

大气污染 英语PPT报告

大气污染 英语PPT报告

This is the former Beijing
But now,
Beijing was trapped by fog.
Heavy fog
Not only the atmosphere environment in Beijing is poor , but also the city we live in is not optimistic.
Air pollution seriously affects human health (harmful gas and dust).
How fog affects the human body?
Atmospheric pollution hazards for the elderly, children especially serious.
The sources of air pollution
In order to improve air condition , let us ride bikes more.
Use green shopping bags instead of plastics Turn off the light before you get out Ride a bicycle , or to take a bus instead of a car Turn down the brightness and voice of your computer
Damage of Atmospheric pollution
Traffic jam
Because of air pollution, many transportation is blocked, such as vehicles and air craft.


空气污染水污染大气污染的介 绍英文
Ecological environment 生态环境 Desertification 荒漠化 Salinization 盐碱化 Offscum 废渣 Mining 采矿业 Biological chain 生物链 Biodiversity 生物多样性 Wastewater 污水
ozone depletion 臭氧枯竭 Afforestation 造林
Adsorption 吸附
Photosynthesis 光合作用
photochemical smog光化雾 Phosphorus 磷
Filtration 过滤
sulfur dioxide: from burning of coal and oil. nitrogen dioxide: from high temperature combustion. Carbon monoxide: incomplete combustion
of fuel such as natural gas, coal or wood. Vehicular exhaust is a major source. Carbon dioxide: a greenhouse gas emitted from combustion. Chlorofluorocarbons含氟氯烃: harmful to the ozone layer emitted from products banned from use. Particulate matter: produced by gaseous primary pollutants and compounds in photochemical smog.



分钟,但是天文学家抓住契机,通过观测鸟神星如何遮挡这颗恒星的星光,测量出这颗矮行星的体积、质量、密度和反射率等情况。观测发现,鸟神星的反 射率大约是.,密度估计为.±.g/cm,说明这是一颗由岩石和冰构成的小天体。磁单极子是理论物理学弦理论和高能粒子物理中指一些仅带有N极或S极单一磁 极的磁性;https:// 新视觉 ;物质,它们的磁感线分布类似于点电荷的电场线分布,准确的说磁单极粒子是一种‘微观’的一极磁通超导 的能效粒子,磁单极粒子的存在,必须是‘超导量化’的量子跃迁磁极线性的‘纳米线性’微量实效粒子,粒子以一种量子跃迁的‘角动量’连贯线性组合 存在并可以测量。 科学界之所以如此感兴趣于磁单极子,是因为磁单极子在粒子物理学与天体粒子学当中的重要性,暗物质中的暗物质粒子,大统一理论和 超弦理论都预测了它的存在。 磁单极粒子,存在于特定环境下的一种特殊能量场。严格意义说,仅仅是一种物质能量场与粒子的‘源激发’磁极子逃逸关联, 磁单极粒子不具备多磁极的特性,同时具备它特独有的特点是暗物质暗能量中暗物质粒子的首选。宏观宇宙环境下已知的黑洞和奇点属于单磁极的宏观表现。 中文名 磁单极粒子 预言时间 年 预言人 保罗·狄拉克 证明时间 年英国物理学家保罗·狄拉克(Paul Dirac)早在年利用数学公式预言了磁单极粒子的存在。 [] 当时他认为既然带有基本电荷的电子在宇宙中存在,那么理应带有基本“磁荷”的粒子存在。从而启发了许多物理学家开始了他们寻找磁单极粒子的工作。 通过种种方式寻找磁单极粒子包括使用粒子加速器人工制造磁单极子均无收获。年,美国的科学家利用高空气球来探测地球大气层外的宇宙辐射时偶尔发现 了一条轨迹,当时科学家们分析认为这条轨迹便是磁单极粒子所留下的轨迹。8年月日,在美国斯坦福大学物理系做研究的布拉斯·卡布雷拉宣称他利用超导 线圈发现了磁单极粒子,然而事后他在重复他先前的实验时却未得到先前探测到的磁单极粒子,最终未能证实磁单极粒子的存在。内森·塞伯格(Nathan Seiberg)和爱德华·威滕(Edward Witten)两位美国物理学家于年首次证明出磁单极粒子存在理论上的可能性。 如果我们将带有磁性的金属棒截断为二,新 得到的两根磁棒则会“自动地”产生新的磁场,重新编排磁场的北极、南极,原先的北极南极两极在截断磁棒后会转换成四极各磁棒一南一北。如果继续截 下去,磁场也同时会继续改变磁场的分布,每段磁棒总是会有相应的南北两极。不少科学家因此认为磁极在宇

Unit 15 Air Pollution图文模板

Unit 15  Air Pollution图文模板

Unit 15 Air Pollution
Passage 2 Air Pollution
New Words:
affect [əˈfekt] vt. 影响
automobile [ˈɔ:təməbi:l] n.〈美〉汽车
manufacture [ˌmæ njuˈfæ ktʃə] vt. ①制造 ②捏造 n. ①制造 ②制造品,产
Unit 15 Air Pollution
1. A) The man can buy a shirt from the Simons.
B) Simon might give the man a shirt.
C) Buying expensive shirts is not wise.
D) Simon has bought a shirt too.
Unit 15 Air Pollution
Section B Long Conversations Directions: In this part, you will hear longer conversations. After each conversation, you will hear several questions. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your book and choose the best answer. Ⅰ.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. A) Go to U.S.A. to live with his friend. B) Find a job in a multinational company in Beijing.


• We advice you choose the green paint.
wheat-straw is rubbish? No!
use wheat-straw to plant mushroom
To paint the picture
Plant more tree
Say goodbay to car. Walking or biking
Do you want to live like this ? ? ?
How can we protect our environment
Do not delay, act now ! !
Do not use the paint with formaldehyde(HCHO)
• HCHO is one of most air pollutant in our life.
A green earth, a green life!
Everyone do a little efficient action, we will change our planet!
we have a only planet!
Life with trees
Life with flower
Life with lake
"We died!"
• Human beings discharge poisonous gas in the air. Many plants died!
• We will lose our plants!
The photo was took in place after Xingzhi dormitory.
LIfe with lawn
You can visit these web sites to learn more knowledge:

第七章第5节空气污染 (共16张PPT)

第七章第5节空气污染 (共16张PPT)

o o o o o o o o o o (一)全球气候变暖 (二)臭氧层的耗损与破坏 (三)生物多样性减少 (四)酸雨蔓延 (五)森林锐减 (六)土地荒漠化 (七)大气污染 (八)水污染 (九)海洋污染 (十)危险性废物越境转移
Байду номын сангаас
21世纪 “世界环境日” 主题
o o o o o o o o o o o 2000年:环境千年,行动起来 2001年:世间万物 生命之网 2002 – 深圳,中国 2002年:让地球充满生机 2003年:水----二十亿人生于它!二十亿人生命之所系! 2004年:海洋存亡,匹夫有责 2005年:营造绿色城市,呵护地球家园! 中国主题:人人参与 创建绿色家园 2006年:莫使旱地变为沙漠 中国主题:生态安全与环境友好型社会 2007年:冰川消融,后果堪忧 中国主题:污染减排与环境友好型社会
21世纪 “世界环境日” 主题
o o o o o o o o 2008年:促进低碳经济 中国主题:绿色奥运与环境友好型社会 2009年:地球需要你:团结起来应对气候变化 中国主题:减少污染——行动起来 2010年:多样的物种,唯一的地球,共同的未来 中国主题:低碳减排· 绿色生活 2011 - 印度 2011年:森林:大自然为您效劳 中国主题:共建生态文明,共享绿色未来
6月 5日
o 1972年6月5日在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩召开了《联 合国人类环境会议》,会议通过了《人类环境宣 言》,并提出将每年的6月5日定为“世界环境 日”。同年10月,第27届联合国大会通过决议接 受了该建议。 o 它的确立,反映了世界各国人民对环境问题的认 识和态度,表达了我们人类对美好环境的向往和 追求。
历年“世界无烟日” 主题

第1章 空气污染(Air Pollution) PPT课件

第1章  空气污染(Air Pollution) PPT课件

航 • 空气污染的影响
源 – 酸雨

动 – CO2
力 学
– 臭氧空洞
院 • 方式
– 空气污染
– 水土污染
– 噪声污染
南 京
前言 污染 (Pollution)

航 • 空气污染-内燃机,交通工具
天 大
– 汽车排放标准
学 能
– 2004年7月全面执行欧II标准(上海2003
源 – 2008年全面执行欧III标准
与 动
– 汽油机,柴油机
南 京
第1章 空气污染(Air Pollution)

航 • 含氧量
天 大
学 能
源 与 动
例如:对于不同基准含氧量的NOx值换 算公式如下:

南 京
第1章 空气污染(Air Pollution)

航 • 比较标准
天 大
5% O2 Nox 250 ppm
天 大
学 能
源 物质:

动 含硫化合物:Sox, H2S

学 含氮化合物:Nox,NH3
院 含碳化合物:CO,CO2,CnHm
南 京
第1章 空气污染(Air Pollution)航空航

南 京
第1章 空气污染(Air Pollution)

环境保护 环境污染 中英文PPT课件

环境保护 环境污染 中英文PPT课件
Water Pollution
White Pollution
White Pollution
White pollution refers to plastic pollution. It is a new member of pollution family.
damage 危害
THE SECOND damage 环境污染的危害
Pollution is harmful to human beings. Polluted water causes many kinds of diseases .sometimes these diseases even take man's life.polluted air also does great harm to people’s health.
• The world is changing all the time.The environment is getting worse and worse and it has affected our lives . However ,most of peole haven't realised the importance of protecting environment.
污染对人类有害。水污染引起了多种疾病,有时 候这些疾病甚至带走了人的生命。污染了的空气 也对人类健康有害。
now the most urgent problem is air pollution in our country.

air pollution

air pollution

The biggest causes are the operation of fossil fuel-burning power plants and automobiles that combust fuel. Combined, these two sources are responsible for about 90% of all air pollution in the United States. Some cities suffer severely because of heavy industrial use of chemicals that cause air pollution. Places like Mexico City and Sao Paulo have some of the most deadly pollution levels in the world.
The air pollution causes
There are many different chemical substances that contribute to air pollution. These chemicals come from a variety of sources. Among the many types of air pollutants are nitrogen oxides(NO), carbon monoxides(CO), and organic compounds that can evaporate and enter the atmosphere.
The indoor air pollution
It can, and every year, the health of many people is affected by chemical substances present in the air within buildings.

air pollution

air pollution
Atmospheric Pollution and Controlling
Chapter 1 Atmospheric Structure and Composition 第一章 大气层结构与组成 Chapter 2 Air Pollution and Sources of Air Pollutants 第二章 大气污染与大气污染来源 Chapter 3 Effects of Air Pollution 第三章 大气污染的影响 Chapter 4 Control Technology of Air Pollution
1.3 Inversion layers

2. Air Quality Management
----National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Criteria Pollutants
Table 1. Primary and secondary standards for each of the criteria pollutants
Venturi scrubbers are effective in removing small particles, with removal efficiencies of up to 99 percent. One drawback of this device, however, is the production of wastewater.
3-yr average of the annual fourth highest daily 8-hr average 0.08 ppm 0.053 ppm 0.03 ppm 0.14 ppm 9 ppm 35 ppm 1.5 µg/m3
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Why are Fine Particles bad to breathe?
• Scientific studies have linked fine particles with a series of significant health problems.
• Fine particles easily reach the deepest parts of the lungs.
Categories of Air Pollution control options in China
• Economic structure adjustment • Energy structure adjustment • Cleaner production • Process technological. improvement • Co-generation and district heating • Ecological improvement • End-of-pipe technologies (emission cleaning) • Improving and implementation of environmental laws and regulations
• Particulate matter causes premature deaths every year in the world. • Fine particles from Diesel exhaust can cause lung cancer.
Air Quality Management Model
• Ozone in the upper atmosphere protects us from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.
• At ground-level in the air we breathe, ozone (smog) poses serious risks to human health.
Fine particles come from a variety of sources:
• • • • • diesel trucks and buses construction equipment power plants woodstoves wildfires
Also, Chemical reactions in the atmosphere can transform gases into fine particles.
Dispersion modelling Monitoring Emissions Air Quality
(Air pollution concentrations)
Exposure assessment Abatement measures/ regulations Control options Damage assessment Cost analysis
What Can You Do?
Conserve electricity:
do not over-cool or over-heat buildings turn off lights and appliances when not in use Purchase electronics/appliances with energy star labels
What are the environmental effects of air pollution?
• Aggravated asthma
• Coughing
• Acute respiratory symptoms • Chest pain • Decreased lung function (shortness of breath) • People with existing heart and lung disease, as well as the elderly and children, are particularly at risk • Premature death . Cause global warming, acid rain and destroy the ozone layer.
What is Particulate Matter?
• particles of different substances suspended in the air • in the form of solid particles and liquid droplets
Where does Particulate Matter come from?
Air Pollution Case Study
As all know that clean air is very important to our good
health , wherever you go and whatever you do, you are always surrounded by a sea of gases that we call air. If there are impurities in the air, that may be absorbed by our bodies and make us ill. We need clean air urgently, but air pollution is one of the globally major problems of the modern world, especially in cities. Although almost all of countries have been trying hard to prevent and control air pollution , however we it may be that we still have a long way to go before that we have a clean world ,and believe it seems to be no end tasks to be required to do all along.
• Industrial location adjustment
S. Larssen: Beijing 20 Jan-02: AQ China 1
Norwegian Institute for Air Research
What is Ozone?
• An odorless, colorless gas composed of three oxygen atoms.
What are the causes of air pollution ?
• 1. Sandstorms ,the dust and gases from volcano pollute the earth’s atmosphere naturally. • 2.Pollution from factories, power stations and vehicles exhaust pump harmful gases into the air . • 3.Also smoking cigarettes adds to the general levels of air pollution as well as damage our health as cigarette contains chemicals that can cause cancer and lung illness .
What would you do to change air pollution ?
• 1. People could reduce air pollution by saving energy and reduce harmful emissions from vehicle exhausts and power stations and so on. • 2. Factory chimney can be fixed with devices to cut down air pollution. so that it give off less polluted air materials. • 3. People would be less likely to use their cars but take public buses as they can. • 4. Scientists have been studying new ways of generating electricity to replace gasoline that may be less damage to the environment. • 5. Try best to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels . • 6. Sponsor to develop ecological protection to reinforce virescence and landscaping .
Air Pollution Case Study

• 20140311pollute-20dailyaver,w_640.png
Prioritized control scenarios
According to the cost-benefit analysis, the resulting ranking of the emission control scenarios is 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. centralized heating, natural gas utilization, clean coal technologies, implementation of productivity policies, dust control.