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Intended Uses


不含挥发性有机溶剂,固体份达100%,室温固化5-45℃ 漆膜附着力强,机械性能优,易施工。 漆膜具有优良的耐化学腐蚀性、耐油、耐水、耐海水、耐热、耐溶剂。 适用于通风不良的环境下施工,如贮油罐、船舶油水舱、混凝土贮罐、化学品贮槽及溶剂 贮罐等。 Not containing volatile organic solvent, the volume solids up to 100%, curing at temperature 5-45℃ The film possesse excellent highadhesion,excellent mechanical properties and Easy application The paint possesses excellent resistance to chemical, oil water,seawater, heat And solvent. Suited for application in poor uentilation such as oil tank, oil-water carbine, con tank, chemicals tank and solvent tank etc. Product


双组份,施工前混合均匀,甲组份为漆料,乙组分为固化剂 Two components, component A is basic agent, and B is special curing agent, Stir till to even Storage

and Handling


Method of Application 施工方法

Airless Spray 无空气喷涂 Suitable for coating or manding small area 适用于小面积涂装或修补

Brush or Roller 涂刷或辊涂 Suitable for coating or manding small area 适用于小面积涂装或修补

Total output pressure depends on application

Temperature and viscosity of paint

总输出流体压力视施工温度和漆液粘度而调节 Conwentional Spray 传统喷涂 Not recommend 不适用

Use C003 不需要,在不影响施工的情况下也可采用

C003 Cleaner 油漆设备清洗剂 C003 Pot Life 使用期 25℃-1hour(小时)

Used immediately without ripening.

本产品甲、乙组份混合后不需熟化,可以马上使用 Storage 贮存期 One year 一年


Storageand Handling 贮存与管理Storage 贮存 Store in cool fireproof conditions. The temperature of envirnment

is no more than 45℃贮存于凉爽干燥处,防水,防火,环境温度


Pack size 包装规格 A;16Kg in 20 liter container 甲:16公斤装于20公升容器中

B:4Kg in 4 liter container 乙:4公斤装于10公升容器中

Flash Point 闪点 65℃

Specific Gravity 比重About 1.3 Kg/L 约1.3公斤/公升
