

全新版大学英语综合教程3课后中译英 英译中

全新版大学英语综合教程3课后中译英 英译中


(minor)We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.父亲去世时我还小,不能独立生活。

就在那时,家乡的父老接过了养育我(my upbringing)的责任。

(at that point)My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (respons ibility for) my upbringing at that point.这些玩具必得在达到严格的安全要求后才可出售给儿童。

(requirement)The toys have to meet strict/tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children.作为新闻和舆论的载体(carrier),广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸。

(supplement, rather than)Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opi nion.至于这本杂志,它刊载世界各地许多报纸杂志上文章的摘要。

(digest, when it comes to…)When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines a round the world.2(confident)虽然受到全球金融危机后果的巨大影响,但是我们仍然相信我们能够面对挑战,克服危机。



全新版大学英语综合教程3课文原文及翻译unit 3 The Land of the LockYears ago in America, it was customary for families to leave their doors unlocked, day and night. In this essay, Greene regrets that people can no longer trust each other and have to resort to elaborate security systems to protect themselves and their possessions.许多年前,在美国,家家户户白天黑夜不锁门是司空见惯的。


The Land of the LockBob Greene1 In the house where I grew up, it was our custom to leave the front door on the latch at night. I don't know if that was a local term or if it is universal; "on the latch" meant the door was closed but not locked. None of us carried keys; the last one in for the evening would close up, and that was it.锁之国鲍伯·格林小时候在家里,我们的前门总是夜不落锁。





Unit one1. whichever tent you are not using now2. whoever comes / come first3. whichever / whatever condition our captain thought was the best4. Wherever / No matter where I go5. whatever wishes their child / children expresses / express6. However disappointed / No matter how disappointed you may feel about the surroundings / environment / situation7. Whoever breaks it8. whenever he concentrates on a problem翻译1. 以共同兴趣为基础的友谊是不容易破裂的。

(ground; break up)1. The friendship grounded on common / shared interest does not break up easily. / It is not easy for the friendship grounded on common / shared interest to break up.2. 孩子们必须学会将电脑游戏中的暴力与勇敢区分开来。

(distinguish between; violence) 2. Children must learn to distinguish between violence and bravery / courage in computer games.3. 当今世界每天涌现如此多新鲜事物,要求一个人什么都知晓是不合情理的。

(sensible) 3. There spring up so many new things every day in the world that it is no longer sensible to expect a person to know / keep track of everything.4. 诸如背弃朋友 (betrayal to friends) 这类事并不受法律制约,所以才有了我们称作的“道德法庭”。



Unit1 My FatherI don't really know my father. He isn't easy to get on with. He's quite self-centred, and a little bit vain, I think, and in some ways quite unapproachable. The public must think he's very easy-going, but at home he keeps himself to himself.He can't have been at home much when I was a child, because I don't remember much about him. He's always been slightly out of touch with family life. His work always came first, and he was always off somewhere acting or rehearsing. He loves being asked for his autograph, he loves to be recognised. He has won several awards, and he's very proud of that. He was made a Member of the British Empire, and we had to go to Buckingham Palace to get the medal. It was incredibly boring. There were hundreds of other people getting the same awards, and you had to sit there for hours. He shows off his awards to whoever comes to the house.I went to public school, and because of my total lack of interest and non-attendance I was asked to leave. I didn't want to go there in the first place. I was taken away from all my friends. He must have been very pleased to get me into the school, but in the end it was a complete waste of money. I let him down quite badly, I suppose. I tried several jobs but I couldn't settle down in them. Then I realised that what I really wanted to do was live in the country and look after animals, so that's what I now do.As a family, we're not that close, either emotionally or geographically. We don't see much of each other these days. My father and I are totally different, like chalk and cheese. My interests have always been the country, but he's into books, music and above all, opera, which I hate. If they do come to see us, they're in completely the wrong clothes for the country-mink coats, nice little leather shoes, not exactly ideal for long walks across the fields.He was totally opposed to me getting married. He was hoping we would break up. Gerald's too humble, I suppose. He must have wanted me to marry someone famous, but I didn't, and that's all there is to it. We don't want children, but my father keeps on and on talking about wanting grandchildren. You can't make someone have children just because you want grandchildren.I never watch him on television. I'm not that interested, and anyway he usually forgets to tell me when he's on.我实在不了解我的父亲,与他相处很难。



大学英语综合教程3课文翻译第一课:生活中的困扰原文:Living With RegretRegrets. We all have them. They can range from minor inconsiderate acts to major life-changing decisions. But no matter the scale, regrets serve as a constant reminder of our past mistakes and missed opportunities.Regrets often stem from our desires to change the past. We wish we had made different choices or taken different paths. We dwell on what could have been, rather than accepting what is. This obsession with the past can hinder our ability to live in the present and enjoy the opportunities that await us.Living with regret can be a heavy burden to carry. It weighs us down emotionally and mentally. We constantly replay the past in our minds, seeking to find a different outcome and trying to understand how things could have been different. This constant rumination can lead to feelings of guilt, sadness, and even depression.Regret can also have a negative impact on our relationships. If we are constantly dwelling on past mistakes, it can prevent us from fully engaging with others in the present. We may be hesitant to form new relationships or trust others, fearing thatwe will make the same mistakes again. This fear and hesitancy can limit our social connections and prevent us from experiencing the joys of deep and meaningful relationships.So how do we break free from the grip of regret? It starts with acceptance. Accepting that we cannot change the past, no matter how much we wish we could. We must forgive ourselves for our mistakes and learn from them. It is through learning and growth that we can move forward and create a better future.In addition to acceptance, it is important to focus on the present moment. By practicing mindfulness and being fully present in our daily lives, we can let go of the past and embrace the opportunities that come our way. Life is constantly changing, and if we are too focused on what has already happened, we may miss out on the beauty of what is happening right now.Regrets are a natural part of life, but they do not have to consume us. By accepting the past, focusing on the present, and learning from our mistakes, we can live a life free from the burden of regret.翻译:带着遗憾生活遗憾,我们都有。






























Unit 1-1Catching crabs1 In the fall of our final year, our mood changed. The relaxed atmosphere of the preceding summer semester, the impromptu ball games, the boating on the Charles River, the late-night parties had disappeared, and we all started to get our heads down, studying late, and attendance at classes rose steeply again. We all sensed we were coming to the end of our stay here, that we would never get a chance like this again, and we became determined not to waste it. Most important of course were the final exams in April and May in the following year. No one wanted the humiliation of finishing last in class, so the peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Libraries which were once empty after five o'clock in the afternoon were standing room only until the early hours of the morning, and guys wore the bags under their eyes and their pale, sleepy faces with pride, like medals proving their diligence.2 But there was something else. At the back of everyone's mind was what we would do next, when we left university in a few months' time. It wasn't always the high flyers with the top grades who knew what they were going to do. Quite often it was the quieter, less impressive students who had the next stages of their life mapped out. One had landed a job in his brother's advertising firm in Madison Avenue, another had got a script under provisional acceptance in Hollywood. The most ambitious student among us was going to work as a party activist at a local level. We all saw him ending up in the Senate or in Congress one day. But most people were either looking to continue their studies, or to make a living with a white-collar job in a bank, local government, or anything which would pay them enough to have a comfortable time in their early twenties, and then settle down with a family, a mortgage and some hope of promotion.3 I went home at Thanksgiving, and inevitably, my brothers and sisters kept asking me what I was planning to do. I didn't know what to say. Actually, I did know what to say, but I thought they'd probably criticize me, so I told them what everyone else was thinking of doing.4 My father was watching me but saying nothing. Late in the evening, he invited me to his study. We sat down and he poured 抓螃蟹1.大学最后一年的秋天,我们的心情变了。



综合英语教程3课后翻译中英互译unit1.她似乎与新同学相处得不好She doesn’t seem to get along with her new classmates.2.我与玛丽失去联系多年I’d been out of touch with Mary for year, but I managed to reach her by phone yesterday.3.那老兵喜欢对每一位来访者炫耀他的勋章The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him.4. 她丈夫似乎非常反对他出国He husband seems very much opposed to her going abroad.5. 因为托马斯不安心工作他父母很担忧As Thomas couldn’t settle down in his job, his parents were very worried.6. 我口袋里总装着各种各样的小东西I always have all kinds of bits and pieces in my pockets.7. 她母亲通过一些私人关系是他进入商界Her mother pulled a few strings to get her into the business circle.8. 我希望这些菜合你们的口味I hope the food is to your liking.9.那些男孩太吵我把他们骂了一顿__I told the boys off for making so much noise.1. 他决定立即着手这项复杂的工程He resolved to work on the complicated project immediately.2. 他们看见对面的老人被对面驶来的汽车撞倒They saw an old man knocked over by a car coming from the opposite direction.3. 他在黑暗中摇摇晃晃搜索着电灯开关He walked unsteadily / stumbled along in the dark, groping for the light-switch.4. 病了三个月后她几乎站不稳了After three month’s illness, he found it difficult to rise to his feet again.5. 由于人手不足无法按期完成任务Owing to the staff shortage, the task could not be fulfilled on schedule.6. 在经济萧条期公司遭遇财政困难During the period of depression, the company was running into financial difficulties.7. 那盲女上了公车乘客们给他让出了地方When the blind girl got on the crowded bus, the passengers made room for her.8.他终于抓住了悬崖的岩石止住了下滑__He at last managed to hold on to the rock on the cliff and stopped himself from slipping.__ 1. 母亲立刻派汤姆去叫医生Mother immediately sent Tom for the doctor.2. 由于糖用完了他没做成蛋糕She failed to bake the cake as she had run out of sugar.3. 我知道您现在忙极了I know how desperately busy you are now.4. 汤姆说错了话惹得全班同学哄堂大笑The whole class roared with laughter at Tom’s slip o f the tongue.5. 针剪刀这类东西必须放在小孩子够不到的地方Such things as needles and scissors should be kept out of the reach of children.6. 战士在烈日地下被晒得大汗淋漓The soldiers stood under the burning scorching sun, drenched with sweat.7. 他最后终于回到了他的祖国__He returned to his own country / motherland in the end_____________________________ 1. 我显然是高估了自己的方向感下次一定要记着带地图Obviously I overestimated my sense of direction. Net time, I will remember to bring alonga map with me.2. 母亲对他那个自私不孝的儿子彻底失望了The mother is not thoroughly disillusioned with her selfish unfilial son.3. 她很不善于见什么人说什么话She has no knack for saying the right thing at the right time.4. 从一开始他就和足球结下了不解之缘He and football were meant for each other from the start.5.老板指派我在第一个月里做秘书My boss assigned me the secretarial work for the first month.6. 驾驶员违反交通规则出了罚款外还有别的处罚办法么?If a driver breaks traffic rules, are there any alternatives to a fire?7. 他老是笨手笨脚因而常遭他人嘲笑__Being a clumsy person, he often subjects himself to ridicule.__________________________ 1. 那天晚上james和你一起吃完饭了么?Did James have supper with you on the night in question?2. 教练对比赛的最终结果表示感谢The coach was satisfied with the ultimate victory of the match.3. 为了排除各国人民交往的语言障碍许多语言学家都在研究新的世界语To remove the linguistic barriers in communication among the people of the world, linguists have embarked on the study ofa new universal language.4. 合资企业的出现是我们有了更多接触外国人的机会The emergence of joint-venture enterprises has increased our opportunities to have contact with foreigners.5.妈妈嘱咐他收拾起桌上零碎的东西并放在抽屉里Mother asked him to gather up the bits and pieces of his belongings from the desk and put them in the drawer.6. 因为一句玩笑他们发生了争吵Their argument arose out of a small joke.7. 照片不清楚我认不出其中的女孩The picture is too blurred for me to identify the girl in it.8. 如果有人说他自己能和鬼神交流你会信么?__If someone claims to have the ability to communicate with ghosts, would you believe it?__ 1.毕业后他先做工程师然后当了厂长After graduation, he became an engineer to start with, then the director of a plant.2. 我想我还是接受他的邀请为好因为你不能老是拒绝别人I think I may as well accept his invitation, for you can't keep saying no to people.3. 为了安全起见每个人都必须系上安全带Everyone in the car must wear a seat belt for the sake of safety.4. 把温度降到零度水会变成冰Reduce the temperature to zero degree centigrade and water will freeze / turn into ice.5. 他被指控犯盗窃罪事实上他是无辜的He was accused of theft. But actually he was innocent.6. 出了女主角的表演有点过火外这是一部优秀的影片The heroine's performance is a little exaggerated, but otherwise it is an excellent movie. 7. 有时大人也会上小孩的当Sometimes even adults will fall for children's tricks.8. 如果她和你分手那是你活该谁让你老是对她撒谎呢?__You lied to her again and again. So if she leaves you, it serves you right________________ 1. 我没按父亲的意愿去做生意他很生气My father was very cross at my not learning business from him.2.这些孩子虽然现在很调皮但长大后他们会明白做坏事是要受到惩罚的Although these kids are very naughty now, they will grow up one day understanding that creating trouble for others would not get away with impunity.3. 她请人把东西用蓝布包好装进箱子She had her things wrapped in a piece of blue cloth and put into the suitcase.4. 我下个月回家度假I'll be home on leave next month.5. 我们费了九牛二虎之力把门弄开We had a terrible job to open the door.6. 他们不知道她就在附近Unknown to them, she was nearby.7. 这个罪犯被剥夺了一切政治权利The criminal was deprived of all political rights.8. 对不起是我错了__I’m sorry, I'm in the wrong._____________________________________________________1. 春天和秋天我都喜欢但我更喜欢春天I prefer to spring to autumn though I love both seasons.2. 我相信电子汽车有一天会取代汽油汽车I believe that electric cars will one day supplant petrol-driven ones.3. 他们提醒他攀登喜马拉雅山很危险可他不听They warned him of the danger of climbing the Himalayas, but he wouldn’t listen.4. 老师告诉学生他们的前途取决于教育The teacher told his students that their future prospects hinged on their education.5. 她获得了最佳演员奖大家都觉得她当之无愧Everybody thinks that she deserved the award Best Actress of the Year.6.这个孩子每次碰到困难都去找妈妈而不是自己想办法Every time the girl came across a problem, she would turn to her mother for a solution, rather than trying to solve it herself.7. 丈夫去世后他一如既往培养3个女儿After her husband died, she continued to nurture her three daughters.8. 现在人们学英语似乎不是在学习一门有实用价值的语言而是在学一种语法It seemed that a lot of people learn English less as a practical language than its grammar.。



1.她似乎与新同学相处得不好She doesn’t seem to get along with her new classmates.2.我与玛丽失去联系多年I’d been out of touch with Mary for year, but I managed to reach her by phone yesterday.3.那老兵喜欢对每一位来访者炫耀他的勋章The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him.4. 她丈夫似乎非常反对他出国He husband seems very much opposed to her going abroad.5. 因为托马斯不安心工作他父母很担忧As Thomas couldn’t settle down in his job, his parents were very worried.6. 我口袋里总装着各种各样的小东西I always have all kinds of bits and pieces in my pockets.7. 她母亲通过一些私人关系是他进入商界Her mother pulled a few strings to get her into the business circle.8. 我希望这些菜合你们的口味I hope the food is to your liking.9.那些男孩太吵我把他们骂了一顿__I told the boys off for making so much noise.1. 他决定立即着手这项复杂的工程He resolved to work on the complicated project immediately.2. 他们看见对面的老人被对面驶来的汽车撞倒They saw an old man knocked over by a car coming from the opposite direction.3. 他在黑暗中摇摇晃晃搜索着电灯开关He walked unsteadily / stumbled along in the dark, groping for the light-switch.4. 病了三个月后她几乎站不稳了After three month’s illness, he found it difficult to rise to his feet again.5. 由于人手不足无法按期完成任务Owing to the staff shortage, the task could not be fulfilled on schedule.6. 在经济萧条期公司遭遇财政困难During the period of depression, the company was running into financial difficulties.7. 那盲女上了公车乘客们给他让出了地方When the blind girl got on the crowded bus, the passengers made room for her.8.他终于抓住了悬崖的岩石止住了下滑__He at last managed to hold on to the rock on the cliff and stopped himself from1. 母亲立刻派汤姆去叫医生Mother immediately sent Tom for the doctor.2. 由于糖用完了他没做成蛋糕She failed to bake the cake as she had run out of sugar.3. 我知道您现在忙极了I know how desperately busy you are now.4. 汤姆说错了话惹得全班同学哄堂大笑The whole class roared with laughter at Tom’s slip of the tongu e.5. 针剪刀这类东西必须放在小孩子够不到的地方Such things as needles and scissors should be kept out of the reach of children.6. 战士在烈日地下被晒得大汗淋漓The soldiers stood under the burning scorching sun, drenched with sweat.7. 他最后终于回到了他的祖国__He returned to his own country / motherland in the end_____________________________1. 我显然是高估了自己的方向感下次一定要记着带地图Obviously I overestimated my sense of direction. Net time, I will remember to bring along a map with me.2. 母亲对他那个自私不孝的儿子彻底失望了The mother is not thoroughly disillusioned with her selfish unfilial son.3. 她很不善于见什么人说什么话She has no knack for saying the right thing at the right time.4. 从一开始他就和足球结下了不解之缘He and football were meant for each other from the start.5.老板指派我在第一个月里做秘书My boss assigned me the secretarial work for the first month.6. 驾驶员违反交通规则出了罚款外还有别的处罚办法么If a driver breaks traffic rules, are there any alternatives to a fire7. 他老是笨手笨脚因而常遭他人嘲笑__Being a clumsy person, he often subjects himself to1. 那天晚上james和你一起吃完饭了么Did James have supper with you on the night in question2. 教练对比赛的最终结果表示感谢The coach was satisfied with the ultimate victory of the match.3. 为了排除各国人民交往的语言障碍许多语言学家都在研究新的世界语To remove the linguistic barriers in communication among the people of the world, linguists have embarked on the study of a new universal language.4. 合资企业的出现是我们有了更多接触外国人的机会The emergence of joint-venture enterprises has increased our opportunities to have contact with foreigners.5.妈妈嘱咐他收拾起桌上零碎的东西并放在抽屉里Mother asked him to gather up the bits and pieces of his belongings from the desk and put them in the drawer.6. 因为一句玩笑他们发生了争吵Their argument arose out of a small joke.7. 照片不清楚我认不出其中的女孩The picture is too blurred for me to identify the girl in it.8. 如果有人说他自己能和鬼神交流你会信么__If someone claims to have the ability to communicate with ghosts, would you believe it__1.毕业后他先做工程师然后当了厂长After graduation, he became an engineer to start with, then the director of aplant.2. 我想我还是接受他的邀请为好因为你不能老是拒绝别人I think I may as well accept his invitation, for you can't keep saying no to people.3. 为了安全起见每个人都必须系上安全带Everyone in the car must wear a seat belt for the sake of safety.4. 把温度降到零度水会变成冰Reduce the temperature to zero degree centigrade and water will freeze / turn into ice.5. 他被指控犯盗窃罪事实上他是无辜的He was accused of theft. But actually he was innocent.6. 出了女主角的表演有点过火外这是一部优秀的影片The heroine's performance is a little exaggerated, but otherwise it is an excellent movie.7. 有时大人也会上小孩的当Sometimes even adults will fall for children's tricks.8. 如果她和你分手那是你活该谁让你老是对她撒谎呢__You lied to her again and again. So if she leaves you, it serves you right________________1. 我没按父亲的意愿去做生意他很生气My father was very cross at my not learning business from him.2.这些孩子虽然现在很调皮但长大后他们会明白做坏事是要受到惩罚的Although these kids are very naughty now, they will grow up one day understanding that creating trouble for others would not get away with impunity.3. 她请人把东西用蓝布包好装进箱子She had her things wrapped in a piece of blue cloth and put into the suitcase.4. 我下个月回家度假I'll be home on leave next month.5. 我们费了九牛二虎之力把门弄开We had a terrible job to open the door.6. 他们不知道她就在附近Unknown to them, she was nearby.7. 这个罪犯被剥夺了一切政治权利The criminal was deprived of all political rights.8. 对不起是我错了__I’m sorry, I'm in the1. 春天和秋天我都喜欢但我更喜欢春天I prefer to spring to autumn though I love both seasons.2. 我相信电子汽车有一天会取代汽油汽车I believe that electric cars will one day supplant petrol-driven ones.3. 他们提醒他攀登喜马拉雅山很危险可他不听They warned him of the danger of climbing the Himalayas, but he wouldn’t listen.4. 老师告诉学生他们的前途取决于教育The teacher told his students that their future prospects hinged on their education.5. 她获得了最佳演员奖大家都觉得她当之无愧Everybody thinks that she deserved the award Best Actress of the Year.6.这个孩子每次碰到困难都去找妈妈而不是自己想办法Every time the girl came across a problem, she would turn to her mother for a solution, rather than trying to solve it herself.7. 丈夫去世后他一如既往培养3个女儿After her husband died, she continued to nurture her three daughters.8. 现在人们学英语似乎不是在学习一门有实用价值的语言而是在学一种语法It seemed that a lot of people learn English less as a practical language than its grammar.。



Unit One 1)replaced 更换 2) consider 考虑 3) quit退出4) world 世界5) tough艰难6) fuels燃料7) provide 提供 8) luxuries 奢侈品 9) balance平衡10) ideal理想1) 我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但我觉得问题比较小We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it is fairly minor.2)父亲去世时我还小,不能独立生活。

就在那时,家乡的父老乡亲接过了养育我的责任My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over responsibility for my upbringing at that point.3)这些玩具必须得在达到严格的安全要求后才可以出售给儿童the toys have to meet strict safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4) 为新闻和舆论的载体,广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of new and opinion.5) 至于这本杂志,它刊载了世界各地许多报纸杂志上文章的摘要When it comes to this magazine, it is a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.2. 十年前,南希做了这么多的美国人梦想。



★unit1 我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但我觉得问题比较小。

(minor)We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.父亲去世时我还小,不能独立生活。

就在那时,家乡的父老接过了养育我(my upbringing)的责任。

(at that point)My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point. 这些玩具必得在达到严格的安全要求后才可出售给儿童。

(requirement)The toys have to meet strict/tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children. 作为新闻和舆论的载体(carrier),广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸。

(supplement, rather than)Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion. to…)至于这本杂志,它刊载世界各地许多报纸杂志上文章的摘要。

(digest, when it comes When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world. ★unit2虽然受到全球金融危机后果的巨大影响,但是我们仍然相信我们能够面对挑战,克服危机。



大学体验英语综合教程3(第三版)英汉互译Unit 1 caring for Our Earth1.年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通。

(communicate with)Young people sometimes complain of not being able to communicate with their parenfs.2.能在中国云南的一个苗家村落住下来一直是玛丽长久以来的梦想,现在她终于梦想成真了。

(to take up residence)Mary has been longing to take up residence in a Chinese village in Yunnan for a few years since her childhood . Now her dream has come true.3.家养的动物习惯于依赖人,因此很难能在野外活下来。

(survive)Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.4.他突然有种恐惧感,觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员。

(overtake)He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of depression.5.我估计公交路线上堵车了,因为我都等了30分钟也没见一辆车开过来。

(figure)I figure he’ll be back soon since he promised to have dinner with me..Unit 2 Nober prize winners1.记者敦促发言人就此次军事打击做出解释。

(press for)Reporters pressed the spokesman for an explanation of the military attack.2.他的竞选演讲未能使选民相信他就是参议员的合适人选。



Unit 1Put in Use : Practice 1Unit 11.她一家商店一家商店的看,最后以她能付出的价格买了她所需要的东西。

She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford.2.除了向我要东西,他从不跟我说话。

He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.3.你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。

You should always aim at doing your job well.4.几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。

She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father.5.修建这条路是为了缓解交通拥挤。

The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.6.社会是由形形色色的人组成的。


Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between.Unit 251.这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你如何解释?How do you account for the fact that you've been late every day this week?2.政府已经承诺改善落后地区人民的生活条件。

The government has committed itself to improving the life conditions of the people living in the underdeveloped areas.3.据最新报道,这次火车交通事故造成多名乘客死亡。



第三册课文参考译文Unit 1Text 1我的父亲----来自一位著名男演员的女儿的叙述埃米·米特福德我并不真正了解父亲,他不是个很容易相处的人。

我觉得他比较以自我为中心, 还有一点虚荣, 有时候还会让人觉得有距离感。






























Translation:Unit 11.听到他屡次失败的消息,我感到很难过。

(distress v.)It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures.2.他虽然失去了老板的欢心,但仍然装出一副高兴的样子。

(assume)He assumed an air for cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.3.Gulliver 经历了冒险奇遇,见到了各色奇异的人物。

(assortment)Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people.4.如果你再犯同样的错误,他会很生你的气的。

(furious a.)He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake.5.我们都被他坦率的观点、幽默的语言和亲切的态度所深深吸引。

(draw)We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner.6.等到欢呼的掌声平息下来,那位诺贝尔奖获得者开始演讲。

(die down)After cheers and applause died down,the Nobel Prize winner began his speech.7.他天生有一种特别的洞察力和预见力,因此,他很少随大流。

(run with the crowd)He is gifted with a sort of insight and foresight,so he rarely runs with the crowd.8.我发现现实毕竟是非常严酷的,一个人难以完全按照自己的理想去生活。



八:1. 在传统戏剧《白蛇传》里,白蛇以美女化身来到人世,爱上了许仙,与之结为夫妻。

(in the shape of)1. In the traditional Chinese opera, The White Snake, the white Snake comes down to the earth in the shape of a beautiful girl and falls in love with Xuxian to whom she gets married later.2. 她一看到血就会头晕。

(at the sight of)2. She feels dizzy at the sight of blood.3. 他今天上课时不断地打盹。

(drowse)3. He kept drowsing off in class this morning.4. 他通盘道出了两家不和的事实。

(relate)4. He related the whole story of the long-standing dispute between the two families.5. 她一想起她那死于车祸的孩子就泪水涟涟。

(at the thought of)5. She would burst into tears at the thought of her child killed in a traffic accident.6. 我突然明白他原来是想帮忙我。

(dawn on)6. It dawned on me that he was actually trying to help me.7. 他们三人藏身的岩洞仅有两米高。

(no more than)7. The cave for the three of them to hide in was no more than two metres high.九:1. 那天晚上詹姆斯(James)和你一路吃晚餐了吗?(in question)1. Did James have supper with you on the night in question?2. 教练对比赛的最终结果表示满意。






Unit 1Text 1我的父亲——一位著名男演员的女儿讲述的故事埃米。































We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.2.父亲去逝的时候我还小,不能独立生活。


My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over my upbringing at that point.3.这些玩具必须得达到严格的安全要求后才可出售给儿童。

The toys have to meet strict safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4.作为新闻和舆论的载体,广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸。

Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.5.至于这本杂志,它刊载了世界各地许多报纸杂志上文章的摘要。

When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.十年之前,南希做了许许多多美国人梦寐以求的事。









U5Creating a Caribbean Spring Festival记得在孩提时代,过年前我们都要供奉灶神。











这个小岛方圆1200平方千米,人口390 000人。












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1.她似乎与新同学相处得不好She doesn’t seem to get along with her new classmates.2.我与玛丽失去联系多年I’d been out of touch with Mary for year, but I managed to reach her by phone yesterday.3.那老兵喜欢对每一位来访者炫耀他的勋章The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him.4. 她丈夫似乎非常反对他出国He husband seems very much opposed to her going abroad.5. 因为托马斯不安心工作他父母很担忧As Thomas couldn’t settle down in his job, his parents were very worried.6. 我口袋里总装着各种各样的小东西I always have all kinds of bits and pieces in my pockets.7. 她母亲通过一些私人关系是他进入商界Her mother pulled a few strings to get her into the business circle.8. 我希望这些菜合你们的口味I hope the food is to your liking.9.那些男孩太吵我把他们骂了一顿__I told the boys off for making so much noise.1. 他决定立即着手这项复杂的工程He resolved to work on the complicated project immediately.2. 他们看见对面的老人被对面驶来的汽车撞倒They saw an old man knocked over by a car coming from the opposite direction.3. 他在黑暗中摇摇晃晃搜索着电灯开关He walked unsteadily / stumbled along in the dark, groping for the light-switch.4. 病了三个月后她几乎站不稳了After three month’s illness, he found it difficult to rise to his feet again.5. 由于人手不足无法按期完成任务Owing to the staff shortage, the task could not be fulfilled on schedule.6. 在经济萧条期公司遭遇财政困难During the period of depression, the company was running into financial difficulties.7. 那盲女上了公车乘客们给他让出了地方When the blind girl got on the crowded bus, the passengers made room for her.8.他终于抓住了悬崖的岩石止住了下滑__He at last managed to hold on to the rock on the cliff and stopped himselffrom1. 母亲立刻派汤姆去叫医生Mother immediately sent Tom for the doctor.2. 由于糖用完了他没做成蛋糕She failed to bake the cake as she had run out of sugar.3. 我知道您现在忙极了I know how desperately busy you are now.4. 汤姆说错了话惹得全班同学哄堂大笑The whole class roared with laughter at Tom’s slip of the tongu e.5. 针剪刀这类东西必须放在小孩子够不到的地方Such things as needles and scissors should be kept out of the reach of children.6. 战士在烈日地下被晒得大汗淋漓The soldiers stood under the burning scorching sun, drenched with sweat.7. 他最后终于回到了他的祖国__He returned to his own country / motherland in the end_____________________________1. 我显然是高估了自己的方向感下次一定要记着带地图Obviously I overestimated my sense of direction. Net time, I will remember to bring along a map with me.2. 母亲对他那个自私不孝的儿子彻底失望了The mother is not thoroughly disillusioned with her selfish unfilial son.3. 她很不善于见什么人说什么话She has no knack for saying the right thing at the right time.4. 从一开始他就和足球结下了不解之缘He and football were meant for each other from the start.5.老板指派我在第一个月里做秘书My boss assigned me the secretarial work for the first month.6. 驾驶员违反交通规则出了罚款外还有别的处罚办法么If a driver breaks traffic rules, are there any alternatives to a fire?7. 他老是笨手笨脚因而常遭他人嘲笑__Being a clumsy person, he often subjects himself to1. 那天晚上james和你一起吃完饭了么Did James have supper with you on the night in question?2. 教练对比赛的最终结果表示感谢The coach was satisfied with the ultimate victory of the match.3. 为了排除各国人民交往的语言障碍许多语言学家都在研究新的世界语To remove the linguistic barriers in communication among the people of the world, linguists have embarked on the study of a new universal language.4. 合资企业的出现是我们有了更多接触外国人的机会The emergence of joint-venture enterprises has increased our opportunities to have contact with foreigners.5.妈妈嘱咐他收拾起桌上零碎的东西并放在抽屉里Mother asked him to gather up the bits and pieces of his belongings from the desk and put them in the drawer.6. 因为一句玩笑他们发生了争吵Their argument arose out of a small joke.7. 照片不清楚我认不出其中的女孩The picture is too blurred for me to identify the girl in it.8. 如果有人说他自己能和鬼神交流你会信么__If someone claims to have the ability to communicate with ghosts, would you believe it__1.毕业后他先做工程师然后当了厂长After graduation, he became an engineer to start with, then the director ofa plant.2. 我想我还是接受他的邀请为好因为你不能老是拒绝别人I think I may as well accept his invitation, for you can't keep saying no to people.3. 为了安全起见每个人都必须系上安全带Everyone in the car must wear a seat belt for the sake of safety.4. 把温度降到零度水会变成冰Reduce the temperature to zero degree centigrade and water will freeze / turn into ice.5. 他被指控犯盗窃罪事实上他是无辜的He was accused of theft. But actually he was innocent.6. 出了女主角的表演有点过火外这是一部优秀的影片The heroine's performance is a little exaggerated, but otherwise it is an excellent movie.7. 有时大人也会上小孩的当Sometimes even adults will fall for children's tricks.8. 如果她和你分手那是你活该谁让你老是对她撒谎呢__You lied to her again and again. So if she leaves you, it serves you right________________1. 我没按父亲的意愿去做生意他很生气My father was very cross at my not learning business from him.2.这些孩子虽然现在很调皮但长大后他们会明白做坏事是要受到惩罚的Although these kids are very naughty now, they will grow up one day understanding that creating trouble for others would not get away with impunity.3. 她请人把东西用蓝布包好装进箱子She had her things wrapped in a piece of blue cloth and put into the suitcase.4. 我下个月回家度假I'll be home on leave next month.5. 我们费了九牛二虎之力把门弄开We had a terrible job to open the door.6. 他们不知道她就在附近Unknown to them, she was nearby.7. 这个罪犯被剥夺了一切政治权利The criminal was deprived of all political rights.8. 对不起是我错了__I’m sorry, I'm in the1. 春天和秋天我都喜欢但我更喜欢春天I prefer to spring to autumn though I love both seasons.2. 我相信电子汽车有一天会取代汽油汽车I believe that electric cars will one day supplant petrol-driven ones.3. 他们提醒他攀登喜马拉雅山很危险可他不听They warned him of the danger of climbing the Himalayas, but he wouldn’t listen.4. 老师告诉学生他们的前途取决于教育The teacher told his students that their future prospects hinged on their education.5. 她获得了最佳演员奖大家都觉得她当之无愧Everybody thinks that she deserved the award Best Actress of the Year.6.这个孩子每次碰到困难都去找妈妈而不是自己想办法Every time the girl came across a problem, she would turn to her mother fora solution, rather than trying to solve it herself.7. 丈夫去世后他一如既往培养3个女儿After her husband died, she continued to nurture her three daughters.8. 现在人们学英语似乎不是在学习一门有实用价值的语言而是在学一种语法It seemed that a lot of people learn English less as a practical language than its grammar.。
