TOEFL 听力_ 大Lecture 中必须掌握的词汇
社会科学:1.Economy and bussiness(经济与商业)(1)regulation)1(market pattern(市场形态)---self-sufficient economy自给自足的自然经济---a pure free market economy自由的市场经济(no government intervention/involvement没有政府的干预= 并列关系Free competition自由竞争---monopoly垄断---anti-trustlegislation反托拉斯立法-反垄断---transportation—railroad—oil---financial)---a central government controled/administrated economy计划经济---mixed economy混合经济(social regulation宏观调控---A. aim/purposea. to aviod monopoly宏观调控[make profits挣利润]b.to aviod fraud(经济上欺诈)c.to maintain the stability/saftyof the societyd.to aviod the manipulationfrom the stock holders,security holders and futureholders(股票,证券,期货的恶意操控)---financialmarket(微观调控)B.methoda.tax/taxationernment:spending/expenditure(支出) (2)demand and supply)1(valuation regulation价值规律---考点:relation, case study/analysis(案例研究,分析)---把握目的,位置决定目的(revaluation/appreciation升值;devaluation贬值)(3)marketing(营销) strategy(战略))1(M & A=merge and accquisition兼并和重组---A.brand sense品牌理念=brand name+artificial meaning/concept/notation(品牌理念)√[case]B.mass media method大众传播手段---advertisement;commercial(特制电视商业有偿广告);Interneta.logo(商标)b.spokepersonc.introduction(spokesperson---celebrity)d.slogan(标语)---concept(理念)C.contrast对比[cases]---10—记字头D.brand---loyalty品牌忠诚度a.attempt试用b.expansion of productsc.platform平台E.localization本土化(对于跨国公司,跨地公司)a.taste品位b.culture/belief信仰c.cunsumer-testing消费心理,消费习惯公司规模:Agency/firm---company---corporation,enterprise---JV=Joint Venture合资企业---MNC=Multinational Corporation跨国公司(4)business management---human resource(人力资源)[case---e-Person=executive-person高管]---CEO(首席执行官),CFO(首席财政官),CTO (首席技术官),COO(首席运营总监),CAO(游戏公司-首席娱乐总监)A.qualities.---各种执行官pany---success/failureC.theory理论2.Philosophy(哲学)听力中4位有名的哲学家:Socrates(苏格拉底), Plato(柏拉图), Aristotle(亚里士多德), John Dewey(约翰杜威)建树是不变的:(1)Socrates苏格拉底(被绞死):---柏拉图的老师规律:谈到苏格拉底必谈柏拉图metaphysics(形而上学派)(2)Plato柏拉图《The Republic》理想国---柏拉图最著名的著作,其实是他和他老师苏格拉底共同的功绩:Academy:西方哲学史上,开创了第一家讲哲学思想的学堂:“学源”---1.教育Education---2.伦理道德Ethics(3)Aristotle亚里士多德:)1(他的哲学思想遍及领域之广无人能及方面:physics, natural science, politics, arts, poetics(诗学))2(但大多数哲学思想在后来一一被推翻)3(是西方哲学思想的奠基人---积极评价)4(当晚年只研究一个领域---伦理道德Ethics---幸福happiness(4)John Dewey约翰杜威---pragmatics实用主义哲学---education教育(专门研究)(philosopher哲学家, thinker思想家, educator教育家))1(率先提出了教育应该全民教育(no social rank education)-无差别,无社会等级教育)2(理论联系实际(“put into practice” theory))3(个人教育可以带动全民教育(individual education)3.Art History(难题,艺术历史)---所有艺术史文章的考点:该艺术时期的最大特点(hallmark)代表人物(person)代表作品(work)代表人物的第一人第一作(first)诞生的背景和后期给社会带来的影响(background+effect)鼎盛时期的发展情况(peak,summit Baroque巴洛克时期---Music,Fine Arts,Architecture---考点:emotional感性艺术,extreme ornamentation极端的装修装饰dissonance对称,中轴线(又臭又长)Music:(1)trill(颤音)/grace notes修饰音符(2)orchestra(管弦乐队)/symphony(交响乐队)(3)F(发)/B(西)---音名---semi-tone半音阶的使用(4)Opera(歌剧)---鼎盛时期(5)concerto(协奏曲),sonata(奏鸣曲)Music代表人物:Monteverdi Claudio蒙特威尔第.克劳迪奥!!---歌剧之父,巴洛克音乐之父代表作:Orfeo/Orfio《奥菲欧》鼎盛时期:Technique-oriented纯技术导向的---只有技术没有艺术---以歌剧(Opera)为最Choir唱诗班/巴洛克前期的合唱团---唱merit(赞美歌)---早期用童男童女(纯洁)鼎盛时期比的是谁唱的大声唱的高(男的变声)---出现阉人歌手(eunuch performer/singer)后期分声部(V oices)—理性时期---tenor男高音baritone男中音soprnao男低音mezzo-soprnao女高音alto女中音,女低音Arts:鲁本斯(Robins)---是欧洲第一个巴洛克式的画家---代表作品:Bless Peace《祝福和平》---巴洛克美术之父鼎盛时期:先炫技:比颜色的艳丽(多)---color,线条的复杂性---line complexity 后炫画布(canvas)后期都回归理性Architecture:Appliance实用性—所以不存在过于“炫”特点:(1)huge pillar大型立柱(2)Floating sculpture浮雕(3)mural/fresco壁画Renaissance文艺复兴时期---理性艺术rational art----哲学中也考(内容一样)启蒙运动Enlightenment---相互影响,时间上启蒙运动先人性humanismb 达芬奇Da Vinci美德merit by nature艺术与科学art scienceImpressionism意象派---哲学中也考(乌托邦派utopianism/理想主义派idealism)只限于绘画和音乐---特点:utopianism乌托邦派/idealism理想主义派abstract抽象Imagination/illusion幻想No accompany无伴奏Vague coloration模糊色彩处理Romantics浪漫主义---偏文学---关键词:(1)elaboration修辞(2)Romantic≠love---会进行对比comparison…(3)Wordsworth的生平(life)---最鼎盛时期是早期作品的第一阶段---文章容易出题Work(代表作)-早期第一阶段-代表作不确定Drama戏剧---Neo-classics新古典主义Performance表演艺术Actor/actoress演员Theater舞台(装饰)---注意比较概念---容易出题Compared with Romantic和浪漫主义进行对比注意听:Difference;Advantages/Disvantages:strengh/weakness演员,舞台设计搭配之间的优劣点代表人物:Wordsworth华兹华斯Photorealism照片写实主义---Fine Art---VS---Impressionism---写实,关键,特点:(1)Detail细节(2)reflection:mirror/window镜像画代表人物:七类代表人物---听到新人就记4.History and Anthropology5.Mass Communication(大众传播)6.Political Science地球科学:1.地质地理题:山---Alps阿尔卑斯山Amdes安第斯山脉Rockies罗基山脉Applachians阿巴拉奇亚山Cascades卡斯卡达山脉St.Helens圣海伦斯山山的考法:(1)formation/age形成方式和年代的概念---注意数字(height,length,altitude,age)Range;mountain ranges山脉)1(collision of tectonic plates板块的挤压,碰撞(原因:Plate Tectonic板块构造说Continental Drifting大陆漂移学说Plate movementHotspot热力点 temperature---crust,mantle,core---在mantle---有lava/magama---导致Plate movment)2(during volcanic eruption/action火山爆发(原因:rock---cool downigneous rock火山岩(2)volcano---eruption/erupt考点:classification分类)1(eruption cycle喷发周期(三种火山:active volcano活火山Inactive/extinct volcane死火山Dormant volcane休眠火山=潜在的活火山)2(eruption intensity喷发强度(两种火山:shield volcano盾状火山---没事喷着玩由火山结构决定特点:形状像盾牌,喷发周期短,喷发强度小Composite volcano复式火山---很多层---导致火山的内部压强大(pressure)密度大(density)特点:喷发周期强,喷发强度大听的方法:听火上的类型(type);听火上的位置(与山的关系---与哪个山相连)(location—other mountain)次生灾害(productive disasters)---火山灰(ash cloud/volcanic ash)地震(earthquake)山崩(landslide)------常说道:Cascade是雪山---终年低温常年积雪---雪崩(avalanche)泥石流(mudslide)杀生(kill creatures)听调查和调查者(survey&research reaults)听火山由静到动的过程(process)湖(Great Lakes)---五大湖---最大湖:Superior最西边----背的方法:SHMEO二大湖:Huron三大湖:Michigan---全部湖水面积都在美国本土第四湖:Erie第五湖:Ontraio最东边都属于:Freshwater lake淡水湖=Sweetwater lake最常考点:咸淡对比---湖水文章经常对比的出题---盐湖saltwater lake---Great Salt Lake位于Utah---容易对比对比方面:(1)date(2)structure---outlet出口—出盐分(3)climate---evaporation amount蒸发量(4)prehistoric lake史前湖---eg:Great Salt lake---Bonnevile Lake邦纳维尔湖海---考点:(1)oceanic volcanic island海洋火山岛---火山周围的海容易长atoll(环状珊瑚岛)---tropical热带,sub-tropical亚热带容易长常见:lagoon泻湖---海洋火山经过长时间的风化侵蚀没了,但是珊瑚还在,造成珊瑚岛周围的海水稳定高---适合mass spawn大规模产卵(2)oceanic current洋流---plankton浮游生物---洋流的交汇可以使得大量的浮游生物的营养物质翻转---特点:死后释放出毕生所吸收的所有海洋元素,供下一代浮游生物享用---靠喝水存活(吸收海水中nutrition)---冷暖流(cold current/warm current)结论:1.temperature gap---温度差horizontal movement2.density gap---密度差verticle movement(3)iceberg/glacier冰山,冰川---冰山顶:ice cap冰底:ice bottom冰层:ice layer/ice sheet)1(formation process形成(核心词:refrozen再冻---remelt再化的循环circulation---把Air---compress挤出(weight主要原因是重力) )2(movement运动(核心词:velocity速度)3(condition条件(A.frozen snow冻雪B.conserved/permanent low temperature常年低温C.frozen snow→frequently→fern积雪=accumulated snow)4(enviroment/ecology环境和生态(关键方面:climate/landscape)矿石洞:石(rock):igneous rock火成岩,火山岩(lava---cool down)Sedimentary rock沉积岩,水成岩(eroded by sea/water/ocean water)Metamorphic rock变质岩(stress压力/pressure压强/heat高温)矿(ore)---element(元素):Oxygen氧气Nitrogen氮Silicon硅(注意读法)Carbon碳Aluminum(注意读法)Calcium钙(注意读法)Sodium钠Iron铁Potassium钾Magnesium镁Titanium钛Hydrogen氢Chloric氯Amino氨Methane甲烷Lead铅Oxide(氧化物):Monoxide一氧化物Dioxide二氧化物Trioxide三氧化物Peroxide过氧化物洞(cave)---cave-man原始人(1)solution cave酸溶洞(weak/mild acid由中酸,弱酸溶解而成的)(2)sea cave(eroded by water经水侵蚀)(3)lava cave(after volcanic action火山运动之后)2.天文学(Astronomy)(1)9 planets---Mercury水星;Venus金星;Earth地球;Mars火星;Jupiter木星;Saturn土星;Uranus天王星;Neptune海王星;Pluto冥王星(2)solar system太阳系Earth-moon system地月系Galaxy星系(3)luminous/ring/aurora(4)Earth-shape形状/revolution转动生命科学:1.Fly苍蝇:特点:visual systm视觉系统(compound eye复眼)复眼结构(structure):成千上万的晶状体小眼(ommatidium)构成了一个复眼,并且附着在复眼的表面上复眼特点(features):时好时坏(1)在一定视觉范围内,复眼对于动态事物高度敏感,静态事物高度近视(2)不能分辨组合图形和立体事物---只能看到平面的2.Bat蝙蝠:特点:auditory system听觉系统器官(organ):inner ear内耳;tympana中耳;auricle外耳;auditory canal听管;vibrating membrane/disc震动鼓膜、骨盘;eardrum耳膜器官特点(feature):inner ear→pronunciation/different sound/signalTympana→passage只是声音的通道,预防内耳的病Auricle→collect waves收集声波,decoration装饰(mammal哺乳动物---才有外耳)Auditory canal→birds鸟类(长一个或者两个)Vibrating membrane/disc→蛙跳类动物---decoration装饰有的长在knee膝盖/gill腮→考点:只能辨别声音的存在不能辨别声音的含义,内容蝙蝠专有:Echolocation回声定位系统---利用ultarsound超声波3.defensive system防御系统---monarch butterfly黑脉精斑蝶(1)camouflage伪装Eg:monarch butterfly---特点:在太阳光的照射下,金斑变成惨绿色斑点,与绿叶颜色相同濒临灭绝原因---endangered insect:---等死)1(bump撞死)2(caterpillar---color,horizontal stripe有彩色,横条状---挑食---饿死starve)3(pollinator传粉者---只对着一朵花采,直到采死花为止---nectar花蜜,花粉---被花农毒死(爱恨交加---采的速度快)Disguise伪装:)1(environmental color环境色相一致---最常变绿色)2(location color位置颜色(2)mobbing围攻)1(group living=gregarious residence群居)2(small…没有固定说法---体积弱小)3(predator→prey(叫人)---turnover逆转predator←prey捕食者--被捕食者(3)warning color警告色Natural enemy’s color A黑→B白→C红---evolution进化---导致C遇到B时自然的变成了“黑色”---起到了防御的作用两种情况使得警告色失效:)1(时间长了知道了,聪明---不多见)2(B动物饿疯了(4)poison liquid/gas =毒液,毒气。
托福听力及阅读专业词汇托福听力及阅读专业词汇:地理学geography地理学geographer地理学家hemisphere半球meridian子午线/经线parallel平行圈latitude纬线longitude经度elevation 海拔altitude高度/海拔temperate latitudes温带地区horizon地平线equator赤道tropic热带地区Arctic/the north pole北极Antarctic(Antarctica)南极(南极洲)the Antarctic continent南极洲Antarctic circle南极圈Aurora极光Tropic of Cancer北回归线Tropic of Capricorn南回归线international date line国际日期变更线time difference时差expedition探险time zone时区topography地形/地形学plain平原plateau(highland)高地lowland低地basin盆地oasis绿洲peak山峰cavern(cave) 洞穴terrain地域subterranean(underground)地底下coastland沿海地区coastline海岸线watershed分水岭upper reaches上游lower reaches下游tributary支流deposit沉积spring/fountain泉水iceberg冰山riverbed河床gulf/bay海湾waterfall瀑布reef暗礁tide潮水tropical rain forest热带雨林island岛屿continental island大陆岛volcanic island火山岛coral island珊瑚岛islet小岛peninsular半岛archipelago群岛delta三角洲landlocked area内陆continent大陆inland waterway内陆河subcontinent次大陆range山脉cliff山崖valley山谷,峡谷hillside/mountain slope山坡continental shelf大陆架canyon峡谷channel(strait)海峡remote-sensing遥感的terrestrial地球的/陆地的terrestrial heat(geothermal)地热terrestrial magnetism(geomagnetism)地磁continental drift theory大陆漂移学说sea-floor spreading海床扩展evaporation蒸发salinity含盐度ocean bottom海床sediment沉淀物/沉积物tropical热带的temperate温带的frigid寒带的formation形成frost heaving冻涨现象fieldstone卵石托福听力及阅读专业词汇:动物学zoology 动物学Darwinism 达尔文学说natural selection 自然选择class 纲order 目family 科genus 属suborder 亚目species 种invertebrate 无脊椎动物vertebrate 脊椎动物aquatic(life) 水生动物reptile 爬行动物amphibian(amphibious animal) 两栖动物protozoa 原生动物rodent 啮齿动物(如松鼠)ruminant 反刍(chu)动物cold-blooded animal 冷血动物warm-blooded animal 温血动物parasitic animal 寄生动物primate 灵长动物plankton 浮游生物mollusk 软体动物coelenterate 腔肠动物herbivore 食草动物carnivore 食肉动物dinosaur 恐龙bird 鸟类extinction 灭绝mammal 哺乳动物Primates 灵长目动物insect 昆虫antenna(pl: antennae) 触须larva 幼虫/幼体camouflage 伪装pest 害虫worm 虫(蠕虫)hibernate 冬眠lizard 蜥蜴chameleon 变色蜥蜴regeneration 再生turtle 龟beast 野兽domesticate 驯养predatory(carnivorous) 食肉的predator 捕食者prey 捕食,被捕食的动物scavenger 食腐动物migrate 迁移wing 翅膀/翼bill(鸟)嘴beak (鹰等的)嘴nest 筑巢dolphin 海豚whale 鲸鱼bat 蝙蝠gorilla 大猩猩chimpanzee 黑猩猩habitat 栖息地shrimp 小虾prawn 对虾lobster 对虾crab 螃蟹clam 蛤蜊sponge 海绵coral 珊瑚starfish 海星canary 金丝雀chirp (鸟/虫的叫声)唧唧owl 猫头鹰vulture 秃鹫penguin 企鹅 crane 鹤stork 鹳squeak (老鼠等)吱吱porpoise 海豚otter 水獭frog 青蛙tadpole 蝌蚪salamander 蝾螈scorpion 蝎子centipede 蜈蚣cicada 蝉mantis 螳螂wasp 黄蜂hornet 大黄蜂cockroach 蟑螂earthworm 蚯蚓sloth 树獭slothful 懒惰的hygiene 卫生sanitation 卫生parasite 寄生虫moth 蛾caterpillar 毛虫horde (昆虫等)群swarm (昆虫等)群flock (鸟羊等)群community 动物的群落或人的部落herd 兽群bunch (花等)束/捧beaver 海狸monogamous 一夫一妻的/一雄一雌的polygamous 一夫多妻的/一雄多雌的polyandrous 一妻多夫的/一雌多雄的 trapper 诱捕动物者rhinoceros 犀牛niche 小生态环境vestige 退化器官/遗迹oyster 牡蛎fertilizer 使――受精larva 幼虫tentacle 触角homotherm 恒温动物⎺∴poikilotherm 变温动物metabolism 新陈代谢baboon 狒狒breed 品种,繁殖multiply (reproduce繁殖)hatch 孵spawn (鱼、虾、蛙等)孵anatomy 解剖学appetite 食欲creature 生物microbe 微生物herbivorous 食草的carnivorous 食肉的omnivorous 杂食的scale 鳞feather 羽毛armor 甲spinal cord 脊椎digestive system 消化系统excretory system 排泄系统统reproductive system 生殖系circulatory system 循环系统respiratory system 呼吸系统hormonal system 内分泌系统antelope 羚羊aphid 蚜虫beluga 白鲸bipedal 两足动物的rare animal 稀有动物托福听力及阅读专业词汇:地质学geology地质学geologist地质学家stratum(pl:strata) ,layer地层stratigraphy地层学crust地壳mantle地幔core地核continental crust大陆地壳oceanic crust海洋地壳plate板块fault断层fault plane断层面fault zone断层带rift(crack, split) 断裂disintegration(decomposition)分解erosion腐蚀fossil化石outer core外核igneous rock火成岩metamorphic rock变质岩volcanic火山岩quartz石英quartzite石英岩sedimentary rock沉积岩limestone石灰岩granite花岗岩marble大理石lithosphere岩石圈magma/molten lava岩浆mineral矿物ore矿石deposit矿床platinum白金/铂silver银copper黄铜aluminum铝tin锡lead铅zinc锌nickel镍mercury汞/水银sodium钠gem宝石diamond钻石emerald绿宝石ruby红宝石the Northern Hemisphere北半球glacier冰川glacial冰川的glacial epoch(age,period)冰川期glacial drift冰渍volcano火山active volcano活火山extinct volcano死火山Ndormant volcano休眠火山eruption火山喷发crater火山口lava火山岩浆volcanic火山的volcanic dust火山尘volcanic ash火山灰earthquake(quake, tremor, seism)地震seismic地震的seismology地震学geonomy地球学magnitude震级seismic wave地震波IIcataclysm灾变tidal force/tsunami海啸melt global warming全球逐渐变暖aquifer蓄水层swamp沼泽vegetation植被Great Canyon大峡谷natural wonder自然景观Nile River尼罗河Colorado river科罗拉多河Geologic survey地质调查Greenwich Mean Time格林尼治时间desert沙漠coastline海岸线tributary支流volcano eruption火山爆发托福听力及阅读专业词汇:生物学biology生物学biologist生物学家marine biology海洋生物学entomology昆虫学ornithology鸟类学genetics遗传学speciology物种学parasitology寄生虫学dinosaur恐龙die out/extinction灭绝microbiology微生物学paleontology古生物学paleontologist古生物学家mammal哺乳动物barnacle北极鹅underwater水下的marine海洋的scuba水下呼吸器diving潜水/跳水one-celled organism单细胞有机体(微生物) jellyfish水母tissue(动植物细胞的)组织protective camouflage保护色predator捕猎者oceanic snail蜗牛reproductive system生殖系统ingestion摄食digestion消化digestive enzyme消化酶cell细胞solitary独居social群居bio-diversity生物多样性metamorphosis变态/变形animal adaptation动物适应性wild environment野生环境owl猫头鹰insecticide杀虫剂prenatal care产后护理habitat栖息地squid鱿鱼tentacle触须prey捕食navigate导航tiny receptor接受器specimen范例, 标本, 样本amphibian两栖类动物decline in the number数量减少genetic基因的,遗传的endangered species濒危物⎺survival活着的transition转变/过渡, mutation变种variation变异anemone海葵antenna触角,天线hibernation冬眠evolution进化,adaptation适应chromosome染色体genetic engineering遗传工程yeast酵母(菌)single-cell单细胞reptile爬行类动物turtle海龟hatch孵化nest巢robin知更鸟wasp黄蜂offspring子孙chew up咀嚼rodent啮齿类动物burro驴子octopus章鱼spider蜘蛛unfertilized eggs未受精的卵nutrient营养品nourishment营养品/食物feed喂养cannibalism同类相食 gene基因respiration system呼吸系统nucleus细胞核protein蛋白质amino acid氨基酸plankton浮游生物heredity遗传mutation of species物种变异specimen范例, 标本, 样本amphibian两栖类动物navigate导航tiny receptor接受器。
1. assignment [əˈsaɪnmənt](名词)- 释义:任务;作业;分配。
- 例句:The assignment for this week is to write a short essay.2. professor [prəˈfesə(r)](名词)- 释义:教授。
- 例句:The professor is very strict about the format of the paper.3. seminar [ˈsemɪnɑː(r)](名词)- 释义:研讨会;研讨班。
- 例句:We have a seminar on modern literature every Friday.4. dormitory [ˈdɔːmətri](名词)- 释义:宿舍。
- 例句:The dormitory is a bit crowded.5. campus [ˈkæmpəs](名词)- 释义:校园。
- 例句:There are many beautiful trees on the campus.二、学术类。
1. theory [ˈθɪəri](名词)- 释义:理论;学说。
- 例句:Einstein's theory of relativity is very famous.2. experiment [ɪkˈsperɪmənt](名词/动词)- 释义:实验;试验;做实验。
- 例句:They are doing an experiment in the laboratory.3. hypothesis [haɪˈpɒθəsɪs](名词)- 释义:假设。
- 例句:The hypothesis needs to be tested.4. research [rɪˈsɜːtʃ](名词/动词)- 释义:研究;调查;做研究。
- 例句:His research focuses on environmental protection.5. analysis [əˈnæləsɪs](名词)- 释义:分析。
另外,在读的过程中,标注一下重音(具体到每个音节的词重音),语调 (升调,降调和降升调,就是拐弯的调子) 和停顿(不只是标点符号后的停顿,主要是句子内部的意群停顿)。
TOEFL听力学科词汇(based on TPO)1I. Art (3)1.1 Arts (3)1.2 Literature (16)1.3 Architecture (19)II. Physical Science (21)2.1 Geology 地质学 (21)2.2 Astronomy 天文学 (29)2.3 Physics 物理学 (37)2.4 Chemistry 化学 (45)III. Life Science (54)3.1 Zoology 动物学 (54)3.2 Animal Behavior 动物行为 (63)3.3 Physiology 生理生化 (67)3.4 Botany 植物学 (73)3.5 Speciology 物种学 (82)3.6 Ecology 生态学 (83)IV. Social Science (88)4.1 Archaeology 考古学 (88)4.2 Business 经济商学 (90)4.3 History 历史 (98)4.4 Psychology 心理学 (100)4.5 Anthropology 人类学 (104)4.6 Sociology 社会学 (104)4.7 Philosophy 哲学 (105)4.8 Politics 政治 (106)2I. Art1.1 Artsstyle [stail] n. 风格【频】6【例】TPO 1 L1 She’s got a very unusual style, compared t some of the artists we’ve looked at this term.technique [tek'nik] n. 手法,技术【频】6【例】TPO 19 L4 And this is something, a technique that you will find in both of their work.gallery ['gæləri] n. 画廊【频】6【例】TPO 1 L1 Remember I said that at some point during this semester I wanted you to attend an exhibit at the Fairy Street Gallery and then write about it.painter ['peɪntə] n. 画家【频】5【例】TPO 34 L1 Last week we started talking about the painters and sculptors who were part of the art movement called Dada.【衍】Painting n. 绘画,Paint v. 绘画artist [‘artist] n. 艺术家【频】5【例】TPO 1 L1 The name of the artist exhibiting there is Rose Frantzen.play [plei] n. 剧本【频】5【例】TPO 7 L1 In fact, some of the playwrights would start by writing the end of the play.romantic [ro'mantik] a. 浪漫的【频】43【例】TPO 27 L4 Well Goethe was part of the Romantic Movement in western literature.【衍】Romance n. 浪漫史、冒险故事,Romanticist n. 浪漫主义者,Romanticism n. 浪漫主义theater['θɪətə] n. 戏院【频】4【例】TPO 12 L3 They carried theater with them and opera specifically because it was an Italian form.portrait ['pɔrtrət] n. 肖像【频】3【例】TPO 1 L1 Frantzen had to paint other people’s portraits at places like art fairs just to make money to buy paint for her more serious art work.【衍】Portraiture n. 肖像画,Portraitist n. 肖像画家,Portray v. 描绘genre ['ʒanrə] n. 类型【频】3【例】TPO 30 L4 I think it’s fair to say that the sound of the electric guitar typifies the rock’n roll genre.scene [si:n] n. 景象【频】3【例】TPO 1 L1 A lot of impressionist artists painted everyday scenes, like people on the streets and in cafes, lots of nature scenes, especially landscapes.【衍】Scenery n. 舞台布景,风景recital [ri'saitl] n. 独奏会【频】3【例】TPO 24 L2 By age fourteen, she was teaching her free dance to young children and giving recitals.【衍】Recitative a. 吟诵的depict [di'pikt] v. 描画【频】3【例】TPO 1 L1 It didn’t depict scenes or models exactly as they looked.4【衍】Depiction n. 描画classical ['klæsikl] a. 古典的【频】3【例】TPO 16 L4 As piano became more available, they brought classical music, the music which previously had been composed only for the upper classes.patron ['petrən] n. 赞助人,主顾【频】2【例】TPO 16 L4 Well, I don’t have to spell it out for you, the likes and dislikes of the patron, this would’ve had an effect on what was being composed and performed.【衍】Patronage n. 赞助brushstroke [bruʃ’strok] n. 绘画技巧【频】2【例】TPO 1 L1 Impressionist painters tended to apply paint really thickly, and in big brushstrokes.ballet [bæ'lei] n. 芭蕾【频】2【例】TPO 24 L2As I said, in classical ballet, emotions are conveyed through a set of strictly formalized movements.【衍】Ballerina n. 芭蕾舞女演员composer [kəm'pozɚ] n. 作曲家【频】2【例】TPO 16 L4 There were many other influences on composers.【衍】Compose v. 作曲texture ['tekstʃə] n. 质地,纹理【频】2【例】TPO 1 L1 The texture of the canvas was rough.charcoal ['tʃakol] n. 木炭,炭笔5【频】2【例】TPO 3 L3 There’s charcoal marks from their torches on the cave walls clearly dating from thousands of years after the paintings were made.parchment ['partʃment] n. 羊皮纸【频】2【例】TPO 15 L3 During the 1400s, when printing was being developed, paper became the predominant material for books in Europe, but prior to that, it was parchment.manuscript ['mænjuskript] n. 手稿,原稿【频】2【例】TPO 15 L3 Before the invention of printing and the printing press, all books, all manuscripts werehand-made.realism[‘riəlizəm] n. 现实主义【频】2【例】TPO 1 L1 You’ve probably studied both of these movements separately, Realism and Impressionism, in some of your art history courses.【衍】Realistic a. 现实主义的,Realist n. 现实主义者impressionism [ɪm'preʃənɪzəm] n. 印象主义【频】1【例】TPO 1 L1 Impressionism started in the late 19th century.【衍】Impressionist n. 印象主义者exhibit [ig'zibit] n. 展示会【频】1【例】TPO 1 L1 Well, the exhibit that I want you to attend is coming up.canvas ['kænvəs]n. 帆布【频】1【例】TPO 1 L1 The texture of the canvas was rough.6bleak [blik] a. 阴冷的,黯淡的【频】1【例】TPO 1 L1 The overall scene gives an impression of a cold, bleak winter day on a farm.blurry ['blɜːrェ] a. 模糊的【频】1【例】TPO 1 L1 You can really see those broad brushstrokes and the blurry lines.expressive [ik'spresiv] a. 表现的【频】1【例】TPO 19 L4 Well, for me, it is her face and hands, I think they are really expressive.【衍】Expression n. 表现、表达,Expressionist n. 表现主义艺术家contemplative [kən'templətɪv] a. 沉思的【频】1【例】TPO 19 L4 They make the woman seem very contemplative, seems like she is thinking pretty seriously about something.【衍】Contemplate v. 沉思,Contemplation n. 沉思contrasting colors 比照色【频】1【例】TPO 19 L4 What strikes me is the contrasting colors, the white dress and the dark background.vague [veig] a. 模糊的【频】1【例】TPO 19 L4 Well, the background behind the woman is pretty vague.conventional [kən'vɛnʃənl] a. 常见的,传统的【频】1【例】TPO 19 L4 Now, the undefined background also shows how Cecilia Beaux was influenced by the French Impressionists, who believed, like Beaux in a personal rather than conventional approach to their subject matter.7bold color亮色【频】1【例】TPO 21 L4 First, Neel’s use of bold color.critic ['kritik] n. 批评家,评论家【频】1【例】TPO 21 L4 Some critics had declared the genre of portraiture to be dead.【衍】Critical a. 批评的,Criticize v. 批评,Criticism n. 批评abstract art 抽象派艺术【频】1【例】TPO 21 L4 But keep in mind that she was doing this when abstract art dominated the art scene.fashionable ['fæʃnəbl] a. 流行的,时髦的【频】1【例】TPO 21 L4 Representations of people weren’t fashionable in the art world.【衍】Fashion n. 时尚Primary color原色【频】1【例】TPO 27 L4 As you probably know, primary colors are, theoretically speaking, the basic colors from which all other colors can be made.Secondary color次生色【频】1【例】TPO 27 L4 But as you’ll find out when you start working on your painting projects, the three primary colors-red, blue, yellow-don’t always make the best secondary colors.Prism ['prɪzəm] n. 棱镜【频】1【例】TPO 27 L4 He used a prism to break white light down into the various colors of the spectrum.8chromatics [krə'mætiks] n. 色彩学【频】1【例】TPO 27 L4 Scientists studying optics and chromatics today still marvel at his findings.【衍】Chromatic a. 彩色的symbolize ['simbəlaiz] v. 作为...象征【频】1【例】TPO 27 L4 His ideas about what colors symbolize, about the emotions that different colors inspire were based on the colors red, yellow and blue.【衍】Symbol n. 象征、符号,Symbolic a. 象征的,Symbolism n. 象征主义、记号Film-maker电影制作人【频】1【例】TPO 3 L2 And in that context, today we are going to talk about a film-maker who began making very unique films in the late 1920s.clip [klip] n. 〔影片〕剪辑【频】1【例】TPO 3 L2 He might take a clip of a mollusk going up and down in the water and set it to music.documentary['dɑkjə'mɛntri] n. 纪录片【频】1【例】TPO 3 L2 He set the standard really for the nature documentary.【衍】Documentarist n. 纪录片制片人primitive ['primitiv] a. 原始的【频】1【例】TPO 3 L3 I think you will agree with me that this art is anything but primitive.masterpiece ['mæstəpis] n. 杰作【频】19【例】TPO 3 L3 They are masterpieces.Studio ['studio] n. 画室,工作室,电影〔音乐〕制片厂【频】1【例】TPO 8 L2 The painting depicts an active crowded studio with women drawing and painting a live model.Salon ['sælɔn] n. 画廊,美术展览馆【频】1【例】TPO 8 L2 You can have a painting or sculpture in the salon and go back to your home country saying you’ve been a success in the Paris.scribe [skraib] n. 抄写员,作家【频】1【例】TPO 15 L3 So it wasn’t uncommon for the scribes or monks who produce the manuscripts.Palimpses t ['pælim(p)sest] n. 重写本【频】1【例】TPO 15 L3 A manuscript page that was written on, erased and then used again is called a palimpsest.Papyrus scrolls 古本手卷【频】1【例】TPO 15 L3 This was extremely fortunate, since later on, the original papyrus scrolls disappeared.preserve [prェ'zə:v] v. 保存【频】1【例】TPO 15 L3 So the pages, the pieces of parchment themselves, had been preserved.stained glass彩色玻璃【频】1【例】TPO 16 L4 Stained glass of course is simply glass that has been colored and cut into pieces andre-assembled to form a picture or a decorative design.Metallic compound金属化合物10【例】TPO 16 L4 You got specific colors by adding metallic compounds to the other glass making ingredients.Paleolithic [,pæliəu’liθi k] a. 旧石器时代的【频】1【例】TPO 17 L1 Today, we will be covering the Upper Paleolithic Period, which I am roughly defining as the period from 35000 to 8000 B.C.【衍】Neolithic a. 新石器时代的Stratigraphy [strə'tɪgrəfi] n. 地层学【频】1【例】TPO 17 L1 Stratigraphy is used for dating portable art.【衍】Stratum n. 地层,Stratification n. 层理Radiocarbon [,reɪdɪəʊ'kɑːb(ə)n] n. 放射性碳【频】1【例】TPO 17 L1 That had to do with chemical analysis, something to do with measuring the amount of radiocarbon left in the organic stuff.Prehistoric art史前艺术【频】1【例】TPO 17 L1 So it turns out that radiocarbon dating works for a lot of prehistoric art.artifact ['ɑ:təˌfækt] n. 手工艺品【频】1【例】TPO 17 L1 Don’t get me wrong though, analyzing the styles of prehistoric artifacts can help dating them.sculpture ['skʌlptʃə] n. 雕塑【频】2【例】TPO 17 L1 And now you can see why we don’t have an exact date for our sculpture“the lady with the hood”.statue ['stætʃu:] n. 雕塑11【例】TPO 18 L2 They began making copies of the Greek statues.plaster cast石膏模型【频】1【例】TPO 18 L2 What they did was they made plaster casts from molds of the sculptures.Opera ['ɑprə] n. 歌剧,歌剧院【频】1【例】TPO 12 L3 The word opera means work, actually it means works.Renaissance ['rɛnəsɑns] n. 文艺复兴【频】1【例】TPO 12 L3 They took classical theater and reproduced it in the Renaissance’s time.scularization [,sɛkjələrə'zeʃən] n. 世俗化【频】1【例】TPO 12 L3 During those years, several things happened-primarily linguistic or thematic and both involving secularization.【衍】Secularize v. 还俗melodrama ['mɛlədrɑmə] n. 情节剧,音乐剧【频】1【例】TPO 12 L3 It is the melodious drama of ancient Greek theater, the term melodious drama being shortened eventually to melodrama.cadence ['keɪd(ə)ns] n. 节奏,韵律【频】1【例】TPO 12 L3 And the music was secondary, if you will, to the dramatic cadence of language.Chivalry ['ʃェvəlri] n. 骑士精神,骑士制度【频】112Epic ['epik] a. 史诗的【频】1【例】TPO 12 L3 They relied on mythology to give them their characters and their plots, the novels of chivalry or the epics of chivalry out of the middle ages.Broadway ['brɔdweェ] n. 百老汇【频】1【例】TPO 12 L3 But Broadway musicals fulfilled a similar function for a great long while.Baroque [bə'rok] n. 巴洛克式的艺术【频】1【例】TPO 16 L4 Up until now in our discussions and readings about the Baroque early classical periods, we’ve been talking about the development of musical styles and genres.harpsichord ['ha:psikɔd] n. 大键琴【频】1【例】TPO 16 L4 Unlike the harpsichord which came before it, the piano is a percussion instrument.clarinet [klæri'net] n. 单簧管【频】1Transverse flute 长笛【频】1【例】TPO 16 L4 We’ve seen in the development of some of the instrument s, you remember the transverse flute, the clarinet and so on.percussion [pɚ'kʌʃən] n. 打击乐器【频】1【例】TPO 16 L4 This striking action is why the piano is a percussion instrument instead of a string instrument.virtuoso [,vətʃu'oso] n. 艺术大师【频】1【例】TPO 16 L4 Clara grew up to become a well-known and respected piano virtuoso.13accompaniment [ə'kʌmpənɪmənt] n. 伴奏【频】1【例】TPO 22 L4 Even the very first public projection of a movie had piano accompaniment.compilation [,kampェ'leiʃən] n. 编辑【频】1【例】TPO 22 L4 Usually a compilation of a music that already existed would be used.violin [,vaiə'lin] n. 小提琴【频】3【例】TPO 27 L2 But it’s generally thought that the acoustical quality of modern violins doesn’t live up to the quality of the vintage ones.【衍】Violinist n. 小提琴家craftsmanship ['kræftsmənʃip] n. 技艺,技术【频】1【例】TPO 27 L2 Their dimensions, shape, their fingerboard height, and general craftsmanship.Nationalism ['næʃnəlɪzəm] n. 国家主义,民族主义【频】1【例】TPO 25 L2 I just finished reviewing your papers on the influence of nationalism on the composers’ music.lyrical ['lirikl] a. 抒情诗调的【频】1【例】TPO 25 L2 These music pieces were long and lyrical.ethnomusicologist['eθnomjuz ikɔ'lədʒist] n. 人种音乐学家【频】1【例】TPO 25 L2 He was an ethnomusicologist, and he studied the traditional music of the region.glissando [gli'sando] n. 滑奏,滑音【频】114【例】TPO 25 L2 He liked to use glissando as his hallmark.electric guitar电吉他【频】1【例】TPO 30 L4 Each design was intended to alter the sound in some way, at first at least with the electric guitar, to make it louder.steel guitar夏威夷吉他【频】1【例】TPO 30 L4 That led to the lap guitar which is also called the steel guitar.enamor [in'æmə] v. 迷恋,倾心【频】1【例】TPO 30 L4 US sailors who were stationed in Hawaii were very enamored with the music they heard there.fresco ['freskəu] n. 壁画【频】1【例】TPO 26 L4 So far we have been talking all semester about restoring and preserving pieces of art, like ancient frescoes and early oil paintings.labyrinth ['læbəri nθ] n. 迷宫【频】1【例】TPO 33 L4 Mazes or labyrinths, as they are also called, were very common in Renaissance gardens.Screen dance屏幕上的舞蹈【频】1【例】TPO 23 L4 Screen dance which is relatively new, isn’t for everyone.choreography [,kɔrェ'ɔgrəfi] n. 编舞【频】1【例】TPO 23 L4 The question we have to ask is, what’s the difference between choreography for a live performance and choreography for onscreen viewing?【衍】Choreograph v. 设计舞蹈动作15Modern dance现代舞【频】1【例】TPO 24 L2 I think the best analogy to modern dance is modern art or modern music.tunic ['tju:nik] a. 束腰外衣【频】1【例】TPO 24 L2 Duncan wore loose, flowing tunics, and she dance bare foot.pantomime ['pæntəmaim] n. 哑剧【频】1【例】TPO 24 L2 Some said Duncan’s art form was closer to pantomime than to dance.acrobatic [ækrə'bætik] a. 杂技的【频】1【例】TPO 24 L2 After seeing this, Duncan publicly denounced ballet as a form of acrobatics, complicated and excruciating mechanism she called it.1.2 LiteratureLiterature ['lɪt(ə)rətʃə] n. 文学【频】5【例】TPO 4 L2 Before I was a literature professor, I was an accountant.poem ['pəuェm] n. 诗【频】5【例】TPO 13 L3 I thought poems were shorter, these were more like long stories.【衍】Poetry n. 诗歌艺术,Poet n. 诗人novel [ˈnɑːvl] n. 小说【频】2【例】TPO 27 L4 He wrote many famous novels, plays, poems.【衍】Novelist n. 小说家16fiction ['fɪkʃən]n. 小说【频】2【例】TPO 3 L2 In fact, Painleve was known for saying that science is fiction.【衍】Fictional a. 虚构的、小说的Fairy tale童话故事【频】3【例】TPO 5 L4 With fairy tales, the location is generally unspecified.character ['kærəktə] n. 角色【频】3【例】TPO 5 L4 But all the other elements, like the location or characters, might be modified for each audience.plot [plɑt] n. 情节【频】3【例】TPO 5 L4 Not the plot, the details of what happens in the story would remain constant.Drama ['drɑmə] n. 戏剧【频】2【例】TPO 7 L1 We first need to look at an early form of drama known as the well-made play, beginning with some early 19th century comedies in France proved very successful commercially.【衍】Comedy n. 喜剧Folk tale民间故事【频】2【例】TPO 5 L4 They seem to be less realistic than folk tales.version ['vɜːʃ(ə)n] n. 版本【频】1【例】TPO 5 L4 Every storyteller might have had a slightly different version of the same folk tale.essay ['esei] n. 散文17【频】1【例】TPO 4 L2 You will be reading one of Emerson’s best-known essays.sketch [sketʃ] n. 素描,梗概【频】1【例】TPO 6 L3 While writing character sketches, do think about details.stereotype ['steriətaip] n. 刻板印象【频】1【例】TPO 6 L3 Don’t make your character into a stereotype.cliche ['kli:ʃei] n. 陈词滥调【频】1【例】TPO 6 L3 Be careful not to make him into the cliche of the ragged mountain dweller. Medieval [,midɪ'ivəl] a. 中世纪的【频】1【例】TPO 13 L3 The two poems we are looking at today fall into the category of medieval times. rhythm ['riðəm] n. 节奏,韵律【频】1【例】TPO 13 L3 It’s written to make the audience have some kinds of predictable rhythm. Heroic deeds英雄事迹【频】1【例】TPO 13 L3 They were written to describe the heroic deeds or actions of warriors.nobility [no'bɪləti] n. 贵族【频】1【例】TPO13 L3 They were written for the knights and the nobility that they served.minstrel ['mɪnstrəl] n.吟游诗人【频】118【例】TPO 13 L3 The poems were songs performed by a minstrel, singer who traveled from castle to castle. patriotic [peitri'ɔtik] a. 爱国的【频】1【例】TPO 13 L3 Hearing the songs probably made them feel more patriotic.【衍】Patriot n. 爱国者Patriotism n. 爱国主义troubadour ['trubədɔr] n. 行吟诗人【频】1【例】TPO 13 L3 Many troubadour were able to make a living being full time poets.biographica l [,baiə'græfikl] a. 传记的【频】1【例】TPO 13 L3 They often had small biographical sketches added to their poems.【衍】Biography n. 传记,Autobiography n. 自传Folk legend民间传说【频】1【例】TPO 20 L3 Like folk legends, they have been passed down orally.playwright ['pleirait] n. 剧作家【频】1【例】TPO 7 L1 This became so popular that the playwright almost had to include it in every play. denouement [deinu'maŋ] n. 结局【频】1【例】TPO 7 L1 But the denouement offers the audience a logical conclusion.1.3 ArchitectureAcoustics [ə'kʊstɪk] n. 声学,音质【频】3【例TPO 29 L2 It was not until the beginning of the twentieth century that architectural acoustics became a19scientific field.downtown ['daun'taun] n. 市中心【频】1【例】TPO 13 L1 In general, downtown areas just don’t have that many residential areas, not that many people live there.pedestrian [pə'dɛstrɪən] n. 行人【频】1【例】TPO 13 L1 These pedestrian malls are typically located in the downtown area of the city.proximity [prɑk'sɪməti] n. 邻近,接近【频】1【例】TPO 13 L1 Proximity to potential customers, we’ll call a customer base.auditorium [,ɔdi'tɔriəm] n. 礼堂,会堂【频】1【例】TPO 29 L2 Now people have been concerned about how sound carries in auditoriums and theaters for at least 2000 years.reverberation [rɪ,vɝbə'reʃən] n. 回响【频】1【例】TPO 29 L2 Wallace Sabine started to do extensive studies on reverberation.【衍】Reverberate v. 回响symphony ['sɪmfəni] n. 交响乐【频】1orchestra ['ɔrkɪstrə] n. 管弦乐对【频】1【例】TPO 29 L2 I read that concert halls designed for symphony orchestras have too much echo for jazz music.rectangular [rɛk'tæŋgjəlɚ] a. 矩形的20【频】1【例】TPO 29 L2 Let’s say you design a rectangular box-like space with bare walls and ceiling.chandelier [,ʃændə'lɪə] n. 枝形吊灯【频】1【例】TPO 29 L2 Beautiful crystal Chandeliers are very good at diffusing sound.hexagonal [hɛk'sægənl] a. 六边形的【频】1【例】TPO 32 L4 The rooms inside the house were also hexagonal six-sided.II. Physical Science2.1 Geology 地质学range [rendʒ] n. 范围;幅度;山脉【频】43【例】TPO1 L2 Most of us thought the sand had come from an ancient mountain range fairly close by that flattened out over time. That’s been the conventional wisdom among geologists for quite some time.cave [keɪv] n. 洞穴,窑洞【频】38【例】TPO16 L1 Now there are some pretty interesting caves in parts of the western United States, especially in national parks. There is one part that has over a hundred caves, including some of the largest ones in the world.ore [ɔr] n. 矿;矿石【频】32【例】TPO32 L3 It wasn’t the mining it self that caused such massive destruction. It was what happened after the copper ore was extracted from the mines.coral ['kɔrəl] n. 珊瑚;珊瑚虫【频】3121【例】TPO27 L1 we have been fairly thorough in our discussion about coral reefs, which of course are prominent, oceanic features made of hard limestone skeletons produced by tiny coral animals.Tectonic plate [tek'tɒnɪk pleɪt] n. 板块【频】31【例】TPO31 L2 These tectonic plates support the continents and oceans. Over time, the tectonic plates move and shift, which moves the continents and the ocean floors too.glacier ['ɡleʃɚ] n. 冰河,冰川【频】28【例】TPO7 L4 It’s really known that no secret that the glaciers flow because of gravity. But how they flow, the way they flow, needs some explaining.【衍】glacial adj. 冰的;冰河时代的;glaciation n. 冰川作用;冻结成冰;glaciate v. 使冰冻;被冰冻盖;使受冰川作用;atmosphere ['ætməsfɪr] n. 气氛;大气;空气【频】26【例】TPO20 L2 There is the most carbon dioxide and methane gas, uh, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere just after the beginning of the interglacial period.【衍】aatmospheric adj. 大气的,大气层的;basin ['besn] n. 流域;盆地【频】25【例】TPO33 L2 The Colorado River basin is a region in the Southwest United States. Seven states rely on the Colorado’ s water. And as you can imagine, as the populations of these states began to grow, it became clear that a system to distribute, uh, to make sure each state got its fair share of water.desert ['dɛzɚt] n. 沙漠;荒原【频】24【例】TPO6 L4 At about the same time that the Sahara was becoming a desert...hmm ...5,000 years ago, Egypt really began to flourish out in the Nile River valley.【衍】desertification n. 荒漠化;沙漠化;deserter n .逃兵;背弃者;desertion n. 遗弃;开小差;逃亡;Arctic ['ɑrktɪk] adj. 北极的;极寒的n. 北极圈22【频】23【例】TPO24 C2 What happens is that the cold Arctic air blows across the lake from the north in winter. And as the air crosses the lake, the lower layer is warmed by the lake water.continent ['kɑntɪnənt] n. 洲,陆地【频】22【例】TPO31 L2 So if an ocean floor tectonic plate meets the edge of a continent and they push against each other, the heavier one sinks down and goes under the other one.【衍】continental adj. 大陆的;大陆性的Sediment ['sɛdɪmənt] n. 沉积;沉淀物【频】18【例】TPO10 L3 The fishing industry helps bring Phosphorus back to land. In the normal water phase the remaining Phosphorus makes its way, settles to the bottom of the ocean and gets mixed into ocean sediments.【衍】sedimentary adj. 沉淀的;sedimentation n. 沉降;limestone ['laɪmston] n. [岩] 石灰岩【频】11【例】TPO16 L1 Sulfuric acid eats away at limestone very aggressively. So you get bigger cracks and then passageways being formed along the openings in the rock.distribute [dɪ'strɪbjut] vt. 分配;散布【频】10【例】TPO33 L2 With the demand for water in the basin stays increasing and with the real likelihood of lower flows in the river, if history is our teacher, we can develop innovative methods of water conservation and reevaluate how water is distributed.【衍】distribution n. 分布;分配;distributor n. 经销商;[电] 分配器;分配者;crack [kræk] vi. 破裂;n. 裂缝【频】9【例】TPO16 L1 You have water from the surface, streams, waterfall or whatever - moving water that flows through cracks found in the limestone. It’ s the moving water itself that wears away at the rock and makespassageways.23【衍】cracker n. 爆竹;胡桃钳crater ['kretɚ] n. 火山口【频】9【例】TPO5 L2 Any water molecules that found their way to the floors of craters near the moon’s poles, that water would be perpetually frozen, because the floors of those craters are always in shadow.ridge [rɪdʒ] n. 山脊;山脉【频】9【例】TPO9 L3 So during the second rainy period, the dunes were kind of chopped up at the top, full of hollows and ridges, and these hollows would've captured the rain right there on the top.reef [rif] n. 暗礁;[地质] 矿脉【频】8【例】TPO27 L1 Recently, researchers have used data collected by monitoring surface water temperatures to improve the ability of a reef to recover from bleaching.【衍】reefy adj. 多暗滩的;多暗礁的split [splɪt] vt. 别离;劈开;n. 裂缝【频】8【例】TPO31 L2 Well, the seafloor is spilt. There is a ridge, a mountain range that runs north and south there. And the rock material flows up from Earth’s interior here, at the split, which forces the two sides of the ocean floor to spread apart, to make room for the new rock material.【衍】n. splitter 别离机,分流器;分解器,拆分器;core [kɔr] n. 核心;地心【频】7【例】TPO26 L3 Now, you remember from our previous discussion that a comet’s nucleus ,its core, is made up of ice and dust, like a frozen snowball.crust [krʌst] n. 地壳;外壳【频】7【例】TPO31 L2 As we’ve discussed, Earth’s crust is made up of large plates that rest on a mantle of molten rock.24These plates…uh…now these tectonic plates support the continents and oceans.【衍】crusty adj. 有壳的;crustal adj. 壳的,地壳的;mantle ['mæntl] n. 地幔;覆盖物【频】7【例】TPO31 L2 As the ocean floor plate begins to sink down into the mantle, it would drag or pull the entire plate along with it. So more and more of this plate, the ocean floor, would go down under the continent into the mantle.slide [slaɪd] vi. 滑动;滑落;n. 雪崩【频】7【例】TPO7 L3 So ice at the base of the glacier melts. And this results in a thin layer of water between the glacier and the ground. This layer of water reduces friction is... is like a lubricant. And it allows the glacier to slide or slip over the bedrock.【衍】n. slider 滑动器;滑雪者;滚动之物canyon ['kænjən] n. 峡谷【频】6【例】TPO1 L2 Now, we geologists thought we had a pretty good idea of how the Grand canyon in the southwestern United States was formed. We knew that it was formed from sandstone that solidified somewhere between 150 and 300 million years ago.lava ['lɑvə] n. 火山岩浆;熔岩【频】6【例】TPO24 L4 Now, the lava on Venus is thin. It spreads out easily. So shield volcanoes have very gentle sloping sides. They are called shield volcanoes.hemisphere ['hɛmɪsfɪr] n. 半球【频】5【例】TPO17 L2 Which makes earth, and in particular, the northern hemisphere, warmer. And why is that important? well, because most of the planet’s glaciers are in the northern hemisphere, and if it gets too warm, then glaciers will stop forming.【衍】hemispheric adj. 半球的,半球形状的;25mineral ['mɪnərəl] n. 矿物;无机物【频】5【例】TPO17 L2 Over millions of years, groundwater left deposits of a mineral called calcite, on the rock within Devil's Hole. And by studying these clacite deposits, we can determine the climate conditions, the temperatures over the last half million years.【衍】mine n. 矿,矿藏;矿山,矿井;mineralogy n. 矿物学;mine v. 开采,采掘;mineralize v. 使矿物化;precipitation [prɪ'sɪpə'teʃən] n. 降水,降雨【频】5【例】TPO9 L2 Second, most of the precipitation in the Arctic is in the form of snow. And the snow, which blankets the ground in the winter, actually has an insulating effect on the soil beneath it.【衍】precipitate v. 沉淀;猛地落下;冷凝成为雨或雪等;swamp [swɑmp] n. 沼泽;湿地【频】5【例】TPO11 L3 Wetlands are areas of marshy, swampy land, areas where water covers the soil, or is present either at or near the surface of the soil for a large part of the year.【衍】swampy adj. 沼泽的;湿地的;松软的eruption [ɪ'rʌpʃən] n. 爆发,喷发【频】3【例】TPO24 L4 It's quite possible that this is due to volcanic eruptions, because volcanic eruptions often emit gases. If that's the case, volcanism could very well be the root cause of Venus's thick cloud cover.【衍】adj. eruptive 爆发的,喷出的;erupt v. 爆发,喷出;evaporate [ɪ'væpəret] vi. 蒸发,挥发【频】3【例】TPO6 L4 Less vegetation means the soil can’t hold water as well, the soil loses its ability to retain water when it does rain. So then you have less moisture to help clouds form, nothing to evaporate for cloud formation. And then the cycle continues, less rain, drier soil, less vegetation, fewer clouds, less rain etc. etc..【衍】evaporable adj. 易蒸发性的,易挥发的;evaporation n. 蒸发,消失;26。
新托福IBT听力场景入学:en rollme nt登记,注册opening ceremony n开业典礼,仪式comme nceme nt ceremony 毕业典礼con vocation n正式会议(可指简单的毕业典礼)orie ntatio n meet ing 开学说明会staff n.全体职员freshman (大学)一年级学生sophomore (大学)二年级学生junior (大学)三年级学生senior (大学)四年级学生tuiti on, fee 费用pl aceme nt test 开学测试excellent出色的average平均的,一般的below average低于平均水平的,差的结构及称谓:uni versity- p reside nt 大学,校长cha ncellor名誉校长college 学院school学院dea n院长principal中学校长pro fessor教授associate pro fessor副教授assista nt pro fessor 助理教授coordi nator班主任,协调人coun selor辅导员advisor指导老师in structor 讲师tutor个人辅导sup ervisor 管理人un dergraduate 本科graduate研究生建筑物buildings: can tee n餐厅cafeteria.自助餐厅adm ini strati on build ing 行政大楼main building 主楼wing/annex 酉己楼teaching building 教学楼dormitory n.宿舍auditorium n.会堂,礼堂=lecture hall assembly n集合,集会hall com puter lab计算实验室,机房dining hall 食堂选课学科major主修mi nor畐J修scie nee 理科,arts 文科,engin eeri ng 工科Mathematics 数学p hysics 物理chemistry化学biology生物学geogra phy 地理学electr onics 电子学compu ter scie nee计算机科学astro nomy天文学electr onics engin eeri ng 电子工程学bota ny植物学p sychology 心理学zoology动物学architecture 建筑学ocea nography 海洋学ecology生态学medical scie nee 医学archaeology 考古学history历史学linguistics 语言学pedagogies教育学,教学法anthropo logy 人类学econo mics经济学statistics 统计学acco un ti ng 会计学philosophy 哲学类型required、compu Isory course 必修课selective/op ti onal course选修课elective course 选修课lecture 讲座semi nar高级研讨性课colloquium n.报告课tutorial个人辅导课程worksho p 专题课程级别In troductory 入门级eleme ntary, fun dame ntal 初级In termediate, sec on dary 中级Adva need 高级P rerequisite先修课程上课:Atte nd class 上课Miss class 缺课Skip class 逃课Syllabus教学大纲Required textbook 要求的课本Atte nda nee 出勤Gradi ng system 打分体系Class p artic ip ati on 课堂参与杂semester/term 学期quarter 小学期course guideli ne 课程纲要major主修mi nor畐J 修exe mp tio n 免修syllabus教学大纲Professor ' s signat教授的签字(用于注册课程)Course cap课程容量(可以招收的学生数),openings (可供注册的名额)Take选(课),drop 退(课)Late registrati on 晚注册Deregistrati on 注销教师称号pro fessor 教授lecturer = in structor 讲师teach ing assista nt = TA 助教research assista nt = RA助研coun selor, adviser 咨询者,顾问p reside nt大学校长teacher/faculty 教师stude nt's advisor 学生顾问physicist物理学家mathematicia n 数学家chemist化学家historia n历史学家statisticia n统计学家作业:assig nment 作业homework = coursework = schoolwork =studies 作业lab rep ort实验报告book report读书报告p roject 作业p rese ntati on 发言term paper 学期论文(research pape)thesis/essay/dissertation 论文journal学术期刊social in vestigati on 社会调查survey调查questionnaire n调查表,问卷observatio n n 观察in terview vt .n.采访collect data收集数据broad (论文等)内容宽泛narrow dow n (论文等)缩小范围source (写论文的)参考资料critical thinking 评判性思维lack your own ideas缺少自己的想法deadl ine n最终期限exte nsion 延期due date/time 期限outline n.大纲,提纲(roadmap) bibliography n 书目,参考书目refere nee 参考p lagiarism n.抄袭revise v.修改rewrite v.重写final draft 完成稿sp eech n演讲p rese ntati on 演讲,陈述eye con tact目光接触inton ati on 音调考试:mid-term exam 期中考final exams = fin als 期末考cumulative final总结性考试take-home exam (拿回家的开卷考试, 一般有限定的时间)open-book exam 开卷考试subjective test主观性测试objective test客观性测试pop quiz抽查式测验blue book答题本assessme nt i估价app raisal n评价,估价make up for 补考, resit, retake 重考grade (mark、score)分数成绩:p erfect grade优异成绩low grade 低分high mark 高分p ass ing grade 及格分faili ng grade不及格分full marks 满分straight A's 全 A be all A's and B's 全是 A 和 B B plus B力卩A mi nus A 减pass the iexam with flying colors 以优异成绩通过考试graduate with honors 以荣誉毕业diploma, degree, certificate 文凭,学位,证书考试问题:分析成绩低的原因,给出解决办法图书馆:library图书馆librarian图书管理员publication 出版物p eriodical 期干刊magaz ine 杂志book catalogue 图书目录classified catalogue 分类目录bibliography参考书目title index 书目索引alphabetic index按字母顺序排列的索引circulatio n desk 借书处reserved books馆藏书(只能在图书馆内借阅)library card 借书证overdue fine过期罚金P eriodical reading room 期刊阅览室on li ne journal在线期干刊video tape录像带back issue过期杂志curre nt issue近期杂志archive 档案non-fiction非小说类文学作品scie nce-ficti on 科幻小说cop ier复印机check out办理(借、还)手续renew续借overdue 过期in terlibrary service 馆际服务部分名称in formatio n desk n.服务台delivery/circulati on desk 借书台shelf n.书架p hotoc opy room 复印室return area 还书处stude nts locker学生存储间refere nee secti on 参考书咅 E 科研过程Hypo thesisAlter native hypo thesis 择一假说Null hypothesis 无效假说,零假说Collect dataSurvey, questi onn aireExp erime ntIn terfere, i nflue neeObservati onAn alyze dataIn terpret dataAn alysisAn alyticalSubjectSamp le Treatme nt group Non-treatme ntCon trol group校内工作,课外活动及寻找经济援助:Letter of refere nce/recomme ndati onComp etitiveBen efit future careerField researchCollect data for papersWaiter, waitress BabysitterWork at the libraryQualification 资格,qualified 合格的Resume, CVfinancial aid经济援助Scholarsh ip Fellowshi pTeach ing assista ntsh ip 助教奖学金Research assista ntship研究奖学金Grant助学金Loa n贷款Need-based以需求为基础Merit-based以优秀为基础Stude nt union 学生会Clubs俱乐部Membersh ip成员资格Career service住宿:宿舍:accommodati on n住处,膳宿reside nee hal I 宿舍suite套间studio工作室,独立套间village村落(校内一栋一栋的房子, 可以用做宿舍)lounge n公共大厅(可以用做娱乐)home-stay在国外住在房东家里的那种roommate同屋者,室友corridor n.走廊,过道,租房lease n租借,租约Ian dlord 房东Ian dlady女房东rent租金tenant房客p atio n.阳台,slid ing door n.推拉门sin gle room 单人房twin room双人房two-bedroom ap artme nt house key房锁匙床上用品:pillow n.枕头bed linen n.床上用品sheet n.被单mattress n床垫bla nket n 毯子towel n.手巾,毛巾quilt n.棉被电器类electric app lia nce(i nstrume nt; equipment)电器heater, furn ace力卩热器,炉子heati ng unit 暖气片air conditioner 空调设备stove炉子microwave ove n 微波炉washer / dryer洗衣机/烘干机 (laundry洗衣店)ute nsil器皿;用具kitche n ute nsil 炊具ove n烤箱;烤炉range煤气灶dishwasher 洗碟机wash ing mach ine 洗衣机(hot-water) heater 热水器coffee pot咖啡壶refrigerator (freezer)冰箱vacuum clea ner 吸尘器tape p layer 录音机CD player CD 机Laundromat自动洗衣店maintenance维修,保养家具类furniture 家具bookshelf 书架bookcase 书柜couch沙发chest柜子;橱;箱子dresser (bureau)梳妆台cabinet (电视机等)机箱;储藏柜;陈列柜cup board (closet)碗橱storage wall 壁橱rug小地毯carpet地毯curta in窗帘bathtub 浴缸fixture (房屋)固定装置furni shi ngs 室内陈设日常生活/问题:personalpo ssessi ons/prop erty/bel ongings个人财产get in sura nee forpo ssessi ons/prop erty/bel ongsgarbage/rubbish/waste r垃圾dis pose v.处理gas meter煤气表insect n.昆虫burglar n.夜贼leak in g/leakage n.泄漏lost key丢钥匙break in 闯入讲座场景词汇Geology地质学Slide n.滑坡Lan dslide n山体滑坡Mud 泥土,soil 土壤Earth n. 土Sink V.下沉Ground water 地下水Irrigation n.灌溉Freeze, froze, froze n v冷冻Melt V.融化moltenGravity n.重心Aggravate v.加重Lean v倾斜Slo pe n斜坡Steep adj陡峭Erode v., erosi on n 腐蚀Fossil n.化石Dino saur n.恐龙Sedime nt, dep osit 沉淀物Marble大理石gran ite花岗岩Ore矿石Stalactite 钟乳石Refine v.提炼PI ati num v.铂金Seismology 地震学Vibrati on, tremor,震动Wave波动Volca no, volca nic 火山,火山的Volca nic erup tio n 火山喷发Mag ni tude 级数Collisi on n.碰撞Active adj.积极的Dorma nt adj.休眠的Extinct adj.熄灭的Magma n岩浆Lava n.岩浆Erup t v.喷发expl ode v.爆炸(ex pl osi on) boom n爆炸Blast n爆炸Avala nche n 雪崩地球科学Earth'si nterior地球的内部Seismic waves 地震波Comp ressi on 压缩Shear ( a deformation of an object in which parallel planes rema in p arallel but are shifted in a direct ion p arallel to themselves) Slow down减慢速度Reflect 反射Depth深度Density 密度Boun dary 边界Mantle地幔Crust地壳Core地心Continen tal plate 大陆板块Tectonic plate(地球表面的)构造板块Continental drift 大陆漂移Layer, strata 层Stratify 分层Crack裂缝Molten lava融化的岩浆Climatic shift=Climatic cha nges 气候变化Consistent pattern 统一的,始终一致的Solar en ergy 太阳能Radiate发射,放射Crude app roximatio n 大概的猜测Sp eculation 猜测Cooling down 冷去卩Mecha nism 机制9 Len gth of the day Physical force 体力Imaginary line 虚拟线Artificial reservoir 人工水库Latitude Redistribute再分配,再分布Spin快速旋转Min erals矿物质Diverse多样的Sp ecimen, Sam pie 样品Abu nda nt丰富的Glassy像玻璃的Amaz on stones 天河石Firing vapor炙热的水蒸汽Wipe out根除,彻底消灭Mt Everest珠穆朗玛峰Elevation 海拔,海拔增高P recise measuremen精确personal的测量Global Po siti oning System 全球定位系统Lon gitude 经度Latitude 维度Alter native sources of en ergy 可替代资源Gas hydrate气体水合物Trap困住Flame火焰P ote ntial潜在的Model模式Geological fault 地质断层Crack裂缝seismic gap地震活动空白地带p ostulate 假设chu nk大块cylinder 圆柱cylindrical圆柱形的ground tilt measureme nt 地倾斜观测evacuate 撤出sedimentary adj.沉淀性的accumulate 积累商业In sura nee 保险Note注意Con tract 合约Verbal agreeme nt 口头协议Repay偿还In terest 利息Mercha nt 商人Cautious谨慎的P aram ount极为重要的Manufacture 制造Label标签Conten tio n所持观点Inform告知Cost成本Profit利润loss损失Net净的,gross粗略的Supply and dema nd供求Supply chain 供应链Fluctuati on 浮动Recessi on 衰退Dep ressi on 萧条Market ing strategies 市场营销策略Survey调查Surplus 剩余Shi pment 运输Distribution 分布Retail零售Whole sale 批发Franchise特许经营Budget预算哲学Socrates, P lato and AristotleTheme主题Logic逻辑Rhetoric 修辞Fun dame ntal causes基本原因Prin ci pies of the uni verse 宇宙的原则Perceive看待,观察P erce pti on 观点Sense感觉Soul 灵魂spiritEleme nt组成成分Reas oning 推理Ration理性,rational有理性的Contemp lati on 沉思,思考Judgme nt 判断Just公正的,justice公正Justify证明,justification合理的理由Exp licit明确的Ethics道德规范Ethical theory 伦理理论Moral有道德的Ultimate truth 终极真理Uni versal普遍的Search for truth 追求真理Vary v.不相同Intrinsic内部的Extrinsic外部的Critic评论家Old-fashio ned 过时的Valuable有价值的Survive生存,存活Con servative 保守的Liberal开放的Impractical不实际的Empirical经验主义的Cog nitive认知的Weaken削弱Dimi nish (影响力)减小Medieval中世纪Ren aissa nee文艺复兴Doctrine教义,主义,学说Idealism唯心论,理想主义Ep istemology n.认识论Meta physics形而上学,玄学Reco ncile和解,调停天文学astronomy con stellati on 星座zodiac (星象学的星座) planet行星sun恒星Jup iter 木星Pluto冥王星Satur n 土星Mercury 水星Mars火星Venus金星Nep tu ne海王星Uranus天王星Ceres 谷物星(the largest asteroid and the first discovered)White dwarf 白矮星Big Dipper北斗七星Asteroid belt小行星带Milky Way银河系Galaxy n.星系orbit v.运行n.轨道rotate v.转Axis n.轴track n.轨道outer sp ace外太空gravity n.重力equator n 赤道tropical热带的bright ness n 亮度dime nsion n.维度dista nee n.距巨离Ecli pse (日月食) Wane, dimi nish v.逐渐变小Centrip etal 向心Centrifugal 离心Nebula星云(an immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust inin terstellar space) Nebulous adj.星云的Gas 气体(rock, ice, hydrogen, oxygen) P article 微粒Polar light 极光Observatory 天文台Astro nomical 天文的Photos phere 光球层Astro physics天文物理学Plan etarium 天文馆Big Dipper北斗七星P la netoid小行星Black hole 黑洞Polestar北极星Celestial天体的P seudoscie nee 伪科学Celestial map 天体图Quasar类星体Cen trifugal force 离心力Radiation 辐射Cho ndrite球粒状陨石Revoluti on 旋转Chromos phere太阳的色球层Rotati on 旋转Clockwise顺时针Satellite 卫星Cluster星团,一群星星Sky atlas天体图Comet彗星Solar corona 日冕Cosmos 宇宙, Space debris太空垃圾cosmetic宇宙的Sp ace shuttle太空飞船Cosmology宇宙学Space suit太空服Emission排放物,发射Spin快速旋转Fai nt微弱的Star cluster星群,星团Feeble微弱的Stellar 星星的Gaseous bodies 气态包Sunspot太阳黑子Gravitational force 吸弓丨力Time differe nee 时差Gree nwich mea n time 格林尼治时间Time zone 时区High resolution 高清晰度etc.) Ignite引燃表演艺术(舞蹈,电影,「Illusive object 幻影物体Genre艺术分类Image影响,形象P erformi ng art 表演艺术Infinite无限的moder n dance p iece现代舞In frared ray红外射线concert音乐会In terferometer 干扰仪play 剧In tergalactic 星系间的opera歌居寸In ternatio nal date line国际日期变更线film电影Interplan etary 星球间的camera摄影In terstellar 星际的camera shotLea p year 闰年an alytical 分析的Light year 光年parallel平行的Luminosity 光亮度ballet巴雷舞Lunar阴历的,月亮的choreogra pher 舞蹈指导Massive巨大的Fin e/visual arts 视觉艺术Meteor流星Abstract art抽象艺术Meteor shower 流星雨Ian dsca pe 风景Meteorite 陨石p hotogra phy 摄影Meteoroid流星体exp osure 曝光Molten融化的develop film冲洗胶卷Naked eye 裸眼n egative n.底片p ortrait (p ortray v.)肖像,人像、still life 静物scu Ip ture 雕塑statue人物雕像lifelike 逼真的vivid an them 国歌Critic评论家Criticism批评,评论Review n.评论Master piece 杰作Have aesthetic value 有美学价值Aesthetic app eal 美学吸弓I力Feature 特点Characteristics 特点Dist inct adj.与众不同的Un ique独一无二的Style风格Tech nique 技巧Gallery n.画馆Editi on n.专辑Release v.发行Debut n首映Imp ressi onist印象主义者Imp ressi onism 印象派Persp ective 透视法An gle角度P ress/Publish ing house出版社Acclaim v.盛赞mirage 海市蜃楼prolific 多产P reserve v.保存Ext inct adj.灭绝的,消失的文学Literature 文学Poetry诗歌biogra phy 传记autobiogra phy 自传detective stories 侦探小说drama戏剧novel小说Novelist小说家collecti on of short stories 短篇小说集Allegory 寓言Comp arative literature 比较文学Diary 日记Editorial社论,重要评论Fiction 小说Aestheticism 唯美Autobiography 自传Descri ptive p rose 描述散文Fairy tale 童话Futurism未来派Lege nd传说Literary studies 文学研究Narrative p rose 叙述性散文Podium讲台Prose散文Realism现实主义School of literature 文学派别Lead ing character 主要角色Literary criticism 文学评论Literary studies 文学学习Modernism 现代主义Plot情节Poetry诗歌P rologue 前言P roverb 谚语Surrealism超现实主义美术Art gallery 艺廊Calligraphy 书法Imitating 模仿Lan dsca pe pain ti ng 风景画Oil painting 油画Paste粘贴Crayon蜡笔,粉笔,颜料P igme ntatio n 颜料Canvas帆布Wax蜡Sp ectrum 光谱Pers pective透视画法Poster海报Portrait 肖像Model模式,模特mural 壁画Panorama全景Pastel drawi ng 蜡笔画Sketch草图Autogra ph 手稿建筑Architecture 建筑学Architect建筑师Architectural style 建筑风格Art deco装饰艺术Art moder neGeometric p atter ns 几何图形Arch拱门Castle城堡Cathedral大教堂Framing 结构Lobby n.大厅(entrance hall)Elevator n.电梯Facade n.正面Stairs楼梯Interior内部的Exterior外部的Imp ressi oni stic style 印象派风格Mosque清真寺Pyramid金字塔Revival 复活Ren aissa nee文艺复兴Medieval中世纪Byzantine architecture 527 (Sofia)-1520音乐Acco mpaniment 伴奏Audition试听,试表演Band music 乐队音乐Chord弦乐,弦Classical music 古典音乐Con certo协奏曲Lullaby催眠曲Duet二重奏Harm ony和弦,和谐Rock and roll 摇滚Seren ade小夜曲Solo独奏Son ata奏鸣曲Symphony交响乐Ballad歌谣Folk music民间音乐P relude 前奏Epilogue 尾声Score乐谱Note音符Notation乐谱,记号法Chord symbol和弦符号Lyrics歌词Tempo节奏Melody主旋律Rhythm节奏Tune旋律Con duct 指挥Violin小提琴Viola中提琴Cello大提琴Oboe双簧管Clarinet单簧管krummhorn['kr ?ml?:n] n.变号(一种古双簧乐器)Harp竖琴考古anthropo logist 人类学家ecological 生态的anthropo logist生态人类学家archaeology 考古学anthropo logy 人类学morphology 形态学Ancient civilization 古代文明origin 起源origi nate起源于an cestor 祖先hominid 人(科) homoge neous同一种族(种类)的tribe部落cla n氏族archeologist考古学家excavati on 挖掘excavate (un earth)挖掘Scoop铲子ruins遗迹,废墟remai ns遗迹,遗骸artifact手工艺品pottery 陶器(potter) Po rcela in 瓷器fossil化石relic遗物,文物Rock pain ti ng 岩石画an tique古物,古董antiquity 古代,古老skull颅骨Cran iai颅骨的Sto ne Age石器时代Bronze Age (青)铜器时代Iron Age铁器时代Paleolithic旧石器时代的Mesolithic中石器时代的Neolithic新石器时代的Exhume挖掘P aleoa nthropo logyP rehistoric 史前的Primitive原始的动物微生物Ami no acid氨基酸Antibody 抗体Bacterium 细菌Biological age ncyCalcium 钙Carbohydrate碳水化合物Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Cell细胞Chromosome 染色体Disinfection 消毒En zymes 酶Fatigue 疲惫Ferme ntati on 发酵Fun gus菌类Gene基因Gen etic engin eeri ng 基因工程学Glucose 葡萄糖Immuno logy 免疫学In cubatio n 孵蛋Inflection 传染Malaria 疟疾Microbe微生物Nucleus细胞核On e-celled单细胞的Oxidation 氧化P arasitic ani mal 寄生动物P arasite disease寄生虫病Parasitology寄生虫学Pathogen病菌,病原体P rotozoa原生动物San itatio n 卫生Schistosomiaisis 血吸虫病Starch淀粉Sterilization 消毒Toxin 毒素Vacci ne 疫苗Virus 病毒Yeast酵母动物living organism 生物bacterium(pl.bacteria)细菌algae海藻coral 珊瑚rode nt啮齿类动物primate灵长类动物ape 猿chi mpan zee n.黑猩猩gorilla大猩猩mon key n.猴子mammal哺乳类动物dino saur n 恐龙bat (ecolotio n)蝙蝠(声波定位) sno wshoe hare 雪兔子racco on 浣熊po lar bear 北极熊snout (动物的)口鼻部; rep tile爬行类动物snake, cobra 眼镜蛇,rattle snake 响尾蛇lizard 蜥蜴, sn ail蜗牛amp hibia n adj.两栖动物crocodile 鳄鱼frog n.青蛙tad pole 蝌蚪toad蟾蜍pond池塘puddle水坑insect n 昆虫mosquito 蚊子fly苍蝇cricket 蟋蟀grassh opper 蚱蜢honey bee mon arch butterfly 大花蝶large migratory American butterfly having dee p orange wings with black and white markin gs; the larvae feed on milkweed egg卵larvae 幼虫cater pillar 毛虫pupa/ chrysalis 茧termite n.白蚁marine adj.海洋的beaver 狸whale 鲸shark鲨鱼dolphin 海豚penguin 企鹅p redator n.捕食者prey n.被捕食者aquatic adj.水生的shrim p 虾lobster 龙虾clam 蚌crab螃蟹bird, hum ming bird artery动脉scale鳞片claw爪,paw 爪子horn 角horm one荷尔蒙in testi ne 肠hive蜂巢p olle n n.花粉p olli nate v.授粉hiber nate 冬眠migrate v.迁徙com muni cate v.交流camouflage 保护色evolve进化evolutio n n.进化endotherm n温血动物,恒温动物poikilotherm n.冷血动物beak鸟嘴en zymes 酵母secreti on(n.) secrete(v.)分泌pan creas 胰腺odor 气味(还有aroma fragranee scent smell) gla nd腺体chromosome 染色体植物bota ny植物学bota nist植物学家tundra苔原;冻土地带,冻原fungus(pl. fungi ) 菌类laurel月桂chest nut tree 栗子树root 根branch 枝stem 茎algae( pl. alga)海藻orga nism有机物birch tree (bark)桦树crops谷物corn玉米maize 玉米chlorophyll 叶绿素ami no acids 氨基酸protein蛋白质n itroge n 氮p hotos yn thetic(adj.) p hotos yn thesis( n.) 光合作用liche n地衣,苔藓squash 南瓜one of a group of large vegetables with solid flesh and hard skins, such a&UMP KIN s bean豆类植物n ectar花蜜flower 花floral花的petal花瓣bloom开花blossom 花pollen花粉moss苔藓herbicide除草剂herb草本植物herbivorous 食草的classificati on 分类hierarchy 级另hazardous有毒害的Meteorology 气象meteorology 气象meteorologist 气象学家forecast (p redict)预报climate 气候atmos phere 大气层troposp here 对流层Convection 对流Stratos phere 同温层Barometer气压计curre nt (气)流vapor蒸汽eva po rate 蒸发damp (wet; moist; humid)潮湿的humidity 湿度moisture潮湿;水分saturate 饱和absorb吸收dew露frost 霜fog (mist)雾smog烟雾drop let小水珠condense 浓缩crystal水晶体dow npo ur (torre ntial rain)大雨temp est (storm)暴风雨drizzle纟田雨shower阵雨hail冰雹blizzard (sno wstorm)暴风雪avala nche (sno wslide) 雪崩precip itati on (雨、露、雪等)降水Thunder 雷Lightening 闪电breeze微风Blast大风gale大风whiriwind 旋风Cyclo ne旋风,飓风typhoon 台风hurrica ne 飓风Mon soon 季风San dstorm沙尘暴Dust storm沙尘暴torn ado (twister, cycl one)龙卷风Tropi cal dep ressio n 热带低气压Wind direction 风向Wind velocity 风速Wind scale 风力funnel漏斗,漏斗云cum uloni mbus 积雨云disaster (calamity, catastro phe)灾难devastati on 破坏submerge 淹没overwhelm v.淹没drought 干旱Avala nche 雪崩Balmy 温和的Chilly寒冷的Frigid僵硬的,严格的Heat-wave 热浪Te pid adj.微温的环保en vir onmen tal p rotecti on 环境保护environmentally-friendly 环保的p reserve v 保护,保存污染:p ollute, p olluti on, p olluta nt con tam inant n 污染物con tam in ate v 污染ecosystem生态系统ecology n.生态学an tise ptic adj 防腐的atmos pheric p olluti on 大气污染垃圾:rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter 处理:dis pose of, burn, bury (la ndfill), recycle, reduce, reuse, dump回收:glass, paper, water, milk cart on 牛奶盒,tyre, alu minium cans 铝罐, pl astic bags, rubbish bags biodegradable packaging可降解包装, throwaway可丢弃的dis po sable 可丢弃的discourage v.不鼓励燃料non e-re newable不可再生的fossil fuels矿石燃料: n atural gas, coal, p etroleum limited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源alter native en ergy 替代能源, replace=substitute v取代wind po wer, hydr opo wer 水电, solar (lunar) power太阳能, nu clear po wer 核能radioactivity n.辐射性use up, dep lete, exhaust v 用光,耗尽con serve v.节省,节约, 污染:water p olluti on, air p olluti on, soil pollution 土壤污染, no ise p olluti on soil erosi on 土壤侵蚀soil pollution 土壤污染stain n污染,污点,玷污stink V.发出臭味tar n.焦油toxic chemical有毒的化学物品fume n烟,气味light pollution 日光污染refuse废物sewage污水p esticide n 杀虫剂chemical waste 化学废料con gest v使充满危害动物: poaching非法打猎,盗猎, damage natural habitat 破坏自然栖息地, rare breed稀有物种, endangered specie濒危物种, extinct adj.灭绝(die out, disappear), an imal rights activist动物权益保护者, n atural reserve(gia nt pan dot 熊猫)自然保护区,protect wild life保护野生动物,p reserve v保护disastrous灾难性的,devastation破坏, have disastrous effect on 对。
excretory system
perennial plant
托福听力常见文学类词汇一览托福听力必备高频话题词汇整理常见文学类词汇一览托福听力高频话题文学类常见词汇汇总literary studies 文学研究literary criticism 文学评论narrative 叙述narrator 叙述者,人称school of literature 文学派别Realism 现实主义Romanticism 浪漫主义surrealism 超现实主义stream of consciousness 意识流William Shakespeare 威廉. 莎士比亚莎翁四大悲剧:Hamlet 汉姆雷/Macbeth 麦克白/King Lear 李尔王/Othello 奥赛罗Mid-summer Night Dream 仲夏夜之梦O'henry 欧亨利Mark Twin 马克吐温Tolstoy 托尔斯泰content 目录summary 总结annotation 注释reference 参考文献authorship 著作权copyright 版权fairy tale 童话故事folk tale 民间故事legend 传说literature 文学poetry 诗歌poem 诗poet 诗人heroic poem 英雄主义诗歌sonnet 十四行诗biography传记autobiography 自传drama 戏剧prose 散文novel 小说novelist 小说家allegory 寓言comparative literature 比较文学editorial 社论editor 编辑fiction 小说non-fiction 非小说类abstract 摘要preface 序言prologue 前言main body 主体plot 情节托福听力练习对照文本Good evening. My name is Pam Jones, and on behalf of the Modern Dance club, I'd like to welcome you to tonight's program.晚上好,我的名字叫Pam Jones,代表现代舞俱乐部,我想欢迎大家来到今晚的节目。
新托福IBT听力场景入学:enrollment/register 登记, 注册opening ceremony n.开业典礼, 仪式commencement ceremony 毕业典礼convocation n.正式会议(可指简单的毕业典礼)orientation meeting开学说明会staff n.全体职员freshman (大学)一年级学生sophomore (大学)二年级学生junior (大学)三年级学生senior (大学)四年级学生tuition fee 费用placement test 开学测试excellent 出色的average 平均的,一般的below average 低于平均水平的,差的结构及称谓:university- president 大学,校长chancellor 名誉校长college 学院science/ arts school 理科/文科学院undergraduate 本科postgraduate /graduate 研究生建筑物buildings:canteen.餐厅/cafeteria.自助餐厅dining hall 食堂administration building 行政大楼wing/annex 配楼teaching building教学楼dormitory n.宿舍auditorium n.会堂, 礼堂=lecture hall assembly n.集合,集会computer lab 计算实验室,机房选课学科major 主修minor 副修science理科, arts文科, engineering 工科Mathematics 数学physics 物理chemistry 化学biology 生物学(micro-微marin-海洋)geography 地理学electronics 电子学computer science 计算机科学astronomy 天文学electronics engineering 电子工程学botany 植物学psychology 心理学zoology 动物学architecture 建筑学oceanography 海洋学ecology 生态学medical science 医学archaeology 考古学history 历史学linguistic 语言学pedagogy 教育学,教学法anthropology 人类学economics 经济学statistics 统计学accounting 会计学philosophy 哲学课程类型required、compulsory course 必修课selective/optional course选修课elective course 选修课lecture 讲座seminar 高级研讨性课colloquium n.报告课tutorial 个人辅导课程workshop 专题课程级别Introductory 入门级elementary, fundamental 初级Intermediate, secondary 中级Advanced 高级Prerequisite 先修课程上课:Syllabus 教学大纲Required textbook 要求的课本Attendance 出勤Grading system 打分体系Class participation 课堂参与Otherssemester/term 学期quarter小学期course guideline 课程纲要exemption 免修Professor’s signature 教授的签字(用于注册课程)Course cap课程容量(可以招收的学生数)openings (可供注册的名额)Take选(课), drop 退(课)Late registration晚注册Deregistration 注销教师称号professor 教授lecturer = instructor 讲师teaching assistant = TA 助教research assistant = RA 助研counselor, adviser 咨询者,顾问president 大学校长faculty 全体教职员dean 院长coordinator 班主任,协调人tutor 个人辅导supervisor 管理人作业:assignment 作业(lab/book/oral/mix media)report 实验报告project 项目survey 调查presentation 发言term paper 学期论文(research paper)thesis/essay/dissertation 论文journal 学术期刊social investigation 社会调查questionnaire n.调查表, 问卷observation n.观察interview vt.n.采访collect data 收集数据broad (论文等)内容宽泛narrow down (论文等)缩小范围source (写论文的)参考资料critical thinking 评判性思维lack your own ideas缺少自己的想法deadline n.最终期限extension 延期due date/time期限outline n.大纲, 提纲(roadmap) bibliography n书目, 参考书目reference 参考plagiarism n. 抄袭revise v. 修改rewrite v. 重写final draft 完成稿speech n.演讲presentation 演讲,陈述eye contact 目光接触intonation 音调考试:mid-term exam 期中考final exams = finals 期末考cumulative final 总结性考试take-home exam(拿回家的开卷考试,一般有限定的时间)open-book exam 开卷考试subjective test 主观性测试objective test 客观性测试pop quiz 抽查式测验blue book 答题本assessment n估价appraisal n.评价, 估价make up for补考,resit, retake重考grade (mark 、score)分数成绩:perfect grade 优异成绩low grade 低分high mark 高分passing grade 及格分failing grade 不及格分full marks 满分straight A's 全Abe all A's and B's 全是A和BB plus B加A minus A减pass the exam with flying colors 以优异成绩通过考试graduate with honors 以荣誉毕业diploma, degree, certificate 文凭,学位,证书考试问题:分析成绩低的原因,给出解决办法图书馆:library图书馆librarian图书管理员publication 出版物periodical 期刊magazine 杂志book catalog 图书目录classified catalog 分类目录title index 书目索引alphabetic index 按字母顺序排列的索引circulation desk借书处reserved books 馆藏书(只能在图书馆内借阅)library card 借书证overdue fine 过期罚金periodical reading room 期刊阅览室online journal 在线期刊video tape 录像带back issue 过期杂志current issue 近期杂志archive 档案non-fiction 非小说类文学作品science-fiction 科幻小说copier 复印机check out 办理(借、还)手续renew 续借overdue过期interlibrary service 馆际服务部分名称information desk n.服务台delivery/circulation desk借书台shelf n.书架(vt.)stacks 书架photocopy room复印室return area 还书处students locker 学生存储间reference section 参考书部科研过程Hypothesis 假说Alternative hypothesis择一假说Null hypothesis无效假说, 零假说Collect dataSurvey 调查Questionnaire 调查问卷Experiment 实验Interfere, influence 打扰Observation 观察Analyze data 分析数据Interpret data 翻译数据Analysis 分析Analytical 分析的Subject 主题,科目,受制于…的SampleTreatment group 实验组Control group 实验对照组校内工作,课外活动及寻找经济援助:Letter of reference/recommendation 推荐信Competitive 竞争的Benefit future careerField research 实地调查研究Collect data for papersWaiter, waitress,Babysitter 临时保姆Work at the libraryQualification资格, qualified 合格的Resume, CV 简历financial aid经济援助Scholarship/Fellowship 奖学金Teaching assistantship 助教奖学金Research assistantship 研究奖学金Grant 助学金Loan 贷款Need-based以需求为基础Merit-based 以优秀为基础Student union 学生会Clubs 俱乐部Career service住宿:宿舍:accommodation n.住处, 膳宿residence hall宿舍suite 套间studio 工作室,独立套间village 村落(校内一栋一栋的房子,可以用做宿舍)lounge n.公共大厅(可以用做娱乐)home-stay 在国外住在房东家里的那种roommate同屋者,室友corridor n. 走廊,过道,租房lease n.租借, 租约landlord 房东landlady女房东rent租金tenant 房客patio n.阳台,sliding door n.推拉门single room 单人房twin room 双人房two-bedroom apartmenthouse key 房锁匙床上用品:pillow n.枕头bed linen n. 床上用品sheet n. 被单mattress n.床垫blanket n.毯子towel n.手巾, 毛巾quilt n.棉被电器类electric appliance(instrument;equipment) 电器heater, furnace 加热器,炉子heating unit 暖气片air conditioner 空调设备stove 炉子microwave oven 微波炉washer / dryer 洗衣机/烘干机(laundry 洗衣店)utensil 器皿;用具kitchen utensil 炊具oven 烤箱;烤炉dishwasher 洗碟机washing machine 洗衣机(hot-water) heater 热水器coffeepot 咖啡壶fridge(refrigerator/freezer)冰箱vacuum cleaner 吸尘器tape player 录音机CD player CD机Laundromat 自动洗衣店maintenance 维修,保养家具类furniture 家具bookshelf 书架bookcase 书柜couch 沙发chest 柜子;橱;箱子dresser (bureau) 梳妆台cabinet (电视机等)机箱;储藏柜;陈列柜cupboard (closet) 碗橱storage wall 壁橱rug 小地毯carpet 地毯curtain 窗帘bathtub 浴缸fixture (房屋)固定装置furnishings 室内陈设日常生活/问题:personalpossessions/property/belongings个人财产get insurance for personal possessions/property/belongsgarbage/rubbish/waste n.垃圾dispose v. 处理gas meter煤气表insect n.昆虫burglar n.夜贼leaking/leakage n. 泄漏lost key丢钥匙break in 闯入讲座场景词汇Geology地质学Slide n. 滑坡Landslide n.山体滑坡Mud泥土, soil土壤Earth n. 土Sink v.下沉Ground water 地下水Irrigation n. 灌溉Freeze, froze, frozen v.冷冻Melt v.融化moltenGravity n.重心Aggravate v.加重Lean v.倾斜Slope n.斜坡Steep adj.陡峭Erode v., erosion n.腐蚀Fossil n.化石Dinosaur n.恐龙Sediment, deposit 沉淀物Marble 大理石granite 花岗岩Ore 矿石Stalactite 钟乳石Refine v. 提炼Platinum v. 铂金Seismology 地震学Vibration, tremor, 震动Wave 波动Volcano, volcanic 火山,火山的Volcanic eruption 火山喷发Magnitude 级数Collision n.碰撞Active adj.积极的Dormant adj.休眠的Extinct adj. 熄灭的Magma n.岩浆Lava n.岩浆Erupt v.喷发explode v.爆炸(explosion)boom n.爆炸Blast n.爆炸Avalanche n.雪崩地球科学Earth’s interior 地球的内部Seismic waves地震波Compression 压缩Shear(a deformation of an object in which parallel planes remain parallel but are shifted in a direction parallel to themselves)Slow down减慢速度Reflect 反射Depth深度Density 密度Boundary边界Mantle地幔Crust地壳Core地心Continental plate 大陆板块Tectonic plate (地球表面的)构造板块Continental drift 大陆漂移Layer, strata 层Stratify 分层Crack 裂缝Molten lava 融化的岩浆Climatic shift=Climatic changes气候变化Consistent pattern 统一的,始终一致的Solar energy太阳能Radiate 发射,放射Crude approximation 大概的猜测Speculation猜测Cooling down冷却Mechanism 机制Length of the dayPhysical force 体力Imaginary line虚拟线Artificial reservoir 人工水库LatitudeRedistribute再分配,再分布Spin 快速旋转Minerals 矿物质Diverse 多样的Specimen,Sample样品Abundant 丰富的Glassy像玻璃的Amazon stones天河石Firing vapor 炙热的水蒸汽Wipe out 根除,彻底消灭Mt Everest 珠穆朗玛峰Elevation 海拔,海拔增高Precise measurement精确的测量Global Positioning System全球定位系统Longitude 经度Latitude 维度Alternative sources of energy 可替代资源Gas hydrate气体水合物Trap 困住Flame 火焰Potential 潜在的Model 模式Geological fault地质断层Crack 裂缝seismic gap地震活动空白地带postulate 假设chunk 大块cylinder 圆柱cylindrical 圆柱形的ground tilt measurement地倾斜观测evacuate 撤出sedimentary adj. 沉淀性的accumulate 积累商业Insurance 保险Note 注意Contract合约Verbal agreement口头协议Repay 偿还Interest 利息Merchant 商人Cautious 谨慎的Paramount 极为重要的Manufacture 制造Label 标签Contention 所持观点Inform 告知Cost成本Profit利润loss损失Net净的,gross粗略的Supply and demand供求Supply chain供应链Fluctuation 浮动Recession 衰退Depression 萧条Marketing strategies市场营销策略Survey 调查Surplus 剩余Shipment 运输Distribution 分布Retail 零售Whole sale 批发Franchise特许经营Budget预算哲学Socrates, Plato and AristotleTheme 主题Logic 逻辑Rhetoric 修辞Fundamental causes 基本原因Principles of the universe 宇宙的原则Perceive 看待,观察Perception 观点Sense 感觉Soul 灵魂spiritElement 组成成分Reasoning 推理Ration理性, rational有理性的Contemplation 沉思,思考Judgment判断Just公正的,justice公正Justify证明, justification 合理的理由Explicit 明确的Ethics道德规范Ethical theory 伦理理论Moral 有道德的Ultimate truth终极真理Universal 普遍的Search for truth 追求真理Vary v.不相同Intrinsic 内部的Extrinsic 外部的Critic 评论家Old-fashioned 过时的Valuable 有价值的Survive 生存,存活Conservative 保守的Liberal 开放的Impractical不实际的Empirical经验主义的Cognitive 认知的Weaken 削弱Diminish (影响力)减小Medieval 中世纪Renaissance 文艺复兴Doctrine教义,主义,学说Idealism 唯心论,理想主义Epistemology n. 认识论Metaphysics形而上学,玄学Reconcile和解,调停天文学astronomyconstellation星座zodiac (星象学的星座)planet 行星sun 恒星Jupiter 木星Pluto 冥王星Saturn 土星Mercury 水星Mars 火星Venus金星Neptune海王星Uranus天王星Ceres 谷物星(the largest asteroid and the first discovered)White dwarf 白矮星Big Dipper 北斗七星Asteroid belt 小行星带Milky Way 银河系Galaxy n.星系orbit v.运行n.轨道rotate v. 转Axis n.轴track n. 轨道outer space外太空gravity n.重力equator n.赤道tropical 热带的brightness n.亮度dimension n.维度distance n. 距离Eclipse (日月食)Wane, diminish v. 逐渐变小Centripetal 向心Centrifugal 离心Nebula 星云(an immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust in interstellar space)Nebulous adj. 星云的Gas 气体(rock, ice, hydrogen, oxygen) Particle 微粒Polar light 极光Astronomical 天文的Astrophysics 天文物理学Big Dipper 北斗七星Black hole 黑洞Celestial天体的Celestial map 天体图Centrifugal force 离心力Chondrite 球粒状陨石Chromosphere太阳的色球层Clockwise 顺时针Cluster 星团,一群星星Comet 彗星Cosmos宇宙,cosmetic宇宙的Cosmology宇宙学Emission 排放物,发射Faint 微弱的Feeble 微弱的Gaseous bodies 气态包Gravitational force 吸引力Greenwich mean time 格林尼治时间High resolution 高清晰度Ignite 引燃Illusive object 幻影物体Image 影响,形象Infinite 无限的Infrared ray 红外射线Interferometer 干扰仪Intergalactic 星系间的International date line 国际日期变更线Interplanetary 星球间的Interstellar星际的Leap year 闰年Light year光年Luminosity光亮度Lunar阴历的,月亮的Massive 巨大的Meteor流星Meteor shower 流星雨Meteorite陨石Meteoroid流星体Molten 融化的Naked eye 裸眼Observatory 天文台Photosphere 光球层Planetarium 天文馆Planetoid 小行星Polestar 北极星Pseudoscience 伪科学Quasar类星体Radiation 辐射Revolution 旋转Rotation 旋转Satellite 卫星Sky atlas天体图Solar corona日冕Space debris 太空垃圾Space shuttle 太空飞船Space suit 太空服Spin 快速旋转Star cluster 星群,星团Stellar 星星的Sunspot 太阳黑子Time difference 时差Time zone 时区表演艺术(舞蹈,电影,音乐etc.)Genre 艺术分类Performing art 表演艺术modern dance piece现代舞concert 音乐会play剧opera歌剧film 电影camera 摄影camera shotanalytical 分析的parallel 平行的ballet芭蕾舞choreographer 舞蹈指导Fine/visual arts 视觉艺术Abstract art抽象艺术landscape风景photography摄影exposure 曝光develop film 冲洗胶卷negative n. 底片portrait(portray v. )肖像, 人像、still life静物sculpture雕塑statue 人物雕像lifelike 逼真的vividanthem国歌Critic 评论家Criticism 批评,评论Review n.评论Masterpiece 杰作Have aesthetic value 有美学价值Aesthetic appeal 美学吸引力Feature 特点Characteristics 特点Distinct adj.与众不同的Unique 独一无二的Style 风格Technique 技巧Gallery n.画馆Edition n.专辑Release v. 发行Debut n.首映Impressionist 印象主义者Impressionism 印象派Perspective 透视法Angle 角度Press/Publishing house出版社Acclaim v. 盛赞mirage海市蜃楼prolific多产Preserve v. 保存Extinct adj.灭绝的,消失的文学Literature 文学Poetry诗歌biography传记autobiography 自传detective stories 侦探小说drama戏剧novel小说Novelist 小说家collection of short stories短篇小说集Allegory寓言Comparative literature比较文学Diary 日记Editorial 社论,重要评论Fiction 小说Aestheticism 唯美Autobiography 自传Descriptive prose 描述散文Fairy tale 童话Futurism 未来派Legend 传说Literary studies 文学研究Narrative prose 叙述性散文Podium 讲台Prose 散文Realism 现实主义School of literature 文学派别Leading character 主要角色Literary criticism 文学评论Literary studies 文学学习Modernism 现代主义Plot 情节Poetry 诗歌Prologue前言Proverb谚语Surrealism 超现实主义美术Art gallery艺廊Calligraphy书法Imitating模仿Landscape painting风景画Oil painting油画Paste粘贴Crayon 蜡笔,粉笔,颜料Pigmentation 颜料Canvas 帆布Wax 蜡Spectrum 光谱Perspective透视画法Poster海报Portrait肖像Model模式,模特mural壁画Panorama全景Pastel drawing蜡笔画Sketch草图Autograph手稿建筑Architecture建筑学Architect建筑师Architectural style建筑风格Art deco 装饰艺术Art moderneGeometric patterns 几何图形Arch 拱门Castle 城堡Cathedral大教堂Framing结构Lobby n. 大厅(entrance hall) Elevator n. 电梯Fa?ade n. 正面Stairs 楼梯Interior 内部的Exterior 外部的Impressionistic style印象派风格Mosque清真寺Pyramid金字塔Revival 复活Renaissance 文艺复兴Medieval中世纪527 (Sofia)-1520音乐Accompaniment 伴奏Audition 试听,试表演Band music 乐队音乐Chord弦乐,弦Classical music古典音乐Concerto 协奏曲Lullaby 催眠曲Duet 二重奏Harmony 和弦,和谐Rock and roll 摇滚Serenade 小夜曲Solo 独奏Sonata 奏鸣曲Symphony 交响乐Ballad歌谣Folk music 民间音乐Prelude 前奏Epilogue 尾声Score 乐谱Note 音符Notation 乐谱,记号法Chord symbol和弦符号Lyrics 歌词Tempo 节奏Melody 主旋律Rhythm节奏Tune 旋律Conduct 指挥Violin 小提琴Viola 中提琴Cello大提琴Oboe双簧管Clarinet单簧管krummhorn['kr?mh?:n]n. 变号(一种古双簧乐器)Harp 竖琴考古anthropologist 人类学家ecological 生态的anthropologist 生态人类学家archaeology 考古学anthropology 人类学morphology 形态学Ancient civilization 古代文明origin 起源originate 起源于ancestor 祖先hominid 人(科)homogeneous 同一种族(种类)的tribe 部落clan 氏族archeologist 考古学家excavation 挖掘excavate (unearth) 挖掘Scoop铲子ruins 遗迹,废墟remains 遗迹,遗骸artifact 手工艺品pottery 陶器(potter)Porcelain瓷器fossil 化石relic 遗物,文物Rock painting 岩石画antique 古物,古董antiquity 古代,古老skull 颅骨Cranial颅骨的Stone Age 石器时代Bronze Age (青)铜器时代Iron Age 铁器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代的Mesolithic 中石器时代的Neolithic 新石器时代的Exhume 挖掘PaleoanthropologyPrehistoric史前的Primitive原始的动物微生物Amino acid 氨基酸Antibody 抗体Bacterium 细菌Biological agencyCalcium钙Carbohydrate 碳水化合物Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Cell细胞Chromosome 染色体Disinfection 消毒Enzymes 酶Fatigue 疲惫Fermentation 发酵Fungus 菌类Gene基因Genetic engineering 基因工程学Glucose 葡萄糖Immunology免疫学Incubation 孵蛋Inflection传染Malaria 疟疾Microbe 微生物Nucleus 细胞核One-celled单细胞的Oxidation氧化Parasitic animal 寄生动物Parasite disease 寄生虫病Parasitology 寄生虫学Pathogen 病菌,病原体Protozoa 原生动物Sanitation 卫生Schistosomiaisis 血吸虫病Starch 淀粉Sterilization 消毒Toxin 毒素Vaccine 疫苗Virus 病毒Yeast 酵母动物living organism 生物bacterium(pl.bacteria)细菌algae海藻coral珊瑚rodent 啮齿类动物primate 灵长类动物ape 猿chimpanzee n. 黑猩猩gorilla 大猩猩monkey n. 猴子mammal 哺乳类动物dinosaur n.恐龙bat (ecolotion) 蝙蝠(声波定位)snowshoe hare 雪兔子raccoon 浣熊polar bear 北极熊snout (动物的)口鼻部;reptile 爬行类动物snake, cobra眼镜蛇, rattle snake 响尾蛇lizard蜥蜴,snail 蜗牛amphibian adj. 两栖动物crocodile 鳄鱼frog n. 青蛙tadpole 蝌蚪toad 蟾蜍pond 池塘puddle 水坑insect n.昆虫mosquito 蚊子fly 苍蝇cricket 蟋蟀grasshopper 蚱蜢honey beemonarch butterfly 大花蝶large migratory American butterfly having deep orange wings with black and white markings; the larvae feed on milkweed egg 卵larvae 幼虫caterpillar 毛虫pupa/ chrysalis 茧termite n. 白蚁marine adj. 海洋的beaver 狸whale 鲸shark 鲨鱼dolphin 海豚penguin 企鹅predator n. 捕食者prey n. 被捕食者aquatic adj.水生的shrimp 虾lobster 龙虾clam 蚌crab 螃蟹bird, humming birdartery 动脉scale 鳞片claw爪, paw爪子horn 角hormone 荷尔蒙intestine 肠hive 蜂巢pollen n. 花粉pollinate v.授粉hibernate 冬眠migrate v. 迁徙communicate v. 交流保护色evolve 进化evolution n. 进化endotherm n.温血动物,恒温动物poikilotherm n. 冷血动物beak 鸟嘴enzymes 酵母secretion(n.) secrete(v.) 分泌pancreas 胰腺odor 气味(还有aroma fragrance scent smell)gland 腺体chromosome 染色体植物botany植物学botanist 植物学家tundra苔原;冻土地带,冻原fungus(pl. fungi ) 菌类laurel 月桂chestnut tree 栗子树root 根branch 枝stem 茎algae(pl. alga) 海藻organism 有机物birch tree (bark) 桦树crops 谷物corn 玉米maize 玉米chlorophyll 叶绿素amino acids 氨基酸protein 蛋白质nitrogen 氮photosynthetic(adj.) photosynthesis(n.) 光合作用lichen 地衣,苔藓squash 南瓜one of a group of large vegetables with solid flesh and hard skins, such as PUMPKIN sbean 豆类植物nectar花蜜flower花floral 花的petal 花瓣bloom 开花blossom 花pollen花粉moss 苔藓herbicide 除草剂herb 草本植物herbivorous 食草的classification 分类hierarchy 级别hazardous 有毒害的Meteorology 气象meteorology 气象meteorologist 气象学家forecast (predict) 预报climate 气候atmosphere 大气层troposphere 对流层Convection 对流Stratosphere 同温层Barometer 气压计current (气)流vapor 蒸汽evaporate 蒸发damp (wet; moist; humid) 潮湿的humidity 湿度moisture 潮湿;水分saturate 饱和absorb 吸收dew 露frost 霜fog (mist) 雾smog 烟雾droplet 小水珠condense 浓缩crystal 水晶体downpour (torrential rain) 大雨tempest (storm) 暴风雨drizzle 细雨shower 阵雨hail 冰雹blizzard (snowstorm) 暴风雪avalanche (snowslide) 雪崩precipitation (雨、露、雪等)降水Thunder 雷Lightening 闪电breeze 微风Blast 大风gale 大风whirlwind 旋风Cyclone 旋风,飓风typhoon 台风hurricane 飓风Monsoon 季风Sandstorm沙尘暴Dust storm沙尘暴tornado (twister, cyclone) 龙卷风Tropical depression热带低气压Wind direction 风向Wind velocity 风速Wind scale 风力funnel 漏斗,漏斗云cumulonimbus 积雨云disaster (calamity, catastrophe) 灾难devastation 破坏submerge 淹没overwhelm v. 淹没drought 干旱Avalanche雪崩Balmy 温和的Chilly寒冷的Frigid僵硬的,严格的Heat-wave热浪Tepid adj.微温的环保environmental protection 环境保护environmentally-friendly 环保的preserve v.保护,保存污染:pollute, pollution, pollutant contaminant n.污染物contaminate v.污染ecosystem生态系统ecology n.生态学antiseptic adj.防腐的atmospheric pollution大气污染垃圾: rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter处理: dispose of, burn, bury (landfill), recycle, reduce, reuse,dump回收:glass, paper, water,milk carton牛奶盒, tyre,aluminium cans铝罐,plastic bags, rubbish bags biodegradable packaging可降解包装, throwaway 可丢弃的disposable 可丢弃的discourage v. 不鼓励燃料none-renewable 不可再生的fossil fuels矿石燃料:natural gas, coal, petroleumlimited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源alternative energy替代能源,replace=substitute v.取代wind power, hydropower水电,solar (lunar) power太阳能,nuclear power核能radioactivity n. 辐射性use up, deplete, exhaust v. 用光,耗尽conserve v. 节省,节约,污染: water pollution, air pollution,soil pollution土壤污染,noise pollutionsoil erosion 土壤侵蚀soil pollution土壤污染stain n.污染,污点,玷污stink v.发出臭味tar n.焦油toxic chemical 有毒的化学物品fume n.烟,气味light pollution日光污染refuse废物sewage污水pesticide n.杀虫剂chemical waste化学废料congest v.使充满危害动物:poaching非法打猎,盗猎,damage natural habitat破坏自然栖息地,rare breed稀有物种,endangered species濒危物种,extinct adj.灭绝(die out, disappear), animal rights activist动物权益保护者, natural reserve(giant panda大熊猫)自然保护区,protect wild life保护野生动物, preserve v.保护disastrous灾难性的, devastation破坏, have disastrous effect on…对。
托福四六级听力阅读常用词汇分类宇宙universe; cosmos宇宙的universal(adj); cosmic(adj)宇宙尘cosmic dust宇宙万物cosmic inventory天体celestial body天体力学celestial mechanics; mechanical astronomy 天体演化cosmogony星系galaxy河外星系extragalactic system总星系metagalaxy银河系Galactic System; Milky Way太阳系solar system星际空间interstellar space星团star cluster; stellar cluster;star dust星云nebula星辰stars小星starlet恒星(fixed) star彗星comet流星metor; shooting/ falling star行星planet小行星minor planet; asteroid; planetoid 卫星satelite星尘dust类星体quasar; quasi-stellar object(QSO) 发光的luminous金星Venus木星Jupiter水星Mercury火星Mars土星Saturn地球Earth天王星Uranus海王星Neptune冥王星Pluto太阳sun太阳光谱solar spectrum太阳光线sunray太阳黑子spot; sun pot; macula 太阳粒子solar particle日蚀solar eclipse日冕(solar) corona太阳中心说helicocentricism地球中心说geocentricism月亮moon满月full moon新月crescent月亮由亏转盈wax(v)月亮由盈转亏wane(v)环形山crater月的,月球上的lunar月蚀lunar eclipse公转revolve; revolution自转rotate; rotation轨道orbit; orbital黑洞black hole真空vacuum红外线infrared ray辐射radiation发射emit; emission地壳crust地幔mantle地核core; earth’s core半球semisphere; hemisphere地球基本磁场fundamental magnetic; field of the earth 地球自转earth ratation地球公转revolution of the earth地球引力gravity; gravitation attraction地震earthquake; seism; seismic地震波seismic wave南极the Antarctic Pole北极the Arctic Pole赤道the equator热带地区tropics; tropical温带temperate zone寒带frigid zone; cold zone经度longitude经线meridian; warp纬度latitude纬线parallel; weft地平线horizon亚洲Asia美洲America非洲Africa欧洲Europe澳洲Australia大洋洲Oceania大西洋the Atlantic北冰洋the Arctic Ocean太平洋the Pacific地中海the Mediterranean (sea)海的marine(adj); maritime; oceanic边缘fringe; margin; periphery; verge 海峡straits; channel; fretum海湾gulf; bay岛island; isle小岛islet半岛peninsula浮岛floating island群岛archipelago火山岛volcanic island珊瑚岛coral island板块plate板块边缘plate margin板块构造plate tectonics; raft tectonics 板块学说plate tectonics板块假说plate hypothesis板块碰撞plate collision板块运动plate motion; plate movement 板块漂移plate drift大陆continent; continetal断裂rift; rent(租)地形topography; landform; relief (feature); surface feature; terrain高地highland; upland; elevation; plateau平原plain; flatlands低地low; lowland盆地basin; saucer; bowl地上的,陆地的terrestrial天上的,天体的celestial地下的underground; subterranean洞穴cave; cavity; chamber; crater大山洞cavern山脉mountain range/ chain山脊ridge山谷,峡谷valley; mountain valley; canyon; dale; ravine; gorge;glen; gap山崖chiff峭壁barranca; precipice; steep悬崖bluff; escarpment; scarp河流river; stream溪brook; streamlet; rivulet石头stone卵石,砾石pebble; rubble; debris; boulder 石灰石limestone页岩shale陨岩meteorite花岗岩granite大理石maeble矿石mineral翡翠jadeite绿宝石emerald红宝石ruby珍珠pearl宝石gem jewel纹理grain纹理细腻的fine-grained文理粗糙的coarse-grained有线纹的line-grained火山volcano活火山active volcano死火山extinct volcano休眠火山dormant volcano火山口crater; volcanic cent; summit crater 火山锥cone火山坑fine pit火山腔体chamber火山带volcanic belt火山爆发volcanic eruption火山沉淀volcanic deposit火山尘volcanic dust火山熔岩lava; slag熔岩湖lave lake熔岩瀑布lave cascade熔岩丘lave dome岩浆magma冰山iceberg冰河glacier冰河时代glacier epoch冰河学glaciology冰河作用glaciation汹涌,高涨surge化学chemistry成分composition; constituent; agent物质substance; material元素element元素周期表periodic table; system of elements 化合物compround金属metal有色金属nonferrous metal铂(白金)platinum 银silver铜copper 铝aluminium 锡tin 镍nickel锌zinc 钾potassium 镁magnesium 铅lead钠calcium 汞mercury氢hydrogen 氧oxygen氮nitrogen 氦helium氨ammonia 碳carbon硅silicon 硫sulfur碘iodineHave a break分子molecule(摩尔)原子atom原子核nucleus质子proton中子neutron电子electron离子ion粒子particle水蒸气water vapor溶液solution溶解dissolve; reslove 溶质solute; solvend 可溶的soluble不可溶的insolublei溶剂dissolvant; solvent resdvent沉淀subside; deposit; precipitate沉淀物subsidence; deposition; sediment; sedimentation;precipitate凝结coagulate浓缩condense; condensation饱和saturation; saturated晶体crystal结晶crystal结晶作用crystallization挥发volatillize; volatile蒸发evaporate; evaporation电解electrolyze电解槽electrolytic bath分解decompose腐烂decompose; rot; decay物理physics物理变化physical change力学mechanics光学optics电学electricity静电static electricity摩擦rub; chafe电流electric current直流电direct current (DC)交流电alternating current (AC)直流电变压器direct-current trasformer 电路circuit(CKT); electric circuit电荷electric charge; charge电压electric tension; electric voltage 伏特voltage导电体conductor绝缘体insulator半导体semiconductor电池battery真空管vacuum tube; valve晶体管transistor; crystal; valve凸透镜convex lens凹透镜concave lens显微镜microscope望远镜telescope放大镜magnifier光学纤维optical fiber光谱spectrum紫外线ultraviolet rays红外线infra-red raysX光纤Roentgen rays=X rays透明的transparent半透明的translucent不透明的opaque微波microwave波峰wave crest; peak; ridge波谷trough of wave; trough; valley 波长wavelength频率frenguency; rate媒质medium; media震动vibrate; vibration回声echo速度speed速率velocity加速度accelerated velocity重力gravity引力gravitation attraction运动motion移动lecomotion惯性inertia动量momentum动力(学)的,运动的kinetic运动摩擦kinetic friction冲量impulse势能potential energy阻力resistance; drag; drag force 空气阻力air resisitance; air friction 摩擦力friction (fiction 小说)歌剧opera歌剧剧本libretto乐队orchestra; band乐队指挥conductor; bandmaster 合唱,合唱队chorus民乐folk song流行歌曲pop song; popular song 管弦乐string orchestra交响乐symphony爵士乐jazz声学acoustics耳的,听觉的acoustic; aural; auditory 乐谱score; notation乐章movement音符note曲调tune; melody; melodic音高pitch节奏rhythm节拍meter; beat乐器musical instrument合音,琴弦chord拨弦乐器plucked instrument打击乐器percussion instrument弦乐器stringed instrument喇叭,号bugle; trumpet; horn大提琴cello中提琴viola小提琴violin同感sympathy反感antipathy通感empathy森林forest木材timber; lumber风干,晒干(木材)season(v) 树冠canopy树枝branch大树枝limb小树枝twig树干trunk树皮bark树叶leaf; foliage灌木bush; shrub; arbuscle乔木arbor柳树willow松树pine榆树elm杉fir雪松cedar胡桃树walnut阔叶树broadleaf植被vegetation苔藓moss; lichen蕨类植物fern被子植物angiosperm花flower果树的花blossom草本植物的花bloom花瓣petal花叶floral leaf花蜜nectar花粉pollen授粉pollinate; pollination授粉者pollinator芬芳fragrant; aroma; perfume 气味scent; odor臭味stink; stench茎stem; stalk根茎rhizome块茎tuber球茎corn受精fertilize杂交crossbreeding细胞cell细胞壁cell wall细胞核nucleus; cell nucleus 细胞质cytoplasm纤维素cellulose叶绿素chlorophyll光合作用photosynthesis农业agriculture农产品produce(n)主要产物(或商品)staple 谷仓barn梯田terrace灌溉irrigate; irrigation耕,犁plough; plow铲shovel镐pick(v); pickaxe(n)镰刀sickle碾子roller磨mill(n/v); grind(v)耕种,养殖cultivate(v); till(v)收割reap; harvest; gather in收割机harvester; harvesting implements; reaper; reaping machine拖拉机tractor打谷,脱粒thresh(v); thresher(n)除草weeding; extirpate; weed; weed out (weeds)杂草weeds; rank grass; hogweed渠ditch; canal; channel排水渠drainage ditch肥料fertilizer; manure农作物,庄稼crop谷grain; cereal小米,粟millet小麦wheat大麦barley稻子rice; paddy豆,蚕豆bean大豆soybean豌豆pea玉米corn棉花cotton蔬菜vegetables害虫pest; injurious/destructive insect杀虫剂insecticide; pesticide; insectifuge土地land; soil田地farmland; field麦田wheatland; wheat field犁沟furrow田埂ridge耕地arable land肥沃fertile(adj)贫瘠barren; infertile; impoverished; sterile 干旱drought; arid; dry干旱地区arid areaRest time牧场grazing land; pasture; meadow; ranch 种植园pkantation果园orchard草地grassland; meadow; lea奶牛场dairy家禽饲养场hennery畜牧业animal/livestock husbandry游牧的nomadic苗圃nursery干草(喂牲畜的)饲料hay; forage; silage; fodder 兽群herd家畜livestock牛cattle公牛ox; bull母牛cow奶牛dariy cattle小牛calf水牛water buffalo牛棚cowshed马horse母马mare小马pony种马stallion; stu马厩,马棚stable马具harness踢马刺spur羊sheep母羊ewe山羊goat小羊lamb羊栏sheepcote猪hog; pig; swine母猪sow公猪boar小猪piglet野猪wild boar猪圈pigsty(猪等)同胎生下的小崽litter狗dog猎狗hunting dog; hound小狗puppy狗窝kennel繁殖,饲养breed; rear家禽fowl; domestic bird; domestic fowl 鸡chicken雏鸡chick; chicken公鸡cock; rooster母鸡hen养鸡场chicken farm鸡舍roost鸭duck公鸭drake家/野鸭domestic/wild duck母鸭duck小鸭duckling鹅goose (a goose egg 被人打了一个包)一群鹅a drove/ flock of geese孵卵,孵化hatch; incubate; incubation; hover 蛋egg蛋黄yolk蛋青,蛋白albumen蛋壳eggshell哺乳动物mammal脊椎动物vertebrate无脊椎动物invertebrate甲壳类的动物crustacean节肢动物arthropod节体动物articulate啮齿动物rodent爬行动物reptile食腐动物scavenger反刍动物ruminant腔肠动物coelenterate灵长目动物primate软体动物mollusk水生动植物aquatic两栖动物/植物amphibian食草动物herbivore食肉动物,食虫植物carnivore纲class目order亚目suborder科family (father and mother I love you) 属genus种species昆虫insect; worm卵ovum; egg幼虫larva; caterpillar茧cocoon颚,下巴jaw上/下颚upper/cower jaw蜕变transform益虫usefull insect触须vibrissa; smeller; tentacle 蛾moth蚂蚁ant白蚁termite蜜蜂bee蜂wasp蜂群swarms毛虫caterpillar蝗虫grasshopper; locust蜘蛛spider; arachnid蜘蛛网cobweb; web; spider web 群居social独居solitary鱼fish鱼类触须barbell鱼卵spawn一群鱼a school of fish鲨鱼shark鲸鱼whale章鱼octopus海参sea cucumber海星starfish海豚dolphin鸟bird鹪鹩(小型鸟的典型)wern秃鹫(大型鸟的典型)condor猛禽bird of prey鹰eagle; falcon; hawk; kestrel; condor 鸵鸟ostrich鹦鹉parrot鸽子pigeon; dove鸟嘴bill(水禽);beak(猛禽)迁徙migrate换毛molt栖息perch巢nest栖息处roost; habitat(鸟)用嘴理(毛) preen蔽身之处shelter兽beast; animal猛兽beast of prey怀孕be/ become pregnant; conceive(adj) 食肉动物predator被捕食的动物prey猿ape; orangutar; primate猩猩chimp; chimpanzee; gorilla狒狒baboon猴monkey类人猿anthropid交配mating; copulation冬眠hibernation胎foetus; embryo胎儿,幼儿infant恐龙dinosaur鱼龙ichthyosuar翼龙pterosaur始祖鸟archaeopteryx化石fossil考古学archaeology人类学anthropology人种学ethnology原始人类hominid; primitive微生物microbe细菌bacterium (pl. bacteria)病菌,病原体pathogen真菌fungus (pl. fungi)酵母菌yeast霉菌mould/mold; mildew蘑菇mushroom酶enzyme分泌secrete; ooze寄生parasite(n/v); parasitic共生symbiosis; symbiotic免疫immune(adj); immunity(n) 过敏的hypersensitive蛋白质protein有机物organism骨bone骨骼skeleton头骨skull; cranium; cranial肋骨rib脊柱spinal columm; spine; backbone 脊髓spinal cord骨髓marrow神经nerve脑神经cranial nerve神经中枢nerve centre; nerve center 末梢神经nerve endingTake your time!肺lung呼吸器官respirratory organ肾kindney肝liver胃stomach肠intestine消化系统digestive system内分泌系统endocrine system胰腺pancreas腺gland; glandular排泄系统excretory system心脏heart; cardiac(n&adj)静脉vein动脉artery; arterial血管blood vessel毛细血管capillary(n/adj)血浆blood plasma红细胞red blood cell白细胞leucocyte血小板blood platelet凝结coagulum(使)充血conqest(v); congestion 血液循环blood circulation组织tissue器官organ肌肉muscle腹腔abdominal cavity腹abdomen胸chest胸腔thorax唾液saliva汗sweat尿urine排泄excrete; excretion 呕吐vomit(n/v)屁fart(n/v)免疫系统immune system 免疫性immunity脂肪fat脂类lipid蛋白质protein维生素vitamin营养nutrition; nutritional营养不良undernutrition热量amount of heat卡路里calorie热度计calorimeter温度计thermometer摄氏温度centigrade摄氏的celsius华氏温度计fahrenheit微风breeze; gust台风,飓风typhoon; burricane旋风,龙卷风whirlwind; tornado; cyclone 暴风squall; storm对流,上升气流convection细雨,毛毛雨drow; drizzle滴,流trickle; drip; dribble倾注shower倾盆大雨downpour阵雨shower暴风雨tempest雨滴droplet; dew霜frost雾fog (mist)雹,冰雹hail雪花snowflake晶体crystal潮湿的damp; moist; humid干燥的dry; arid温暖的warm; cozy寒冷的cold; frigid; chill; chilly; icy 多雨的rainy多风的windy多云的cloudy大楼mansion公寓apartment庄园manor教学大楼hall建筑群complex摩天大厦skyscraper小教堂chapel大教堂cathedral草坪lawn; sward人造喷泉fountain入口doorway; entrance; entry走廊corridor; hallway; passage; passageway; vestibule 大厅hall; lobby; foyer; antechamber横梁span拱顶arch; arc; vault天井,院子patio露台,阳台balcony地窖crypt; pit; basement厨房kitchen窗帘curtain壁架ledge小屋,帐篷lodge垫子mat; pad; cushion教学mathematics代数algebra线性代数linear algebra几何integral积分integral微积分calculus统计statistics概率probabilit概率论probability theory函数function角angle内角interior angle外角exterior angle锐角acute angle钝角obtuse angle三角形triganle不等边三角形scalene triangle等边三角形equilateral triangle等腰三角形isosceles triangle直角三角形right-angled triangle; right triangle 矩形,长方形rectangle(n); rectangnlar(adj) 对称的symmetry(n); symmetrical左右对称的bilateral symmetry四边形quadrilateral; tetragonum; quadrangle 正方形square平行四边形parallelogram平行线parallel五边形pentagon五角星five-angle star梯形trapezoid四面体tetrahedrom六面体hexahedron立方体cube多面体polyhedral; polyheadron; polytope柱状体column锥体pyramis; pyramid; cone; taper球体sphere; spheroid; spherite; spheroidal; orb 圆round; circular; spherical半圆semicirle椭圆ellipse; ellipsoid直径diameter; diam半径radius; semidiameter周长circumference; perimeter面积area体积volume曲线curve线性linear螺旋spiral; helix; screw交通transportation马车cart; carriage; wagon; coach; stagecoach 火车train货运列车freight擦嘎声chug站台station; platform交通工具vechicle(有轨)电车trolley通勤commute(n/v)港口port; harbor运河canal船只boat; ship; craft; barge; canoe船桨paddle小桨scull灯塔beacon公路highway收税高速公路turnpike枢纽pivot(n/adj); hub腹地,内地hinterland (pl. 穷乡僻壤) 驿站stage; post边界贸易站fort市场market; marketplace博览会fair; exhibition; exposition日用品commodity商品merchandise; product货物goods船货cargo易货交易barter小贩peddler; vendor零售retail零售商retail trander; dealer批发wholesale批发商wholesaler; merchant进口import出口export关税tariff征收(税金,罚款)levy联合抵制(货物等)boycott(商业)风险投资venture企业家entrepreneur企业enterprise产业industryRelax~城市的urban乡下的rural首都metropolis; capital首都的metropolitan(adj)城市city集合城市conurbation市的,都市的,市营的municipal自治区,自治市,市政府municipality 城市居民urbanite城市的,市民的,公民的civic一块地lot; plot (阴谋)平民civilian居民residnet; inhabitant; citizen; dweller下水道,排水设施,排水系统drainage; sewerage 公共卫生sanitation公共设施public utilities住处department; quarter; tenement留宿accommodate房客tenant房东land lord租约lease房租rent收据receipt地区,区域district; ward; area; region手工艺handicraft手工艺人craftsman; artisan手工艺品artides of handcraft art; handicrafts学徒apprentice; trainee制造fashion; create; produce炉stove; furnace; oven窑kiln锻造forge; smithing; hammering; blacksmithing铁匠blacksmith银匠silversmith铜匠coppersmith木匠carpenter小贩peddler; vendor碟子,盘子dishes碗bowls烧水用的水壶kettle盆basin; tub; pot桶barrel; bucket; pail小桶keg便桶commode痰盂cuspidors罐jar; jug; pot; tank; tin 容器vessel凿子chisel钻子drill; auger钳子pincers; pliers; tongs 刨子plane刨plane; shave钉子nail; tack拔除钉子draw/pull out a nail把钉子敲进去drive/hammer/knock in a nail 粘glue; stick; paste凸bulge凸出project; protrude凹concave(adj/n); dented(adj)雄榫,榫舌tongue; tenon纺spin; reel织knit; weave纺织品textile织物woof; fabric; texture; drap拼织物mosaic亚麻羊毛交织物linsey-woolsey羊毛wool亚麻flax粗布coarse cloth; homespun cloth织布机loom皮革,革制品leather绳rope钢丝绳steel cable麻绳hemp rope细绳string细线,棉纱,纤维thread; filament; yarn; strand 纤维fiber(制陶)转盘,纺车wheel卷轴,(线,铁丝,胶片,纸)一卷reel; coil蚕丝,丝,绸,绢,缎silk织物上纵方向的纱或线warp织物上横方向的纱或线weft陶器pottery; earthware; ware制陶术ceramics陶工potter壶,瓶,罐pot粘土clay粗陶,瓷器stoneware土器,陶器earthware红土陶redware釉料,上光料glaze抛光finish揉,捏knesd模子mold质地texture炉stove; furnace; oven窑kiln泥釉slip色素pigment清漆varnish雕塑(术)sculpture雕刻家scuplptor浮雕relief雕刻,刻carve; engrave (图案的)基本花纹motif图案design画像,雕像icon画师,画匠limner鉴定家,行家connoisseur资助人patron支援,保护,赞助patronage 文艺复兴renaissance评论家,鉴定家critic激进主义radicalism保守主义conservatism怀疑论者doubter不可知论者agnostic不信教的人,野蛮人,异教徒infidel异教徒,邪教徒pagan怀疑基督教/真理/宗教教条,无神论者skeptic愤世嫉俗者cynic愤世嫉俗的cynical无政府主义anarchism君主制monarchy宪法constitution立法legislation民主党the Democrats共和党the Republicans国会congress联邦政府federal goverment美国独立战争American Revolution; Independent war 美国内战the Civil War美国大萧条时期the Great Depression移民immigrant移居者migrant侨民emigrant殖民者colonist大多数majority少数派minority祖先ancestors; forefathers; progenitor; forbears后代descendant; successor; offspring; progeny; inheritor; heir 子女offspring; issue血统lineage; ancestry; root传统tradition; heritage; custom进化evolve; evolution适应adapt; adaptation生存survive; survival适者生存surival of the fittest濒临灭绝的动物endangered animals灭绝extrinction; extinct生态系统ecosystem小生境niche植物群flora动物群fauna生物多样性biological diversity食物链food chain保护,保护森林/河道conservation禁猎区preserve温室效应greenhouse effect臭氧层ozone layer紫外辐射altraviolet radiation污染pollute; pollution; contaminate; contamination 污染物pollutant有毒的poisonous; noxious; toxic废物rubbish; waste废料的处理the disposal of waste material噪音noise噪音污染sound pollution分贝decibelThat’s all!That’s me~~。
新托福IBT听力场景入学:enrollment 登记, 注册opening ceremony n.开业典礼, 仪式commencement ceremony 毕业典礼convocation n.正式会议(可指简单的毕业典礼)orientation meeting开学说明会staff n.全体职员freshman (大学)一年级学生sophomore (大学)二年级学生junior (大学)三年级学生senior (大学)四年级学生tuition, fee 费用placement test 开学测试excellent 出色的average 平均的,一般的below average 低于平均水平的,差的结构及称谓:university- president 大学,校长chancellor 名誉校长college 学院school 学院dean 院长principal 中学校长professor 教授associate professor 副教授assistant professor 助理教授coordinator 班主任,协调人counselor 辅导员advisor 指导老师instructor 讲师tutor 个人辅导supervisor 管理人undergraduate 本科graduate 研究生建筑物buildings:canteen.餐厅cafeteria.自助餐厅administration building 行政大楼main building主楼wing/annex 配楼teaching building教学楼dormitory n.宿舍auditorium n.会堂, 礼堂=lecture hall assembly n.集合,集会hallcomputer lab 计算实验室,机房dining hall 食堂选课学科major 主修minor 副修science理科, arts文科, engineering 工科Mathematics 数学physics 物理chemistry 化学biology 生物学geography 地理学electronics 电子学computer science 计算机科学astronomy 天文学electronics engineering 电子工程学botany 植物学psychology 心理学zoology 动物学architecture 建筑学oceanography 海洋学ecology 生态学medical science 医学archaeology 考古学history 历史学linguistics 语言学pedagogies 教育学,教学法anthropology 人类学economics 经济学statistics 统计学accounting 会计学philosophy 哲学类型required、compulsory course 必修课selective/optional course选修课elective course 选修课lecture 讲座seminar 高级研讨性课colloquium n.报告课tutorial 个人辅导课程workshop 专题课程级别Introductory 入门级elementary, fundamental 初级Intermediate, secondary 中级Advanced 高级Prerequisite 先修课程上课:Attend class 上课Miss class 缺课Skip class逃课Syllabus 教学大纲Required textbook 要求的课本Attendance 出勤Grading system 打分体系Class participation 课堂参与杂semester/term 学期quarter小学期course guideline 课程纲要major 主修minor 副修exemption 免修syllabus 教学大纲Professor’s signature 教授的签字(用于注册课程)Course cap课程容量(可以招收的学生数),openings (可供注册的名额)Take选(课), drop 退(课)Late registration晚注册Deregistration 注销教师称号professor 教授lecturer = instructor 讲师teaching assistant = TA 助教research assistant = RA 助研counselor, adviser 咨询者,顾问president 大学校长teacher/faculty 教师student's advisor 学生顾问physicist 物理学家mathematician 数学家chemist 化学家historian 历史学家statistician 统计学家作业:assignment 作业homework = coursework = schoolwork = studies 作业lab report 实验报告book report 读书报告project 作业presentation 发言term paper 学期论文(research paper)thesis/essay/dissertation 论文journal 学术期刊social investigation 社会调查survey 调查questionnaire n.调查表, 问卷observation n.观察interview vt.n.采访collect data 收集数据broad (论文等)内容宽泛narrow down (论文等)缩小范围source (写论文的)参考资料critical thinking 评判性思维lack your own ideas缺少自己的想法deadline n.最终期限extension 延期due date/time期限outline n.大纲, 提纲(roadmap) bibliography n书目, 参考书目reference 参考plagiarism n. 抄袭revise v. 修改rewrite v. 重写final draft 完成稿speech n.演讲presentation 演讲,陈述eye contact 目光接触intonation 音调考试:mid-term exam 期中考final exams = finals 期末考cumulative final 总结性考试take-home exam(拿回家的开卷考试,一般有限定的时间)open-book exam 开卷考试subjective test 主观性测试objective test 客观性测试pop quiz 抽查式测验blue book 答题本assessment n估价appraisal n.评价, 估价make up for补考,resit, retake重考grade (mark 、score)分数成绩:perfect grade 优异成绩low grade 低分high mark 高分passing grade 及格分failing grade 不及格分full marks 满分straight A's 全Abe all A's and B's 全是A和BB plus B加A minus A减pass the iexam with flying colors 以优异成绩通过考试graduate with honors 以荣誉毕业diploma, degree, certificate 文凭,学位,证书考试问题:分析成绩低的原因,给出解决办法图书馆:library图书馆librarian图书管理员publication 出版物periodical 期刊magazine 杂志book catalogue 图书目录classified catalogue 分类目录bibliography 参考书目title index 书目索引alphabetic index 按字母顺序排列的索引circulation desk借书处reserved books 馆藏书(只能在图书馆内借阅)library card 借书证overdue fine 过期罚金periodical reading room 期刊阅览室online journal 在线期刊video tape 录像带back issue 过期杂志current issue 近期杂志archive 档案non-fiction 非小说类文学作品science-fiction 科幻小说copier 复印机check out 办理(借、还)手续renew 续借overdue过期interlibrary service 馆际服务部分名称information desk n.服务台delivery/circulation desk借书台shelf n.书架photocopy room复印室return area 还书处students locker 学生存储间reference section 参考书部科研过程HypothesisAlternative hypothesis择一假说Null hypothesis无效假说, 零假说Collect dataSurvey, questionnaireExperimentInterfere, influenceObservationAnalyze dataInterpret dataAnalysisAnalyticalSubjectSampleTreatment groupNon-treatmentControl group校内工作,课外活动及寻找经济援助:Letter of reference/recommendation CompetitiveBenefit future careerField researchCollect data for papersWaiter, waitress,BabysitterWork at the libraryQualification资格, qualified 合格的Resume, CVfinancial aid经济援助Scholarship FellowshipTeaching assistantship 助教奖学金Research assistantship 研究奖学金Grant 助学金Loan 贷款Need-based以需求为基础Merit-based 以优秀为基础Student union 学生会Clubs 俱乐部Membership 成员资格Career service住宿:宿舍:accommodation n.住处, 膳宿residence hall宿舍suite 套间studio 工作室,独立套间village 村落(校内一栋一栋的房子,可以用做宿舍)lounge n.公共大厅(可以用做娱乐)home-stay 在国外住在房东家里的那种roommate同屋者,室友corridor n. 走廊,过道,租房lease n.租借, 租约landlord 房东landlady女房东rent租金tenant 房客patio n.阳台,sliding door n.推拉门single room 单人房twin room 双人房two-bedroom apartmenthouse key 房锁匙床上用品:pillow n.枕头bed linen n. 床上用品sheet n. 被单mattress n.床垫blanket n.毯子towel n.手巾, 毛巾quilt n.棉被电器类electric appliance(instrument; equipment) 电器heater, furnace 加热器,炉子heating unit 暖气片air conditioner 空调设备stove 炉子microwave oven 微波炉washer / dryer 洗衣机/烘干机(laundry 洗衣店)utensil 器皿;用具kitchen utensil 炊具oven 烤箱;烤炉range 煤气灶dishwasher 洗碟机washing machine 洗衣机(hot-water) heater 热水器coffeepot 咖啡壶refrigerator (freezer) 冰箱vacuum cleaner 吸尘器tape player 录音机CD player CD机Laundromat 自动洗衣店maintenance 维修,保养家具类furniture 家具bookshelf 书架bookcase 书柜couch 沙发chest 柜子;橱;箱子dresser (bureau) 梳妆台cabinet (电视机等)机箱;储藏柜;陈列柜cupboard (closet) 碗橱storage wall 壁橱rug 小地毯carpet 地毯curtain 窗帘bathtub 浴缸fixture (房屋)固定装置furnishings 室内陈设日常生活/问题:personalpossessions/property/belongings个人财产get insurance for personal possessions/property/belongsgarbage/rubbish/waste n.垃圾dispose v. 处理gas meter煤气表insect n.昆虫burglar n.夜贼leaking/leakage n. 泄漏lost key丢钥匙break in 闯入讲座场景词汇Geology地质学Slide n. 滑坡Landslide n.山体滑坡Mud泥土, soil土壤Earth n. 土Sink v.下沉Ground water 地下水Irrigation n. 灌溉Freeze, froze, frozen v.冷冻Melt v.融化moltenGravity n.重心Aggravate v.加重Lean v.倾斜Slope n.斜坡Steep adj.陡峭Erode v., erosion n.腐蚀Fossil n.化石Dinosaur n.恐龙Sediment, deposit 沉淀物Marble 大理石granite 花岗岩Ore 矿石Stalactite 钟乳石Refine v. 提炼Platinum v. 铂金Seismology 地震学Vibration, tremor, 震动Wave 波动V olcano, volcanic 火山,火山的V olcanic eruption 火山喷发Magnitude 级数Collision n.碰撞Active adj.积极的Dormant adj.休眠的Extinct adj. 熄灭的Magma n.岩浆Lava n.岩浆Erupt v.喷发explode v.爆炸(explosion)boom n.爆炸Blast n.爆炸Avalanche n.雪崩地球科学Earth’s interior 地球的内部Seismic waves地震波Compression 压缩Shear(a deformation of an object in which parallel planes remain parallel but are shifted in a direction parallel to themselves)Slow down减慢速度Reflect 反射Depth深度Density 密度Boundary边界Mantle地幔Crust地壳Core地心Continental plate 大陆板块Tectonic plate (地球表面的)构造板块Continental drift 大陆漂移Layer, strata 层Stratify 分层Crack 裂缝Molten lava 融化的岩浆Climatic shift=Climatic changes气候变化Consistent pattern 统一的,始终一致的Solar energy太阳能Radiate 发射,放射Crude approximation 大概的猜测Speculation猜测Cooling down冷却Mechanism 机制Length of the dayPhysical force 体力Imaginary line虚拟线Artificial reservoir 人工水库LatitudeRedistribute再分配,再分布Spin 快速旋转Minerals 矿物质Diverse 多样的Specimen,Sample样品Abundant 丰富的Glassy像玻璃的Amazon stones天河石Firing vapor 炙热的水蒸汽Wipe out 根除,彻底消灭Mt Everest 珠穆朗玛峰Elevation 海拔,海拔增高Precise measurement精确的测量Global Positioning System全球定位系统Longitude 经度Latitude 维度Alternative sources of energy 可替代资源Gas hydrate气体水合物Trap 困住Flame 火焰Potential 潜在的Model 模式Geological fault地质断层Crack 裂缝seismic gap地震活动空白地带postulate 假设chunk 大块cylinder 圆柱cylindrical 圆柱形的ground tilt measurement地倾斜观测evacuate 撤出sedimentary adj. 沉淀性的accumulate 积累商业Insurance 保险Note 注意Contract合约Verbal agreement口头协议Repay 偿还Interest 利息Merchant 商人Cautious 谨慎的Paramount 极为重要的Manufacture 制造Label 标签Contention 所持观点Inform 告知Cost成本Profit利润loss损失Net净的,gross粗略的Supply and demand供求Supply chain供应链Fluctuation 浮动Recession 衰退Depression 萧条Marketing strategies市场营销策略Survey 调查Surplus 剩余Shipment 运输Distribution 分布Retail 零售Whole sale 批发Franchise特许经营Budget预算哲学Socrates, Plato and AristotleTheme 主题Logic 逻辑Rhetoric 修辞Fundamental causes 基本原因Principles of the universe 宇宙的原则Perceive 看待,观察Perception 观点Sense 感觉Soul 灵魂spiritElement 组成成分Reasoning 推理Ration理性, rational有理性的Contemplation 沉思,思考Judgment判断Just公正的,justice公正Justify证明, justification 合理的理由Explicit 明确的Ethics道德规范Ethical theory 伦理理论Moral 有道德的Ultimate truth终极真理Universal 普遍的Search for truth 追求真理Vary v.不相同Intrinsic 内部的Extrinsic 外部的Critic 评论家Old-fashioned 过时的Valuable 有价值的Survive 生存,存活Conservative 保守的Liberal 开放的Impractical不实际的Empirical经验主义的Cognitive 认知的Weaken 削弱Diminish (影响力)减小Medieval 中世纪Renaissance 文艺复兴Doctrine教义,主义,学说Idealism 唯心论,理想主义Epistemology n. 认识论Metaphysics形而上学,玄学Reconcile和解,调停天文学astronomyconstellation星座zodiac (星象学的星座)planet 行星sun 恒星Jupiter 木星Pluto 冥王星Saturn 土星Mercury 水星Mars 火星Venus金星Neptune海王星Uranus天王星Ceres 谷物星(the largest asteroid and the first discovered)White dwarf 白矮星Big Dipper 北斗七星Asteroid belt 小行星带Milky Way 银河系Galaxy n.星系orbit v.运行n.轨道rotate v. 转Axis n.轴track n. 轨道outer space外太空gravity n.重力equator n.赤道tropical 热带的brightness n.亮度dimension n.维度distance n. 距离Eclipse (日月食)Wane, diminish v. 逐渐变小Centripetal 向心Centrifugal 离心Nebula 星云(an immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust in interstellar space)Nebulous adj. 星云的Gas 气体(rock, ice, hydrogen, oxygen) Particle 微粒Polar light 极光Astronomical 天文的Astrophysics 天文物理学Big Dipper 北斗七星Black hole 黑洞Celestial天体的Celestial map 天体图Centrifugal force 离心力Chondrite 球粒状陨石Chromosphere太阳的色球层Clockwise 顺时针Cluster 星团,一群星星Comet 彗星Cosmos宇宙,cosmetic宇宙的Cosmology宇宙学Emission 排放物,发射Faint 微弱的Feeble 微弱的Gaseous bodies 气态包Gravitational force 吸引力Greenwich mean time 格林尼治时间High resolution 高清晰度Ignite 引燃Illusive object 幻影物体Image 影响,形象Infinite 无限的Infrared ray 红外射线Interferometer 干扰仪Intergalactic 星系间的International date line 国际日期变更线Interplanetary 星球间的Interstellar星际的Leap year 闰年Light year光年Luminosity光亮度Lunar阴历的,月亮的Massive 巨大的Meteor流星Meteor shower 流星雨Meteorite陨石Meteoroid流星体Molten 融化的Naked eye 裸眼Observatory 天文台Photosphere 光球层Planetarium 天文馆Planetoid 小行星Polestar 北极星Pseudoscience 伪科学Quasar类星体Radiation 辐射Revolution 旋转Rotation 旋转Satellite 卫星Sky atlas天体图Solar corona日冕Space debris 太空垃圾Space shuttle 太空飞船Space suit 太空服Spin 快速旋转Star cluster 星群,星团Stellar 星星的Sunspot 太阳黑子Time difference 时差Time zone 时区表演艺术(舞蹈,电影,音乐etc.)Genre 艺术分类Performing art 表演艺术modern dance piece现代舞concert 音乐会play剧opera歌剧film 电影camera 摄影camera shotanalytical 分析的parallel 平行的ballet芭蕾舞choreographer 舞蹈指导Fine/visual arts 视觉艺术Abstract art抽象艺术landscape风景photography摄影exposure 曝光develop film 冲洗胶卷negative n. 底片portrait(portray v. )肖像, 人像、still life静物sculpture雕塑statue 人物雕像lifelike 逼真的vividanthem国歌Critic 评论家Criticism 批评,评论Review n.评论Masterpiece 杰作Have aesthetic value 有美学价值Aesthetic appeal 美学吸引力Feature 特点Characteristics 特点Distinct adj.与众不同的Unique 独一无二的Style 风格Technique 技巧Gallery n.画馆Edition n.专辑Release v. 发行Debut n.首映Impressionist 印象主义者Impressionism 印象派Perspective 透视法Angle 角度Press/Publishing house出版社Acclaim v. 盛赞mirage海市蜃楼prolific多产Preserve v. 保存Extinct adj.灭绝的,消失的文学Literature 文学Poetry诗歌biography传记autobiography 自传detective stories 侦探小说drama戏剧novel小说Novelist 小说家collection of short stories短篇小说集Allegory寓言Comparative literature比较文学Diary 日记Editorial 社论,重要评论Fiction 小说Aestheticism 唯美Autobiography 自传Descriptive prose 描述散文Fairy tale 童话Futurism 未来派Legend 传说Literary studies 文学研究Narrative prose 叙述性散文Podium 讲台Prose 散文Realism 现实主义School of literature 文学派别Leading character 主要角色Literary criticism 文学评论Literary studies 文学学习Modernism 现代主义Plot 情节Poetry 诗歌Prologue前言Proverb谚语Surrealism 超现实主义美术Art gallery艺廊Calligraphy书法Imitating模仿Landscape painting风景画Oil painting油画Paste粘贴Crayon 蜡笔,粉笔,颜料Pigmentation 颜料Canvas 帆布Wax 蜡Spectrum 光谱Perspective透视画法Poster海报Portrait肖像Model模式,模特mural壁画Panorama全景Pastel drawing蜡笔画Sketch草图Autograph手稿建筑Architecture建筑学Architect建筑师Architectural style建筑风格Art deco 装饰艺术Art moderneGeometric patterns 几何图形Arch 拱门Castle 城堡Cathedral大教堂Framing结构Lobby n. 大厅(entrance hall) Elevator n. 电梯Façade n. 正面Stairs 楼梯Interior 内部的Exterior 外部的Impressionistic style印象派风格Mosque清真寺Pyramid金字塔Revival 复活Renaissance 文艺复兴Medieval中世纪Byzantine architecture 527 (Sofia)-1520音乐Accompaniment 伴奏Audition 试听,试表演Band music 乐队音乐Chord弦乐,弦Classical music古典音乐Concerto 协奏曲Lullaby 催眠曲Duet 二重奏Harmony 和弦,和谐Rock and roll 摇滚Serenade 小夜曲Solo 独奏Sonata 奏鸣曲Symphony 交响乐Ballad歌谣Folk music 民间音乐Prelude 前奏Epilogue 尾声Score 乐谱Note 音符Notation 乐谱,记号法Chord symbol和弦符号Lyrics 歌词Tempo 节奏Melody 主旋律Rhythm节奏Tune 旋律Conduct 指挥Violin 小提琴Viola 中提琴Cello大提琴Oboe双簧管Clarinet单簧管krummhorn['krʌmhɔ:n]n. 变号(一种古双簧乐器)Harp 竖琴考古anthropologist 人类学家ecological 生态的anthropologist 生态人类学家archaeology 考古学anthropology 人类学morphology 形态学Ancient civilization 古代文明origin 起源originate 起源于ancestor 祖先hominid 人(科)homogeneous 同一种族(种类)的tribe 部落clan 氏族archeologist 考古学家excavation 挖掘excavate (unearth) 挖掘Scoop铲子ruins 遗迹,废墟remains 遗迹,遗骸artifact 手工艺品pottery 陶器(potter)Porcelain瓷器fossil 化石relic 遗物,文物Rock painting 岩石画antique 古物,古董antiquity 古代,古老skull 颅骨Cranial颅骨的Stone Age 石器时代Bronze Age (青)铜器时代Iron Age 铁器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代的Mesolithic 中石器时代的Neolithic 新石器时代的Exhume 挖掘PaleoanthropologyPrehistoric史前的Primitive原始的动物微生物Amino acid 氨基酸Antibody 抗体Bacterium 细菌Biological agencyCalcium钙Carbohydrate 碳水化合物Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Cell细胞Chromosome 染色体Disinfection 消毒Enzymes 酶Fatigue 疲惫Fermentation 发酵Fungus 菌类Gene基因Genetic engineering 基因工程学Glucose 葡萄糖Immunology免疫学Incubation 孵蛋Inflection传染Malaria 疟疾Microbe 微生物Nucleus 细胞核One-celled单细胞的Oxidation氧化Parasitic animal 寄生动物Parasite disease 寄生虫病Parasitology 寄生虫学Pathogen 病菌,病原体Protozoa 原生动物Sanitation 卫生Schistosomiaisis 血吸虫病Starch 淀粉Sterilization 消毒Toxin 毒素Vaccine 疫苗Virus 病毒Yeast 酵母动物living organism 生物bacterium(pl.bacteria)细菌algae海藻coral珊瑚rodent 啮齿类动物primate 灵长类动物ape 猿chimpanzee n. 黑猩猩gorilla 大猩猩monkey n. 猴子mammal 哺乳类动物dinosaur n.恐龙bat (ecolotion) 蝙蝠(声波定位)snowshoe hare 雪兔子raccoon 浣熊polar bear 北极熊snout (动物的)口鼻部;reptile 爬行类动物snake, cobra眼镜蛇, rattle snake 响尾蛇lizard蜥蜴,snail 蜗牛amphibian adj. 两栖动物crocodile 鳄鱼frog n. 青蛙tadpole 蝌蚪toad 蟾蜍pond 池塘puddle 水坑insect n.昆虫mosquito 蚊子fly 苍蝇cricket 蟋蟀grasshopper 蚱蜢honey beemonarch butterfly 大花蝶large migratory American butterfly having deep orange wings with black and white markings; the larvae feed on milkweed egg 卵larvae 幼虫caterpillar 毛虫pupa/ chrysalis 茧termite n. 白蚁marine adj. 海洋的beaver 狸whale 鲸shark 鲨鱼dolphin 海豚penguin 企鹅predator n. 捕食者prey n. 被捕食者aquatic adj.水生的shrimp 虾lobster 龙虾clam 蚌crab 螃蟹bird, humming birdartery 动脉scale 鳞片claw爪, paw爪子horn 角hormone 荷尔蒙intestine 肠hive 蜂巢pollen n. 花粉pollinate v.授粉hibernate 冬眠migrate v. 迁徙communicate v. 交流camouflage 保护色evolve 进化evolution n. 进化endotherm n.温血动物,恒温动物poikilotherm n. 冷血动物beak 鸟嘴enzymes 酵母secretion(n.) secrete(v.) 分泌pancreas 胰腺odor 气味(还有aroma fragrance scent smell)gland 腺体chromosome 染色体植物botany植物学botanist 植物学家tundra苔原;冻土地带,冻原fungus(pl. fungi ) 菌类laurel 月桂chestnut tree 栗子树root 根branch 枝stem 茎algae(pl. alga) 海藻organism 有机物birch tree (bark) 桦树crops 谷物corn 玉米maize 玉米chlorophyll 叶绿素amino acids 氨基酸protein 蛋白质nitrogen 氮photosynthetic(adj.) photosynthesis(n.) 光合作用lichen 地衣,苔藓squash 南瓜one of a group of large vegetables with solid flesh and hard skins, such as PUMPKIN sbean 豆类植物nectar花蜜flower花floral 花的petal 花瓣bloom 开花blossom 花pollen花粉moss 苔藓herbicide 除草剂herb 草本植物herbivorous 食草的classification 分类hierarchy 级别hazardous 有毒害的Meteorology 气象meteorology 气象meteorologist 气象学家forecast (predict) 预报climate 气候atmosphere 大气层troposphere 对流层Convection 对流Stratosphere 同温层Barometer 气压计current (气)流vapor 蒸汽evaporate 蒸发damp (wet; moist; humid) 潮湿的humidity 湿度moisture 潮湿;水分saturate 饱和absorb 吸收dew 露frost 霜fog (mist) 雾smog 烟雾droplet 小水珠condense 浓缩crystal 水晶体downpour (torrential rain) 大雨tempest (storm) 暴风雨drizzle 细雨shower 阵雨hail 冰雹blizzard (snowstorm) 暴风雪avalanche (snowslide) 雪崩precipitation (雨、露、雪等)降水Thunder 雷Lightening 闪电breeze 微风Blast 大风gale 大风whirlwind 旋风Cyclone 旋风,飓风typhoon 台风hurricane 飓风Monsoon 季风Sandstorm沙尘暴Dust storm沙尘暴tornado (twister, cyclone) 龙卷风Tropical depression热带低气压Wind direction 风向Wind velocity 风速Wind scale 风力funnel 漏斗,漏斗云cumulonimbus 积雨云disaster (calamity, catastrophe) 灾难devastation 破坏submerge 淹没overwhelm v. 淹没drought 干旱Avalanche雪崩Balmy 温和的Chilly寒冷的Frigid僵硬的,严格的Heat-wave热浪Tepid adj.微温的环保environmental protection 环境保护environmentally-friendly 环保的preserve v.保护,保存污染:pollute, pollution, pollutant contaminant n.污染物contaminate v.污染ecosystem生态系统ecology n.生态学antiseptic adj.防腐的atmospheric pollution大气污染垃圾: rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter处理: dispose of, burn, bury (landfill), recycle, reduce, reuse,dump回收:glass, paper, water,milk carton牛奶盒, tyre,aluminium cans铝罐,plastic bags, rubbish bags biodegradable packaging可降解包装, throwaway 可丢弃的disposable 可丢弃的discourage v. 不鼓励燃料none-renewable 不可再生的fossil fuels矿石燃料:natural gas, coal, petroleumlimited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源alternative energy替代能源,replace=substitute v.取代wind power, hydropower水电,solar (lunar) power太阳能,nuclear power核能radioactivity n. 辐射性use up, deplete, exhaust v. 用光,耗尽conserve v. 节省,节约,污染: water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution土壤污染,noise pollutionsoil erosion 土壤侵蚀soil pollution土壤污染stain n.污染,污点,玷污stink v.发出臭味tar n.焦油toxic chemical 有毒的化学物品fume n.烟,气味light pollution日光污染refuse废物sewage污水pesticide n.杀虫剂chemical waste化学废料congest v.使充满危害动物:poaching非法打猎,盗猎,damage natural habitat破坏自然栖息地,rare breed稀有物种,endangered species濒危物种,extinct adj.灭绝(die out, disappear), animal rights activist动物权益保护者, natural reserve(giant panda大熊猫)自然保护区,protect wild life保护野生动物, preserve v.保护disastrous灾难性的, devastation破坏, have disastrous effect on…对。
TPO1Durable 持久的耐用的文学艺术:Brushstroke 一笔一画,绘画技巧Canvas 帆布油画布Bleak 暗淡的阴冷的Depiction 描写叙述Vibrant 颜色鲜明的醒目的Illustration 插图图表图案地理学:Solidify 是变硬固体化Flatten 使变平Refinement 细微的改良Grain 谷物天然纹理Zircon 锆石Uranium 铀Start off 以什么开始Molten 融化的熔融的Magma 岩浆Interdisciplinary 各学科间的考古:Neolithic 新石器时代Obsidian 黑曜石Flake 使成片剥落小而轻的拨片Hatchway 天花板出入口Hearth 壁炉边Soot 煤烟烟灰Rib 肋骨骨架Excavation 挖掘Speculate 思索猜测Yield 生产,出产生物学:Marmot 土拨鼠Rodent 啮齿动物Hibernate 冬眠Ritual 例行公事的Territorial 领土的属地的TPO2Meteorological 与气象学有关的气象的心理学:Laryngeal 喉的喉音的Larynx 喉Overt 公开的不隐藏的Convert 转化转变Electrode 电极Motor 肌肉运动的运动神经的Ideomotor 概念运动的Equivalent 相等的植物学:T extile 纺织物纺织品Hemp 棕榈Moor 停泊Degrade 降级降低削弱质量Anchor 锚Bundle 捆束包Twist 纽缠绕哲学:Extrinsic 非本质的外在的Intrinsic 本质的内在的Modest income 适中的收入Frustration 失意挫败挫折Asteroid 小行星Decimal 小数小数点Tantalizingly 逗引人的,撩拨人的Uranus 天王星Validity 有效合法正当Ceres 谷类的女神TPO3Info 消息情报资料Nectar 花蜜甘露Pollinate 给……传授花粉Pollen 花粉电影历史Hybrid 混合混血儿Fuse 熔化合并Clip 电影里的片段Mollusk 软体动物Uncanny 超人的不寻常的Patch 修补拼凑考古Erect 建立建造Barn 谷仓牲口棚简陋的大房子艺术历史:Slide 幻灯片Lab 实验室Paleolithic 旧石器时代Charcoal 碳木炭Herbivore 食草动物Bison 野牛天文学Prism 棱镜Stab 刺戳捅Optical 光学的Spectrum 波谱光谱Magnify 放大夸大Spectral line 光谱线Fingerprint 指纹Spectrograph 光谱摄制仪Helium 氦TPO4Critique 评论文章Fuss 小题大做大惊小怪Stack 图书馆的书架一堆生物:Preen 用嘴整理羽毛Groom 梳洗Redirecting 重新使用改变Inhibit 阻止抑制Ruffle 弄乱激怒Wood thrush 画眉鸟Wipe 抹去擦拭Perch 栖息处Horizontal 水平的与地平线平行的Vertical 垂直的竖直的文学:Dismiss 不再考虑Conformity 依照符合一致Attest 证明了Municipal 市政的Owning dispute 拥有争议Drain 流干流走Scratch 刮擦地理Bulldozer 推土机恐吓者Vibrate 震动颤动Magnetic 磁性的Meteorology 气象学美国政府学Subsidy 津贴Endowment 养老保险Altruistic 利他的无私心的Patron 赞助人Plaque 匾牌(用于奖励)TPO5Understate 淡化某事物的严重性Distinguish oneself 表现突出Arty/artsy 懂艺术的Cello 大提琴cellist 大提琴手Orchestra 交响乐团String quarter 乐器队,线,弦的Alligator 短吻鳄Sewer 下水道MemeReplicated 复制再生Longevity 寿命Fecundity 多产的生殖力旺盛的Fidelity 忠诚的忠实的Housefly 家蝇Mutation 变异突变天文:Compelling 令人信服的理由极为有趣的令人激动的Pinpoint 准确的说准确定位Crater 坑Basin 流域低洼地Orbit 沿轨道运行,环绕。
托福听力必备高频话题词汇整理常见文学类词汇一览托福听力高频话题文学类常见词汇汇总literary studies 文学研究literary criticism 文学评论narrative 叙述narrator 叙述者,人称school of literature 文学派别Realism 现实主义Romanticism 浪漫主义surrealism 超现实主义stream of consciousness 意识流William Shakespeare 威廉. 莎士比亚莎翁四大悲剧:Hamlet 汉姆雷/Macbeth 麦克白/King Lear 李尔王/Othello 奥赛罗Mid-summer Night Dream 仲夏夜之梦Ohenry 欧亨利Mark Twin 马克吐温Tolstoy 托尔斯泰content 目录summary 总结annotation 注释reference 参考文献authorship 著作权copyright 版权fairy tale 童话故事folk tale 民间故事legend 传说literature 文学poetry 诗歌poem 诗poet 诗人heroic poem 英雄主义诗歌sonnet 十四行诗biography传记autobiography 自传drama 戏剧prose 散文novel 小说novelist 小说家allegory 寓言comparative literature 比较文学editorial 社论editor 编辑fiction 小说non-fiction 非小说类abstract 摘要preface 序言prologue 前言main body 主体plot 情节托福听力练习对照文本Good evening. My name is Pam Jones, and on behalf of the Modern Dance club, Id like to welcome you to tonights program.晚上好,我的名字叫Pam Jones,代表现代舞俱乐部,我想欢迎大家来到今晚的节目。
TOEFL托福听力及阅读专业词汇托福听力及阅读专业词汇:气象学meteorology气象meteorologist气象学家meteorological station气象站forecast(predict)预报climate气候atmosphere大气层troposphere对流层stratosphere平流层cold front冷锋warm air mass热气团current(气)流vapor蒸汽evaporate蒸发damp(wet,moist,humid)潮湿humidity湿度moisture潮湿/水分saturate饱和dew露frost霜fog(mist)雾smog烟雾droplet小水condense浓缩crystal水晶体downpour(torrential rain)大雨tempest(storm)/ (torrential rain)暴风雨drizzle细雨shower阵雨hail冰雹blizzard(snowstorm)暴风雪avalanche(snow slide)雪崩precipitation(雨、露、雪等)降水thunder雷breeze微风sandstorm沙暴monsoon季风gale大风whirlwind旋风typhoon台风hurricane飓风tornado(twister, catastrophe)龙卷风upper atmosphere上层大气funnel漏斗,漏斗云disaster(calamity, catastrophe)灾难devastation破坏submerge淹没drought旱灾convection对流wind velocity风速wind scale风级wind direction风向long-range forecast长期预报numerical weather prediction数值天气预报nephanalysis云层分析,卫星云图stratus层云carbon dioxide release二氧化碳排放purify净化acid rain酸雨sewage disposal污水处理waste disposal废物处理environment protection环境保护托福听力及阅读专业词汇:微生物学microorganism/microbe微生物microbiology微生物学antibody抗体toxin 毒素immunity免疫immunology免疫学vaccine疫苗fungus(fungi)真菌bacteria细菌fermentation发酵inflection传染(感染)virus毒素disinfection消毒sterilization灭菌food chain食物链托福听力及阅读专业词汇:能源和环境fossilfuel 矿物燃料processofphotosynthesis 光合作用solarenergy 太阳能nonrenewable 不可再生的energyconservation 保护能源resource 资源energysource 能源资源tidalenergy 潮汐能源trafficjam 交通堵塞fuel-efficient 节能型的rushhour 高峰期pollute 污染zeroemission 零辐射wildness 野生/天然preservation 保护atmosphere 大气climate 气候carbon 碳dioxide 二氧化物burningofcoalandoil 煤油燃烧globalwarming 全球变暖greenhouseeffect 温室效应riseinsealevel 海平面上升melt 融化,熔化long-termclimaticchange 长期的气候变化 environmental 环境的,环境论recyclingcenter 再循环利用中心litter/trashbag/garbage 垃圾airpollution 空气污染pollutant 污染物desertification 沙漠化deforest 滥伐森林flood 水灾drought 干旱watershortage 水源缺乏offshorespillage 近海岸溢出carbondioxiderelease 二氧化碳排放industrialsewage 工业污水upperatmosphere 上层大气recycling 再循环purify 净化deteriorate 恶化acidrain 酸雨foodchain 食物链sewagedisposal 污水处理ozonelayer 臭氧层wastedisposal 废物处理emission (汽车废气的)排放soot 烟尘elnino 厄尔尼诺现象托福听力及阅读专业词汇:天文学astronomy天文学astronomical天文的astronomical observatory天文台planetarium天文馆astronomer天文学家astrophysics天文物理学astrology占星学pseudoscience伪科学cosmos(universe)宇宙infinite无限的cosmic宇宙的cosmic radiation宇宙辐射cosmic rays宇宙射线celestial天体的celestial body(heavenly body)天体celestial map(sky atlas)天体图celestial sphere天球dwarf(dwarf star)矮星quasar类星体constellation星座galaxy(Milky Way)银河系star cluster星团asterism星群solar system太阳系solar corona日冕solar eclipse日食solar radiation太阳辐射satellite卫星planet行星comet彗星planetoid(asteroid)小行星revolve旋转twinkle闪烁naked eye肉眼Mercury水星Venus金星Earth地球Mars火星Jupiter木星Saturn土星Uranus天王星Neptune海王星Pluto冥王星orbit轨道spin旋转lunar月球的meteor流星meteor shower流星雨meteoroid流星体meteorite陨石space(outer space)太空,外层空间spacecraft(spaceship)宇宙飞船spaceman(astronaut)宇航员space suit宇航服space shuttle航天飞机space telescope空间望远镜star恒星stellar恒星的intergalactic星系间的interstellar恒星间的interplanetary行星间的asteroid小行星nebula星云space debris太空垃圾ammonia氨corona日冕chromosphere色球photosphere光球convection zone对流层vacuum真空absolute magnitude绝对量级radiation辐射emission发射/散发high-resolution高清晰度interferometer干扰仪illusive object幻影体faint微弱的image影像gravitational吸引力molten熔化的(金属、岩石) leap year闰年rotation自转revolution公转sunspot太阳黑子black hole黑洞ultraviolet ray紫外线infrared ray红外线luminosity光度light year光年。
对话场景词汇:A:Office Hours 办公时间—Student & Professor 论文论文:thesis statement 论文陈述,中心句wander off topic [ˈwɔndə] [ɔ(:)f] [ˈtɔpik]v.跑题.look over a draft version 检查草拟版本catalog 目录draw up 得出结论疑难解答考试专业疑难解答:考试:re-take 重修选课与作业(见选课和注册办公室):bird course 轻松的课transfer 转系转专业enquiry [ɪn'kwaɪri]询问advisor’s approval [ə'pruvl]导师许可rigorous ['rɪɡərəs] adj. 严格的eligible ['ɛlɪdʒəbl] adj.合格的迟到或缺课:miss somebody’s lecture 缺课fill me in something 给我补课疑难解答:bulletin board ['bulitin]公告板school bulletin 学校公告栏rushing against the clock 忙碌check back 回顾记录; 再联系申请申请与志愿:scholarship/fellowship n.奖学金选课选课(见选课作业和注册办公室):preparatory course [priˈpærətəri] [kɔ:s]n.预备课程:B:Service Encounter 服务咨询-- Student & Officer Library:图书馆reference room n.资料室the reference stacks [ˈrefərəns] [stæks]n.书库loan counter[ləun] [ˈkauntə] n.借书处loan period [ləun] [ˈpiəriəd] n.借书期限fine vt.罚款/n.罚金 charge =fee n.费用academics[ˌækəˈdemik]a.学术journal [ˈdʒə:nəl]n.期刊paperback n.平装本literature guide n.导读reference guide [ˈrefərəns] [gaid]n.参考指南published and unpublished data n.出版/未出版数据库precaution [prɪ'kɔʃən] n. 预防Bookstore:书店store credit [stɔ:] [ˈkredit] n.商店退款;赊账购物retreat[riˈtri:t]n.退书Cafeteria:食堂restaurant /dining room[ˈdaɪnɪŋ] [ru:m]n.餐厅deep fried food [di:p] [fraid] [fu:d]n.油炸食物Registrar’s Office:注册办公室注册(见选课和考试选课作业):field work [fild wɚk] /research [riˈsə:tʃ]n.实地研究academic record n. 学业成绩financial aid 助学金faculty advisor:指导老师生活指导facilities manager:后勤经理auditorium [ˌɔ:diˈtɔ:riəm]n.礼堂,会堂Counseling Center:咨询中心银行和工资counselor [ˈkaunsələ]n. 咨询员paycheck ['peitʃek]n. 薪水payroll [ˈpeirəul]n.工资单;薪水册Career Services Office:就业服务办公室实习与打工:intern n. 实习生career /job fair n.招聘会advancement =promotion [prəˈməuʃən]n.晋升Campus Activities.校园活动校内活动:off campus 校外commute [kə'mjʊt] v. 通勤flyers [ˈflaiəz]n.传单3 / 29TPO 听力学科词汇分类(新版)精品文档。
听力分科词汇(熟悉读音)第一类动物学ZoologyPrimate 灵长类Rodent 啮齿类Vertebrate 脊椎动物Invertebrate 无脊椎动物Reptile 爬行动物Amphibian 两栖动物Carnivore 食肉动物Carnivorous 食肉类的Herbivore 食草动物Omnivore 杂食动物Homoiotherm 恒温动物Poikilotherm 变温动物;冷血动物Tissure 组织Organ 器官Liver 肝Lung 肺Kidney 肾Front/back/rear legRespiratory system 呼吸系统Reproductive system 生殖系统Nerve system 神经系统Immune system 免疫系统Endocrine system 内分泌系统Excretory system 排泄系统Circulatory system 循环系统Blood vessel 血管Vein 静脉Artery 动脉Membrane 隔膜;细胞膜Compound 复眼Sloth 树懒Bat 蝙蝠Dolphin 海豚Turtle 绿毛龟Penguin 企鹅Phylum 门——class 纲——order 目——family 科——species 种Adder 小毒蛇Alge (复数algae)Anatomy 解剖学Anthropoid 类人猿Aquatic 水生的Armor 甲Asymmetric 不对称Baboon 狒狒Alligator 美洲鳄Ancestry 系谱;血统Animal cognition 动物的认知能力Antenna(复数antennae)触须Aquarium 养鱼池Arachnid 节肢动物Auk 海雀Beaver 水懒Biological vacuum 生物演变真空期Bivalve 双壳类Brant 黑雁Breed n.品种v.繁殖Burrow 洞穴Buffalo 美洲野牛Canary 金丝雀Carrion crow 吃腐肉的乌? Caterpillar 毛虫Caviar 鱼子酱Centipede 蜈蚣Chameleon 变色龙Chemical composition 化学成分Chimpanzee 黑猩猩Chipmunk 花栗鼠Chirp 叽叽喳喳叫Cicada 蝉Clam 蛤蜊Claw 爪子Cobra 眼镜蛇Cockroach 蟑螂Cocoon 蚕茧Coelenterate 腔肠动物Cricket 蟋蟀Darwinism 达尔文学说Degeneration 退化Digestive enzyme 消化酶Domesticate 驯养Echolocation 声波定位Entomology 昆虫学Fauna 动物群Fertilize 受精Genus 种类Grasshopper 蚂蚱Gregarious 群居的Hatch 孵化Herd 兽群Heredity 遗传Hibernation 冬眠Hormone 荷尔蒙Ingestion 摄食Insecticide 杀虫剂Larva 幼虫(复数larvae)Mandible 下颚Metamorphosis 变形Lizard 蜥蜴Mate 交配Mollusk 软体动物Monogamous 一雄一雌的Mutation 变种Offspring 后代Order 目Ornithology 鸟类学Oyster 牡蛎Paleontology 古生物学Parasite 寄生虫Polyandrous 一雌多雄的Prairie dog 草原犬鼠Rattlesnake 响尾蛇Regeneration 再生Rhinoceros 犀牛Ruminant 反刍动物Salamander 蝾螈Scale 鳞片Scuba 水下呼吸器Secretion 分泌Solitary 独居的Spawn 卵;产卵Spine 脊骨Spleen 脾Squid 鱿鱼Symbiosis 共生现象symbiotic 共生的Symmetry 对称Tentacle 触须Venom 毒液第二类植物学BotanyFoliage 叶子Stem 茎Trunk 树干Branch 树枝Bark 树皮Bud 花蕾Nectar 花蜜Moss 苔类Herb 草本类Fern 蕨类Fungus 菌类Hybrid 杂交植物Phobia 恐性Hydro-phobia 狂犬病Petal 花瓣Chlorophyll 叶绿素Stamen 花蕊Jasmine 茉莉Peony 牡丹Orchid 兰花Lotus 莲花Plum 梅花;李子第三类生物、微生物学Biology and Micro-biology Amino acid 氨基酸Antibody 抗体Biotical agency 生物媒介Calcium 钙Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Carbohydrate 碳水化合物Chromosome 染色体Disinfection 消毒Enzymes 酵母Fatigue (组织、器官等对刺激失去反应能力的)疲劳Fermentation 发酵Fungus 真菌Glucose 葡萄糖Immunology 免疫学Incubation 孵蛋Malaria 疟疾;瘴气Microorganism 微生物Microscopic 精微的Nucleus 细胞核Oxidation 氧化Parasitic disease 寄生虫病Pathogen 病菌Penicillin 青霉素Sanitation 卫生Schistosomiasis 血吸虫病Sterilization 杀菌Toxin 毒素Vaccine 疫苗Yeast 酵母第四类人类学与考古学Anthropology and archeology Excavate 挖掘excavation 出土Relics 文物古迹Stone Age 石器时代Iron Age 黑铁时代Bronze Age 青铜时代Neolithic 新石器时代Mesolithic 中石器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代Matriarchy 母系氏族Patrilineal 父系氏族Pottery 陶Ancient civilization 古代文明Antique 古董Archaic 古老的Artifact 人造物品Ascend 攀登Chronological 按年代排序的Clan 氏族Cranial 颅骨的Cultural relics 文物Exhume 掘出Hominid 原始人类Porcelain 瓷器Prehistoric 史前的Primitive 原始的Scoop 铲子Skull 头骨Tribe 部落第五类地理地质学Geography and geology美国五大湖:Huron 休伦湖Ontario 安大略湖Michigan 密歇根湖Erie 伊利湖Superior 苏比利尔湖Extinct volcano 死火山active volcano 活火山dormant 休眠火山Erupt 火山爆发eruption 爆发Magma 岩浆lava 岩浆Crater 火山口Core 地核Crust 地壳Mantle 地幔Layer/stratum 地层South Pole 南极North Pole 北极Antarctic 南极的Antarctica 南极洲Arctic 北极的Aurora 极光Equator 赤道Longitude 经度Latitude 纬度Altitude 海拔the Tropic of Cancer 北回归线the Tropic of Capricorn 南回归线Glacier 冰川Ice berg 冰山Seismology 地震学seismic waves 地震波Magnitude 震级Epicenter 震中Basin 盆地Plane 平原Plateau 高原Low land 低地Arm/gulf/bay 海湾the Great Salt Lake 大盐湖Yellowstone National Park 黄石公园Grand Canyon 大峡谷the Dead Valley 死谷Arid 干旱的Canal 运河Cleft 缝隙Cliff 悬崖Continental drift 大陆漂移Continental shelf 大陆架Contour 轮廓;等高线Cosmopolitan 世界性的Crack 裂缝Crest 山顶Debris 碎片Demolish 破坏;粉碎Deposit 堆积物;沉积物Diffuse 传播;扩散Disintegration 分解Elevation 抬高;高地Endemic 风土的;地方的Evaporation 蒸发Expedition 探险Extract 开采Fault plane 断层面Fieldstone 卵石Frost heaving 冻胀现象Geothermal 地热的Gorge 峡谷Hemisphere 半球Igneous rock 火成岩Incandescent 白炽的Infertile 贫瘠的Insular 海岛Insulate 隔离Ledge 矿脉Margin 边缘Marine 航海的Meridian 子午线Navigation 航海的Oasis 绿洲Offshore 离岸的Parallel 纬线Peninsula 半岛Precipice 悬崖Salinity 盐度Sediment 沉淀物Smelt 冶炼Strait 海峡Subsidiary 辅助的;补充的Subterrane 表层下基岩subterranean 地下的Tectonics 构造学Temperate 温带的Terrain 地形Terrestrial 地球的;陆地的Terrestrial magnetism 地磁Topography 地形;地形学Tropic 热带的Aluminum 铝Bonanza 富矿带Fault 断层Geologic survey 地质调查Geomagnetism 地磁学Granite 花岗岩Jurassic period 侏罗纪时期Landlocked area 内陆Lead 铅Limestone 石灰岩Lithosphere 岩石圈Lower reach 下游Metamorphic rock 变质岩Nickel 镍Northern Hemisphere 北半球Petrify 石化Platinum 白金;铂Quartz 石英Ravine 峡谷Reclaim 开垦Sedimentary rock 沉积岩Seismic prospecting 地震勘探Seismograph 地震仪Sodium 钠Speculate 推测Swamp 沼泽Sulfur 硫磺Tributary 支流Tropical rain forest 热带雨林Vertical 垂直的Watershed 分水岭Zinc 锌第六类法学Law庭审的三种方式:trial=prosecution 审判(private/public)、arbitration 仲裁、hearing 听证会Defendant 被告Prosecutor 刑事原告Plaintiff 民事原告Cop 警察Attorney 律师Judge 法官Suit 上诉Appeal 申诉appealent 申诉人Aerdict 陪审团意见Judgement 二审最终结果Jury panel 陪审团Capital punishment 极刑Sentence 刑期第七类商科Business and economyCompete competition competitorFree/pure compete 自由竞争Monopolistic compete 垄断竞争Supply and demand 供求Surplus 盈余Deficit 赤字run in redBoycott 联合抵制Devaluation 贬值Bubble economy 泡沫经济GDP gross domestic product 国内生产总值GNP gross national product 国民生产总值CPI consumer price index 消费价格指数Anti-dumping 反倾销Revenue/duty/tax 税收The federal 美联储Marketing: do market research (segmentation 市场细分/high-eral/low-eral) Sales: pre-sales after-sales第八类文学LiteratureRealism 现实主义Surrealism 超现实主义Modernism 现代主义Postmodernism 后现代主义Romance of three kingdoms 三国演义Red dreams of mansion 红楼梦Western journey 西游记Outlaws of marsh 水浒传Biography 传记文学Autobiography 自传Essay 杂记Prose 散文Epic 史诗Criticism 文学评论Thriller 恐怖小说Detective story 侦探小说Novel/fiction(虚构的)小说Editorial 社论的Leading character 主人公Legend 传说Proverb 谚语Schools of literature 文学流派第九类艺术Music Accompaniment 伴奏Aestheticism 唯美主义Allegory 寓言Ballad 民谣Epilogue 尾声Serenade 小夜曲Sonata 奏鸣曲Symphony 交响乐Time 节拍Architecture 建筑Art gallery 美术馆Autograph 真迹Calligraphy 书法Cathedral 大教堂Imitating 临摹Impressionistic style 印象派风格Landscape painting 山水画Mosque 清真寺Panorama 全景画Perspective 透视画法Portrait 肖像画Sketch 素描The statue of liberty 自由女神像The triumphal arch 凯旋门第十类哲学Philosophy Socrates 苏格拉底Plato 柏拉图Aristotle 亚里士多德The republic 理想国The law 法律Idealism 唯心主义Materialism 唯物主义Ration 理性emotion 感性第十一类气象学Meteorology Formation 形成Hail 冰雹Atmosphere 大气层Stratosphere 平流层Troposphere 对流层Current-air 气流Mass 气团warm/coldVapor 蒸汽evaporate 蒸发Droplet 小水珠Ice crystal 冰晶体Stratum 地层Updraft air 上升气流Downdraft air 下沉气流Temperate zone 温带Tropical 热带Frigid 寒带亚前加sub~Dew 露珠Mist 薄雾Drizzle 毛毛雨Avalanche snow 雪崩Tornado 龙卷风Blizzard 暴雪Tsunami 海啸Balmy 温和的Barometer 气压计Convection 对流Cumulonimbus 积雨云Damp 潮湿的Devastation 破坏Downpour 倾盆大雨Humidity 湿度Monsoon 季风Precipitation 降水Tempest 暴风雨Tepid 微温的Torrential rain 暴雨Tropical depression 热带低气压Typhoon 台风Wind scale 风级Wind velocity 风速第十二类天文学Astronomy Comet 彗星Star 恒星Planet 行星Mercury 水星Venus 金星Mars 火星Jupiter 木星Saturn 土星Uranus 天王星Neptune 海王星Pluto 冥王星Planet solar system 太阳系Asteroid belt 小行星带Meteor 流星Rotation 自转Revolution 公转Galaxy 银河Light year 光年Constellation 星座Sign 属相Orbit 轨道Astrology 占星术Ammonia 氨Astronaut 宇航员Astronomical object 天体Big dipper 北斗七星Celestial 天上的celestial body 天体Centrifugal force 离心力Centripetal force 向心力第十三类生理学PhysiologyNeutron nerve cell 神经元细胞Conduct bioelectricity 传导生物电Gliacell 胶质细胞:support neutron、conduct chemistryNuclear 细胞核Cytoplasm 细胞质Membrane 细胞膜Cell-wall 细胞壁Enzyme 酶Chromosome 染色体Gene mutation 基因突变Mutation of species 物种突变第十四类物理、化学和农业Physics、Chemistry and Agriculture Element table 元素周期表Platinum 铂金Aluminum 铝Lead 铅Nickel 镍Magnesium 镁Sodium 钠Uranium 铀Calcium 钙Mercury 水银Oxygen 氧Nitrogen 氮Ammonia 氨Silicon 硅Sulfur 硫Atom 原子Molecule 分子Nuclear 核Proton 质子Neutron 中子Electron 电子Particle 粒子Acceleration 加速度Acceleration of gravity 重力加速度Acoustics 声学Anode 正极Cathode 负极Combustion 燃烧Conservation of energy 能量守恒Decomposition 分解Dilution 稀释Distillation 蒸馏Electrode 电极Fluorescence 荧光Inorganic chemistry 无机化学Isotope 同位素Magnet 磁铁Mechanics 力学Newton’s laws of motion 牛顿运动定律Optics 光学Reagent 试剂Reduction 还原Reflection 反射Refraction 折射Resonance 共振Solution 溶液Test tube 试管Ultrasonic 超声波Ultraviolet ray 紫外线Uniform motion 匀速运动Voltage 电压Aquaculture 水产业Arable 可耕的Conservatory 温室Fertile 肥沃的Fodder 饲料Garlic 大蒜Granary 谷仓Graze 放牧Haystack 干草堆Horticulture 园艺Husbandry 管理Hydroponics 水耕法Indigenous 本土的Livestock 家畜Orchard 果园Plantation 种植园Prolific 多产的Silt 淤泥Tractor 拖拉机。
下面是店铺给大家整理的关于文学类托福听力英语词汇,欢迎阅读!文学类托福听力英语词汇1Fiction 小说Aestheticism 唯美 Autobiography 自传Descriptive prose 描述散文Fairy tale 童话Futurism 未来派Legend 传说Literary studies 文学研究Narrative prose 叙述性散文Podium 讲台Prose 散文Realism 现实主义School of literature 文学派别Leading character 主要角色Literary criticism 文学评论Literary studies 文学学习Modernism 现代主义Plot 情节Poetry 诗歌Prologue 前言Proverb谚语Surrealism 超现实主义Literature 文学Poetry诗歌biography传记autobiography 自传detective stories 侦探小说drama 戏剧novel 小说Novelist 小说家collection of short stories短篇小说集Allegory寓言Comparative literature比较文学Diary 日记Editorial 社论,重要评论文学类托福听力英语词汇2classical literature 古典文学;contemporary literature 现代文学;popular literature 大众文学;light literature 通俗文学;folklore 民间文学;saga (river) novel 长篇小说;short novel, long short story 中篇小说;short story 短篇小说;love story 爱情小说;epic poetry 史诗;epopee 叙事诗;ode 颂歌;sonnet 十四行诗;verse, stanza (诗)节;line (诗)行;rhyme 韵脚,押韵;metrics 韵律学;biography 自传;allegory 寓言;science fiction 科幻;satire 讽刺诗;essay杂文;composition学术著作;rhetoric 修辞学文学类托福听力英语词汇3Chinese Literature 中国文学 ; 中国语言文学 ; 中华文学 ; 华文文学Comparative Literature [语] 比较文学 ; 比较文学系; 比较语言学 ; 对比文学electronic literature 网络文学 ; 电子文学 ; 电子文献Modernist literature 现代主义文学 ; 主义文学 ; 现代派文学irish literature 爱尔兰文学 ; 爱尔兰的文学Tibetan literature 藏族文学 ; 藏文文献argentine literature 阿根廷文学 ; 详细翻译Serbian literature 塞尔维亚文学Ukrainian literature 乌克兰文学。
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literary studies 文学研究
literary criticism 文学评论
narrative 叙述
narrator 叙述者,人称
school of literature 文学派别
Realism 现实主义
Romanticism 浪漫主义
surrealism 超现实主义
stream of consciousness 意识流
William Shakespeare 威廉. 莎士比亚
莎翁四大悲剧:Hamlet 汉姆雷/Macbeth 麦克白/King Lear 李尔王/Othello 奥赛罗
Mid-summer Night Dream 仲夏夜之梦
O'henry 欧亨利
Mark Twin 马克吐温
Tolstoy 托尔斯泰
content 目录
summary 总结
annotation 注释
reference 参考文献
authorship 著作权
copyright 版权
fairy tale 童话故事
folk tale 民间故事
legend 传说
literature 文学
poetry 诗歌
poem 诗
poet 诗人
heroic poem 英雄主义诗歌
sonnet 十四行诗
autobiography 自传
drama 戏剧
prose 散文
novel 小说
novelist 小说家
allegory 寓言
comparative literature 比较文学
editorial 社论
editor 编辑
fiction 小说
non-fiction 非小说类abstract 摘要preface 序言prologue 前言
main body 主体
plot 情节。