《高级日语》 二册练习与答案
1.あの子はいつも a 笑っていて、とてもいい感じだね。
a にこにこb にたにたc げらげらd きゃっきゃっ2.今度の台風で床下しんすい b の家屋は300軒を越えたそうだ。
a 進水b 浸水c 侵水d 深水3.あの大手スーパーは新たに関東 d に10軒のチェーンストアを展開することを決めた。
a 一帯b 一面c 全域d 一円4.学生は本を読むものだと言われて、 c が痛い。
a 頭b 胸c 耳d 目5.口が a 彼はみんなに信用されている。
a 固いb うまいc 重いd 軽い6.彼は以前よく酒を飲んだ。
d 結婚してからは一滴も飲まなくなった。
a そしてb したがってc それにしてもd それが7.今年の冬は寒いですね。
a 、お子さんは今年大学受験じゃありませんか。
a それはそうとb なおc それではd さて8.もう食べてもいいわよ。
b その前に手を洗うのよ。
a もっともb ただしc それではd だが9.誰も来ないところを見ると、今日の会議は変更になったのかもしれません。
もうここにいた c 意味がありません。
20XX年复习资料大学复习资料专业:班级:科目老师:日期:220XXXX0XX20XXXX92——日语泛读2A卷课程号: 220XXXX0XX0592 课序号: 1-2 开课系:国际商务外语学院一、平仮名で次の漢字の読み方を書き、中国語に訳しなさい。
第二课一寸法师很久很久以前,在某个地方,有一位老爷爷和一位老奶奶,他们无儿无女很寂寞, 于是向神仙祷告:“请神仙赐给我们一个小孩吧,哪怕指头般大小的也行。
泛读教程第二版1答案【篇一:泛读教程第二册课后练习答案1-12】习答案unit 1 reading word pretest 1-4 abba 5-8 bcbcreading comprehension 1-6 babbccword search1-5 assignment, irony, reverse, accomplish, assemble6-10 squeeze, sensual, fragment, narcotic, adolescenceuse of english1. bob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition.2. the world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the pole alone.3. he took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments.o the top of mount fuji.5. the members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat.6. they took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid. synonyms 1-5 adaptability, purpose, strained, hold, defeatcloze important, second, france, student, bilingual, monolingual, serious, means, use, difficultsection b 1-5 fttca 6-10 bbbbt 11-15 tfftt section c 1-5 fttft 6-10 fffffunit 2 musicdecide whether each of the following statements in true or false. 1-5 tfttt 6-8 ttfword search1-5 folk, capacity, sensuous, qualified, abuse 6-9 stuff, mood, clarify, strivesemantic variations1-6 bbbbab synonyms1-5 discriminating, widespread, compatibility, clearness, associationcloze music, form, south, dance, interest, instruments, voice, rootssection b1-3 ftf 4-6 fft 7-9 tff 10-12 fft 13-15 tftsection c1-5 daddd 6-8ddaunit 3 generationcircle the letter of the best answer1-5 dccab 6-8 cabword search1-5 lull, associate, client, utterly, certificate 6-10 rags, jerk, foreman, demanding, sentimentalsemantic variations 1-6 ccbabcantonyms 1-5 hopeless, disobedient, weighty, agree, clearclozeactive, girls, skirts, move, raised, force, show, fly, hesitated, planesection b1-3 bcc 4-6 bcc 7-9 cca 10-12 ccc 13-15 accsection c1-5 ftttf 6-10 ftfttunit 4 weather and climate word pretest 1-5 daaba 6-10 cabdc reading comprehension 1-7 bbbbcabword search1-5 slanting, equator, amplifier, vapor, desert6-10 latitude, altitude, monsoon, drain, precaution synonyms 1-5 mixture, eternal, impact, humidity, remotecloze radio, incorrect, predict, misunderstanding, unexplained, happen, up, rightsection b 1-5 bcaf 6-10 ffftc 11-15 cbtftsection c 1-5 ttftf 6-10 tftffunit 5 work circle the letter of the best answer1-6 caaccbword search1-5 intangible, crave, ego, attributable, stall 6-10 tool up, at stake, cram, forfeit, corny circle the letter of the best answer1-6 badaacsynonyms1-5 graceful, spontaneously, oppose, usual, clientcloze staff, maximize, objectives, participate, potential, skills, easier, appointed, specific, commitment section b1-3 acb 4-6 ftf 7-9 acd 10-12 bcb 13-15tftsection c decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.1-5 ftftf 6-10 tftftunit 6 the african-americansdecide whether each of the following statements is true or false.1-4 fttf 5-8 tfttword search1-5 destined, relief, segregation, boycott, sit-in 6-10 legacy, chronicle, assault, plight, vigilancefor each italicized word, decide which semantic variation best expresses the meaning of the author. circle the letter of the best answer. 1-6 cacabcantonyms 1-5 observe, admit, dismiss, eulogize, advancecloze nominated, raised, immigrated, earned, rose, assignment, position, army, autobiography, speaker decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.1-3 ttf 4-6 cbd 7-8 dd 9-11 tff 12-14 fttcircle the letter of the best answer1-4 addc 5-8 cbdcunit 7 greek stories word pretest 1-5 cbdda 6-10 bbaccreading comprehension 1-4 bccc 5-8 cdcdword searchripplea little wave on the surface of watermischief naughty behavior by childrenhospitality welcoming behaviorbillow a large sea wavespelldelightful influencenymph a goddess of naturebanda group of musicianssuitor a man wishing to marry a particular womanmortal a human beingwarrior a soldiercrafty cunninghostileunfriendlymerrycheerfultamenot wildcontentsatisfiedresumeto take againgloomdarknessdespise to look down on with contemptdismaya strong feeling of fear, anxiety and hopelessnessduskthe time just before nightantonyms 1-5 forbid, clarify, sorrow, remain, conceal cloze name, place, arrows, wandered, power, mischief, won, neglected, celebrate, expedition section b 1-5 ccacd 6-10 ttfff 11-15 ttbbcsection c 1-4 cadb 5-8 adccunit 8 attitude towards lifecircle the letter of the best answer1-4 cabb 5-8 cbbbword matchastonishing-surprising considerate-thoughtful preach-to advise or urge… strenuous-taking or needing great… arena-an enclosed area…adversity-bad fortune batter-to damagereverse-the oppositepenetrate-to see into or throughself-esteem-one’s good opinion of… doom-to cause to suffer… emerge-to come outor … blessing-a gift from god… mess up-to get into disorder devastating-completely destructivecommon denominator-a quality or belief s hared by all… adds-the probabilities that something.. stack-to arrange dishonestly so as to… motivate-to provide with a strong… falter-lose strength or effectiveness… for each italicized word, decide which semantic variation best expresses the meaning of the author. circle the letter of the best answer. 1-6 cbbacbantonymsappear, ready, hide, skillful, carelessclozeintelligent, activities, workout, attitude, off, reducing, seem, aside1-3 ccc 4-5 cc 6-8 tft 9-11 ftt 12-15 tfftdecide whether each of the following statements is true or false.1-5 ftftf 6-10 tftffunit 9 first aid word pretest 1-5 bacb 6-10 bbacbreading comprehension1-4 bcdb/d/a/c 5-8 ccac/a/b/dword search1-5 ambulance, urgent, emergency, massage, yell6-10 vein, artery, fracture, blister, tetanususe of english1. the government has come in for a lot of criticism.2. it’s hard to come to terms with the government’s defense policy.3. after retiring in 1980 he has decided to make a comeback to the political scene.4. the situation has come to the boil now that the government has to face a vote of confidence.5. the tax cuts announced in the budget do not come into effect until next year.6. the miners came out on strike against the government’s pr ivatization plans.synonyms 1-5 give, stop, antiseptic, block, penetratecloze pedestrians, adults, declining, avoid, signals, case, impaired, fatalitiessection b 1-5 cbbda 6-10 cbatf 11-14 ffttsection c 1-5 ftftf 6-10 fffftunit 10 marriageword pretest 1-4 cccc 5-8 aaacreading comprehension 1-4 abcc 5-8 bcaaword matchquotation a sentence or passage taken from a bookartificial not naturalanguishvery greater pain and suffering, esp. of the mindanniversary a day which is an exact year or number of years after something has happened superstition a belief based on association of ideas instead of reason or factbouqueta bunch of flowersheedto give attention toescortto accompanyconfettismall pieces of colored paper thrown on weddingsconcealto hideconsentagreementasunderapartvowa solemn promise or declaration of intentionritesforms of behavior with a fixed pattern for a religious purposesermon a talk usually based on a sentence from the bible and given as part of a churchserviceuse of english1. will you please keep me company for a while?2. i couldn’t keep a straight face when he told me of his plan.3. the staff are going to b e kept in the dark about the firm’s plans for the future.4. i’ll keep an open mind until we’ve discussed it.5. i’ll keep away from her until she’s feeling more optimistic.6. try to keep your head even if you don’t know what’s going to happen. synonyms 1-5 naughty, divine, break, give, seizecloze wrong, dislike, midnight, standard, homelife, convinced, meantime, capital section b 1-5 tftfb 6-10 ccdcd 11-16 ftfacbsection c 1-5 tfttf 6-10 ftfftunit 11 creativityword pretest 1-4 baab 5-8 abaareading comprehension 1-6 acaaccword matchglowto give out heat or lightinstinctive (of ideas, behaviors) natural, not based on learning or thinkingexemplify to serve as examplefunnela wide-mouthed tube used for pouring liquids into a narrow-necked container preludea short piece of music that introduces a large musical workapplaud to praise by clapping one’s hands【篇二:泛读教程第一册答案】esection aword pretest1. d2. b3. b4. c5. d6. d7. a8. breading comprehensionl. f2. t 3. f4. t5. f6. f7. t8. fvocabulary buildingword matchrationally in a way based on reason rather than emotionsestablished accepted; recognizedvariousdifferentpanic sudden fearconsolidate strengthenassignment homeworkbiologicalof living thingsflexiblenot fixedstrenuousstressful; requiring effort and energymasteroverallrecreationway of spending free timeestimatecalculate roughlyroutineregular; usualpriorityfirst concernrelaxationrest1. flexible2. established3. panic4. strenuous5. priority6. routine7. rationally8. recreationssuffix1. familiarize2. visualize3. merely4. idealize5. finalize6. necessarily7. physically8. highlyclozefavorabletheir respected professors authorityrole expect need several changessection b1. d2. c3. c4. b5. c6. b7. d8. dsection cl. d2. a3. b 4. d5. c6. b7. c8. aunit 2 culture shocksection aword pretest1. c2. a3. d4. c5. c6. b7. a8. dreading comprehension1. c2. d3. d4. d5. d6. cvocabulary buildingword matchexaggerate say more than the truth about somethingslang nonstandard vocabularyadapt make or become suitableinsecure weak; uncertain; unprotecteddistinct different; separatechallengingdifficult, but in an interesting wayrange vary within limitsadjust change slightly in order to make suitableaggressiveready for conflictcope with deal withoccur happenidentity the distinguishing character or personality of an individual automatic self-acting; under its own powerdistortion twist; changing shapereverse opposite; contraryl. slang 2. exaggerate 3. cope with 4. reverse5. adapt / adjust6. range / ranged7. occurred8. aggressive suffixl. dividable / divisible2. determination3. dependable4. satisfaction5. correction6. relation7. usable / useable8. recognizable clozeforeignanxiousbehaviormean necessarilyappearunsure approachfrustrationssystemsection bl. c2. b3. d4. c5. c6. d7. b8. dsection cl. c2. b3. b4. d5. b6. c7. a 8. dunit 3 moviesection aword pretestl. b2. d3. b4. c5. d6. b7. a8. dreading comprehensionl. c2. d3. b4. c5. d6. b7. c8. avocabulary buildingword matchnomineecandidatecreate make; inventstare look at for a long timereducedecrease; make lessoverhearaccidentally hear what others are sayingimpressfill someone with admirationexpensecostvictimone who is harmed or killedfloat stay on the surface of the watercynicismdistrustminiaturesmall; tinysubstitutesomething / somebody that takes the place of anothergrateful thankfulscrapescratch awayillusionfalse impressionl. scrape 2. grateful 3. substitute 4. expenses5. reduce6. staring7. impressed8. floatssuffixl. confidence 2. distance 3. devilish 4. presence5. importance6. childish7. patience8. appearanceclozestars drawingsmovieslove rememberkindsserious well-known collecthangingsection bl. d2. c3. c4. d5. c6. d7. a8.dsection cl. t2. t 3. t4. t5. f 6. f7. t8. tunit 4 foodsection aword pretestl. c 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. breading comprehensionl. c 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. cvocabulary buildingword matchflavor tastecompliment praisevegetarian one who does not eat meatdairy relating to milk or milk productingredientany of the things that are formed into a mixturedessertsweet food served after the main part of a mealdiet food and drink usually taken by a personbarbecuecook food on a metal frame outdoorscuisinefood cooked in a particular styleappetizerfood or drink taken to increase the desire for foodcourteouspolite and kindstaple basic foodportionpart of something largerdoughflour mixed with water ready for bakingsufficientenoughl. courteous2. flavor 3. staple 4. ingredients5. barbecue6. compliment7. portion8. sufficientprefixl. disagrees2. misunderstands 3. disappearance4. misleading 5. disadvantage6. misfortune7. discourage 8. misinterpreted clozeingredients called handsincrease rising allowed final ovensection bl. a 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. c 8. bsection cl. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. b 7. c 8. bunit 5 businesssection aword pretestl. b 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. a 7. a 8. creading comprehensionl. d 2. d 3. d 4. d 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. dvocabulary buildingword matchdisputean argument or disagreemententerprisebusiness companyauthenticreal; trueenlightened showing true and deep understandingsuccessora person or thing that follows anotherfacilityequipmentnegotiation discussion aimed at reaching an agreementmeasurea method for dealing with a situationserial in or forming a seriescaptureseize by forcemultilateral involving more than two groups or countriesstaff the group of people who work for an organizationannualhappening once every yearinfrastructure basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies commitment a promise or decision to do something1. authentic2. successor3. negotiation4. dispute5 facilities 6. measures 7. multilateral 8. staffsuffix1. minimize2.delighted3.industrial4.realized5. frightenedanized7. partial8.talentedclozespreadconceptreasonsupermarketsestimateleast work price open formsection b1. c2. c3. b4. b5. b6. b7. b8.dsection cl. t 2. t 3. f 4. f 5. f 6. f 7. t 8. f 9. t l0. t【篇三:泛读教程第二版第一册unit 8】txt>1-5 acbcbb ab1-5 ftftf ttfword matchstumble to speak in an uncertain waytentative not certainspouse husband or wifetyrant a person who uses power cruelly and unjustly brood to spend time thinking sadly about somethingreassurance something said to make someone stop worrying inadequacy being not enough or good enough; being not adequate alienateto cause to become isolated or hostile; estrange persuasive able to cause people to do or believe somethingstrideto walk with quick, long stepsintimidate to threaten; to frightencommitted having made a firm promiseinherit to receive something from ones parentspersonality character; individuality5.reassurances6.brooding7.alienated8.stridingsuffixesernment2.peaceful3.statement4.engagement5.destructive6.effective7.effective8.helpfulcloze1.people2.women3.worse4.interview5.public6.position7.differently8.service9.low10.physical1-5 cabaa bcc1-5 bbbbc bab。
15秋《日语泛读》作业1一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。
)1. 5月には、どこで大きいお祭りがありますか。
. 神田の神社. 浅草の神社. 神田や浅草の神社. 明治神宮正确答案:2. 昔からあった日本の()の影響から、どの宗教に対しても伝統的に寛容でした。
. 仏教. イスラム教. 神道. 道教正确答案:3. 「かいてんずし」の漢字書き方は()です。
. 回天寿司. 回転寿司. 開店寿司. 甲斐店寿司正确答案:4. 人々は、力ミのめぐみを求めるために、あるいは、力ミのたたりを避けるために、()を行いました。
. 初詣. 祈り. お盆. 宗教儀礼正确答案:5. そもそも温泉巡りは、()の習慣に始まりました。
. 癒し. 健康. 湯治. リラックス正确答案:6. 非常に人気のあるのは()温泉です。
. 箱根の清流. 伊豆の熱海. 東京の大江戸. 北海道の函館正确答案:7. 日本で最もポピュラーな旅は、()です。
. 歴史遺跡の旅. 温泉を巡る旅. 季節の旅. 日帰りの旅正确答案:8. 徳川時代になって、仏教が()の保護を受けて大きく発展しました。
. 将軍. 幕府. 天皇. 大名正确答案:9. いつ桜の花が咲きますか。
. 3月. 4月. 5月. 6月正确答案:10. 梅雨がいつ始まりますか。
. 3月. 4月. 5月. 6月正确答案:11. 寿司は()を保つためお客さんが注文し、それに応えて寿司職人が握って出す、というのが基本ルールです。
. 新鮮さ. おいしさ. 速さ. 便利さ正确答案:12. 仏教は()世紀に中国から朝鮮半島を経て日本に伝えられたのです。
. 6. 7. 9. 8正确答案:13. 東京は日本の()にあります。
. まん中. 北. 東. 西正确答案:14. 昔の日本人は、自然界の山や森には見えない精霊が無数にいて、これらの精霊やまた祖先の霊が人間を不幸にも幸福にもすると考えました。
Keys to Reading Course 2Unit 1 ReadingSection AWord Pretest1.B2.A3.B4.A5.B6.C7.B8.CReading Comprehension1.B2.A3.B4.B5.C6.CV ocabulary BuildingWord Search1. assignment2. irony3. reverse4. accomplish5. assemble6. squeeze7. sensual8. fragment9. narcotic 10. adolescenceUse of EnglishBob agreed to take on the leadership of the expedition.The world was taken in by his fantastic story of having got to the Pole alone.He took up his story after a pause for questions and refreshments.That takes me back to the time I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji.The members of the party took it in turns to steer the boat.They took it for granted that someone would pick up their signals and come to their aid.Stemsproclaim: to announce officially and publicly; to declarepercentage: a proportion or share in relation to a whole; a partconfirm: to support or establish the certainty or validity of; to verifyaffirm: to declare positively or firmly; to maintain to be truecentigram: a metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gramexclaim: to express or utter(something) suddenly or vehementlySynonyms1. adaptability2. purpose3.strained4.hold5.defeatClozeimportant second France student bilingualmonolingual serious means use difficultSection B1.F2.T3.T4.C5.A6.B7.B8.B9.B 10.T11.T 12.F 13.F 14.T 15.TSection C1.F2.T3.T4.F5.T6.F7.F8.F9.F 10.FUnit 2 MusicSection AWord Pretest1. B2. C3. B4. C5. B6. BReading comprehension1. T2. F3. T4. T5. T6. T7. T8. FV ocabulary BuildingWord search1. folk2. capacity3. sensuous4. qualified5. abuse6. stuff7. mood8. clarity9. striveSemantic variations1. B2. B3. B4. B5. A6.BStemscompose: to make up the constituent parts of; to constitute or formcontract: to reduce in size by drawing together, to shrinkdispose of: to get rid of, to throw outimpose: to obtrude or force( oneself, for example) on another or otherssubtract: to make away, to deductdeposit: to put (money) in a bank or financial accountSynonyms1. discriminating2. widespread3. compatibility4. clearness5. association Clozemusic form south danceinterest instruments voice rootsSection B1. F2. T3. F4. F5. F6.T 7 T 8. F 9 F 10. F11. F 12. T 13. T 14. F 15 TSection C1. D2. A3. D4. D5.D6. D7. D8. AUnit 3 GenerationSection AWord Pretest1. C2. C3. B4. C5. B6. C7. C8. AReading Comprehension1. D2. C3. C4. A5. B6. C7. A8. BV ocabulary BuildingWord search1. lull2. associate3. client4. utterly5. certificate6. rags7. jerk8. foreman9. demanding 10. sentimentalSemantic variations1. C2. C3. B4. A5. B6. CStemstransmit: to send from one person, thing, or place to another; to conveydeduce: to reach (a conclusion) by reasoningeject: to throw out forcefully; to expelcompel: to force, drive, or constrainproject: to thrust outward or forwardconduct: to lead or guideAntonyms1. hopeless2. disobedient3. weighty4. agree5. clearClozeactive girls skirts move raised force show fly hesitated plane Sections B1. B2. C3. C4. B5. C6. C7. C8. C9. A 10.C 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. CSection C1. F2. T3. T4. T5. F6. F7. T8. F9. T 10. TReading Course 2 Unit 4Section AWord Pretest1.D2.A3.A4.B5.A6.C7.A8.B9.D 10. CReading Comprehension1.B2.B3.B4.B5.C6.A7.BV ocabulary BuildingWord Search1. slanting2. equator3. amplifier4. vapor5. desert6. latitude7. atlitude8. monsoon9. drain 10. precautionSemantic Variations1.A2.B3.C4.A5.C6.AStemsdivision: one of the parts, sections or groups into which something is dividedevident: easily see or understood; obviousindividual: a single human being considered apart from a society or communitysustain: to support from below; to keep from falling or sinking; to propvisible: possible to see; perceptible to the eyeobtain: to succeed in gaining possession of as the result of planning or endeavor; to acquireSynonyms1. mixture2. eternal3.impact4.humidity5.remoteClozeradio incorrect predict misunderstandingunexplained happen up rightSection B1.B2.C3.A4.F5.T6.F7.F8.F9.T 10.C11.C 12.B 13.T 14.F 15.TSection C1.T2.T3.F4.T5.F6.T7.F8.T9.T 10.TUnit 5 WorkSection AWord Pretest1C 2A 3B 4 C 5 B 6 A 7 C 8 CReading Comprehension1-8 C A A C C BV ocabulary BuildingWord Search1 intangible 2. crave 3 ego 4 attributable 5 stall 6 tool up 7 at stake 8. cram 9. forfeit 10. cornyUse of EnglishBy the time I opened the can its contents had gone off.I’ll go over how it works before you try it yourself.I was told it would be repaired free of charge, but the man in the shop has gone back on his promise.The book was so popular that there weren’t enough copies to go round.His shop has gone out of business after making heavy losses.The trade has gone from bad to worse and staff are being laid off.Stems 1-6 BADAACSynonyms 1-5 graceful spontaneously oppose usual clientClozestaff maximize objectives participate potentialskills easier appointed specific commitmentSection BACBFT 6-10 FACDB 11-15 CBTFTSection C1-5 FTFTF 6-10 TFTFTUnit 6 The African-AmericansSection AWord Pretest1. C2. A3. C4. A5. B6. A7. C8. CReading Comprehension1. F 2T 3T 4F 5T 6F 7T 8TV ocabulary BuildingWord Search1. destined2. relief3. segregation4. boycott5. sit-in6. legacy7. chronicle8. assault9. plight 10. vigilanceSemantic Variations1C 2A 3C 4A 5B 6CStems1. evolution: the theory that groups of organisms change with passage of time, mainly as a result of natural selection, so that descendants differ morphologically and physiologically from their ancestors2. ascend: to go or move upward3. devolve: to pass on or delegate to another4. migrate: to change location periodically, especially by moving seasonally from one region to another5. export: to send or transport (a commodity, for example) abroad, especially for trade or sale6. condescend: to descend to the level of one considered inferior; to lower oneselfAntonyms1. observe2. admit3. dismiss4. eulogize5. advanceClozeNominated raised immigrated earned roseAssignment position army autobiography speakerSection B1T 2T 3F 4C 5B 6D 7D 8D 9T 10F11F 12F 13T 14TSection C1A 2D 3D 4C 5C 6B 7D 8CKeys to Reading Course 2Unit 7 Greek StoriesSection AWord Pretest1.C2.B3.D4.D5.A6.B7.B8.A9.C 10.CReading Comprehension1.B2.C3.C4.C5. C6.D7.C8.DV ocabulary BuildingWord matchripple a little wave on the surface of watermischief naughty behavior by childrenhospitality welcoming behaviorbillow a large sea wavespell delightful influencenymph a goddess of natureband a group of musiciansuitor a man wishing to marry a particular womanmortal a human beingwarrior a soldiercrafty cunninghostile unfriendlymerry cheerfultame not wildcontent satisfiedresume to take againgloom darknessdespise to look down on with contemptdismay a strong feeling of fear, anxiety and hopelessnessdusk the time just before nightSemantic Variations1-6 CAAAACStemstendency: movement or prevailing movement in a given direction2. conservative: favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change3. preserve: to keep in perfect or unaltered condition; tending to oppose change valuable: of great importanceavailable: present and ready for use; at hand; accessibleprevail: to be most common or frequent; to be predominantAntonyms1. forbid2. clarify3.sorrow4.remain5.concealClozename place arrows wandered powermischief won neglected celebrate expeditionSection B1-5 CCACD 6-10 TTFFF 11-15 TTBBCSection C1-5 CADBA 6-8DCCUnit 8 Attitude Towards LifeSection AWord Pretest: BACBA BCAReading Comprehension: CABBC BBBV ocabulary BuildingWord matchastonishing surprisingconsiderate thoughtful of other persons’ wishes, needs or feelingspreach to advise or urge others to accept (sth. one believes in) strenuous taking or needing great effort or strengtharena an enclosed area for sports, public entertainments, etc.adversity bad fortune, troublebatter to damage, break, or cause to lose shapereverse the opposite, the other way roundpenetrate to see into or throughself-esteem one’s good opinion of one’s own worthdoom to cause to suffer sth unavoidable and terribleemerge to come out or appear from inside or from being hiddenblessing a gift from God or anything that brings happiness and good fortune mess up to get into disorder; to spoil, etc.devastating completely destructivecommon denominator a quality or belief shared by all the members of a groupodds the probabilities that sth will or will not happenstack to arrange dishonestly so as to give oneself an unfair advantagemotive to provide with a strong reason for doing sth.falter lose strength or effectiveness; weakenSemantic Variations: CBBACBStems1 prescribe to advise the use of a medicine2 description an account of a person in words3 terrain a stretch of land, with regard to its natural features4 subscribe to pay regularly in order to receive a magazine, newspaper, etc.5 territorial of a country’s territory6 extraterrestrial of or from outside the earth or its atmosphereAntonymsappear ready hide s skillful carelessClozeintelligent activities workout attitudeoff reducing seem asideSection BCCCCC TFTFT TTFFTSection CFTFTF TFTTTUnit 9 First AidSection AWord Pretest1.B.2.A.3.C4.B.5.B.6.B.7.B.8.A.9.C. 10.B Reading comprehension1.B.2. C.3. D.4. B/D/A/C.5.C.6.C.7.A.8.C/A/B/DVocabulary BuildingWord Search1.ambulance2.urgent3.emergency4.massage5.yell6.vein7.artery8.fracture9.blister 10.tetanusUse of English1.The government has come in for a lot of criticism.2. It’s hard to come to terms with the government’s defense policy.3. After retiring in 1980 he has decided to make a comeback to the political scene.4. The situation has come to the boil now that the government has to face a vote of confidence.5. The tax cuts announced in the Budget do not come into effect until next year.6. The miners came out on strike against the government’s privatization plans.Stemssolo: a composition or passage for an individual voice or instrument, with or without accompaniment series: a number of objects or events arranged or coming one after the other in successionisolate: to set apart or cut off from othersdesert: to withdraw from, especially in spite of a responsibility or duty; to forsakepeninsula: a piece of land that projects into a body of water and is connected with the mainland by an isthmus exert: to put to use or effect; to put forthinsulate: to prevent the passage of heat, electricity or sound into or out of somewhere, especially by surrounding with a non-conducting materialsinsert: to put or set into, between or amongSynonymsgive 2. stop 3. antiseptic 4. block 5. penetrateClozePedestrians adults declining avoid signals case impaired fatalitiesSection B1.C2.B3.B4.D5.A6.C7.B8.A 9.T 10.F 11.F 12.F 13.T 14.TSection C1.F2.T3.F4.T5.F6.F7.F8.F9.F 10.T Keys to Reading Course 2Unit 10 MarriageSection AWord Pretest1.C2.C3.C4.C5.A6.A7.A8.CReading Comprehension1.A2.B3.C4.C5. B6.C7.A8.AV ocabulary BuildingWord matchquotation a sentence or passage taken from a bookartificial not naturalanguish very great pain or suffering, esp. of the mindanniversarya day which is an exact year or number of years after something has happenedsuperstition a belief based on association of ideas instead of reason or factbouquet a bunch of flowersheed to give attention toescort to accompanyconfetti small pieces of colored paper thrown on weddingsconceal to hideconsent agreementasunder apartvow a solemn promise or declaration of intentionrites forms of behavior with a fixed pattern for a religious purposesermon to talk usually based on a sentence from the Bible and given as part of a church serviceUse of EnglishWill you please keep me company for a while?I couldn’t keep a straight face when he told me of his plan.The staff are going to be kept in the dark about the firm’s plans for the future.I’ll keep an open mind until we’ve discussed it.I’ll keep away from her until she’s feeling more optimistic.Try to keep your head even if you don’t know what’s going to happen.Stemsbriefly: for a short time; in as few words as possibleastronaut: a person trained to pilot, navigate, or otherwise participate in the flight of aspacecraftabridge: to reduce the length of (a written text); to condensefuse: to blend thoroughly by or as if by melting togetherastronomy: the scientific study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy and evolution of celestial bodes and phenomenaconfusing: unclear or difficult to understandabbreviate: to reduce (a word or phrase) to a shorter form intended to represent the full formSynonyms 1. naughty 2. divine 3.break 4.give 5.seizeCloze wrong dislike midnight standard homelife convinced meantime capitalSection B1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.D11.F 12.T 13.F 14.A 15.C 16. BSection C1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.F 10.TUnit 11 Creativity Section A Word Pretest1-5: B, A, A, B, A 6-8: B, A, AReading Comprehension 1-6: A, C, A, A, C,CV ocabulary Building ---Word Matchglow to give out heat or lightinstinctive (of ideas, behaviors) natural, not based on learning or thinkingexemplify to serve as examplefunnel a wide-mouthed tube used for pouring liquids into a narrow-necked container prelude a short piece of music that introduces a large musical workapplaud to praise by clapping one’s handsflash to shine suddenly and brightlyattend to to direct one’s interest and effort topotential the ability to develop, achieve or succeedimpulse a sudden wish to do somethingdoze to sleep lightlyevaluate to judge the value or degree ofresurgence a return to power, life and activitystuck unable to gosketch to describe roughlyUse of EnglishThe Austrians made peace with Napoleon.They couldn’t make out what the enemy were trying to say.Seeing the enemy’s guns facing him made hi hair stand on end.The onset of winter made things worse for the troops.While they were on leave the sailors made the most of their freedom.I make no secret of my loathing for war.Stemsaccordance: agreement; conformitydisclose: to make known (something heretofore kept secret); to revealinclusive: including the specified extremes or limits as well as the area between themcore: the hard or fibrous central part of certain fruits, such as the apple or the pear, containing the seeds enclose: to surround on all sides; to close inconclude: to bring about a final agreement or settlementencouragement: the act or words of encouragingclose: a cabinet or enclosed recess for storing linens, household supplies, or clothingAntonyms 1. lose 2. horizontal 3. sterile 4. old 5. identicalClozename managed worked after feel parents computers playing to spend trade Section B 1-5: C, C, C, C, C 6-10: C, C, C, F, F 11-13: T, C, BSection C 1-5: F, F, T, T, F 6: TUnit 12 TravelSection AWord Pretest1.A2.A3.C4.B5.B6.B7.A8.AReading Comprehension1.B2.B3.A4.C5.A6.A7.C8.BV ocabulary BuildingWord Search1.halve2.purchase3.consulate4.fare5.discount6.resort7.monopoly8.principal9.carnival 10.boredomUse of EnglishThey are putting on a version of “Cinderella” on ice.The opening of his one-man show has been put off until he recovers from his illness.I can’t put my finger on what it was that I disliked about the performance.Put your previous failures behind you and think of what your next venture might be.A plan has been put forward to prevent valuable paintings being sold to collectors and galleries abroad. They tried to put pressure on the Arts Council to supports the newly-formed orchestraStems1.dictation: the act of saying or reading aloud to be recorded or written by another2.fraction: a small part; a bit3.indication: serving as a sign, symptom, or token of; something that is signified4.predict: to state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge5.contradiction: being contrary to; being inconsistent with6.fragments: small parts broken off or detachedSynonyms1. chief2. examine3. fame4. local5. soleCloze found trade famous spread discoveryidea support offered valued saltSection B1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.T 9.T10.T11.C 12.C 13.BSection C1.F2.T3.F4.F5.T6.T7.F8.T9.F 10.F Unit 13 ExaminationsSection AWord Protest1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. BReading Comprehension1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. BV ocabulary BuildingWord Search1. assimilate2. presentation3. deduct4. reinforce5. statistics6. offender7. thwart 8. impunity 9. plagiarize 10. reprimand 11. crib 12. divisive Semantic Variations1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. BStems occupation: an activity that serves as one’s regular source of livelihood; a vocationbroadcast: to transmit (a radio or television program) for public or general usecaptive: taken and held prisoner, as in warcapture: to hold; to occupyabroad: out of one’s own countryperceive: to become aware of directly through any of the sense, especially sight or hearingconceive: to form or hold an ideabroaden: to make or become broaderSynonyms1. thwart 2. huge 3. break 4. obvious 5. accomplishClozeadvantage meaningful disadvantages subject expressingreading unsatisfactory giving arise pictureSection B1. C2. D3. B4. B5.C6.T7.T8. F 9.F 10. T 11. T 12.B 13. A 14. BSection C1. F2. F3. T4. T5. T6. T7.T8. T9. T 10. TUnit 14 Intellectual PropertySection AWord Pretest1. B2. A3. B4. A5. A6. B7. C8. BReading Comprehension1. B2. C3. C4. B5. C6. B7. AV ocabulary BuildingWord Search1. procedure2. variety3. multiple4. application5. promote6. diligent7. novelty8. judicial9. disclosure 10. stimulusUse of EnglishThis cloudy weather is getting me down.I would like to get this meeting over with as quickly as possible.You won’t be able to get through to her what she has to do.His refusal to commit himself gets on my nerves.Thomas and David get along very well.One of these days I must get round to replying to all this correspondence.Stems1. densely: the quality of being packed or crowded together2. defense: the act of defending against attack, danger, or injury3. credit: an arrangement for deferred payment of a loan or purchase4. condense: to make (a liquid) thicker by removing some of the water5. incredible: too strange to be believed; unbelievable6. dense: difficult to see throughSynonyms1. rival2. final3. variety4. personal5. barClozebasis revised minimum addition works participated adopted concepts Section B1. T2. F3. F4. A5. A6. C7. F8. T9. F 10. F11. T 12. T 13. C 14. B 15. CSection C1. B2. A3. B4. A5. B6. D7. A8. AUnit 15 LawSection AWord pretest1. C2. A3. B4. B5. C6. B7.C8.CReading Comprehension1.T2. T3. F4. T5. F6. F7. F8. T9. T 10. TV ocabulary BuildingWord Searchespionage 2. anonymity 3. extortion 4. prosecutor 5. sue 6. accuse 7. indict 8. plead9. testimony 10. verdict 11. probation 12 reverseSemantic Variations 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. BStemscorruption: the act of being venal; dishonestypendulum: a body suspended from a fixed support so that it swings freely back and forth under the influence of gravity, commonly used to regulate various devices, especially clockserupt: to become violently activebankrupt cy: the state of being unable to pay one’s debtsdependable: reliable, trustworthyinterrupt: to break the continuity or uniformity ofindependence: the state or quality of being independentsuspend: to cause to stop for a period: to interruptAntonyms1. frequently2. prohibition3. agreement4. disapprove5. fairnessClozeadmitted survey caught relatives vehicles admission threatened increase professional unskilledSection B1. D2. A3. C4. A5. B6. C7. B8. T9. T 10. T11. T 12. T 13. FSection C1. D2. C3. C4. B5. B6. D7. B8. DUnit 16 World War IISection AWord PretestA A AB BC C A Reading ComprehensionC C C A A AV ocabulary BuildingWord Searchraid ordeal wail commutersmash neutral devastate armisticedisarm grievance puppet appeasementSemantic VariationsB A B AC BStemsspectator: an observer of an eventinspect: to examine carefully and critically, especially for flawsinspire: to affect, guide, or arouse by divine influencerespectively: each separately in the order mentionedsuspicious: arousing or apt to arouse suspicon; questionableexpire: to come to an end; to terminateprospect: something expected; a possiblityperspective: a mental view or outlookspectacle: something that can be seen or viewed, especially something of a remarkableor impressive naturecircumspect: looking round on all sides watchfully; prudentSynonymshuge ultimate conquer deadly disturbanceClosebase undetected took bombed fleetheart sunk lost declared troopsSection BB A B T T F T TT T B C C F T FSection CF F T T F T F T F TUnit 17 HousingSection AWord Pretest1.B2. B3.B4.C5.C6.B7.B8.DReading Comprehension1. T2.F3.T4.F5.T6.T7.T8.TV ocabulary BuildingWord Search1. sociologist2. spontaneously3. hassle4. sneak5. fee6. jack7. spacious8. cozy9. crawl 10. customarySemantic Variations1. C2. A3. A4. B5. B6. AStems1. sensible: reasonable2. structural: of, relating to, having, or characterized by structure3. sensitive: feeling readily, acutely, or painfully4. consent: to give assent, as to the proposal of another; to agree5. destructive: causing destruction; ruinous6. construction: the act or process of constructingAntonyms1. attached2. helpful3. fixed4. limited5. displeasureClozeplentiful fire inexpensively room spread disastrous difficult uncomfortableSection B1. C2. D3. B4. D5. F6. T7. T8. F9. C 10. B 11. F 12. T 13. T 14. C 15. ASection C1. A2. B3. D4. B5. D6. C7. C8. A9. C 10. A Unit 18 DramaWord Pretest1. B2. B3. B4. A5. B6. A7. A8. BV ocabulary BuildingWord Matchsparse thinly spread or distributedbequeath to leave something, especially property, to another by willprecisely exactlyethics moral principlesproposition proposal, suggestiondisloyalty behavior of being not loyalfidget to move one’s body about restlesslywrangle to quarrel angrily and noisily, arguepresume to supposeturn down to refuseconversant familiarfurnish to put furniture, carpets, curtains, and other things into a roomdiscreditable shamefulsolicitor lawyerhire-purchase a way of buying goods gradually; installmnet planSemantic Variations1. C2. A3. C4. B5. A6. AStems1. chronometer a very exact clock for measuring time2. encyclopedia a book or set of books containing information on every branch of knowledge, or on one particular branch, subjects or on numerous aspects of a particular field, usually arranged alphabetically3. autograph a person’s own signature or handwriting4. chronic lasting for a long period of time or marked by frequent recurrence, as of certain diseases5. diagram a plan, sketch, drawing, or outline designed to explain how something works6. pedestrian a person who is walking esp. in an area where vehicles go7. calligraphy the art of fine handwritingl handwriting8. recycle to use againSynonyms1. show2. contradict3. exact4. refuse5. withdrawClozetypes difference focuses struggle decidesinvolves society human reformation Opposingprevail symbolizes。
第一章:文化与社会1. 日本的传统文化对现代社会有何影响?传统文化是日本社会的重要组成部分,对现代社会产生了深远的影响。
2. 日本的家庭结构有何特点?日本的家庭结构通常以核心家庭为主,即夫妻和子女。
第二章:经济与商务1. 日本的经济模式是什么?日本的经济模式通常被称为“日本模式”或“经济奇迹”。
2. 日本的商务礼仪有何特点?日本的商务礼仪非常重要,因为它反映了日本人对尊重和谦虚的价值观。
在商务场合,人们通常会 bow(鞠躬)来表示尊敬和谦虚。
第三章:科技与创新1. 日本在科技领域有哪些突破性的创新?日本在科技领域有许多突破性的创新。
2. 日本的科技产业对经济发展有何影响?日本的科技产业对经济发展起到了重要的推动作用。
3 生活を支える人が足りないときはボランティアがすればいいと言っています
4 国に頼らないほうがいいと言っています
答案: 24134
問1 ①「ガラスのコップに入れて与えてみました」とあるが、どうしてそうしたのか。
三、课程内容3.1 课程大纲课时内容第一课日语泛读初阶第二课日语泛读中阶第三课日语泛读高阶3.2 课程详细内容第一课:日语泛读初阶1.学习和复习日语基础词汇、语法知识;2.了解泛读技巧和方法;3.以短篇文章开始阅读,重点在理解文中主旨,抓住关键词。
泛读教程1第二版答案【篇一:泛读教程第二版第一册unit 7】xt>section a1-5 dbbba cca1-5 ddabc cbcword matchdelegationa group of people representing a much larger group of people prior existing beforeultimatelyfinallyrun to organize or controldisciplinea branch of a sport; a branch of knowledgegendersexcatalyst someone or something that causes changecultivate to develop or improve somethingforuma meeting in which people can exchange ideas and discuss things intimate having a very close relationshipconquer to win; to defeatpropose to make an offer of marriagebribery giving or taking a gift in order to do something dishonest exhaustedvery tired1.exhausted2.bribery3. run4. prior5.delegation6.gender7.proposed8.intimatesuffixes1. egyptian2. spanish3.british4.scholarship5.roman6.relationship7.portuguese8.leadershipcloze1.date2. games3.list4.week5.wins7.divided8.think9.biggest10.lower1-5 cbbcbaac1-5 ftfffttftt【篇二:英语泛读教程2参考答案(1-10)】txt>comprehension points1. year at the same time the stars were in the same place in the sky. they are the planets. he thought that … (page 2, parag. 12) the idea was that the stars and the sun did not turn around the earth. instead, it was the earth that was turning. the sun and the stars were not really moving. because they would upset the whole science of astronomy and cause cruel persecution by the church. content/details. common. because radio telescopes find out new stars by picking up radio waves from them. it means the group of stars that our earth is a member of. the implication is that probably by then the earth has already been melted. every three days it gets very dim. it stays dim for a few hours, then it gets bright again. because a comet isn’t solid. it is thin like a cloud. its tail is nothing but glowing gas. and its head is made of small pieces that could not hurt the earth.exercisesi. true or false1. f2. f3. t4. f5. t6. f7. t8. t9. t 10. fii.1. 略。
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练习参考答案:第一課だいいっか 友達ともだち一:1、いいえ、高校こうこうの三年間さんねんかんを通つうじて一人ひとりの友達ともだちと深ふかく付つき合あいませんでした。
3、はい、A 、B 、C 、D のように変かわってゆく相手あいてを「友達ともだち」と呼よべます。
第だい二課にか 一寸法師いっすんぼうし一:1、いいえ、お爺じいさんとお婆ばあさんには子供こどもがいませんでした。
第だい三課さんか 知しった顔かお一:1、十代じゅうだいのころ、出張しゅっちょうする父ちちを見送みおくる時とき、「私わたし」はカバン持もちをしました。
第四課だいよんかやさしいうそ一:1、本文ほんぶんの中なかに出でてきた「オヤジ」はK さんを指さしているんです。
2、「K さんの息子むすこさんが病院びょういんに電話でんわをかけたこと」を指さしているんです。
3、看護婦かんごふさん達たちがうそをついたのはK さんに少すこしでも元気げんきになってほしいからです。
4、K さんの息子むすこさんはトラックの運転手うんてんしゅをしていました。
6、K さんは看護婦かんごふさんの声こえを聞きくと、不思議ふしぎともち直なおしました。
7、看護婦かんごふさん達たちの幻まぼろしの電話でんわはK さんの息子むすこさんが亡なくなったときから始はじまったのです。
8、看護婦かんごふさんはK さんの病状びょうじょうを心配しんぱいしていたから、息子むすこさんが亡なくなったことをK さんに知しらせなかったのです。
9、はい、K さんは最後さいご、幻まぼろしの電話でんわを知しっていたのです。
10、K さんの息子むすこさんからの電話でんわのように思おもえたからです。
第五課だいごか 佐藤さとうさん一家いっかの問題もんだい一:1、佐藤さとうさんの今年ことしの年収ねんしゅうは八百万円はっびゃくまんえんぐらいです。
7、A:良よい点てん: 収入しゅうにゅうが増ふえるし、生活せいかつも充実じゅうじつできる。
悪わるい点てん: 家族かぞくとの交流こうりゅうが少すくなくなる。
B : 良よい点てん: 収入しゅうにゅうを増ふやす。
悪わるい点てん: 疲つかれて、家族かぞくをよく世話せわできない。
C : 良よい点てん: 子供こどもとの感情かんじょうを深ふかくする。
悪わるい点てん: 好すきなこともできないし、きちんとした食事しょくじもできない。
第六課だいろくか 夢ゆめの扉とびらを開ひらく力ちからになります一:1、過去かこのトラウマがあるからです。
第七課だいななか 女性じょせいと職業しょくぎょう一:1、筆者ひっしゃは社会しゃかいの中なかでの男女差別だんじょさべつを感かんじています。