最后还稍微简单介绍了颚式破碎机的一些使用和维修方面的知识.关键词:颚式破碎机偏心轴动颚固定颚衬板传动系统 V带轮ABSTRACTThe paper expounded smash theory, introduced jaw-breakers and the innovation and development process, a comprehensive description of this jaw-Breakers design process. With the topic, I consulted a lot of information and documentation, a large number of surveys and studies, as a suitable electric motors, designed V bellt, eccentricity axle and moving jaw, fixed jaw, various parts scaleboard also calculated on the basis of technical specifications, the degree of rotational speed line, electrical power, the rational design of the transmission system. Finally I also somewhat simple introduced jaw-Breakers some knowledge of the use and maintenance.Key words:jaw-breakers ;eccentricity axle ; moving jaw ; fixed jaw ; scaleboard ;the transmission system ;V bellt.第一章毕业设计总论1.1 选题意义粉碎(包括破碎和磨碎)是当代飞速发展的经济社会必不可少的一个工业环节。
毕业设计(论文)开题报告理工类题目:(楷体四号下同)学生毕业设计(论文)工作材料学院:机械工程学院专业班级:机械设计制造及其自动化机械041学生姓名:海州书院学号:********* 指导教师:欧阳淮海(职称)年月日淮海工学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告1.课题研究的意义,国内外研究现状、水平和发展趋势随着经济的增长,各种金属与非金属矿、水泥厂、建筑、砂石冶金等行业生产规模的扩大,其加工设备——破碎机在其发展中占有十分重要的地位和作用,成为行业的支柱设备。
1-机架;2-可动颚板;3-固定颚板; 4,5-破碎齿板;6-偏心传动轴;7-轴孔;8-飞轮;9-推力板;10-调节楔;11-楔块;12-水平拉杆;13-弹簧图4 复杂摆动颚式破碎机图5复摆鄂式破碎机运动轨迹示意图复摆式颚式破碎机因只有一根偏心轴,可动颚板重量及破碎力集中在一根轴上,主轴受力变化,故长期以来复摆式多制成中小型设备。
随着高强度材料及大型滚动轴承的出现,复摆颚式破碎机也开始大型化,图3-1 物料在颚板间的受力情况如图3-1(a )所示,以矿块的中心作为xoy 坐标系的原点,作用于矿块的力1P 和2P 通过坐标原点。
则它们的分力沿x 轴和y 轴方向的平衡方程式为:0=∑x F0sin cos 221=--ααfP P P (3.1) 0=∑yF 0sin cos 221=+--ααP fP fP (3.2) 将式(3.1)两端乘以f ,再与式(3.2)相加,并消去压碎力2P ,则得:0)1(sin cos 22=-+-f f αα或212tan f f -=α 因为摩擦系数f 和摩擦角ϕ的关系是: ϕtan =f ,故:ϕϕα2tan 1tan 2tan -= ϕα2tan tan = ϕα2=式中 ϕ—物料与颚板之间的摩擦角,”)(“︒。
Rock Drilling And Jaw Crusher ProfileEdited by Alan L. HitchcoxRock drilling is all about power and speed. You need a lot of power to break into solid rock and high speed to repeatedly hammer away at a work site. For safety and high productivity, many of today’s machines feature remote control. This presents a challenge because the remote control must be easy to operate yet allow full functionality of the machine.Top hammer percussive drilling —the most common method for drilling holes up to 140 mm diameter —hammers the rock with impacts transferred from the rock drill to a drill bit in the bottom or a hole. Hydraulic pressure generates the force required —pressure builds to a maximum and when released, drives an impact piston forward. When the piston strikes a chuck, it transfers its kinetic energy as a stress wave through a drill rod to the drill bit, which uses this impact energy to pulverize the rock. Obtaining the highest drilling productivity and economy requires operation of all components in the system to be highly synchronized. Design criteriaWhen designing the hydraulic system for a rock drill rig, the operator must be given complete and independent control of the key parameters —percussion pressure, percussion frequency, feed force, and rotation —to achieve optimum drilling efficiency. When all of these parameters are optimized to suit working conditions, the drill bit has full contact with the rock and the shock wave captures maximum kinetic energy to ensure that each impact achieves high productivity.Although the design of the machine itself accounts for much of the machine’s productivity, achieving maximum productivity to meet cost targets requires a well-engineered hydraulic system with components that can maintain high reliability even in the face of frequent heavy impacts. Furthermore, a precise remote control is needed to achieve the high synchronization necessary for maximum productivity. Remote control also provides higher visibility, controllability, and safety than machine-mounted controls. It also lends itself to data acquisition to monitor operation and aid in improving future design of machines.Nimco Controls AB, Malmo, Sweden, developed a system to meet these criteria in drill rigs manufactured by KG Mekaniska AB, Karl Gustav, Sweden. The electrohydraulic system integrates the features of Nimco’s Easy- Prog CANbus-based remote-control system with its CV 2000 LS series pressure-compensated valve. As a result, drill rigs have produced optimal results over the last two years.The electrohydraulic system consists of a variable-displacement pump with load sensing to improve energy efficiency of the system, the CV 2000 LS pressure-compensated valve, and the EasyProg CANbus system. Designers also made an effort to reduce the amount of hydraulic hose in the machine. Not surprisingly, then, the new design contains about 13 less hose. Component detailsThe CV 2000 LS valve can accommodate a flow of 125 lpm to each cylinder port and is designed to work with both fixed- and variable-displacement pumps. Work port flow is controlled by 12- or 24-V proportional solenoids, with manual hand lever override functions available. Pressure limiters can be fitted on each individual work port together with shock and/oranticavitation valves.The EasyProg control is a PC-based system that can be programmed in modules; hardware can also be built in modules to suit requirements of the application. Its CANbus configuration allows for digital and analog inputs and outputs. It features an easy-to-use menu for entering all settings and standard functions. Automatic functions for drill rigs, for example, enhance the speed of parameter settings as well as ensure specific safety parameters.The CV 2000 LS valve controls key rock drill operating functions, such as percussion pressure and frequency, rotation torque, and feed force. It also controls track drives, positioning, and a hydraulic fan drive. The rock drill in actionTo achieve the best combination of productivity and economy, the operator sets the percussion pressure and frequency, and the control sets rotational speed according to set frequency. The final setting is feed force which is set against the percussion pressure to position the drill bit close to the rock. These settings are all maintained by the CV 2000 LS valve, which has two compensators per spool section — one for each cylinder port.Hydraulic settings are made via the EasyProg electrical remote control unit. Feed force is remotely controlled by the CV 2000 LS pressure compensator through a pilot-operated, electrically controlled proportional relief valve. This enables a continuous setting of the feed force while maintaining the possibility of a second pressure limiter working as an overpressure cutoff valve. The design enables two pressure limiters for one cylinder port and extremely fine, stable pressurecontrol.The valve’s compensators exhibit flat flow/pressure curves and provide a constant flow, regardless of load pressure. The frequency and rotation of the drill bit is harmonized with the precise pressure setting for the feed force. The PL-2000 pressure limiter’s distinct pressure cut-off point ensures that the correct flow is maintained throughout the entire pressure range.The EasyProg drill rig version software has automatic setting functions to help the operator reduce initial setup time. It also contains maintenance and service frequency options that can be accessed remotely by OEMs through a GSM unit that vcan be connected to any mobile phone. Additional functions and portable remote control units can be integrated either by wire or by Bluetooth, which, in the new version, has a range of 100 m.Recently, we have talked about rock drilling , the general mining machinery. Of course, there is just a simple talk. So that we have to understand. Next, I introduce a further, the mining machinery in the other a mechanical - jaw crusher.The BR550JG-1 jaw crusher — from Komatsu America International Co. —includes fully hydraulic tracked travel and crushing systems. Powered by Komatsu's 306-hp SAA6DI25E-2 engine, this crusher has a material-output range from 110 to 507 tons per hour, with adjustable open-side discharge settings from 2.2-to8-in.Thesecapacities make the machine suitable for highway construction, housing development, and tunnel works, as well as quarry, demolition, and excavation applications.The 52-ton self-propelled crusher's high travel speeds (with amaximum of approximately 2 mph), along with its 25% gradeability, allow efficient relocation. And once relocated, it can maneuver itself into tight quarters and start to operate immediately, processing a variety of materials — including concrete debris and hard rock.The Komatsu designed and built 30- x 44-in., single-toggle jaw is driven hydraulically with a PC800 LSHT variable-displacement motor via a V-belt. Its speed range — from 210 to 300 rpm — helps to adjust the jaw to the materials to be crushed. The closed-loop crusher control incorporates Komatsu's patented Hydraumind technology to optimize efficiency. Through a combination of load-sensing and pressure-compensated valves, the HydrauMind hydraulic control and monitoring system supplies the appropriate flow of oil to each function. Simultaneously, it identifies potential overloads and automatically slows down the vibratory grizzly infeed's gear-type motor before the overloads become a reality. A pressure dial on the control can be set for anticipated rock hardnesses to work hand in hand with the Hydraumind system. The hydraulic design also allows the crusher to start from a stopped position, even when fully loaded, and it has a reverse-rotation function to help remove bridged or plugged material from the jaw chamber.A 42-in. wide discharge conveyor — driven by another LSHT piston-type motor — carries material away from the jaw chamber.For more versatility, the crusher can be operated from its on-board control station with hydraulic-excavator-type levers, or from ground level or the excavator or loader cab via an optional radio remote control. The remote control operates all travel functions, feeder on/off, jaw on/off, engine auto decelerate, emergency stop, and even the horn.Above, we will rock drilling machine with jaw crusher work processa simple introduction. These elements operate, or who want to redesign the staff is not enough. Described here only, just a small part of the mining machinery. If the reader wanted to know more about mining machinery knowledge, but also need to read more specialized information.翻译凿岩和颚式破碎机简介由艾伦· L.Hitchcox 编辑凿岩是所有关于力量和速度。
拉紧装置由弹簧、拉杆及调节螺母 等组成。拉杆的一端绞接在动颚底部, 另一端穿过机架壁的凸耳,用弹簧及螺 母张紧。用拉紧机构使推力板与动颚、 顶座之间保持紧密接触。在动颚工作行 程中,弹簧受到压缩;在卸料行程中, 弹簧伸张。拉杆借助弹簧拉力来平衡动 颚和推力板向前摆动时的惯性力,使动 颚及时向反方向摆动。
颚式破碎机的出料口宽度,可以通过调节装置来调整。 大、中型颚式破碎机的出料口宽度,是使用不同长度的推力 板来调整的,通过在机后壁与顶座之间垫上不同厚度的垫片 来补偿颚板的磨损。小型破碎机通常采用楔铁调整方法。当 需要调整排料口尺寸时,只要调整楔铁上的螺栓,使楔铁上 下移动,带动调整座在滑道中前后移动即可完成。
颚板用于直接破碎物料,为了避免磨损,提高 颚板使用寿命,在颚板和颚腔两侧一般都镶上衬板。 在衬板与颚板之间,常常垫以塑性衬垫,以保持衬板 与颚板紧密结合以及使衬板受力均匀。衬板采用强度 高且耐磨的锰钢铸造。为了有效地破碎物料,衬板的 表面常铸成波浪形和三角齿形。
偏心轴是颚式破碎机 的主轴,是带动活动颚板 作往复运动的主要部件, 合金钢制造。偏心轴的两 侧分别装有飞轮和带轮, 使动力负荷均匀,破碎机 稳定运转。
n——偏心轴的转速,r/min; s——活动颚板下端水平行程,cm; a——钳角
3、生产能力 颚式破碎机的生产能力 (t/h)与被碎物料的性质(物 料强度、硬度、粒度、堆积密度)有关,还与破碎机的性 能和操作条件(供料情况、出料口大小)等因素有关。目前 广泛应用的是经验公式: 式中: Q—生产能力(m3/h) n—主轴转速(r/min) L—破碎腔长度(m) b—公称排料口尺寸(m) SL—动颚下端点水平行程(m) μ—压碎破碎棱柱体的填充度,中小型机在公称排料口下 一般取0.65~0.75(在此取μ1=0.7)
毕业设计(论文)题目摘 要[摘要]国内使用的颚式破碎机类型很多,但常见的还是传统的复摆颚式破碎机。
复摆颚式破碎机的出现已有140多年的历史,经过人们长期的实践和不断完善与改进,其结构型式和机构参数日臻合理, 结构简单、制造容易、工作可靠、维修方便,故在冶金、矿山、建材、化工、煤炭等行业使用非常广泛。
本毕业设计主要是为满足生产需求:进料口尺寸:()mm 600400⨯;出料口尺寸:()mm 1.57~40;进料块最大尺寸:()mm 350;产量:时吨/375.24。
主要研究复摆颚式破碎机的运动分析、V 带的选择,鄂板、齿板磨损的分析,各种工作参数的选择,工作机构的优化。
[关键词] 复摆鄂式破碎机 传动 磨损英文题目ABSTRACTThe domestic use jaw type breaker type are very many, But common traditionalduplicate pendulum Jaw-fashioned Crusher. The duplicate pendulum jaw type breaker appearance had more than 140 years history, And consummates and the improvement unceasingly after the people long-term practice, Its structure pattern and the organization parameter are day by day reasonable, The structure simple, the manufacture is easy, the work reliably, the service convenient, therefore in profession use and so on the metallurgy, mine, building materials, chemical industry, coal is extremely widespread. Along with the modernized development, various industry sector further grows to the broken crushed stone demand, studies the duplicate pendulum Jaw-fashioned Crusher to have the very vital significance. This graduation project mainly is for meets the production need: Feed head size: ()mm 600400⨯ ; Discharge hole size: ()mm 1.57~40; Feeding block greatest size: ()mm 350 ; Output: h t /375.24.Mainly studies the duplicate pendulum Jaw-fashioned Crusher the movement analysis, V belt choice, the analysis which the Jaw-fashioned Crusher, the toothed rack wears, each kind of operational parameter choice, operating mechanism optimization. Key research transmission design and system optimization.KeyWords :Jaw-fashioned Crusher Transmission Abrasion目录Abstract ...............................................错误!未定义书签。
(英语)石油词汇英语翻译(J)J a A 打捞失败及报废J 函数行列式J 焦耳J 连接;连接线;接头J 喷嘴;喷射;射流J 千斤顶;塞孔J 杂志J 侏罗纪J-4 fuel 精制航空煤油J-grade pipe J级管材J-K flp-flop J-K触发器J-latch setting tool J型槽锁座放工具j-number 虚数J-pin J型槽销钉J-slot J型槽J-tool 倒钩器;有钩形槽的工具J-tube method J形管法jack and circle 钻柱紧扣装置jack arch 单砖拱jack arm 起重平衡臂jack bar 千斤顶垫木jack board 手工工具jack bolt 起重螺栓jack chain 起重链jack clutch 牙嵌离合器jack column 伸缩式支架jack cylinder 起重油缸jack engine 辅助发动机jack hammer 手持式凿岩机jack house 升降室jack latch 带闩打捞钩jack panel 接线板jack plane 大刨jack plant 联动抽油装置jack post 绞车轴承立支柱jack pressure 千斤顶压力jack pump 油矿泵jack rabbit 套管内径规jack rack 千斤顶齿条jack screw 螺旋千斤顶jack spring 塞孔弹簧jack switch 插接开关jack type bar shear 手动液压钢筋剪切机jack up unit 起升装置jack V V 型游梁支座jack well 抽油井jack 起重机;千斤顶;塞孔;弹簧开关;传动装置;收放动作筒;安全灯防风罩;闪锌矿;举起jack-boot off 剪断jack-squib 井下爆炸器jackbird 需上油的接头jackdrill 凿岩机jacket collar 衬套接头jacket cooling 水套冷却jacket heater 水套加热器jacket heating 水套加热jacket leg 导管架腿柱jacket water 水套水jacket 套;包壳;盒;加包壳jacketed cable 包皮电缆jacketed cooler 夹套冷却器jacketed evaporator 夹套蒸发器jacketed reactor 夹套反应器jacketed type exchanger 夹套式换热器jacking cylinder 小型液压起重设备jacking equipment 升降设备jacking gear 升降装置jacking pressure 千斤顶起重压力jacking 套料;顶起jackknife cantilever mast 折叠悬臂式井架jackknife derrick 折叠式井架jackknife mast 折叠式轻便井架jackknife rig 带折叠井架的钻机jackknife 折刀;折叠式的;折叠式井架jacklamp 安全灯jacklift 起重小车jackman 管道接管工jackshaft 起重器轴;变速箱传动轴jackstay 支索;撑杆jackup rig 自升式钻井平台jackup vessel 自升式钻井船jackup 自升式平台jacob's staff 罗盘支杆Jacobi matrix 雅可比矩阵Jacobian variety 雅可比簇Jacobian 雅可比行列式jacupirangite 钛铁霞辉岩Jacutiana 雅库特粉属jade 玉;绿玉色jadeite 翡翠jadeite-glaucophane type facies series 硬玉-蓝闪石型相系jadeolite 含铬正长岩jaff 复式干扰jag bolt 棘螺栓jag 参差处;锯齿状的突出部;刺;颠簸地移动jagged hole 有毛刺孔眼jagged 锯齿形的jakmanizing 深度渗碳jam nut 锁紧螺母jam release 解卡jam welding 对接焊jam 卡住jam-on packer 卡压式封隔器jam-packed 挤得紧紧的jam-to-signal 干扰信号比jamb 侧柱;壁炉侧墙;矿柱;门窗侧壁jamesonite 脆硫锑铅矿Jamin action 贾敏作用Jamin effect 贾敏效应jammer V型钢丝芯撑;干扰发射机jamming margin 干扰容限jamming 卡住jamproof 抗干扰的Jan. 一月janthinite 水碳钙铀矿January 一月Janus configurations 詹纳斯配置jap 手持式凿岩机Jap.P. 日本专利Japan National Oil Corporation 日本石油公司Japan 日本japan 日本漆Japanese Industrial Standards 日本工业标准Japanese yen 日元Japanese 日本人;日语;日本的japanner 油漆工japanning 涂黑漆;使发黑光jar accelerator 震击加速器jar block 震击锤jar booster 震击助力器jar bumper 震击器jar collar 震击环jar coupling 震击连接器jar crotch socket 震击打捞器jar down spear 下冲打捞矛jar intensifier 震击助力器jar knocker 震击器jar socket 打捞震击环用的打捞筒jar stem 震击杆jar tester 震动检测仪jar tongue socket 舌簧式震击打捞筒jar 罐;电瓶;加尔;噪声;突然的震动;不调和;冲击;震击器jardang 风蚀土脊jargon 行话jargoon 黄锆石jarosite 黄钾铁矾jarring action 震击作用jarring effect 震击效应jarring motion 颤动jarring nut 震击帽jarring ring 震击环jarring 震击;冲突;炸裂声;刺耳的;不和谐的;震击jasper 碧玉;墨绿色jasperization 碧玉化jasperoid 似碧玉岩;碧玉状jat system 间歇自喷井的自动控制电气仪表jat 间歇气举的一种JA TO 助飞器;起飞加速器Jatulian 耶杜里阶javelin 标枪jaw breaker 颚式碎石机jaw clutch 爪式离合器jaw coupling 爪盘联轴节jaw crusher 颚式破碎机jaw of spanner 扳手钳口jaw speed 狭口流速jaw vice 虎钳jaw 颚jay-pin setting 丁形槽销钉式坐封JB 连线盒JCL 作业控制语言JD 目测距离jeep 吉普车;有线电视系统jeeper 涂层检漏器jeeping 涂层检漏jel 凝胶jell 凝胶jellied 胶的;稠化的jellification 胶凝jelling agent 胶凝剂jelling time 水泥初凝时间jellous 胶状的;胶凝的jelly grade 胶凝程度jelly 透明冻胶;胶状物;胶凝jellyfish 水母;海蜇;海面浮标应答器jellygraph 胶版jellying point 胶凝点Jena glass filter 耶拿玻璃滤器jenny 卷扬机jeopardy 危险Jereminella 小耶雷虫jerk chain 旋扣急拉链jerk line 松扣急拉绳jerk rope 松扣急拉绳jerk shoe 钢绳导向器jerk 急拉;急推;急动;颠簸;冲击jerk-line swing 变向肘节jerker 小型单缸柱塞泵jerking motion 跳动jerking plant 深井泵联合驱动装置jerkmeter 加速度计jerribag 可折叠桶jerseyite 英云煌岩jet acidizing 射流酸化jet action 喷射作用jet area 喷嘴面积jet basket 喷射式打捞篮jet bit drilling 喷射钻头钻井jet bit 喷射式钻头jet black 烟黑jet blender 喷射混合器jet carburetor 喷雾式汽化器jet casing cutter 爆炸气体切管器jet cement mixer 喷射式水泥混合器jet chamber 喷雾室jet charge 聚能射孔弹jet coal 长焰煤jet condenser 喷水凝汽器jet crater 喷丝板沉积物jet cutter 喷射式切割器;聚能切割弹;聚能切割器jet deflection 喷射造斜jet drilling 喷射钻井jet engine 喷气发动机jet erosion drill 射流冲蚀钻井jet expansion 射流胀大jet flow 射流jet fuel 喷气燃料jet gun 喷枪jet holder 喷丝头座jet hole 水力喷射眼;喷嘴口jet hydraulic horse-power 射流水马力jet impact force 喷射冲击力jet length 喷射距jet mixer 带喷嘴混合器jet molding 注塑;喷射模塑jet nozzle 喷嘴jet nozzled rock bit 喷射式钻头jet orifice 喷口jet perforating 聚能射孔jet perforation circulation washer 炮眼循环冲洗工具jet perforator penetration 聚能射孔穿透深度jet perforator 聚能射孔器jet piercer drill 热力喷射钻具jet piercer drilling 热力喷射钻井jet piercing burner 热力喷射钻井用燃烧器jet piercing 热力喷射钻井;喷射穿孔jet propelled 喷气推进的jet pump 喷射泵jet pumping 射流泵抽油jet relay 喷射替续器jet ring 喷丝帽浆环jet room 喷丝头室jet sled 喷水滑橇jet spinning 喷射纺丝jet spud bit 喷射开眼钻头jet stream 射流jet stretch ratio 喷头拉伸比jet swelling effect 射流膨胀效应jet tube pressure relief outlet 喷管减压出口jet tube 喷管jet type tricone bit 喷射式三牙轮钻头jet type water course 喷射式水眼jet vacuum mixer 水力抽空搅拌器jet velocity 喷射速度jet water course 喷射水流jet 喷口jet-blower 喷射送风机jet-hopper 喷流混合漏斗jet-powered junk retriever 反冲式打捞篮jet-pump pellet impact drill bit 霰弹钻井钻头jet-sub 喷射接头jet-washed formation annulus 受射流冲洗的地层环形带jetavator 射流偏转舵jetboat 喷气快艇jetcrete 喷枪喷射水泥浆jetcreting 混凝土喷射浇注jetfoil 喷气水翼船jetliner 喷气式客机jetocopter 喷气式直升机jetsam 沉锤;投弃货物jetted particle drilling 喷砂钻井jetting action 喷射作用jetting and spudding method 冲顿法jetting assembly 喷射组合jetting drilling 喷射钻井jetting fluid 喷射液jetting gun 喷射枪jetting nozzle 喷嘴jetting piling 射水打桩法jetting pump 喷射泵jetting scraper 喷射刮管器jetting stream 喷射射流jetting system 喷射装置jetting tool 喷射工具jettison 投弃;放出;投掷jettron 气动开关jetty head 防波堤堤头部jetty mounted radar 码头雷达jetty mounted sonar 码头声呐jetty type wharf 突堤式码头jetty 防波堤;导流堤;突堤jewel bearing 宝石轴承jewel 宝石;宝石饰物;穿孔宝石轴承;饰以宝石jewelery 珠宝;珠宝饰物jewelry =jeweleryJews'pitch 沥青JFET 结型场效应晶体管JI 夹套入口jib crane 挺杆起重机jib 悬臂;吊杆jig 夹具jig-saw puzzle 拼板玩具jigger 辘轳jigging 振动jiggle 轻轻摇晃jiggly 摇晃的jigsaw 锯曲线机;用锯曲线机锯;使互相交错搭接;竖锯jim 弯轨机jimmy 煤车;短撬棍;撬jingle 丁当声;发丁当声的东西jinny 固定绞车;矿车升降的斜坡路JIS 日本工业标准jit cylinder 转臂油缸jitter 图象跳动;振动jitter-free 无颤动的jitterbug 图象跳动JMC 联合管理委员会JO 夹套出口job accounting 作业统计job case 工作案例job cleanup 工地完工清扫job control language 作业控制语言job cost method 分批成本法job cost sheet 分批成本计算表job description 作业说明job design 施工设计job engineering 作业工程job execution 作业施工job implementation 施工job input stream 作业输入流job location 施工现场job management 作业管理job mix 现场拌合job note 工作单job number 工号job operation 加工方法job order 工作授权证明书job output stream 作业输出流job parameter 作业参数job pot 活动坩埚job priority 作业优先权job procedure 作业程序job processing 作业处理;作业加工job program 作业程序;加工程序job queue 作业排队job rate 生产定额job record 工作记录job schedule 作业调度程序;工程进度job selection 作业选择job sequence 加工程序job sheet 工作指示卡job shop 加工车间job site 施工现场;工地job specifications 施工规范job stacking 成批生产job statement 作业语句job stream 作业流job success ratio 作业成功率job throughput 作业处理能力job title 职称job 工作job-cured 现场养护的job-hopping 换职业job-oriented terminal 面向作业的终端job-sequencing module 作业定序模块job-to-job transition 作业转移jobless 失业的jobs in progress 在程工作JOC 联合作业委员会jociey stick 驾驶杆jock 斜井矿车防跑车叉jockey pulley 导轮jockey 薄膜jog 轻推;慢步;精密送料;慢进给;割阶;唤起jogging 轻推;慢移;微动;瞬时断续通电转动joggle 榫接joggled joint 榫接johannsenite 钙锰辉石johannsinite 钙锰角闪石Johnson bar 刹车Johnson counter 约翰逊计数器Johnson noise 约翰逊噪声JOIDES 乔迪斯联合海洋机构地球深层取样join gate 或门join operation 联合运算join 结合joinder 连接;结合;联合;汇合;联合诉讼joiner curtain 油罐浮顶的环形密封圈joiner 细木工人;接合物;联系者joiner's bench 木工机床joinery 细木工技术;细木工制品joining 连接;接缝;联合joint account 共同帐户joint action 接合;联合行动joint adventure 联合创业joint bidding 联合投标joint block 节理块joint bond 接头跨接线joint box 电缆分线箱;分线盒joint business operation 合作经营joint capital 合资joint cathodic protection system 联合阴极防腐系统joint cement 胶接剂joint coating project 接头涂覆工程joint coating 补口joint conference 联席会议joint consignments 合伙寄销joint coupling 活节联接器joint cross 十字轴joint current 总电缆joint denial gate 或非门joint design 焊口设计joint diagram 节理图解joint distribution 联合分布joint drag 扭折带joint efficiency 连接效率joint equity investment 合股投资joint estimate 联合估算joint face 节理面;接合面joint fissure 节理裂隙joint flange 连接法兰joint gate 或门joint grease 接头润滑剂joint hinge 接合铰链joint inspection 共同检验joint intersection 接点;节理交切joint inversion 联合反演joint investment 联合投资joint leasehold 联合租用joint length 单根长度joint liner 连接用垫片joint management committee 联合管理委员会joint movement 通过数家公司的管线输油joint nut 两头螺母joint of retreat 收缩节理joint operation agreement 联合作业协议joint operation 联合经营;联合作业joint ownership 共有权joint packing 接头垫圈joint pattern 节理型式joint pin 铰链销joint plane 节理面joint probability 联合概率joint production 合作生产joint properties 联合财产joint ring 密封环joint rose diagram 节理玫瑰图joint rosette 节理玫瑰图joint roughness 节理糙度;裂隙糙度joint set 节理组joint shaft box 铰接轴母螺纹接头joint shaft pin 铰接轴公螺纹接头joint spacing 节理间距joint spider 十字轴joint study 合作研究joint system 节理系joint tariff 联合输油运费分配表joint template 钻杆接头螺纹规;接头样板joint tenancy 合有房地joint tenants 联合租赁者;合有者joint type fracture 节理型裂缝joint valve 连接阀joint venture audit 联合经营审计joint venture contract 联合经营合同joint venture using Chinese and foreign investment 中外合资企业joint venture 合资经营joint weld 接口焊接joint 接合joint-controlled pattern 节理控制模式jointed brake 木块连接闸带jointed 铰链的;连接的;联合的jointer 连接器;接缝刨;电缆焊接工jointing compound 胶结剂jointing material 粘合材料jointing paste 填封腻子jointing 连接jointless 无接缝的jointy 成层的joist shears 型钢剪切机joist steel 工字钢joist 搁栅jokul 冰川;永久雪山Jolly balance 弹簧比重天平jolt 震摇;颠簸;少量jolter 震实机Jordan decomposition 约当分解josefite 蚀变辉橄岩josen 晶蜡石jostle 推撞;拥挤;碰撞;竞争;上下活动钻具jot 一点;草草地记下;少许Jotnian series 约特尼统Joule effect 焦耳效应joule 焦耳Joule's equivalent 焦耳热功当量Joule's law 焦耳定律Joule-Lenz's law 焦耳-楞次定律Joule-Thomson effect 焦耳-汤姆逊效应jounce 震动;颠簸journal angle 牙轮轴颈角journal bearing bit 滑动轴承钻头journal bearing button bit 轴颈轴承球齿钻头journal bearing insert bit 轴颈轴承镶齿钻头journal bearing 轴颈轴承journal neck 轴颈journal pin 轴颈销journal rest 轴颈支承journal 轴颈;日报journal-box 轴颈壳journal-oil 轴颈油journalism 新闻业;报刊journey 旅行;历程;游历joy 高兴joystick 操纵杆JP fuel 喷气发动机燃料JP 气推进的JPI 日本石油学会JPT 石油工艺杂志JPT 尾喷管温度Jr 小JRC 节理糙度系数JS 干扰信号JTU 杰克逊浊度计jubilee truck 小型侧卸式货车jubilee wagon 小型货车judder 位移;不稳定;震颤声Judenpech 沥青judge 审判员;裁判员;审判;判断;认为judgement 判定judical action 诉讼judicial authority 司法机关judicious 贤明的jug heater 罐式加热炉jug hustler 放线员jug line 大线;排列jug planter 放线员jug 检波器;水罐;小型地震仪;储存天然气或其它石油产品的垂直溶洞juggie 放线工juggling 判别处理Juglanspollenites 胡桃粉属juice 汁;汽油Jul. 七月julgoldite 复铁绿纤石Julian calendar 儒略历July 七月jumble 混乱;混和;搞乱jumbo boom 重型吊杆jumbo burner 火炬jumbo 钻车;轻便钻机;渣口冷却器;庞然大物;大型喷气式客机;巨大的;特大的jumboizing 加隔壁扩大油轮容量法jumillite 金云白榴岩jump a leg 窜相位jump a pin 跳扣jump condition 转移条件;跳跃条件jump correlation 跳点对比jump down 下落断层jump factor 跃迁因子jump function 阶跃函数jump instruction 转移指令jump operation 转移操作jump order 转移指令jump path 跳程jump phenomena 跳跃现象jump ratio 跃迁比jump reaction 突变反应jump the saddle 游梁轴脱开轴承jump transfer 转移jump up 上投断层jump zone 跃变带jump 转移jump-over connection 越管连接jump-over 两根或多管管件jumper cable 跨接电缆jumper pipe 跨接管jumper spool 跨接短管jumper 跨接线;跨接管;非法占用矿地者jumping cushion 救生垫jumping 跳动;跳跃的;用于跳跃的Jun. 六月junc 接合的;连接点;枢纽站junction block 连接件junction box 接线匣junction field-effect transistor 面结型场效应晶体管junction figure 接合图形junction line 联接管线junction motion 交联点运动junction piece 连接短管junction pipe 连接短管junction point 接点junction symbol 连接符号junction terrace 汇流阶地junction transistor tetrode 面结型晶体四极管junction 接合junction-type diode 面结型晶体二极管junctor 联络线;连接机juncture 接合;接合点;时机June 六月jungle 丛林;稠密居住区junior accountant 初级会计员junior aerial 小型云梯junior lien 次级留置权junior 年少的;初级的;新颖的;年少者;下级junk basket 打捞篮junk bit 磨铣钻头junk catcher 打捞爪junk damage 钻头外侧磨损junk iron 碎铁junk mill 碎片磨铣junk pile 废料堆;等外管子junk retriever 打捞碎物工具junk ring 填料函压盖junk shot 炸碎井下落鱼的炸药包junk slot 排屑槽junk sub 打捞接头junk 废料junked well 落物报废井junked 报废的Jupiter 木星;弧光灯Jura-Trias 侏罗-三叠纪Jura-type sedimentary decollement 侏罗山型沉积滑脱构造Jurassic period 侏罗纪Jurassic systerm 侏罗系Jurassic 侏罗纪;侏罗系juridical authorities 司法机关juridical entity 法律实体juridical person 法人jurisdiction 司法Jurusania 朱鲁山叠层石属jury anchor 临时锚jury mast 临时桅jury pump 备用泵jury 陪审团just-in-time system 准时生产制justice 公正;合法;合理;审判;司法justification 认为有理;正当的理由;证实;调整;对齐justify 证明…是正确的或合理的jut 突出;尖端jute 黄麻;电缆黄麻包皮jutter 振动;抖纹juvenile drainage 初生水系juvenile ejecta 初生喷出物juvenile gas 初生气juvenile hydrogen sulfide 深源硫化氢juvenile landscape 幼年地形juvenile mantle 原生地幔juvenile oxygen 初生氧juvenile soil 原生土壤juvenile topography 幼年地形juvenile water 初生水juvenile 岩浆源的;初生的juvenility 幼年期juvite 正霞正长岩juxta-epigenesis 原境后生作用juxtaposed reservoir 并置储层juxtaposed 并列juxtaposition cross fault 并置横断层juxtaposition 并列Jy. 七月。
关键词:水泥;破碎机;颚式破碎机ABSTRACTCement is the basic raw material of the national economy. After years of development, the development of China's cement industry has made great achievements, annual production has become the first in the world, largely to ensure the development needs of the national economy. Cement the process of industrialization and the production process, and process control technology continues to upgrade, broken cement manufacturing equipment has been developed into a variety of devices, and toward large-scale equipment to enhance the process of intelligent development, since the meet the large cement development and modernization requirements. Jaw crusher after 100 years of practice and continuous improvement of its structure has been improving. It has a simple structure, reliable, easy to manufacture, easy maintenance. Still coarse crushing and crushing operations, the most important and most widely used a crusher. It is not only in the building materials industry, and metallurgy, coal, chemical and other industrial and mining enterprises has been widely adopted. The jaw crusher is mainly used in crushing stress of not more than 200MPa of brittle materials. Such as iron ore, gold ore, molybdenum ore, copper ore, limestone and dolomite. It is mainly used in the building materials industry broken limestone, cement clinker, gypsum, sandstone. In a jaw crusher, movable jaw plate around the suspension spindle cyclical swing of fixed jaw plate. When the movable jaw toward the fixed jaw plate, located between the two jaw plate ore by crushing, splitting and bending and crushing. When moving jaw to leave the fixed jaw plate has broken ore in the gravity discharged through the port of discharge, so the crushing of the material between the two jaw plate.Key words:Cement;Crusher;Jaw Crusher目录第一章绪论............................................................................................ 第一节我国水泥产业现状特点及问题...................................................... 第二节水泥产业发展趋势........................................................................ 第二章破碎机械..................................................................................... 第一节破碎机概述............................................................................................第二节颚式破碎机介绍.................................................................................... 第三章颚式破碎机主要参数的设定........................................................ 第一节钳角α的设计............................................................................... 第二节动颚摆动行程s与偏心轴的偏心距r............................................. 第三节主要构件尺寸的确定.................................................................... 第四节破碎腔的形状............................................................................... 第五节动颚部分设计............................................................................... 结论.......................................................................................................... 参考文献.................................................................................................. 致谢.....................................................................................................................第一章绪论第一节我国水泥产业现状特点及问题水泥工业是国民经济发展、生产建设和人民生活不可缺少的基础原材料工业。
附录外文翻译APPLICATION OF BLASTING IN DRIVING TUNNEL1 FRAGMENTATIONFragmentation is the breaking of coal, ore,or rock by blasting so that the bulk of the material is small enough to load, handle and transport.Fragmentation would be at its best when the debris is not smaller than necessary for handling and not so large as to require hand breaking or secondary blasting .Energy must be supplied to rock by direct or indirect means to fragment that rock and the type of loading system.Fragmentation energy is consumed by the main mechanisms: (1) creation of new surface area (fracture energy), (2)friction (plasticity) and (3)elastic wave enegy dispersion.The loading method determines the relative proportions and the amount of energy consumed in fragmenting a given rock type. Unonfined tensile failure consumes the least energy with an increasing a,mount of energy required as the rock is more highly confined within a compressive stress field during fragmentation The way energy is applied by tools to cause rock or mineral fragmentation is important in determining fragmentation efficiency. To best design fragmentation tools and optimize fragmentation systems it would be desirable to know how rock properties influence breakage.The strength of rock is influenced by the environmental conditions imposed on the rock.Those of most importance in rock are (1)confining pressure ,(2)pore fluid pressure, (3)temperature and (4)rate of load application .Increase in confining pressure, as with increasing depth beneath th earth's surface or under the action of a fragmentation tool, causes an increase in rock strength .Apparent rock strength decreases as porc fluid pressure increases, since it decreases the effect of confining pressure. Although chemical effects of pore fluids influence rock strength, they generally are small compared to the confining pressure effect, except for a small minority of rock types .Increase in rock temperature causes a decrease in rock strength.This effect is very small because of the small ambient temperature changesfound during mining. An increase in rate of load application causes an apparent increase in rock strength.Rock exhibits directional properties that in fluence the way it breaks. These are embodied in the concept of rock fabric ,which connotes the structure or configuration of the aggregate components as well as the physical or mechanical property manifestations. Rock fabric ont only relates to the preferred orientation of mineral constituents and their planes of weakness, but also to the configuration of discontinuities, microcracks and pores.Joints and bedding planes have great influence on fragmentation at field scale.Physical properties of rock (density,indentation,hardness,abrasivehardness and porosity ,)are frequently used in conjunction with mechanical properties to develop better empirical esti mations of rock fragmentation.2 BLASTHOLE CHARGING METHODSDrill hole charging can be carried out in different ways depending on whether the explosive used is in cartridges or in the form of loose material. The oldest charging method implies the use of a tamping rod and this system is still used to a very great extent .During the last 20years, compressed air chargers have been used and these machines provide both good capacity and also an improved level of charge concentration so that the drill holes are utilized to a higher degree. During the last few years semi-automatic chargers have been taken into use, primarily in underground work. Compressed air chargers for blasting powder in the form of loose material have also come into use on a large scale. As far as slurry blasting is concerned, special pumping methods have been developed through which charging capacity in the case of large diameter drill holes is practically good.A tamping rod must be made of wood or plastic. It must not be too thick in relation to the drill hole diameter since this can crush and damage fuse or electric detonator cables during charging work. If a good degree of packing is to be obtained during charging with a tamping rod then only one cartridge at a time should be charged and tamped. The detonator must be correctly fed into the drill hole during charging work.Compressed air chargers have been in use is Sweden for about 20 years. The first type consisted of aluminum pipes connected together and the cartridges were blown into the hole with an air pressure of 42 pounds per square inch .since that time the charging tube has been replaced by anti-static treated plastic hose of a special design.A charger includes a foot-operated valve, reduction vavle with air hose, breech, connecting tube and charging hose.The semi-automatic charger permits the continuous insertion of explosive cartridge at the same rate as they are charged in the hole by the hose .Instead of a valve being used ,the cartridges pass through an air lock between two flaps. The air pressure in the charging hose is retained while cartridges are pressure in the charging hose is retained while cartridges are beins inserted .The semi-automatic charger permits considerably higher charging capacity than the normal type of charger.Explosives in the form of the form of loose material, usually ammonium nitrate explosives(ANFO), require special chargers. Two types can be differentiated: pressrure vessel machines and ejector units. Pressure vessel machines are particularly suitable for crystalline An explosives with good charging capacity. Ejector units are operate by an ejector sucking up explosive from a container through a charging hose. The explosive is then blown through the charging hose into the drill hole .There are, also combined pressure ejector machines. The charging hose used for ANFO charging operations must conduct electricity and have a resistance of at least 1KΏ/m and max.30KΏ/M.Nitro Nobel has developed a special pumping procedure which consists of a tanker vehicle which is used to pump explosive directly the drill holes. The charging capacity is very high in the case of large diameter drill holes.3 CONTROLLED BLASTING TECHNIQUTESControlled blasting is used to reduce overbreak and minimize fracturing of the rock at the boundary of an excavation. The four basic controlled blasting techniques are: line drilling, presplitting, cushion blasting and smooth blasting.Line drilling, the earliest controlled blasting technique, involves drilling a row of closely spaced holes along the final excavation line, providing a plane of weakness towhich to break. Line drill holes, 2or 4 diameters apart and contain no explosive. The blastholes adjacent to the line drillholes normally are loaded lighter and are on closer spacing than the other blastholes. The maximum depth for line drilling is about 30 ft .Line drilling involves no blasting in the final row of holes, and thus minimizes damage to the final wall.Presplitting, sometimes called preshearing ,involves a single row of boreholes ,usually 2 to 4 in .in diameter ,drilled along the final excavation at a spacing of 6 to 12 borehole diameters .Dynamite cartridges 1to 1.5 in . in size on 1 to 2 ft .centers usually are string-loadde on detonating cord ,although special small-diameter cartridges with special couplers are available for total column loading .In unconsolidated formations ,closer spacings with lighter powder loads are required .The bottom 2 to 3 ft .of borehole usually is loaded somewhat heavier than the remainder .Stemming between and around the individual charges is optional .The top 2 to 3 ft . of borehole is not loaded ,but is stemmed. The depth that can bu presplit is limited by hole alignment ,with 50 ft .being about maximum .The presplit holes are fired before before the adjacent primary holes to provide a fracture plane to which the primary blast can break .In presplitting it is difficult to determine the results until the adjacent primary blast is shot .For this reason ,presplitting too far in advance is not recommended .Presplitting seldom is done underground.Cushion blasting involves drilling a row of 2 – to 6-in .diameter boreholes along the final excavation line ,loading with a light well-distributed charge ,completely stemmed and firing after the main excavation is removed rather than before ,as in presplitting. The burden on the holes is slightly larger than the spacing .Wedges may be used to abut the charges to the excavation side of the borehole and minimize damage to the final wall .Eeplosive loading is similar to that in presplitting .Cushion blasting has been done to depths near 100 ft .in a single lift with the larger-diameter boreholes because alignment is more easily retained .Cushion blasting seldom is done underground.Smooth blasting is the underground counterpart of cushion blasting .At the perimeter of the tunnel or drift ,closely spaced holes with a burden-to-spacing rationear 1.5:1 are loaded with light well-distributed charges .Smooth blasting differs from cushion blasting in that (1) except at the collar ,the charges are not stemmed and (2) the perimeter holes are fired on the last delay in the same round as the primary blast .Total column loading is most common ,although spacers may be used .The holes are stemmed to prevent the charges from being pulled out by the detonation of the previous delayed holes .Smooth blasting reduces overbreak in a drift and also provides a more competent back requiring less support .It involves more perimeter holes than does normal blasting.Combinations of controlled blasting techniques are used .In unconsolidated rock,line drilling sometimes is desirable between presplit or cushion boreholes . Corners sometimes are presplit when cushion blasting is used.4 TUNNEL BLASTINGThe most common methed of driving a mining tunnel is a cyclic operation in three sequences:(1)Drilling shot holes ;charging them with explosives and blasting.(2)Removing the resulting muck pile.(3)Inserting the tunnel linings into the newly excaved area; and advancing the ralls. ventilation arrangements, and power supplies ready for the next cycle of operations.The basic principle of tunnel blasting ,in its simplest term, is to loosen a volume of the virgin rock in such a way that when it is removed the line of the tunnel has advance in the correct direction with as nearly as possible the correct cross-section.The dilling pattern in which the holes to receive the explosives are drilled into the working face is designed so that :the holes are easy to drill; the minimurd total quantity of explosive is required ;and the periphery of the space left after the blast conforms as nearly as possible to the required tunnel section.A blast round consists of cut ,relief, breast and trim holes . The cut portion is the most important . The objective of the cut is to provide a free face to which the remainder of the round may break.The two general types of cuts are the angled cut and the burn .These can be usedin combinations to form various other cuts .Angled cuts are more advantageous than burn in wide headings ,due to the fewer boles and less explosive required per foot .A disadvangtage is the possibility of large pieces of rock being thrown from the “V”.The wedge or V-cut consists of two holes angled to meet or nearly meet at the bottom . The cut can consist of one or several Vs, either verticao or horizontal .For deeper rounds or hard-breaking rock ,double Vs can be used .The smaller is called the baby cut . It is useful in small rge-diameter burn holes provide excellent relief in big headings .Burn cuts permit deeper rounds than angled cuts and , due to the increased advance per round ,may prove more economical .In burn cuts ,the holes must be drilled parallel , with proper spacing ,and 0.5 : 1 ft deeper than the remainder of the round .Usually ,one or more holes (large-diameter) are left unloaded to provide relief for the loaded holes . Various combinations of spacing ,alignment and holes loaded are possible.Innumerable typesofblastingrounds are used in underground headings .Even in the same heading the round may have to be altered as different rock charateristics develop.An important factor in any round is the firing sequence .In general ,the holes are fired so that each hole or series of holes is blasted to the free face provided by the preceding holes .The depth of drift rounds depends on the complete drifting cycle and drift size.A general rule is that a round will not break much deeper than the least cross-sectional dimension of the drift . Rounds can be arranged that provide certain muck-pile shapes and positions for more efficient loading and cycles . In drifts requiring close support , rounds can be arranged to prevent damage.爆破在岩巷掘进中的应用1 破岩理论破岩是用爆破的方式把煤、矿石或岩石破碎,以便于大部分物料的块度小到便于装载、处理和运输。
中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系别:工程技术系专业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓名:学号:2015年 3 月 9 日外文资料翻译译文圆锥破碎机圆锥破碎机适合破碎各种中等或中等以上硬度的矿石和岩石。
AbstractThe structure of jaw type crusher has been beingperfected though unceasing improvement and the practice of process with more than 100 years. It is characteristic with simple structure, working reliablly, producing easily,maintenance conveniently and so on. Therefore, so far it still is a kind of the most important and extensivily used crusher weapons ,which work in crushing for rough powder and medium-sized powder .It is extensively used not only in building material industry , also in the metallurgical industry ,in coal industry ,in chemical industry and other industrial and mining enterprises. Jaw type crusher is mainly used in crushing the brittleness material which stress does not exceed 200 Mpa. As Iron ore, golden ore, molybdenum ore, copper ore, limestone,and so on. In building material industry, it is mainly used in crushing limestone and cement , plaster ,sandstone etc..In recent years, along with the increase of the proportion of opencast working , adopting of large scale exavator and large scale dump truck, the ore transported from open-cast to broken workshop which size reach 1.5 ~ 2 m. At the same time, the grade ofmining stone is reduced increasingly, we must increase mine quantity and broken quantity greatly in order to maintain original production. Thus the crusher is developing towards large-scale, the high productivity direction. Now, Abroad, the biggest specifications of letter pendulum jaw type crusher of production is 2100 mm×3000mm and the jaw type crusher of xxpound pendulum is 1500 mm×20XXmm.Key word: Crush , the jaw type breaker , broken.目录前言 ................................................ .. 1第1章设计任务及要求 (2)1.1 设计条件 ................................................ ................................................... (2)1.2 设计内容 ................................................ ................................................... (2)1.3 设计关键 ................................................ ................................................... (2)1.4 设计要求 ................................................ ................................................... (3)第2章颚式破碎机参数的选择和计算 (4)2.1 颚式破碎机的结构及运转 ................................................ .. (4)2.2 结构参数的选择与计算 ................................................ (4)第3章主要零部件结构尺寸的计算与选择 (10)3.1 电动机功率的计算与选择 ................................................ (10)3.2 皮带及带轮的设计 ................................................ (12)3.3 初定偏心轴的直径及跨距 ................................................ (14)3.4 轴承的选择及验算 ................................................ (15)3.5 平键的选择及校核 ................................................ (17)3.6 其他构件尺寸的确定 ................................................ .. (18)第4章主要零部件的形状与结构 (21)4.1 破碎腔的形状 ................................................ .. (21)4.2 动颚及齿板结构分析 ................................................4.3 肘板(推力板) .............................................. (24)4.4 调整装置 ................................................ ................................................... . (26)4.5 保险装置 ................................................ ................................................... . (27)4.6 机架结构 ................................................ ................................................... . (28)第5章电器启动与关闭 (30)结论 .................................................31参考文献 ...........致谢 .................................................33前言此次毕业设计的主要任务是对复摆式颚式破碎机的结构和参数的设计与计算。
翻译对照 rock cork board ⽯棉板 rock cork ⽯棉 rock crusher 碎⽯机 rock crushing plant 碎⽯设备 rock crystal ⽔晶 rock cutter 切⽯机 rock drill 凿岩机 rock drilling machine 凿岩机 rock electric drill 岩⽯电钻 rock grab 抓岩机 rock loader on rail 轨⾏装岩机 rock loader 载岩机 rock loading machine 装岩机 rock lobster 岩虾 rock pants 贴脚细窄中长裤 rock peg 岩锥 rock phosphate powder 磷矿⽯粉 rock phosphate 磷矿⽯ rock pitch hammer 地质锤 rock piton 岩锥 rock salt 岩盐 rock sampler 采⽯取样机 rock screen 碎⽯筛 rock shovel bucket 岩⽯铲⽃ rock skirt ⾼腰宽展裙 rock sugar in tablet 冰⽚糖 rock sugar 冰糖 rock 透明硬糖 rock-boring machine 钻岩机 rock-core borer 岩⼼钻机 rockbell 蓝花参 rocker swaging machine 摆式轧机 rocker arm plunger 摇臂柱塞 rocker arm resistance welding machine 摇臂式接触焊机 rocker arm shaft 摇臂轴 rocker arm spot welder 摇臂式点焊机 rocker arm 摇臂 rocker bar furnace 摇杆推料炉 rocker bar 摇杆 rocker bearing 摇臂轴承 rocker conveyer 摆动式输送机 rocker dump car 翻⽃矿车 rocker lever 摇杆 rocker shaft 摇臂轴 rocker switch 摇臂开关 rocker type pickling machine 摇臂式酸洗机 rocker 震动机 rocket bomber ⽕箭轰炸机 rocket engine ⽕箭发动机 rocket launcher ⽕箭发射器 rocket motor ⽕箭发动机 rocket-assisted takeoff unit ⽕箭助推起飞器 rocket-borne infrared mapper ⽕箭携带的红外绘图仪 rocket-borne ultraviolet spectrograph ⽕箭携带的紫外摄谱仪 rocketsonde ⽕箭探空仪 rocking apparatus 摆动设备 rocking chair induction furnace 可倾式感应炉 rocking chair 摇椅 rocking fly shear 摆式飞剪 rocking lever 摇杆 rocking shaft 摇臂轴 rocking sieve 振动筛 rockover core making machine 翻转式型⼼机 rockover moulding machine 转台式造型机 rockright mill 摇摆式冷轧管机 rockwell hardness meter 洛⽒硬度计 rockwell hardness tester 洛⽒硬度试验机 rocky 落矶牌汽车 rococo embroidery 罗可可丝带绣 rod antenna 拉杆天线 rod basket 罐笼 rod boring machine 杆式镗床 rod breaker 辊式破碎机 rod chilli 野⼭椒 rod coil compressor 盘条紧捆机 rod coil 盘条 rod coiling machine 盘条卷取机 rod coupler 棒状耦合器 rod cropping apparatus 盘条切头机 rod cutter 杆状⼑具 rod for flour food making 擀⾯杖 rod for water diviner ⽔准尺 rod insulator 棒形绝缘⼦ rod iron cropper 圆铁截短器 rod mill 棒磨机 rod oil-pump 杆式油泵 rod radiator 介质棒辐射器 rod repeater mill 活套式线材轧机 rod shears 棒料剪断机 rod strainghtener 棒材矫直机 rod thief 棒形采样器 rod type thermometer 直棒形温度计 rod weeder 杆式中耕除草机 rod-control soft light 杆控柔光灯 rod-curtain precipitator 静电集尘器 rod-like fibre 棒状纤维 rod-rolling mill 线材轧机 rod-toothed crusher 齿辊破碎机 rodanin 罗唐纳牌⼿表 rodent-resistant cable 防⿏光缆 rodenticide 杀⿏剂 rodeo 竞技牌汽车 rodethanil 硫氰苯胺 rodina 祖国牌⼿表 rodine 红海葱 rodocaine 罗多卡因 rodos 罗度⼠牌⼿表 rods and bars of aluminium alloy 铝合⾦棒材 rods and bars 棒材 rodtool rig 钻杆式冲击钻机 roe hair 獐⽑ roe horn 獐⾓ roe's sinew 狍筋 roentgen kymograph 伦琴射线描波仪 roentgen meter 伦琴计 roentgenokymograph x线记波照相装置 roentgenometer x射线计 roentgenoscope 伦琴射线透视机 rofil 罗菲尔聚⼄烯鬃丝 rofina 罗⾮纳牌⼿表 roflurane 罗氟烷 rogor 乐果 rogue 敌稗 rokitamycin 罗他霉素 rolan罗纶聚丙烯腈纤维 roland 罗兰牌⼿表 roletamide 洛利⽶特 rolex 劳⼒⼠牌⼿表 rolicyprine 罗利普林 rolinch 罗林奇牌⼿表 rolinick 罗林尼克牌⼿表 rolitetracycline 罗利环素 roll adjusting device 调辊器 roll breaker 辗轧破碎机 roll crusher 辊筒式碎⽯机 roll crushing machine 辊筒式压碎机 roll crushing mill 对辊破碎机 roll cutter 辊式切纸机 roll feeder 辊式给料机 roll film camera 卷⽚照相机 roll film developing tank 卷⽚显影箱 roll film process camera 卷筒软⽚版照相机 roll film reader 胶⽚阅读机 roll film slide adapter 卷⽚幻灯连接器 roll film slitting machine 卷筒软⽚裁切机 roll film 胶卷 roll fluting machine 滚筒切割机 roll force meter 轧辊测压计 roll form body maker 罐⾝成圆机 roll former 辊轧成形机 roll forming machine 成圆机 roll gap indicator 辊缝指⽰器 roll gap setter 辊缝调整器 roll grinder 轧辊磨床 roll grinding machine 辊⼦磨床 roll jaw crusher 滚轴颚式破碎机 roll lathe 轧辊车床 roll machine 滚轧机 roll mill pulverizer 辊式粉磨机 roll mill 轧钢机 roll motor 辊道电动机 roll nut adjusted quick grip pliers 螺母调节快速夹紧卡钳 roll oil 轧钢机油 roll onoff adjustable platform 滚装可调平台 roll over draw machine 翻转式起模机 roll paper 圆筒纸 roll press for paper industry 造纸⽤压光机 roll press 辊式压制机 roll shears 辊式剪断机 roll squeezer 辊压机 roll straightening machine 辊式矫直机 roll tile ⽡⽚ roll toilet paper 卷筒卫⽣纸 roll toilet tissue 卷筒卫⽣纸 roll turning lathe 轧辊车床 roll with crisp filling 酥⼼卷 roll with egg & sesame ⿇⼼蛋卷 roll wobbler milling machine 轧辊梅花头铣床 roll wobbler neck milling machine 轧辊梅花颈铣床 roll-bond evaporator 压焊式蒸发器 roll-chart recorder 转筒记录仪 roll-chock washing machine 轧辊轴承部件清洗装置 roll-fed offset printing press 卷筒纸胶印机 roll-fed platen press 卷筒纸平压机 roll-fed press 卷筒进纸印刷机 roll-forged straight shank drill 滚轧直柄钻头 roll-leaf stamping press 卷箔压印机 roll-neck shirt 樽领衫 roll-over moulding mahine 翻台式造型机 roll-polishing tool 滚抛磨具 roll-shaped abrasive cloth 卷状砂布 roll-type briquetting machine 对辊制团机 roll-type briquetting press 对辊式压制机 roll-type coiler 辊式卷取机 roll-type crusher 辊式破碎机 roll-type decorticator 辊式脱壳机 roll-type downcoiler 辊式地下卷取机 roll-type electrostatic separator 滚筒型静电分选机 roll-type magnetic separator 辊式磁选机 rolled 8-panel skirt 压线⼋⽚式裙 rolled condenser 卷式电容器 rolled design baby's blanket 轧花童毯 rolled edge handkerchief 卷边⼿帕 rolled gold watch 包⾦表 rolled gold ⾦箔 rolled iron 轧制钢材 rolled lead 铅⽪ rolled mild steel disk wheel 轧制软钢实⼼轮 rolled oat 燕麦⽚ rolled steel products 钢材 rolled steel 钢材 rolled tap 滚压丝锥 rolled towels 卷筒餐⼱纸 rolled tube 滚压管 rolled zinc alloy 轧制锌合⾦ rollei 禄来牌照相机 rolleiflex 禄来福来牌照相机 roller agitator 转筒式搅拌机 roller bearing axle 滚柱轴承轴 roller bearing rope hoist 轮辗绳索起重器 roller bearing sleeve 滚柱轴承套 roller bearing stretcher 轮辗绳索伸长器 roller bearing 滚柱轴承 roller bit ⽛轮钻头 roller blind of steel 钢制滑轮百叶窗 roller bridge 天车 roller cam 滚⼦凸轮 rollercarrier oil seal 托辊油封 roller carrier shaft 托辊轴 roller chain coupling 滚⼦链联轴器 roller chain 滚⼦链条 roller cloth compressor 压呢芯机 roller cloth ⽪辊⽩呢 roller clutch 滚柱离合器 roller coating enamel 滚涂搪瓷 roller coating printing ink 滚涂印刷油墨 roller cold header 滚柱冷镦机 roller compaction riveting press 滚辗式压铆机 roller conveyor 滚柱式输送器 roller cooling bed 辊式冷床 roller covering machine 套⽪辊机 roller crusher 滚筒式碎⽯机 roller cutter for pipe 转轮割管机 roller digital indicator 滚动数字显⽰器 roller distributor 辊式分配器 roller drier 滚筒⼲燥机 roller drum 压路机滚轮 roller ending machine ⽪辊烧边机 roller feeder 滚筒加料器 roller for self-opening thread rolling head 滚压式板⽛头⽤圆滚⼦ roller for stationary exercise bicycle 锻炼⽤固定⾃⾏车滚轮 roller gear 滚柱齿轮 roller ginned cotton ⽪辊棉 roller grinder 磨⽪辊机 roller grinding machine 磨⽪辊机 roller grizzly 滚动筛 roller head machine 滚压成形机 roller hydraulic jack 滚轮式液压千⽄顶 roller iron 滚轮熨⽃ roller jack 滚动千⽄顶 roller kiln 辊道窑 roller leather ⽪辊⾰ roller leveling machine 辊式矫直机 roller lifter 滚⼦式⽓门挺杆 roller machine 滚压机 roller measuring gauge 测⽪辊机 roller mill for soap 肥皂轧制机 roller mill 轧制机 roller of cast iron 铸铁轧辊 roller of cast steel 铸钢轧辊 roller oiler ⽪辊加油机 roller paint applicator 油漆滚轴 roller paint brush 油漆滚刷 roller pin 滚轮销 roller polishing machine 轧辊抛光机 roller press 滚压机 roller pump 滚柱泵 roller raising machine 拉⽑机 roller reel 辊式卷取机 roller rock arm 滚轮摇臂 roller screen 滚筛 roller section-straightening machine 辊式型材矫直机 roller shape-straightening machine 辊式型材矫直机 roller skatse 四轮溜冰鞋 roller snap thread gage 滚柱螺纹卡规 roller spot-and-seam welding machine 辊式点-缝焊机 roller suspension pipemaking machine 滚筒悬置式制管机 roller switch 滚轮开关 roller tappet 滚柱挺杆 roller tilter 辊式翻钢机 roller tractor 轮式拖拉机 roller train 滚轴运输机 roller transmission chain 滚⼦链条 roller way control case 辊道控制箱 roller wheel 滚轮 roller with supporting ring 带托环炉辊 roller 滚轧机 roller-bit hole rig ⽛轮钻机 roller-crushing mill 对辊磨 roller-hearth type furnace 辊底式炉 roller-straightening machine 辊式矫直机 roller-stretcher machine 辊式板材拉伸机 roller-type breaker 辊式破碎机 roller-type pump 滚柱式泵 roller-type rice mill 辊式碾⽶机 roller-type seam welding machine 辊式缝焊机 roller-type sinterer 辊道烧结机 roller-type thickness gauge 辊式测厚规 roller-type venier calliper 滚轮式游标卡尺 rollette 罗兰特细亚⿇布 rolling and stretching machine for band saw blade 锯条辊压机 rolling ball planimeter 转球求积仪 rolling bearing 滚动轴承 rolling belt type surface treatment machine 滚带式表⾯处理机 rolling cone 滚锥 rolling disc planimeter 转盘求⾯积仪 rolling drum 滚筒 rolling forming machine 滚压机 rolling head 滚压头 rolling liquid sealing apparatus 滚动式液膜密封装置 rolling machine for counter 鞋后帮滚轧机 rolling machine 揉茶机 rolling mill stand 轧机机架 rolling mill 轧机 rolling millmotor 滚轧电动机 rolling needle 滚针 rolling pin 擀⾯杖 rolling piston compressor 旋转活塞式压缩机 rolling press 滚筒印刷机 rolling rotor compressor 滚动转⼦式压缩机 rolling shaft 滚轴 rolling shear 滚剪机 rolling shed loom 滚动梭⼝织机 rolling stock and rolling stock accessories 车辆及配件 rolling stock 车辆 rolling-ball viscometer 滚球式粘度计 rolling-ball viscosimeter 滚球粘度计 rolling-wheel taker 滚轮取料机 rolls-royce 罗尔斯-罗伊斯牌汽车 rolodine 罗咯啶 roly-poly 不倒翁 roma pewter 罗马铅锡合⾦ romain 罗曼缎 romaine crepe 罗马绉 romal handkerchief 洛美格⼦⿇纱⼿帕 romal 洛美塔夫绸 roman brass 罗曼含锡黄铜 roman bronze 罗曼锡青铜 roman candle 古⾊蜡烛 roman carpet 罗马双⾯地毯 roman cement 天然⽔泥 roman cut work 罗马雕绣 roman duck 罗马画布 roman sandals 罗马式⽆⾯鞋 roman stripes 罗马横条缎 roman 罗曼牌重型⾃卸汽车 romanium 罗马尼姆铝基合⾦ rome beauty 瑞光苹果 rompers 背⼼连裤童装外⾐ ronda 龙达牌汽车 rondolette 龙多莱绸 rongalite 雕⽩块 rongeur forceps ⾻钳 rongomy 龙⼽⽶棉 ronidazole 罗硝唑 ronifibrate 氯烟贝特 ronnel ⽪蝇磷 ronoaks cotton 罗诺克斯棉 ronrico 郎利哥郎姆酒 ronson 朗⽣牌打⽕机 ronstar 恶草灵 roof bolting jumbo 顶板栓锚眼⽤钻车 roof condenser 顶式冷凝器 roof paint 屋顶漆 roof tile 屋顶⽡ roof-bolt drill 顶板锚栓钻机 roof-temperatrue controller 炉顶温度调节器 roof-temperatrue indicator 炉顶温度计 roofing felt 屋顶油⽑毡 roofing filter 修平滤波器 roofing hammer with tubular handle 管式柄独⾓锤 roofing hammer 独⾓锤 roofing nail ⽡楞钉 roofing paper 油毡 roofing tile ⽡ roofloy 鲁夫洛伊耐蚀铅合⾦ room air conditioner 室内空调器 room dryer 室内⼲燥器 room socks 室内短袜 room thermostat 室内恒温器 room-size rug 全室地毯 room-temperature laser 室温激光器 rooster 1号成熟公鸡 rooster 鲁斯特牌⼿表 root brier 树根烟⽃ root carving 根雕 root cutter with cleaning cage 带清理滚笼的切根机 root drill 块根作物条播机 root elevator 块根升运器 root extractor 拔树根器 root of american ginseng 西洋参 root of balloonflower 桔梗 root of chinese slender-leaved polygala 远志 root of chinese trichosanthes 天花粉 root of common fig ⽆花果根 root of glutinous rice 糯稻根 root of herbaceous peony with bark ⾚芍 root of herbaceous peony without bark ⽩芍 root of herbaceous peony ⽩芍 root of hollyhock 蜀葵根 root of iris lactea 马莲根 root of japanese banana 芭蕉根 root of kudzuvine 葛根 root of largeleaf gentian 秦艽 root of lilac daphne 芫花根 root of loquat 枇杷根 root of pseudo-ginseng 三七 root of purple flowered peucedanum 前胡 root of ramie 苎⿇根 root of red rooted salvia 丹参 root of rehmannia ⽣地 root of straight ladybell 沙参 root of subprostrate sophora ⼴⾖根 root of the narrow-leaved polygala 远志 root of three-nerved spicebush 乌药 root of {gansu} euphovbia ⽢遂 root of {zhejiang} figwort ⽞参 root peeler 去根机 root picker 掘根机 root plugger 根管充填器 root rotary pump 鲁特旋转泵 root washer 块根洗涤机 root's blower 罗茨⿎风机 root-bark of chinese silkvine 五加⽪ root-bark of chinese wolfberry 地⾻⽪ root-bark of ditlany ⽩鲜⽪ root-bark of mysorethorn 云实⽪ root-bark of peony 牡丹⽪ root-bark of the chinese sumac 盐肤⼦根⽪ root-bark of tree peony 丹⽪ root-bark of white mulberry 桑⽩⽪ root-canal plugger 根管充填器 root-tuber of aromatic turmeric 郁⾦ rootdozer 除根机 rooter plough 掘根犁 rooter plow 除根犁 rooter 除根机 rooting machine 除根机 rootone 萘⼄酸 roots type supercharger 罗⽒增压器 rope bag paper ⿇浆纸袋纸 rope bleaching machine 绳状漂⽩机 rope braiding machine 编绳机 rope brown paper 棕绳纸 rope clips 抱索器 rope dyeing machine 绳状染⾊机 rope form scouring and bleaching range 绳状练漂机 rope hoist 钢绳绞车 rope ladder 绳梯 rope layingmachine 搓绳机 rope machine 制绳机 rope manila sand paper 马尼拉⿇浆砂纸 rope paper 绳纸 rope silk 弱捻多股刺绣丝线 rope souring machine 漂酸机 rope transfer 钢丝绳移送机 rope washing machine 洗绳机 rope winch 钢丝绳绞车 rope wire 钢丝绳⽤钢丝 rope wool 绳状原⽑ rope yarn 绳索⽤纱 rope 绳索 rope-edge bowl 绳边碗 rope-form scouring and bleaching machine 绳状练漂机 rope-lay cable 扭绞式电缆 rope-pulley hoist 索滑轮提升机 ropitoin 罗匹妥英 ropizine 罗匹嗪 rorifone 旱菜素 rosa 玫瑰牌汽车 rosalin 结晶玫瑰 rosaprostol 罗沙前列醇 rosar 罗沙牌⼿表 rosaramicin 罗沙⽶星 rose alicanta 珊瑚红⽯ rose arena 粉红⿇⽯ rose aurora 黄⽟⽯ rose bengal sodium 放射性玫瑰红钠 rose bit 扩孔锥 rose black tea 玫瑰红茶 rose cream roll 玫瑰奶油蛋卷 rose drill 梅花钻 rose essence 玫瑰精 rose hip 剌玫果 rose in syrup 玫瑰糖浆 rose nail 圆花钉 rose net 蜂窝形⽹眼纱 rose norwegian 挪威红⽯ rose oil 玫瑰油 rose olive 玫瑰榄球 rose paprica 尖头红辣椒 rose perfume compound 玫瑰⾹精 rose porcelain 粉彩瓷 rose quartz 蔷薇⽯英 rose sandal amber 玫瑰檀⾹琥珀 rose sandal savona 檀⾹玫瑰 rose savona 红玫瑰 rose soap 玫瑰⾹皂 rose supreme 玫瑰 rose syrup 玫瑰露 rose taste salted turnip 玫瑰⼤头菜 rose tea 玫瑰花茶 rose tobacco flavour 玫瑰烟草⾹精 rose type laundry soap 玫瑰型洗⾐皂 rose water 玫瑰⽔ rose white ⽩玫瑰 rose wine carignan 桃红葡萄酒 rose wood 黄花梨⽊ rose {gongfu} tea 玫瑰功夫茶 rose 玫瑰花 rose's alloy 罗斯软焊料合⾦ rose-ambrein sandal perfume compound 玫瑰龙涎檀⾹⾹精 rose-flavoured fried flour 玫瑰油茶⾯ rose-flavoured salted mustard 玫瑰⼤头莱 rose-flavoured salted turnip 玫瑰⼤头菜 roseate moon cake 玫瑰⽉饼 roseberry 杂⾊横条⼦布 rosebud print knit rayon panty 针织⼈造丝玫瑰芯印花内短裤 rosecran 亚⿇平布 rosehip oil 蔷薇油 rosehip without seed ⽆籽玫瑰果 rosein 罗泽茵镍基合⾦ roseley 罗赛利牌照相机 rosemusk 玫瑰麝⾹ rosenhain's etchant 罗森海因浸蚀剂 roseum cotton 罗森棉 rosewood arm-chair 紫檀扶⼿椅 rosewood cabinet with bamboo design 有⽵⼦图案的檀⽊柜 rosewood cabinet with dragon design 雕龙檀⽊柜 rosewood cabinet with peach flower and magpie design 带桃花喜雀图案的檀⽊柜 rosewood chair carved dragon design inlaid with mother of pearl 镶嵌珍珠母雕龙檀⽊椅 rosewood couch with inlay of mother of pearl 镶嵌珍珠母的檀⽊床 rosewood couch 檀⽊床 rosewood desk inlaid with carved bone 嵌⾻檀⽊桌 rosewood desk with movable surface 花梨⽊活⾯写字台 rosewood floor screen inlaid with carved bone 嵌⾻檀⽊屏风 rosewood furniture inlaid with carved bone 嵌⾻檀⽊家具 rosewood furniture 檀⽊家具 rosewood hexagonal stool with brown stone top 花梨⽊⽯⾯荷茜六⾓⿎凳 rosewood lantern stand 花梨⽊灯柱 rosewood low table inlaid with carved bone 嵌⾻檀⽊炕⼏ rosewood shelf 花梨⽊架⼦ rosewood square stand 花梨⽊四⽅⼏ rosewood stand 花梨⽊⼏ rosewood stool inlaid with carved bone 嵌⾻檀⽊凳 rosewood table with stone top 花梨⽊⽯⾯桌 rosewood table with wood top 花梨⽊⽊⾯桌 rosewood telephone cabinet with stool 花梨⽊带凳电话间 rosewood triangular cabinet 花梨⽊三⾓柜 rosewood wall hanging screen inlaid with carved bone 嵌⾻檀⽊挂屏 rosewood wood carving 花梨⽊⽊刻 roshanara 罗纱纳拉绸 rosin amine 松⾹胺 rosin anti-fouling paint 松⾹防污漆 rosin core 松⾹硬⼼焊锡 rosin denatured phenolic resin 松⾹改性酚醛树脂 rosin emulsifying agent 松⾹乳化剂 rosin modified phenolic resin 松⾹改性酚醛树脂 rosin nitrile 松⾹腈 rosin oil 松⾹油 rosin solder wire 松⾹焊锡丝 rosin tree 松⾹树 rosin water 松⾹⽔ rosin 松⾹ rosin-coumarone 松⾹古马隆 rosin-free oil ⽆松⾹油 rosina 罗西那牌⼿表 roskopf 罗斯科夫牌⼿表 rosolic acid 蔷薇⾊酸 rosone 结晶玫瑰 rosoxacin 罗索沙新 rospin 丙酯杀螨醇 ross quartz 芙蓉⽯ rosso rubino 再造皇妃红⿇⽯ rostano 罗斯塔诺织锦 rotabobbin spinning machine 筒管纺丝机 rotameter 旋转计量仪 rotaplane 旋翼飞机 rotary shears 圆盘剪 rotary accelerator 回旋加速器 rotary agitator 旋转式搅拌机 rotary air drill 回转式风钻 rotary air pump 回转式空⽓泵 rotary amplifier 旋转放⼤器 rotary attenuator 旋转式衰减器 rotary axial plunger motor 旋转轴向柱塞马达 rotary bench 卷筒式拉丝机 rotary bit 旋转钻 rotary blade cutter 转⼑切割机 rotary blade mower 旋转⼑⽚割草机 rotary blade vacuum pump for medical use 医⽤旋⽚式真空泵 rotary blower type supercharger 旋转⿎风式增压器 rotary blower 旋转⿎风机 rotary blowing machine 回转式蒸呢机 rotary board cutter 旋转纸板裁切机 rotary bottle filler 回转式灌瓶机 rotary broom 旋转路帚 rotary brush damper 回转刷润湿机 rotary brush 旋转电刷 rotary bucket-type flowmeter 旋转叶⽚式流量计 rotary buckle 旋转扣件 rotary cam type automatic voltage regulator 旋转凸轮式⾃动电压调整器 rotary can filler 回转式装罐机 rotary capacitor 可变电容器 rotary capping machine 旋转式压盖机 rotary carbon spotlamp 炭精照射灯 rotary charger 旋转式装料机 rotary chuck 回转卡盘 rotary classifier 螺旋分级机 rotary clippers 滚切钳 rotary coating machine 转筒式涂布机 rotary cobalt-60 therapy unit 旋转式钴60治疗机 rotary compressor 回转式压缩机 rotary condenser 旋转电容器 rotary cone crusher 圆锥破碎机 rotary continuous filter 旋转式连续过滤机 rotary continuous sterilizer 回转式连续杀菌机 rotary converter 旋转变流器 rotary conveyor 回转式运输机 rotary counter-pressure filling machine 旋转式反压灌装机 rotary coupler 旋转耦合器 rotary crane 旋转式起重机 rotary crusher 旋转式碎⽯机 rotary cultivator 回转中耕机 rotary cup atomizer 转杯雾化器 rotary cutter 旋切机 rotary cutting and bending machine 对开滚线机 rotary cutting machine 旋转式裁切机 rotary dc arc welder 旋转直流弧焊机 rotary dewaterer 旋转式脱⽔机 rotary die head 旋转式夹模器 rotary diesel engine 转⼦柴油机 rotary digester 回转式蒸煮器 rotary disc feeder 圆盘喂料机 rotary disc filter 转盘过滤器 rotary disc meter 转盘式流量计 rotary disc valve 转盘阀 rotary discharger 旋转放电器 rotary disk driller 转盘钻机 rotary disk filter 转盘过滤器 rotary disk press 转盘式压机 rotary displacement gas meter 旋转位移式煤⽓表 rotary displacement pump 回转式排量泵 rotary distributor 旋转式分配机 rotary ditcher 旋转挖沟机 rotary drier 回转⼲燥器 rotary drill for shaft sinking 凿竖井⽤回式钻机 rotary drill jumbo 回转式钻车 rotary drill with oil pressure 油压转盘钻机 rotary drill 回转式凿岩机 rotary drilling machine 回转式钻床 rotary drilling rig 旋转钻机 rotary drilling swivel 旋转钻井⽔龙头 rotary drive guard 转盘链条罩 rotary drum dough mixer 转⿎式和⾯机 rotary drum drier 转筒式⼲燥机 rotary drum filter 转筒式过滤器 rotary drum grader 滚筒分级机 rotary drum mixer 圆筒混合机 rotary drum regenerator 转⿎式回热器 rotary drum type flying crop shears 转⿎式端头飞剪 rotary drum vacuum filter 转⿎真空过滤机 rotary drum washer 滚筒式清洗机 rotarydry vacuum pump 旋转式真空⼲燥泵 rotary dryer 回转⼲燥器 rotary drying drum 旋转⼲燥筒 rotary encoder 回转式译码器 rotary end-sealing machine 回转式封底机 rotary engine 转缸发动机 rotary evaporator 旋转式蒸发器 rotary excavator 旋转式挖掘机 rotary exhaust valve 回转式排⽓阀 rotary eyelet punch press 旋转式鞋眼冲压机 rotary fan 旋转式风扇 rotary fettling table 旋转式清砂台 rotary file assortment set 成套圆头尖头旋转锉 rotary filter 旋转式过滤机 rotary flanging machine 回转式翻边机 rotary flash lamp 回转闪光灯 rotary flying crop shears 滚筒式切头飞剪 rotary flying hot saw 回转式热飞锯 rotary flying shears 滚筒式飞剪 rotary forced-air cooler ⿎风环式冷却机 rotary forging machine 回转式锻造机 rotary forging mill 周期式轧管机 rotary frit furnace 回转熔块炉 rotary fulling mill 滚筒式缩呢机 rotary furnace 旋转炉 rotary gage 旋转液⾯计 rotary garden duster 园地旋转吹尘器 rotary gas meter 旋转式⽓体流量计 rotary gear shaving cutter 盘形剃齿⼑ rotary gear type oil transfer pump 旋转齿轮式输油泵 rotary gill roving frame 转针粗纺机 rotary grain grader 滚筒式⾕粒分选机 rotary grate gas producer 转蓖式煤⽓发⽣炉 rotary hammer 电锤 rotary hand drill ⼿摇钻 rotary harrow 旋转耙 rotary head milling machine 转头铣床 rotary head type universal milling machine 万能回转头铣床 rotary heat exchanger 旋转式热交换器 rotary helical screw compressor 回转式螺杆压缩机 rotary high speed glue dryer 旋转式⾼速胶⽔烘⼲机 rotary hoe 旋转锄 rotary hook ⼤钩 rotary hose ⽔龙带 rotary hydraulic motor 旋转式液压马达 rotary impeller exhauster 叶轮式排⽓机 rotary index machine 多⼯位转台式机床 rotary injection and foam moulder 转盘发泡式注塑机 rotary interrupter relay 旋转断续继电器 rotary interrupter spring 旋转断续弹簧 rotary interrupter 旋转式断续器 rotary jaw plunger 回转⽖柱塞 rotary kiln 回转窑 rotary letterpress ink 凸版轮转机印刷油墨 rotary letterpress machine 凸版轮转印刷机 rotary letterpress 凸版轮转印刷机 rotary line switch 旋转式寻线机 rotary mercury pump 旋转式⽔银泵 rotary microtome 旋转切⽚机 rotary milling machine 滚筒式缩绒机 rotary mixer 回转式搅拌机 rotary moulder 旋转注模机 rotary mower with swather 轮转式条铺割草机 rotary mud screen 转筒泥泵筛 rotary multivane compressor 多叶回转式压缩机 rotary newsprint 卷筒新闻纸 rotary off-normal spring 旋转离位弹簧 rotary offset machine 轮转胶印机 rotary oil pump 旋转式油泵 rotary oiler 旋转加油器 rotary oven 旋转炉 rotary pawl guide 回转⽖导杆 rotary pawl 回转⽖ rotary peeler 坯料剥⽪车床 rotary pelleting machine 旋转压⽚机 rotary phase converter 旋转式相位变换器 rotary phase modifier 旋转式调相机 rotary photogravure press 轮转凹印机 rotary piercing mill 回转式⽕⼒穿孔机 rotary pilot valve 回转式控制阀 rotary piston engine 旋转活塞式发动机 rotary piston gas meter 旋转活塞式⽓表 rotary piston meter 旋摆式活塞流量计 rotary piston pump 旋转活塞泵 rotary planer 旋转刨 rotary plate 转盘 rotary plough 旋转犁 rotary plunger pump 旋转柱塞泵 rotary pocket feeder 星轮式给料器 rotary power broom 旋转式动⼒扫路机 rotary press 旋转式压机 rotary printer 旋转印花机 rotary printing ink 轮转印刷油墨 rotary printing machine 滚筒印花机 rotary pump with liquid piston 液体活塞回转泵 rotary pump 回转泵 rotary rectifier 旋转整流器 rotary retort type electric resistance furnace 滚筒式电阻炉 rotary retort 旋转式⼲馏炉 rotary rheometer 转动流变仪 rotary rheostat 转式变阻器 rotary ringing generator 旋转铃流机 rotary rock drill 旋转式钻岩机 rotary saw 盘锯 rotary scavenging valve 旋转式换⽓阀 rotary scraper 旋转式刮⼟机 rotary screen press 旋转丝⽹印刷机 rotary screen printed fabric with wide width 宽幅圆⽹印花布 rotary screen printed shirting 圆⽹印花布 rotary screen printing machine 圆⽹印花机 rotary screen printing range 圆⽹印花机 rotary screen roller printing machine 圆⽹辊筒印花机 rotary screen 旋转筛 rotary scythe grass cutter 旋转镰⼑式割草机 rotary seeder 旋转播种机 rotary selector 旋转式选择器 rotary servo valve 旋转伺服阀 rotary sewing machine 回转式缝纫机 rotary shaving machine 旋刨机 rotary shear mixer 旋转剪切混合器 rotary shears 旋转剪切机 rotary shell core machine 旋转壳芯机 rotary shot rig 旋转式炮眼钻 rotary shunt meter 转⼦分流流量计 rotary side trimming shears 圆盘式切边剪 rotary sidewall coring tool 钻进式井壁取芯器 rotary single-vane compressor 单叶回转式压缩机 rotary sleeve valve 转筒阀 rotary slicer with sharpener 旋转切⽚器附磨⼑器 rotary slide valve 回转滑阀 rotary sliding vane compressor 旋转式滑叶压缩机 rotary slitting machine 旋转分切机 rotary slurry distributor 回转料浆配给机 rotary snow plough 旋转式除雪机 rotary speed indicater 转盘转速指⽰器 rotary speed mixer 转筒式快速拌和机 rotary squeezer 回转压榨机 rotary stacker 旋转式堆料机 rotary stamping machine 回转打印机 rotary starting air distributor 回转式起动空⽓分配阀 rotary stock washer 圆筒洗浆机 rotary straightener 旋转矫直机 rotary strainer 旋转式粗滤机 rotary surface grinding machine 旋转平⾯磨床 rotary swaging machine 旋锻机 rotary swather 旋转式割晒机 rotary sweeper 旋转式扫路机 rotary switch precision resistance box 旋转式精密电阻箱 rotary switch 旋转开关 rotary synchronizer 旋转式同步器 rotary synchroscope 旋转式同步⽰波器 rotary table feeder 转盘加料机 rotary table milling machine 圆⼯作台铣床 rotary table sand blasting machine 回转台式喷砂机 rotary table shot blasting machine 转台抛丸清理强化机 rotary table type surface treatment machine 回转盘式表⾯处理机 rotary table 转盘 rotary tablet press 旋转式压⽚机 rotary tableting press 旋转压⽚机 rotary tedder 旋转摊草机 rotary thread rolling machine 旋转卷丝机 rotary throttle valve 回转节流阀 rotary throttle 回转节流阀 rotary throw-over switch 交换开关 rotary tile press 回转压⽡机 rotary tiller 旋转耕耘机 rotary tippler 回转振动式翻车机 rotary tobacco cutting machine 旋转式切烟机 rotary tower crane 塔式旋臂起重机 rotary tra糯⽶粉旋振筛nsfer machine 转盘式输送机 rotary transformer 旋转变压器 rotary trimming shears 圆盘式切边剪 rotary trunk-layer stripping machine without clamper ⽆卡轴旋切机 rotary tube expanding machine 斜轧式扩管机 rotary tube straightener 旋转式钢管矫直机 rotary type side core barrel 旋转型井壁取芯筒 rotary vacuum filler回转式真空灌装机 rotary vacuum pump 旋转式真空泵 rotary vacuum quick-freezing shaping machine 旋转式真空急速冷冻定型机 rotary vacuum string discharge filter 线排料回转真空过滤机 rotary valve spring 旋转阀弹簧 rotary valve stem gasket 旋转阀杆垫 rotary valve 回转阀 rotary vane mechanical pump 旋⽚式机械泵 rotary vane meter 旋翼式流量计 rotary vane motor 旋翼式电动机 rotary vane type pump 旋转式叶⽚泵 rotary variable attenuator 旋转式可变衰减器 rotary varnishing machine 旋转上光机 rotary veneer lathe 旋板机 rotary viscosimeter 回转式粘度计 rotary vise 旋转虎钳 rotary washer 转⿎式洗涤机 rotary waveguide variable attenuator 旋转波导可变衰减器 rotary web press 卷筒纸印刷机 rotary weed cutter 旋转割草器 rotary weeder 旋转式除草机 rotary welding machine 旋转式焊机 rotary wool cloth shear 旋转式剪⽑呢机 rotary working-table 回转⼯作台 rotary 罗塔⾥牌⼿表 rotary-combustion engine 旋转式内燃机 rotary-displacement compressor 回转置换压缩机 rotary-ferrograph 旋转式铁谱仪 rotary-head thinner 旋转⼑盘式间苗机 rotary-hearth type furnace 旋转炉床式电炉 rotary-kiln dryer 回转窑式⼲燥机 rotary-percussion drill jumbo 回转冲击式钻车 rotary-percussive drill 旋转冲击式钻机 rotary-rolling mill 蘑菇形轧辊的穿孔机 rotary-scanning spectroscope 旋转扫描分光镜 rotary-screw compressor 旋转螺旋压缩机 rotary-type cam-driven tableting press 旋转式凸轮驱动压⽚机 rotary-type cooler 环式冷却机 rotary-type flash trimmer 旋转式焊缝清理机 rotary-type gasoline mower 旋转式汽油动⼒割草机 rotary-type mixer 转轴式拌和机 rotary-type pneumatic tool 回转式风动⼯具 rotary-vane compressor 叶轮式压缩机 rotary-vane feeder 星式加料机 rotary-vane vacuum pump 旋翼式真空泵 rotatable coil 可转线圈 rotatable transformer 可转动变压器 rotating amplifier 旋转放⼤器 rotating annular cooler 环式冷却机 rotating anode tube 旋转阳极管 rotating antenna 旋转天线 rotating arm crane 旋臂式起重机 rotating ball viscometer 转球式粘度计 rotating beam ceilometer 旋转射束云⾼计 rotating beam fatigue testing machine 旋转梁式疲劳试验机 rotating beam transmitter 旋转波束发射机 rotating bending fatigue machine 回转弯曲疲劳试验机 rotating blade stabilizer 旋转叶⽚型稳定器 rotating blade 回转叶⽚ rotating bottle cleaning machine 回转式洗瓶机 rotating broom 旋转路刷 rotating cantilever beam type machine 旋转悬臂梁式试验机 rotating casing pump 回转壳体泵 rotating choke 旋转扼流圈 rotating compressor 旋转式压缩机 rotating contactor 旋转接触器 rotating crane 旋转吊车 rotating cylinder viscometer 转筒式粘度计 rotating direction finder 旋转测向仪 rotating disc contactor 转盘接触器 rotating disc filter 转盘过滤机 rotating disintegrator 旋转粉碎机 rotating disk atomizer 转盘雾化器 rotating disk drier 转盘式⼲燥机 rotating disperser 旋转式弥散器 rotating drum mixer 转筒混合机 rotating drum multistage crystallizer 转筒式多级结晶器 rotating drum shears 滚筒式剪切机 rotating drum type drier 转筒式⼲燥机 rotating dryer 旋转式⼲燥机 rotating elastoviscometer 旋转粘弹性计 rotating engine 旋转式发动机 rotating field exciter 旋转磁场励磁机 rotating fly-bar 旋转飞⼑ rotating front louvres fan 转页式电扇 rotating furnace 转炉 rotating impeller 回转叶轮 rotating magnetometer 回旋式磁⼒仪 rotating mirror 旋转镜 rotating mixer 转筒式拌和机 rotating multitarget stereotactic apparatus 转盘式多靶点⽴体导向器 rotating pan mixer 转锅式拌和机 rotating plunger pump 旋转式柱塞泵 rotating potentiometer 旋转电位计 rotating pump 旋转泵 rotating seal ring 旋转密封环 rotating shaft 回转轴 rotating sleeve 转动套 rotating speed adjustor 转速调节器 rotating speed monitored transducer 转速监控传感器 rotating sphere elastoviscometer 转球式粘弹性计 rotating spiral heater 转动螺旋形加热器 rotating table press 转台式压机 rotating transformer 旋转变压器 rotating valve 回转阀 rotating vane-type flowmeter 旋转叶⽚式流量计 rotating vibrator 旋转振动器 rotating viscometer 旋转式粘度计 rotating watch-testing machine for automatic watch ⾃动表旋转测试仪 rotating wedge range finder 旋转光楔测距仪 rotating wheel 转轮 rotating wire rope 旋转钢丝绳 rotating-coil indicator 旋转线圈指⽰器 rotating-coil magnetometer 旋转线圈式磁强计 rotating-iron type overcurrent relay 旋转衔铁式过流继电器 rotating-iron type overvoltage relay 旋转衔铁式过压继电器 rotating-iron type undervoltage relay 旋转衔铁式⽋压继电器 rotation concentratometer 旋转浓度计 rotation inductor 转动感应仪 rotation mixer ⾏星摆转混砂机 rotation platform with ladder 带扶梯回转平台 rotation sensor 旋转传感器 rotational doll 旋转娃娃 rotational gravity gradiometer 旋转式重⼒梯度仪 rotational lathehead 回转式车床头 rotational level 回转⽔准仪 rotational viscosimeter 转动粘度计 rotative direct injection machine 旋转直接注射机 rotative machine 旋转机 rotator wet type cooling water meter 旋翼湿式冷⽔⽔表 rotator 旋转阀反射炉 rotatory bauxite 转炉矾⼟ rotatory drier 旋转⼲燥器 rotatory machine 六⾓⽹眼纱织机 rotatory pump 旋转泵 rotenoid 鱼藤酮 rotenone 鱼藤酮 roter tablet 乐得胃⽚ roter 乐得胃⽚ rothemuhle regenerative air preheater 风罩再⽣式空⽓预热器 rothmans 乐富门牌⾹烟 rotisserie 便携式旋转烤⾁器 roto 罗托牌照相机 roto-sifter 回转筛 rotocleaner 滚筒式清选器 rotoclone collector 旋风收尘器 rotodynamic pump 转⼦动⼒泵 rotofilter 旋转过滤器 rotogravure press 轮转凹印机 rotogravure printing ink 影印油墨 rotogravure 转轮凹版印刷机 rotoil sand mixer ⽴式叶⽚混砂机 rotometer 旋转流量计 rotopiston pump 旋转活塞泵 rotor and blade-disk for steam turbine 汽轮机转⼦及叶轮 rotor axle 转⼦轴 rotor blade 转⼦叶⽚ rotor compressor 转⼦压缩机 rotor drum 转⿎ rotor fan blade 转⼦扇翼 rotor grinding machine 转⼦磨床 rotor housing 转⼦发动机外壳 rotor pressure casting machine 转⼦压铸机 rotor pump 转⼦泵 rotor shaft 转⼦轴 rotor slot milling machine 转⼦槽铣床 rotor spider 转⼦辐臂 rotor spinner 转⼦纺纱机 rotor starter 转⼦起动器 rotor tiller 转轴式松⼟机 rotor type open-end spinning machine 转⼦型开⼝纺纱机 rotor type relay 转⼦式继电器 rotor water gauge 旋翼式⽔表 rotor winding 转⼦绕组 rotor 转⼦ rotorcraft 旋翼飞机 rototrol 旋转式⾃动调整器 rototrowel 旋转式镘浆机 rotovator 旋轴式松⼟拌和机 rotox 溴甲烷混剂 rotoxamine 罗托沙敏 rottor 定向⼲扰⾃动发射机 rotundine 罗通定 rotwyla 罗特维拉粘胶纤维 rouane 家⽤漂⽩亚⿇平布 rouedor 鲁多牌⼿表 rouge box 胭脂盒 rouge cake 胭脂块 rouge cream 胭脂膏 rouge gel 胭脂胶 rouge glaze vase with concave lines 凹道亮光胭脂瓶 rouge lotion 胭脂⽔ rouge 胭脂 rough board 粗⽊板 rough cast glass 浇注玻璃⽑坯 rough crepe 粗绉⾯绸 rough cut stone chisel 粗⽯凿 rough file 粗纹锉 rough gentian 龙胆草 rough grinding machine 粗磨床 rough matte paper 粗绒⾯纸 rough mill 粗轧机 rough pad 草稿簿 rough plane 粗刨 rough porcelain 糙瓷 rough roller mill 粗辊轧机 rough service lamp bulb 耐⽤灯泡 rough spanner 粗⼤螺丝扳⼿ rough steel ⽣钢 rough surface grinding machine 表⾯粗磨机 rough surface paper ⽆光泽纸 rough tap 粗⽛线螺丝攻 rough teeth taper shank vertical milling cutter 粗齿锥柄⽴铣⼑ rough terrain self-propelled crane 越野⾃动起重机 rough terrain wheeled crane 越野轮胎起重机 rough towel ⽑⼱织物浴⼱ rough washer 粗制垫圈 rough wear 粗布服装 rough wood 带⽪原⽊ rough yarn ⽻⽑纱 rough-cut file 粗齿锉 rough-pile moquette 粗绒头地毯 rougher cell 粗选机 rougher mill 粗轧机 roughers 呢坯 roughing end mill with waveform teeth 粗加⼯波形刃⽴铣⼑ roughing machine 粗化机 roughing planing tool 粗刨⼑ roughing roller。
i arch 工字钢拱i bar 工字钢i beam 工字钢i steel 工字钢ice 冰ice cylinder 冻结冰柱ice wall 冻结壁idle roller 导辊idler 托滚igneous breccia 火成角砾岩ignitability 可燃性ignitable 易点火的ignite 点火igniter 点火器点火装置igniter cord 导火线igniting composition 起火剂igniting primer 雷管ignition 发火ignition cap 雷管ignition charge 点火药ignition compound 起火剂ignition energy 点火能量ignition impulse 点火冲量ignition inhibitor 爆炸抑制剂ignition order 点火次序ignition point 着火点ignition temperature 发火温度ill air 污浊空气illite 伊利石illumination 照明illuminator 照明ilmenite 钛铁矿ilvaite 墨柱石imbibition 吸收immediate roof 直接顶板immersible pump 潜水泵immersion 油浸;浸没immobile 不能移动的immobility 不能移动immovable 不能移动的impact 冲击impact action 冲幻impact crusher 冲唤破碎机impact crushing 冲黄碎impact energy 冲卉impact idler 缓冲托辊impact mill 冲唤磨机impact plough 冲唤刨煤机impact pressure 冲灰压impact rate 冲毁度impact resistance 冲昏力impact ripper 冲唤挑顶机;冲唤平巷掘进机impact screen 冲唤振动筛impact sensitivity 冲霍感度impact strength index 冲豢度指数impact test 冲辉验impact toughness 冲煌性impact type hammer crusher 冲桓式破碎机impenetrability 不可入性impermeability 不渗透性impermeability test 不渗透性试验impermeable 不可渗透的impermeable barrier 不透水煤柱impermeable bed 不透水层impermeable rock 不透水岩石impermeable seam 不透水层imperviousness 不渗透性impregnate 浸渍impregnating apparatus 浸染器impregnating compound 浸润剂impregnation 浸透impregnation of timber 木材的浸渍improvement 改良impulse 脉冲impurity 不洁物impurity concentration 杂质浓度in situ origin 原地成因in situ rock 原地岩石inactive face 停产工祖inbreak 崩落inbreak angle 陷落角incendivity 引火性inch 英寸incidence 入射incidence angle 入射角incidence indicator 倾角指示器inclination 倾斜inclination pitch 倾斜度incline 倾斜incline hoist 斜井提升机incline inset 斜井井底车场inclined adit 斜硐inclined bed 倾斜层inclined belt conveyor 倾斜皮带运输机inclined boring 倾斜钻进inclined bottom car 斜底车inclined conveyor 倾斜运输机inclined cut 斜工祖inclined cut and fill 倾斜分层充填回采inclined drift 倾斜巷道inclined grizzly 倾斜格筛inclined hole 斜炮眼inclined plane 轮坡inclined seam 倾斜层inclined shaft 斜井inclined shaft mucking apparatus 斜井装岩机inclined slicing 倾斜分层开采inclined stone drift 倾斜岩石巷道inclinometer 测斜器include 包含inclusion 包含incoalation 煤化incoherent 不燃性的;不连贯的incombustibility 不燃性incombustible 不燃性的incombustible dust 不可燃性尘粉incombustible lining 耐火支架incomplete combustion 不完全燃烧incomplete detonation 不完全起爆incompressibility 不可压缩性incompressible 不可压缩的increase 增加indentation test 凹痕硬度试验index bed 标准层index well 注入井indicate 指示indication 指示indicator 表示器指示器indirect priming 底部点火indium 铟individual hydraulic prop 单体液压支柱individual prop 单体支柱induced block caving 阶段人工崩落开采法induced fan 抽风机induced roll separator 辊式感应磁选机induced ventilation 透导通风induction 诱导induction blasting 诱导爆破induction coil 感应圈induction generator 异步发电机induction motor 异步电动机industrial explosives 工业炸药industrial oil 工业用油industry 工业ineffective 无效的inelastic 无弹性的inert 不适泼的inert dust 惰性岩粉inert gas 惰性气体inertia 惯性inertia vibrating screen 惯性震动筛inertness 惯性inexplosive dust 不爆炸性尘粉inferior coal 劣质煤infiltration 渗入infiltration ditch 排水沟inflammability 燃烧性inflammable 易燃的inflammable coal dust 爆炸性煤炭尘粉inflammable gas 可燃气体inflammableness 燃烧性inflammation 发火inflection 弯曲inflection point 拐点inflexible 不曲的inflexion 弯曲infrared blasting 红外引爆infrared detector package 红外探测瓢置infrared heater 红外加热器infusion time 灌注时间infusion tube 灌注管ingredient 成分inhalator 吸入器inhaler 氧气呼吸器inhaul cable 头绳inhibition 抑制inhibitor 抑制剂inhomogeneity 不均质性inhomogeneous 不均质的initial 最初的initial blast 初爆破initial caving 初次落顶initial cost 原价initial cut 开始掏槽initial velocity 初速initiating ability 起爆能力initiating charge 起爆装药initiating explosive 起爆炸药initiating relay 起爆继电器initiation 起爆inject 注入injection 注入injection drill 注水钻机injection hole 注入孔injection pressure 喷射压力injection pump 喷射泵injection type hydraulic prop 内注式液压支柱injection well 注入井injector 注射器喷射器inlet 入口inlet air 入风inlet pipe 进入管inmost depth 最大深度inner angle 内角inner diameter 内径inner height 内高度inner tube 内岩心管inner width 内宽inorganic 无机的inorganic chemistry 无机化学inorganic compound 无机化学inpact pulverizer 冲唤磨机input well 注入井inside 内部的inside labour 井下工作inside width 内宽insolubility 不溶性insoluble 不溶的instability 不安定性instable 不安定的installation 装置instant detonator 瞬发雷管instantaneous 瞬时的instantaneous blast 瞬发爆破instantaneous cap 瞬发雷管instantaneous overload 瞬时过载instrument 仪器七insulated conductor 绝缘导体insulated paper 绝缘纸insulating compound 绝缘物insulating oil 绝缘油insulating paper 绝缘纸insulating plate 绝缘板insulating rod 绝缘杆insulation 绝缘insulation condition indicator 绝缘状态指示器漏电指示器insulation layer 绝缘层insulation resistance 绝缘电阻insulator 绝缘体intact coal 未采过的煤层intake 进风巷道intake air 进风流intake airway 进风巷道intake brine 进入冻结钻孔的盐水intake entry 进风平巷intake horizon 进风水平intake level 入风硐intake shaft 进风井intake well 注入井integration 积分法intensification 加强intensity 强度intensive 强烈的intensive support 加强支架inter unit hose 液压支架间胶管interaction 相互酌intercalation 夹层intercepting ditch 截水沟interception 交叉interchamber pillar 矿房间的矿柱interchange 交换interchange of gases 气体代谢interchangeability 互换性interchangeable 可互换的intercooler 中间冷却器intercooling 中间冷却interface 界面interfacial adsorption 界面间吸附interfacial tension 界面张力interior shaft 盲竖井interlayer 夹层intermediary 中间的intermediate 中间的intermediate bearer 竖井中间底框intermediate conveyor 中间运输机intermediate crusher 中碎机intermediate crushing 中碎intermediate drill 中间钻杆intermediate entry 中间平巷intermediate entry branch road way 中间平巷intermediate hole 中间炮眼intermediate level 中间产水平intermediate piston 凿岩机中的冲锤intermediate post 中间立柱intermediate product 中间产品intermediate rock 岩石夹层intermittent thickener 间歇式浓缩机internal 内部的internal frictional angle 内摩擦角internal pressure 内压力internal resistance 内阻抗internal shaft 盲竖井internal stress 内应力internal transport 矿内运输international unit 国际单位interrelation 相互关系interrupt 中断interruption 中断intersect 模断intersection 交叉interstice 间隙interstratified bed 间层interval 间隔intrinsically safe apparatus 安全火花设备intrusion 侵入intrusive 侵入的intrusive rock 侵入岩inundation 淹没invariable 不变的inverse initiation 底部点火inverted steps working 倒梯段开采inverted ventilation 反向通风inyoite 板硼石iodargyrite 碘银矿iodine 碘iodyrite 碘银矿ion 离子ion exchange 离子交换ion exchanged explosives 离子交换炸药ion flotation 离子浮选ionic 离子的ionic bond 离子键ionic charge 离子电荷ionization 电裔iridium 铱iron 铁iron carbon alloy 铁碳合金iron glance 赤铁矿iron lining 铁支架iron magnesia spinel 镁铁尖晶石iron mine 铁矿山iron ore 铁矿iron post 铁支柱iron producing area 铁矿区iron prop 铁支柱iron reinforcement 钢筋iron tie 铁轨枕isoclinal 等斜的isocline 等斜褶皱isodynamic 等磁力线;等磁力的isodynamic line 等磁力线isolate 隔离isolating ring 隔离环isolation 隔离isomorphism 类质同象isotherm 等温线isothermal 等温的isothermal compression 等温压缩isothermal line 等温线isotope 同位素isotropic 蛤同性的isotropy 蛤同性issue of firedamp 沼气泄出jack 千斤顶jack bit 可折式钻头jack catch 防跑车挡jack column 撑杆jack drill 凿岩机jack furnace 修钎炉jack hammer 手持式凿岩机jack hammer drill 手持式凿岩机jack lamp 安全灯jack leg 钻机腿jack mill 修钎机jack pit 浅井jack rod 钻杆jack screw 螺杆千斤顶jack shaft 浅井jadder 割石机jade stone 硬玉jadeit 硬玉jamesonite 脆硫锑铅矿jar down spear 套管矛jar mill 罐式磨机jargon 烟色红铁石jarosite 黄钾铁石jasper 碧玉jasperite 碧玉jaw breaker 颚式破碎机jaw crusher 颚式破碎机jerking table 摇床jet 射流;喷嘴jet drilling 火力钻眼jet elevator 喷射泵jet orifice 喷射口jet piercer 火力钻孔机jet piercer drilling 火力钻眼jet piercing burner 热钻孔喷热器jet pressure 喷射压力jet pulverizer 喷射式粉磨机jet pump 喷射泵jetcreting 混凝土喷射浇注jetting 水力冲采jetting drilling 水力钻眼jetting method of drilling 水力钻进法jib 悬臂jib head radius 挖掘机酌半径jig 跳汰机jig bed 跳汰床层jig brow 自重滑行坡jig concentration 跳汰机选别jig plane 自重滑行坡jig plant 跳汰装置jig tailings 跳汰选尾矿jigger 跳汰机jigger work 跳汰选jigging 跳汰选jigging conveyor 摇动运输机jigging machine 跳汰机jigging ratio 跳汰比jigging screen 跳汰机筛板jinny 固定绞车jinny roadway 自重滑行坡jitty 联络巷道jockey 矿车的无极绳抓叉;连接装置joint 接合;饺链;节理joist 小梁journal 轴颈journal box 轴颈箱journal bush 轴颈衬套jowling 问顶jumbo 钻车jump 断层jumper 冲魂杆jumping 脱轨jurassic 侏罗纪kainite 钾盐镁矾kalinite 纤维钾茂kalium 钾kampylite 磷砷铅矿kaolin 高岭土kaolinite 高岭石karat 克拉kast brisance test 猛度试验kawk 荧石keatite 热液石英keeps 罐笼座keeve 洗矿桶kelve 荧石keps 罐托keratophyre 角斑岩kerf 截槽kermesite 红锑矿kernite 四水硼矿kerosene 煤油kerosine shale 油页岩kerve 截槽kerving 截槽kettle 吊桶key 钥匙;楔key bed 标淮层key well 注入井kibble 吊桶kibble hoist 吊桶提升kibble hoisting 吊桶提升kibble winder 吊桶提升机kick back 反冲轨道;反冲kick up 翻车器kick up block 阻车器挡车器阻块kicker port 放气口kieselguhr 硅藻土kieserite 水镁矾kil 黑海白粘土kilbrickenite 斜方硫锑铅矿kilchoanite 斜方硅钙石kimberlite 角砾云橄岩;角砾云母榄岩kindling temperature 着火温度kinematic 运动学的kinematic viscosity 动粘度kinetic 动的kinetic energy 动能kinetic theory of gases 气体运动说kirve 截槽kirving 截槽knapper 碎石工knapping machine 碎石机kneader 捏和机kneading machine 捏和机knee pipe 曲管knife switch 闸刀开关knock burst 岩石突出knock indicator 爆震指示器koepe hoist 戈培式提升机koepe hoisting 戈培式提升koepe pulley 戈培轮koepe reel 戈培轮koepe sheave 戈培轮kohlenhobel 刨煤机konimeter 计尘器konimetry 空气浮尘计量koniosis 尘肺kremersite 氯钾铵矿krennerite 白碲金银矿;针钸金矿kronkite 柱铜铜矾krypton 氪kunzite 紫钾辉石;紫锂辉石kyanite 蓝晶石lab flotation machine 实验室用浮选机labile 不安定的laboratory 实验室laboratory coal crusher 实验室型碎煤机laboratory equipment 实验室设备laboratory test 实验室试验labradorite 拉长石laccolite 岩盖laccolith 岩盖lacer 胶带接合机lacing 背板ladder 梯ladder bucket excavator 多斗挖掘机ladder compartment 梯子间ladder dredger 多斗挖掘船ladder landing 梯子平台ladderway 梯子间lag 延迟lagging 背板lagging timber 背板木lamber 琥珀lamellar 薄片状的laminar 薄片状的laminar flow 层流laminary 薄片状的laminated ground 纹层地层lamination 分层lamp 灯lamp house 灯房lamp man 矿灯工lamp room 灯房lamp station 灯房lamp tender 矿灯工lamprophyllite 闪叶石lander 把钩工landing 出车台landing keps 罐笼座landing shaft 提升井landing stage 出车台landings 出煤量landmark 界标lane bolter 长方孔筛lang lay rope 同捻向钢丝绳langbeinite 无水钾镁矾lantern coal 烛煤lanthanite 镧石lapis lazuli 天青石large coal 大块级煤large ore 大块矿石large scale blast 大爆破large scale mining 大规模开采lashing 清除岩石latch 闩latching 矿山测量latent period 潜伏期lateral 横的lateral bracing 横拉条lateral coring 井壁取样lateral development 水平开拓lateral drift 侧部平巷lateral drilling 侧面钻眼lateral force 横力lateral opening 走向平巷lateral stability 横向稳定性lateral strain 横应变laterite 红土lath 护井板桩lattice 格子lattice truss 格构桁架laumontite 浊沸石launder 里欧洗煤槽laundry box 里欧洗煤槽lava 熔岩lavatory 金矿洗选厂law 法刚law of mass action 质量酌律lay out of round 成组炮眼的排列layer 地层layer mining 分层开采layer of coal 煤层layers of shale 夹层laying 铺设layout 布置;没计lazulite 天蓝石lazurite 天青石leaching 浸滤lead 铅;导线lead block test 铅筒试验lead cylinder compression test 赫氏猛度试验lead glance 方铅矿lead line 吝lead plate test 铅板试验lead rail 导轨lead vitriol 硫酸铅矿leading face 超前工祖leading pass 溜道leading pile 导桩leading place 超前巷道leading wire 爆破母线leaf 分层leaf mining 分层开采leak detector 泄漏探测器leakage 泄漏lean 贫lean coal 贫煤lean ore 贫矿leapfrogging 间断勘探ledge 矿脉leg 脚leg piece 支柱leg resistance 支柱阻力leg restoration 支柱复位leg wire 脚线leg yield pressure 支柱屈服压力length 长度lengthening 加长lens 透镜lepidolite 锂云毋leucite 白榴石leucitite 白榴岩leucophyre 淡色斑岩leucoxene 白钛石levee 堤level 水平面level cutting 水平掏槽level development 水平开采level drift 水平巷道level interval 水平间距level pillar 水平矿柱level plan 水平平面图level theodolite 水准径纬器level workings 平巷levelling 水准测量levelling box 水准仪levelling instrument 水准仪levelling peg 水准标桩levelling pole 水准标杆levelling process 水准测量法levelman 水准测量员lever 杠杆leverman 跟车工levigate 淘洗levigation 淘洗lewis cut 楔形掏槽leyner cut 锥形掏槽lhd 铲运机lherzolite 二辉橄家liberation 分离;释出liberation of methane 沼气放出libethenite 磷铜矿lid 盖lie bare 露出liebigite 铀钙石life belt 保险带lift 分层;纸巷lift platform 上升平台lift wire 提升钢丝绳lifter 底部炮眼lifter cut 底板掏槽lifting 提升lifting capacity 提升能力lifting drum 提升绞筒lifting force 起重力lifting ram 起重千斤顶lifting speed 提升速度lifting winch 提升绞车light 光;轻的light alloy 轻合金light hammer drill 轻冲魂light hydraulic prop 轻形液压支柱light intensity 光强度light loading 轻装药light metal 轻金属light oil 轻油light wall pipe 薄管lighter 点火器lighting 点火lighting circuit 照眠路lighting order 点火次序lightweight concrete 轻混凝土lightweight construction 轻量构造lightweight structure 轻量构造lignite 褐煤lignitic coal 褐煤lignitous coal 褐煤lime 石灰lime feldspar 钙长石lime milk 石灰乳lime pit 采石灰场lime rock 石灰岩limespar 方解石limestone 石灰岩limit 界限limit grade 极限坡度limit of elasticity 弹性限度limit of error 误差极限limit of proportionality 比例限度limit stress 极限应力limit value 极限值limitation 限制limiting gradient 极限坡度limonite 褐铁矿limontite 褐铁矿line 线line cut 直线掏槽line of bearing 走向线line of dip 倾斜线line of flow 吝line of least resistance 最小抵抗线line of magnetization 磁化曲线line of sight 视线line of strike 走向线linear 线的linear actuator 直线运动液压机linear velocity 线速度lining 柜架衬板link 环link belt 链带link chain 铰接链link pin 锁环销linkage 结合linnaeite 硫钴矿linneite 硫钴矿linoleum 漆布liparite 疗岩liquation 熔析liquefaction 液化liquid 液体;液态的liquid air 液态空气liquid cement 水泥桨liquid fuel 液态燃料liquid oxygen cartridge 液氧爆破筒liquid oxygen explosives 液氧炸药liquid oxygene explosives 液氧炸药lithium 锂lithogenesis 岩石成因论lithology 岩相学lithosphere 岩石圈little winds 暗竖井livingstonite 硫汞锑矿lixiviation 浸滤load 负荷load cable 牵引钢丝绳load capacity 载重能力load characteristic 负荷特性load curve 负荷曲线load diatance 运输距离load factor 负载系数load haul dumper 铲运机load test 负荷试验load yield curve 载荷下沉曲线loaded length 装药长度loader 装载机;装填机loader belt 装载机皮带loader conveyor 装载机的运输机loader discharge conveyor 装载机的卸载输送机loader drift 装载平巷loader shovel 装载机铲斗loading 装载;装药loading area 装载场loading bay 进料台loading bridge 装载桥loading bunker 装车仓loading capacity 装载能力loading cartridge 限量装置loading chute 装载槽loading conveyor 装载运输机loading density 装药密度loading digger 装载勺斗loading drift 装载平巷loading gate 装载平巷loading gauge 装载尺寸loading grab 抓岩机loading height 装载高度loading hopper 装载漏斗loading machine 装载机loading plant 装载设备loading platform 装载台loading plough 装载刨煤机loading point 装载点loading ramp 装载台loading shovel 装载机铲斗loading speed 装载速度loading station 装载站loading stick 塞药棒loading time 装载时间loadstone 磁铁矿loam 亚粘土loam pit 采粘土场local 局部的local ventilation 局部通风locating pin 定位针location 位置lock 水门lock piece 模梁locked coil rope 封闭式钢丝绳locking pawl 销定瓜locomotive 机车locomotive barn 电气机车库locomotive haulage 机车运输lode 矿脉lode chamber 矿脉变厚处lode mining 矿脉开采lode ore 脉矿石lodeston 磁铁矿lodge 水仓loess 黄土log 钻孔柱状图logging 钻孔测量long 长的long face 长壁工祖long face mining 长工祖开采long face place 长壁工祖long face system 长工祖开采法long flame coal 长焰煤long hole benching 深孔台阶式开采long hole rods 深孔钻杆long pillar method 长柱分段开采法long pillar mining 长柱分段开采long pillar work 长柱分段开采long wall method 长壁开采法long wall system 长壁开采法longhole 深泡眼longhole blasting 深眼爆破longhole drilling 深孔钻凿longhole infusion 深孔注水longhole method 深孔爆破开采法longitudinal 纵的longitudinal grade 纵坡longitudinal oscillation 纵振动longitudinal pressure 纵向压力longitudinal section 纵切面longitudinal subsidence profile 地表沉陷纵剖面longwall 长壁工祖longwall advancing 前进式长壁开采longwall face 长壁工祖longwall face development 长壁工祖升采longwall mining 长壁开采longwall retreating 后退式长壁开采longwall with caving 崩落式长壁开采loose bottom 活底loose end 掏槽的采煤工祖loose fill 松填loose ground 松散易垮岩石loose roof 软弱顶板loosened rock 软弱的岩石loss 损失loss of head 压头损失loss of pressure 压力损失low 低的low ash coal 低灰分煤low carbon steel 低碳钢low cost explosive 低价炸药low density explosive 低密度炸药low dip 低倾斜low explosive 低级炸药low freezing dynamite 难冻硝甘炸药low grade 低级的low grade coal 劣质煤low grade ore 贪矿石low pitch 缓倾斜low pressure 低压low pressure compressor 低压压缩机low seam 薄层low seam conveyor 薄煤层输送机low temperature resistance 耐寒性low vein 薄矿脉low velocity explosive 低速炸药lower cut 底槽lower gangway 下平巷lower leaf 下分层lower level 下水平lower limit 下限lower prop 下柱lower seam 下层lower slice 下分层lower wall 下盘lubricant 润滑剂lubricating device 润滑设备lubricating oil 润滑油lubricating oil purifier 滑油净化器lubricating pipe 润滑油管lubricating ring 润滑环lubrication 润滑lubrication pump 润滑油泵lubricator 注油器ludwigite 硼镁铁矿lum 崩落拱lumber 木料lumber yard 存木场lumen 流lump 块;块的lump coal 块煤lump coal yield 块煤产量lump formation 块形成lump ore 大块矿石lunar iron 月球铁lungmotor 人工呼吸器luster 光泽lustrous coal 辉煤lutetium 镥lux 勒luxmeter 照度计luxometer 照度计lyddite 赖代特炸药lye 碱液lying wall 下盘maceral 显微组分machine 机器machine driller 凿岩工machine drilling 机械穿孔machine loading 机械装载machine mining 机械化开采machine oil 机油machine stable 机窝machine wall 机械化工祖machine worked mine 机械化煤矿macrocrystalline 粗晶的macromolecular 大分子的macromolecule 大分子macrostructure 目视结构made ground 填筑地magazine 炸药库maggie 低质的maggy 低质的magma 岩浆magmatic ore 岩浆矿石magmatic origin 岩浆成因magmatic rock 岩浆岩magnesia cement 高镁水泥magnesite 菱镁矿magnesium 镁magnet 磁石magnetic 磁性的magnetic action 磁效应magnetic analysis 磁性分析magnetic cobbing 粗粒磁选magnetic concentrate 磁选精矿magnetic concentration 磁选magnetic concentrator 磁选机magnetic density 磁感应密度magnetic dressing 磁选magnetic drum 磁鼓magnetic field 磁场magnetic field intensity 磁场强度magnetic flux 磁通量magnetic flux density 磁感应密度magnetic hysteresis 磁滞magnetic iron ore 磁铁矿magnetic line of force 磁力线magnetic lock 磁闩magnetic material 磁性材料magnetic measurement 磁力测量magnetic mill 磁力选矿厂magnetic ore 磁性矿石magnetic permeability 导磁率magnetic pick up 磁性传感器magnetic plant 磁力选矿厂magnetic pole 磁极magnetic property 磁性magnetic prospecting 磁法勘探magnetic pull 磁铁引力magnetic resistance 磁阻magnetic sensor 磁性传感器magnetic separation 磁选magnetic separator 磁选机magnetic survey 磁力测量magnetic susceptibility 磁化率magnetic theodolite 磁经纬仪magnetic work 磁法勘探magnetism 磁性magnetite 磁铁矿magnetization 磁化magnetometer 磁力计magnetomotive force 磁通势magnification 放大率magnitude 大小maiden field 未采的矿区main 知的main adit 纸硐main airway 昼巷main and tail rope haulage 头尾绳运输main belt 干线皮带运输机main bottom 基岩main conveyor 炙输机main conveyor roadway 咒送机巷道main crosscut 知石门main distributing conveyor 种配运输机main drift 知平巷main drive 肢动装置main ends 旨备开采工祖main fan 秩风机main fault system 窒层系main gangway 水平巷道main gravity incline 种子坡main haulage 知运输main haulage level 炙输水平main haulage roadway 运输大巷main lateral 炙输道main level 之平main line track 干线main mine drainage 峙水main opening 助井main reef 嘱main return 重风流main roadway 知平巷main roof 老顶main roof caving 老顶垮落main roof collapse 老顶垮落main shaft 助井main timber 底梁main transfer point 知载点main ventilation 吱风main winding shaft 轴升井main working 永久巷道maintenance 维持maintenance costs 维修费major blast 大爆破make of refuse 尾矿产量make up bunker 井口炸药室malachite 孔雀石malleability 展性mallet 锤malm 泥灰岩mammoth blast 大爆破mammoth mill 大型选矿厂man cage 升降人员用的罐笼man cage compartment 乘人罐笼隔间man hoist 人员提升机man hole 人孔man riding 人具运输man tramming 人力运输man trip 人员运送man way 人行道mancar 人车mandrel socket 捞管器mangan blende 硫锰矿manganese 锰manganese ore 锰矿石manganese spar 菱锰矿manganiferous iron ore 含锰铁矿manganite 水锰矿manless face 无人操驻祖manless mining 无人回采manner 方法manometer 压力计mansonry lining 砌筑支架manual adjustment 手动蝶manual control 手动控制manual feed 手动进给manual operation 人力操作manual regulation 手动蝶manway compartment 人行道隔间manway landing 梯子间平台map of mine working 采掘工程平面图marble 大理石marcasite 白铁矿margarite 珍珠云母margin 边缘;储备marine deposit 海详沉积marine drilling 海上钻井marine mineral resources 海洋矿物资源marine technology 海底矿枝术工艺mark post 标柱marker 指示层marl 泥灰岩marlaceous 泥灰岩的marly 泥灰岩的marmatite 铁闪锌矿marmolie 白蛇纹石marsh 沼泽marsh gas 沼地瓦斯marsh land 沼泽地marsh ore 沼铁矿martite 假象赤铁矿mash 矿浆mason 砖石工masonry 砌筑支架masonry lining 砌石支架mass 质量mass action 质量酌mass breaking 大量采矿mass caving 大崩落mass production 大量生产master control system 中央控制台masurium 钨material 材料material handling equipment 装卸转运设备material transport 材料运输matrix 脉石matter 物质mattock 鹤嘴锄maul 大锤maximal 最大的maximum allowable concentration 最高容许浓度maximum load 最大负载maximum speed 最高速度meagre coal 贫煤meal 岩粉mean 平均mean density 平均密度mean deviation 平均偏差mean error 平均误差mean life 平均寿命mean value 平均值measurable 可量的measure 测量;度量measured profile 实测断面measured reserves 查芒量measured value 测定值measurement 测定measuring bin 计量仓measuring instrument 计量仪器measuring lath 测量杆measuring plug 测量标桩measuring pocket 计量仓measuring point 测点measuring range 测量范围mechanical 机械的mechanical analysis 粒度分析mechanical brake 机械制动器mechanical breaking 机械回采mechanical classifier 机械分级机mechanical coal mining 机械化采煤mechanical digger 机铲mechanical feed 机械进给mechanical feeder 机械式给矿机mechanical filling 机械充填mechanical flotation machine 机械搅拌式浮选机mechanical force 机械力mechanical gradation 筛别分析mechanical grading 粒度组成mechanical haulage 机械运输mechanical jig 机械的跳汰机mechanical loader 装载机mechanical loading 机械装载mechanical mining 机械化开采mechanical mole 掘进护盾;平巷联合掘进机mechanical packing 机械充填mechanical pick 风镐mechanical picker 拣选机mechanical plough 机械犁mechanical prop 机械支柱mechanical property 机械性质mechanical shovel 机铲mechanical stowing 机械充填mechanical strength 机械强度mechanical thickener 机械浓缩机mechanical ventilation 机械通风mechanics 力学mechanism 机构mechanization 机械化mechanized coal face 机械化采煤工祖mechanized drilling 机械钻眼mechanized extraction 机械化采掘mechanized face 机械化工祖mechanized haulage 机械化运输mechanized mucking 机械化岩石清理mechanized output 机械化采煤量mechanized support 机械化支保medium 介质medium ground 中硬地层medium hard coal 中等硬度煤medium thickness seam 中厚矿层meionite 钙柱石melaconite 土黑铜矿melanterite 水绿矾melaphyre 暗玢岩melinite 麦林奈特炸药mellite 密蜡石melonite 碲镍矿men hoisting 人力提升mercaptan 硫醇mercaptobenzothiazole 巯基苯并噻唑merchantable 工业矿石merchantable coal 商品煤mercury 汞mercury barometer 水银气压表meridian 子午线mesh 筛眼;筛号mesh analysis 筛别分析mesh aperture 筛孔尺寸mesh reinforcement 网状钢筋mesh wire lagging 钢丝网背板mesozoic 中生代metal 金属metal content 金属含量metal mine 金属矿山metal mining 金属矿床开采metal net 金属丝网metal prop 金属支柱metal support 金属支架metal trough 铁槽metallic cement 矿渣水泥metallic lining 金属支架metallic mineral 金属矿物metallic ore 金属矿石metalliferous 含金属的metallization 矿物化metallogeny 矿床成因论metalloid 准金属metallurgical extraction 冶金提取metallurgy 冶金学metamorfic rock 变质岩metamorphism 变质酌metasomatism 交代酌metasomatosis 交代酌metasome 代替矿物metering 计量methan explosive proportion 沼气爆炸量methane 沼地瓦斯methane accumulation 沼气聚集methane air mixture 沼气空气混合物methane content 沼气含量methane detector 沼气检定器methane determination 沼气测定methane emission 沼气泄出methane outburst 沼气突出methane pocket 沼气包methane recorder 沼气记录器methane tester 沼气检定器methanol 甲醇methanometer 沼气测定器methanophone 沼气信号器method 方法method of preparation 连矿法method of working 开采法mica 云母mica schist 云母片岩micacite 云母片岩micell 微胞michigan cut 平行空炮眼掏槽mickle 软粘土microanalysis 微量分析microcline 微斜长石microcrystalline 微晶的microlog 接触测井micromagnetometer 显微磁强计micromineralogy 显微矿物学micronic dust particle 微尘粒microscope 显微镜microscope objective 显微镱物镱microscopic analysis 显微分析microscopic sizing 显微镜粒度法microstructure 显微组织middle 中部middle band 夹石层middle cutting 中部掏槽middle point 中点middling product 中间产品middlings 中间产品midway level 中间产水平migmatite 混合岩migration 移动milk of lime 石灰乳mill 磨机;选矿厂mill barrel 磨矿机滚筒mill feed 磨机给料mill hole mining 漏斗采矿mill liner 磨机衬里mill method 漏斗采矿法mill tailings 选矿尾矿millerite 针镍矿millhole 放矿口milling 选矿;磨碎milling hole 矿溜子milling method 连矿法milling ore 可选级矿石millisecond blasting 毫秒爆破millisecond delay 毫秒迟发millisecond delay detonator 毫秒延时电雷管millisecond round 迟发毫秒爆破炮眼组millstone 磨石;燧石milltailings 选矿尾矿mimetesite 砷铅矿mimetite 砷铅矿minable seam 可采煤层minable thickness 可采厚度minable width 可采宽度mine 矿山mine age 矿山寿命mine air 矿井空气mine air preheating 预热矿井空气mine air refrigeration 矿井空气冷却mine bottom plan 井底车场平面图mine cable 矿用电缆mine cage 矿用罐笼mine camp 矿工村mine car 矿车mine climate 矿井气候mine concession 矿区mine conditions 矿山条件mine conveying 矿山运输mine digger 矿工mine drainage 矿井排水mine drainage pollution 矿山排水造成的污染mine dump 矿山废石堆mine dust 矿尘mine explosion 矿井爆炸mine fan 矿用扇风机mine fill 充填材料mine fills chamber 充填砂仓mine fire 矿内火灾mine fire truck 矿用消防车mine fracture forecast with satellite 卫星矿山断裂预测mine gas 井下气体mine gas drainage plant 矿井瓦斯排泄装置mine goaf 采空区mine haulage 矿山运输mine hygiene 矿山卫生mine inspection office 矿山监察局mine inspector 矿山监察员mine layout 矿山布置mine lighting 矿山照明mine management 矿山管理mine map 矿山图mine model 矿山模型mine mouth 井口mine mouth structure 井口建筑物mine openings 矿山巷道mine orifice 等积孔mine plan 矿区平面图mine portal 平硐口mine pump 矿用泵mine recovery 矿井恢复mine rescue car 矿山救护车mine rescue crew 矿山救护队mine rescue equipment 矿山救护设备mine rescue station 矿山救护站mine resistance 矿井阻力mine rig 矿用钻车mine roadway 矿山巷道mine safety 矿山安全mine safety appliance 矿山安全设备mine safety car 矿山救护车mine section 矿区mine slope 倾斜巷道mine smalls 粉矿mine static head 矿井通风静压头mine structure plan 矿山构造平面图mine survey plug 矿山测量标桩mine surveying 矿山测量学mine technical inspection 矿山技术检查mine timber 坑木mine timbering 井支架mine total head 矿井通风兑压头mine transportation 矿山运输mine tub 矿车mine valuation 矿床评价mine velocity head 矿井通风速度压头mine ventialtion 矿井通风mine water 矿水mine workings 矿山巷道mineability 可开采性mined bed 开采层mined out space 采空区miner 矿工miner's code of laws 矿山规程miner's consumption 矿工矽肺病miner's helmet 矿工安全帽miner's lamp 矿工灯miner's level 矿用水准仪miner's powder 黑火药miner's rule 矿工规则miner's tool 矿工用工具mineral 矿物mineral assemblage 矿物共生mineral bearing froth 含矿泡沫mineral benefication 选矿mineral carbon 煤mineral composition 矿物组成mineral constituent 矿物成分mineral dust explosion 矿尘爆炸mineral extraction 矿物提出mineral fines 岩粉mineral laden bubble 矿化气泡mineral microscope 矿物学用显微镜mineral mining 矿物开采mineral oil 矿物油mineral output 矿物产量mineral paragenesis 矿物共生mineral pollution 矿物污染mineral processing 选矿mineral products 有用矿物mineral prospecting 矿物勘探mineral resources 矿物资源mineral separation plant 选矿厂mineral tallow 地蜡mineralization 矿化酌mineralized bubble 矿化泡沫mineralogist 矿物学家mineralography 矿相学mineralogy 矿物学minerless mining 无人回采minimal 最小的minimum 最小mining 矿业;开采mining area 矿区mining car 矿车mining compass 矿用罗盘mining conditions 开采条件mining cost 开采费mining depth 开采深mining district 矿山管区mining economy 矿业经济mining engineer 采矿工程师mining engineering 采矿工程mining equiment 矿山设备mining explosive 矿用炸药。
1. 概述破碎机械是对固体物料施加机械力,克服物料的内聚力,使之碎裂成小块物料的设备。
表一 物料粗碎、中碎、细碎的划分(mm )工业上常用物料破碎前的平均粒度 D 与民破碎后的平均粒度d 之比来衡量破碎过程中物料尺寸变化情况,比值i 称为破碎比(即平均破碎比)d D i为了简易地表示物料破碎程度和各种破碎机的方根性能,也可用破碎机的最大进料口尺寸与最大出料口尺寸之比来作为破碎比,称为公称破碎比。
如果物料破碎的加工要求超过一种破碎机的破碎比,则必须采用两台或多台破碎机械串连加工,称为多级破碎0i 。
多级破碎时,原料尺寸与最终成品尺寸之比,称总破碎比,如果各级破碎的破碎比各是1i ,2i ,ni 。
则总破碎比是 0i =1i 2i ni 由于破碎机构造和作用的不同,实际选用时,还应根据具体情况考虑下列因素;1) 物料的物理性质,如易碎性、粘性、水分泥沙含量和最大给料尺寸等;2) 成品的总生产量和级配要求、据以选择破碎机类型和生产能力;3) 技术经济指标,做到既合乎质量、数量的要求、操作方便、工作可靠,又最大限度节省费用。
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【12】rman and C.A.Briggs.The active use of crushers to controlproduct requirements.Mineral Engineering,1998,11(9),849~859.
【9】王启义.机械制造装备设计. 第1版.北京:冶金工业出版社,2002
【11】J.L. Archard.Contact and rubbing of flat surfaces. Journal of Applied Physics,1953(248):981~988.
本毕业设计主要是对950 1250(进料口尺寸(宽×长))的颚式破碎机进行设计,对破碎机上面的各个零件进行拆分,画出各个零件的零件图,然后画出其装配图。
关键词:颚式破碎机动颚破碎偏心轴AbstractJaw crusher is commonly known as the broken jaw, by moving jaw and quiet jaw two jaw plate component crushing cavity, Simulate the movement of animals to complete two jaw crusher material crushing operation, Widely used in mining, building materials, smelting broken highway, railway, water conservancy and chemical industry, all kinds of ores and bulk materials. The highest compressive strength of broken material is 320MPa, jaw crusher’s jaw hang directly on the eccentric shaft. The movable jaw is eccentric driven directly, so the movable jaw plate can do complex swing vertically and horizontally at the same time, jaw crusher of the stone can not only play the role of crushing and breaking, but also play the role of ground. With the development of science and technology, ore industry demand also increases greatly, various types of jaw crusher design is particularly important.This graduation design is mainly to the 950x1250 (inlet size (width * length)) jaw crusher’s design,Split parts of the crusher above, draw all parts drawings, then draw the assembly drawing. Calculation the design of main parameters of jaw crusher and its main structure, the design content mainly includes jaw crusher jaw, eccentric shaft, a belt pulley, a front wall, a side wall, flange, end cover, and other important components, In addition,main parts ‘s working principle and characteristics of jaw crusher is introduced, At the same time on the machine parameters (spindle speed, production capacity, crushing force and power) were calculated and the eccentric shaft made the design. In addition, also introduce the significance and crushing process of crusher, jaw crusher operation and maintenance etc......Key word: Jaw crusher,jaw,crusher,eccentric shaft目录摘要 (1)1 绪论 (1)1.1课题背景及研究意义 (1)1.2 国内外研究现状 (2)1.3 颚式破碎机的工作原理 (3)1.4 颚式破碎机的基本结构 (7)1.5 本章小结 (8)2 颚式破碎机主要参数的选取及计算 (9)2.1颚式破碎机的结构及安装 (9)2.2基本参数的选取与计算 (9) (9) (10) (11) (12) (12) (12) (13) (13) (14) (14) (14)传动角 (15) (16)2.3 主要参数的计算 (16) (16)2.3.2 生产能力Q (17) (17) (18) (18)2.4 本章小结 (7)3 颚式破碎机主要结构的设计 (20)3.1 飞轮的设计 (20)3.2 偏心轴主要尺寸的确定 (20) (20) (22) (22)3.3 动颚体设计 (22) (24)3.4齿板的设计 (24)3.5 肘板(推力板) (25) (26)3.6 机架结构 (26)4 颚式破碎机的主要零部件校核 (28)4.1 偏心轴的校核 (28)4.2 肘板的强度校核 (29)5 颚式破碎机部分零件上的公差和配合 (30)5.1 配合的选择 (30) (30)5.2一般公差的选取 (30)5.3形位公差 (30)结论 (33)致谢 (34)参考文献 (35)附录A:英文资料 (36)附录B:中文翻译 (47)1 绪论1.1 课题背景及研究意义随着当代社会经济的迅速发展,各种金属、非金属矿等物料的社会需求规模日益扩大,需要破磨的物料量迅速增加。