



21 世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第一册)课后答案及课文翻译Text A 大学——我一生中的转折点佚名作为一名一年级新生初进大学时,我害怕自己在学业上搞不好。























Practice 51. smart2. succeed3. shortly4. managed5. share6.fear7. responsible8. however9. enter 10. surrounded 11.handle 12. comfortablePractice 61. is up to2. keep up with3. under control4. at first5. grew up6. make friends with7. turned out8. as a result9. set up 10. in addition Practice 71. how to play the game2. where I wanted to go3. whether they would accept him or not4. what to do and how to do it5. whom to love and whom not to6. when he made that decision Practice 81. I see Li Ming as my best friend. We share the same hobbies and interests.2. They looked upon their math teacher as their best teacher.3. We think of this place as our home.4. They looked on their college life as their happiest years in their life. Practice 91. John is both smart and responsible. He likes to make friends with other people.2. I have made the decision to compete for the new post. You cancompete for it, too. It’s up to you.3. Shortly after the doctor came, he managed to have my father ’s illness under control.4. As freshmen, most of us do not know what college life has in store for us, but we all know that we must do well in our studies.5. To succeed in college, we must keep up with the other students and set up a routine that meets out needs.6. Though the assignments last week turned out to be more difficult than I thought, I handed them in on time.Text B 我希望从大学教育中得到什么亚历克西斯?沃尔顿中学毕业后,我计划做几件事。



21世纪大学英语教程1答案【篇一:21世纪大学英语应用型综合课程第一册答案】ss=txt>(p19) 1.你的老师在评卷的时候会把你生病的情况考虑在内. your teacher will take your sick into consideration in the marking time.2.因为他总是轻信别人,所以很容易受伤because he always readily believes others, therefore is likely to injured.3.他的肤色跟他是不是好律师无关his skin color is not relevant with him is a good lawyer.4.我们需要与所有客户建立和保持积极的关系,并高效处理客户的投诉with all of our customers, we need to establish and maintain a positive relationship, and efficient handling of customer complaints.5.关键不在于你说了什么话,而在于你实际上做了什么事the count is not what you say, but that you actually do what. (p28 )1.否则等我们到达教堂婚礼已经结束了otherwise when we arrived at the church wedding has ended.2.孩子们的作业将做完了children s homework will be done.3.我姐姐将在海边度假my elder sister will take vacation in the seaside.4.到今年年底就将已出版will have been published by the end of this year.5.他知道这病是可以治好的he knew that the disease can be cured.6.这项法案早就通过了this bill was already passed.unit 2 love(p47) 1. 我们搬了工厂以后公司就发展起来了the company flourish after we moved the factory2.我们有权搜查这幢建筑we have the authority to search this building3.这个计划执行时需要极度小心the implementation of this plan requires extreme caution.4.现在学生面临着太多的压力nowadays the student is facing too many pressures.5.由于资金不足,该项目未能如期完成due to insufficient funds, the project could not be completed on schedule.(p55) 1.我将睡了9个小时 i have slept for 9 hours2.她温习功课才一会儿 she reviews lessons only for a while3.这东西我找了好半天the thing i was looking for long while.4.他们一直为我们杂志撰稿 they have written drafts for our magazine.5.天天下雨 it rained every day6.他一直患重感冒 he has been suffering from a bad cold.unit\ 3 life in e-era(p74)1.这家公司一年以后才能赢利,现在至少已收支平衡了.this company one year later can gain, now at least already break even.2.为了赢得信任,你得与人面对面地接触.in order to win trust, you have face to face contact with the people.3.周围的房子都破旧不堪,这使得这房子的价值降低了the surrounding houses are dilapidated, which cuts into the value of the house.4.时间慢慢逝去the time elapses slowly.5.我送你的礼物只代表了我对你感情的一小部分而已.the gift that i gave you, only represent a fraction of my sentiment to you.(p81) 1怪谁打破了这个杯子 whom blamed to break this cup2.和我一起打网球吗?plays tennis together with me?3.却看见飞机飞走了 she saw the airplane to fly away actually .4.把申请表寄到哪个办公室去 which office to send the application form .5.被分配较重的工作去做 to assigned the heavy work to do .6.似乎变得越来越糟seems to get more and more bad.unit 4education(p100) 1.在严冬季节,鲜花即使是一枝独秀,也是一种奇迹和希望的象征.during the winter season, flowers even outstanding, is also a miracle and a symbol of hope.2.四个学生正在就著名科学家们的论断交换彼此的意见.four students are compare notes on the thesis of famous scientists .3.谈到自然科学我就茫然im at a loss when it comes to natural science.4.当你照镜子时,镜子映出你的形象when you look in the mirror, the mirror reflects your image.5.那个粗鲁的家伙用胳膊肘把我挤到一旁,抢着在我前面上了公共汽车.that rude guy pushes me with the arm elbow one side,rushing in front of me on the bus. (p107)1.上星期没有去参加会议 has not attended the conference last week .2.有机会被派到国外 has the opportunity to be sent abroad.3.喜欢和他一起工作 likes working together with him4.这个工作不值得费这个力 this work is not worth spending this strength .5.建议在下个镇停下来 was suggested stops down in the next town .6.你的头发需要剪了your hair needs cuttingunit 5success(127) 1.她所做的评论得到大家的喝彩 she made the comments to get everybody cheering.2.昨天晚上他确实去图书馆了,但是发现你不在那里he did go to the library last night, but found that you were not there.3.如果你打算参加本周六的足球比赛,你需要把你自己调整到最佳状态.if you intend to participate in this saturdays football game, you have to condition yourself to the best.4.汤姆吓得脸色苍白.tom was pale with fear.5.她被赠予一块金表以纪念那个重大场合.she was presented a gold watch by commemorating that significant situation. (p134) 1被吸引到正在做实验的现场was attracted to the scene of experiment2.纵观一切throughout all3.在科技比赛中被评为最佳was evaluated best in the technical competition4.地方政府建议的the local government suggested5.单独看起来 alone looks like6.不要改变你的时间表 do not change your schedule【篇二:21世纪大学英语应用型教程(2)unit1答案】 class=txt>part awarm—uplableled chemical proven risk evidence notion antminated contribute debateaffectii. language focusa1. consideradleainc3.shift4.enthusiasm5.inevtadly6.consume7.sustainable8.eliminateb1.a2.a3.b4.aiii.reading in depth1.b2.d3.n4.c5.o6.k7.h8.a9.j 10.miv.translation1. 自从联邦政府开始有机食品认证的六年半以来,美国人以极大的热情接受了这一概念。



21世纪大学实用英语练习册答案-第一册Unit1Unit1Part 1 Text ExercisesI.care─careful─carefully harm─harmful─harmfully help─helpful─helpfully hope─hopeful─hopefully pain─painful─painfully skill─skillful─skillfully success─successfull─successfully thank─thankful─thankfully1 carefully2 harmful3 successfully4 thankful5 hopeful6 careful7 hopefully8 helpful9 painfully 10 painful 11 skillful 12 successfulII1 do well in one’s studies2 for the first time3 away from one’s family4 compete with sb. for sth.5 set a study program6 decide when to go to bed7 go to class on time 8 pass one’s exams with good grades 9 shareone’s fears with sb.10 look upon oneself from a differentperspective 11 a person responsible foroneself12 handle what is aheadIII.1 F2 C3 J4 D5 E 6B 7G 8A 9I 10HIV. 1 how 2 making 3 chose 4 Shortly 5 under 6 on 7 hand 8 fairly9 addition 10 with 11 share 12 ownV.Passage 1:1B 2C 3A 4D 5C Passage 2:1C 2A 3C 4A 5DVI.1ask questions early 2 eatright 3 difficult assignments 4 to sit 5 work hardPart2I. 1A 2C 3D 4C 5 D 6C 7D 8C 9B 10 C11important 12 pulled out 13 rushed 14 away from 15 in front ofII. 1B 2A 3B 4D 5C 6C 7D 8C 9B 10 C 11A 12 D 13 B 14 C 15 A 16 A 17 D 18 A 19 B 20 D21 emotion 22decisions 23 had studied 24 talking 25 assign 26 driving27 more warmly 28 addition 29 ability 30 would haveIII. 1 A 2 B 3 D 4 D 5 B6 All students7 the Head Librarian8 be repaired9 the Reading Room10 June 15th, August 15thIV. 1 A 0.5 B 2 C 0 D 1 2 A 0.5 B 2 C 1 D 03 A 0.5 B 0 C 1 D24 A 2 B 1 C 0.5 D 05 明明:今晚我不能和你去参加英语晚会,因为我要在家做功课,不然明天要被王先生批评的。



U1词汇1.Economic crises destroy the capitalist system, and they grow in size and _ duration _.2.Stability also depends upon the __ flexibility __of the local economy.3.He was sentenced to do hard labor without the _ option __ of a fine.4.She states her views very __ definitely __.5.Did he_ actually __say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure?6.The baby felt _ ignore __ by her parents.7.You need to __convince _the employers that you can do the job.panies will have to do more than this if they are to _ survive _the earthquake.十五选十You will need to 1. _explore__ where you fit in best in regards to 2. _extracurricular__ activities. You should start by gathering a list of all the activities that are 3. _offered__ on the campus. Usually these can be found in the student handbook on the universities website. Please be 4_aware_ that opportunities won’t come to you, instead get involved and seek them out. Make sure you check out the descriptions of each club and organization. Ask a 5. _sophomore__ for any 6. _definite_ information you might need. Talk to other club members and ask how they like the club. There's a 7. _possibility__ you will feel an instant fit. Feel free to stop by the club for a visit. Most clubs will have an open house once or twice a year. Be sure to attend. If you had a particular interest when you were in high school and you still have 8. _passion_ for it, participate in it again on a college level. It might be a good time to pick something new that you have never got 9. _involved_ in before.It is not the end of the world if you decide wrong. Allow about six months to get used to a club before making the decision you cross it out from your 10. _options_. Remember it does take time to get used to something new.翻译1、The college schedule is very different than the traditional high school schedule. Generally, there is a lot more flexibility with your college classes.大学的日程安排跟传统高中的差别很大,通常大学课程有更多的灵活性。































21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第一册)课后答案及课文翻译Text A 大学——我一生中的转折点佚名作为一名一年级新生初进大学时,我害怕自己在学业上搞不好。























Practice 51. smart2. succeed3. shortly4. managed5. share6. fear7. responsible8. however 9. enter 10. surrounded 11. handle 12. comfortablePractice 61. is up to2. keep up with3. under control4. at first5. grew up6. make friends with7. turned out8. as a result9. set up 10. in additionPractice 71. how to play the game2. where I wanted to go3. whether they would accept him or not4. what to do and how to do it5. whom to love and whom not to6. when he made that decisionPractice 8I see Li Ming as my best friend. We share the same hobbies and interests.They looked upon their math teacher as their best teacher.We think of this place as our home.They looked on their college life as their happiest years in their life.Practice 91. John is both smart and responsible. He likes to make friends with other people.2. I have made the decision to compete for the new post. You can compete for it, too.3. Shortly after the doctor came, he managed to have my father ’s illness under control.4. As freshmen, most of us do not know what college life has in store for us, but we all know that we must do well in our studies.5. To succeed in college, we must keep up with the other students and set up a routine that meets out needs.6. Though the assignments last week turned out to be more difficult than I thought, I handed them in on time.Text B 我希望从大学教育中得到什么亚历克西斯.沃尔顿中学毕业后,我计划做几件事。



U1词汇1.Economic crises destroy the capitalist system, and they grow in size and _ duration _.2.Stability also depends upon the __ flexibility __of the local economy.3.He was sentenced to do hard labor without the _ option __ of a fine.4.She states her views very __ definitely __.5.Did he_ actually __say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure?6.The baby felt _ ignore __ by her parents.7.You need to __convince _the employers that you can do the job.panies will have to do more than this if they are to _ survive _the earthquake.十五选十You will need to 1. _explore__ where you fit in best in regards to 2. _extracurricular__ activities. You should start by gathering a list of all the activities that are 3. _offered__ on the campus. Usually these can be found in the student handbook on the universities website. Please be 4_aware_ that opportunities won’t come to you, instead get involved and seek them out. Make sure you check out the descriptions of each club and organization. Ask a 5. _sophomore__ for any 6. _definite_ information you might need. Talk to other club members and ask how they like the club. There's a 7. _possibility__ you will feel an instant fit. Feel free to stop by the club for a visit. Most clubs will have an open house once or twice a year. Be sure to attend. If you had a particular interest when you were in high school and you still have 8. _passion_ for it, participate in it again on a college level. It might be a good time to pick something new that you have never got 9. _involved_ in before.It is not the end of the world if you decide wrong. Allow about six months to get used to a club before making the decision you cross it out from your 10. _options_. Remember it does take time to get used to something new.翻译1、The college schedule is very different than the traditional high school schedule. Generally, there is a lot more flexibility with your college classes.大学的日程安排跟传统高中的差别很大,通常大学课程有更多的灵活性。



U1词汇1.Economic crises destroy the capitalist system, and they grow in size and _ duration _.2.Stability also depends upon the __ flexibility __of the local economy.3.He was sentenced to do hard labor without the _ option __ of a fine.4.She states her views very __ definitely __.5.Did he_ actually __say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure?6.The baby felt _ ignore __ by her parents.7.You need to __convince _the employers that you can do the job.panies will have to do more than this if they are to _ survive _the earthquake.十五选十You will need to 1. _explore__ where you fit in best in regards to 2. _extracurricular__ activities. You should start by gathering a list of all the activities that are 3. _offered__ on the campus. Usually these can be found in the student handbook on the universities website. Please be 4_aware_ that opportunities won’t come to you, instead get involved and seek them out. Make sure you check out the descriptions of each club and organization. Ask a 5. _sophomore__ for any 6. _definite_ information you might need. Talk to other club members and ask how they like the club. There's a 7. _possibility__ you will feel an instant fit. Feel free to stop by the club for a visit. Most clubs will have an open house once or twice a year. Be sure to attend. If you had a particular interest when you were in high school and you still have 8. _passion_ for it, participate in it again on a college level. It might be a good time to pick something new that you have never got 9. _involved_ in before.It is not the end of the world if you decide wrong. Allow about six months to get used to a club before making the decision you cross it out from your 10. _options_. Remember it does take time to get used to something new.翻译1、The college schedule is very different than the traditional high school schedule. Generally, there is a lot more flexibility with your college classes.大学的日程安排跟传统高中的差别很大,通常大学课程有更多的灵活性。



第一单元_E/Xk!Text A Tax Competition Spurs GlobalizationeKey to the exercisesM@<J1. Reading comprehensioni+(1) The economic forces behind globalization include rising trade and investmentCRv flows, greater labor mobility, and rapid transfers of technology. Those trendsulshave been stimulated by the deregulation of financial markets, reductions in trade#f5ap barriers, and lower communication costs._>(:(2) Most economists support globalization because it raises the incomes of people<qy worldwide. Another lesser noticed benefit is that it makes it harder forA$6 governments to sustain excessively high tax rates. When economic integration_ increases, individuals and businesses gain the freedom to take advantage of lowvytax rates abroad.|F"(3) It shows that some smart nations like Ireland are treating international tax?oQ competition as an opportunity, not a threat.?qLS[h(4) First, high tax countries have urged international organizations to reduceD.ip7B tax competition. Second, many nations are adding layers of complex rules onWw.H NxmyNmbusinesses to discourage them from investing abroad, rather than reducing tax7burdens so that businesses want to invest at home.`k(5) Because there are more opportunities and lower taxes in cities such as+>vicbLondon.@g:!V')blPX(6) The author cites the case of Ireland to show that with the reduction of taxes,G>N&yBa large number of immigrants are attracted, and people at home are unwilling top:%0_X=migrate out. The lower one country’s tax is, the more skille d people arewin%4W [-attracted.z1'+(7) Because market competition encourages production efficiency. Tax competition8zvprovides an incentive to improve government efficiency. For example, the FederalUIM74@ f$}?}kgovernment is no longer a monopoly—Americans now are able to invest abroad,rb eR!,retire in a low tax Caribbean country, or move their business to low taxc:7 $ v\HIreland. Accordingly, the Federal government needs to reform the tax code andep n?qF.kprovide services more efficiently to encourage Americans and their money to staylHq E_Ea@at home.MC`(8) Tax competition among countries should be a win win policy, as it restrains}urWS}vx3governments and helps spur global economic growth.2. V ocabularyT|a:H(1) d(2) g(3) k(4) i(5) b(6) m(7) c(8) f(9) n(10) a3. ParaphraseEqz@I[g5u(1) Until now, basic economic forces have gone beyond political efforts to makeE782|Fdthis trend slow. Efforts to oppose economic globalization have extended from anti_+q.{ }%3globalization protests to Congressional law making to prevent American< S$companies from building subsidiary business in foreign countries.Y{6]A^(2) Some nations are treating tax competition as a useless and disadvantageous]M?a^n{thing. High tax countries have urged international organizations, such as the)=%` vVjZvborganization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), to ease tax%+9yo t!competition.Fy5MG{Chq(3) And many nations are formulating a series of complex rules on businesses so asI=7scCxp$to try to keep them from investing abroad, instead of reducing tax burdens so thatP_0N :[businesses are willing to invest at home.%]3!"(4) The U.S. is divided into this group because it has one of the highest3*i~Ocorporate tax rates. Nevertheless, America continues to put off reforming taxH"$VXv t~$Ybopolicies, which is expected for a long time.[b9(T'DKY(5) International investors have been affected easily by changes and differencesTDdO/`tOtbetween national tax rates as their investment choices have increased.bl`bU _W(6) Another noticeable issue is that many businesses used to invest in foreignX8T]X.h-country only want to take the opportunity for fixed resources, such as oilC6i7S vdeposits. Today, many industries-such as finance and services-are free to invest90 k@8C<\and can set up new firms anywhere.&//sIY~5(7) For example, in recent year Canadian policymakers have to consider angT/Jimportant issue that a group of skilled and talented people from technologyI:N, t*-industries in Canada have emigrate to its lower tax southern neighbor, the U.S.oLV~kj _y(8) For many years, young Irish people went to America and other foreign(countries, and tried to find a way to live a better life. But after Irelandkj?W@Rpreduced individual tax and then quickly cut corporate tax, the pattern of6WKWpWout migration was changed around completely in this country.H\Mbe9r(9) To keep the skilled labor from leaving their own country to other countries,C[2governments had to direct spending and tax levels to satisfy local residents. InDm Dvwhich country Individuals chose to reside according to their demand for publicu%P $mjgoods relative to local tax levels.!0|MB1O;m(10) If the U.S. makes progress in tax reform, other nations would probably reform6NC/yHQ*\+their taxes in the same way, as they did when the U.S. reduced rates in the:78>u,3&1980s.sKg9_W$Zf=4. ClozeC`e8>}=~J(1) and(2) understand(3) about(4) sides(5) what(6) bad(7) nor(8) properly(9)(-p&7o0M#-destroy(10) says(11) which(12) stronger(13) behind(14) up(15) While(16) unique(17)+js pRdark(18) benefits(19) from(20) rule5. Translationw@xcI'A. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.^sXh&w~由于殖民地与许多海外地区的大量贸易,所有欧洲重要商业国以及它们在西半球领地的金银铸D7F\">UJP币在北美东海岸都可以自由交换。



Unit 15. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.comfortable enter fear handlehowever manageresponsible share shortly smart succeed surround1. George is a ______boy; he is one of the best students in his class.2. You have to work hard if you want _________ in your courses.3. _______ after you left, a girl came into our office looking for you.4. At first, the course was a bit difficult for me but I _______ to pass the final exam with a fairly good grade.5. Mary is my best friend and I always _______ my secrets(秘密)with her.6. The lost traveler was filled with _____ when he saw a bear(熊)running toward him.7. When you’re away from your family, you have to be ___________for yourself.8. At first, he was afraid of being off by himself. Shortly, __________, he became used to living alone.9. Children in China ______school at the age of 6 or 7 and must study there for at least nine years.10. The earth is ___________ by air, which makes up its atmosphere (大气层).11. If you can’t _______ the job, I’ll get someone else to do it.12. John was so ________ and warm in bed that he didn’t want to get up.6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.as a result at first be up to grow up in additionkeep up with make friends with set up turn out under control1. You can ask him for advice but the final choice ______ you.2. Everything is developing(发展)so quickly in today’s world thatI am afraid I can’t _________ all the changes.3. The brave sailors(海员)managed to keep their boat _________ during the storm.4. If ________ you don’t succeed, try, try again.5. The boy said that he wanted to be a computer scientist(科学家)when he ________ .6. Today young people from different countries can easily ________________ one another through email.7. Mark wanted to finish his homework in two hours, but it____________ to be harder than he thought.8. Tom fell and broke his leg. __________, he would have to be away from school for a month or two.9. A new school has been ________ there.10. _________, I have something else to do this weekend.9.Translate the following sentences into English.1. 约翰既聪明又有责任心。



121世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第一册)课后答案及课文翻译Text A 大学——我一生中的转折点佚名作为一名一年级新生初进大学时,我害怕自己在学业上搞不好。























第二单元他帮助了盲人珍妮 ?K?格里泽眼睛瞎了而又想读书——这就是路易 ?布莱叶的生活现实。


1 月 4 日是布拉耶日。




21 世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第一册)课后答案及课文翻译Text A 大学——我一生中的转折点佚名作为一名一年级新生初进大学时,我害怕自己在学业上搞不好。























Practice 51. smart 2. succeed 3. shortly 4. managed 5. share 6.fear7. responsible 8. however 9. enter 10. surrounded 11.handle 12. comfortablePractice 61. is up to 2. keep up with 3. under control 4. at first 5. grew up6. make friends with 7. turned out 8. as a result 9. set up 10. inadditionPractice 71. how to play the game 2. where I wanted to go3. whether they would accept him or not 4. what to do and how 2to do it5. whom to love and whom not to 6. when he made thatdecisionPractice 81. I see Li Ming as my best friend. We share the same hobbies andinterests.2. They looked upon their math teacher as their best teacher.3. We think of this place as our home.4. They looked on their college life as their happiest years in their life.Practice 91. John is both smart and responsible. He likes to make friends withother people.2. I have made the decision to compete for the new post. Y ou cancompete for it too.3. Shortly after the doctor came he managed to have my father ‟ sillness under control.4. As freshmen most of us do not know what college life has in store forus but we all know that we must do well in our studies.5. To succeed in college we must keep up with the other students andset up a routine that meets out needs. 36. Though the assignments last week turned out to be more difficultthan I thought I handed them in on time.Text B 我希望从大学教育中得到什么亚历克西斯沃尔顿中学毕业后,我计划做几件事。



21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程1课后练习题含答案第一单元阅读与写作阅读理解1.根据文中“However, some experts say these sites could bedisruptive to the traditional educational model, both potentially undermining the traditional role of university professors andfaculties and also posing competition to traditional schools.”一句话,这句话主要描述了什么?答案:一些专家认为这些网站可能会破坏传统教育模式,既可能削弱大学教授和教职员工的传统作用,也可能对传统学校构成竞争。

2.根据文中“Even though many universities offer introductorycourses free-of-charge through services such as Coursera andUdacity, there remns a strong demand for traditional university education and the tangible benefits that come with it”一句话,这句话主要描述了什么?答案:即使很多大学通过Coursera和Udacity等服务免费提供初级课程,但依然存在强烈的传统大学教育需求,以及与之相关的切实利益。

3.根据文中“However, such content delivery sites are not meantto replace traditional education but rather to complement it and offer an alternative”一句话,这句话主要描述了什么?答案:这些内容传送网站并不是为了取代传统教育,而是为了补充和提供另一种选择。



《21世纪大学新英语》第一册课后题标准答案及解析Unit 1 College Life:Task 5 TranslationA. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese given in brackets.1. There’s no point in fretting about things you can’t change(为无法改变的事情而发愁 fret about).2. H e was more at ease in the classroom(在课堂上更轻松自如 at ease)than on a political platform(政治舞台).3. A new version of the software is due in the next couple of weeks(在以后的几周将如期而至 due).4. Our project ran into difficulties(遇到了困难run into)when we lost a sponsor (赞助商).5. Banks normally give priority to large businesses(优先考虑大型企业 priority)when deciding on loans.6. Let's take advantage of the good weather(利用晴好的天气take advantage of )and go on a picnic.7. Anderson played a crucial role (起了至关重要的作用 crucial)in the team’s 3-2 victory on Saturday.8. The technology sector is doing badly. Old economy stocks, by contrast, are performing very well(相比之下,却表现很好 by contrast).B. Translate the following sentences from Text A into Chinese.1. Go to all orientations. Yes, that’s right —it really is necessary to attend all the school orientations.参加所有熟悉校园环境的活动。



21世纪⼤学英语综合教程第⼀册课后练习答案Unit 15. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. George is a ______boy; he is one of the best students in his class.2. You have to work hard if you want _________ in your courses.3. _______ after you left, a girl came into our office looking for you.4. At first, the course was a bit difficult for me but I _______ to pass the final exam with a fairly good grade.5. Mary is my best friend and I always _______ my secrets(秘密)with her.6. The lost traveler was filled with _____ when he saw a bear(熊)running toward him.7. When you’re away from your family, you have to be ___________for yourself.8. At first, he was afraid of being off by himself. Shortly, __________, he became used to living alone.9. Children in China ______school at the age of 6 or 7 and must study there for at least nine years.10. The earth is ___________ by air, which makes up its atmosphere (⼤⽓层).11. If you can’t _______ the job, I’ll get someone else to do it.12. John was so ________ and warm in bed that he didn’t want to get up.6. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.1. You can ask him for advice but the final choice ______ you.2. Everything is developing(发展)so quickly in today’s world thatI am afraid I can’t _________ all the changes.3. The brave sailors(海员)managed to keep their boat _________ during the storm.4. If ________ you don’t succeed, try, try again.5. The boy said that he wanted to be a computer scientist(科学家)when he ________ .6. Today young people from different countries can easily ________________ one another through email.7. Mark wanted to finish his homework in two hours, but it____________ to be harder than he thought.8. Tom fell and broke his leg. __________, he would have to be away from school for a month or two.9. A new school has been ________ there.10. _________, I have something else to do this weekend.9.Translate the following sentences into English.1. 约翰既聪明⼜有责任⼼。



Text ‎A大学—‎—我一生中‎的转折点‎佚名作为‎一名一年级‎新生初进大‎学时,我害‎怕自己在学‎业上搞不好‎。

























21 世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第一册)课后答案及课文翻译蝿Text A 大学——我一生中的转折点薇佚名螄作为一名一年级新生初进大学时,我害怕自己在学业上搞不好。























蒀Practice 5莄1. smart2. succeed3. shortly4. managed5. share6.fear7. responsible8.羂however 9. enter 10. surrounded 11.handle 12. comfortablePractice 6蚂1. is up to2. keep up with3. under control4. at first5. grew up6. make蚆friends with 7. turned out 8. as a result 9. set up 10. in additionPractice 7肆1. how to play the game2. where I wanted to go3. whether they would蚁accept him or not 4. what to do and how to do it5. whom to love and whom not to6. when he made that decision螂Practice 8肇1. I see Li Ming as my best friend. We share the same hobbies and蒄interests.螄2. They looked upon their math teacher as their best teacher.袂3. We think of this place as our home.蒈4. They looked on their college life as their happiest years in their life.袅Practice 9膂1. John is both smart and responsible. He likes to make friends with薀.other people.薈2. I have made the decision to compete for the new post. You can莃compete for it, too. It's up to you.羁3. Shortly after the doctor came, he managed to have my father ' s蚀illness under control.罿4. As freshmen, most of us do not know what college life has in store for肄us, but we all know that we must do well in our studies.羄5. To succeed in college, we must keep up with the other students and螀set up a routine that meets out needs.肅6. Though the assignments last week turned out to be more difficult螆than I thought, I handed them in on time.螂Text B 我希望从大学教育中得到什么袀亚历克西斯?沃尔顿蒆中学毕业后,我计划做几件事。

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第一册听力问题详解及原文1 4单元

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第一册听力问题详解及原文1 4单元

实用文档Unit 1Listening & SpeakingIntroducing Yourself1. Directions: You're going to meet two new college students. Listento them talk about themselves and fill in the blanks withthe missing information.My namecome from years old. I Hong and I' Hello! m eighteen is Zhanga small town in Hebei. It's a nice place with a big lake and many smallBoth my parentsonly child in the family. m the are doctors. I'hills.study with you here at this college. I hope we''m very happy to I ll be good friendsI'm music like I from Tianjin. m nineteen. Hi! I come Li Qiang and I'and dancing a dancing to go every day and often very much. I listen to musicparty studying English very much. I'm very happy on weekends. I enjoystudy English with you. I'm sure weto have the opportunity to 'll getalong and become good friends.2. Directions: Now introduce yourself to your class telling them yourname, your age, where you come from, when you began to learnEnglish and what you like to do on weekends.Getting to Know People1). Directions: Before you listen to the first conversation, read thefollowing words and expressions which may be new to you.by the way 顺便问一下,顺便谈一下department 系major 主修科目,专业management 管理terrific 极好的,了不起的come on 快;走吧Directions: Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blankswith the missing Words.aren't we? 're having great weather, Li Ming: We Wang Ying: We sure are. By the way, I'm Wang Ying.My name is Li Ming.Li Ming: Hello.Wang Ying: Which department are you in, Li Ming?Li Ming: I'm in the Department of Computer Science. I'm from Beijing.I am glad to meet you! I'm also from Beijing. MyReally? Wang Ying:major is Hotel Management.实用文档Li Ming: That's terrific. My classmate Jun Jun is over there. She's fromI'd like you to meet her. Shanghai. Come on,Directions: Now listen to the conversation again and answer thefollowing questions1. Which department is Li Ming in?He is in the Department of Computer Science.2. Where is Li Ming from?He is from Beijing.3. Which department is Wang Ying in?She is in the Department of Hotel Management.4. Where is Wang Ying from?She is also from Beijing.5. What does Li Ming want Wang Ying to do?He wants her to meet his classmate Jun Jun.2). Directions: Before you listen to the second conversation, read thefollowing words which may be new to you.apartment 房间baggage 行李upstairs 往楼上Directions: Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blankswith the missing words.Li Ming: Jun Jun, I'd like you to meet my new friend Wang Ying.It's a pleasure to meet you, Wang Ying. My name is ZhangJun Jun:Xiaojun, but everybody calls me Jun Jun.Wang Ying: How do you do, Jun Jun?Jun Jun: How do you do?Li Ming: Wang Ying is in the Department of Hotel Management. She isfrom Beijing and has just arrived.Jun Jun: So you two come from the same city, don't you?Li Ming & Wang Ying: Yes.Jun Jun: Have you found your apartment, Wang Ying?Wang Ying: Yes, I've been told it's on the 3rd floor of this building.Let me help you carry the baggage upstairs.s good. Jun Jun: That'Oh, no, thank you. I can do it myself.Wang Ying:Jun Jun: If there's anything we can do for you, we'll be happy tohelp.Thank you very much. I'll ask for help when I need it. Wang Ying:Directions: Now listen to the conversation again and answer thefollowing questions.实用文档1. What is Jun Jun's real name?Her real name is Zhang Xiaojun.2. Of the three people talking to each other, which two come from thesame city?Wang Ying and Li Ming come from the same city.3. Where is Wang Ying's apartment?Her apartment is on the 3rd floor of that building.4. What does Jun Jun want to help Wang Ying do?She wants to help Wang Ying carry her baggage upstairs.5. What will Wang Ying do if she is in need of help?If she is in need of help, she will ask Jun Jun for it.4. Directions: Form a dialogue with one of your classmates, telling eachother your names, where you come from, your majors and your departments. You can use the sentences given below.Which department are you in?What's your major?Where do you come from?My major is …I'm glad to meet you!It's a pleasure to meet you.How do you do?Listening Practice5. Directions: Listen to people speaking and decide what they are talking about.1. W: By the way, what's the weather like in your hometown?M: It's not as hot as here and it often rains.A) Study. B) College.C) Weather.D) Hometown.2. M: You mean, you are afraid of mathematics?W: A little bit. It's too difficult for me and sometimes I think Ishould give it up.B) Study.A) Weather.C) Hobby (业余爱好) . D) Exercise.3. W: What do you like to do for exercise?M: Swimming. How about you?B) Weather.A) Exercise.C) Study.D) Courses.4. M: How long have you known Jun Jun?W: I've known her for more than three years. We are from the same实用文档high school and we are now in the same department.B) Classmate.A) School.C) Department. D) Study.5. W: What did you think of the final exam?M: I'd thought it would be easy, but at the end of the first hour,I was still on the first page.A) Hobby. B) Courses.D) Exam.C) College.6. Directions: Listen to the following questions and choose theappropriate answers.1. Hi, Bill, what do you think of the math lesson?A) Sorry, I don't know. B) It starts at eight.D) It's very interesting.C) Yes, I like it.2. Excuse me. Where's the Chinese Department?A) It's over there.B) Yes, thank you.C) It's very nice. D) No, sorry.3. I'm a student in the Computer Department. I major in Computer Science. Are you a freshman, too?A) I'm in the Physics Department.B) Yes, I am.C) No. I'm not majoring in Computer Science.D) Yes. We're in the same department.4. Excuse me. Where could I find any English dictionaries?A) In the park. B) In my pocket.C) On the third floor of the shop.D) It's 9:30.5. How did you get on in your exam?A) Yes, I did. B) Yes, of course.D) Oh, I failed.t. C) No, I didn'7. Directions: Listen to the following short dialogues and choose theappropriate answers.1. W: How much are the tickets?M: They are $13 each and $25 for two.Q: How much will the woman pay for one ticket?B) $13.A) $25.C) $30. D) $26.2. W: May I have my bill, please?实用文档M: Yes, here you are. $17.4.Q: How much does the woman have to pay?A) $70.4. B) $14.7.C) $17.4. D) $14.3. W: I thought that these flowers cost 4 dollars.M: They used to, but the price's gone up 50 cents.Q: How much do these flowers cost now?4. M: You speak English very well. How long have you been learning the language?W: I've been learning English for about six and a half years.Q: How long has the woman been learning English?B) Six and a half years.A) Five years.C) Six years. D) Half a year.5. M: The book costs $14, but I only have $10. Could you lend me some money?W: It's my pleasure.Q: How much money does the man need to borrow from the woman?A) $4. B) $10.C) $40. D) $30.8. Directions: Listen to the following short talk and fill in the blankswith the missing words. The talk is spoken twice.find People go to college for many reasons. Some go to college to out who they are and what they want to become. Others go to college to dreams.follow theirFor me, going to college gives me the opportunity to have new experiences. At college I have to organize my time and the way I spend take care of myself. What I like best here is my time. I also have to library, which has so many books, that I can make full use of the newspapers and magazines.Becoming a college student has also given me the opportunity to meet places. I have classmates from different Here many friends. I have newnot only made friends with them, but have also learnt a lot from them.The most important reason for me to be a college student is to follow becoming a good teacher. I I All my life have dreamed of like dream. my make a living by teaching. children and I want to9. Directions: Listen to the talk again and then answer the followingquestions orally.1. Why do people go to college?Some go to college to find out who they are and what they want to实用文档become. Others go to college to follow their dreams.2. Why does the speaker go to college?He goes to college to have new experiences.3. What does the speaker like best about college?He can make full use of the library that has so many books, newspapersand magazines.4. What is the speaker's most important reason for going to college?The most important reason is to follow his dream.5. What is the speaker's dream?His dream is to become a good teacher.Unit TwoListening & Speaking1. Directions: A librarian is going to provide you with some informationabout the use of the library. Listen to the short talkcarefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words.seven days s open 's well stocked (藏书). It This is our library. It' a week. You can borrow all the books in the library except the rarest(珍must be read only here. You can borrow them for ) ones, or those 奇的by their due dates, months, but must return them several days to severalor you'll be charged(罚款) for overdue(过期的) books. It's bad from(行in any way. them To use (in public books or mistreat 破坏) ) 为to writethe library, you will have to show your student ID(学生证). By the way,in the libraryin or read your textbooks you can go online(上网) herethe reading-room in the evening. Enjoy your reading.2. Directions: Now help one of your classmates to use the library forthe first time. Try to use the language you have just learnedin Exercise 1.3. Expressing Willingness to Help1). Directions: Before you listen to the first conversation, read thefollowing words and expressions which may be new to you.Straightforward 简单的enter 输入terminal (电脑)终端author 作者periodical 杂志title 书名accounting 会计wow (表示惊奇、钦佩,欢乐)哇click on 点击database 数据库I got it. 明白了。



Paragraph one
What was the writer afraid of when he first became a college student? What are the three questions he had about his classmates and himself?
• What happened to him shortly after? • What other things did the writer do in addition to his studies?
Paragraph five
• How did the writer begin to see himself and his own future?
• 3. He was afraid that he was surrounded by people he didn’t know and who didn’t know him. • 4. He had to make friends with them and also compete with them.
Paragraph six
• What did he think of his future at that time? • Why was the writer so sure about himself and his own future? • What does the expression “this important hurdle in my life” mean?
Paragraph two
• What did the writer have to do in order to do well in his studies?
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实用文档U1词汇Economic crises destroy the capitalist system, and they grow in size and _1.duration _.Stability also depends upon the __ flexibility __of the local economy. 2.He was sentenced to do hard labor without the _ option __ of a fine. 3.She states her views very __ definitely __.4.Did he_ actually __say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure? 5.The baby felt _ ignore __ by her parents.6.You need to __convince _the employers that you can do the job. 7.earthquake. more than this if they _the to _ survive are have panies will to do十五选十2. _explore__ in regards to where you fit in best You will need to 1._extracurricular__ activities. You should start by gathering a list of all theactivities that are 3. _offered__ on the campus. Usually these can be found in theopportunities that on student handbook the universities website. Please be 4_aware_out seek them you out. Make check sure get won't come to you, instead involved andthe descriptions of each club and organization. Ask a 5. _sophomore__ for any 6.other club members and ask how they _definite_ information you might need. Talk tolike the club. There's a 7. _possibility__ you will feel an instant fit. Feel freeto stop by the club for a visit. Most clubs will have an open house once or twicea year. Be sure to attend. If you had a particular interest when you were in higha college again participate for it, in on it and school you still have 8. _passion_level. It might be a good time to pick something new that you have never got 9._involved_ in before.It is not the end of the world if you decide wrong. Allow about six months to getused to a club before making the decision you cross it out from your 10. _options_.Remember it does take time to get used to something new.翻译1、The college schedule is very different than the traditional high school schedule.Generally, there is a lot more flexibility with your college classes.大学的日程安排跟传统高中的差别很大,通常大学课程有更多的灵活性。

2、The other cool thing about the college schedule is that you usually have moreopportunities to explore your interests and passions.关于大学日程安排还有一件事很酷,你通常有更多的机会发展自己的兴趣爱好。

3、There will always be some courses that are only offered on certain days at certaintimes , but for the most part ,there are a lot of potions to think about.总有些课程是只有固定日子的固定时段开放的,但是对于大多数课程,你有很多选择!4、However ,college is like high school in that you will have the opportunity toget involved by joining different clubs ,organizations ,and maybe even by getting实用文档a part-time job.甚至可能在大学二想在高中一样你有机会参加各种活动,然而,加入不同的俱乐部和组织,找到一份兼职。

way to see what a true day in the life of a college student 、Of course ,the best 5is like is to actually get the schedule of some college students.最好的方式其实是拿到一些大学生的日要看一个大学生一天的真实生活是什么样的,当然,程表。

小翻译what not tell exactly so glimpse only caught a of him sitting in the car , I can 1.Ihe looked like.2.They are in search of new opportunities to reach their final goals.3.It happened without my being aware of it.4.We are involved in different extracurricular activities on campus.5.Some guys always do everything as they like ,but ignore others' feeling.词汇The two countries __ maintain _ friendly foreign relationship with each other. 1.It is _ vital _ for the human beings to do something to save the earth.2.You can _ omit _ the parts of the story that parts of the story that are not3.interesting.The little girl had a really _rough _ time when her father died. 4.They _ emphasize _ the importance of careful driving. 5.汉译英并且这个数字有望持续增长。

2500中国共有大约万名大学生,是十年前的五倍,如今,(Bachelors, Masters and 中国设立的学位制度包括学士、硕士和博士三个学位等级(the National Higher Education Doctoral degrees)。



踌Entrance Examination) 躇满志的学子们急切地等待考试结果,因为成绩能决定他们是否能进入著名的公立大学。

five times the Today, there are about 25 million university students in China—and that number is expected to keep growing. China has set up —number a decade agoa degree system, including Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees. Universities performances in the 'in China generally select their students based on studentspick get their Publicly Higher National Education Entrance Examination. run schoolsof the best students and are viewed as engines of the economy. Ambitious studentseagerly await their exam results, which determine whether they can get into aprestigious public school.词汇U21. I don't like this young woman; she seems a social _ butterfly _.2. The novel _ capture __ the imagination of thousands reader.实用文档3. God knows. How can I _ endure __ six exam a week?4. A tiny star cans _ spark __ in the darkness.5. There are good chances of _ promotion __ in this firm.s marrying Susan.6. Mrs. Hill is _ keen _ on Tom'7. Some professions are _ stuff _ with people who have not grown up.8. How should this _ innocent __ girl see the coldness of the letter?十五选十Perhaps nothing is ever quite as painful as getting over your first love. This isboy/girl the You thought the boy / girl who taught you what means it to fall in love.d spend the rest of your lives together. Now that 'were your 1. soulmate and youHere someone else. 're afraid that you won't ever be as happy with youit's over,because you get over it: Cry, can and cry and cry as much as are some tips to help youit will help your 2. emotions . After this you will feel a lot better. Make sureyou call your best friends and have happy conversations afterwards.never could him/her, and why you broke up, what what you hated you about 3.Reminisceagree on.4.Endure the pain and loneliness5. bravely. With time, the pain will heal.t be so 6. innocent as to believe that you will never love anyone as much as Don'early or occur during teen your first love. Most years first loves and 7.heartachesto find the Look 8.forward , and you still have 20s. most of your life ahead of youlove of your life.learning it, such as out mistake if you can get something of ever No relationship is afor to opportunity change yourself yourself. This might be the about something newcase which lover, in 9.jealous that you are a also the better. You might learn veryyou can take steps to becoming a(n) 10.less jealous boyfriend or girlfriend.翻译pictures, love letters, a collection of old sure 1.Somewhere in your house I'm you havecards, stuffed animals and movie tickets from your first love.我肯定,在家里的某个地方,你一定收藏着有关初恋的记忆,比如旧情书,照片,卡片,毛绒玩具,还有电影票。
