商务英语阅读Chapter2 A Changed Global Reality 世界经济格局新变化

15. downturn
L. a tendency downward, a worsening, 答案 especially in business or economic activity
2-1 TASK 1
Comprehensive Reading
Today, the products and services tend to be inseparable. The era when the customer cares only to buy a product belongs to the past. Nowadays customers seek more not only for buying a product or gaining the usage of the product but also for the whole value that supports the product.
Comprehensive Reading
1 The word product has many definitions. In industry, it means the quantity or total volume; or the products of the manufactures. In agriculture, it means the products of the season or of the farm. In business, it means the commodities offered for sale or a service that is marketed or sold as a commodity.

Unit 11. The World Bank’s key role is to improve living standards and assist developing nations through making credit and other forms of assistance available to achieve a sustainable development.世界银行的关键作用是通过提供信贷和其他形式的援助来实现可持续发展来提高生活水平和协助发展中国家。
2. So in order to smooth out the international business cycle, and thus reduce the duration and damage of recessions, OPEC could temper oil prices and control booming or slumping economic growth.所以为了消除国际商业周期,从而减少经济衰退的时间和损失,石油输出国组织可以调低油价,控制经济增长或萧条。
3. Its members benefit from liberalized trade gaining access to a larger demand market, new technologies, managerial techniques, raises in living standards, and employment opportunities.其成员受益于自由贸易进入更大需求市场,新技术,管理技术,提高了生活水平和就业机会。
4. Under his influence, the organization’s international secretariat was established in Paris and he was instrumental in creating the ICC International Court of Arbitration in 1923.在他的影响下,该组织的国际秘书处在巴黎成立,他在1923年创建了国际商会国际仲裁法庭。

the money situation of an organization or individual
e.g. Good organization of financials, inventory, schedules, and production can help you avoid many pitfalls.
going from one thing to another in a single series of stages
e.g. Students do not always progress in a linear fashion.
to make it possible for sth. to be used well, when previously it may not have been used enough
The basic characteristics of sustainable development can be observed in the following points:
1) There should be an uninterrupted rise in real per capita income and economic welfare on a long-term basis. 2) Sustainable development simply means that resources should be naturally used in such a way that they are not over-exploited. 3) Sustainable development aims at making use of natural resources and the environment for improving the standard of people in such a way that the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is not minimized. 4) Sustainable development aims at promoting environment-friendly and biodegradable products, while also making sustainable planning for replacement or replenishment of resource usage. 5) Sustainable development emphasis on eco-friendly building and developmental practices like green architecture.

7) 不论时间和距离的限制,网络彻底改变了竞争的性质,还使得竞争更为公平,特别是对 于一些小企业。Networks fundamentally alter the nature of compe on and level the playing field, especially for smaller business regardless of the barriers like me and distance. 8) 通过 “小额信贷项目”,农民们在需要时得到所需资金,并要在预定期限内还清本息。 Through micro credit projects, with the credit available on demand, farmers are able to pay back both the principle and interest in me. 9) 中国经济的蓬勃发展表明中国已成为世界上经济增长最快的国家之一。 China’s vigorous
2024年Business English (Listening Text and Answers)

Presentation style
Delivered by a single speaker without interruption
After including visual aids, such as slides or handouts, to support the speaker's message
Question and answer sessions
Opportunities for audience members to ask questions of the speakergotiation
Initial meetings and introductions
As you listen, try to summarize the main ideas and key points in your own words to help you better understand and retain the information
Learn to filter information
Business Phone
Answering phone calls
Greeting the caller, identifying oneself, and inquiring about the caller's needs
Taking messages
Accurately recording the caller's name, phone number, and message for the intended recipient
Discussion of terms and conditions

《商务英语阅读》第二版Chapter1-Why-China-Works-(网上私人独家翻译).Why China WorksA look at bright spots in the recession begins with Beijing, where state control is looking smart.经济衰退中的一线光明开始于国家宏观调控看起来明智的北京。
The construction site of the China Pavilion, host to the World Expo Shanghai 2010By Rana Foroohar | NEWSWEEKPublished Jan 10, 2009From the magazine issue dated Jan 19, 2009China is the only major economy that is likely to show significant growth this year, because it is the only one that routinely breaks every rule in the economic textbook. In fact, the main reason China is not slowing as fast as the other big five economies is its capacity for macro-control.中国是今年唯一一个可能取得亮丽增长的主要经济体,因为它是世界上唯一一个惯常打破经济教科书每一个原则的国家。
Why does China's market economic system work? Now that the United States and Europe are moving toward macro-economic control—by nationalizing the banking and car industries, and imposing heavy new regulation on the financial industry—the question has a new urgency.China looks like the one best positioned to navigate what may be the worst global downturn in seven decades.为什么中国市场经济体系奏效?目前,欧美等国正通过银行及汽车业国有化及强制对金融业的管理,走向宏观调控,但问题更加紧迫。
《高级商务英语阅读》考试试卷二 答案

试卷二 参考答案
I. Translate the following terms into English:
品牌认同 brand recognition 市场准入 access to market 专营商店 specialty shop 泡沫经济 bubble economy 商业周期 business cycle 扣除通货膨胀后的收入 inflation-adjusted revenue 银行间无抵押资金市场 interbank unsecured-money market 欧元区 Euro zone 反倾销税 anti-dumping duties 争端解决进程 dispute settlement process
5) Certainly, Haier doesn’t spend much on marketing, compared with the amount earmarked by most multinational companies. In the U.S., Haier’s promotion budget accounts for only a paltry 1% of its American sales.
3) The two economists pledged that they would carry on the research from where they left off.
4) During the 1950s and 1960s, the United States pegged the dollar to gold ($35.00 was equal to one ounce of gold), and most other countries had pegged their currencies to the dollar (the German Mark was fixed at four marks equal to one dollar).

to suddenly let a strong force, feeling, etc. have its full effect
e.g. It suggests climate change could tip the planet’s delicate balance and unleash a host of geological disasters.
Economic policies
1 Economic policies refer to the strategies and measures adopted by the government to manage the economy in order to achieve its economic objectives. What are the major types of economic policies?
to include or show sth. as a special or important part of sth.
e.g. Problems of family relationships feature prominently in her novels.
a good or service (such as land, labor, or capБайду номын сангаасtal) used in the process of production
to encourage or help sth. to begin or develop further

《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案Unit OneI.1. 资产C2. 边际变动E3. 市场势力I4. 劳动生产力(率)J5. 经济学A6. 市场失灵G7. 市场经济F8. 机会成本D9. 通货膨胀K10. 外部性H11. 效率B12. 菲利普斯曲线LII.Passage One经济学的研究主要分为两部分:宏观经济学与微观经济学。

王关富《商务英语阅读(第二版)》参考答案Unit 1Why China WorksExercises1. Answer the questions on the text:1) How does the author view the Chinese economy?It is the most important bright spot in the world economy under the global recession, the only major economy that is likely to show significant growth this year, and the only one that routinely breaks every rule in the economic textbook. 2) According to the author, why can the Chinese economy perform so well?Because of:(1) the capacity for state control by the Chinese government.(2) its rejection of exotic financial innovations that are the melting core of the global credit crisis.(3) the integration of its economic policies between traditional market tools and state control measures.3) In what way does the author imply that western economists are erroneous in their bias toward “China’s market economic system”?The United States and Europe are moving toward state control by nationalizing their banking and car industries, and imposing heavy new regulation on the financial industry.4) What is the view of Stephen Roach on the Chinese economy system?Investment is the backbone of sustainable growth in the Chinese economy, which works more effectively than other market based systems in times of economic stress.5) Why can China work in the eye of the author?It has followed a radical pragmatism focusing on a slow but steady shift toward freer markets.6) What is regarded as the strategic thinking of the Chinese leaders in market reforms?They understand even under the serious financial crisis that it can stabilize the Chinese market and economy to introduce more sophisticated forms of securitization, including stock index funds, corporate bonds and other debt products. They also realize that, in the course of doing this, they should learn from the mistakes the westerners have made.7) What is the example given to illustrate the steadiness of the Chinese leaders in their policy execution?They continue to allow the value of yuan to rise despite of the American charges and the need for export competitiveness by their own enterprises.8) What is “shock therapy”?It is the economic policy adopted in Russia from 1991 to 1992 that totally deregulated prices and lead to a runaway inflation. It proved to be all shock and no therapy.9) In what ways does the Chinese economic system work efficiently?It can get things done quickly, move in a coherent manner, and marshal its people and resources to a common target: economic growth and prosperity.11) What are the Internet and public opinion used for?For putting pressure on local officials and influencing policy decisions.2. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the list given below. Make changes when necessary.1)At a time when the need is growing for mental health services, many countries are unfortunately cutting back on itsspending.2)There is an increasing number of people out of work. But the western media often unfairly label them as lazy andreliable.3)Now that the flow of oil has been stopped by BP, the impact of all the spilled oil and natural gas is still beingmeasured.4)Once again its ability to steer economic policy will be tested against the ability to deliver on services and projectsaimed at growing the economy and jobs.5)Housing prices are incredibly high today. But he bought his house for a song about five years ago.6)As people are complaining high prices, especially those related to daily necessities, the government feels rather urgentto hold down inflation rate immediately.7)Under the new economy policy investors are invited to buy into state-owned enterprises.8)Since a serious gun shooting occurred in Arizona last week, security concerns have trickled down to all places,including residential buildings.9)Social unrest is a daily occurrence in the country nowadays. It is in the last place when it comes to investment formultinational companies.10)Efforts to ban smoking in China are so effective yet. Some chain smokers never think of quitting while many othershave battled in vain to quit.3. Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B:A_______________________ B__________________________________1)financial innovation A) A reduction in the general availability of loans (orcredit) or a sudden tightening of the conditionsrequired to obtain a loan from the banks.72)stimulus package B) A non-bank entity or organization such asinvestment companies and mutual funds thatinvests in large quantities. 83)overheating C)A legal entity created by a government to undertakecommercial activities on its behalf. 64)stamp tax D) The trading of a corporation's stock or othersecurities (e.g. bonds or stock options) byindividuals with potential access to non-publicinformation.9E) An industry that requires large amounts of capital, machinery and equipment toproduce goods. 55)capital-intensive sector F) Generation of new and creative approaches tosecurities, money management or investing. 16)state-run firm G) An economy that is expanding so rapidly that toomuch money is chasing too few goods andeconomists fear a rise in inflation . 37)credit crisis H) tax levied on certain legal transactions such as thetransfer of a property such as building, copyright,land, patent, and securities. 48)institutional investor I) A plan or a series of measures taken by agovernment to jump-start its ailing economy,generally as a part of its fiscal policy. 210) insider trading4. Translate the following passage into Chinese.我们所面临的来自中国的真正挑战并不是他们向我们大量销售的货物,而恰恰相反,是他们正在提升的价值链。

商务英语阅读(第二版)-王关富Unit2The-World-Economic-For um-课后答案Unit 2A Changed Global RealityExercises1. Answer the questions on the text:1) What are the features of the two major economies that the world has seen formore than 200 years?One has dominated technological innovation and trade and amassed great wealth. The second—much of it politically under the thumb of the first—has remained poor and technologically dependent.2) How much did low-and-middle-income countries contribute to world growthin 2010?Almost half (46%)3) Taking a long term view, why is it good news that developing countries aregrowing fast?As billions of poor people become more prosperous, they will be able to afford comforts their counterparts in the rich world have long considered the normal appurtenances of life.4) What are the worst-case scenarios that Europe has so far avoided?A collapse of the euro, a debt crisis that spills from small economies such asGreece and Ireland to much bigger ones like Italy and Spain, and bitter social unrest in those nations that are having to massage wages down while cutting public budgets.5) Why does Jim Walker think that 2011 will be a “year of reckoning”?Because Jim Walker thinks that the rebound in the US is a mirage created by excessive stimulus. He expects the US to slip into the double dip it dodged in 2010.6) Why has the private-sector debt crisis of 2008-2009 morphed into apublic-sector debt crisis in 2010-11?It has been the result of the debt and deficits amassed in the process of stimulating economies and bailing out banks during the downturn.7) What are the risks that emerging economies face?a. sharp rise in inflationb. rising oil pricesc. soaring food price8) What did China and India do to cope with inflation and rising food prices?China raised the reserve-requirement ratio;India resorted to diplomatic means when Pakistan temporarily cut off some exports of onions to the country.9) How can the disaffection with global capitalism in the developed world beprevented from turning into a backlash against it?It would help if there were mechanisms in place to manage the stresses in the international economy.10) What is the most serious division between countries that policymakers haveto contend with?Economic disparity2.Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below:1) The search for the child was scaled back sharply today, with almost a third ofthe volunteers heading home.2) The former Federal Reserve Chairman says there is a risk that the US couldslip into a recession by year’s end.3) The CEO of the firm said that they would switch priority from traditionallabor-intensive products to more hi-tech and value-added ones.4) In the aftermath of the financial crisis the group has put on hold some of itsambitious regional expansion plans.5) Toyota Motor Corp. is offering widespread job buyouts to its US workers for the first time and cutting the workweek at some of its American plants by 10% to contend with falling sales.6) Eventually, it must morph into a system that functions on stability, or it willfail and cause an unstoppable breakdown and widespread hardship.7) Unfortunately most of the central banks in the world today are still firmlyunder the thumb of politicians.8) The stock market’s endurance could depend heavily on whether economic andcorporate performance remains uncertain, or begins indicating that the economy truly is out of the woods.9) Survivors were encouraged to talk about their horrible experiences to helpthem come to terms with the flood disaster.10) Other countries—notably Australia—have also avoided a bust in theirhousing markets, and have instead seen prices increases flatten out.3.Match the terms in column A with the explanations in column B:AB ______1)double-dip recession A) A physical substance, such as food, grains, andmetals, which is interchangeable with anotherproduct of the same type, and which investors buyor sell, usually through future contracts 72) credit rating B) A measure that examines the weighted average ofprices of foodstuffs, often used as an importantfactor to assess the cost of living. 93) austerity C) A government policy of deficit-cutting, lowerspending, and a reduction in the amount of benefitsand public services provided, sometimes coupledwith increases in taxes to pay back creditors toreduce debt. 34) private sector D) A central bank regulation that sets the minimumreserves each commercial bank must hold tocustomer deposits and notes. 105)protective tariff E) The part of the economy that is not statecontrolled, and is run by individuals and companiesfor profit. 46)beggar thy neighbor F) An expression in economics describing policy thatseeks benefits for one country at the expense ofothers. Such policies attempt to remedy theeconomic problems in one country by means whichtend to worsen the problems of other countries. 6 7) commodity G)A published ranking based on detailed financialanalysis by a credit bureau, of one’s financialhistory, specifically as it relates to one’s ability tomeet debt obligations. 28)sovereign-debt crisis H) A crisis in which a national government owes somuch debt that it is unable to repay or on the edgeof bankruptcy. 89)food-price index I) A tariff which tries to ban imports to stop themcompeting with local products 510)reserve requirement J) A situation where economic growth slides back tonegative after a short-lived growth and theeconomy may move into a deeper and longerdownturn. 14.Translate the following into Chinese:星期五,世界上20个主要经济体的领导人结束了在这座东北亚首都城市举行的为期两天的峰会。
商务英语阅读Chapter2 A Changed Global Reality 世界经济格局新变化

Chapter2 A Changed Global Reality 世界经济格局新变化Say this for the young century: we live in interesting times. Not quite 2 1⁄2 years ago, the world economy tipped into the most severe downturn since the Great Depression in the 1930s. World trade slowed sharply. Unemployment lines grew longer, especially in the old industrial economies. Financial institutions that had seemed as solid as granite disappeared as if they were no more substantial than a bunch of flowers in the hands of an old-style magician. 对于新世纪,我们得这样说:我们生活在一个有趣的时代。
Given that the scale of the downturn was so epochal, it should not be surprising that the nature of the recovery would likewise be the stuff of history. And it has been. As they make their way to Davos for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) by helicopter, bus, car or train (which is the right way to do it), the members of the global economic and political elite will find themselves coming to terms with something they have never known before. 考虑到经济衰退幅度如此的跨时代,经济复苏进程会很慢也是理所当然的,对此我们不应该感到吃惊。

Uniet 11.Once seen as the bad habit of an immature economy, China’s macro-economy control (state meddling) is now seen as a bulwark of stability. “Government control of the most capital-intensive sectors leaves me optimistic about China’s prospects”, says….中国的国家干预曾被视为一个不成熟经济体的坏习惯,如今被视为稳定的防波堤。
…安迪·罗斯曼(Andy Rothman)表示:“政府控制大部分资本密集型产业,这令我对中国的前景感到乐观。
”2.Even more farsighted is the new, landmark land-reform program, which would make it possible for Chinese peasants to rent or lease their land to outsiders. Simply figuring out who owns which properties can be a Byzantine task in China, so land reform could take decades--but the idea is already generating excitement. In November, real-estate consulting firm Jones Lang LaSalle estimated that land reform could unlock rural property worth as much as $2.5 trillion. Land reform will be China’s lasting legacy,”says JLL national research director Michael Klibaner. Turnning peasants into land-owning consumers could go a long way toward creating a consumer society, reducing China’s dependence on exports, and rebalancing the world economy.更具远见的是新的、里程碑式的土地改革计划,让中国农民向外人(包括企业)出租土地或者租用土地成为一种可能。

Exhibit the work ethic, attitude, and values you expect from your team. Leading by example can inspire your team and establish a strong benchmark for performance and behavior.
Team building
1 Are there any great team leaders in ancient or modern times that you admire? Tell their stories and analyze the reasons for their success.
2 Suppose you were a team leader in a company. What would you do to build a productive team?
1) Define clear goals and objectives Start by establishing clear, achievable goals that align with the company’s broader mission and objectives. Ensure that every team member understands these goals and how their individual roles contribute to achieving them.
Team building skills are capabilities that help leaders form interactive, supportive, and highfunctioning teams. To become an excellent team builder, you probably need to develop a variety of soft skills, such as: goal setting & role assigning, communicating, listening, reflecting, matchmaking, problem solving, delegating, giving & getting feedback, organizing, resolving conflict, time management, decision-making, creative thinking, etc. The purpose of these skills is to support teamwork and team development.

Internal communication is the heartbeat of any organization
to help a plan, an idea, a feeling, etc. to develop e.g. The company's leadership is committed to nurturing a supportive work environment that encourages employee growth and innovation.
Internal communication is the heartbeat of any organization
not real, but intended to be very similar to a real situation, substance, etc. e.g. Before the official product launch, the team conducted a series of mock presentations to refine their pitch to potential investors.
Internal communication is the heartbeat of any organization
strategic leadership
a manager’s potential to express a strategic vision for the organization, and to motivate and persuade others to acquire that vision e.g. The board appointed a leader known for strategic leadership to steer the company through its next phase of growth.

商务英语阅读(第二版)-王关富Unit2The-World-Economic-For um-课后答案Unit 2A Changed Global RealityExercises1. Answer the questions on the text:1) What are the features of the two major economies that the world has seen formore than 200 years?One has dominated technological innovation and trade and amassed great wealth. The second—much of it politically under the thumb of the first—has remained poor and technologically dependent.2) How much did low-and-middle-income countries contribute to world growthin 2010?Almost half (46%)3) Taking a long term view, why is it good news that developing countries aregrowing fast?As billions of poor people become more prosperous, they will be able to afford comforts their counterparts in the rich world have long considered the normal appurtenances of life.4) What are the worst-case scenarios that Europe has so far avoided?A collapse of the euro, a debt crisis that spills from small economies such asGreece and Ireland to much bigger ones like Italy and Spain, and bitter social unrest in those nations that are having to massage wages down while cutting public budgets.5) Why does Jim Walker think that 2011 will be a “year of reckoning”?Because Jim Walker thinks that the rebound in the US is a mirage created by excessive stimulus. He expects the US to slip into the double dip it dodged in 2010.6) Why has the private-sector debt crisis of 2008-2009 morphed into apublic-sector debt crisis in 2010-11?It has been the result of the debt and deficits amassed in the process of stimulating economies and bailing out banks during the downturn.7) What are the risks that emerging economies face?a. sharp rise in inflationb. rising oil pricesc. soaring food price8) What did China and India do to cope with inflation and rising food prices?China raised the reserve-requirement ratio;India resorted to diplomatic means when Pakistan temporarily cut off some exports of onions to the country.9) How can the disaffection with global capitalism in the developed world beprevented from turning into a backlash against it?It would help if there were mechanisms in place to manage the stresses in the international economy.10) What is the most serious division between countries that policymakers haveto contend with?Economic disparity2.Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below:1) The search for the child was scaled back sharply today, with almost a third ofthe volunteers heading home.2) The former Federal Reserve Chairman says there is a risk that the US couldslip into a recession by year’s end.3) The CEO of the firm said that they would switch priority from traditionallabor-intensive products to more hi-tech and value-added ones.4) In the aftermath of the financial crisis the group has put on hold some of itsambitious regional expansion plans.5) Toyota Motor Corp. is offering widespread job buyouts to its US workers for the first time and cutting the workweek at some of its American plants by 10% to contend with falling sales.6) Eventually, it must morph into a system that functions on stability, or it willfail and cause an unstoppable breakdown and widespread hardship.7) Unfortunately most of the central banks in the world today are still firmlyunder the thumb of politicians.8) The stock market’s endurance could depend heavily on whether economic andcorporate performance remains uncertain, or begins indicating that the economy truly is out of the woods.9) Survivors were encouraged to talk about their horrible experiences to helpthem come to terms with the flood disaster.10) Other countries—notably Australia—have also avoided a bust in theirhousing markets, and have instead seen prices increases flatten out.3.Match the terms in column A with the explanations in column B:AB ______1)double-dip recession A) A physical substance, such as food, grains, andmetals, which is interchangeable with anotherproduct of the same type, and which investors buyor sell, usually through future contracts 72) credit rating B) A measure that examines the weighted average ofprices of foodstuffs, often used as an importantfactor to assess the cost of living. 93) austerity C) A government policy of deficit-cutting, lowerspending, and a reduction in the amount of benefitsand public services provided, sometimes coupledwith increases in taxes to pay back creditors toreduce debt. 34) private sector D) A central bank regulation that sets the minimumreserves each commercial bank must hold tocustomer deposits and notes. 105)protective tariff E) The part of the economy that is not statecontrolled, and is run by individuals and companiesfor profit. 46)beggar thy neighbor F) An expression in economics describing policy thatseeks benefits for one country at the expense ofothers. Such policies attempt to remedy theeconomic problems in one country by means whichtend to worsen the problems of other countries. 6 7) commodity G)A published ranking based on detailed financialanalysis by a credit bureau, of one’s financialhistory, specifically as it relates to one’s ability tomeet debt obligations. 28)sovereign-debt crisis H) A crisis in which a national government owes somuch debt that it is unable to repay or on the edgeof bankruptcy. 89)food-price index I) A tariff which tries to ban imports to stop themcompeting with local products 510)reserve requirement J) A situation where economic growth slides back tonegative after a short-lived growth and theeconomy may move into a deeper and longerdownturn. 14.Translate the following into Chinese:星期五,世界上20个主要经济体的领导人结束了在这座东北亚首都城市举行的为期两天的峰会。
《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案Unit OneI.1. 资产C2. 边际变动E3. 市场势力I4. 劳动生产力(率)J5. 经济学A6. 市场失灵G7. 市场经济F8. 机会成本D9. 通货膨胀K10. 外部性H11. 效率B12. 菲利普斯曲线LII.Passage One经济学的研究主要分为两部分:宏观经济学与微观经济学。

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Chapter2 A Changed Global Reality 世界经济格局新变化Say this for the young century: we live in interesting times. Not quite 2 1⁄2 years ago, the world economy tipped into the most severe downturn since the Great Depression in the 1930s. World trade slowed sharply. Unemployment lines grew longer, especially in the old industrial economies. Financial institutions that had seemed as solid as granite disappeared as if they were no more substantial than a bunch of flowers in the hands of an old-style magician. 对于新世纪,我们得这样说:我们生活在一个有趣的时代。
Given that the scale of the downturn was so epochal, it should not be surprising that the nature of the recovery would likewise be the stuff of history. And it has been. As they make their way to Davos for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) by helicopter, bus, car or train (which is the right way to do it), the members of the global economic and political elite will find themselves coming to terms with something they have never known before. 考虑到经济衰退幅度如此的跨时代,经济复苏进程会很慢也是理所当然的,对此我们不应该感到吃惊。
The new reality can be expressed like this. For more than 200 years, since the Industrial Revolution, the world has seen two economies. One has dominated technological innovation and trade and amassed great wealth. The second —much of it politically under the thumb of the first —has remained poor and technologically dependent. This divide remains stubbornly real. The rich world —the U.S., Canada, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and the four original Asian dragons —accounts for only 16% of total world population but nearly 70% of world output. 当今的情况是这样的。
But change is upon us. The developed world of the haves is struggling to restart growth and preserve welfare states, while the world of the once have-nots has surged out of the downturn. Big emerging economies like China and India have discovered new sources of domestic demand. Parts of Africa are attracting real interest from investors. All told, the strength of the developing world has supported the global economy. The World Bank estimates that economic growth in low- and middle-income countries contributed almost half of world growth (46%) in 2010. 世界形势正发生着变化。
A Sigh of Relief 经济回暖,令人欣慰In the long term, this is nothing but good news. As billions of poor people become more prosperous, they will be able to afford the comforts their counterparts in the rich world have longconsidered the normal appurtenances of life. But before we celebrate a new economic order, deep divisions both between and within nations have to be overcome. Otherwise, the world could yet tip back into a beggar-thy-neighbor populism that will end up beggaring everyone. We are not out of the woods yet. 从长远看来,这真的是个好消息。
First, though, let's assess how things stand. The world is in a much better state than many expected it would be a year ago. The double-dip recession some economists feared never materialized. In the U.S., which seemed to stall in the summer, there are early signs that consumers are spending and banks are lending again, while the stock market is at its highest point in 21⁄2 years. Though Europe is wheezing under cascading sovereign-debt crises, it has so far avoided the worst-case scenarios —a collapse of the euro, a debt crisis that spills from small economies such as Greece and Ireland to much bigger ones like Italy and Spain, and bitter social unrest in those nations that are having to massage wages down while cutting public budgets. 不过首先让我们评估一下目前情况。