1. Mold/Mould: 模具
2. Die: 模具,尤指金属冲压模
3. Cavity: 模穴
4. Core: 模芯
5. Runner: 喷嘴,注塑道
6. Gate: 浇口,进料口
7. Ejector Pin: 顶针,用于将制品从模具中推出
8. Injection Molding: 注塑成型
9. Blow Molding: 吹塑
10. Compression Molding: 压缩成型
11. Extrusion Molding: 挤出成型
12. Casting: 铸造
13. Hot Runner: 热流道系统
14. Cooling Channel: 冷却通道
15. Draft Angle: 脱模锥度
16. Shrinkage: 收缩率
17. Surface Finish: 表面处理/光洁度
18. Undercut: 模具槽,模具凹槽
GLOSSARYAabrasive grinding 强力磨削L 3 abrasive[☜'breisiv] a.磨料的, 研磨的L2,3 absence ['✌bs☜ns] n.. 不在,缺席L17 accesssory[✌k'ses☜ri] n.附件L10 accommodate[☜'k m☜deit] v. 适应L 5 accordingly[☜'k :di☠li] adv.因此,从而,相应地L7,13 accuracy['✌kjur☜si] n精度,准确性L1,3 act uat e['✌kt jueit] vt.开动(机器), 驱动L8 adequate['✌dikwit] a. 足够的L13 adhesive[☜d'hi:siv] n. 粘合剂L22 adjacent[☜'d✞eisnt] a. 邻近的L13 adopt[☜'d pt] vt. 采用L 4 advance [☜d'v✌:ns] n.进步L7 advisable [☜d'vaizbl] adj. 可取的 L20 agitate['✌d✞iteit] v. 摇动L 2 a large extent 很大程度L4,13 algorithm ['✌l♈☜ri❆☜m] n. 算法L 6 align [☜'lain] v 定位,调准L17 alignment[☜'lainm☜nt] n. 校直L11 all-too-frequent 频繁L17 allowance[☜'l☜uens] n. 容差, 余量L5 alternate[' :lt☜nit]v.交替,轮流L 1 alternative[ :l't☜:n☜tiv] n. 替换物L 3 alt ernat ively[ :l't☜:n☜tivli] ad. 做为选择, 也许L 5 aluminiun[ ✌lju'minj☜m] n.铝L 2 ample['✌mpl] adj. 充足的L20 analysis [☜'n✌l☜sis] n. 分析L 6 ancillary['✌nsil☜ri] a.补助的, 副的L 4 angular ['✌♈jul☜] adj. 有角的L20 annealing[☜'li:li☠] n.退火L 2 aperture ['✌p☜t☞☜] n.孔L17 applied loads 作用力L 1 appropriate [☜'pr☜uprieit] a. 适当的L6,20 arc[a:k] n.弧, 弓形L10 arise[☜'raiz] vi. 出现, 发生L21 arrange[☜'reid✞] v. 安排L12 article['a:tikl] n.制品, 产品L21 ascertain[ ✌s☜'tein] vt. 确定, 查明L 1 assemble[☜'sembl] vt.组装L 4 attitude ['✌titju:d] n 态度L17 auxiliary [ :♈'zilj☜ri]adj. 辅助的L8 avoid[☜'v id] v.避免L7 axis['✌ksis] n.轴L 5 axle['✌ksl] n.轮轴, 车轴L 1Bbackup['b✌k ✈p] n. 备份L9 batch [b✌t☞] n 一批L17 bearing['b☪☜ri☠] n.轴承,支座L21 bed[bed] n. 床身L 5 behavior[bi'heivj☜] n. 性能L 1 bench-work 钳工工作L 4 bend[bend] v.弯曲L 1 beneath[bi'ni: ] prep在···下L 4 bin [bin] n. 仓,料架L19 blank [bl✌☠k] n. 坯料L20 blank [bl✌☠k] v. 冲裁,落料L17 blanking tool 落料模L17 blast [bl✈st] n.一阵(风)L18 blemish['blemi☞] n. 缺点, 污点L13 bolster['b☜ulst☜] n. 模座,垫板L4,5boost[bu:st] n. 推进L9 boring['b :ri☠] n.镗削, 镗孔L4,5 bracket ['br✌kit] n. 支架L19 brass [br✌s] n.黄铜L 2 break down 破坏L 1 breakage ['breikid✞] n.破坏L17121bridge piece L16 brine[brain] n. 盐水L 2 brittle['britl] adv.易碎的L 1 buffer [b✈f☜] n.缓冲器L8 built-in 内装的L9 bulging [b✈ld✞i☠] n. 凸肚L22 burr [b☜:] n. 毛刺L17 bush [bu☞] n. 衬套L17 bush[bu☞]n. 衬套L 5 by far (修饰比较级, 最高级)···得多, 最L 3 by means of 借助于L 5Ccabinet ['k✌binit] n.橱柜L7 call upon 要求L17 carbide['ka:baid] n.碳化物L10 carburzing['ka:bjureti☠] n. 渗碳L 2 carriage['k✌rid✞] n.拖板, 大拖板L 5 carry along 一起带走L18 carry down over 从···上取下L21 carry out 完成L17 case hardening 表面硬化L 2 case[keis] n. 壳, 套L 2 cast steel 铸钢L17 casting['ka:sti☠] n. 铸造,铸件L 3 category['k✌t☜♈☜uri] n. 种类L6,15 caution ['k :☞☜n] n. 警告,警示L17 cavity and core plates 凹模和凸模板L11 cavity['k✌viti] n.型腔, 腔, 洞L4,10 centre-drilling 中心孔L 5 ceramic[si'r✌mik] n.陶瓷制品L 3 chain doted line 点划线L11 channel['t☞✌nl] n.通道, 信道L8 characteristic[k✌r☜kt☜'ristik] n.特性L 1 check[t☞ek] v.核算L21 chip[t☞ip] n.切屑, 铁屑L 3 chuck [t☞✈k] n.卡盘L5,8 chute [☞u:t] n. 斜道L19 circa ['s☜k☜:] adv. 大约L7 circlip['s☜:klip] n.(开口)簧环L22 circuit['s☜:kit] n. 回路, 环路L13 circular supoport block L 5 circulate['s☜:kjuleid] v.(使)循环L13 clamp [kl✌mp] vt 夹紧L17 clamp[kl✌mp] n.压板L1 2 clay[klei] n. 泥土L2,7 clearance ['kli☜r☜ns] n. 间隙L17 clip [klip] vt. 切断,夹住L19 cold hobbing 冷挤压L 4 cold slug well 冷料井L12 collapse[k☜'l✌ps] vi.崩塌, 瓦解L22 collapsible[k☜'l✌ps☜bl] adj.可分解的L22 combination [k mbi'nei☞☜n] n. 组合L18 commence[k☜'mens] v. 开始, 着手L16 commence[k☜'mens]v. 开始L21 commercial [k☜'m☜:☞☜l] adj. 商业的L7 competitive[k☜m'petitiv] a. 竞争的L9 comp lementary[ k mpli'ment☜ri] a. 互补的L 5 complexity [kem'pleksiti] n.复杂性L8 comp licat ed['k mpl☜keitid] adj.复杂的L2 complication [k mpli'kei☞☜n] n. 复杂化L5,20 compression [k☜m'pre☞☜n] n.压缩L 1 comprise[k☜m'prais] vt.包含L16 compromise['k mpr☜maiz] n. 妥协, 折衷L1 3 concern with 关于L 6 concise[k☜n'sais] a. 简明的, 简练的L9 confront[k☜n'fr✈nt] vt. 使面临L14 connect or[k☜'nekt☜] n. 连接口, 接头L14 consequent['k nsikw☜nt] a. 随之发生的, 必然的L 3 console ['k nsoul] n.控制台L8 consume [k☜n'sjum] vt. 消耗, 占用L7 consummate [k☜n's✈meit] vt. 使完善L 6122container[k☜n'tein☜] n. 容器L11 cont ingent[ken'tind✞☜nt] a.可能发生的L9 contour['k☜ntu☜] n.轮廓L5,21 conventional[k☜n'ven☞☜nl] a. 常规的L4 converge[k☜n'v☜:d✞] v.集中于一点L21 conversant[k n'v☜:s☜nt] a. 熟悉的L15 conversion[k☜n'v☜:☞☜n] n 换算, 转换L7 conveyer[ken'vei☜] n. 运送装置L12 coolant['ku:l☜nt] n. 冷却液L1 3 coordinate [k☜u' :dnit] vt. (使)协调L8 cop y machine 仿形(加工)机床L4 core[k :] n. 型芯, 核心L2,4 corresponding [ka:ri'sp di☠] n.相应的L7 counteract [kaunt☜'r✌kt] vt. 反作用,抵抗L20 couple with 伴随L20 CPU (central processing unit) 中央处理器L9 crack[kr✌k ] v.(使)破裂,裂纹L1,17 critical['kritikl] adj.临界的L 2 cross-hatching 剖面线L16 cross-section drawn 剖面图L1 1 cross-slide 横向滑板L 5 CRT(cat hoder-ray tube) 阴极射线管L9 crush[kr✈☞]vt.压碎L 1 cryogenic[ krai☜'d✞enik ]a.低温学的 L 1 crystal['kristl] adj.结晶状的L 1 cubic['kju:bik] a. 立方的, 立方体的L 3 cup [k✈p] vt (使)成杯状, 引伸L18 curable ['kjur☜bl] adj. 可矫正的L20 curvature['k☜:v☜t☞☜] n.弧线L21 curve [k☜:v] vt. 使弯曲L20 cutter bit 刀头, 刀片L 3 cyanide['sai☜naid] n.氰化物L 2Ddash [d✌☞] n. 破折号L 6 daylight ['deilait] n. 板距L12 decline[di'klain] v.下落,下降,减少, L3,9 deform[di'f :m] v. (使)变形L1, 3 demonstrate['dem☜streit ] v证明L21 depict[di'pikt ] vt 描述L18 deposite [di'p zit] vt. 放置L20 depression[di'pre☞☜n] n. 凹穴L12 descend [di'sent] v. 下降L20 desirable[di'zair☜bl] a. 合适的L 2 detail ['diteil] n.细节,详情L17 det erioration[diti☜ri:☜'rei☞☜n] n. 退化, 恶化L1 2 determine[di't☜:min] v.决定L1 6 diagrammmatic[ dai☜gr☜'m✌tik].a.图解的,图表的L10 dictate['dikteit] v. 支配L12 die[dai] n.模具, 冲模, 凹模L 2 dielectric[daii'lektrik] n. 电介质L10 die-set 模架L19 digital ['did✞itl ] n.数字式数字, a.数字的L3, 6 dimensional[dddi'men☞☜nl] a. 尺寸的, 空间的L 3 discharge[dis't☞a:d✞] n.v. 放电, 卸下, 排出L 3 discharge[dis't☞a:d✞] v.卸下L8 discret e [dis'cri:t] adj. 离散的,分立的L7 dislodge[dis'l d✞] v. 拉出, 取出 L1 2 dissolution[dis☜'lu:☞☜n] n.结束L9 distinct [dis'ti☠kt] a.不同的,显著的L 6 distort [dis'd :t] vt. 扭曲L20 distort[dis't :t] vt. (使)变形, 扭曲L 1 distributed system 分布式系统L9 dowel ['dau☜l] n. 销子L19 dramat iclly[dr☜'m✌tikli] adv. 显著地L7 drastic ['dr✌stik] a.激烈的L17 draughting[dra:fti☠] n. 绘图L1 6 draughtsman['dr✌ftsm☜n] n. 起草人L16 drawing['dr :i☠] n. 制图L11 drill press 钻床L8123drum [dr✈m] n.鼓轮L8 dual ['dju:☜l] adv. 双的,双重的 L18 ductility [d✈k'tiliti ] n.延展性L1,21 dynamic [dai'n✌mik ] adj 动力的L 6Eedge [ed✞] n .边缘L20 e.g.(exempli gratia) [拉] 例如L12 ejector [i'd✞ekt☜] n.排出器,L18 ejector plate 顶出板L16 ejector rob 顶杆L 5 elasticity[il✌'stisiti] n.弹性L 1 elect ric dicharge machining 电火花加工L3 electrical discharge machining电火花加工L10 elect rochemical machining 电化学加工L3 electrode[i'lektr☜ud] n. 电极L10 electro-deposition 电铸L 4 elementary [el☜'ment☜ri] adj.基本的L 2 eliminate[i'limineit] vt. 消除, 除去L10 elongate[i'l ☠♈et] vt. (使)伸长, 延长L 1 emerge [i'm☜:d✞] vi. 形成, 显现 L20 emphasise['emf☜saiz] vt. 强调L 4 endeavour[en'dev☜] n. 尽力L17 engagement[in'♈eid✞ment] n. 约束, 接合L2 2 enhance[in'h✌ns] vt. 提高, 增强L9 ensure [in'☞u☜] vt. 确保,保证L17 envisage[in'vizid✞] vt.设想L15 erase[i'reis] vt. 抹去, 擦掉L16 evaluation[i'v✌lju ei☞☜n] n. 评价, 估价L1 eventually[i'v☜nt☞u☜li ] adv.终于L2 1 evolution[ev☜'lu:☞☜n] n.进展L16 excecution[eksi'kju:☞☜n] n. 执行, 完成L9 execute ['ekskju:t] v. 执行L8 exerte [i♈'z☜:t] vt. 施加L20 experience[iks'piri☜ns] n. 经验L16 explosive[iks'pl☜usiv]adj.爆炸(性)的L22 extend[eks'tend] v. 伸展L 2 external[eks't☜:nl] a. 外部的L5,11 extract[eks'tr✌kt] v. 拔出L14 extreme[iks'tri:m] n. 极端L13 extremely[iks'tri:mli] adv. 非常地 L1 2 extremity[iks'tmiti] n. 极端L13 extrusion[eks'tru:✞☜n] n. 挤压, 挤出L 3FF (Fahrenheit)['f✌r☜nhait]n.华氏温度L2 fabricate ['f✌brikeit] vt.制作,制造L7 facilitate [f☜'siliteit] vt. 帮助L 6 facility[f☜'siliti] n. 设备L 4 facing[feisi☠] n. 端面车削L 5 fall within 属于, 适合于L15 fan[f✌n] n.风扇L7 far from 毫不, 一点不, 远非L9 fatigue[f☜'ti♈] n.疲劳L 1 feasible ['fi:z☜bl] a 可行的L18 feature ['fi:t☞☜] n.特色, 特征L7,17 feed[fi:d] n.. 进给L 5 feedback ['fi:db✌k] n. 反馈L8 female['fi:meil] a. 阴的, 凹形的L11 ferrule['fer☜l] n. 套管L1 4 file system 文件系统L9 fitter['fit☜] n.装配工, 钳工L 4 fix[fiks] vt. 使固定, 安装, vi. 固定L11 fixed half and moving half 定模和动模L1 1 flat-p anel t echnology 平面(显示)技术L9 flexibilit y[fleksi'biliti] n. 适应性, 柔性L9 flexible['fleks☜bl] a. 柔韧的L13 flow mark 流动斑点L13 follow-on tool 连续模L18 foregoing ['f :'♈☜ui☠]adj. 在前的,前面的L8124foret ell[f :'t ell] vt. 预测, 预示, 预言L9 forge[f :d✞] n. v. 锻造L 3 forming[f :mi☠] n. 成型L 3 four screen quadrants 四屏幕象限L9 fracture['fr✌kt☞☜] n.破裂L21 free from 免于L21Ggap[♈✌p] n. 裂口, 间隙L10 gearbox['♈i☜b ks] n.齿轮箱L 5 general arrangement L16 govern['♈✈v☜n] v.统治, 支配, 管理 L13 grain [♈rein] n. 纹理L20 graphic ['♈r✌fik] adj. 图解的L 6 grasp [♈r✌sp] vt. 抓住L8 grid[♈rid] n. 格子, 网格L16 grind[♈raind] v. 磨, 磨削, 研磨L 3 grinding ['♈raindi☠] n. 磨光,磨削L3,20 grinding machine 磨床L 5 gripper[♈rip☜] n. 抓爪, 夹具L9 groove[♈ru:v] n. 凹槽L12 guide bush 导套L 5 guide pillar 导柱L 5 guide pillars and bushes 导柱和导套L11Hhandset['h✌ndset] n. 电话听筒L 4 hardness['ha:dnis] n.硬度L1,2 hardware ['ha:dw☪☜] n. 硬件L 6 headst ock['hedst k] n.床头箱, 主轴箱L5 hexagonal[hek's✌♈☜nl] a. 六角形的, 六角的L1 1 hindrance['hindr☜ns] n.障碍, 障碍物L11 hob[h b] n. 滚刀, 冲头L 4 hollow-ware 空心件L21 horizontal[h ri'z ntl] a. 水平的L16 hose[h☜uz] n. 软管, 水管L13 hyperbolic [haip☜'b lik] adj.双曲线的L7Ii.e. (id est) [拉] 也就是L12 identical[ai'dentikl] a同样的L1 6 identify [ai'dentifai] v. 确定, 识别L7 idle ['aidl] adj.空闲的L8 immediately[i'mi:dj☜tli] adv. 正好, 恰好L1 2 impact['imp✌kt] n.冲击L 1 impart [im'pa:t] v.给予L11,17 implement ['implim☜nt] vt 实现L 6 impossibility[imp s☜'biliti] n.不可能L21 impression[im'pre☞☜n] n. 型腔L11 in contact with 接触L 1 in terms of 依据L 1 inasmuch (as)[in☜z'm✈t☞] conj.因为, 由于L 3 inch-to-metric conversions 英公制转换L7 inclinable [in'klain☜bl] adj. 可倾斜的L20 inclusion [in'klu☞☜n] n. 内含物L19 inconspicuous[ink☜n'spikju☜s] a. 不显眼的L1 4 incorporate [in'k :p☜reit] v 合并,混合L17 indentation[ inden'tei☞☜n ] n.压痕L 1 indenter[in'dent☜] n. 压头L 1 indep endently[indi'pein☜ntli] a. 独自地, 独立地L1 6 inevitably[in'evit☜bli] ad. 不可避免地L14 inexpensive[inik'spensiv]adj. 便宜的L 2 inherently [in'hi☜r☜ntli] adv.固有的L7 injection mould 注塑模L11 injection[in'd✞ek☞☜n] n. 注射L11 in-line-of-draw 直接脱模L14 insert[in's☜:t] n. 嵌件L1 6 inserted die 嵌入式凹模L19 inspection[in'spek☞☜n] n.检查,监督L9 installation[inst☜'lei☞☜n] n. 安装L10 integration [inti'♈rei☞☜n] n.集成125L 6 intelligent[in'telid✞☜nt]a. 智能的L9 intentinonally [in'ten☞☜n☜li] adv 加强地,集中地L17 interface ['int☜feis] n.. 界面L 6 internal[in't☜:nl] a. 内部的L1,5 int erp olat ion [int☜p☜'lei☞☜n] n.插值法L7 investment casting 熔模铸造L 4 irregular [i'regjul☜] adj. 不规则的,无规律L17 irrespective of 不论, 不管L1 1 irrespective[iri'spektiv] a. 不顾的, 不考虑的L1 1 issue ['isju] vt. 发布,发出L 6Jjoint line 结合线L14Kkerosene['ker☜si:n] n.煤油L10 keyboard ['ki:b :d ] n. 健盘L 6 knock [n k] v 敲,敲打L17Llance [la:ns] v. 切缝L19 lathe[lei❆] n. 车床L 4 latitude ['l✌titju:d] n. 自由L17 lay out 布置L1 3 limitation[limi'tei☞☜n] n.限度,限制,局限(性)L 3 local intelligence局部智能L9 locate [l☜u'keit] vt. 定位L18 logic ['l d✞ik] n. 逻辑L7 longit udinal['l nd✞☜'tju:dinl] a. 纵向的L5 longitudinally['l nd✞☜'tju:dinl] a. 纵向的L1 3 look upon 视作, 看待L17 lubrication[lju:bri'kei☞☜n ] n.润滑L21M machine shop 车间L 2 machine table 工作台L8 machining[m☜'☞i:ni☠] n. 加工L 3 made-to-measure 定做L15 maint enance['meintin☜ns] n.维护,维修L7 majority[m☜'d✞a:riti] n.多数L21 make use of 利用L 2 male[meil] a. 阳的, 凸形的L1 1 malfunction['m✌l'f✈☠☞☜n] n. 故障L9 mandrel['m✌dtil] n.心轴L22 manifestation[m✌nif☜s'tei☞☜n] n. 表现, 显示L9 massiveness ['m✌sivnis ] 厚实,大块L19 measure['me✞☜] n. 大小, 度量L 1 microcomputer 微型计算机L9 microns['maikr n] n.微米L10 microprocessor 微处理器L9 mild steel 低碳钢L17 milling machine 铣床L 4 mineral['min☜r☜l] n.矿物, 矿产L 2 minimise['minimaiz] v.把···减到最少, 最小化L1 3 minute['minit] a.微小的L10 mirror image 镜像L16 mirror['mir☜] n. 镜子L16 M I T(M a s s a c h u set t s Inst it ut e of Technology) 麻省理工学院L7 moderate['m d☜rit]adj. 适度的L1,2 modification [m difi'kei☞☜n ] n. 修改, 修正L 6 modulus['m djul☜s] n.系数L 1 mold[m☜uld] n. 模, 铸模, v. 制模, 造型L 3 monitor ['m nit☜ ] v. 监控L 6 monograph['m n☜♈ra:f] n. 专著L 4 more often than not 常常L20 motivation[m☜uti'vei☞☜n] n. 动机L9126mould split line 模具分型线L12 moulding['m☜udi☠] n. 注塑件L5,11 move away from 抛弃L17 multi-imprssion mould 多型腔模L12Nnarrow['n✌r☜u] a. 狭窄的L12 NC (numerical control ) 数控L7 nevertheless[ nev☜❆☜'les] conj.,adv.然而,不过L1 1 nonferrous['n n'fer☜s] adj.不含铁的, 非铁的L 2 normally['n :mli]adv.通常地L22 novice['n vis] n. 新手, 初学者L16 nozzle['n zl] n. 喷嘴, 注口L12 numerical [nju'merikl] n. 数字的L 6Oobject ionable [☜b'd✞ek☞☜bl] adj. 有异议的,讨厌的L17 observe[☜b'z☜:v] vt. 观察L 2 obviously [' bvi☜sli] adv 明显地L17 off-line 脱机的L 6 on-line 联机L9 operational [ p☜'rei☞☜nl] adj.操作的, 运作的L8 opportunity[ p☜'tju:niti] n. 时机, 机会L1 3 opposing[☜'p☜uzi☠] a.对立的, 对面的L12 opposite[' p☜zit] n. 反面L1a.对立的,对面的L12 optimization [ ptimai'zei☞☜n] n.最优化L6 orient [' :ri☜nt] vt. 确定方向L8 orthodox [' : ☜d ks] adj. 正统的,正规的L19 overall['☜uv☜r :l] a.全面的,全部的L8,13 overbend v.过度弯曲L20 overcome[☜uv☜'k✈m] vt.克服, 战胜L10 overlaping['☜uv☜'l✌pi☠] n. 重叠L 4 overriding[☜uv☜'raidi☠] a. 主要的, 占优势的L1 1Ppack[p✌k] v. 包装L 2 package ['p✌kid✞] vt.包装L7 pallet ['p✌lit] n.货盘L8 panel ['p✌nl] n.面板L7 paraffin['p✌r☜fin] n. 石蜡L10 parallel[p✌r☜lel] a.平行的L 5 penetration[peni'trei☞☜n ] n.穿透L 1 peripheral [p☜'rif☜r☜l] adj 外围的L 6 periphery [p☜'rif☜ri] n. 外围L18 permit[p☜'mit] v. 许可, 允许L16 pessure casting 压力铸造L 4 pillar['pil☜] n. 柱子, 导柱L5,17 pin[pin] n. 销, 栓, 钉L5,17 pin-point gate 针点式浇口L12 piston ['pist☜n] n.活塞L 1 plan view 主视图L16 plasma['pl✌zm☜] n. 等离子L9 plastic['pl✌stik] n. 塑料L 3 platen['pl✌t☜n] n. 压板L12 plotter[pl t☜] n. 绘图机L9 plunge [pl✈nd✞] v翻孔L18 plunge[pl✈nd✞] v.投入L 2 plunger ['pl✈nd✞☜ ] n. 柱塞L19 pocket-size 袖珍L9 portray[p :'trei] v.描绘L21 pot[p t] n.壶L21 pour[p :] vt. 灌, 注L22 practicable['pr✌ktik☜b] a. 行得通的L14 preferable['pref☜r☜bl] a.更好的, 更可取的L 3 preliminary [pri'limin☜ri] adj 初步的,预备的L19 press setter 装模工L17 p ress[p res] n.压,压床,冲床,压力机L2,8 prevent [pri'vent] v. 妨碍L20127primarily['praim☜rili] adv.主要地L 4 procedure[pr☜'si:d✞☜] n.步骤, 方法, 程序L2,1 6 p roductivity.[pr☜ud✈k'tiviti] n. 生产力L9 profile ['pr☜ufail] n.轮廓L10 progressively[pr☜'♈resiv] ad.渐进地L15 project[pr☜'d✞ekt] n.项目L 2 project[pr☜'d✞ekt] v. 凸出L11 p roject ion[p r☜'d✞ek☞☜n] n.突出部分L2 1 proper['pr p☜] a. 本身的L10 property['pr p☜ti] n.特性L 1 prototype ['pr☜ut☜taip] n. 原形L7 proximity[pr k'simiti] n.接近L9 prudent['pru:d☜nt] a. 谨慎的L16 punch [p✈nt☞] v. 冲孔L 3 punch shapper tool 刨模机L17 punch-cum-blanking die 凹凸模L18 punched tape 穿孔带L 3 purchase ['p☜:t☞☜s] vt. 买,购买L 6 push back pin 回程杆L 5 pyrometer[pai'n mit☜] n. 高温计L 2Qquality['kwaliti] n. 质量L1,3 quandrant['kw dr☜nt] n. 象限L9 quantity ['kw ntiti] n. 量,数量L17 quench[kwent☞] vt. 淬火L 2Rradial['reidi☜l] adv.放射状的L22 ram [r✌m] n 撞锤. L17 rapid['r✌pid]adj. 迅速的L 2 rapidly['r✌pidli]adv. 迅速地L 1 raster['r✌st☜] n. 光栅L9 raw [r :] adj. 未加工的L 6 raw material 原材料L 3 ream [ri:m] v 铰大L17 reaming[ri:mi☠] n. 扩孔, 铰孔L8 recall[ri'k :l] vt. 记起, 想起L13 recede [ri'si:d] v. 收回, 后退L20 recess [ri'ses] n. 凹槽,凹座,凹进处L4,18 redundancy[ri'd✈nd☜nsi] n. 过多L9 re-entrant 凹入的L12 refer[ri'f☜:] v. 指, 涉及, 谈及L1,12 reference['ref☜r☜ns] n.参照,参考L21 refresh display 刷新显示L9 register ring 定位环L11 regist er['red✞st☜] v. 记录, 显示, 记数L2 regrind[ri:'♈aind](reground[ri:'gru:nd]) vt. 再磨研L1 2 relative['rel☜tiv] a. 相当的, 比较的L12 relay ['ri:lei] n. 继电器L7 release[ri'li:s] vt. 释放L1 relegate['rel☜geit] vt. 把··降低到L9 reliability [rilai☜'biliti] n. 可靠性L7 relief valves 安全阀L22 relief[ri'li:f] n.解除L22 relieve[ri'li:v ]vt.减轻, 解除L 2 remainder[ri'meind☜] n. 剩余物, 其余部分L 4 removal[ri'mu:vl] n. 取出L14 remove[ri'mu:v] v. 切除, 切削L 4 reposition [rip☜'zi☞☜n] n.重新安排L17 represent[ repri'zent☜] v 代表,象征L11 reputable['repjut☜bl] a. 有名的, 受尊敬的L1 5 reservoir['rez☜vwa: ] n.容器, 储存器L22 resident['rezid☜nt] a. 驻存的L9 resist[ri'zist] vt.抵抗L 1 resistance[ri'zist☜ns] n.阻力, 抵抗L1 resolution[ rez☜'lu:☞☜n] n. 分辨率L9 resp ect ive[ri'spektiv] a.分别的,各自的L11 respond[ris'p nd] v.响应, 作出反应L9 responsibility[risp ns☜'biliti] n.责任L13 restrain[ris'trein]v.抑制L21128restrict [ris'trikt] vt 限制,限定L18 restriction[ris'trik☞☜n] n. 限制L12 retain[ri'tein] vt.保持, 保留L2,1 2 retaining plate 顶出固定板L16 reveal [ri'vil] vt.显示,展现L17 reversal [ri'v☜sl] n. 反向L1,20 right-angled 成直角的L20 rigidity[ri'd✞iditi] n. 刚度L 1 rod[r d] n. 杆, 棒L1,5 rotate['r☜uteit] vt.(使)旋转L 5 rough machining 粗加工L 5 rough[r✈f] a. 粗略的L5,21 routine [ru:'ti:n] n. 程序L7 rubber['r✈b☜] n.橡胶L3,22 runner and gate systems 流道和浇口系统L1 1Ssand casting 砂型铸造L 3 satisfactorily[ s✌tis'f✌ktrili] adv. 满意地L 1 saw[a :] n. 锯子L 4 scale[skeil]n. 硬壳L 2 score[sk :] v. 刻划L14 scrap[skr✌p] n.废料, 边角料, 切屑L2,3 screwcutting 切螺纹L 4 seal[si:l] vt.密封L22 secondary storage L9 section cutting plane 剖切面L16 secure[si'kju☜] v.固定L22 secure[si'kju☜] vt.紧固,夹紧,固定L5,22 segment['se♈m☜nt] v. 分割L10 sensitive['sensitiv]a.敏感的L1,7 sequence ['si:kw☜ns] n. 次序L 6 sequential[si'kwen☞☜l] a.相继的L16 seriously['si☜ri☜sli] adv.严重地L 1 servomechanism ['s☜:v☜'mek☜nizm] n.伺服机构L7 Servomechanism Laboratoies 伺服机构实验室L7 servomotor ['s☜:v☜m☜ut☜] n.伺服马达L8 setter ['set☜] n 安装者L17 set-up 机构L20 sever ['sev☜] v 切断L17 severity [si'veriti] n. 严重L20 shaded[☞✌did] adj.阴影的L21 shank [☞✌☠k] n. 柄. L17 shear[☞i☜]n.剪,切L 1 shot[☞t] n. 注射L12 shrink[☞ri☠k] vi. 收缩L11 side sectional view 侧视图L1 6 signal ['si♈nl] n.信号L8 similarity[simi'l✌riti] n.类似L1 5 simplicity[sim'plisiti] n. 简单L12 single-point cutting tool 单刃刀具L 5 situate['sitjueit] vt. 使位于, 使处于L11 slide [slaid] vi. 滑动, 滑落L20 slideway['slaidwei] n. 导轨L 5 slot[sl t] n. 槽L 4 slug[sl✈♈] n. 嵌条L12 soak[s☜uk] v. 浸, 泡, 均热L 2 software ['s ftw☪☜] n. 软件L 6 solid['s lid] n.立体, 固体L9 solidify[s☜'lidifai] vt.vi. (使)凝固, (使)固化L1 3 solution[s☜'lu:☞☜n] n.溶液L 2 sophisiticated [s☜'fistikeitid] adj.尖端的,完善的L8 sound[saund] a. 结实的, 坚固的) L 1 spark erosion 火花蚀刻L10 spindle['spindl] n. 主轴L5,8 spline[splain] n.花键L 4 split[split] n. 侧向分型, 分型L12,14 spool[spu:l] n. 线轴L14 springback n.反弹L20129spring-loaded 装弹簧的L18 sprue bush 主流道衬套L11 sprue puller 浇道拉杆L12 square[skw☪☜] v. 使成方形L 4 stage [steid✞] n. 阶段L16,19 st andardisation[ st✌nd☜dai'zei☞☜n] n. 标准化L1 5 startling['sta:tli☠] a. 令人吃惊的L10 steadily['sted☜li ] adv. 稳定地L21 step-by-step 逐步L8 stickiness['stikinis] n.粘性L22 stiffness['stifnis] n. 刚度L 1 stock[st k] n.毛坯, 坯料L 3 storage tube display 储存管显示L9 storage['st :rid✞] n. 储存器L9 st raight forward[streit'f :w☜d]a.直接的L10 strain[strein] n.应变L 1 strength[stre☠] n.强度L 1 stress[stres] n.压力,应力L 1 stress-strain应力--应变L 6 stretch[stret☞] v.伸展L1,21 strike [straik] vt. 冲击L20 stringent['strind✞☜nt ] a.严厉的L22 stripper[strip☜] n. 推板L15 stroke[strouk] n. 冲程, 行程L12 structrural build-up 结构上形成的L11 sub-base 垫板L19 subject['s✈bd✞ikt] vt.使受到L21 submerge[s☜b'm☜:d✞] v.淹没L22 subsequent ['s✈bsikwent] adj. 后来的L20 subsequently ['s✈bsikwentli] adv. 后来, 随后L 5 substantial[s☜b'st✌n☞☜l] a. 实质的L10 substitute ['s✈bstitju:t] vt. 代替,.替换L7 subtract[s☜b'tr✌kt] v.减, 减去L15 suit able['su:t☜bl] a. 合适的, 适当的L5 suitably['su:t☜bli] ad.合适地L15 sunk[s✈☠k](sink的过去分词) v. 下沉, 下陷L11 superior[s☜'pi☜ri☜] adj.上好的L22 susceptible[s☜'sept☜bl] adj.易受影响的L7 sweep away 扫过L17 symmetrical[si'metrikl] a. 对称的L1 4 sy nchronize ['si☠kr☜naiz] v.同步,同时发生L8Ttactile['t✌ktail] a. 触觉的, 有触觉的L9 tailstock['teilst k] n.尾架L 5 tapered['teip☜d] a. 锥形的L12 tapping['t✌pi☠] n. 攻丝L8 technique[tek'ni:k] n. 技术L16 tempering['temp☜r☠] n.回火L2 tendency['tend☜nsi] n. 趋向, 倾向L1 3 t ensile['tensail] a.拉力的, 可拉伸的L2 拉紧的, 张紧的L 1 tension ['ten☞☜n] n.拉紧,张紧L 1 terminal ['t☜:m☜nl ] n. 终端机L 6 terminology[t☜:mi'n l☜d✞i ] n. 术语, 用辞L1 1 theoretically [ i:☜'retikli ] adv.理论地L21 thereby['❆☪☜bai] ad. 因此, 从而L15 thermoplastic[' ☜:m☜u'pl✌stik] a. 热塑性的, n. 热塑性塑料L 3 thermoset[' ☜:m☜set] n.热固性L12 thoroughly[' ✈r☜uli] adv.十分地, 彻底地L 2 thread pitch 螺距L 5 thread[ red] n. 螺纹L 5 thrown up 推上L17 tilt [tilt] n. 倾斜, 翘起L20 tolerance ['t l☜r☜ns] n..公差L17 tong[t ☠] n. 火钳L 2 tonnage['t✈nid✞] n.吨位, 总吨数L 3 tool point 刀锋L 3130glossary131 tool room 工具车间 L 10 t oolholder['t u:lh ☜uld ☜] n.刀夹,工具柄 L5 t oolmaker ['tu:l'meik ☜] n 模具制造者 L17 toolpost grinder 工具磨床 L 4 toolpost['tu:l'p ☜ust] n. 刀架 L 4 torsional ['t :☞☜nl] a 扭转的 . L 1 toughness['t fnis] n. 韧性 L 2 trace [treis] vt.追踪 L 7 tracer-controlled milling machine 仿形铣床 L 4 transverse[tr ✌ns'v ☜:s] a. 横向的 L 5 tray [trei] n. 盘,盘子,蝶 L 19 treatment['tri:tm ☜nt] n.处理L 2 tremendous[tri'mend ☜s] a. 惊人的, 巨大的 L 9 trend [trend] n.趋势 L 7 trigger stop 始用挡料销 L 17 tungsten['t ✈☠st ☜n] n.钨 L 10 turning['t ☜:ni ☠] n.车削 L 4, 5 twist[twist ] v.扭曲,扭转 L 1 two-plate mould 双板式注射模 L 12Uultimately['✈ltimitli] adv 终于. L 6 undercut moulding 侧向分型模 L 1 4 undercut['✈nd ☜k ✈t] n. 侧向分型L 1 4 undercut['✈nd ☜k ✈t] n.底切L 1 2 underfeed['✈nd ☜'fi:d] a, 底部进料的 L 15 undergo[✈nd ☜'♈☜u] vt.经受 L 1 underside['✈nd ☜said] n 下面,下侧 L 11 undue[✈n'dju:] a.不适当的, 过度的 L4,10 uniform['ju:nif :m] a.统一的, 一致的 L 12 utilize ['ju:tilaiz] v 利用 L 17 Ut op ian[ju't ☜upi ☜n] adj.乌托邦的, 理想化的 L 2 1V valve[v ✌lv] n.阀 L 2 2 vaporize['veip ☜raiz] vt.vi. 汽化, (使)蒸发 L 10 variation [v ☪☜ri'ei ☞☜n] n. 变化 L 20 various ['v ☪☜ri ☜s] a.不同的,各种的 L1,20 vector feedrate computation 向量进刀速率计算 L 7 vee [vi:] n. v 字形 L 20 velocity[vi'l siti] n.速度 L 1 versatile['v ☜s ☜tail] a.多才多艺的,万用的 L 5,8 vertical['v ☜:tikl] a. 垂直的 L 16 via [vai ☜] prep.经,通过 L 8 vicinity[v ☜'siniti] n.附近 L 13 viewpoint['vju:p int] n. 观点 L 4 W wander['w nd ☜] v. 偏离方向 L 13 warp[w :p] v. 翘曲 L 2 washer ['w ☞☜] n. 垫圈 L 18 wear [w ☪☜] v.磨损 L 7 well line 结合线 L 13 whereupon [hw ☪☜r ☜'p n] adv. 于是 L 19 winding ['waindi ☠] n. 绕, 卷 L 8 with respect to 相对于 L 1,5 wit hst and[wi ❆'st ✌nd] vt.经受,经得起 L1 work[w ☜:k] n. 工件 L 4 workstage 工序 L 19 wrinkle['ri ☠kl] n.皱纹vt.使皱 L 21 Y yield[ji:ld] v. 生产 L 9 Z zoom[zu:] n. 图象电子放大 L 9。
模具种类连续模progressive die机械手transfer die手动机械手hand transfer die 单工程模single die简易模prototype die铸造结构模cast die铆合模riveting die复合模compound die冲孔模pierce die剪边模trimming die下料模blanking die成形模forming die折弯模bending die围边模flange die拉伸模draw die快换模changeable die工序类料带strip工序process冲孔pierce切边notch折弯bend成形form整形restrike打凸米boss/dimple打字印stamp面押coin burr拍平flat料带图strip layout冲导正孔pilot pierce侧冲cam pierce切侧刃notch french墩薄coin侧成形cam form围边flange打凸包emboss打沙拉孔bourglass抽孔extrude hole卷圆curl旋转rotate产品切边线trim line切断cutoff料带带料处carrier tab 压线groove铆接rivet铆螺母stake nut接刀口mismatch毛刺方向burr direction 下料blanking模板类上托板top plate上垫脚upper parallel上模座upper die set上垫板punch backup上夹板punch holder上脱料板stripper冲头punch下托板bottom plate下垫脚lower parallel下模座lower die set下垫板lower backup下夹板die holder下模板die plate凹模die零件类浮块lifter成型公form punch切边冲头trim punch沉头孔counter hole顶针kick off/ejector成型凹模forming die导尺rail导尺板rail plate侧冲组件cam滑块上油槽oil groove 码模槽mounting slot限位柱stop block起吊环eyebolt脱料板拉杆spool浮料板lifter plate压料板pressure pad刀口trim steel冲孔入子button废料切断刀slug breaker整形公restrike punch导尺顶杆lifter bolt镶件/入子insert滑块slide铲机driver储运块storage block起吊孔handing hock靠块heel模座导正块thrust heel耐磨片wear plate压块keeper键槽key slot氮气弹簧nitrogen spring聚氨酯弹簧urethane导套guide bushing插针套pilot bushing传感器pilot bushing螺丝screw垫圈washer压毛边冲头deburring punch压线冲头groove punch字模冲头stamp punch压筋冲头ribbon punch异形冲头special shape punch 切边冲头trimming punch加强筋冲头stiffening rib punch 定位板guide plate压边圈binder垫片shim初始管位first start pin键key螺旋弹簧coil spring导柱guide post插针pilot pin侧刃french销dowel拔牙jackscrew盲销blind dowel挡块stopping plate定位块location block圆冲头round punch气垫板air cushion plate气垫顶杆air-cushion eject-rod 上压块pressure block弹簧箱spring box弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-rod 弹簧箱顶板spring-box eject-plate公差类公差tolerance上公差upper tolerance公差+/-0.5 plus minus 0.5平面度flatness倾斜度angularity平行度parallelism直线度straightness垂直度perpendicularity圆度roundness圆柱度cylindricity面轮廓度surface profile位置度true position对称度symmetry全跳动total runout角度值angle degree三次元尺寸报告CMM report对称度symmetry同轴度concentricity圆跳动round runout尺寸dimension尺寸全检报告dimensional layout 公差范围tolerance range下公差lower range形位公差图GD&T冲床相关机械冲床mechanical press油压机hydraulic press行程stroke/travel吨位tonnage冲床上台面ram冲床下台面bolster冲床台面布置图press layout冲床上的快速正QDC冲床气垫air cushion码仔stirrup闭合高度shut heightT 型槽T-slot送料机feeder送料高度feeding height工具卡尺caliper千分尺micrometer直尺ruler高度尺height gage丝攻screw tap起子screwdriver拔牙器jacker扳手wrench风磨机hand grinder油石oil stone加工类开料cutting material钻drill(DR)绞ream铣mill车lathe电脑锣NC mill车lathe线切割wire cutting(W/C)磨grind刨planer电火花EDM镭射laser cutting倒角chamferXX的精加工finish XX真空热处理vacuum heat treatment 镀钛TD coating退磁demagnetization烧焊weld。
extrusion mould 挤出模extruder 挤出机profile mould 异型材模具calibrator 定型模multi color co-extrusion tooling 多色共挤模具hard and soft co-extrusion tooling 软硬共挤模具mix materials co-extrusion tooling 混合材料共挤模具multi-cavity tooling 一模多腔heavy-caliber PE 大口径PEthe sandwich layer foams tube tooling 芯层发泡管模具die 模具,模头,机头cap盖 duct 底槽orifice 空口模stamping 冲压thermoplastic material 热塑性塑料材料heat distortion 热畸变,热变形insulated-runner system 绝热流道系统hot-runner systeminternal heating 内加热external heating 外加热clamping force 锁模力weld line 熔接线air entrapment困气sprue gate 注道型浇口diaphragm gate 膜状浇口ring gate 环形浇口latch 板条 alloy 合金 deforming 变形casting 铸造,流延mould cavity 模具型腔single-cavity mould 单腔模projected area 投影面积side core 侧型芯flow passage 流动通道prototype mould 原型模具vacuum 真空quenched 淬火的tempered 经过回火的heat treatment 热处理surface treatment 表面处理wear resistance 耐磨损性corrosion resistance 耐腐蚀性dimensional statability 尺寸稳定性nitriding steel 碳化钢metal machining 金属加工spark erosion 电火花技术eletrode 电极电焊条fine finishing 精加工,精修整machine milling 机铣sueface roughness 表面粗糙度eletroforming 电铸die bank 冲模坯件cavity blank 型腔模坯machine bed 机床drawing 回火,退火,拉丝chase 模套,模箍;槽,凹沟dieforming 口模成型barrel 滚筒(加工)bending 波纹加工broaching 拉刀切削centering 定中心cutting 切削cylindrical lathe cutting 外圆车削electric discharge machine 放电加工electrolytic grinding 电解研磨embossing 压花加工facing 面车削filing 锉刀修润hand finishing 手工修润hemming 卷边加工hobbing 滚齿加工joggling 摇动加工lapping 抛光/研磨修润laser beam machining 雷射加工lathe cutting 车床车削planning 刨削加工polishing 抛亮光reaming 铰孔修润rough machining 粗切削rounding 圆形加工sawing 锯削scaling 清除钢碇缺陷shaping 成形加工skiving 表面研磨slotting 切缝切削taper turning 锥度车削thread cutting 螺纹切削ultrasonic machining 超音波加工up cut milling 逆铣加工accretion 炉瘤acid converter 酸性转炉acid lining cupola 酸性熔铁炉acid open-hearth furnace 酸性平炉aerator 松砂机air set mold 常温自硬铸模airless blasting cleaning 离心喷光all core molding 集合式铸模all round die holder 通用模座assembly mark 铸造合模记号back pouring 补浇注backing sand 背砂base bullion 粗金属锭base permeability 原砂透气度belling 压凸billet 坏料bleed 漏铸blocker 预锻模膛blocking 粗胚锻件blow hole 铸件气孔board drop hammer 板落锤bottom pour mold 底浇bottom pouring 底注boxless mold 脱箱砂模break-off core 缩颈砂心brick molding 砌箱造模法buckle 剥砂面camber 错箱camlachie cramp 铸包cast blade 铸造叶片casting flange 铸造凸缘casting on flat 水平铸造chamotte sand 烧磨砂charging hopper 加料漏斗cleaning of casting 铸件清理closed-die forging 合模锻造core compound 砂心黏结剂core template 砂心模板core vent 砂蕊排气孔corner gate 压边浇口counter blow hammer 对击锻造counter lock 止口镶嵌方式depression 外缩凹孔die approach 模口角度draw out 锻造拔长draw plate 起模板draw spike 起模长针dummying 预锻embedded core 加装砂心erosion 冲砂fettling 铸件清理filling core 埋入砂心filling in 填砂film play 液面花纹finishing slag 炼後熔渣flash gutter 锻模飞边槽flask molding 砂箱造模forging roll 辊锻机formboard 进模口板gutter 锻模飞边槽hammer man 锻工heading machine 顶镦机impacter 卧式锻造机inblock cast 整体铸造ingot 铸锭ingot blank 铸坯inlay casting 镶铸法investment casting 失模铸造isothermal forging 恒温锻造loose piece 木模活块molding pit 铸模地坑pouring process 浇注法recasting 重铸roll forging 轧锻rolled surface 轧制表面rough sand 粗砂roughing forge 粗锻sand crushing 塌箱seamless forging 无缝锻造separate 分离shave 崩砂shrinkage fit 收缩配合shut height 闭合高度sieve mesh 筛孔sintering of sand 铸砂烧贴slag 熔渣slag inclusion 夹渣stickness 黏模性strip layout 带状胚料排样法tap casting 顶注top gate 顶注浇口unworked casting 不加工铸件upender 翻转装置upending 顶锻uphill casting 底铸white cast iron 白口铸件四.模具线切割放电加工相关英语词汇abnormal glow 不规则辉光放电arc discharge 电弧放电belt 皮带centreless 无心chrome bronze 铭铜clearance angle 後角corner shear drop 直角压陷deflection 桡曲度discharge energy 放电能量dressing 修整dwell 保压flange 凸缘gap 间隙graphite 石墨graphite contraction allowance 电极缩小余量graphite holder 电极夹座hair crack 发裂horn 电极臂jump 跳刀magnetic base 磁性座master graphite 标准电极pipe graphite 管状电极pulse 脉冲rib working 肋部加工roller electrode 滚轮式电极rotary surface 旋转面shank 柄部sharp edge 锐角部tough bronze 韧铜traverse 摇臂tungsten bronze 钨青铜waviness 波形起伏working allowance 加工余量working dischard 加工废料五.模具冲压机械及周边英语词汇back shaft 支撑轴blank determination 胚料展开bottom slide press 下传动式压力机board drop hammer 板落锤brake 煞车buckle 剥砂面camlachie cramp 铸包chamotte sand 烧磨砂charging hopper 加料漏斗clearance 间隙closed-die forging 合模锻造clump 夹紧clutch 离合器clutch brake 离合器制动器clutch boss 离合器轮壳clutch lining 离合器覆盖coil car 带卷升降运输机coil cradle 卷材进料装置coil reel stand 钢材卷料架column 圆柱connection screw 连杆调节螺钉core compound 砂心黏结剂counter blow hammer 对击锻锤cradle 送料架crank 曲柄轴crankless 无曲柄式cross crank 横向曲轴cushion 缓冲depression 外缩凹孔dial feed 分度送料die approach 模口角度die assembly 合模die cushion 模具缓冲垫die height 冲压闭合高度die life 模具寿命die opening 母模逃孔die spotting press 调整冲模用压力机double crank press 双曲柄轴冲床draght angle 逃料倾斜角edging 边锻伸embedded core 加装砂心feed length 送料长度feed level 送料高度filling core 埋入砂心filling in 填砂film play 液面花纹fine blanking press 精密下料冲床forging roll 辊锻机finishing slag 炼後熔渣fly wheel 飞轮fly wheel brake 飞轮制动器foot press 脚踏冲床formboard 进模口板frame 床身机架friction 摩擦friction brake 摩擦煞车gap shear 凹口剪床gear 齿轮gib 滑块引导部gripper 夹具gripper feed 夹持进料gripper feeder 夹紧传送装置hammer 槌机hand press 手动冲床hand rack pinion press 手动齿轮齿条式冲床hand screw press 手动螺旋式冲床hopper feed 料斗送料idle stage 空站inching 微调尺寸isothermal forging 恒温锻造key clutch 键槽离合器knockout 脱模装置knuckle mechanic 转向机构land 模具直线刀面部loader 供料器unloader 卸料机loop controller 闭回路控制器lower die 下模micro inching device 微寸动装置microinching equipment 微动装置moving bolster 活动工作台notching press 冲缺口压力机opening 排料逃孔overload protection device 防超载装置pinch roll 导正滚轮pinion 小齿轮pitch 节距pressfit 压入progressive 连续送料pusher feed 推杆式送料pusher feeder 料片押片装置quick die change system 快速换模系统regrinding 再次研磨releasing 松释动作reversed blanking 反转下料robot 机器人roll forming machine 辊轧成形roll forming machine 辊轧成形机roll release 脱辊roller feed 辊式送料roller leveler 辊式矫直机rotary bender 卷弯成形机safety guard 安全保护装置scrap cutter 废料切刀scrap press 废料冲床seamless forging 无缝锻造shave 崩砂shear angle 剪角sheet loader 薄板装料机shot 单行程工作shrinkage fit 收缩配合shut height 闭合高度sieve mesh 筛孔sintering of sand 铸砂烧贴slide balancer 滑动平衡器slug hole 逃料孔spin forming machine 旋压成形机spotting 合模stack feeder 堆叠拨送料机stickness 黏模性straight side frame 冲床侧板stretcher leveler 拉伸矫直机strip feeder 料材送料装置stripping pressure 弹出压力stroke 冲程take out device 取料装置toggle press 肘杆式压力机transfer feed 连续自动送料装置turrent punch press 转塔冲床two speed clutch 双速离合器uncoiler 闭卷送料机unloader 卸载机vibration feeder 振动送料机wiring press 嵌线卷边机六.模具冲模加工英语词汇barreling 滚光加工belling 压凸加工bending 弯曲加工blanking 下料加工bulging 撑压加工burring 冲缘加工cam die bending 凸轮弯曲加工coining 压印加工compressing 压缩加工compression bending 押弯曲加工crowning 凸面加工curl bending 卷边弯曲加工curling 卷曲加工cutting 切削加工dinking 切断蕊骨double shearing 叠板裁断drawing 引伸加工drawing with ironing 抽引光滑加工embossing 浮花压制加工extrusion 挤制加工filing 锉削加工fine blanking 精密下料加工finish blanking 光制下料加工finishing 精整加工flanging 凸缘加工folding 折边弯曲加工folding 摺叠加工forming 成形加工impact extrusion 冲击挤压加工indenting 压痕加工ironing 引缩加工knurling 滚花lock seaming 固定接合louvering 百叶窗板加工marking 刻印加工necking 颈缩加工notching 冲口加工parting 分断加工piercing 冲孔加工progressive bending 连续弯曲加工progressive blanking 连续下料加工progressive drawing 连续引伸加工progressive forming 连续成形加工reaming 铰孔加工restriking 二次精冲加工riveting 铆接加工roll bending 滚筒弯曲加工roll finishing 滚压加工rolling 压延加工roughing 粗加工scrapless machining 无废料加工seaming 折弯重叠加工shaving 缺口修整加工shearing 切断加工sizing 精压加工/矫正加工slitting 割缝加工spinning 卷边?接stamping 锻压加工swaging 挤锻压加工trimming 整缘加工upsetting 锻粗加工wiring 抽线加工。
模具专业的英语词汇大全一、模具基础词汇1. Mold 模具2. Die 冲模3. Core 核心模4. Cavity 型腔5. Mold Base 模架6. Mold Steel 模具钢7. Runner 流道8. Gate 进浇口9. Ejector Pin 顶针10. Ejector Plate 顶板二、模具设计相关词汇1. Draft Angle 脱模斜度2. Parting Line 分模线3. Radius 圆角4. Undercut 难以脱模的凹槽5. Slide 滑块6. Lifters 顶杆7. Cooling Channel 冷却水道8. Injection Point 注射点9. Shrinkage 收缩率10. Molding Cycle 成型周期三、模具加工与维护词汇1. Machining 加工2. Milling 铣削3. Grinding 磨削4. EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining) 电火花加工5. Wire Cutting 线切割6. Polishing 抛光7. Assembly 装配8. Maintenance 维护9. Repair 修理10. Replacement 更换四、模具材料与热处理词汇1. Tool Steel 工具钢2. Stainless Steel 不锈钢3. Aluminum 铝4. Plastic 塑料5. Rubber 橡胶6. Heat Treatment 热处理7. Hardness 硬度8. Tempering 回火9. Quenching 淬火10. Annealing 退火五、模具行业相关词汇1. Mold Maker 模具师傅2. Mold Designer 模具设计师3. Mold Manufacturer 模具制造商4. Injection Molding 注塑成型5. Blow Molding 吹塑成型6. Compression Molding 压缩成型7. Transfer Molding 传递成型8. Prototype Model 原型模具9. Mass Production 批量生产10. Quality Inspection 质量检验六、模具测试与质量控制词汇1. First Article Inspection 首件检查2. Sample 样品3. Defect 缺陷4. Dimensional Accuracy 尺寸精度5. Tolerance 公差6. Surface Finish 表面光洁度7. Stress Analysis 应力分析8. Flow Analysis 流动分析9. Mold Flow Simulation 模具流动模拟10. Quality Control 质量控制七、模具行业常用设备词汇1. Injection Molding Machine 注塑机2. Extruder 挤出机3. Blow Molding Machine 吹塑机4. CNC Machine 数控机床5. Lathe 车床6. Milling Machine 铣床7. Grinder 磨床8. EDM Machine 电火花机床9. Laser Cutter 激光切割机10. Robot 自动化八、模具生产流程词汇1. Design Drawing 设计图纸2. Mold Construction 模具构建3. Machining Process 加工工艺4. Tooling Setup 模具安装5. Trial Run 试模6. Adjustment 调整7. Production Run 生产运行8. Mold Maintenance 模具保养9. Mold Modification 模具修改10. Mold Recycling 模具回收九、模具行业认证与标准词汇1. ISO Certification ISO认证2. Quality Management System 质量管理体系3. Standard 标准化4. DIN 德国工业标准5. ASTM 美国材料与试验协会6. JIS 日本工业标准7. Certification Body 认证机构8. Audit 审核检查9. Compliance 符合性10. Continuous Improvement 持续改进十、模具行业发展趋势词汇1. Automation 自动化2. Intelligent Manufacturing 智能制造3. 3D Printing 三维打印4. Rapid Prototyping 快速原型5. Industry 4.0 工业4.06. Internet of Things (IoT) 物联网7. Big Data 大数据8. Cloud Computing 云计算9. Sustainable Development 可持续发展10. CrossIndustry Integration 跨行业整合通过这些词汇,我们可以看到模具行业不仅涉及具体的技术和操作,还包括了管理、质量控制、认证以及未来的发展趋势。
以下是一些常见的模具分类及其英文表达:中文英文三板模3-plate mold二板模2-plate mold简易模(样板模)prototype mold量产用模具production mold压铸模die-casting die冲压模stamping die挤压模extrusion die塑料模plastic mold橡胶模rubber mold发泡模foaming mold多腔模multi-cavity mold热流道模hot runner mold热嘴冷流道模hot sprue/cold runner mold模具零件一个完整的模具由许多不同的零件组成,每个零件都有其特定的名称和功能。
以下是一些常用的模具零件及其英文表达:中文英文模架(胚)mold base上内模(凹)cavity insert下内模(凸)core insert唧嘴(浇口)sprue bushing流道(横、直)runner (cross, main)浇口(水口)gate内浇口(潜伏、隧道、点、扇形等)submarine gate, tunnel gate, pinpoint gate, fan gate, etc.定位圈(环)locating ring (circle)边钉(导边)leader pin (guide pin)边司(导套)bushing (guide bushing)中托司(边)shoulder guide bushing (pin)顶针板(推板)ejector retainer plate (stripper plate)中文英文顶针(司筒、司筒针等)ejector pin (sleeve, blade, etc.)行位(滑块)slide斜顶(推杆、撑头等)lifter (push bar, support pillar, etc.)扣机(尼龙拉勾)nylon latch lock锁扣(扣鸡)latch (parting lock set)压座(斜鸡)wedge耐磨板(油板)wear plate (oil plate)模具工艺模具工艺是指制造和使用模具的技术方法和规范。
机械设计制造模具专业英语Introduction机械设计制造模具专业英语,也称作Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Mold English,是指在机械设计与制造模具领域使用的英语专业术语和表达方式。
Importance of Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Mold English随着经济全球化的发展,跨国企业之间的合作也越发频繁。
1. 提高沟通效率机械设计制造模具专业英语的掌握可以有效提高与国外同行之间的沟通效率,减少误解和不必要的麻烦。
2. 深入了解最新技术和工程领域进展机械设计制造模具专业英语是关于机械设计制造和模具领域的专业术语和表达方式的总结和归纳。
3. 提升竞争力掌握机械设计制造模具专业英语的人员在求职市场上具有更大的竞争优势。
4. 加强行业合作与交流机械设计制造模具专业英语的学习和应用也促进了国际间机械设计制造模具领域的合作与交流。
Essential Vocabulary in Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Mold English下面是一些在机械设计制造模具专业英语中经常使用的关键词汇:1.Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Mold: 机械设计制造模具2.Tooling and Mold Making: 工装模具制造3.CAD/CAM: 计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造4.Tolerance: 公差5.Injection Molding: 注塑成型6.Die Casting: 压铸C Machining: 数控加工8.Rapid Prototyping: 快速原型制作9.Finite Element Analysis: 有限元分析10.Assembly: 装配这只是机械设计制造模具专业英语中的一小部分关键词汇。
模具专业英语Table of ContentsI. Purpose 目的II. Scope 适用范围III. Die classification 模具类型IV. Metal stamping dies-General Requirements 五金模具一般要求Die design and construction data sheet 模具设计及组装时间表Die design approval 模具设计审核Die design ownership 模具设计所有权Die noise 模具噪音Die design responsibilities 模具设计责任Die performance 模具性能V. Die design criteria 模具设计标准A. Preferred components 优先配件B. Production material 产品材质C. Calculating operating tonnage of die 模具工作吨位D. General die life and construction 模具寿命及构造E. Safety 安全F. Scrap removal 废料移出装置G. Die sets 模具安装H. Die mountingI. Maintenance requirements 维修要求J. Die lubricants 模具润滑K. Die protection 模具保护装置L. Shear clearances 冲裁间隙M. Stock guiding and control 材料导向及定位N. Die material 模具材料O. Parallels 垫脚P. Dowels 合销Q. Punches, buttons, and retainers 冲头,镶件以及固定器R. Springs 弹簧S. Strippers 脱料装置T. Nitrogen systems 氮气系统U. Positive knockouts 正面取出V. Pressure pins 顶料销X. Forming and drawing dies 成型及拉伸模具Y. Cam and slide type diesVI. Stamping and marking 钢印及标记VII. Tryout and approval to ship 试模及船运VIII. Tryout, recertification, and final approval 试模,证明及最终承认IX. Payment terms 付款条约X. Substitutions 备件XI. Changes 设变Any deviation from this Die Building Requirements & Specifications will require a written request from vendor to the Su-dan Corporation Project Engineer.如有任何违背本份模具制造要求及规范,供应商都需向 Su-dan项目工程师提供一份书面要求。
Injection Mold Technical Terms特克内克腾目思(一)模具专业基本用词 Professional Terms Intensification Factor 增强比Scientific molding 科学注塑英腾次分克深发克偷塞音特菲克计数器counter康特Specific Injection Pressure (Psi)特殊注塑压力思呗色服克1.塑料—plastic, resin瑞申油管:Oil pipe 尼龙--------nylon2.样件—sample 调节板-------adjust plate3.钢料—steel A板--------a plate4.注塑机—injection machine, press 定位圈----locating ring 喽客厅令5.产品—part, product, moulding 斜导柱-----angular pin 安给拉PIN6.模具—mold, mould, tool B板--------- b plateA 简易模(样板模)—prototype moldB 量产用模具—production mold7.三维造型(数模)—3D model, 滚珠导套-------ball ejector bush8.二维产品图—2D part drawing 拽应扁顶针--------blade ejector pin 布累得9.设计—design 低赛应下模板--------bottom clamping plate 抱腾10.制造—manufacture, 上模型腔------cavity main insert11.检验—check, 上模镶件------cavity sub insert12.测量—measure, 妹试司筒针--------center pin 深特13.修改—change, modify 下模型芯------core main insert14.工程更改—engineer change 下模镶针------core pin15.质量—quality 快乐体下模镶件------core sub insert16.数量—quantity 宽体踢延迟顶针-------delay ejector pin17.基准—datum, reference 拉杆限位钉--------distance bolt(二)如何解析2D 产品图?How to read 2D part drawing?一.产品几何Geometry 顶距限位柱--------distance spacer1.点—point 销钉-------dowel pin2.线(边)—line, edge 顶块--------ejector bar3.面face 顶板导套-----ejector leader pinA 侧面—side塞得 B表面—surface射飞思 C 外观面—appearance surface安皮尔思射飞思4.壁厚—wall thickness 我射克来思顶板导柱----ejector leader pin李德拼5.加强筋(骨位)—rib 瑞布顶针-------ejector pin6.孔—hole后顶针地板------ejector plate7.细长的槽—slot 顶针面板-----ejector retain plate 瑞腾8.柱位—boss 抱死顶棍------ejector rod9.角—corner 司筒------ejector sleeveA 圆角—filletB 倒角—chamferC 尖角—sharp corner10.斜度—angle, taper 平头螺丝------F.H.S11. 凹槽—recess , groove 固定块--------fix block二.分模信息Splitting 固定上模-------fixing half1.分型线—parting line 浇口镶件------gate insert2.主分模方向—main direction, line of draw 滑块压板-----guide rail3.浇口设定—gating 无头螺丝-----H.S.S三.产品标识Part Identification 热流道--------hot runner1.产品名称—part name (P/N) 隔热板------insulate plate 因修累特2.产品编号+版本号—part number + revision (Rev.) 导套-----leader bushing 李得报圣个3.型腔号—cavity number 导柱------leader pin4.材料标记—material symbol 斜顶-----lifter body5.模具编号—mold number (no.) 吊环-------lifter eye bolt6.日期印—dating insert, date code 斜顶导向块-----lifter guide7.循环印—cycling code 斜顶滑块------lifter slider8.公司标志—company logo 斜顶耐磨板------lifter wear plate四.技术要求Specification (Special Requirement) 限位开关------limit switch1.项目启动表Kick-off sheet 支撑柱-----MB stand1)项目名称—program name, project name 模架--------mbase2)产品名称—part name, product name, part description 动模(下模)-----move half 3)产品编号—part number (P/N) o型圈-------o ring4)客户模号—customer mold no. 油管接头--------oil nipple5)项目启动日期—kick off date, start date 锁紧扣------parting lock6)项目完成日期—due date,lead time 水堵头------pipe plug7)内模件用钢—tool steel 拉杆----puller bolt8)型腔数量—number of cavities 流道换向针------puller insert9)数据文件编号—data file no. 拉料针-----puller plate10)注塑材料—resin, plastic, raw material 定位拉板-------puller plate11)收缩率—shrink, shrinkage, shrink factor 回针------return pin12)注塑机吨位—molding machine size, injection machine size13)成型周期—cycle time 流道板--------runner stripper plate14)型腔光洁度—cavity polish 内六角螺丝------S.H.C.S.15)型芯光洁度—core polish 锁模块-------safety block16)皮纹(晒纹)—texture, grain 台阶螺丝------shoulder screw17)拔模斜度—draft angle, removal taper 快速接头-----shut off nipple18)注塑件颜色及光泽—molded color & gloss 司筒压紧块-----sleeve pin block19)模具加工地—manufacturing facility 滑块------slider body20)热流道供应商—manifold manufacturer, manifold supplier21)浇口位置—gate location / position 滑块底部耐磨板---slider bottom wear plate 22)浇口类型—gate type 斜压块-----slider cam23)产品标识—stamp information, part identification24)特殊要求—special instructions 滑块中心导轨----slider center guide 2.产品质量及外观要求Part Quality & Appearance Requirement1)尺寸及公差Dimension & Tolerance 滑块型芯-----slider insert①重要尺寸—critical dimension, important dim., key dim.②理论尺寸—nominal dimension 滑块镶针------slider pin③实际尺寸—actual dimension 滑块限位板-----slider stopper plate④公差—tolerance 滑块耐磨板----slider top wear plate⑤公差带—tolerance range 方铁-----spacer block⑥尺寸超差—dimension deviation 垫圈------spacer ring⑦接受(合格)—accept, OK 浇口套------sprue bushing⑧拒绝(不合格)—reject, refuse, obsolete, NG 限位挡板---stop plate⑨让步接受—concession, special admit 垃圾钉----stopper disk⑩返工—re-work 精定位----straight lock推板镶件----stripper insert2)产品缺陷(常见的)Defects (normal) 推板--------stripper plate①缩水—sink mark, shrinkage 支撑住-----support pillar②飞边,毛边—flash, burr 上模板------top clamping plate③段差—mismatch discrepancy 压紧块-------wedge block④银丝纹,蛇纹—snake marks, streak 弹簧--------spring⑤弯曲,变形—warpage, distortion 水接头------water nipple⑥打不饱(缺料)—short shot 增加油槽-------add oil groove⑦熔接线—weld line bubbles气泡 shear[☞i☜]n.剪,切多胶— unwanted plastic regulation整顿cleanness清扫 delamination起鳞分层⑧拉伤—damage blinster气泡 flow mark流痕3、产品外观 Part Appearance①产品颜色— part color②产品光泽— gloss③皮纹粒度— grainaberration 色差 atomization ?化bank mark ?料纹 bite 咬入blacking hole 涂料孔(铸疵) blacking cab 涂料疤blister 起泡 blooming 起霜blow hole 破孔 blushing 泛白body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹 breaking-in 冒口带肉bubble 膜泡 burn mark 糊斑burr 毛边 camber 翘曲cell 气泡 center buckle 表面中部波皱check 细裂痕 checking 龟裂chipping 修整表面缺陷 clamp-off 铸件凹痕collapse 塌陷 color mottle 色斑corrosion 腐蚀 crack 裂痕crazing 碎裂 crazing 龟裂 deformation 变形 edge 切边碎片edge crack 裂边 fading 退色filler speak 填充料斑 fissure 裂纹flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱 flaw 刮伤flow mark 流痕 galling 毛边glazing 光滑 gloss 光泽grease pits 污斑 grinding defect 磨痕haircrack 发裂 haze 雾度incrustation 水锈 indentation 压痕internal porosity 内部气孔 mismatch 偏模mottle 斑点 necking 缩颈nick 割痕 orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷overflow 溢流 peeling 剥离pit 坑 pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀plate mark 模板印痕 pock 麻点pock mark 痘斑 resin streak 树脂流纹resin wear 树脂脱落 riding 凹陷sagging 松垂 saponification 皂化scar 疤痕 scrap 废料scrap jam 废料阻塞 scratch 刮伤/划痕scuffing 深冲表面划伤 seam 裂痕shock line 模口挤痕 short shot 充填不足shrinkage pool 凹孔 sink mark 凹痕skin inclusion 表皮摺叠 straightening 矫直streak 条状痕 surface check 表面裂痕surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱摺 surging 波动sweat out 冒汗 torsion 扭曲warpage 翘曲 waviness 波痕webbing 熔塌 weld mark 焊痕whitening 白化 wrinkle 皱纹④3.常用词汇、词组及短语Normal Word, Short Sentence1)单边—per side2)双边—both sides3)加入,添加—add, incorporate4)去除,取消—remove, cancel5)满足…的要求,符合,与…要求一致—according to, conform to, satisfy, meet 6)要求,需要—require, need, demand7)确认—be approved, agreed by …8)允许—permit, allow9)在…范围之内—within10)不可以,不允许,禁止—free from, prevent, avoid11)…,除非有另指—…unless otherwise specified12)…或少于—…or less13)自动化运作—automatic operation14)未注尺寸(详细形状)见三维造型Non dimensioned contour (detailed shape) see 3D model.15)分型线上的飞边(披缝)或段差应小于…Burrs or discrepancy on the P/L shall be … or less.五.标题栏Title Block1.产品名称—part name2.图纸编号 + 版本号(索引号)—drawing no. + level (index)3.一般公差—general tolerance(三)如何阅读制模标准?How to read tooling standard? 一.模具结构术语Mold Construction TermsA.模架Mold Base1.模架量化特征Measurement Feature①长X 宽X 高—Length X Width X Height②模具高度尺寸(模厚)—stack height of mould③模具重量—total weight of mould, mould thickness2.定模底板—front plate, top clamping plate, clamp plate, clamping plate 3.定模板—cavity plate, fixed mould plate, A – plate4.动模板—core plate, moving mould plate, B – plate5.支撑板—support plate, backing plate6.间隔板,方铁—support blocks, rails, risers, spacer block7.顶杆固定板—retaining plate, ejector retaining plate8.顶板—ejector plate,bottom clamping plate9.动模底板—back plate10.导柱—guide pillar, leader pin, guide pin11.导套—guide bush, leader pin bush12.复位杆—return pin, push-back pin13.弹簧—spring14.撑头—support pillar15.顶针板导柱、导套—ejection guide pin / bush16.垃圾钉—stop pin, stop button17.模脚—standing-off pillars18.标牌—plaque scutcheonB.成型零部件moulding components19.型芯—core insert20.型腔—cavity insert21.镶针—core pin22.镶块—sub-insert, split23.滑块—slide, sliding split24.斜顶—lifter, angled-lift splitA 斜顶头—lifter headB 斜顶杆—lifter rod, lifter shaft 25.成型顶杆—moulding face pin, form pinC.浇注系统Feed System1.塑料Mouldinga.主流道—sprueb.分流道runner①主分流道—main runner②二级分流道—branch runner分流道断面形状cross-sectional shape of runner①圆形—full round②半圆形—semicircular③梯形—trapezoidalc.浇口gate常用浇口形式normal gate type :①边缘浇口(J型浇口)—edge gate, J – gate②侧浇口—side gate③潜伏式浇口—sub-gate, cashew gate, subsurface gate, submarine gate④潜伏式二次浇口(隧道式浇口) —tunnel gate onto feeder post⑤点浇口—pin gate⑥直接浇口(主流道型浇口) —sprue gate, direct gate⑦护耳式浇口—tab gated.模腔—impressione.冷料井—cold slug wellf.热流道—hot runner2.模具零件mold componentsa.定位圈—locating ring, location ring, register ringb.浇口套—sprue bushc.挡圈—stop ringd.浇口镶块—gate inserte.热流道板—manifoldf.热嘴—hot dropD.分型面及其锁紧、排气Parting Surface, inter-locking & venting 1.分型线—parting line ( P/L )2.镶拼线—bodyline, joint line3.平/ 不平的分型面—flat / non – flat parting surface4.封胶面—shut off surfaces, seal-off surfaces5.擦穿位—shut off6.碰穿位—kiss-off7.管位—parting line lock8.分型面的释放(避空) —relief of parting surface9.分型面的平衡—balancing of parting surface10.锁紧角度—locking angle11.锁紧力—clamping force12.锁模块—safety strap13.精定位—Interlock, die lock14.困气—air trap15.排气槽—vent, vent slotE.滑块机构Slide1.驱动Actuation①斜导柱—angle pin, horn pin, cam pin②弹簧—spring③油缸—hydraulic cylinder2.制动Detention①滑块固定器—slide retainer②弹簧制动器—spring-loaded detention (plunger)③挡钉、挡板—stop pin, stop plate, slide stop3.导轨—gib, guide strip4.锁紧块(楔紧块)—heel block, locking heel, wedge block, chase block 5.耐磨片—wear plate, wear strip6.压板—retainer,gib7.螺钉—screw8.定位销—dowel pinF.斜顶机构Lifter1.斜顶头—lifter head2.斜顶杆—lifter rod, lifter shaft3.开口销—split pin4.固定板(压板)—retainer plate5.耐磨片—wear plate6.铜导套—bronze bushing7.衬套—spacer8.导轨—L – gib9.滑动块—slideG.顶出系统Ejection System1.基本词汇Basic Word①顶出行程—ejection stroke②模具开档—daylight③粘模—stick④产品脱模—part is push off from, clear part of mould, separation of part 2.顶板机构Ejector plate assembly①顶板—ejector plate②顶板固定板—retaining plate③推板—stripper plate④推板导柱—ejector guide pin⑤推板导套—ejector guide bush⑥撑头—support pillar3.复位机构Return System①复位杆(回程杆)—return pin, push – back pin②垃圾钉—stop pin, stop button③压簧—compressed spring④碟簧— a stack o f “Belleville” washers⑤早复位机构—early return system⑥强制复位机构—positive return system4.顶出方法Ejection Techniques1)顶杆顶出—pin ejection2)顶管顶出—sleeve ejection3)顶块顶出—bar ejection4)扁顶顶出—blade ejection5)顶板顶出—stripper ejection6)油缸顶出—hydraulic ejection7)气顶—air ejection8)阀门顶出—valve ejection5.顶出元件Ejection Elements1)拉料杆—sprue puller, sucker pin2)顶杆—ejector pin3)阶梯式顶杆—stepped ejector pin4)顶管—ejection sleeve, sleeve5)扁顶—ejector blade, slabbed off ejector pin6)顶块—stripper bar7)顶环—stripper ring8)推板—stripper plate9)加速顶—accelerated ejection6.顶出辅助机构Supplementary operating system1)弹簧柱塞器—spring – loaded plunger2)弹珠定位器—ball catch system3)插销式锁扣—Latch – lock4)尼龙拉杆装置—friction puller device7.电器元件Electric Components1)压力传感器—pressure transducer2)限位开关—limit switchF.冷却系统Cooling System1.基本词汇Basic Word1)温差—temperature variation2)水孔(水道)—waterlines, water-ways, flow-way, channel3)水路—cooling circuit4)水路示意图—water schematic, schematic circuit5)冷却液—coolant, coolant fluid6)内连接—interconnect7)外连接—external connection8)出口、入口—outlet、inlet9)漏水—water leakage2.水路分布Circuits1)阶梯式水路—stepped system2)分隔板水路—baffled hole system3)斜孔式水路—angled hole system3.水路元件Components1)闷头(螺塞、止水栓)—(threadless)brass pressure plug : female plug & male 2)隔水片—baffle3)密封圈—O – ring4)快插水路接头—quick disconnect fitting, quick connection adaptor5)弯头—elbow6)偶合器(连接器、接头)—adaptor (including a plug & a socket) 7)橡皮管—rubber hose8)分水板,集水块—water manifoldG.螺纹、螺纹孔& 螺钉Thread, thread hole & screw1.螺纹—thread2.管螺纹—pipe thread3.螺纹孔—screw hole, tapped hole4.起吊孔—handling hole, jack screw hole, eye bolt hole5.螺钉—screw6.内六角螺钉—socket headed cap screw (s.h.c.s.)7.沉头螺钉—flat headed cap screw (f.h.c.s)8.螺栓—bolt9.螺母—nut10.锁紧螺母—locknut11.螺纹标准Thread Standard①公制标准—Metric②英制标准—Imperial③英制管螺纹标准—British Standard Pipe thread (BSP)④美制管螺纹标准—NPT⑤美制粗螺纹标准—United Coarse thread (UNC)⑥美制细螺纹标准—United Fine thread (UNF)H.润滑Lubrication1.润滑槽—grease groove2.加油管—grease line3.油杯—lubrication fittingI.测量仪器Measuring Instruments1.游标卡尺—vernier caliper2.千分尺—micrometer3.高度规—height gauge4.刻度规—dial gauge5.三坐标测量仪(三次元)—Coordinate Measure Machine(CMM)6.塞规—pin gauge7.圆角量规—radii gauge8.轮廓投影机—profile projectorJ.注塑机参数Injection Machine Parameter1.注塑机规格参数Injection Machine Specification①锁紧类型clamp typea.油缸—hydraulic b.肘杆式—toggle②垂直注塑机导柱间距—tie bar vertical clearance③水平注塑机导柱间距—tie bar horizontal clearance④台板尺寸—platen dim.⑤最小/ 最大模厚—mold height Min. / Max., Min. / Max. mold thickness⑥最小/ 最大注塑机开档—open daylight Min. / Max.⑦锁紧行程—clamp stroke⑧锁紧力—clamping force⑨顶出行程—ejector stroke⑩顶出力—ejector force2.试模工艺参数Moulding Process Parameter, machine setting①时间Timer(TM), seca.注塑(充填)时间—filling time, injection timeb.冷却时间—cooling timec.补缩时间—packing timed.保压时间—holding timee.成型周期—cycle time②速率、速度Velocity, %、speed, in/seca.注塑(充填)速度—injection speedb.保压速率—hold pressure velocityc.螺杆转速—screw rotation speed③压力Pressure(Prs.), psia.注塑压力—injection pressureb.保压压力—hold pressurec.回压(背压)—back pressure④温度Temperature(Temp.), °Fa.注塑机喷嘴温度—nozzle temp.b.料筒前段、中段、后段温度—barrel front、middle、rear temp.c.模温—mould temp.d.料温—purged resin melt temp.e.空射料温—air shot melt temp.。
Here is a list of mold-related vocabulary in English:1. Mold -模具2. Mold cavity -模腔3. Mold core -模芯4. Mold base -模座5. Injection molding -注塑成型6. Blow molding -吹塑成型7. Compression molding -压缩成型8. Extrusion molding -挤出成型9. Rotational molding -旋转成型10. Thermoforming -热成型11. Mold design -模具设计12. Mold manufacturing -模具制造13. Mold making -模具加工14. Mold material -模具材料15. Mold steel -模具钢16. Mold release agent -脱模剂17. Mold temperature -模具温度18. Mold flow analysis -模流分析19. Mold maintenance -模具维护20. Mold repair -模具修复22. Mold polishing -模具抛光23. Molded part -注塑件24. Molded product -成型产品25. Molded surface -成型表面26. Molded feature -成型特征27. Ejector pins -顶出针28. Runner system -流道系统29. Cooling system -冷却系统30. Venting -通气31. Molded part defects -成型件缺陷32. Molded part warpage -成型件翘曲33. Molded part shrinkage -成型件收缩34. Mold release system -脱模系统35. Mold venting system -通气系统36. Mold temperature controller -模具温度控制器37. Mold gate -模具流道口38. Mold runner -模具流道39. Mold ejector system -模具顶出系统40. Mold clamping force -模具锁模力41. Mold shot size -模具射胶量42. Mold cycle time -模具循环时间44. Mold cooling time -模具冷却时间45. Mold release mechanism -模具脱模机构46. Molded part dimensions -成型件尺寸47. Molded part tolerance -成型件公差48. Molded part surface finish -成型件表面处理49. Molded part strength -成型件强度50. Molded part flexibility -成型件柔韧性51. Molded part accuracy -成型件精度52. Molded part durability -成型件耐久性53. Molded part weight -成型件重量54. Molded part texture -成型件纹理55. Molded part transparency -成型件透明度56. Molded part color -成型件颜色57. Molded part function -成型件功能58. Molded part assembly -成型件装配59. Molded part packaging -成型件包装60. Molded part labeling -成型件标记61. Molded part quality control -成型件质量控制62. Mold material selection -模具材料选择63. Mold design software -模具设计软件64. Mold manufacturing process -模具制造过程65. Mold injection molding machine -模具注塑机66. Mold blow molding machine -模具吹塑机67. Mold compression molding machine -模具压缩成型机68. Mold extrusion molding machine -模具挤出成型机69. Mold rotational molding machine -模具旋转成型机70. Mold thermoforming machine -模具热成型机71. Mold tooling -模具工装72. Molded part inspection -成型件检验73. Molded part packaging -成型件包装74. Molded part labeling -成型件标记75. Molded part storage -成型件存储76. Molded part transportation -成型件运输77. Molded part disposal -成型件处理78. Molded part recycling -成型件回收79. Molded part cost -成型件成本80. Molded part production rate -成型件生产率81. Molded part tooling cost -成型件工装成本82. Molded part tooling lead time -成型件工装交货期83. Molded part tooling lifespan -成型件工装寿命84. Molded part tooling maintenance -成型件工装维护85. Molded part tooling repair -成型件工装修复86. Molded part tooling modification -成型件工装修改87. Molded part tooling replacement -成型件工装更换88. Molded part tooling storage -成型件工装存储89. Molded part tooling transportation -成型件工装运输90. Molded part tooling disposal -成型件工装处理91. Molded part tooling recycling -成型件工装回收92. Molded part tooling cost estimation -成型件工装成本估算93. Molded part tooling design optimization -成型件工装设计优化94. Molded part tooling production planning -成型件工装生产计划95. Molded part tooling quality control -成型件工装质量控制96. Molded part tooling process improvement -成型件工装工艺改进97. Molded part tooling waste reduction -成型件工装废物减少98. Molded part tooling cost reduction -成型件工装成本降低99. Molded part tooling cycle time optimization -成型件工装循环时间优化100. Molded part tooling material selection -成型件工装材料选择101. Molded part tooling design validation -成型件工装设计验证102. Molded part tooling production monitoring -成型件工装生产监控103. Molded part tooling maintenance scheduling -成型件工装维护计划104. Molded part tooling repair process -成型件工装修复流程105. Molded part tooling modification process -成型件工装修改流程106. Molded part tooling replacement process -成型件工装更换流程107. Molded part tooling storage management -成型件工装存储管理108. Molded part tooling transportation logistics -成型件工装运输物流109. Molded part tooling disposal methods -成型件工装处理方法110. Molded part tooling recycling techniques -成型件工装回收技术111. Molded part tooling cost estimation tools -成型件工装成本估算工具112. Molded part tooling design optimization software -成型件工装设计优化软件113. Molded part tooling production planning systems -成型件工装生产计划系统114. Molded part tooling quality control methods -成型件工装质量控制方法115. Molded part tooling process improvement strategies -成型件工装工艺改进策略116. Molded part tooling waste reduction techniques -成型件工装废物减少技术117. Molded part tooling cost analysis -成型件工装成本分析118. Molded part tooling design review -成型件工装设计审查119. Molded part tooling production efficiency -成型件工装生产效率120. Molded part tooling maintenance checklist -成型件工装维护清单121. Molded part tooling repair cost estimation -成型件工装修复成本估算122. Molded part tooling modification cost estimation -成型件工装修改成本估算123. Molded part tooling replacement cost estimation -成型件工装更换成本估算124. Molded part tooling storage system -成型件工装存储系统125. Molded part tooling transportation cost calculation -成型件工装运输成本计算126. Molded part tooling disposal methods evaluation -成型件工装处理方法评估127. Molded part tooling recycling process optimization -成型件工装回收流程优化128. Molded part tooling cost reduction strategies -成型件工装成本降低策略129. Molded part tooling cycle time reduction techniques -成型件工装循环时间减少技术130. Molded part tooling material waste reduction -成型件工装材料废物减少131. Molded part tooling design validation methods -成型件工装设计验证方法132. Molded part tooling production monitoring tools -成型件工装生产监控工具133. Molded part tooling maintenance scheduling software -成型件工装维护计划软件134. Molded part tooling repair process optimization -成型件工装修复流程优化135. Molded part tooling modification process improvement -成型件工装修改流程改进136. Molded part tooling replacement process optimization -成型件工装更换流程优化137. Molded part tooling storage management techniques -成型件工装存储管理技术138. Molded part tooling transportation logistics optimization -成型件工装运输物流优化139. Molded part tooling disposal methods assessment -成型件工装处理方法评估140. Molded part tooling recycling techniques evaluation -成型件工装回收技术评估141. Molded part tooling cost estimation software -成型件工装成本估算软件142. Molded part tooling design optimization tools -成型件工装设计优化工具143. Molded part tooling production planning systems evaluation -成型件工装生产计划系统评估144. Molded part tooling quality control methods assessment -成型件工装质量控制方法评估145. Molded part tooling process improvement strategies implementation -成型件工装工艺改进策略实施146. Molded part tooling waste reduction techniques optimization -成型件工装废物减少技术优化147. Molded part tooling cost analysis tools -成型件工装成本分析工具148. Molded part tooling design review software -成型件工装设计审查软件149. Molded part tooling production efficiency evaluation -成型件工装生产效率评估150. Molded part tooling maintenance checklist optimization -成型件工装维护清单优化151. Molded part tooling repair cost estimation software -成型件工装修复成本估算软件152. Molded part tooling modification cost estimation software -成型件工装修改成本估算软件153. Molded part tooling replacement cost estimation software -成型件工装更换成本估算软件154. Molded part tooling storage system optimization -成型件工装存储系统优化155. Molded part tooling transportation cost calculation software -成型件工装运输成本计算软件156. Molded part tooling disposal methods evaluation tools -成型件工装处理方法评估工具157. Molded part tooling recycling process optimization techniques -成型件工装回收流程优化技术158. Molded part tooling cost reduction strategies implementation -成型件工装成本降低策略实施159. Molded partooling design validation methods -成型件工装设计验证方法160. Molded part tooling production monitoring tools -成型件工装生产监控工具161. Molded part tooling maintenance scheduling software -成型件工装维护计划软件162. Molded part tooling repair process optimization -成型件工装修复流程优化163. Molded part tooling modification process improvement -成型件工装修改流程改进164. Molded part tooling replacement process optimization -成型件工装更换流程优化165. Molded part tooling storage management techniques -成型件工装存储管理技术166. Molded part tooling transportation logistics optimization -成型件工装运输物流优化167. Molded part tooling disposal methods assessment -成型件工装处理方法评估168. Molded part tooling recycling techniques evaluation -成型件工装回收技术评估169. Molded part tooling cost estimation software -成型件工装成本估算软件170. Molded part tooling design optimization tools -成型件工装设计优化工具171. Molded part tooling production planning systems evaluation -成型件工装生产计划系统评估172. Molded part tooling quality control methods assessment -成型件工装质量控制方法评估173. Molded part tooling process improvement strategies implementation -成型件工装工艺改进策略实施174. Molded part tooling waste reduction techniques optimization -成型件工装废物减少技术优化175. Molded part tooling cost analysis tools -成型件工装成本分析工具176. Molded part tooling design review software -成型件工装设计审查软件177. Molded part tooling production efficiency evaluation -成型件工装生产效率评估178. Molded part tooling maintenance checklist optimization -成型件工装维护清单优化179. Molded part tooling repair cost estimation software -成型件工装修复成本估算软件180. Molded part tooling modification cost estimation software -成型件工装修改成本估算软件181. Molded part tooling replacement cost estimation software -成型件工装更换成本估算软件182. Molded part tooling storage system optimization -成型件工装存储系统优化183. Molded part tooling transportation cost calculation software -成型件工装运输成本计算软件184. Molded part tooling disposal methods evaluation tools -成型件工装处理方法评估工具185. Molded part tooling recycling process optimization techniques -成型件工装回收流程优化技术186. Molded part tooling cost reduction strategies implementation -成型件工装成本降低策略实施187. Molded part tooling risk assessment methods -成型件工装风险评估方法188. Molded part tooling safety protocols optimization -成型件工装安全协议优化189. Molded part tooling environmental impact assessment -成型件工装环境影响评估190. Molded part tooling sustainability evaluation -成型件工装可持续性评估191. Molded part tooling efficiency improvement strategies implementation -成型件工装效率提升策略实施192. Molded part tooling inventory management techniques -成型件工装库存管理技术193. Molded part tooling repair process optimization -成型件工装修复流程优化194. Molded part tooling modification cost reduction techniques -成型件工装修改成本降低技术195. Molded part tooling replacement cost reduction strategies -成型件工装更换成本降低策略196. Molded part tooling storage space optimization techniques -成型件工装存储空间优化技术197. Molded part tooling transportation cost reduction strategies -成型件工装运输成本降低策略198. Molded part tooling disposal methods optimization -成型件工装处理方法优化199. Molded part tooling recycling process evaluation -成型件工装回收流程评估200. Molded part tooling cost analysis techniques -成型件工装成本分析技术201. Molded part tooling design review process optimization -成型件工装设计审查流程优化202. Molded part tooling production efficiency improvement strategies -成型件工装生产效率提升策略203. Molded part tooling maintenance checklist evaluation -成型件工装维护清单评估204. Molded part tooling repair process efficiency improvement techniques -成型件工装修复流程效率提升技术205. Molded part tooling modification cost reduction strategies -成型件工装修改成本降低策略206. Molded part tooling replacement cost reduction techniques -成型件工装更换成本降低技术207. Molded part tooling storage system evaluation -成型件工装存储系统评估208. Molded part tooling transportation cost analysis techniques -成型件工装运输成本分析技术209. Molded part tooling disposal methods optimization strategies -成型件工装处理方法优化策略210. Molded part tooling recycling process efficiency improvement techniques -成型件工装回收流程效率提升技术211. Molded part tooling cost reduction strategies implementation -成型件工装成本降低策略实施212. Molded part tooling risk assessment techniques -成型件工装风险评估技术213. Molded part tooling safety protocols evaluation -成型件工装安全协议评估214. Molded part tooling environmental impact assessment techniques -成型件工装环境影响评估技术215. Molded part tooling sustainability improvement strategies -成型件工装可持续性改进策略216. Molded part tooling efficiency evaluation techniques -成型件工装效率评估技术217. Molded part tooling inventory management optimization -成型件工装库存管理优化218. Molded part tooling repair process efficiency evaluation -成型件工装修复流程效率评估219. Molded part tooling modification cost reduction strategies implementation -成型件工装修改成本降低策略实施220. Molded part tooling replacement cost reduction techniques implementation -成型件工装更换成本降低技术实施221. Molded part tooling storage space optimization strategies -成型件工装存储空间优化策略222. Molded part tooling transportation cost reduction techniques implementation -成型件工装运输成本降低技术实施223. Molded part tooling disposal methods optimization techniques -成型件工装处理方法优化技术224. Molded part tooling recycling process efficiency evaluation -成型件工装回收流程效率评估225. Molded part tooling cost analysis techniques implementation -成型件工装成本分析技术实施226. Molded part tooling design review process optimization strategies -成型件工装设计审查流程优化策略227. Molded part tooling production efficiency improvement techniques implementation -成型件工装生产效率提升技术实施228229. Molded part tooling quality control measures evaluation -成型件工装质量控制措施评估230. Molded part tooling inspection process optimization strategies -成型件工装检验过程优化策略231. Molded part tooling maintenance schedule development -成型件工装维护计划制定232. Molded part tooling repair cost analysis techniques -成型件工装修复成本分析技术233. Molded part tooling modification process efficiency improvement techniques implementation -成型件工装修改过程效率提升技术实施234. Molded part tooling replacement process cost reduction strategies implementation -成型件工装更换过程成本降低策略实施235. Molded part tooling storage system optimization -成型件工装存储系统优化236. Molded part tooling transportation cost analysis techniques implementation -成型件工装运输成本分析技术实施237. Molded part tooling disposal methods evaluation -成型件工装处理方法评估238. Molded part tooling recycling process efficiency improvement techniques implementation -成型件工装回收流程效率提升技术实施239. Molded part tooling cost reduction strategies evaluation -成型件工装成本降低策略评估240. Molded part tooling risk assessment techniques implementation -成型件工装风险评估技术实施241. Molded part tooling safety protocols optimization strategies -成型件工装安全协议优化策略242. Molded part tooling environmental impact assessment techniques implementation -成型件工装环境影响评估技术实施243. Molded part tooling sustainability improvement strategies evaluation -成型件工装可持续性改进策略评估244. Molded part tooling efficiency evaluation techniques implementation -成型件工装效率评估技术实施245. Molded part tooling inventory management optimization strategies implementation -成型件工装库存管理优化策略实施246. Molded part tooling repair process efficiency evaluation techniques -成型件工装修复流程效率评估技术247. Molded part tooling modification cost reduction strategies evaluation -成型件工装修改成本降低策略评估248. Molded part tooling replacement cost reduction techniques evaluation -成型件工装更换成本降低技术评估249. Molded part tooling storage space optimization strategies implementation -成型件工装存储空间优化策略实施250. Molded part tooling transportation cost reduction techniques evaluation -成型件工装运输成本降低技术评估251. Molded part tooling design optimization techniques implementation -成型件工装设计优化技术实施252. Molded part tooling production capacity evaluation -成型件工装生产能力评估253. Molded part tooling inspection methods improvement strategies -成型件工装检验方法改进策略254. Molded part tooling maintenance cost analysis techniques -成型件工装维护成本分析技术255. Molded part tooling repair process optimization strategies implementation -成型件工装修复过程优化策略实施256. Molded part tooling modification process cost reduction techniques -成型件工装修改过程成本降低技术257. Molded part tooling replacement process efficiency evaluation techniques -成型件工装更换过程效率评估技术258. Molded part tooling storage system efficiency improvement strategies implementation -成型件工装存储系统效率提升策略实施259. Molded part tooling transportation cost reduction strategies evaluation -成型件工装运输成本降低策略评估260. Molded part tooling disposal methods optimization techniques implementation -成型件工装处理方法优化技术实施261. Molded part tooling quality control measures implementation -成型件工装质量控制措施实施262. Molded part tooling material selection criteria evaluation -成型件工装材料选择标准评估263. Molded part tooling cost estimation techniques implementation -成型件工装成本估算技术实施264. Molded part tooling waste reduction strategies evaluation -成型件工装废料减少策略评估265. Molded part tooling energy consumption optimization techniques -成型件工装能源消耗优化技术266. Molded part tooling production cycle time reduction strategies evaluation -成型件工装生产周期缩短策略评估267. Molded part tooling training programs implementation -成型件工装培训计划实施268. Molded part tooling maintenance schedule optimization strategies -成型件工装维护计划优化策略269. Molded part tooling inspection frequency evaluation techniques -成型件工装检验频率评估技术270. Molded part tooling repair cost reduction strategies implementation -成型件工装修复成本降低策略实施271. Molded part tooling modification process efficiency evaluation techniques -成型件工装修改过程效率评估技术272. Molded part tooling replacement process cost reduction strategies -成型件工装更换过程成本降低策略273. Molded part tooling storage system organization techniques implementation -成型件工装存储系统组织技术实施274. Molded part tooling transportation safety protocols evaluation -成型件工装运输安全协议评估275. Molded part tooling disposal methods cost evaluation techniques -成型件工装处理方法成本评估技术276. Molded part tooling quality assurance audits implementation -成型件工装质量保证审计实施277. Molded part tooling material sourcing optimization strategies -成型件工装材料采购优化策略278. Molded part tooling cost control measures implementation -成型件工装成本控制措施实施279. Molded part tooling waste management techniques evaluation -成型件工装废料管理技术评估280. Molded part tooling energy efficiency improvement strategies -成型件工装能效提升策略281. Molded part tooling production planning optimization techniques implementation -成型件工装生产计划优化技术实施282. Molded part tooling training effectiveness evaluation techniques -成型件工装培训效果评估技术283. Molded part tooling maintenance cost reduction strategies evaluation -成型件工装维护成本降低策略评估284. Molded part tooling inspection methods optimization techniques -成型件工装检验方法优化技术285. Molded part tooling repair process cost reduction strategies implementation -成型件工装修复过程成本降低策略实施286. Molded part tooling modification process efficiency improvement techniques -成型件工装修改过程效率提升技术287. Molded part tooling replacement process safety protocols evaluation -成型件工装更换过程安全协议评估288. Molded part tooling storage system space optimization strategies -成型件工装存储系统空间优化策略289. Molded part tooling transportation cost analysis techniques implementation -成型件工装运输成本分析技术290. Molded part tooling disposal methods efficiency evaluation techniques -成型件工装处理方法效率评估技术291. Molded part tooling quality control system implementation -成型件工装质量控制系统实施292. Molded part tooling material selection process optimization strategies -成型件工装材料选择过程优化策略293. Molded part tooling cost estimation accuracy evaluation techniques -成型件工装成本估算准确度评估技术294. Molded part tooling waste reduction techniques implementation -成型件工装废料减少技295. Molded part tooling energy consumption monitoring system implementation -成型件工装能耗监测系统实施296. Molded part tooling production scheduling optimization strategies -成型件工装生产调度优化策略297. Molded part tooling training program development techniques -成型件工装培训计划开发技术298. Molded part tooling maintenance schedule optimization strategies -成型件工装维护计划优化策略299. Molded part tooling inspection frequency optimization techniques -成型件工装检验频率优化技术300. Molded part tooling repair process efficiency improvement strategies -成型件工装修复过程效率提升策略301. Molded part tooling replacement cost analysis techniques -成型件工装更换成本分析技术302. Molded part tooling storage system organization techniques -成型件工装存储系统组织技术303. Molded part tooling transportation safety protocols implementation -成型件工装运输安全协议实施304. Molded part tooling disposal methods cost analysis techniques -成型件工装处理方法成本分析技术305. Molded part tooling quality control system evaluation techniques -成型件工装质量控制系统评估技术306. Molded part tooling material selection process efficiency evaluation techniques -成型件工装材料选择过程效率评估技术307. Molded part tooling cost estimation accuracy improvement strategies -成型件工装成本估算准确度提升策略308. Molded part tooling waste management system implementation -成型件工装废料管理系统实施309. Molded part tooling energy consumption reduction techniques -成型件工装能耗减少技术310. Molded part tooling production scheduling efficiency evaluationtechniques -成型件工装生产调度效率评估技术311. Molded part tooling training program effectiveness evaluation techniques -成型件工装培训计划效果评估技术312. Molded part tooling maintenance schedule optimization techniques -成型件工装维护计划优化技术313. Molded part tooling inspection frequency optimization strategies -成型件工装检验频率优化策略314. Molded part tooling repair process cost analysis techniques -成型件工装修复过程成本分析技术315. Molded part tooling replacement process efficiency evaluation techniques -成型件工装更换过程效率评估技术316. Molded part tooling storage system space utilization techniques -成型件工装存储系统空间利用技术317. Molded part tooling transportation cost reduction strategies -成型件工装运输成本降低策略318. Molded part tooling disposal methods efficiency improvement strategies -成型件工装处理方法效率提升策略319. Molded part tooling quality control system implementation techniques -成型件工装质量控制系统实施技术320. Molded part tooling material selection process optimization techniques -成型件工装材料选择过程优化技术321. Molded part tooling cost estimation accuracy improvementtechniques -成型件工装成本估算准确度提升技术322. Molded part tooling waste reduction strategies implementation -成型件工装废料减少策略实施323. Molded part tooling energy consumption monitoring system optimization techniques -成型件工装能耗监测系统优化技术324. Molded part tooling production scheduling efficiency improvement strategies -成型件工装生产调度效率提升策略325. Molded part tooling training program development techniques -成型件工装培训计划开发技术326. Molded part tooling maintenance schedule optimization techniques -成型件工装维护计划优化技术327. Molded part tooling inspection frequency optimization strategies -成型件工装检验频率优化策略328. Molded part tooling repair process efficiency evaluation techniques -成型件工装修复过程效率评估技术329. Molded part tooling replacement cost analysis methods -成型件工装更换成本分析方法330. Molded part tooling storage system organization strategies -成型件工装存储系统组织策略331. Molded part tooling transportation safety protocols evaluation -成型件工装运输安全协议评估332. Molded part tooling disposal methods cost analysis methods -成型件工装处理方法成本分析方法333. Molded part tooling quality control system effectiveness evaluation techniques -成型件工装质量控制系统效果评估技术334. Molded part tooling material selection process efficiency improvement strategies -成型件工装材料选择过程效率提升策335. Molded part tooling cost optimization techniques -成型件工装成本优化技术336. Molded part tooling maintenance record keeping methods -成型件工装维护记录保持方法337. Molded part tooling inspection checklist development techniques -成型件工装检查清单开发技术338. Molded part tooling repair process time reduction strategies -成型件工装修复过程时间减少策略339. Molded part tooling replacement frequency analysis methods -成型件工装更换频率分析方法340. Molded part tooling storage system inventory management techniques -成型件工装存储系统库存管理技术341. Molded part tooling transportation route optimization strategies -成型件工装运输路线优化策略342. Molded part tooling disposal methods environmental impact assessment techniques -成型件工装处理方法环境影响评估技术343. Molded part tooling quality control system auditing methods -成型件工装质量控制系统审核方法344. Molded part tooling material selection process cost analysis techniques -成型件工装材料选择过程成本分析技术345. Molded part tooling cost estimation error analysis techniques -成型件工装成本估算误差分析技术346. Molded part tooling waste reduction strategies implementation monitoring techniques -成型件工装废料减少策略实施监测技术347. Molded part tooling energy consumption reduction techniques -成型件工装能耗减少技术348. Molded part tooling production scheduling optimization techniques -成型件工装生产调度优化技术349. Molded part tooling training program effectiveness evaluation methods -成型件工装培训计划效果评估方法350. Molded part tooling maintenance schedule flexibility strategies -成型件工装维护计划灵活性策略351. Molded part tooling design software proficiency assessment methods -成型件工装设计软件熟练度评估方法352. Molded part tooling cost reduction strategies implementation monitoring techniques -成型件工装成本降低策略实施监测技术353. Molded part tooling storage system space optimization strategies -成型件工装存储系统空间优化策略354. Molded part tooling transportation risk assessment methods -成型件工装运输风险评估方法355. Molded part tooling disposal methods regulatory compliance evaluation techniques -成型件工装处理方法合规性评估技术356. Molded part tooling quality control system training program development techniques -成型件工装质量控制系统培训计划开发技术357. Molded part tooling material selection process sustainability assessment methods -成型件工装材料选择过程可持续性评估方法358. Molded part tooling cost estimation accuracy improvement strategies -成型件工装成本估算准确性提升策略359. Molded part tooling waste management system implementation techniques -成型件工装废料管理系统实施技术360. Molded part tooling energy efficiency improvement strategies -成型件工装能效提升策略361. Molded part tooling production scheduling flexibility analysis methods -成型件工装生产调度灵活性分析方法362. Molded part tooling training program effectiveness evaluation criteria -成型件工装培训计划效果评估标准363. Molded part tooling maintenance schedule optimization techniques -成型件工装维护计划优化技术364. Molded part tooling design optimization methods for reducing defects -成型件工装设计优化方法降低缺陷365. Molded part tooling cost estimation techniques for new product development -成型件工装成本估算技术新产品开发366. Molded part tooling storage system inventory tracking methods -成型件工装存储系统库存跟踪方法367. Molded part tooling transportation risk mitigation strategies -成型件工装运输风险缓解策略368. Molded part tooling disposal methods environmental sustainability evaluation techniques -成型件工装处理方法环境可持续性评估技术369. Molded part tooling quality control system documentation management techniques -成型件工装质量控制系统文件管理技术370. Molded part tooling material selection process sustainability improvement strategies -成型件工装材料选择过程可持续性改善策略371. Molded part tooling cost estimation error reduction techniques -成型件工装成本估算误差减少技术372. Molded part tooling waste reduction strategies effectiveness evaluation methods -成型件工装废料减少策略效果评估方法373. Molded part tooling energy consumption monitoring techniques -成型件工装能耗监测技术374. Molded part tooling production scheduling optimization tools -成型件工装生产调度优化工具375. Molded part tooling training program evaluation methods -成型件工装培训计划评估方法376. Molded part tooling maintenance schedule adjustment techniques -成型件工装维护计划调整技术377. Molded part tooling design software selection criteria -成型件工装设计软件选择标准378. Molded part tooling cost reduction strategies effectiveness evaluation methods -成型件工装成本降低策略效果评估方法379. Molded part tooling storage system organization tools -成型件工装存储系统组织工具380. Molded part tooling transportation risk mitigation measures -成型件工装运输风险缓解措施381. Molded part tooling disposal methods regulatory compliance monitoring techniques -成型件工装处理方法合规性监测技术382. Molded part tooling quality control system training program evaluation methods -成型件工装质量控制系统培训计划评估方法383. Molded part tooling material selection process cost-benefit analysis techniques -成型件工装材料选择过程成本效益分析技术384. Molded part tooling waste management strategies sustainability assessment methods -成型件工装废料管理策略可持续性评估方法385. Molded part tooling energy efficiency improvement measures -成型件工装能效改善措施386. Molded part tooling production scheduling optimization algorithms-成型件工装生产调度优化算法387. Molded part tooling training program effectiveness evaluation tools -成型件工装培训计划效果评估工具388. Molded part tooling maintenance schedule optimization models -成型件工装维护计划优化模型389. Molded part tooling design optimization techniques for improving product performance -成型件工装设计优化技术提高产品性能390. Molded part tooling cost estimation methods for budget planning -成型件工装成本估算方法预算规划391. Molded part tooling storage system inventory management techniques -成型件工装存储系统库存管理技术392. Molded part tooling transportation risk assessment methods -成型件工装运输风险评估方法393. Molded part tooling disposal methods environmental impact assessment techniques -成型件工装处理方法环境影响评估技术394. Molded part tooling quality control system documentation control methods -成型件工装质量控制系统文件控制方法395. Molded part tooling material selection process sustainability evaluation criteria -成型件工装材料选择过程可持续性评估标准396. Molded part tooling cost estimation accuracy improvement techniques -成型件工装成本估算准确性改善技术397. Molded part tooling waste reduction strategies monitoring methods。
Injection machine 啤机Shot size(weight)实际射胶量injection volume 理论射胶量min mold height 最小容模厚度Max mold height 最大容模厚度Tie bar clearance 拉杆间距Die plate size 模板尺寸Ejector stroke 顶出行程non-return valve 止回阀shear 剪切opening 开模行程Injection pressure 射胶压力back pressure 背压nozzle size 射咀尺寸Cycle time 循环周期down time 停机时间hopper 料筒Mold release 脱模剂lubrication 润滑work horse 主力,主要设备Reserve pressure/packing pressure保压mold trial 试模shot (一)啤Decompress 减压oven 烤炉,烘灶shrinkage rate 收缩率Residence time 滞留时间injection speed 注射速度booster time 增压时间Compression ratio 压缩比mold close time 合模时间Resin 胶料Plastification 塑化,增塑viscosity 粘性,粘度contamination 污染,杂物Booster time 增压时间feed 喂料,填充purge 净化degradation 降解,软化regrind 再粉碎Water absorption 吸水reinforce 增强,加固specific gravity 比重Elongation 延伸率density 密度melting point 熔点Mold materials 模具General purpose steel 多用途钢tool steel 模具钢Free-cutting steel 高速切削钢case hardening steel 表面硬化钢Pre-hardened steel 预硬钢ball and roller bearing steel 滚珠轴承钢Nonferrous steel 非铁合金high speed steel 高速钢cast iron 铸铁Steel specification 钢材规格steel certification 钢材合格证明书Stainless steel 不锈钢nickel 镍chrome 铬aluminum 铝Copper 铜brass 黄铜bronze 青铜titanium 钛Processing 钢材的加工方法nitride 氮化temper 回火anneal 退火abrasive 研磨,磨损的finish 精加工,抛光(polish)Case-hardening 表面硬化milling machine 铣(锣)床Lathe车床drill 钻床wire cut 线割NC(numerical control ) 数控材料EDM (Electrical discharge machine) 电火花加工Cut steel 开料Precision ground 精密研磨heat treatment 热处理tap 丝锥,攻牙Texture 蚀纹weld 焊接forge 锻压deformation 变形Spraying 喷涂die-cast 压铸Properties 性能Resistance 电阻,抵抗能力abrasion / wear磨损erode / corrode 腐蚀Toughness 韧性yield strength 屈服强度tensile strength 拉伸强度Fatigue strength 疲劳强度break 断裂stress 应力hardness 硬度Humidity / moisture 潮湿,湿气roughness 粗糙度parameter 参数Thermal conductivity 导热系数Ductility 延展性grain 晶粒property 性能,财产brittleness 脆性GD&T (Geometric Dimensions and Tolerance )形位尺寸公差Flexural strength 挠曲强度impact 冲击conductivity 传导性,导电性Optical 光学的transparent 透明的insulation 绝缘Mechanical 机械的processability 可加工性能time yield 蠕变Physical 物理的flow rate 流动速率compressive strength 压缩强度Adhesive 粘附的,胶合durability 耐用性Mold design 模具设计Tooling specification 模具规格mould flow 流动模拟sprue nozzle 唧咀孔Clearance 避空,间隙undercut 倒扣flush 插入,埋入legend 图例Groove 凹槽latch 插销class 类型,种类plan 平面图Orifice 孔,口column 柱位boss 凸台standard 标准,规格Rib 骨位tapered interlock 锥形管位块Bubbler 炮隆Bolt 螺钉,销顶identification mark 铭牌P/L strip 锁模片Overflow well / cold-slug well 冷料井Vent 排气pocket 槽Gate location 入水点full line 实线broken line 虚线Retainer 固定,支撑Lifting hole 吊令孔insulation plate 隔热板cavity number 型腔号Bolster 支撑,垫子vent channel 排气槽leak / filter 渗漏Leak test 试运水stamp / engrave 雕刻,印记(打字唛)Clamp slot 码模槽support button / pin 垃圾钉cut steel 开料Lodge 安装,放置inlay 镶嵌,插入cam / lifter 斜顶Stripper推方lifting bar 吊模方tolerance 公差Counter bore 沉孔slant 倾斜,斜面conical 圆锥的,圆锥形的Bolt 螺栓manifold 热流道板prototype tooling 原型试验Gusset 角撑reverse mold 倒装模constrain / restrict约束,限制Counter lock 反锁thermocouple 热电偶mold maker 模具制造商Asset / property number 资产编号tool product destination 模具生产地点Accelerating ejection 加速顶出hydraulic 液压的pneumatic 气动的Trapezoid 梯形的semi-round 半圆形format 格式baffle 隔水片Electrode 电极,铜公spare part 配件gall 磨伤,插伤Cable 电缆,电线plating / coating (电)镀bonding / joint 接头Wall transition 壁厚过渡Product problem 产品问题Troubleshoot 故障处理reduce(add) plastic 减(加)胶Burr/flash披峰Burn mark 烧焦ejector mark 顶针印,顶白black specs 黑点,黑斑Discoloration 混色,污点gloss 光泽jetting/worming 走水纹Sink mark 缩水void / bubble 气泡,夹气distortion 变形short molding / non-fill缺胶,未走齐Weld line / knit line 夹水线discarded as useless 报废Split line 夹线stick in sprue bushing / cavity / core 粘唧咀/前模/后模Break / crack 顶裂brittleness 脆性,易脆Others 其他Invoice 发票,清单vendor(er) 卖方vendee 买方guideline 方针,指导Intricate 复杂的confidential 机密的,不可外泄的proprietary 私有的Authorize 批准,授权recipient 接收者issue ①发布,提供;②问题Approve 确认,赞成requirement 需要,必需物const 常数,常量Regarding 关于,涉及opposite 相反的,对面的latitude 纬度,纵向的Version 版本definition 注释,解说transversal 横向的,截线Profile 轮廓,剖面eliminate / cancel 取消allow / permit 允许,许可Respective 各自的,分别的individual 单独的Preliminary 初步的approximately 大约,近似estimate / valuate估计,预算Adjust 调整,校准application 应用,申请maintain 维持Accurate / precise 精确的smooth 光滑,顺畅的device 装置,设备Convenient 方便的deadline 截至日期available 有用的,有空的Shift 轮班,换班critical 关键的,临界的exceptional 异常的,优异的Exceed 超过layout 布局,方案loss 损失,消耗install 安装,安置Rotation 旋转item 条款,项目quotation 报价stabilize 稳定Quality 质量quantity 数量couple 连接,接合configuration 构造,外形Illustrate 图解说明simulation 模拟,仿真。
模具英语专业术语如下:1. 模具:Mold,Die2. 模具设计:Mold Design3. 模具制造:Mold Manufacturing4. 模具工程师:Mold Engineer5. 模具材料:Mold Material6. 耐磨材料:wear-resistant material7. 热处理:Heat Treatment8. 水路设计:Water Path Design9. 浇注系统:Injection Sleeve10. 冷却系统:Cooling System11. 顶出系统:Pop-out System12. 复位系统:Reset System13. 导向机构:Guide Device14. 模板:Base Plate15. 顶杆:Pushrod16. 复位杆:Reset Rod17. 斜导柱:Oblique Guide Column18. 导套:Guide Bushing19. 滑块:Slider20. 镶针:Pillow Block21. 弹簧:Spring22. 皮囊弹簧:Kelvin Spring23. 油压缓冲器:Hydraulic Buffer24. 压力表:Pressure Gauge25. 安全阀:Safety Valve26. 水路板:Waterway Plate27. 分流器:Flow Divider28. 水口:Filler Port29. 冷料穴:Cold Molding Chamber30. 模具钢:Mold Steel31. SKH-55、SKH-55M、高速工具钢、HSS等。
32. SKD、SKH-S、SKD61、SKH-9等。
模具钢硬度(Hardness of die steel):布氏硬度(HB)、洛氏硬度(HRC)、维氏硬度(HV)等。
33. SKD61(级硬SKD61) ,Cr12MoV,A3,A2,SKH-9,718,738,P20等。
模具专业英语词汇landed plunger mold 有肩柱塞式模具burnishing die 挤光模英语站landed positive mold 有肩全压式模具button die 镶入式圆形凹模loading shoe mold 料套式模具center-gated mold 中心浇口式模具loose detail mold 活零件模具chill mold 冷硬用铸模loose mold 活动式模具clod hobbing 冷挤压制模louvering die 百叶窗冲切模composite dies 复合模具manifold die 分歧管模具counter punch 反凸模modular mold 组合式模具double stack mold 双层模具multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具electroform ed mold 电铸成形模multi-gate mold 复式浇口模具expander die 扩径模offswt bending die 双折冷弯模具extrusion die 挤出模palletizing die 叠层模family mold 反套制品模具plaster mold 石膏模blank through dies 漏件式落料模porous mold 通气性模具duplicated cavity plate 复板模positive mold 全压式模具fantail die 扇尾形模具pressure die 压紧模fishtail die 鱼尾形模具profile die 轮廓模flash mold 溢料式模具progressive die 顺序模gypsum mold 石膏铸模protable mold 手提式模具hot-runner mold 热流道模具prototype mold 雏形试验模具ingot mold 钢锭模punching die 落料模lancing die 切口模raising(embossing) 压花起伏成形re-entrant mold 倒角式模具sectional die 拼合模runless injection mold 无流道冷料模具sectional die 对合模具segment mold 组合模semi-positive mold 半全压式模具shaper 定型模套single cavity mold 单腔模具solid forging die 整体锻模split forging die 拼合锻模split mold 双并式模具sprueless mold 无注道残料模具squeezing die 挤压模stretch form die 拉伸成形模sweeping mold 平刮铸模swing die 振动模具three plates mold 三片式模具trimming die 切边模unit mold 单元式模具universal mold 通用模具unscrewing mold 退扣式模具yoke type die 轭型模accurate die casting 精密压铸powder forming 粉末成形calendaring molding 压延成形powder metal forging 粉末锻造cold chamber die casting 冷式压铸precision forging 精密锻造cold forging 冷锻press forging 冲锻compacting molding 粉末压出成形rocking die forging 摇动锻造compound molding 复合成形rotary forging 回转锻造compression molding 压缩成形rotational molding 离心成形dip mold 浸渍成形rubber molding 橡胶成形encapsulation molding 注入成形sand mold casting 砂模铸造extrusion molding 挤出成形shell casting 壳模铸造foam forming 发泡成形sinter forging 烧结锻造forging roll 轧锻six sides forging 六面锻造gravity casting 重力铸造slush molding 凝塑成形hollow(blow) molding 中空(吹出)成形squeeze casting 高压铸造hot chamber die casting 热室压铸swaging 挤锻hot forging 热锻transfer molding 转送成形injection molding 射出成形warm forging 温锻investment casting 精密铸造matched die method 对模成形法laminating method 被覆淋膜成形low pressure casting 低压铸造lost wax casting 脱蜡铸造matched mould thermal forming 对模热成形模bismuth mold 铋铸模landed plunger mold 有肩柱塞式模具landed positive mold 有肩全压式模具button die 镶入式圆形凹模loading shoe mold 料套式模具center-gated mold 中心浇口式模具loose detail mold 活零件模具chill mold 冷硬用铸模loose mold 活动式模具clod hobbing 冷挤压制模louvering die 百叶窗冲切模composite dies 复合模具manifold die 分歧管模具counter punch 反凸模modular mold 组合式模具double stack mold 双层模具multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具electroform ed mold 电铸成形模multi-gate mold 复式浇口模具expander die 扩径模offswt bending die 双折冷弯模具extrusion die 挤出模palletizing die 迭层模family mold 反套制品模具plaster mold 石膏模blank through dies 漏件式落料模porous mold 通气性模具duplicated cavity plate 复板模positive mold 全压式模具pressure die 压紧模fishtail die 鱼尾形模具profile die 轮廓模flash mold 溢料式模具progressive die 顺序模gypsum mold 石膏铸模protable mold 手提式模具hot-runner mold 热流道模具prototype mold 雏形试验模具ingot mold 钢锭模punching die 落料模lancing die 切口模raising(embossing) 压花起伏成形re-entrant mold 倒角式模具sectional die 拼合模runless injection mold 无流道冷料模具sectional die 对合模具segment mold 组合模semi-positive mold 半全压式模具shaper 定型模套single cavity mold 单腔模具solid forging die 整体锻模split forging die 拼合锻模split mold 双并式模具sprueless mold 无注道残料模具squeezing die 挤压模stretch form die 拉伸成形模sweeping mold 平刮铸模swing die 振动模具injection mold 注塑模rubber molding 橡胶成形hot chamber die casting 热室压铸sand mold casting 砂模铸造extrusion mold 挤出模multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具palletizing die 叠层模plaster mold 石膏模three plates mold 三板模plain die 简易模pierce die 冲孔模forming die 成型模progressive die 连续模gang dies 复合模shearing die 剪边模riveting die 铆合模compre sion molding 压缩成型flash mold 溢流式模具plsitive mold 挤压式模具split mold 分割式模具cavity 型控母模core 模心公模runner system浇道系统sprue/cold material trap 浇道/冷料井sprue puller 拉杆runner design 流道设计main runner 主流道secondary runner 次流道gate design 浇口设计submarine gate 潜伏浇口tunnel gate 隧道式浇口pinpoint gate 点浇口fan gate 扇形浇口side gate 侧浇口edge gate 侧缘浇口tab gate 搭接浇口film gate 薄膜浇口flash gate 闸门浇口slit gate 缝隙浇口dish gate 盘形浇口diaphragm gate 隔膜浇口ring gate 环形浇口Runner less 无浇道(sprue less) 无射料管方式long nozzle 延长喷嘴方式sprue 浇口;溶渣insulated runner/hot runner 热浇道runner plat 浇道模块valve gate阀门浇口slag well 冷料井cold slag 冷料渣sprue gate 射料浇口,直浇口nozzle 射嘴sprue lock pin 料头钩销(拉料杆)注塑缺陷:flash 飞边warpage 翘曲air trap 积风blush 发赤flow line 流痕splay 银纹short shot 短射sink mark 缩痕streak 条纹void 缩孔weld line 熔接线gas mark 烧焦cold slug 冷斑delamination 起皮burr 毛刺flaw/scratch 刮伤gloss 光泽glazing 光滑surface check 表面裂痕hesitation 迟滞注塑工艺:molding conditions 成型条件drying 烘干barrel temperature 料筒温度melt temperature 熔化温度mold temperature 模具温度injection pressure 注塑压力back pressure 背压injection speed 注塑速度screw speed 螺杆转速tensile strength 抗拉强度tensile elongation 延伸率flexural modulus 弯曲模数flexural strength 抗弯强度shrinkage 收缩率regrind usage 次料使用机械设备:lathe车床planer |刨床miller 铣床grinder 磨床driller 钻床linear cutting 线切割electrical sparkle 电火花welder 电焊机punching machine 冲床robot机械手common equipment常用设备EDM=Electron Discharge Machining 放电加工3D coordinate measurement 三次元量床boring machine 搪孔机milling machine 铣床contouring machine 轮廓锯床copy grinding machine 仿形磨床cylindrical grinding machine 外圆磨床die spotting machine 合模机engraving machine 雕刻机engraving E.D.M. 雕模放置加工机form grinding machine 成形磨床graphite machine 石墨加工机horizontal boring machine 卧式搪孔机horizontal machine center 卧式加工制造中心internal cylindrical machine 内圆磨床模具零件:top plate上托板(顶板)top block上垫脚punch set上模座punch pad上垫板punch holder上夹板stripper pad脱料背板up stripper上脱料板male die公模(凸模)feature die公母模female die母模(凹模)upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die pad下垫板die holder下夹板die set下模座bottom block下垫脚bottom plate下托板(底板) stripping plate内外打(脱料板) outer stripper外脱料板inner stripper内脱料板lower stripper下脱料板inner guiding post内导柱inner hexagon screw内六角螺钉dowel pin固定销coil spring弹簧lifter pin顶料销eq-height sleeves=spool等高套筒pin销lifter guide pin浮升导料销guide pin导正销wire spring圆线弹簧outer guiding post外导柱stop screw止付螺丝located pin定位销outer bush外导套punch冲头insert入块(嵌入件)deburring punch压毛边冲子groove punch压线冲子stamped punch字模冲子round punch圆冲子special shape punch异形冲子bending block折刀roller滚轴baffle plate挡块located block定位块supporting block for location定位支承块air cushion plate气垫板air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆trimming punch切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch压筋冲子reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子guide plate定位板sliding block滑块sliding dowel block滑块固定块active plate活动板lower sliding plate下滑块板upper holder block上压块upper mid plate上中间板spring box弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing bolck衬套cover plate盖板guide pad导料块模具述语一、入水:gate进入位:gate location水口形式:gate type大水口:edge gate细水口:pin-point gate水口大小:gate size转水口:switching runner/gate 唧嘴口径:sprue diameter二、流道: runner热流道:hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner 唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate圆形流道:round(full/half runner 流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance热嘴:hot sprue热流道板:hot manifold发热管:cartridge heater探针: thermocouples插头:connector plug插座:connector socket密封/封料:seal三、运水:water line喉塞:line lpug喉管:tube塑胶管:plastic tube快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker四、模具零件:mold components 三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing中托司:shoulder guide bushing中托边L:guide pin顶针板:ejector retainner plate托板:support plate螺丝:screw管钉:dowel pin开模槽:ply bar scot 撑头: support pillar唧嘴:sprue bushing挡板:stop plate定位圈:locating ring锁扣:latch扣鸡:parting lock set推杆:push bar栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B顶板:eracuretun活动臂:lever arm分流锥:spure sperader水口司:bush垃圾钉:stop pin隔片:buffle弹弓柱:spring rod弹弓:die spring中托司:ejector guide bush中托边:ejector guide pin镶针:pin销子:dowel pin波子弹弓:ball catch喉塞: pipe plug锁模块:lock plate斜顶:angle from pin斜顶杆:angle ejector rod尼龙拉勾:parting locks活动臂:lever arm复位键、提前回杆:early return bar气阀:valves斜导边:angle pin术语:terms承压平面平衡:parting surface support balance 模排气:parting line venting回针碰料位:return pin and cavity interference模总高超出啤机规格:mold base shut hight顶针碰运水:water line interferes withejector pin料位出上/下模:part from cavith (core) side模胚原身出料位:cavity direct cut on A-plate,core direct cut on B-plate.内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock顶针:ejector pin司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin推板:stripper plate缩呵:movable core,return core core puller扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock斜顶:lifter模胚(架):mold base上内模:cavity insert下内模:core insert行位(滑块):slide镶件:insert压座/斜鸡:wedge耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate压条:plate 不准用镶件:Do not use (core/cavity) insert用铍铜做镶件:use beryllium copper insert初步(正式)模图设计:preliinary (final) mold design反呵:reverse core弹弓压缩量:spring compressed length稳定性好:good stability,stable强度不够:insufficient rigidity均匀冷却:even cooling扣模:sticking热膨胀:thero expansion公差:tolorance铜公(电极):copper electrodAabrasion n. 磨损mósǔnabrasion resistance n. 耐磨损性nài mósǔn xìng abrasive n. 磨料móliàoaccelerator n. 促进剂cùjìnjìaccuracy n. 准确性zhǔnquèxìngacrylic n. 丙烯酸bǐngxīsuān,压克力yākelì additive n. 添加剂tiānjiājìadhere v. 黏附niánfùadhesion n. 黏合niánhéadhesive n. 胶粘剂jiāozhānjìair entrapment n. 困气kùnqìanneal v. 退火tùihuǒassemble v. 总成zǒngchéngBbarrel n. 机筒jītǒng,料筒liàotǒngblow molding n. 吹塑成型chūisù chéngxíng blow molding machine n. 吹塑机chūisùjībrittle adj. 脆性cùixìngbubble n. 气泡qìpàoby-product n. 副产品fùchǎnpǐnCcalendering n. 压延yāyáncarbon steel n. 碳素钢tànsù gāngcasting n. 铸造 zhùzàocatalyst n. 催化剂cūihuàjìcavity n. 型腔xíngq iāngchemical resistance n. 耐化学腐蚀性nài huàxué fǔshí xìngchip v. 削xiāo,凿záoclamping force n. 锁模力suǒmólìclamping tonnage n. 锁模吨位suǒmó dūnwèicomputer aided design (CAD) n. 电脑辅助设计diànnǎo fǔzhù shèjìcomputer aided manufacture (CAM) n. 电脑辅助制造diànnǎo fǔzhù zhìzào computer numerical control (CNC) n. 电脑数字控制diànnǎo shùzì kòngzhìceramic n. 陶瓷táocícold rolled steel n. 冷轧圆钢lěng zháyuán gāngcold runner n. 冷流道lěng liúdàocolorant n. 着色剂 zhuósèjìcomposite n. 复合材料fùhé cáiliàocompression strength n. 抗压强度kàngyā qiángdùcooling channel/circuit n. 冷却管道lěngquè guǎndàocooling rate n. 冷却速率lěngquè sùlǜcore n. 型芯xíngxīn,模芯móxīncorrosion n. 腐蚀fǔshícorrosion resistance n. 耐腐蚀性nài fǔshí xìngcure v. 固化gùhuàcustom adj. 定制dìngzhìcycle time n. 循环时间xúnhuán shíjiānDdegassing n. 排气páiqìdensity n. 密度mìdùdeform v. 变形biànxíngdie n. 冲模chòngmódie casting n. 压铸yāzhù,模铸mózhùdimension n. 尺寸chǐcùndimensional tolerance n. 尺寸公差chǐcùn gōngchàdistort v. 扭曲niǔqūdraft angle n. 拨模斜度bōmó xiédùdwell time n. 驻留时间zhùliú shíjiāndye n. 染料ránliàoEejector mark n. 顶出痕迹dǐngchū hénjìejection pin n. 顶出杆dǐngchū gān,推顶锁tūidǐng suǒ,脱模锁tuōmó suǒejection plate n. 推顶板tūidǐng bǎn,脱模板tuōmó bǎnejection rod n. 脱模板拉杆t uōmó bǎn lāgānelastomer n. 弹性体tánxìngtǐelectrical discharge machining (EDM) n. 电火花加工diànhuǒhuā jiāgōng epoxy n. 环氧树脂huányǎngshùzhīextruder n. 挤出机jǐchūjīextrusion n. 挤出jǐchū,挤塑jǐsùFfabricate v. 制造zhìzàofiber n. 纤维xiānwéifiberglass n. 玻璃纤维bōli xiānwéifiber reinforcement n. 纤维增强xiānwéi zēngqiángfilm n. 薄膜báomófire retardant n. 阻燃剂zǔránjìflash n. 溢料yìliàoflow mark n. 流痕liúhénflow rate n. 流动速率liúdòng sùlǜfluorescent adj. 荧光yíngguāngfluorescent brightener n. 荧光增白剂yíngguāng zēngbáijìfoam n. 泡沫pàomòfuse v. 熔合rónghéGgas assisted injection molding n. 气辅注射成型 qìfǔzhùshè chéngxíng gate n. 浇口jiāokǒugate mark n. 浇口痕jiāokǒu héngear n. 齿轮chǐlúngrinder n. 研磨机yánmójī,磨床móchuángHheat conduction n. 热传导rè chuándàoheater band n. 加热圈jiārè quānheat treatment n. 热处理rè chǔlǐhigh density polyethylene (HDPE) n. 高密度聚乙烯gāo mìdù jùyǐxī high impact plastic n. 高抗冲塑料gāo kàngchòng sùliàohigh impact polystyrene n. 高抗冲聚苯乙烯gāo kàngchòng jùběnyǐxī hobbing n. 滚铣gǔnxǐ,挤压制模jǐyā zhìmó,切压制模qiēyā zhìmó holding n. 保压bǎoyāhot runner n. 热流道rè liúdàoIimpact strength n. 冲击强度chòngjī qiángdùinjection n. 注射zhùshè,注塑 zhùsùinjection molding n. 注塑成型zhùsù chéngxínginjection molding machine n. 注塑机zhùsùjīinjection pressure n. 注塑压力zhùsù yālìinsulated runner n. 绝热流道juérè liúdào,保温流道 bǎowēn liúdào insulation layer n. 绝热层juérè cénginternally heated runner n. 内加热流道nèi jiārè liúdàointernal void n. 内部空腔nèibù kōngqiāngJjoint n. 接头jiētóu,连接liánjiēlaser n. 激光jīguānglaser cutter n. 激光切割机jīguāng qiēgējīlathe n. 车床chēchuánglocating pin n. 定位锁 dìngwèi suǒlow density polyethylene n. 低密度聚乙烯dī mìdù jùyǐxī Mmelt v. 熔融róngróngmelt index n. 熔融指数róngróng zhǐshùmill (metal) v. 铣xǐmachining n. 机加工jījiāgōngmachining path n. 加工路径jiāgōng lùjìng manufacture v. 制造zhìzàomeld line n. 融合线rónghé xiànmetal machining n. 金属加工jīnshù jiāgōngmilling machine n. 铣床xǐchuángmodel n. 模型móxíngmonomer n. 单体dāntǐmold n. 模具mójùmold cavity n. 模具型腔mójù xíngqiāngmold life n. 模具寿命mójù shòumìngmulticavity mold n. 多腔模具duōqiāng mójù multicolor injection molding n. 多色注塑duōsè zhùsù multigate mold n. 多浇口模具duōjiāokǒu mójùmultishot injection molding n. 多色注塑duōsè z hùsùNnozzle n. 喷嘴pēnzǔiNylon n. 尼龙NílóngOoxidation resistance n. 耐氧化性nài yǎnghuà xìng oxidize v. 氧化yǎnghuàPpackaging n. 包装bāozhuāngpacking n. 补料bǔliàoparison n. 型坯xíngpīpart n. 零件língjiànparting line n. 分模线fēnmóxiànparting plane n. 分模面fēnmómiànpinhole gate n. 针孔形浇口zhēnkǒngxíng jiāokǒu plastic n. 塑料sùliàoplasticity n. 塑性sùxìngplasticizer n. 增塑剂zēngsùjìplotter n. 绘图机hùitújīpolish v. 抛光pāoguāngpolycarbonate (PC) n. 聚碳酸酯jùtànsuānzhǐpolyethylene n. 聚乙烯jùyǐxīpolyester n. 聚酯jùzhǐpolymer n. 聚合物(体)jùhéwù(tǐ),高聚物gāojùwù polymerization n. 聚合jùhépolystyrene n. 聚苯乙烯jùběnyǐxīpolyurethane n. 聚氨脂jù'ānzhīpolyvinyl chloride (PVC) n. 聚氯乙烯jùlǜyǐxīporous adj. 多孔duōkǒngprecise adj. 精密jīngmìprecision n. 精度jīngdùprecision injection machine n. 精密注塑机jīngmì zhùsùjī precision molding n. 精密模塑jīngmì mósùpreform n. 预成型yùchéngxíngpreform molding n. 预成型模塑yùchéngxíng mósùprocess v. 处理chǔlǐ;加工jiāgōngproduction line n. 生产线shēngchǎnxiànprototype n. 原型yuánxíngpunch n. 冲头chòngtóuQquench v. 淬火cùihuǒRregrind n. 回用料húiyòngliàoresin n. 树脂shùzhīrib n. 肋条lèitiáorib stiffener n. 加强肋jiāqiáng lèirigidity n. 刚性gāngxìngripple n. 波纹bōwén,皱纹zhòuwénrough adj. 粗糙cūcāorubber n. 橡胶xiàngjiāo;橡皮xiàngpírunner n. 流道liúdàorunnerless adj. 无流道 wúliúdàorunnerless injection mold n. 无流道注塑模具wúliúdào zhùsù mójùSscale n. 比例bǐlìschematic n. 图解tújiěseal v. 密封mìfēngshort shot n. 短射duǎnshè,欠料注射 qiànliào zhùshèshot n. 注料 zhùliào,注射 zhùshèshot size n. 注塑量zhùsùliàngshrinkage n. 收缩shōusuōside core n. 侧性芯cèxìngxīnside gate n. 侧向浇口cèxiàng jiāokǒusilicone n. 聚硅氧烷jùgūiyǎngwánsilicone rubber n. 硅橡胶gūixiàngjiāosimulate v. 模拟mónǐsingle cavity mold n. 单腔模具dān qiāng mójùsingle gate mold n. 单浇口模具dān jiāokǒu mójùsink mark n. 凹痕āohén,缩痕suōhénslide n. 滑动阀huádòngfásoftener n. 软化剂ruǎnhuàjìsprue n. 注道zhùdàosteam channel n. 汽道qìdàostabilizer n. 稳定剂wěndìngjìstamping n. 冲压chòngyāstainless steel n. 不锈钢bùxiùgāngstrain n. 应变yìngbiànstreak n. 条纹tiáowén,条痕tiáohénstress n. 应力yìnglìstripper n. 脱模器tuōmóqì,顶出器dǐngchūqìstripper ring n. 脱模圈tuōmóquānsurface defect n. 表面缺陷biǎomiàn quēxiànsurface treatment n. 表面处理biǎomiàn chǔlǐsymmetrical adj. 对称dùichēngsymmetry n. 对称dùichēngTtie bar n. 连接杆liánjiēgānTeflon n. 特氟隆Tèfúlóngtemper v. 回火hùihuǒtensile strength n. 抗张强度kàngzhāng qiángdù thermoforming n. 热成型rèchéngxíngthermoplastic n. 热塑性塑料rèsùxìng sùliào adj. 热塑性rèsùxìng thermoset n. 热固性塑料règùxìng sùliào adj. 热固性règùxìng three-dimensional adj. 三维空间sānwéi kōngjiāntolerance n. 公差gōngchàtool mark n. 刀痕dāohéntool steel n. 工具钢gōngjù gāngUultrasonic welder n. 超声波焊接机chāoshēngbō hánjiējīundercut n. 凹孔āokǒngunit cost n. 单价dānjiàVvacuum n. 真空zhēnkōngvented injection molding n. 排气式注塑成型páiqìshì zhùsù chéngxíng viscosity n. 黏度niándù,黏性 niánxìngvulcanize v. 硫化liúhuàWwarpage n. 翘曲变形qiàoqū biànxíngwear n. 磨损mósǔnwear resistance n. 耐磨损性nài mósǔn xìngweld line n. 熔接线róngjiē xiànworking drawing n. 工程图根据国家标准,以下为部分塑料模具成形术语的标准翻译。
模具专业英语gate:进胶gate location:进胶位gate size:胶口尺寸gate type:胶口形式switching runner/gate:转水口edge gate:大水口(侧进胶)pin-point gate:细水口sprue diameter:直接进胶cashew/banana gate:牛角/香蕉进胶sub/tunnel gate:潜水进胶fan gate:扇形进胶tab gate:搭接/边进胶hot runner system:热流道runner:流道/水口cavity:前模core:后模slide:行位insert:镶件lifter:斜顶buffle:隔水片stop pin:垃圾钉core pin:镶钉location ring:定位圈ejector pin:顶针ejector sleeve:司筒stripper plate:推板(脱料板)leader pin:导柱guide pin:中托边dowel pin:销钉return pin:回针wedge:铲基wear plate:耐磨块stop plate:挡板support pillar:撑头shut-off:枕位switch:转换开关micro-switch:微转换开关inter-lock:互锁lock:边锁interchangeable inserts:互换镶件spring:弹簧clearance:避空steel safety:预留thickness/wall:壁厚(胶位)gloss:光滑gloss shine/shinny:太光no flash:没批风no burr:没批风(用于五金件中)drill through:通孔tap:攻牙thread:攻牙blind:盲孔finish:表面要求polish:抛光texture:晒纹engrave:雕刻laser engrave:激光雕刻flush:面面平齐off-set:偏移flow mark:料花sweat out:冒汗shrinkage:缩水率sink:缩水deformation:变形wrap:反变形water line:运水break edge:去毛边gage:量规resin:胶料steel:钢料add steel:减胶reduce steel:加胶welding:烧焊wire-cut:线切割eye-bolt:吊环Rev.:版本becu:铍铜sharp:利角radius:圆角tolerance:公差hydraulic:油缸clinker:芯seals:油封drawing number:图纸编号part number:产品编号part name:产品名称。
塑件模具专业英语词汇大全compre sion molding压缩成型 flash mold溢流式模具 plsitive mold挤压式模具 split mold分割式模具 cavity型控母模 core模心公模 taper锥拔leather cloak仿皮革 shiver饰纹 flow mark流痕 welding mark溶合痕 post screw insert螺纹套筒埋值 self tapping screw自攻螺丝 striper plate脱料板 piston活塞 cylinder汽缸套 chip细碎物 handle mold手持式模具encapsulation molding低压封装成型、射出成型用模具 two plate两极式(模具) well type蓄料井 insulated runner绝缘浇道方式 hot runner热浇道runner plat浇道模块 valve gate阀门浇口 band heater环带状的电热器spindle阀针 spear head刨尖头 slag well冷料井 cold slag冷料渣 air vent 排气道 welding line熔合痕 eject pin顶出针 knock pin顶出销 return pin回位销反顶针 sleave套筒 stripper plate脱料板 insert core放置入子 runner stripper plate浇道脱料板 guide pin导销 eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧subzero深冷处理 three plate三极式模具 runner system浇道系统 stress crack应力电裂 orientation定向 sprue gate射料浇口,直浇口 nozzle射嘴sprue lock pin料头钩销(拉料杆) slag well冷料井 side gate侧浇口 edge gate 侧缘浇口 tab gate搭接浇口 film gate薄膜浇口 flash gate闸门浇口 slit gate 缝隙浇口 fan gate扇形浇口 dish gate因盘形浇口 diaphragm gate隔膜浇口ring gate环形浇口 subarine gate潜入式浇口 tunnel gate隧道式浇口 pin gate 针点浇口 Runner less无浇道 (sprue less)无射料管方式 long nozzle延长喷嘴方式 sprue浇口;一、入水:gate进入位:gate location水口形式:gate type大水口:edge gate细水口: pin-point gate水口大小:gate size转水口:switching runner/gate唧嘴口径:sprue diameter二、流道: runner热流道:hot runner,hot manifold热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate圆形流道:round (full/half runner)流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis流道平衡:runner balance热嘴:hot sprue热流道板:hot manifold发热管:cartridge heater探针: thermocouples插头:connector plug插座: connector socket密封/封料: seal三、运水:water line喉塞:line lpug喉管:tube塑胶管:plastic tube快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker 四、模具零件:mold components三板模:3-plate mold二板模:2-plate mold边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing中托司:shoulder guide bushing中托边L:guide pin顶针板:ejector retainner plate托板:support plate螺丝: screw管钉:dowel pin开模槽:ply bar scot内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock顶针:ejector pin司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin推板:stripper plate缩呵:movable core,return core core puller 扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock斜顶:lifter模胚(架): mold base上内模:cavity insert下内模:core insert行位(滑块): slide镶件:insert压座/斜鸡:wedge耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate压条:plate撑头: support pillar唧嘴: sprue bushing挡板:stop plate定位圈:locating ring锁扣:latch扣鸡:parting lock set推杆:push bar栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B顶板:eracuretun活动臂:lever arm分流锥:spure sperader水口司:bush垃圾钉:stop pin隔片:buffle弹弓柱:spring rod弹弓:die spring中托司:ejector guide bush中托边:ejector guide pin镶针:pin销子:dowel pin波子弹弓:ball catch喉塞: pipe plug锁模块:lock plate斜顶:angle from pin斜顶杆:angle ejector rod尼龙拉勾:parting locks收起.。
1各式模具分類用語bismuth mold 鉍鑄模 landed plunger mold 有肩柱塞式模具burnishing die 擠光模 landed positive mold 有肩全壓式模具button die 鑲入式圓形凹模 loading shoe mold 料套式模具center-gated mold 中心澆口式模具 loose detail mold 活零件模具chill mold 冷硬用鑄模 loose mold 活動式模具clod hobbing 冷擠壓製模 louvering die 百葉窗沖切模composite dies 複合模具 manifold die 分歧管模具counter punch 反击模 modular mold 組合式模具double stack mold 雙層模具 multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具electroformed mold 電鑄成形模 multi-gate mold 複式澆口模具expander die 擴徑模 offswt bending die 雙折冷彎模具extrusion die 擠出模 palletizing die 疊層模family mold 反套製品模具 plaster mold 石膏模blank through dies 漏件式落料模 porous mold 通氣性模具duplicated cavity plate 複板模 positive mold 全壓式模具fantail die 扇尾形模具 pressure die 壓緊模fishtail die 魚尾形模具 profile die 輪廓模flash mold 溢料式模具 progressive die 順序模gypsum mold 石膏鑄模 protable mold 手提式模具hot-runner mold 熱流道模具 prototype mold 雛形試驗模具ingot mold 鋼錠模 punching die 落料模lancing die 切口模 raising(embossing) 壓花起伏成形re-entrant mold 倒角式模具 sectional die 拼合模runless injection mold 無流道冷料模具 sectional die 對合模具segment mold 組合模 semi-positive mold半全壓式模具shaper定型模套 single cavity mold 單腔模具solid forging die 整體鍛模 split forging die 拼合鍛模split mold 雙併式模具 sprueless mold 無注道殘料模具。
模具专业英语词汇landed plunger mold 有肩柱塞式模具burnishing die 挤光模英语站landed positive mold 有肩全压式模具button die 镶入式圆形凹模loading shoe mold 料套式模具center-gated mold 中心浇口式模具loose detail mold 活零件模具chill mold 冷硬用铸模loose mold 活动式模具clod hobbing 冷挤压制模louvering die 百叶窗冲切模composite dies 复合模具manifold die 分歧管模具counter punch 反凸模modular mold 组合式模具double stack mold 双层模具multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具electroformed mold 电铸成形模multi-gate mold 复式浇口模具expander die 扩径模offswt bending die 双折冷弯模具extrusion die 挤出模palletizing die 叠层模family mold 反套制品模具plaster mold 石膏模blank through dies 漏件式落料模porous mold 通气性模具duplicated cavity plate 复板模positive mold 全压式模具fantail die 扇尾形模具pressure die 压紧模fishtail die 鱼尾形模具profile die 轮廓模flash mold 溢料式模具progressive die 顺序模gypsum mold 石膏铸模protable mold 手提式模具hot-runner mold 热流道模具prototype mold 雏形试验模具ingot mold 钢锭模punching die 落料模lancing die 切口模raising(embossing) 压花起伏成形re-entrant mold 倒角式模具sectional die 拼合模runless injection mold 无流道冷料模具sectional die 对合模具segment mold 组合模semi-positive mold 半全压式模具shaper 定型模套single cavity mold 单腔模具solid forging die 整体锻模split forging die 拼合锻模split mold 双并式模具sprueless mold 无注道残料模具squeezing die 挤压模stretch form die 拉伸成形模sweeping mold 平刮铸模swing die 振动模具three plates mold 三片式模具trimming die 切边模unit mold 单元式模具universal mold 通用模具unscrewing mold 退扣式模具yoke type die 轭型模accurate die casting 精密压铸powder forming 粉末成形calendaring molding 压延成形powder metal forging 粉末锻造cold chamber die casting 冷式压铸precision forging 精密锻造cold forging 冷锻press forging 冲锻compacting molding 粉末压出成形rocking die forging 摇动锻造compound molding 复合成形rotary forging 回转锻造compression molding 压缩成形rotational molding 离心成形dip mold 浸渍成形rubber molding 橡胶成形encapsulation molding 注入成形sand mold casting 砂模铸造extrusion molding 挤出成形shell casting 壳模铸造foam forming 发泡成形sinter forging 烧结锻造forging roll 轧锻six sides forging 六面锻造gravity casting 重力铸造slush molding 凝塑成形hollow(blow) molding 中空(吹出)成形squeeze casting 高压铸造hot chamber die casting 热室压铸swaging 挤锻hot forging 热锻transfer molding 转送成形injection molding 射出成形warm forging 温锻investment casting 精密铸造matched die method 对模成形法laminating method 被覆淋膜成形low pressure casting 低压铸造lost wax casting 脱蜡铸造matched mould thermal forming 对模热成形模bismuth mold 铋铸模landed plunger mold 有肩柱塞式模具burnishing die 挤光模landed positive mold 有肩全压式模具button die 镶入式圆形凹模loading shoe mold 料套式模具center-gated mold 中心浇口式模具loose detail mold 活零件模具chill mold 冷硬用铸模loose mold 活动式模具clod hobbing 冷挤压制模louvering die 百叶窗冲切模composite dies 复合模具manifold die 分歧管模具counter punch 反凸模modular mold 组合式模具double stack mold 双层模具multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具electroformed mold 电铸成形模multi-gate mold 复式浇口模具expander die 扩径模offswt bending die 双折冷弯模具extrusion die 挤出模palletizing die 迭层模family mold 反套制品模具plaster mold 石膏模blank through dies 漏件式落料模porous mold 通气性模具duplicated cavity plate 复板模positive mold 全压式模具fantail die 扇尾形模具pressure die 压紧模fishtail die 鱼尾形模具profile die 轮廓模flash mold 溢料式模具progressive die 顺序模gypsum mold 石膏铸模protable mold 手提式模具hot-runner mold 热流道模具prototype mold 雏形试验模具ingot mold 钢锭模punching die 落料模lancing die 切口模raising(embossing) 压花起伏成形re-entrant mold 倒角式模具sectional die 拼合模runless injection mold 无流道冷料模具sectional die 对合模具segment mold 组合模semi-positive mold 半全压式模具shaper 定型模套single cavity mold 单腔模具solid forging die 整体锻模split forging die 拼合锻模split mold 双并式模具sprueless mold 无注道残料模具squeezing die 挤压模stretch form die 拉伸成形模sweeping mold 平刮铸模swing die 振动模具injection mold 注塑模rubber molding 橡胶成形hot chamber die casting 热室压铸sand mold casting 砂模铸造extrusion mold 挤出模multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具palletizing die 叠层模plaster mold 石膏模three plates mold 三板模plain die 简易模pierce die 冲孔模forming die 成型模progressive die 连续模gang dies 复合模shearing die 剪边模riveting die 铆合模compre sion molding 压缩成型flash mold 溢流式模具plsitive mold 挤压式模具split mold 分割式模具cavity 型控母模core 模心公模runner system浇道系统sprue/cold material trap 浇道/冷料井sprue puller 拉杆runner design 流道制定main runner 主流道secondary runner 次流道gate design 浇口制定submarine gate 埋伏浇口tunnel gate 隧道式浇口pinpoint gate 点浇口fan gate 扇形浇口side gate 侧浇口edge gate 侧缘浇口tab gate 搭接浇口film gate 薄膜浇口flash gate 闸门浇口slit gate 缝隙浇口dish gate 盘形浇口diaphragm gate 隔膜浇口ring gate 环形浇口Runner less 无浇道(sprue less) 无射料管方式long nozzle 延长喷嘴方式sprue 浇口;溶渣insulated runner/hot runner 热浇道runner plat 浇道模块valve gate阀门浇口slag well 冷料井cold slag 冷料渣sprue gate 射料浇口,直浇口nozzle 射嘴sprue lock pin 料头钩销(拉料杆) 注塑缺陷:flash 飞边warpage 翘曲air trap 积风blush 发赤flow line 流痕splay 银纹short shot 短射sink mark 缩痕streak 条纹void 缩孔weld line 熔接线gas mark 烧焦cold slug 冷斑delamination 起皮burr 毛刺flaw/scratch 刮伤gloss 光泽glazing 平滑surface check 表面裂痕hesitation 迟滞注塑工艺:molding conditions 成型条件drying 烘干barrel temperature 料筒温度melt temperature 熔化温度mold temperature 模具温度injection pressure 注塑压力back pressure 背压injection speed 注塑速度screw speed 螺杆转速tensile strength 抗拉强度tensile elongation 延伸率flexural modulus 弯曲模数flexural strength 抗弯强度shrinkage 收缩率regrind usage 次料使用机械设备:lathe车床planer |刨床miller 铣床grinder 磨床driller 钻床linear cutting 线切割electrical sparkle 电火花welder 电焊机punching machine 冲床robot机械手common equipment常用设备EDM=Electron Discharge Machining 放电加工3D coordinate measurement 三次元量床boring machine 搪孔机milling machine 铣床contouring machine 轮廓锯床copy grinding machine 仿形磨床cylindrical grinding machine 外圆磨床die spotting machine 合模机engraving machine 雕刻机engraving E.D.M. 雕模放置加工机form grinding machine 成形磨床graphite machine 石墨加工机horizontal boring machine 卧式搪孔机horizontal machine center 卧式加工制造中心internal cylindrical machine 内圆磨床模具零件:top plate上托板〔顶板〕top block上垫脚punch set上模座punch pad上垫板punch holder上夹板stripper pad脱料背板up stripper上脱料板male die公模(凸模)feature die公母模female die母模(凹模)upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die pad下垫板die holder下夹板die set下模座bottom block下垫脚bottom plate下托板(底板)stripping plate内外打(脱料板)outer stripper外脱料板inner stripper内脱料板lower stripper下脱料板inner guiding post内导柱inner hexagon screw内六角螺钉dowel pin固定销coil spring弹簧lifter pin顶料销eq-height sleeves=spool等高套筒pin销lifter guide pin浮升导料销guide pin导正销wire spring圆线弹簧outer guiding post外导柱stop screw止付螺丝located pin定位销outer bush外导套punch冲头insert入块(嵌入件)deburring punch压毛边冲子groove punch压线冲子stamped punch字模冲子round punch圆冲子special shape punch异形冲子bending block折刀roller滚轴baffle plate挡块located block定位块supporting block for location定位支承块air cushion plate气垫板air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆trimming punch切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 强化筋冲子ribbon punch压筋冲子reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子guide plate定位板sliding block滑块sliding dowel block滑块固定块active plate活动板lower sliding plate下滑块板upper holder block上压块upper mid plate上中间板spring box弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing bolck衬套cover plate盖板guide pad导料块模具述语一、入水:gate进入位:gate location水口形式:gate type大水口:edge gate细水口: pin-point gate水口大小:gate size转水口:switching runner/gate 唧嘴口径:sprue diameter二、流道: runner热流道:hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner 唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate圆形流道:round(full/half runner 流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance热嘴:hot sprue热流道板:hot manifold发热管:cartridge heater探针: thermocouples插头:connector plug插座: connector socket密封/封料: seal三、运水:water line喉塞:line lpug喉管:tube塑胶管:plastic tube快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker四、模具零件:mold components 三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing中托司:shoulder guide bushing中托边L:guide pin顶针板:ejector retainner plate托板:support plate螺丝: screw管钉:dowel pin开模槽:ply bar scot 撑头: support pillar唧嘴: sprue bushing挡板:stop plate定位圈:locating ring锁扣:latch扣鸡:parting lock set推杆:push bar栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B顶板:eracuretun活动臂:lever arm分流锥:spure sperader水口司:bush垃圾钉:stop pin隔片:buffle弹弓柱:spring rod弹弓:die spring中托司:ejector guide bush中托边:ejector guide pin镶针:pin销子:dowel pin波子弹弓:ball catch喉塞: pipe plug锁模块:lock plate斜顶:angle from pin斜顶杆:angle ejector rod尼龙拉勾:parting locks活动臂:lever arm复位键、提前回杆:early return bar气阀:valves斜导边:angle pin术语:terms承压平面平衡:parting surface support balance模排气:parting line venting回针碰料位:return pin and cavity interference模总高超出啤机规格:mold base shut hight顶针碰运水:water line interferes withejector pin料位出上/下模:part from cavith (core) side模胚原身出料位:cavity direct cut on A-plate,core direct cut on B-plate.内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock顶针:ejector pin司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin推板:stripper plate缩呵:movable core,return core core puller扣机〔尼龙拉勾〕:nylon latch lock斜顶:lifter模胚〔架〕: mold base上内模:cavity insert下内模:core insert行位〔滑块〕: slide镶件:insert压座/斜鸡:wedge耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate压条:plate 不准用镶件: Do not use (core/cavity) insert用铍铜做镶件: use beryllium copper insert初步〔正式〕模图制定:preliinary (final) mold design反呵:reverse core弹弓压缩量:spring compressed length稳定性好:good stability,stable强度不够:insufficient rigidity均匀冷却:even cooling扣模:sticking热膨胀:thero expansion公差:tolorance铜公(电极〕:copper electrodAabrasion n. 磨损mósǔnabrasion resistance n. 耐磨损性 nài mósǔn xìngabrasive n. 磨料 móliàoaccelerator n. 促进剂 cùjìnjìaccuracy n. 准确性zhǔnquèxìngacrylic n. 丙烯酸bǐngxīsuān,压克力yākelìadditive n. 添加剂tiānjiājìadhere v. 黏附 niánfùadhesion n. 黏合 niánhéadhesive n. 胶粘剂jiāozhānjìair entrapment n. 困气 kùnqìanneal v. 退火tùihuǒassemble v. 总成zǒngchéngBbarrel n. 机筒jītǒng,料筒liàotǒngblow molding n. 吹塑成型chūisù chéngxíngblow molding machine n. 吹塑机chūisùjībrittle adj. 脆性 cùixìngbubble n. 气泡 qìpàoby-product n. 副产品fùchǎnpǐnCcalendering n. 压延yāyáncarbon steel n. 碳素钢 tànsùgāngcasting n. 铸造 zhùzàocatalyst n. 催化剂cūihuàjìcavity n. 型腔xíngqiāngchemical resistance n. 耐化学腐蚀性 nài huàxuéfǔshí xìngchip v. 削xiāo,凿 záoclamping force n. 锁模力suǒmólìclamping tonnage n. 锁模吨位suǒmódūnwèicomputer aided design (CAD) n. 电脑辅助制定diànnǎo fǔzhù shèjìcomputer aided manufacture (CAM) n. 电脑辅助制造diànnǎo fǔzhù zhìzào computer numerical control (CNC) n. 电脑数字控制diànnǎo shùzì kòngzhìceramic n. 陶瓷 táocícold rolled steel n. 冷轧圆钢lěng zháyuán gāngcold runner n. 冷流道lěng liúdàocolorant n. 着色剂 zhuósèjìcomposite n. 复合材料 fùhé cáiliàocompression strength n. 抗压强度kàngyā qiángdùcooling channel/circuit n. 冷却管道lěngquèguǎndàocooling rate n. 冷却速率lěngq uèsùlǜcore n. 型芯xíngxīn,模芯móxīncorrosion n. 腐蚀fǔshícorrosion resistance n. 耐腐蚀性 nài fǔshí xìngcure v. 固化 gùhuàcustom adj. 定制 dìngzhìcycle time n. 循环时间 xúnhuán shíjiānDdegassing n. 排气 páiqìdensity n. 密度 mìdùdeform v. 变形 biànxíngdie n. 冲模 chòngmódie casting n. 压铸yāzhù,模铸 mózhùdimension n. 尺寸chǐcùndimensional tolerance n. 尺寸公差chǐcùn gōngchàdistort v. 扭曲niǔqūdraft angle n. 拨模斜度bōmó xiédùdwell time n. 驻留时间 zhùliúshíjiāndye n. 染料 ránliàoEejector mark n. 顶出痕迹dǐngchū hénjìejection pin n. 顶出杆dǐngchūgān,推顶锁tūidǐng suǒ,脱模锁tuōmósuǒejection plate n. 推顶板tūidǐng bǎn,脱模板tuōmóbǎnejection rod n. 脱模板拉杆tuōmóbǎn lāgānelastomer n. 弹性体tánxìngtǐelectrical discharge machining (EDM) n. 电火花加工diànhuǒhuājiāgōng epoxy n. 环氧树脂huányǎngshùzhīextruder n. 挤出机jǐchūjīextrusion n. 挤出jǐchū,挤塑jǐsùFfabricate v. 制造 zhìzàofiber n. 纤维xiānwéifiberglass n. 玻璃纤维bōli xiānwéifiber reinforcement n. 纤维加强xiānwéi zēngqiángfilm n. 薄膜 báomófire retardant n. 阻燃剂zǔránjìflash n. 溢料 yìliàoflow mark n. 流痕 liúhénflow rate n. 流动速率 liúdòng sùlǜfluorescent adj. 荧光yíngguāngfluorescent brightener n. 荧光增白剂yíngguāng zēngbáijìfoam n. 泡沫 pàomòfuse v. 熔合 rónghéGgas assisted injection molding n. 气辅注射成型qìfǔ zhùshè chéngxíng gate n. 浇口jiāokǒugate mark n. 浇口痕jiāokǒu héngear n. 齿轮chǐlúngrinder n. 研磨机yánmójī,磨床 móchuángHheat conduction n. 热传导 rè chuándàoheater band n. 加热圈jiārèquānheat treatment n. 热处理 rèchǔlǐhigh density polyethylene (HDPE) n. 高发度聚乙烯gāo mìdùjùyǐxīhigh impact plastic n. 高抗冲塑料gāo kàngchòng sùliàohigh impact polystyrene n. 高抗冲聚苯乙烯gāo kàngchòng jùběnyǐxīhobbing n. 滚铣gǔnxǐ,挤压制模jǐyā zhìmó,切压制模qiēyā zhìmóholding n. 保压bǎoyāhot runner n. 热流道 rè liúdàoIimpact strength n. 冲击强度chòngjī qiángdùinjection n. 注射 zhùshè,注塑 zhùsùinjection molding n. 注塑成型 zhùsù chéngxínginjection molding machine n. 注塑机zhùsùjīinjection pressure n. 注塑压力 zhùsùyālìinsulated runner n. 绝热流道 juérè liúdào,保温流道bǎowēn liúdào insulation layer n. 绝热层 juérè cénginternally heated runner n. 内加热流道 nèi jiārè liúdàointernal void n. 内部空腔 nèibùkōngqiāngJjoint n. 接头jiētóu,连接liánjiēLlaser n. 激光jīguānglaser cutter n. 激光切割机jīguāng qiēgējīlathe n. 车床chēchuánglocating pin n. 定位锁 dìngwèi suǒlow density polyethylene n. 低密度聚乙烯dī mìdùjùyǐxīMmelt v. 熔融 róngróngmelt index n. 熔融指数 róngróng zhǐshùmill (metal) v. 铣xǐmachining n. 机加工jījiāgōngmachining path n. 加工路径jiāgōng lùjìng manufacture v. 制造 zhìzàomeld line n. 融合线 rónghé xiànmetal machining n. 金属加工jīnshùjiāgōngmilling machine n. 铣床xǐchuángmodel n. 模型 móxíngmonomer n. 单体dāntǐmold n. 模具 mójùmold cavity n. 模具型腔 mójùxíngqiāngmold life n. 模具寿命 mójù shòumìngmulticavity mold n. 多腔模具duōqiāng mójùmulticolor injection molding n. 多色注塑duōsè zhùsùmultigate mold n. 多浇口模具duōjiāokǒu mójùmultishot injection molding n. 多色注塑duōsè zhùsùNnozzle n. 喷嘴pēnzǔiNylon n. 尼龙 NílóngOoxidation resistance n. 耐氧化性 nài yǎnghuà xìng oxidize v. 氧化yǎnghuàPpackaging n. 包装bāozhuāngpacking n. 补料bǔliàoparison n. 型坯xíngpīpart n. 零件 língjiànparting line n. 分模线fēnmóxiànparting plane n. 分模面fēnmómiànpinhole gate n. 针孔形浇口zhēnkǒngxíng jiāokǒuplastic n. 塑料 sùliàoplasticity n. 塑性 sùxìngplasticizer n. 增塑剂zēngsùjìplotter n. 绘图机hùitújīpolish v. 抛光pāoguāngpolycarbonate (PC) n. 聚碳酸酯jùtànsuānzhǐpolyethylene n. 聚乙烯jùyǐxīpolyester n. 聚酯jùzhǐpolymer n. 聚合物〔体〕jùhéwù(tǐ),高聚物gāojùwùpolymerization n. 聚合 jùhépolystyrene n. 聚苯乙烯jùběnyǐxīpolyurethane n. 聚氨脂jù'ānzhīpolyvinyl chloride (PVC) n. 聚氯乙烯jùlǜyǐxīporous adj. 多孔duōkǒngprecise adj. 精密jīngmìprecision n. 精度jīngdùprecision injection machine n. 精密注塑机jīngmìzhùsùjīprecision molding n. 精密模塑jīngmì mósùpreform n. 预成型 yùchéngxíngpreform molding n. 预成型模塑 yùchéngxíng mósùprocess v. 处理chǔlǐ;加工jiāgōngproduction line n. 生产线shēngchǎnxiànprototype n. 原型 yuánxíngpunch n. 冲头 chòngtóuQquench v. 淬火cùihuǒRregrind n. 回用料 húiyòngliàoresin n. 树脂shùzhīrib n. 肋条 lèitiáorib stiffener n. 强化肋jiāqiáng lèirigidity n. 刚性gāngxìngripple n. 波纹bōwén,皱纹 zhòuwénrough adj. 粗糙cūcāorubber n. 橡胶xiàngjiāo;橡皮 xiàngpírunner n. 流道 liúdàorunnerless adj. 无流道 wúliúdàorunnerless injection mold n. 无流道注塑模具 wúliúdào zhùsù mójùSscale n. 比例bǐlìschematic n. 图解tújiěseal v. 密封mìfēn gshort shot n. 短射duǎnshè,欠料注射 qiànliào zhùshèshot n. 注料 zhùliào,注射 zhùshèshot size n. 注塑量 zhùsùliàngshrinkage n. 收缩shōusuōside core n. 侧性芯cèxìngxīnside gate n. 侧向浇口 cèxiàng jiāokǒusilicone n. 聚硅氧烷jùgūiyǎngwánsilicone rubber n. 硅橡胶gūixiàngjiāosimulate v. 模拟mónǐsingle cavity mold n. 单腔模具dān qiāng mójùsingle gate mold n. 单浇口模具dān jiāokǒu mójùsink mark n. 凹痕āohén,缩痕suōhénslide n. 滑动阀 huádòngfásoftener n. 软化剂ruǎnhuàjìsprue n. 注道 zhùdàosteam channel n. 汽道 qìdàostabilizer n. 稳定剂wěndìngjìstamping n. 冲压chòngyāstainless steel n. 不锈钢bùxiùgāngstrain n. 应变 yìngbiànstreak n. 条纹 tiáowén,条痕 tiáohénstress n. 应力 yìnglìstripper n. 脱模器tuōmóqì,顶出器dǐngchūqìstripper ring n. 脱模圈tuōmóquānsurface defect n. 表面缺陷biǎomiàn quēxiànsurface treatment n. 表面处理biǎomiàn chǔlǐsymmetrical adj. 对称dùichēngsymmetry n. 对称dùichēngTtie bar n. 连接杆liánjiēgānTeflon n. 特氟隆 Tèfúlóngtemper v. 回火hùihuǒtensile strength n. 抗张强度kàngzhāng qiángdùthermoforming n. 热成型 rèchéngxíngthermoplastic n. 热塑性塑料 rèsùxìng sùliào adj. 热塑性 rèsùxìng thermoset n. 热固性塑料 règùxìng sùliào adj. 热固性 règùxìngthree-dimensional adj. 三维空间sānwéi kōngjiāntolerance n. 公差gōngchàtool mark n. 刀痕dāohéntool steel n. 工具钢gōngjùgāngUultrasonic welder n. 超声波焊接机chāoshēngbōhánjiējīundercut n. 凹孔āokǒngunit cost n. 单价dānjiàVvacuum n. 真空zhēnkōngvented injection molding n. 排气式注塑成型 páiqìshì zhùsù chéngxíng viscosity n. 黏度 niándù,黏性 niánxìngvulcanize v. 硫化 liúhuàWwarpage n. 翘曲变形qiàoqū biànxíngwear n. 磨损mósǔnwear resistance n. 耐磨损性 nài mósǔn xìngweld line n. 熔接线róngjiē xiànworking drawing n. 工程图依据国家标准,以下为部分塑料模具成形术语的标准翻译。
模具专业英语[分享]melt material 模具述语一、入水:gate进入位:gate location水口形式:gate type大水口:edge gate细水口: pin-point gate水口大小:gate size转水口:switching runner/gate唧嘴口径:sprue diameter二、流道: runner热流道:hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner 唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate圆形流道:round(full/half runner 流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance热嘴:hot sprue热流道板:hot manifold发热管:cartridge heater探针: thermocouples插头:connector plug插座: connector socket密封/封料: seal三、运水:water line喉塞:line lpug喉管:tube塑胶管:plastic tube [tju:b]快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker四、模具零件:mold components 三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin 边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing 中托司:shoulder guide bushing中托边L:guide pin顶针板:ejector retainner plate 托板:support plate螺丝: screw管钉:dowel pin开模槽:ply bar scot内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock 顶针:ejector pin司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin推板:stripper plate缩呵:movable core,return core core puller扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter模胚(架): mold base上内模:cavity insert下内模:core insert行位(滑块): slide镶件:insert压座/斜鸡:wedge耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate压条:plate撑头: support pillar唧嘴: sprue bushing挡板:stop plate定位圈:locating ring 锁扣:latch扣鸡:parting lock set 推杆:push bar栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B顶板:eracuretun活动臂:lever arm分流锥:spure sperader 水口司:bush垃圾钉:stop pin隔片:buffle 弹弓柱:spring rod弹弓:die spring中托司:ejector guide bush中托边:ejector guide pin镶针:pin销子:dowel pin波子弹弓:ball catch喉塞: pipe plug锁模块:lock plate斜顶:angle from pin斜顶杆:angle ejector rod 尼龙拉勾:parting locks活动臂:lever arm复位键、提前回杆:early return bar 气阀:valves斜导边:angle pin术语:terms承压平面平衡:parting surface support balance模排气:parting line venting回针碰料位:return pin and cavity interference模总高超出啤机规格:mold base shut hight顶针碰运水:water line interferes withejector pin料位出上/下模:part from cavity (core) side模胚原身出料位:cavity direct cut on A-plate,core direct cut on B-plate.不准用镶件:Do not use (core/cavity) insert用铍铜做镶件:use beryllium copper insert初步(正式)模图设计:preliminary (final) mold design反呵:reverse core弹弓压缩量:spring compressed length稳定性好:good stability, stable 强度不够:insufficient rigidity 均匀冷却:even cooling扣模:sticking热膨胀:thero expansion公差: tolerance铜公(电极):copper electrode模具專用名詞1.GUIDE PIN (G.P) 導銷2.GUIDE BUSHING (G.B) 導套3.RETURN PIN (R.P) 回位銷4.SUPPORT (S.P) 支撐件5.LOCKING RING 定位環6.BLOCK 斜壓塊7.MOLD BASE 模座8.KEY 鍵9.PIN 銷10.GATE 澆口,灌點11.SIDE GATE 直接澆口12.PIN GATE 針點式澆口13.SUBMARING GATE 潛伏式澆口ND 段道15.AIR VENT 氣溝16.RUNNER 料道17.SPURE BUSHING 澆口親套18.NOZZLE 噴嘴19.INJECT PIN (E.P) 頂針20.CA VITY (CA V) 模穴21.CORE 模仁22.INSERT 鑲件23.TIBAR 成型機導柱24.KNOCK (K.O) 撞孔25.SPRING 彈簧26.HEATER 電熱棒27.O-RING O型環28.HOT RUNNER 熱膠道29.HOT TIP 熱親套30.PIN GAGE 塞規31.BLOCK GAGE 塊規32.PITCH 節距33.PARTING LINE 分模線34.UNDER CUT 倒勾模具专业英语感谢论坛发贴网友:pinery--------------------------------------------------------------------------------模具述语一、入水:gate进入位:gate location水口形式:gate type大水口:edge gate细水口:pin-point gate水口大小:gate size转水口:switching runner/gate唧嘴口径:sprue diameter二、流道: runner热流道:hot runner,hot manifold热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate圆形流道:round(full/half runner流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis流道平衡:runner balance热嘴:hot sprue热流道板:hot manifold发热管:cartridge heater探针: thermocouples插头:connector plug插座:connector socket密封/封料:seal三、运水:water line喉塞:line lpug喉管:tube塑胶管:plastic tube快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker四、模具零件:mold components三板模:3-plate mold二板模:2-plate mold边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing中托司:shoulder guide bushing中托边L:guide pin顶针板:ejector retainner plate托板:support plate螺丝:screw管钉:dowel pin开模槽:ply bar scot内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock顶针:ejector pin司筒:ejector sleeve司筒针:ejector pin推板:stripper plate缩呵:movable core,return core core puller 扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock斜顶:lifter模胚(架):mold base上内模:cavity insert下内模:core insert行位(滑块):slide镶件:insert压座/斜鸡:wedge耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate压条:plate撑头: support pillar唧嘴:sprue bushing挡板:stop plate定位圈:locating ring锁扣:latch扣鸡:parting lock set推杆:push bar栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B顶板:eracuretun活动臂:lever arm分流锥:spure sperader水口司:bush垃圾钉:stop pin隔片:buffle弹弓柱:spring rod弹弓:die spring中托司:ejector guide bush中托边:ejector guide pin镶针:pin销子:dowel pin波子弹弓:ball catch喉塞: pipe plug锁模块:lock plate斜顶:angle from pin斜顶杆:angle ejector rod尼龙拉勾:parting locks活动臂:lever arm复位键、提前回杆:early return bar气阀:valves斜导边:angle pin术语:terms承压平面平衡:parting surface support balance模排气:parting line venting回针碰料位:return pin and cavity interference模总高超出啤机规格:mold base shut hight顶针碰运水:water line interferes withejector pin料位出上/下模:part from cavith (core) side模胚原身出料位:cavity direct cut on A-plate,core direct cut on B-plate. 不准用镶件:Do not use (core/cavity) insert用铍铜做镶件:use beryllium copper insert初步(正式)模图设计:preliinary (final) mold design反呵:reverse core弹弓压缩量:spring compressed length稳定性好:good stability,stable强度不够:insufficient rigidity均匀冷却:even cooling扣模:sticking热膨胀:thero expansion公差:tolorance铜公(电极):copper electrode。
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Mold Construction1. The injection molding and machine1.1The injection moldingInjection molding is principally used for the production of the thermoplastic parts, although some progress has been made in developing a method for injection molding some thermosetting materials. The problem of injecting a melted plastic into a mold cavity from a reservoir of melted material has been extremely difficult to solve for thermosetting plastics which cure and harden under such conditions within a few minutes. The principle of injection molding is quite similar to that of die-casting. The process consists of feeding a plastic compound in powdered or granular form from a hopper through metering and melting stages and then injecting it into a mold. After a brief cooling period, the mold is opened and the solidified part ejected. Injection-molding machines can be arranged for manual operation, automatic single-cycle operation, and full automatic operation. The advantage of injection molding are: (i) a high molding speed adapted for mass production is possible; (ii) there is a wide choice of materials providing a variety of useful properties; (iii) it is possible to mold threads, undercuts, side holes, and large thin sections.1.2 The injection-molding machineSeveral methods are used to force or inject the melted plastic into the mold. The most commonly used system in the larger machines is the in-line reciprocating screw . The screw acts as a combination injection and plasticizing unit. As the plastic is fed to the rotating screw, it passes through three zones: feed, compression, and metering. After the feed zone, the screw-flight depth is gradually reduced, forcing the plastic to compress. The work is converted to heat by shearing the plastic, making it a semifluid mass. In the metering zone, additional heat is applied by conduction from the barrel surface. As the chamber in front of the screw becomes filled, it forces the screw back, tripping a limit switch that activates a hydraulic cylinder that forces the screw forward and injects the fluid plastic into the closed mold. An antiflowback valve prevents plastic under pressure from escaping back into the screw flights.The clamping force that a machine is capable of exerting is part ofthe size designation .The injection-molding machine ,thereciprocating-screw injection system and is measured in tons. Arule-of-thumb can be used to determine the tonnage required for a particular job. It is based on two tons of clamp force per square inch of projected area. If the flow pattern is difficult and the parts are thin, this may have to go to three or four tons.Many reciprocating-screw machines are capable of handingthermosetting plastic materials. Previously these materials were handled by compression or transfer molding. Thermosetting materials cure or polymerize in the mold and are ejected hot in the range of 375~410℃. Thermoplastic parts must be allowed to cool in the mold in order to remove them without distortion. Thus thermosetting cycles can be faster. Of course the mold must be heated rather than chilled, as with thermoplastics.Machines are available for molding sandwich parts. One cylinder and plunger injects measured amount of skin material into the die, and then a second cylinder squirts the filler inside the mass. Finally, a final spurt from the first cylinder clears the core material from the sprue. The aim is to produce composites with optimum properties. Either case or core may be foamed.2.Feed systemIt is necessary to provide a flow-way in the injection mould to connect the nozzle (of the injection machine) to each impression. This flow-way is termed the feed system. Normally the feed system comprises a sprue, runner and gate. These terms apply equally to the flow-way itself, and to the molded material which is removed from the flow-way itself in the process of extracting the molding.A typical feed system for a four-impression, two plate-type mould. It is seen that the material passes through the sprue, main runner, branch runners and gate before entering the impression. As the temperature ofmolten plastic is lowered while going through the sprue and runner, the viscosity will rise; therefore, the viscosity is lowered by shear heat generated when going through the gate to fill the cavity. It is desirable to keep the distance that the material has to travel down to a minimum to reduce pressure and heat losses. It is for this reason that careful consideration must be given to the impression layout and gate’s design.SprueA sprue is a channel through which to transfer molten plastic injected from the nozzle of the injector into the mold. It is a part of sprue bush, which is a separate part from the mold.RunnerA runner is a channel that guides molten plastic into the cavity of a mold.GateA gate is an entrance through which molten plastic enters the cavity. The gate has the following functions: restricts the flow and the direction of molten plastic; simplifies cutting of a runner and moldings to simplify finishing of parts; quickly cools and solidifies to avoid backflow after molten plastic has filled up in the cavity.Cold slug wellThe purpose of the cold slug well, shown opposite the sprue, is theoretically to receive the material that has chilled at the front of thenozzle during the cooling and ejection phase. Perhaps of greater importance is the fact that it provides positive means whereby the sprue can be pulled from the sprue bush for ejection purposes.The sprue, the runner, and the gate will be discarded after a part is complete. However, the runner and the gate are important items that affect the quality or the cost of parts.3 .RUNNERThe runner is a channel machined into the mould plate to connect the sprue with the entrance to the impression. The wall of the runner channel must be smooth to prevent any restriction to flow. Also, as the runner has to be removed with the molding, there must be no machine marks left which would tend to retain the runner in the mould plate.There are some other considerations for the designer to bear in mind: (i) the shape of the cross section of the runner, (ii) the size of the runner ;(iii) the runner layout.Runner cross-section shapeThe cross-sectional shape of the runner used in a mould is usually one of four forms: fully round, trapezoidal, modified trapezoidal and hexagonal.The criterion of efficient runner design is that the runner should provide a maximum cross-section area from the standpoint of pressuretransfer and a minimum contact on the periphery from the standpoint of heat transfer . The ratio of cross-sectional area to periphery will, therefore, give a direct indication of the efficiency of the runner design; the higher the value the greater the efficiency.Runner layoutThe layout of the runner system will depend upon the following factors: (i) the runner of impression, (ii) the shape of the components, (iii) the type of mould, (iv) the type of gate.When designing a runner system there are two main considerations. The runner length should always be kept to a minimum to reduce pressure losses, and the runner system should be balanced.Runner balancing means that the distance the plastic material from the sprue to the gate should be the same for each molding. This system ensures that all the impressions will fill uniformly and without interruption providing the gate lands and the gate areas are identical.Runner layoutIt is not always practicable, however, to have a balanced runner system and this particularly applies to moulds which incorporate a large number of differently shaped impressions. In these cases(as shows examples )balanced filling of the impression can be achieved by varying the gate dimensions that is by balanced gating.4 .GATESThe gate is a channel or orifice connecting the runner with the impression. It has a small cross-sectional area when compared with the rest of the feed system. This small cross-sectional area is necessary so that: i) The gate freezes soon after the impression is filled so that the injection plunger can be withdrawn without the probability of void being created in the molding by suck-back. ii) It allows for simple degating and in some mould this degating can be automatic.ⅲ) After degating only a small witness mark remains.ⅳ) Better control of the filling of multi-impressions can be achieved.ⅴ) Packing the impression with material in excess of that required to compensate for shrinkage is minimized.The size of the gate can be considered in terms of the gatecross-sectional area and the gate length, the latter being known as gate land. The optimum size for a gate will depend on a number of factors including (i) the flow characteristics of the material to be molded (ii) the wall section of the molding, (iii) the volume of material to be injected into theimpression, (iv) the temperature of the melt (v) the temperature of the mould.No theoretical size exists for the ideal gate. The gate size chosen in practice for a particular component is normally based on past experience. However, the reader may not have this experience upon which to base a decision and, therefore, a guide to the dimensions for each gate type is given. To the general case of a molding with a wall section between 0.75mm and 4 mm.Figure 4-1 Types of gateType of gateTo obtain the optimum filling conditions the type of gate must becarefully chosen. On most occasions, however, the choice will be obvious as only one type of gate will meet the particular requirements for the molding on hand. The types of gate (see Figure 4-1) commonly used are: spruegate(f), edge gate(n), overlap gate(a), fan gate(b), diaphragm gate(g), ring gate(h), film gate(c), pin gate(d), submarine gate(m) and tab gate(e).5. Parting surfaceThe parting surfaces of a mould are those portion of both mould plates, adjacent to the impressions, which butt together to form a seal and prevent the loss of plastic material from the impression. The parting surface is classified flat and non-flat.FLAT PARTING SURFACEThe mature of the parting surface depends entirely on the shape of the component. The position of the parting surface will therefore be at the top of the molding, the parting surface itself being perfectly flat. For appearance this is the ideal arrangement as the parting line is not noticeable unless flash develops.A further consideration is that the parting surface must be chosen so that the molding can be removed from the mould. The suitable choice for the parting line is on the centre of the double-bevel which allows for half of the required form to be die-sunk into each of the two mould halves.The parting line must occur along the line round the position ofmaximum dimension when viewed in the draw direction. Then is this line lies on a plane the parting surface will be flat.NON-FLAT PARTING SURFACEMany moldings are required which have a parting line which lies on a non-planar or curved surface. In these cases the mould’s parting surface must either be stepped, profiled or angled.6. MOULD CAVITIES AND CORESThe cavity and core give the molding its external and internal shapes respectively, the impression imparting the whole of the form to the molding. We then proceeded to indicate alternative ways by which the cavity and core could be incorporated into the mould and found that these alternatives fell under two main headings, namely the integer method and the insert method. Another method by which the cavity can be incorporated is by means of split inserts or splits.6.1 Integer cavity and core platesWhen the cavity or core is machined from a large plate or block of steel, or is cast in one piece, it is termed an integer cavity plate or integer core plate. This design is preferred for single-impression moulds because of the strength, smaller size and lower cost characteristics. Formulti-impression moulds there are other factors such as alignment which must be taken into consideration. Of the many manufacturing processes available for preparing moulds only two are normally used in this case. Theseare a direct machining operation on a rough steel forging or blank using the conventional machine tools, or the ‘precision’investment casting technique in which a master pattern is made of the cavity and core. The pattern is then used to prepare a casting of the cavity or core by a special process. A 4.25% nickel-chrome-molybdenum steel (BS 970-835 M30) is normally specified for integer mould plates which are to be made by the direct machining method. The precision investment casting method usually utilizesa high-chrome steel.6.2 Inserts for cavity and coreFor moulds containing intricate impressions, and for multi-impression moulds, it is not satisfactory to attempt to machine the cavity and core plates from single blocks of steel as with integer moulds. The machining sequences and operation would be altogether too complicated and costly. The insert-bolster assembly method is therefore used instead. The method consists in machining the impression out of small blocks of steel. These small blocks of steel are known, after machining, as inserts, and the one which forms the male part is termed the core insert and, conversely, the one which forms the female part the cavity insert. These are then inserted and securely fitted into holes in a substantial block or plate of steel called a bolster.In the majority of cases the insert-bolster method of construction is used, the ease of manufacture, mould alignment, and resulting lower mouldcosts being the overriding factors affecting the choice.7. SplitsThe mould designer is frequently confronted with a component design that incorporates a recess or projection which prevents the simple removal of the molding from the mould. The mould design for this type of component is inevitably more complex than for the in line of draw component, as it necessitates the removal of that part of the impression which forms the undercut prior to ejection.The splits can be incorporated in the mould design in several ways. The designer considers more complex systems where the splits are retained on the mould plate and actuated automatically. There are two basic designs: sliding and angled-lift splits. In both designs there are moving parts and it is necessary to arrange for (i) guiding the splits in the desired direction, (ii) actuating the splits, (iii) securely locking the splits in position prior to the material being injection into the mould.Sliding splitsIn this design, the splits are mounted in guides on a flat mould plate and they are actuated in one plane by mechanical or hydraulic means. The various methods which can be used to actuate the splits in relation to the mould plate consist of finger cam, dog-leg cam, cam track, compression spring and hydraulic. The basic operation with cam actuation is as follows.As the mould is opened, the cams attached to the fixed mould half cause the splits to slide across the moving mould plate.Angled-lift splitsIn this design the splits are mounted in a chase-bolster which forms part of the moving half of the mould. The splits are caused to move out with an angular motion, the outward component of which relieves the undercut portion of the molding. The splits are normally actuated by the ejector system. This shows the moving half of an angled-lift split mould for producing a spool. It will be noted from this illustration that the guiding of the angled-lift is not as critical as for guiding the sliding splits. The alignment of the splits, when closed, is accomplished by their being seated in the chase-bolster. The main requirement of the guiding system is that the split must be restrained to move smoothly in the required plane.The various alternative systems with respect to particular actuating methods are: (i) angled guide dowel actuating system, (ii) cam track actuating system, (iii) spring actuation.8. EjectionA molding is formed in mould by injecting a plastic melt, under pressure, into an impression via a feed system. It must therefore be removed manually. Furthermore, all thermoplastic materials contract as they solidify, which means that the molding will shrink on to the core whichforms it. This shrinkage makes the molding difficult to remove.Facilities are provided on the injection machine for automatic actuation of an ejector system, and this is situated behind the moving platen. Because of this, the mould’s ejector system will be most effectively operated if placed in the moving half of the mould, i.e. the half attached to the moving platen. We have stated previously that we need to eject the molding from the core and it therefore follows that the core, too, will most satisfactorily be located in the moving half.The ejector system in a mould will be discussed under three headings, namely: (i) the ejector grid; (ii) the ejector plate assembly; (iii) the method of ejection.Ejector gridThe ejector gridis that part of the mould which supports the mould plate and provides a space into which the ejector plate assembly can befitted and operated. The grid normally consists of a back plate on to which is mounted a number of conveniently shaped‘support blocks ’.Ejector plate assemblyThe ejector plate assembly is that part of the mould to which the ejector element is attached. The assembly is contained in a pocket, formed by the ejector grid, directly behind the mould plate .The assembly consists of an ejector plate, a retaining plate and an ejector rod. One end of this latter member is threaded and it is screwed into the ejector plate. In this particulardesign the ejector rod functions not only as an actuating member but also as a method of guiding the assembly. Note that the parallel portion of the ejector rod passes through an ejector rod bush fitted in the back plate of the mould.Ejector techniquesWhen a molding cools, it contracts by an amount depending on the material being processed. For a molding which has no internal form, for example a solid rectangular block, the molding will shrink away from the cavity walls, thereby permitting a simple ejection technique to be adopted. However, when the molding has internal form, the molding, as it cools, will shrink onto the core and some positive type of ejection is necessary.The designer has several ejection techniques from which to chose ,but, in general, the choice will be restricted depending upon the shape of the molding. The basic ejection techniques are as follows: (i) pin ejection; (ii) sleeve ejection; (iii) stripper plate ejection ;(iv) air ejection.。