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(加*号的为安徽考纲未列出的课标词汇,加#号的为课标未列出的课标安徽考纲词汇)dad (daddy) [dæd] n.爸爸

daily['deili] 1) adj. 每日的

There was little change in their daily lives. 他们的日常生活几乎没有变化。

2)n 日报His article appeared in China Daily yesterday. 他的文章昨天发表于“中国日报”上。

3)ad. 每日My father goes for a walk daily. 我父亲每天散步。

dance [dɑ:ns, dæns] v. & n.跳舞;舞会

They performed a dance for the children. 他们为儿童表演了一个舞蹈。

The song makes us dance for joy.那支歌曲令我们手舞足蹈。

danger ['deindʒə] n. 危险

You are so kind-hearted that you always give me a hand when I am in danger.


He's still in hospital but out of danger. 他仍在住院,但已脱离了危险。

dangerous ['deindʒərəs] adj. 危险的

It is extremely dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake.在湖中薄冰上行走是极其危险的。

dare [dεə] 1)aux. 敢;竟敢(常用于否定句或疑问句)

He dare not to speak to me. 他不敢和我说话。

Dare you catch the mouse? 你敢去抓那只老鼠吗?

2)v. 敢;竟敢(用于各种句式)

She doesn't dare to meet her teacher's eyes. 她不敢与老师对视。

dark ['dɑ:k] 1)n. 昏暗;黑暗

Reading in the dark is bad for the eyes.在暗处阅读封眼睛有害。

2)a. 暗的The darkest hour is before the dawn.黎明前是最黑暗的时刻。

date [deit] n. 日期

What's the date today? 今天几号?

daughter ['dɔ:tə] n. 女儿

Jill is my eldest daughter. 吉尔是我的长女。

day [dei] n. 白天;日;节日

He has been working all day.他已工作了一整天。

The milkman comes every other day.送牛奶的人每隔一天来一次。

短语:1. day by day 一天天地,逐日:

e.g. Spring is coming and the weather gets warmer day by day.


2. one day (过去或将来的)某一天:

e.g. You will regret one day if you don't work hard.


3. the other day 在不久前,某天;

e.g. He can't be abroad, I met him on the street the other day.


4. the day before yesterday 前天

5. the day after tomorrow 后天

6. these days 如今

7. day off 休息日I want to get a day off . 我想休天假。

dead[ded] adj. 死的

He has been dead for two years.他已死了两年。

deaf [def] adj. 聋的

He is always deaf to his teacher's advice. 他总是对他老师的忠告充耳不闻。

deal [di:l] 1) v. 处理

He is good at dealing with trouble. 他善于处理辣手的事。

2)n 协议;交易

It's (That’s) a deal.一言为定.

3)a good\ great deal of +不可数名词许多;大量的

dear [diə] adj.心爱的;十分敬重的;贵的int. (表示惊愕等)哎呀!唷!

Dear young ladies--I am deeply touched by your remembrance.


辨析:dear, expensive

这组词的共同意思是“高贵的”或“昂贵的”。其区别在于:dear指本身并不见得贵,但与同类物品的价格相比而显得“贵”; expensive指虽物有所值,但超出购买者支付能力的“贵”。# death[deθ] n 死亡

Car accidents caused many deaths. 车祸造成很多人死亡。

Decembe r [di'sembə] n.十二月

decide [di'said] v.决定;下决心(= make a decision; make up one’s mind)

He decided to get married.他决定结婚。

Note: decide on 在多种情况〔事物〕中作出选择“选定;决定"

What date have you decided on?你选定了哪个日子?

He decided on helping us.他决定帮助我们。

decisio n [di'siʒən] n. 决定(make a decision)

deep [di:p] 1) adj. .深的

His personality left a deep impression on us.他的人品给我们留下了深刻的印象。

2)adv. 深深地

We went deep into the forest.我们走进森林深处。

degree [di'ɡri:] n. 学位;度数

To do this job, you must have a degree in English.从事这个工作你必须具有英语专业的大学学位。

Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.水在摄氏零度结冰。

delicious [di'liʃəs] adj.美味的

dentist ['dentist] n. 牙科医生

She keeps putting off going to the dentist. 她老是拖延著不去看牙病。

at the dentist’s 在牙医诊所see the dentist 看牙医

depend [di'pend] v. 取决于;依赖


Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.小孩依赖他们的父母供给衣食。

That depends(on )whether you pass the examination.一手取决于你能否通过考试。

It \That depends. 看情况吧。

describe [di'skraib] v. 描述
