
考生需要注意的是one 和you 不能相互指代。
例:Even with (A) a calculator, you must have a basic understanding (B) of mathematics if one expects(C)to solve complex problems correctly. No error (E) 分析:本题第一个代词是you,所以C错,应改为you expect。
因为one和you 不能互相指代。
例:The bright (A) fiber glass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B) critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D) New York. 分析:本题显然主语sculptures是个复数而谓语动词has是个单数,所以主谓不一致,应该把B 改为have received。
SAT语法改错题十大常见错误2:平行并列题型例:Each time Caroline turns on her computers, she has (A) to enter a company code, then her initials, and then enters a password (B) before she can begin working(C). No error (D) 分析:B enters a password 前面出现了可爱的and,这个词决定了前后必须是平行并列,要求形式对称、概念对等、功能相同。

1、 no和not的固定搭配和基本用法。
4、whether …or not可以而if …or not是不对的。
5、adj+ving/ved+adv I’m careful reading it. I’m reading it carefully.6、 that省略的唯一条件,在从句中做宾语或表语。
7、 having,being放在句中是错误的,放在句首是正确的。
8、one’s doing sth是个复杂的表达方式。
The doing of sth也没有doing sth简洁。
9、表示原因的时候,because是最简洁的表达方式,比because of要简洁。
10、 which、who和whom之后要接上缺主语、宾语或表语的句子。
天道六步曲为您进行签证辅导和后期服务,我们具体的服务项目如下:1. 分析申请人的情况,制定个性化的签证方案2. 指导申请人办理签证所需材料3. 签证模拟培训,并指导申请人预约签证4. 行前指导,协助申请人预订机票、购买保险等5. 协助安排同城、同校申请人结伴而行。

最常见的一种出题方式就是在主语和谓语之间加入很长的修饰成分或插入语,即“主语核心名词+ 修饰成分/插入语+ 谓语动词”。
今天小编为大家分析下面两道例题:1. Horse psychology, a science that investigates the reasons for the behavior of horses, help trainers both motivate their charges and prevent problems.这道题目中,主语核心名词是“psychology”。
后面的插入语“a science that investigates the reasons for the behavior of horses”是对主语的进一步解释说明,作同位语使用,不属于主语成分。
2. The region bounded by the northwest corner of Greenland, the northern tip of Labrador, and the Mackenzie Delta include the islands collectively known as the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.这道题目中,主语核心名词是“region”。
后面的过去分词短语“bounded by the northwest corner of Greenland, the northern tip of Labrador, and the Mackenzie Delta”是对主语的修饰限定,作定语使用,不属于主语成分。

今天给大家分享了SAT改错题要注意的知识点,赶紧来看看吧!SAT改错题要注意的知识点1 代词错误有1)主格宾格混用(let we .)2)one-you 混用3)单复数错误(前面一个dogs 后面是it)等,总之看到 I you he she her his they them their .. 警惕2 动词包括have 及系动词错误有1)单复数不统一(there are a line of trees),2)时态错误(完成时你学得不好的回学校去问〔英语〕老师)3 平行1)比较 than 前后东西要平行 (Toms dog is better than me),这里还有 the same with, similar to, like/unlike.2) both and, either or, neither nor 要完整3)排比时注意平行 (His cleverness, kindness and being hardworking)4 形容词副词1) 比较重复 more better than2) 两者间用最高级3)形副混用This knife is clever designed.5 Misc1)句首不用this,代词不如名词清楚2)句子逻辑为转折时不用and3)contrary to, contrasted with, far from不如unlike准确4)opposite to只表示地点相对5)who-which-what混用(搞不清?不是吧。
)6)名词前后单复数一致7)修饰语乱跑(I found an antique store wandering in the Manhattan)8)each year + annuallycu9)动词介词搭配,见2400的总结,不过不全SAT语法的重点有哪些1. 一个句子必须具备一个主谓结构,无论是简单句还是复合句,所以大家在分析SAT语法考试中的复合句的时候,可以首先抓住的就是他的主谓结构。

考点聚焦:(1) 三者之间的平行----N, N, and N(名词,名词,and 名词)此种题型就是我们常说的“名词,名词,and 名词”的形式,这三个名词是相互并列的。
出题的习惯通常划线部分放在第三个,即在and 名词上面划线。
例句1:Each time Mary turns on her computer, she has (A) to enter a company code, then her initials, and then enters a password (B) before (C) she can begin working (D). No error (E).例句2:Without the invention of the compass, Mike might not have sailed around the world, Lewis and Isaac might not have traveled to Bonn, nor might Kevin’s search for the cities of gold have occurred, either.(A) nor might Kevin’s search for the cities of gold have occurred, either(B) nor might Kevin search for the cities of gold(C) and Kevin’s search for the cities of gold might not have taken place(D) and Kevin might not search for the cities of gold(E) and Kevin might not have searched for the cities of gold(2)比较句此种题型在考试当中几乎每次都可以见到,考点集中在同类比较出现此题型的标志有:-er; more,than; as; like; unlike; compare to/with等错误例句:The climate in Shanghai is more humid than Beijiing.改为:The climate in Shanghai is more humid than that of Beijing.此句中“that”表示句子开头的“the climate”例句1: In (A) the United States, the industrial use of (B) plastic is (C) greater than steel (D), aluminum, and copper combined. No error (E) (OG P777 28)例句2: In a recent year, more tourists from the United States visited museums in Great Britain than Canada.(A) Canada(B) Canada did(C) compared to Canada(D) Canadian ones(E) in Canada(3)两者之间的平行(3)两者之间的平行两者之间的平行一般的几个标志如下:not only……,but also….neither…. nor……../ either……or……(在SAT中被视为送分题)….. and / but…..出现以上的标志词后必须做到一一对应;但以下为特殊情况:如:either plan to do,or risk doing(这种句型出现是正确的,句子当中的主体结构完全一一对应,“plan”和“risk”已经做到对应,后面的“to do”和“doing”只是固定用法。

另外,主谓一致,代词一致(前面说when one…后面又变成了you must…),这种类型的错误在SAT语法改错题中经常出现。
介词短语中的介词(是be responsible for还是be responsible to)也是SAT语法改错题的常客,而且还是非常让考生头痛的客人。

不过SAT的语法与托福语法最大的区别在于,它还有第五个选项放在句后:NO ERROR,选择这个选项即认为这个句子没有语法错误。
常见SAT语法句子改错题错误1、代词指代错误:代词的性、数、格;比较特别考点是one 和you 不能相互指代。
例:Even with(A) a calculator, you must have a basic understanding(B)of mathematics if one expects(C) to solve complex problems correctly. No error(E) 分析:本题第一个代词是you,所以C错,应改为you expect。
因为one和you 不能互相指代常见SAT语法句子改错题错误2、主谓一致错误:常见错误类型,比较简单送分题。
例:The bright (A)fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B)critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D)New York.分析:本题显然主语sculptures是个复数而谓语动词has是个单数,所以主谓不一致,应该把B 改为have received常见SAT语法句子改错题错误3、平行并列题型例:Each time Caroline turns on her computers, she has(A) to enter a company code, then her initials, and then enters a password (B)before she can begin working(C). No error(D)分析:B enters a password 前面出现了可爱的and,这个词决定了前后必须是平行并列,要求形式对称、概念对等、功能相同。

SAT改错语法汇总SAT改错语法汇总句子修改罩子,句子连接问题(…year, they fall…)代词指代不清(…year, and they fall…;Sheila and Lucy…, she noticed…)前后完美一致(A recent report indicates…year, and falling…)经典完美一致句型:it’s confusing because of its …but elegant because of its…Building windmill farms reduces… and keeps…The adults are…, their eggs are…, and their habitats are…介词词组(…are hard to study, …; For all their talk about…)Being的非被动用法都错单复数一致(…are hard to study, …is)主句从句(…fires that occurred last summer which were …are careless.;中间插入语,后面还是从句:Sir Ronald Ross, winner of…, and who…)Be(am is are was were) because of都错A part of, a kind of都错时态(Dr. Chien has disproved …when she showed that…)罩子罩住的要是一个句子(…, but more than half of the states extending.)主语一致(it reflected the …as she distributed…;Carried by the…, the 1980 eruption of Mount…)句子挑错介词搭配(capable to(of) distinguish…; Neither…or…)指代一致(Larissa and Tariq plan to become an entomologist; passengers must purchase his or her…)动词时态(whenever he learned…, he seeks out.)副词(surprisingly badly)比较对象一致(…to compare Norman Rockwell’s paintings to painter Robert Rauschenberg.)单复数(the…spears of the box jellyfish, …, is released…)Even more; much happier没问题,但more happier就有问题了。

下面小编整理的就是关于SAT语法句子改错题解析的相关内容,大家请看下面5个题:1. A patient accusing a doctor of malpractice will find it difficult to prove damage if there is a lack of some other doctor to testify about proper medical procedures.(A) if there is a lack of some other doctor to testify(B) unless there will be another doctor to testify(C) without another doctor's testimony(D) should there be no testimony from some other doctor(E) lacking another doctor to testify2. Samuel Sewall viewed marriage, as other seventeenth-century colonists, likea property arrangement rather than an emotional bond based on romantic love.(A) Samuel Sewall viewed marriage, as other seventeenth-century colonists, like a property arrangement rather than(B) As did other seventeenth-century colonists, Samuel Sewall viewed marriage to be a propertyarrangement rather than viewing it as(C) Samuel Sewall viewed marriage to be a property arrangement, like other seventeenth-centurycolonists, rather than viewing it as(D) Marriage to Samuel Sewall, like other seventeenth-century colonists, was viewed as a property arrangement rather than(E) Samuel Sewall, like other seventeenth-century colonists, viewed marriage as a property arrangement rather than3. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Environmental Protection Agency is required either to approve individual state plans for controlling the discharge of wastes into underground water or that they enforce their own plan for states without adequate regulations.(A) that they enforce their(B) for enforcing their(C) they should enforce their(D) it should enforce its(E) to enforce its4. Last year, land values in most parts of the pinelands rose almost so fast. and in some parts even faster than what they did outside the pinelands.(A) so fast, and in some parts even faster than what they did(B) so fast, and in some parts even faster than, those(C) as fast, and in some parts even faster than, those(D) as fast as, and in some parts even faster than, those(E) as fast as, and in some parts even faster than what they did5. In the mid-1960's a newly installed radar warning system mistook the rising of the moon as a massive missile attack by the Soviets.(A) rising of the moon as a massive missile attack by the Soviets(B) rising of the moon for a massive Soviet missile attack(C) moon rising to a massive missile attack by the Soviets(D) moon as it was rising for a massive Soviet missile attack(E) rise of the moon as a massive Soviet missile attackAnswer to Question 1Only C, the best choice, manages to convey the meaning of the sentence efficiently and idiomatically. Choices A and D are plagued by awkwardness and wordiness. Choice A also introduces the unidiomatic phrase lack of some other doctor. Choice B incorrectly uses a future-tense verb (will be) in the if clause; the if clause must use the present tense if it is preceded, as here, by a result clause that uses a future-tense verb (e.g., will find). Choice E introduces a dangling modifier: the lacking ... phrase cannot logically modify damage, the nearest noun.Answer to Question 2In E, the best choice, a modifying phrase begun by like immediately follows the name it modifies, Samuel Sewall. E also uses the idiomatic construction viewed marriage as.... Choice A inserts an adverbial modifier, as other... colonists, without the necessary did. It also uses the unidiomatic construction viewed marriage like .... Both B and C use the unidiomatic construction viewed marriage to be ....C incorrectly places the adjective phrase like other... colonists after the word arrangement, which it cannot logically modify.D offers a confusing and awkward passive construction marriage to. Samuel Sewall... was viewed....Answer to Question 3E, the best choice, is the only one that maintains grammatical parallelism by using an infinitive--to enforce—to complete the construction either to approve ... or.... All of the other choices offer syntactic structures that are not parallel to the infinitive phrase to approve. In addition, choices A, B, and C use plural pronouns (they and their) that have no grammatical referents.Answer to Question 4The properly completed sentence here must (1) use the proper form of the comparative conjunction, as fast as; (2) enclose the parenthetical statement and... even faster than in commas; and (3) preserve parallel structure, clarity of reference, and economy by using those to substitute for land values in the completed comparison. D, the best choice, does all these things correctly. A and B use so unidiomatically in place of as. A and E omit the comma needed after than and use the confusing and unparallel what they did instead of those. C omits the second as needed in the comparative conjunction as fast as.Answer to Question 5Choice B is best because it alone correctly handles the idiom to mistake x for y. Though choice D manages the correct preposition, for, the phrase the moon as it was rising for is less efficient and precise than the phrasing of choice B: since rising functions as a verb in D, the phrase for a massive... attack now seems to modify rising rather than mistook. Choice C incorrectly uses mistook... to, and choices A and E incorrectly use mistake ... as. Choice E also employs the nonidiomatic rise of the moon.以上就是小编整理的关于SAT语法句子改错题解析的相关内容,很多情况下SAT语法句子改错题不是让你选择一个完全正确的答案,而是让你选择一个最佳答案。

考点聚焦:(1) 单复数混用这种题型相对来说是比较简单并且显而易见的,但是同学们做题的时候一定要十分细心。
例句1:Few issues is (A) as likely (B) to provoke widespread interest as those (C) involving possible danger to (D) the health or safety of children. No error (E)例句2:The main reasons students give for failing to participate in the political process is that they have demanding assignments and work at part-time jobs.(A) is that they have demanding assignments and work at(B) are demanding assignments and they work at(C) are that they have demanding assignments and that they work at(D) is having demanding assignments and having to work at(E) are demanding assignments, in addition to working at(2)由and连接的主语两个名词或者代词有and进行连接并且充当句子的主语,如果它们表示的是两样东西,则需用复数谓语;例句1:A job directory and a job service centre that provides (A) information for (B) students in need of (C) employment is (D) available through the school’s guidance office. No error (E)例句2:The convenience and availability of watercolor paint account for its popularity with artists.(A) account for its popularity(B) account for their popularity(C) accounts for its popularity(D) is why it is popular(E) are a reason for its popularity(3)倒装句的主谓一致在SAT的考试中,经常出现倒装句配合主谓一致的情况,让我们来看一个例题例句:Also supported (A) by the commission was (B) the proposed health clinics and the proposed center (C) to distribute information on job-training (D) opportunities. No error (E) (OG P602 28)(4)主语+插入语+谓语此种题型在SAT语法考试中出现的频率十分的高,大家要有足够的认识。

最常见的一种出题方式就是在主语和谓语之间加入很长的修饰成分或插入语,即“主语核心名词+ 修饰成分/插入语+ 谓语动词”。
今天小编为大家分析下面两道例题:1.Horse psychology, a science that investigates the reasons for the behavior of horses, help trainers both motivate their charges and prevent problems.这道题目中,主语核心名词是“psychology”。
后面的插入语“a science that investigates the reasons for the behavior of horses”是对主语的进一步解释说明,作同位语使用,不属于主语成分。
2.The region bounded by the northwest corner of Greenland, the northern tip of Labrador, and the Mackenzie Delta include the islands collectively known as the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.这道题目中,主语核心名词是“region”。
后面的过去分词短语“bounded by the northwest corner of Greenland, the northern tip of Labrador, and the Mackenzie Delta”是对主语的修饰限定,作定语使用,不属于主语成分。

目录1月题目 (3)1月答案解析 (5)1月题目1月3日答案解析A(Except for)the phonograph,the performances B(of great musicians)and the voices of famous people C(would have been)lost D(to history).E(No error) Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E1月9日答案解析A(Long been)isolated B(from)the outside world and perched C(high in)the Tibetan Himalayas,Lhasa is the capital of Tibet,D(an autonomous region)of the People’s Republic of China.E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E1月15日答案解析Although the number of books A(written in)African languages B(are growing),many African writers C(find)a larger audience D(for works)written in Portuguese or English.E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E1月21日答案解析A(Aside from)Shakespeare,B(perhaps)no writer in English C(have)engaged the public’s imagination D(more thoroughly than)Charles Dickens.E(No error) Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E1月27日答案解析A(An)abundant supply of milk B(from)dairy farms nearby C(make)the Bern region of Switzerland D(a leading producer)of condensed milk and milk chocolate.E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E1月答案解析1月3日The correct answer is AThe error in this sentence occurs at(A),where there is inappropriate word choice.In this context,“Except for”doesn't make sense.Instead,“Without”is needed. 1月9日The correct answer is AThe error in this sentence occurs at(A),where there is awkward and wordy phrasing. The awkward“Long been”should simply be“Long”(“Long isolated...”).1月15日The correct answer is BThe error in this sentence occurs at(B),where there is subject-verb disagreement. The singular verb“is”is needed to agree with the singular noun“the number.”1月21日The correct answer is CThe error in this sentence occurs at C.The plural verb“have”does not agree with the singular subject“writer”and should be replaced with the singular verb“has.”1月27日The correct answer is CThe error in this sentence occurs at(C),where there is subject-verb disagreement. The plural verb“make”does not agree with its singular subject,“An abundant supply.”天道培训SAT课程推荐一对一课程A、SATI&SATII一对一课程B、SAT辅导课程全程托管计划A、上午班B、下午班SAT精品小班课程A、春季SAT5人班B、暑假SAT5人班课程特色:自由安排上课时间,网络课堂克服地理限制课程介绍:A、SAT资深教师针对考点重点点拨,从基础到强化全面提高;SATII多科辅导--物理、化学、生物、数学—中英文细致讲解做题思路B、细致讲解各科题目,克服学员惰性,帮助学员更有效消化课程知识课程教材:SAT官方指南,SAT历年考试真题集,天道名师内部讲义课程特色:教学专家强化授课,学员导师无缝衔接,确保学员消化课上内容,保障学习效果;全天8小时的浸泡式学习,一对一教学和小组学习相结合,调动最佳学习状态;适合人群:自学能力不强,希望得到个性化和适当学习氛围的学员;课程设置:每天09:00-18:00全程托管,含2小时一对一课程、6小时辅导课程及1小时午休(含午餐时间)课程特色:SAT2000分尊贵5人班基础+全真考题,老师逐个点拨适合人群:高一、高二及或同等水平的学员;有意申请或转入美国名校本科的学生课程设置:五科资深教师授课,5人小班教学,老师逐个点拨,赠送全真模拟考试+名师点评10课时。

5、不要害怕选E(No error),因为每套题目都会有一定数目的E选项答案,选E是很正常的,不要明明没有错都还要挑毛病。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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除去传统的SAT OG和真题复习资料外,我认为考生们将SAT近一年的Collegeboard《每日一题》完成,也是很重要的选择。
SAT《每日一题》,代表了官方的最新动态,是我们能够拿到的,除去SAT 真题外,最重要的一手资料。
再次,SAT OC和每日一题。
SAT OC出题较难,同时有些偏,建议能力在2100+以上的学生,在真题精熟的情况下,试做。
目录1月题目 (9)1月答案解析 (12)2月题目 (14)2月答案解析 (16)3月题目 (18)3月答案解析 (21)4月题目 (23)4月答案解析 (25)5月题目 (27)5月答案解析 (30)6月题目 (31)6月答案解析 (33)7月题目 (35)7月答案解析 (37)8月题目 (39)8月答案解析 (42)9月题目 (44)9月答案解析 (47)10月题目 (49)10月答案解析 (52)11月题目 (54)11月答案解析 (56)12月题目 (58)12月答案解析 (61)1月题目and答案解析Cola nuts are the caffeine-rich nuts of Cola auminata and Cola nitida,evergreen forest trees that are a(native to)tropical West Africa and that are b(a member)c (of)the same botanical family d(as)cocas.e(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E1月18日答案解析Most saxophones,a(except for)the straight-bodied sopranino and soprano b(models),c(with)an upturned lower end and a detachable crook,d(or neck),atmothand1月30日答案解析Farmers a(who grow)major crops such as corn,rice and wheat,b(aware)that new developments in agricultural production can result in millions of dollars inadditional revenue,c(switching to)newer,d(more efficient)technologies.e(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E1月答案解析1月6日The correct answer is DThe error in this sentence occurs at(D),where there is an inappropriate verb form.The infinitive“to achieve”is needed to parallel the infinitive“to use.”1月12日The correct answer is BThe error in this sentence occurs at(B),where there is noun-noun disagreement.The singular“a member”does not agree with the plural“trees.”1月18日The correct answer is CThe error in this sentence occurs at(C),where a sentence fragment is created. To fix this problem,use“have”as the main verb of the sentence.1月24日The correct answer is DThe error in this sentence occurs at(D),where there is an improper idiom. Caterpillars(or anything else)can cause damage to something,but they cannot cause damage on something.1月30日The correct answer is CThe error in this sentence occurs at C.The participle“switching”cannot function as the main verb of the sentence and should be replaced by the present tense verb phrase“are switching.”2月题目bWynton Marsalis a(emerged as)one of the great trumpeters b(of)the late twentieth century,c(winning)Grammy awards for both his jazz d(and even)classical works.e(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E2月17日答案解析Dance a(often involving)movement b(being taken)to an extreme,with,c(for example),the arms being flung d(or stretched out),the head lifted back,and thestory答案解析Among the a(earliest)telescopes b(were)Galilean telescopes,modeled after the simple instruments c(built by)Galileo,the first person d(having used) telescopes to study the stars and planets.e(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E2月答案解析2月5日The correct answer is AThe error in this sentence occurs at(A),where there is an improper verb form. The use of“requires that”dictates that the subjunctive form of“to wear”is needed.The phrase“have been wearing”should simply be“wear.”2月11日The correct answer is DThe error in this sentence occurs at(D),where there is an improper idiom.Both parts of the“both...and”structure must be followed by grammatically similar elements.Because“his”follows“both,”“his”must also follow“and”(“both his jazz and his classical”).2月17日The correct answer is DThe term“histrionics”in this context refers to Forrest’s theatrical performances as well as to the emotional outbursts that likely accompanied his temper.2月23日The correct answer is AThe error in this sentence occurs at(A),where there is an improper idiom. The idiom is“Encouraged by,”not“Encouraged from.”2月29日The correct answer is DThe error in this sentence occurs at(D),where there is an inappropriate verb form.The verb phrase“to have used”is needed to clearly express what Galileo was the first person to do.writer)wishes,e(No Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E3月12日答案解析The tiger a(usually)hunts by night and b(feeds on)a variety of animals,c(but it) prefers fairly large prey d(such as)deer and wild pigs.e(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E3月18日d(or)be (No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E3月30日答案解析a(By the time)Mitzie and b(myself)got to the box office,c(all)of the tickets for the show had already d(been sold).e(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E3月答案解析3月6日The correct answer is CThe error in this sentence occurs at(C),where there is improper pronoun use. The relative pronoun“which”should not be used to refer to a person.Instead,“who”is needed.3月12日The correct answer is EChoice(E)is correct.There is no error in the sentence.3月18日The correct answer is AThe error in this sentence occurs at(A),where awkward phrasing and an unnecessary pronoun create a comma splice.The entire phrase“It depends on”can be reduced to“Depending on.”3月24日The correct answer is BThe error in this sentence occurs at(B),where there is an inappropriate verb form.To match the past tense established and used elsewhere in the sentence (“Once,”“replaced”),the past-tense“became”is needed.3月30日The correct answer is BThe error in this sentence occurs at(B),where there is improper pronoun use. The reflexive pronoun“myself”is used incorrectly.The first-person singular pronoun“I”is needed instead so that the sentence communicates clearly that two people“got to the box office.”(“Mitzie...got to the box office”and“I got to the box office”)the(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E4月11日答案解析a(Long been)isolated b(from)the outside world and perched c(high in)theTibetan Himalayas,Lhasa is the capital of Tibet,d(an autonomous region)of thePeople’s Republic of China.e(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E4月17日,Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E4月29日答案解析a(An)abundant supply of milk b(from)dairy farms nearby c(make)the Bern region of Switzerland d(a leading producer)of condensed milk and milk chocolate. e(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E4月答案解析4月5日The correct answer is AThe error in this sentence occurs at(A),where there is inappropriate word choice.In this context,“Except for”doesn't make sense.Instead,“Without”is needed.4月11日The correct answer is AThe error in this sentence occurs at(A),where there is awkward and wordyphrasing.The awkward“Long been”should simply be“Long”(“Long isolated...”). 4月17日The correct answer is BThe error in this sentence occurs at(B),where there is subject-verb disagreement.The singular verb“is”is needed to agree with the singular noun “the number.”4月23日The correct answer is CThe error in this sentence occurs at C.The plural verb“have”does not agree with the singular subject“writer”and should be replaced with the singular verb “has.”4月29日The correct answer is CThe error in this sentence occurs at(C),where there is subject-verb disagreement.The plural verb“make”does not agree with its singular subject,“An abundant supply.”b(itsprogrammers view the animated sitcom.e(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E5月11日a(Among)the b(most widespread of)marine animals,starfish and sea urchins c(inhabit)all seas d(except that of)the polar regions.e(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)Emetalopen.of)fabric. E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E5月29日Besides A(conserving)forest resources,recycling produces fewer pollutants B(than does)the conventional pulping and bleaching processes C(that)are normally used D(to create)paper.E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E5月答案解析5月5日The correct answer is DThe error in this sentence occurs at(D),where there is an improper idiom.What follows each part of the“both...and”construction must be grammatically parallel, but here“both”is followed by the article“the”while“and”is followed by the noun“television programmers.”5月11日The correct answer is DThe error in this sentence occurs at(D),where there is improper pronoun use. The plural pronoun“those”should be used to refer to the plural noun“seas.”5月17日The correct answer is DThe error in this sentence occurs at(D),where there is illogical pronoun reference.There is nothing in the sentence to which the singular pronoun“it”can logically refer.The plural pronoun“they”is needed to refer to the plural noun “handcuffs.”5月23日The correct answer is DThe error in this sentence occurs at(D),where there is awkward and wordy phrasing.The conjunction“and”should be either deleted or replaced by“that are.”5月29日The correct answer is BThe error in this sentence occurs at(B),where there is subject-verb disagreement.The singular verb“does”does not agree with the plural noun “processes.”The plural verb“do”is needed instead.C(though)the Greenland shark lives in the cold Arctic waters,and the huge basking shark is at home in the seas D(around Antarctica).E(No error)(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E6月10日A(The introduction of)elevators in hotels meant that B(previously undesirable) rooms on the top floors,C(away from)the bustle and noise of the street,became sought after and more expensive than D(the lower floors).E(No error)(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)EandD(hisare used)D(to represent)youth groups,athletic competitions,and international bodies. E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E答案解析Between1508A(to)1512,Michelangelo,B(working on)a scaffold60feet above the floor,painted the vaulted ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome C(with hundreds of)giant figures D(that represented)his vision of the world’s creation.E(No error) Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E6月答案解析6月4日The correct answer is BThe error in this sentence occurs at(B),where an inappropriate verb form creates a sentence fragment.To fix this problem,the phrase“sharks,living”should be changed to“sharks live.”6月10日The correct answer is DThe error in this sentence occurs at(D),where there is an illogical comparison. It does not make sense to compare“rooms on the top floors”with“the lower floors.”6月16日The correct answer is BThe error in this sentence occurs at(B),where there is an inappropriate verb form.It does not make sense to say that George would prepare for a speech that “he was given”(that was given to him).Instead,“he was to give”is needed. 6月22日The correct answer is AThe error in this sentence occurs at(A),where there is an improper idiom.The phrase“in addition to”is needed in place of“also.”6月28日The correct answer is AThe error in this sentence occurs at(A),where there is an inappropriate idiom. The idiom is“Between x and y,”not“Between x to y.”Unbelievable A(as it may seem),many individuals B(that fought)in the American Revolution C(were still alive)in1839,D(the year)the world was introduced to photography.E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E7月10日答案解析Today A(more than)two million Mayan Indians B(live in)northern Yucatán and highland Guatemala in a manner C(similar to)D(those of)their ancestors.E(No error)andE(No答案解析The A(largest)European B(type of)newt grows to about seven inches,C(while) the largest American type,the California newt,D(it grows)to about six inches.E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E7月28日答案解析Japanese literature A(is noted for)B(distinctive)forms of drama C(as well as) D(their poetry).E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E7月答案解析7月4日The correct answer is B7月10日The correct answer is DThe error in this sentence occurs at(D),where there is an inappropriate pronoun.The singular pronoun“that”is needed to refer to the singular noun“manner.”7月16日The correct answer is CThe error in this sentence occurs at(C),where there is an improper idiom.In order to appropriately complete the correlative construction,the word“also”must be inserted after the conjunction“but.”This results in the correlative construction “not only…but also.”In addition,what follows“not only”must be grammatically parallel to what follows“but also,”so the word“but”should be changed to“but also because.”7月22日The correct answer is DThe error in this sentence occurs at(D),where there is an unnecessary pronoun. The pronoun“it”should be deleted so that the comparison is clear:one type of newt“grows to about seven inches,”and the other“grows to about six inches.”7月28日The correct answer is DThe error in this sentence occurs at(D),where there is improper pronoun use. There is nothing in the sentence to which the plural possessive pronoun“their”can logically refer.The pronoun“their”should be deleted from the sentence so that the sentence clearly expresses both things that Japanese literature is noted for(“distinctive forms of drama”as well as“poetry”).more effective than C(was)previously D(assumed).E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E8月9日答案解析A(One of the)northernmost countries B(of Europe),C(Finland's borders are) Russia on the east,Sweden on the west,D(and)the tip of Norway on the north. E(No error)Answer Choices答案解析The Sun has been shining for A(nearly)five billion years and is thought B(that it has)sufficient thermonuclear fuel in its core C(to shine)D(for about)another five billion.E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E8月27日答案解析A(When)people gave up the hunter-gatherer way of life and began to cultivate the soil and grow their food,they often B(became less mobile),built more substantial residences,and C(they developed)D(more effective means)of storage. E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E8月答案解析8月3日The correct answer is EThere is no error in this sentence.The plural present tense verb“indicate”agrees with the plural subject“the results.”The phrase“both safer and”appropriately introduces the compound subject complement“both safer and more effective.”And the verb phrase“was…assumed”appropriately indicates an action that occurred in the past:i.e.what scientists thought before the new studies. 8月9日The correct answer is CThe error in this sentence occurs at(C),where there is improper modification.It does not make sense to say that“Finland’s borders”are“One of the northernmost countries of Europe.”The proper noun“Finland”should be used instead.8月15日The correct answer is BThe error in this sentence occurs at(B),where there is subject-verb disagreement.The singular verb“comes”should be changed to the plural “come”to agree with the plural subject“Audio recordings,and the equipment used to make and play them.”8月21日The correct answer is BThe error in this sentence occurs at(B),where there is awkward and unidiomatic phrasing.The awkward“that it has”should simply be“to have.”8月27日The correct answer is CThe error in this sentence occurs at(C),where there is a flaw in parallelism.The pronoun“they”should be removed so that the sentence contains three parallel verbs(“became,”“built,”and“developed”).herboth Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E9月8日答案解析a(Before)the end of the semester,b(each of you)c(needs)to meet with your adviser d(or I)to discuss your plans for next year.e(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E9月14日D(inthe Atlantic and)Pacific Oceans.E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E9月26日答案解析A(Modern)vegetable farming ranges from small-scale,low-technology production and local sale B(and)vast commercial operations C(that utilize)the D(latest advances)in automation and technology.E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E9月答案解析9月2日The correct answer is E.Choice(E)is correct.There is no error in the sentence.The following sentence contains either a single error or no error at all.If the sentence contains an error, select the one underlined part that must be changed to make the sentence correct. If the sentence contains no error,select choice E.9月8日The correct answer is DThe personal pronoun“I”in the prepositional phrase“with your adviser or I”is an object of the preposition“with”and should be in the objective case.Thecorrected phrase should be:“with your adviser or me.”9月14日The correct answer is AThe error in this sentence occurs at(A),where there is subject-verb disagreement.To agree with the plural verb“lie,”the singular“origin”must be changed to the plural“origins.”9月20日The correct answer is AThe error in this sentence occurs at(A),where a comma splice is created.To fix the comma splice,“It weaves”should be changed to“Weaving.”9月26日The correct answer is BThe error in this sentence occurs at(B),where there is an improper idiom.The idiom is“ranges from x to y,”not“ranges from x and y.”abouttime.(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E10月8日答案解析A(A meteorite shows)an enormous variation B(in size,from)micron-sized dustparticles filtering C(slowly through)the atmosphere to giants D(weighing many)tons.E(No error)Answer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E10月14日run forquestD(heAnswer Choices(A)A(B)B(C)C(D)D(E)E10月26日答案解析。