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According to A and B, what usually happens when the bus is late? Is it very crowded?

Does what A and B describe in the dialogue often happen in the city where you are? How should young people behave? What’s your opinion?

Teacher’s questions

What: a bus ride At the terminal: the big crowd---turned into a charging / attacking mob---rushing the door--pushed hard and elbowed their way to the front---pushed and pressed their way onto the bus On the bus: fight one’s way out---with no order---robust young men seldom offer their seat to the weak
Expressing slight anger & Making a suggestion Oh dear! My pupils’ homework is full of A: careless mistakes. B: Did you tell them to check their homework before they hand it in? A: No, I didn’t. B: I think they should be told their homework has to be checked before they hand it in.
Language Structure Practice

A verb is said to be in the active voice when the subject does the action. A verb is said to be in the passive voice when the sentence shows what is done to the subject.
2015/7/27 9
Asking for and giving information A: Lilian’s been working very hard, I was told. B: Yes, so I heard. She often works overtime. A: Is she paid anything extra for overtime?
Expressing disagreement
B. Asking for and giving information

LSP IV Reporting & Checking up
Giving specific information & Expressing pleasure
Unit 3
Language Structures Dialogues I Farewell to rude Manners Readings I A Shopper’s Nightmare Reading II A Letter of Complaint Exercises
B: No, she isn’t.
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
A. Expressing sympathy & Making clarification & Expressing disagreement A: Poor Tom! Lots of people make fun of him. B: Why do they do that? A: Because he walks with a limp. B: Well, I don’t think anybody should be made
Reporting & Checking up Giving specific information & Expressing pleasure A: People say the city has mapped out a construction plan for the next year. B: Has it? Do you know any particulars? A: Yes. They say / It is said that three parks will be expanded. B: That’s wonderful. We will have more enjoyment and rest. 2015/7/27
Language Structure Practice
Practice: Change the sentences into the passive voice where possible. Someone says Professor Bao will come to see Liu and Zhen in their dorm this afternoon. Their room looks a bit dirty and untidy. They will give the room a good clean in the morning. They have to throw away the old newspapers and put everything in order. Besides, they have to take down the old posters from the wall and put up some new ones. They will make their room neat and tidy and leave a good 2015/7/27 6 impression on the professor.

What do you choose, to be a completely civil person or just be polite when it is needed? When someone treats you rudely, what is your response? What kind of behavior is considered as uncivil? Can you list some examples?
2015/7/27 7
Language Structure Practice

LSP I Expressing slight anger & Making a suggestion

Asking for and giving information LSP III

A. Expressing sympathy & Making clarification &

Some rude manners happening around us?

spitting littering do not line up ( jump the queue ) scolding in public Smoking in public

people do not obey the traffic rules

Structure: be + v-ed (pp)
2015/7/27 2
Language Structure Practice
2 be + v-ed (pp) V.
Language Structure Practice 1. 一般现在时 is\am\are + P.P 2. 一般过去时 was\were + P.P 3. 一般将来时 will be + P.P 4. 现在进行时 is\am\are + being + P.P 5. 过去进行时 was\were + being + P.P 6. 现在完成时 have\has been + P.P 7. 过去完成时 had been + P.P

draw sth. on the desk
cut / carve in the wall

do not respect elders or love children
Teacher’s questions
Listen to the recording and answer some questions:
Language Structure Practice
It is said that Professor Bao will come to see Liu and Zhen in their dorm this afternoon. Their room looks a bit dirty and untidy. It will be given a good clean in the morning. The old newspapers have to be thrown away and everything has to be put in order. Besides, the old posters have to be taken down from the wall and some new ones have to be put up. Their room will be made neat and tidy and a good impression will be left on the professor.
2015/7/27 4
Language Structure Practice
The passive voice (1) involving the modal auxiliary have to The pupils should be told that their homework has to be checked before they hand it in. (2) converted from the active sentence with a direct and an indirect object She isn’t paid anything for overtime. (3) involving the verb phrase/phrasal verbs I don’t think anybody should be made fun of because of his physical handicap. (4) formed by the They say/It is said… patterns 2015/7/27 5 They say / It is said that three parks will be expanded.
fun of because of his physical handicap.
2015/7/27 11
B. Asking for and giving information
A: How was the exhibition? B: Very good. A: Were brochures handed out to visitors? B: Oh, yes, they were.
Dialogue 1
questions Teacher’s questions Language points Retelling outline Discussion
Warming-up questions