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Appearance: good-looking, pretty, beautiful, lovely, medium height/ build, of average height(中等身材), well-built, overweight, slim, middle-aged, very fit, a fair complexion (皮肤白皙), long wavy black hair, wear glasses, always smile

Character: brave, confident, honest, patient, easy-going(随和的), outgoing(外向的), energetic (精力充沛的), forgetful (健忘的), generous (慷慨的), talented (有天赋的), hard-working, helpful, selfless (无私的),punctual(守时的), humorous(幽默的), optimistic, reasonable (讲理的), good-tempered (脾气好的), get rid of bad hobbits, straightforward (坦率的) , considerate (体贴的), insist on( 坚持不懈)


1. Mr Green is a reporter (职业) who...

2. She is a strong-willed person. She never gives up on anything.

3. He is a little shy. He goes red when the teacher asks him a question.

4. My mum has a hot temper. I dropped a cup this morning and she exploded at me.

5. She is a very merry girl. Her cheeks are always rosy and she skips more than she walks.

6. When he fails,he will insist on practising again and again and get ready for another match.

7. I like my English teacher because whenever students ask her questions, she's always ready to help them.


The person I admire most is...

a. Who is the person you ad mire most?(What does he/she look like?)

b. Why do you admire him/her?

c. What can you learn from him/her?


1. 这是一篇记叙(一件事)与描写(人的外貌和性格特征)相结合的文章。

2. 记叙一件事用一般过去时-而描写一个人用一般现在时。

3. 记叙一件事避免报流水账-可选用典型事例。

4. 结尾要扣题,可适当用从句或排比句。

5. 与这篇文章通用的题目有:The person I appreciate/love/respect most is...

6. 与这篇文章相反的题目有: The person I hate/dislike most is... (tell lies, waste money)



1. I admire... most.

2. I like a bunch of singers. All of them are excellent. But the person called Eminem is the one I admire most.


1. He is very brave and is a man of iron.

2. He is famous not only for his amazing height, but also for his perfect skills in basketball.

3. Mum,it is a word full of love.

4. When I have some trouble with something,she helps me. When I want to give up,she encourages me. She always shows me her love and patience.

5. She teaches me a lot of things about how to be a brave man.

6. She is very kind. Whenever someone is absent from school because of illness, she will go to his house to help him with the missed lessons.

7. I think he is a confident and brave man, and he has broken the record of the 110-metre hurdle race, He is a hero in the whole Asia.

8. He spent almost all his time making our life better.

9. No matter how serious mistake I made,he always forgave me.

10. He always shows great respect to his parents,strong love to his wife and enough care to me.

11. She always helps others who are in trouble.

12. He is not only good at studies but also honest and always ready to help others.

13. .He is also fond of English and takes active part in English activities.

14. He is an elderly man but has a lot of energy.

15. I usually tell him my secrets and he always gives me good advice.

16. He is a legend in American rap history indeed.
