本说明书包含以下内容:第一部分:车辆概述1. 车型介绍本节将为您介绍2011标致307系列车型的特点、配置和外观设计,以及不同车型之间的区别。
第二部分:车辆操作2. 车辆启动与熄火本节将详细介绍如何正确启动和熄火您的2011标致307,包括车钥匙的使用、点火开关以及注意事项。
3. 前进与倒退在本节中,您将了解如何使您的车辆前进和倒退,包括换挡杆的使用以及倒车和前进时的注意事项。
4. 方向盘与转向了解正确使用方向盘和转向器的方法对您驾驶过程的安全至关重要。
5. 加油与加注液体了解正确的加油和加注液体的方法,不仅可以确保您的2011标致307的正常运转,还能延长其使用寿命。
第三部分:车辆保养6. 汽车保养计划本节将向您介绍2011标致307的常规保养计划,包括更换机油、刹车片、轮胎等部件以保持车辆性能的最佳状态。
7. 车辆清洁与维护了解正确的车辆清洁和维护方法可以确保您的2011标致307保持良好的外观和性能。
第四部分:车辆故障排除8. 常见故障排除车辆故障是司机不可避免的问题之一。
第五部分:车辆安全9. 驾驶安全驾驶安全是我们始终关注的重点。
10. 车辆安全系统2011标致307配备了多种车辆安全系统,如防抱死刹车系统(ABS)和电子稳定控制系统(ESC)。
第六部分:其他信息11. 车辆规格与参数本节将提供2011标致307的详细规格与参数信息,包括车身尺寸、发动机参数、燃油消耗等,以供您参考。
HP iLO MP 207用户手册说明书
iLO MPThe Integrated Lights-Out Management Processor (iLO MP) offers remote server management through an independent management processor (MP). It provides a way for you to connect to a server and perform administration or monitoring tasks for the server hardware. iLO MP is available whenever the server is connected to a power source, even if the server main power switch is in the off position.iLO controls power, reset, and Transfer of Control (TOC) capabilities; provides console access; displays and records system events; and can display detailed information about the various internal subsystems. iLO also provides a virtual front panel that you can use to monitor server status and see the state of front panel LEDs. All iLO functions are available through the server LAN and the local RS-232 and remote RS-232 ports. Access to local and remote ports, telnet, and secure shell (SSH) is through the iLO text interface, while Web access is through a graphical user interface (GUI).iLO was introduced into most Integrity Entry Class servers in late 2004. Prior to that, embedded remote server management was referred to as management processor functionality. All legacy MP functionality has been carried forward and combined with new features, all under the heading of “iLO MP”. Therefore, “iLO” and “MP” mean the same thing for Entry Class servers.Firmware version E.03.13 (or later) supports the following iLO MP features:•Always-on capability: iLO is active as long as the power cord is plugged in•Multiple access methods: Local, remote, telnet, SSH use the iLO text interface. Web access uses a GUI.—Local Serial Port: Use a terminal or laptop computer for direct connection.—Remote/Modem Serial Port: Use a dedicated modem RS-232 port and external modem.—LAN: Use telnet, Web, or SSH to access iLO LAN.•Remote power cycle; power on or power off; reset•Mirrored console: The system console output stream is reflected to all connected console users, and any user can provide input.•Independent, non mirrored sessions (from local and modem ports)—Direct session with OS using the iLO MP command SE—Connection to another iLO using the iLO MP command CSP•Display of information about various internal subsystems—Field replaceable unit (FRU) information—System power state, temperature information, and fan status—Status of processors•Logging, display, and keyword search of:—System console history—System events•User access control•DHCP and DNS support•IPMI over LAN•Licensing•iLO Advanced Pack features, such as SSH access, group actions capability, and LDAPNOTE A complete description of the iLO MP is provided in the HP Integrity and HP 9000 Integrated Lights-Out Management Processor Operations Guide.Configuring the iLO MP LAN Port IP AddressBy connecting the iLO MP LAN port to an active network, you have two options for configuring an IP address. The first option is to use a DHCP server, which automatically assigns an IP address, and the other is to use the ping command from another host on the same subnet to set a static IP address for the iLO MP. After the IP address has been set, you can establish a telnet session to configure additional parameters.If you are using a DHCP server, and it provides the Domain Name, and if the primary DNS server accepts dynamic DNS (DDNS) updates or has been configured through the DHCP server, then you can use a default host name to connect to the iLO MP through telnet. The default host name is 14 characters long, consisting of the letters “mp” followed by the 12 characters of the Media Access Protocol (MAC). See “Configure an IP Address” on page209 to determine the MAC address. If no DNS access is available, the telnet session can use the assigned IP address.If you are using DHCP, proceed to “Accessing the iLO MP” on page209. For more information on configuring DHCP, see “Configuring the iLO MP LAN Information” on page211. For a non-DHCP implementation, perform the following steps to configure a static IP address.Configuring a Static IP Address (Non-DHCP)To configure a static IP address for the iLO MP LAN port, follow these steps:1.Set up local terminal access.2.Configure the IP address.Set Up Local Terminal Access After powering on the terminal, ensure the communications settings are as follows:•8/none (parity)•9600 baud•None (receive)•None (transmit)If the terminal is a PC using Reflection 1, check or change these communications settings by performing the following steps:Step 1.From the Reflection 1 Main screen, pull down the Connection menu and choose Connection Setup.Step 2.Choose Serial Port.Step 3.Choose Com1.Step 4.Check the settings and change, if required.Go to More Settings to set Xon/Xoff. Click OK to close the More Settings window.Step 5.Click OK to close the Connection Setup window.Step 6.Pull down the Setup menu and choose Terminal (under the Emulation tab).Step 7.Choose a supported terminal type.The preferred type is VT100.Step 8.Click Apply.This option is not highlighted if the terminal type you want is already selected.Step 9.Click OK.Configure an IP Address To configure the iLO MP LAN static IP address, perform the following steps: Step 1.Determine the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the iLO MP LAN interface by viewing the label located at the rear of the server.Step 2.Connect a LAN cable on your local subnet to the core I/O LAN port.Step 3.Add an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table entry to another host located on your local subnet.This ARP table entry maps the MAC address of the core I/O LAN interface to the IP address chosen for that interface.NOTE Adding an entry to the ARP table is typically done using the ARP command with the appropriate option. For example, arp -s is used with Windows. Consult youroperating system documentation for more information.Step e the ping command from the host that has the new ARP table entry. The destination address is the IP address that is mapped to the MAC address of the iLO MP. The iLO MP LAN port should now be configured with the appropriate IP address.Step e the telnet command to connect to the iLO MP from a host on the local subnet.Accessing the iLO MPYou can connect to the iLO MP using the following methods:•The local serial port using a local terminal•The remote Customer Service Modem (CSM) port using external modem (dial-up) access, if remote modem access is configured•The iLO MP LAN port using the Web interface, telnet, or SSH, if login access through the iLO MP LAN is enabledLocal Terminal Access to the iLO MPEstablish communication with the iLO MP by connecting a terminal to the local CSM I/O serial port. Establish a terminal session using a standalone terminal or using terminal emulation software, such as HyperTerm, Putty, or Reflection 1 running on a PC.During installation, communicating with the iLO MP enables such tasks as:•Verifying that the components are present and installed correctly•Configuring the LAN portInteracting with the iLO MPTo interact with the iLO MP command line interface, perform the following steps:NOTE On initial server installation, the iLO MP has two default user accounts:•All Rights (Administrator) level user; login = Admin, password = Admin (both are case sensitive).•Console Rights (Operator) level user; login = Oper, password = Oper (both are case sensitive).For security reasons, HP recommends that you use the UC command during the initial logonsession to modify default passwords (enter CM at the MP> prompt, and enter UC at the MP:CM>prompt).IMPORTANT If default users such as Admin are modified, configuration parameters in HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM) need to be changed for the group actions feature to work properly. For moreinformation regarding HP SIM, refer to the HP Systems Insight Manager User andInstallation Guide at the following web site: /go/hpsim.Step 1.Log in using your iLO MP user account name and password.NOTE If you are logged in, the iLO MP Main Menu displays. To follow this procedure, make sure you are at the iLO MP Main Menu. Use Ctrl+B to return to the iLO MP Main Menu. Step e the iLO MP menus and commands as needed. Main Menu commands are shown in “iLO MP Main Menu”. You can access commands not displayed in the iLO MP Main Menu in command mode by first using the CM command at the MP prompt. You can display a list of available commands using the iLO MP help function. Initiate the help function from either the iLO MP Main Menu or theCommand Menu prompts by entering HE followed by LI. You can return to the iLO MP Main Menu by pressing Ctrl+B.Step 3.Log out using the X command (enter X at the MP> prompt) after returning to the iLO MP Main Menu.iLO MP Main MenuFollowing are the iLO MP Main Menu commands:MP MAIN MENU:CO:ConsoleVFP:Virtual Front PanelCM:Command MenuCL:Console LogsSL:Show Event LogsCSP:Connect to Service ProcessorSE:Create OS SessionHE:Main Menu HelpX:Exit ConnectionNOTE The previous example shows the Main Menu screen accessed through the local serial or remote modem ports. The list of commands displayed might be different and depends on your methodof access to the iLO MP.Configuring the iLO MP LAN InformationLAN information includes the iLO MP network name, IP address information, and configuring DHCP and DNS service information.To configure the iLO MP LAN IP address:Step 1.At the iLO MP Main Menu prompt (MP>), enter CM to choose command mode.Step 2.At the command mode prompt (MP:CM>), enter LC (for LAN configuration).The screen displays the default values and asks if you want to modify them. It is good practice towrite down the information, because you might need it for future troubleshooting. See “The LCCommand Screen” on page212.NOTE The default value in the “IP address” field is set at the factory. You must configure the actual iLO MP LAN IP address.Step 3.The screen displays the current LC data. When prompted to enter a parameter name, A to modify All, or Q to Quit, enter A to choose all parameters.Step 4.The screen displays the current DHCP status. If DHCP is used to acquire IP address information, enter E to enable, D to disable, or Q unless you are using the local serial port.Step 5.Enter the LC command to disable DHCP.CAUTION Modifying the DHCP status, IP address, gateway IP address, or subnet maskparameters drops all present LAN and Web connections.NOTE Changing DHCP status to Enabled or Disabled resets IP address, gateway IPaddress, and subnet mask parameters to factory default values. If DHCP status waschanged to disabled, you can change the values.If the IP address, gateway IP address, and subnet mask are obtained through DHCP,you cannot change them without first disabling DHCP.Step 6.The screen displays the current IP address. When prompted to enter a new value or Q, enter the new IP address.Step 7.The screen displays the current host name. When prompted to enter a new value or Q, enter the new iLO MP network name.This is the host name for the iLO MP LAN displayed at the command prompt. It is also used toidentify the iLO MP LAN interface in a DNS database. The name can be up to 64 characters inlength, and must start with a letter, end with a letter or number, and contain only letters, numbers, or dashes.NOTE The host name is not case sensitive.Step 8.The screen displays the current subnet mask name. When prompted to enter a new value or Q, enter the new subnet mask name.Step 9.The screen displays the current gateway address. When prompted to enter a new value or Q, enter the new gateway address.Step 10.The screen displays the current link state information. When prompted to enter a new value or Q, press enter. The message -> Current Link State has been retained displays.Step 11.The screen displays the current Web console port number. When prompted to enter a new value or Q, press enter. The message -> Current Web Console Port Number has been retaineddisplays.Step 12.The screen displays the current SSH console port number. When prompted to enter a new value or Q, press enter. The message -> Current SSH Console Port Number has been retaineddisplays.NOTE SSH settings will not display if you do not have Integrated Lights-Out AdvancedPack licensing.Step 13.The screen displays a new LC listing, including the values entered in the preceding steps. Verify that the desired values have been accepted. When prompted to enter a parameter for revision, Y to confirm, or Q to Quit, enter Y to confirm all parameters.-> Check all LAN parameters to ensure they are correct before commit.-> “SP_NAME_STR” will be reset if you confirm the changes.MP Host Name: mpserverStep 14.Enter XD -reset to reset the iLO MP (only necessary if you are connected through a serial port). Step 15.After the iLO MP resets, log in to the iLO MP again. Enter the iLO MP command mode (enter CM at the MP: prompt).Step 16.At the MP:CM> prompt, enter LS to confirm the new LAN settings.Step 17.Enter SA to enable or disable the Web console and telnet access after the iLO MP has been reset.NOTE HP recommends disabling access methods that you do not intend to use. For example IPMI over LAN. IPMI over LAN allows access to the iLO MP through the LAN andhas no password by default. HP recommends disabling this port if IPMI managementconsole software is not being used in your data center (use the SA command). Ifconsole management tools are being used, HP recommends using the tools to set apassword on the IPMI over LAN port.The LC Command ScreenThe following screen shows LC command output:MP:CM> LC -ncCurrent LAN Configuration:MAC Address : 0x0060b0f54c51DHCP Status : EnabledIP Address :。
H andbookFAMILIARISATIONE XTERIORR etractable roofT his system enables you to change the vehicle from "coupé" to "cabriolet" con-¿guration and vice versa with a single action.6S tatic directional lightingT his additional lighting automatically provides extended visibility when turning.80V isual and audible rear parkingsensorsT his system provides a warning whenreversing by detecting obstacles locat-ed behind the vehicle.111U nder-inflation detectionT his system monitors the pressure ineach tyre and warns you of a punc-ture or drop in pressure.92T urbulence prevention net(Windstop)I n "cabriolet" con¿ guration, thissystem reduces the wind turbu-lence in the front seats.60T emporary tyre repair kitT his kit is a complete system, con-sisting of a compressor and an inte-gral sealant, for the temporary repairof a tyre.1204ii5FAMILIARISATIONO PENINGR emote control keyA lso... D . Normal lockingo r D eadlocking of the vehicle.F uel tank Opening and hooking the fuel ¿ llerapacity of the tank : approximately 50 litres (petrol) or 48 litres (Diesel).B oot 1. Unlocking the complete vehicle or1. Key in the ignition switch.O n Diesel vehicles, the fuel tank opening incorporates a misfuel prevention device which prevents ¿ lling with petrol. 76!!i6FAMILIARISATIONO PENINGR etractable roof When washing your vehicle:- lock the vehicle, - avoid spraying the upper partof the windows,- keep the end of the high-pres-sure nozzle at least 1 metrefrom the windows and door seals.After washing the vehicle or fol-lowing rain, wait until the roof has dried before opening it.The roof is operated under the sole responsibility of the driver.D uring operation of the roof, to avoid the risk of injury, ensure that no one is in the vicinity of the mov-ing parts.Y ou are strongly advised not to op-erate the roof in strong winds.It is preferable to operate the roof with the engine running.T he roof can be operated at speeds below 6 mph (10 km/h).I t is only possible to carry out the operation twice with the engine off, to avoid discharging the battery.P recautions to be taken before operating the roof) Park the vehicle on level ground. ) Check that no object could hinderthe operation of the roof: - nothing should be placed on the moving rear shelf - if luggage is being carried in the boot, it must not raise the net, ) Ensure that the net ) Close the boot correctly.M aintenanceC arry out a complete opening and closing operation of the roof at least once a month to keep it in good working order.!i!7FAMILIARISATIONO PENINGR etractable roof operation Do not release the roof control during operation of the roof.H owever, in the event of danger, release the control, the roof stops; then, when the danger is no lon-ger present, complete the required operation.I f the operation has not completely ¿ nished, you will be warned by an audible signal and a message on the multifunction screen. These will be repeated as the vehicle passes a number of speed thresh-olds.C hanging to "cabriolet" If you continue to pull or press this control after the end of the opera-tion, the four windows rise.T he electric window controls and the control for the four windows are deactivated during operation of the roof.T he roof electronic control unit may interrupt the operation in progress as a precaution (for example: door movement and roof operation in quick succession). In this case, release the control then operate it again to complete the required operation.O perating faultI f a malfunction of the roof occurs, apply the parking brake, switch off the ignition, restart the engine, then start the required operation again.I f the problem persists, contact a PEUGEOT dealer.guration: the roof opens out and locks auto- T he end of the operation is con8FAMILIARISATIONI NTERIORD ual-zone digital air conditioningThis system allows different levels of comfort to be set for the driver and the front passenger. It then automatically controls these levels according to the ambient conditions.A utomatic gearbox This system provides perfect driving pleasure by combining a fully automatic mode, associated with two special pro-grammes, and a manual mode. 104A udio and communication systemsT hese systems bene ¿ t from the latesttechnology: MP3 compatible Peugeot Connect Sound, Peugeot Connect USB, Bluetooth hands-free system, Peugeot Connect Navigation with 16/9 colour screen, JBL audio system, auxiliary sockets.P eugeot Connect Navigation 149P eugeot Connect Sound 179P eugeot Connect USB 186E lectric windows On the driver's side, control of the electric window is automatic when opening and when closing. 69FAMILIARISATIONI NSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS1.Cruise control/speed limiter switches.Steering wheel adjustment control.Lighting and direction indicator control9FAMILIARISATIONI NSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS1.Steering lock and ignition. 10i!11FAMILIARISATIONS ITTING COMFORTABLYA lso... 5. Access to the rear seats. 6. Heated seat.F ront seat adjustmentS teering wheel adjustment Adjustment for height and reach. As a safety precaution, these op-erations must only be carried out while stationary.52i12FAMILIARISATIONS ITTING COMFORTABLYD oor mirror adjustmentA . Selecting the mirror.B . Adjusting the position of the mirror.C . De-selecting the mirror. 53A lso... D . Folding/Unfolding.R ear view mirror adjustment 1. Selecting the "day" position of theF ront seat beltsi13S EEING CLEARLY L ightingW ipers creenwash: pull the stalk towards Automatic wiping is not currently available on the 207 CC.V ENTILATIONA dvice on interior settingsDDD igital air conditioning14M ONITORINGI nstrument panel S witch panelW arning lampsighting of the indicator lamp indicatesthe status of the corresponding function.Deactivation of the ESP/ASR system.Deactivation of the interior volumetric15!16P ASSENGER SAFETYF ront passenger's airbagI gnition switch1. Open the glove box.2. Insert the key.3. Select "ON" or "forwards facing" child seat,"OFF"ing" child seat.4. Remove the key keeping the switch in the new position. 99F ront seat beltsS TARTA heavy object (key fob...), attached to the key and weighing down on its shaft in the ignition switch, could cause a malfunction.D RIVING SAFELYS peed limiter "LIMIT" I nstrument panel displayC ruise control "CRUISE"he cruise control or speed limiter modeappears on the instrument panel when17。
概览 - 9
前雾灯/后雾灯(旋钮B) 前雾灯(将旋钮向前转动一 次) 前雾灯和后雾灯(将 旋钮向前转动二次)
2 快速刮水 1 正常刮水 I 间歇刮水 或者 AUTO 自动刮水 0 停止 点动刮水 风窗玻璃清洗:雨刮器开关向驾驶员 方向抬起。
83 - 87
发动机........................ 83 油耗.......................... 84 质量.......................... 85 尺寸.......................... 86 识别特征...................... 87
16 - 概览
RD8 汽车音响
按键 A (按键/旋钮)
开机/关机 - 音量调节 CD碟片仓口
收音机/CD模式选择 静音(声音关闭)/(CD)暂停 电台自动搜索/电台自动搜索并保存(收音机) 音效调节(低音、高音、音量分配……)
概览 - 15
2010 Volkswagen CC Sport 用户手册说明书
2010 Volkswagen CCSport includes: 200HP 2.0 TSI engine, 6-speed manual transmission, ESP, ABS, ASR, ABS w/ brake assistant, EDTC, speed sensitive steering, leather multi-function steering wheel, matte chrome inserts for center console, driver & passenger power comfort seats, heated front seats, auto dimming interior mirror, leather gear shift knob, power exterior mirrors, cruise control, Premium 8 radio w/ Aux-in, satellite radio prep, Bluetooth connectivity, 8 speakers, daytime running lights, rain sensing intermittent wipers, Climatic climate control, leatherette seating surfaces, electric parking brake, 17" Phoenix alloy wheels w/ 235/45 R17 all-weather tires, fog lamps, LATCH, airbags, front & rear passenger curtain airbags, front side airbags, TPMS6-Speed Manual, Model Codes: 3572L2/3572F2/3572Y2 MSRP $28,5106-Speed DSG Auto w/ Tiptronic, Model Codes: 3572LD/3572FD/3572YD MSRP $29,610Luxury includes Sport features, plus: 6-speed DSG automatic transmission w/ tiptronic, brushed aluminum inserts for center console & dashboard, panorama electric tilting sunroof, power adjustable front seats w/ memory, sport front seats, power exterior mirrors w/ memory, Park Distance Control, Climatronic climate control, Nappa leather seating surfaces, chrome-plated interior trim, Home Link, 17" Spa alloy wheels w/ 235/45 R17 all-weather tires, heated washer nozzles6-Speed DSG Auto/ w Tiptronic Model Codes: 3574LD/3574FD/3574YD MSRP $33,830VR6 Sport includes Luxury & Sport features, plus: 280HP 3.6L VR6 engine, 6-speed automatic transmission w/ tiptronic, 3-spoke leather wrapped multi-function steering wheel w/ control for gear shift, power rear sunshade, Vavona wood inserts for dashboard & door, Dynaudio Sound, 10 channel amp, 600watt, 10 speaker system, 18? Interlagos alloy wheels w/ 235/40 R18 all-weather tires, Bi-Xenon headlights w/ AFS, headlight washer system6-Speed Tiptronic, Model Code: 3572U6 MSRP $40,060VR6 4Motion includes VR6 Sport, Luxury, & Sport features, plus: 4Motion AWD system, 6-speed automatic transmission for four-wheel drive, 18" Daytona alloy wheels w/ 235/40 R18 all-weather tires6-Speed Tiptronic, Model Code: 3572UQ MSRP $41,170Optional Equipment:Available on all: 4X4 Rear Side Airbags $350, UF8 Media Device Interface for iPod Integration $199 (not available w/ PTM)Available on Sport only: W72 CC R-Line Package $1,830Available on Luxury only; 9VE Dynaudio Premium Sound System $1,000, CCC Climatronic/Heated Washer Nozzle Credit $ -500 (affects production wks 22/09-36/09 only), W73 CC Lux Appearance Package $1,200Available on Luxury & VR6: PTM Technology Package w/ MDI $2,640 (not available w/ UF8)Colors:Candy White/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black Leather Deep Black Metallic/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherIron Gray Metallic/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherIsland Gray Metallic (not available w/ R-Line)/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherLight Brown Metallic/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherMocha Anthracite Metallic (not available w/ R-Line)/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherReflex Silver Metallic/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherShadow Blue Metallic (not available w/ R-Line) /Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherWhite Gold Metallic (not available w/ R-Line)/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black Leather。
• 后雨刷器自动工作 前雨刷器工作时,如果您挂入倒档,后雨 刷器将自动开启,间歇刮水。
由BSI进 行管理后 雨刷电机
• 3级车装备倒车雷达 • 2级车可选装。
挂入倒档后,驻车辅助系统开 始工作,同时出现声音提示信 号。
1.4 MT
1.6 MT/AT ● ● ● ○ ○ - ● ● ● ○ ○ - ● ● ● ● ● -
1.6 AT ● ● ● ● ● -
多碟虚拟CD+蓝牙+USB 倒车雷达+多碟虚拟CD+蓝牙 +USB 扬声器数量 “
- - 4
- - 4
- ○ 6
- ○ 6
○ - 6
207两厢 的侧面线条流 畅、简洁有力, 镀铬防擦条凸 显高档、美观。
207两厢 尾部设计 借鉴了标致607的尾灯 设计理念,尾灯外型与 207三厢相同,(但不能 互换).线条流畅,配备 了后雨刷.尾部牵引钩 在后保险杠右侧,尾部 整体搭配协调,很好的 利用了空气动力学原理, 使车辆高速行驶稳定性 更好。
对比207三厢增加了后雨刷器,207两厢的BSI 40V GR 插接重新使用。
该插接器只有 一根导线
T31 主要装备 Niv 1 浅内饰 深内饰 浅内饰 Niv2 深内饰 浅内饰 Niv3 深内饰
1.4 MT
1.6 MT 15寸铝合金车轮 着色玻璃 后雨刮器 电动天窗 倒车雷达 电动包(后门电动窗+电动 外后视镜+倒车雷达) ○ ● ● - - ○ ○ ● ● - - ○
【系统名】详细设计说明书浙江浙大中控信息技术有限公司创建/修改页1.引言 (4)1.1编写目的 (4)1.2项目背景 (4)1.3定义 (4)1.4参考资料 (4)2.总体设计 (4)2.1需求概述 (4)2.2软件结构 (4)3.程序描述 (5)3.1功能 (5)3.2性能 (5)3.3输入项目 (5)3.4输出项目 (5)3.5算法 (5)3.6程序逻辑 (5)3.7接口 (5)3.8存储分配 (5)3.9限制条件 (5)3.10测试要点 (5)1.引言1.1编写目的【阐明编写详细设计说明书的目的,指明读者对象。
标致408handbook n2使用手册(下)
展开三角警告牌 在发生事故或故障等紧急停车情况下, 为了及时提示后面的车辆,必须点亮危 险警告灯并将三角警告牌放在车辆后面。 根据路面类型和能见度的不同,应 将三角警告牌放置在适当的距离处。
与事故车辆的摆放距离(单位:米) 普通公路
>=50m 将三角警告牌底部四个支架 1 展开 放稳。 张开两个警告牌边框 2 和 3,扣好卡 扣 4。 将三角警告牌反光的一面朝向其他 车辆驶来的方向。 使用完成后,按相反的顺序收折。
拉出安全带,然后将锁扣插入锁孔 中。 拉一下安全带,检查安全带是否锁 止。 根据撞击的方式和程度,预张紧装置 可以在气囊打开之前触发或独立触发。 预张紧装置在启动的时候会释放出气体 并伴有声响,这是由系统内置的爆燃式 点火装置产生的。 在以上情况下,气囊警告灯会点亮。 撞击发生后,请到东风标致特约商处检 查是否有必要更换安全带系统。
A. B.
侧气帘安装在座舱内侧上部,位于车身 与内饰之间。 侧气帘在乘员与侧车窗之间打开,以保 护乘员头部。 在 B 区发生由外向内垂直于侧面的剧烈 碰撞时,侧气囊在前座乘员和车门之间 打开,可以减少乘员胸部受伤害的程度。
如果该警告灯点亮,并伴随有蜂 鸣声和在多功能显示屏上显示的 信息,请与东风标致特约商联系, 以便对系统进行检查。在这种情 况下,碰撞时气囊可能不会打开。
作为安全带保护功能的辅助和补充,汽 车遇到强烈碰撞时,可以降低坐姿正确 且正确系有安全带的乘员受伤害的程度。 如果发生碰撞,电子检测系统记录并分 析撞击监测区域内受到的正面和侧面 (如果配置了侧气囊和侧气帘)的冲击 (见示意图) ,分别控制气囊是否起爆。 气囊起爆之后,气囊会立即迅速排气, 不会妨碍乘客从车内出来。 在发生非强烈碰撞的情况下,安全带提 供的保护更安全,气囊不充气打开;碰 撞的强烈程度取决于障碍物的类型和撞 击的相对速度和角度。 A. B.
207cc 车辆手册
207cc 车辆手册一、简介207CC是一款高性能的微型越野车,设计精良,性能卓越,是越野爱好者的最佳选择。
若果您想取消记忆的车速: F 按下按钮4或踩下制动踏板或
该系统安装在后保险杠内用于探 测车后的障碍物(人、车辆、树、 栅栏……)。
恢复记忆的车速 取消记忆的车速后,按下按钮4。 您的汽车将恢复到上次记忆的车 速。
停止功能 F 将开关1放在OFF(关)位置来
26 -零钱盒 乘客安全气囊控制开关
27 -饮料托架 28 -驻车制动手柄 29 -换档杆 30 -汽车音响组合开关 31 -发动机罩开启手柄 32 -保险丝盒 33 -方向盘调节手柄 34 -电动后视镜控制钮
车窗控制钮 后车窗控制钮关闭开关 35 -大灯高度调节旋钮
22/07/2005, 18:37
* 根据车型
22/07/2005, 18:37
方向盘下的组合开关 照明 前后灯(旋钮A)
近光灯/ 远光灯
车灯自动打开 要激活或关闭该功能,将钥匙置 于附件位置,灯光控制旋钮置于 AUTO/ 0,按住顶端按钮4秒钟以 上。
22/07/2005, 18:37
1 - 巡航控制 2 - 驾驶员正面安全气囊
喇叭开关 3 - 照明及转向灯控制 4 - 组合仪表板 5 - 雨刮器/风窗玻璃清洗/车载
电脑组合开关 6 - 防盗点火锁 7 - 警报器控制开关 8 - 中控门锁开关 9 - 危险警告灯开关 10 -多功能显示屏 11 -风窗玻璃除霜/除雾通风口 12 -扬声器(高频) 13 -车门玻璃除霜/除雾通风口
Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi R207-Z 快速用户指南说明书
R207-Z1 Willkommen2 Geräteübersicht3 Erste Schritte5 Mobile Wi-Fi Web App6 Übersicht über die Web App7 Bereich …Aktuelles Netz“8 Mobile Wi-Fi Monitor App9 Hinweise 10 GlossarWillkommenin der Welt der Mobilkommunikation1Mit dem Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi wird ein persönliches mobiles W-LAN-Netzwerk eingerichtet. Damit können Sie anderen W-LAN-fähigen Geräten wie beispielsweise Computern, Apple ® iPhone, iPad oder iPod touch, Android-Smartphones und Tablets wie das Samsung ® Galaxy Tab oder mobilen Spielekonsolen wie Nintendo ® DSi Zugriff auf Ihre sichere mobile Breitband-Internetverbindung gewähren.Da das Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi wahlweise mit Akku, Netzteil oder USB-Kabel betrieben werden kann, kann es zur Gewährleistung eines optimalen Netzempfangs fl exibel überall positioniert werden.Sofern Ihnen die jeweilige Lizenz den Zugang zum Quellcode der entsprechenden Software und/oder zu weiteren Daten gestattet, können Sie ihn innerhalb eines Zeitraums von drei Jahren ab Erwerb des Produktes beziehen und, falls dieLizenzbedingungen dies erfordern, für die Dauer, für die wir Support für das Produkt anbieten, darüber verfügen.Sie können die Quellcodes unter /R207-Z herunterladen.Copyright © ZTE 2015.Alle Rechte vorbehalten.Das Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi wird von ZTE ausschließlich für Vodafone hergestellt.Diese Anleitung darf ohne die vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung von ZTE weder vollständig noch teilweise in irgendeiner Form oder irgendeinem Format vervielfältigt oder weiterverbreitet werden.WillkommenHinweisLizenzenGeräteüber-sichtLED-AnzeigenNetztasteWPS-TasteMicro-USB-AnschlussSIM-KartensteckplatzMicroSD-Kartenhalterung456312Blinkt rot – NetzsucheRot – SIM-Karte oder PIN erforderlichGelb – schwaches SignalBlinkt grün – EDGE oder UMTS verfügbarGrün – EDGE- oder UMTS-VerbindungWPS und W-LANBlau – W-LAN aktivBlinkt blau – W-LAN und WPS aktivAkkuladungGrün – OKBlinkt grün – wird aufgeladenBlinkt rot – niedrigStandby – kein LadevorgangSMS-TextnachrichtenBlau – ungelesene SMSBlinkt blau – SMS-Posteingang vollKeine SMS23Schritt 1Legen Sie die SIM-Karte, den Akku sowie (optional) eine MicroSD-Speicherkarte ein.Schritt 2Stecken Sie das Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi zum Au fl aden während des Betriebs in die Netzsteckdose* oder in den Computer ein.ErsteSchritteAbdeckung entfernenSIM-Karte einlegenMicroSD-Karte einlegenAkku einlegenAbdeckung wieder anbringenTipp:Laden Sie vor dem Betrieb mit Akku das Mobile Wi-Fi vollständig auf (Netzstrom: 3,5 Stunden).* Verwenden Sie fürdieses Gerät bitte nur das mitgelieferte Ladegerät.4Schritt 3Halten Sie zum Einschalten des Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi die Einschalttaste drei Sekunden lang gedrückt. Dann stellt das Gerät eine Verbindung zum mobilen Breitbandnetz her.Schritt 4 – USBWenn Sie das Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi mit einem USB-Kabel an Ihren Computer anschließen, müssen Sie möglicherweise zum Entsperren der SIM-Karte Ihre PIN eingeben. Auf dem Desktop erscheint ein Symbol für die Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi Web App.Schritt 4 – W-LANWählen Sie bei einer W-LAN-Verbindung zu Ihrem Computer bzw. zu einem anderen Gerät den Namen (die SSID) des …Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi“-Netzwerks aus der Liste der verfügbaren Netzwerke aus, klicken Sie auf …Verbinden“ und geben Sie den sicheren W-LAN-Netzwerkschlüssel (das WPA2-Kennwort) ein. Den Namen und Netzwerkschlüssel fi nden Sie innen auf der Abdeckung an der Rückseite des Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi und auf der Erinnerungskarte. Zum Entsperren der SIM-Karte müssen Sie möglicherweise die PIN eingegeben.Glückwunsch! Sie sind über Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi mit dem Internet verbunden.Erste Schritte5Mit der Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi Web App können Sie den Status des mobilen Breitbandnetzes und des W-LAN-Netzwerks überprüfen, SMS-Textnachrichten verwalten und die Einstellungen des Mobile Wi-Fi ändern:Stellen Sie über W-LAN oder über ein USB-Kabel eine Verbindung zum –Mobile Wi-Fi herKlicken Sie bei Installation des Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi über USB das auf –Ihrem Desktop abgelegte Symbol des Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi doppelt an Alternativ – und vor allem bei einer Nicht-USB-Installation – können Sie –http://VodafoneMobile.wi fi oder in Ihren Webbrowser eingeben.Zur Verwendung der Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi Web App über ein USB-Kabel oder über W-LAN benötigen Sie Folgendes:Einen Computer mit Microsoft Windows XP –® SP3 oder höher bzw.Einen Apple Mac mit mindestens Mac OS X –® 10.6 Snow Leopard.Das Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi kann über W-LAN, aber nicht über USB-Kabel, auch verwendet werden mit:Linux oder Windows –® 8 RT oderiPhone, iPad, iPod touch oder anderen Smartphones oder Tablets.–Mobile Wi-Fi Web AppTipp:Speichern Sie die Adressen Ihres Mobile Wi-Fi als Favoriten in Ihrem Webbrowser.6Navigationsregisterkarten: Zum Auswählen der Mobile-Wi-Fi-, Speicher-, SMS- oder Konto-AnsichtNavigationsleiste: Zum Auswählen eines Bereichs in den einzelnen Ansichten Bereich Aktuelles Netz: Status des mobilen Breitbandnetzes, des W-LAN-Netzwerks, des Akkus sowie der verbundenen Geräte Inhaltsbereich: Inhalte für den aktuellen Bereich Kontexthilfe: Hilfe für den aktuellen BereichSprachauswahl: Standardmäßig wird die Sprache des Browsers eingestelltAnmeldung/Abmeldung: Für erweiterte Einstellungen. Das Standardkennwort ist …admin“.Übersicht über die Web App456731245361277Der Bereich …Aktuelles Netz“ wird in jeder Ansicht in der Mobile Wi-Fi Web App auf der rechten Seite angezeigt. Er enthält eine Übersicht über den Status des Mobile Wi-Fi. Darunter gibt es weitere Bereiche für den Akku, das W-LAN und den Status anderer in das W-LAN-Netzwerk eingebundener Geräte.Bereich …AktuellesNetz“8Mobile Wi-Fi Monitor AppWenn Sie ein Gerät mit Apple iOS ® oder ein Android-Gerät haben, können Sie den Status des Mobile Wi-Fi auch mit der Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi Monitor App überprüfen. Laden Sie dazu die App aus den App Stores iTunes oder Google Play herunter.iPad/TabletiPhone/SmartphoneHinweise W-LAN-SicherheitWir empfehlen Ihnen, zu überprüfen, ob die W-LAN-Sicherheitseinstellungen Ihrenpersönlichen Anforderungen entsprechen. Öffnen Sie zum Ändern des Admin-Kennwortsdie Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi Web App:– G eben Sie in das Kennwort-Feld …admin“ ein und klicken Sie auf …Anmeldung“– Wählen Sie in der Navigationsleiste …Router“ aus– Wählen Sie in der Menüleiste links …Router-Einstellungen“ ausSo ändern Sie den Namen (SSID) und den Netzwerkschlüssel des W-LAN-Netzwerks:– Wählen Sie in der Navigationsleiste …W-LAN“ aus– Wählen Sie in der Menüleiste links …Sicherheit“ ausWPS (Wireless Protected Setup)Wenn Sie die WPS-Taste auf Ihrem Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi 5 Sekunden lang gedrückt halten,wird WPS aktiviert (die WPS/W-LAN-LED beginnt zu blinken). Anschließend können Sie einbeliebiges WPS-fähiges Gerät anschließen, ohne dafür den Netzwerkschlüssel eingebenzu müssen.Weiterer Support– Wählen Sie in der Navigationsleiste der Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi Web App …Hilfe“ aus– Wählen Sie in der Menüleiste links …Support“ ausIm Inhaltsbereich werden entsprechende Informationen für die Kontaktaufnahmezu Ihrem Netzbetreiber angezeigt.Sie können eine elektronische Version dieser Bedienungsanleitung unter/r207-z herunterladen.9GlossarDatentechnologie Die Technologie für den Datentransport über ein Mobilfunknetz,z.B. UMTS Broadband, HSPA, UMTS etc.Heimisches Netz Das Netz des Mobilfunknetzbetreibers, der die SIM-Karte geliefert hat.Roaming Mit Ihrem Mobilfunkgerät können Sie in jedem anderen Mobilfunknetz im In- und Ausland, für das Ihr Mobilfunknetzbetreiber einen Roaming-Vertrag abgeschlossen hat, eine Verbindung herstellen.SIM Die SIM-Karte (Subscriber Identity Module) ist der kleineKunststoffchip, den Sie zusammen mit Ihrem Mobilfunkvertragerhalten haben. Diese Karte hat auf einer Seite Goldkontakte.WPA2Ein anderer Name für den W-LAN-Netzwerkschlüssel. Bei Macsmit OS X wird dieser als …persönlicher WPA2“ bezeichnet.1011Notizen。
此外,您也可以通过 与我们沟通。
12目 录3334-3536-373839-4040驾乘位置的调整前座椅手动调节前座椅电动调节前座椅后座椅后视镜方向盘调节特色开启驾驶台乘坐舒适性视野空调监控驾驶触控屏6-78-910-1112-131415161718概 览1920-2122-24252627-29303132钥匙遥控器无钥匙进入报警器玻璃升降器车门行李厢盖天窗燃油箱开 启目录41 42-4344 45-46474849 50-54 55-57 58-5960 61-62 63-6465666768 69-70 71-77 78-798081828384-8586-909192-9394-95969798-100101102103-105106驾 驶仪表与显示屏车内装备方向盘处的控制照明前大灯雨刮组合开关点火开关无钥匙启动电子钥匙应急模式电子驻车制动自动变速箱Stop & Start发动机启停系统坡道起步辅助限速功能定速巡航车速记忆功能疲劳监测系统车道偏离警示前方碰撞预警盲区探测泊车辅助行车记录仪I 型组合仪表II 型组合仪表组合仪表显示屏检查(车辆自检)指示灯警告灯里程表旅程电脑保养指示器空调系统概述通风智能双区自动空调顶灯氛围灯内部布置实用装备34目 录安全带气囊儿童安全ISOFIX电动儿童安全锁转向指示灯危险信号灯喇叭胎压监测电子稳定程序 (ESP)制动三角警告标牌制动安全冬季安全措施安全建议驾驶建议加装电器附件安 全 性车辆维护与实用信息技术特性107-109 110-114115-118119120 121121121 122 123124125126 127128-129130131整车基本性能参数油耗外部尺寸汽车识别车轮170-171172 173174175新车磨合节省燃油的措施清洁及维护发动机罩发动机舱布置液位检查蓄电池更换保险丝仪表板下的保险丝发动机舱的保险丝更换灯泡轮胎使用注意事项实用工具更换车轮车辆的牵引三元催化器回收与环保精品附件132133-134 135-136 137138-139 140-141 142-145 146147148 149-154155156-160161-165166 167168169目录图解索引外部驾驶台方向盘处的控制键内部发动机舱213 214 215 216 217多媒体导航系统紧急呼叫及东风雪铁龙品牌呼叫01 系统概述02 多媒体03 电话04 导航- 引导05 设置06 整车功能07 联网功能常见问题176177-181182-190191-195196-206207208209-210211-21256概览特 色7概 览特 色8概 览A. 展开或折叠钥匙;B. 锁止车辆;C. 打开行李厢;D. 解锁车辆。
东风标致新客户汽车使用知识讲座 1)磨合期类 2)发动机类 3)常识类2009年03月23日星期一 11:37 A.M.1)1.在车辆磨合期内注意事项新车行驶最初1500公里行程为车辆的磨合期,在车辆磨合期内良好的驾驶方式将有利于车辆的性能和使用寿命。
1000公里内不要以最大油门行驶,不允许发动机转速超过最高转速的2/3 1000公里到1500公里,逐渐将发动机转速和车速提高到最大的允许值。