比如在“天刚亮,白昼来临,在那阴郁寂寞的间歇里充满了鸟儿 们宁静而暂时的活跃”之后紧接上一个比喻:“吸入的空气,有如 清泉”。
福克纳诺贝尔奖致辞(William Faulkner: Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work --a life's work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit, not for glory and least of all for profit, but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before. So this award is only mine in trust. It will not be difficult to find a dedication for the money part of it commensurate with the purpose and significance of its origin. But I would like to do the same with the acclaim too, by using this moment as a pinnacle from which I might be listened to by the young men and women already dedicated to the same anguish and travail, among whom is already that one who will some day stand where I am standing.
福克纳诺贝尔奖致辞(William Faulkner: Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
I feel that this award was not made to me as a man, but to my work --a life's work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit, not for glory and least of all for profit, but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before. So this award is only mine in trust. It will not be difficult to find a dedication for the money part of it commensurate with the purpose and significance of its origin. But I would like to do the same with the acclaim too, by using this moment as a pinnacle from which I might be listened to by the young men and women already dedicated to the same anguish and travail, among whom is already that one who will some day stand where I am standing.
威廉福克纳 介绍William Faulkner
I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance.
William Faulkner
---One of the greatest writer in 20th century
---initiator of Southern Renaissance ---one of the most influential modernist novel writers in the West
所以我们今天的悲剧带有普遍性和全 球性,这种肉体的恐惧由来已久,绵 延至今。以致我们几乎难以承受。精 神不再被关注,人们只关注一个问题: 我什么时候才能一鸣惊人?
Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.
(P4)只有当他重温了这些,他写作起 来才会如同亲临其境,如同亲历人的 结局。我不屑于接受人的终结。谁都 可以脱口说出:人是不朽的,就因为 他可以忍耐;在夜幕四合时分,即便 临终的钟声在残阳映照的最后一块荒 芜的枯石上响过、消逝,仍将还有一 个声音:他的声音仍在叙述,微弱而 不绝如缕。我拒绝接受这些。
美国文学 作家 威廉·福克纳PPT课件
▪ Southern literature: twisted, pessimistic, violent, distorted Gothic novel: Poe
▪ born in New Albany, Mississippi and raised in nearby Oxford, and lived there almost all his life.
sorrow of what was to become his most frequently used subject matter. ▪ The Sound and the Fury, considered as the work of a major writer. ▪ His other major works include ▪ As I Lay Dying (l930), ▪ Light in August (l932), ▪ Absalom, Absalom! (1936), ▪ Wild Palms (1939) ▪ The Hamlet (1940). ▪ The Unvanquished (1938) ▪ Go Down, Moses (1942) ▪ These works are thematically interwoven.
Sartoris The Sound and the Fury As I Lay Dying Light in August Absalom, Absalom! (3) 1940~end: won recognition in America Go Down, Moses
His major works
▪ An anthology of his writings: The Portable Faulkner.
▪ born in New Albany, Mississippi and raised in nearby Oxford, and lived there almost all his life.
sorrow of what was to become his most frequently used subject matter. ▪ The Sound and the Fury, considered as the work of a major writer. ▪ His other major works include ▪ As I Lay Dying (l930), ▪ Light in August (l932), ▪ Absalom, Absalom! (1936), ▪ Wild Palms (1939) ▪ The Hamlet (1940). ▪ The Unvanquished (1938) ▪ Go Down, Moses (1942) ▪ These works are thematically interwoven.
Sartoris The Sound and the Fury As I Lay Dying Light in August Absalom, Absalom! (3) 1940~end: won recognition in America Go Down, Moses
His major works
▪ An anthology of his writings: The Portable Faulkner.
《我的弥留之际》是“关于人类忍受能力的一个原始 寓言”。写农妇本德仑太太死后,一家人把她送去墓 地,为期10天的一次“苦难的历程”。在期间,每人 都有不同的表现。尽管有种种愚蠢、自私、野蛮的表 现,这一家人为了信守诺言,尊重亲人感情,还是克 服了巨大的困难与阻力,完成他们的使命。
《押沙龙,押沙龙!》书名取自《圣经》,本是大卫王 对阴谋篡位被杀身死的爱子押沙龙发出的哀叹,福克纳 借此表达父子反目、兄弟阋墙、命运不可违的悲剧主题。 具有史诗结构和悲剧气氛。
海德格尔认为,时间构成了人的实体或存在。 时间性是现代人的视界,“现代”使时间的意识空前
强化。 萨特认为作品中突出强调的是现在。
海德格尔和萨特都强调人的未来性:“人不是他所有 的一切的总和,而是他还没有而可以有的一切的综 合。”
感谢您的阅读! 为了便于学习和使用,本 文档下载后内容可随意修 改调整及打印。 欢迎下载!
“神话模式”三、一、四章的标题分别为1928年4月6日至8 日,这三天恰好是基督受难日到复活节。而第二章的1910 年6月2日在那一年又正好是基督圣体节的第八天。因此, 康普生家历史中的这四天都与基督受难的四个主要日子有 关联。不仅如此,从每一章的内容里,也都隐约可以找到 与《圣经·新约》中所记基督的遭遇大致平行之处。
人生犹如痴人说梦,充满着喧哗与骚动,却没有任何 意义。
小说的故事发生在杰弗生镇上的康普生家。这是一个曾经 显赫一时的望族,祖上出过一位州长、几名将军。家中原 来广有田地,黑奴成群,如今只剩下一幢破败的宅子,黑 奴也只剩下老婆婆迪尔西和她的小孙女。
一家之主康普生是个律师,但从不接洽业务,整天醉醺醺 的发表空谈,把悲观失望的情绪传给大儿子昆丁。
康普生太太无病呻吟,总感觉自己在受气吃亏。她时时不 忘自己是南方大家闺秀的身份,家中却没有一个人从她那 里得到温暖。
• 福克纳深受家庭传统和南方风土人情的影响。他 的作品中有南方人特有的幽默感,深入刻画黑人 与白人的地位、相处、矛盾等敏感问题,生动描 绘出惟妙惟肖的南方人形象。
• family traditions and Southern customs. Southerners unique sense of humor, his work depth characterization of the status, contradictions, and other sensitive issues, and vividly depicts a image of Southerners..
• 支配这个家族的是福克纳的曾祖父威廉·克拉 科·福克纳老上校。他既是种植园主,又是军人、 作家、政治家。
• Dominate the this family is the old Colonel Faulkner's great-grandfather William Krakow Faulkner. He is both a planter, soldier, writer, statesman.
• 福克纳笔下的剧情浸染着人物的复杂心理变化, 细腻的感情描写穿插其中。他作品最大的外在特 点是绵延婉转、结构极为繁复的长句子和反复斟 酌推敲后选取的精巧词汇。他一生多产,令很多 美国作家羡艳不已,不过也有很多人对其持批评 态度。他和风格简洁明了、干脆利落的海明威更 是两个极端。一般认为他是1930年代唯一一位真 正意义上的美国现代主义作家,与欧洲文学试验 者乔伊斯、伍尔芙、普鲁斯特等人遥相呼应,大 量运用意识流、多角度叙述和陈述中时间推移等 富有创新性的文学手法。
• 《野棕榈》(If I Forget Thee Jerusalem (The Wild Palms/Old Man))(1939)
福克纳的写作风格独特,语言细腻、 刻画深入,对人物心理和南方社会的 描绘尤为出色。
福克纳的写作技巧使得故事情节紧凑 、引人入胜,人物形象鲜明,为读者 带来了深刻的阅读体验。
小说主题包括孤独、执着、爱情和社会冷漠等,这些主题在故事中交织在一起 ,引发读者深思。
福克纳的语言风格独特,质朴自然,贴近生活,让读者感受到浓 厚的生活气息。
福克纳在《A Rose for Emily》中通过将过去与现在交织在一起, 展现了时间的流逝和变迁。
福克纳通过细腻的描写,构建了一个具体而富有象征意义的场景, 为故事的发展提供了背景和舞台。
福克纳善于运用隐喻和象征手法,通过具体的意象和事物暗示抽象的概念和情感,使作品 更具艺术感染力。
福克纳在作品中运用了大量的方言和土语,展现了当地人的生活 和语言习惯,增强了作品的地域色彩。
福克纳善于运用长句和复杂句,使语言更加丰富和有层次感,同 时表达了人物内心的复杂情感。
Emily成长在一个严格的 家庭环境中,受到父母和 家族长辈的管束和期望。
Emily接受了传统的南方 教育,注重礼仪、文化和 家族荣誉。
Emily与Homer在一次社 交场合相识,两人彼此吸 引,开始秘密交往。
随着时间的推移,两人的 感情逐渐加深,但Homer 的性格和家庭背景让他们 的恋情充满曲折。
Pylon (1935) 《塔门》
The Unvanquished (1938) 《不败者》
Absalom, Absalom! (1936) 《押沙龙,押沙龙》
All the novels of William Faulkner
The Wild Palms (1939) 《野棕榈》
The Hamlet (1940) 《村子》
the bitter, racist third child who is troubled by monetary debt and sexual frustration. He works at a farming goods store owned by a man named Earl and becomes head of the household in 1912. Has been embezzling Miss Quentin's support payments for years.
Miss Quentin Compson
daughter of Caddy who goes to live with the Compsons under Jason IV's care when Herbert divorces Caddy. She is very wild and promiscuous, and eventually runs away from home.
Character analyze
Jason Compson III
father of the Compson family, a lawyer who attended the University of the South: a nihilistic thinker and alcoholic, with cynical opinions that torment his son, Quentin.
福克纳William Faulkner简介 ppt课件
福克纳William Faulkner简介
1925, first novel published, Soldier’s Pay 《军饷》
1929, two novels: Sartoris, The Sound and the Fury 1929-1942, most productive: 2 short-story collections, a
l One of the most influential writers of the 20th century
l One of the leading American writers in the literary history of the United States.
l A representative of the writers using stream of consciousness.
volume of poetry, 11 novels Early 1940s, forgotten by the public 1945, a second rise to fame, higher than the first 1949, Nobel Prize for Literature
Major themes:
Here is “a tale/Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,/ Signifying nothing.”
福克纳William Faulkner简介
1925, first novel published, Soldier’s Pay 《军饷》
1929, two novels: Sartoris, The Sound and the Fury 1929-1942, most productive: 2 short-story collections, a
l One of the most influential writers of the 20th century
l One of the leading American writers in the literary history of the United States.
l A representative of the writers using stream of consciousness.
volume of poetry, 11 novels Early 1940s, forgotten by the public 1945, a second rise to fame, higher than the first 1949, Nobel Prize for Literature
Major themes:
Here is “a tale/Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,/ Signifying nothing.”
Faulkner 福克纳 ppt课件
In 1929-1942, a period of amazing literary output • The Sound and the Fury(1929)
《喧哗与骚动》 • As I Lay Dying(1930)
《我弥留之际》 • Sanctuary(1931)
《圣殿》 • Light in August(1932)
multiple points of view
showing within the same story different reactions to the same person or the same situation,giving the story a circular from rather than a linear structure.
Most of Faulkner’s works are set in Yoknapatawpha County, an imaginary place based on Faulkner’s childhood memory about the town of Oxford in his native Lafayette County.
• In 1925, he went to Eurpoe, his literary began in New orlends where he met Sherwood Anderson, who helped him get his first novel Soilderʼ
Pay (军饷)published in 1926.
However, it not merely an imaginary place, it could be considered as an allegory and a parable of the south.
William Faulkner ppt
Faulkner in Hollywood:1930s
In the university of Virginia campus
The End of His Life
• Faulkner died July 6th, 1962 after suffering from a coronary occlusion (心肌梗塞) • Up to his death he worked as a Writer-In-Residence at the University of Virginia in 1957. • The United States Postal Service issued a first-class 22-cent stamp commemorating his life and stint as a postmaster.
• 2 Deterioration(堕落) • 3 Conflicts between generations, classes, races, man and environment • 4 Horror, violence and the abnormal
Features of His Works
William Faulkner
Sept 25, 1897 – July 6, 1962
• Born in New Albany, Mississippi in 1897. Moved to Oxford, Mississippi (prototype(原型) of Yoknapatawpha约克纳帕塔法郡, the setting of most of his works) at the age of 5. • He grew up as the eldest son of four brothers. • He hoped to aspire to be like his great-grandfather, a writer as well.
1929年1月31日,《萨托利斯》 出版,这部小说开创了福克纳伟大 的小说家的历史,是作家头脑中一 个巨大的小说世界的第一部。
这一年10月7日,他的《喧嚣与 骚动》出版。
这两部小说构成了福克纳神话 王国——“约克纳帕塔法”的两道最 引人注目的风景。
约瑟夫·布洛特那在《二十世纪 美国文学》中对福克纳的“约克纳帕 塔法世系小说”给予了极高的评价:
杰生是福克纳正式出版的长篇小 说中的第一个工商势力的代表人物。 是一个极端的个人主义者,是恶的化 身,在他身上,几乎集中了人类所有 的丑恶。
他的性格充分反映了正值衰朽残 年的美国南方庄园主阶级最后一代的 心态与特征。
杰生是一个“新南方”的代表人物, 他是从康普生家族和萨托利斯家族演 变到斯诺普斯家族的一个过渡性的人 物,在他身上体现了福克纳这样的观 点:
《喧嚣与骚动》 ( The Sound
and the Fury,1929):
凯蒂:是小说的中心人物和关键 人物,在作品中起着重要的作用。凯 蒂在小说中是“美”的象征,对于凯 蒂的重要地位,福克纳曾经说过 “ 对我来说,她就是美,是我的心肝宝 贝。”在凯蒂身上,体现着福克纳的 人道主义精神,以及他对人性美的赞
福克纳所运用的琐碎的意识片 断并不是完全孤立的,而是具有某 种内在的联系,福克纳通过叙述角 色的频繁转换,把各个人物的意识、 思绪、感觉和记忆绵延成一个复杂 的整体。
❖ 二、《喧嚣与骚动》 ❖ 长篇小说《喧嚣与骚动》
(1929)是福克纳的代表作品, 是意识流小说的典型。作品标题 的来源、讲述的故事、主题和所 运用的艺术手法。
我对这本书最有感情,总是撇不开, 忘不了,尽管用尽了功夫写,总是写 不好。我真想重新再写一遍,不过恐 怕还是写不好”。
这一年10月7日,他的《喧嚣与 骚动》出版。
这两部小说构成了福克纳神话 王国——“约克纳帕塔法”的两道最 引人注目的风景。
约瑟夫·布洛特那在《二十世纪 美国文学》中对福克纳的“约克纳帕 塔法世系小说”给予了极高的评价:
杰生是福克纳正式出版的长篇小 说中的第一个工商势力的代表人物。 是一个极端的个人主义者,是恶的化 身,在他身上,几乎集中了人类所有 的丑恶。
他的性格充分反映了正值衰朽残 年的美国南方庄园主阶级最后一代的 心态与特征。
杰生是一个“新南方”的代表人物, 他是从康普生家族和萨托利斯家族演 变到斯诺普斯家族的一个过渡性的人 物,在他身上体现了福克纳这样的观 点:
《喧嚣与骚动》 ( The Sound
and the Fury,1929):
凯蒂:是小说的中心人物和关键 人物,在作品中起着重要的作用。凯 蒂在小说中是“美”的象征,对于凯 蒂的重要地位,福克纳曾经说过 “ 对我来说,她就是美,是我的心肝宝 贝。”在凯蒂身上,体现着福克纳的 人道主义精神,以及他对人性美的赞
福克纳所运用的琐碎的意识片 断并不是完全孤立的,而是具有某 种内在的联系,福克纳通过叙述角 色的频繁转换,把各个人物的意识、 思绪、感觉和记忆绵延成一个复杂 的整体。
❖ 二、《喧嚣与骚动》 ❖ 长篇小说《喧嚣与骚动》
(1929)是福克纳的代表作品, 是意识流小说的典型。作品标题 的来源、讲述的故事、主题和所 运用的艺术手法。
我对这本书最有感情,总是撇不开, 忘不了,尽管用尽了功夫写,总是写 不好。我真想重新再写一遍,不过恐 怕还是写不好”。
福克纳坚信自己熟悉的家乡和人民是他进行文学创作 发挥想象力的最可靠的源泉。“我发现我家乡的那块 邮票般大小的地方值得一写,只怕我一辈子也写完, 我 只要化实为虚,就可以放手充分发挥我那点小小的才 华。我可以像上帝一样,把这些人调来调去,不受时 空的限制。结果非常成功,至少在我看来效果极好。” 于是,一个个人物、一个个家族的故事开始在想象中 繁殖,场面和情节开始衍生,想象力不断地涌现。
福克纳在新教占统治地位的南方长大,而且长期生活 在 它的影响下, 他的文学想象必然带有这样的宗教色彩 , 在福克纳的作品中本能地大量使用基督教典故,明显 表现出基督教思想和意识。在福克纳的小说中,最直 接 最明显地使用基督教故事的是《寓言》。在《喧哗与 骚动》中,故事和结构都是以耶稣基督受难的时间为 背景的。1928 年的三个日期,恰是那一年的基督受 难 日、复活节前和复活节;
“对于一个作家和一个文艺工作者来说,占领他的 工作全部时间的应该是人类内心古老的真理、那些 亘古不变的真理,是爱、荣耀、怜悯、自豪、同情 和牺牲,除非他去铭记这些真理,如果他不铭记这 些真理,那么他只是在诅咒的阴影里写作,因为他 写的不是爱而是情欲,他写的失败里没有人失去任 何真正有价值的东西,他的胜利里面看不到希望, 最糟糕的是人们从这里面看不到悲悯和同情,他写 的哀伤里面留不下真正的伤痕,他写的不是心灵而 是内分泌。”
《喧哗与骚动》通过康普生一家的没落,为南方传统和贵 族精神谱写了一曲挽歌。 “南方骑士”昆丁对老南方传统恋恋不舍,不过,他虽然 保留了贵族式的骄傲,却缺乏适应社会变化的能力,最终 以自杀的方式逃避现实。杰生顺应潮流,完全抛弃了贵族 价值体系,却同时丧失了人性,那种资产者的实利主义和 市侩精神,残忍、自私得令人发指。班吉的思想纯真得像 一面镜子,但是没有思考的能力,只不过是一个无法自理 的善良的白痴。凯蒂曾经天真活泼,充满活力,然而后来 失足堕落,彻底摧毁了南方淑女形象。一家人的手足相残, 更是破坏了南方重视家庭与亲情的传统。在福克纳笔下, 老南方已经彻底解体,新南方却又异化充斥,在绝望之中, 唯有正直、善良、乐观的劳动者迪尔西,体现出人性复活 的人道主义理想,那也正是南方的希望所在。
美国文学 作家 威廉·福克纳PPT教学课件
(3) 1940~end: won recognition in America Go Down, Moses
His major works
▪ a volume of poetry The Marble Faun (1924) ▪ first novel Soldiers' Pay (6) ▪ Sartoris (l929) In writing it, he began to see and feel the dignity and
▪ Southern literature: twisted, pessimistic, violent, distorted Gothic novel: Poe
▪ born in New Albany, Mississippi and raised in nearby Oxford, and lived there almost all his life.
His life and writing
Faulkner is the most powerful and eloquent representative of American Southern writers. American Southern writers mainly write about the history, customs, people and social change of the American South, a region that contains much beauty, violence, passion, courage and, finally tragedy. It was from the region's characteristics that Faulkner drew the material for most of his fiction.
1. One of three finalists for the
first Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine Award(1946). 2. Nobel Prize Winner(1949) 3. Pulitzer Winner twice: • A Fable(1955) • The Reivers(1963) 4. National Book Awards twice: • Collected Stories(1951) • A Fable(1955) 5. O. Henry Short Story Prize.
• regarded as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century
• one of the leading American writers in the literary history of the United States.
As a Young Man
• 1914 the first world war. • dreamed of becoming a pilot in the
army however was declined because of his height. • He later became a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force, yet did not see any World War I wartime action.
William Faulkner
Sept 25, 1897 – July 6, 1962
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• He later worked in Hollywood with Howard Hawks, a movie director who became a friend of him.
The End of His Life
• Faulkner died July 6th, 1962 after suffering from a coronary occlusion (心肌梗塞 )
❖The Sound and the Fury 《喧嚣与骚动》
❖1930 As I lay Dying 《我弥留之际》
❖1931 Sanctuary 《圣殿》
❖1932 Light in August 《八月之光》
❖1936 Absalom, Absalom! 《押沙龙!押沙龙! 》
❖1942 Go Down, Moses 《去吧,摩西》 ❖1948: Intruder in the Dust 《坟墓的闯入者》 ❖1946:The Portable Faulkner《袖珍本福克纳选
5. O. Henry Short Story Prize.
•William Faulkner won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1949.
• an American novelist and poet whose works feature his native state of Mississippi
• regarded as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century
• one of the leading American writers in the literary history of the United States.
• Up to his death he worked as a Writer-In-Residence at the University of Virginia in 1957
Major Works:
❖Oxford, poems --- prose
❖1924 The Mirble Faun 《云石牧神》 ❖1925, first novel Soldier’s Pay 《军饷》
Considered one of the two greatest American novelists of his era with Ernest Hemingway One of the representatives of Southern renaissance in American literature
If you want to have a better understanding of this outstanding
writer, please read his works.
Thank you !
• a representative of the writers using stream of consciousness
Major Themes of his Works
• 1. history and race • He explains the present by examining the
unfold the contradictions and
• He hoped to aspire to be likceonhfliisctsgoref athte- South in the turbulent times. grandfather, Colonel John Sartoris . great-grandfather: plantation owners, as well as soldiers, writer and politician; Colonel John Sartoris , created in Faulkner's works ,is on the basis of his great-grandfather.
past, by telling the stories of several generations of family to show how history changes life. • He was interested in the relationship between blacks and whites, especially concerned about the problems of the people who were of the mixed race of black and white, unacceptable to both races. • 2. Deterioration • 3. Conflicts between generations, classes, races, man and environment • 4. Horror, violence and the abnormal
❖Trilogy of the Snopes family
The Hamlet (1940) 《村子》 The Town (1957) 《小镇》 The Mansion (1959)《大宅》
❖Short Story collection: The Unvanquished《没有被征服的人》(1938)
• For twenty years he worked in Hollywood writing several screen plays like Today We Live (1933) and Land of the Pharaos (1955) and producing many novels and short stories.
As a Young Man
• 1914 the first world war. • dreamed of becoming a pilot in the
army however was declined because of his height. • He later became a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force, yet did not see any World War I wartime action.
William Faulkner
Sept 25, 1897 – July 6, 1962
• Born in New Albany, Mississippi in 1897. Moved to Oxford, at the age of 4.
• Hreisspfoanthseibrle:untowhoirsthfaymdeilyscendaMnit纳sss,帕isno塔sofitp法Ypo郡ikn:,paMrpooasttoat wtoyfpphheias(约w克o原rk型s, ) his mother: steadfast and persesveet rininYgoknapatawpha County,
1. One of three finalists for the first Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine Award(1946).
2. Nobel Prize Winner(1949) 3. Pulitzer Winner twice: • A Fable(1955) • The Reivers(1963) 4. National Book Awards twice: • Collected Stories(1951) • A Fable(1955)
The End of His Life
• Faulkner died July 6th, 1962 after suffering from a coronary occlusion (心肌梗塞 )
❖The Sound and the Fury 《喧嚣与骚动》
❖1930 As I lay Dying 《我弥留之际》
❖1931 Sanctuary 《圣殿》
❖1932 Light in August 《八月之光》
❖1936 Absalom, Absalom! 《押沙龙!押沙龙! 》
❖1942 Go Down, Moses 《去吧,摩西》 ❖1948: Intruder in the Dust 《坟墓的闯入者》 ❖1946:The Portable Faulkner《袖珍本福克纳选
5. O. Henry Short Story Prize.
•William Faulkner won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1949.
• an American novelist and poet whose works feature his native state of Mississippi
• regarded as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century
• one of the leading American writers in the literary history of the United States.
• Up to his death he worked as a Writer-In-Residence at the University of Virginia in 1957
Major Works:
❖Oxford, poems --- prose
❖1924 The Mirble Faun 《云石牧神》 ❖1925, first novel Soldier’s Pay 《军饷》
Considered one of the two greatest American novelists of his era with Ernest Hemingway One of the representatives of Southern renaissance in American literature
If you want to have a better understanding of this outstanding
writer, please read his works.
Thank you !
• a representative of the writers using stream of consciousness
Major Themes of his Works
• 1. history and race • He explains the present by examining the
unfold the contradictions and
• He hoped to aspire to be likceonhfliisctsgoref athte- South in the turbulent times. grandfather, Colonel John Sartoris . great-grandfather: plantation owners, as well as soldiers, writer and politician; Colonel John Sartoris , created in Faulkner's works ,is on the basis of his great-grandfather.
past, by telling the stories of several generations of family to show how history changes life. • He was interested in the relationship between blacks and whites, especially concerned about the problems of the people who were of the mixed race of black and white, unacceptable to both races. • 2. Deterioration • 3. Conflicts between generations, classes, races, man and environment • 4. Horror, violence and the abnormal
❖Trilogy of the Snopes family
The Hamlet (1940) 《村子》 The Town (1957) 《小镇》 The Mansion (1959)《大宅》
❖Short Story collection: The Unvanquished《没有被征服的人》(1938)
• For twenty years he worked in Hollywood writing several screen plays like Today We Live (1933) and Land of the Pharaos (1955) and producing many novels and short stories.
As a Young Man
• 1914 the first world war. • dreamed of becoming a pilot in the
army however was declined because of his height. • He later became a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force, yet did not see any World War I wartime action.
William Faulkner
Sept 25, 1897 – July 6, 1962
• Born in New Albany, Mississippi in 1897. Moved to Oxford, at the age of 4.
• Hreisspfoanthseibrle:untowhoirsthfaymdeilyscendaMnit纳sss,帕isno塔sofitp法Ypo郡ikn:,paMrpooasttoat wtoyfpphheias(约w克o原rk型s, ) his mother: steadfast and persesveet rininYgoknapatawpha County,
1. One of three finalists for the first Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine Award(1946).
2. Nobel Prize Winner(1949) 3. Pulitzer Winner twice: • A Fable(1955) • The Reivers(1963) 4. National Book Awards twice: • Collected Stories(1951) • A Fable(1955)