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Technical English


A:What,s your comment on these tools? 觉得这些模具怎样?

B: Well, I need to measure them by caliper gauge.我得用游标卡尺来量一下。

A: Are the dimensions in line with your requirement? 尺寸符合你们的要求吗?

B: Some are not, diameter of some parts are a little bit longer. I’m afraid that you need to modify the tools according to our requirement.有些,某些部件的直径偏长,恐怕你们得按我们的要求修改模具。


A: How much is this mould? 这个模具多少钱?

B: 200 US dollars per each.每个200美圆。

A: So expensive, would you give me a discount? 这么贵,能打个折扣吗?

B: Well, I could only give you a discount of 10%. 我只能给你打9折。

A: I need some time to consider it. Please give me your quotation for the mould once you make up your mind.我得考虑考虑,请考虑好以后,马上给我报价。

B: OK. 好的。

1. 认为A怎样?

What’s your comment on A?

What do you think of A?

How do you like A?

comment v. /n.评论

make a comment on A /make comments on A



(1)v. 测量例句:The engineer measured the height of surface grinder. 工程师测量了平面磨床的高度.

测量的结果例句:The room measures 12 by 20 feet. 房间的面积是12*20英尺。

measure up to 符合标准:The quality of spring measures up to advanced international standard.


(2)n.测量单位: A meter is a measure of length.

2. 与A一致according to A / in line with A

例句:According to my watch, it is already 11 o’clock. 根据我的表,时间是11点。

This kind of vacuum cleaner is designed in line with customer’s requirement.


3. dimension : n.尺寸,维

of one dimension一维的,线性的

of two dimensions二维的,平面的

of three dimensions三维的,立体的


What are the dimensions of this stamping factory? 这个冲压厂的面积是多少?

Adjustable dimension 可调尺寸

assembly dimension安装尺寸

Blank dimension毛坯尺寸

characteristic dimension性能尺寸,基准尺寸

Cross dimension横截面尺寸

external dimension外形尺寸

Fundamental dimension基本尺寸

5.diameter n.直径radius n. 半径

approximate diameter近似直径

basal diameter 底面直径

blank diameter毛坯直径

cylinder bore diameter汽缸内径

overall diameter全径

inside/interior diameter内径

maximum swing diameter of work over bed 车床床面上加工最大直径

maximum swing diameter of work over carriage 车床在刀架上加工的最大直径

nominal diameter 通称直径/ 标称直径

6.modify v. 修改modification n. 修改

mould modification quotation 改模报价单

die modification 模具改良

addendum modification 齿顶高修正,齿高变位量

7.I’m afraid that 用于提出不利于对方的观点

8.per (1)每一个(2)按照

Gasoline once cost 40 cents per gallon 汽油曾卖到每加仑40美分。

Modification were made to die per customer’s instruction。按照客户的要求对模具做了修改。

9.make up one’s mind / decide下决心,做决定。

The interferometer manufacturer decided to increase the whole sale price for their products.




Mold shrinkage is the shrinkage of the polymer as it cools after the molding process. It is typically used to properly machine injection molds so that final part dimensions are as desired. Mold shrinkage can be dependent upon the molding parameters used - often the extremes of the processing range for the material plus a midrange value are tested.

Test Procedure:

The length or diameter of the cavity is measured depending on shape of mold. Test specimens are molded under specified conditions. The parts cool and after 48 hours, the molded parts are measured and the shrinkage is calculated.

Equipment used at Plastics Technology Laboratories, Inc.:

Injection Molds

Digital micrometers

Digital calipers

Weighted digital drop gauge

The comparator method will show some of the sink, but may not be accurate enough. We prefer you use the CMM and scan all the diameters at .100" increments between the ends. Not only will this be more accurate, it is consistent every time you run the CMM program. Start at the large end and move in at .100" increments. These are the measurement circles you

request in your markup. They are already implied in the print, so will not be added. These are the MIN
