
江苏省南京市金陵中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月检测数学试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________二、多选题9.“天宫课堂”是为发挥中国空间站的综合效益,推出的首个太空科普教育品牌.为了解学生对“天宫课堂”的喜爱程度,某学校从全校学生中随机抽取200名学生进行问卷调查,得到以下数据,则()三、填空题①当(]x ¥p Î--,时,12a £<Q ,ax p \-³,()e sin 10x f x x p \³++->,无零点.②当()0x p Î-,时,sin 0x <Q ,设()()u x f x ¢=,()e sin 0x u x x ¢=->,()f x ¢\在(),0p -上递增,又()020f a ¢=->Q ,()e 10f a p p -¢-=--<,\存在唯一零点()0,0x p Î-,使得()00f x ¢=.当()0,x x p Î-时,()0f x ¢<,()f x 在()0,x p -上递减;当()0,0x x Î时,()0f x ¢>,()f x 在()0,0x 上递增.又()e 10f a p p p --=+->,()00f =,所以,函数()f x 在(),0p -上有且仅有1个零点.综上,当12a £<时,函数()()()2g x x f x =-有且仅有3个零点.【点睛】导函数中常用的两种常用的转化方法:一是利用导数研究含参函数的单调性,常化为不等式恒成立问题.注意分类讨论与数形结合思想的应用;二是函数的零点、不等式证明常转化为函数的单调性、极(最)值问题处理.。
江苏省南京市金陵中学2024-2025学年高一上学期10月月考数学试卷 (无答案)

1.设,集合,集合,若,则的值为( )A .1B .0C .-1D .-22.命题“,”的否定为( )A .,B .,C .,D .,3.设,且,则的最小值为( )A .9B .C .4D .4.满足的集合A 的个数为( )A .5B .4C .8D .75.设全集,,,则集合A 为( )A .B .C .D .6.设,且,则下列不等式中,恒成立的是( )A .B .C.D.7.已知关于x 的不等式的解集是,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A .B .C .D .8.设集合,,若中恰含有3个整数,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A .B .C .D .二、多项选择题:本大题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求。
,a b R ∈{}0,A a ={}1,B b =-A B =a b +1x ∀>220x x +->1x ∃>220x x +-≤1x ∃≤220x x +-≤1x ∀≤220x x +-≤1x ∀>220x x +-≤0x >0y >2x y +=41x y+5292{}{}1212345,,,,,a a A a a a a a ⊆⊆{}1,2,3,5,8U A B =⋃=(){}1,5U A C B ⋂=(){}2U B C A ⋂={}1,2,5{}1,3,5,8{}3,8{}1,5,a b R ∈0ab >222a b ab +>a b +≥11a b +>2b a a b+≥()()222210a x a x -+-+≤∅[)2,3()(),23,-∞+∞ ()2,3(](),23,-∞+∞()(){}20A x x x a =--≤{}37B x x =<<A B ⋂(]5,6[]6,7[)6,7(]6,79.已知,下列不等式一定成立的是( )A .B .C .D .10.下列叙述正确的是( )A .已知a ,b ,c 是实数,则“”成立的充分不必要条件是“”B .“”是“”的充分不必要条件C .“且”是“”的充分不必要条件D .“”是的必要不充分条件11.关于x 的不等式成立的必要不充分条件是,则下列叙述正确的是( )A .的最小值为6B .关于x 的不等式的解集为C .关于x 的不等式的解集中整数解最少3个D .三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分.12.已知集合,,且,则集合B =________.13.某公司一年需购买某种货物200吨,平均分成若干次进行购买,每次购买的运费为2万元,一年的总存储费用数值等于每次的购买吨数数值,则每次购买该种货物的吨数是________时,一年的总运费与总存储费用(单位:万元)之和最小,最小值是________万元。

1.What is the main responsibility of volunteer managers?
A.To seek local partners.B.To take in young volunteers.
C.To carry out programmes.D.To foster cultural awareness.
2.The programme beginning in August will operate in ________.
A.EgyptB.AlgeriaC.KenyaD.South Africa
There is no other chance like a GDA programme. Join us as a volunteer manager to develop your own skills while bringing benefits to the communities.
Find out more about joining a GDA programme:

江苏省南京市金陵中学高三10月月考(英语)第一部分:听力(共两节, 满分该部分分为第一、第二两节。
第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. When will Mr. Addison return?A. On Monday afternoon.B. On Thursday night.C. On Friday morning.2. What time did the second baseball game finally start?A. At 3:45.B. At 4:45.C. At 5:45.3. Who is the man?A. Tom’s boss.B. Tom’s doctor.C. The woman’s doctor.4. Where does this conversation take place?A. In a park.B. At a station.C. On the street.5. What can we learn from this conversation?A. The man is able to manage.B. Mr. Brown will ring back soon.C. The woman didn’t answer the phone.第二节(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。
6. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Policeman and driver.B. Salesman and customer.C. Employer and employee.7. How much was the woman made to pay in all?A. $ 35.B. $ 50.C. $ 65.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。


2018-2019学年江苏省南京市鼓楼区金陵中学高三上学期10月月考英语试卷第二部分:单项选择(15分)21. We see Jesus in the children of unemployed parents, __________struggle to offer their children a secure and peaceful future.A. whoseB. whomC. thatD. who【答案】D【解析】考查定语从句.本句是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是parents,在定语从句中做主语,所以用who来引导.whom不能做主语,whose做定语,所以答案选D.我们看到Jesus在那些失业的父母的子女中,他们努力为他们的孩子提供一个安全和和平的未来。
22. You don’t need an invitation to help others. Give help ______you are asked.A. IfB. asC. thoughD. before【答案】D【解析】考查连接词。
23. The best student of the year shared his experience of _______he had managed to achieved excellence in his preparation for the college entrance examination.A. ifB. howC. whatD. that【答案】B【解析】考查宾语从句。
how 意为“如何”,在此处担任of 的宾语,再和of 一起作experience 的后置定语,符合句意。
24. The singer confirmed her claim she had made to the media ________she said she would leave the band.A. whatB. thatC. whenD. where【答案】D【解析】考查名词性从句。

在每小题列出的选项中,选出符合题目的一项)1.2的平方根是( )A. 4B. 2C. −2D. ±22.下列图形中不一定是轴对称图形的是( )A. 直角三角形B. 等腰三角形C. 等边三角形D. 正方形3.下列四组线段a、b、c,能组成直角三角形的是( )A. a=4,b=5,c=6B. a=1.5,b=2,c=2.5C. a=2,b=3,c=4D. a=1,b=2,c=34.下列整数中,与10最接近的是( )A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 55.如图,点P在锐角∠AOB的内部,连接OP,OP=3,点P关于OA、OB所在直线的对称点分别是P1、P2,则P1、P2两点之间的距离可能是( )A. 8B. 7C. 6D. 56.小明想知道学校旗杆的高,他发现旗杆上的绳子垂到地面还多1m,当他把绳子的下端拉开5m后,发现下端刚好接触地面,则旗杆的高为( )A. 13mB. 12mC. 10mD. 8m7.如图,直角三角形纸片ABC中,∠ACB=90∘,∠A=50∘,将其沿边AB上的中线CE折叠,使点A落在点A′处,则∠A′EB的度数为( )A. 10∘B. 15∘C. 20∘D. 40∘二、填空题(本大题共11小题,共33.0分)8.如图,若点P是正方形ABCD内一点,PA=3,PB=1,PC=5,则∠APB的度数为.9.计算:31+(−2)2=________.810.比较大小:13−1__3(填“>”、“<”或“=”).11.若等腰三角形一个内角的度数为50∘,则它的顶角的度数是__________.12.若(x−3)2=3−x,则x的取值范围是__.13.如图,在四边形ABCD中,AD=CD,AB=CB.下列结论:①BD垂直平分AC;②BD平分∠ADC;③AB/ /CD;④ΔABD≅ΔCBD.其中所有正确结论的序号是______.14.如图,在ΔABC中,AB=20,AC=15,BC=7,则点A到BC的距离是______.15.如图,在ΔABC中,∠ABC、∠ACB的平分线交于点O,MN经过点O,且MN//BC,分别交AB、AC于点M、N.若BM=3cm,MN=5cm,则CN=__cm.16.在ΔABC中,将∠B、∠C按如图所示方式折叠,点B、C均落于边BC上一点G处,线段MN、EF为折痕.若∠A=82∘,则∠MGE=___ ∘.17.如图,ΔABC中,∠ACB=90∘,分别以AC、BC为斜边作等腰直角三角形S1、S2,以AB为边作正方形S.若S1与S2的面积和为9,则正方形S的边长等于___.18.如图所示,等腰三角形ABC的底边为8cm,腰长为5cm,一动点P(与B、C不重合)在底边上从B向C以1cm /s的速度移动,当P运动____秒时,ΔACP是直角三角形.三、解答题(本大题共9小题,共72.0分。

第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.Smoking ______ in the kitchen in my house.A.doesn’t allow B.didn’t allowC.isn’t allowed D.won’t allow2.It is through years of research ________ scientists have discovered the relationship between social media addiction and depression.A.since B.before C.that D.when3.Eventually, she has recognized ____, whatever happens and however bad ____ seems today, life still goes on and everything will be better tomorrow.A.that; it B.it; that C.it; what D.that; what4._____a reception to celebrate the 68th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China,vice premier Liu attached importance to mutually beneficial cooperation between USA and China.A.Addressing B.AddressedC.Being addressed D.To address5.—-What difference will it make _____we shall go to the concert on Tuesday or Saturday?—They offer a discount on weekdays.A.that B.whenC.if D.why6.The people succeeded because they understood that you can’t let your failures _________ you ——you have to let your failures teach you.A.define B.declineC.qualify D.simplify7.I would not be seeing the film Green Book now _____ me up in time.A.were Kathy not to pick B.had Kathy not pickedC.if Kathy hasn’t picked D.if Kathy did not pick8.Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to _________________them too hard.A.draw B.strikeC.rush D.push9.I like these English songs and they ________ many times on the radio.A.taught B.have taughtC.are taught D.have been taught10.Watching basketball games on TV at home is one thing, going to watch them ________ live is quite another. A.perform B.performing C.to perform D.being performed11.Self- confidence is a kind of quality and that is it takes to do everything well.A.why B.thatC.what D.which12.The security judge was very _________ when she explained that the driving licence was necessary for her work . A.reasonable B.natural C.ridiculous D.available13.— Tell me something about his match in Sydney.— Well,he got the championship,we had expected.He made it at last.A.as B.what C.why D.how14.The president stood by a window inside the room, ________ I entered, looking over the square.A.where B.into whichC.which D.that15.Mary doesn't want to move to Beijing because if she________ _there, she wouldn't be able to see her husband often. A.would live B.were to liveC.has lived D.lives16.—What does the sign over there read?—"No person_______ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area."A.shall B.may C.must D.Will17.Some business owners are keen on public welfare. This is local services have been funded.A.whether B.what C.where D.how18.--- May I speak to Mr. Smith?--- I am afraid not. He is at a meeting now. It's not _____________A.reliable B.convenientC.beneficial D.available19.Jane can’t attend the meeting at 3 o’clock this afternoon because she ______ a class at that time.A.will teach B.would teachC.has taught D.will be teaching20.If you want to see Mr. Johnson on Friday morning, make sure he is ______ ahead of time.A.approachable B.accessible C.available D.convenient第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


A.必须咬文嚼字相差 B.必须字斟句酌相去C.必需字斟句酌相差 D.必需咬文嚼字相去4.下列各项关于文学的常识,表述有误的一项是(3分)A.李密先在蜀国为官,后在晋国为官。

规划金陵中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)ATop Travel Destinations2020Penang,MalaysiaPenang is one of the only13states that make up Malaysia in Southeast Asia.Its food culture is like nothing you've ever experienced.If you're a food lover,this is the place to go.The central location of Penang makes it a hub(枢纽)for cuisine from many different regions including India,Thailand,Indonesia,and Vietnam.Best Time to Visit:November to JanuaryBali,IndonesiaBali has always been a top travel destination due to its beauty,but even so,there are still hidden spots away from the main tourist attractions that offer seclusion(清静)as well as peace and quiet.One such place is the island of Nusa Lembongan.One tourist attraction here is the underwater Big Buddha which has been placed by locals as a business attraction.It also makes for good diving and underwater photography,and is one of the best vacation spots for couples.Best Time to Visit:May to SeptemberAuckland,New ZealandAuckland is a coastal city known for its breathtaking views and beautiful beaches and islands.The nearby Mount Eden is a volcanic mountain you can hike and explore.With its many hiking tracks,views,beaches,and cultural sites,Auckland has enough activities to keep you busy.Best Time to Visit:March to May,September to NovemberBanff,CanadaLocated in the northern part of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta,Banff is a small town of Canada.Most people outside of Canada have probably never even heard of it,but that's what makes it so different from other attractions.Visitors can ski on Mount Norquay or ride the Banff Gondola up Sulphur Mountain to swim in the Baff Upper Hot Springs and enjoy great views of the countryside.Best Time to Visit:June to August,December to March21.Where should you go if you are interested in diving?A.Penang.B.Nusa Lembongan.C.The Banff Gondola.D.The Banff Upper Hot Springs.22.If you want to explore a volcanic mountain,which month is the best choice?A.October.B.August.C.January.D.December.23.What makes Banff special compared to the other three travel destinations?A.It's famous for its tasty food.B.It doesn't have any mountains.C.It offers great views of beaches.D.It's not well-known to foreigners.BIs the end of homework near?As new powerful artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT take the Internet by storm, teachers concerned with AI-driven cheating are questioning their teaching and assessment methods.ChatGPT,the most powerful AI language model ever developed by the company OpenAI,remembers the thread of your dialogue,using previous questions and answers to inform its next responses.Deriving its answers from huge volumes of information on the Internet,it is fine-tuned using both supervised and reinforcement learning.It is capable of generating natural-sounding text on demand in just a few seconds.The quality of the copy it produces is sufficient to impress teachers in secondary and higher education,and even researchers.The use of AI tools in copy-writing has sparked an outcry around the world.In the United States,public schools in New York and Seattle have decided to block ChatGPT from their devices and WiFi networks.In France,the prestigious Sciences Po university in Paris has also just announced a strict ban on its use.But experts question whether bans like these are really effective.On one hand,students will always be able to access tools like ChatGPT through other means than school devices.On the other hand,some question the relevance of blocking access to a digital tool whose use is likely togrow in the professional world in the coming years.Amelie Cordier,a lecturer in artificial intelligence at Lyon University,notes that students haven’t waited for ChatGPT to try to escape the chore of homework—whether by photocopying the library encyclopedia,copy-pasting content from Wikipedia or enlisting their parents’help.“What is ultimately very important in the learning process is not so much the subject on which you learn,it’s the methodology that you learn to develop around that subject,”Cordier said.24.Why does the author raise a question in paragraph1?A.To arouse the readers’interest.B.To show the popularity of ChatGPT.C.To present the creativity of artificial intelligence.D.To reveal the negative effects of artificial intelligence.25.What does paragraph2mainly tell us about ChatGPT?A.Its language model.B.Its working theory.C.Its design inspiration.D.Its development process.26.Which of the following is probably the reason for the experts’question?A.Students can always employ AI tools in other ways.B.Teachers and researchers are impressed by ChatGPT.C.The bans have been announced only in the US and France.D.AI tools have already been widely applied in professional fields.27.What plays a critical role in learning according to Cordier?A.Parents’help.B.The system of methods.C.The library encyclopedia.D.The content from Wikipedia.COne school night this month I quietly approached Alexander,my15-year-old son,and patted him on the cheek in a manner I hoped would seem casual.Alex knew better,sensing by my touch,which remained just a moment too long,that I was sneaking(偷偷地做)a touch of the beard that had begun to grow near his ears.Suddenly he went stormily to his computer screen.That,and an angry look of his eyes,told me more forcefully than words:Mom,you are seen through!I realized I committed a silly behavior:not showing respect for my teenager’s personal space.“The average teenager has strong feelings about his privacy,”said two young women experts.Ms.Frankel and Ms.Fox,both17,are the authors of Breaking the Code,a new book that seeks to bridge the generational divide between parents and adolescents.It is being promoted by its publisher as the first self-help guide by teenagers for their parents,a kind of Kids Are From Mars,Parents Are From Venus that de-mystifies the language and actions of teenagers.Personally,I welcomed insights teenagers from any qualified experts,and that included the authors.The most common missteps in interacting with teenagers,they instructed me,result from the conflict between parents maintaining their right to know what goes on under their roof and teenagers striving to guard their privacy.When a child is younger, they write,every decision centers around the parents.But now,as Ms.Fox told me,“often your teenager is in this circle that doesn’t include you.”Ms.Fox and Ms.Frankel acknowledge that teenagers can be quick to interpret their parents’remarks as negative or authoritative and respond with aggressiveness that masks their defenselessness.“What we want above all is your approval,”they write.“Don’t forget,no matter how much we act as if we don’t care what you say,we believe the things you say about us.”28.In the second paragraph,Kids Are From Mars,Parents Are From Venus is mentioned because______.A.it disapproves of opinions in Breaking the CodeB.it shares the same theme with Breaking the CodeC.it employs the same language style as Breaking the CodeD.it ranks right after Breaking the Code among self-help guides29.With their book,Ms.Frankel and Ms.Fox______.A.declare teenagers’rightsB.remind parents of teenagers’misstepsC.help parents know teenagers betterD.arouse much disagreement from the public30.What often leads to conflicts between parents and teenagers based on the passage?A.Teenagers’defense of their privacy.B.Parents’striving to instruct teenagers.C.Teenagers’refusal to follow experts’advice.D.Parents’dislike in teenagers’attitudes to life.31.What can be learned from the last paragraph?A.Teenagers always rush to judgement on others.B.Parents often seek to create an authoritative image.C.Parents’opinions about teenagers matter much to them.D.Teenagers feature good comprehension and defenselessness.DIt’s2076and the skies are looking decidedly milky.On windy plains and in parts of the seas that have been turned over to wind farms,a different kind of tower has been built alongside the turbines(涡轮).They take in CO2out of the atmosphere.Vast parcels of land have been given over to forest.Trees are grown,harvested and burned for energy in power plants that don’t let CO2escape to the atmosphere.Instead,emissions are captured and driven underground.Powdered minerals are put into the water to absorb CO2and reduce ocean acidification.All these technologies are a desperate action to reverse more than two centuries of greenhouse gas emissions.But they are not entirely up to the task and,anyway,we are still releasing greenhouse gases.“I think it’s very likely that in60years we’ll be using both technologies,”says John Shepherd of the University of Southampton,UK.He is referring to the two flavors of geoengineering:absorbing CO2out of the air and using a sunshade to reflect some of the sun’s rays back out into space.There is no denying that climate talks are going too slowly and not so smoothly.Even if industrial emissions were to drop rapidly—a big if—some sections pose an intractable problem.We have no real replacement for aeroplane fuel and feeding people demands intensive agriculture,which accounts for a quarter of global emissions.Computer models suggest there will be winners and losers.While a sunshade could lower global average temperatures to pre-industrial levels,there would be regional differences.Northern Europe,Canada,Siberia and the poles would remain warmer than they were,and temperatures over the oceans would be cooler.Global warming is predicted to make wet regions wetter and dry ones drier.Models suggest a sunshade would correct this,but,again,not in a uniform way.Shepherd fears all this will feed into international arguments.He imagines some kind of global council where governments seek a climate that meets their needs.Some might prefer a slightly warmer temperature,for tourism or agriculture.But nations whose coral reefs(珊瑚礁)draw in visitors will probably want more CO2absorbing technologies.In spite of all these concerns,most scientists hold that revolutionary technology and people’s awakening can shine a light on solutions in ways that are impossible now.There is undoubtedly a long way to go when we address problems facing mankind,but we can always anticipate something.25.What is described in the first paragraph?A.Future scenery and farming methods.B.The development of transport technology.C.The serious pollution problem in the very near future.D.Future technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.26.The word“intractable”in paragraph4most probably means“______”.A.solvableB.untypicalC.trickyD.existing27.It can be inferred from the passage that______.A.climate talks haven’t achieved the expected resultsB.industrial emissions will decrease greatly in60yearsC.technologies to reduce CO2emission aren’t used properly for nowD.sunshades outshine intensive agriculture at capturing CO2emissions28.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Effective CO2absorbing technologies have come into wide use.B.With greenhouse gas reduced,global warming can be addressed.C.Future climate will improve with human efforts but threats still remain.D.Future climate will restore to a normal state with advanced technology.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)The Adoption OptionAdopting a pet is rapidly becoming the preferred option for many people who want to add an animal companion. ____36____An affordable choice.It’s true that many people are happy to part with thousands of dollars for purebred and“designer”crossbred dogs and cats,but rescue pets have a lot going for them and can be more affordable to purchase.Homeless animals can make wonderful pets.People often assume that dogs and cats end up in shelters because they’re unwanted or badly behaved.There are many reasons owners may need to rehome their pet—divorce,lack of suitable accommodation,or the time and money needed to care for a dog.____37____Adult animals have benefits.Generally,if you decide to buy a pet from breeders,only very young animals are available.____38____And there are many benefits from adopting a more mature dog or cat.They will already be desexed, microchipped and vaccinated,so you will have fewer start-up costs.Most importantly what you see is what you get-a young animal’s behavior may still be developing,whereas an older animal’s personality and behavior should be evident,so no surprises.____39____You should only adopt a dog or cat from a reputable shelter or rescue group.A behavioral trainer will assess the temperament(脾气)of every dog and cat before they’re put up for adoption.The staff should ask you lots of questions about your lifestyle so they can advise which dogs and cats will best suit your family.Ongoing behavior and training advice should be available,and you should be able to return the pet if things don’t work out.To keep in mind.____40____For example,you need to think carefully about how you will care for it—there’s a lot of responsibility associated with managing rescue animals appropriately.The costs,the necessary space and the age of people in your home are also important factors you should consider.A.Choose an appropriate animal from a reliable source.B.But shelters have a wide range of pets for you to choose from.C.Thus,some dogs and cats become lost,are not identified and are never claimed.D.Similar to many things,the price of owning a pet has been increasing.E.There are lots of online searches for possible pet adopters to choose an ideal pet.F.It’s important for you to only select a pet that will suit your lifestyle.G.You should take into account the amount of exercise your pet will need.第三部分语言运用第一节完形填空Traveling with a toddler(幼儿)can be exhausting.But rarely is it as painful as Kate Baker’s experience during a flight twenty years ago.Baker and her husband,Bob,were___41___to Europe with their2-year-old son,Neil.“When we got on the plane in New York,all of us were___42___,”she said.“But halfway over the Atlantic Ocean,Neil started to get very warm.”Then Neil began foaming(口吐白沫)at the mouth.“The flight attendants were___43___in asking anyone if they were a doctor,”Baker___44___.“No one would come forward.And then the pilot started to___45___,‘Is there a doctor on board?’And again,no one came forward.”One of the flight attendants asked Baker’s husband if the toddler was still breathing.“Just___46___,”he replied anxiously.“Hearing those words,I felt so___47___that I couldn’t move,”Baker said.Then she noticed three women get out of their seats and___48___where she was standing.They were Muslim women wearing hijabs(头巾),and they came up to her and put their___49___around her,comforting her in a quite___50___ voice.They eventually landed in Amsterdam,and Baker and her husband took Neil to a(n)___51___.Doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with him,and by then he appeared to be___52___.However,Baker still felt worried and they quickly ___53___another flight home.They went right to a pediatrician(儿科医生),who___54___that Neil had just had an ear infection.So everything was fine.But Baker would never forget those women and how___55___they were.41.A.returning B.heading C.moving D.tending42.A.healthy B.fortunate C.wealthy D.content43.A.lost B.interested C.occupied D.trapped44.A.repeated B.responded C.reacted D.recalled45.A.ensure B.announce C.acquire D.recommend46.A.barely monly C.extremely D.ordinarily47.A.frightened B.excited C.confused D.embarrassed48.A.arranged B.prayed C.approached D.recorded49.A.legs B.coats C.scarves D.arms50.A.low B.gentle C.pleasant D.annoyed51.A.airport B.destination C.office D.clinic52.A.kind B.nice C.good D.fine53.A.cancelled B.offered C.booked D.considered54.A.blamed B.discovered C.appreciated D.hesitated55.A.supportive B.adventurous C.doubtful D.critical第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)(2024届南京零模)The Palace Museum’s clock collection,more than1,500in number,is arguably one of the most breathtaking clock preservations worldwide.___56___(make)between the18th century and the20th century,some were crafted in Britain, France and Switzerland,some were from the Clock Worship of the Qing Palace,the others were___57___mixture of both the East and the West.The___58___(major)of British clocks feature bronze cases inlaid with splendidly colorful jewels.They are diverse ___59___form,recreating all kinds of architecture and natural sights,and often include automatic___60___(decorate) such as fountains,moving figures,boats and birds.These clocks represent the highest level of craftsmanship in Britain.Most of the French clocks here are the products of the early20th century.Whether in terms of theme___61___ decorative style,the French clocks in the collection have a style of___62___(they)own,and deserve their place in history.The Swiss timepieces___63___(most)comprise small,unconventionally shaped desk clocks and delicate pocket watches.They were specially made___64___(suit)the tastes of Chinese customers.Clocks may turn back in time,but humans may never dream of doing so.Today.The Palace.Museum___65___(aim) to carry on this touching tale of“time”as guardians of this traditional craftsmanship.第三节词汇检测(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)I.词汇考查范围:B4U1、B4U266.We are working in__________(associate)with a local company to raise money for the poor.67.Knowing that the strategy did the trick,the manager smiled in r__________.68.The actress prefers to speak in her n__________language when delivering an acceptance speech.69.The hotel offers a friendly__________(气氛、氛围)and personal service.70.Once__________(刺激),the mouse’s nerves will keep active for a short period of time.71.A b__________of friendship has been formed between them since their last outing.72.The English__________(版本)of the novel is due for publication next year.73.The government has been accused of not responding a__________to the needs of the homeless.74.The restaurant__________(扩大)now specializes in Italian cuisine.75.Eating healthy diets and doing moderate exercises is e__________for elderly people.76.His quality of life has improved__________(drama)since the operation.77.The girl eventually lived up to her parents’e__________of being admitted into a top university.78.Looking for a job these days can be very__________(depress).79.Please send my__________(greet)to your mother upon your arrival.80.A wave of tiredness s__________over her after she was made to practice piano for hours.81.The smart boy passed the maths exam with e__________.82.In order to have a close look at the pop star,people kept s__________into the auditorium.83.The instructions of this machine are quite__________(复杂的).84.He had a g__________for sympathizing with others.85.Symphony No.9is one of Beethoven’s most famous__________(compose).第四部分写作第一节应用文写作假定你是中学生李华,美国一个中学生代表团即将访问你校并出席英语周的一项活动。

2023届高三年级阶段测试(二)英语第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. What does the woman need to buy?A.A bax.B. A desk.C. ATV.2. What is the woman looking for?A. Her hat.B. Her coat.C. Her gloves3. Where is the man going probably?A. To a hotel bar.B. To his room.C. To a restaurant4. Who is Dave?A. The man's brother.B. The man's classmate.C. A friend of the man's brother.5. What are the speakers doing?A. Studying a bookB. Reading a letter.C. Collecting money第二节(共15小题:每小题15分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。
6. What was the woman’s first job?A. secretary.B. A managerC. A cleaner.7. How long did the woman work at Teknik Ltd?A. For three years.B. For four years.C. For seven years.听第7段材料,回答第8至10 题。
8. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a school.B. At a cinema.C. At Lily's house.9. What movie award show does the woman invite the man to watch?A. The Hundred Flowers Awards.B. The Cannes Film Festival.C. The Golden Rooster Awards10. What docs the woman like about movie award shows?A. The actors.B. The dresses.C. The stage.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。

江苏省南京市⾦陵中学2021-2022⾼⼀数学上学期10⽉⽉考试题(含解析).doc江苏省南京市⾦陵中学2021-2022⾼⼀数学上学期10⽉⽉考试题(含解析)⼀、单选题:本⼤题共 12⼩题,每题 4 分,共 48 分. 1.集合A ={1,2,3},B ={2,3,4},则A B =()A. {1,2,3,4}B. {2,3}C. {2,3,4}D. {1,3,4}【答案】B 【解析】【分析】先观察两集合中的公共元素,再求交集即可得解. 【详解】解:因为集合{}1,2,3A =,{}2,3,4B =, 所以{}2,3A B ?=,故选B.【点睛】本题考查了集合交集的运算,属基础题.2.⼀元⼆次不等式2201920200x x --<的解集为(). A. (1,2020)- B. (2020,1)- C. (,1)(2020,)-∞-+∞ D.(,2020)(1,)-∞-+∞【答案】A 【解析】【分析】根据⼀元⼆次不等式的解法,直接求解,即可得出结果.【详解】由2201920200x x --<得(1)(2020)0+-【点睛】本题主要考查解不含参数的⼀元⼆次不等式,熟记⼀元⼆次不等式的解法即可,属于基础题型.3. 下列各函数在其定义域中,既是奇函数,⼜是增函数的是() A. y =x +1 B. y =-x 3 C. 1y x=-D. y =x|x|【答案】D 【解析】试题分析:A 中函数是增函数但不是奇函数;B 中函数是奇函数但不是增函数;C 中函数是奇函数但不是增函数;D 中函数既是奇函数⼜是增函数考点:函数奇偶性单调性4.若集合A ={x |mx 2+2x +m =0,m ∈R }中有且只有⼀个元素,则m 的取值集合是 A. {1} B. {1-} C. {0,1} D.{1-,0,1}【答案】D 【解析】【分析】分类讨论0m =及0m ≠时0?=.【详解】当0m =时,{}{|20}0A x x ===,满⾜题意;当0m ≠时,2440m ?=-=,解得1m =±.综上m 的取值集合是{1,0,1}-.点睛:集合的元素具有互异性,当⼆次⽅程的两根相等时,⽅程的解集只有⼀个元素,另外⼀元⼀次⽅程有解也最多只能有⼀个解.5.函数1()2f x x =+的定义域是() A. [3,)-+∞ B. [3,2)--C. [3,2)(2,)--?-+∞D. (2,)-+∞【答案】C 【解析】分析:根据定义域求法即可. 详解:由题可得:30{320x x x +≥?≥-+≠且2x ≠-,故选C.点睛:考查函数的定义域,属于基础题.6.已知函数23,0(),0x x f x x x ≥?=?,则((2))f f -的值为().A. 4B. 12C. 16D. 36【答案】B 【解析】【分析】根据函数解析式,由内到外逐步代⼊,即可得出结果.【详解】因为23,0(),0x x f x x x ≥?=?故选:B【点睛】本题主要考查求分段函数值,由内到外逐步代⼊即可求解,属于基础题型. 7.若对任意的[1,3]x ∈,不等式230x x m --<都成⽴,则实数m 的取值范围为(). A. (2,)-+∞ B. 9(,)4-+∞C. 9(,0)4-D. (0,)+∞【答案】D 【解析】【分析】先由题意得到23m x x >-在[1,3]x ∈恒成⽴,记2()3g x x x =-,根据⼆次函数求出2()3g x x x =-的最⼤值,即可得出结果.【详解】由题知,23m x x >-在[1,3]x ∈恒成⽴,记2()3g x x x =-,则函数()g x 开⼝向上,对称轴为32x =;⼜[1,3]x ∈,所以函数()g x 在31,2??上单调递减,在3,32上单调递增;因为(1)132=-=-g ,(3)990=-=g ,所以max ()(3)0g x g ==;所以0m >. 故选:D【点睛】本题主要考查由不等式恒成⽴求参数的问题,熟记⼆次函数的性质即可求解,属于常考题型.8.已知{2A x x =<-或}3x >,{}21B x a x a =≤≤-,若A B A ?=,则实数a 的取值范围为().A. 1(,)(3,)2-∞-+∞B. (,1)(3,)-∞+∞C. 1(,)(1,)2-∞-?+∞ D. (,1][3,)-∞+∞【答案】B 【解析】【分析】根据A B A ?=得B A ?,分别讨论B =?和B ≠?两种情况,即可求出结果. 【详解】因为A B A ?=,所以B A ?. 若B =?,则21a a >-,解得1a <;若B ≠?,则1212a a ≥??-<-?或13a a ≥??>?,解得3a >;综上,实数a 的取值范围是(,1)(3,)-∞+∞.故选:B【点睛】本题主要考查由集合的并集结果求参数的问题,熟记集合间的基本关系即可,属于常考题型.9.若2()(3)1f x ax a x =++-在区间(1,)+∞上是增函数,则实数a 的取值范围为(). A. [1,)-+∞ B. [1,0]-C. [0,1]D. [0,)+∞【答案】D 【解析】【分析】当0a =时,得到()31f x x =-满⾜题意;当0a ≠时,根据⼆次函数性质,得到0312a a a>??+?-≤??,求解,即可得出结果.【详解】若0a =,则()31f x x =-,符合题意;若0a ≠,由2()(3)1f x ax a x =++-在区间(1,)+∞上是增函数,可得:0312a a a>??+?-≤??,解得0a >.综上,a 的取值范围为[0,)+∞. 故选:D【点睛】本题主要考查由函数在给定区间的单调性求参数的问题,熟记⼆次函数性质,灵活运⽤分类讨论的思想即可,属于常考题型. 10.已知函数()y f x =是定义在(,0)(0,)-∞+∞上的奇函数,且当0x <时,函数的图像如图所⽰,则不等式()0xf x >的解集为().A. (2,1)(1,2)--?B. (2,1)(0,1)(2,)--??+∞C. (,2)(1,0)(1,2)-∞--D. (,2)(1,0)(0,1)(2,)-∞--+∞【答案】A 【解析】【分析】先由题意,以及函数图像,得到0x <时,不等式的解集;再由函数奇偶性,即可求出结果. 【详解】当0x <时,由()0xf x >得()0f x <;由函数图像可知,(2,1)x ∈--;由函数()y f x =是定义在(,0)(0,)-∞+∞上奇函数,所以当(1,2)x ∈时,()0f x >,此时也满⾜()0xf x >;综上,不等式()0xf x >的解集为(2,1)(1,2)--?. 故选:A【点睛】本题主要考查由函数奇偶性解不等式,熟记奇函数的性质即可,属于常考题型.11.设3()2kf x x x=++,其中k 为参数,k ∈R .若函数()y f x =在区间[2,1]--上的最⼤值为4,则函数()y f x =在区间[1,2]上有().A. 最⼩值2-B. 最⼩值0C. 最⼩值4D. 最⼤值2【答案】B 【解析】【分析】先设3()kg x x x=+,则()()2g x f x =-,根据题意得到()g x 在区间[2,1]--上的最⼤值为2,再判断函数()g x 是奇函数,求出()g x 在区间[1,2]上的最⼩值为2-,即可得出结果.【详解】设3()kg x x x=+,则()()2g x f x =-,因为函数()y f x =在区间[2,1]--上的最⼤值为4,所以()g x 在区间[2,1]--上的最⼤值为2.⼜3()()-=--=-kg x x g x x,所以()g x 是奇函数,所以()g x 在区间[1,2]上的最⼩值为2-,此时()()2f x g x =+有最⼩值0. 故选:B【点睛】本题主要考查由函数奇偶性求函数最值,熟记奇函数的性质即可,属于常考题型.12.已知266,0()34,0x x x f x x x ?-+≥=?+,若互不相等的实数123,,x x x 满⾜123()()()f x f x f x ==,则123x x x ++的取值范围为().A. 11(,6)3B. 18(,)33-C. 11(,6]3D. 18(,]33-【答案】A 【解析】【分析】先作出函数图像,由题意得互不相等的实数123,,x x x 满⾜123()()()===f x f x f x k ,根据函数图像确定34-<(,0)3x ∈-,进⽽可求出结果.【详解】作出函数266,0()34,0x x x f x x x ?-+≥=?+若互不相等的实数123,,x x x 满⾜123()()()===f x f x f x k ,由图像可得:34-<不妨设123x x x <<,则236x x +=,由13344-<+(,0)3x ∈-;所以123x x x ++的取值范围为11(,6)3. 故选:A【点睛】本题主要考查函数与⽅程的综合应⽤,根据转化与化归的思想,将问题转化为函数交点问题,利⽤数形结合的⽅法即可求解,属于常考题型. ⼆、填空题:本⼤题共 4⼩题,每题 4 分,共 16 分. 13.若21{2,}x x ∈+,则实数x 的值为________.【答案】1 【解析】【分析】分别讨论21x +=和21x =两种情况,即可得出结果.【详解】若21x +=,则1x =-,所以21x =,此时22x x =+,不符合集合中元素的互异性;若21x =,则1x =±,当1x =时,223+=≠x x ,满⾜题意;综上,1x =. 故答案为:1【点睛】本题主要考查由元素与集合间的关系求参数的问题,熟记元素的特征即可,属于基础题型.14.若定义运算2,,a a b a b b a b≥??=?值域为________.【答案】[1,)+∞ 【解析】【分析】先由题意得到2,1()(2),1x x f x x x ≥?=?-【详解】因为2,,a a b a b b a b ≥??=?,所以22,2,1()(2)=(2),2(2),1x x x x x f x x x x x x x x ≥-≥??=?-=?-<--,当1x ≥时,()1=≥f x x ;当1x <时,2()(2)=-f x x 单调递减,所以()(1)1f x f >=;综上,所求函数值域为[1,)+∞. 故答案为:[1,)+∞【点睛】本题主要考查求分段函数的值域,熟记⼀次函数以及⼆次函数的性质即可,属于常考题型.15.若函数2()()1f x a a x =++在区间[,1]a a +上的最⼤值与最⼩值的差为2,则实数a 的值为________. 【答案】1或2- 【解析】【分析】先由题意得到20a a +≠,推出()f x 为⼀次函数,所以有()(1)2f a f a -+=,求解,即可得出结果.【详解】因为函数2()()1f x a a x =++在区间[,1]a a +上的最⼤值与最⼩值的差为2,所以20a a +≠,因此()f x 为⼀次函数,则()(1)2f a f a -+=,即()()()221112++-++-=a a a a a a ,即22+=a a ,所以22+=±a a ,解得1a =或2-. 故答案为:1或2-【点睛】本主要考查由函数最值的差求参数的问题,熟记函数单调性即可,属于常考题型.16.已知函数21()21f x x x =--+,若(2)(2)f a f a ≤-,则实数a 的取值范围为________. 【答案】2[2,]3-【解析】【分析】先由奇偶性的定义,判断函数()f x 为偶函数,再由0x >时,21()21f x x x =--+,根据⼆次函数与反⽐例函数的单调性,得出21()21f x x x =--+单调递增,进⽽原不等式可化为:22a a ≤-,求解即可得出结果.【详解】因为21()21f x x x =--+,所以21()2()1-=--=+f x x f x x ,因此函数21()21f x x x =--+为偶函数,⼜当0x >时,21()21f x x x =--+,显然单调递增;所以(2)(2)f a f a ≤-等价于22a a ≤-,解得2[2,]3a ∈-.故答案:2[2,]3-【点睛】本题主要考查由函数奇偶性与单调性解不等式,熟记函数奇偶性,以及基本初等函数的单调性即可,属于常考题型.三、解答题:本题共 6⼩题,共 56 分. 17.在实数范围内解下列不等式或⽅程.(1)2340x x -->;(2)3210x x -+=【答案】(1)4(,1)(,)3-∞-?+∞ (2)1231,x x x ===. 【解析】【分析】(1)根据⼀元⼆次不等式的解法,直接求解,即可得出结果;(2)先由3210x x -+=得到2(1)(1)0x x x -+-=,推出1x =或210x x +-=,进⽽可求出结果.【详解】(1)由2340x x -->得(1)(34)0x x +->,解得43x >或1x <-;所以不等式的解集为:4(,1)(,)3-∞-?+∞. (2)由3210x x -+=,得2(1)(1)0x x x -+-=,所以1x =或210x x +-=,解得1x =或12x -=或12x -+=;因此原⽅程的解为:1231,x x x ==. 【点睛】本题主要考查解不含参数的⼀元⼆次不等式,以及三次⽅程,熟记不等式的解法,以及因式分解的⽅法即可,属于常考题型.18.已知集合{}2870A x x x =-+<,{}22220B x x x a a =---<. (1)当4a =时,求AB ;(2)若A B B ?=,求实数a 的取值范围.【答案】(1){}16x x <<;(2)(,5][7,)a ∈-∞-+∞ 【解析】【分析】(1)先化简集合A ,根据4a =,化简集合B ,再由交集的概念,即可求出结果;(2)先由A B B ?=,则A B ?,将原问题化为对任意(1,7)x ∈,2222a a x x ->-恒成⽴,令2()2g x x x =-,根据⼆次函数性质,求出2()2g x x x =-在(1,7)x ∈上的最⼤值,解不等式,即可得出结果.【详解】(1)因为{}{}287017A x x x x x =-+<=<<,当4a =时,{}{}{22240(6)(4)046}B x x x x x x x x =--<=-+<=-<<,所以{}16A B x x ?=<<;(2)若A B B ?=,则A B ?.所以对任意(1,7)x ∈,2222a a x x ->-恒成⽴.令2()2g x x x =-,则函数2()2g x x x =-开⼝向上,对称轴为1x =,⼜因为(1,7)x ∈,所以2()2g x x x =-单调递增,因此2()2(1,35)=-∈-g x x x ,所以只需2235a a -≥,解得(,5][7,)a ∈-∞-+∞.【点睛】本题主要考查集合交集的运算,以及由集合的包含关系求参数的问题,熟记集合交集的概念,以及集合间的基本关系即可,属于常考题型.19.如图,OAB ?是边长为2的正三⾓形,记OAB ?位于直线()0x t t =>左侧的图形的⾯积为()f t ,试求函数()f x 的解析式,并画出函数()y f t =的图象.【答案】2()23f t =,图象见解析. 【解析】【分析】分三种情况讨论,在求()f t 的解析式时,关键是要根据图象,对t 的取值进⾏恰当的分类,然后分类讨论,给出分段函数的解析式后,再根据解析式画出函数的图象.【详解】当01t <≤时,如图,设直线x t =与OAB 分别交于C 、D 两点,则|Ot|=t , ⼜3,||3CD BCCD t OC OE==∴= 2113()||||322f t OC CD t t ∴=== (2)当12t <≤时,如图,设直线x t =与OAB 分别交于M 、N 两点,则||=2AN t -,⼜|||33,||3(2)||||MN BE MN t AN AE ==∴=- 221133()23||||3)23322f t AN MN t t ∴==-=+(3)当2t >时,()3f t =综上所述223,0123()233,123,2t f t t t t <≤=+<≤??>,图象如图,【点睛】本题主要考查分段函数的解析式、分段函数的图象,意在考查综合运⽤所学知识解答问题的能⼒,属于中档题. 20.设函数()af x x x=+,其中0a >. (1)证明:函数()y f x =在a 上是单调减函数,在,)a +∞上是单调增函数;(2)若函数()y f x =在区间(0,]a 上的最⼩值为4,求实数a 的值. 【答案】(1)证明见解析(2)4a = 【解析】【分析】(1)先设120x x <<,作差法得到12121212()()()--=-x x af x f x x x x x ,分别讨论120x x a <<≤12a x x ≤<两种情况,根据函数单调性的定义,即可得出结论;(2)分别讨论01a <≤,1a >两种情况,根据(1)的结论,结合函数最⼩值,即可得出结果.【详解】(1)设120x x <<,则211212121212121212()()()()()a x x x x a a af x f x x x x x x x x x x x x x ---=+-+=-+=-,若120x x <<≤120x x -<,且12所以12())0(f x f x ->,因此函数()y f x =在上是单调减函数,12x x ≤<,则120x x -<,且1212,0x x a x x a >->,所以12())0(f x f x -<,因此函数()y f x =在上是单调增函数;综上,函数()y f x =在上是单调减函数,在)+∞上是单调增函数;(2)若01a <≤,则a ≤1)可得:()f x 在(0,]a 上单调减,所以min ()()14f x f a a ==+=,解得3a =,不合题意,舍去;若1a >,则a 1)得()f x 在上单调减,)+∞上单调增,所以min ()4f x f ===,解得4a =,经检验,符合题意. 综上,4a =.【点睛】本题主要考查由单调性的定义判断函数单调性,以及由函数最值求参数,熟记函数单调性的定义,灵活运⽤分类讨论的思想即可,属于常考题型.21.已知函数()()22,*f x ax x c a c N =++∈,满⾜①()15f =;②()6211f <<.(1)求a ,c 的值.(2)设()()231g x f x x x =--+-,求()g x 的最⼩值.【答案】(1)1,2;(2)14-.【解析】【分析】(1)根据条件列不等式与⽅程,根据正整数的限制条件求a ,c 的值.(2)先根据绝对值定义将函数化为分段函数,再根据各段单调性求各段最⼩值,最后⽐较两个最⼩值得函数最⼩值.【详解】(1)()125f a c =++=,()()2446,11f a c =++∈,⼜523c a a =--=-,∴443a a ++-()376,11a =+∈,∴1433a -<<,⼜*a N ∈,∴1a =,2c =.(2)()222f x x x =++,∴()()231g x f x x x =--+-222231x x x x =++--+- 211x x =+--,1x ≥时,()22g x x x =+-,此时()g x 在[]1,+∞上单调递增,∴()()min 11120g x g ==+-=,1x <时,()2g x x x =-,()g x 在1,2-∞ ??上单调递减,在1,12上单调递增,∴()min 11112424g x g ??==-=-,⼜104-<,∴()min 1124g x g ??==-.【点睛】本题考查⼀元⼆次函数解析式以及单调性应⽤,考查基本分析求解能⼒. 22.函数2()4ax bf x x -=-是定义在(2,2)-上的奇函数,且1(1)3f =.(1)确定()f x 的解析式;(2)判断并证明()f x 在(2,2)-上的单调性;(3)解不等式(1)()0f t f t -+<. 【答案】(1)2()4xf x x =-,(2,2)x ∈-;(2) ()f x 是(2,2)-上增函数,证明见解析;(3)1(1,)2-. 【解析】试题分析:(1)若奇函数在x=0处有定义,则f (0)=0,代⼊即可得b ,再由1(1)3f =代⼊即可得a 值;(2)因为函数为奇函数,故只需判断x >0时函数的单调性即可,利⽤单调性定义即可证明;(3)利⽤函数的单调性和奇偶性将不等式中的f 脱去,等价转化为关于t 的不等式组,解之即可. 试题解析:(1)由函数2()4ax bf x x -=-是定义在(2,2)-上的奇函数知(0)04b f -==,所以0b =,经检验,0b =时2()4axf x x=-是(2,2)-上的奇函数,满⾜题意. ⼜21(1)413a f ==-,解得1a =,故2()4xf x x =-,(2,2)x ∈-. (2) ()f x 是(2,2)-上增函数.证明如下:在(2,2)-任取12,x x 且12x x <,则210x x ->,1240x x +>,2140x ->,2240x ->,所以2121122122222121()(4)()()44(4)(4)x x x x x x f x f x x x x x -+-=-=----0>,即21()()f x f x >,所以()f x 是(2,2)-上增函数.(3) 因为()f x 是(2,2)-上的奇函数,所以由(1)()0f t f t -+<得,(1)()()f t f t f t -<-<-,⼜()f x 是(2,2)-上增函数,所以1,212,22,t t t t -<-??-<-解得112t -<<,从⽽原不等式的解集为1(1,)2-.试题点睛:本题综合考查了函数的奇偶性和函数的单调性,奇函数的性质,函数单调性的判断⽅法,利⽤函数性质解不等式.。

A.必须咬文嚼字相差 B.必须字斟句酌相去C.必需字斟句酌相差 D.必需咬文嚼字相去4.下列各项关于文学的常识,表述有误的一项是(3分)A.李密先在蜀国为官,后在晋国为官。

下列关于rna的描述错误的是a、 RNA只分布在细胞质中,DNA只分布在细胞核中()b、尿嘧啶是RNA的唯一碱基,胸腺嘧啶是DNA的唯一碱基c.rna和dna的的基本组成单位都是核苷酸()d.生物的遗传物质是dna或者是rna5.下图显示了有氧呼吸的过程。
以下陈述是正确的七彩教育网全国最新初中、高中试卷、课件、教案等教学资源免费下载A.① ② 世界上最大的价值④ 是① C.线粒体可以完成图()所示的整个过程a.ⅰ和ⅲb.ⅱ和ⅲc.ⅰ和ⅳd.ⅱ和ⅳB③ 代表的物质的名称是氧D。
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高考名校模拟试题(31)——南京金陵中学十月月考未2009-10-28 1032江苏南京金陵中学2009年十月月考语文试题一、语言文字运用。