

Chapter 1












6. 试将下列短文翻译成英文。


Good morning! The State Council Information Office is here today to hold this press conference on the issue of energy, which is a common concern at home and abroad. Many countries, especially the USA, have taken the development of the new energy as an important means against the current world-wide financial turndown.Since the breakout of the world-wide financial turmoil, energy industry has experienced a certain degree of sufferings with demand dropping, investment growth slowing down and outcomes of some enterprise declining.In last March, Chinese National People's Congress approved the establishment of the National Energy Administration.Under the firm leadership of CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the newly established National Energy Administration, together with all other working staff in energy industry, has been working closely during hard times and has done a lot of work in respect of addressing financial crisis, increasing domestic demand, building up confidence and adjusting industrial structure.

7. 请给下面的话题列提纲,并任选其一写一篇不少于200单词的英文作文。

1)Safety of School Buses

Paragraph 1:Lead in to the topic ( safety of school buses and makes a clear statement of its urgency)

Paragraph 2:Traffic safety to be ensured

Paragraph 3: Proper management of school buses

Paragraph 4:Road safety awareness to be promoted

Paragraph 5: Make a summary and hope for safe travels of students

2) The Significance of Low-carbon Lifestyle

Paragraph 1: Lead in to the topic (global warming, environmental protection and the significance of low-carbon lifestyle)

Paragraph 2: Its significance for nature

Paragraph 3: Itssignificance for society

Paragraph 4:Its significance for generations to come

Paragraph 5: Make a summary and issue an appeal to low-carbon lifestyle

3) Honesty in Academic Research

Paragraph One: Lead in to the topic (existing problems with academia, such as plagiarism and false reports of research)

Paragraph Two: Existing problems and their bad effects

Paragraph Three: Honestyis to be cherished and promoted in research

Paragraph Four:Suggestions and methods to nurture honesty and to practice fair play Paragraph Five:Make a summary and ring a cry for honesty in researchers, especially young students to have just joined research

8. 欣赏下列参赛译文,并分析其翻译策略与翻译技巧。


Chapter 2


5. 请将下列中文句子译成英文,注意避免中文的影响。


1)Since a sophisticated strategic missile consists of thousands of components, that any of them malfunctions will lead to missile launch failure.

2)The operation of an electric machine needs some knowledge of its performance

3)The Trademark Office shall be in charge of trademark registration and administration

4)The figure shows the motion of an object.

5)An improvement of its performance can be affected by the use of super-heated steam.

6)A comparison of radio waves with water waves is made.

7)A short calculation will convince you that this is indeed true.

8)The feature of the model is the absence of interference.

9)So an experiment was set up from which the position of the sun was excluded.

10)The adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products. 11)In the past 20 years, we have won a series of victories in aeronautics technology.

12)This distortion is minimized by proper circuit design and suitable choice of the operating point.

13)There is a growing awareness that this technique is of value.

14) Friction neglected, the output will be equal to the input.



1) 这种方法的发明者所表现的远见卓识和渊博知识,给人以非常好的印象。

2) 元件技术中起主要作用的是半导体元件

3) 最好的导体电阻最小,最差的导体电阻最大

4) 放射性物质可用来查明各种腺体和器官的功能

5) 限于篇幅,我们不能在此对这个问题作进一步分析。

6) 2008年5月,他在一家研究所工作。

7) 科学家们一直关心全球变暖的问题。

8) 在各种可见光中,红光的波长最长,紫光的波长最短。

9) 那个论点站不住脚。

10) 人们早就怀疑,大气层中有一个“高温带”,其中心在距地面约30英里的高空。利用火


11) 自从我使用那种机器以来,设计制图方面己发生了根本的变化。

12) 不屑于干自己工作的人终于有一天会发现自己不配干那份工作。

13) 废气对我们是有害的, 应该尽力加以排除


15) 远距离输电需要高压,安全用电需要低压。

Chapter 3


1. 翻译译下列句子,注意多义词语的翻译。





2. 翻译下列句子,注意划线词语的转译。







3. 翻译下列句子,注意使用增词法、减词法和重复法。














4. 翻译以下段落。


The Internet of Things emphasizes the interrelatedness between objects, and it is viewed as a network connecting objects via different kinds of information sensing devices. The Internet of Things is characteristic of effective communication on “4As”, which is to say, anytime, anywhere, anyone and anything.

Chapter 4


1. 请参照中英文句子结构的差异,将下列几句话译成中文。

1) 【参考译文】没有电压,就没有电流。


3) 【参考译文】当电流已知,只要测出导线两端电位差的大小,便可容易地求得任一长度导线的电阻。

4) 【参考译文】最有可能携带日冕能量的是声波、引力波以及其他好几种波,近40年来,科学家一直按这种思路进行研究。


1) Born in 1879 inUlm, Germany, Albert Einstein was two years old when his parents moved to Munich, where his father opened a business in electric supplies.

2) While/Though the exact nature of electricity is unknown, a great deal is known about what it can do.

3. 请翻译下列定语从句。

1) 【参考译文】而且,人类还有能力改变自己的生存环境,从而使所有其它形态的生命服从人类自己独特的想法和想象。

2) 【参考译文】中心发言人金〃兰德说,地震仪记录的震动强度为里氏5.3级,这种震动没有强度极限。

3) 【参考译文】为了更好地为客户服务,你必须要有与众不同的技术,而且还得拥有懂得这种技术的人才,把这种技术提供给客户,对客户真正有用。

4) 【参考译文】有些人坚信,每张课桌上放一台计算机终端设备的时代即将来临,而另一些坚持说传统的教学方法决不会让位于计算机教学。

5) 【参考译文】势能虽不像动能那样明显,但它存在于许多物体之中。

6) 【参考译文】在办公室里,工作人员将各种数据、表格和信息加以汇编,以便让经理或主管人员了解他们的商店或工厂的最新动态。

4. 请翻译下列英语长句。(请注意使用下列译法:顺译法、逆译法、分译法和综合译法。)

1) 【参考译文】可是现在人们意识到,其中有些矿物质的蕴藏含量是有限的,人们甚至还可以比较合理地估计出这些矿物质“可望存在多少年”,也就是说,经过若干年后,这些矿物的全部已知矿源和储量将消耗殆尽。

2) 【参考译文】将固体加热到足够温度时,它所含电子就有一部分离开表面,飞逸到周围空间中,这种现象叫做热离子放射。电子管就是利用这种方法来产生自由电子的。

3) 【参考译文】五月份伊利诺伊州舒特体育用品公司的总裁朱利尼姆斯打赢了一场官司,那场官司中的原告是一名橄榄球队员,他戴着舒特公司的头盔在一场比赛中受伤瘫痪。

4) 【参考译文】计算机语言有低级的也有高级的。前者比较繁琐,类似某种特定的计算机能直接理解的语言;后者比较复杂,适用范围广,很多计算机能自动接受。



大学英语读写译(一) 期末测试题(1) Part I. Reading Comprehension (50%) Section A. Skimming and Scanning (10%) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet. For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. For question 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Spiders Spiders can be distinguished from other Arachnids because the prosoma (combined head and thorax) is only separated from the opisthosoma (abdomen) by a narrow waist, in other Arachnids the whole body appears to be much more of a single unit. All spiders produce

新时代交互英语读写译1答案 有截图

新时代交互英语读写译1详细答案带截图 花了很长时间整理出来的,截图是整合了一下网上的零散截图 希望对大家有所帮助! 祝大家期末考个好成绩哦~ Unit1 III. Vocabulary and Structure 1. 1) promote 2) talent 3) effective 4) goal 5) semesters 6)involved 7) assignment 8) specific 9) contribute 10) positive 2. 1) His lifestyle 2) many useful tips 3) are Perfectly aware of 4) connected 5) participate in IV. Banked Cloze 1. D 2. E 3. O 4. B 5. H 6. L 7. J 8. A 9. M 10. I V. Translation 1. 1) so that he can provide for studying abroad in two years 2) it costs at least $30,000 to raise a child to 18 years of age at present 3) the whole team must keep to the schedule strictly 4) She often helps out with the washing and cooking when she is at home during holidays 5) make some time this weekend to discuss their daughter’s education 2 1)许多不同类型的自助书籍都给读者提出建议,帮助他们培养一定的技能\目标和态度,以获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。 2) 至少要熟悉其中的一位教师并且也要让他们认识你,这样会使你感到和学校联系在一起。 3) 学生只要参加了一项活动,哪怕参与的方式是微不足道的,他们也会以更积极的心态去面对他们的学业。 10/14 one time adds to exact encourages realize take part in thoughtful advice are demanding on take her attention away 1/14 1 at 2 contributed 3 what 4 scheduling 5 encourage 6 advising7 look for 8 eacitied9 compared10 courses


Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of picture and then discuss whether technology is indispensable in education. You should give soundargument to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. “I’m going to need tech support” Part II Listening Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre. 1. A) The man’s tennis racket is good enough. B) The man should get a pair of new shoes. C) She can wait for the man for a little while. D) Physical exercise helps her stay in shape. 【答案】B 2. A) The woman will skip Dr. Smith’s lecture to help the man. B) Kathy is very pleased to attend the lecture by Dr. Smith. C) The woman is good at doing lab demonstrations. D) The man will do all he can to assist the woman. 【答案】A


maintain 保持prestige 声望whereby 其中nominate提名 inhibit抑制patriotic爱国的pursuit追求dedication奉献 endeavor努力transcend超越 1. Most cities in the country have introduced "Clean Air Zones" (whereby) factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel. 全国大多数城市都实行了“洁净空气区”,工厂和家庭只允许燃烧无烟燃料。2. He knows that the (pursuit) of social status can consume vast amounts of his time and effort. 他知道追求社会地位可以消耗他大量的时间和精力。 3. The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to (inhibit) the spread of the disease. 医生们感到困惑,因为到目前为止还没有发现能抑制这种疾病蔓延的药物。 4. We see many special education directors trying to (maintain) the quality of their programs with much less money and much smaller staff. 我们看到许多特殊教育主管试图用少得多的钱和少得多的职员来维持他们 的节目质量。 5. People there are told it is their (patriotic) duty to support the national economy by buying their own products. 那里的人们被告知,通过购买自己的产品来支持国民经济是他们的爱国责 任。 6. Darwin's thinking both drew upon and (transcended)the conventional ideas of his time. 达尔文的思想都借鉴和超越了他那个时代的传统观念。 7. In spite of all your (endeavors), there may be times when you encounter difficulties in the training process. 尽管你尽了最大努力,但有时你可能在训练过程中遇到困难。 8. My advice to Mr. Stewart is to think carefully before entering into a career in medicine, as this is a field which requires a lot of (dedication)and long working hours. 我对斯图尔特先生的建议是,在进入医学事业之前要仔细考虑,因为这是一 个需要很多(奉献)和长时间工作的领域。 9. Most Chinese parents would prefer to choose some professions that are stable


远与近 一个小镇坐落在铁路延绵而来的高地上,在小镇郊外,有一座白色板子搭建的整洁小屋,装饰有绿色的百叶窗。屋的一边是一个园子,被整齐地划分为一块一块,上面种着蔬菜,还有一个葡萄架,葡萄在8月晚些时候成熟了。在屋子前面有三棵大橡树,夏季橡树浓密整齐的树阴会遮住小屋。屋子另一边则是颜色明艳的鲜花丛。这整个地方,空气中都是整洁、朴素和适度的舒适。 每天下午两点过几分,两个城市间的特快列车就会通过这个地方。这时,这辆长长的列车,会为了留一个“呼吸空间”而在小镇附近停留一下,再平稳地起步前行,但这时它的速度还达不到马力全开时的速度。在引擎强有力的掣动下,列车从容地摇晃进入视野,重重的车厢压着铁轨,发出低沉的隆隆声,然后消失在尽头。在一段时间里,在草原的边缘,每隔一段距离,汽笛吼叫,喷出一圈圈浓烟,以此可以发现列车行进的痕迹。最后,什么都听不到了,除了车轮坚实的咯咯声拍子,在那个下午昏昏欲睡的时光中慢慢消失。 二十多年来,每天当列车接近小屋时,司机就会拉响汽笛。每天当听到这个信号,一个妇女就会从小屋后廊出来并向他挥手。起初她有一个孩子牵着她的裙子站在旁边,而现在这个孩子已经长大成熟了,也每天随着她的母亲一起来到后廊向他挥手。 司机长期供职,已经年老,鬓发灰白。他驾驶着他长长的列车,满载乘客上万次地通过这片土地。他自己的孩子们已经长大,结婚。并且曾经有四次他在他前面的铁轨上看到悲剧凝成的可怕小点,像颗炮弹似的射向火车头前的恐怖阴影——一辆辆满载孩子的轻型货车,上面一排惊慌的小脸;一辆廉价的汽车停留在铁轨上,上面被恐惧麻痹的人呆若木鸡;一个消瘦的流浪汉在铁轨上面游走,他过于耳背和年老,以至于无法听到汽笛声的警告。以及一个人影带着一声尖叫掠过他的窗口——所有的这些他都见得多了。他了解一个人所能了解的所有悲伤、欢乐、危险和辛劳。在忠诚的职业生涯中,他饱经风霜。而现在他虽已年老,却在所从事的工作中学习到了诚实、勇敢和谦逊这些品质,并拥有了司机们应有的崇高和智慧。 但无论他见识过多少危险和悲剧,那座小屋和那两个妇女以一种勇敢自由动机向他挥手的景象,已经印在了他的心里,作为美丽,不朽,万劫不变和始终如一的事物,纵使灾难、悲伤和过失可能打破他的生活铁律。 看到这座小屋和这两个妇女,他总能感到从未有过的非凡幸福。他在一千种光线明暗和一百种天气变化中见到过她们。通过冬天严峻而灰蒙蒙的光线,穿过地上褐色而被冰封的残梗,他见到过她们。在绿色的富有魅力魔法的四月,他见到过她们。 他感到对她们和这座小屋十分亲切,如同一个男人对他自己的孩子们一样。终于,她们生活的画面被深深地刻在了他的心里,他感觉他完全了解她们一天中每时每刻的生活。于是他决定有一天当自己退休的时候,他将去找到她们,最后和她们聊一聊,因为她们的生活已经和他自己的深深融为一体了。 这一天终于来到了。最后,司机在这两个妇女居住的小镇的车站下了车,走上月台。他在铁路上的职业生涯已经结束。他是公司一个拿养老金的人了,没有工作要去做。司机慢慢地走出车站,走入小镇的街道。一切对于他都十分陌生,就好像他从来没有见过这个小镇。他继续走着,心中越来越迷惑与不解。这真是他经过数以万次的小镇吗?这真的是他从列车的高窗里经常见到的房子吗?一切是那么陌生,不安,好像一座梦中的城市。随着不断向前走,他的内心愈发困惑起来。 现在房屋渐渐变为小镇边区散布的村落,大街也渐渐冷落成为一条乡村小路——两个妇女就住在其中一所村舍里。司机在闷热和尘埃中沉重地慢慢走着。最后他站在他要寻找的房屋前面。他马上知道他找到了正确的地方。他看到了屋子前高大的橡树、花坛、菜园和葡萄架,以及更远处那铁轨的闪光。


Unit 1 翻译技巧(一) 翻译概述 1.把下面的英语段落翻译成汉语。 没有哪个政治体制是完美的;但是很多美国人都会告诉你,如果他们会嫉妒 我们的一样东西的话,那就是我们英国传统的为期三周的大选,因为它的简洁就 是一种仁慈----是对选民和政治家们双方的仁慈:他们拿它跟美国四年一度的总 统选举中进行的那些耗时几个月的战争相比。 2. 把下面的汉语段落翻译成英语。 Someone has once prophesied that once cigarettes disappear from the surface of the earth, the whole world may be in chaos. This might be an exaggeration, but the danger of smoking should not be underestimated. Smoking is a curse affecting the whole globe. Let’s put foreign countries aside. China alone has hundreds of millions of smokers. Addicted smokers often say that it would be more difficult for them to endure the suffering of two hours without smoking a cigarette than a day without having meals. Smoking pollutes the air and endangers the health, consequently increasing the incidence of lung cancer greatly. Unit 2 翻译技巧(二) 直译与意译 1. 用直译法翻译下列的词语、惯用语和句子: (1)开胃酒(2)水果蛋糕(3)童装(4)人工语言(5)门铃 (6)访问学者(7)走下坡路(8)扣帽子/加标签于某人(9)随大 流(10)overtime pay (11)peanut oil (12)rice flour (13)academic journal (14)woman editor (15) evening paper (16)tear up by the roots


Unit 1 V. Translation 1. 1) so that he can provide for studying abroad in two years 2) it costs at least $30,000 to raise a child to 18 years of age at present 3) the whole team must keep to the schedule strictly 4) She often helps out with the washing and cooking when she is at home during holidays 5) make some time this weekend to discuss their daughter’s education 2. 1)许多不同类型的自助书籍都给读者提出建议,帮助他们培养一定的技能\目标和态度,以获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。 2) 至少要熟悉其中的一位教师并且也要让他们认识你,这样会使你感到和学校联系在一起。 3) 学生只要参加了一项活动,哪怕参与的方式是微不足道的,他们也会以更积极的心态去面对他们的学业。 Unit 2 V. Translation 1. 1) great changes had taken place in his hometown in the past decade 2) because interests vary from individual to individual and everyone’s choice deserves respect 3) she is sensitive to weather change 4) John is a writer of rich imagination 5) are equally effective ways to add to children’s store of knowledge 2. 1)语言中的词汇每天都在增加,但这种变化不仅仅随着新东西的发明而产生,社会的变化也会引起语言的变化。 2) 为了在语言上和社会地位上获得平等的待遇,妇女们进行了长期艰苦的斗争,因为她们知道,语言上的变化会引起态度的改变。 3) 如果泛指“人”时不使用he(“他”),人们就会意识到,并非只有男人才重要,也并非只有男人才能建功立业。大多数指代单一性别的词汇已经被既指代男性又指代女性的词汇所代替。 Unit 3 V. Translation 1. 1) so many overweight people want to reduce their calorie intake so as to lose weight 2) I don’t think you have any magical power to deal with everything all at once 3) A combination of healthy diet and moderate physical exercise can help her recover as soon as possible 4) She didn’t get along well with her roommates, so she stayed away from them. 5) to make it a point to do some running for half an hour every morning so as to tone muscles and burn calories. 2. 1)如果你很难一次抽出这么长的时间,那就把运动分解成每次10分钟在全天进行。把锻


1. 无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充分的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。 No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception. 2. 就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关心吉米一样,吉米也关心他们。 Just as all his sister's friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them. 3. 汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。 Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles. 4. 老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。 If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won't say a word to you any more. 5. 有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。 Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children. 6. 现在需要面对的事情是:如何筹集创建公司所需的资金。 Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company. 英译汉 1.When someone does something for you, no matter how small and no matter whether he is superior or inferior, it is proper to say "Thank you". 每当有人帮了你,无论事情大小,无论他地位高低,你都就当对他说声"谢谢"。 2.The invention of the steam engine changed ships just as it had changed land transport. 蒸气机的发明使船舶发生了变化,正如其已经改变了陆地运输一样。 3.Though the manager did his best to help, he was still unable to track down the source of the problem. 尽管经理努力帮忙,他还是不能找到问题的根源所在。 4.The girl, whose life revolved around her brother, had no difficulty working out what she should do to please him. 这个女孩的生活天天围着哥哥转,完全明白该做什么来使哥哥高兴。 5.If you don't know what you want, you might end up getting something you don't want. 如果你不知道自己想要什么,你最终得到的可能都是自己不想要的。 6.Jimmy had his sister to help him get through the painful days alone without his father. 吉米有他妹妹帮助他度过那些没有父亲的艰难日子。 unit2 1. 被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚持称自己无罪。 The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence. 2. 总体看来,枣、豆类以及一些多叶的绿色蔬菜是最好的铁质来源。 All things considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron. 3. 正餐时不供应饮料,饮料会影响消化。 No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion. 4. 考虑到那个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订旅馆是明智的。 Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. 5. 服药后若有呕吐感,请立即停止服用并尽快咨询医生。 If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctor as soon as possible. 6. 总结这次讨论时,他说双方都要好好考虑怎样以最有效的方法来解决这一问题。


《研究生英语读写译教程》练习参考答案及参考译文 注意: 《研究生英语读写译教程》第二次印刷做了以下更改: 1 PP95倒数第四行的edi f ion 改成edition;并将练习全部移至第96页 2 PP87 省略法 第一句话去掉,改为: 省略是指在翻译时按意义、修辞和句法等方面的需要省略或减少部分词语使译文更加精炼、更符合汉语的表达习惯。 去掉(一)中的第二个例句,用下句替换: John had many wonderful ideas, but he only put a few into practice.约翰有很多好想法,但是只有少数付诸实践。 3 PP97 将LEAD-IN QUESTION部分4A换成下句: Science is nothing but developed perception, interpreted intent, common sense rounded out and minutely articulated. (George Santayana) 参考译文: 科学只不过是发展了的知觉(科學只不過是深化了的洞悉),经过诠释的含义,经过整理、表达详细的常识。 4 PP106 Comprehension第一题中的"humanity"改为“the humanities“

第一部分:各课练习答案 UNIT ONE STAY HUNGRY. STAY FOOLISH. COMPREHENSION 1 He dropped out of Reed College because he did not see the value of it. (The answer to the second part of the question is open.) 2 Life was tough –he slept on the floor in friends’ rooms, he returned coke bottles and he walked 7 miles to get one good free meal… 3 He cited the example to demonstrate that what he had learned in his calligraphy class worked when designing the first Macintosh computer. 4 Jobs’ first story tells that the dots will somehow connect in your future. (What you have learned/experienced might help in your future career.) 5 He was publicly out. (The company that he and Woz established dismissed him.) The fact that he still loved what he did made him start over again. 6 He has learned a good lesson from his failure. 7 Do the things we love to do. 8 Open. 9 Open. 10 Open. (We should always want more, never be content and when we want to do something that others say is foolish, do it anyway.) VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE A 1 naively 2 curiosity 3 combination 4 let down 5 vision 6 baton 7 creative 8 mirror 9 trap 10 invention B 1 drowned out 2 tuition 3 Commencement 4 deposit 5 typography 6 make way for 7 animation 8 intuition 9 destination 10 diverge C 1 follow: orders, rules, advice, fads, an ideal, one’s instinct 2 trust in: honesty, the Lord, power, intuition, sixth sense 3 wear out, fade out, put out, make out, get out, break out 4 play writer/playwright, speedwriter, blog writer, letter writer, editorial writer 5 habitual, textual, accentual, sexual, spiritual, conceptual 6 shocking, stunning, eye-catching, astonishing, striking, dazzling D 1 an 2 great 3 the 4 to 5 √ 6 that 7 √8 been 9 been 10 in


Text A词汇答案 Unit 1 A. 1. were bulging with 2. multitude 3. crave 4. indulge in 5. abandon themselves 6. fastidious 7. mused on 8. soothing B. 1. faculty 2. besiege 3. stick to 4. laborious 5. profusion 6. file out 7. judicious 8. decipher 9. poignant 10. by degrees Unit 2 A. 1. annual 2. opponents 3. distinctions 4. ferociously 5. revered 6. overlooks 7. extra 8. celebrity B. 1. constructive 2 transformation 3. combat 4. status 5. severely 6. falling apart 7. effective 8. discouraged 9. cautious 10. wiped out Unit 3 A. 1. borrowings 2. exuberance 3. is flexible 4. instrument 5. diminishing 6. was bound to 7. accumulate 8. dominant B. 1. bound to 2 expansion 3. inclined 4. accumulate 5. conquest 6. stabilization 7. preserve 8. reduce 9. ingratiate 10. dominant



Book One Unit One 10.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with laying the fundamentals (基础) of modern Western philosophy. He is a mysterious figure known chiefly through the accounts of later classical writers, especially the writings of his most famous student Plato, Socrates has become well known for his contribution to the field of ethics. His method of teaching, known as the Socratic Method, by asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to explain ideas remains a commonly used tool in a wide range of discussions. He also made important and lasting contributions to the field of epistemology(认识论) and logic,and the influence of his ideas and approach remains a strong foundation for Western philosophy that followed. Socrates was the most colorful figure in the history of ancient philosophy. His fame was widespread in his own time, and his name soon became a household word although he constructed no philosophical system, established no school, and founded no sect(宗派). 译文: 苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。



Unite 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front


大学英语读写译(1)期末测试题及 答案1 大学英语读写译(一) 期末测试题(1) Part L Reading Comprehension (50%) Section A< Skimming and Scanning (10%) Directions: In this party you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet. For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.

For question 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Spiders Spiders can be distinguished from other Arachnids because the prosoma (combined head and thorax) is only separated from the opisthosoma (abdomen) by a narrow waist, in other Arachnids the whole body appears to be much more of a single unit. All spiders produce silk,but only some construct webs to catch their homes and to protect their eggs. All spiders possess poison glands but very few of them are dangerous to humans, of the 600+species in Britain only 12 (at least one of these is a recent human assisted colonist) are strong enough to pierce the human skin,and apart from allergies, none are more dangerous than a common wasp. Most spiders have 8 eyes (though some have 6, 4, 2 or 0),as well as 8 legs. (By the way if you count the claws as separate leg section [which you shouldn9t really] then their legs have 8 parts as well [coxa, trochanter; femur, patella, tibia, tarsus, metatarus, and claws])
