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• 三. 开头段的内容 背景信息, 用以吸引或“勾住”读者 主题, 用于限定题目, 明确表明意见,看 法或列出下文的重点。 For Example: How I Finance My College Education
• ①The past decade has witnessed a new tuition and fee policy for college students. ②Then how to finance their college education is becoming a big concern to students and the society. ③To this problem, there are three possible approaches.
8. 综合法
• 具体写作时不只使用一种开头法, 有时可 以综合上述两种甚至两种以上的方法。
• 一 结尾段的作用 结尾部分是想读者留下深刻印象的最后展 示机会,应该简要但有效地突出强调文章 的中心思想,或说明中心思想的重要性, 或回答文章前一部分提出的问题。总之, 结尾段是文章的总结和思想的最后升华, 它应起到再次肯定和强调主题的作用。 结 尾段应短小有力,言简意赅,却又意味深 长。
四 开头段的表达方式
• 1. 引语开头(quotation) • 使用相关的名人名言,或人们常用的谚语,习语 , 以 确定文章的写作范围和方向. 如果能用好一些英语 谚语,那时非常出彩的. • 注: 引语一般可分为直接引语和间接引语,对于那 些自己非常熟悉的并且已经记住的名言可以采用 直接引语形式,而不是很确定的名言或作者根据理 解记忆改编的名言可以用间接引语形式.这两种引 语方式都可套用一些固定的句型, 如:
• It goes without saying that… • As everyone knows… • No one can deny that …
2. 数据开头
• 引用一些具体数据,然后作出概括性分析, 指明问题 的症结所在,这样的开头方法更有说服力. • 开头时为了表明某一现象普遍存在,我们可以列出 有利数据,有的是有明显来源的,有的可能来源比较 模糊,或直接为作者所杜撰,不管 是哪种情况, 都要 注意数据要能支持观点,又要有一定的合理性. 在引 用数据时, 我们一般可以套用句型: • According to a recent survey, … • Recent statistics show that …
3 主题句法(开门见山法)
• 文章一开始便以主题句点明全文主题,然后围绕主题内容 进行发展.For example: • Now people become increasingly aware of the importance of acquiring a mastery of a foreign language. To them, the knowledge of a foreign language often means a good opportunity for one‟s career, even a passport to a prosperous future. Many of them equate success in life with the ability of speaking a foreign language. • 注: 主题句法是最常见的开头方式, 开门见山提出主题后, 经常可以简单举例, 说明原因,列举不同观点或阐释作者观 点.这些方法可以选其一或二用于段首主题句后,但要注意: • 并不能过多地阐释,一定要简洁清楚. • 最好避免和下文扩展段重复,如扩展段要写原因,那么在开 头可举例说明该现象的表现.
5. 给出背景(故事法)
• 描述具体事件的时间,地点和发生背景., 然 后引出主题。
6. 概括法
• 提出一个与题目相关的引人注目的事实以 引起读者的好奇心和阅读兴趣, 然后引出 主题。 如 Reduce Waste on Campus的开 头就使用了这种方法: 一开始指出校园内 浪费现象到处可见的现状, 接着是具体的 事实, 最后点出主题说明这一现象受到了 大家的普遍关注。
• For another example: • On Students‟ Selecting Lectures 的开头段: • Recently, quite a few universities have allowed their students to choose their own teachers for certain courses. Then how to choose the teacher? What are the effects? These questions have aroused a wide concern on campus.
4. 提问开头
• 提出有争议或探讨性的具体问题,然后加以简要 回答或展开引导性简短讨论. For example: • What do you want from your work: Money? Promotion? Interesting challenges? Continual learning? Work-based friendships? The opportunity to develop your own idea and potentials? Though we are all individuals and so our answers will differ, all agree that work provides more than material things.
• 1. A proverb says, “ Honesty is the best policy.” • 2. One of the greatest early writes said “…” • 3. “…”. That is how sb. comment (criticize/praise). • 4. “…” How often we hear such words.
7. 驳斥法
• 以叙述、总结别人的观点/意见开始, 继 而引出自己的真实看法/观点。这种方法 适合于有争议的话题, 尤其是大学英语四、 六级考试中的对比论证文。比如 Why I Take the College English Test Band 6 的 开头段:
• Some students think it unnecessary to take CET-6 . They hold this view because CET-6 is not compulsory and they can get a BA degree so long as the pass CET-4. Besides, it is very difficult and takes them much time and energy. However, I think it necessary and beneficial to take the test.
• 7. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the opinion that… • 8. For my part, I completely agree with the former/ latter. • 9. To be frank/ To tell the truth, I should second the former/latter attitude/ position in preference to the latter/ former. • 10. For the reasons given above, I feel that…
开头段的写作 • 一. 开头段的作用 表明文章的主题 提供题目的背景信息 引起读者的兴趣和好奇心 点明文章的重点, 目的和方向
• 二 开头段常见问题: • 1. 开头偏离主题—应尽快入题, 吸引读者 • 2. 逻辑混乱,篇幅过长—3-5句即可 • 3. 句子过于简单或语法错误多 文章开头往往给人重要的基本印象,不能过于简单, 全部使用一些基本的句型.文章开头要体现语法的 多样性,除了基本句型的使用外,可以适当使用六类 从句,非谓语动词,倒装句, 强调句.但很多学生在使 用复句的过程中会出现句子成分不完整, 句式杂糅 等语法错误.
• 1. Judging from all evidence offered , we may reasonably come to /draw the conclusion that… • 2. From the above comparison and contrast, anyone can safely conclude that… • 3. From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that… • 4. Taking into consideration/account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the moral that… • For the reasons presented above , I strongly commit to (完全接受)the notion that …
• 二 结尾段的内容: 对中心思想的总结。 对主题的解释。 结束句(最后的评论)。
• 三 结尾段应注意的问题 • 1. 不可偏离主题, 突然毛出不相关的新话题 或提出与主题句 相互矛盾的观点. • 2. 不可过于冗长,结尾应简洁鲜明,以提议结 尾的时候不用过于展开. • 3. 不可过于依赖模板来结尾,要灵活使用结 尾句型,避免陈词滥调牵强附会地收尾. • 4.不要过于武断,绝对化地提出总结,应该留 有余地,保持一定的客观性.
四 常见结尾段的写作方法
• 1. 总结归纳 • 文章最后用几句话概括全文内容,并进一步肯定文 章的中心思想.这种收尾方式也非常有力度., 他能 让读者对 短文主题有更完整而清晰的理解. • 用总结归纳来结尾,一般都有一些特定的词组来引 出结论: • In general / on the whole/all in all/ in brief/ in summary/ in conclusion/ in short/ in a word/ to sum up/ to conclude/ to summarize/ generally • 或者是一些常用的总结句, 如:
二 作者观点
• 各方观点分析过后,提出作者的观点,是作者经过分析而升华 出来的更完整的主题. • 经典句型有: • 1. If it is up to me to make a choice between A and B, I would rather choose over… • 2. If I were forced to agree with one of the two , my choice would be… • 3. All these opinions make sense, and consequently it is hard to choose the best of them. In my opinion, such matters must be left to individual‟s conscience. • 4. Personally, I side with the former/ latter opinion. • 5 I am of the opinion that priority should be given to … • 6. Personally, I stand on the side of …