国际贸易实务双语Chapter 2
《国际贸易实务(双语)》三习题库第一章国际贸易简介Chapter 1 A Brief Introduction to International Trade预习题1. What is international trade?2. Why do nations trade?练习题3. What are the differences between international trade and domestic trade?4. P17-20 专业术语、课后练习复习题5. What are the characteristics of international trade?6. What are the forms of international trade?7. Useful certificates for your future job-hunting.第二章进出口交易的一般程序General Procedure of International Trade一、国际贸易的基本流程Basic procedure of international trade预习题:1. Suppose you are an exporter, what will you do before you enter into a business with a trade partner?2.我国某出口公司与香港C公司签订了一笔总值25万美元销售猪肉的合同,FOB青岛,目的港韩国釜山,付款方式为D/A远期120天办理托收。
(International Trade Practice In Chinese and English)
第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章 第五章 第六章 第七章 第八章 第九章 第十章 国际贸易术语 主要贸易条件 商品的价格 国际货物运输 国际货物运输保险 国际货款的收付 检验、索赔 、不可抗力与仲裁 合同的磋商 合同的履行 国际贸易方式
CIF (Cost,Insurance and Freight,…named port of destination)成本加保险费、运费(……指 定目的港)
It means that the seller has the obligation to procure marine insurance against the risks of, losses of, or damage to the goods during the carriage.
The seller
Deliver the goods on board the vessel 交货 Obtain export license
The buyer
Contract for the carriage of the goods 租船订舱
Obtain import license Cover cargo insurance 投保 Pay the price and take delivery of the goods
获得出口许可 证
Provide documents for the buyer and ask for payment 交单议付
The seller
III. Explain the following terms1. shipment contractShipment contract is a contract using an Incoterm which indicates that the delivery happens at the time or before the time of shipment.2. symbolic deliverySymbolic delivery is a delivery situation in which when the seller delivers the buyer does not physically receive the goods. This kind of delivery is proved by the submission of transport document by the seller to the buyer.3. arrival contractArrival contract means a contract using an Incoterm which indicates that the delivery happens when the goods arrive at the destination.4. actual deliveryActual delivery refers to a delivery situation in which when the seller delivers the buyer does physically receive the goods.IV. Short questions1. Who pays for loading for shipment under FOB ?The seller.2. Who pays for unloading under CIF?The buyer.3. Compare and contrast FOB, CFR and CIF?Similarities: a. The seller's risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are loaded on board, b. The seller is responsible for export customs formalities while the buyer is responsible for import customs formalities, c. The buyer is responsible for unloading the goods at the port of destination, d. All three terms can only be used for waterway transportation.Differences: a. FOB requires the buyer to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation; CFR requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation; CIF requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation and insurance against the buyer's risk.4. What are the two types of trade terms concerning the transfer of risks?Shipment contract terms vs. arrival contract terms. Under shipment contract terms the seller's risk will be transferred to the buyer before the goods depart from the place/port of shipment.Under arrival contract terms the seller will bear the risk of the goods until the goods arrive at the destination.5. What are the differences and similarities between CPT and CFR?Major similarities: a. The seller should contract and pay for the major carriage. b. The seller is not taking the risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the transportation.Difference: a. CPT is applicable to any kind of transportation mode while CFR is only used for waterway transport, b. Under CPT the seller's risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the first carrier nominated by the seller. Under CFR the seller's risk will be transferred when the goods are loaded on board the vessel.6. What are the differences and similarities between CIP and CIF?Major similarities: a. The seller should contract and pay for the major carriage. b. The selleris not taking the risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the transportation, c. The seller must obtain insurance against the buyer's risk.Difference: a. CPT is applicable to any kind of transportation mode while CFR is only used for seaway or inland waterway transport, b. Under CPT the seller's risk will be transferred to the buyer when the goods are handed over to the first carrier nominated by the seller.Under CFR the seller's risk will be transferred when the goods are loaded on board the vessel.7. If you trade with an American, is the sales contract subject to Incoterms without any doubt?What should you do?No. The Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941 is still in use, especially in the North American area. It has different interpretation about some trade terms. The traders should clarify the choice of rules before any further discussion.8. What are the most commonly used trade terms?FOB, CFR & CIF.9. Who is responsible for carrying out customs formalities for exports under an FOB contract?The seller. According to Incoterms 2010, except EXW and DDP these two terms, all the other eleven terms require the seller to handle the export customs formalities, while the buyer the import customs formalities.10. If a Chinese trader signs an FOB Hamburg contract, is he exporting or importing?Importing. FOB should be used with a "named port of shipment", if Hamburg is the port of shipment, from the Chinese trader's perspective, he is importing.V. Case studies1. An FOB contract stipulated "The shipment will be effected in March 2011." When the goodswere ready on 10 March 201 l, the seller contacted the buyer for shipment details. The buyer faxed "Please send the goods to the port for loading on 21 March. The vessel will depart on22 March." The seller sent the goods to the port accordingly. However the nominated vesseldid not turn up and the goods had to be stored in the warehouse at the port. On the night of 21 March a fire happened in the warehouse area and part of the goods was damaged. When the vessel arrived two days later the seller and the buyer had an argument about the settlement of the loss. The seller required the buyer to bear the loss caused by the fire, but the buyer believed that the vessel arrived within the shipment period and the loss occurred before the seller delivered the goods therefore the seller should bear the loss. Please provide your solution.析:1)首先案例中提到货物发生了损失是由于货物存放在码头仓库期间发生火灾造成的。
bulk(散装货):谷物、原棉、矿砂、石油 Commodity nude packed(裸装货):铝锭、钢材、烟胶片 packed(包装货):绝大多数
1) Types of packing
I. Shipping packing ----outer packing or big packing
Example 1:大陆与悉尼的罐头买卖,凭样品买卖。香港是中间 商,货到悉尼后,悉尼方发现罐头已变质,悉尼方向香港方索赔, 港方向大陆方索赔,以下3种情况,大陆方应否受理索赔? ① 运输路线为大陆---悉尼;② 路线为大陆---香港--悉尼;③ 订约时已告港方到时已到期,可能会变质,已降价。 Example 2:建湘瓷厂釉下彩产品出口,凭样品买卖,规定60天 内复验,如有异议索赔有效。半年后买方来电称,釉裂,要求降 价50%或退货。厂方此时发现样品也发生釉裂,是否受理? Example 3:蜡烛生意,凭样品买卖。蜡烛变弯,外商向我方索 赔,我方不受理。双方争上法庭,外方诉:因蜡烛铸型时未冷却 就取出造成的变弯。问我方应以什么理由应诉?哪方能胜诉? 凭样品买卖的三个默示条件:
Chapter 2 Basis Requirements for Commodity
-----Name, Quality, Quantity, P质、数量及包装的含 义、合同条款的表示方法。 品质的含义
表示品质的方法 商品的数量及计量单位
某笔交易合同订明由我方提供双层旧麻袋装,装船时,因缺 这种麻袋就自行换成单层新麻袋,也没有要求对方额外支付费 用,但对方认为我方包装不符规定,向我方索赔。请问对方是 否有理?
Sample ----is an individual item from which the quality of the whole may be inferred 所交货物品质须与卖方于2003/2/17提供的第11号样品相同 The goods to be delivered shall be same as sample No.11 submitted by the seller on 2/17/2003. 例句: 品质与样品大致相同 Quality shall be about equal to the sample. 品质与样品类似 Quality to be similar to the sample. 品质与样品近似 Quality is nearly same as the sample. 凭样品买卖的案例 返回
国际贸易实务英文版第二版周瑞琪2Trade Terms
and risk distribution between the parties
?the seller -- provide goods in conformity with the contract
?The buyer -- pay the price as stipulated in the contract
?other obligations: handle the customs clearance, carriage of goods, insurance
? Revised in 1953、1967、1976、1980、1990、2000 ? Incoterms 2000 includes 13 terms under 4 groups
2.2 Basics of Incoterms 2000
2.2.1 Scope of Governance ?Parties involved: concerning only 2 parties --
? Ex Point of Origin ? FOB (free on board) ? FAS (free along side)
? C&F (Cost and Freight) ? CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) ? Ex Dock (Named Port of Importation)
Consider the costs and benefits of the research effort;
Gather the relevant data from secondary or primary sources or both;
Analyze, interpret, and summarize the results; Report and present findings.
Section 2 Oversห้องสมุดไป่ตู้as Market Research and Analysis
Learning Objectives
● to know what the typical steps for market research ● to know what we are supposed to research about the international market ● to know the main resources for information about the international market
2.4 Analyzing the Research Findings and Preparing a Report 调查结果分析及报告
The final step in market research is to analyze the
data and prepare a report that a market. Comprehensive research and quality interpretation can provide the market researcher time with a detailed map, but only proper analysis can determine whether it is a good to start to market the products. will be a guide to the production and sales of the products for which there is
国际贸易实务教案Chapter 1 Brief Introduction to International Trade国际贸易简介1.1 Reasons for international trade1.1.1Resources Reasons(1) Natural resources.(2) Favorable climate conditions and terrain.(3) Skilled workers and capital resources.(4) Favorable geographic location and transportation costs.1.1.2Economic Reasons(1) Comparative advantage(2) Strong domestic demand(3) Innovation or style1.1.3Political Reasons1.2 Problems Concerning International Trade1.2.1Cultural Problems(1) Language.(2) Customs and manners.1.2.2Monetary Conversions1.2.3Trade BarriersIndividual countries put controls on trade for the following three reasons:(1) To correct a balance-of-payments deficit.(2) For reasons of national security.(3) To protect their own industries against the competition of foreign goods.Although tariffs have been lowered substantially by international agreements, countries continue to use other devices to limit imports or to increase exports. Some of these are:(1) requiring import licenses that permit only specific volumes or values imports;(2) setting quotas that limit the total value or volume of a product to be imported;(3) limiting government purchases to firms within the country;(4) applying standards for safety, consumer protection, or other reasons, which foreign products may not be able to meet;(5) making special payments called export subsidies to encourage local exporters to increase foreign sales;(6) targeting——a new term meaning the imposition of a package of measures to give certain local industries a competitive advantage in export markets. It might include export subsidies, technical assistance, subsidies for research and development, and financial assistance;(7) requiring licenses to obtain foreign currencies by those who want to buy goods from abroad——thus limiting the quantity of imports they can buy;(8) reducing the value of a nation’s currency in relation to that of the rest of the world so that its exported goods cost less in other countries and its imports cost more;(9) imposing conditions on foreign products such as requiring that their goods contain a certain amount of locally produced products;(10) restricting trade in banking, insurance, and other service professions.练习一:导论思考题:1国际贸易实务课程的主要任务和研究对象是什么?本课程包括哪些主要内容?2与国内贸易相比进出口贸易有何特点?3国际贸易中影响较大的惯例、条约有哪些?其主要内容是什么?有何特点?4根据我国合同法规定,合同应包括哪些主要内容?5进出口贸易一般要经过哪几个步骤?在进出口业务中,出口商/进口商的主要工作是什么?Chapter 5. Trade Terms and Export PricingPart I. Outline本章要点5.1 Trade Terms and International Trade Practices贸易术语与国际贸易惯例5.2 13 Trade Terms in INCOTERMS 2000《2000通则》中的13中贸易术语5.3 Selection of Trade Terms贸易术语的选用5.4 Export Pricing出口定价5.1Trade Terms and International Trade Practices贸易术语与国际贸易惯例5.1.1 国际货物买卖适用的法律与惯例1、交易双方当事人所在国的国内法2、国家对外缔结或参加的有关国际贸易、国际运输、商标、专利、仲裁等方面的条约和协定。
双方义务: 卖方 在合同规定的时间、地点,将合同规定的货物置于买方指定 的承运人控制下,并及时通知买方。 承担将货物交给承运人控制前的一切费用和风险。 自负风险和费用,取得出口许可证或其他官方批准文件,并 办理货物出口所需的一切海关手续。 提交商业发票或具有同等作用的电子信息,并自费提供通常 的交货凭证。 买方 签订从指定地点承运货物的合同,支付有关运费,并将承运 人名称及有关情况及时通知卖方。 根据合同的规定受领货物并支付货款。 承担受领货物之后发生的一切费用和风险。 自负风险和费用,取得进口许可证或其他官方文件,并办理 货物进口所需的海关手续。
卖方 合同期内,货物装船,并通知买方; 负责租船订舱并支付至目的港的正常运 费; 负责为货物在运输中损坏、丢失风险取 得海上保险,办理保险业务,支付保费 买方:支付货款、承担货越船舷后的风险 费用、办理进口手续、受领货物
注意事项: 租船订舱责任:卖方只负责按通常条件租船订舱; 保险责任:为了买方利益。如无相反明文规定,卖 方只需按《协会货物保险条款》或其他类似保险条 款中最低责任的保险险别投保,最低保险金额是合 同价款加成10%。按合同计价货币投保。 卸货费用: 班轮:卖方。可采用CIF Liner Terms (CIF 班轮条 件) 租船: 在合同中明文规定 用CIF的变型表示:CIF Landed (CIF 卸至码头) ;CIF Ex Tackle (CIF 吊钩下交接);CIF Ex Ship’s Hold (CIF舱底交接);
CASE A Chinese import and export company concluded a Sale Contract with a German firm on October 5, 2006, selling a batch of certain commodity. The contract was based on CIF Hamburg at USD 2500 per metric ton; The Chinese company delivered the goods in compliance with the contract and obtained a clean on board B/L. During transportation, however, 100 metric tons of the goods got lost because of rough sea. Upon arrival of the goods, the price of the contracted goods went down quickly. The buyer refused to take delivery of the goods and effect payment and claimed damages from the seller. Question: (1) Is the buyer’s refusal reasonable? Why? (2)How should the buyer to deal with the loss?
国际贸易实务双语教程(第三版)Unit 02
Parties involved in export and import transaction
* the exporters * the importers * the port authority * the shipping company (for sea freight) * the airline (for air freight) * the insurance company or brokers * the exporter’s bank * the importer’s bank * the railways (in some cases) in the importer’ country * the road hauler ( in some case) in the importer’ country * the shipping agent at the port or airport of discharge * the shipping agents at the port or airport of loading * the railway (in some cases)in the exporters’ country * the road hauler (in some cases) in the exporter’s country
Export Procedures under CIR on the side of Seller
Signing Contract
Applying Import License
Procedures of Import Transaction
Opening L/C
Chartering Space Ship
国际贸易实务Chapter 2 Subject Matter of an International Sales Contract
Seller‘s Sample 2、Sale by sample 、 Buyer‘s Sample Counter sample
Seller‘s Sample seller
Buyer‘s Sample seller
Counter sample
Sale by Description
1、Sales by specification 、
The specification of the goods refers to certain main indicators which indicate the quality of the goods, such as composition, content, purity,size, length,etc.
以其主要用途命名:织布机、旅游鞋、 以其主要用途命名:织布机、旅游鞋、杀虫剂 主要用途命名 以其所使用的主要原材料命名:羊毛衫、 以其所使用的主要原材料命名:羊毛衫、玻璃杯 所使用的主要原材料命名 以其主要成分命名:西洋参皇浆、 主要成分命名 以其主要成分命名:西洋参皇浆、人参珍珠霜 以其外观造型命名:喇叭裤、 以其外观造型命名:喇叭裤、绿豆 外观造型命名 以其褒义词命名:青春宝、 以其褒义词命名:青春宝、太阳神口服液 褒义词命名 以人物名字命名:孔府家酒 人物名字命名: 命名 制作工艺命名 精制油、 命名: 以制作工艺命名:精制油、二锅头烧酒
在国际货物销售合同中,质量条款是买卖双方交接货物时的品质依据。 在国际货物销售合同中,质量条款是买卖双方交接货物时的品质依据。卖 方所交货物的品质如果与合同规定不符,卖方要承担违约的法律责任, 方所交货物的品质如果与合同规定不符,卖方要承担违约的法律责任,买 方则有权对因此而遭受的损失向卖方提出赔偿要求或解除合同。 方则有权对因此而遭受的损失向卖方提出赔偿要求或解除合同。该公司以 好顶次的做法,是与合同不符的,在出现价格下跌的情况下, 好顶次的做法,是与合同不符的,在出现价格下跌的情况下,买方仍然有 可能提出拒收或索赔。 可能提出拒收或索赔。 出现这种情况,我方应采取主动措施,将情况电告对方,与买方协商寻找 出现这种情况,我方应采取主动措施,将情况电告对方, 双方均可接受的解决办法。但无论采取何种解决措施, 双方均可接受的解决办法。但无论采取何种解决措施,发货前都要征得买 方同意和确认,以免日后发生纠纷。 方同意和确认,以免日后发生纠纷。 而若交货品质高于合同要求也有可能构成违约。 而若交货品质高于合同要求也有可能构成违约。 原因有多方面, 原因有多方面,如:品质过高,买方办理进口手续时可能会多交税; 品质过高,买方办理进口手续时可能会多交税; 另外品质过高,可能会使货物不能适应买方的使用目的, 另外品质过高,可能会使货物不能适应买方的使用目的,买方需重 新加工后使用,从而会增加买方的额外费用。 新加工后使用,从而会增加买方的额外费用。
国际贸易实务双语Chapter 2
Chapter Two Part A English Tex
Pricing Components of Commoห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ity
Commission Commission is the remuneration paid to the middlemen for their intermediary service for principals. In modern international trade practices, commission takes the form of remuneration which either side of a transaction pays to the middlemen. For example, exporters pay commissions to sales agents or importers pay commissions to purchase agents. Commission is applicable to the contract signed by the exporter/importer and the middlemen. If a percentage as commission rate is specified in the contract, such a commission rate is called defined commission. If there is no such a percentage rate appeared in the contract, we call it an undefined commission. Commission is defined in the following ways: a. Specified with words. Example: USD 150 per M/T CIF San Francisco including 2% commission b. Specified with trade terms. Example: USD 150 per M/T CIFC 2 San Francisco c. Defined by number. Example: Commission: USD25 per Metric Ton
• Interpretation of EXW
• On delivery • On import and export clearance • On place of delivery
• Interpபைடு நூலகம்etation of FAS
• On “side of a vessel” • Importance of shipping notice • Different interpretation in Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1990
• Interpretation of CPT
• Obligations of the buyer and the seller • To determine the point of delivery and the place of delivery • Unloading costs upon arrival at the place of destination
fulfill the obligation of delivery in the importing country.
Chapter1I. Answer my questions1. International trade is business whose activities involve the crossing of nationalborders. It includes not only international trade and foreign manufacturing but alsoencompasses the growing services industry in areas such as transportation, tourism,banking, advertising, construction, retailing, wholesaling, and mass communications.It includes all business transactions that involve two or more countries. Such businessrelationship may be private or governmental.2. Sales expansion, resource acquisition and diversification of sales and supplies.3. To gain profit.4. To seej out foreign markets and procurement.5. There are four major forms which are the following:Merchandise exports and Imports, Service Exports and Imports, Investment andMultinational Enterprise.6. It is the account which is a summary statement of the flow of all internationaleconomic and financial transactions between one nation United States ) andthe rest of the world over some period of time, usually one year.7. Merchandise Exporting and Importing.8. Yes. There are great differences between them.1) direct investment takes place when control follows the investment. It usuallymeans high commitment of capital, personnel, and technology abroad. It aims atgaining of foreign resources and foreign markets. Direct investment may often gethigher foreign sales than exporting. And sometimes it involves two or more parties.2) While portfolio investments are not under control. And they are used primarilyfor financial purposes. Treasures of companies, for example, routinely more fundsfrom one country to another to get a higher yield on short term investments.9. MNE is the abbreviation of the multinational enterprise. Its synonyms are NNC(the multinational corporation) and TNC (transnational corporation). 10. Examples are travel, transport, fee, royalties, dividends and interest.11. The choice of forms is influenced by the objective being pursued and theenvironments in which the company must operate.12. It is limited by the number of people interested in a firm’s products andservices and by customers’ capacity to make purchase.13. This is because at an early stage of international involvement these operationsusually take the least commitment and leas t risk of a firm’s resources.14. Royalties means the payment for use of assets from abroad, such as fortrademarks patens, copyrights, or other expertise under contract known as licencingare also paid franchising.15. It is a way of doing business in which one party (the franchiser) the use of atrademark that is an essential asset for the franchisers’ business.II Match each one on the left with its correct meaning on the right 1. JIII Translate the following terms and phrases into Chinese1 购买力 11 经济复苏;恢复2 潜在销售量 12 经济衰退3 加价,涨价 13 间接投资4 国内市场 14 有形货物5 制成品 15 有形进出口6 边际利润 16 收入及支出;岁入及岁出7 市场占有率 17 超额能力8 贸易歧视 18 贸易中间人(商);经纪人9 时机选择 19 全部包建的工程承包方式10 经销周期 20 许可证协定IV Translate the following into English1. Trade is often the ‘engine’ of growth. However oversimplified this metaphormay be, it does serve to underline the importance of foreign trade in the process ofgrowth. A healthy expansion of exports may not always be sufficient condition forrapid and sustained growth, but a strong positive association between the two isclearly undeniable. Trade expansion contributes to economic growth in many ways.Among them are the benefits of specialization; the favorable effects of internationalcompetition on domestic economic efficiency; the increased capacity to pay for theimports required in development and more generally the stimulus to investment.2. International trade is the exchange of goods and services produced in onecountry for goods and services produced in another country. In addition to visibletrade, which involves the import and export of goods and merchandise, there is alsoinvisible trade, which involves the exchange of services between nations. Nationssuch as Greece and Norway have large maritime fleets and provide transportationservice. This is a kind of invisible trade. Invisible trade can be as important to somenations as the export of raw materials or commodities is to others. In both cases, thenations earn the money to buy necessities.3. There exist different ways of conducting international business. Exclusive salemeans the seller gives the overseas client the exclusive right of selling a particularproduct in a designated area within a specified period of time. In this kind of businesstransaction, the product is bought by the exclusive seller and therefore he should sellthe product by himself, assuming sole responsibilities for his profit and loss.Exclusive sale is different from agency where only commission is involved. Anddifference exists between general contract and exclusive sales because the exclusiveseller enjoys exclusive right in a particular area.4. There is no country in the world that can produce all the products it needs.Thus countries join in international division of labor for effective production andreproduction. Sometimes a country can buy goods and services from abroad on abarter basis. Barter means doing business by exchanging goods of one sort for goodsof another sort without using money. Barter trade itself is not enough to meat acountry’s impo rt needs. But as a form of international trade, it is still attractive indeveloping countries where foreign exchange is in short supply and inflow of foreignfunds is far from sufficient to meet their obligations in external trade.Chapter2I. Answer the following questions(Omited)II. Filling the blanks with the suitable words in the text: satisfying; , foreign/overseas; ; ; ;; ; ; , venture;the followings into English1). Economic activity began with the cavemen, who was economicallyself-sufficient. He did his own hunting, found his own shelter, and provided for hisown needs. As primitive populations grew and developed, the principle of division oflabor evolved. One person was more able to perform some activity than another, andtherefore each person concentrated on what he did best. While one hunted, anotherfished. The hunter then traded his surplus to the fisherman, and each benefited fromthe variety of diet.In today’s complex economic world, neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient nations are self-sufficient. Nations have utilized different economicresources; people have developed different skills. This is the foundation ofinternational trade and economic activities.Foreign trade, the exchange of goods between nations, takes place for many reasons. The first, as mentioned above, is that no nation has all of the commoditiesthan it needs. Raw materials are scattered around the world. Large deposits of copperare mined in Peru and Zaire, diamonds are mined in South Africa, and petroleum isrecovered in Middle East. Countries that do not have these resources within their ownboundaries must buy from countries that export them.Foreign trade also occurs because a country often does not have enoughof aparticular item to meet its needs. Although the United States is a major producer ofsugar, it consumes more than it can produce internally and thus must import sugar.Third, one nation can sell some items at a lower cost than other countries. Japanhas been able to export large quantities of radios and television sets because it canproduce them more efficiently than other countries. It is cheaper for the United Statesto buy these from Japan than to produce them domestically.Finally, foreign trade takes place because of innovation or style. Even though theUnited States produces more automobiles than any other country, it still imports largequantities of autos from Germany, Japan and Sweden, primarily because there is amarket for them in the United States.2). The different kinds of trade nations engaged in are varied and complex, amixture of visible and invisible trade. Most nations are more dependent on exportsthan on any other activity. The earnings from exports pay for the imports that theyneed and want. A nation’s balance of p ayment is a record of these complex transactions. By reflecting all of these transactions in monetary terms , a nation is ableto combine the income it receives, for example, from exports, tourists expenditures,and immigrant remittances. This combined incomes is then spent on such items asmanufactured goods from other countries, travel for its citizens to other countries, andthe hiring of construction engineers.Chapter3I. Translate the followings from Chinese into English:1 terms of payment2 written form of contract3 execution of the contract4 sales contract5 purchase confirmation6 terms of transaction7 trading partners 8 the setting up of a contract9 trade agreement 10 consignment contract11 the contract proper 12 extension of the contract13 the contracting parties 14 special clause15 general terms and conditionsII. Answer the following questions in English:1 A contract is an agreement which sets forth bind obligations of the relevantparties. And any part that fails to fulfill his contractual obligations may be sued andforced to make compensation.2 There are two parties of business contract negotiations: oral and written. Theformer refers to direct discussions abroad; written negotiations often begin withenquiries made by the buyers.3 A written contract is generally prepared and signed as the proof of the agreementand as the basis for its execution. A sales or purchase confirmation is less detailedthan a contract, covering only the essential terms of the transaction. It is usually usedfor smaller deals or between familiar trade partners.4 The setting up of a contract is similar to that of a trade agreement or any othertype of formal agreements. It generally contains: 1) the title. The type of the contractis indicated in the title; 2) the contract proper. It is the main part of a contract; 3) thesignature of the contracting parties indicating their status as the seller or the buyer; 4)the stipulations on the back of the contract and are equally binding upon thecontracting parties.5 It generally contains the time of shipment, the mode of payment described inaddition to an exact description of the goods including the quantity, quality,specifications, packing methods, insurance, commodity inspection, claims, arbitrationand force majeure, etc.III. Translate the following into Chinese:合同是在双方达成协议的基础上制定的,而协议又是双方进行商务谈判的结果。
国际贸易实务 Chapter 2 ppt
trade terms
Ex Point of Origin, FOB(6 variations), FAS Vessel, C&F, CIF, Ex Dock
《1932年华沙— 牛津规则》 (WarsawOxford Rules)
国际法协会 International Law Institute
In 1928
1、Brief Introduction of Custom Practice
《1941年美国对外贸易定义修正本》 (Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941)
Issued by
In 1919
Teaching objectives
By studying this chapter, students should be able to master: ● The role of trade terms in International trade ● The Incoterms 2000 ● The Incoterms 2010 ● The differences between Incoterms 2000 and 2010 ● The relations between Incoterms and contract
《 1941年美国对外贸易定义修正本》
1919在美国举行泛美贸易会议时所制定的出口报 价定义, 原名《美国出口报价及其缩写》。 1941年经美国商会、全国对外贸易委员会 National Council of American Importers, Inc.等 三个民间团体所组成的联合委员会修订并改名。 本规则主要在北美大陆使用,因其FOB的定义与 INCOTERMS不同,所以在同该区域客户贸易 时应注意贸易术语的定义。
? One party involved: who is the importer, the processor and also the exporter
1.3 Classification of international trade
? Types of transit trade
? Direct transit trade
? Commodities further transported toward outside along the domestic transportation line without being placed in the bonded warehouse
1.4.1 The preparation of a transaction
? Studying creditability of the partner
Credit reference from
? the local bank or correspondent bank
? 3rd country earns warehousing charges + imp. and exp. duties
1.3 Classification of international trade
? From the number of participants involved
? 3rd country earns profit by imposing imp. and exp. duties
? Indirect transit trade
Eg. Fish Meal (鱼粉) Protein 55% Min Fat 9% Max
Moisture 11% Max
Salt Sand 4% Max 4% Max
c. Flexible Ranges i.a given range(规定范围): Width (inch) 38/42 ii.a limit(规定极限):Moisture 15% max iii. a more or less clause(规定上下差异): Moisture 5%(allowing 1% more or less)
Case 8
• An ore(矿砂)exporting contract specified the terms as following: “2500 M/T, 3%more or less at the seller’s option.” When the seller prepared to take delivery, the international market price went upward. • Question: (1) How much are you going to delivery as a seller? Why? • (2) Standing in the position of the buyer, what should be paid attention to during negociation of the terms of the contract?
• Conditioned weight= actual weight x (1+standard oisture regain rate)/ (1+ actual moisture regain rate)
国际贸易实务chapter 2信用证业务操作
第二讲 信用证业务操作
2.1.1 跟单信用证的含义 信用证是指一项不可撤销的约定,无论其名称
或描述如何,该项约定构成开证行对相符提示 予以承付的确定承诺。 承付指:
a.如果信用证为即期付款信用证,则即期付款。 b.如果信用证为延期付款信用证,则承诺延期付
款并在承诺到期日付款。 c.如果信用证为承兑信用证,则承兑受益人开出
BY NEGOTIATION 41D 指定的有关银行…兑付方式… 在中国的任一银行,用议付
2.2.2 SWIFT信用证实例评析
知的信用证 SWIFT信用证开立及其基本内容
2.2 SWIFT信用证
2.2.2 SWIFT信用证实例评析
27 页次
2.2.2 SWIFT信用证实例评析
42C DRAFTS AT… 30 DAYS AFTER SIGHT 42C 汇票付款期限 见票后30天付款
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Pricing Components in Export Commodities Export price is comprised of costs, expenses/ charges and anticipated profit.Other factors such as commission and discount may also affect export price.
Chapter Two Part A English Tex
Pricing Components of Commodity
Cost (1) Production cost Computing the actual cost of producing a product is of the core importance in pricing. Production cost normally include the material costs, labor cost, fixed costs and packing cost. (2) Sales cost Sales cost refers to costs relevant to international marketing and sales activities. Exporters might have to advertise their products before entering a foreign market. They might need to participate in international trade fairs and exhibitions to promote their products. They even need to pay local agents for assistance and cooperation. Such cross-country events might be great spending and cost a lot of money.
Chapter Two Price of Commodity 商品价格
Warming-up Exercise Part A English Tex Part B Bilingual Tex
Chapter Two Warming-up Exercise
Answer the following questions.
Chapter Two Part A Englisof Commodity
Examples Unit price: at USD330.4/piece CIF New York Total value: USD33040 (Say US dollars thirty-three thousand and forty only) Unit price: at GBP 95 per M/T CIF London Total value: GBP 4750 (Say pounds sterling four thousand seven hundred and fifty only)
1 What factors shall be taken into consideration in export pricing?
2 What are the components in a unit price?
Chapter Two Part A English Tex
Pricing Components of Commodity
Pricing terms play an essential role in a contract. They are the core terms which can directly affect buyer and seller’s mutual interests and the possibility of a transaction. It’s important to learn what are included in export price and establish the terms of price properly in international trade practices.
Chapter Two Part A English Tex
Pricing Components of Commodity
Expenses/Charges Expenses/charges are divided into two big parts: domestic costs and overseas costs. Domestic costs cover local warehousing and transportation costs (warehouse to freight terminal, station, airport, container yard, etc.). There are other cost items such as expenses for permit application, banking charges (loan interest, handling charges, etc.), estimated loss (cargo loss, leakage, damage, deterioration, etc.) and port charges. Overseas costs are mainly comprised of three aspects: overseas freight(port of shipment to port of destination), overseas premiums (overseas cargo transport insurance) and commission if there is any middleman. Anticipated profit Anticipated profit is another essential part in pricing because it is directly impacting the price level of the product. Setting the anticipated profit has a lot to do with the competition in competing products, industry and market and the exporter’s pricing strategy. It has also a lot to do with exporter’s marketing objectives in the foreign markets. Different marketing objectives undoubtedly affect exporter’s pricing decisions.