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Mini-lecture (Question and Solutions)

I. The Most Concerned Question:

The reasons why we can’t make full understanding of the listening materials are listed as following:

1:Accents.Many weak forms,liaision,and the words with only one vowel.These factors can be ignored by your ears easily.I suppose the only way to solve the problem is practicing more.

2.V ocabulary:This is the problem that almost every English student may meet.I am still looking for efficient skills to recite the words and prhases.What’s worse,sometimes even you already remember the word, it can still be forgotten.

3:Short-term memory:We can’t write down all the words immediately while the speeker’s pacing is fast.(Especially in the mini-lecture.)

When I take notes while audio materials are on, sometimes the functional words don’t appear, and I really can’t identify the paragraph content whether it is intensive listening or extensive listening.

Many examples usually are used to attest the theory. But the blanks sometimes require to be filled with the details. I don’t know whether to take that down or not. If I take it down, I could miss the next main point with the unfinished examples. If I just depend on the comprehension of the main point, I may forget the specific examples.

Occasionally I considered that I understand the whole text and the main points, in reality, the words I filled in the blanks are just not the right ones. Does this mean that I still don’t get the whole meaning or I don’t comprehend the sentences with blanks completely?

I find it difficult to assure an efficient way for getting necessary information for short-term memory to fill the blanks. As I practice more, the fewer I use the abbreviations. I don’t know how it happened, but it came out just like that.

(英法二班夏薇薇) II. Possible Solutions:



TEM-8听力第四部分记笔记填空是较为复杂的听力测试项目,有其自身特点,掌握这些特点对考生大有好处。该部分录音通常是一篇具有较强逻辑性的篇章,从几个方面论证或叙述一个问题。因为考生须填空的词是基于整个题要点及其重要细节的实词,所以考生在记笔记时应重点盯住这些内容,而非繁文褥节。举个例子,如果录音中出现了关于一个问题的三四个例证,如为了说明fast food而列举了Kentucky Fried Chicken,McDonalds,Pizza Hut


(2)备考笔记填空题,考生必须重点训练两种能力:一是通过捕捉语义标识语(semantic marker)来追踪讲座的逻辑发展、区分主次信息的能力;二是在归纳、筛选的基础上快速且有条理的记录讲座重要信息的能力,即记笔记的能力。虽然这个部分确实让人饶头,刚开始练习的时候正确率比较低,但大家一定要耐心,多做练习,反复听,mini-lecture的小窍门就是答案大多是名词居多,然后是形容词,最后才是动词。所以大家听的时候一定要对文章中的名词和形容词多留个心眼,还有就是一定要把握文章的结构,练得多了,自然就有感觉了。然后就是速记符号的使用,这个东西因人而异,所以不必拘泥于一种速记符号,只要自己能明白就好,举例来说,information---info,但是大家千万不要陷入到这样一个误区,就是光想着速记,而忘了你使用这些符号的目的,为的就是得分,所以在听的时候要有个模糊的general idea。


(1)加强储存记忆(memory span):做到这一点需要按意群捕捉讲述内容,不要一字一字地听,而要抓住关键词或句。听完一段不可能一字一句地回忆,而要建立整体概念。

(2)加强及时反映(immediate recall):只有当你建立了整体概念,才能达到立即回忆。

(3)做简短笔记(brief note—taking):在听较长材料时,用缩写或自己能看懂的点、线或其它标记做些快速记录,如:数字、地点、人名或其它关键词语等。

(4)多做听写和记笔记训练(dictating & note—taking):这种练习有助于储存记忆,训练抓住关键词或句,以及中心思想。

(5)精听与泛听(intensive & extensive listening):同一段内容反复听若干次,这样有助于增加记忆的持续时间;听不同内容的材料,有助于增加听各种不同声音,口音及语速的经验。前者属于精听,后者为泛听,两者应有机结合起来。

(6)训练听与寻找答案同时进行(looking for the right answer while listening):在听的同时迅速浏览各项选择,只需细看各项选择的不同部分,而相同的部分只看第一个即可,这样可以节省时间以便多做思考。当然,如果能巧妙地利用每一部分考题的空隙快速浏览一下所要做的习题的选择项,那是再好不过了。因此,特别要提醒考生的一个诀窍就是:
