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Madrid Agreement and Protocol Concerning the International Registration of Ma rks


Communication of Notifications between the International Bureau of the Worl d Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and applicants and holders of inter national registrations


1. From April 30, 2012, the International Bureau of WIPO will send by regis tered mail, to applicants or to their appointed representatives, notifications relating to irregularities in international applications pertaining to Rules 11 to 13 of the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement Concerning the Inte rnational Registration of Marks and the Protocol Relating to that Agreement (he reinafter referred to as “the Common Regulations”).


2. As from the aforementioned date, the International Bureau of WIPO will b egin by sending standard mail in lieu of registered mail, to the holders of int ernational registrations or to their recorded representatives, notifications of provisional refusal based on an opposition, made under Rule 17(3), statements concerning the interim status of the mark, made under Rule 18bis, statements of grant of protection, made under Rule 18ter(1), and notifications of invalidati on, made under Rule 19 of the Common Regulations.


3. The mode of sending all remaining communications by the International Bu reau of WIPO remains unchanged.


4. It will be recalled that electronic communication, by registered email, is available to holders of international registrations and their representative s since August 28, 2007, and that it was the subject of Information Notices No. 15/2007 and No. 36/2011.

需要注意的是自2007年8月28日起所有挂号信内容申请人或代理都可以看到电子版本的,并且这也是信息公报15/2007号和. 36/2011号的主题。.

5. The International Bureau of WIPO intends to increase the use of electron ic communication, as a faster, more efficient and secure means to effectively d eliver information, for the benefit of the users of the Madrid system.


6. Holders of international registrations and their representatives are str ongly encouraged to take advantage of electronic communication. They may send a message to the following address: e-marks@wipo.int, indicating the email addre ss which they would like the International Bureau of WIPO to use for this purpo se, as well as the list of all international registrations concerned.

我们鼓励所有国际注册的所有人和代理也使用电子通信的方式,可以发信到邮箱e-mar ks@wipo.int,并且告知国际局他们的联系邮箱和国际注册信息。

本文原创,作者:张罡,如果转载请注明转自:世界商标资料库[http://www.tm4world.co m]

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