
托福阅读TPO7(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:TheGeologicHistoryoftheMediterraneanTPO是我们常用的托福模考工具,对我们的备考很有价值,下面小编给大家带来托福阅读TPO7(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:The Geologic History of the Mediterranean。
托福阅读原文In 1970 geologists Kenneth J.Hsu and William B.F. Ryan were collecting research data while aboard the oceanographicresearch vessel Glomar Challenger.Anobjective of this particular cruise wasto investigate the floor of theMediterranean and to resolve questions aboutits geologic history. One questionwas related to evidence that theinvertebrate fauna (animals without spines) ofthe Mediterranean had changedabruptly about 6 million years ago. Most of theolder organisms were nearlywiped out, although a few hardy species survived. Afew managed to migrate into the Atlantic.Somewhat later, the migrants returned,bringing new species with them. Why didthe near extinction and migrationsoccur?Another task for the GlomarChallenger’sscientists was to try to determine the origin of the domelikemasses buried deepbeneath the Mediterranean seafloor. These structures had beendetected yearsearlier by echo-sounding instruments, but they had never beenpenetrated in thecourse of drilling. Were they salt domes such as are commonalong the UnitedStates Gulf Coast, and if so, why should there have been somuch solidcrystalline salt beneath the floor of the Mediterranean?With question such as these clearly beforethem, thescientists aboard the Glomar Challenger processed to the Mediterraneantosearch for the answers. On August 23, 1970,they recovered a sample. Thesampleconsisted of pebbles of hardened sediment that had once been soft,deep-seamud, as well as granules of gypsum and fragments of volcanic rock. Nota singlepebble was found that might have indicated that the pebbles came fromthenearby continent. In the days following, samples of solid gypsumwererepeatedly brought on deck as drilling operations penetrated theseafloor.Furthermore, the gypsum was found to possess peculiarities ofcomposition andstructure that suggested it had formed on desert flats. Sedimentabove andbelow the gypsum layer contained tiny marine fossils, indicatingopen-oceanconditions. As they drilled into the central and deepest part oftheMediterranean basin, the scientists took solid, shiny, crystalline saltfromthe core barrel. Interbedded with the salt were thin layers of whatappeared tobe windblown silt.The time had come to formulate ahypothesis. The investigators theorized that about 20 million years ago, theMediterranean wasa broad seaway linked to the Atlantic by two narrow straits.Crustal movements closedthe straits, and the landlocked Mediterranean began toevaporate. Increasingsalinity caused by the evaporation resulted in theextermination of scores ofinvertebrate species. Only a few organisms especiallytolerant of very saltyconditions remained. As evaporation continued, the remainingbrine (salt water)became so dense that the calcium sulfate of the hard layerwas precipitated. Inthe central deeper part of the basin, the last of the brineevaporated toprecipitate more soluble sodium chloride (salt). Later, under theweight ofoverlying sediments, this salt flowed plastically upward to form saltdomes.Before this happened, however, the Mediterranean was a vast desert 3,000metersdeep. Then, about 5.5 million yearsago came the deluge. As a result ofcrustaladjustments and faulting, the Strait of Gibraltar, where theMediterranean nowconnects to the Atlantic, opened, and water cascadedspectacularly back intothe Mediterranean.Turbulent waters tore into thehardened salt flats, brokethem up, and ground them into the pebbles observed inthe first sample taken bythe Challenger. As the basin was refilled, normalmarine organisms returned.Soon layer of oceanic ooze began to accumulate abovethe old hard layer.Thesalt and gypsum, the faunal changes, and the unusualgravel provided abundantevidence that the Mediterranean was once a desert.托福阅读试题1.The word “objective”in the passage(paragraph 1) is closest in meaning toA.achievementB.requirementC.purposeD.feature2.Which of the following is NOT mentionedin paragraph 1 asa change thatoccurred in the fauna of the Mediterranean?A.Most invertebrate species disappearedduring a wave of extinctions.B.A few hardy species wiped out many of theMediterranean’s i nvertebrates.C.Some invertebrates migrated to AtlanticOcean.D.New species of fauna populated theMediterranean when the old migrants returned.3.1.Whatdoes the author imply by saying“Not a single pebble was found that might have indicated that thepebbles came from the nearby continent”?(paragraph 3)A.The most obvious explanation for theorigin of the pebbles was not supported by the evidence.B.The geologists did not find as manypebbles as they expected.C.The geologists were looking for aparticular kind of pebble.D.The different pebbles could not have comefrom only one source.4.Which of the following can be inferredfrom paragraph 3 about the solidgypsum layer?A.It did not contain any marine fossil.B.It had formed in open-ocean conditions.C.It had once been soft, deep-sea mud.D.It contained sediment from nearbydeserts.5.Select the TWO answer choice from paragraph3 that identify materialsdiscovered in the deepest part of the Mediterraneanbasin. To receive credityou must select TWO answers.A.Volcanic rock fragmentsB.Thin silt layersC.Soft, deep-sea mudD.Crystalline salt6.What is the main purpose of paragraph 3?A.To describe the physical evidencecollected by Hsu and RyanB.To explain why some of the questionsposed earlier in the passage could not be answered by the findings of theGlomar ChallengerC.To evaluate techniques used by Hsu andRyan to explore the sea floorD.To describe the most difficult problemsfaced by the Glomar Challenger expedition7.According to paragraph 4, which of thefollowing was responsible for theevaporation of the Mediterranean’s waters?A.The movements of Earth’s crustB.The accumulation of sediment layersC.Changes in the water level of theAtlantic OceanD.Changes in Earth’s temperature8.The word “scores”in the passage(paragraph 4) is closest in meaning toA.membersrge numbersC.populationsD.different types9.According to paragraph 4, what causedmost invertebrate species in theMediterranean to become extinct?A.The evaporation of chemicals necessaryfor their survivalB.Crustal movements that connected theMediterranean to the saltier AtlanticC.The migration of new species through thenarrow straitsD.Their inability to tolerate theincreasing salt content of the Mediterranean10.Which of the sentences below bestexpresses the essential information inthe highlighted sentence in the passage(paragraph 4) ? Incorrect choices change the meaning inimportant ways or leaveout essential information.A.The strait of Gibraltar reopened when theMediterranean and the Atlantic became connected and the cascades of water fromone sea to the other caused crustal adjustments and faulting.B.The Mediterranean was dramaticallyrefilled by water fromthe Atlantic when crustal adjustments and faultingopened the Strait of Gibraltar, the place where the two seas are joined.C.The cascades of water from the Atlanticto the Mediterranean were not as spectacular as the crustal adjustments andfaulting that occurred when the Strait of Gibraltar was connected to thoseseas.D.As a result of crustal adjustments andfaulting and the creation of the Strait of Gibraltar, the Atlantic andMediterranean were connected and became a single sea with spectacular cascadesof water between them.11.The word “Turbulent”in the passage(paragraph 4) is closest in meaning toA.FreshB.DeepC.ViolentD.Temperate12. Look at the four squares [■] thatindicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Thus,scientists had information about the shape of the domes but not about theirchemical composition and origin.■【A】Another task for theGlomar Challenger’s scientists was totry to determine the origin of thedomelike masses buried deep beneath theMediterranean seafloor. ■【B】These structures had been detected years earlierby echo-soundinginstruments, but they had never been penetrated in the courseof drilling. ■【C】Were theysalt domes such as are common alongthe United States Gulf Coast, and if so, whyshould there have been so muchsolid crystalline salt beneath the floor of theMediterranean? ■[D】Where would the sentence best fit?13. Direction: An introductory sentence fora brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary byselecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in thepassage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideasthat are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. Thisquestion is worth 2 points.An expedition to the Mediterranean answeredsome long-standing questionsabout the ocean’s history.A.The Glomar Challenger expeditioninvestigated changes in invertebrate fauna and some unusual geologic features.B.Researchers collected fossils todetermine which new species migrated from the Atlantic with older species.C.Scientists aboard the Glomar Challengerwere the first to discover the existence of domelike masses underneath theseafloor.D.Samples recovered from the expeditionrevealed important differences in chemical composition and fossil distributionamong the sediment layers.E.Evidence collected by the GlomarChallenger supports geologists' beliefs that the Mediterranean had evaporatedand become a desert, before it refilled with water.F.Mediterraneansalt domes formed after crustal movements opened the straits between theMediterranean and the Atlantic, and the Mediterranean refilled with water.托福阅读答案1.C2.文第四句话说到“Most of theolder organisms were nearly wiped out(大部分更加古老的生物都几乎灭绝了)”对应选项A;第五句说到“A few managed to migrate into the Atlantic(一些物种成功地迁移到了大西洋)”,对应选项C;第六句说到“the migrants returned, bringing new species with them(这些物种又回到了地中海,并带回新的物种)”,对应选项D。

托福模拟试题题型及答案一、听力部分1. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 学生在图书馆寻找资料。
B. 学生在食堂讨论课程。
C. 学生在办公室咨询教授。
答案:A2. 根据所听讲座,以下哪项是教授提到的主要观点?A. 气候变化对农业的影响。
B. 城市化进程中的环境问题。
C. 科技发展对教育的影响。
答案:B二、阅读部分1. 阅读以下段落,选择最佳标题。
"In recent years, the advancement of technology has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information. The internet has become an indispensable part of our daily lives, providing us with a wealth of resources and opportunities."A. The Impact of Technology on Daily LifeB. The History of the InternetC. The Benefits of Online Resources答案:A2. 根据文章内容,以下哪个选项是作者支持的观点?A. 社交媒体对青少年有害。
B. 社交媒体是现代社会不可或缺的一部分。
C. 社交媒体应该受到更严格的监管。
答案:B三、口语部分1. 描述你最喜欢的季节,并解释原因。
2. 讨论科技在教育中的作用。

托福阅读模拟练习题及答案The Moon, which has undergone a distinct and complex geological history, presents a striking appearance. The moon may be divided into two major terrains: the Maria (dark lowlands) and the Terrace (bright highlands). The contrast in the reflectivity (the capability of reflecting light) of these two terrains suggested to many early observers that the two terrains might have different compositions, and this supposition was confirmed by missions to the Moon such as Surveyor and Apollo. One of the most obvious differences between the terrains is the smoothness of the Maria in contrast to the roughness of the highlands. This roughness is mostly caused by the abundance of craters: the highlands are completely covered by large craters (greater than 40-50 km in diameter), while the craters of the Maria tend to be much smaller. It is now known that the vast majority of the Moon's craters were formed by the impact of solid bodies with the lunar surface.Most of the near side of the Moon was thoroughly mapped and studied from telescopic pictures years before the age of space exploration. Earth-based telescopes can resolve objects as small as a few hundred meters on the lunar surface. Close observation of craters, combined with the way the Moon diffusely reflects sunlight, led to the understanding that the Moon is covered by a surface layer, or regolith, that overlies the solid rock of the Moon. Telescopic images permitted the cataloging of a bewildering array of land forms. Craters were studied for clues to their origin; the large wispy marks were seen. Strange, sinuous features were observed in the Maria. Although various land forms were catalogued, the majority of astronomers'attention was fixed on craters and their origins.Astronomers have known for a fairly long time that the shape of craters changes as they increase in size. Small craters with diameters of less than 10-15 km have relatively simple shapes. They have rim crests that are elevated above the surrounding terrain, smooth, bowl-shaped interiors, and depths that are about one-sixth their diameters. The complexity of shape increases for larger craters.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) What astronomers learned from the Surveyor and Apollo space missions.(B) Characteristics of the major terrains of the Moon.(C) The origin of the Moon's craters.(D) Techniques used to catalogue the Moon's land forms.2. The word "undergone经历" in line 1 is closest in meaning to(A) altered(B) substituted(C) experienced(D) preserved3. According to the passage , the Maria differ from the Terrace mainly in terms of(A) age(B) manner of creation(C) size(D) composition4. The passage supports which of the following statements about the Surveyor and Apollo missions?(A) They confirmed earlier theories about the Moon's surface.(B) They revealed that previous ideas about the Moon'scraters were incorrect.(C) They were unable to provide detailed information about the Moon's surface.(D) They were unable to identify how the Moon's craters were made.5. The word "vast" in line 11 is closest in meaning to(A) special(B) known(C) varied(D) great6. All of the following are true of the Maria EXCEPT:(A) They have small craters.(B) They have been analyzed by astronomers.(C) They have a rough texture.(D) They tend to be darker than the terrace.7. All of the following terms are defined in the passage EXCEPT(A) Moon (line 1)(B) reflectivity (line 3)(C) regolith (line 16)(D) Maria (line 2)8. The author mentions "wispy marks" in line 19 as an example of(A) an aspect of the lunar surface discovered through lunar missions(B) a characteristic of large craters(C) a discovery made through the use of Earth-based telescopes(D) features that astronomers observed to be common to the Earth and the Moon9. According to the passage , lunar researchers have focused mostly on(A) the possibility of finding water on the Moon(B) the lunar regolith(C) cataloging various land formations(D) craters and their origins10. The passage probably continues with a discussion of(A) the reasons craters are difficult to study(B) the different shapes small craters can have(C) some features of large craters(D) some difference in the ways small and large craters were formedBCDAD CACDC。

英语托福试题及答案一、听力部分1. What is the main topic of the lecture?A) The impact of climate change on agriculture.B) The history of the Industrial Revolution.C) The role of technology in modern education.D) The evolution of the English language.Answer: A) The impact of climate change on agriculture.2. According to the conversation, why does the student need to visit the library?A) To find a book for a class assignment.B) To return a book that is overdue.C) To ask for help with a research paper.D) To check out a DVD for a film project.Answer: C) To ask for help with a research paper.二、阅读部分3. What can be inferred about the author's opinion on the subject discussed in the passage?A) The author is skeptical about the effectiveness of the proposed solution.B) The author strongly supports the implementation of the new policy.C) The author is neutral and presents both sides of the argument.D) The author is critical of the current state of affairs.Answer: C) The author is neutral and presents both sides of the argument.4. In the second paragraph, what is the primary purpose of the example given?A) To illustrate the complexity of the issue.B) To provide evidence for the author's argument.C) To demonstrate the consequences of ignoring the problem.D) To offer a solution to the problem discussed.Answer: B) To provide evidence for the author's argument.三、口语部分5. Describe a memorable event from your childhood. Explain why it was memorable and what you learned from it.Answer: (This section requires a personal response from the test-taker, so no specific answer is provided.)四、写作部分6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "The government should provide financial support to artists to create art." Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Answer: (This section requires a written response from the test-taker, so no specific answer is provided.)请注意,以上题目和答案仅为示例,实际托福考试的题目和答案会有所不同。

托福考试模拟试题及答案word一、听力部分1. 听一段对话,然后选择正确的答案。
- 问题:对话中提到了什么活动?- 选项:A. 看电影B. 参加派对C. 去图书馆- 答案:B2. 听一段讲座,然后回答以下问题。
- 问题:讲座中提到了哪些主要观点?- 答案:讲座主要讨论了环境保护的重要性以及个人在日常生活中可以采取的措施。
二、阅读部分1. 阅读以下短文,然后回答相关问题。
- 短文:《城市化的影响》- 问题:城市化对环境有哪些影响?- 答案:城市化导致空气污染、水资源短缺和生物多样性的减少。
2. 阅读以下文章,然后选择正确的答案。
- 文章:《科技与教育》- 问题:科技如何改变教育?- 选项:A. 通过在线课程B. 通过提高学费C. 通过减少教师数量- 答案:A三、口语部分1. 描述你最近参加的一个活动,并解释为什么你选择参加它。
- 答案示例:我最近参加了一个环保志愿者活动,因为我对环境保护非常感兴趣,并且希望能够为保护我们的地球做出贡献。
2. 讨论你如何看待全球化对文化的影响。
- 答案示例:我认为全球化促进了不同文化之间的交流和理解,但同时也可能导致某些文化特色的丧失。
四、写作部分1. 写一篇短文,讨论科技发展对日常生活的影响。
- 答案示例:科技发展极大地方便了我们的日常生活,例如智能手机让我们随时随地都能获取信息,但同时也带来了隐私和安全问题。
2. 选择一个你感兴趣的话题,写一篇文章表达你的观点。
- 答案示例:我选择讨论教育的重要性。

新托福试题及答案1. 阅读部分A. 阅读材料一:《城市化的影响》根据文章内容,回答以下问题。
1.1 文章主要讨论了城市化对环境的哪些影响?1.2 作者提到了哪些措施可以减少这些影响?答案:1.1 文章主要讨论了城市化对环境的影响包括空气污染、水资源短缺和生物多样性的减少。
1.2 作者提到了提高能源效率、推广公共交通和保护绿地等措施可以减少这些影响。
B. 阅读材料二:《古代文明的交流》根据文章内容,回答以下问题。
2.1 文章中提到的古代文明之间有哪些交流方式?2.2 这些交流方式对文明发展有何影响?答案:2.1 文章中提到的古代文明之间的交流方式包括贸易、战争和宗教传播。
2.2 这些交流方式促进了文化和技术的交流,加速了文明的发展。
2. 听力部分A. 听力材料一:《海洋生物的保护》根据听力材料,回答以下问题。
3.1 演讲者提出了哪些保护海洋生物的措施?3.2 演讲者认为哪种措施最有效?答案:3.1 演讲者提出了建立海洋保护区、限制过度捕捞和提高公众意识等措施。
3.2 演讲者认为建立海洋保护区是最有效措施。
B. 听力材料二:《气候变化的影响》根据听力材料,回答以下问题。
4.1 讲座中提到气候变化对农业有哪些影响?4.2 讲座中提到了哪些应对策略?答案:4.1 讲座中提到气候变化导致作物产量下降、病虫害增加和水资源短缺。
4.2 讲座中提到了改进农业技术、种植抗旱作物和建设水利设施等应对策略。
3. 口语部分A. 口语任务一:描述一个你认为对环境最有益的活动。
B. 口语任务二:讨论你认为的最有效的学习策略。
4. 写作部分A. 写作任务一:论述城市化对人类社会的影响。

托福阅读TPO25(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:ThesurfaceofMarsTPO是我们常用的托福模考工具,对我们的备考很有价值,下面小编给大家带来托福阅读TPO25(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:The surface of Mars。
托福阅读原文【1】The surface of Mars shows a wide range of geologic features, including huge volcanoes-the largest known in the solar system-and extensive impact cratering. Three very large volcanoes are found on the Tharsis bulge, an enormous geologic area near Mars’s equator. Northwest of Tharsis is the largest volcano of all: Olympus Mons, with a height of 25 kilometers and measuring some 700 kilometers in diameter at its base. The three large volcanoes on the Tharsis bulge are a little smaller-a “mere”18 kilometers high.【2】None of these volcanoes was formed as a result of collisions between plates of the Martian crust-there is no plate motion on Mars. Instead, they are shield volcanoes — volcanoes with broad, sloping slides formed by molten rock. All four show distinctive lava channels and other flow features similar to those found on shield volcanoes on Earth. Images of the Martian surface reveal many hundreds of volcanoes. Most of the largest volcanoes are associated with the Tharsis bulge, but many smaller ones are found in the northern plains.【3】The great height of Martian volcanoes is a direct consequence of the planet’s low surface gravity. As lava flows and spreads to form a shield volcano, the volcano’s eventual height depends on the new mountain’s ability to support its own weight. The lower the gravity, the lesser the weight and thegreater the height of the mountain. It is no accident that Maxwell Mons on Venus and the Hawaiian shield volcanoes on Earth rise to about the same height (about 10 kilometers) above their respective bases-Earth and Venus have similar surface gravity. Mars’s surface gravity is only 40 percent that of Earth, so volcanoes rise roughly 2.5 times as high. Are the Martian shield volcanoes still active? Scientists have no direct evidence for recent or ongoing eruptions, but if these volcanoes were active as recently as 100 million years ago (an estimate of the time of last eruption based on the extent of impact cratering on their slopes), some of them may still be at least intermittently active. Millions of years, though, may pass between eruptions.【4】Another prominent feature of Mars’s surface is cratering. The Mariner spacecraft found that the surface of Mars, as well as that of its two moons, is pitted with impact craters formed by meteoroids falling in from space. As on our Moon, the smaller craters are often filled with surface matter-mostly dust-confirming that Mars is a dry desert world. However, Martian craters get filled in considerably faster than their lunar counterparts. On the Moon, ancient craters less than 100 meters across (corresponding to depths of about 20 meters) have been obliterated, primarily by meteoritic erosion. On Mars, there are relatively few craters less than 5 kilometers in diameter. The Martian atmosphere is an efficient erosive agent, with Martian winds transporting dust from place to place and erasing surface features much faster than meteoritic impacts alone can obliterate them.【5】As on the Moon, the extent of large impact cratering (i.e. craters too big to have been filled in by erosion since they were formed) serves as an age indicator for the Martian surface.Age estimates ranging from four billion years for Mars’s southern highlands to a few hundred million years in the youngest volcanic areas were obtained in this way.【6】The detailed appearance of Martian impact craters provides an important piece of information about conditions just below the planet’s surface. Martian craters are surrounded by ejecta (debris formed as a result of an impact) that looks quite different from its lunar counterparts. A comparison of the Copernicus crater on the Moon with the (fairly typical) crater Yuty on Mars demonstrates the differences. The ejecta surrounding the lunar crater is just what one would expect from an explosion ejecting a large volume of dust, soil, and boulders. However, the ejecta on Mars gives the distinct impression of a liquid that has splashed or flowed out of crater. Geologists think that this fluidized ejecta crater indicates that a layer of permafrost, or water ice, lies just a few meters under the surface. Explosive impacts heated and liquefied the ice, resulting in the fluid appearance of the ejecta.托福阅读试题1.The word “enormous”(paragraph 1)in the passage is closest in meaning toA.importantB.extremely largeC.highly unusualD.active2.According to paragraph 1, Olympus Mons differs from volcanoes on the Tharsis bulge in that Olympus MonsA.has more complex geologic featuresB.shows less impact crateringC.is tallerD.was formed at a later time3.The word “distinctive”(paragraph 1)in the passage is closest in meaning toA.deep.plex.C.characteristic.D.ancient.4.According to paragraphs 1 and 2, which of the following is NOT true of the shield volcanoes on the Tharsis bulge?A.They have broad, sloping sides.B.They are smaller than the largest volcano on Mars.C.They have channels that resemble the lava channels of volcanoes on Earth.D.They are over 25 kilometers tall.5.The word “roughly” in the passage is closest in meaning toA.typically.B.frequently.C.actually.D.approximately.6.In paragraph 3, why does the author compare Maxwell Mons on Venus to the Hawaiian shield volcanoes on Earth?A.To help explain the relationship between surface gravity and volcano height.B.To explain why Mars’s surface gravity is only 40 percent of Earth’s.C.To point out differences between the surface gravity of Earth and the surface gravity of Venus.D.To argue that there are more similarities than differences between volcanoes on different planets.7.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaningin important ways or leave out essential information.A.Although direct evidence of recent eruptions is lacking, scientists believe that these volcanoes were active as recently as 100 million years ago.B.Scientists estimate that volcanoes active more recently than 100 years ago will still have extensive impact cratering on their slopes.C.If, as some evidence suggests, these volcanoes erupted as recently as 100 million years ago, they may continue to be intermittently active.D.Although these volcanoes were active as recently as 100 million years ago, there is no direct evidence of recent or ongoing eruptions.8.The word “considerably”(paragraph 3)in the passage is closest in meaning toA.frequently.B.significantly.C.clearly.D.surprisingly.9.According to paragraph 4, what is demonstrated by the fact that cratersfill in much faster on Mars than on the Moon?A.Erosion from meteoritic impacts takes place more quickly on Mars than on the Moon.B.There is more dust on Mars than on the Moon.C.The surface of Mars is a dry desert.D.Wind is a powerful eroding force on Mars.10.In paragraph 4, why does the author point out that Marshas few ancient craters that are less than 5 kilometers in diameter?A.To explain why scientists believe that the surface matter filling Martian craters is mostly dust.B.To explain why scientists believe that the impact craters on Mars were created by meteoroids.C.To support the claim that the Martian atmosphere is an efficient erosive agent.D.To argue that Mars experienced fewer ancient impacts than the Moon did.11.According to paragraph 5, what have scientists been able to determinefrom studies of large impact cratering on Mars?A.Some Martian volcanoes are much older than was once thought.B.The age of Mars’s surface can vary from area to area.rge impact craters are not reliable indicators of age in areas with high volcanic activity.D.Some areas of the Martian surface appear to be older than they actually are.12.According to paragraph 6, the ejecta of Mars’s crater Yuty differs fromthe ejecta of the Moon’s Copernicus crater in that the ejecta of the Yuty craterA.Has now become part of a permafrost layer.B.Contains a large volume of dust, soil and boulders.C.Suggests that liquid once came out of the surface at the crater site.D.Was thrown a comparatively long distance from the center of the crater.13. Look at the four squares【■】that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence tothe passage. This surface feature has led to speculation about what may lie under Mars’s surface.The detailed appearance of Martian impact craters provides an important piece of information about conditions just below the planet’s surface. Martian craters are surrounded by ejecta (debris formed as a result of an impact) that looks quite different from its lunar counterparts. A comparison of the Copernicus crater on the Moon with the (fairly typical) crater Yuty on Mars demonstrates the differences. The ejecta surrounding the lunar crater is just what one would expect from an explosion ejecting a large volume of dust, soil, and boulders. ■【A】However, the ejecta on Mars gives the distinct impression of a liquid that has splashed or flowed out of crater. ■【B】Geologists think that this fluidized ejecta crater indicates that a layer of permafrost, or water ice, lies just a few meters under the surface. ■【C】Explosive impacts heated and liquefied the ice, resulting in the fluid appearance of the ejecta. ■【D】14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it. To review the passage, click VIEW NEXT.Volcanoes and impact craters are major features of Martiangeology.A.Plate motion on Mars, once considered to have played no role in shaping the planet’s s urface, is now seen as beingdirectly associated with the planet’s earliest volcanoes.B.Mars has shield volcanoes, some of which are extremely tall because of the planet’s low surface gravity.C.Although the erosive power of the Martian atmosphere ensures that Mars has fewer craters than the Moon does, impact craters are prominent on Mars’ s surface.D.Scientists cannot yet reliably estimate the age of the Martian surface because there has been too much erosion of it.E.Scientists have been surprised to discover that conditions just below the surface of Mars are very similar to conditions just below the surface of the MoonF.Studies of crater ejecta have revealed the possibility of a layer of permafrost below the surface of Mars.托福阅读答案1.enormous 巨大的,所以正确答案是B,extremely large。

英语托福试题及答案一、听力部分1. 问题:What is the main topic of the lecture?答案:The main topic of the lecture is the impact of industrialization on the environment.2. 问题:According to the professor, what is the primarycause of air pollution?答案:The primary cause of air pollution, according to the professor, is the burning of fossil fuels.3. 问题:What is the student's suggestion to reduce pollution?答案:The student suggests using renewable energy sourcesto reduce pollution.二、阅读部分1. 问题:What does the author argue about the role of technology in education?答案:The author argues that technology has the potentialto enhance learning experiences but also emphasizes the importance of its proper integration into the curriculum.2. 问题:What evidence does the author provide to support the benefits of technology in education?答案:The author provides evidence such as increasedstudent engagement, access to a wider range of resources, and the ability to personalize learning.3. 问题:What is the author's view on the challenges of integrating technology into education?答案:The author believes that challenges include the need for teacher training, the digital divide, and the risk of distraction.三、口语部分1. 问题:Describe a memorable event from your childhood.答案:One memorable event from my childhood was my first visit to a zoo, where I was amazed by the variety of animals and learned about their habitats.2. 问题:Why do you think it is important to learn a second language?答案:Learning a second language is important because it opens up opportunities for communication, broadens cultural understanding, and enhances cognitive abilities.3. 问题:What are some ways to improve your English speaking skills?答案:Some ways to improve English speaking skills include practicing with native speakers, joining language exchange groups, and using language learning apps.四、写作部分1. 问题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University education should be free for all students.答案:[Your response should be a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, body paragraphs with supporting arguments, and a conclusion.]2. 问题:Some people believe that the government should spend more on art and culture, while others think that this money should be used for other public services. Discuss both views and give your opinion.答案:[Your response should be a well-organized essay that presents the arguments for both views, provides your own opinion, and includes a conclusion.]3. 问题:Describe a person who has had a significant influence on your life and explain why this person is important to you.答案:[Your response should be a descriptive essay that outlines the person's characteristics, the impact they have had on you, and the reasons for their significance.]。

A number of factors related to the voice reveal the personality of the speaker. The first is the broad area of communication, which includes imparting information by use of language, communicating with a group or an individual, and specialized communication through performance. A person conveys thoughts and ideas through choice of words, by a tone of voice that is pleasant or unpleasant, gentle or harsh, by the rhythm that is inherent within the language itself, and by speech rhythms that are flowing and regular or uneven and hesitant, and finally, by the pitch and melody of the utterance. When speaking before a group, a person's tone may indicate unsureness or fright, confidence or calm. At interpersonal levels, the tone may reflect ideas and feelings over and above the words chosen, or may belie them. Here the conversant's tone can consciously or unconsciously reflect intuitive sympathy or antipathy, lack of concern or interest, fatigue, anxiety, enthusiasm or excitement, all of which are usually discernible by the acute listener. Public performance is a manner of communication that is highly specialized with its own techniques for obtaining effects by voice and /or gesture. The motivation derived from the text, and in the case of singing, the music, in combination with the performer's skills, personality, and ability to create empathy will determine the success of artistic, political, or pedagogic communication.Second, the voice gives psychological clues to a person's self-image, perception of others, and emotional health. Self-image can be indicated by a tone of voice that is confident, pretentious, shy, aggressive, outgoing, or exuberant, to name only a few personality traits. Also the sound may give a clue to the facade or mask of that person, for example, a shy person hiding behind an overconfident front. How a speaker perceives the listener's receptiveness, interest, or sympathy in any given conversation can drastically alter the tone of presentation, by encouraging or discouraging the speaker. Emotional health is evidenced in the voice by free and melodic sounds of the happy, by constricted and harsh sound of the angry, and by dull and lethargic qualities of the depressed.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The function of the voice in performance(B) The connection between voice and personality(C) Communication styles(D) The production of speech2. What does the author mean by stating that, "At interpersonal levels, tone may reflect ideas and feelings over and above the words chosen" (lines 9-10)?(A) Feelings are expressed with different words than ideas are.(B) The tone of voice can carry information beyond the meaning of words. (C) A high tone of voice reflects an emotional communication.(D) Feelings are more difficult to express than ideas.3. The word "Here" in line 10 refers to(A) interpersonal interactions(B) the tone(C) ideas and feelings(D) words chosen4. The word "derived获得" in line 15 is closest in meaning to(A) discussed(B) prepared(C) registered 记录,登记,注册(D) obtained5. Why does the author mention "artistic, political, or pedagogic communication" in line 17?(A) As examples of public performance(B) As examples of basic styles of communication(C) To contrast them to singing(D) To introduce the idea of self-image6. According to the passage , an exuberant tone of voice, may be an indication ofa person's(A) general physical health(B) personality(C) ability to communicate(D) vocal quality7. According to the passage , an overconfident front may hide(A) hostility(B) shyness(C) friendliness(D) strength8. The word "drastically激烈地" in line 24 is closest in meaning to(A) frequently(B) exactly(C) severely(D) easily9. The word "evidenced表明" in line 25 is closest in meaning to(A) questioned(B) repeated(C) indicated(D) exaggerated 夸大,夸张10. According to the passage , what does a constricted and harsh voice indicate? (A) lethargy(B) depression(C) boredom(D) anger答案:BBADA BBCCD。

新托福考试阅读理解模拟试题及答案3The observation of the skies has played a special part in the lives and cultures of peoples since the earliest of times. Evidence obtained from a site known as the Hole in the Rock, in Papago Park in Phoenix, Arizona, indicates that it might have been used as an observatory by a prehistoric people known as the Hohokam.The physical attributes of the site allow its use as a natural calendar/clock. The "hole" at Hole in the Rock is formed by two large overhanging rocks coming together at a point, creating a shelter with an opening large enough for several persons to pass through. The northeast-facing overhang has a smaller opening in its roof. It is this smaller hole that produces the attributes that may have been used as a calendar/clock.Because of its location in the shelter's roof, a beam of sunlight can pass through this second hole and cast a spot onto the shelter's wall and floor. This spot of light travels from west to east as the sun moves across the sky. It also moves from north to south and back again as the Earth travels around the Sun, the west-to-east movement could have been used to establish a daily clock, much like a sundial, while the north-to-south movement could have been used to establish a seasonal calendar.The spot first appears and starts down the surface of the wall of the shelter at different times of the morning depending on the time of the year. The spot grows in size from its first appearance until its maximum size is achieved roughly at midday. It then continues its downward movement until it reaches a point where it jumps to the floor of the shelter. As the Sun continues to move to the west, the spot continues to move across the shelter floor and down the butte, or hill, toward a group of small boulders. Ifa person is seated on a certain one of these rocks as the spot reaches it, the Sun can be viewed through the calendar hole. This occurs at different times in the afternoon depending on the time of year.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) observations of the stars by ancient people(B) rock formations of Arizona(C) a site used by ancient people to measure time(D) the movement of the earth around the Sun2. The word "obtained" in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A) acquired(B) transported(C) covered(D) removed3. The word "attributes属性,特征" in line 5 is closest in meaning to (A) changes(B) characteristics(C) locations(D) dimensions4. The word "its" in line 10 refers to(A) roof(B) beam(C) hole(D) spot5. The word "establish" in line 15 is closest in meaning to(A) create(B) locate(C) consult(D) choose6. Which of the following is NOT true of the spot of light?(A) It is caused by sunlight passing through a hole.(B) It travels across the roof of the shelter.(C) Its movement is affected by the position of the Sun.(D)It movement could have been used to estimate the time of day.7. From which of the following can be the time of year be determined? (A) The movement of the spot of light from west to east(B) The speed with which the spot of light moves(C) The movement of the spot of light from north to south (D) The size of the sport of light at midday8. The word "roughly粗糙地" in line 18 is closest in meaning to(A) finally(B) harshly(C) uneasily(D) approximately9. The passage mentions that the Hole in the Rock was used as all of the following EXCEPT(A) a calendar(B) a home(C) a clock(D) an observatory10. Which of the following can be inferred from the fourth paragraph? (A) The boulders are located below the rock shelter.(B) The person seated on the rock cannot see the shelter.(C)After it passes the boulders, the spot of light disappears.(D) The spot of light is largest when it first appears.答案:CABCA BCDBA。

托福模拟考试试题及答案一、听力部分1. 听下面对话,选择正确答案。
- 问题:What does the woman want to do?- 选项:A. Borrow a book from the library.B. Return a book to the library.C. Find a quiet place to study.- 答案:C2. 听下面讲座,选择正确答案。
- 问题:What is the main topic of the lecture? - 选项:A. The history of photography.B. The impact of technology on art.C. The evolution of painting techniques.- 答案:B二、阅读部分1. 阅读下面短文,选择正确答案。
- 短文:[短文内容]- 问题:What is the main idea of the passage?- 选项:A. The importance of environmental protection.B. The benefits of urban development.C. The challenges of population growth.- 答案:A2. 阅读下面长文,选择正确答案。
- 长文:[长文内容]- 问题:According to the author, what is the mostsignificant factor contributing to success in business?- 选项:A. Innovation.B. Capital.C. Networking.- 答案:A三、口语部分1. 口语任务:描述你最喜欢的季节,并解释原因。
- 答案示例:- 我最喜欢的季节是秋天。

2023年托福考试试题(含答案)阅读部分题目 1题目描述阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。
问题What are the potential disadvantages of working from home?参考答案The potential disadvantages of working from home include decreased social interaction, increased distractions, and a blurring of boundaries between work and personal life.题目 2题目描述阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。
Many people believe that the government should provide funding for the arts. They argue that the arts play an important role in society, promoting creativity and enriching people's lives. Others, however, believe that the arts should be funded privately, through donations and ticket sales. They argue that public funding for the arts is a misuse of taxpayer money.问题What are the arguments for and against government funding for the arts?参考答案听力部分题目 1题目描述听下面的对话,然后回答问题。
Woman: Did you hear about the new restaurant that just opened downtown?Man: No, I haven't. What's it like?Man: That sounds interesting. Is it expensive?Woman: No, the prices are quite reasonable, especially considering the high quality of the food.问题What kind of restaurant is the woman talking about?参考答案题目 2题目描述听下面的对话,然后回答问题。

新托福阅读模拟试题及答案The medieval artists didn’t know about perspective; they didn’t want to make their people look like real, individual people in a real, individual scene. They wanted to show the truth, the eternal quality of their religious stories. So these artists didn’t need to know about perspective.In the European Renaissance period, artists wanted to show the importance of the individual person and his or her possessions and surroundings. A flat medieval style couldn’t show this level of reality and the artists needed a new technique. It was the Italian artist Brunelleschi who discovered the technique of perspective drawing. At first the artists of the Renaissance only had single-point perspective. Later they realized that they could have two-pointed perspective and still later multi-point perspective.With two-point perspective they could turn an object (like a building) at an angle to the picture and draw two sides of it. The technique of perspective which seems so natural to us now is an invented technique, a part of the “grammar of painting”. Like all bits of grammar there are exceptions about perspective. For example, only vertical and horizontal surfaces seem to meet on eye level. Sloping roof tops don’t meet on eye level.For 500 years, artists in Europe made use of perspective drawing in their pictures. Nevertheless, there are a range of priorities that artists in displaying individual styles. Crivelliwanted to show depth in his picture and he used a simple single-point perspective. Cezanne always talked about space and volume. Van Gogh, like some of the other painters of the Impressionist period, was interested in Japanese prints. And Japanese artists until this century were always very strong designers of “flat” pictures. Picasso certainly made pictures which have volume and depth. However, he wanted to keep our eyes on the surface and to remind us that his paintings are paintings and not illusions.It is technically easy to give an illusion of depth. However, a strong two dimensional design is just as important as a feeling of depth, and perhaps more important.新托福阅读模拟试题及答案一1 The passage mainly discusses(a) the difference between medieval and Renaissance art(b) how the technique of perspective influenced the modern art(c) the discovery of the technique of perspective(d) the contribution of Renaissance artists2 The word “eternal” in line3 is closest in meaning to(a) timeless(b) infinite(c) frequent(d) constant3 According to the passage, which is the main concern for medieval artists?(a) the individual person and his/her possessions and surroundings(b) real people, real scenes(c) eternal timeless truth of the earth(d) themes of religious stories4 The discovery of perspective was the result of(a) Renaissance artists’ to prove that the medieval artists could show level of reality(b) the need to turn an object at an angle and draw more than one side of it(c) the subject being shifted from religious stories to individual person and surroundings.(d) natural evolution of human senses5 The word “it” in line 12 refers to(a) the picture(b) perspective(c) angle(d) the object新托福阅读模拟试题及答案二6 The word “Grammar ” in line 13 is closest in meaning to(a) construction(b) grammatical rules(c) rules and regulations(d) tones and volume7 The author’s purpose to give the example in line14-15 is to(a) explain how perspective work in painting(b) support two-pointed perspective(c) illustrate that there are exceptions about perspective(d) point out that the technique of perspective though seems so natural is an invented technique8 The following artists’ priorities in style shift away from perspective except(a) Crivelli(b) Cezanne(c) Japanese artists(d) Brunelleschi9 The word ”Illusion” in line 25 is closest in meaning to(a) deception(b) photograph(c) decoration(d) illustration10 It can be inferred from the passage that Renaissance artists(a) embraced the medieval style of eternal truth(b) needed to develop a new approach towards painting to show a new level of reality(c) were inspired by vertical and horizontal surfaces in inventing the technique of perspective(d) saw two dimensional design more important than a feeling of depth参考答案:1.b 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.c 7.c 8.d 9.a 10.b托福阅读重点句子积累1. Wearing masks and costumes, they often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mined the desired effect – success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun – as an actor might.戴着面具身着盛装的人们,经常扮演各种其他人物、动物或超自然生灵,并且作为一个扮演者所能做的,就是期盼一个在狩猎或战役中获胜、降雨的来临,阳光的重现的结果。

托福模拟题测试题及答案一、听力理解(Listening Comprehension)1. 根据录音内容,以下哪项是教授在讲座中提到的?A. 地球的气候变化对生态系统有积极影响。
B. 人类活动是导致全球变暖的主要原因。
C. 地球的自然周期导致了气候变化。
D. 气候变化对人类社会没有影响。
答案:B2. 在对话中,学生为什么感到困惑?A. 学生不理解课程作业的要求。
B. 学生不知道如何安排时间。
C. 学生对考试内容感到困惑。
D. 学生对老师的教学方法感到困惑。
答案:A二、阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)1. 根据文章内容,作者主要讨论了什么主题?A. 科技发展对教育的影响。
B. 教育系统如何适应社会变化。
C. 教育的重要性在现代社会中减少。
D. 社会对教育的需求日益增长。
答案:B2. 文章中提到的“终身学习”是指什么?A. 只在学生时代接受教育。
B. 教育应该贯穿一个人的整个生活。
C. 教育只对年轻人重要。
D. 教育只包括学术知识。
答案:B三、口语表达(Speaking Expression)1. 请描述你最近参加的一个活动,并解释为什么这个活动对你很重要。
(答案略)2. 你如何看待在线教育与传统教育的结合?请给出你的观点。
(答案略)四、写作能力(Writing Ability)1. 写一篇短文,讨论科技在日常生活中的作用,并给出你的观点。
(答案略)2. 选择一个你感兴趣的社会问题,写一篇文章,说明这个问题的重要性以及可能的解决方案。

托福试题全部及答案1. Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage:In the realm of environmental conservation, the concept of sustainable development has gained significant traction over the past few decades. It is predicated on the idea that economic growth and environmental protection are not mutually exclusive but can coexist harmoniously. The key to achieving this balance lies in the efficient use of resources, the implementation of eco-friendly practices, and the promotion of policies that prioritize both economic and ecological health.Question 1: What is the primary focus of sustainable development?A) Economic growthB) Environmental protectionC) Efficient use of resourcesD) Both A and BAnswer: D) Both A and BQuestion 2: According to the passage, what is essential for achieving a balance between economic growth and environmental protection?A) Inefficient use of resourcesB) Implementation of eco-friendly practicesC) Neglect of policiesD) Overexploitation of resourcesAnswer: B) Implementation of eco-friendly practices2. Directions: Listen to the following conversation and answer the questions that follow.Conversation:Speaker 1: "I've been learning about the history of the internet and it's fascinating how it has transformed our lives."Speaker 2: "Absolutely, it's hard to imagine life without it now. It's become an integral part of our daily routines."Question 1: What are the speakers discussing?A) The history of the internetB) The future of the internetC) The impact of the internet on daily lifeD) The disadvantages of the internetAnswer: C) The impact of the internet on daily lifeQuestion 2: What does Speaker 2 imply about the internet?A) It is a new inventionB) It is a luxuryC) It is an essential part of daily lifeD) It is a hindrance to daily routinesAnswer: C) It is an essential part of daily life3. Directions: Complete the following sentences using the appropriate words from the list provided.List of words:a) accelerateb) diminishc) enhanced) mitigatee) prosperSentence 1: The introduction of new technologies has the potential to _____ the economy.Answer: c) enhanceSentence 2: The company's profits have _____ significantly due to poor management.Answer: b) diminishSentence 3: The government is implementing policies to _____ the effects of climate change.Answer: d) mitigateSentence 4: The new highway will _____ traffic congestion in the city.Answer: a) accelerateSentence 5: The small business _____ after receiving a large investment.Answer: e) prosper4. Directions: Write an essay on the following topic: "The Role of Education in Promoting Social Equality."In your essay, you should:- Discuss the importance of education in reducing social inequalities.- Explain how education can empower individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.- Provide examples of educational policies or programs that have been successful in promoting social equality.Essay:Education plays a pivotal role in promoting social equality by providing individuals with the tools and knowledge necessary to succeed in life. It is a powerful equalizer that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. By offering equal access toquality education, societies can reduce social inequalities and create a more level playing field for all.One of the ways education can empower individuals is by providing them with the skills and qualifications needed to secure better job opportunities. For instance, vocational training programs can equip individuals with practical skills that are in high demand in the job market, thus increasing their chances of employment and improving their economic prospects.Moreover, educational policies and programs that focus on inclusivity and accessibility have proven successful in promoting social equality. For example, scholarship programsfor underprivileged students can ensure that financial constraints do not hinder their pursuit of education. Similarly, affirmative action policies in higher education institutions can provide equal opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds.In conclusion, education is a cornerstone of social equality. It has the potential to transform lives and societies by fostering a more inclusive and equitable world. By investing in education, we invest in the future of our communities and the well-being of all individuals.Note: The essay provided is a sample response and should be tailored to the specific requirements of the prompt.。

最新托福考试阅读试题及答案1阅读题目:Mountaineers have noted that as they climb, for example, up to the 12,633-foot humphreys peak in the san francisco peaks in arizona, plant life changes radically. starting among the cacti of the sonoran desert, one climbs into a pine forest at 7,000 feet and a treeless alpine tundra at the summit. it may seem that plants at a given altitude are associated in what can be called “communities” – groupings of interacting species. the idea is that over time, plants that require particular climate and soil conditions come to live in the same places, and hence are frequently to be found together. scientists who study the history of plant life are known as paleobotanists, or paleobots for short. they build up a picture of how groups of plants have responded to climate changes and how ecosystems develop. but are these associations, which are real in the present, permanent?a great natural experiment took place on this planet between 25,000 and 10,000 years ago, when small changes in the earth’s orbit and axis of rotation caused great sheets of ice to spread from the poles. these glaciers covered much of north america and europe to depths of up to two miles, and then, as the climate warmed, they retreated. during this retreat, they left behind newly uncovered land for living things to colonize, and as those living things moved in they laid down a record we can read now. as the ice retreated and plants started to grow near a lake, they would release pollen. some would fall into the lake, sink to the bottom, and be incorporated into the sediment. by drilling into the lake bottom it is possible to read the record of successive plant life around the lake. the fossil record seems clear; there is little or no evidence that entire groups of plants moved north together. things that lived together in the past don’t live together now, and things that live together now didn’t live together in the past. each individual organism moved at its own pace. the fossil record seems to be tellineuver – to respond to environmental changes.1. what is the passage mainly about?(a) the effects of the ice age on plants(b) plant migration after the ice age(c) the need to develop a new approach to environmental issues(d) communities of plants live at different altitudes2. the word “radically” in line 2 is closest in meaning to(a) variably(b) demonstrably(c) quickly(d) dramatically3. the author mentions “cacti” in line 3 and a ”treeless alpine tundra” in line 4 to illustrate(a) changes in climate(b) the effects of the ice age(c) communities of plants(d) plant migration4. the word “which” in line 10 refers to(a) the responses of plants to climate changes(b) the current theories of ecosystems(c) the developments of ecosystems(d) plant life changes5. the word “axis” in line 12 is closest in meaning to(a) center(b) method(c) change(d) slowdown6. the word “successive” in line 19 is closest in meaning to(a) exng us that we should be thinking about preserving species by giving them room to matinct(b) consecutive(c) accumulative(d) following7. the passage states that by drilling into the lake bottom it is possible to find successive fossils of:(a) sediment(b) ice(c) plant life(d) pollen8. which of the following can be inferred from the passage(a) –that the migratory patterns of plants are dependent upon changes in climate(b) –that modern conservation methods should consider the migratory patterns of plants(c) –that current associations of plants are similar to those in the past(d) –that another ice age is likely to occur at some time9. according to the passage, the movement of individual species of plants(a) occurs in groups(b) often depends upon the formation of lakes(c) does not occur in groups(d) depends upon climate and soil conditions10. all of the following are true except(a) the ice age occurred when small changes affected the movement of the earth(b) fossil records seem to indicate that plants will be preserved if theyhave sufficient room to move(c) fossil records clearly show that entire groups of plants are unlikely to have moved together(d) in the ice age glaciers covered the world to depths of up to two miles【参考答案】:BBCDA BACAD最新托福考试阅读试题及答案2The year 1850 may be considered the beginning of a new epoch in America art, with respect to the development of watercolor In December of that year, a group of thirty artists gathered in the studio of John Falconer in New York City and drafted both a constitution and bylaws, establishing The Society for the Promotion of Painting in Water In addition to securing an exhibition space in the Library Society building in lower Manhattan, the society founded a small school for theinstruction of watercolor Periodic exhibitions of the members paintings also included works by noted English artists of the day, borrowed from embryonic private collections in the The societys activities also included organized sketching excursions along the Hudson Its major public exposure came in 1853, when the society presented works by its members in the "Industry of All Nations" section of the Crystal Palace Exposition in NewThe society did not prosper, however, and by the time of its annual meeting in 1854 membership had fallen to The group gave up its quarters in the Library Society building and returned to Falconers studio, where it broke up amid No further attempt to formally organize the growing numbers of watercolor painters in New York City was made for more than a During that decade, though, Henry Warrens Painting in Water Color was published in New York City in 1856 — the book was a considerable improvement over the only other manual of instruction existing at the time, Elements of Graphic Art, by Archibald Roberson,published in 1802 and by the 1850s long out ofIn 1866 the NationalAcademy of Design was host to an exhibition of watercolor painting in its elaborate neo-Venetian Gothic building on Twenty-Third Street in New York The exhibit was sponsored by an independent group called The Artists Fund Within a few months of this event, forty-two prominent artists living in and near New York Cityfounded The American Society of Painters in Water阅读题目:This passage is mainly about(A) the most influential watercolor painters in the mid-1800s(B) efforts to organize watercolor painters in New York City during the mid-1800s(C) a famous exhibition of watercolor paintings in New York City in the mid-1800s(D) styles of watercolor painting in New York City during the mid-1800sThe year 1850 was significant in the history of watercolor painting mainly because(A) a group of artists established a watercolor painting society(B) watercolor painting was first introduced to New York City(C) John Falconer established his studio for watercolor painters(D) The first book on watercolor painting was publishedThe word "securing" in line 5 is closest in meaning to(A) locking(B) creating(C) constructing(D) acquiringAll of the following can be inferred about the Society for thepromotion of Painting inWatercolor EXCEPT:(A) The society exhibited paintings in lower(B) Instruction in watercolor painting was offered by members of the society(C) The society exhibited only the paintings of its(D) Scenes of the Hudson River appeared often in the work of societyThe exhibition at the Crystal Palace of the works of the Society for the Promotion of Painting inWatercolor was significant for which of the following reasons?(A) It resulted in a dramatic increase in the popularity of painting with(B) It was the first time an exhibition was funded by a private(C) It was the first important exhibition of the societys(D) It resulted in a large increase in the membership of theThe word "it" in line 15 refers to(A) time(B) group(C) building(D) studioWhich of the following is true of watercolor painters in New York City in the late 1850s?(A) They increased in number despite a lack of formal(B) They were unable to exhibit their paintings because of the lack of exhibition(C) The Artists Fund Society helped them to form The American Society of Painters in Water(D) They formed a new society because they were not allowed to join groups run by other kinds of Henry Warrens Painting in Water Color was important to artists because it(A) received an important reward(B) was the only textbook published that taught painting(C) was much better than an earlier published fundamental of instruction(D) attracted the interest of art collectorsThe word "considerable" in line 19 is closest in meaning to(A) sensitive(B) great(C) thoughtful(D) plannedThe year 1866 was significant for watercolor painting for which of the following reasons?(A) Elements of GraphicArt was(B) Private collections of watercolors were first publicly(C) The neo-Venetian Gothic building on Twenty-Third Street in New York City was(D) The NationalAcademy of Design held an exhibition of watercolorThe word "prominent" in line 25 is closest in meaning to(A) wealthy(B) local(C) famous(D) organized阅读答案:BADCC BACBD C【最新托福考试阅读试题及答案】。

托福阅读TPO19(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:TheRomanArmy'sImpactonBritainTPO是我们常用的托福模考工具,对我们的备考很有价值,下面小编给大家带来托福阅读TPO19(试题+答案+译文)第1篇:The Roman Army's Impact on Britain。
托福阅读原文【1】In the wake of the Roman Empire's conquest of Britain in the first century A.D., a large number of troops stayed in the new province, and these troops had a considerable impact on Britain with their camps, fortifications, and participation in the local economy. Assessing the impact of the army on the civilian population starts from the realization that the soldiers were always unevenly distributed across the country. Areas rapidly incorporated into the empire were not long affected by the military. Where the army remained stationed, its presence was much more influential. The imposition of a military base involved the requisition of native lands for both the fort and the territory needed to feed and exercise the soldiers' animals. The imposition of military rule also robbed local leaders of opportunities to participate in local government, so social development was stunted and the seeds of disaffection sown. This then meant that the military had to remain to suppress rebellion and organize government.【2】 Economic exchange was clearly very important as the Roman army brought with it very substantial spending power. Locally a fort had two kinds of impact. Its large population needed food and other supplies. Some of these were certainly brought from long distances, but demands were inevitably placed on the local area. Although goods could be requisitioned,they were usually paid for, and this probably stimulated changes in the local economy. When not campaigning, soldiers needed to be occupied; otherwise they represented a potentially dangerous source of friction and disloyalty. Hence a writing tablet dated 25 April tells of 343 men at one fort engaged on tasks like shoemaking, building a bathhouse, operating kilns, digging clay, and working lead. Such activities had a major effect on the local area, in particular with the construction of infrastructure such as roads, which improved access to remote areas.【3】 Each soldier received his pay, but in regions without a developed economy there was initially little on which it could be spent. The pool of excess cash rapidly stimulated a thriving economy outside fort gates. Some of the demand for the services and goods was no doubt fulfilled by people drawn from far afield, but some local people certainly became entwined in this new economy. There was informal marriage with soldiers, who until AD 197 were not legally entitled to wed, and whole new communities grew up near the forts. These settlements acted like small towns, becoming centers for the artisan and trading populations.【4】The army also provided a mean of personal advancement for auxiliary soldiers recruited from the native peoples, as a man obtained hereditary Roman citizenship on retirement after service in an auxiliary regiment. Such units recruited on an ad hoc (as needed) basis from the area in which they were stationed, and there was evidently large-scale recruitment within Britain. The total numbers were at least 12,500 men up to the reign of the emperor Hadrian (A.D. 117-138), with a peak around A.D. 80. Although a small proportion of the total population, this perhaps had a massive local impact when a largeproportion of the young men were removed from an area. Newly raised regiments were normally transferred to another province from whence it was unlikely that individual recruits would ever return. Most units raised in Britain went elsewhere on the European continent, although one is recorded in Morocco. The reverse process brought young men to Britain, where many continued to live after their 20 to 25 years of service, and this added to the cosmopolitan Roman character of the frontier population. By the later Roman period, frontier garrisons (groups of soldiers) were only rarely transferred, service in units became effectively hereditary, and forts were no longer populated or maintained at full strength.【5】 This process of settling in as a community over several generations, combined with local recruitment, presumably accounts for the apparent stability of the British northern frontier in the later Roman period. It also explains why some of the forts continued in occupation long after Rome ceased to have any formal authority in Britain, at the beginning of the fifth century A.D. The circumstances that had allowed natives to become Romanized also led the self-sustaining military community of the frontier area to become effectively British.托福阅读试题1. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 1? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A.Many Roman soldiers remained in Britain after conquering it, and their presence had a strong influence.B.The new Roman province of Britain seemed to awaken in the first century A.D. as the local economy improved.C.Camps, fortifications, and economic change contributed to the Roman conquest of Britain.D.With the conquest of Britain by Roman troops, the Roman Empire gained considerable economic strength.2. According to paragraph 1, the Roman army had the most influence on those areas of Britain that wereA.conquered first.B.near population centers.ed as military bases.D.rapidly incorporated into the empire.3. According to paragraph 1, what effect did military occupation have on the local population?A.It encouraged more even distribution of the population and the settlement of previously undeveloped territory.B.It created discontent and made continuing military occupation necessary.C.It required local labor to construct forts and feed and exercise the s oldiers’ animals.D.It provided local leaders with opportunities to participate in governance.4. The word “suppress” in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning toA.respond to.B.warn against.C.avoid the impact of.D.stop by force.5. The word “friction” in the passage (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning toA.rebellion.B.conflict.C.neglect.D.crime.6. The author mentions “343 men at one fort engaged on tasks like shoemaking, building a bathhouse, operating kilns, digging clay, and working lead”in paragraph 2 in order toA.describe the kinds of tasks soldiers were required to perform as punishment for disloyalty or misdeeds.B.illustrate some of the duties assigned to soldiers to keep them busy and well-behaved when not involved in military campaigns.C.provide evidence that Roman soldiers had a negative effect on the local area by performing jobs that had been performed by native workers.D.argue that the soldiers would have been better employed in the construction of infrastructure such as roads.7. The phrase “entitled to” in the passage (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning toA.given the right to.B.able to afford to.C.encouraged to.D.required to.8. According to paragraph 3, how did the soldiers meet their needs for goods and services?A.Their needs were met by the army, and all of their economic transactions took place within the fort.B.Most of their needs were met by traveling tradespeople who visit the forts.C.During their days off, soldiers traveled to distant towns to make purchases.D.They bought what they needed from the artisans andtraders in nearby towns.9. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true of Britain’s auxiliary regiments of the Roman army?A.Membership in these regiments reached its highest point during the region of the emperor Hadrian.B.Most of the units recruited in Britain were sent to Morocco and other stations outside Europe.C.Soldiers served in the regiments for many years and after retirement generally stayed where they had been stationed.D.Most of the regiments stationed on the frontier were new units transferred from a neighboring province.10. According to paragraph 4, all of the following changes could be seen in the frontier garrisons by the later Roman period EXCEPT:A.Membership in the units passed from father to son.B.Fewer soldiers were stationed at the forts.C.Soldiers usually were not transferred to different locations.D.Frontier units became more effective and proficient.11. Why does the author mention that “some of the forts continued in occupation long after Rome ceased to have any formal authority in Britain”in paragraph 5 ?A.To emphasize the degree to which the stability of the British northern frontier depended on firm military control.B.To suggest that the Romans continued to occupy Britain even after they had formally given up the right to do so.C.To support the claim that forts continued to serve an import economic function even after they ceased to be of any military use.D.To describe one of the things that resulted from frontier garrisons’ becoming part of the local community over a longperiod.12. The word “circumstances” in the passage (paragraph 5) is closest in meaning toA.experiences.munities.C.conditions.ws.13. Look at the four squares [■] that i ndicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? One solution was to keep them busy as sources of labor.Paragraph 2: Economic exchange was clearly very important as the Roman army brought with it very substantial spending power. Locally a fort had two kinds of impact. Its large population needed food and other supplies. ■【A】Some of these were certainly brought from long distances, but demands were inevitably placed on the local area. ■【B】 Although goods could be requisitioned, they were usually paid for, and this probably stimulated changes in the local economy. ■【C】When not campaigning, soldiers needed to be occupied; otherwise they represented a potentially dangerous source of friction and disloyalty. ■【D】 Hence a writing tablet dated 25 April tells of 343 men at one fort engaged on tasks like shoemaking, building a bathhouse, operating kilns, digging clay, and working lead. Such activities had a major effect on the local area, in particular with the construction of infrastructure such as roads, which improved access to remote areas.14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the mostimportant ideas in the passage. Some sentence do not belong to the summary because they express ideas that are no presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.The Roman army’s occupation of Britain influenced and changed the local population.A.Although the presence of the army in certain areas caused resentment among the local population, it provided important services such as building infrastructure.B.By recruiting unemployed young men for its auxiliary units, the army made it possible for them to stay in their home towns and provide financial support for their families.rge quantities of cash from soldiers’ pay stimulated development, but also drove up prices, making it hard for local residents to afford goods and services.D.Though the army appropriated land and some goods, it also paid for many supplies, stimulating local economic growth.E.The forts contributed to the quality of local crafts by bringing in artisans from distant places who brought with them new skills and techniques.F.Roman soldiers started families with local inhabitants, and over the generations, the military community became a stable part of British society.托福阅读答案1.原文in的部分是非主要成分,结构是军队呆在blabla,并且有影响,所以答案是A。

托福TOEFL考试阅读模拟题(含答案)托福阅读文本:The Native Americans of northern California were highly skilled at basketry, using thereeds,grasses, barks, and roots they found around them to fashion articles of all sorts and sizes — not only trays, containers, and cooking pots, but hats, boats, fish traps, baby carriers, and ceremonial objects.Of all these experts, none excelled the Pomo — a group who lived on or near the coast during the 1800's, and whose descendants continue to live in parts of the same region to this day. They made baskets three feet in diameter and others no bigger than a thimble. The Pomo people were masters of decoration. Some of their baskets were completely covered with shell pendants; others with feathers that made the baskets' surfaces as soft as the breasts of birds. Moreover, the Pomo people made use of more weaving techniques than did their neighbors. Most groups made all their basketwork by twining — the twisting of a flexible horizontal material, called a weft, around stiffer vertical strands of material, the warp. Others depended primarily on coiling — a process in which a continuous coil of stiff material is held in the desired shape with tight wrapping of flexible strands. Only the Pomo people used both processes with equal ease and frequency. In addition, they made use of four distinct variations on the basic twining process, often employing more than one of them in a single article.Although a wide variety of materials was available, the Pomo people used only a few. The warp was always made of willow, and the most commonly used weft was sedge root, a woody fiber that could easily be separated into strands no thicker than a thread. For color, the Pomo people used the bark of redbud for their twined work and dyed bullrush root for black in coiled work. Though other materials were sometimes used, these four were the staples in their finest basketry.If the basketry materials used by the Pomo people were limited, the designs were amazingly varied. Every Pomo basketmaker knew how to produce from fifteen to twenty distinct patterns that could be combined in a number of different ways.托福阅读题目:1. What best distinguished Pomo basketsfrom baskets of other groups?(A) The range of sizes, shapes, and designs(B) The unusual geometric(C) The absence of decoration(D) The rare materials used2. The word "fashion" in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A) maintain(B) organize(C) trade(D) create3. The Pomo people used each of the following materials to decorate baskets EXCEPT(A) shells(B) feathers(C) leaves(D) bark4. What is the author's main point in the second paragraph?(A) The neighbors of the Pomo people tried to improve on the Pomo basket weaving techniques.(B) The Pomo people were the most skilled basket weavers in their region.(C) The Pomo people learned their basket weaving techniques from other Native Americans.(D) The Pomo baskets have been handed down for generations.5. The word "others " in line 9 refers to(A) masters(B) baskets(C) pendants(D) surfaces6.According to the passage , a weft is a(A) tool for separating sedge root(B) process used for coloring baskets(C) pliable maternal woven around the warp(D) pattern used to decorate baskets7.According to the passage , what did the Pomo people use as the warp in their baskets?(A) bullrush(B) willow(C) sedge(D) redbud8. The word "article" in line 17 is close in meaning to(A) decoration(B) shape(C) design(D) object9. According to the passage . The relationship between redbud and twining is most similar to the relationship between(A) bullrush and coiling(B) weft and warp(C) willow and feathers(D) sedge and weaving10. The word "staples" in line 23 is closest in meaning to(A) combinations(B) limitations(C) accessories(D) basic elements11. The word "distinct" in lime 26 is closest in meaning to(A) systematic(B) beautiful(C) different(D) compatible12. Which of the following statements about Pomo baskets can be best inferred from the passage ?(A) Baskets produced by other Native Americans were less varied in design than those of the Pomo people.(B) Baskets produced by Pomo weavers were primarily for ceremonial purposes.(C) There were a very limited number of basketmaking materials available to the Pomo people.(D) The basketmaking production of the Pomo people has increased over the years.托福阅读模拟题答案:BDCBB CBDAD CA。
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托福考试阅读模拟试题及答案PARAGRAPH 1 The earliest of the city states of the ancient Near East appeared at the southern end of the Mesopotamian plain, the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now Iraq. It was here that the civilization known as Sumer emerged in its earliest form in the fifth millennium. At first sight, the plain did not appear to be a likely home for a civilization. There were few natural resources, no timber, stone, or metals.Rainfall was limited, and what water there was rushed across the plain in the annual flood of melted snow. As the plain fell only 20 meters in 500 kilometers, the beds of the rivers shifted constantly. It was this that made the organization of irrigation, particularly the building of canals to channel and preserve the water, essential. Once this was done and the silt carried down by the rivers was planted, the rewards were rich: four to five times whatrain-fed earth would produce. It was these conditions that allowed an elite to emerge, probably as an organizing class, and to sustain itself through the control of surplus crops. PARAGRAPH 2 It is difficult to isolate the factors that led to the next development—the emergence ofurban settlements. The earliest, that of Eridu, about 4500 B.C.E., and Uruk, a thousand years later, center on impressive temple complexes built of mud brick. In some way, the elite had associated themselves with the power of the gods. Uruk, for instance, had two patron gods—Anu, the god of the sky and sovereign of all other gods, and inanna, a goddess of love and war—and there were others, patrons of different cities. Human beings were at their mercy. The biblical story of the Flood may originate in Sumer. In the earliest version, the gods destroy the human race because its clamor had been so disturbing to them. PARAGRAPH 3 It used to be believed that before 3000 B.C.E. thepolitical and economic life of the cities was centered on their temples, but it now seems probable that the cities had secular rulers from earliest times. Within the city lived administrators, craftspeople, and merchants. (Trading was important, as so many raw materials, the semiprecious stones for the decoration of the temples, timbers for roofs, and all metals, had to be imported.) An increasingly sophisticated system of administration led in about 3300 B.C.E. to the appearance of writing. The earliest script was based on logograms, with a symbol being used to expressa whole word. The logograms were incised on damp clay tablets with a stylus with a wedge shape at its end. (The Romans called the shape cuneus and this gives the scriptits name of cuneiform.) Two thousand logograms have been recorded from these early centuries of writing. A more economical approach was to use a sign to express not a whole word but a single syllable. (To take an example: the Sumerian word for" head" was "sag." Whenever a word including a syllable in which the sound "sag" was to be written, the sign for "sag" could be used to express that syllable with the remaining syllables of the word expressed by other signs.) By 2300 B.C.E. the number of signs required had been reduced to 600, and the range of words that could be expressed had widened. Texts dealing with economic matters predominated, as they always had done; but at this point works of theology, g literature, history, and law also appeared. PARAGRAPH 4 Other innovations of the late fourth millennium include the wheel, probably developed first as a more efficient way of making pottery and then transferred to transport. A tablet engraved about 3000 B.C.E. provides the earliest known example from Sumer, a roofed boxlike sledge mounted on four solid wheels. Amajor development was the discovery, again about 3000B.C.E., that if copper, which had been known in Mesopotamia since about 3500 B.C.E., was mixed with tin, a much harder metal, bronze, would result. Although copper and stonetools continued to be used, bronze was far more successful in creating sharp edges that could be used as anything from saws and scythes to weapons. The period from 3000 to 1000 B.C.E., when the use of bronze became I widespread, is normally referred to as the Bronze Age. PARAGRAPH 1 The earliest of the city states of the ancient Near East appeared at the southern end of the Mesopotamian plain, the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now Iraq. It was here that the civilization known as Sumer emerged in its earliest form in the fifth millennium. At first sight, the plain did not appear to be a likely home for a civilization. There were few natural resources, no timber, stone, or metals. Rainfall was limited, and what water there was rushed across the plain in the annual flood of melted snow. As the plain fell only 20 meters in 500 kilometers, the beds of the rivers shifted constantly. It was this that made the organization of irrigation, particularly the building of canals to channel and preservethe water, essential. Once this was done and the silt carried down by the rivers was planted, the rewards were rich: four to five times what rain-fed earth would produce. It was these conditions that allowed an elite to emerge, probably as an organizing class, and to sustain itself through the control of surplus crops. PARAGRAPH 1The earliest of the city states of the ancient Near East appeared at the southern end of the Mesopotamian plain, the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now Iraq. It was here that the civilization known as Sumer emerged in its earliest form in the fifth millennium. At first sight, the plain did not appear to be a likely home for a civilization. There were few natural resources, no timber, stone, or metals. Rainfall was limited, and what water there was rushed across the plain in the annual flood of melted snow. As the plain fell only 20 meters in 500 kilometers, the beds of the rivers shifted constantly. It was this that made the organization of irrigation, particularly the building of canals to channel and preserve the water, essential. Once this was done and the silt carried down by the rivers was planted, the rewards were rich: four to five times what rain-fed earth would produce.It was these conditions that allowed an elite to emerge, probably as an organizing class, and to sustain itself through the control of surplus crops. 1、Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 1 as a disadvantage of the Mesopotamian plain? There was not very much rainfall for most of the year. Melting snow caused flooding every year. The silt deposited by rivers damaged crops. Timber, stone and metals were notreadily available. 2、According to paragraph 1, which of the following made it possible for an elite to emerge? New crops were developed that were better suited to conditions on the Mesopotamian plain. The richest individuals managed to gain control of the most valuable cropland. Control over the few available natural resources made some people four to five times richer than everyone else. The building of canals to increase agricultural output required organization. 3、The word "sustain" in the passage is closest in meaning todefend promote maintain transform PARAGRAPH 2 It is difficult to isolate the factors that led to the next development—the emergence of urban settlements. The earliest, that of Eridu, about 4500B.C.E., and Uruk, a thousand years later, center on impressive temple complexes built of mud brick. In some way, the elite had associated themselves with the power of the gods. Uruk, for instance, had two patron gods—Anu, the god of the sky and sovereign of all other gods, and inanna, a goddess of love and war—and there were others, patrons of different cities. Human beings were at their mercy. The biblical story of the Flood may originate in Sumer. In the earliest version, the gods destroy the human race because its clamor had been so disturbing to them. 4、According to paragraph 2, Eridu and Uruk are examples of urban settlements that lacked the features usually found in other early urban settlements f developed around religious buildings grew much more rapidly than most of the urban settlements found in Sumer were mysteriously destroyed and abandoned 5、The word "sovereign" in the passage is closest in meaning to counselor master defender creator PARAGRAPH 3 It used to be believed that before 3000 B.C.E. the political and economic life of the cities was centered on their temples, but it now seems probable that the cities had secular rulers from earliest times. Within the city lived administrators,craftspeople, and merchants. (Trading was important, as so many raw materials, the semiprecious stones for the decoration of the temples, timbers for roofs, and all metals, had to be imported.) An increasingly sophisticated system of administration led in about 3300 B.C.E. to the appearance of writing. The earliest script was based on logograms, with a symbol being used to express a whole word. The logograms were incised on damp clay tablets with a stylus with a wedge shape at its end. (The Romans called the shape cuneus and this gives the script its name of cuneiform.) Two thousand logograms have been recorded from these early centuries of writing. A more economical approach was to use a sign to express not a whole word but a single syllable. (To take an example: the Sumerian word for" head" was "sag." Whenever a word including a syllable in which the sound "sag" was to be written, the sign for "sag" could be used to express that syllable with the remaining syllables of the word expressed by other signs.) By 2300 B.C.E. the number of signs required had been reduced to 600, and the range of words that could be expressed had widened. Texts dealing with economic matters predominated, as they always had done; but at this pointworks of theology, g literature, history, and law also appeared. 6、According to paragraph 3, which of the following led to the appearance of writing? An increasingly sophisticated administrative system Coordination between secular and religious leaders The large volume of trade, particularly imports A rapidly expanding and changing population Paragraph 3 is marked with7、 In paragraph 3, why does the author provide the information that the number of signs in use had dropped from 2,000 to 600 by 2300 B.C.E.? To argue that the development of writing involved periods of growth followed by periods of decline To demonstrate that earlier written texts used a larger vocabulary than later texts, which were aimed at a broader audience | To support the claim that the range of words expressed by logograms varied widely depending on time period and type of text To provide evidence for the increased efficiency of using signs to express syllables rather than whole words 8、According to paragraph 3, ancient texts most commonly dealt with theology literature economics law PARAGRAPH 4 Other innovations of the late fourthmillennium include the wheel, probably developed first as a more efficient way of making pottery and then transferred to transport. A tablet engraved about 3000 B.C.E. provides the earliest known example from Sumer, a roofed boxlike sledge mounted on four solid wheels. A major development was the discovery, again about 3000 B.C.E., that if copper, which had been known in Mesopotamia since about 3500B.C.E., was mixed with tin, a much harder metal, bronze, would result. Although copper and stone tools continued to be used, bronze was far more successful in creating sharp edges that could be used as anything from saws and scythes to weapons. The period from 3000 to 1000 B.C.E., when the use of bronze became I widespread, is normally referred to as the Bronze Age. 9、According to paragraph 4, the earliest wheels probably were first developed in areas outside Mesopotamia were used to make pottery appeared on boxlike sledges were used to transport goods between cities 10、The word "engraved* in the passage is closest in meaning to carved produced dated discovered 11、 Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change themeaning in important ways or leave out essential information. Also around 3000 B.C.E., it was discovered that mixing copper, known from about 3500 B.C.E., with tin would create a much harder metal known as bronze.Although copper had been known since 3500 B.C.E in Mesopotamia, the discovery of bronze did not occur until around 3000 B.C.E. Another major development around 3000 B.C.E. was the discovery that copper could be mixed with a much harder metal known as tin. The development of bronze by mixing copper and tin probably occurred around 3000 B.C.E. but may have happened as early as 3500 B.C.E. 12、The word "widespread" in the passage is closest in meaning to obvious significant necessary common 13、Look at the four squares [ ■ ]that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. City life was diverse, and the population was engaged in a variety of occupations. PARAGRAPH 3 It used to be believed that before 3000 B.C.E. the political and economic life of the cities was centered on their temples, but it now seems probable that the cities had secular rulers from earliest times. ■ Within the city lived administrators, craftspeople, and merchants. (Trading was important, as somany raw materials, the semiprecious stones for the decoration of the temples, timbers for roofs, and all metals, had to be imported.) ■ An increasingly sophisticated system of administration led in about 3300 B.C.E. to the appearance of writing. ■ The earliest script was based on logograms, with a symbol being used to express a whole word. ■ The logograms were incised on damp clay tablets with a stylus with a wedge shape at its end. (The Romans called the shape cuneus and this gives the scriptits name of cuneiform.) Two thousand logograms have been recorded from these early centuries of writing. A more economical approach was to use a sign to express not a whole word but a single syllable. (To take an example: the Sumerian word for" head" was "sag." Whenever a word including a syllable in which the sound "sag" was to be written, the sign for "sag" could be used to express that syllable with the remaining syllables of the word expressed by other signs.) By 2300 B.C.E. the number of signs required had been reduced to 600, and the range of words that could be expressed had widened. Texts dealing with economic matters predominated, as they always had done; but at this point works of theology, g literature, history, andlaw also appeared. 14、Direction: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. Irrigation made it possible for the civilization known as sumer to arise on the Mesopotamian plain in the fifth millennium B.C.E. Answer Choices A. The scarcity of natural resources on the plain made it necessary for a powerful elite to emerge and take charge of trade and imports. B. The economy of each city was based on a craft such as pottery or metal working, and the city of Eridu was known for its saws, scythes and weapons.C. Writing appeared in the form of logograms and later developed into a system using signs to represent syllables rather than whole words.D. Priests were powerful figures in the ancient civilization and controlled the political and economic life of the cities.E. The earliest city states had one or more patron gods and were built around central temple complexeF. The developmentof the wheel and the creation of bronze were important innovations in Sumer。