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目前我国的锆砂主要开采地在海南,2008年,海南有采选砂矿矿山34 个,年采钛锆矿石总量3700万m3(约5700万吨),生产锆英砂3.5万吨, 产值近2亿元。加工中矿6万吨,其中印尼4.5万吨。
Currently the major zircon mining area of China is in Hainan Island. There were of titanium and zirconium ores is 37 million m3 per annum (about 57 million tonnes). The output of zircon sand in Hainan in 2008 was 35,000 tonnes, equal to a value of nearly RMB200 million. Hainan processed 60,000 tonnes of zirconium concentrates of which 45,000 tonnes were from Indonesian sands.
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China zircon sand industry and its trade
权威报告指出:中国探明以岩矿和砂矿为主的锆英石储量为638.8万吨, 其中内蒙储量位列第一,较MCS所列的530.66万吨多出100万吨。
According to an authoritative report, the proven reserve of rock zircon and sand zircon in China is 6,388,000 tonnes, about one million tonnes more than the statistic from MCS. The reserve in Inner Mongolia is the biggest.

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Formation of China Zirconium Industry Chain 中国政府和企业界重视锆材料产业的建设与发展。改革开放以 来,我国已建成比较完整的锆材料产业体系:包括先进的锆矿物 勘探体系、锆砂的采选工业,锆矿物的深加工工业、原生锆、核 级锆的生产和锆管板棒丝及各种锆材的生产,已能满足国民经济 和国防建设发展的需要,在各行各业得到广泛应用和出口。 Chinese government and the business world attach much importance to the construction and development of zirconium materials industry. Since the reform and opening up China has established completed zirconium materials industry system including zircon minerals exploration system, zircon sands mining industry, zircon minerals deep processing industry, manufacturing of primary zirconium and nuclear zirconium as well as the productions of various kinds of zirconium metals. All of these have already satisfied the developments of national economy and defense construction. The products are widely used in all walks of life and for export as well.
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Formation of China Zirconium Industry Chain

锆产业是中国国民经济和现代化的重要组成部分。 Zirconium industry is an important part of China's national economy and modernization. 锆是中国现代化和国防建设的重要战略材料,是我 国新材料产业的重要支柱。 Zircon is an important strategic material for China’s modernization and defense construction and also the import mainstay of China’s new materials industry.
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Formation of China Zirconium Industry Chain
为了便于行业内的协调和政府的管理,按专业特点将 锆行业分为五大产业,分别为锆英砂采选、硅酸锆 (锆英粉)加工、化学锆制品生产、电熔二氧化锆生 产、锆冶炼和加工等五个单元。 To facilitate the co-ordination within the industry and the government's management, zirconium industry is classified to five sectors based on the specialties: Zircon sand mining, opacifier (flour) processing, zirconium chemicals production, fused zirconia production and zirconium smelting.
Formation and Development of China Zirconium Industry Chain
针对本次会议是以锆英砂和钛白粉为主题,因此 我的报告将以大量翔实、权威的资料及数据,阐述构 成中国锆产业链各单元的现状,以及它们与全球锆英 砂产业的关联性;评述中国锆英砂的中、长期需求, 分析中国锆业的发展。
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Formation of China Zirconium Industry Chain

中国锆的五大产业构成了我国锆产业链的组成单元。 These five sectors are regarded as the compositions of China’s zirconium industry chain.
As the Singapore Congress takes zircon sand and titanium pigment as the topics, this report will, based on large amount of detailed and authoritative information and data, describe the current situations of each sector of Chinese zirconium industry chain, as well as the relationship with global zircon sand industry, and at the same time elaborate the middle and long term demand of zircon sand and analyze the development of China’s zirconium industry.
Formation and Development of China Zirconium Industry Chain
报告人 蒋东民
升华拜克锆谷公司总经理 中国钛锆协会副会长 专家组专家 中国锆铪委员会主任 博士生导师
By Jiang Dongmin General Manager of Zhengjiang Shenghua Biok Biology Co., Ltd. (Zr-valley) Vice-chairman of China Titanium Zirconium Hafnium Association Expert of expert panel Director of China Zirconium & Hafnium Committee Doctoral Advisor
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China zircon sand industry and its trade 中国的锆砂产业在世界锆砂产业中占有十分重要的地位。 China’s zircon sand industry plays an important role in the global zircon sand industry. 中国探明的锆储量逐年上升,2007年底储量居世界第7位, (按含ZrO265%折算,下同)为62.12万吨,储量基础为 530.66万吨,合计592.78万吨,仅次于澳大利亚、南非、乌克 兰、美国、印度和巴西,和MCS给出的数据稍有差距。 The proven reserves of zircon in China increase year by year. Up to the end of 2007, China has 621,200 tonnes of zircon, ranking the 7th in the world (assuming each unit contains 65% of ZrO2, the same hereinafter), and in terms of the basic reserves, China has 5,306,600 tonnes of zircon, totally 5,927,800 tonnes, following Australia, South Africa, Ukraine, the US, India and Brazil. This is a little different from the data of MCS.
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Formation and Development of China Zirconium Industry Chain
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 中国锆产业链的构成 Formation of China zirconium industry chain 中国的锆砂产业和贸易 China zircon sand industry and its trade 中国的硅酸锆产业(含锆英粉) Zirconium silicate industry (incl. flour) 中国的化学锆产业 Zirconium chemicals industry 电熔二氧化锆产业(电熔锆) Fused zirconia industry 海绵锆和锆加工 Zirconium sponge and zirconium processing industry 中国锆产业发展及对锆砂需求的预期 Development of China’s zirconium industry and zircon sand demand forecast

本文将就中国锆铪五个产业链的构成及其发展分别 进行重点阐述。 This report will highlight the formation and development of each sector.
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Formation of China Zirconium Industry Chain