#,bet ween things that are essenti a ll y d ifferen t yet have so m e t h i ng i n co mm on∋Pe rson ifi cation:a fi gure of speech that attri butes hu m an qual ities t o a concept o r i nan i m a te ob jec t.(T he pa ttern of sound i n a speech crea ted by the cho ice and a r rangem ent o f wo rds.)P ara lle lis m:t he expression of i deas usi ng si m il a r gra mma ti ca l structures.R epetition:restati ng w ords,phrases,or sentences for e m phasis.∗A lliterati on:the repetiti on o f beg i nning sounds i n w ords t hat are adjacent or near one ano t her.+References,[1]L ucas,S.E.T he A rt of Pub li c Speaki ng[M].N ew Y ork:V on H o ff m ann P ress,Inc,1986.[2]Lew Sare tt,W illia m T rufant Fo ste r,A l m a Johnson Sa rett.Bas i c Pr i nc i ples o f Speech[M].Boston:H oughton M iffli n,1985.[3]D oug lasM ac A rt hur.F arew ell to t he Cade ts i n ContemporaryAm er ican Speeches[C]//W il A.L i nkuge,l R.R.A llen, R i chard L.Johannesen.Be l m on t,C ali.f:W ads wo rt hPub li sh i ng Co m pany,Inc.,1969.[4]G eorge L.G r i ce.M asteri ng Pub lish Speak i ng[M].N ewJe rsey:P ren tice-H a l,l1993.[5]M ichae l S.H anna.Publi c Speak i ng f o r Personal Success[M].W m.C.B rown P ublishers,1989.[6]O s born.P ublic Speaki ng[M].N ew Y o rk:H ough t onM iffli n,1997.[7]徐有志.现代英语文体学[M].河南大学出版社,1992.公众演讲中如何使语言变得生动联想和押韵王晶(韩山师范学院外语系,广东 潮州 521041)[摘 要] 生动的语言是成功的演讲的基础,枯燥无味的语言使听众厌倦,从而导致演讲的失败。