

三、听力技巧训练1. 音标练习:学生可以通过学习和练习音标来提高对于英语发音的识别和理解能力。
2. 听取关键信息:在听力材料播放时,学生需要学会筛选关键信息。
3. 练习听写:听写是提高听力和拼写能力的有效方式。
4. 提高听力速度:学生可以通过听力材料的连续播放来提高听力速度。
四、听力材料选择1. 音频课程:学生可以选择专门针对专业八级听力训练的音频课程进行学习。
2. 英语电影和纪录片:通过观看英语电影和纪录片,学生可以接触到真实场景中的英语对话,提高听力技巧和理解能力。
3. 英语新闻和广播:通过收听英语新闻和广播,学生可以锻炼对于快速和标准英语的听力理解能力。
五、听力训练计划基于以上技巧和材料选择,我们提出如下英语专业八级听力训练计划:1. 每周进行至少3次的听力训练,每次训练时间不少于30分钟。
2. 每次训练前,学生可以先进行音标练习,熟悉音标的发音规则和读音。
3. 在训练过程中,可以选择各类听力材料进行练习,包括音频课程、英语电影、纪录片、英语新闻和广播等。
4. 在完成听力练习后,可以选择进行听写练习,提高听力和拼写能力。
5. 定期对自己的听力水平进行评估和反思,发现问题并进行针对性的训练。

【延伸阅读】英语专八听力讲座首尾信号词学习规律1. 首部规律说话者喜欢开门见山,直接介绍讲座的主题和重点,因此表达主旨或谈话的目的的语句往往出现在开头部分,听懂此处是把握主旨题的`重点。
引入Topic信号词:※ Today, we’ll focus on discuss….※ Today, our topic is…※ Today, I will be talking about...※ T oday let’s begin to look at…※ I want to continue our discussion about …specifically today, I want to talk about…※ I’d like to continue with the topic of …, but I wan t to focus on …※ OK, another… we need to discuss is…还有另一种情况也经常出现,教授并不直入主题,而是先做一些review或者回顾background information,给学生一些时间进入状态(有时可以持续30秒以上)。

贵州民族 学院学报 ( 哲学社 会科学版) Jun l t u huU i rt f ai aie P i sp yadS c l c ne o ra o G i o nv sy o N t nli z e i r o t s( hooh n oi i c ) l aS o
解 能 力 , 考 察 了学 生 略写 、 记 的 能力 , 还 速 只有 记 录 的信息 越 全 面 , 空 才 能 得 心应 手 。Sci 填 etnB o
cn est n或 It ve 的 录 音 长 度 大 概 为 5分 o vr i ao n ri e w 钟, 围绕一 个 主题展 开 , 个 主题通 常设 及 日常生 这
活 中的事 务 , 如商业 谈话 、 园趣事 、 校 社会 现象 等 。 录音 中说 话者 的谈 话 方 式 较 随 意 和 口语 化 , 别 特 是 口语 的一些 特征 如句 子残缺 、 犹豫 不决 、 多次重 复 等 特 点 造 成 了 听 力 理 解 的 障 碍 。 Sci etn C o N w racs一般 播放 的是 近期 的 V A和 B C e s odat B O B 的新 闻 内容 , 这就 要 求 学 生 不仅 要 熟 悉 近 期 的 国 内外新 闻 , 要 积 累新 闻专 业术 语 以辅 助 理解 材 还 料 的 内容 。这三 部分 共 2 题 , 0道 要求 学生 能听懂 听力材 料 的主 旨并 了解 佐证 主 旨的事 实 和 细节 。 因此 , 将专业 八 级听力 考试 的这 2 0道题 分 为细 节 题 、 点题 、 断题 、 纳题 、 断题及 主 旨题 。 要 推 归 判 如分 析 20 2 1 07— 0 1年各 年 的题 型 , 我们 可 以

1. 保持良好的听力习惯首先,良好的听力习惯是取得高分的基础。
2. 训练听力速度和准确性专八听力考试的时间非常有限,因此在备考过程中应注重训练听力的速度和准确性。
3. 拓展词汇量和语法知识听力考试中,词汇量和语法知识也是非常重要的。
4. 注意听力材料的细节和主旨在备考专八听力时,需要同时关注听力材料的细节和主旨。
5. 超越字面意义,注重听力推断专八听力考试中经常涉及一些隐含信息和推断问题,而不仅仅依靠字面意义的理解。

例如,如果听到题目是“What is the main topic of the lecture?”,考生可以预测可能会听到讲课的主题或者讲座的内容概要。
例如,听到关键词“environmental protection”,就要注意把这个词记录下来,并根据这个关键词往后进行关注。
例如,如果在听力材料中听到“I have always been passi onate about literature”这个句子,可以通过上下文确认这个人对文学非常热爱。

可以从以下几个方面进行选择:1. 考试模拟材料:多进行专业八级的模拟测试,熟悉题型和考试要求,这样可以更好地了解自己的听力水平和薄弱环节。
2. 听力讲座:选择一些关于专业知识的讲座进行听力训练,这样可以提高自己对专业术语和理论的理解能力。
3. 音频教材:选择一些与专业八级考试内容相关的音频教材进行听力练习,这样可以更好地熟悉考试中可能出现的听力材料类型和题目种类。
4. 语言学习资源:可以选择一些与语言学习相关的资源进行听力训练,这样可以提升自己对语言结构和表达方式的理解能力。
二、听力训练备考专业八级听力部分需要进行系统的听力训练,以下是一些有效的听力训练方法:1. 多听多练:多听多练是提高听力水平的关键,可以选择各种类型的听力材料进行反复练习,并注意不同场景下的语速和语调变化。
2. 分段听力:可以将听力材料分段进行听写和理解,这样可以提升对细节的把握和整体理解能力。
3. 笔记做法:在听力材料播放过程中,可以适当做一些简单的笔记,如画关键词、勾画主题句等,以帮助记忆和整理听到的信息。
4. 听力辅助工具:使用一些听力辅助工具如录音机、手机APP等,反复听取并比对听到的内容,帮助纠正听力中的问题。
三、词汇积累备考专业八级听力部分需要掌握大量的相关词汇,以下是一些词汇积累的方法:1. 专业词汇:根据考试大纲和历年考试的试题,整理相关专业词汇表,重点记忆和理解相关词汇和术语的含义及用法。
2. 同义词汇:学习一些与专业词汇相关的同义词或近义词,扩展自己的词汇量,以便更好地理解和运用。
3. 语境记忆:词汇学习要注重词汇的使用场景和语境,通过听力材料和阅读材料中的应用,帮助记忆和理解词汇的使用方式。

还有就是速记符号的使用,这个东西因人而异,所以不必拘泥于一种速记符号,只要自己能明白就好,举例来说,information--info,但是大家千万不要陷入到这样一个误区,就是光想着速记,而忘了你使用这些符号的目的,为的就是得分嘛,所以在听的时候要有个模糊的general idea,通过大约一个月左右的训练,基本上可以达到四五个的正确率了。
2. Conversation。
大家也许会问,在以前的英语考试中,老师只让我们读题干啊,说不用读题的选项阿?那么我告诉你,这是八级考试,不是大英四六级,所以每个选项都要看,看的时候要标记每个选项的主题词,当然还包括题干的反正意(即到底这句话是肯定的?还是否定的?),尤其要注意提干中的NOT,EXCEPT,INCORRECT,WHY,HOW 等词,这样的词在每年的考试中都几乎出现2-3个,具体可以参看历年试题。

[录音] Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen for answers.[笔记] 没有记下来…[题目] 2. Skill to __(要填)__ for answers.⑴ don’t shift from subject to subject-----sticking to the same subject: signs of ___ in conversation.⑵ listen to ____ of voice-----If people sound unenthusiastic, then change subject.⑶ use eyes and ears----steady your gaze while listening.[解析] 根据考题可知,空格处要填入的信息和1. skill to ask questions, 3. skill to laugh, 4.skill to part的结构并列,因此确定要填入的词是能和for搭配的动词。
依据2. Skill to ____ for answers下的具体信息,听者可以发现这些关键词:conversation, listen, voice, listening等都和听有关,故推测空格处应填入的词为listen。
[录音] In history books, information is objective.[笔记] 没有记下来…[题目] 2. Type of informationA. Information in history book is ____.B. Information in art history is subjective.[解析] 根据空格前后的语法结构可知要填的是形容词,在此作表语。

星期2 Tuesday预测试题二In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Some of the gaps may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is(are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.Section B InterviewIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.1. Which of the following is CORRECT?[A] The man is to advertise for his new book.[B] The man specializes in communication.[C] His talk is about communication techniques.[D] His talk is actually an autobiography.2. The man did all the following EXCEPT ______ to better his presentation performance.[A] consulting some relevant books[B] communicating with good speakers[C] observing the preparation of good speakers[D] doing performance comparison with good speakers3. The man recommends the method of ______ to give a better presentation.[A] practicing it before colleagues[B] recording practice presentation rather than using colleagues[C] asking colleagues to examine the recorded practice presentation[D] learning from other real presentation videos4. Which of the following is NOT what speakers tend to worry about when making a presentation?[A] Too much nervousness.[B] Rude audience.[C] Self diffidence.[D] Equipment failure.5. In the man‘s view, the way of really overcoming nervousness is[A] preparing well.[B] relaxing face muscles.[C] concentrating on your recent enjoyments.[D] doing breathing exercises.Section C News BroadcastIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Question 6 and 7 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.6. Which of the following in INCORRECT about the summit on Nuclear Security?[A] It is the biggest international meeting since 1945.[B] More than 50 countries have attended it.[C] It is hosted by the US and called by President Obama.[D] Ukraine has attended the summit.7. The content of the summit is[A] securing stocks of fissile material.[B] highly enriched uranium.[C] plutonium.[D] material terrorists use to build nuclear bombs.Question 8 and 9 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.8. What is the news mainly talking about?[A] A broken well leading to large oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.[B] The high cost of tackling oil spill.[C] Large number of people and boats being sent to help with the oil spill.[D] The high compensation claims the oil company is facing.9. The initially calculated figure of everyday cost is[A] $33m.[B] more than $33m.[C] more than $6.6m.[D] less than $6.6m.Question 10 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.10. Which of the following is NOT true about the explosion?[A] It could be heard from more than 8 km away.[B] It caused a woman injured.[C] The bomb was placed next to the wall housing women prisoners.[D] It exploded 20 minutes after the warning was received.W: Welcome to 'Mid Afternoon,' Dr Carter. [1.A]Now, I imagine you're here in Birmingham to promote your recently published book 'The Art of Giving Presentations', Is that right?M: Well, not really, no! In fact the book isn't really recent at all — it came out at the beginning of last year, I'm actually here this week to give a series of talks outlining some ideas I've had since then.W: So are these ideas the basis for your next book?M: Well, it's really too early to talk about that!W: I see, now tell me, [1.B]how did you become involved in this particular area of communication skills?M: Well, many years ago, as a young sales executive, I had to give presentations, but I felt I wasn't doing them very well. My boss never actually criticized me, and my colleagues weren't doing any better than me, but the point was that I didn't feel satisfied with my performance. You see, if I'm doing something, I have to do it well.W: So you decided to do something about improving your performance.M: That's right. [2.A]I tried to find some books to help me but there weren't really any available in those days... so I eventually decided on a totally practical approach: [2.B] [2.C] [2.D]I tried to find out what my problem was by studying the way the best speakers gave presentations, by talking to them, even watching them prepare. Then I compared their performance with mine. W: And what was your main problem? Nervousness? I know that's mine.M: Well I had always thought it was nervousness, and it's true that at the time I had no techniques for dealing with that. But I think audiences accept the fact that speakers get nervous, and it really doesn't matter. No, I discovered that my No. 1 problem was preparation. Nobody had ever told me anything about how to prepare, and I didn't really know how to do it properly. W: And when you realized that, what did you change?M: Well, before, I used to go through the whole presentation in an empty room on my own. The first change in my approach came when I realized it's much more realistic and much more useful to do it in front of two or three colleagues.That way you get some feedback. Otherwise you have no idea whether or not your presentation is effective, or which parts might need further attention.W: Is that the method you recommend now?M: Well, not quite. What I would advise is to make a video of your practice presentation...W: Instead of using colleagues?M: No, [3.C]a recording of your presentation to them. Then it's easier for all of you to go back and see what's wrong and how it can be improved. It's actually much better than recording other people doing real presentations, however good they are.W: So that's the preparation, but are there any factors which make the presentation itself difficult, even if you are prepared?M: Well obviously, yes. [4.B]Some speakers imagine, quite wrongly, that every audience is unfriendly, at least at the beginning. And this affects their performance. [4.C]And then there may be a few people who worry about their lack of experience of public speaking. [4.D]But really what bothers most speakers is things like the OHP and the microphone - are they going to work, and so on.W: Are there any techniques that are effective for overcoming feelings of anxiety?M: Well, first I have to say that some people never manage to reduce their anxiety levels. What they can do is learn to relax their face muscles while they speak, so that they look relaxed, even though they feel just as anxious as before. In order to really reduce anxiety, some experts recommend concentrating on something that you enjoyed recently —but I find this is hopeless... I just forget what I was about to say! [5.D]For me though, what has worked is some simple breathing exercises, breathing in deeply and slowly while making a pause. This definitely slows down the heart rate. That's what I would try first of all.W: Something we can all try — Dr Carter, thank you very much indeed.Section C News BroadcastNews Item 1News Item 2。

我们来看看下面一道题:The modern electronic anti-noise devices____.A. are an update version of the traditional methods.B. share similarities with the traditional methods.C. are as inefficient as the traditional methods.D. are based on an entirely new working principle.以上问题的核心在于领会 modern electronic anti-noise devices(现代抗噪音电子装置)的定义,而不仅仅是抗噪音电子装置),更不是一般的 anti-noise devices(抗噪音装置)。
录音中很可能出现有关anti-noise device在各个不同发展时期不同特点的信息,如果不认真审题,就会出现张冠李戴的错误。
另外,审题的仔细还表现在领悟特殊形式的题干,如否定式Which of the following is INCORRECT,或排除式All the following are true EXCEPT,等等。
例如,Well, I’m afraid I do. But I might be mistaken. 表示了说话者不肯定的语气。

综观TEM-8的听力考题,我们可以发现所有的试题类型都基于由what, who, where, when, why 和how所包括的内容,即事件、人物、地点、时间、原因和方式。
精听的目的在于从what, who, where, when, why 和 how等角度入手,弄懂与之有关的所有问题,即所有细节性问题;而泛听则是听懂大意即可。


学会以下5大策略,争取高分拿下专四专八阅读理解题:一、阅读技巧,提高阅读效率1. 略读(skimming)略读,顾名思义,不需要仔细阅读全文的每一个词,而是要选择性地阅读。
略读的主要作用是了解文章大意(main idea)。
2. 扫读(scanning)扫读,指以最快的速度扫视所读材料,在找到所需信息时才仔细阅读相关内容。
3. 研读(study reading)研读,指仔细阅读,深刻透彻地理解所读内容。

王长喜老师 专八听力周计划 第二周(听力会话)星期二

星期2 Tuesday 6大设题点一、会话开头会话的开头部分一般都会引出会话的主题,比较容易设主旨题或细节题,主要考查对会话主题或所涉及场景的把握。
【例3】(08-1)四、会话中举例或列举处会话中常出现举列或列举的地方也常常是设题的重点,尤其是涉及列举的地方往往是Except ,Incorrect 题型的设题热点,因此听音时听到such as, two, three ,the first, the second, for example 等信息词时,应多加留意。
【例6】(10-3)Interview1. Why did the woman choose the family as a focus for her cartoon drawing?[A] Because she feels frustrated with her family life.[B] Because family is always important to her.[C] Because it is familiar and meaningful to her.[D] Because it is the only topic she knows.2. How did she feel when she signed her first contract?[A] She was thrilled.[B] She was worried.[C] She felt nervous.[D] She had a complicated feeling.3. Which of the following is NOT a concern of her daughter, a teenager today?[A] Study.[B] Appearance.[C] Friendship.[D] Allowance.4. People who have both old parents and teenage children have all the following difficulties EXCEPT that[A] they have to be the strongest in the family.[B] they feel guilty to both.[C] they have to organize their parents and argue with their children.[D] they have to find a second job to support their family.5. According to the woman, what is the most difficult thing about writing cartoon for a daily newspaper?[A] Translation.[B] Idioms.[C] Colloquial expressions.[D] Deadlines.Conversation1. When and where did the woman learn Chinese?[A] Two years ago in an American university.[B] Three years ago while traveling in Shanghai.[C] Five years ago when studying in Hong Kong.[D] Last year when teaching English in China.2. The woman tried all the following ways to learn Chinese EXCEPT[A] Learning from her students.[B] Attending Chinese class.[C] Watching Chinese movies.[D] Engaging a Chinese teacher.3. According to the woman, which experience is simple to her?[A] Learning Chinese vocabulary.[B] Watching Chinese movies every day.[C] Attending intensive language class.[D] Applying what she learned into immediate practice.4. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT about the woman?[A] She likes her students very much.[B] She is interested in Chinese culture.[C] She is able to order her meal.[D] She enjoys communicating in Chinese.5. Which is an advice she gives when learning a foreign language?[A] Do not worry about grammar rules.[B] Use it as often as possible.[C] Read books in the language every day.[D] Do not worry about making mistakes.【听力原文】M: Many of you are familiar with the very funny cartoon strip For Better or For Worse. Joining us today is the creator of that cartoon strip, Lynn Johnston. Lynn, how did you begin writing cartoons?W: Um, I think out of frustration and, um, just a need to be silly when I was really young. In fact, I found cartoons that my mother had kept from elementary school, ah, doing, ah, almost political gags about the, ah, about the Board of Education in Vancouver.M: Well, why did you choose the family as a focus?W: [1.C]Because it’s something I’m familiar with, and something that probably launches me into more fits of rage, depression, anxiety, joy, and love. All the, the gamut of emotions is there, and some people feel all those things for their job…M: There aren’t many woman cartoonists out there, Lynn. Was it hard for you to break into the business?W: No, not at all. It isn’t hard for you to break into the business if you have specific things that they’re looking for, you know, and it doesn’t matter what gender you are now. I mean, at one time maybe, women had trouble breaking in. I don’t know. I’m… I’ve just been here for the last ten years or so but, em, no, no, I had no problem and the welcome was wonderful…M: Well, that’s great. Now the cartoons you do, are they based on people in your own family?How do they feel about it?W: To begin with, they were based on my family, because I could always draw my family, and, and, I didn’t, ah, apply for this job. It was offered to me, which was amazing. I did some books on pregnancy when I was expecting my son and when he was very small, and ah, the books, ah, three small books ended up at the syndicate, and they wrote to me and asked me if I was interested in trying to do a daily comic strip, and, ah, gosh, I, I just never thought that I had that sort of resource. [2.D]I, I wasn’t thrilled at all. When I signed the contract, they all wanted to go and have dinner, and I went back to the hotel and was sick. I just really never thought that I could do it, and I chose the family because that’s what I knew the best and I could draw my family over and over again. But over the years, the characters have taken on their own, ah, specific, ah, identities and they might have the body language or speech patterns of my own family but the stories are fabricated, the situations are fabricated.M: Do you think that teenagers today have different problems and concerns from your teenage days?W: I think the problems and concerns are the same. I think they’re launched into adulthood much more quickly. I think the kids today are far ahead of us. But, and, and, I, I think that most of the things they’re facing are the same things that we faced. My daughter is fifteen. [3]She worries about her, her hair and her skin and her clothing and her marks and her friendships just as much as I did.M: What are the concerns of people caught in the middle, dealing with both bringing up their children and coping with their aging parents?W: Em,[4.B] I think that there’s guilt on both sides. Especially at, at the stage that, that you’re in at that point when your parents are, are in their seventies and your children are in their late teens —em, you’re, dealing with, with, too, you’re dealing with children who are becomingadults and with parents who are becoming children, and you’re in this state of constant, em, flux. [4.A]You don’t know where you’re going to go or where you’re going to turn, and, you know, you suddenly become the stable, ah, solid rock of the family, and I, I can’t imagine anybody who would ever consider themselves the stable solid rock. We all need a parent or someone we imagine to be more mature or more, uh, knowledgeable than we are. It’s a very difficult time. And, and both of my parents passed away recently, and dealing with all of that was very, very difficult. And I, I think the word “guilt”, you know, comes, comes forward more than anything. You don’t want to put your parents in a nursing home and, [4.C]and at the same time you’re, you’re, arguing with your children about how much freedom to give them, so you’re, you’re, letting go of your children and yet you’re suddenly organizing your parents as if they were children. It was, it was, a very, very tough time.M: I can imagine. Lynn, do your cartoons appear in other countries besides Canada?W: Yeah, em, it’s in quite a few other countries. It’s in, em, oh it’s in Japan and Britain and Australia and Sweden and Germany and Denmark and Italy…M: Fantastic.W: …and Spain and, and Mexico. It’s, it’s really, it’s translated into quite a number of different languages.M: What do you think is the most difficult thing about writing cartoons for a daily newspaper? W: Em,[5.A] I think probably the translation, because I use a lot of colloquial expressions, like "paying through the nose". We know what that means in English, but how does it translate into Japanese? And so the translators really have a, a challenging job, to try and make the comic strip make sense and still have a punch line of some sort. And I know they hire very talented cartoonists and comedy writers in other countries to do this. But, you know, I don't know, I can't speak Danish so I don't know how to translate it into Danish. But I've met the translator and he assures me it's great.M: Well, Lynn. You're doing a remarkable job and your cartoon strip is enjoyed by millions.Thank you very, very much for spending some time with us today.W: Oh, you're very welcome. Thank you for calling.【听力原文】M: Good afternoon, Wynet.W: Good afternoon.M: I understand that you’ve learned at least one other language, ah, is that right?W: That’s true. I’ve learnt two, French and Mandarin Chinese.M: OK, and, ah, how did you learn Mandarin?W: [1.D]I learned Mandarin while I was in the People’s Republic of China. I was there last year teaching English.M: And what made you decide to learn Mandarin while you were in China? Did you have to…W: No, but I wanted to be able to communicate with the people in their own language.M: OK, and how exactly did you go about learning Mandarin?W: [2.A]I began to pick words up from some of my students or while I was out in the market doing shopping, trying to do shopping, [2.B]but then I began to attend a class that was intensive four hours a day to pick up the basics of Chinese which is quite a difficult language. M: And how long did this class go on?W: I attended it for about a month.M: And then what happened?W: Then I learnt most of my Chinese from students who would take me to the market and they would teach me words in Chinese and I would reciprocate by teaching them the English word.[2.D]And I also had a tutor who would teach me about twice a week.M: OK. So you felt the need for some additional, ah, classes?W: Yes.M: OK. What would you say was the most difficult thing about learning Mandarin Chinese?W: For me it was the tones.M: The tones, why was that?W: I don’t have a very good ear for, for tones so it was. I always had to work at getting the right, the right pitch.M: Yes.W: And, which is quite important because you have one pronunciation of a word depending on the tone,otherwise it will be something completely different. It may have four meanings so it’s quite important to get the correct pronunci…or the correct tone.M: And I suppose the grammar and the vocabulary must be very, very different from English. W: Quite different. But actually the grammar is quite simple. You don’t have to worry about different, ah, verb, verb tenses…M: Oh, great.W: So to me that was a welcome relief from French.M: But the vocabulary, a lot of memory work I imagine.W: A lot. Especially if you want to learn the written language.M: [3.D]Was there anything, ah, easy about the, ah, the experience of learning Mandarin Chinese?W: Definitely. Living in the country I was able to take what I was learning in the classroom or from my tutor and go immediately into a situation where I was able to apply it.M: Oh, alright.W: Going to a market to buy my food, to a store to buy some clothes, to buy a train ticket, to go ona journey.M: So you were very motivated then.W: Definitely. Because there were many people who don’t speak English and so it cuts you off from so much of the population and so many things.M: So, I guess it’s pretty clear that you liked the experience.W: Oh, I enjoyed it very much. I would love to do it again.M: [4.A]What did you like most about it? Can you remember?W: I think the time I spent with my students.M: Alright.W: [4.D]And being able to go somewhere and understand what was going on and having somebody to help me. [4.C]Just being able to go into a restaurant and order my own meal. M: [4.B]I suppose you really have a lot better idea about Chinese culture because you’ve learned the language.W: I think so. It…I would be able to communicate with people other than ones who were just in school, in university so it enlarged the number of people and from what backgrounds I could talk to.M: Umm, since you’re learned two languages, one of them a language very different from you mother tongue, would you have any kind of advice to give to someone learning a new language?W: Well, depending on the situation you’re in. I think it’s always helpful to, to keep maybe a diary of what you’re learning so that or some sort of phrase book. For me that was very helpful. M: Alright.W: Umm. [5.D]Also, having learnt two languages, the thing…to me is most important is just being able to get over that, umm, worry of being laughed at.M: Alright.W: [5.D]At saying the thing, the wrong thing. Saying it in the wrong tone for Chinese.M: How, how did you get over that?W: I found people there so enthusiastic that I would be able to even say hello…M: Yes.W: …[5.D]that I wasn’t worried about making a mistake. And I found people so helpful, that they would correct me and so for me that was the most im…the hardest thing to do in earning a language, was just getting beyond that point.M: Alright and how fluent were you by the time you left China?W: Well, I couldn’t have a philosophical discussion, but I was able to go to a restaurant, buy clothes, buy a train ticket, have a basic conversation with people.M: OK. Well. Look, Wynet, thanks a lot for coming and taking with us today. It’s been really interesting.W: It’s been fun, thank you.M: Bye-bye.【答案解析】。

专业八级(TEM-8,Test for English Majors-Band 8)是中国英语专业学生参加的一项高级水平测试,其中的听力部分是一个重要的组成部分。
以下是一些专八英语听力的答题方法和建议:1. 预览选项:在听力开始之前,快速浏览问题和选项。
2. 抓住主旨:在听对话或短文时,注意开头和结尾,这些部分通常会包含主旨信息。
3. 视听一致原则:如果在听的时候发现原文和某个选项大致相同,那么这个选项很可能是正确的。
4. 注意细节:在长对话中,细节题通常要求你注意but、so、however等逻辑词,以及unfortunately、unexpectedly等情节提示词。
5. 边听边记:在听的过程中,用简单的笔记记录下重要的信息,如人名、地点、数字、时间等。
6. 排除法:如果某个选项在听的过程中明显与原文不符,可以先排除。
7. 专注与灵活相结合:虽然需要专注于听到的内容,但也要有一定的灵活性,及时调整对场景和问题的预测。
8. 练习与复习:长期提高英语听力水平需要大量的练习和复习。
9. 考试策略:在考试中,如果遇到特别难的问题,不要纠结,标记后继续听后面的内容。
10. 心理准备:保持良好的心态,不要因为一两个问题而影响整体的发挥。
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Mini-lecture (Question and Solutions)I. The Most Concerned Question:The reasons why we can’t make full understanding of the listening materials are listed as following:1:Accents.Many weak forms,liaision,and the words with only one vowel.These factors can be ignored by your ears easily.I suppose the only way to solve the problem is practicing more.2.V ocabulary:This is the problem that almost every English student may meet.I am still looking for efficient skills to recite the words and prhases.What’s worse,sometimes even you already remember the word, it can still be forgotten.3:Short-term memory:We can’t write down all the words immediately while the speeker’s pacing is fast.(Especially in the mini-lecture.)When I take notes while audio materials are on, sometimes the functional words don’t appear, and I really can’t identify the paragraph content whether it is intensive listening or extensive listening.Many examples usually are used to attest the theory. But the blanks sometimes require to be filled with the details. I don’t know whether to take that down or not. If I take it down, I could miss the next main point with the unfinished examples. If I just depend on the comprehension of the main point, I may forget the specific examples.Occasionally I considered that I understand the whole text and the main points, in reality, the words I filled in the blanks are just not the right ones. Does this mean that I still don’t get the whole meaning or I don’t comprehend the sentences with blanks completely?I find it difficult to assure an efficient way for getting necessary information for short-term memory to fill the blanks. As I practice more, the fewer I use the abbreviations. I don’t know how it happened, but it came out just like that.(英法二班夏薇薇) II. Possible Solutions:(1.)听与记录同时进行考生可在听的过程中适当做些笔录因为仅凭脑力无法记住长达数分钟的讨论或对话。
举个例子,如果录音中出现了关于一个问题的三四个例证,如为了说明fast food而列举了Kentucky Fried Chicken,McDonalds,Pizza Hut等等,考生最多记住一两个即可。
(英法二班,程琦)(2)备考笔记填空题,考生必须重点训练两种能力:一是通过捕捉语义标识语(semantic marker)来追踪讲座的逻辑发展、区分主次信息的能力;二是在归纳、筛选的基础上快速且有条理的记录讲座重要信息的能力,即记笔记的能力。
然后就是速记符号的使用,这个东西因人而异,所以不必拘泥于一种速记符号,只要自己能明白就好,举例来说,information---info,但是大家千万不要陷入到这样一个误区,就是光想着速记,而忘了你使用这些符号的目的,为的就是得分,所以在听的时候要有个模糊的general idea。
提高的方法和建议:(1)加强储存记忆(memory span):做到这一点需要按意群捕捉讲述内容,不要一字一字地听,而要抓住关键词或句。
(2)加强及时反映(immediate recall):只有当你建立了整体概念,才能达到立即回忆。
(3)做简短笔记(brief note—taking):在听较长材料时,用缩写或自己能看懂的点、线或其它标记做些快速记录,如:数字、地点、人名或其它关键词语等。
(4)多做听写和记笔记训练(dictating & note—taking):这种练习有助于储存记忆,训练抓住关键词或句,以及中心思想。
(5)精听与泛听(intensive & extensive listening):同一段内容反复听若干次,这样有助于增加记忆的持续时间;听不同内容的材料,有助于增加听各种不同声音,口音及语速的经验。
(6)训练听与寻找答案同时进行(looking for the right answer while listening):在听的同时迅速浏览各项选择,只需细看各项选择的不同部分,而相同的部分只看第一个即可,这样可以节省时间以便多做思考。
(英法二班刘怡炘)(一)Section A:Mini-lecture 讲座部分讲话或讲座都是考生感到较为困难的项目,所以2004年高校英语专业八级考试大纲在这方面作了较大的调整,即把Section D中的Note-taking & Gap-filling(记录与填空)这一项与原来的第一项Talk(讲话)合二为一,字数由原来的700字增加到900字,分数也由原来的15分(SectionA5分+SectionDl0分)改为现在的10分。
比如,2003年专业英语八级的考试中,该部分谈的是modern company and harmonious work relations (现代公司与和谐的工作关系),谈话者对现代化的公司进行了描述,也对建立和谐的劳资双方的关系阐述了自己的看法,另外还对大公司中工会的作用进行了阐述。
1999年则谈了anti-noise devices(如何制止噪音污染的问题)。
2000年的试卷中讲了the differences between modem private and public libraries(私营与公共图书馆之区别的问题)。