

二、船舶保险附加碰撞举证特别条款兹经保险合同双方同意,被保险船舶发生碰撞事故时,如果被保险人不能举证对方碰撞船舶的船名及其所承担的碰撞责任比例,保险人仅承担被保险船舶损失金额% 的赔偿责任。
三、船舶保险附加全损比例赔偿特别条款兹经保险合同双方同意,如果被保险船舶全损或推定全损,保险人按照保险金额的% 赔付,不再扣除免赔额。
规范类:一、船舶保险附加约定免赔额条款兹经保险合同双方同意,本保险项下的船舶全损绝对免赔额为**** 元或免赔率为****% ,两者以高者为准;部分损失每次事故绝对免赔额为**** 元或免赔率****% ,两者以高者为准;本保险附加险项下每次事故绝对免赔额为**** 元或免赔率****% ,两者以高者为准。



承保风险(风险条款)1 本保险承保保险标的损失或损害的一切风险,但不包括下列第4、5、6和7条规定的除外责任(共同海损条款)2 本保险承保根据运输合同、准据法和惯例理算或确定的共同海损和救助费用,其产生是为了避免任何原因造成的损失或与避免任何原因造成的损失有关,但此种原因不是本保险第4,5,6,7条或其他条文除外的危险(“双方有责碰撞”条款)3 本保险扩展赔偿被保险人诸如下文可补偿的损失方面根据运输合同中的“双方有责碰撞”条款的比例责任部分。
除外责任(普通除外条款)4 本保险决不承保;4.1 可归咎于被保险人的蓄意恶性的损失、损害或费用4.2 保险标的的通常渗漏、通常重量或体积损失、或通常磨损4.3 保险标的的包装或准备不足或不当引起的损失、损害或费用(在本款意义上,“包装”应视为包括集装箱或托盘内的积载,但仅适用于此种积载是在本保险责任开始前进行或是由被保险人或其雇员进行之时)4.4 保险标的固有缺陷或性质引起的损失、损害或费用4.5 迟延直接造成的损失、损害或费用,即使该延迟是由承保风险引起的(但根据上述第2条支付的费用除外)4.6 因船舶的所有人、经理人、承租人或经营人的破产或经济困境产生的损失、损害或费用4.7 因使用原子或核裂变和/或聚变或其类似反应或放射性力量或物质所制造的战争武器产生的损失、损害或费用。
(不适航和不适运除外条款)5 5.1 本保险决不承保损失、损害或费用,如其起因于5.1.1 船舶或驳船不适航5.1.2 船舶、驳船、运输工具、集装箱或托盘对保险标的的安全运输不适合,而且在保险标的装于其上时,被保险人或其雇员对此种不适航或不适运有私谋5.2 保险人放弃载运保险标的到目的港的船舶不得违反默示适航或适运保证,除非被保险人或其雇员对此种不适航或不适运有私谋。
(战争除外条款)6 本保险决不承保损失、损害或费用,如其起因于6.1 战争、内战、革命、造反、判乱或由此引起的内乱或交战方之间的敌对行为6.2 捕获、扣押、扣留、拘禁或羁押(海盗除外),和此种行为引起的后果或进行此种行为的企图6.3 被遗弃的水雷、鱼雷、炸弹或其他被遗弃的战争武器。

(一) 全损险由于下列原因造成被保险渔船和加保的渔网渔具的全部损失,本公司负责赔偿:1.暴风雨、台风、雷电、流冰、地震、海啸、洪水、火山爆发、搁浅、触礁、沉没、碰撞、失火、锅炉或其他设备爆炸、油管破裂等自然灾害和意外事故;2.船壳和机器的潜在缺陷;3.船长、大副、船员、引水员或修船人员的疏忽。
(二) 综合险由于下列原因造成被保险渔船的全部或部分损失,本公司负责赔偿:1.暴风雨、台风、雷电、流冰、地震、海啸、洪水、火山爆发、搁浅、触礁、沉没、碰撞、失火、锅炉或其他设备爆炸、油管破裂等自然灾害和意外事故;2.船壳和机器的潜在缺陷;3.船长、大副、船员、引水员或修船人员的疏忽。

二、船舶保险附加碰撞举证特别条款兹经保险合同双方同意,被保险船舶发生碰撞事故时,如果被保险人不能举证对方碰撞船舶的船名及其所承担的碰撞责任比例,保险人仅承担被保险船舶损失金额 %的赔偿责任。
三、船舶保险附加全损比例赔偿特别条款兹经保险合同双方同意,如果被保险船舶全损或推定全损,保险人按照保险金额的 %赔付,不再扣除免赔额。
规范类:一、船舶保险附加约定免赔额条款兹经保险合同双方同意,本保险项下的船舶全损绝对免赔额为****元或免赔率为 ****%,两者以高者为准;部分损失每次事故绝对免赔额为****元或免赔率****%,两者以高者为准;本保险附加险项下每次事故绝对免赔额为****元或免赔率****%,两者以高者为准。

船舶保险条款 (1986.1.1)本保险的保险标的是船舶,包括其船壳、救生艇、机器、设备、仪器、索具、燃料和物料。
一、责任范围(一 )全损险本保险承保由于以下原因所造成的被保险船舶的全损:地震、火山爆发、闪电或其他自然灾害;搁浅、碰撞、触碰任何固定或浮动物体或其他物体或其他海上灾害;火灾或爆炸;来自船外的暴力盗窃或海盗行为;抛弃货物;核装置或核反响堆发生的故障或不测事故;本保险还承保由于以下原因所造成的被保险船舶的全损:①装卸或搬动货物或燃料时发生的不测事故;②船舶机件或船壳的潜藏弊端;③船长、船员有意损害被保险人利益的行为;④船长、船员和引水员、修船人员及租船人的粗心行为;⑤任何政府当局,为防范或减少因承保风险造成被保险船舶损坏引起的污染,所采用的行动。
(二 )所有险本保险承保上述原因所造成被保险船舶的全损和局部损失以及以下责任和开销:1.碰撞责任①本保险负责因被保险船舶与其他船舶碰撞或触碰任何固定的、浮动的物体或其他物体而引起被保险人应负的法律补偿责任。
但本条对以下责任概不负责:a.人身伤亡或疾病;b.被保险船舶所载的货物或财物或其所承诺的责任;c.去除阻挡物、残骸、货物或任何其他物品;d.任何财产或物体的污染或沾污 (包括预防措施或去除的开销 )但与被保险船舶发生碰撞的他船或其所载财产的污染或沾污不在此限。
③本条项下保险人的责任 (包括法律开销 )是本保险其他条款项下责任的增加局部,但对每次碰撞所负的责任不得高出船舶的保险金额。



Chapter 11 MarineInsurance ContractOcean Marine Cargo Clauses (PICC) (Amended Jan,1,1981)Ⅰ. Scope of coverThis insurance is classified into the following three Conditions- Free From Particular Average (F.P.A.),With Average (W.A.) and All Risks. Where the goods insured hereunder sustain loss or damage,the Company shall undertake to indemnify therefore according to the Insured Condition specified in the Policy and the Provisions of these Clauses.1. Free From Particular Average (F.P.A.) This insurance covers:1) Total or Constructive Total Loss of the whole consignment hereby insured caused in the course of transit by natural calamities –heavy weather,lightning,tsunami,earthquake and flood,in case of constructive totals loss is claimed for,the Insured shall abandon to the Company the damaged goods and all his rights and title pertaining thereto. The goods each lighter take to or from the seagoing vessel shall be deemed a separate risk.“Constructive Total Loss” refers to the loss where an actual total loss appears to be unavoidable or the cost to be incurred in recovering or reconditioning the goods together with the forwarding cost to the destination named in the Policy would exceed their value on第11章海上保险合同海洋运输货物保险条款(中国人民保险公司)(1981年1月1日修订)Ⅰ责任范围本保险分为以下三部分:平安险、水渍险和一切险。


第六章海上保险条款§6-1 中保船舶险PICC Marine Insurance (Hull Insurance Clauses)The subject matter of this insurance is the vessel, including its hull, lifeboats, machinery, equipments, instruments, tackles, bunkers and stores.This insurance is classified into Total Loss Cover an All Risk Cover.I. Scope of Cover1. Total Loss CoverThis insurance covers total loss of the Insured vessel caused by:1) earthquake, volcanic eruption, lightning or other natural calamities;2) grounding, collision, contact with any object, fixed, floating or otherwise, or other perils of the sea;3) fire or explosions;4) violent theft by persons from outside the vessel or piracy;5) jettison;6) breakdown of or accident to nuclear installations or reactors;7) this insurance also covers total loss of the Insured vessel caused by:(1) accidents in loading, discharging or shifting cargo or fuel;(2) any latent defect in a machinery or hull of the vessel;(3) wrongful acts will fully committed by the master or crew to the prejudiceof the Insured interest;(4) negligence of the master crew or pilots repairers or charterers;(5) acts of any governmental authority to prevent or minimize a pollutionhazard resulting from damage to the vessel caused by risks insured against,provided such loss has not resulted from want of due diligence by theInsured, Owners or Managers.2. All Risks CoverThis insurance covers total loss of or partial loss of or damage to the Insured vessel arising from the causes under the Total Loss Cover and also covers the under-mentioned liability or expense:1) Collision Liabilities(1) This insurance covers legal liabilities of the Insured as a consequenceof the Insured vessel coming into collision or contact with any othervessel, or any object, fixed, floating or otherwise. However, this clausedoes not cover any liabilities in respect of: loss of life, personal injuryor illness; cargo or other property on or engagements of the Insured vessel;removal or disposal of obstructions, wrecks, cargoes or any other thingwhatsoever; pollution or contamination of any property or thing whatsoever(including cost of preventive measures and clean-up operations) exceptpollution or contamination of the other vessel with which the Insuredvessels is in collision or property on such other vessel; indirect expensesarising from delay to or loss of use of any object, fixed, floating orotherwise.(2) Where the Insured vessel is in collision with another vessel and bothvessels are to blame, then unless the liability of one or both vesselsbecomes limited by law, the indemnity under this clause shall be calculatedon the principle of cross liabilities. This principle also applies whenthe Insured vessel comes into contact with an object.(3) The insurer’s liability (including legal costs) under this clause shallbe in addition to his liability under the other provisions of thisinsurance but shall not exceed the Insured amount of the vessel herebyinsured in respect of each separate occurrence.2) General Average and Salvage(1) This insurance covers the Insured vessel’s proportion of general average,salvage or salvage charges, but in case of general average sacrifice of thevessel, the Insured may recover fully for such loss without obtainingcontributions from other parties.(2) General average shall be adjusted in accordance with the relative contractand of governing law and practice. However, where the contract of affreightment or carriage does not so provide, the adjustment shall be according to the Beijing Adjustment Rules or similar provisions of other rules.(3) Where all the contributing interests are owned by the Insured, or whenthe Insured vessel sails in ballast and there ate no other contributing interests the provisions of the Beijing Adjusting Rules (excluding Article5), or similar provisions of other rules if expressly agreed, shall applyas if the interests were owned by different persons. The voyage for this purpose shall be deemed to continue from the port or place of departure until the arrival of the vessel at the first port or place of call for bunkering only. If at any such intermediate port or place there is an abandonment of the adventure originally contemplated the voyage shall thereupon be deemed to be terminated.3) Sue and Labour(1) Where there is loss or damage to the vessel from a peril insured againstor where the vessel is in immediate danger from such a peril, and as a result reasonable expenditure is incurred by the Insured in order to avert or minimize a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance, the Insurer will be liable for the expenses so incurred by the Insured. This clause shall not apply to general average, salvage or salvage charges or to expenditure otherwise provided for in this insurance.(2) The insurer’s liability under this clause is in addition to his liabilityunder the other provisions of this insurance, but shall not exceed an amount equal to the sum insured in respect of the vessel.II. ExclusionsThis insurance does not cover loss, damage, liability or expense cause by:1. Unseaworthiness including not being properly manned, equipped or loaded, providedthat the Insured knew, or should have know, of such unseaworthiness when the vessel was sent to sea;2. Negligence or intentional act of the Insured and his representative;3. Ordinary wear and tear, corrosion, rottenness or insufficient upkeep, or defectin material which the Insured should have discovered with due diligence, or replacement of or repair to any part in unsound condition as mentioned above.4. Risks covered and excluded in the Hull War and Strikes Clauses of this Company.III. Deductible1. Partial loss caused by a peril insured against shall be payable subject to thedeductible stipulated in the policy for each separate accident or occurrence (excluding claims under collision liability, salvage and general average, and sue and labour).2. Claims for damage by heavy weather occurring during a single sea passage betweentwo successive ports shall be treated as being due to one accident.This clause shall not apply to a claim for total loss of vessel, and the reasonable expense of sighting the bottom after grounding, if incurred specially for that purpose.IV. ShippingUnless previously approved by the insurer and any amended terms of cover and additional premium required have been agreed, this insurance does not cover loss, damage, liability and expense caused under the following circumstances:1. towage or salvage service undertaken by the Insured vessel;2. cargo loading or discharging operation at sea from or into another vessel (not being a harbor or inshore craft) including whist approaching, lying alongside and leaving;3. the Insured vessel sailing with an intention of being broken up or sold for breaking up.V. Period of InsuranceThis insurance is classified into Time Insurance and Voyage Insurance.1. Time Insurance: Longest duration is one year, the time of commencement andtermination being subject to the stipulation in the policy. Should the Insured vessel at the expiration of this insurance be at sea or in distress or at port of refuge or of call, she shall, provided previous notice be given to the insurer, be held covered to her port of destination with the payment of an additional pro rata daily premium. However, in case of a total loss of the vessel during such period of extension, an additional six moths premium shall be paid to the insurer.2. Voyage Insurance: to be subject of the voyage stipulated in the policy. The timeof commencement and termination to be dealt with according to the following provisions:1) With no cargo on board: to commence from the time of unmooring or weightinganchor at the port of sailing until the completion of casing anchor or mooring at the port of destination.2) With cargo on board: to commence from the time of loading at the port of sailinguntil the completion of discharge at the port of destination, but in no case shall a period of thirty days be exceeded counting from midnight of the day of arrival of the vessel at the port of distination.VI. Termination1. This insurance shall terminate automatically in the event of payment for totalloss of the Insured vessel.2. Unless previously agreed by the Insurer in writing, this insurance shall terminateautomatically at the time of any change of the Classification Society of the Insured vessel, change or cancellation or withdrawal of her Class therein, change in the ownership or flag, assignment or transfer to new management, charter ona bareboat basis, requisition for title. If the vessel has cargo on board or isat sea, such termination shall, if required, be deferred until arrival at hernext port or final port of discharge or destination.3. In case of any such breach of warranty as to cargo, voyage, trading limit, towage,salvage services or date of sailing, this insurance shall terminate automatically unless notice be given to the Insurer immediately after receipt of advice and any amended terms of cover and any additional premium required be agreed.VII. Premium and Returns1. Time Insurance: Full premium shall be due and payable on attachment, and if agreedby the Insurer payment may be made by installments, but in the event of total loss of the Insured vessel, any unpaid premium shall be immediately due and payable. Premium is returnable as follows:1) If this insurance is cancelled or terminated, premium shall be returned prorata daily net for the uncommenced day, but this clause shall not be applicable to clause .2) Where the Insured vessel is laid up in a port or a lay-up area approved bythe Insurer for a period exceeding thirty consecutive days irrespective of whether she is under repairs in dock or shipyard, loading or discharging, 50% (fifty percent) of net premium for such period shall be returned pro rata daily but in no case shall such return of premium be recoverable in the event of total loss of the vessel.In the event of any return recoverable under this clause being based on thirty consecutive days which fall on successive insurance effected for the same Insured, such return of premium shall be calculated pro rata separately for the number of days covered by each insurance.2. Voyage insurance: In no case shall voyage insurance be cancelable and the premiumthereof be returnable once it commences.VIII. Duty of Insured1. Immediately upon receipt of advice of any accident or loss to the Insured vessel,it is the duty of the Insured to give notice to the Insurer within 48 hours, andif the vessel is abroad, to the Insurer’s nearest agent immediately, and so take all reasonable measures for the purpose of averting or minimizing a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance.2. Measures taken by the Insured or the Insurer with the object of averting orminimizing a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance shall not be considered as waiver or acceptance of abandonment or otherwise prejudice the rights of either party.3. The Insured shall obtain prior agreement of the Insurer in determining theliabilities and expenses in respect of the Insured vessel.4. In submitting a claim for loss, the Insured shall transfer to the Insurer allnecessary documents and assist him in pursuing recovery against the third party in case of third party liabilities or expenses being involved.IX. Tender1. Where the Insured vessel is damaged and repairs are required, the Insured shalltake such tenders as a diligent uninsured owner would take to obtain the most favourable offer for the repairs of the damaged vessel.2. The Insurer may also take tenders or may require further tenders to be taken forthe repair of the vessel. Where such a tender is accepted with the approval of the Insurer, the allowance in respect of fuel and stores and wages and maintenance of the master and crew shall be made for the time lost between the dispatch of the invitations to tender required by the Insurer and the acceptance of a tender, but the maximum allowance shall not exceed the rate of 30% per annum on the Insured value of the vessel.3. The Insured may decide the place of repair of the damaged vessel, however, ifthe Insured in making such decisions does not act as a diligent uninsured owner, then the Insurer shall have a right of veto concerning the place of repair ora repairing firm decided by the owner or deduct any increased costs resultingtherefrom from the indemnity.X. Claim and IndemnityIn case of accident or loss insured against, no claim shall be recoverable should the Insured failed to submit claim document to the insurer within two years following the accident or loss.Total Loss1) Where the Insured vessel is completely destroyed or so seriously damaged asto cease to be a thing of the kind insured or there the Insured is irretrievably deprived of the vessel, it may be deemed a actual total loss, and the full insured amount shall be indemnified.2) Where no news is received of the whereabouts of the Insured vessel over aperiod of two months after the date on which she is expected to arrive at the port of destination it shall be deemed an actual total loss and the full insured amount shall be indemnified.3) Where an actual total loss of the Insured vessel appears to be unavoidableor the cost of recovery, repair and/or salvage or the aggregate thereof will exceed the Insured value of the vessel, it may be deemed a constructive total loss and the full insured amount shall be indemnified after notice of abandonment of the vessel is given to the Insurer irrespective of whether the Insurer accepts the abandonment. Once the Insurer accepts the abandonment, the subject matter insured belongs to the Insurer.Partial loss1) Claims under this insurance shall be payable without deduction new for old;2) In no case shall a claim be admitted in respect of scrapping derusting orpainting of the vessel’s bottom unless directly related repairs of plating, damaged by an insured peril;3) Where repairs for owner’s account necessary to make the vessel seaworthyand/or a routine drydocking are carried out concurrently with repairs covered by this insurance, then the cost of entering and leaving dock and the dock dues for the time spent in dock shall be divide equally.4) Where it is necessary to place the vessel in drydock for repair of the damagecovered by this insurance, the Insurer’s liability for the cost of docking shall not be reduced, should the Insured has surveys or other work carried out while the vessel is in dock provided the time for the work for the Insured’s account is not prolonged in dock or the cost of docking is not in any way increased.In no case shall any sum be allowed under this insurance either by way of remuneration of the Insured for time and trouble taken to obtain and supply information or documents or in respect of the commission or charges of any manager, agent, managing or agency company or the like, appointed by or on behalf of the Insured to perform such services, unless prior agreement has been obtained.Where the Insured amount is less than the agreed value or the contributory value in respect of general average or salvage, then the Insurer is only liable to pay that proportion of any loss or expense covered by this insurance that the amount insured bears to the agreed or contributory value.Where the Insured vessel comes into collision with or receives salvage services from another vessel owned by the Insured or under the same management, the Insurer shall be liable under this insurance as if the other vessel were owned by a third party.XI. Treatment of DisputesShould disputes arise between the insured and insurer and it is necessary to submit to arbitration or take legal action, such arbitration or legal action shall be carried out at the place where the defendant is domiciled.注释tackle, 索具。

船舶保险相关条款沿海、内河,船舶保险条款 (1)船(渔)工责任险条款 (2)螺旋浆、舵、锚、锚链及子船单独损失保险条款 (3)四分之一碰撞、触碰责任保险条款 (4)沿海内河船舶附加部分损失特约条款 (4)水路货物运输承运责任保险特约条款(试行) (5)沿海内河油船油污责任保险特约条款(试行) (6)缉私船舶附加执行公务意外损失保险特约条款(试行) (7)沿海内河船舶保险条款附加第三者人身伤害责任保险条款 8沿海、内河,船舶保险条款本保险的保险标的是指在中华人民共和国境内合法登记注册从事沿海、内河航行的船舶,包括船体、机器、设备、仪器和索具。



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OLL POLLUTION & OTHER PROTECTION & INDEMNITY RISKS CLAUSES1. Scope of CoverIt is agreed that the Company shall, subject to the provisions of these Clauses, pay to the Insured all sums in respect of the following losses, damages and expenses:(1) (a) Costs and expenses which the Insured may incur for taking reasonable measures to remove oil or oily mixture discharged from the insured vessel if the oil or oily mixture causes damage by pollution to coast line or may create a grave and imminent danger of pollution thereto, and/or (b) costs and expenses reimburesed to the Government which have been reasonable incurred for cleaning up the oil or oily mixture discharged through the negligence to any degree of the insured vessel.(2) Compensation payable by the Insured to any other persons who sustain pollution damage as a result of a discharge of oil or oily mixture from the insured vessel, for which the Insured is legally liable.(3) Loss of or damage to any other vessel or any property thereon (and costs and expenses incidental thereto) fixed and floating objects whatsoever, land or water if the liability for such loss or damage is imposed by statute or arose out of the negligent navigation or management of the insured vessel or other negligent act or omission on board of or in relation to the insured vessel, but in no case shall this insurance cover liablilyty for such loss, damage or expense as are recoverable under article I. 2. of the Hull Clauses of the Company.(4) Costs and expenses of or incident to the raising, removal ,destruction, lighting or marking of the wreck of the insured vessel, when such raising, removal, desytruction, lighting or marking is compulsory by law or the costs thereof are legally recoverable from the Insured provided that the value of all stores and materials saved as well as of the wreck itself shall first be deducted from such costs, charges and expenses, and only the balance thereof, if any, shall be recoverable from the Company. It is warranted that the Insured shall not transfer his interest in the wreck without the prior consent of the Company.(5) Loss of cargo or other property to be or being or having been carried in the insured vessel, subject to a deductible of USD 1,000 each cargo voyage, arising out of any breach by the Insured or by any person for whose acts, neglect or default he may be legally liable of his obligation or duty as a carrier by sea properly to load, handle, stow, carry, keep, care for, discharge and deliver such cargo or property, or out of unseaworthiness or unfitness of the insured vessel.(6)Fines or penalties imposed, subject to a deductible of USD 500 each oil pollution accidentand USD 500 each port for fines and penalties of other nature upon the Insured in respect of the insured vessel by any court, tribunal or authority of competent jurisdiction, nevertheless, the Company shall in no event indemnify the Insured against a fine or penalty imposed upon him for the overloading of the insured vessel or against the legal cost and expenses relating thereto.(7) Costs and expenses, including legal costs and charges, which the Insured may incur in respect of (or in avoiding or attempting to avoid) any liability or expenditure against which the Insured is insured by these Clauses.It is specifically agreed that the Company's maximum liability shall be USD 100,000,000 for oil pollution claims any one accident or occurrence and USD 35,000,000 for all other claims any one accident or occurrence (or per cargo voyage under paragraph (5) hereof).2. ExclusionsThe Company shall not be liable for(1) Loss or damage caused by intcntional act of the shipowner;(2) Maintenance repairs to the hull and machinery of the insured vessel, expenses for painting, wear and tear and corrosion;(3) Risks covered and excluded in the Hull War Risks Clauses of the Company;(4) Demurrage of the insured vessel.3. Period of InsuranceThe longest duration is one year subject to the time of commencement and termination as stipulated in the Policy.In the event that the insured vessel is sold or transferred during the currency of insurance, the insurance shall become terminated forthwith unless such sale or transfer is agreed to by the Company in writing. Where the insured vessel is sold or transferred in the course of a voyage, the insurance may be extended until the completion of such voyage.Should the insured vessel become an actual or comstructive total loss this insurance shall ccase save for liabilities flowing directly from the casualty giving rise to such actual or constructive total loss.4. Return of Premium(1) If the insured vessel is sold or transferred or the insurance thereon is cancelled during the currency of insurance, a return premium to be calculated pro rata daily shall be allowed to the Insured.(2) If the insured vessel is laid up in a safe port for a period exceeding thirty consecutive days (such period being computed from the day of arrival to the day of departure, one only being excluded), a return premium, to be calculated pro rata daily for the period during which the insured vessel is laid up, shall be allowed at the following rates:95%-with neither crew nor cargo on board provided that the Company shall always be entitled to retain a minimum premium at an annual rate of USD ______per gross registered ton.5. Treatment of Loss(1) In the event of accidents to the insured vessel which fall under the scope of cover, the Insured shall notify the Company immediately and take all possible measures to minimize the loss.The Insured shall cause the insured vessel to undergo periodic overhaul and repairs and be well kept, so as to make her in good technical condition.(2) In submitting his claim, the Insured shall, in case third party liability is involved,subrogate the right of recovery from the third party and transfer the necessary documents to the Company.6. Treatment of DisputesAll disputes arising between the Insured and the Company shall be settled by friendly negotiation of the principle of seeking truth from facts and of fairness and reasonableness. Where a settlement fails after negotiation and it is necessary to submit to arbitration or take legal actions, such arbitration or legal actions shall be carried out at the place where the defendant is domiciled。